it cannot alone have all, it stings like a poison, and begrudges anything to any one. Its will in all things is either to draw to itself and possess alone, or to rage therein with an evil wilL (4) The fourth race is anger, which is the son of envy. What it cannot attain with evil will, that it enkindles in the fire of wrath, and breaks it by force. It brings about war and slaughter, and would destroy every- thing. This race would subdue all by violence. 3. These, then, are the four elements of the devil, all which four are in one another as one. One proceeds from the other, and one gives birth to the other. They take their origin from the dark Nature, viz. from sour, bitter, anguish and fire. 4. But seeing God's power is for them an opposi- tion, so that in this world they have not full dominion, they have generated a crafty son, by whom they rule, who is called Falsehood. He takes the coat of divine colours upon him, that he may not be known; and wishes to be called a son of truth and virtue, but is an impostor. He speaks in one way, and thinks and acts in another. He carries the lustre of God on his tongue, and the devil's power and poison in his heart. 5. This is king on earth, and manages two king- doms. The first is called perdition; the second Babel, a confusion. The kingdom of perdition this king has clothed with strength and might; it is the garment of that kingdom. On the other kingdom, Babel, he has put a white shining gar- ment. That must be to it in place of God, and with that the king rules on earth as if he were God. And