172 ON THE DIVINE INTUITION prehendingness for selfhood : or ownness, as for a place, for a something. And through this some- thing the Mysterium magnum, as the unnatural power, is become substantial and natural; and the something has comprehended itself so as to become an individual will. 24. For this individual will is a ground of its selfhood, and shuts itself in as a desiring will, whence the magnetic impression for sharpness and hardness has taken its. origin; and is a ground of darkness and of painful feeling, whence contrary will, anxiety and flight (sensibility) have their origin; and is a ground of Nature, from whence comes the plurality of the qualities, so that in such a contrariety each will has arisen from the other, to separate itself from pain, like as sense takes its rise from the soul, the soul through the senses being in continual anxiety, working, willing and breaking. 25. In this divine emanation, in which the divine power breathes forth itself from itself, and brings and has brought itself into Nature and creation, we are to recognize two things. First, the eternal understanding of the one good will, which is a temperament, and thus only introduces itself into a sensibility and activity for the manifestation of power, colours and virtue; that power and virtue may be realized in separability, in form, and the eternal wisdom be revealed and pass into knowledge. From thence also the angelic, soulic and creaturely ground has proceeded, as well as thrones and dominions, together with the visible world.