TURGIS SEES HER 20* "You needn't yet if he's busy with somebody/' Said the glorious creature, smiling at him. "I can wait/' "I can tell him now, if you like." He was trembling with eagerness to help,- to serve. "No, it doesn't matter. I know he hates being inter- rupted. I'll wait tor him. I don't suppose hell be long, will he?" "I'm sure he won't/' he told her fervently. "Will you wait here or in the office? It's warmer in the office." "This will do," and she made a movement towards the chair. "Excuse me, Miss Golspie." He brought it stumbling out somehow, and at the same time he dusted the seat of the chair with his handkerchief. "It—it—might be dirty, y'know." She looked him full in the eyes, deliciously, drowning him in sweetness, and then smiled. "Thank you. I'd hate to spoil my new coat. Everything looks a bit grimy here, doesn't it? It's such a frightfully dark place, too, isn't it?" He supposed it was, and tried to imagine her walking up Angel Pavement outside. He still lingered. "Is there anything else," he began vaguely, hovering, adoring her. "Quite happy, thanks." There was no excuse possible to stay a moment longer. Reluctantly he returned to his desk, with his heart swell- ing with excitement. The others looked at him inquir- ingly, but he pretended to be busy with something. He did not even want to explain about a girl like that. He wanted to keep the very thought of her. being there to himself, Meanwhile, he was determined to listen hard. The moment that he heard Mr. Golspie's visitor going,