THE LYSISTRATA, Gl 4-034 M. CH. Tills is nut a time for slumber ; now lei. all the bold and free, Strip to meefc the great occasion, vindicate our rights with me. I can smell a dee}), surprising Tide of Revolution rising, Odour as of folk devising Uippias's tyranny.'1 And I feel a dire misgiving, Lest some false Laconians, meeting in the house of Cleisthenesj Have inspired these wretched women all our wealth and pay to seize, Pay from whence I get my living. Gods ! to hear these shallow wenehes taking citizens to task, Prattling of a brassy buckler, jabbering of a martial casque ! Gods ! to think that they have ventured with Laeoniari men to deal, Men of just the faith and honour that a ravening wolf might feel! Plots they're hutching, plots contriving, plots of rampant Tyranny ; But o'er us they shan't be Tyrants, no, for on my guard I'll be, And 111 dress my sword in myrtle,6 and with firm and dauntless hand* JLLiriiJb^side Aristogeiton resolutely take my stand, Marketing in arms beside him. This the time and this the place VOL. Ill V fiK