196 ON THE DIVINE INTUITION whereby the inward power imprints itself in the external spirit. 20. We understand indeed in such powers of growing things three kinds of spiritus in different centra, but in one corpus. The first and external spiritus is the coarse sulphur, salt and mercury, which is a substance of four elements, or of ihe stars according to the property of their roughness. It makes the corpus, and impresses itself or com- pacts itself into a substance, or draws that whiph is internal out of the spiritual separator into itself, as also the elements from without, and coagulates itself therewith; whence immediately the signature or sign is effected by the separator. It forms the visible corpus according to the property of the greatest power of the spiritus mundi, viz. according to the constellation of the stars or property of the planets and now enkindled elements. 21. The second spiritus, which has a centrum of its own, is found in the oil of sulphur, which is called the fifth essence, viz. a root of the four elements. This spiritus is the softening and joy of the coarse, painful spirit of sulphur and salt; and receives its nourishment, firstly, from within, from the light of Nature, from the efflux of spiritual gentleness, from the inward spiritual fire and light. And, secondly, it receives its nourishment from without, from the sun and from the subtle power of the spiritus mundi, and is the true cause of growing life, a joy of Nature, as is the sun in the elements. 22. The third spiritus is the tincture, a counter-