188 LIFE OF water from the other creative processes of the planet, and ingeniously connects the geographic knowledge of the earth with geology. He considers the present form of the continent as an elevation above the level of the sea, produced principally by the . eruption of quartz porphyry, which has broken through the pri- meval terrestrial vegetation, as shown in the present coal deposits. What we call lowlands, Humboldt de- scribes as broad ridges of hills and mountains, whose bases lie at the bottom of the sea—a table land, in short. The horizontal form of the land of the planet, —which is as 1 to 2-f- to the quantity of water, and of which there is three times more on the northern than on the southern oceanic hemisphere—has occu- pied Humboldt's investigating mind, the more as even In the times of Grecian antiquity it had excited great interest. The direction which the longitude measurement of the old and new world takes, has led Humboldt to new researches. Our old continent has its greatest length from east to west, while America lias hers from north to south; and while, in the north, these two continents are abruptly cut off at their greatest breadth, they terminate in the south in pyra- midical points, which Humboldt thinks the more characteristic because this southern pointed formula repeated on all the smaller quarters and peninsulas ; and it has been proved that, the more simple the coast form and the divisions of a continent appear, the more uniform, has remained the education and civilization of the inhabitants. He compares the much divided Europe to the uniform. Asia, Africa, and South America. He acknowledges a subterranean power as the operating cause of all continental forma- tion which did not create the entire continent at once and simultaneously, but at different epochs, by exten- sion and elasticity of hot vapours and exhalations, which have, at different times, raised the earth's sur- face over the water, and by SLibsequent earthquakes aad eruptions, formed the details of hill and valley. This elevation and revolution of the continent, Hum-