that nothing shall be on a level with it; it will be alone the fairest child in the house. It has put on the coat of dissimulation, and would be called righteous; people must honour it and bow them- selves before it. Nothing must compare itself to it. It will be lord, and says: I am modest in my demeanour. 12. But its heart is covetousness. That is the wolf, and devours the sweat and labour of the wretched. Pride mounts up above all. It explores daily the wonders of God, to see how it may dis- semble and play the hypocrite. It affects to be friendly and chaste, as if it were a virgin full of modesty; and yet is a strumpet full of flaws, and at heart hates all virtue, chastity and righteous- ness. It is a perpetual enemy of love and humility. Whatever is simple, that it despises; and yet forces the simple under its yoke. It says to the real true man : Thou art my dog, I will hunt thee whither I list. Thou art foolish, and I am wise; and it is itself the biggest fool. It forfeits God and the kingdom of heaven for a little while's delight of the eyes; it plunges itself into darkness, and puts on the coat of anxiety. IS. The second virtue of this King Falsehood is covetousness. This draws all to itself, and darkens the shining adornment of pride. It draws to itself evil and good promiscuously, and continu- ally fills pride full. And when it has filled it, it takes its son envy and torments pride therewith, so that it has no rest in its splendour. Envy stings incessantly in the desiring covetousness, as