202 ANGEL PAVEMENT Universe sings a lahv song. The whole Universe is a lahv song. If it isn't, the very atoms of which we are composed would disintegrate. I tell you, my friends, there is radiant health, there is power, there is wander- ful bewdy, there is lahv; all without stint, without measure, eternal, awaiting all of us, and if we only open our eyes, find the way, develap understainding, get in toon? get livingness, there is not only a heaven above but a heaven here upon earth'. . ." ' For some twenty-five minutes more, the voice went sounding on; offering them radiant health, power, truth, beauty, and love, without ever once faltering. Turgis could not understand it all, but he listened in a happy dream, forgetting that his chair was uncomfortable and his feet were cold. He realised that he had only to do something or other, get this livingness, and oneness and understanding, just turn a corner, and everything would be different, everything would be marvellous. Vaguely he saw himself trim and sleek, with evening clothes, a huge overcoat, white trousers for summer, money in his pocket, money in the bank, an office of his own perhaps, a flat with shaded lights and big chairs and a gramo- phone and a wireless set, even a car, and by his side, worshipping him, the loveliest and kindest of girls. It was wonderful. "Come again, young man," said the fussy -little man, .at the door. "Always glad to see you here/7 "Thank you very much," said Turgis earnestly, still glowing. And then, somehow, outside in the wet streets, among the black figures hurrying home, it all went. Angrily he tried to recapture the glow and the dream, but they would not return. Inside the steaming bus, swaying