162 ON EARTHLY AND HEAVENLY MYSTERY Away from me, ye stinking goats, I know you not (Matt. vii. 21-23). Ye have done this by means of false magic, and have never become known in my spirit and will. Ye are in your spiritual figure goats, tyrants, covetous muckworms, proud arrogants, voluptuaries. Ye have carried my name on your tongue, but sacrificed your heart to pleasure, to the itch of the flesh, and are generated in the turba. Ye must be proved by fire. And thus to every kingdom its fruit comes home. 4. Therefore, thou brave world, look at thyself in these writings, which the eternal Ground hath set before thee, and meditate on it further and more deeply. Else thou wilt be caught in thy turba. There thou shalt with thy substance pass through the fire of God ; and whatsoever is a work out of God's will shall remain in the fire. 5. But whatsoever is done in the will of God shall stand to the honour and glory of God, and for the eternal joy of the image of man. 6. Now think what thou doest. For Babel is already in flames, and begins to burn. There is no longer possible any quenching, nor any remedy. She has been recognized as evil; her kingdom goeth to the end. Hallelujah.