198 ON THE DIVINE INTUITION with the external spiritus fashions itself. When the herb sprouts forth, it is in such power that this is realized. Thus the outward separator in sulphur, salt and mercury signs itself externally with the shape and form of the herb; for it is the herb's motion and sensation, and makes itself corporeal. 25. So that when I see a herb standing, I may say with truth: This is an image of the Earth- spirit, in which the upper powers rejoice, anjcl regard it as their child; for the Earth-spirit is but one being with the upper, outward powers. And when the herb is grown up, it blossoms ; and with the blossom the oleous spirit signs itself with beautiful colours. And with the lovely smell of the blossom, the tincture or the third principle signs itself. 26. Here then we understand that the inward, hidden spirit of the elements has revealed itself, and brings itself also into the form of the fruit. For the earth would have -no such smell, neither colours nor such virtue, if the hidden power of the divine efflux did not manifest itself. 27. So also with metals, which outwardly are a coarse corpus of sulphur, mercury and salt, wherein consists the growth; but in their inward ground they are a beautiful clear corpus, in which the ideal light of Nature shines from the divine efflux. In this lustre is to be understood the tincture and great power, how the hidden power makes itself visible. It cannot be said of such power or virtue that it is elemental, as neither is the power of the blossom so. The elements are