THE NINTH TEXT 1. Seeing then there are two Magics in one another, tere are also two Magicians who lead themj viz. two >irits. One is God's Spirit, and the other the eason-spirit, in which the devil ensconces him- If. In God's Spirit is the love of unity. And .an cannot better prove or try himself than by ving serious attention to what his desire and nging impel him : the same he hath for a leader, id its child he is. Nevertheless, he now has Dwer to break and change that will; for he is tagical and possesses the power. 2. But there must be real earnestness; for he rust subdue the astral spirit which rules in him. o do this, a sober calm life is necessary, with con- nual abandonment to God's will. For, to subdue ic astral influence, no wisdom nor art will avail; Lit sobriety of life, with continual withdrawal from le influxes. The elements continually introduce the stral craving into his will. Therefore it is not so isy a thing to become a child of God ; it requires ceat labour, with much travail and suffering. 3. Antichrist indeed may call himself a child of od. But Christ says : They shall not all enter ito the kingdom of heaven who say : Lord, Lord, ave we not in thy name cast out devils and one mighty works ? But he saith unto them : L