KAHL S LETTER TO OFFA. 101 Karl evidently felt that the next point was the most difficult of all to handle successfully. He Lad given shelter and countenance to Mercians who had fled from. Oflla, and sought protection at his court. Ecgbert, who afterwards conquered Mercia, was among the exiles from "Wessex. " "With regard to the preshyter Odberht, who on his return from Rome desires to live abroad for the love of God, not coming to us to accuse you, we make known to your love that we have sent him to Rome along with other exiles who in fear o£ death have fled to the wings of our protection. "We have done this in order that in the presence of the lord apostolic and of your illustrious archbishop—in accordance., as your notes make known to us, with their vow—their cause may be heard and judged^ so that equitable judgement may effect what pious intercession could not do. "What could be safer for us than that the investigation of apostolic authority should discriminate in a case where the opinion, of others differs ? " This is a typical example of the use made of a pope when monarchs disagreed. " With regard to the black stones which your reverence earnestly solicited to have sent to you, let a messenger come and point out what kind they are that your mind desires. Wherever they may be found, we will gladly order them to be given, and their conveyance to be aided/J * 1 It may be supposed that Offa was engaged in building an abbey church at St. Albans. William of Malmesbury says of the church built by Offa in honour of Sfc Alban (Gesfo Begum, i. 4) : " The relics of St. Alban, at that time buried in obscurity, he had reverently taken up and plaeed in a shrine