^" HUMBOJLDT, friendly terms with. Kauch and SchinkeL Besides the members of the commission, the crown prince took a great interest in the arrangement of the mu- seum, Hiimboldt's principal task in the commission was to direct the councils., to reconcile contradictory opinions^ and to report to the king after the business was concluded* On the 3rd August, 1830, the museum, a new ornament to the town of Berlin, was opened^ and on the 21st of the same month, Humboldt submitted to the king a report of the arrangements which had "been made. The king was MgUy gratified, and the museum honours the memory of its foundera In the hall are placed the busts of the men who were com- missioned to organize the institution, and that of ScMnkelj the architect, and of William von Hiimboldt. The bust of the latter was made by Tieck, after one by Thorwaldsen in Home, To strengthen bis health, Humboldt visited Gastein in the years 1829 and 1830, but for Ms mind, and spirit he sought other means of consolation. And as that sentimental feature which had characterized Ms youth now returned in age, he loved with, increased tenderness all that had gladdened his younger years, Home, the life in Jena, and especially ScMller^s memory. He had for some time before had the in- tention of publishing that beautiful memorial of their intimacy, his correspondence^ and had permitted Kor- ner to publish a few fragments of it in frig sketch of SeMiler's life. Now, after Goethe bad published Ms correspondence with Ins friend, Humboldt no longer hesitated to do the same; he prepared the publication of the letters in the commencement of 1830., and wrote his beautiful introduction to it in May, in Tegei The collection soon afterwards appeared in Stuttgardt, published by Cotta, In September of this year Humboldt received from the King of Prussia the following gratifying" commu- nication, " I have read the report of tbe 21st tilt., which yon have prepared of the execution of the com-