iSS ANGEL PAVE MEN T feet long and two hundred feet broad, the parties them- selves were undoubtedly intimate affairs, at which a girl was able to express herself by dancing on the table and throwing off some of her clothes. Everything this girl wore, every movement she made, only called the atten- tion of these leering fellows to some part of her ravish- ing figure; and even when she herself had stopped making eyes and smiling at them and' undulating round them, with a champagne glass in her hand, her charming legs still insisted on claiming their notice. It was obvious that at any moment these rich cads would make their old mistake, they would assume that she was not a virtuous girl and would act accordingly, to her astonishment and indignation and shame at being so misunderstood, so treated. Meanwhile, the young inventor had received a letter (and you heard him tear it open) asking him to come to New York to meet three heavy men who had just been barking at one another about him in the previous scene. It was, as he himself admitted, his "beeg chaince." His train was still roaring across the screen when Turgis, whose interest had been thoroughly roused, heard a voice say, " 'Scuse me/' and saw a dim feminine shape that was obviously trying to get past. " 'S'quite all right/* he said affably, withdrawing his knees to let her pass. She dropped into the seat on his left, taking the place of the man with the foul pipe, who must have crept out, towards the other gangway, without Turgis noticing him. This girl who had just arrived was still only a dim shape, but he felt sure she was young and pretty. " 'Scuse me," she whispered again, "but is this the big picture?*'