082 AMKIUt'AN IMSTi'Uli'AI, « »« 1 Vi'i< < S . would neither make allowance for tin- im-re per .-n.tl SeeUm-;. of any man nor tolerate commonplaces auionii' tin- tnofm- and r\m t< (',,,-.ii'raniin^1 or1 denyintr legislation, Mich as j^reater or ir pr«»Su- to the manufacturers under one or anothcrscf id' revenue n ^''idaiiun or moiv or less encouragement to any particular iniere t. I'he e were mat ters \vhieh i( mijjhf \\ell l>e mired \votilil be li-.tenrd in u itli re pecj and eauvasseil \vilh care under diiTerent ciivnmstitnee , l»u| which would not. he allowed | to | control in a cri is like that which had heen hnutirht on the Country partly thro' the seliKhne -•; id' one nnd not l«- . thro' (he headlong violence of another class. Jt WH-; plain, and the truth did not pass his intelligent mind unheedrd, that he could not hope to escape puhlic denunciation if he should attempt fo d<-|Vat the nn-a urn th<' itlt rod net iotl id' \\hich h%V Mr. Clay WU-- e \pn-ted, in the ;irtU;d eon dition of parties and of the Country, on any other rruimd iliun thai it amounted to an abandonment of the prutectnr -A .t»'in and v.ould in vulve the certain pror-.f rat ion of itninen.-.e interr t > whj.-li had ?'i «\ui up under tin1 promised eiieoura Cement of the ( on mum-til. Ti» an-.urn, hov\c\er, the conceded author of the *'.\uirriean S\ ti-m" ut tin- f-ar of the people, in the then excited and inilamm.il'le ci»udtti»n of the puhlie mind, upon the charge of con .entin;1; to ,- arnfi<-r du- ui<> .1 im portant and hitherto (lie mo't eltcri- lied ffiitiircofth.it •> .{»-iu t«» ;tp pease (he N'lillilier.'s and to do tlii-: uht-n that author v.:r. • mai 1 mj'1 tnuler the mort'dicat'usn oeear iom-d hy a nnv.{, ann«>yinj,,t d«-lV;it a a candidate for the Presidency, would hu\c lu-rn to arou .»• n< rnfim-nf , of (he fiercest nature, to l»nt\e tlte pn>l>;it»lf c»«n »'«|iirn>'r . of \\!»i«-H reijiiireil a greater decree id" personal iinnne < than Mr. \Vrh-ter had ever e\hihtted, espeeially in fii.. intercom- «• v, itli Mr. Clay, Id preul iar dreatl of ^IvingidTencf to whom was perfectly well Known to their friends and to the pithlic. ^ e{ :.uch ;t eour ,e or one whieh, not atnouiitin^1 to it on it- facr, could afterwards und tmder ium«- rhi^Me eitX'Uliistanees he made to take that : hsipe tn-fore the ('oiiiittA oiir or the other alternative ua- indivpi'iisnl'lt* to flit* uccompli Imient of Mr. WehsterV: assumed ohjfi-t. He adopted the hitter plan and hnfii^ht to if-; exccnt'um all th«» NHpicity and adroitness he po- ,c sed, and in which he had n«i .up«-vi«tr, to make (he pu-ition-- he as-nutetl and the idea, and evpiv ion hv which he • upjmrU'd them convey to intelligent heuret"-- and rI ti h'»ih /•/ >/•• f* tfml tn thf'tt/t it'/urii), tt/« /it-nil fti ]tj.\- f'tJll./tfri/ /tt< htitl -ftf/tittx/i/ i,if,tn-i 11."" lie ul ** I'OIH piimented for his tulent-- and .M*rvic<"-. the Senutnr fruja Sontit « .uo Una (Mr. Citlhonn) "*/'///< irhttm In }t,iti tiff, n nr*. / .»/«,/ /../ >-'/u>^t lit- htnf ttlit^tifx filt