118 SIX MYSTICAL POINTS light in it); and according to the property of the fire in it, it is a sharpness of transmutation. It can bring everything to its highest degree ; although it is not a live spirit, but the supreme ens. 6. Hence also the tincture is such an ens in water, and introduces thereinto the property of fire and of light, with all the powers of Nature; whereby it transforms the water into blood; and this it does in the outer and inner water, as in the outer and inner blood. 7. The inner blood of the divine substantiality is also magical; for it is Magic which makes it into substance. It is spiritual blood, which outer nature cannot touch (rugen), but by imagination only. The inner imagination introduces the outer will into the inner blood, whereby the flesh and blood of the divine substantiality is corrupted, and the noble image of the likeness of God is eclipsed. 8. The soul's flesh and blood is in the highest mystery, for it is divine substantiality. And when the outer flesh and blood die, it falls unto the outer mystery, and the outer mystery falls unto the inner. 9. And every magical fire has its brightness and darkness in itself; on account of which a final day of separation is appointed, when all must pass through a fire and be proved, what shall be fit for it or not. Then everything goes into its own magic, and thereafter is as it was from eternity.