called desire. 19. By Magic is everything accomplished, both good and bad. Its own working is Nigromantia, but it is distributed into all the properties. In that which is good it is good, and in that which is evil it is evil. It is of use to the children for God's kingdom, and to the sorcerers for the devil's king- dom ; for the understanding can make of it what it pleases. It is without understanding, and yet comprehends all; for it is the comprehension of all things. 20. It is impossible to express its depth, for it is from eternity a ground and support of all things. It is a master of philosophy, and likewise a mother thereof. 21. But philosophy leads Magic, its mother, as it pleases. As the divine power, viz. the Word (or heart of God), leads the severe Father into gentleness; so also does philosophy (or the under- standing) lead its mother into a gentle divine quality. 22. Magic is the book of all scholars. All that will learn, must first learn Magic, be it a high or a lowly art. Even the peasant in the field must go to the magical school, if he would cultivate his field. 23. Magic is the best theology, for in it true faith is both grounded and found. And he is a fool that reviles it; for he knows it not, and blasphemes against God and himself, and is more a juggler than a theologian of understanding. 24. As one that fights before a mirror, and