A Chapter of Discord she delighted to work for, for she was of a most generous and affectionate heart. She and all her family had one of the upper rooms, and I the other; and we shared the two terraces that faced the river and the court. Something happened to die weather on the day of niy flitting. A low yellow cloud in the morning turned rapidly into a dust storm. As we crossed the bridge of boats its pontoons quivered with little white river-waves breaking around them: across the water the landscape had become invisible. Marie, sitting beside me in the arabana, watched with increasing gloom as we jolted beyond the noisy district of gramophones and shops towards the suburbs; while Nasir and Nuri, who had both volunteered to help, and sat among packages on the little front seat, told her with rather forced cheerfulness of the delights of life in the " country "—quite in vain. I was busy attending to my more fragile household goods, as they danced in their baskets with every lurch in the sandy tracks among the palms. Najla opened the gate to us with her charming smile, Marie, I thought innocently, would now be delighted to find a Christian friend. But I had forgotten that one was a Syriac Catholic and the other an Armenian, Marie no sooner saw her than she rushed, so to speak, at her throat. "Never have I [56]