any one, and man does it readily to please him. Neither can the devil use God's creatures, and man misuses them willingly to please him, thereby to mock God. With this he practises pride and covetousness, also falsehood and malice, and accom- plishes by them all that the devil would have; he shines also therewith as if he w&ye God. 8. The external kingdom is therefore become a perpetual murderous den of the devil. The false and pretended man (who calls himself a man, but is not) does the butchery, and increases God's wrath, and kindles the dark world in this outer world, so that God's wrath continually burns in this world. 9. Thus God's kingdom, is hindered, and the devil's will done ; and the devil remains a prince on earth, whereas otherwise he could accomplish nothing on earth. The pretended man is in his service, and does his will. Two species of men, then, dwell together on earth. The one are real true men, who serve God in the coat of humility and misery, whom the devil derides and torments them with the other species, and in their case brings all his wonders to pass by means of those who serve him. 10. The other species also calls itself men, walk also in human form, but they are evil beasts. They put on the garment of their King, that is to say, Falsehood; and live in the power of the four elements of their king, viz. in pride, covetousness, envy and anger. 11. Pride is the first virtue. It snatches the bread from the mouth of the real man, and coerces