LIFE OF But if even Humboldt had Tbeen too suspicious against the modern school of speculation, it cannot be denied that his rule was, on the other hand, free from a fault to "which the best directors of public in- struction have always been, addicted—namely, in un- duly or exclusively favouring one philosophic system.. The endowment of the university was complete, not only with regard to its teachers : extensive collections had existed for some time in the capital, which were now given to the high school, or at least united with it. There was a considerable library, a botanic gar- den, a collection of anatomical preparations, and a quantity of other scientific collections, which were now increased and completed, and formed into a magnificent museum for natural history. Thus everything necessary was arranged punctually to obey the royal mandate^ "but Humboldt resigned his office before the university was opened. The prin- cipal part of the work was, however, done, so that the rest might be completed by inferior hands. It is a characteristic feature in Humboldt's life, that he was not even present at the opening of this his creation,. On the 29th of April, 1810, he expressed a wish to return to his diplomatic career7 and in the middle of June his wish was fulfilled by his appointment to a post, in which such a man was urgently needed. The reasons which induced Humboldt to resign smah a congenial sphere of action are involved in mystery*. It is certain that the ministry was in a very feeble position, said anticipated its dissolution daily. A certain vacillation pervaded all its measures, be- cause the financial department was not based oia a jBxm foundation. ASL arm to direct the whole firmly was much missed, wet reports were repeatedly circulated that Dohna and tihe whole ministry had laeei^jgiaad. At last the kin^ .dc^teo^agoked to summon HL®rdenfeer^,,tt0 the bead of affairs; Napoleon, permitted it, aad <» the Sih of June, 1810, he entered upon his port. The l