Regulations 3.—MOVEMENTS. (i) Definition.—(a) By " local authority" is meant the Mutasarrif of the Liwa concerned, and in his absence the Com- mandant of Police. (b) A lady is said to be " accompanied " when one European or American member of a similar national and social status of the male sex is travelling with her. (ii) Rules General.—Ladies wishing to travel unaccompanied outside any of the cities referred to in para. 2 (ii) should (a) obtain the previous sanction of the local authority of the Liwas which they intend to visit; (6) arrange that all journeys by road are performed between sunrise and sunset and (c) keep to the main roads unless they have obtained the specific sanction of the local authority to do otherwise. (iii) Ladies accompanied may travel on any of the main roads outside the cities referred to in para, (ii) without special per- mission with the exception of the special areas for which special rules are defined in para. 3 (iv), subject to the journey being performed between sunrise and sunset. (iv) Special Rules for Special Areas.— (a) Kerbala and Najaf.— Ladies wishing to proceed accompanied or unaccompanied to the Kerbala Liwa (i.e. the Holy Cities of Kerbala or Najaf) must first obtain written permission from the Ministry of Interior. Applications can be made to the Assistant Director- General to the Ministry of Interior at the Serai, Baghdad. (b) ArbilLiwa.— Ladies, whether accompanied or unaccompanied, require special permission from the local authority for travel within the Liwa. [80]