God that became man. If man place his desire therein,, he goes out from pain (Qual), from his own fire, and is new-born in the Word. And thus the out-going will dwells in God; and the first will in greed, earthliness and plurality. 25. Accordingly plurality with the body must break, and it (plurality) must perish and fall away from the out-going will, and then the out-going will is recognized as a new birth. For in the One it takes all again into itself; but not with its own desire, but withx its own love—a love that is united with God, that God may be all in all, and his will the will of all things; for in God exists but a single will. 26. Thus we find that evil must be subservient unto the life of the good, provided the will again goes out from the evil, from itself, into the good; for fierceness must constitute life's fire. 27. But the life's will must be turned against itself in conflict; for it must flee from fierceness, and not will it. It must not will desire, and yet its fire (i.e. life's fire) wills desire, and must have desire. Therefore the thing is, to be born anew in will. 28. Every will-spirit that remains in the desire of its life's fire (as in the ferventness of the wood for fire), or enters thereinto and possesses the earthly, is separated from God as long as it possesses what is foreign, viz. the earthly, 1 Mr. H. H. Joachim writes: cBonnie's point here is very deep: the individual's will when united with God does not lose its individuality. It takes all into itself with a love peculiar to itself—"but since it is love, and not desire, it (the love) can he the will's very own^ peculiar to it, and yet not separate it from other individuals or from God/