1 J.OH30 MLL BlSLIOTEKtl AMPHIPOD NEWSLETTER - 5 r January 1975 This issue is again printed and distributed by Zoo-Tax in Lund; all correspondence should, however, be directed to my Tromso address, to avoid unnecessary delays. The postal strike in France caused slight delay in the publication of this issue, bot fortunately both Dr. Charniaux- Cotton and Dr. Roux sent their contributions by express-mail as soon as the strike was over and this has saved the situation. For A.N. 6 I am trying to get an account of the work carried out in Leningrad', as well as further notes on major amphipod collections. Jerry Barnard's essay has been commented on, mostly positively, by a number of colleagues some of whom promised me an official reaction, but the only one actually forthcoming was David Wildish' most interesting and strongly critical open letter, a gaod basis for further discussion. A further point of discussion will be Ed Bousfield's letter in this issue, though I do not expect much open dissent in this case. The standard of the bibliography may be below that in earlier numbers; the main reason for this is that the library of the Institute of Biology at Tromso University has been moved from Tromso Museum to a new building, making it more complicated for me to keep track of a number of journals. I am thus even more than before dependent upon your help . The financial situation is not much changed. Some of us contribute very generously, while many others are apparently , content with parasitizing on those few. No solution has yet been found for our colleagues from eastern European contries, and they will continue to get the Newsletter free. In Japan, Dr. Akira TAN I GU CHI has very kindly offered to act as regional collector for this country during the annual meeting of the Oceanographical Society of Japan this spring, and this seems to be a good idea. Similarly, Les WATLING has offered to coordinate payments for the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico portions of the U.S.A. It would be nice to get similar offers for Canada, western U.S.A. , India, and Australia/ New Zealand. The deadline for the next Newsletter will be as early as 15. may 1975, to avoid further collisions with printers holidays in Sweden. Finally I wish all of you a most happy, healthy and amphipod-rich 1975. Tromso Museum 9000 Tromso January 1975 Wim Vader 2 COMING SYMPOSIUM r d 3 International Colloquium on Gammarus and Niphargus, Meeting of Groundwater Ecologists It is a pleasure for us to inform you, that we have many replies to our circular letters concerning the 3rd International Colloquium on Gammarus and Niphar gus and the Meeting of Groundwater Ecologists, which will be held in conjunction from the 22nd to the 26th of September, 1975 in the Limnologische Fluszstation des Max-Planck-Insti tuts fur Limnologie in Schlitz (near Fulda, BRD) , In order to give you a first impression of the topics which might be expected on the program, we can inform you, that most papers will deal with problems on the ecology, systematics, ethology and physiology of Gammaru s and Niphar, gus ■ Some papers will deal with zoogeography, popula- tion dynamics and production biology. For the meeting of groundwater ecologists it was suggested that papers from natural as well as from artificial biotopes of groundwater organisms should be included in the program. Additional titles on the biology of groundwater organisms are wanted e.g. on Cranqonvx . Hadzia -group and others . Anybody interested in the Symposium who has no>t yet received the circular letters, is requested to write to the organizing committee. If you want to present a paper to the Colloquium or the Meeting, please forward the title to one of the undersigned organizers. S. Husmann (Groundwater) M. Meyering (Gamm. Niph*) Limnologische Fluszstation, D-6407 Schlitz, BRD. In a later circular the organizers give the preliminary program as follows. September 21 : Informal meeting Sept. 22-23: Biology of Gammarus Sept. 24: Systematics of Gammarus and Niphargus . Excursion Sept. 25-26: Groundwater ecology. Specialist discussions. The organizers ask to be sent the titles of your contributions by March 1, 1 975 . ” Please try to offer an original paper, since we plan to publish all papers pre- ii sented to both the Colloquium and the Meeting. (See also John Holsinger's comments on p.15 ) 3 STUDIES ON AMPHIPODS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LYON II (in A.N. 4 prof. Ginet gave an account of the investigations carried out a at the "Laboratoire de Biologie Souterraine. This information is now supplemented by prof. ROUX, who gives a review of the work on Gammarus done by his group . ) Dans notre groupe, les recherches concernant le genre Gammarus peuvent se r£partir selon les trois grandes directions ci-dessous. 1 ) Biogeographie , Systematigue et Ecologie de Gammarus (A . L . ROUX . ) a Groupe pulex : le plus 6tudi6 jusqu'ici. - Repartition g£ographique detainee en essayant de pr£ciser la position systematique des populations par des experiences d ' hybridation au labora- toire ( travaux conduits en coordination et en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de Taxonomie de 1' University d' Amsterdam, £quipe du Profess- eur Stock) . - Action de la temperature sur la croissance et la reproduction . Etude comparative de 1 ' inf luence des temperatures stables et des temperatures fluctuantes; (par rapport au developement obtenu A >un niveau thermique constant (10° C), les fluctuations de temperature autour de ce dernier (entre 5°C et 10°C) se traduisent par une acceleration du cycle d'inter- mue) . - Etude preiiminaire sur G. pulex pour determiner les seuils de toxicite de certains elements polluants (elevation du seuils en fonction de 1 '-elevation ide temperature) . (Coll . G. LAMURE) . b Gammarus lacustris : biogeographie dans les Alpes francaises. c Gammarus roeseli et Echinogammarus berilloni : 1 1 invasion progressive du bassin du Rh6ne par ces deux especes est suivie depuis plusieurs annees . 2) Ecophysiologie : Metabolisme Respiratoire de Gammarus pulex Gammarus fossarum et Gammarus pacustris (C. ROUX) . - Comparaison des courbes metabolisme/temperature des 3 especes placees dans des conditions experimentales differentes: eau calme ou agitee, avec ou sans substrat. Les variations observers peuvent etre mises en parallele avec la repartition ecologique et geographique des especes concernees . 3) Comportement sexuel de Gammarus pulex et G. fossarum . (J. DU CRUET, W.HAMMOUD) - Mise en evidence des facteurs regissant l'isolement ethologique inter- specifique et correlativement la reconnaissance specifique pour chaque espece. Les resultats obtenus jusqu'ici laissent penser que les males 4 de terminer aient les caracteristiques des femelles par 1* intermediaire d'une on plusieurs pheromones de contact emises par celles-ci. Les recherches actuelles s'orientent dans deux directions: Etude biochimique de 1' urine et des secretions t^gumentaires en fonc- tion du sexe et du cycle d'intermue. L' etude porte plus particulierement sur les lipides. Etude du determinisme de 1* apparition de la ou des pheromones. Relations existants entre 1' attraction sexuelle, 1' exuviation et la vitellogen^se (Utilisation d'hormones de synthese; leurs effets chez les Gammarus ) . AM PH I POD SEXUALITY AND REPRODUCTION A report on the investigations carried out at the Laboratoire de Sexuality et Reproduction des Invert6br6s, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Tour 32, 4 place Jussieu, 75230 PARIS, Cedex 05, FRANCE and the Laboratoire de G£n4tique evolutive et de Biom£trie^91 190 GIF sur YVETTE ^ FRANCE I - Ovarian Function In Orchestia gammarellus , ovogenesis has two stages (CHARNIAUX-COTTON 1973) - Previtellogenesis, which is the entry of the gonies into meiotic pro- pose as they leave the germinative zone, followed by the first growth of the ovocytes . - Vitellogenesis, beginning in the ovocytes at the end of first growth; it starts with the intermolt cycle and ends before ecdysis (during the reproduction period) . It has been possible, using colchicine, to demonstrate ovigenous mitoses in the germinative zone of the ovaries in Orchestia gammarellus boiih during the time of genital repose (winter) and during the period of sexual acti- vity. Vitellogenesis seems to stop in winter, and first growth of the ovo- cytes seems to be slowed (SOYEZ 1974). New data on f olliculogenesis have been obtained (CHARNIAUX-COTTON 1974) The follicle of the ovocyte in vitellogenesis develops from permanent ovarian tissue. Folliculogenesis takes place only at the beginning of intermolt, probably under the control of ovocytes already in vitellogenesis. After treatment with bisulfan, ovogonies are no longer seen, but the number of follicular cells is undiminished , demonstrating that a mitotic wave is absent in these cells. Juvenile hormone and androgenic hormone block vitellogenesis, but only during f olliculogenesis . II - Vitellogenesis and Intermolt When females in vitellogenesis are given ecdysterone at staae B n-r r 5 the molting phenomena are triggered, exactly as in males and in sexually inactive females, but the cycle becomes blocked at some point in stage D. In this way, therefore, vitellogenesis can run its normal course of 23 days. However, in pubescent females treated several hours after ecdysis (stage A) , vitellogenesis does not occur and the pre- molting phenomena follow rapidly. There is no blocking at stage D. The ovocytes grow from 100, to 25 0 )J charging with PAS-positive material), and then stop developing. Foliiculogenesis is incomplete. Thus, a low ecdysterone level after ecdysis could function as a trigger for vitello- genesis (BLANCHET 8c C HA RNIAUX- COTTON 1971; BLANCHET 1972). Removal of the Y-organs stops both molting and vitellogenesis in females. The ovocytes stay blocked at their pre-operative stage for at least thirty days, which suggests that the Y-organs are essential to the process of vitellogenesis (BLANCHET, unpublished). Ill- The 11 Female Specific Protein” or Vitellogenic Protein in Orchestia gammarellus The presence of a specific protein fraction in the hemolymph of repro- ducing females of 0. gammarellus was first announced by MEUSY, C HA RNIAUX ~ COTTON and CROISILLE in 1969. MEUSY (1972) demonstrated the immunoche- mical identity of this protein fraction with the main protein component of the yolk. Female specific protein enters the ovocytes during vitello- genesis. Its site of synthesis has not yet been found, but appears to be extra-ovarian . Female specific protein appears in the hemolymph of young females in 0. gammarellus from the 7th or 8th intermolt. After the appearance of this fraction, one or two intermolts generally occur before the first vitellogenesis and laying of eggs (JUNERA 1973/1974) (Thesis, 3rd Cycle) A comparative study has been made of female specific protein in the hemolymph and in the ovary, using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (JUNERA, MEUSY and CROISILLE 1974). Electrophoresis of hemolymph , and of homogenates of ovaries in vitellogenesis , shows three specific bands, designated a, b and c. Bands b and c are also given by hemolymph of isolated females that have not laid (in 0. gammarellus , mating is necessary for laying) ; the constituents b and c probably enter the hemolymph from the yolk in the course of resorption of the ovocytes. The synthesis of female specific protein at various stages of inter- molt has been studied in reproducing females (that had laid or had been prevented from doing so) by injection of tritiated leucine and QiihQpmipn t (ii^r el ectroDhoresis of the hemolvmDh. Incorporation in the 6 constituent a was very scant immediately following ecdysis (stages A and B) , but increased markedly at the begunning of stage C and remained substantial to the end of intermolt. Radioactivity of the constituent b was consistently very low for both incubation periods tried (6 hours and 11 hours). Constituent c was not studied, (its Rf was very close to that of bands common to both sexes) . Female specific protein synthesis does not occur in females during the period of sexual repose (MEUSY, JUNERA and CROISILLE 1974). IV- Ultrastructure of the Ovocyte in Orchestia gammarellus The following processes have been observed in the ovocyte of 0. gammarellus (ZERBIB 1973) 1. Development of the granular endoplasmic reticulum to form, first flattened cisternae, then vesicles of ergastoplasm which spread through- out the ooplasm; during previtellogenesis and the beginning of vitello- genesis, marked synthetic activity in the endoplasmic reticulum. 2. Considerable expansion of the peri-ovocyte space, formation of microvillosities (at the end of first growth) and later ovocyte macro- villosities which interpenetrate among the follicular cells (at the beginning of second growth) , 3. During vi tellogenesis , micropinocytosis of extra-ovocyte substance into the ovocyte, transport deep into the cell by means of microcanali- culi storage as yolk granules and lipid globules. Information on the chemical composition of the yolk has been obtained. The ergastoplasmic vesicles contain essentially protein. The yolk granules are lipoglycocarotenoprotein , and represent part or all of the female protein fraction of the hemolymph. The lipid globules are trigly- ceride . V- Study of ovarian metabolism in Orchestia gammarellus BERREUR-BONNENFANT and MEUSY (1972) showed a depressive action of androgenic hormone in the proteinic metabolism in the ovary. (They are now working on the mechanism of this inhibition using electrophoresis. VI - Chemical study of hormonal factors secreted by androgenic glands of Crustacea (BERREUR-BONNENFANT and MEUSY for Biology and FEREZOU , DEVYS and BARBIER for Chemistry 1973) 7 The study of proteinic metabolism in the ovary allowed them to realize a test of the activity of the androgenic glands .This test is used io se- parate and to identify hormonal factors produced by the androgenic glands . VII- Experimental study of evolution and activity of testicular germinative zone in Orchestia gammarellus (BERREUR-BONNENFANT and CARRE-LECUYER 1971) Several techniques (graft and ablation of organs , organotypic culture) are used to study evolution and activity of testis before sexual dif f erentiation and in adult. SEX-DETERMINATION t MONOGENY AND INTERSEXUALITY (GIN SBURGER- VOGEL ) The sex-ratio abnormalities (monogeny phenomena) and intersexuality in Orchestia gammarellus and Orchestia montagui have been studied. Mating experiments realized from some populations showed the presence of two monogeny phenomena; one is temperature-sensitive and related to in ter sexuality . These phenomena are explained by an inversion, total or incomplete, of the sexual phenotype of genetic males, giving females or inter- sexes. Now the factors responsible or these inversion are being investigated by injection of organs extracts and cytological methods. On the other hand, the influence of these factors on the sexual physio- logy of males and females is studied. LI3TE DES PUBLICATIONS BERREUR-BONNENFANT, J., et CARRE-LECUYER, M.C., 1971.- Etude exp£ri- mentale du f onctionnement de la zone germinative testiculaire d ' Orchestia gammarella f ( P . ) . C.R. Soc . Biol . , 1 69 ( 3 ) : 45 8 -46 0 . BERREUR-BONNENFANT, J r , et MEUSY, J.J., 1 972.- Effet inhibiteur des broyats de glandes androgenes sur 1 1 incorporation in vitro de leucine triti£e par les ovaires d 1 Orchestia gammarella P., Crustac£ Amphipode. C.R. Acad . Sci . , 275 : 1641-1644. BERREUR-BONNENFANT, J., MEUSY, J.J., FEREZOU , J.P., DEVYS , M. , QUESNEAU- THIERRY , A., et BARBIER , M. 1973.- Recherches sur la s£cr£tion de la glande androgene des Crustaces Malacostraces : purifica- tion d'une substance A activity androgene. C.R. Acad . Sci . , r\n n . r\n -i c\1 A BLANCHET, M.F., et CHARNIAUX-COTTON , H. f 1971- Contrdle du d£clenche- ment et de la dur£e de la p£riode D du cycle de l'intermue par 1 ' ecdysterone , chez le Crustace Amphipode Orchestia gammarella (Pallas); interaction avec la vitellogen^se . C . R . Acad, Sci. t 27 2: 307-310. BLANCHET, M.F., 1972.- Effets sur la mue et sur la vitellogenese de la ecdysone introduite aux etapes A et D du cycle d'intermue chez Orchestia gammarella Pallas (Crustace Amphipode) . Comparai- son avec les effets de la p et de 1 1 - ecdysone aux autres etapes de l'intermue. C.R. Acad. Sci . t 274 : 3015-3018. CHARNIAUX-COTTON, H. , 1973.- Description et contrdle de l'ovogenese chez les Crustaces superieurs . Ann, Biol. Animale, Biochem. Biophys . , 1 3 : 21-30. CHARNIAUX-COTTON , H. ( 1974.- Donnies nouvelles concernant la vitello- genese des Crustaces Malacostraces obtenues chez l'Amphipode Orchestia gammarellus (Pallas): f olliculogenese a partir d'un tissu permanent; action du busulfan; action inhibi trice de 1 ' hormone juvenile. C.R. Acad . Sci . , 27 9 : 563-566. GINSBURGER-VOGEL , T., 1973.- Determination genetique du sexe, monogenie et intersexualit^ chez Orchestia gammarella (Crustace' Amphipode Talitridae ) . Thhse d'Etat , Paris. JUNERA , H. , 1973.- Recherches sur l' apparition de la "fraction protei- que femelle dans 1 ' hemolymphe et les modalites de l'etablisse- ment de la puberte chez les femelles d 1 Orchestia gammarella Pallas (Crustace" Amphipode). C.R. Acad. Sci . , 277 : 121 3-1 216 . JUNERA, H. , MEUSY, J.J., et CROISILLE, Y., 1974.- Etude comparee de la ’’fraction proteique femelle" dans 1 ’ hemolymphe et dans 1 ' ovaire du Crustace Amphipode Orchestia gammarella Pallas par electrophorese en gel de polyacrylamide. C.R. Acad. Sci . , 27 8 : 655-658. JUNERA, H, , 1974.- La fraction proteique femelle du Crustace’ Amphipode Orchestia gammarellus (Pallas): ses variations au cours du developpement , sa synthese chez les femelles puberes et apres inversion experimentale du sexe. Th£se 3e cycle . Paris 9 MEUSY, J.J., CHARNIAUX-COTTON , H., CROISILLE, Y. f 1969.- Etude par electrophorese chez Orchestia gammarella (Pallas) et Qrchestia mediterranea Costa (crustaces Amphipodes) des proteines de 1 1 hemolymphe : comparaison entre les m&les, les femelles et les intersexes. C . R . Acad . Sci . t 269 : 741-743. MEUSY, J.J., 1972.- La gametogenese et la fraction proteique de 1 ' hemolymphe specif ique du sexe femelle chez quelques Crustaces superieurs: etude descriptive et r&le des glandes androgenes. These d'Etat , Paris . MEUSY, J.J., JUNERA, H. , et CROISILLE, Y. , 1974.- Donnees sur la synthese de la fraction proteique femelle chez Orchestia gammarella Pallas (Crustace Amphipode) , au cours de l'intermue et chez les femelles en repos sexuel . C. R. Acad. Sci . , 279: 5 87-5 90. SOYEZ , D. , 1974.- Etude comparee de l'activite previtelloge'netique pendant les saisons de repos genital et d'activite sexuelle chez le Crustace' Amphipode Qrchestia gammarellus (Pallas). C.R.Acad. Sci . , 278 : 1867-70. ZERBIB , C. , 1973.- Contribution a 1 1 etude ultrastructurale de 1 ' ovocyte chez le Crustacd Amphipode Qrchestia gammarella Pallas. C.R. Acad. Sci , 277 :: 1 209-1213. (As most of the scientific publications of this group have been in French and thus of somewhat limited access to- many* of ' :our English- speaking colleagues, it is especially gratifying that Dr. H6l£ne Charniaux-Cotton and her group have taken the trouble to prepare this essay in English) . H. CHARNIAUX- COTTON 10 TRANSLATIONS OF AMPHIPOD PAPERS Oncer this heading there is a single contribution this time. I should very much wish that those colleagues having at hand translations of some of the great Russian monographs, or e.g. of prof. Ruf f o ' s long series of Italian papers, would send a note about this to the Newsletter, as language- problems are a great stumblingblock especially for those of us working at smaller institutions, where the possibilities for translation often are few and the costs prohibitive. Recent translations of Russian papers Richard SHILLAKER The following Russian papers have been recently translated and are now being held by the British Library Lending Division (British Library, Boston Spa, Wetherby, Yorkshire LS 23 7 BQ) . PYATAKOVA, G.M., 1973. (Some data on the multiplication and fertility of Caspian amphipods) . Zool. Zhurn, 5_2: 685-688. GREZE , 1. 1., 1 973. (Feeding of amphipods in the Black Sea). Trofologiya Vodnykh Zhivotnykh, Moskva: 183-205. GREZE, 1. 1., 1963. (Feeding of the amphipod Dexamine spinosa (Mont.) in the Black Sea. Trudy Sevastopol biol. Stn 1 6 : 224-240 . GREZE, 1. 1., 1965. (Feeding habitats of Gammarellus carinatus (Rathke) in the Black Sea). Zool. Zhurn. 44: 855-882. GREZE ( 1. 1., 1971. (A comparative study of similar and closely related species of Amphipoda in the Mediterranean and Black Seas . ) Eksped . issled. v sreditzemnon more v mac, lyule. Kiev 1970. KARPEVICH, A., 1946. (Food consumption by Pontogammarus maeoticus of the Caspian Sea). Zool. Zhurn 26 : 517-522. OSADCHIKH, V., 1973. (Yearly and seasonal changes in the number of Corophiidae in the North Caspian Sea.) Trudy Ves . N.-I. Inst. Morsk. Ryb . Khoz . I Ocean 80: 104-128. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION etc. Population fluctuations I now have four years of data on population fluctuations in five species of haustoriids and one lysianassid, members of coastal sand communities m northern New England. These base-line studies should serve to increase our knowledge of the coastal ecosystem, and provide data that are remark- ably rare for invertebrate species. I would like to hear from colleagues concerning this subject, especially those with data from habitats with well-known histories, and well-tested sampling design. Robert A . CROKER Assistance in solving a technical problem concerning Librarie Jean Hansen All colleagues who plan to order books or off-prints from the booksellers Librairie Jean Hansen, 101, rue du Croissant, B- 1060 Brussel, Belgia, can help us. Since February 1972 we have a credit with this antiquarian, which he refuses to refund to us in currency; the amount at the moment is Dm 170.- When you have ordered and received a book from Jean Hansen, please do not pay but ask them to deduct the amount of the invoice from our credit. Instead, send the money to Dr. Krapp , Zool . Forschungsinsti- tutt und Museum A. Koenig, Adenauerallee 150-164, BRD. Thank you very much . Traudl KRAPP-SCHICKEL (We should be able to help to solve this queer problem, which originally arose because the book-shop, after an invoice inadvertently had been paid in DM instead of Belgian francs, refused to pay back the difference and instead wrote out a credit-note. W.V.) POLLUTIONS SURVEYS AND THE PROBLEMS OF ROUTINE IDENTIFICATIONS. (An open letter) David WILDISH I read with great interest the letter of Jerry Barnard in AN-4. In discussion of the problem of routine identifications, he ably puts the point of view of ’'classical taxonomists" . My purpose here is to present an alternate view of this same problem, from my perspective as an "applied biologist" working on environmental problems in estua- ries . The analysis of natural assemblages of plants and animals using species numbers, individual numbers and biomass (community analysis) is one method available for detection and quantification of man-made environ- mental change. It is one many scientific techniques, from a wide spectrum of classical disciplines, available for this purpose, and is particularly suitable where chemically complex effluents, such as pulp and sewage pollution are involved. An identif ication strategy for this purpose should be: A. Rapid B. Reproducible C. Computer compatible D. Information content be high E. Information redundancy, with respect to the collection purpose, be low. Strategies available are summarized in Table 1 and indicate relative merits of each method for pollution indication purposes. The method of Cairns et al . (1968) developed for identifying freshwater macroben- thos simply demands the recognition of dissimilar types from indivi- duals pairs randomly removed from the sample. This data generates an index (sequential comparison index or SCI) related to species diver- sity. Table 1 . Comparison of taxonomic strategem used for identifying benthos as a. pollution indicator (1= best; 3= worst case). Characteristic E Source A B C D Time Space " Conventional" taxonomy 3131 13 Cairns et al . 1968 1213 31 Wildish and Phillips 1974 2112 11 Reproducibility of the SCI depends on the ability to repeat it with replicate samples from the same station at the same time. For one observer the method is reasonably reproducible; less so between different observers. The method does not rely on conventional f^Ynnnmu 13 so forfeits additional information potential, such as published work on ecology, and rapidly becomes redundant in time because it is not reproducible in the classical taxonomic sense. As a compromise of the extreme points of view represented by conventio- nal taxonomy and the SCI, it has been suggested (Wildish and Phillips 1974) that provisionally dissimilar taxa be given a computer compa- tible number on a card index file card. The file cards can then be used directly for community analysis. Conventional taxonomic names are added (or subtracted) to a master list of number and types as available from experts based on representative material transmitted to them in small, usable quanta. One of the difficulties faced by non-experts in determining their own material (as suggested by Barnard) is the practical one of using keys, generally based on evolutionary systematics, and designed to demonstrate natural relationships (by comparative mor- phology, homology, etc.). Using a key of this kind one needs to deter- mine homologous structures between species and symmetry of individuals, an often time-consuming and irrelevant activity in the pollution indi- cation context. Another difficulty for non-experts is that of obtaining type specimens to check identif ications . A phenetic taxonomy relying on measurements or counts (and not on homologies or evolutionary systematic conventions) should be developed and may speed up the identification process for non-experts. In Canada various private agencies , as well as government sponsored groups (Canadian Oceanographic Identification Centre, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0M8 ; Environment Canada, Identif ication Centre, Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B. EOG 2X0) now undertake to sort and identify collections, obtained for a variety of reasons including for pollution indication purposes . In the future they may play an increasingly more important role and should be able to attract the founds to do so. References Cairns, J., et al . 1968. J.Wat. Pollut. Contr. Fed. 40: 1607. Wildish, D.J., and R.L. Phillips. 1974. Fish. Res. Board Can. Tech. Rep. 45 0, 31 pp. 14 NEWS FROM COLLEAGUES Nicolas J. ALOUF: Je travaille maintenant sur la systematique des Echino- gammarus du Liban. Ed L. BOUSFIELD : I am currently revising the Haustorioidea and Gammaroidea (see elsewhere in this Newsletter) and would much value any assi- stance in obtaining hard-to-get literature, and representative study material to check important characters that have often been overlooked in original descriptions. I would appeal to amphipod systematists to include descriptions of the condition and location of gills and brood plates, where possible, in primary diagnoses and descriptions . Robert A. CROKER: For the past seven years, my students and I at New Hampshire have studied intertidal and nearshore subtidal sand communities in northern New England, communities in which haustoriids and lysianassids play an important role (numbers and biomass) . We have published on cumaceans (Canad. J. Zool . 5_1_(10), 197 3), a summary paper on sand-burrowing amphipods is in press, and contri- butions on individual species (life cycles, food and feeding, sea- sonal distribution, tolerances etc.) will follow (Richard HAGER and Jonn SCOTT) . We are also examining amphipod population fluctuations and sand community structure over the long-term, and now have four years of data at contrasting habitats. Ah intensive study of geographic variation in western Atlantic populations of the circum-Atlantic Gammarus oceanicus was completed earlier this year. Work also continues on the talitrid, Orchestia platensis , by Manaf BEHBEHANI from Kuwait. John R. HOLSINGER: I am currently working on Part II of my three-part revision of the systematics of the subterranean amphipod genus Stygobromus (Gammaridae) . Since early June I have completed prelimi- nary drawings and descriptions of 1 3 species (12 new ones) and hope to finish about 10 more by the end of 1974. Part II will contain descriptions of approximately 24 new species and redescriptions of two other species, all from the Appalachian region of the U.S.A. My work is being supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. During late July and early August, Dr. David C. CULVER (Dept, of Biological Sciences, Northwestern Univ., Evanston) and I visited 27 caves in southwestern Virginia and eastern Tennessee in search of amphipods and other cavernicolous invertebrates. We had a profitable trip. 15 I now have three graduate students working in my laboratory on amphipod and isopod research. Steven HETRICK in finishing up a master's thesis on some genetic aspects of Gammarus minus . In addition to looking at chromosome numbers, he has used electrophoresi to determine genetic differences, if any, between cave and spring populations and between different spring populations separated by potential dispersal barriers. His results indicate greater diffe- rences between isolated spring populations than between populations in caves and spring that are not isolated by physical barriers. Gary DICKSON has recently started an ecological study of Crangonyx antennatus , a very common species in the caves of the Powell River Valley in southwestern Virginia and eastern Tennessee. His thesis will be concerned with finding differences in morphology and size between stream and drip-pool populations and a comparison of the population dynamics of populations from different kinds of cave habitats. James ESTES is planning to do an ecological study of the cavernicolous isopod Lirceus usdagalun in Lee County, Virginia by comparing size and frequency distributions and dynamics of popula- tions in three different cave streams. During the present academic year (Sept. 1974- May 1975), Estes will also be working as my assistant on the S tygobromus study. I read with great interest Dr. Jerry L. Barnard's "some thoughts about the future for amphipod taxonomy" in the last issue of the Newsletter . Especially germane was the section on "the problem of routine identifications...," an area in which I find myself faced with approximately the same problems as Jerry. The idea of sub- mitting a collective letter to a widely read journal like Science is a good one, and I, for one, would be willing to participate in such an effort . I am looking forward to attending the 3rd International Colloquium on Gammarus and Niphargus and the Meeting of Groundwater Ecologists in Schlitz in September 1975. This will be an excellent opportunity for me to see many of my European friends again and also to meet some new ones. During the meeting, I would like to have an informal discussion on the systematic and zoogeographic problems of the Crangonyx and Hadzia groups. I would be willing to lead such a discussion and would like to have some specific thoughts as to what we might profitably discuss. 16 Donald McLUSKY: Although not now working primarily on amphipods, I still see many Corophium in the course of more general studies on the Forth . Les WATLING: You might wish to consider using your regional "collectors*' as a Board of Correspondents . By this means, the correspondents could contact investigators in their region and put together a short hnews" section. This would especially help to publicize the work of graduate students. For an example of this approach, see recent issues of the journal "Micropaleontology" . (Comments much appreciated. And could someone in the U.S.A. kindly keep on eye on "Dissertation Abstracts" for the Newsletter ? W.V.) Renate WEIGMANN: At present I am working on the Hyperiidea of the diffe- rent Meteor expeditions in the upwelling region off the coast of Northwest Africa (between Cap Blanc and Cap Timiris). I am interested on the taxonomy, on the vertical and horizontal distribution. Kenneth A. KIMBALL: Since September, 1973, I've had a job concerning zooplankton research in the New England area; my employer is Normandeau Associates, Inc., here in New Hampshire. I'm still working on my thesis on Caribbean hyperiids part-time, and hope to finish it by mid- 1975. Larry McKINNEY: I am presently engaged in my doctoral work on the zoo- geography and taxonomy of benthic gammarid amphipods of the eastern coast of the Gulf of Mexoco, Eric L. MILLS: From July 1 1974, I'll spend my sabbatical leave at Corpus Chris ti College and the Dept of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge. My aim is to finish work on T.R.R. Stebbing by completing a bibliography, which should be submitted for publication within a year. Principally , however, I plan on beginning a biography and bibliography of Canon Alfred Merle Norman, who was very influential in invertebrate zoology during the last half of the 19 th century in Br i tain, Norman 1 s books are at Cambridge, and some of his letters and all his collections are at the British Museum. I haven't been doing much work on amphipods recently. In 1970 I collected in Antarctica and late last year in Labrador. The soft- bottom benthos from these areas has been my main interest, and I have been developing some ideas about the relationship between primary production, epifaunal and infaunal feeding, and organic aarbon in the sediments. Epifauna appears to be important -in 17 controlling the carbon reaching the sediments and thus control the biomass of infauna animals. H.G. PIE PER & W. TEICHMANN have started theses on Gammarus fossarum and G. pul ex in the Gammarus -group of Meertinus Meyering . They work primarily with ecophysiological problems. Traudl KRAPP-SCHICKEL : I have just finished a manuscript on "Different sensibilities in numerical methods of community-analysis" (Marine- biological Institute, Wien, 61 pp , 11 figs), and should like to discuss this topic with colleagues working on the same type of problems. To give an idea of my approach, a summary of the paper is given here. "The aim of this paper is to guide the biologist in the selection of statistical methods suitable for the treatment of data concerning communi ty-analysis . Apart from presenting the pure results of sampling- where one encounters already different proce- dures in botany and zoology- there are many ways of comparison of samples and sample-groups . The choice of method is determined by the special problem, the need to demonstrate qualitative or quantitative differences, and the time available for a field survey or a labora- tory test. Having compared a series of sample pairs, there are various proce- dures available for sorting and interpreting the results. Indepen- dent of the method of comparison any procedure could be chosen, the decision li$s between simple time-saving and more reliable time- consuming methods. It is up to the investigator to judge the most adequate way in each special case. Important procedures are dis- cussed in detail" . ADVANCE CONSULTATION IN AMPHIPOD SYSTEMATICS. Ed BOUSEIELD (The following contribution is built up from letters received from Ed Bousfield, with his permission. He planned to write a separate note on the subject, but this has not arrived here in time for in- clusion in this issue) . from letter Oct. 24, 1974 I am also hoping to stimulate a system of "advance consul tation" by all potential authors of higher taxa. In this system, an author would send a first draft manuscript to at least three taxonomists specializing in the particular family group, requesting their opinion on the validity and logic of the proposals. The author 18 would emend his paper accordingly and submit to the editor his manus- cript accompanied by his colleagues ' commentary . This would avoid the ” fait accompli” type paper that takes little or no regard of the opinions of important workers in the field, leading to an unstable literature. By pooling brainpower resources in advance of publica- tion, most workers in the group would find the results acceptable, and science would advance more surely. I would appreciate your comments on these matters. (This letter came together with a manuscript revision of the Haustorioidea , encompassing the following family groups: Pontoporeiidae , Urothoidae, Haustoriidae , Platyischnopidae and Phoxocephalidae) . (How Bousfield's proposal is meant to function in practice, is best illustrated by a letter sent with an outline of a proposed revision of the Gammaridae s.l. Nov. 24 . 1974 ). Dear Colleague: Under separate cover I have sent to you for critical analysis and commentary a copy of a first-draft outline of a proposed revision of gammaroidean amphipods (Gammaridae sens. lat.). This revision is a more complete taxonomic breakdown of the group initiated in the New England amphipod guide book (1973), at the implied request of several major workers (e.g. Holsinger 1974; Karaman 1974 (review), and corres- pondence) . Whereas colleagues are generally prepared to accept the need for realistic taxonomic refinement of this large, unwieldy, and polyphy- letic group, no two workers are likely to have the same concept of its phytogeny or proper taxonomic treatment. To my knowledge, no other group of animals (let alone arthropods) of this size and eury- topicity is restricted to a single family concept, or remains at such a primitive and unsophisticated level of taxonomic refinement. The task of doing so is a formidable one, perhaps realistically beyond the successful capabilities of any one worker. The present draft outline (characterization of family and subgroups are in ” skeleton” form only) is based largely on literature analysis of the 800 plus species and 175 genera (to 1974 ), and examination of re- presentative material of about 50 of the genera. In deriving the present systematic concepts, I have relied mainly on characters of coxal gills, sternal gills, and brood plates, supplemented by those of mouthparts , gnathopods , uropods , telson, etc., more usually used in taxonomic treatment at family and/or superfamily levels. Because of Imitations in material, literature, and time available, the concepts are of uneven quality, and errors and omissions are acknow- ledged. It is my belief, however, that the overall basis for this revision is sound, and more realistically attempts to recognize the evolutionary history of this rather remarkable group of aquatic arthropods that has occurred during the past 300 (plus) million years, during which continents have come together and broken apart, and virtually every freshwater and marine habitat has been penetrated at one time or other, directly or convergently , by various morpho- types within the group. I am therefore submitting to you and other major workers this outline proposal, imperfect as it is, in order to 1 . obtain a concensus on publishable acceptability of a revision of this nature, and 2. if acceptable, to request your assistance in correcting, emending , refining, and "fleshing out" the details necessary to preparation of a final-draft, publishable scientific contribution . On point 2, I am especially in need of assistance in ascertaining the form and occurrence of gills and brood plates from material in your possession, or material that you would be willing to lend to me for the purpose, since the literature is surprisingly limited in treatment of these characters. In some instances I have been forced to surmise these characters on the basis of what is known or has been personally noted in obviously related species or genera, and may be in error. Presence or absence of gills and brood plates as taxonomic characters must be interpreted intelligently. As they pertain to the respiratory physiology and life cycles of these animals, these characters wouTd ordinarily be considered of primary taxonomic importance. However, within component units of eurytopic groups such as the Talitroidea that occupy a range of different habitats from marine through fresh-water to terrestrial, or that "cline" from production of large number of small eggs to a few very large eggs per brood, a corresponding change in condition and number of gills and brood plates may be observed. The overall marked sta- bility of these characters across the 60 plus recognized gammaridean families, however, is perhaps the strongest justification for their use as ’a primary tool in working out a phylogenetic classification, via the Henning-Brundin "cladistic* approach. Your commentary and assistance in refining these concepts would therefore be gratefully received and acknowledged . In another letter to me Bousfield comments: "Reaction to my suggestion concerning advance circulation of major taxonomic reviews to selec- ted maior workers has been generally well received. 20 I believe a note in the Newsletter on this subject would be useful and would keep other pricers better informed of important work in press, and thereby tend to. reduce duplication of effort. Surely the scientific information contained in a paper is its primary value; who does the work (all other factors equal) is secondary in in- portance. By pooling our brainpower in the taxonomy of this complex and difficult group of animals, the major decisions are likely to be more sound, and give much greater stability to the literature than results from the present" every man for himself" methodology/ LIST OF AMPHIPOD WORKERS (THIRD SUPPLEMENT) Corrections and changes of address 48. Tony Fincham < New address : 100 Manselton Road, Swansea SA 5 8 PJ Glamorgan, Wales, UK 175 Akira Taniguchi^ New address ; Laboratory of Oceanography, Faculty of Agriculture. Tohoku University, Sendai 980, Japan 121 Eric L. Mills , Temporary address (until June 1975). c/o Corpus Cristi College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge , England . 93. Kenneth A. Kimball, New address Mt . William Pond, R.F.D. 2, Box 71 , Weare, N.H. 03281 , U.S.A. New subscribers 236 Manaf Behbehani Dept of Zoology, Univ . of New Hampshire, Spaulding Building, Durham , N.H 03824, U.S.A. 237 Bror Forsman Styrmansgata 4, S- 38100 Kalmar, Sverige 238 Richard P. Hager, Division of Natural Sciences, Stockton State College, Pomona , N.J. 08240, U.S.A. 239 Richard W. Heard, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, P.0. Box AG, Ocean Springs , Mississippi 39564, U.S.A. 240 Kowalevsky, Institute of Biology of the South Seas, Academy of Sciences UKSSR, 2. Nahimov Str. , Sevastopol ^ USSR 241 Larry McKinney, Biology Dept, Texas A.&M. University, College Station Texas 77843, U.S.A. 242 The Library, Rosenstiel School of Marine/Atmospheric Sciences, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami ,Fa 33149, U.S.A. 243 Physical Sciences Library, 3450 University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3G , Canada. H.G.Pieper, Limnologische Fluszstation , 6407 Schlitz , Deutschland (BRD) 244 21 245 K.John Scott, Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, RFD Adams Point, Durham, NH 03824, U.S.A. 246 W. Teichmann, Limnologische Eluszs tation , 6407 Schlit z , Deutschland (BRD) BIBLIOGRAPHY As I noted in the introduction library facilities at our Museum are now not as good as before, and I am therefore more than ever grateful for references and reprints (to be sent to Tromso, not to Lund), I have again had invaluable and regular help from Claude de Broyer and Jan Stock, and also Thomas Ginsburger-Vogel and Iraida Greze have sent references. It may be of interest to tell about Stock's technique of helping me: he simply copies up his index cards (10 cards per sheet) four times a year and sends a copy to me. Wish more of you did this. A most valuable contribution to the bibliography has furthermore been given by Richard Shillaker, who sent me 3 references to important unpublished papeis on the genus Corophium . viz . ANDRES, H.E., 1970. Zur Biologie und Okologie des Amphipoden Corophium volutator Pallas (Corophiidae) . Diplom Arbeit (Biologie), Hamburg, 71 pp . INGLE, R.W., 1969. The crustacean amphipod genus Corophium Latreille} a morphological and taxonomic study. Ph. D. thesis, University of Reading, U.K. (with a wealth of references) NOBLE, W. , 1962. Studies on the life cycle and habitat requirements of the amphipod Corophium volutator Pallas. Unpublis- hed Honours Thesis, University of Aberdeen, U.K. To this I may ; immodestly, add: VADER, W. 8c C. CHRISTOPHERSEN , 1972. (An illustrated key to the genus Corophium in Scandinavia, with data on distribution and ecology of the species). Unpublished manuscript, in Norwegian. Papers in press will no longer. be included in tjoe bibliography, as many of you have supported Diana Laubitz opposal of this practice. I hope you still send notice of your papers in press to me, however, for the" gossip-column” Of the forthcoming and just published books mentioned in A.N. 3 and 4, I have now some more information about Dr. Jankowski's book, most kindly furnished by the author himself in a letter. An English review of the book, by Dr. Jifi Lorn, has also appeared in Folia Parasito- logia 20, 1974, p 292. The correct reference to the book is: JANKOWSKI, A . W , 1973. Subclass Chonotricha. In series: Fauna of the USSR, Ciliophora, vol. II. fasc. 1 (New series 1 03 : 1-356, 200 figures 22 in text, 3 schemes, 312 references (Publishing house "Nauka" , Leningrad) . "The book appeared April 197 3", Jankowski writes,’! and March 1974 formed the basis for my doctoral dissertation. The amphipod part is really too large for abstracting. In short, a number of gammaridean, cyamidean and talitrid amphipods were examined for "chonos", and many were found (No chonos were found on the many caprellids and hyperiids examined) . Many new genera and species were described from amphipods, and they show both great host- specificity and occur only on specific parts of their host. Multiple infections on single host specimens occur, e.g. on the common Murmansk amphipods Gammarus setosus and Marmcgammarus obtusatus . There are 3 faunas of amphipod/chonotrich complexes: 1 ’'European" (characterized by spring Heliochonidae on Gammarus and Marino - gammarus ) 2 . "Baikal" ( characterized by an explosion of Spirochoni- dae, with endemic genera, on endemic Gammaridae, and 3. "Pacific" (Characterized mainly by the primitive Lobochonidae , and marine Spirochonidae , on Anisogammarus , throughout its range, and on many littoral (not on supralittoral) talitridsj (this part of the monograph is published separately, and now in the press). Cosmopolition elements are the 3 genera of cyamid chonos , and 1 genus on Cheluridae (now being restudied) . The extreme host and site specificity, which is caused by the pro- found trophont adoptation in the chonos, is of use in host taxonomy an 1 zoogeography. As an example can be mentioned, that the Ampithoe on the Murmansk coast bear only exogemmine chonos (of the genus Heliochona , on the gills) , while the morphologically very similar Ampithoe troughout the North Pacific only bear endogemmine chonos (of the genera Isochona , Trichochona , on the pieo.n setae, or marsu- piate chonos). Both populations were here identified as Ampithoe rubricata , but this I can not believe to be true. The very extensive chono-material collected made it feasible ,f or the first time, to trace their interrelations , to restore their phylo- gram and to compare this with the phylogram of the Crustacea. As a result, I categorically oppose the Californian hypothesis of the origin of the chonos on the Phyllocarida and the parallel evolution with their host during the evolution of the Malacostraca . I believe J.L.JMohr inverted the chono stem-tree, of which then only fragments were knowi*i. I firmly believe, and have many data to support this, 23 that the chonos appeared quite recently on the Amphipoda , which limits their possible geological age from the 300.10^ years proposed by Mohr to 65-70.10^ years. The most primitive genus known, the exogemmine Oenophorachona , appeared from the hypostome ciliate genus Dystenia on the pleopods of Anisogammarus in the North Pacific. The chonos of phyllocarids all belong to the higher marsupiate genera; they appear to be in a period of secondary active divergence. From the Amphipoda the chonos migrated independently to various group of other hosts , even including cetacean copepod parasites, and algae. Meanwhile, their active divergence on amphipods continues . The book is a complete zoological monograph of the group, with a review of all available chonotrich literature. Its abbreviated "Conspectus" (in English, near 150 typewritten pages) was sent to Adrien Batisse in Paris summer 1973, for possible inclusion in a ciliate volume of the Traits de Zoologie" . i> Dr. John H0LSINGER 1 si 972-bobk The freshwater amphipod crustaceans (Gammaridae) of North America” (see A.N. 2,p. 38) has proved very difficult to get in Europe. It has to be ordered, and paid "beforehand , from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Goverment Printing office. The manual presents analytical and illustrated keys to the species (but no diagnoses of the species) and data on type locality, ecology and distribution (with maps). Eight genera are included, i.e. Gamma rus (with 9 species), Crangonyx (,18) , Synurella (4) Apocrango - nyx (6), Stygonectes (29), Stygobromus ( 1 0 ) , Bactrurus (3), and Allocrangonyx (2). A further Crangonyx species, C. serratus , is added in a later issued sheet of Errata, as follows: 16. Crangonyx serratus . 1 6 , Crangonyx serratus . Crangonyx serratus (Embody, 1911). Type Locality: Spring-fed railroad pond, about 1.5 miles north of Ashland, Hanover Co., Virginia. This relatively large species is easdly distinguished by the deeply serrate posterior margins of the bases of pergopods 5-7 and the pro- portionately long telson which is deeply cleft and bears both apical and dorsal spines. Its range extends from Washington, D.C. south along the Coastal Plain t:> northern Florida. An undescribed but closely related species overlaps in part with C. serratus at the extreme south end of the range and is recorded from Clinch Co. , Georgia and Duval and Jefferson cos., Florida. C. serratus is an 24 inhabitant of small, permanent bodies of water, e.g., pond, streams and drainage ditches. Sexually mature males, 8.0 to 11.0 mm; sexually mature females, 10.0 to 16.0 mm. Ovigerous females are recorded from November to June, with an apparent peak during winter and early spring; juveniles occur during summer and fall. Life cycle of about one year. Depending on size, ovigerous females brood from 42 to 168 eggs per clutch and newly hatched young measure 2.0 mm. This species is often associated with Synurella chamberlaini , Crangonyx richmon - densis s. lat. and Crangonyx spp . ( gracilis group); it is occasio- nally found with Gammarus fasciatus and Crangonyx shoemakeri . EMBODY, G.C, 1911. A new fresh-water amphipod from Virginia, with some notes on its biology, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 38: 299-305. Last minute additions New subscribers : 247. Sidney S. SLOCUM, Dept of Zoology, Univ . of North Carolina, Chapel Hill , N.C. 27514, U.S.A. 248. N. Zealand Oceanographic Institute, D.S.I.R., P.0 Box 8009, Wellington New Zealand. Bibliography DENIEL, C., 1974. Regime' alimentair a des jeunes turbots Scophthalmus maximus L. de la classe o' dar s leur milieh naturel Cah. Biol. mar. j_5: 551 -5 66 (' Immediately after settlement, young turbots feed mainly on small Crustaceans of the infralittoral fauna: amphipods and mysidaceans. Amphipods are gradually replaced by Mysidacea, then by shrimps and small fish') H0ARE , R. 8c K HISCOCk, 1974. An ecological survey of the rocky coast adjacent to a bromine extraction works. Estuar. coast, mar. Sci . 2 : 329-348 ( Echinoderms , Polyzoa and Amphipoda seemed particularly sensitive, together with the delicate epiphytic red algae) . MORRIS, B.F. 8c D . D . MOGELBERG , 1973. Identification manual to the pelagic Sargassum fauna. Bermuda biol , Stn Research, Spec. Publ . 1_1_ : 1-64. (not seen) N00DT, W. , 1974. Anpassung an inter stitiellen Bedingungen : ein Faktor in der Evolution hoherer Taxa der Crustacea? Faun.- okol . Mitt., Kiel 4 : 445 -45 2. 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY X ANDERSON, R. STEWART 8c Linda G. RAASVELDT , 1974. Gammarus predation and the possible effects of Gammarus and Chaoborus feeding on the zooplankton composition in some small lakes and ponds in western Canada. - Can. Wildl . Serv^Occas. Pap. 18: 1-23. ARTHUR, J.W., A . E . LEMKE et al . , 1974. Toxicity of sodium ni trilotriacetate (NTA) to the fathead minnow and an amphipod in soft water. Water Res. _8: 187-193. (not seen. The amphipod is Gammarus pseudo- limnaeus ) . BARNARD, J.L., 1974. Evolutionary patterns in gammaridean Amphipoda. Crustaceana R7: 137-147. (Called by its author " a strawman from a taxonomist" this important paper contains an overview over Barnard’s ideas concerning classification and phylogenetic relationship in the Gammaridea) . BOWMAN, Th . E . , 1974. The "sea-flea" Dolobrotus mardeni n. gen. n. sp . , a deep- water american lobster bait scavenger (Amphipoda: Eusiridae) . Proc. biol . Soc. Wash. jf7: 1 29-1 38. BRYAZGIN , V.P., 1974. (A contribution to the fauna of Gammaridea (Amphipoda) in the Barentz Sea). Zool . Zhurn . 53 : 1417-1420. (In Russian, with English summary. Describes Acanthonotozoma rusanovae sp.n. and Arrhis phillonyx (sic) arcticus ssp . n . , Goesia is considered to be a synonym of Protomedeia ) BRYAZGIN, V.F., 1974. (Species of the family Lysianassidae (Amphipoda, Gamma- ridea) first recorded from the Barents Sea). Zool. Zh. 5 3 : 1570-1574. (In Russian, with English summary. Figures and descriptions of Aristias topsenti , Hippomedon propinguus petschori - cus ssp.n. and Menigrates maslovi sp.n.) BURT, M.D.B. 8c T.M. SANDEMAN , 1974. The biology of Bothrimonus (= Diplocotyle ) ( Pseudophyllidea : Cestoda) : detailed morphology and fine structure. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 31 : 147-153. CAINE, E.A., 1974. Comparative functional morphology of feeding in three species of caprellids (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from the northwestern Florida Gulf coast. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol . 1 5 : 81-96. (The 3 species are: Caprella penantis , feeding primarily by filter-feeding and scraping, Paracaprella tenuis , feeding by filter- feeding, scraping, scavenging and predation, and Luconacia incerta, depending almost entirely on predatory habits) CANARIS , A . G , 8c A . H . 0GAMB0, 1973. Parasites and food habits of a littoral- feeding lizard ( Ablepharus , Scincidae) . Cop£ia (1973): 345-346. (The food consisted for 53.2% of gammarids) . 26 CANTIN, M., J. BEDARD & H. MILNE, 1974. The food and feeding of Common eiders in the St. Lawrence estuary in summer. Can. J. Zool . 5 _ 2 : 319-334. ( Gammarus oceanicus was one of the main food items) CASABIANCA, M.L. de , A. KIENER 8c H. HUV£ , 1974. Biotopes et biocenoses des etangs saumcttres Corses: Biguglia, Diana, Urbino , Palo. Vie Milieu _23 C : 1 87-227 (Amph. on p. 223). COLEMAN, R.W. , 1973. Notes on the biology of four species of Crustacea from southern Quebec, Canada. ■ Abstr. Papers submitted to t h 36 ann. Meeting Amer. Soc. Lirnnol . Oceanogr . (The species concerned are Gammarus fasciatus . G. pseudolimnaeus , G. tigrinus and Hyalella az teca ) . COLEMAN, R.W. , 1973. Certain Crustacea of the environs of Halifax, Nova t h Scotia, Canada. Abstr. Papers submitted to 36 ann. Meeting Amer. Soc. Lirnnol. Oceanogr. (On Calliopius laeviusculus , Gammarus duebeni , G. oceanicus , G. setosus , G. tigrinus , Hyale nilssoni , Marinogammarus f inmarchicus , M. obtusatus and Orchestia gammarellus ) COOK, D.G. 8c M.G. JOHNSON, 1974. Benthic macroinvertebrates of the St. Law- rence Great Lakes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. _31_: 763-782. ( Pontoporeia affinis dominating species) . COOPER, R.D., 1974. Preliminary diagnoses of three new amphipod species from Wellington Harbour. N.Z. J. mar. Freshw. Res. _8: 239-241 . ( 1 Urothoe and 2 Paraphoxus spp . ) COOPER, R.D. 8c A. A. FINCHAM, 1974. New species, of Haus toriidae , Phoxocephali- dae and Oedicerotidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Auckland and Stewart Island^ New Zealand. Rec. Dominion Mus . , Wellington _8: 158-179 (not seen). DAHL, E. , 1972. The Norwegian Sea deep water fauna and its derivation. Ambio, Spec. Rep. 2 : 19-24. (Erik Dahl illustrates his zoogeographic remarks on the high degree of isolation of this fauna with examples from the Amphipoda, viz. the family Pardalisci- dae and the genera Harpinia , Ischyrocerus and Tmetonyx) . DAHL, E., 1973. Presumed chemosensory hairs in talitrid amphipods (Crustacea). Entom. scand. 4: 171-180. DENNERT, H.G., 1974. Tolerance differences and interspecific competition in three members of the amphipod genus Gammarus . Bijdr. Dierk. 44: 83-99 \ DESBRUYARES , D. , A. GUILLE 8c J. RAMOS, 1974. Bionomic benthique du plateau continental de la cbte catalane espagnole. Vie Milieu 23 B (197 2-73) : 335- 363. 27 ERCOLINI , A. & F. SCAPINI , 197 4. Sun compass and shore slope in the orienta- tion of littoral amphipods ( Talitrus saltator .Montagu) Monit. zool. ital. (N.S.) _8: 85-115. (" Orientation to slope is one of the mechanisms that permit Amphipods to maintain their habitat and definitely does not exclude either a solar or lunar mechanism nor any other possible methods of orientation. Slope is certainly a coadjuvant factor in correct solar orientation. During overcast days, and/or moonless nights, slope is probably one of the essential factors" ) FINCHAM, A. A., 1974. Intertidal sand-dwelling peracarid fauna of Stewart Island. N.Z. J, mar. Freshw. Res. _8: 1-14. (Cumacea was the most abundant group, followed by Amphipoda, Isopoda, and Tanaidacea. Frequency of occurrence at the 19 stations was headed by Amph. (100%). The three families Oedicerotidae , Phoxocephalidae and Talitridae comprised over 80% of the amphipods/ GOEDMAKERS , A., 1974. Les Gammarid£s ( Crus t aces , Amphipodes) du Massif Central. Bull -zool. Mus . Univ . Adam. _3: 21 1-21 9. GRAF, F., 1974. Presence de racines centriolaires dans 1' epithelium des caecums post^rieursd ' Orchestia (Crustac£, Amphipode) . C.r. Acad. Sci. Paris 278 D: 2939-2942. GRAF, F., 1974. Quelques aspects du m£tabolisme du calcium chez les Crustac6s. Pp. 13-22/n: Physiologie compar6e des ^changes calci- ques . SIMEP- Editions, Paris. GRIFFITHS, C.L., 1974. The Amphipoda of Southern Africa. 4. The Gammaridea and Caprellidea of the Cape Province East of Cape Agulhas. Annl S. Afr. Mus. 65: 251-336. (New taxa: Dikwa (Aganthonotozoma- tidae) , D. acrania , Ampelisca acris, Colomastix keiskama, Concholes - tes armatus , N eomicrodeutopus nyala , Cunicus (Haustoriidae) , C. pro- fundus , Urothoe platypoda , Parajassa chikoa , Liljeborgiji palmata, Listriella sinuosa , Lepidepecreum twalae , Uristes sulcus , West- woodilla manta , and Parametopa grandimana . Also Stomacontion priono - plax is figured, and diagnoses are given for a large number of species, as usual in this most welcome series of papers). HETRICK, S.W., 1974. Genetic studies of cave and spring populations of the freshwater amphipod crustacean Gammarus minus Say. Virginia J. Sci. _25: 64 (Abstract only). HINZ, W.& T. DANNEEL, 1974. Vorkommen von Niphargus a# aguilex Schiodte (Amphipoda) in Oberf lachengewassern bei Dusseldorf. Natur u. Heimat (Munster ) 34: 7-11. HIROTA, J. , 1974. Quantitative natural history of Pleurobrachia bachei in La Jolla bight. Fish. Bull. 7_2: 295-335 (With data on the associated amphipod Hyperoche mediterranea ) . 28 HOLSINGER, J.R., 1974. Zoogeography of the subterranean amphipod crustaceans (Gammaridae, Hadzia-group ) of the Greater Caribean basin. Virginia J.Sci. _25: 64 (Abstract only). HOLSINGER, J.R., 1974. Comments on the newly proposed gammaridean amphipod families Crangonycidae and Melitidae. Crustaceana 26: 316-318. HURLEY, D.E., 1973. An annotated list of fossils attributed to the Crustacea Amphipoda, Rec . NZ oceanogr. Inst. J_: 211-217 (not seen) . HUSSON, R. , P. GRAF, J.P. HENRY, G. MAGNIEZ & C. MARVILLET, 1973. Les recher- ches biospeologiques poursuivies au laboratoire de biologie animate et generate de la faculte des sciences de Dijon. Pp. 113-133 in: Livre de cinquantenaire de Inst. Sp6ol . "Emile Racovitza" , Bucuresti (Amph. on pp. 114-116). IN GOLFS SON , A., 1974. ( Orchestia gammarella (Pallas) (Amphipoda: Talitridae) recorded from Iceland) . Natturufraedingurinn 43 : 170-174 (In Icelandic with English summary. Identif ication checked by W . V . ) ITO, S., Y. HONMA & H. KAKIM0T0, 1972 (?). (A preliminary report of the amphipod fauna in the waters around Sado Island). Proc . japan. Soc. syst. Zool . (1972-8): 21-28 (in Japanese with English summary) . JAZDZEWSKI , K . , 1973. Ecology of gammarids in the Bay of Puck. Oilcos , Suppl . J_5: 121-126. JUST, J. , 1974. On Palaeogammarus Zaddach, 18£4, with a description of a new species from western Baltic amber (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Crangony- cidae). Steenstrupia _3 : 93-99. KAN EVA -A BAD I EVA , V., 1973. (The amphipod fauna of the biocenosis in algal encrustments off the Bulgarian Black Sea coast). Proc. Inst. Oceanogr. Fish. Varna 1 2 : 87-95 (In Bulgarian with English summary. Deals with the amphipod fauna of Cystoseira barbata ^ KA RAMAN , G.S., 1974. Revision of the family Pardaliscidae with diagnosis of genera, distribution of species and bibliography (43. Contribution to the Knowledge of the Amphipoda) . Acta Adriatica J_5_(7): 1-46. ( A revision mainly based on the literature. Two new genera are erected, Caleidoscopsis ( type species Pardaliscopsis ? copal , further species P.? tikal ) and Rhynohalicella (monotypic, type species Halicella halona ) . Pardisynopia is merged into Halice , and all species of Halicoides (with the possible exception of its type-species, H. anomalus ) are removed to Halice . Diagnoses of, and a key to, the genera are provided. The paper is not illustrated). 29 KA RAMAN , G.S., 1974. 57. Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda. Genus Metohia Abs. in Yugoslavia and its relation to the genera Typhlogammarus Schaf . and Accubogammarus n. gen. Pol joprivreda i Sumarstvo, Titograd 20 : 43 - 57 . ( Metohia Absolon and its only species. M. carinata , are redescribed. Accubogammarus n. gen. is erected for Typhlogammarus algor G. Karaman, 1973, leaving also Typhl ogammarus with a single species, T. mrazelci ) KARAMAN, G.S., 1974. 58. Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda. Genus Synurella Wrzes . in Yugoslavia with remarks on its all World known species, their synonymy, bibliography and distribution (fam. t j Gammaridae) . Pol joprivreda i Sumarstvo, Titograd 20: 49-60. (The genus Diasynurella is considered synonymous with Synurella . New taxon: S. intermedia montenigrina n. ssp.) KARAMAN, G.S. & E. TIBALDI , 1973. Some new Echinogammarus species (Amphipoda Gammaridae) from Italy. Memorie Mus . Civ. Stor. Nat. Verona 20 (1972): 325-344. KEISER , R.K. 8c D.V. ALDRICH, 1973. A gradient apparatus for the study of salinity preference of small benthic and free swimming organisms. Contr. mar. Sci. Univ. Texas V7: 153-162. KITITSYNA, L . A . 8c M.L. PIDGAIKO, 1974. (Production of Pontogammarus robus- toides Grimm in Reservoir- Cooller of the Kurakhovian State Regional Electric Power Station^ Hidrobiol . Zhurn. 10(4): 30-37 (In Russian, with English summary). KOSLUCHER, D.G. 8c G. Wayne MARSHALL, 1973. Pood habits of some benthic in- vertebrates in a northern cool-deser.t stream (Deep Creek, Curlew Valley, Idaho-Utah) . Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. 92 : 441-452. (i.a. Gammarus lacustris and Hyalella azteca , both classi- fied as herbivores) . KOVALCHUK, T.V., 1974. (On ecology of Pontogammarus crassus (G.O.Sars) in the Kiev Water Storage Basin). Hidrobiol. Zhurn 10(3) : 82-84 (in Russian). LAUBITZ, D.R. 8c G.S. LEWBEL , 1974. A new species of caprellid (Crustacea: Amphipoda) associated with gorgonian octocorals. Can. J. Zool . 5^2: 5 49-551 ( Caprella gorgonia from southern Cali- fornia) . LINCOLN, R.J. 8c D.E. HURLEY, 1974. Scutocyamus parvus , a new genus and species of whalelouse (Amphipoda: Cyamidae) ectoparasitic on the North Atlantic white-beaked dolphin. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool) _27: 59-64, PI. 1. LINCOLN, R.J. 8c D.E. HURLEY, 1974. Catalogue of the Whale-lice (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Cyamidae) in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History). Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool) 27: 65-7 2 (not seen). 30 LOWRY, J.K., 1974. A new species of the amphipod Biancolina from the Sargasso Sea. Trans, am. micr. Soc. _93: 71-78 (not seen). MAREN, M.J. van, 1974. Repartition et ecologie d’Amphipodes (surtout Gamma- rid£s)dans le bassin et l'estuaire de la riviere de Dourduff (Bretagne), Bull, zool . Mus . Univ. Adam _3: 189-209 (not seen). MATEUS, A., 1974. Description d'une nouvelle espece d * Echinogammarus (Arnphipoda , Gammaridae) du Portugal. Publgs Inst. Zool. "Augusto Nobre" 1 23 : 1-32. ( E. villaticus n . sp . , closely related to E. aguilifer ) . MEYERING, M.P.D., 1974. Quantitative Untersuchungen zur Drift und Aufwander- ung von Gammarus fossarum Koch in einem Mittelgebirgsbach. Verb. Ges . Okol . , Saefbrucken (1973): 143-147. MIL0VID0VA, N.Yu., 1974. (Oil effect on some coastal crustaceans of the Black Sea). Hidrobiol . Zhurn, 1 0 (4): 96-100. (in Russian, Deals with La. Gammarus olivii ). PEARCY , W.G. & J.W. AMBLER, 1974. Food habits of deep-sea macrourid fishes off the Oregon coast. Deep- Sea Res. 21 : 745 - 759 . PINKSTER, S j . , 1973. On members of the presumed Baikal -genus Eulimno gammarus (Crustacea- Arnphipoda) in Western Europe. Verh. intern. Verein . Limnol . j_ 8 : 1498-1504 (not seen). RABINDRANATH, P. , 1974. Eurystheus dubius nom. nov. pro E . anomalus Rabin- dranath 1971, preocc. (Arnphipoda, Isaeidae) . Crustaceana 27 : 112. RUFF0, S., 1974. (Studies on amphipod crustaceans 75. The genus Synurella Wrzesn. in Anatolia, description of a new species, and a reevalua- tion of Lyurella hyrcana Dersh. (Crustacea Arnphipoda Gammaridae)). Memorie Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Verona _20 (1972): 389-404 (In Italian, with English summary. First records of Synurella in Anatolia: S . ambulans and S. osellai n . sp . , Lyurella hyrcana Derzhavin, 1939, an overlooked taxon, is redescribed on material from Iran: the genus Lyurella is likely to be synonymous with Synurella ) . RYGG , B. , 1974. Identif ication of juvenile Baltic gammarids (Crustacea, Arnphipoda). Ann. zool. fenn. 1 1 : 216-219(A most useful paper, enabling ecologists to identify juvenile specimens of Gammarus duebenii , G. locusta , G. oceanicus , G. salinus and G. zaddachi ) . SIVAPRAKASAM, T.E., 1972(9). The organisation and classification of Amphipod Crustacea Proc. zool. Soc. Calcutta 25_: 69-81 (not seen) STOCK, J..H. , 1973. Freshwater and brackish water populations in one species of amphipod, Gammarus duebenii . Verh. intern. Verein. Limnol. 18: 1495-1497. 31 STOCK, J.H., 1974. Redescription de 1 ' amphipode hypog£ Niphargus puteanus (Koch in Panzer, 1 836), bas£e sur du materiel topotypique. Bijdr, Dierk. 44: 73-82, PI. 1. STOCK, J.H., 1974. The systematics of certain Ponton Caspian Gammaridae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) . Mitt. Hamburg. Zool . Mus . Inst. 7_0: 75-95 (A key to, and revised diagnoses of, the genera of the Dikerogammarus - Pontogammarus complex is provided. Type species are indicated for all units, and all described species are listed. New taxa: Obesogammarus (type species: Gammarus obesus , 7(?9) further species), 0 . turcarum , Wolgagammarus (monotypic, type species S teno gammarus dz jubani ) , Compactogammarus (monotypic , type species Niphargoides compactus ) , Uroniphargoides (monotypic, type-species Niphargoides spinicaudatus ) , and Paraniphargoides (type-species Niphargoides motasi , 1(2) further species). SUTCLIFFE, D.W. , 1974. On Gammarus from fresh waters in the islands of Orkney and Shetland. Crustaceana _27: 109-111 ( G. duebeni and G. lacustris ) . TAMURA, H. & K. KOSEKI , 1974. Population study on a terrestrial amphipod, Orchestia platensis japonica (Tattersall ) , in a temperate forest. Jap. J. Ecol . 24: 123-139. THORP, V.J. & P.S. LAKE, 1974. Toxicity bioassays of cadmium on selected freshwater invertebrates and the interaction of cadmium and zinc on the freshwater shrimp Paratya tasmaniensis Rich. Austr. J. mar. Freshw. Res. £5j 97-104. (The amphipod Austrochil - tonia subtenuis was the most sensitive species among those tested, with a 96 hr. median lethal concentration, of 0.04 mg/l) . VADER, W. , 1974. ( Photis reinhardi in the Netherlands). Levende Nat. 77. : 93-96 (In Dutch, with English summary). VINOGRADOV, G.A., 1973. (The functioning of osmoregulatory systems in fresh- water amphipods in water of different salinity) . Ekologiya _3:75-84 (In Russian, not seen). VINOGRADOV, G . A . & V.P. DROBYSHEV, 1973. (Some parameters of osmoregulations and breathing in the freshwater amphipod Gammaracanthus lacustris Sars in the process of salt-water acclimatization) . Dokl . Akad. Nauk SSSR 213 :956-958 (in Russian, not seen. English summary in Aq. Sci. Fish. Abstr. 4 (7 )y p. 66), WILDISH, D.J. & R.L. PHILLIPS, 1974. An identif ication strategem for benthos collected to assess marine and estuarine plankton. Fish. Res. Bd Can. Techn. Rep. 450 : 1-36. (see Wildish " open letter" on p. IX ) 32 Bibliography II ACHUTHANKUTTY, C.T., K.K.C. NAIR & K.S. PURUSHAN , 1973. A shoal of sergestid shrimp Acetes in association with a swarm of gammarid amphipods in the south-west coast of India. Curr. Sci. 42: 840 (not seen). BEL LAN -SANT IN I , D. & M. LEDOYER, 1974. Gammariens ( Crustacea-Amphipoda ) des Ules Kerguelen et Crozet. Tethys 5. (1973): 635-708. (An important paper, with descriptions and illustrations of many species. New taxa : Eusirus tridentatus (This is E. antarcticus sensu Bellan-Santini , 1972, from Terre Adelie, The real E. antarcticus is illustrated in the present paper) , Gondogeneia spinicoxa , Schraderia acr il cauda . Li I jeborgia kerguelenensis , Acontiostoma acutibasalis (an intermediate species between Acontiostoma and Stomacontion ) , Orchomene morbihanensis , Pseudonesimoides (Lys-ianassidae)^ P. cornuti - labris , Stegophippsiella ( Stegocephalidae) , S . pacis , Mesoproboloides spinosus , Antaf egson antennatum and A. rostra turn ) BRUN , B. & D. DUMAY, 1974. Differences de regime alimentaire entre deux especes marines de Gammares du groupe locust a (Amphipodes) . Crustaceana 27: 255-258 ( G. crinicornis and G. subtypicus from localities near Marseille) . CHARNIAUX-COTTON , H., 1974. Donnies nouvefles concernant la vitellog£n£se des Crustaces Malacos traces obtenues chez l'amphipode Qrchestia gammarellus (Pallas); f olliculogenese A partir d'un tissu permanent; action du bisulfan; action inhibitrice de l'hormone juvenile C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 27_9 D: 563-566. CHILDRESS, J.J. 8c M. NYGAARD , 1974. Chemical composition and buoyancy of midwater Crustaceans as function of depth of occurrence off Southern California. Mar. Biol. 27: 225-238. (includes 3 amphipods, viz. Phronima sedentaria , Hyperia galba and Paracallisoma coecus . The lastnamed species is lighter than seawater even at pressures up to 1000 psi, and may "have to swim to stay down"). DAHL, E., 1973. Ecological range of Baltic and North Sea species. Oikos , Suppl . 15 ; 85-90 (The question whether the low diversity in the ecosystems of the Baltic, in comparison with those of the North Sea and the Transition Area, is to some extent compensated for by a widening of the ecological range of those euryhaline species which from the North Sea penetrate into the Baltic, is posed and discussed with the Amphipoda as an example) . 33 DAHL, E., 1973. Antennal sensory hairs in talitrid amphipods (Crustacea). Sensory hairs from antennulae and antennae of the two species, Orc-hestia platensis and Talorchestia deshayesii , were studied by means of light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy) Acta Zool . 5_4; 161-171, DENNERT, H.G. 8c M.J. van MAREN , 1974. Further observations on the migra- tion of Gamrnarus zaddachi Sexton (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in a French stream. Bull. Zool. Mus . Univ . Adam _3: 157-167. ("A raise in the Cl” concentration of the medium caused a significant it improvement of the survival -rate) . GILIAROV, M.S., 0.1. LAGIDZE , S.I. LEVUSHKIN 8c D. A. TALIKADZE , 1974. (The first species of soil inhabiting gammarid belonging to the genus Niphargus (Amphipoda, Crustacea)). (In Russian, not seen. N. talikadzei sp.n.). GIRISCH, H.B., J.C. DIELEMAN, G.W. PETERSEN 8c S. PINKSTER, 1974. The migration of two sympatric gammarid species in a French estuary. Bydr. Dierk. 44: 239-273 ( G. zaddachi and G . chevreu- xi in the estuary of the river Dourduf f , Bretagne). GRAY, J.S., 1974. Animal-sediment relationships. Oceanogr. mar. Biol. ann. Rev. j_2: 223-261 (An important review paper). GREZE, 1,1. f 1974. (On some general rules in the production of mass species of amphipods in the Black Sea). Biol. Morja, "Naukova Dymka" Kiev J32: 5 3-66, ( In Russian. The author has tried to draw some general conclusion from her material on the reproduction of 10 mass species of amphipods in the Black Sea. Reproduction most active in spring and autumn. A correlation exists between water temperature and duration of oogenesis and embryogenesis . The propor- tions of d($ and ^ is about equal in the period of intense repro- duction in spring. During the rest of the year the females always outnumber the males in the populations. The most productive species of the 10 investigated were the species of the genus Gamrnarus s.l.). (Please note that this translation, made in Tromso, is most unautho- rized . W . V . ) GULLIKSEN, B., 1974. Marine investigations at Jan Mayen in 1972. Kong, norske Vidensk . Selsk. Mus., Miscellanea 29: 1-46 (Amphipods pp 24-25. More details in a forthcoming paper by W.Vader). 34 HOPPENHEIT , M. , 1973. Effects on fecundity and fertility of single sub- lethal x-irradiation of Gammarus duebeni females. Ini* Atomic Energy Agency Proc. Ser. , IAEA- SM 1 3 8 (29): 479-486 (not seen) . JARVEKULG , A., 1973. Distribution and ecology of local populations of benthic glacial relicts. Oikos , Suppl. 13 : 91-97. (i.a. Pontoporeia af finis and P. femorata ) . JOSEPH, M.M. , 1974. Tidal rhythm in the feeding activity of the intertidal amphipod Hyale hawaiensis (Dana). Proc. Ind. natn Sci . Acad. B _38: 456-461 (not seen). KACHALOVA, 0., 1974. (Peculiarities of species composition of bottom fauna in the southern part of the Gulf of Riga) . Pp . 244-257 in: Biology of the Baltic Sea 1_ , Acad. Sci. Latvian SSR, Inst. Biol. Riga, (in Russian, not seen) KACHALOVA, 0. 8c G . LAGZDIJJfT, 1974. (Organisms of the bottom fauna in the southern part of the Gulf of Riga]. Pp 25 8-302 in: Biology of the Baltic- Sea 1_» Acad. Sci. Latvian SSR, Inst. Biol. Riga (in Russian, not seen). MARY, R.F. 8c G. KRISHNAN, 1974. On the nature and role of protein consti- tuents of the cuticle of crustaceans in relation to permeability of the cuticle. Mar. Biol. 25: 299-310. MERGAULT, F. 8c H. CHARN I AUX— COTTON 1973. Fecondation et premieres Stapes du developpement chez le Crustac6 Amphipode Orchestia gammarella. Bull. Soc. bot . Fr. M6ms 1973. Coll. Morphologie: 117- 1 26 . MEUSY, J.J., H. JUNERA 8c Y. CROISILLE, 1974. Donndes sur le synthese de la fraction proteique femelle chez Orchestia gammarella Pallas (Crustac6 Amphipode), au cours de 1 1 intermue et chez les femelles en repos sexuel. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 27 9 D, 5 87-5 90. M0N0D, Th. , 1973. Sur quelques Crustaces de Nouvelle-Caledonie * Cah. Pacif. V7: 1-23 (not s.een,i .a. (?) Metaurotella sandalensis ) . MOORE, I.A. 8c J.W. MOORE, 1974. Food of shorthorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus scorpius , in the Cumberland Sound area of Baffin Island. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. _31_: 355-35 9 (Shorthorn sculpins captured from June to October 1972 in Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island, fed almost exclusively on the planktonic amphipods Pseudalibrotus glacialis and Parathemisto libellula . Fish from a neighbouring fjord, on the other hand, ate mainly benthic molluscs.) MORAND, C., 1974. Contribution a 1 ' etude taxonomique de Niphargus . Note preliminaire a 1' etude de la croissance compar£e de 2 populations de Niphargus longicaudatus rhenorhodanensis (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) . Crustaceana 27 : 249-254. MYERS,, A. A., 1974. A first record of the genus Pseudomegamphopus Myers (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from the indo-west Pacific with a redescription of P. jassopsis (K.H. Barnard) comb, nov . Trans, roy. Soc . S.Afr. 4_1_: 195-202 (not seen). Csec ; RAKUSA-SUSZCZEWSKI , S. & H. DOMINAS , 1974. Chemical composition of the antarctic Amphipoda Paramoera walker i Stebbing and chromatographic analysis of its lipids. Polsk. Arch. Hydrobiol. _21_: 261 -268 . RUFFO, S., 1974. (Studies on Crustacea Amphipoda 77 . New interstitial amphipods from the coast of south Africa^ Atti 1st. Veneto Scienz. Lett. Art. 1 32 : 399-419. (in Italian, not seen). SCHROEDER, W.W., 1974. Collecting and handling zooplankton and epibenthic organisms underwater. , J. mar. Technol . Soc. _8: 40-46 (not seen) . SHYAMASUNDARI , K. & K . Hanumantha RAO, 1974. The occurrence of mucous glands in the appendages of Talorchestia martensii (Weber) and Qrchestia platensis Kroyer (Crustacea, Amphipoda) . Curr. Sci. 43:122-123 (not seen). SKET , B., 1974. Niphargus stygius (Schiodte) (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) die Neubeschreibung des Generotypus , Variabili tat , Verbreitung und Biologie der Art. I. Biol, vestn. (Ljubljana) _22: 91 -103. SOYEZ , D. , 1974. Etude compar£e de l'activit£ pr£vitellog6n6tique pendant les saisons de repos genital et d 1 activity sexuelle chez le Crustac£ Amphipode Qrchestia gammarellus (Pallas). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 278 D: 1867-1870. SPENCER, L.T., 1974- Parasitism of Gammarus lacustris (Crustacea: Amphipoda) by Polymorphus minutus (Acanthocephala) in Colorado. Am. Midi. Nat. 91:505-509. 36 STEELE, D.H. & V.J. STEELE, 1974. The biology of Gammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in the northwestern Atlantic. 8. Geographic distribution of the northern species. Can. J. Zool . 5_2 : 1 1 15 -1 1 20 (not seen) . SURYA RAO, K. V. , 1974. Intertidal amphipods from the Indian coast. Proc . Ind. natn. Sci. Acad. J38 B (1972): 190-205. (not seen ,132 species in 54 genera are recorded). SUTCLIFFE, D.W. & T.R. CARRICK, 1973- Studies on mountain streams in the English Lake district. Freshw. Biol. _3: 437-462, 543-560, 561-568 (not seen; i.a. on pH and in tolerance of Gammarus pul " 1 ) . VASILENKO, S.V., 1974*. (Caprellidea (skeleton shrimps) in Russian and neighbouring seas. Order Amphipoda. (families Paracercopidae , Phtis- lcidae, Caprellidae)) Opred. Faune SSSR 1 07 : 1 -288. (in Russian. Another important monograph from the Leningrad group, unf ortunately received too late for getting it properly reviewed. New taxa : Pseudocercops armatus , Protellina arctica , Caprella advena , C. parapaulina , C. media , C . lulcini , C. eurydactyla, C . excel sa C. zygodonta , C. oxyarthra and C. longicirrata ) VOL OVA y G.N., 1974. (Benthos of saltish water bodies of the South Primorye (the Sea of Japan)). L _ Hidrobiol . Zhurn. _1_0 (6): 32-37 . (Fauna of the brackish lake Talmi ( Amph *): Anisogammarus barba- tus , A . kygi , A. tiuschovi , Dogielinotus moskvitini and Kamaka kuthae , and some smaller water bodies, in which also A. ochotensis was found). WILLIAMS, G.E., 1974. New techniques to facilitate hand-picking rnacroben- thos . Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. j!3: 220-226. (Of many stains tested, a 1:1 mixture of Eosin B and Biebrich Scarlet in a 1: 1000 cone, of 5% formalin was found to be the most appropiate stain because of its unique selective affinity for only animal tissue) . WILLIAMS, W.D. , 1974. Freshwater Crustacea. In: W.D. WILLIAMS (ed): Biography and Ecology in Tasmania. Monogr. biol . 25 , Junk. The Hague (not seen). ZINN , D.J., 1974. Orchestia , the Sand Dancer. Mari times, Univ. Rhode I si. 18: 15-16 (not seen). 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY III KA RAMAN , G.S., 1974. 59. Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda. Revision of the genus Stygobromus Cope 1872 (fam. Gammaridae) from North America. Glas. Republ . Zavode Zast. Prirode Prir. Muzeja Titograd 7 _: 97-125 (This paper was apparently prepared independently from Holsinger's Stygobromus -monograph . The author synonymizes the genera Stygonectes and Apocrangonvx with Stvgobromus . and expresses the opinion that probably also Svnurella and Lvurella will have to be merged into Stvgobromus . He gives a synonymy and lists of localities for 44 species, but no diagnoses f key or illustra- tions ) KARAMAN, G.S., 1974. Crustacea Amphipoda. Catalogus Faunae Jugoslaviae (Ljubljana) _3-3: 1-42. (A most useful catalogue of freshwater amphipods in Yugoslavia, with synonymy , local distribution and bibliography) . KINNER, P. , D. MAURER 8c W. LEATHAM, 1974. Benthic invertebrates in Delaware Bay: animal-sediment relationship of the dominant species Int . Rev. ges . Hydrobiol . 5_9: 685-701. (Among the dominant species treated in this paper there are 3 amphipods, viz. Ampelisca verrilli , Protohaustorius wiglevi and Trichophoxus epistomus ) . KRISHNAN, L. 8c P.A. JOHN, 1974. Observation^ on the breeding biology of Melita. zeylanica Stebbing, a brackish water amphipod. ___ Hydrobiologica 44: 413-430 (not seen), MERRETT , N.R. 8c H.S.J. ROE, 1974. Patterns and selectivity in the feeding of certain mesopelagic fishes. Mar. Biol. 28 : 115-126 (of the six species of fishes dealt with in this paper, only Lampanyctes cuprarius fed to a large extent ( 55 %) on amphipods, chiefly Phrosina semilunata .) MOORE, P.G., 1974. The kelp fauna of Northeast Britain, 3. Qualitative and quantitative ordinations , and the utility of a multivariate approach. J* ex P • mar. Biol. Ecol . 1 6 ; 257-300 (Besides being of great methodological interest, this paper contains a wealth of data on correlations between the distributions of i,a. amphipod species and different environmental factors, i.a. pollution). MYERS, A. A. , 1974. Amphitholina cuniculus (Stebbing), a little-known marine amphipod crustacean new to Ireland Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 74 B: 463-469 (The animals feed by burrowing 38 in the stipes of the brown Laminarian alga, Maria esculenta . They have recently also been discovered in the same habitat in the Irish Sea , Isle of Man) . MYERS, A. A., 1974. Trans, roy. Soc. S.Afr. 41_: 195-202. (Listed as not seen on p Lembos jassopis is transferred to the genus Pseudome- gamphopus , to which L. chelatus also may belong. The genera Neomegamp - hopus , Konatopus , Ps eudomegamphopus and Maragopsis appear to form a distinct monophyletic assemblage. The phylogenetic significance of the relative development of podomeres is discussed, and taxonomists working on the Corophioidea are urged to utilize as wide a range of characters as possible in determining relationships) . ROE, H.S.J., 1974. Observations on the diurnal vertical migrations of an oceanic animal community. (Based on samples taken off Fuerteventura , Azores, this paper includes data on 13 species of Amphipoda) . SANGER, G.A., 1974. Pelagic amphipod crustaceans from the Southeastern Bering Sea, June 1971. NGAA techn. Rep., NMFS SSRF 680 : 1-8 (2 Cyphocaris spp and 12 Hyperiidea) SEMENOVA, T.N., 1973. (Pelagic amphipods of the genus Vibilia Milne- Edwards (Hyperiidea, Vibiliidae) from the Southeast Pacific). Trudy Inst. Okeanol . 91 : 169^ 177 (In Russian 11 species, among them V . robusta new to the Pacific, and V. gibbosa new to the S. Pacific. Only abstract seen) WARD, W.W., 1974. Aquarium systems for the maintenance of ctenophores and jellyfish and for the hatching and harvesting of the brine shrimp ( Artemia salina ) larvae. Chesapeake Sci . J_5 : 116-118. Last minute additions PHILIPS, P.J., 1973. The occurrence of the remarkable scyphozoan^ Deep- staria enigmatica . in the Gulf of Mexico and some observations on cnidarian symbionts . Gulf Res. Reports 4:166-168 (Not seen. "Symbiotic relationships with isopods and amphipods, and scyphozoans are discussed" ) . SWEDMARK, M., Aa . GRANMO & S. KOLLBERG , 1973. Effects of oil dispersants and oil emulsions on marine animals. Water Res. ]_: 1 649-1 67 2 (Not seen. The toxicities to marine animals of 9 oil dis- persants, 3 oil emulsions with Corexit, and a dispersion of Oman crude oil were studied in continuous flow aquarium systems at 96 hr 39 exposures followed by a recovery period in clean seawater Crustaceans were the most resistant to dispersants but very suscep- tible to oil emulsions.) DORGELO, J. , 1974. Comparative ecophysiology of gammarids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from marine, brackish and fresh-water habitats, exposed to the influence of salinity temperature combinations 1 . Effect on survival. Hydrobiol. Bull. 8 : 90-108. New address . 24. Carlos CHRISTOPHERSEN , Kristiansand Laereskole, 4600 Kristiansand Sj Norway . Last second additions Our colleague / Henk G. DENNERT of the Stock-team in Amsterdam will on 5 -11-1975 defend his thesis on the subject: " Studies on some European euryhaline gammarids*' . This thesis consists of a series of papers in scientific periodicals of which the following have not been noted earlier: GIRISCH , H.B. & H.G. DENNERT, 1975. Simulation experiments on the migra- tions of Gammarus zaddachi and Gammarus chevreuxi . Bijdr. Dierk. 45: 20-38. DENNERT, H.G., 1975. The variability of the dimensions of the merus of the fifth periopod in the amphipod Gammarus duebeni Liljeborg, 1852. Bijdr. Dierk. 45: 1 —1 9 . HURLEY, D.E. & R. COOPER, 1974. Preliminary 'descriptions of a new species of Parawaldeckia (Crustacea Amphipoda: Lysianassidae) from New Zealand (Note). N.Z. J1 mar. Freshw. Res. 8>:563-567 FINCHAM, A. A., 1974- Periodic swimming behaviour of amphipods in Wellington Harbour. N.Z. J1 mar. Freshw. Res. 8 : 5 05-5 21 (not seen) . zoo OFFSET LUND 1975