18. Thus we recognize that desire is sin. For it is a lusting out of one into many, and introduces many into one. It will possess, and yet should be will-less. By desire substance is sought, and in substance desire kindles fire. 19. Now each particular fire burns in accordance with the character of its own being ; and here separation and enmity are born. For Christ says : He that is not with me is against me ; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth (Luke xi. 23). For he gathereth without Christ; and whatsoever is not in Him is out of God. 20. We see, then, that covetousness is sin; for it is a desire out of God. And we see also that pride is sin, for it will be a thing of its own; and separates itself from God, as from the One. 21. For whatever will be in God must walk in him, in his will. Seeing then we are in God but one in many members, it is against God when one member withdraws itself "from the other, and makes a lord of itself, as pride does. Pride will be lord, and God alone is lord. Thus there are two lords, and one separates from the other. 22. All, therefore, is sin and a contrary will, that desire possesses as its own, be it meat or drink. If the will imaginate thereinto, it fills itself there- with and kindles the fire thereof, and then another fire bums in the first, and there is contrary will and error. 23. Therefore out of the contrary will must grow a new will, which gives itself up again to the one Unity; and the contrary will must be broken and slain-