THE FIFTH POINT ON MAGIC. WHAT MAGIC is. WHAT THE MAGICAL GKOUND IS. 1. Magic is the mother of eternity, of the being of all beings; for it creates itself, and is under- stood in desire. 2. It is in itself nothing but a will, and this will is the great mystery of all wonders and secrets, but brings itself by the imagination of the desireful hunger into being. 3. It is the original state of Nature. Its desire makes ^n imagination (Einbildung), and imagina- tion or figuration is only the will of desire. But desire makes in the will such a being as the will in itself is. 4. True Magic is not a being, but the desiring spirit of the being. It is a matrix without sub- stance, but manifests itself in the substantial being. 5. Magic is spirit, and being is its body ; and yet the two are but one, as body and soul is but one person. 6. Magic is the greatest secrecy, for it is above Nature, and makes Nature after the form of its Tt is the mvsterv of the Ternary, viz. it is