TURGIS SEES HER 1Q1 One vast sneer, Turgis moved away, and boarded the first bus he found that would take him to Camden Town, back to Nathaniel Street with the ruins of his evening. " 'Ad a good time, boy?" said Mr. Pelumpton, now mellow with beer, as Turgis looked into the back room. "That'sh the way. Yersh. Enjoy yershelf while you're young, I shay, and while you can enjoy yershelf. I did when I wash your age an' don't ferget it, boy." Here Mr, Pelumpton chuckled and then coughed. "I 'ad a good time and nobody could shtop me 'aving one/' "What's this about you and your good times?" said his wife, popping out from nowhere. Tm jusht telling our friend 'ere that I don't blame him for enjoying himshelf while he'sh young, 'cosh I did the shame thing when I wash young." "Ar, you was a wicked devil you was," said Mrs. Pelumpton, with reluctant admiration. "Oh dear, oh dear!" Mr. Pelumpton chuckled, "Lishen to that. Ar well, boy, I don't blame yer. Good old Shaturday night, I've 'ad 'em. I know." "Ill bet you never had, you silly old fathead," Turgis muttered under his breath. "Only jusht remember thish, boy. Don'd overdo it, that'sh all. Don'd overdo it. You're only young wunsh, Enjoy yershelf, if yer like, but don'd overdo it." Turgis looked at him in disgust. "Good night all/1 he said, mournfully, and climbed the chilling stain to his room. So much for Saturday.