ON THE DIVINE INTUITION 193 >r every quality has its own separator and maker ithin it, and is in itself entire, according to the lality of the eternal Unity. 11. Thus the separator of each will develops in > turn qualities from itself, from which the finite plurality arises, and through which the ernal One makes itself perceptible, not according > the unity, but according to the efflux of the lity. But the efflux is carried to the greatest ^rpness with magnetic receptivity, to the nature ' fire; in which fiery nature the eternal One 2comes majestic and a light. Thereby [by fire] ie eternal power becomes desireful and effec- lal, and [fire] is the original condition of the msitive life, where in the Word of power, in the flux, an eternal sensitive life has its origin. For life had no sensitiveness, it would have no will nor ncacy; but pain makes it effectual and capable : will. And the light of such kindling through re makes it joyous, for it is an anointment of ainfulness. 12. From this eternal operation of the sensation ad sense-element, which very working has from :ernity introduced itself into Nature and qualities, ie visible world with all its host sprang, and was rought into a creaturely being. For the eternity of ich working to fire, light and darkness has with isible world carried itself into a counterstroke, ad made the separator in all the powers of the xianated being a steward of Nature, by whom ie eternal will rules, makes, forms and shapes 11 things, * 13. We can, therefore, in no wise say that God's N