tion with Nature. It is. the desire which introduces itself into the dark Nature, and through Nature into fire, and through fire, through death or fierceness, into the light of Majesty. 8. It is not Majesty, but the desire in Majesty. It is the desire of the divine power, not the power itself, but the hunger or craving in the power. It is not God's Almightiness, but the directrix in God's power and might. The heart of God is the power, and the Holy Spirit is the revelation of power. 9. It is, however, the desire not only in the power, but also in the conducting spirit; for it has in it the Fiat. What the Will-spirit reveals in it, that it brings into a being by the sourness which is the Fiat; all according to the model of the will. Ac- cording as the will makes a model in wisdom, so does desiring Magic receive it; for it has in its property imagination as a longing. 10. Imagination is gentle and soft, and resembles water. But Desire is harsh and dry, like a hunger; it makes the soft hard, and is found in all things, . for it is the greatest thing (Weseri) in the Deity. It leads the bottomless to foundation, and the nothing into something. * 11. In Magic are all forms of Being of all beings. It is a mother in all three worlds, and makes each thing after the model of that thing's will. It is not the understanding, but it is a creatrix accord- ing to the understanding, and lends itself to good or to evil. 12. All that the will models in wisdom, if the will of the understanding also enter thereinto, that