Il8 ANGEL PAVEMENT answers, lying references, missing silk stockings, broken crockery and ruined meals. For some women this state of affairs, making comfort and tranquillity impossible, would have had its compensations, for it would have provided unlimited material for talk, but Mrs, Der- singham prided herself on not being the sort of woman who spends her time discussing the shortcomings of her servants. Most of her friends prided themselves on this fact too, and they told one another what they could have said had they been that sort of women, and then gave examples. "I know, but listen to this, my clear/' they all cried at once. At seven forty-five on the evening of the dinner-party to which Mr. Golspie had been invited, Mr. Dersingham was busy being his own butler, attending to the wines, He poured some claret into one decanter, some Sauterne into another, and some port into a third, then poured a little gin and a great deal of French and Italian ver- mouth into a cocktail shaker, and carried the shaker and some glasses into the drawing-room. Having clone this, he remembered the cigarettes and filled the silver cigar- ette box, a wedding present bearing the Worrell colours in enamel, with Sahibs and some Turkish that his wife always said she preferred to any other, no matter what they happened to be. Then he presented himself with a cocktail, looked at the fire, which was blazing cheerfully, looked at the chairs, which were long; low, fat, and brown, glanced round the room, which seemed to him a very handsome and friendly place now that the two shaded lights took away the attention from the great bleak expanse of wall above, sipped the cocktail, tried to hum a tune, and began to feel a certain warm glow, a feeling proper to a host,