I i ;1|,| (. I TROMSf AM PH I POD NEWSLETTER 12 , EDITED BY • Wim Vader, Tromstf Museum PRODUCED BY- Les Walling , University of Maine 1 This issue of the Amphipod Newsletter has been put together in Maine. I would like to thank all who sent me either reprints or lists of papers for inclusion in the bibliography. I'm also very grateful to our Librarian, Mrs. Louise Dean who diligently checked each incoming journal issue for articles of interest. Ms. M. Bostwick and Ms. Lois Lane typed this issue after a courageous struggle with the handwriting of Wim Vader and myself. This issue's cover is courtesy of M.H. Thurston. More cover lllustions would be greatly appreciated. Judging from the responses received, those of you who receive your newsletter by air mail were the beneficiaries of reasonably rapid mail service. We now have^l subscribers and the postage for the last issue was 420 dollars. Please keep the contributions and subscription money flowing to your regional editors. Also, not too much information has come my way for the "news" section. Let me urge the regional editors to canvas their members sometime around next July or August for news. Also, we don't hear much of the research activities of Asian and South American workers. Send me a synopsis l I would like to draw your attention also to a notice in this issue concerning a new society (The Crustacean Society) for all workers throughout the world interested in any aspect of crustacean biology. The Society will publish a journal (to be edited by Dr. Arthur Humes, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA 02543) beginning Jan-Feb 1981. If you have a manuscript, or plans for one, please send your idea or manuscript to Dr. Humes. I hope you will also be sufficiently interested in this society to join in its activities, and especially to nominate people as officers in forthcoming years. We have to report a change in our staff of regional editors. Dr. Akira Taniguchi, although describing himself modestly in a recent letter as 'a mere layman in amphipod studies' has proved to be a most professional regional editor, and in fact, much of the present organization is based on his efficient examples. The new regional editor to Japan will be Dr. Hiroshi Morino. I U 2 Wim Vader will be in Bodega Bay until June and back at his permanent address in Tromso from mid-August. He is still very much interested in records of amphipod associations, especially those involving the anemones, Crustacea, echinoderms, molluscs and brachiopods. Les Watling 25 May 1980 3 FIFTH INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM ON GAMMARUS AND NIPHARGUS AND THIRD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON GROUNDWATER ECOLOGY LODZ - CZESTOCHOWA, POLAND - SEPTEMBER 1980 November 1979 2nd Circular Letter Dear Colleagues, We would like to inform you that we received above 50 responses from 16 countries to the 1st Circular Letter concerning our next meeting in Poland in 1980. 1. Some 35 papers were proposed. The responses show the interest for biogeography, ecology, physiology, population dynamics and systems tics. Out of the topics for the informal discussion sessions the following were suggested by at least three respondents: a/ amphipod phylogeny and taxonomy, b/ subterranean fauna and diluvial glaciations, c/ terminology for groundwater ecology, d/ methods ,of sampling and of quantitative estimation of the production. We will arrange the discussion sessions for the above mentioned topics during the conference. For several other topics proposed by single persons we suggest the separate session where the authors of the proposals can provoke the discussion. The meeting of the so-called "Niphargus - groups” will be also scheduled. 2. The conference will last from 4th till 10th or 11th of September 1980: from Thursday till Wednesday or Thursday. A detailed schedule will be sent in next circular letters. 3. According to the suggestions of Blacksburg we have tried to find the possibility of printing the papers of our meeting in one of Polish international journals. We are happy to inform you that such a possibility does exist in Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii, that publishes in English, French and German. If you wish to publish your paper that will be presented at our conference in one monothematic volume of this journal, please, announce this wish along with at least provisional title not later than January 31st, 1980, both to K. Jazdzewski and to the following address: <1 4 Doc. dr habil. Ewa Kamler, Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii , Redakcja, Ins ty tut Ekologii P.A.N., Dziekanow Lesny, 05-150 LOMIANKI, POLAND. In that case you will receive the form with rules and regulations for preparation the manuscripts that will be collected during the conference. 4. If you wish to have a letter of invitation, please, contact K. Jazdzewski, proposing at the same time its desirable formula. 5. Please, bear in mind that the deadline for_ sending abstracts is April 30, 1980. Titles without abstracts will not be accepted. Abstracts /in English, French or German/ should be written on one side of a single page . Abstracts should include: title in capital letters, name of author and affiliation, double-spaced text with free margins: 40 mm from the left, 15 mm from the right, 20 mm from top and from bottom. Abstracts should be sent to K. Jazdzewski. 6. We would like to recall you the account where the registration fee / 35 US $ prior to March 31, 1980; 40 US $ after that date / should be prepaid: Bank Hanlowy, ul. Traugutta 7/9, 00-067 Warszawa, R-k nr 342 - 1516-787, for: Min. N. Sz. W. T., Uniwersytet Lddzki, Komitet Organizacyjny V Int. Coll. Gammarus. 7. A 3rd Circular Letter will be mailed in April 1980. Included will be information on housing and conference accomodations and details on the programme and on the travel. Dr. Andrzej W. Skalski Director of the Museum Muzeum Okregowe Ratusz B 42-200 Czestochowa, POLAND With regards Dr. Krzysztof Jazdzewski Assoc. Professor of Zoology Zaklad Zoologii Ogolnej U.L. ul. S. Banacha 12/16 90-237 Lddf, POLAND 5 PRELIMINARY APPLICATION for printing the paper in Polskie Archiwum liydrobiologii I wish to publish my paper that will be presented at the Vth Int. Coll. Gauunarus/Niphargus and Illrd Int. Symp. Groundw. Ecol. - in Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii. The /provisional/ title of the paper is following: NAME . . ADDRESS PRELIMINARY APPLICATION for printing the paper in Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii I wish to publish my paper that will be presented at the Vth Int. Coll. Gammarus/Niphargus and Illrd Int. Symp. Groundw. Ecol. - in Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii. The /provisional/ title of the paper is following: NAME . . ADDRESS i i i 6 News from Colleagues Kathy Conlan: is working with E.L. Bousfield on west coast (Canada) amphipods, with emphasis on Corophioidea . Earnonn Twomey: I am working for my doctoral thesis on Caprellids under the supervision of Dr. A. A. Myers. I hope to investigate population dynamics, behavioural ecology, systematics and functional morphology and have already commenced work with the scanning electron microscope. I would be interested to hear from others with similar interests. Jean-Claude Dauvin: I work on dynamics of populations of Amphipoda-Ampeliscidae and dynamics of benthic ecosystems. John J. Dickinson: As of April 1 will be doing a postdoc with E.L. Bousfield. During my stay in Woods Hole, I put together two reports on the gammarideans of the Middle Atlantic Bight and Georges Bank (U.S. east coast). They will be published in the NMFS Technical Reports Series. Jeff Hughes: am presently writing a paper on Dogielinotus loguax Barnard from the Washington (State of, U.S. A.) coast. Alan Myers: 1 have recently returned to Cork after six months in the South West Pacific, principally in Fiji where I collected gammarideans from coral reef and mangrove biotopes. I also collected in Western Samoa, Niue Island, Tonga, the New Hebrides and Solomon Islands. My aim is to produce a handbook for the identification of Fijian amphipods as my sponsors at the Institutte of Marine Resources in Suva have indicated that this would be of great help to them, and then follow it up with a broader study of S.W. Pacific gammarideans. Work also continues on Lembos with many new species, especially from the Pacific Islands and Australia, but also from elsewhere, still waiting on my shelves to be described. I am also working on Grand idler el la from the Pacific and from the Gulf of Mexico, Aora from Australia and New Zealand, Leptocheirus from the Gulf of Mexico and Erichthonius world wide. Several interesting Irish amphipods are under study by myself and Dave McGarth, and of course my work on Mediterranean Isaeidae and Ischyroceridae for Vol. 2 of "The Amphipoda of the Mediterranean" continues. / James T. Carlton: My research interests are the biogeography, history, ecology and biology of marine and estuarine invertebrates accidentally transported by man around the world ( via commercial oysters, shipping, algae with fisheries products, and other means). My doctoral dissertation at the University of California, Davis, considered the large exotic fauna (1501- species) on the Pacific coast of North America, including at least thirteen introduced species of bay-dwelling amphipods. I am currently devoting a large portion of my studies at W.H.O.I. to investigations of the non-native invertebrates of the Atlantic coast from Newfoundland to Cape Hatteras. An early stimulus for my work was E.L, Bous field's recognition of Orchestia chlliensis in San Francisco Bay (earlier described as 0. enigmatica Bousfield & Carlton, 1967) , a remarkable beach-hopper probably introduced in shingle ballast from Chile. P.M. Taylor: I am working towards my Ph.D. studying the ionic regulation of Corophium curvispinum var. devium (Wundsch) . 1 am also interested in the distribution of this species throughout the British Isles and Europe. Traudl Krapp-Schickel : I've always been working at home (because of our 3 children), financially supported by research councils, and furnished with the necessary literature by my husband (Curator of Arthropods at the Museum in Bonn), who also brought home my mail addressed to the museum. The new director of the Bonn Museum does not want me to receive mail via the museum, as I "do not belong to the museum". Please therefore write to our home address (see Address Changes) , or if writing to a home address is impractical for you, send the mail to my husband and me together (Drs. F. & G. Krapp, Museum A. Koenig, Adenauerallee 150-164, D-53 Bonn, FRG) . Philippe Laval: I have just finished a review on hyperiid associations with gelatinous zooplankton, which was invited by the editor of "Oceanography and Marine Biology, Annual Review". It should be published in Volume 18, 1980. 8 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION I am anxious to examine specimens of* and related to, the lysiannassid genera, Thoriella , Chevreuxiella and Danaella . Material already available suggests the presence of several undescribed species, strong sexual dimorphism radical morphological changes during growth and bizarre adaptations to a bathypelagic existence. I shall be most grateful for the loan of any collections. Even single specimens will help. Michael Thurston Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Brook Road Wormley, Surrey GU8 5UB England I am currently investigating the life cycle and general ecology of the supralittotal talitrid amphipod, Qrchestia traskiana , in the Pacific Northwest U.S.A. Except for D.E. Bowers' (1964) work on Orchestoidea in California, most studies on the ecology of algal wrack fauna have been conducted in Northern Europe. Noteworthy are the investigations of Remmert, Strenzke, Backlund, Durkop, Dahl and Bock. If anyone has any further Information regarding the population dynamics, physiological ecology and competitive interactions of algal wrack fauna, I would be most interested in hearing about it. Also, has anyone speculated on the energetic interactions between the supralittoral wrack environment and the subtidal? Despite the fact that it derives its nutritional base from the marine environment, one generally gets the impression that the wrack ecosystem is somewhat isolated from the strictly marine environment, being populated by essentially "semi- terrestrial" and terrestrial species. The progressive decay and eventual breakdown of algal drift, together with the fecal products of the wrack inhabitants, results in bottom layers that have the appearance of forest humus. Supralittoral amphipods appear to play an important role in this process. If this material is eventually washed into deeper water by the tides, it could prove to be an important energy source for subtidal benthic deposit feeders. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions or information regarding any of the points I have mentioned above, please contact me at the following address: Helmut Koch ES 429 - Arctic Research Lab, Huxley Office Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 98225 The Population Dynamics of an Intertidal Sandy-Beach Amphipod from the Washington Coast, by Jeffrey E. Hughes, M.S. Thesis, University of Washington, 1978 9 1. The amphipod Dogielinotus loquax Barnard (1967), a recently-described member of Pacific Northwest coastal infauna, is found in shallow sands within the mid-to-upper intertidal zone, where it often occurs in a relatively narrow band. It shares this habitat with only a few other macro-invertebrates. 2. A population of D. loquax was sampled from May, 1975 through August, 1976, in the vicinity of Ocean City-Ocean Shores, Washington. A stratified random sampling scheme was usually employed, and a total of three beach stations examined. 3. D. loquax is a mobile herbivore-detritovore that maintains an association with the relatively food-rich upper swash zone by way of its strong swimming and burrowing capabilities. A principal food source is the surf diatom Chaetoceros armatum . Behavior related to food resource availability was discussed as principally limiting the distribution of JD. loquax in the intertidal . 4. A sustained segregation by size or sex was not noticed on the studied beaches. 5. D. loquax is an iteroparous species, with an average sex ratio of 1:1. Mean fecundity ranges from 8 to 32 eggs, depending on gravid female body length. Duration of egg development is strongly temperature-dependent, varying from 55 days at 8°C to 14 days at 20°C. 6. The size structure of the I). loquax population was monitored, using a leg segment as the measurement variable. A bivoltine reproductive cycle was exhibited: a generation recruited in spring produced in summer a generation that overwintered and would reproduce in the following spring. 7. The timing of peaks in reproductive activity (relative proportion of gravid females) and the entry of cohorts into the population was largely influenced by temperature-dependent rates of naturation and egg development. 8. Growth of cohort members recruited in spring and summer, 1976, was estimated by the probability paper method. Cohort mean specific growth rates generally decreased with increasing amphipod body size. The intial growth of the earliest-recruited cohort may have been retarded by the relatively lower temperature of April-May. 9. Abundance estimates for the spring recruitment (summer genreation) indicated a relatively rapid numerical decline from July through August, 1976 (approx. 5% per day). Most of this mortality occurred before the amphipod had reached its maximal size. Recruitment to the 1976-1977 overwintering generation had commenced by this time. 10 10. Sources of mortality were discussed. Predation by shorebirds, particularly sanderling ( Crocethia alba ) was implicated as especially influential in the decline of the summer generation. Ecology of Parathemisto libellula and P. Pacifica (Amphipoda : Hyper iidea) in Alaskan Coastal Waters by Bruce L. Wing, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alaska, 1976. The planktonic amphipods Parathemisto libellula and IP. pacifica coexist in coastal waters from southeastern Alaska (56°N) to the southeastern Chukchi Sea (70°N) . Observations on distribution, reproductive cycles, diets, metabolism, and starvation tolerance contribute to understanding this case of congeneric coexistence. Samples were collected monthly from September 1969 to October 1970 in southeastern Alaska, from May to September 1969 in the southeastern Bering Sea, and in September-October 1970 in the southeastern Chukchi Sea. Respiratory metabolism and starvation tolerance were studied in winter-caught amphipods from southeastern Alaska. Both species consistently occurred above 300 in in southeastern Alaska. In the southeastern Bering Sea, their distributions were separate, with libellula restricted to an area where summer bottom temperatures were less than 8.0°C. The _P. pacifica found in the Chukchi Sea were probably expatriated from the Bering Sea. In southeastern Alaska, P. libellula has a 1-year cycle. Broods are released in early May. Juveniles initially live in the surface 50 m, but by late June (at a size of 10 mm) they migrate, vertically. By late October they have a daytime depth of 200-300 ra. Males mature in late winter at 19-21 mm and females 21-25 mm. In southeastern Alaska, P. pacifica reproduces throughout the year with a strong peak in early May. Juveniles initially live in the surface 50 m. Adults and subadults migrate vertically to a daytime depth of 100-200 m. Summer growth is rapid, and maturity is attained in 6-8 weeks at a size of A. 5-6. 5 mm. Generation time lengthens in winter to 8-12 weeks, and size at maturity increases to 6. 0-7.0 mm. Diets of the two amphipods are similar. About half the food items were calanoid copepods, and 30% were compound-eyed crustaceans (primarily euphausiids and amphipods) . Parathemisto pacifica were more cannibalistic than P. libellula . The temperature coefficient (Q-^q) f° r respiratory metalobism of !P. libellula is 3-5 at temperatures below 5,0°C, and near 2 at temperatures above lO.O^Ch At 7.5°C, the respiration rates for animals tested had a bimodal distribution — not all animals changed their metabolism at the same rate and/or temperature. ! 11 Respiration rate-weight relationships are not affected by temperature. Respiration rates are inversely correlated with salinity between 30.7% o and 32.4% 0 * This relationship may serve to maintain a constant metabolic rate during vertical migration. The Q for respiratory metabolism of ]?. pacifica is near 2 at temperatures below 5.0°C; thus, .P. pacifica cannot lower metabolic requirements during the winter as well as P^. libellula . Parathemisto libellula endured starvation for 56 days and P. pacifica for 36 days at 6-7°C. Annual cycles of temperature and food in Alaskan coastal waters impose conditions outside optimum physiological ranges but within the tolerance of both species. Temperatures above 8.0°C may impose higher metabolic demands upon P. libellula than can be fully supported by the available food. Winter food may be inadequate for the metabolism of P, pacifica . P arathemisto libellula is better adapted to winters than P. pacifica , and pacifica better adapted to summers than JP. libellula ; consequently, in either time of year neither deominates long enough to exclude the other. New Addresses 12 Kenneth A. Kimball 98 Elm St. Danvers, MA 01923 U.S.A. Kenneth H. Bynum Dept, of Zoology Wilson Hall 046-A University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27514 U.S.A. Dr. Ahmet Kocatas Dept. Biological Oceanography Ege University Bornova - Izmir Turkey Dr. John J. Dickinson National Museum of Natural Sciences Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0M8 Jeff Hughes 262 Granite St. Quincy, MA 02168 Margaret Drummond Dept, of Crustacea National Museum of Victoria 71 Victoria Crescent Abbotsford, Victoria 3067, Australia Dr. James T. Carlton Environmental Systems Lab Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U.S.A. Dr. Hitoshi Semura Kashima Branch Shimane Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station Etomo, Kashima-cho, Yatsuka-gun, Shimane Prefecture 690-03, Japan Traudl Krapp-Schickel Hoffmannstr. 7 D-5307 Wachtberg-Adendorf BRD Animaria Escofet Friday Harbor Laboratories Friday Harbor, WA 98250 U.S.A. New Subscribers Paul Shin Zoology Dept. University College Galway Ireland Eamonn Twomey Dept. Zoology Prospect Row Mrs. Kathy Conlin National Museum Natural Sciences Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0M8 Stephen Petrich 1837 Britton Drive Long Beach, CA 90815 Dr. Bruce L. Wing Northwest Fisheries Center-Auke Bay Lab. National Marine Fisheries Service P.0. Box 155 Auke Bay, AK 99021 Jean-Claude Dauvin Station Biologique Place George Teissier 29211 Roscoff France New Subscriber s-cont P.M. Taylor Dept. Zoology University of Leicester University Road Leicester LEI 7RH England Allan W. Stoner Harbor Branch Institution RR1, Box 196-A Ft. Pierce, FL 33450 U.S.A. Uriel Kitron Dept. Biology University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 u BIBLIOGRAPHY As usual, Claude De Broyer, Ireida Greze and Jan Stock have again sent lists of references. We are also very grateful to those of your who have sent reprints of their recent papers to Les or to me. Nevertheless, I fear that the bibliography this time will be more incomplete than usually: please let me know if you spot any omissions. The review of Jenzen's innovative keys to the Danish amphipods and Lincoln's monumental work on the British Gammaroidae have to wait to A.N. 13. Dr. Greze writes that the title of the journal of the 'Institute of Biology of the South Seas' published by 'Neukova dumke' from 1980 has been changed from 'Biologiye morya' to 'Ecologiye morye 1 . This is a very welcome change, since the journal of the 'Institute of Biology of the Far Eastern Seas' in Vlodivovtete also was, and still is, called "Biologiye morye'. I add a copy of a recent note in J. Paleontol. .53, 1979, 761 by Louis S. Kornicker on the use of question marks in taxonomic literature, and invite your comments. I am afraid I have not been very consistent in this regard on the bibliography of A.N. T , though my use has been closest to the AMNH guidelines. tie' ■■ »-C •. / ■•*>■■ y*' •-- i&ZJlm 5rtft r l . •' fV . ■ ^.Li4.''‘'A'i4*d p®S8*, ■*W> U . jjBjg 4 1$$? ” • N*^«rf Yfj ••*■*• str^-Arr* **■-' *W^B$ I">'' W- ' ; >T UsiW iifuf* 15 'I'll E QUESTION MARK IN TAXONOMIC LITERATURE LOUIS S. KORN1CKK R Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20670 The precise meaning of a question mark when used in conjunction with the name of a taxon often cannot be determined by the read- er of taxonomic literature unless the publica- tion containing the literature has regulations concerning the use of the question mark, and unless these regulations are known to the read- er. As an example, I have listed in Table I conventions used by three different publica- tions. As shown in the table, the conventions agree in some instances but disagree in others. An extreme example is the placement of the question mark in "tSpirifcv gvimesi Mall,” which specifies that the entire assignment is questionable in two of the publications, and that the generic assignment is questionable in thelhird publication. If a publication contain- ing taxonomic literature has no rules concern- ing the use of the question mark, the reader may have no way of knowing the intent of the author’s use of it. Therefore, either the place- ment of the question mark used in conjunction with taxonomic names should be standard- ized, or publications containing taxonomic lit- erature should formulate regulations concern- ing the question mark, and these should be readily available to both author and readers. Table 1 — Suggested position of the question mark when used with the name of a taxon in three publications. • USGS" AMNH" NMNH 1 Species questionably assigned to genus Species doubtful, but assigned lo correct genus Entire assignment doubtful Spirifer ? grimesi S pi lifer grimesi ?Spirifcr grimes i Hall dall? Hall ?Spirifer grimesi Hall Spirifer 7grimesi Hall ? Spirifer grimesi Hall Spirifer ? grimrii Hall Spirifer grime si? Hall ?S p i rife r grimesi Hall 11 Suggestions lo Authors of the Reports of the United States Geological Survey, 6th Edition, 1978, by Elna E. Hi.-hop, Edwin B. Eckel, and Others; John E. Eric, Coordinator. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. ll Style Sheet for the Scientific Serial Publications of The American Museum of Natural History, 2nd Fldition, Revised, i 9 5 A , by Ruth Tyler. The American Museum of Natural History, New York. ‘ Smithsonian Style Manual, 1973, Anonymous. Smithsonian Institution Press, City of Washington. Manuscript received September 2, 1978 The Smithsonian Institution contributed $75.00 in support of this article. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY V V \J \1 AKHROROV, F.A. 1978. (Some data on ecology and biology of Gamma r us lacus tr is G.O. Sars in Tamir lakes (Zorkul and Yashikul) , Izr Akad Nauk Tadzhik SSR 3^, 22-26 (Deals with distribution, abundance, biomass, growth, development and fecundity. In Russian). ^ ALOUF, N.J. 1979. Cycle de reproduction de deux especes parentes de Gammarus du Liban (Crustaces, Amphipodes). Annls. Limnol. 14(3) : 181-195. > ANDRES, H.G. 1979. Gammaridea (Amphipoda, Crustaces) der Antarktis-Expedition 1975/76. Auswertung der Dauerstation s’udlich von Elephant Island. Meeresf orsch . 27(1978/79): 88-102. [ Eusirus propeperdenta tus n. sp.]. ANGER, K, 1979. Untersuchungen zum Lebnszyklus der Amphipoden Ba chyporeia sarsi , Microdeutopus gryllotalpa und Corophium insidiosum in der Kieler Bucht. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Univ. Kiel 1(3):. 1-6. ANGER, K. 1979. Die Beziehungen Zwischen Korper grusze. Troekengewicht N und Eizahl sei einigen Amphipodenarten der Westlichen Istsu. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Univ. Kiel'. ^(3), 7-11. ANGUS, I.S. 1979. The macrofauna of intertidal sand in the Outer Hebrides. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 77B: 155-171. ARENDSE, M.C. ‘ 1978. Magnetic field detection is distinct from light detection in the invertebrates Tenebrio molitor and Talltrus saltator . Nature (Lond.) 274 , 358-362. ^ ARIM0T0, I. 1976. Occurrence of Caprella (C.) laevis (Schurim) on the shallow bottom of Northeastern Hokkaido. Physiol. Ecol. Japan 17 (1/2): 445-448 (Japanese summ.). ^ ARIMOTO, X. 1977. Prototritella ishigakensis n. gen, n. sp. (Amphipoda, Caprellidea) , collected from Ishigaki Island, Japan. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 32:1-4. X ARIMOTO, I. 1977. A new caprellid (Amphipoda, Caprellidea) Caprella ( Rostrhicephala ) generosa n. sp. , collected in Tateyama Bay, in Japan. Ann. Repts. Studies of Bunkyo University Women's College 21:12-14. X ARIMOTO, I. 1978. Caprellids (Amphipoda, Caprellidea) from Kushimoto (Honshu) in Japan. Proc. Japan. Soc. Syst. Zool. 14:25-28. [P remohemiaegina n. gen. (type sp: P. sola p. sp.); Premohemiaegina sola n. sp,]. (Japanese summ.). 17 X ARIMOTO, I. 1978. Three new species of caprellid (Amphipoda, Caprellidae) collected by the National Land Agency from Ehime and O-Ita Prefectures f In 1976. Proc. Jap. Soc. Syst. Zool. 14:19-24. [ Caprella (G . ) branchella n. sp. ; Caprella ( Rostrhicephala ) brachiata n. sp. ; Pedo trina n. gen. (type sp: ]?. globosa n. sp. ) ; Pedotrina globosa n. sp . ] . (Jap. Summ.). X ARIMOTO, I. 1978, A new caprellid Caprella ( Rostrhicephala) equina n. sp. (Amphipoda, Caprellidea) from Kunimi-Cho, O' I taPtef ecture in Japan. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan. 33(3) : 33-36. X ARIMOTO, I. 1978. A new genus and species, Liriopes lunaticus , (Amphipoda, Caprellidea) from Osaka Bay, Japan. Ann. Repts. Studies Bunkyo University Women's College 22:21-23. X ARIMOTO, I. and A. HIRAYAMA. 1979. A list of Caprellidea (Amphipoda) in Oshika Peninsula, Tohoku District, with description of a new species and some new record (sic) to Japan. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 33(5) :43-53. [Lists 21 species; includes substrata on which each species was found; Caprella ( Rostrhicephala ) scitula n. sp.; new records for Japan are C. (C. ) ciliata , C.. (C . ) . gracilior , and £. ( Spinicephala ) lukini] . x ARIMOTO, I. 1979. A new caprellid, Caprella ( Rostrhicephala ) dissona n. sp. (Amphipoda, Caprellidea) from Toyoma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Proc. Jap. Soc. Syst. Zool. 16:33-34. AZAM, F.J., R. BEERS, L. CAMPBELL, A. F. CARLUCCI, 0. HOLM-HANSEN, F.M.H. REID & D.M. KARL. 1979. Occurrence and metabolic activity of organism under the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, at Station J9. Science, 203 (4379): 451-453. BARBER, W.E., J.G. GREENWOOD & P. CR0C0S. 1979. Artificial seagrass - a new technique for sampling the community, liydrobiol. 65:135-140. >< BARNARD, J.L. 1979. Revision of American species of the marine amphipod genus Paraphoxus (Gammaridae: Phoxocephalidae) . Proc. Biol. Soc, Washington 92 (2) : 368-379 . [ Metharpinia Schellenberg, revised, 3 spp.; Microphoxus J.L. Barnard, revised (includes Metharpinia comuta Schellenberg); Rhepoxynius n. gen. (type sp: Pontharpinia epistoma Shoemaker), 12 spp.; Foxiphalus n. gen. (type sp: Pontharpinia obtusidens Alderman), 4 spp.; Grand if oxus n. gen. (type sp: Phoxus grandis Stimpson) , 3 spp.; Eyakia n. gen. (type sp: Farharpinia calcarata Gurjanova) , 4 spp.; Eobrolgus n. gen. (type sp: Paraphoxus spinosus Holmes), ?2 spp.]. BARNARD, J.L., AND M.M. DRUMMOND. 1979. Gammaridean Amphipoda of Australia, Part IV. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. 269:1-69. [PLATYISCHNOPIDAE, n. fain. (type gen: Platylschnopus Stebbing) ; Key to eastern hemisphere genera of Platyischnopidae; Platyischnopus mam ri. sp.; Tomituka n. gen. (type and only sp: T_. doowi n. sp.); Yurrokus n. gen. (type and only sp: Y. cooroo n. sp,); Tittakunara n. gen. (type and only sp: T. katoa n. sp.); Indischnopus n. gen. (type sp : Platyischnopus h erdmani ) , 2 spp.; Indischnopus capensis (K.H. Barnard), n. comb. UROTHOIDAE; key to Australian sp. of Urothoides ; Urothoides kurrawa n. sp. IJ. waminoa n. sp. ; IJ. ma koo n. sp. ; U. tondea , n. sp. ; _U. odernae n. sp. ; II. mammarta n. sp. ; IJ. mabingi n. sp . ] . BARNES, R.S.K., A. WILLIAMS, C. LITTLE, AND A. E. DOREY. 1979. An ecological study of the Swanpool, Falmouth. IV. Population fluctuations of some dominant macrofauna, pp. 177-197. In, Jeffries, R.L., and A.J. Davey (ed.) Ecological Processes in Coastal Environments, Blackwell Scientific Publications. [ Gammaru s chevreuxi populations varied widely over a 4 1/2 year period, but no seasonality observed]. BLUZAT, R. & J. SEUSE. 1978. (Acute toxicity of 5 detergents on 4 fresh water and invertebrate species). CR Acad. Sci. Paris 286 , 1391-1394. (In French) BOLOGNARI , A., M.T. ALBANESE CARMIGNANI and A. CONTINI. 1978. The question regarding the positive reaction to RNA in the proteic yolk. Riv. Biol, norm. Pathol. 4_, 73-80. (I do not know in which language this paper was written. It deals in part with Qrchestia gammarellus ) . BORODICH, N.D., 1979. Gmelinoides fasciatns (Stebbing) (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) in the Kuibyshev Water Reservoir), Zool. Zh., 58_(6) ; 920-921 (in Russian). BOROWSKY, B. 1980. Factors that affect juvenile emergence In Gammarus palustris (Bousfield 1969). J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 42:213-223. ["In the laboratory, hatched juveniles of the amphipod Gammarus palustris emerged from the female’s brood pouch at increased rates when the mother was pipetted, fed on mussel meat, or was immersed after a period of exposure to the air"]. BOTTON, M.L. 1979. Effects of sewage sludge on the benthic invertebrate community of the inshore New York Bight. Est, Coastl. Mar. Sci. 8:169-180. V 19 BOUSFIELD, E.L. 1979. A revised classification and phylogeny of amphipod crustaceans. Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, Ser. IV, 115:343-391. [Superfamily Phoxocephaloidea Sars, n. status; UROTHOIDAE, n. fam. (type genus: Urothoe Dana); Superfamily Lysianassoidea Dana, n. status; Superfam. Pontoporeioidea Sars, n. status; TYPHLOGAMMARIDAE, n. fam. (=Gainmaroidean family group 2, Bousfield 1977, type genus: Typhlogammarus Schdferna) ; GAMMAROPOREIIDAE , n. fam. (=Ganunaroidean family group 10, Bousfield 1J)77; type genus: Gammaroporeia n. gen., type sp: Micruropus alaskensis Bousfield and Hubbard); Superfam. Eusiroidea Stebbirig, n. status; Superfam. Oedicerotoidea Lilljeborg, n. status; Superfam. Leucothoidea Dana, n. status; Superfam. S tegocephaloidea Dana, n. status; Superfam. Synopioidea Dana, n. status; Superfam. Pardaliscoidea Boeck, n. status, Superfam. Liljeborgoidea Stebbing, n. status; Superfam. Dexaminoidea Leach, n. status; Superfam. Ampeliscoidea Bate^ n. status; table giving family members of superfamilies on p. 378-379]. BOUSFIELD, E.L. 1979. The amphipod Superfamily Gainmaroidea in the northeastern Pacific region: systematics and distributional ecology. Bull. Biol. Soc. Washington 3^: 297-357. [Key to gammaroidean families of the North Pacific Rim region; Lagunogammarus Sket, n. status; key to sp. from N. Pacific Rim region; key to genera of MESOGAMMARIDAE; Paramesogammarus , n. gen. (type sp: P_« americanus n. sp.); key to genera of ANISOGAMMARTDAE : Anisogammaru s Derzhavin, revised; Eogammarus Birstein, revised; key to species of Eogammarus Eogammarus psammophilus n. sp, ; Eogammarus oclairi n. sp. (includes Anisogammarus conf ervicolus Shoemaker (part) and Bousfield (part) ; Barrowgammarus n. gen. (type sp: Anisogammarus macginitiei Shoemaker); Locus togammarus n. gen. (type sp : G ammarus locus toides Brandt) 4 spp.; key to species of Locus togammarus ; Locus togammarus levingsi n. sp, Spinulogammarus Tzvetkova, n. status; key to species of Spinulogammarus ; Spasskogammarus n. gen. (type sp: Spasskogammarus spasski Bulycheva), 2 spp; key to species of Spasskogammarus ; Spasskogammarus tzvetkovae , n. sp. ; Jesogammarus n. gen. (type sp: Anisogammarus jdsoensis Schellenberg) : Annanogammarus n. gen. (type sp: Gammarus annandalei Tattersall) ; Ramello gammarus n. gen. (type sp: Gammarus ramellus Weckel) , 4 spp.; key to species of Ramellogammarus ; Ramellogammarus vancouverensis n. sp. ; Carineogainmarus n. gen. (type sp: Eogammarus makarovi Bulycheva; Ganuuaroporeia Bousfield 1979, diagnosed.] BOUSFIELD, E.L. 1979. Talitroidean amphipod crustaceans from the North American Pacific coast, systematics and distributional ecology. XIV Pac. Sc. Congr., Khabarovsk, Aug. 1979. Abstract 5 pp (The abstract maps the distribution of 47 species in 12 genera and 6 families over 9 faunal districts.) BOWEN, M.A. , P.0. Smyth, D.F. Boesch and J. van Montfrans. 1979. Comparative biogeography of benthic macrocrustaceans of the Middle Atlantic (U.S.A.) continental shelf. Bull. Biol. Soc. Washington jJ: 214-255. BRUNEL, P. 1979. Seasonal changes of daily vertical migrations in a supra- benthic cold-layer shelf community over mud In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Pp. 383-390 in E. Naylor & R.G. Hartnell (ed,). Cyclic phenomena In marine plants and animals. Pergamon Press, Oxford & New York. BULNIIEIM, M.P, 1979. Comparative studies on the physiological ecology of five euryhaline Garnmarus species. Oecologia. 44_: 80-86. BUSHUEVA, I.V. 1978. A new amphipod species (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) from the Davis Sea (eastern Antarctic). Zool. Zh. 57: 450-453. (In Russian). [ Acanthono tozomella pushkini n . sp . ] . CAINE, E.A. 1979. Population structures of two species of caprellid amphipods (Crustacea). J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 40: 103-114. CAMMEN, L. 1979. The macro-infauna of a North Carolina salt marsh. Amer. Midi. Nat. 102: 244-253. CECCALDI, M.J. 1978. La nutrition des Crustac<5s. Oceanis 4^ 55-62. (Not seen). COLEMAN, N., W. CUFF, M. DRUMMOND & J.D. 1CUDEN0V. 1978. A quantitative survey of the macrobenthos of Western Port, Victoria. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 29: 445-466. COLES, S.M. 1979. Benthic microalgal populations on intertidal sediments and their role as precursors to salt marsh development, pp. 25-42. In, Jeffries, R.L. , and A.J. Davy (ed.) Ecological Processes in Coastal Environments, Blackwell Scientific Publications. [C orophium volutator reported to have consumed 50,000 diatoms per individual in 12 hours!] V 21 CRAWFORD, D.M. & D.C. TARTER. 1979. Observations on the life history of -r the freshwater amphipod Crangonyx f ojhesi in a spring-fed cistern in West Virginia, U.S.A. Am. Midi. Nat. 101 : 320-325. ^ DAHL, E. 1979. Deep-sea carrion feeding amphipods.. Evolutionary patterns in niche adaptation. Oilcus 33^: 167-175. y DAHL, E. 1979. Amphipoda Gammaridea from the Deep Norwegian Sea. A Preliminary Report. Sarsia. 64^ (1-2): 57-59. (The amphipod fauna has a low diversity: about 30 Spp. found). DAMKAER, C.C. & D.M, DAMKAER. 1979. Henrik KrOyer’s publications on pelagic marine Copepoda (1838-1849). Trans. Am. phil. Soc. 69-6, 1-48 (A good biography on pp. 4-9). ^ DEXTER, D.M. 1979. Community structure and seasonal variation in intertidal Panamanian sandy beaches. Est. Coast. Mar. Sci. 9^: 543-558. [Most amphipods were collected on Pacific side with Rudilemboides sp. , Paraphoxu s ob tusidens and a Platy ischnopus sp. the most abundant]. < DICKSON, G.W. 1979. The importance of cave mud sediments in food preference, growth and mortality of the troglobitic amphipod crustacean Crangonyx antennatus Packard (Crangonyctidae) , Crustaceans 36(2): 129-139. DORGELO, J. 1978. Intraspecific osmoregulatory comparison in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Verb. Internat. Vereim. Limnol. 20: 2573-2578. DOWNER, D.F., and D.H. STEELE. 1979. Some aspects of the biology of Amphiporela lawrenciana Shoemaker (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in Newfoundland waters. Can. J. Zool . 57(1): 257-263. DOYLE, R. 1979. Ingestion rate of a selective deposit feeder in a complex mixture of particles: testing the energy-optimization hypothesis. Limnol. Oceanogr. 24_: 867-874. [Used Corophium volutator ], DRIDI, M.S. 1977. Recherches ecologiques sur les milieux lagun^ires du Nord de la Tunisie. Unpubl. Diss., Univ. Tunis. 88 pp. (Not seen. ’’Regular sampling provided biological and ecological data of the most prominant species: Gammarus muensibilis , CL aequicauda and Idotea viridis . 11 ) xT DUCRUET, J. 1976. Attraction et reconnaissance sexuelle chez les Crustaces (Mise au point bibliographique) . Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afr. Nord. 6>0: 57-80. 22 FELLER, R.J., G.L. TAGHON, E.D. GALLAGHER, G.E. KENNY, and P.A. JUMARS. 1979. Immunological methods for food web analysis in a soft-bottom benthic community. Mar, Biol. 54: 61-74. FENCHEL, T.M. and S. KOLDING. 1979. Habitat selection and distribution patterns of five species of the amphipod genus Gammarus . Oilcos 33: 316-322. FENWICK, G.D. 1978. Plankton swarms and their predators at the Snares Islands. N.Z. J. mar. Freshw. Res. _12: 223-229 (Hyperiid amphipods are eaten by fish and by birds (petrals, gulls). ^ FISH, J.D. & A. MILLS. 1979. The reproductive biology of Corophium volutator and CL arenarium (Crustacea: Amphipoda) . J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 59 (2) : 355-368. FRIEND, J.A. 1979. Two new terrestrial species of Talitrus (Amphipoda: Talitridae) from Tasmania. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 113: 85-98. [jC. vulgaris n. sp. ; 1\ angulosus n. sp.; key to subgenus Keratroides ] . FRYER, G. AND D. FORSHAW. 1979. The freshwater Crustacea of the island of Rhum (Inner Hebrides) - a faunistic and ecological survey. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 11, 333-367. GEE, J.H.R. 1979. A comparison of gravimetric and photographic methods of stream substrate analysis in a study of benthos micro-distribution. Oikos. 33: 74-79. GEORGE, R.Y. 1979. Behavioral and metabolic adaptations of polar and deep-sea crustaceans: a hypothesis concerning physiological basis for evolution of cold adapted crustaceans. Bull. Biol. Soc. Washington J}: 283-296. [ Eurythenes grillus exhibited extreme stenothermy ] . x GIGINYAK, Yu.S, 1978. (Fecundity of some crustacean species in the sublittoral zone of the Davis Sea (the Antarctic)). Okeanologiy a. JJ3: 537-541 (In Russian). Deals with i.e. Orchomene corimonus , Paramoera walkeri . Cheirimedon legueri , Prostebbjngia gracilis and Panoploea joubini, collected during winter by the 16th Soviet Antarctic Expedition. A relation between the absolute fecundity and the size-weight indices of the mean sublittoral Crustacea has been determined and expressed in the term of equations. A method is suggested for determining the number of broods in some amphipods and isopods). i ! 23 ,_/ GLENNON, T.A. 1979. Description of the male of Amphlporeia gigantea Bousfield (Amphipoda, Haustoriidae) . Crustaceans (3) : 304-310. ^ GOOCH, J.L. 6 S.W. HETRICK. 1979. The relation of genetic structure to environmental structure: Gammarus minus in a Karst area. Evolution 33: 192-206. GOPHEN, MOSHE. 1979. Population density, migration and food composition of Echinogammarus veneris (Heller) in Lake Kinneret (Israel) . Hydrobiol. 66: 99-104. GREER, G.L. & P.G. FUTER, 1979. Distribution of amphipods and isopods trapped from the water column in the vicinity of the Kraft Mill at , Port Mellen, British Columbia. Fish. mar. Serv. techn. Rept. 909, 21 pp. / GREZE, I. I. 1977. Amphipoda of the Black Sea and their Biology. Nauk. Dumka. , Kiev, 156 pp. (In Russian). [Lists 111 species of amphipods from the Black Sea; reviews literature on biology of amphipods, Including topics such as amphipods as prey items of fishes; discusses in detail population characteristics of 10 species], GRIFFITHS, CH. L. 1979. A redescription of the kelp curler Ampithoe humeralis J (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from South Africa and its relationships to Macropisthopous . Ann. S. Afr. Mus . J^9 (5) : 131-138. ( Macropis thopous is reduced to a junior synonym of Ampithoe ) . GUPTA, A. P. (ed.). 1979. Arthropod phylogeny. Von Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York and London, 711 pp. (Not seen. The many contributions in this volume have not been indexed separately). HAGER, R.P. & R.A. CROKER. 1979. Macroinfauna of Northern New England marine sand. IV. Infaunal ecology of Amphiporeia virglniana Shoemaker, 1933. (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Can. J. Zool. JL7: 1511-1513. ^ HAL CROW, K. 1978. Modified pore canals in the cuticle of Gammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda); a study of scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Tissue and Cell U): 659-670. HAR BISON , G.R. h L.P. MADIN. 1979. Diving - a new view of plankton biology. Oceanus _22: 18-27. (With data on hyper iid biology). .5 HERBST, G.N., D.P. WESTON, and J.G. LORMAN . 1979. The distributional response of amphipod and decapod crustaceans to a sharp thermal front north of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Bull. Biol. Soc. Washington 188-213. > HIRAYAMA, A. & T . KIKUCHI. 1979. The f irst record of Melita appendiculata (Say) 1818. (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Japan. Pubis. Amakusa mar. biol. Lab. _5: 67-77. HOLSINGER, J.R. 1978. New and unusual subterranean amphipod crustaceans from an artesian well in Texas, U.S.A. Ann. Meeting Am. Soc. Zool. 1^8: 674. HUGHES, R,G. 1979. The dispersal and dispersion of some epizoites of the hydro id Nemertesia a nt e nnina (L.)„J. mar. biol. Ass. IJ.K. jv9: 879-887. (Describes work on Erlcthonius b rasillensls , Pseud op rote 11a phasma and Corophium sextpni ) . ICELY, J.D. and J.A. NOTT. 1979. The general morphology and fine structure of the antennary gland of Corophium volutator (Amphipoda: Crustacea). J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 59j 745-755. > INOUE, H. 1979. The significance of variations in dorsal body markings of Qrchestia platensis Kroyer (Amphipoda, Talitridae) . Proc. Jap. Soc. Syst. Zool. 16: 23-32. x JANSSEN, H., M. SCHEEPMAKER, M. v. COUWELAAR, and S. PINKSTER. 1979. Biology and distribution of Gammarus aequicauda and CL insensibilis (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the lagoon system of Bages-Sigean (France). Bijdr. tot Dierkunde 4jh 42-70. JEWETT, S.C. and G.C. POWELL. 1979. Summer food of the sculpins Myoxocephalus spp and Hemilepidotus jordani , near Kodiak Island, Alaska. Mar. Sci. Communications 5^: 315-331. ( Amp el is ca macrocephal a contributed 52% of the diet) . JOHN, P.A. 1978, Fecundity of the amphipod Melita zeylanica Stabbing in a monsoonal lake. Comp. Physiol. Ecol. 3^ 249-252, (Not seen). JUDY, R.D. 1979. The acute toxicity of copper to Gammarus fascia tus, a fresh water amphipod. Bull, environm. Contain. Toxicol. 2_1: 219-224. 25 KAMENSKAYA, O.E. 1978. (Quantitative distribution of deep-sea amphipods (Amphipoda; Crustacea) in the Pacific Ocean). Trudy Inst, oceanol. Akad. Nauk USSR 113 : 22-27 (In Russian). (The quantitative distribution of an ecological group of deep-sea amphipods is given. From 1000-2000 2 m depth, the amphipod biomass gradually decreases from 0.170 to 0.037 g/m . 2 in the abyssal the biomass fluctuates from 0.037 to 0.002 g/m , but in the ultra abyssal it increases to 0.011 g/m^‘. The density decreases with increasing depth, while both biomass and density decrease toward the open ocean. The effect of the trophic factor on the quantitative distribution of deep-sea amphipods is discussed) . KAMIMIRA, Y. 1979. Ecological studies of macrofauna on a sandy beach of Hakodate, Japan. 2. Distribution of peracarids and the factors influencing their distribution. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. _30: 133-143. KARAMAN, G.S. 1977. Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda. ‘69. Revision of the Ec hinogammarus , genera-complex (fam. Gammaridae) . Archiv bioloskih Nauka Beogr. 27 (1975), 69-92. (In this paper the author synonymizes the following genera with Echinogammarus : Chaetogammarus , Homoeogammarus , Marino gamma rus , Qs tiogammarus , Parchomogammarus , and Pectenogammarus . Also the European species of Eulimnogammarus (E. anisogaminarus , _E. macrocqrpus , E. ob tusatus , _E. tole tanus ) are removed to Echinogammarus . C omatogammarus is considered to be a synonym of Sarothrogammarus , and Rhipidogammarus of Neo gamma rus . Thus the following genera are retained: Echinogammarus , Eulimnogammarus , Fontogammarus , Longigammarus , Neogammarus and Sarothrogammarus . Sarothrogammarus contiguus n. sp. is named and Echinogamma rus planicrurus redescribed). KARAMAN, G.S. 1978. Amphipoda from Slcoder Lake and its drainage system. Cerh. int. Ver. Limnol. 20: 2579-2583. KARAMAN, G.S. 1978. Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda 97. On three interesting species, Crangonyx floridanus Bous. 1963, (L parvimanus (Hoi. 1903) and Qrchestia tiberiadis Lar. 1883. Glas . Republ. Zaroda Zast. Prirode. Frirodnjackeg Muzeja Titograd II: 65-73. (Of these 3 species _C, floridanus and Melita parvimanus are probably synonymous with CL pseudogracilis , while £. tiberiadis is a senior synonmy of £, kosswigl Ruffo). 26 X \f A i / \ I A A V KARAMAN, G.S. 1979. Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda 92. Bogidiella chappuisi Ruffo 1952 and its variability with remarks to some other species (fam. Gammaridae) . Poljoprivveda i Siumarstro 25 : 17-30. (J3. mino taurus and probably also j3, balearica are junior synonyms of chappuisi . _B. skoplj ensis is discussed and an amended diagnosis of Bogidiella provided) . KARAMAN, G.S. 1979. Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda 93. New records of some Gainmaridean Amphipoda from the Mediterranean Sea. Polj eprivreda i Kumars tvo _25: 47-67. (Deals with 28 Gammaridae s. 1. Cheirocra tus robus tus is synonymized with ;C. sundevalli . Cammarellus carinatus is probably identical with £. angulosus . Elasmopus rapax serricatus and Megaluropus agilis massiliens is are given specific rank and other forms of _E. rapax are discussed. KARAMAN, G.S. 1979. S tenocorophium bowmani , a new genus and species of the Family Corophiidae from the Palau Islands (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 92(3) : 580-588. KARAMAN, G.S. 1979. Two new species of the genus Idunella Sars, 1895 (Crustacea: Amphipoda) with remarks on the other species. (Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda 94). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 92^(1): 75-83. [ Idunella bowenae n. sp., 1 _. nagatai n. sp. (=I_. chilkensis Nagata 1965) , key to species of_ Idunella ] . KARAMAN, G.S., and J.L. BARNARD. 1979. Classif icatory revisions in Gammaridean Amphipoda (Crustacea), Part I. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 92(1): 106-165. [ ACANTHONOTOZOMATIDAE and PARAMPHITHOIDAE (evidently combined but not formally defined): Acanthono tozoma Boeclc, n. syn. (includes Panoploaopsis Kunkel) ; Cypsipliimedia stegosaura (Griffiths), n. comb.; Epimeria Costa, n. syn. (includes Subepimeria Bellan-Santini) ; Epimeriella Walker, n. syn. (includes Eclysis K.H. Barnard); Iphimedia Rathke, n. syn. (includes Panoplo aa Thomson and Iphlmediopsis Della Valle); Iphimediella Chevreux, n. syn. (includes Pariphimediella Schellenberg and Pseudiphimediella Schellenberg); Labriph iinedia K.H. Barnard, n. syn. (includes Maoriphimedia Hurley) . PLEUSTIDAE: Arctopleus tes glabricauda (Dunbar), n. comb.; Dacty lopleus tes n. gen. (type and only sp: Paraplenst.es t 27 echinoicus Tzvetkova); Tepidopleustes n. gen. (type sp: Parapleustes barnardi Ledoyer) ; Parapleustes corniger (Shoemaker) n. comb.; Parapleustes ? euacanthoides (Gurjanova) n. comb.; Parapleustes gagarae (Gurjanova) n. comb. EUSIRIDAE: Paracalliopiella Tzvetkova and Kudrjaschov, n. syn. (includes Callaska J.L. Barnard). LILJEBORGIIDAE : Idunella Sars, n. syn. (includes Ron cono ides Ledoyer). AMPITHOIDAE: Pseudoamphithoides Ortiz, n. syn. (includes Amphyllodomu s Just). GAMMARIDAE: Pon togammarus - group defined; key to gammarid genera in Pontocaspian Basip; Baku n. gen. (type and only sp: Pontogammarus paradoxus Derzhavin); Cephalogammarus n. gen. (type and only sp : Gammarus macrocephalus Sars); Kuzmelina n. gen. (type and only sp : Gmelina kusnezowi Sowinsky) ; Lanceoganimarus n. gen. (type and only sp : Gammarus andrussowi Sars); Turcogammarus n. gen. (type sp: Qbesogammarus turcarum Stock) , 2 spp. ; Yogmelina n. gen. (type sp. Gmelina pusilla Sars), 5 spp.; Yogmelina liman a n. sp. (= Gmelina pusilla Carausu, non Sars); Sandro , n. gen. (type and only sp : Austroniphargus starmuhlneri Ruffo) ; Anopogammarus Derzhavin, revised, 2 spp.; Tadzocrangonyx n. gen. (type sp : Crangonyx schizurus Birstein) , 2 spp.; Kogammarus Birstein, n. syn. (includes Splnulogammarus Tzvetkova) ; Amis o gammarus Derzhavin (does not include Eogammarus Birstein, Spinulogammarus Tzvetkova); Eriopisa Stebbing, revised (includes only EL elongata ( Bruzelius ) ) ; Psammogainmarus ICarman, revised (includes 6 species); Victorioplsa n. gen. (type sp: Nlphargus chilkensis Chilton), 3 spp.; Giniphargus n. gen. (type and only sp . Niphargus pulchellus Sayce) ; Pygocrangonyx n. gen. (type and only sp : Metacrangonyx remyi Balazuc and Ruffo); Dulichiella Stout, revived (includes I). appendiculata (Say, 1818) and at least 4 others); Quadrivisio bousfieldi n. sp . ; key to Quadrivisio ; Nainaloa n. gen. (type and only sp: Melita latlmerus Bonsf ield) ; Gammarella Bate, n. ^yn. (includes Nuuanu J. L. Barnard and Co ttesloe J.L. Barnard); Tabatzius McKinney and Barnard, emended; Tabatzius muelleri (Ortiz), n. comb., n. syn. (includes TC. copillius McKinney and Barnard); Af ridiella n. gen. (type and only sp : Bogidiella somala Ruffo); key to genera of "bogidiellids . "] 28 ^ KARAMAN, G. and S. RUFFO. ?1979. ( Gammarus balcanicus Sch&ferno in the Italian fauna (Crustacea, Amphipoda)). Atti Mem, Accad. Agricolt. Sci. Lett. Verona. Ser. 6. 29 _: 77-90 (In Italian. Extensive description). KENNEDY, G.Y, 1979. Pigments o.f marine invertebrates. Adv. mar. Biol. 16 : 309-381 (Crustacea pp. 335-342). KHALAF, G. and M. TARHET. 1978. Un probleme d'actualite: revue de traveux recdnts en matiere d 1 utilisations des substrats artificiels pour 1 1 6chantillenage des macroinvertdbrds des eaux courantes. Bull. Ecol. 9.: 29-38 (Not seen). KOLDING, S. and T.M. FENCHEL, 1979. Coexistence and life cycle characteristics of the five species of the amphipod genus Gammarus . Oikos 323-327. KOSTALOS, M.S. 1979. Life history and ecology of Gammarus minus Say (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) . Crus taceana _37.(2) : 113-122. KRAFT, K.J. 1979. Pontoporeia lioyi distribution along the Keweenaw shore of Lake Superior, Michigan, U.S.A., affected by copper tailings. J. Great Lakes Res. 5^: 28-35. X KRAPP-SCHICKEL, G. 1979. Die Formengruppe urn Apherusa bispinosa (Bate) (Calliopiidae, Amphipoda). Boll. Mus . Cir. Stor. Nat. Verona _5 (1978): 581-592 (An extensive discussion on the validity of A. chlereghinii (probably not specifically distinct from A. bispinosa ) . (Also description of _A. vexatrix n. sp. from several Mediterranean localities.) Last Minute Additions MILLS, E,L. 1980. One "different kind of gentleman": Alfred Merle Norman (1831-1918), invertebrate zoologist. Zool. J. Limn. Soc. 68:69-98. [another delightful and informative biography from the pen of Eric Mills.] 2 s - THURSTON, M.H. 1980. Abyssal benthic Amphipoda (Crustacea) from the East Iceland Basin. 1. The genus I?hachotropis . Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 38:43-67. [_R. thordisae n. sp. , R.. thorkelli n. sp., R. gislii n. sp., It. arii n. sp. , and R.. proxima Chevreux], THURSTON, M.H. 1980. Ibid. 2. Lephechinella and an allied new genus. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 38:69-87. [JL. helgii n. sp., L, gr imi n. sp., JL. skarphedlni n. sp. , Lephechlnelloides n. gen. (type and only species: JL. karii n. sp. ) ] . LAPPALAINEN, A., G. HAELFORS and P. KANG AS . 1977. Littoral benthos of the northern Baltic Sea 4. Pattern and dynamics of macrobenthos on a sandy- bottom ^ostera marina community in Tvaerminne. Imt* Rev. ges . Hydrobiol. 62: 465-503. LAUB1TZ, D.R. 1979. Phylogenetic relationships of the Podoceridae (Amphipoda: Gaminaridea) . Bull. Biol. Soc. Washington _3: 144-152. LEDOYER, M. 1979. Expedition Rumphius II (1975). Crustacds parasites, commensaux etc. (Th. Monod et R. Serene, 6d.). VI, Crustaces Amphipodes Gammariens. Bull. Mus. natn. Hist, nat., Paris, (4e sdr.), 1A(1) : 137- 181. (New £axa; Ampelisca monodi , Eriopisella spinosa , Grandidierella indenta ta ) . LEE, B.H. 1978. (General review and checklists of Korean subterranean fauna part 1: Invertebrates except insects, and mammals). Korean J. Zool. 21: 103-125 (In Korean). LEWBEL, G.S. 1978. Sexual dimorphism and intra specif ic aggression and their relationship to sex ratios in Caprella gorgonia Laubitz and Lewbel (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) . J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 33: 133-151. LIBEY, G.S. and C.F. COLE. 1979. Food habits of yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea (Storer) . J. Fish. Biol. 15 ^ : 371-374. LINCOLN, R.J. 1979. British Marine Amphipoda: Gammaridea. British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London. 658 pp. (This important book, describing and figuring 271 species of British gammarids, will be reviewed separately). LINCOLN, R.J. and G.J. SHEALS. 1979. Invertebrate Animals. Collection and Preservation. British Museum (Natural History) & Cambridge University Press , 150 pp. LOCKWOOD, A.P.M. and C.B.E. INMAN. 1979. Ecophysiological responses of Gammarus duebeni to salinity fluctuations, pp. 269-284. In, Jeffries, R.L., and A.J. Davey (eds.). Ecological Processes in Coastal Environments, Blackwell Scientific Publications. LOWRY, J.K. 1979. New gaminaridean Amphipoda from Port Pegasus, Steward Island, New Zealand. N. Z. J. Zool. 6 k 201-212. [ Photis nlgrocula n. sp. P. phaeocula n. sp. , Halice sublit toralis n. sp.] 30 LYESj M.C. 1979. The reproductive behaviour of Gammarus duebcni (Lilljeborg) . and the inhibitory effect of a surface active agent. Mar. Behav. Physiol. 6; 4 7-55. MAKKAVEEVA, E.B. 1979. (Invertebrates of seaweed beds in the Black Sea). Monograph. Naukova dunka, Kiev. 289 pp . (In Russian). (The populations of invertebrates and ainphipods in particular, in beds of Cys toselra b erdata and C, crinita . Phyllophora nervosa , Zostera marina , etc. have been studied. Data are given on numbers, biomass, production and daily and seasonal migrations) . MAURER, D. , and G. APRILL. 1979. Intertidal benthic invertebrates and sediment stability at the mouth of Delaware Bay. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 64.; 379-403. [ NeohauStorius biarticulatus was dominant amphipod of intertidal sand beach]. MAURER, D., W. LEATHEM, P, KINNER AND J. TINSMAN. 1979. Seasonal fluctuations in coastal benthic invertebrate assemblages. Est. Coastl. Mar. Sci. £$: 181-193. McCAIN, J.C. 1979. A new caprellid (Crustacea; Amphipoda) associated with a starfish, from Antipodes Island. N.Z. J. mar. Freshw. Res. 13: 471-473. ( Caprella manneringi n. sp. from the starfish Calvasterias suteri ) . \ MCKINNEY, L.D. 1979. Lilj eborgiid amphipods from the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Bull. Mar. Sci. 29^(2): 140-154. (New taxa: Liljeborgia bousf ieldi , Lis triella quin tana , L. bahia , ,L. carinata ) . x MUKAI, H. 1979. A new giant amphipod belonging to a new genus, Megaceradocus , found in the Japan Sea. Bull. natn. Sci. Mus. Ser. A(Zool.) 5^: 175-181. MEUSY, J.J. and J. JUNERA. 1979. Analyse preliminaire de la composition en sous unites polypeptidiques de la vitellogenie et des lipovitellines du Crustac£ Arnphipode Qrchestia gammarella (Pallas). C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 288D, (18): 1415-1418. MEYER-ROCliOW, V.B. 1978. The eyes of meso-pelagic crustaceans 2, Streetsia challenger i (Amphipoda). Cell Tissue Res. 186 : 337-349. 7 31 MINSHALL, G.W. and J.N. MINSHALL. 1978. Further evidence on the role of chemical factors in determining the distribution of benthic invertebrates in the River Dudden. Arch. Hydrobiol, 813: 324-353. (Lab experiments on Gammarus pulex and on ephemerop teran. "In the case of £. pulex potassium is strongly implicated as the limiting factor", causing its absence in the upper Dudden. pH is probably not the primary factor). MONTOUCHET, P.E.G. 1979. (In the community of motile animals inhabiting the seaweed Sargassum cymosum at Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil). Stud, neotrop. Fauna Environm. 1A: 33-64 (In French). MOORE, J.W. 1979. Ecology of a subarctic population of Pontoporeia affinis Lindstrom (Amphipoda) . Crustaceans _36(3) : 267-276. MOORE, J.W. 1979. Diversity and indicator species as measures of water pollution in a subarctic lake. Hydrobiologia 66: 73-80. p MOORE, J.W., I. A. MOORE and P.N. CLARIDGE. 1979. Seasonal changes in density, composition and reproductive biology of crustacean populations in the Severn estuary. Crustaceans _36(2) : 113-122. [Deals with crustaceans in the plankton; most common amphipod was Gammarus salinus ]. X' MOORE, P.G. 1979. Crystalline structures in the gut caeca of the amphipod Stegocephaloides chr is t ianiensis Boeck. J. exp, mar. Biol. Ecol, j39; 223-229. MORDUKHAI-BOLXOVSKOI, P.D. 1979. Composition and distribution of Caspian fauna in the light of modern data. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 6A: 1-38. MORDUKHAI-BOLTOVSKOI, P.D. 1979. The river Volga and its life. Monogr. biol. 33 , Junk, The Hague, 473 pp (Not seen) . MORINO, H. 1979. Preliminary report on the gammaridean Amphipoda around Sesako Island. Sesako mar. Sc. Lab. techn. Rep. 6.: 33-36 (Sesako Island is in the Ryu Kyu Islands. The list contains 27 spp., most identified to genus only) . NADASY, M. 1978. Dimilin as a perspective environment protective insecticide. Proc. Hung. ann. Meeting Biochem. _18: 125-126. (English?? Deals with Gammarus roesel ii) . X NAIR, K.K.C., and K. ANGER. 1979. Life cycle of Corophium insidiosum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in laboratory culture. Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters . 32 : 279-294 . A | i i 32 NAIR, K.K.C., and K. ANGER. 1979. Experimental studies on the life cycle of Jassa falcata (Crustacea, Amphipoda) . Helgolander wiss. Meeresunters . 32 : 444 - 452 . NAIN, K.K.C., T.C. GOPALAKRISHNAN, M.G. PETER and T.S.S. RAO. 1978. Closed sea water circulating system for cultivation of marine and estuarine organisms in the laboratory. Indian J. mar. Sci. ]_: 159-162. NELSON, W.G. 1979. Experimental studies of selective predation on amphipods: consequences for amphipod distribution and abundance. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 3S: 225-245. NELSON, W.G. 1979. An analysis of structural pattern in an eelgrass ( Zostera marina L.) amphipod community. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 39_: 231-264. NELSON, W.G. 1980. A comparative study of amphipods in seagrasses from Florida to Nova Scotia. Bull. Mar. Sci. _30: 80-89. NICOTRI, M. E. 1980. Factors involved in herbivore food preference. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 4ji: 13-26. [ Amp it hoe valida preferred filamentous or bladed ephemeral algae]. OKSAMA, M. and R. KRISTOFFERSON . 1979. The toxicity of phenol to Phoxinus phoxinus , Gammarus duebeni , and Mesidotea entomon in brackish water. Ann. zool. Feen. 16: 209-216. OLEINIKOVA, F.A. 1979. (Commercial species of invertebrates from the Azov Sea basin and use of them in fish culture). Proc. All-Union Res. Inst. mar. Fish. Oceanogr. (VNIRO) 137 : 95-100. (P ontogammarus maeotlcus from the Azov Sea basin produces eggs from April to October with two peaks in spring and summer. Recommended season of collection is June to October) . OPALINSKI, K.W. 1979. Heartbeat rate in two antarctic crustaceans: Euphausia superba and Parathemisto gaudichaud i, Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol. 26>(l-2) : 91-100. OPALINSKI, K.W. 1979. Metabolic cold adaptation in antarctic amphipods. Ekol. pol. 27(2): 323-331. X OPALINSKI, K.W. , and K. Jazdzewslci, 1978. Respiration of some Antarctic amphipods. Polsk. Arch. Hydrobiol. 25(3) : 643-655. ORTIZ, M. 1978. Una nueva especie de Amfipodo (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) de aquas profundas del sur de Cuba. Inves tigaciones Marinas Ciencias Ser, 8, No. 40: 21-30. [ Byblisoides cubensis n. sp., from 1300 m depth off S. coast of Cuba]. i 33 OSEID,.D.M. and L.L. SMITH. . 1979. The effects of hydrogen cyanide on Asellus communis and Gammarus pseudolimnaeus and changes in their competitive response when exposed simultaneously. Bull, environm. Contam. Toxicol. 21 ; 439-447. PAFFENHOFER, G.A. and R.P. HARRIS. 1979. Laboratory culture of marine holo- zoplankton and its contribution to studies of marine planktonic food webs. Adv. mar. Biol. L6: 211-308. v/ PAGE, H.M. 1979. Relationship between growth, size, molting, and number of antennal segments in Qrchestia traskiana Stimpson (Amphipoda, Talitridae) Crustaceans 37^(3) : 247-252. PATIN, S.A., V.K. D0KH0LYAN, N.S. CHERNYSHEV and A.M. AKHMEDOV. 1978. (Toxicology of some species of fauna from the Caspian Sea and Atlantic Ocean). Proc. All-Union Res. Inst. mar. Fish. Oceanogr. (VNIRO) 134 : 63-74. (In Russian. Deals with Niphargoides ( Pontogaminarus ) maeoticus . Oil products dissolved in water, organochlorides and heavy metals affect certain species of Caspian and Atlantic crustaceans (copepods, amphipods) and fish eggs and larvae. The absorption factors of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and mercury on amphipods are inversely proportional to their concentration in the environment) . PECUEN ' FINENKO , G.A. and L.G. DUBILEVICH. 1978. (Food intake and assimilation by some benthic invertebrates at low temperatures). Biol. Morya. Kiev 46 : 36-43 (In Russian. Invertebrates from the Barents Sea ( Idotea b altica Gammarus oceanicus , SL rongylocentrotus droebachiensis ) have a food intake 0.593 at 8°C which is well approximated by the equation C = 0,199 W * , where C is the amount of food intake in mg dry weight /day and W is the body dry weight in mg. The relative food intake changed with growth, in Gammarus oceanicus from 0.9 to 6.8% of the mean energy equivalent. Food assimilability increased from young to adults for vegetable food but remained practically constant for animal food. (No differences between and . Assimilation tends to decrease with increasing temps.). PERCY, J.A. 1979. Seasonal changes in organic composition and caloric content of an Arctic marine amphipod, Onisimus ( =Boeckisimus ) af finis H.J. Hansen. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 4 0 ; 183-192. s 34 K y >v PESCE, G.L. 1979. A new subterranean crustacean from southern Italy Metahadzia adriatica n. sp., with notes on Hadzia minuta (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) . Bijdr. Dierk. _49: 102-108 ( Metahadzia minuta n. comb.). A PINKSTER, S., and G.S. KARAMAN. 1978. A new blind. Gammarus species from Asia Minor, Gammarus vignai n. sp. (Crustacea, Amphipoda) . Quad. Speleologies, Circ. Speleo, Romano 3: 27-36. POLISHCHUK, V.V. 1978. (Boreal elements in the fauna of the Black Sea basin. Hidrobiol , Zh. 14(7): 14-20. (In Russian). POMEROY, W.M. and C.D. LEVINGS. 1980. Association and feeding relationships between Eogammarus conf ervicolus (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) and benthic algae on Sturgeon and Roberts Banks, Fraser River Estuary. Can. J. Fish, and Aquatic Sci.. _37: 1-10. POORE, G.C.B., and J.D. KUDENOV. 1978. Benthos of the Port of Melbourne: The Yarra River and Hobsons Bay, Victoria. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 29: 141-155. POORE, G.C.B. and J.D. KUDENOV. 1978. Benthos around an outfall of the Werribee sewage-treatment farm, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 29 _ : 157-167. ^ REISH, D.J. and J.L. BARNARD. 1979. Amphipods (Arthropods: Crustacea: Amphipoda). Pp 345-370 in C.W. Hart and S.L.H. Fuller (eds). Pollution, Ecology of Estuarine Invertebrates. Academic Press, New York. RETALLACK, J.T., and H.F. CLIFFORD. 1980. Periodicity of crustaceans in a saline prairie stream of Alberta, Canada. Amer. Midi. Nat. 103: 123-132. RICHARDSON, M.G. and T.M. WHITAKER. 1979. An Antarctic fast-ice food chain: observations on the interaction of the amphipod Pontogeneia antarctica Chevreux with ice-associated microalgae. Br. Antarct. Surv. Bull., ^7: 107-15. ^ RljFFO, S. 1979. (Studies on the Crustacea Amphipoda 89. The genus Cressa in the Mediterranean (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Cressidae) . Bull. Mus. Civ, Stor. Nat. Verona 5^ 555-566 (In Italian. Cressa mediterranea n. sp, and a redescription of cris tata ) . ir RUFFO, S. and U. SCHIECK.E. 1978. (Contribution to the knowledge of the Mediterranean Acanthonotozomatidae) . Bull, tlus. Civ. St. nat. Verona _5: 401-429 (In Italian with German summary. Coboldus nitior and no less than 10 1 phimedia species viz. _I. obesa, I. mjnuta (often considered a Panoplea ) , I. brachygnatha n. sp., j. serratipes n. sp. (includes the Panoplea minuta of Krapp-Schichel 1976), I . vicina n. sp., I. j ugoslavica , _I. quasimodus n. sp. , I_. eblanae , _I. carinata , and I_. gibbula n. sp. Also beautiful scanning pictures of surface structures) . RYER, C.N., J . A. WETMORE and J.L. GOOCH. 1979. An artifical stream design for lotic invertebrates. Am. Midi. Nat. 101 : 447-449. ( Gammarus minus) . SA1AG, B., J.-J. MUSTEL and Y. CROISILLE. 1979. Female-specific protein (vitellogenin and lipovitellins) in Qrches tia gammarella (Crustacea, Amphipoda) : isolation and identification by means of gluteraldehyde- -polymerized antibodies. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 69 B: 285-288. SANDELL, R.D. 1977, Some comments on Victorian landhoppers . Viet. Nat. 94 : 72-74 (Not seen). SANDERS, L.H. 1979. Evolutionary Ecology and Life-History Patterns in the Deep-Sea. Sarsia 64_(l-2) : 1-7. SCAPINI, F. 1978. Effects of immersion on astronomic orientation of the littoral amphipod Talitrus saltator Montagu. Monitore zool. ital. (N.S.) 12: 71-72. SCAPINI, F. 1979. Orientation of Talitrus saltator Montagu (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in fresh, diluted and sea water. Monitore zool. ital. 13 : 71-76. (In sea and brackish water Talitrus orientates towards the shore, in fresh or very dilute sea water towards the sea) . SCHRAM, F. 1979. Manton on Arthropods. Paleobiology Ml): 63-66. [review of Manton's The Arthropoda: Habits, Functional Morphology, and Evolution. Oxford U. Press, 1977.] SHYAMASUNDARI, K. 1979. The alimentary canal of amphipods. Histochemistry of cephalic mucous glands in Talorches tia mor tensii (Crustacea Amphipoda) . Z. mikr.-anat. Forsch. 417-424. SHYAMASUNDARI, K. and K. HANUMANTHA RAO. 1977. Studies on the alimentary canal of amphipods: hepatopancreas . Riv. Wydrobiol. JU): 229-238 ( Talorchestia martensii and Orchestia platensis ) . 36 SMITH, D.F., N.C . BULLEID, R. CAMPBELL, H.W. HIGGINS , F. ROWE, D.J. TRANTER, and H. TRANTER. 1979. Marine Food-Web Analysis: An Experimental Study of Demersal Zooplankton Using Isotopically Labelled Prey Species. Mar. Biol. _54(1) : 49-59. SOARES, C.M.A. 1979. Estudo Ecologica da regiao de Itamaraca, Pernambuco, Brasil. III. Trab. Oceangr. Univ. Fed. Pe. , Recife, 14^ 93-104. STEELE, D.ll. 1979. A new species of Psammonyx (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Lysianassidae) from the northwestern Atlantic. Can. J. Zool. Ji_7 (6) : 1215-1221. ( Psammonyx terranovae n. sp.). STEELE, D.H. 1979. Clinal variation in the morphology of Anonyx nugax (Phipps) (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Bull. Biol. Soc. Washington _3: 41-46. STEELE, D.H. 1979. Zoogeography of the genus Anonyx (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Bull. Biol. Soc. Washington _3: 47-53. STEELE, D.H., and V.J. STEELE. 1978. Some aspects of the biology of Pontoporeia f emorata and Pontoporeia af finis (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in the northwestern Atlantic. Astarte 11: 61-66. STRANGE, C.D., and G.B. GLASS. 1979. The Distribution of Freshwater Gammarids in Northern Ireland. Proc. roy. Irish Acad. j^(ll) ; 145-153. \ STOCK, J.H, 1979. New data on taxonomy and zoogeography of Ingolf iellidae Crustacea. Bijdr. Dierk. 4S: 81-96. (Deals with Ingolf iella (G. ) tabularis , I, (G . ) margaritae n. sp. and 1. (?I.) grandispina n. sp. and 1 . (?L. ) quadridentata n. sp., all from the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean). \ STONER, A.W. 1979. Species-specific predation on amphipod Crustacea by the pinfish Lagod on rhomboides : Mediation by macrophyte standing crop. Mar. Biol. 55: 201-208. STUCK, K.C. 1978. The pelagic amphipods of the Mississippi Gulf Coast and associated areas. Thesis, S. Miss, Univ., 207 pp . (Not seen), TAGATZ, M.E., J.M. IVEY, H.K. LEHMANN, and J.L. OGLESBY. 1979. Effects of Sevin on development of experimental estuarine communities, J. Toxicol. Environm, Health _5: 643-652 (i.a. Corophium acher usicum ) . x TAYLOR, P.R. 1979. An association between an amphipod, Liljeborgia sp., and the hermit crab, Pagurus hemphilli (Benedict). Mar, Behav. Physiol. b_: 185-188. i 37 THOMAS, J.D. 1979. Occurrence of the amphipod Leuco thoides pottsi Shoemaker on the tunicate Ecteinoscidia turbinata Herdman from Big Pine Key, Florida, U.S.A. Crustaceana 37 , 107-109. U THOMAS, J.D., and R.W. HEARD. 1979. A new species, of Cerapus Say, 1817 , (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the northern Gulf of Mexico, with notes on its ecology. Proc, Biol. Soc. Washington 9_2^( 1) : 98-105. [ Cerapus benthophilus n. sp.] TOWNS, D.R. 1979. Composition and zonation of benthic invertebrate communities in a New Zealand Kauri forest stream. Freshw. Biol, 9.: 251-263. TRENT, L.L., R.S. MESTAND, and C.C. CARTER. 1978. Toxicity of sulfuric acid to aquatic plants and organisms. J. aquat. Plant Manage. _16: 40-43. TZVETKOVA, N.L. 1979. Comparative ecological characteristics of amphipods of biocoenoses of shallow waters of the Sea of Japan. XIV Poc. Sc. Congr. Com. F. Sect F2A, 103-104 (Moscow 1979). * TZVETKOVA, N.L. 1978. Dynamics and bioenergetic pecularities of amphipods (Gammaridae) in several epibenthic biocoenoses of the Po.ssjet Bay (Sea of Japan). Pp 101-102 (Russian), 231-232 (English) in A.N. Golikov (ed.), Proc. U . S. S .R.-U. S .A. Symp. Leningrad, 1976. Akad. NAUK SSSR 1978. v* VAN DOLAH, R.F. , D.R. CALDER, D.M. KNOTT, and M.S. MACLIN. 1979. Effects of dredging and unconfined disposal of dredged material on macrobenthic communities in Sewee Bay, South Carolina. S. Carol, mar. Resources Center techn. Kept. (39): 1-54. VAN MAREN, M.J. 1978. Distribution and ecology of Gammarus tigrlnus Sexton, 1939 and some other amphipod Crustacea near Beaufort (North Carolina, U.S.A.). Bijd. Dierk. 4j8(l) : 45-56. VASSILENKO, S.V. 1978. Composition and distribution of caprellids (Caprellidea , Amphipoda), in sublittoral of the Kuril Islands. Pp 55-57 (Russian), 184-186 (English) in A.N. Golikev (ed.). Proc. U.S.S.R. -U.S.A, Symp. Leningrad, 1976. Akad. NAUK SSSR 1978. VINOGRADOVA, N.G. 1979. The geographical distribution of the abyssal and hadal (ultra-abyssal) fauna in relation to the vertical zonation of the ocean. Sarsia 64(1-2): 41-50. 38 WALTER, E.D. 1978. (A case of infection of amphipod Caprella septentriona lis Kroyer by Terranova decipiens (Nemotoda, Ascaridata) . Vestn. Moskov. Univers. Ser. Biol. (1970-3), 12-14 (In Russian). WARWICK, R.M. , I.R. JOINT, and P.J. RADFORD. 1979^ Secondary production of the benthos in an estuarine environment. Pp 429-450 in: Jefferies, R.L. , and A.J. Davy (eds.), 1979, Ecological Processes in Coastal Environments. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. WATERSTON,A.R. , and I.H.J. LYSTER. 1979. The macrofauna of brackish and fresh waters of the Loch Druidibeg National Nature Reserve and its neighbourhood, South Vist. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 77B : 353-376. >< WATLING, L. 1979. Zoogeographic affinities of northeastern North American Gammaridean Amphipoda. Bull. Biol. Soc. Washington 3*: 256-282. WELTON, J.S. 1979. Life history and production of the amphipod Gammarus pulex in a Dorset chalk stream. Freshw. Biol. 9 _: 263-275. * WILDISH, D.J., and R.J. LINCOLN. 1979. Occurrence of Orchestia platensis Kroyer, 1845 ( Amphipoda , Talitridae ) in Britain. Crustaceans 36(2): 199-200. X WILLIAMS, J.A. 1980. The effect of dusk and dawn on the locomotor activity rhythm of Talitrus saltator (Montagu) (Crustacea: Amphipoda). J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol, 42: 285-297. ^ WOLFF, T. 1979, Macrofaunal utilization of plant remains in the deep sea. Sarsia j>4_(l-2) : 117-136, pi. 1-5. YAMAMOTO, T., and Y. IlONMA. 1979. Studies on general maturity in some marine invertebrates, part. 10; sexual characteristics and structure of reproductive organs in a gammarid amphipod Talorchestia brit6 . Ann. Rep. Sade mar. biol. Stn. Niigata Univ. 9 _: 7-18. YEO, R.K., and M.J. RISK. 1979. Intertidal catastrophes: effects of storms and hurricanes on intertidal benthos of the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. _36: 667-669 (i.a. Corophium volutator ) . ZALUCKI, M.P. 1978. Modeling and simulation of the energy flow through root spring, Massachusetts, Ecology 5£(4) : 654-659. [amphipods are considered but no species names are given] . - i 39 ZANDER, C.D. 1979. On the biology and feed of small-sized fish from the North and Baltic Sea areas. II. Investigations of a shallow stony ground off Mhn, Danmark. Ophelia 18^: 179-190 (Gammarids are very important food source) . ZIMMERMAN, R. , R. GIBSON AND J. HARRINGTON. 1979. Herbivory and detritivory among gammaridean amphipods from a Florida seagrass community. Mar. Biol. 54: 41-47. PLEASE POST THE CRUSTACEAN SOCIETY The Crustacean Society, a formal society organized to enhance informa- tion exchange among those interested in the study of any aspect of the biology of Crustacea, was initiated at the American Society of Zoologists’ meeting in Tampa in December, 1979. One of the Society's goals will be the prompt publication of member’s shorter manuscripts dealing with any aspect of crustacean biology. A Council has been established to organize Society activities and has appointed working committees in the following areas: constitution, finance, membership, nominations, programs, and publication. Charter members, those joining in 1980, will vote on a constitution and officers later in 1980, and officers will be installed during our first business meeting to be scheduled during the ASZ meeting in Seattle in December, 1980. The Society will seek to meet with the ASZ at its future meetings, and will sponsor contributed paper sessions, workshops, and symposia dealing with aspects of crustacean biology. The Society hopes to cosponsor the ASZ’s Division of Invertebrate Zoology contributed paper sessions on crustaceans at Seattle, and, if pos- sible, to sponsor a workshop on functional morphology of Crustacea at the Seattle meeting. MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Society is open to anyone interested in Crustacea. There are no prerequisites. Annual membership categories and dues are as follows: Regular, North America $25.00 Regular, other than North America $30.00 Student $12.50 Founding (1980 only) $100.00 Sustaining $100.00 Memberships include subscriptions to the Society’s journal, to be initiated in 1981. Payment should be in U.S. currency only, by check, bank draft in dollars, or international money order. FOUNDING MEMBERS One of the biggest problems facing the Society in its first year is its lack of assets. Recognizing this, the Council has established a special membership category, Founding Member, for 1980 only. Dues for Founding Members will be $100 in 1980, at the regular rate thereafter. The Council urges those who can do so to become Founding Members. CHARTER MEMBERS Please note that Charter Members, ail those joining the Society in 1980, are being asked to support the Society for this year without receiving the Society's journal. Memberships for 1981 and thereafter will include a subscription to the journal. ORGANIZING COUNCIL; DARRYL L FELDER University of Southwestern Louisiana ROBERT H. GORE Smithsonian Inilitulion HORTON H. HOBBS. Ill Wittenberg University RAYMOND B MANNING Smithsonian Institution FREDERICK R. SCHRAM Natural History Museum. San Diego LES WATLING University of Maine ADRIAN M. WENNER University of California, Santa Barbara THOMAS G. WOLCOTT North Carolina Slate University I960 Address: THE CRUSTACEAN SOCIETY c/o R B Manning IZ-NHB-W323 Smithsonian Institution Washington, DC 20560 USA