A Pubiication of the Pacific Seabird Group Volume 21 Number 2 Dedicated To The Study And Conservation Of Pacific Seabirds And Their Environment The Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) was formed in 1972 out of a need for better communi- cation among Pacific seabird researchers. The Group coordinates and stimulates the field of conservation issues relating to Pacific seabirds and the marine environment Group meetings are held annually and the PSG publication, Pacific Seabirds (formerly the PSG Bulletin ), is issued biannually. Current activities include involvement in seabird sanctu- aries, coastal surveys, seabird/fisheries interactions, and legislation. Policy statements are issued on conservation issues of critical importance. Although PSG ’s primary area of interest Is the west coast of North America and adjacent areas of the Pacific Ocean, it is hoped that seabird enthusiasts in other parts of the world will join and participate in PSG. PSG is a member of the U. S; Section of the International Council for Bird Preservation. Annual dues for membership are $20 (individual and family); $ 1 3 (student, undergraduate and graduate); and $450 (Life Membership, payable in five $90 installments). Dues are payable to the Treasurer, whose address in on the back cover. Pacific Seabirds Pacific Seabirds (ISSN 0740-3371) is published twice a year, in the spring and fall, and contains news of interest to PSG members, including regional seabird research, conser- vation news, and abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting. Pacific Seabirds is an outlet for the results of scientific research, as well as articles and shorter items on seabird conservation, seabird research activities, and other topics related to the objectives of PSG. All technical materials and book reviews should be submitted to the Publication Commit- tee Coordinator, conservation-related material to the Vice-Chair for Conservation, and all other material to the Editor. Back issues of the Bulletin or Pacific Seabirds may be ordered from the Treasurer: please remit $2.50 each forissues of Vols. 1-8 (1974-1981) and $5.00 each for issues of Voi 9 and later. Permanent Address Pacific Seabird Group Box 179/4505 University Way NE Seattle, WA 98105 Donations The Pacific Seabird Group is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of California. Contributions to the Pacific Seabird Group qualify for tax deductions under IRC Section 501(c)(3). Pacific Seabirds Dedicated to the study and conservation of Pacific seabirds and their environment Volume 21 Fall 1994 Number 2 2 Forum 8 PSG News 18 Conservation News 21 Regional Reports 29 Book Reviews 31 Abstracts 33 Bulletin Board 5 Kittlitz's Murrelet: The species most im- pacted by direct mortality from the Exxon Valdez oil spill? Gus van Vliet and Mike McAllister examine the evidence. 6 Common Murre on the menu! Anne Harding on sea otters and murres. 7 The need to distinguish between the Lesser Black-backed and Heuglin's gulls in the Pacific W. R. P. Bourne argues that care is needed when classifying gulls. 11 The northern Sea of Okhotsk, summer 1994 Vivian Mendenhall shares her experiences in eastern Russia. 13 PSG goes to Japan: part 3 Harry Carter and Leah de Forest conclude their narrative. Pacific Seabirds * Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 Forum Forum Oil Spill Rehabilitation: Beware of Research Dr. ScottNewman: Wildlife Health Center , University of Cal forma ,1126 Haring Hall, Davis, CA 95616. 916-752-41 67 or send e- mail to sonewman@ucdavis.edu. Often, rehabilitation of oiled birds is criticized as being a waste of time and money because individual birds do not con- tribute to the well being of the species or population few birds survive after rehabili- tation and release. However, there have been no conclusive studies which docu- ment the survivorship or reproductive suc- cess of post-release birds, A coordinated effort on behalf of population biologists and veterinarians who are rehabilitating seabirds could further our understanding of oil impacts. Banding projects and annual sightings of rehabilitated birds with off- spring will allow assessment of survival and reproduction years after an oil spill. The information gained from such studies would allow the industry, resource man- agement agencies, the conservation com- munity, veterinarians, wildlife rehabilitators and population biologists to come to some concensus about the efficiency and effi- cacy of post oil spill wildlife rehabilitation. If seabird biologists working in coor- dination with biomedical researchers show that sublethal or chronic effects of oil per- sist years after spills, rehabilitation proto- cols can be adjusted accordingly. Such in- sights will help wildlife trustee agencies complete natural resource damage assess- ments and lead to meaningful compensa- tion for injuries to marine birds. Regardless of erne’s viewpoint, the cost of roughly $10,000 per bird rehabilitated (Monahan and Mak 1991) is difficult to justify. On the other hand, if an oil spill occurred in a region where, for example, the few remaining breeding colonies of Japanese Murrelets or Craveri’s Munrelets exist, I think that most people would agree that rehabilitation efforts should be made. If we know that the population of a species is critically low and 100 birds become oiled, would it not be worth while to treat and release as many of these birds as possible? If for example, out of 1 00 oiledbirds, 50 are released following treatment, and 10 fe- 2 males go on to breed a few years after the spill and they are reproductively active for the next 5-10 years, an overall contribution of up to 100 offspring would be expected. This scenario does not even consider the reproductive potential of the F2 and F3 generations which could add significant numbers of birds to the population over their lifetimes. In addition, the potential contribution of genetic diversity from these 100 offspring is potentially invaluable to the survival of the species. We need to increase our understanding of oil toxicosis and the effects of captive management practices while improving medical protocols for oiled seabirds. This will allow all birds to receive optimal care at a price which is more justifiable to the skeptics of rehabilitation, the industry, the general public, veterinarians and wildlife rehabilitators. For example, research on avian baseline blood parameters currently under way is aimed at improving seabird rehabilitation survival rates and decreasing the costs of rehabilitation. Once established, avian ref- erence range blood values will be used in multiple ways. Upon presentation to reha- bilitation facilities, triage protocols will utilize blood values to determine if a bird should be euthanized or if rehabilitation should be started because minimal changes in blood parameters from toxicity exist. This will help ensure that the time and money invested into rehabilitation is fo- cused on those birds with the greatest like- lihood of survival. Two other applications of avian blood baseline values are to monitor birds during rehabilitation and to determine when sea- birds have been adequately rehabilitated and are releasable. Historically, blood tests were not routinely performed on birds en- tering an oil spill rehabilitation center or prior to the release of cleaned birds. If blood tests were performed, reference range val- ues were not available to determine if birds were improving or deteriorating with care. Blood tests are performed on conventional veterinary patients to determine if animals are healthy and can return home. There is no reason why similar tests should not be used to determine when birds are healthy and should be released. Furthermore, an incomplete under- standing of oil toxicosis and the avian im- mune response to oil has led to a multitude of medical therapies. This often results in varying costs due to the different methods used to treat birds. Again, understanding both normal blood values and the avian immune response to oil exposure could lead to effective methods for assessing sea- bird health and efficient treatment meth- ods. Finally, research should be directed at identifying biomarkers of toxicity. Biomarkers may include serum chemistry enzyme levels, hematologic cell param- eters, acute phase protein levels or cytokine concentrations. Traditional veterinary medi- cine utilizes blood test results as diagnostic indicators of certain diseases or toxicides. A similar approach needs to be instituted for seabirds species. By establishing baseline blood values for healthy birds, we will be able to potentially document biomarkers of sublethal toxicity. A simple blood test could potentially identify popu- lations which may not overtly be showing signs of toxicity, but who may truly be experiencing significant problems. In gen- eral, we still do not have a firm understand- ing of other sublethal effects of oil on seabirds. In closing, I would like to encourage anyone interested in becoming involved in post oil spill banding projects to contact me. Additionally, if you are involved with hands-on seabird work, I would like to discuss the possibility of collecting blood samples at some point in the future. I am currently working at the Wildlife Health Center at the University of California, Davis. If you have any questions or comments, feel free tocontactme. Hopefully, the value of collecting seabird blood samples is clear and the justification of oil spill rehabilita- tion for seabirds is comprehensible. Literature Cited Monahan, T., and A. Mak. 1991. Exxon Valdez 1989 Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Program. Pages 131- 136 in International Oil Spill Confer- ence, Washington, D.C. Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 Forum PSG Conservation: Science, Advocacy, and Conflict John Piatt , Chair Whereas a stated goal of PSG has al- ways been to conserve seabirds and their environment, our “hands-on” approach to this in the past (with some exceptions) has consisted largely of issuing policy state- ments and educating others by various means about conservation issues. This has had some measure of success. In the past few years,PSG has taken a more aggressive approach to seabird conservation. Beyond advising others about what would seem to be appropriate conservation activities, we have taken more direct actions as a group. Thus, PSG saw urgency in promoting the plight of the Marbled Murrelet and old- growth forests, and the Marbled Murrelet Technical Committee took action to not only organize symposia and disseminate information, but to develop protocols for censusing populations and locating nest- sites, to criticize managment plans, and to get actively involved in the decision-mak- ing process of other organizations. More recently, PSG has focused similar efforts on Xantus’ Murrelet, and if the action ap- pears warranted, we will petition the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to list this species as threatened or endangered. PSG has been persistent (annoying?) in advocating that the USFWS remove intro- duced predators from seabird colonies in Alaska and has commented extensively on plans by th&Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Trustees Council to study and restore sea- bird populations in oil-affected areas. In the face of some inertia on restoration issues and a perceived need to identify new resto- ration options, PSG’s Conservation Com- mittee successfully obtained a $75,000.00 grant from the EVOS Trustees to organize a symposium on seabird restoration issues, to be convened in Anchorage in fall of 1995. As an organization, PSG has begun to take a similarly active role with respect to Apex Houston Oil Spill restoration efforts. Seeing an urgent need to promote sea- bird conservation activities in other Pacific Rim countries outside the US and Canada, PSG is also making headway in the interna- tional conservation arena. We provided modest funding to assist a seabird conser- vation program in thePhilippines. The Con- servation Committee recently obtained a $25,000.00 grant from the USFWS to be used for support and training of Mexican seabird biologists for conservation efforts in Baja and other areas of importance to seabirds in Mexico. Generous funding from private individuals has also been obtained to support this project. Implementation of this initiative will get underway in conjunc- tion with the next PSG Annual Meeting in San Diego. With modest PSG support, some PSG members went to Japan in 1993 and 1994 to draw attention to the plight of the endangered Japanese Murrelet, participate in and expand upon ongoing murrelet re- search, and to encourage Japanese seabird scientists to join in various scientific and conservation activities of PSG. Similar opportunities exist for outreach programs in Russia, China, and Latin America, and we have begun in these countries by open- ing communications and/or supporting travel to PSG meetings for scientists from these and other countries. One might think that these PSG con- servation activities are roundly supported by its members, but that is not the case. During the last few years, there has been a growing debate about the approach PSG should take on conservation issues. Many PSG members are drawn to the organiza- tion largely by their academic interest in marine birds and by the opportunity to exchange new research findings and ideas. For some of these members, conservation activities are of little concern. Others in this group think that PSG has an important role inconservation,but that it should be limited to communicating scientific information to management agencies or other wildlife trust- ees so they can do their jobs, leaving advo- cacy to individuals or other organizations that are oriented primarily towards conser- vation. With this long-standing moderate goal in the minds of many, PSG has empha- sized science and communication through our annual meetings and publication of symposium proceedings. We can take pride in the fact that our publications are widely used for developing marine conservation strategies by many government, public, and private organizations. More recently, the science side of PSG has expanded beyond traditional academic activities(meetins and proceedings) to the active development of Pacific-wide databases on seabird popula- tions and breeding parameters. These data- bases will prove to be invaluable for inter- preting long-term trends in Pacific seabirds and their marine environment and will ulti- mately aid in seabird conservation. Finally, there are those in PSG who think that we should take a stronger proactive approach to conservation — as we have on some is- sues (above). Few members dispute the importance of maintaining a strong science agenda in PSG, but some members are concerned about the increasingly aggressive and ex- panding approach to conservation taken by the PSG. What are these concerns? (1) Science vs Advocacy— some members object to an "advocacy" role for PSG, argu- ing that we must maintain objectivity to retain our scientific credibility. Will we alienate those agencies responsible for sea- bird management and conservation by "butt- ing in” on sensitive issues? (2) Relative Importance/Interest — Some members ob- ject to the increasing focus of PSG meet- ings on conservation issues by way of sym- posia, workshops, etc. This takes time and funds away from scientific activities. (3) Conflict of Interest — Some members are wary or concerned about the manipulation of PSG to promote the agendas of individu- als or groups who seek to pressure their own and other institutions to "do the right thing" (as they perceive it to be) and/or to fund research of direct benefit to them- selves. (4) Legal Complications— -As we become active in the arena of conservation issues, we are increasingly drawn into a legal arena as well. Litigation involving oil spills, forestry practices, endangered spe- cies, etc., complicate our interests in these cases. Various scientific data, policy state- ments, survey protocols, impact assess- ments, and restoration options suggested by PSG as a group have already been pre- sented, and challenged, in some court cases. We can expect more of this in the future. Depending on where our conservation ac- tivities lead us, PSG should also anticipate the possibility of being sued over state- ments, policies or actions we make on sen- sitive issues. (5) Personal Conflicts — PSG members have diverse and sometimes op- posing opinions about how conservation issues should be resolved. In academic de- bates about seabird ecology and behavior, one usually welcomes (and more often ig- nores) opposing opinions. Rarely is more at stake than egos and pet theories. Debate is healthy and, in theory, leads in time to better answers (the Truth?). Conservation issues, however, often demand immediate Pacific Seabirds * Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 3 Forum actions that have political, economic, pro- fessional, and legal ramifications. Because so much is at stake, healthy academic de- bate can degenerate into polarized argu- mentation. AsPSG members become more involved in various conservation activities, as individuals and as a group, we run the increasing risk of falling into polarized camps on certain issues. This is already happening to some degree, and threatens to tear the fabric of PSG. (6) Procedural Com- plications — PSG has entered a new phase. We have recently obtained large grants to pursue conservation projects (above). We have also supported some small conserva- tion initiatives from PSG operating funds. We have not yet established procedures to deal with theseprojects. For example, given a rapid turnover in council members, who will provide oversight for long- term projects? Who will be ultimately respon- sible for tracking use of funds, writing reports, monitoring progress, evaluating results, etc. How do we avoid conflict of interest issues? How do we solicit contracts for different aspects of the work? We are working on resolving some of these ques- tions, but much remains to be decided. There is no question that PSG will continue to play an important role in sea- bird conservation. At issue is the degree to which conservation efforts consume our resources, and how aggressive we want to be in pursuing conservation goals. We need to find abalance that is acceptable to all the membership. We need to establish a con- servation agenda with clearly defined goals. We need to develop a procedural frame- work for handling conservation projects. We need to develop a strategy for dealing with legal and professional conflicts both inside and outside the PSG. More than anything, we need HELP. At present, the PSG is a completely volunteer organiza- tion. To accomplish those goals already on our plate and to expand on both scientific and conservation activities, PSG needs more commitment of time and energy from its membership. Failing this, I believe that PSG will soon falter and lose the momen- tum gained over the past few years. If you are interested, it is time to GET IN- VOLVED. Ask your PSG committee and council members how you can help, then follow through with some action. Provide some input on issues confronting us. Do- nate a little money for conservation initia- tives. Donate a lot of money. Help organize and run our annual meetings. Help produce Pacific Seabirds. Submitarticles about sea- bird research or conservation. Sponsor a foreign member. Encourage someone to join PSG. Attend the PSG annual meeting. Attend Council meetings. Contribute to symposia. Join a conservation or technical committee. Identify a new conservation issue and take some action to address the problem. Contribute to the Seabird Moni- toring Database. Debate PSG issues in pri- vate and public forums. Run for office. Do something. Start now. 1995 Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group will be held in San Diego, California on January 10- 13, 1995. The meeting will include general papers and a symposium on Island Restoration and Seabird Enhancement Symposium papers are invited for the following topics: • Population Assessment • Predator Control • Vegetation Management • Legal Perspectives • Resource Protection/Oil Spill Prevention Plan- ning • Oiled Bird Cleanup/Cost Effectiveness • Habitat Rehabilitation • Recolonization/Attraction Studies •Genetic Studies • Captive Breeding This symposium will address methods and strategies for reStqrin g/re vi ving threatened seabird populations throughout the world, especially in Mexico, Alaska, Japan, and New Zealand. Speakers will be invited to attend from these re- gions. If PSG receives a grant from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to host twenty-five Mexican professionals and students, we will attempt to make training monies avail- able to a few in vited participants recognized as experts in their fields of “restoration.” The meeting will be held at the Catamaran Resort Hotel situated on Mission Bay in north San Diego. The beach is one block away and rooms have beach or bay views. Discount room rates were negotiated for the period of 9-13 January, 1995. Rates are $89 per night for a single, $99 for a double, and $15 per extra person. Almost half of the rooms come equipped with a kitchenette. Food is available at the hotel and other inexpensive eateries in the immediate vicinity. Airfare to San Diego is relatively inexpensive— add the delicious and inexpensiveSouth of the Border cuisineand you have a working vacation that features ocean, sun, and balmy weather. Field trips to the Anza Borrego Desert, the Salton Sea, and the Coronados Islands will make this a memorable PSG meeting. A complete announcement and call for papers was mailed in late summer. For more details about the program, contact the program chair, Mark Rauzon, (Phone: 510-531- 3887: e-mail: mjrauz@aoI.com). For information concern- ing logistics or volunteering, contact William Everett, chair of the local committee, (Phone: 619-589-0480; e-mail: wteverett@aol.com).. Pacific Seabirds * Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 1994 4 Articles Kittlitz’s Murrelet: The species most impacted by direct mortality from the Exxon Valdez oil spill? Gus van Vliet, P.O. Box 210442, Alike Bay, AK 99821 and Michael McAllister, Wildland Resource Enterprises, 60069 Morgan Lake Road, LaGrande, OR 97850 The term “impact,” as it relates to species that have suffered the consequences of a catastrophy such as an oil spill, may have numerous definitions, often depend* ing on the spatial/temporal scale being con- sidered. Here we define “impact” as the proportionate loss to a species’ estimated world population. We hypothesize that Kittlitz’s Murrelet ( Brachyramphus brevirostris , Alddae), by this definition, may have been the most impacted species of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, i.e., having suffered higher proportionate loss to its estimated world population than any other species. Kittlitz’s Murrelet is considered a Cat- egory-2 threatened species by theU. S . Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). It is one of the rarest members of the North Pacific marine bird community, with an estimated total world population of under 20,000 in- dividuals, most of which reside in Alaskan waters (van Vliet, 1993). After the grounding of the Exxon Valdez , 1 1 million gallons of crude oil were released to the marine environment over a vast area of some 30,000 sq km from Prince William Sound, past Kenai Fiords National Park; up to Kachemak Bay, past Kodiak Island, along Katmai National Park, and most of the way down the Alaska Peninsula coastline and adjacent offshore waters. This huge impacted area is well known to be the core of the Kittlitz-’s Murrelet staging, moulting, breeding, and feeding range (M. McAllister, unpubl. data; Piatt, in. prep.), containing peihaps one-half of the world’s population of this threatened species (van Vliet, 1993). During the Exxon Valdez oil spill, a preliminary total of 67 positively identified Kittlitz’s Murrelet carcasses was found among a total of 34,977 carcasses logged in the USFWS Morgue Database (Ford et. al.. Pacific Seabirds * Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 1991; Piatt, et. al., 1990). The numbers of Kittlitz’s Murrelets picked up and brought to the recovery centers were: 23 - Valdez recovery center 19 - Seward recovery center 21 - Homer recovery center 4 - Kodiak recovery center In 1990, G. W. Page and R R. Carter re-examined a sample of 3378 frozen car- casses (see Ford et. al., 1991). Of 389 carcasses listed as “bird sp.,” “small alcid,” or “alcid,” or additions from omitted car- casses, another 46 Brachyramphus murrelets were identified, including 5 Kittlitz’s Murrelets, 8 Marbled Murrelets (B. marmoratus) and 33 murrelets which could not be identified to species. A minimum of 446 unidentified Brachyramphus murrelets were brought to the recovery centers during the oil spill. Based on previous survey information, 5 - 10% of unidentified Brachyramphus murrelets in the sample were probably Kittlitz’s Murrelets (IsleibandKessel, 1973; Dwyer et. al., 1975; K. Laing and S. Klosiewski, unpubl. data). Hence, 22-45 Kittlitz’s Murrelets may be added to the existing 72 positively identified individu- als that perished during the spill, resulting in a total kill of at least 94 - 117 Kittlitz’s Murrelets. This total may be as high as 150 -200 birds, depending on possible misidentifications and counting errors. Since marine bird restoration biolo- gists estimate that only 10% of small diving alcids that died as a result of the Exxon Valdez oil spill were actually picked up and brought to recovery centers (Piatt et al., 1990; Ford et. al., 1994,Piatt,pers. comm.), it appears probable that 1,000-2,000 Kittlitz’s Murrelets were removed through direct mortality by the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Indirect mortality of Kittlitz’s Murrelets due to the cumulative, chronic effects of oil (e.g., on the digestive, circula- tory, osmoregulatory, endocrine,reproduc- tive, and immune systems, reviewed by Burger and Fry, 1993) may have impacted this species even further. The direct mortality of 1000 - 2000 Kittlitz’s Murrelets represents 5 - 10+% of the species’ estimated world population (van Vliet, 1993),andsuggests thatKittlitz’s Murrelet indeed may have been the most impacted organism of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, since no other species population is known to have been reduced to such an extent. This intriguing result was predicted prior to the spill by King and Sanger (1979), who calculated that Kittlitz’s Murrelet had the highest degree of potential exposure and impact to major oil spills of any seabird in Alaskan waters. Species that have been identified by agencies as worthy of substantial research efforts as a result of the Exxon Valdez ofl spill all apparently were reduced by less than the 5-10+% estimated for Kittlitz’s Murrelets (i.e., <5% of the estimated world populations of Common Murre (Uria #u/ge)/Thick-billed Murre ( Uria lomvia). Black Oystercatcher ( Haemotopus bachmam). Harlequin Duck {Histriomcus histrionicus ), Marbled Murrelet ( Brachyramphus marmoratus ), Pigeon Guillemot ( Cepphus columbd)> Harbor Seals (P hocus vitulina). Killer Whales (Orcinus orca ), and Sea Otters (Enhydrus lutris). Significantly, despite a host of studies to assess and mitigate the impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, not one study has focused on the assessment of damage and restoration of what may be the most im- pacted species, the Kittlitz’s Murrelet Recommendations: 1. The highest priority is to locate, retrieve, analyze, and publish known transect data and observations of Kittlitz’s Murrelets in the spill area collected before, during, and after the spill. Several known data sets that have yet to be analyzed and published contain survey information from immediately prior to the Exxon Valdez oil spill in the high impact areas of Kenai Fiords National Park and western Prince William Sound. These data are unique and are critical to any proper assessment of the status and activity of Kittlitz’s Murrelet at the time of the spill. 2. The U. S. National Biological Sur- 5 Articles Alaska. Unpubl. Report, U. S. Fish King, J. G. and G. A. Sanger. 1979. Oil Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska. Ford, R. G., M. L. Bonnell, D. H. Varoujian, G. W.Page,B.E. Sharp, D.Heinemann, vey and the U. S. National Park Service need to undertake cooperative assessment studies on Kittlitz’s Murrelet marine distri- bution and abundance, particularly along the coasts of Kenai Fiords and Katmai National Parks (impacted areas), and Wrangell/S L Elias and Glacier Bay Na- tional Parks (unimpacted areas). As sug- gested by van Vliet (1993), the U. S. Na- tional Park Service - AlaskaRegion is quite likely the steward for fully one-half of the estimated total world population of Kittlitz’s Murrelet during the breeding season. 3. The U. S. Fish and Wildife Service needs to initiate a comprehensive survey of Kittlitz’s Murrelet in the Prince William Sound Region and along the north-western Gulf of Alaska coastline in order to charac- terize and safeguard the species’ current “hot spots” (i.e„ high density areas deemed critical to the species* survival for moult- ing, migrating, feeding, and breeding pur- poses). and J. L. Casey. 1991. Assessment of direct seabird mortality in Prince Wil- liam Sound and the Western Gulf of Alaska resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Unpubl. Report* Eco- logical Consulting, Portland, Oregon. Isleib, M. E. and B. Kessel. 1973. Birds of the North Gulf Coast - Prince William Sound Region, Alaska. Biological Pa- pers of the University of Alaska 14: 1- 149. vulnerability index for marine oriented birds. United States Fish & Wildlife Service, Wildl. Res; Rep. 1 1 .*277-289. Piatt, J. F., C. J. Lensink, W. Butler, M. Kendziorek, and D. R. Nysewander. 1990. Immediate impact of the “Exxon Valdez” oil spill on marine birds. Auk 107: 387-397. van Vliet, G. B. 1993. Status concerns for the “global” population of Kittlitz’s Murrelet: is the "Glacier Murrelet” re- ceding? Pacific Seabird Group 20: 15- 16. Common Murre on the menu! AnnHar ding,NationalB iological Survey, 1 01 1 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 4. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U. S. National Marine Fisheries Members of an Anchorage Audubon reported at Amchitka Island, Alaska, and Service need to conduct a more in-depth Society field trip to Seward, Alaska, ob- 20 off the coast of California. The most analysis of historical and current losses of served a sea otter {Enhydra lutris) catch frequently captured bird in California was Kittlitz’s Murrelets through commerical and eat a Common Murre (Uria aalge) on the Western Grebe (Aechmophorus fisheries incidental bycatch, particularly the 26th of February, 1994. Near the load- occidentalism but other species included gill-nets. Based on anecdotal information ing dock in Seward Harbor, we observed a Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata), cor- but limited data, 25 years of intensive gill- number of goldeneyes {Bucephala sp.) morants {Phalacrocorax sp.), and gulls net fishing in Prince William Sound (par- mergansers (Mergus sp.) and Common (Larus sp.). Otters typically dive under a ticularly in the Unakwik Inlet region) and Murres swimming approximately 50meters floating bird and grab it ftom underneath off the CopperRiverDeltamay havechroni- offshore. Among these scattered birds were (Riedman and Estes 1990). cally impacted Kittlitz’s Murrelets to an two sea otters. One of the sea otters dived The amount of nourishment sea otters even greater degree than the acute loss due under a lone Common Murre and snatched derive from seabirds is unknown. It has to the Exxon Valdez oil spill. it from underneath. The otter surfaced al- been shown that the flesh from cormorants Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Harry Carter, Jim King, Ed Murphy, Richard Gordon, John Piatt, Dan Roby, Alan Springer, Vernon Byrd, and Richard Macintosh for providing suggestions and comments on various drafts of this note. Literature Cited Burger, A. E. and D. M. Fry. 1993. Effects of oil pollution on seabirds in the north- east Pacific. In The status, ecology, and conservation of marine birds of the North Pacific. K. Vermeer, K. T. Briggs, K. H. Morgan, and D. Siegel- Causey (eds.). Can. Wildl. Serv. Spec. Pub!., Ottawa. Dwyer, T. J., P. Isleib, D. A. Davenport, and J. L. Haddock. 1975. Marine bird populations in Prince William Sound, most immediately with the murre’s head held firmly in its mouth. The otter floated on its back for about One minute, while continuing to hold the murre’s head. The trapped murre frantically flapped on the otter’s chest, but soon became calm. The sea otter then grasped the bird in its front paws and held it underwater as it swam . The otter’s back was visible above the surface as it slowly swam about 15 meters. The otter then rolled onto its back, and finally released the murre’s head. There was no visible surface damage to the now motion- less murre. The sea otter floated among the other birds and started to chew on the Com- mon Murre’s head, eventually working it’s way down through the murre’s body. Sur- rounding birds remained undisturbed. Riedman and Estes (1990) reviewed previous observations of sea otter preda- tion on seabirds. Three cases have been {Phalacrocorax sp.) and Emperor Geese {Chen canagica); fed to a captive otter passed unaffected through the digestive tract (Kenyon 1969). Kenyon concluded that birds appear to be eaten only under stress of hunger, particularly in winter. Male otters appear to be responsible for the majority of seabird captures. A tendency for males to feed upon warm- blooded prey is observed in other mamma- lian species, such as chimpanzees and some pinnipeds (Riedman and Estes 1990). Par- ticular individuals may prey repeatedly on seabirds. One otter atPointLobos, Califor- nia, was believed to have killed up to six birds. It is suspected that only a few sea otters are responsible for most seabird kills. Riedman and Estes (1990) suggest that new foraging strategies, such as preying on sea- birds, are leamedby otters when they ob- serve each other’s feeding behavior. Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 1994 Articles Acknowledgements: I thank John Piatt for his assistance in preparing this note, and Brenda Ballachey for discussions and lit- erature about sea otter foraging behavior. It should perhaps be pointed out in connection with the interesting report by Gus van Yliet et al. (1993) of a “Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus...( race graellsii)” mtttbToedmg, with a Herring Gull (L. argentatus) in Alaska that this area might also be visited by the extremely simi- lar gulls of the heuglini group of Siberia, now also considered a distinct species by Russian ornithologists (Stepanyan 1990; Filchagovetal. 1992; Bourne 1993), which apparently winters from Arabia to the west- ern shores of the Pacific. Thus an immature bird presumably belonging to the moder- ately dark-backed raceL. taimyrensis ringed at the mouth of the Bikada River (E. Taimyr) on 30th July 1977 and found on north Sakhalin on the following 5th November (Filchagov 1992), an adult in wing moult in the British Museum (Natural History) col- lected atFoochow, China, in January 1 896, and birds seen passing through Hong Kong on spring migration in March identified as L. cachinnans % mongolicus by Kennerley (1987) also seem likely to belong this form. Gus van Vliet has kindly sent some photographs of his Alaskan gull, which I have also shown to Pierre Yesou, who is studying Herring, Yellow-legged (L. c. michahellis ), andLesserBlack-backed gulls in their area of overlap in western France and has visited the central Eurasian breed- ing areas. I have also seen birds from this Literature Cited Kenyon, K.W. 1969. The sea otter in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. N. Am. Fauna No. 68, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Washinqton, D.C. Riedman, M. 1990. Sea otters. Monterey area in the Persian/Arabian Gulf in the winter. It is obviously much darker on the back than its Herring Gull mate, and only two forms are markedly darker there while still showing a clearcontrastat the wingtip — small graellsii (including intermedins), and large nominate, western L. heuglini . Other forms of the heuglini group are smaller and neutral grey above, little darker than L. cachirmans and indeed American Herring GullsL. a. smithsonianus . The wing pattern of the bird in question thus agrees with both graellsii and heuglini , but the elegant sil- houette, head shape, and small size, indi- cate a Lesser Black-backed Gull. Therefore, it seems highly desirable to record as many details as possible of the appearance of such birds, and if it can be achieved without undue disturbance, catch, measure, photograph, collect feathers and tissue samples, and band them, to discover which populations(s) they belong to before this is obscured through hybridization with local gulls, and their subsequent history and movements. Literature Cited Bourne, W JIT. 1993. The relationship be- tween the Armenian and Heuglin’s Gulls. Pages 57-58 in Aguilar, J.S., X. Monbailliu, and A. Paterson (editors.). Status and conservation of seabirds: Bay Aquarium Foundation, Monterey, California. 80 pp. Riedman, MJL. and J.A. Estes. 1990. The sea otter (Enhydra lutris): Behavior, ecology, and natural history. Biol. Rep. 90(14). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice, Washington, D.C 127 pp. Ecogeography and Mediterranean ac- tion plan: Proceedings of the Second Mediteireanean seabird symposium, Calvia, 21-26 March 1989. Sociedad Espanola de Omitologia, Madrid. Filchagov, A.V., V.V. Bianki, A.E. Cherenkov,and V.Y. Semashko. 1992. (Relation between Lesser Black- backed Gull Larus fuscus and West Sibserian Gull Larus heuglini in the contact zone.) Zool. Zh. 71(10): 148- 152. Filchagov, A.V. 1992. (On the winter dis- tribution of Taimyrian gulls. Pages 72- 74 in Zubakin, VA., and E.N. Panov, ( The Herring Gull and related forms: distribution, systematics, ecology.) Stavropol. (Russian. English transla- tion provided by author.) Kennerley, P.R. 1983. Ms, leg and mantle colour of Mongolian Yellow-legged Gull. Dutch Birding 9: 29. Stepanyan, L.S. 1990. Conspectus of the ornithological fauna of the USSR. Moskow, Nauka. Page 726. (In Rus- sian.) van Vliet, G., B. Marshall, D. Craig, and J. Egolf. 1993. First record of nesting activity by a Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus juscus) in North America. Pa- cific Seabird Group Bulletin 20(2): 21. The need to distinguish between the Lesser Black-backed and Heuglin’s gulls in the Pacific W. R. P. Bourne, Department of Zoology, Aberdeen University, Tillydrone Avenue, Aberdeen AB9 2TN, Scotland Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No . 2 • Fall 1994 7 PSG News PSG News The Seabird Restoration Committee I. Introduction: In recent years, damages or potential damages to seabirds and other marine wildlife resources from various per- turbations in the marine environment have resulted in much-increased concern to con- servationists and resource-management agencies. Although the extent and degree of damages in the past, as well as the estimated times that it takes seabird popu- lations to recover such perturbations have been somewhat controversial (ex. Pacific Seabird Group Bulletin 20(2): 58-60), and perhaps also even site-specific, the need for sound decisions, resulting in ecological action and management as well as restora- tion, if necessary, is clear. Wildlife and environmental law en- forcement efforts (such as done through restoration programs and trusteeships) have recently provided substantial potential sup- port to be dedicated to the restorations of seabird and other marine wildlife popula- tions impacted by various perturbations. It is imperative that resource managers have the best advice possible regarding the lands of remediation and management that will be most efficient and effective. Marine wildlife researchers, managers, and con- servationists are in the best position to evaluate, recommend* and advocate en- deavors which will fullfill the intent of the “restoration imperative.” Members of the Pacific Seabird Group are in a unique posi- tion to comment, evaluate, and recommend actions following environmental perturba- tions that affect seabird populations. Individual case-histories should be con- sidered and synthesized from the viewpoint of the lessons learned from them and a synthetic approach sought-after. Intenstive restoration efforts should not begin until that natural recovery will not restore wild populations within a reasonable time. II. Premises: Regarding seabird restoration and management following perturbations such as oil spills, chemical spills, and other potential population-reducing phenomena, there are several premises which must guide a panel of experts such as the PSG Restora- 8 " tion Committee: 1 . The first and foremost consideration is to ensure self-sustaining, free-living marine bird populations and their envi- rons — THE WILD RESOURCE SHOULD ALWAYS RECEIVE THE FIRST CON- SIDERATION! Recommendations mustbe ecologically sound, with a biological end- point in mind. 2. A group of technical experts pro- vides the best evaluations of what and how to do this; and in open and free discussion and debate, can develop the evaluations, the action-plans, or recommendations on the necessary steps that will be best for the continuation and health of this resource. 3. Colleagues are entitled to their opin- ions as long as they are open and honest; diverse opinions and options will be heard. 4. Assessment, development, and ac- ceptance of remediation and remediation- techniques requires statistical definitions and rigorous study designs. III. Objectives: More specifically, the goals of the PSG Restoration Committee are: 1 . To gather and review existing pub- lished and unpublished information and case-histories regarding various remediation and restoration efforts result- ing from past perturbations of seabirds and their habitat 2. To consolidate experts who have technical experience with seabirds, their ecological characteristics, their responses to remediation, and restoration techniques used to remediate population perturbations of seabirds. 3. To examine various technological processes and management objectives with thepuiposetoachievebiological end-points. membership (and to trustee agencies if re- quested or if deemed necessary) regarding if, when, and what types of restoration are indicated. To advise the PSG Chairperson and Conservation Committee Coordinator and workshops to be released through the auspices of various PSG outlets; to assist in other information transfers. 6. As appropriate, to recommend re- search activities designed to evaluate the needs for restoration; to recommend re- search activities to further develop effec- tive restoration technologies and/or alter- native strategies. 7. To identify additional means whereby PSG can play a role in the sound ecological restoration of damaged seabird populations. NOTE: The additional notes attached pro- vide some initial guidelines and questions related to the objectives above and this committee’s approach to restoration activi- ties. It is intended that these items be further refined through the activities of the com- mittee. These outlines provided a basis for the initial discussions at the 1993 Annual Meeting of the PSG (Sacramento, CA; 25- 28 January 1994) when the Restoration Committee was originated by the PSG Ex- ecutive Council. Prepared By: Restoration Committee Co- ordinator Daniel W. Anderson Department of Wildlife, Fish, & Con- servation Biology University of California Davis, CA 95616 (916) 752-2108 (phone) (916) 752-4154 (FAX) dwanderson@ucdavis.edu (e-mail) Initial Membership of the PSG Restoration Committee* Daniel Anderson, Coordinator Hairy Carter George Divoky Frank Gress Craig Harrison Paul Kelly Kenneth Warheit Marie Rauzon, ex officio sideration on this committee; contact D. W. Anderson at the numbers ^yen above; 7 September 1994 Note: Dan Anderson is stepping down as coordinator of the restoration committee. Ken Warheit has been appointed as interim coordinator. John Piatt, Chair Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 1994 agencies and/or organizations along with the scientific community have determined on restoration matters. 5. To organize and conduct symposia 4. To make general recommendations to the PSG Executive Council and general *PSG seeks additional volunteer for con- PSG News BIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS ASKED WITH RESTO- RATION IN MIND 1 . What are the research needs? A. Baseline data— this is an old MMS axiom that is as important today as it was 20 years ago, espe- cially important is understanding natural vari- ability in ecological systems and components B . Determining the ecological relevance of: (1) the perturbation and (2) the restoration effort itself C. Determining the effectiveness of management through followup studies (“wildlife manage- ment and conservation biology as research tools”) D. Techniques development and evaluation: (1) prediction of risk (before) or success (after) (2) damage assessment models (biological and economic) (3) develop and test a variety of restoration techniques and strategies 2. What are the management needs? A. Modify and implement management plans: (1) ESA recovery plans (2) state/federal special status plans (3) watershed and ecosystem management plans (4) other management plans B . Apply the best techniques available and afford- able: (1) individual health restoration (2) ecological “health” restoration (a) habitat protection and/or restora- tion (b) population protection and/or res- toration C. Risk analysis application D. Cost-benefit analysis and evaluations E. Retributions COMPLICATIONS REGARDING ENDPOINTS OR OUTCOMES OF RESTORATION 1 . What is the working definition of ecological function- ing? 2. What is equilibrium? 3. What is meant by a “healthy” ecosystem? 4. What time frames do we want to work in? 5. How much does individual health restoration mean to population “health” restoration? 6. What is the inevitable “restoration” result? Steady State l+n t Steady State t=0 Steady State t+n - Steady State t=0 Steady State i Steady State la8 7. What is acceptable, what is not? 8. When might intensive intervention cause more harm than good? SOME STRATEGIES CURRENTLY USED IN RESTO- RATION ACTIVITIES INVOLVING SEABIRDS 1 . Do nothing, wait for natural recovery or accept a defined degradation 2. Set up an enhanced research and/or management capabil- ity (“beef-up” current operations)(termed “fringe ben- efits” by some): A. Develop and start new management and research efforts B. Step up enforcement C. Step up monitoring D. Step up an ecological research effort (obtain more “baseline” data for future needs) E. Assist other programs (university, other agency, etc.) F. Enhance an educational effort 3. General or specific control of some competitors or non- nativepredators, compensate some place else where popu- lation enhancement is more manageable 4. Protect habitat A. General or specific land purchases B. Enhance or protect forage and other critical habi- tat factor C. Mitigate other depredating factors not previously acted-upon 5. Create new habitat 6. Use artificial methods to restore, enhance, or create natural populations: A. Captive breeding and release B. Induce recolonizations of habitat C. Rehabilitate individuals 8. Create compensations or tradeoffs: accept buy-outs (or pay-offs) (i.e., unrelated programs are enhanced) Corresponding memberships in PSG: A proposal The Pacific Seabird Group has been expanding its cooperation with seabird re- searchers and conservationists throughout the world. At the last annual meeting, there was interest in offering memberships to a Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 - Fail 1994 limited number of people, particularly in developing countries, to increase this coop- eration in areas where little is known of the status of seabirds and where cooperation would bebenefidaL Examples of suchpeople includeRoberto Schlatter (seabird researcher in Chile) and Wang Hui (who has important observations on seabirds in China). This ef- fort will also let more people know about PSG. Following the last meeting, John Piatt sanctioned a small committee (Malcolm Coulter (organizer), Craig Harrison,Leopoldo Moreno, John Piatt, Mark Rauzon, and Ken Warheit) to explore ways of offering such memberships to key people in a way that would also be most cost-effective. 9 PSG News At the next annual meeting, we will propose thatPSG sponsor a limited number of Conesponding Memberships to involve key seabird researchers and conservation- ists in PSG. These members will receive Pacific Seabirds and in return will be re- quired to submit a brief report on seabird issues in their country or part of the world at least every two years. To minimize costs, we consider only the cost of printing extra copies of Pacific Seabirds and surface mail- ing. In order to to be in position to follow through with this most effectively at the next meeting, we request members to suggest individuals who should be con- sidered for Corresponding Member- ships. Please send the name of the sug- gested person, the address, and a brief para- graph explaining how this individual and PSG would benefit from this involvement to: Malcolm Coulter, P.O. Box 48, Chocorua, New Hampshire 03817, USA. Call for papers Scientific Program of the Pacific Sea- bird Group will be held from January 10- 1 3, 1995. The theme of the conference will be SEABIRD ENHANCEMENT THROUGHPREDATOR AND VEGETA- TION MANAGEMENT. A symposium will address methods and strategies for restoring/reviving seabird populations throughout the world, especially in Mexico. Predator and vegetation management are becoming increasingly important to in- crease seabird populations as they are im- pacted away from their colonies by fisher- ies and oil developments. We will explore the successes and failures of these manage- ment techniques as well as offer a training workshop for Mexican biologists and stu- dents. Some training money and opportuni- ties will be available to invited participants and recognized experts in the fields of is- land restoration/pest management through a grant from the USFWS. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Alan Saunders, Manager of Threatened Species Unit, Dept, of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. He will address the factors weighed in management decisions to con- trol or not to control; factors of need, effec- tiveness, degree of success, cost, public perception. Also scheduled to attend is Dr. I. A. E. Atkinson, one of the premiere island restoration experts, who has written exten- sively on the facets of restoration and preda- tor management. Addressing the practical aspects of management will be Brian Bell, a consultant with Wildlife Management International who has dialogued with Mexi- can authorities about rats on Rasa Island. He is currently involved in translocating shearwaters and eradicating mice from Marion Island, South Africa. Also attend- ing will be Dick Veitch, the New Zealand Department of Conservation cat specialist He has eradicated cats from Little Barrier Island, perhaps the most important island in New Zealand where the endangered Owl- parrots and black petrels reside. Prospective participants in the sympo- sium or the general paper sessions should complete the call for papers form and mail it to Mark Rauzon, Box 4423, Berkeley, CA 94704 (Phone: 510-531-3887; e-maik mjrauz@aol.com). Poster presentations on all seabird topics are encouraged. A 3* wide X 4 " high surface will be provided for each poster presentation. Materials should be prepared with “S” hooks, no push pins or double-sided tape. Seabird groups join forces The Colonial Waterbird Society and Pacific Seabird Group wil hold a joint meeting in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 8-12 November 1995. The scien- tific meetings will be held in the new Con- ference Centre in downtown Victoria. The theme will be “Behavioral Mechanisms of Population Regulation.’’ Invited plenary speakers, workshops, and paper and poster sessions are planned for three days. A spe- cial symposium on seaducks will also be held. Other symposia can also be arranged. Victoria is one of the best locations for birds in Canada, and November is one of the best months to see them. Seabirds* seaducks, and marine mammals abound along the shores of Victoria. Field trips to see wildlife and take in the scenery are planned. For more information regarding the scientific program contact James Kushlan, Department of Biology, Univer- sity of Mississippi, MS 38677, US A, Phone (601) 232-7203, FAX (601) 232-5144 or William Everett, Department of Birds and Mammals, San Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego, CA 92112, USA (Phone: 619-589-0480; e-mail: wteverett@aol.com). For information on other matters contact local Committee Chairpersons Rob Butler, Pacific Wildlife Research Centre, Canadian Wildlife Ser- vice, Box 340 Delta, BC V4K 3 Y3 , Canada, Phone (604) 946-8546, e-mail butlerr@cwsvan.dots.doe.ca or Ron Ydenberg, Department of Biosciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BCV5 A 1S6, Canada, Phone (604) 291-4282 Report of the Marbled Munelet Technical Committee Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team - U.S. The draftRecovery Plan is nearcomple- tion. The recovery team is making revi- sions based on discussion at their October research meeting and comments from the new Regional Director. It is expected that the final draft will be available for public review by early 1995. MarbledMurrelefRecovery Team - Canada The National Recovery Plan for the MarbledMuireletwas published May 1994. Publication and Report Updates Biology of Marbled Murrelets: Inland and At Sea (S. Kim Nelson and Spencer G. Sealy , Eds.) is in press. These proceed- ings of die 1993 Pacific Seabird Group Marbled Murrelet Symposium will be published in Northwestern Naturalist vol. 75(3). Included are 15 valuable papers on breeding biology and nest- ing habitat (8papers),populations, dis- tribution, and activity patterns at sea (3), inland distribution (1), and meth- ods for studying (3) Marbled Murrelets. tional Recovery Plan for the Marbled Murrelet 1994. Gary W. Kaiser, Hugh J. Barclay, Alan E. Burger, Dennis Kangasniemi, David J. Lindsay, Will- iam T. Munro, William R. Pollard, Robert Redhead, Jake Rice, and Dale Seip. Report No. 8 Ottawa: Recovery of Nationally Endangered Wildlife Committee. Copies of this publication may be obtained from the Canadian WildlifeFederation, 2740 Queensview Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2B 1A2; telephone 1-800-563-9453; FAX 613-721-2902. Nancy Naslund, Coordinator 10 Pacific Seabirds * Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 PSG News The northern Sea of Okhotsk, summer 1994 Vivian M . Mendenhall , U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage > AK 99503, U. S. A. After five years of cooperation with seabird biologists in the Russian Far East, I finally had the privilege of visiting the area. I spent two months in the northern Sea of Okhotsk as a guest of Alexander (Sasha) and Luba Kondratyev of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan. I flew to Magadan by a direct flight on Alaska Airlines on June 23, 1994, and was met by Sasha. We spent several days in Magadan before leaving for the field. Sasha used the time to complete arrangements for our transportation, which involved lengthy conversations with the captains of the two suitable vessels that were in port I used the time to read articles on our study areas and to look around town. Magadan was founded in 1933 to serve Stalin’s prison camps. The buildings range from wooden cottages on the outskirts of town to ranks of concrete- slab apartment houses. Perestroika and its aftermath have given rise to many lively and colorful small street markets that carry items from local produce and bread to pack- aged goods from America, Colombia, and Vietnam. However, food and other sup- plies are extremely expensive in relation to Russian salaries, and stocks are not reli- able. I was fortunate to have several oppor- tunities to watch birds in the forests near own, as I’m used to doing in Anchorage. The woods closest to town now have mug- gers in them, and getting to rural areas meant taking a crowded bus or finding a friend with a car.) By the end of the trip I had seen 23 new species of birds. Wood- land species included Pallas’ Warbler (Phylloscopus proregulus),Mugimaki Fly- catcher ( Muscicapa mugimaki ), and Yel- low-breasted Bunting ( Emberiza aureola). On 1 July we took the 6-hour cruise southwest from Magadan to Talan Island. From the sea the island looks like a thick mud pie. It is 2.5 km long, with a tundra plateau above talus slopes and spectacular Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 1994 granite cliffs up to 200 m high. Black- legged Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla ), Com- mon and Thick-billed murres ( Uria aalge and U. lomvia ), Pelagic Cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus), Slaty-backed Gulls (Larus schistisagus ), Peregrine Fal- cons (Falco peregrinus ), and two pairs of Steller’s Sea-Eagles (Haliaeetus pelagicus) nest on the cliffs. Tufted and Homed puf- fins (Fratercula cirrhata and F. corniculata ), Spectacled Guillemots (Cepphus carbo ), Ancient Murrelets {Synthliboramphus antiquum ), andapproxi- mately a million Crested Auklets (Aethia cristatella) (but almost no Least Auklets A. pusilla) breed in the talus. The Kondratyevs have maintained a field station on the island since 1988. The permanent crew in 1994 consisted of Sasha and Luba Kondratyev, Julie Edlund, a vol- unteer from Massachusetts who was sent by Scott Hatch of the National Biological Survey, and technicians Alexei Ilyechev and Mikhail Kondratyev. Sasha Kitaiski visited at the end of the summer to conduct metabolic studies on alcid chicks as part of his Ph.D. work at the University of Califor- nia atlrvine. The station is on a small grassy bench just above sea level at the north end of the island. Small cabins made of planks and tar paper provided comfortable private sleeping quarters. We cooked, ate, and did were cooked cooperatively; most camp chores were done by Mikhail and Alexei. Once a week the banya (sauna) was heated up so that people could bask and wash themselves, hair, and clothes. Water came from two ponds. It had to be boiled before drinking, but this seemed normal, since city water also must be boiled in Russia. Most food was simple camp fare made from dried and canned goods. However, Mikhail and Alexei took a gill-net to the mainland 8 km away andcaughtpink salmon, andLuba sometimes prepared pirogi, delicious deep- fried pies. My three separate visits in early July, late July, and mid-August gave a good perspective on the passage of the breeding season, and I was able to watch or assist in the monitoring of most species. Kittiwakes had fairly poor success in 1994, although some chicks were close to fledging in mid- August Work on reproductive success was still underway when I left Talan Island is a superb place for research on seabirds; study plots can be established for almost all spe- cies within half an hour’s easy walk of camp. And the surroundings are incompa- rable — the sea on every side, wild flowers underfoot; Steller’s Sea-Eagles soaring among thousands ofkitti wakes below one’ s observation point; the Crested Auklets’ morning cacophony and evening aerobat- ics; Ancient Murrelet chicks blundering past the cabin during the night like black- and-white lemmings (except that the sea is their salvation). Admittedly, my memories of Talan Island are colored by the excellent weather while I was there, mostly warm sun instead Of the commonplace fog, rain, and gales. From 9 to 20 July, Sasha and 1 sur- veyed seabirds in Zaliv Shelikova (Gulf of Shelikov; also known as Gizhinskaya Guba), at the northern end of the Sea of Okhotsk. This area had never been visited by ornithologists, and only anecdotal data existed on seabird populations. We were joined by raptor biologist Eugene Potapov. Our ship was a small government freighter that was taking supplies to remote light- houses and meteorological stations. We were somewhat constrained by the route and schedule of the freighter, but we were able to disembark with our 4-meter Avon raft to survey the coast at a number of places. The coatst of the Zaliv Shelikova is lined with rolling mountains and intermit- tent cliffs. There is forest (primarily larch and birch) in the southern lowlands, but most slopes were tundra-covered. We re- corded over 300,000 seabirds. Most were small colonies of Slaty-backed Gulls, Pe- lagic Cormorants, and Spectacled Guillem- ots on minor headlands along the coast At the northern end of Zaliv Shelikova, how- ever, we encountered two large colonies of murres and kittiwakes. Tens of thousands of birds were crowded onto the sloping rocks and ledges of small islands and the nearby mainland cliffs. We were thrilled at the opportunity to record colonies of this magnitude for the first time (even though Magadan, thanks to my hosts and their laboratory work in three prefabricated build- friends. (It isn’t easy to stroll out on one’s ings, which also provided storage. Meals 11 PSG News we had to count them in persistent rain and wind.) In North America the era is past when one expects to discover major con- centrations of seabirds thathave never been seen by biologists. The raptor nests that we found also constituted range extensions for those species in the Okhotsk Sea. It was not possible to survey the Penzhinskaya Guba, the northernmost tip of the Okhotsk Sea, during our cruise. Hopefully this area can be visited in the near future. After the cruise we returned to Talan Island, with a brief excursion to Magadan to meet my husband Jim Johnston and bring him to the island. We visited one other area in early August, a commercial fishing camp on the coast near Talan Island. This area is densely forested; in fact, it was the site of a Gulag forestry camp during Stalin’s era. Jim conferred with his fellow commercial fishermen. I spent the time on the shore, since the shorebird migration was in full progress. Among the new species I saw were Long-toed Stint ( Calidris subrrdnuta ) (half an hour of stalking allowed me to see the bird’s toes at close range). Wood Sand- piper ( Tringa glareola), and Little Ringed Plover ( Charadrius dubius). We returned to the United States on 1 3 August This was my birthday, which as it turned out entitled me to several birthday parties during my last week in Russia. The Kondratyevs produced a cake and the gift of a china cat on Talan Island, which was not only a delightful gesture, but an amaz- ing achievement, given the materials at hand after 2 months on a remote island. Back in Magadan, a close friend whom I met on the cruise made another special meal and gave me an amber necklace. My friendships in Russia, and the beautiful and remote areas where we worked, both make me hope to return. A word should be added about the state of ecological science in Russia. Govern- ment support for science is dwindling rap- idly. Biological field work is possible now only for scientists who can get funding from the West Some biologists studying seabirds and other marine species have been forced to give up their careers during the last year because their jobs were elimi- nated, or because their salaries were too low to support their families. The scientists who remain are extremely apprehensive about their future. Not only their careers, but the entire fields of ecology and conser- vation in Russia, are at risk. In addition, seabirds and marine mammals themselves are threatened by expanding development, such as overfishing and oil exploration. Itis to be hoped that the seabird populations of the Sea of Okhotsk can be fully described before uncontrolled development begins to affect them — and that governments and corporations can somehow be persuaded to include modest measures for the protection of seabirds in their plans. Unfortunately, Russian scientists are very pessimistic about the future of their marine ecosystems. 1995 Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group will be held in San Diego, California on January 10- 13, 1995. The meeting will include general papers and a symposium on Island Restoration and Seabird Enhancement Symposium papers are invited for the following topics: • Population Assessment • Predator Control • Vegetation Management • Legal Perspectives • Resource Protection/Oil Spill Prevention Plan- ning • Oiled Bird Cleanup/Cost Effectiveness • Habitat Rehabilitation • Recolonization/Attraction Studies •Genetic Studies •Captive Breeding This symposium will address methods and strategies for restoringfreviving thibatehed seabird populations throughout the world, especially in Mexico, Alaska, Japan, and New Zealand. Speakers will be invited to attend from these re- gions. If PSG receives a grant from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to host twenty-five Mexican professionals and students, we will attempt to make training monies avail- able to a few invited participants recognized as experts in their fields of “restoration.” 12 The meeting will beheld at the Catamaran Resort Hotel situated on Mission Bay in north San Diego. The beach is one block away and rooms have beach or bay views. Discount room rates were negotiated for the period of 9-13 January, 1995. Rates are $89 per night for a single, $99 for a double, and $15 per extra person. Almost half of the rooms come equipped with a kitchenette. Food is available at the hotel and other inexpensive eateries in the immediate vicinity. Airfare to San Diego is relatively inexpensive — add the delicious andinexpensiveSouth of the B order cuisine and you have a working vacation that features ocean, sun, and balmy weather. Field trips to the Anza Borrego Desert, the Saitoh Sea, and the Coronados Islands will make this a memorable PSG meeting. A complete announcement and call for papers was mailed in late summer. For more details about the program, contact the program chair, Mark Rauzon, (Phone: 510-531- 3887: e-mail: mjrauz@aol.com). For information concern- ing logistics or volunteering, contact William Everett, chair of the local committee, (Phone: 619-589-0480; e-mail: wteverett@aol.com).. Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 PSG News Pacific Seabird Group goes to Japan:Part 3 (continuing efforts) Harry R. Carter 1 and Leah de Forest 2 National Biological Survey, California Pacific Science Center, 6924 Tremont Road, Dixon, CA 95620 2 P. 0. Box 3958, Lihue, HI 96766 (This third and last part of a three-part article is continued fromPSGf?it//eri>i 20(2): 14-17 [Part 1] and PS 21(1): 17-21,25 [Part 2]). On 29 April 1993, afterretuming from the Izu Islands (where we visited a Japa- nese Murrelet, Synthliboramphus wumizusume , colony at Tadanae Island), we had a meeting with Dr, H. Higuchi (then Research Director of the Wild Bird Society of Japan [WBSJ]) and several officials from the J apan Environment Agency. We started with a presentation of a packet of PSG materials (letters of introduction, PSG Bul- letins, PSG symposia, etc.), followed by Marbled Merlot (thePSG wine). The WBSJ and PSG then indicated their joint interest in promoting the need for research and conservation of the rare Japanese Murrelet and other seabirds in Japan, especially the Long-Billed (=Asiatic Marbled) Murrelet (Brachyramphusperdix) which may nest in sm all numbers in Hokkaido. We mentioned our plan to form a team of Japanese and North American PSG biologists to address the many research needs of the Japanese Murrelet in different parts of Japan. Envi- ronment Agency officials thanked us for our efforts and also indicated their concern for seabirds which they had been little aware were facing problems. In addition, they provided some recent literature and gov- ernment documents about the official sta- tus of the Japanese Murrelet Dr. Higuchi was an invaluable translator on many planes. The next day I returned to California. Leah returned to Hawaii a day later. We both became immediately swamped with our other studies. Soon Japanese Murrelets seemed far away. But the seed had been planted. In July, Jason Minton of the WBSJ travelled to Hokkaido and conducted the first inland surveys for the Long-billed Murrelet in Hokkaido, near where an adult had been discovered on the forest floor in 1961 at Ml Mokoto. Dr. Higuchi had ear- lier requested information on murrelet sur- veys, a copy of the PSG protocol, and a tape of Marbled Murrelet vocalizations that were provided courtesy of Kim Nelson. No birds were heard or seen during two days of surveys. Jason wondered whether they nes ted in trees or on the ground in Hokkaido. We sent letters to Japanese biologists to inform them of our trip to Japan, to indicate PSG’s interestin forming a team to study and protect the Japanese Murrelet, and to invite researchers to attend the PSG meeting in Sacramento in January 1994. The first to respond was Koji Ono. Gno is a Ph.D. student at Toho University and is studying Japanese Murrelets for his thesis research under the direction of Dr. H. Hasegawa. While Hasegawa is more well- known for his work on the endangered Short-tailed Albatross (Diomedea albatrus ) at Tori Island, he also has had an interest in Japanese Murrelets for many years. Ono has worked with Hasegawa for several years including several trips to murrelet colonies in the Izu Islands. In 1992, he began his doctoral research at Kojine Reef, in the southern Izu Islands. In 1993, he switched his study site to Biro Island, off the east side of Kyushu, after hearing about the site from Yutaka Nakamura. Nakamura lives in Miyazaki, near Biro Island, and had been studying murrelets at Biro Island for years in a low level fashion. Ono and Nakamura had teamed up for extensive research at Biro Island, wanted to work with PSG, and planned to attend the PSG meeting! In particular, they would present a paper on the status of the Japanese Munelet in the Rare Alcid symposium being planned by John Piatt. Over the summer and fall, a PSG team that would visit Japan in 1994 to conduct cooperative research coalesced from many different directions. I was already hooked. John Piatt had long envisioned work in Japan and would somehow make it Leigh Ochikubo had visited Japan several years before, had conducted seabird research in California for several years, was complet- ing her undergraduate degree at the Univer- sity of California (Davis), and was consid- ering possible futuregraduate research. John Fries had lived in Japan for 5 years, spoke fluent Japanese, had begun a Master’s de- gree program in Ecology (also at U.C. Davis), and was searching for a research project in Japan related to conservation. Unfortunately, Leah would not be able to join us in 1994 due to financial constraints. In October 1993, Ono held a special symposium on the Japanese Murrelet at a meeting of the Japan Ornithological Soci- ety in Tokyo. He brought several Japanese researchers together to discuss research and conservation activities in many areas. He printed up a summary of the proceedings and passed them along to us. Fries trans- lated the proceedings, making their results and the status of the species known to us, finally. Ono and Nakamura came to the 1994 PSG meeting in Sacramento, as scheduled. They contributed significantly to the Rare Alcid symposium and showed some amaz- ing video footage of murrelets at Biro Is- land. We were honored to have these pio- neering researchers at the meeting, as well as their fellow countryman. Dr. Y. Watanuki. We had met Watanuki at the WBSJ office in April 1993 and told him about the upcoming PSG meeting. He has conducted research in Antarctica and has begun a research program in Hokkaido. Since then he had had contact with other PSG biologists, especially Bill Sydeman, and decided to attend. He has now become the PSG representative for the Seabird Monitoring Committee. Prior to this meet- ing, only one Japanese researcher had ever been to a PSG meeting and that was some time ago: Dr. Haruo Ogi. Clearly, PSG’s interest in Japanese i ssues has become more evident and has gone beyond seabird mor- tality in Japanese gill nets in the North Pacific (one of Ogfs interests). We wel- come further attendance by Japanese re- Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fail 1994 13 PS G News searchers and government officials at PSG ral History Museum), also our companions to be high predation at nesting colonies by meetings and involvement in PSG activi- in 1993. AtSanbondake Reef, we would be Jungle Crows (Corvus macrorynchos). ties around the Pacific. Surely, this in vita- joined by Dr. Jack Moyer (Miyakejima Large numbers of these crows are attracted tion applies to all Pacific Rim and other Nature Center), long renowned for his ef- to colonies to feed on refuse left behind by interested individuals but it will often take forts to study and protect Japanese Murrelets large numbers of recreational surf fisher- a special effort to inform other non-English in the 1950s. On these short visits, we men which use the rocks. Evidence of egg speaking people of the goals of PSG and would examine nesting habitats and make a predation (i.e. broken eggshells) was found how we can help seabird research and con- quick survey and assessment of the status on all islands. Other predators (i.e., snakes servation in other countries and political of the Japanese Murrelet at each colony, and Peregrine Falcons [Falco peregrinus ] systems. We can no longer rely solely on Two colonies (Onbase Reef and also may be affecting small remnant num- PSG participation in other organizations to Sanbondake Reef) had not been surveyed bers of breeding birds at colonies. Addi- address international seabird conservation since Moyer’s visits in the 1950s. tional mortality probably is occurring in issues in the western Pacific. This 1994 research was funded com- gill nets near colonies during the breeding By the January 1994 PSG meeting, we pletely by the participating individuals and season as well as far out to sea in the non- had put together an itinerary for our 3-week occurred as planned with very interesting breeding season. Japanese biologists (in- trip to Japan in March-April 1994 and dis- results which will be available in an up- eluding Dr. H. Higuchi) and PSG further cussed our plans with our many Japanese coming report. Long-term research is very recommended to the Japan Environment cooperators, especially Ono and Nakamura, feasible and desirable at Biro Island where Agency that these three colonies should be Our plans included: a significant colony occurs. PSG recom- protected within wildlife refuges at a To- - Meeting with Dr. Higuchi and others mended to local government officials kyo meeting on 15 April 1994. At this to continue the formation of our team. (Kadogawa-cho Board of Education) and meeting, we provided a summary of PSG - Visiting Biro Island, the largest Japa- the Japan Environment Agency that this goals and present and expected future co- nese Murrelet colony in the world. We colony should be protected as a wildlife operative research in Japan. Japanese and would gain an appreciation for the breeding refuge and that a research station should be PSG efforts received significant media at- ecology and nesting habitats at this impor- built there to facilitate research efforts. The tendon in local and national newspapers tant colony by examining nests and birds Kadogawa-cho government has already and television throughout the spring and and participating in research being con- begun a program to educate the public summer of 1994. (See the article by Jack ducted by Ono and Nakamura. Fries would regarding the status, importance, and con- Moyer reprinted in this issue of Pacific return in mid April to complete cooperative servation problems of the Japanese Seabirds). studies of breeding biology for the remain- Murrelet. At the Izu Islands, we were able PSG should continue to assist Japa- der of the 1994 breeding season. to obtain additional information which in- nese efforts for the research and conserva- - Visiting the next three largest colo- dicated that the Japanese Murrelet is de- tion of the Japanese MuneleL However, it nies in the Izu Islands. Here, we would be dining there. In the past, consumption of will not be possible to continue efforts accompanied on visits to Tadanae Island eggs and birds may have been a significant witlioutfunding.PSG must investigate new and Onbase Reef by Mutsuyuki Ueta problem. The main current terrestrial prob- mechanisms to carry out this and other (WBSJ)andDr. M.Hasegawa (Chiba Natu- lem in the Izus (and atBiro Island) appears important organizational missions. 14 Pacific Seabirds * Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 PSG News p p m & 45 m ^ id^ ^ ^ > j Hk>WJKS« ;<° S p £ w £: *0 *> 4Q , 75 w q *P 1 y— -> P ^ P tfE-Mtf-B-' s rMi p J - ^^linemwas^-Ns^BS-K ^K^ 5 s-NKQ*l*Rr^ygS/// E*PSp«3tf:fc£-R*g-M «'rtJ-iS«e* 0 'fr 4 ;Slvi >\ xQEt«J« 3 cix" . P ^ A < &>S 2 *fe Sfe! P w u -K A # .fc p K*S ,•*& .»iSJ*2«=wj* A-fr w *$ :& a >*c # ^„}p-^S~>£!f a^hhi PM 1 £$Sit£!8 ,&0igi2o ~>£p ■lK««P*i#ISe*>:a>h®2 # .rf tv U l! * € rri^ ^ir-R n-SI 545 ^ajS I P^'JQ&a r ee i:Kp^^ p#* i as ^ n-ffl XfiS.P t Kg^^o .-Kg**# w ^ t 4 ^ ^ 'S^ts ■i> * pK^4Q^ 1 Pr 12 $$ A’< " -g v J P 53 ^ a) CO I ■ft,\Mi r+JAE , r% ' X m -£r $S 4 $ - 2 > rn ,P , to I -'O-N-Ii^ .^ISii ,us-««as-K^ . aj£ P-^^ffl|X>-fi-m-fr^ p N^DiPHiY«^g p# rlh'*fe"««pA) H'ii^P^-fi K Aio | ^ - OJ V Sfc s p? 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Moyer , Special Advisor and Ecologist, Miyake Nature Center, Akakokko Station, 4118 Tsubota, Miyake-Mura, Miyake-Jima, Tokyo 100-12, Japan On an average day, one does not ex- pect to experience the emotions of Urashimataro or Rip Van Winkle. But, April 1 1th, 1994 was not an average day. I was to travel with Miyake-jima’ s Akakokko-kan rangers, Y utaka Kobay ashi and Yutaka Yamamoto, by fishing boat from Miyake-jima to Kozu-jima to meet a group of seabird scientists [PSG biologists Harry Carter, Leigh Ochikubo, and John Fries} who had come all the way from North America solely for the purpose of studying Kanmuri-umisuzume [Japanese Murrelet] in its natural habitat I would return to the uninhabited island of Tadanae, off of Kozu-shima, for the first time in 36 years and then stop off at Onoharajima (Sanbondake), an isolated reef well known as a breeding site of Kanmuri-umisuzume, to search for nests of the rare, endemic seabird before returning to Miyake-jima. Way back in 1958, 1 had visited each and every mujin-to [uninhabited island or reef] in the Izu Islands, from Udone-jima to Koji-ne at Hachijo-Koshima, in search of Kanmuri — umisuzume, and in the pro- cess I had discovered previously unre- ported nesting colonies of Umineko [Black- tailed Gull] at Tadanae and Koji-ne; of Kanmuri-umisuzume at Onbase, near Kozu-jima; and of Oosuton-umitsubame [Sooty Storm-Petrel] at Tadanae and Onbase. Shortly after my seabird expedi- tion, I plunged full time into a life of research and conservation of coral reefs and coral reef fishes. Although I never lost interest in birds, my research did not per- mit time to visit seabird colonies, and I completely lost track of Kanmuri- umisuzume and the ecological changes that were affecting its life. Now, as a member of the staff at the new Miyake-jima Shizen Center, Akakokko Kan, my assignment again in- cludes seabirds, and on April 11, as we approached Tadanae, memories of the an- cient past flooded my mind. It was truly and Urashim ataro/Rip Van Winkle situa- tion. Harry Carter, of the North American group, had brought copies of letters I had written 36 years ago to the University of Michigan Natural History Museum, de- scribing in detail my experiences while discovering 29 nests of Kanmuri- umisuzume in only one and a half hours at Onbase. Using information in my ancient letters, the American group was able to locate only nine nests, thus proving that Kanmuri-umisuzume is still nesting on Onbase, but apparently in significantly fewer numbers. Returning to Miyake-jima by way of Sanbondake, our group found a similar situation. Whereas I had reported 20 nests and 29 eggs in April, 1957 at Sanbondake, we were now able to locate only 9 nests with 1 1 eggs. Unquestionably, the popula- tion has dropped significantly at both loca- tions in the past 36 years. Drift net fishing in the North Pacific Ocean in the 1980s certainly took hun- Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 dreds of Kanmuri-umisuzume. It was only in the late 1980s that scientists became aware of the presence of Kanmuri- umisuzume in drift nets, but many had probably been previously confused with the closely related Umisuzume [Ancient Murrelet], Perhaps a more serious threat is crows at the nesting sites. Attracted to abandoned lunch scraps and fish bait left behind by sports fishermen, crows are now abundant at all mujinto from Hokkaido to Kyushu. During periods of rough weather in April and May, crows feed on the eggs of Kanmuri-umisuzume. I had witnessed such predation in 1957, when crows were rare at such sites. My experiences on April 1 1, 1994 have convinced me to return to my long-aban- doned studies on Kanmuri-umisuzume. In the coming year, I hope to begin research on population densities of the bird in the Izu Islands and try to collect convincing data on the causes of its decline. In the mean- time, bird watchers can easily observe Kanmuri-umisuzume in April and May at a rich feeding ground off of the southwest coast of Miyake-jima that I first discovered and reported in 1953. Moyer, J. 1994. Japanese Murrelet Revis- ited. Wild Bird: 27. (English transla- tion by Jack Moyer. Wild Bird is a monthly publication of the Wild Bird Society of Japan.) 17 Conservation News Conservation News Feral Cat Protection RonJurek Conservation Editor's note: feral cats are a serious problem for seabirds on many colonies, including Christmas Island (Pa- cific) and Ascension Island. Animal rights organizations and some humane groups are intensively promoting programs to humanely manage and protect local populations of feral cats. Hundreds of local cat-care organizations are promoting and establishing managed "feral cat colo- nies” across the U.S. for feral cat popula- tion control and protection. The interna- tional movement started in Europe in the late 1970s, and the crusade in the U.S. has been escalating in recent years. Recently in Virginia, the national animal rights group “Alley Cat Allies” brought suit against National Park Service to stop them from removing feral cats from a National Park- way. The cat management method is often referred to as “TTVAR” (Trap, Test for disease. Vaccinate, Alter, and Return). It is also called “controlled colony” or “neuter and return”. Some of the feral cats trapped can be tamed and adopted, and others must be euthanized because of disease or injury. Most, however, are sterilized and vacci- nated, and are returned to the capture site and routinely fed. Care-givers typically manage for per- petuation of a certain number of cats at the site, but when challenged, the groups claim that cblony management is being done to humanely eliihinate the feral catpopulation through attrition. Groups will sometirhes relocate a colony to a farm or other rural setting, where cooperators manage the cats in an environment deemed safer for cats than the original site. Some relocation ar- eas, called feral cat sanctuaries, are private wildland parcels with scores pf free-living, rescued feral cats that are managed under TTVAR. ' According to proponents, the colony becomes territo/ial, keeping away unsterilized cats," helping to alleviate cat overpopulation. Because, they claim, the cats are well-fed and healthy, they are not a serious threat to wildlife (except harmful rodents). Typically, supporters argue that feral cats serve a useful purpose in the ecosystem. They claim , too, that this method has been proven conclusively to be more effective, less costly, and more humane than traditional eradication methods. The “no-kiir method is touted as a humane alternative to trap-and-remove programs and to euthanasia by animal shelters. Theevidencefor success of this method is primarily anecdotal and many of the claims are clearly unfounded. Yet these groups have been extremely successful in convincing local administrators of packs, hospitals, campuses, etc. , to accept the strat- egy. In California hundreds of colonies have been established in recent years by dozens of cat-care groups (e.g.. Happy Trails, Streetcat Rescue, Forgotten Felines, StanfordFeral CatNetwork, San Diego Cat Coalition). Many colonies have been in wildlife habitats, such as county and state parks, riparian areas, coastal wetlands, and nesting areas of vulnerable endangered birds. City and county authorities havebeen persuaded to adopt, or are considering, or- dinances identifying cat colony manage- ment as an appropriate use of open space (e.g.. Golden Gate Park). Feral cat colonies and cat feeding sta- tions pose threats to local wildlife in city and county parks, urban-fringe wildlife sanctuaries, and other wildlife habitats. For more information about this international crusade for feral cat protection, please con- tact Ron Jurek, Bird and Mammal Conser- vation Program, California Department of Fish and Game, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacra- mento, California 95814; (916) 654-4267. Changes in Administration of Endangered Species Acf Craig S. Harrison The Clinton administration announced the following policy directives regarding the implementation of theEndangered Spe- cies Act (ESA) in the Federal Register (July 1 , 1994). The policies affect the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt stated that these poli- cies preclude any need to amend the ESA. 1. Ensure that ESA decisions are based on sound science. NMFS and FWS now require the use of independent scien- tific peer review in the listing and recovery planning processes to insure the best scien- tific information available. The agencies have standards for scientific information used in making ESA decisions, and for review and evaluation of that information. 2. Expedite completion of recovery plans and minimize social and economic impacts that may result from implemen- tation. Recovery plans will minimize any social or economic impacts and will be completed within 30 months of the date of listing. NMFS and FWS will involve af- fected groups with more opportunities to participate in recovery plan development and implementation. Recovery teams will include more state agencies, private indi- viduals and organizations, commercial en- terprises and other parties that are affected. 3. Provide greater predictability con- cerning effects of listings on proposed or ongoing activities. FWS and NMFS will identify, to the extent known, specific ac- tivities that are exempt from or that will not be affected by the prohibitions of the ESA concerning “take” of listed species. A single point of contact in each region will assist the public in determining whether a par- ticular activity would be prohibited under the ESA. 4. Avoid crisis management through cooperative approaches that focus on groups of species dependent on the same ecosystem. FWS and NMFS will empha- size cooperative approaches to conserva- tion of groups listed and candidate species thatare dependent on common ecosystems. Group listing decisions will be made where possible and recovery plans will be devel- oped and implemented for areas where multiple listed and candidate species occur. Federal, state and private efforts in coop- erative multi-species effort under the ESA should be integrated. 5. Increase participation of state agencies in ESA activities. FWS and NMFS recognize the ESA requires coop- eration with states. The federal agencies recognize that state fish and wildlife agen- cies: • Possess primary authority and re- sponsibility forprotection and management of fish, wildlife and plants and their habi- tats, unless preempted by federal authority; * Possess scientific data and expertise 18 Pacific Seabirds * Vol. 21 No. 2 • Faul 1994 Conservation News on the status and distribution of species; • Are essential to achieving the goals of the ESAEWS and NMFS will use state expertise and information in pre-listing, listing, consultation, recovery and conser- vation planning. FWS and NMFS will en- courage the participation of state agencies in the development and implementation of recovery plans. These new policies may soon be used by the Pacific Seabird Group, since PSG will likely file a petition to list the Xantus’ Murreletas threatened or endangered. Hope- fully, PSG will have an important role in working with federal and state agencies in conservation planning and the development of a recovery plan. Seabird Conservation in the Australian Antarctic Territory Conservation Editor’s note: the following is the summary from Eric J. Woehler’s " Antarctic Seabirds: Their Status and Con- servation in the AAT t ” published as a supplement to Wins span (December 1993). Ten species of seabird breed in the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT) [about 42% of Antarctica]. These species are rep- resentative of the avifauna of the Antarctic Continent Breeding populations of Adelie Penguins are increasing at many localities. However, populations of Southern Giant- Petrels have decreased at three of the four Antarctic Breeding localities and the de- crease is at least partly attributable to dis- turbance associated with visits by station personnel. Recentdata indicate AdeliePen- guins may also be susceptible to distur- bance from visitors. The population data for other species of seabirds are insufficient to indicate long-term population trends. Accidental entanglement in fisheries’ longlines provides a risk to birds at feeding grounds, but the scale of this problem to Antarctic seabirds is presently unknown. No species is currently threatened by the presence of the stations or the activities associated with them in the AAT. The ma- jor impact has been the localized loss of suitable nesting habitat for ground-nesting petrels,particularly Wilson’s Storm-Petrels and Snow Petrels, by the construction of station buildings and the activities associ- ated with the operation of the stations. Management plans for Australia’s stations Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 19? exist; these incorporate the necessary man- agement and monitoring protocols for the long-term conservation of the seabirds breeding within the AAT. NOAA’S Armada Surrounded by Icebergs TheNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is having diffi- culty in selling to Congress its $1.9billion plan to refurbish its fleet The bulk of NOAA’s aging 24-vessel fleet was built in the 1960’s, including the Surveyor (1960), Townsend Cromwell (1963), Discover (1966) and Miller Freeman (1968) that have served as platforms for seabird re- search in the Pacific. The average age of NOAA’s research vessels is now almost 30 years, the typical useful life of a research ship. A lengthy article in Science (July 8, 1994) describes the criticisms of NOAA’s fleet replacement and modernization plan, which may be the largest ship building program in the history of oceanography. NOAA’s proposal would buy eighteen new ships and convert six others originally built for the Navy. Among the criticisms are NOAA’s refusal to consider more cost- effective data-gathering options such as chartering private ships, contracting out research tasks and using aircraft as plat- forms for research. Given the budget cli- mate in Washington, D.C., it seems un- likely but Congress will approve NOAA’s ambitious plans. According to NOAA, the fleet is expe- riencing increasing breakdowns and lack sufficient space and facilities to be modem research platforms. The Marine Board of the National Research Council (National Academy of Sciences) reviewed NOAA’s plan and concluded in April that it is unre- alistic and a waste of taxpayer money. For now, it seems that NOAA must go back to the drawing board. NSF Funds Biological Inventory in Antarctica The National Science Foundation has given a major grant to the Oceanites Foun- dation, which was established by PSG mem- ber Ron Naveen. Ron will inventory sites of biological importance, including seabird colonies, in Antarctica, as part of the U.S. government’s implementation of the 1991 Environmental Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty. Ron will be conducting fieldwork from November through January and the results of his efforts will probably be incor- porated into BirdLife International’s Im- portant Bird Area project. Senate Fails to Act on Biodiversity Treaty President Clinton signed the United Nations Framework on Biodiversity in June 1993, a treaty that most nations signed in Rio de Janeiro a year earlier. Under theU.S. Constitution, all treaties must be ratified by a two-thirds vote in the U.S. Senate. The Senate failed to ratify the treaty before it adjourned in early October, although a vote may still be possible in a special session of Congress scheduled for November. It is fairly common for the Senate to refuse to ratify international agreements entered in to by presidents. Among the concerns expressed by op- ponents of the treaty are (1) uncertainties of U.S .financial contributions; and (2) vague- ness of convention language. For example, a farm organization has questioned whether cattle and wheat may be deemed to be “alien species” under the treaty so that American fanners might be required to pay royalties to the countries where those spe- cies originated (Science 265:859). A re- lated concern is that the treaty might cause more litigation than all other treaties en- tered into by the U.S. combined. Those arguing against ratification also state that the treaty misappropriates ecosystems as a regulatory tool and assumes that ecosys- tems are real. This view calls ecosystems “nothing more than mental constructs” and argues that the concept of ecosystems was formed in the 1930s as a research tool for ecologists and should not be used as a geographic guide for regulating. Siena Club’s Treasury Declines According to the San Francisco'Exam- iner, the Siena Club has lost $6.8 million during the past four years, and is now $2.9 million in debt. The Sierra Club has kept afloat by borrowing against its $10 million endowment, a move that is apparently 19 Conservation News against its bylaws. The Sierra Club’s an- nual operating budget is about $40 million. While details are absent, the Examiner and others are reporting that donations and memberships have sharply dropped for other large environmental organizations in the U.S., including Greenpeace, the Wilder- ness Society, the National Audubon Soci- ety, Natural Resources Defense Council and the National Wildlife Federation. News from Northern California The Apex Houston oil spill case was recently settled between the United States government. State of California, and Apex Gil Company, among others. A $6.4 mil- lion settlement was reached ending nearly five years of litigation. The oil spill oc- curred in early 1986, when over 25,000 gallons of oil spilled from the leaking oil tank bar gt Apex Houston as it made its way along the coast from San Francisco Bay to the Long Beach harbor. The spill caused damage to marine life from San Francisco south to the Big Sur area, killing approxi- mately 9,000 seabirds, including Common Murres, Rhinoceros Auklets, and smaller numbers of loons, grebes, cormorants, shorebirds, gulls. Marbled Muirelets, and other alcids. The bulk of the settlement funds ($5,416,430) will be devoted to two seabird restoration projects: the Marbled Muirelet Habitat Project and the Muire Recolonization Project Therest of the settle- ment amount will be directed toward civil penalties and reimbursements for damage assessments and cleanup costs. A Memo- randum of Understanding has been signed by the three Trustees, which establishes the Apex Houston Trustee Council. Represen- tatives on the Council include: representa- tive Dan Welsh (USFWS in Sacramento) and alternate Jean Takekawa (SFBNWR); representative Don Lollock (CDFGOil Spill Prevention and Response office in Sacra- mento) and alternate Paul Kelly (same of- fice); and representative Ed Ueber (Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA) and alternate Miles Groom (NOAA in Washington D C.). The Council has de- veloped a draft plan titled, “Restoration of nearshore breeding seabird colonies on the Central California coast.” The plan will be published in the Federal Register shortly. Comments on the plan are encouraged. Salaries of Natural Resource Chief Executive Officers Organization Who’s in Charge Salary National Wildlife Federation Jay Hair $232,640 World Wildlife Fund Kathryn Fuller $185,000 The Nature Conservancy John Sawhili $185,000 National Audubon Society Peter A. A. Berle $178,000 U.S. Department of the Interior Bruce Babbitt $148,400 Natural Resources Defense Council John Adams $145,000 Conservation International Russel Mittermeir $125,000 Environmental Defense Fund Frederick Krupp $125,000 The Wilderness Society G. Jon Roush $120,000 U.S.FWS, Region 7 Vacant $115-144,600 TNG, V.P. Asia/Pacific and Hawaii Kelvin Taketa $113,340 U.S. National Park Service Roger Kennedy $108,200 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mollie Beattie $108,200 Defenders of Wildlife Roger Schlickeisen $104,121 Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund Victor Sher $104,000 California Department of Fish and Game Boyd Gibbons $95,052 U.S. FWS, Region 1 Michael Spear $92-115,700 Sierra Club Carl Pope $90,000 Washington Fish & Wildlife Department Robert Turner $87,434 Hawaii Dept Land & Natural Resources Keith H. Ahue $85,302 Alaska Department of Fish and Game CarlL. Rosier $83,844 Oregon Fish and Wildlife Department Rudolf Rosen $83,964 Greenpeace USA Barbara Dudley $64,000 Source: Information concerning private organizations is from Outside Magazine March 1994 and IRS Form 990. Information concerning public officials is from the agency. PSG acts to restore and protect seabirds in Southern California PSG has begun an initiative to restore and protect seabirds in Baja California and the Gulf of California. We thank the following patrons and sponsors who have at our San Diego meeting. Patrons Biological Journeys Theodore L. Cio^s Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Coming Craig S. Harrison Karl W. Kenyon Warren B. King Sponsors Judith Latta Hand Victor Emanuel Thomas R. Howell Please send checks payable to the Pacific Seabird Group to Craig Harrison, 4001 North 9th St, #1801, Arlington, VA 22203. 20 Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 Regional Reports Regional Reports PSG members are urged to sendinformation on their activities to their regional representatives. Addresses and phone numbers of regional representatives are listed on the: back inside cover of each issue of Pacific Seabirds . Alaska and Russia University of Alaska, Fairbanks (U AF) graduate student Brian Lance and assis- tant professor Dan Roby are in the second year of a study of the relationship of diet to chick development in Red-legged and Black-legged kittiwakes on St. George Island, Pribilofs. Brian is in the midst of laboratory analyses of the composition of adults, chicks, and chick meals from the two species andplans tocomplete his thesis by this summer. Graduate student Alex Prichard and Dan are using Pigeon Guillemots nesting in Kachemak Bay as bioindicatorsofneaishoreecosystemhealth. Alex recently completed this first field sea- son and biochemical analyses of biomarkers in blood collected from guillemot chicks and adults are underway. Studies on Sl George I. by UAF also include the following. S. Dean Kildow, assisted by Rachel Schindler, continued field studies of the comparative breeding ecology of Red-legged and Black-legged kittiwakes. This was the second year of his 3-year field study. Sharon Loy assisted by Will Fehringer, conducted the second year of her study of the use of fresh water lakes by Red-legged Kittiwakes and of Red- legged Kittiwakes roosting on the new airstrip on the south side of the island. Tara Gurry and Christine Brainard studied the breeding ecology of Thick-billed Murres and the behavioral responses of murres to aircraft traffic near the breeding cliffs. This was the third and final year of fieldwork for this study. Suzann Speckman (UAF) spent the summer on Oomera Island in the northern Sea of Okhotsk studying the breeding biol- ogy of Spectacled Guillemots in collabo- ration with Alexander Kondratyev. Alan Springer (UAF) continued long-term moni- Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 195 toring of seabird diets on the Pribilofs this summer. George Divoky (UAF) monitored Black Guillemots on Cooper Island, where fox predation on eggs reduced productivity for the second time in three years. Scott Hatch (National Biological Sur- vey, NBS) continued seabird monitoring studies on the Semidi Islands and Middleton Island in the Gulf of Alaska and (with Alexander Kondratyev) at two sites in the northern Sea of Okhotsk. He also con- ducted a pilot study in 1994 of at-sea move- ments by Common Murres using satellite telemetry. John Piatt (NBS) and Tom van Pelt completed a fourth year (1991-1994) of puffin diet sampling at numerous colo- nies in the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Aleutian Islands. Keith Hobson also joined the puffin cruise and obtained seabird tis- sues (4th year) for stable isotope studies of seabird feeding ecology. Also on the cruise were Gus van Vliet, Leigh Ochilenko and Jay Pitocchelli. John and Tom also contin- ued studies of Kittlitz's Murrelet in Kachemak Bay and both Kittlitz’s and Marbled murrelets in Glacier Bay Na- tional Park. Personnel with the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (USFWS) had a busy summer. G. Vernon Byrd, Jeff Wil- liams, Lisa Scharf, Joe Meehan, Dan Boone, and Jim Schneeweiss conducted a seabird census on Bogoslof I., an active volcano. Numbers of Black-legged Kitti- wake have increased since a similar survey 20 years ago and several species (murres and puffins) have nested on the 1992 vol- canic dome which is still smoking. Addi- tional information on productivity was col- lected for 2 species. Seabirds were also counted on Koniuji I. and murres were counted on Kasatochi I. Greg Thompson, Toby Burke, Laura Olson, and Jeff Wraley counted nearly 50,000 murres on the cliffs on the colony at Kagamil I. Joe Meehan, Jeff Williams, Lisa Scharf, Lisa Meehan, and Manuel Pacheco conducted dawn counts for Marbled Murrelets at Adak L, ran a sur- vey route to add information to an existing population index database, and conducted nestsearchesforbreedingmurrelets. They also conducted surveys for nesting Tufted Puffins to determine density, occupancy rates, and burrow persistence in established plots. Work began on installing a series of artificial burrows at a nearby colony to eventually evaluate productivity. Julian Fischer, Scott Hall, Peter Duley, and Wendy Cruso continued a long-term monitoring program of 14 sea- bird species at Buldir I. They also counted birds on index plots and collected produc- tivity information on Red-legged and Black-legged kittiwakes; Thick-billed and Common murres; Least, Crested, Parakeet, and Whiskered auklets; Pe- lagic Cormorants, Glaucous- winged Gulls; Fork-tailed and Leach’s storm- petrels; Tufted and Horned puffins. Work continued on a program to evaluate Red- legged and Black-legged kittiwake sur- vival rates through band-resighting. Angela Palmer and Susan Woodward monitored population and productivity trends of Black-legged Kittiwakes and Common Murres at Agattu L Leslie Slater, Barbara Blackie, and Jeremy Bahr con- ducted a seabird monitoring program for all common breeding species on St Lazaria Island. Long term monitoring plots were established for burrow nesters and murres. Leslie Slater and Tony DeGange moni- tored seabirds, particularly burrow nest- ers at Forrester, Lowrie, and Petrel islands. Leslie Slater, Vernon Byrd and others monitored Black-legged Kittiwake and murre populations at Gull I. and 60-ft Rock in Kachemak Bay. Leslie Slater and Gary Montoya counted kittiwakes and murres at Chisik and Duck island in Cook Inlet as part of a Minerals Management Project to assess potential impacts of issu- ing new oil leases in the area. Art Sowls and Vernon Byrd counted Red-legged Kittiwakes at St. Paul Island, and Art Sowls gathered information on kittiwake productivity. Don and Belinda Dr a goo continued the ongoing seabird monitoring program at St. George where annual data are collected on the productiv- ity of Red-legged and Black-legged kitti- wakes arid Common and Thick-billed murres. Both Pribilof crews implemented a program to assess the use of seafood processing outfalls by gulls and other birds. Art Sowls continued to oversee a rat pre- vention project in the Pribilofs. Winter monitoring of seaduck populations, includ- ing Harlequin Ducks and elders, contin- ued in the Aleutian (Jeff Williams and Joe Meehan) and Pribilof Islands (Art Sowls). D.G. Rosenean and A.B. Kettle com- pleted another successful season collecting population and productivity data on Com- 21 Regional Reports mon Murres in the Barren Islands. The work centered at East Amatuli and Nord islands. The study was funded by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council as part of their on-going restoration monitoring pro- gram in Prince William Sound and the northern Gulf of Alaska. Ed Bailey and assistants removed foxes from Simeonof and Chemabura Islands which makes the refuge-owned Shumagin Islands now fox- free. Working with Ed Bailey, Andrew Durand and Kurt Schmidt surveyed Black Oyster catcher and Pigeon Guillemot populations in the outer Shumagin Islands to assess the response of these species to removal of introduced arc- tic foxes. This project was funded by the Exxon Valdez restoration program as a way to restore populations of these and other seabirds. In a cooperative effort between NPS, MigratoryBird Management, TogiakNWR,* and Yukon Delta NWR, Lisa Haggblom collected population and productivity data at Cape Peirce, Alaska, 1994, for Black- legged Kittiwakes, Common Murres, and Pelagic Cormorants. Wholecolony counts were also conducted by boat, as well as colony documentation from Bethel to Dillingham. Vivian Mendenhall, Migratory Bird Management (MBM) (USFWS), had the privilege of visiting the Russian Far East She spent two months in the northern Sea of Okhotsk as a guest of Alexander (Sasha) and Luba Kondratyev of the Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan. They censused seabird colonies in the northern Sea of Okhotsk and found several large, previously unrecorded alcid and kittiwake colonies. Other previously-unsurveyed coastline from northeastern Kamchatka north to the Gulf of Anadyr was censused by Peter Vyatkin and others. These sur- veys were suj^orted by the USFWS, Rus- sian Academy of Sciences, and a grant from the U.S. Department of State through the ITS . Fish and Wildlife Service. Vivian Mendenhall and the Kondratyevs are continuing their coop- eration on the Beringian Seabird Colony Catalog. Luba Kondratyev worked with Vivian and Shawn Stephensen (USFWS) during February 1994 to learn the database procedures. Published and unpublished colony data for the Russian Far East will be entered in Magadan during the coming year. 22 Marine contaminants in north and east Russia are being assessed by the Office of Naval Research (radionuclides) and NOAA’s National Status and Trends Pro- gram (organochlorines and heavy metals). Scott Hatch arranged for collection of in- tertidal sediment and mussels on Talan Island, in collaboration with Sasha Kondratyev and Vivian Mendenhall. In the summer of 1994, the Marbled Murrelet oil spill restoration project (K.- Kuletz, D. Marks, N. Naslund, MBM, UFSWS), joined by Lynn Prestash and Rick Burns of British Columbia, studied the foraging behavior of Marbled Murrelets in Prince William Sound. They radio-tagged and tracked47 adultMarbled Murrelets over 6 weeks. Five nest areas were found and over 400 resightings were made by air and boat One of the nests fledged a juvenile, which was radio-tagged and followed over 16 days. They also re- peatedly monitored juvenile and adult ratios in two areas to develop a protocol for indexing reproductive success and post- breeding movement Bev Agler, Steve Kendall, Pam Seiser , and several other observers (MBM, USFWS) conducted a seabird and sea otter survey of Southeast Alaska. Data were also collected on seabird colonies. John Lindell, (Ecological Services, USFWS) in Juneau* completed a seabird survey of Icy Strait during August 1994 is the second year of area specific, at-sea waterbird surveys, which compliment the southeast wide sea- bird surveys initiated by FWS this year. As part of a MBM, USFWS project funded by iheExxon ValdezOil Spill Trustee , Council, Lindsey Hayes and a crew of five (Mary Cody, Kirk Lenington, John Maniscalco, Bev Short, and Ed Vorisek) studied the breeding and feeding ecology of Pigeon Guillemots at Naked Island and Jackpot Island in Prince William Sound. Bill Ostrand is investigating the role of prey availability in a larger project that is looking into the question: is food limitation impairing the recovery ofpiscivorous avian species injured by the Exxon Valdez oil spill? There isalsoan ongoing study of Glau- cous Gull predation on goslings and duck- lings on the Yukon Delta, conducted by Tim Bowman, (MBM, USFWS). In addition to annual waterfowl breed- ing pair surveys conducted throughout the state by MBM, USFWS, the following on- going studies focus on sea ducks in Alaska: a Steller’s Eider spring migration popula- tion survey on the coast of western Alaska, a winter Steller’s Eider population survey of Kodiak Island, Spectacled Eider popu- lation surveys of staging and wintering areas in the Bering Sea using satellite te- lemetry data from a study described below, and a Spectacled Eider breeding pair sur- vey of the North Slope, all conducted by Bill Larned, MBM, USFWS; a Steller’s Eider breeding pair survey on the North Slope, conducted by Karen Laing, MBM, USFWS; Steller’s Eider nesting study at Barrow, conducted by Lori Quakenbush, Ecological Services, USFWS and Robert Suydam,North Slope Borough; Spectacled Eider satellite telemetry study to identify staging and wintering areas, conducted by Margaret Petersen,NBS; a study to evalu- ate the extent of lead poisoning in Spec- tacled Eiders on the Yukon Delta, con- ducted by Margaret Petersen, Chris Franson, and Paul Flint, NBS; Spectacled Eider nesting ecology and adult survival studies on the Yukon Delta, one conducted by Barry Grand, Paul Flint and Marga- ret Petersen, NBS; and another conducted by Brian McCaffery and Tina Moran, Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge; nesting ecology of Spectacled Eiders on the Indigirka Delta, conducted by Dan Esler, John Pearce and Margaret Petersen; Spectacled Eider studies on abundance, movements and production in the central Beaufort Sea area, conducted by Troy EcologicalResearch Associates; Har- lequin Duck summer population surveys conducted by Denny Zwiefelhofer, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge and by Brian McCaffery, Yukon Delta National Wild- life Refuge; and a study of breeding Harle- quin Ducks in Prince William Sound, con- ducted by Dan Rosenberg, Alaska Depart- ment of Fish and Game. Beringian Seabird Bulletin - The sec- ond ^ue (1994) of the Beringian Seabird Bulletin is available now to anyone inter- ested in Alaskan-Russian Far East seabird activities. Please contact Kent Wohl, USFWS, 1011 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99503, if you would like a copy. Dave Irons Pacific Seabirds * Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 Regional Reports Circumpolar Seabird Bulletin The first issue of the Circumpolar SeabirdB ulletin was published recently and is available upon request Please contact Kent Wohl, USFWS, 1011 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99503, if you would like a copy. The primary purpose of the Bulletin is to improve communication and coordination be- tween scientists, managers, indigenous peoples, and conservationists interested in northern seabirds. The Bulletin is a joint effortbetween theeightarcticcoun- tries signatory to the Declaration on the Protection of the Arctic Environment The firstBulletin contains contributions by Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and USA. The Bulletin also contains a summary of the first Circumpolar Sea- bird Working Group meeting which oc- curred in January 1994. Circumpolar Seabird Working Group The Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) program is one of four program components of the Arctic Environmental Protection S trategy. The S trategy was adopted by ministerial dec- laration in 1991 by the eight Arctic countries. CAFF represents a distinct international forum of Arctic scientists, resource managers, indigenous peoples, and conservationists with objectives to share information on Arctic species and habitats,protect the Arctic environment from human threats, and seek develop- ment of more effective laws and conser- vation practices. During the second CAFF meeting in 1993 the US A presented proposals to create a Circumpolar Seabird Working Group (CSWG) to facilitate, among other things, developing an International Murre Conservation Strategy, a Cir- cumpolar Seabird Colony Catalog, and a Circumpolar Seabird Bulletin. The CSWG proposal was approved. The first CSWG meeting occurred in Sacramento just prior to the 1994 PSG meeting. Participants addressed five main topics during the inaugural meet- ing: overview of seabird resources of the arctic countries, murre conservation strategy, seabird colony catalog data- bases, circumpolar seabird bulletin, and new seabird initiatives. The new CSWG initiatives for 1994-95 include: circum- polar seabird monitoring network, sea- bird hunting and harvesting regimes, incidental take of seabirds in commer- cial fisheries, coordination of seabird banding programs, directory of arctic seabird experts, and guidelines to mini- mize human disturbance of seabirds at colonies. The country representatives to the CSWG are listed below: John Chardine, Canadian Wildlife Ser- vice, St. John's, Newfoundland Tony Gaston, Canadian Wildlife Ser- vice, Hull, Quebec Martti Hario, Finnish Game and Fisher- ies, Helsinki, Finland Aevar Petersen, Icelandic Museum of Nat History, Reykjavik, Iceland Peter Nielsen, Dept, of Health andEnvi- ronment, Nuuk, Greenland Vidar Bakken, Norwegian Polar Insti- tute, Oslo, Norway Alexander Golovkin, Ministry of Ecol. and Nat. Resources, Moscow, Rus- sia Alexander Kondratyev , BiologicalProb- lems of the North, Magadan, Russia Stanley Senner, National Audubon So- ciety, Boulder, Colorado Kent Wohl, USFWS , Anchorage, Alaska The second meeting of the CSWG is scheduled for March 1995 in Oslo, Norway. Canada Following a fairly extensive round-up on Canadian seabird activities in the last bulletin, this account covers only a meeting of British Columbia seabird researchers. Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 1994 hosted by the Wildlife Chair atSimon Fraser University and held there on 16 September 1994. Our intention was to improve coordi- nation among the substantial number of research projects now ongoing on marine birds in B.C. The following were present: Doug Bertram, Friday Harbour Lab., Univ. Washington: tel (206) 378-2165, E-mail bertrairt@ fhl.washington.edu; Alan Burger, University of Victoria: tel 479- 2446, E-mail aburger@uwm.uvic.ca; Kim Cheng, Univ. B.C. - Animal Science: tel 822-2480, fax 822-4400, E-mail kmtc@ unixg.ubc.ca; J. Clowater, Simon Baser Univ.: tel 598-4570, E-mail clowater@sfu.ca; Fred Cooke, Simon Baser Univ. - Wildlife Chair tel 291- 5610, E-mail fcooke@sfu.ca; Andy Derocher, BC Forest Service: tel 341- 4058,E-mailaederoch@mfor01 .gov.bc.ca; Tony Gaston, Canadian Wildlife Service* Ottawa: tel (819) 997-6121, fax 953-6612; Grant Gilchrist, Univ. B.C. - Zoology: tel 822-3363 or 875-8499; Ian Goudie, Cana- dian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon: tel 946-8546; Anne Harfenist, Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon: tel 946-8546; Ian Jones, Simon Fraser Univ. - Wildlife Chain tel 291-5435; Gary Kab ser, Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon: tel 946-854 6; Hugh Knechtel, Simon Fraser Univ.: tel 732-5466; Irene Manley, Simon FraserUniv.: tel 534-6678; Yolanda Morbey, Simon FraserUniv.: tel 291-3988, E-mail ymorbey@sfu.ca; Ken Morgan* Canadian Wildlife Service, Pa- cific and Yukon: tel 363-0623, fax 363- 0775; Joanna Smith, Univ. Victoria: tel 731-7102, E-mail joannasm@uvvrn.uvic.ca; Terry Sullivan, Univ. B.C. - Animal Science: id 255-975 1 or 822-6848; Tony Williams, SimonFraser Univ. - Wildlife Chair, tel 291-4982, E- mail tdwillia@sfu.ca. Tony Gaston introduced the proceed- ings by noting that there was much more research and monitoring activity this year in BC relating to marine birds than had been true in the past This provides an opportunity to improve our understanding of the “big picture” of regional events affecting marine birds through communi- cation and sharing of data among partici- pating researchers. He noted that in the past meetings relating to marine bird re- search had been dominated by CWS, but with theestablishmentof the WildlifeChaif at Simon Fraser University this was no longer the case. He encouraged attendees to contribute information to the Pacific Seabird Group monitoring programme, invited comments on the document "Con- servation issues and CWS priorities for marine birds” and urged everyone to en- 23 Regional Reports w uuiw tt vjiv iUiJV/WCU uy accounts of 1994 fieldwork in several on- going seabird studies. Ian Jones described the main seabird initiative being undertaken by the Wildlife — uuu vcjs, tuuiuinaiea by Alan, are being carried out at 40 sites in BC and provide information on rates of oiling (10% so far; low by international standards) and on periodic die-offs. He also mentioned ongoing work on diving perfor- mance of alcids, mainly conducted in con- junction with students, and the research of aron Dechesne, who is studying the validations of Marbled Murrelets. Ian Goudie described his current re- search on sea-ducks, especially Harlequins. It has been possible to band large numbers of HADU andresightings indicate that some birds from the US move north to winter in BC waters. He presented a tentative model for Harlequin populations, suggesting that they are capable of sustaining only a very low hunting mortality, probably only a few percent annually. Ken Morgan described surveys that he is carrying out on ships of opportunity to fill in gaps in our knowledge of offshore distributions. He is also investigating the effects of offshore seamounts in concen- trating marine birds. In addition, he is car- rying out counts every six weeks in the f™* nest s * tes ’ °f which 6 have so far been opportunity. Trudy Chatwin of the B.C. Ms may have been caused b/tot£ coordinated intendSl 0 ^ 11 ^ 11 ” 1611 * ™ te8t8arein progress. She would be interested intending to produce a manual of tech- to hear of similar obsetvahons elsewhere. mques for censusmg and monitoring ma- Anne Harfenist oudined an ongoing Zt * ose interested should con- reseaichprogrammeon the demography of T 7 . . . . Cassin’s Auklet atFrederick Island. Seven main from diverse observaS orSr Shar0n DeCheSne ’ who * *W*g the tound^dthero^ofphenomenasuch vocali.ahons of Marbled Murreiete. ” bland and those being conducted by 1 Bnush Columbia He dso described the Laskeek Bay Conservation Society at Reef work of the Laskeek Bay Conservation Island. y fn^teW^° ,inESeabird r U ! ati0nS Andy Derocher described aproject to 35 311 e f™. ple , of what capture Marbled Murrelets at Delation couHtedone by non-professionals Sound, which is being earned out in con- Fred Cooke gave a broad outline of junction with Gaiy Kaiser and Kathy Mar- e programme being pursued by the new tin. This year 176 MAMU were caught in Wddhfe Chair at Simon Fraser University 22 trapping nights and 43 were eqjpped and emphasized the importance of survival with radios. One nest was found by radkh Un ,f rSt T dlng pop “ lation tracking in the Moumain Hemlock zone ynamics, especially m the context of re- and some information was obtained on for- cently developed software that allows more agingpattems toib'eanalysisofrapnu-e-recapturedata. Gary Kaiser gave a summary of the The introductory talks were followed by current rat-eradication project afLangam Island This summer, brodifacum was used lying out counts every six weeks in the ml P S Straits of Georgia and weekly counts from „ __ ^ ttuaulc ^ aV,OUr was 38 pre - the Victoria feny. He is involved in discus- Chair; a research station on Triangle Island was actively 2 Sen f T ° ns over ^ establishment of marine undertaking population studies o/breeding S f P National Wildlife Areas in BC, with researchers was constructed, boardwalks out of ciVht , as a candidate. were laid over sensitive areas, and banding to determine thffate of ^ a 777 Sun,T3n > 8 studying the diet and breeding biology studies were initi- was taken hv ...ik t, , ^ S6 f' None 3311 chlck growth of cormorants in the ated, concentrating™ Cassin’s AukJet, Str ^ of Georgia.wilh a view m improv- Rhinoceros Auklet and Tufted Puffin, dined by about 90 ? dnrincr!h7 a ™ ^ 7 g the understanding of analyses for toxic r«=2KS.*£ sfS SXs pss SMSTSiltT -w-hwSS SSISiS'J^SSA ^ iS ^ 8ymptodcc ;hic* : tnass. He also mentioned Alan Burger described a series of dif- ferent studies with' which he is involved. . 7" ' ~ J Regular boat transects on the Vancouver project on the growth and departure age of Island shelf are designed to analyse coarse the vIT 1x5 ‘ estin g scale variations in seabird abundance. In- to Ytalterg model of fledgrngbeund- shore boat transects in Ilarcley Sound are S predictio^^Sp^ — e studies, e^ecIaiTwheTe growth rates to age at fledging. Field work ***** Solved. It was sug- this year, as part of the Tangle Island gested that each study select indices appro- study V involved measuring the growth of a decade ago Obsei^tinm^r i T ? mte 10 deteCt inter 'y ear variation in feed- several hundred chicks and some manipu- i ty of MAMUs are being made in Carm mg COndilions and contri bute the informa- latipns of date of hatching. Many chicks ml ^ bon to an annual compilation, in the form of developed symptoms described as “sh uteye prcfercnce ,d lon^^^ Tr^rt^ Leach’s Storm-Petrels. Diet studies were carried out for the auklets and puffins. Moira Lemon, of the GWS, repeated sur- veys of the permanent monitoring plots Set up in 1984. YolandeMorbey described her M Sc. mass. ne aiso mentioned the ongoing interest of John Elliot and Phil Whitehead in studying toxic chemicals in manne birds arid the possibilities for col- labbratioii Following the research talks, there was a round-table discussion on ways to im- prove communication and increase inte- gration among studies, especially where 24 Pacific Seabirds* Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 Regional Reports information could be contributed to the P.S.G. Monitoring Programme. Problems of selecting indices, ensuring comparabil- ity, and accuracy and possible publication formats, including an electronic bulletin- board were discussed. It was agreed that there would be an annual meeting of the group in (or about) November each year, at which annual indices would be compiled. Methods for dissemination would be re- viewed, but initially some kind of hard- copy formal would be employed. Fred Cooke offered to have the Wildlife Chair host the meeting. A good time was had by all. Tony Gaston Northern California Paul Kelly and Dave Jessup (Califor- nia Department of Fish and Game) are overseeing a variety of contracts for the Department’s Oil Spill Response and Pre- vention Program. The following individu- als or organizations are under contract to CDFG-OSPR to collect baseline informa- tion on Califomiamarine wildlife resources and develop injury assessment protocols for future oil spills: Harry Carter (NBS), Dan Anderson (UCD), Mike Boimell, Ken Briggs, Breck Tyler, and Dave Lewis (UCSC); University of California School of Veterinary Medicine; Hobbs Seaworld Inc. , and PointReyes Bird Observatory (for more details see below, under each organi- zation). Gerry McChesney of California State University, Sacramento is concluding his Master’s thesis. His study is on the breed- ing biology of Brandt’s Cormorants at San Nicolas Island, California and is part of a joint NBS (California Pacific Science Center)/U. S.Navy (Mugu Naval Air Weap- ons Station) project. Dr. Andrew Thompson of Santa Clara University, with support from the Elkhom Slough Volunteer Program, is studying how sexual selection operates in monogamous birds, using the Plain Titmouse as an ex- ample. Pam Brynes is continuing her Master’s thesis through Moss Landing Marine Labo- ratories (MLML) on egret foraging behav- ior, correlating habitat use with prey popu- lations. Jennifer Parkin, MLML, is focusing her thesis on a new Caspian Tern rookery Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 1994 in the Reserve restored marsh. There were 187 nests, up from 80 nests on the island last year. This increase is attributed in part because Parkin mowed weeds from the nesting area to increase nesting habitat. Andrew De Vogelaere and Steven Kimple,ESNERR, have developed an aerial balloon photography technique to observe the mixed Great Egret and Great Blue Heron rookery on the Reserve. The rook- ery has grown from 1 nesting pair of herons to 61 egret pairs in 1993. Extensive nesting use appears to be affecting the Monterey pines; several have fallen or are dying. Mark Silberstein is woridng with Ri- chard Zimmerman and Randy Alberti, Hopkins Marine Station, on a seagrass res- toration and biology project in the Elkhom Slough Reserve. Deborah Jaques and Craig Strong are completing the final report of a two year project assessing disturbance to Brown Pelicans at Pt. Mugu Naval Air Weapons station for the Navy in contract with NBS- CPSC. The project also includes aerial and ground surveys of pelican roost sites throughout southern California. Under Dan Anderson (UC Davis), Jaques and Strong and continuing their coastal State Park Marine Bird and Mam- mal Project. The focus of this project is a resource inventory and description of sea- bird and mammal habitats in state park units and current management issues. Jim Harvey and John Mason (Moss Landing Marine Laboratory) continue to monitor the monthly distribution and abun- dance of seabirds in Monterey Bay using strip survey methodology. One fixed transect and two random transects are at- tempted each month. These data will be compared with previous years and with oceanographic conditions. Accompanying these transects are weekly surveys of three 2-km sections of beach. Beachcast bird number and species will be compared with the data from ocean transects. Harvey and Mason are also conduct- ing seabird and mammal surveys at the Naval Disposal Site west of the Farallon Islands to determine the effect of dredge disposal on distribution and abundance of birds and mammals in this area. Student Jamie Scholten is examining the nesting ecology, behaviors, and ocean distribution of cormorants off Monterey. National Biological Survey biologists Harry Carter, Darrell Whitworth, Leigh Ochikubo, Gerry McChesney, and Mark Pierson (Minerals Management Service) conducted surveys of Xantos’ Murrelets, Ashy Storm-petrels, and certain other spe- cies and colonies in the Channel Islands. Several important colonies were discov- ered using new survey techniques, espe- cially at Anacapa, Santa Cruz, and San Clemente islands. This work was fundedby the U. S. Navy (Legacy Resources Man- agement Program) and conducted in coop- eration with the Pl Mugu Naval Air Weap- ons Station (Tom Keeney). Surveys will continue in 1995. McChesney continued to work with thePoint Mugu Naval Air Weapons Station (Tom Keeney) to study and monitor sea- birds at San Nicolas Island, focusing on Brandt’s Cormorants. Deborah Jaques and Craig Strong completed a two-year study of roosting Brown Pelicans at Point Mugu as well as surveys throughout the Channel Islands (also see Jaques and Strong report). These projects have been funded by the Point Mugu Naval Air Weapons Station (Environmental Division) and through the Legacy Resource Management Program. NBS (CPSQ and USFWS (San Fran- cisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge) con- tinued annual surveys for Common Murres, Brandt’s Cormorants, and Double-crested Cormorants in 1994. Al- most all coastal colonies in northern, cen- tral, and southern California were surveyed using aerial photography. In addition, sev- eral inland colonies of White Pelicans, Double-crested Cormorants, and Cali- fornia Gulls were surveyed in cooperation with the Point Reyes Bird Observatory (Dave Shuford). Funding to date has been provided by the California Department of Fish and Game (Oil Spill Prevention and Response), the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U. S. Navy. Roger Hothem (NBS/Pacific Research Group) is currently summarizing studieson contaminants and reproductive success in Snowy Egrets and Black-crowned Night Herons in two colonies in San Francisco Bay. Carolyn Mam and Joe Skorupa continue to investigate reproductive suc- cess in many species of waterfowl and shorebirds in the Tulare Basin in agricul- tural drainwater areas. Harry Ohlendorf continues to spe- cialize in wildlife toxicology with a special interest in the effects of contaminants on 25 Regional Reports aquatic birds. Several current projects in- volve ecological risk assessments at Superfund sites and other locations where contaminants are of concern because of their potential effects on birds (as well as other animals and plants). He is also work- ing on projects related to broader issues of wetlands and environmental enhancement Kristin Schmidt and John Hunter (S ix Rivers National Forest), C. John Ralph and Sherri Miller (Redwood Sciences Lab- USFS), Howard Stauffer (Humboldt State University-Dept of Mathematics), and Lynn Roberts (USFWS-Sacramento Of- fice) have been cooperatively developing a proposal for a study to better define the range and distribution of the Marbled Murrelet at far inland sites on federal lands in northern California. Craig Strong, Jeff Jacobsen, Ron LeValley, Brian Smith and others carried outpopulation and productivity assessment cruises for Marbled Murrelets from the Oregon border to PL Arena, California, in June and July. In August and early Septem- ber this crew on productivity assessment cruises near Crescent City and Trinidad, California. By using abdominal body molt and wing molt, we were able to obtain age- ratio data (fledgling/after hatch-year) into September. Craig Strong, Bill Mclver, Ian Gaffney, and Chuck Striplen carried out productivity assessment and distribu- tion cruises for Marbled Murrelets along the length of the Oregon coast in AugusL Murrelets were concentrated near rocky points and headlands this August, in con- trast to their predominance off sandy shores earlier in summer (1992, 1993). The pro- portion of fledglings was generally over 0,05, but we are still awaiting final analysis. POINT REYES BIRD OBSERVATORY A. Farallon National Wildlife Refuge and Gulf of the Farallones. Bill Sydeman, Peter Pyle, David Ainley, and Elizabeth McLaren continue to monitor breeding seabirds and marine mammals at the Farallon Islands. They are continuing demographic and dietary stud- ies on Western Gulls, Brandt’s Cormo- rants, Cassin’s Anklets, Common Murres, Pigeon Guillemots, and Rhinoc- eros Anklets on Farallon NWR. Winter colony attendance by Common Murres and Western Gulls also is being investi- gated. Continuing in 1994, Sydeman, Walter Jarman, McLaren, Pyle, Keith Hobson, and Lloyd Kiff worked to analyze data for studies of contaminant levels, trophic structure, and bioaccumulation of contaminants in marine birds and mam- mals in the Gulf of theFarallones. Sydeman and Nadav Nur are developing a spatially explicit population model for Common Murres in Califomia with funds from the California Department of Fish and Game Office of Od Spill Prevention and Response. Sydeman and Tom Schuster are developing the Oil Spill Response Team for California. David Ainley, Larry Spear, and Sa- rah Allen continue to investigate pelagic distribution of seabirds in relation to prey and other habi tat features in central Califor- nia, using GIS and remote sensing tech- niques. The study is being conducted in conjunction with theNational Marine Sanc- tuary and National Marine Fisheries Ser- vice. They devised a separate report on the Marbled Murrelet for the U. S. Forest Service. Sydeman and Michelle Hester are restoring and monitoring the Rhinoceros Auklet population on Ano Nuevo Island, Sydeman and Jack Feldman monitored population size and breeding success of gulls, cormorants, and Xantiis Murrelet on Santa Barbara Island in 1993 with fund- ing from Channel Islands National Park. B. Coast and Estuaries. Gary Page, Lynne Stenzel, Dave Shuford, and Janet Kjelmyr continue a shorebird ecology project, coordinating spring, fall, and winter shorebird surveys in coastal and interior wetlands of all states west of the Rocky Mountains. Staff and research associates continue to monitor breeding success and juvenile dispersal of Snowy Plovers along Monterey Bay. They are also conducting winter population sur- veys along the west coast of the United States. John andRicky Warriner and Gary Page are participating in a project to protect plover nests from mammalian (red fox) predation using predator exclosures (see under USFWS - SFBNWR). D. Mono Lake. Christine King and Dave Shuford continue studying breeding success and population size of California Gulls, E. Other Regions. David Ainley,Larry Spear, and Chris Ribic (University of Wisconsin) continue studies of pelagic seabird communities in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Ainley and Richard Podolsky (with Greg Spencer and Leah DeForest) are investigating popu- lation stability and effects of human-in- duced mortality on Newell’s Shearwaters and Dark-rumped Petrels on Kauai; Nadav Nur is helping with development of demographic models of these species. SANTA CRUZ MINSMURRELET GROUP The Singers, working in cooperation with David Suddjian and a team of volun- teer biologists, continue to investigate new and old Marbled Murrelet nest sites and associated flight and vocalization behavior in Big Basin Redwoods State Park. This year, murrelets were found nesting in the same nest as was used in 1991. With the support from the California Department of Fish and Game and San Francisco State University* Steve Singer is continuing a project that will locate all areas of remaining old-growth forest in the Santa Cruz Mountains and survey as many as possible for murrelet activity .This effort has revealed several new areas being uti- lized by murrelets, including at least one new probable breeding locale. SANFRANCISCOBAYBIRDOBSERVATORY SFBBO continues to monitor colonial nesting birds in south San Francisco Bay, including Caspian and Forster’s terns, herons, egrets, and California Gulls. USFWS/SAN FRANCISCO BAY NWR Jean Takekawa participated in aerial seabird surveys throughout central and northern California as part of a coastal California seabird survey (see NBS-CPSC above). Mike Parker and other Refuge biolo- gists continued to work with PRBO to evalu- ate the effectiveness of predator exclosures around Snowy Plover nests at Salinas River NWR and many other sites along Monterey Bay. Predator management was initiated in early 1994 throughput a large portion of the Monterey Bay area. Work was conducted by USDA - Animal Damage Control and the Refuge. Joint funding was provided by USFWS, State Parks, and County Parks. The program was directed at reducing pre- dation of selected predators, with aprimary focus on non-native red foxes. Preliminary results indicate that theprogram was highly effective. PRBO reports that Snowy Plo- ver reproductive success in 1994 was the highest since the monitoring program be- gan in the early 1980s in the Monterey Bay Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 26 Regional Reports area. The use of predator exclosures will be evaluated in the coming year. Funding is being sought to continue predator manage- ment in 1995. Mike Parker (USFWS-SFBNWR), and Harry Carter and Gerry McChesney (NBS-CPSC) conducted a survey for Ashy Storm-petrels and other crevice and bur- row nesters on the North Farallon Islands. They are preparing a report summarizing this effort California Clapper Rail monitoring and studies in San Francisco Bay are con- tinuing. Population increases observed in 1993 were sustained in early 1994. Contin- ued predator management (primarily non- native red fox removal) appears to be a major contributing factor in recent popula- tion increases. Joy Albertson , Cooperative Education student with the Refuge, is com- pleting her Master’s research on factors affecting reproductive success in Califor- nia Clapper Rails, focusing on contami- nants and predation. Stephani Zador and other Refuge bi- ologists, in cooperation with the San Fran- cisco Bay Bird Observatory, are develop- ing a program to use decoys to encourage restoration of colonial nesting bird colonies that were destroyed by red fox predation on the SFBNWR. Decoys will be used to en- hance Caspian Tern and heron and egret nesting colonies. As part of a nationwide effort, the SFBNWR Complex is evaluating all sec- ondary uses on refuges within the complex, to assess whether they are compatible with the purposes for which each refuge was established. The impacts of hunting, boat- ing* and trail use on roosting Brown Peli- cans and other waterbirds and shorebirds are being evaluated at Salinas River NWR. Public input is currently being solicited to be used to develop a public use plan and draft environmental assessment A similar evaluation will soon be conducted for SFBNWR. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS UC Davis graduate students, working under Dan Anderson, are conducting or finishing the following projects relating to seabirds: Steve Detwiler, behavior and physiol- ogy of wetland birds species in habitats contaminated by agricultural chemicals. Ruth Anne Elbert, population biol- ogy and behavior of Western Grebes and Osprey in contaminant-contrasted habitats in northern California. Frank Gress, monitoring reproduc- tive success of Brown Pelicans in the South- ern California Bight His long term moni- toring project on Brown Pelicans at Anacapa Island includes food studies and breeding biology investigations. He is moni- toring Brandt’s Cormorants and Pelagic Cormorants and is studying the effects of the El Nino on seabirds of Anacapa Island and in the Southern California Bight Pol- lutant studies are being written up on Brown Pelicans and Double-crested Cormorants from 1977-1993. A paper has been submit- ted with Dan Anderson with results from the telemetry study on the effects of oiling on Brown Pelicans. Leopoldo Moreno, ecology of White Pelicans in the Klamath Basin: population status, feeding ecology, and habitat/water- use patterns. Eduardo Palacios, seasonal activity patterns and genetic variation in contrast- ing populations of the California Brown Pelicans. Anderson is currently conducting ra- diotelemetry studies on the basic biology of Brown Pelicans to determine seasonal movement and activity patterns for oil- damage assessments. He will also be work- ing with Bill Sydeman atPRBO to assist CDFG in establishing baseline data and conducting damage assessments for Com- mon Murres, using similar techniques. Anderson and Palacios will also continue long-term monitoring of Brown Pelicans and other seabirds in the Gulf of California. D. Michael Fry is conducting a toxic- ity study to exam ine petroleum arid dispers- ant effects on isolated red blood cells, as a model for hemolytic anemia of seabirds exposed to oil. He is continuing his woikon pollutants in seabird eggs along the Pacific Coast. A study is in progress on mitochon- drial DNA sequencing in Marbled Murrelets and auklets, comparing Cali- fornia and Alaskan populations. D. Michael Fry and Dan Anderson continue their te- lemetry studies on the recovery of Brown Pelicans following release from cleaning centers. Jay Davis is conducting his Ph.D. re- search with D. Michael Fry on the ecology and pollutant exposure in cormorants in San Francisco Bay and the Delta. Michael Bonnell and Breck Tyler, at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 1994 are conducting monthly aerial surveys of marine birds and mammals in Monterey Bay, the Gulf of the Farallones, and other state waters. This work is done under con- tract with CDFG as part of the State’s Oil Spill Prevention and Response program. The survey team, which also includes Ken Briggs, Mark Pierson, Dave Lewis, and Dan Varoujean, participated in the recent oil spill “drill” in Los Angeles, providing real timedataon animal distributions at sea to facilitate response decisions. Jean Takakawa Southern California Pat Baird and three of her students presented papers on their foraging ecology studies on California Least Terns at the combined AGU/Wilson/Cooper meetings in Missoula, Montana in June. The study, funded by the U. S. Navy, continues and will be expanded in 1995 to include more colonies. In part because of the detailed work of four of her students on an ecologi- cal characterization of southern foredune habitat in Port Hueneme, a proposal for an RV paik adjacent not only to a remnant southern foredune/wetland but also to a Least Tern colony, was denied by the California Coastal Commission in Septem- ber. Roosting Least Terns and nesting Western Snowy Plovers were to havebeen displaced by the park. Pat also presented a poster at the International Ornithological Congress in Vienna in August Lisa Ballance just recently received a second year of funding as an NRC post- doctoral student She is working in con- junction with Robert Pitman and Steve ReDly. They are preparing to go on cruise in the tropical Indian Ocean from February through August to study community ecol- ogy of seabirds and marine mammals and their prey. Ship time will be paid for by the NMFS labs. The primary research purpose of the ship is for oceanographic projects, and most of time they will be between 20 degrees latitude north and south. They will be comparing the community ecology of the Indian Ocean with that of the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, with which they are more familiar. One of the main questions they will be asking is: are subsurface preda- tors as important for seabirds in the Indian Ocean as they are in the eastern Pacific Ocean? 27 Regional Reports Donna Brewer continues on herround- the-world cniise with her husband on their sailboat Currently she is somewhere in between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Charlie Collines continues to super- vise some Least Tern and Snowy Plover projects in southern California, some of which are funded by theU. SJSTavy, He also is “on the circuit,” giving talks at various Audubon groups throughout the southland. He has a graduate student studying winter distribution of skimmers. Mary Beth Decker still hopes to be graduating from UCI in March of 1995 with her PhD. She will be continuing her work on seabird use of fronts around the Pribilof Islands and will also be studying auklet foraging at small scale features in the western Aleutian Islands. Although still a California resident, Jan Dierks is been the proud owner of Columbine Cabins, 30 miles north of Steam- boat Springs, Colorado. It is an old mining town which she and her husband are restor- ing. Probably not a lot of seabirds pass over but she’s still looking. If anyone wants to come up for a non- marine retreat from civilization, apparently this is the place! Hugh Ellis is finishing up his analyses on thermoregulation in Brown Noddies off of Hawaii. He is also studying energy bud- gets of Eared Grebes at Mono Lake (not an easy task with so many of them and with the high predation rates there). Hugh is also spending many hours heading up the Ma- rine Studies program at the University of San Diego. Bill Everett is still conducting his long- term studies at the Coronado Islands, the mouth of the Colorado River and on Guadalupe Island. Somehow, in between all of these projects, he is organizing the January meeting of the PSG in San Diego as well as spearheading the effort to prepare a package to propose “endangerged species” status to the Xantus’ Murrelet Judith Latta Hand, along with Sheila Mahoney (Florida Atlantic University), organized and spoke at the well-attended “Women in Ornithology” seminar at the combined AOU/Cooper/Wilson meetings in Missoula in June. She is currently writ- ing a book, “The Voice of the Goddess,” about the- Minoan civilization of Crete, applying her well-hewn research techniques in science to those in archeology and pre- history. Kathy Keane (married in July to a 28 geologist), just completed aforaging study of California Least Terns in Los Angeles Har- bor. She will soon begin analyzing Least Tern data from Camp Pendleton, under a grant from the U.S. Navy, to determine if there is a difference in survival to adulthood of chicks produced by two-year olds versus those produced by more experienced birds. Lloyd Kiff recently left the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology. John Konecny, USFWS, is monitor- ing Black Skimmers, Caspian, Forster’s, Elegant, Least, Gull-billed and occasion- ally Royal terns at the Western Salt salt- works in south San Diego Bay. He is colorbanding their chicks. Likewise, not- ing that Double-crested Cormorants have built nesting platforms on an old dredge crane at the Saltworks (the only mainland nesting of this species south of San Fran- cisco), he is proposing that similar struc- tures be built in Mission and San Diego bays and Long Beach Harbor to encourage mainland nesting of this species. Pat Mock is keeping very busy con- tinuing to supervise research on watefbird foraging in San Diego Bay and doing waterbird studies in the Salton Sea. Like- wise, he is working on regional planning for biodiversity in general, and for Califor- nia Gnatcatcher population viability in specific, in San Diego County, and also on the effects of helicopter noise on Least Bell’s Vireos at Camp Pendleton. Mark Pierson is involved in a popula- tion study on San Miguel Island, funded by the U. S. Navy, focusing on Xantus’ Murrelets and storm petrels, mainly Ashy, Leach’s and Black. With Mike McCrary, he is studying shorebird distri- bution along the shoreline of Ventura County. He is also involved with California Fish and Game’s OSPR (oil spill preven- tion and response) group and is currently in the training phase with Breck Tyler (UC Santa Cruz). The thrust of this training is to conduct seabird and marine mammal sur- veys, in case of an oil spill, collecting real time data in advance of a slick in order to assess: impacts. Paula White is taking a hiatus from seabirds and is studying spotted hyenas in eastern Africa with Lawrence Frank (U.C. Berkeley) for the next six months. Eric Woehler is finishing his PhD. at UC Irvine, (which, according to George Hunt, his major professor, will be done be 3 1 March), looking at food consumption by high-latitude seabirds in both arctic and antarctic systems. He is also modeling bioenergetics of seabirds at sea. With George, he is studying foraging behavior of anklets (Least and Crested) in the Aleutians (Buldir, Kiska, Gareloi) and physical oceanography of the region. Pat Bcdrd Non-Pacific United States In work by the National Audubon So- ciety, the Laysan Albatross colonization project on Kaohikaipu Island (Oahu, Ha- waii) will begin its second season in No- vember 1995. During the first season (De- cember 1993 to May 1994), Stephen Kress and Richard Podolsky report that alba- tross were sighted on the island during 28% of observation days, with as many as four individuals displaying among the de- coys and sound recordings. On the Maine coast, Kress began a colonization project with Razorbills at Seal Island National Wildlife Sanctuary, and continued similar studies with Common Murres on Matinicus Rock. Kress also continued stud- ies of aversive taste conditioning for reduc- ing predation of Black-crowned Night Herons on Roseate and Common Tern chicks, and studied nocturnal abandonment of terns in response to night-heron preda- tion. Studies of tern chick provisioning continued at six Maine colonies. At the University of Wyoming, Clayton Derby and Jim Lovvorn studied the diets of Doable-crested Cormorants and White Pelicans on the North Platte River for a second summer. Cormorants again fed mainly on suckers, dace, and minnows from their arrival in spring until trout were stocked in early June, after which they ate mostly trout Pelicans, which were much more numerous, consumed mostly suckers and dace throughout the spring and summer. Jim Lovvorn Pacific Rim Significances toration work has begun at Midway Atoll. With funding from the U.S. Navy and technical assistance from Continued on page 3 0 Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 Book Reviews Bird Migration. A General Survey by Peter Berthold. 1994. Oxford University Press, New York x +239 pp., 50 figures. ISBN 0- 19-854692-0, cloth $5150; ISBN 0-19- 854691-2, Paperback $26.50. Over the last two decades our under- standing of bird migration has greatly in- creased. The author, Peter Berthold, is one of the leading German researchers of mi- gration. His book is a good overview of the field. At the same time, it is not a thorough and detailed text. Written by a European, the book is, perhaps, lighten the American literature, but is a good introduction to the large and impressive work being done in Europe. Most studies of migration have in- volved passerines. This book concentrates on these birds, with less attention to non- passerines. Among the larger birds, the greatest attention is given to the European White S tork Ciconia ciconia about which a great deal is known. Seabirds are hardly mentioned. The book includes an introduction and 11 chapters of which four are most impor- tant and make up the bulk of the book. A chapter on current methods of studying bird migration summarizes the various methods used. The phenomena of bird migration describes the many kinds of movements from irruptions to nomadic movements to the seasonal migrations between breeding and non-breeding areas. The rest of the hook deals primarily with the movements between breeding and non-breeding areas. A chapter on physiological bases and con- trol of bird migration describes the exciting work that has been done in Germany on physiological changes in birds associated with migration as well as the large-scale breeding and genetic studies. These in- clude breeding experiments on partially migratory populations in which birds were selected for their tendency to migrate. The results suggest that with strong selection, it would take only a few generations for a population to consist of all migratory or all sedentary birds. A chapter on orientation mechanisms describes the various orienta- tion mechanisms and theories on orienta- tion. As the author notes, this chapter is taken largely from a volume on the subject edited by Berthold in 1991. Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 199 1 enjoyed the book and thoroughly recommend it as a summary of the field and introduction to the large amount of work being done in Europe. Malcolm C. Coulter. P. O. Box 48, Chocorua, New Hampshire 0381 7 Mediterranean Marine Avifauna: Popula- tion studies and conservation. MEDMARAVIS & X. Monbailliu (eds.). NATO ASI Series G., vol. 12. pp. 535, ISBN 0-387-16092-2. Springer, Berlin. 1986. In this book we find the proceedings of the First Mediterranean Seabird Sympo- sium, held at Algheto, Sardinia in 1986, called together by the then newly founded Medmaravis Association with support of NATO’s research branch. Normally we would notreview abookprinted eight years ago, but in our journal we already reviewed (vol. 2 1 :34) the second symposium of 1989; the first one before us was an equally im- portant event It is printed entirely in the English language, but there is also an Ital- ian version. Eight papers deal with census surveys, and notable is the One (by Meininger and Baha el Din) on seabirds along the Mediter- ranean coastofEgyptfrom where there was hardly any recent information. In the chap- ter on Data Banks & Census Techniques we learn by the experience of Hemery,Pasquet, and Yesou who developed population moni- toring techniques along the coasts ofFrance. P.GJH. Evans’s paper on the same subject but extending it to the whole North Atlantic Ocean gives methods and data that are directly applicable to our North Pacific seabird researches. Our own researchers, Elizabeth, and the late Ralph Schreiber, write about pitfalls of census techniques. The only endemic seabird of theMedi- terranean, the rare Audouin’s Gull (Lotus audouini) is seriously threatened by its ex- panding congener L. cachinnans, and sev- eral papers deal with this problem. Four more papers and several poster abstracts discuss population fluctuations and ecolo- gies of larids, one, but a very interesting one, with biometrics of the Mediterranean populations of Cory’s Shearwater, Calonectris diomedea, by Massa and lo Yalvo of Italy. The last nine papers, on conservation and management problems, lead to the resolutions concluded by this important and well attended gathering of seabird researchers and managers, published in English, French, Italian and Spanish on behalf of study and conservation of sea- birds. M. D. F . Udvardy, Department of Biolo gical Sciences, California State University, Sacramento, California 95819, USA BirdPopulations: A journal of global avian biogography . Published annually by The Institute for Bird Populations. P. O. Box 1346,PointReyes Station, CA 94956-1346, USA. ISSN 1074-1755. Subscription with membership in the Institute (taxfree in the USA) is USD 35 per year. As the editors state that “A major goal of Bird Populations is the printing or re- printing of the annual reports of the major avian monitoring programs from around the world,” the bulk of this issue is taken up by annual reports of various population monitoring survey reports, eight from the U.K., and two from the USA. The first issue, of 1993, contains three research pa- pers, one of them dealing with a seasonal coastal seabird, Gavia.adamsiU by M. R. North. The 1994 issue, now in the press, will have two papers of seabird interest Peter Pyle and David F. Desame are writing about trends in waterbird and raptor popu- lations at Southeast Farallon Islands, Cali- fornia 1974-1993. JanetM. andTimothy C. Williams’s paper concerns seabird density observed at two circumnavigations in the tropic, subtropic, and subarctic Pacific Ocean. We wish success to the editors of the new journal. M. D. F. Udvardy, Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Sacramento, Calif orna 95819, USA Books received A Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo , Sumatra, Java , and Bali. 1993. John MacKinnon and Karen Phillipps. Oxford University Press. ($85.00 cloth; 489 pp; color plates; ISBN 0-19-854035-3). The Birdwatcher's Handbook: A Guide to the Natural History of the Birds of Britain 29 Books Thick-billed Murre masturbating on grass clump Atypical (?) sexual behavioramong murres (reverse mounting, several males mounting the same female simulta- neously, etc.) is not unusual among Thick-billed Murres, which seem to have great enthusiasm for copulation (see Birkhead 1993, “Great Auk Is- lands’ 1 ). However, despite aggregating many hundreds of hours of observa- tions on the species, we have never previously witnessed masturbation. On 1 6 June 1 994, while conducting a watch designed to quantify rates of copulation in relation to age at Coats Island, NWT, we both separately witnessed one Thick- billed Murre repeatedly copulate with a tuft of grass. The masturbation took place on an area of grass lm above a broad ledge used mainly by prospect- ing murres 2-4 years old. The bird in- volved was not banded, but seems cer- tain to have been the same one each time. On at least four occasions we saw the bird land on the grass (unusual, be- cause most birds only landed on the rocky ledge) and proceed to “tread down” a grass toft, as though positioning itself on the back of a female. Facing uphill, it curled its tail under the tuft, as though under the females tail, and gave every indication ofgoing through the full copu- lation routine, spending several seconds on each contact We did not examine the grass for signs of semen (there was a cliff in the way), so we cannot be sure that sperm was ejaculated. The fact that the bird repeated die behavior several times suggests that it obtained positive reinforcement from it We believe that this is the first observation of masturba- tion in a wild alcid. Tony Gaston, Kaj Kampp and Europe. 1994. Paul R. Ehrlich, David S. Dobkin, Darryl Wheye, and Stuart L. Pimm. Oxford University Press. ($22.00; 660 pp; ISBN 0-19-858407-5). Other books of interest Seabirds on I stands: Threats, Case Studies and Action Plans. Edited by D. N. Nettleship, J. Burger, and M. Guchfeld. Bird Life International, Cambridge, UK. 318 pp. (ISBN 0-946888-23-X) Proceedings of the Seabird Specialist Group Workshop held at the XX World Confer- ence of the International Council for Bird Preservation, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, 19-20 November 1990. This book contains articles on major topics of conservation concern for seabirds. It brings together the work of some of the world’s leading seabird specialists and de- scribes the status of island nesting seabirds around the world with details of threats and action plans for conservation. It includes major papers from the Seabird Specialist entrap seabirds, wire, and old antennas birds, sea turtles and Hawaiian monk seals at Midway. Ken McDermond which were dumped along shorelines. Corn- Group Workshop held in New Zealand, bined with rat eradication this cleanup will (Part of the New Birdlife Conservation significantly improve conditions for sea- Series, World Bird Club, Birdlife Interna- tional, Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cam- bridge CB30NA, UK.) Regional Reports Continued from page 29_ USDA Animal Damage Control, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has begun a rat (Rattus ratios) eradication pro- gram on Eastern and Spit Islands. To date the program has reduced rat populations by at least 90%. The Service plans to continue with this effort until it is complete. The U. S. Navy has also begun to identify and cleanup environmental con- taminants and wildlife hazards at Midway in preparation for base closure. To date over 100 underground fuel storage tanks of the tanks have leaked and efforts are underway to identify the extent of soil and ground watercomamination. Miscellaneous hazards are being removed from Eastern Island. These hazards include pits which 30 Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 • Fall 1994 Abstracts Abstracts of the 4 1 st Annual East Pacific Ocean Conference The 41st Annual East Pacific Ocean Con- ference was held September 28 through October 1, 1994 at the Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, Oregon. Thirty-five papers and posters were presented covering a wide range ofbiologial and physical oceanogra- phy topics. The abstracts of three papers of possible interest to students of marine birds appear below. Copies of the full set of abstracts are available fromS. Speich. [Ab- stracts should not be cited without the per- mission of authors.] Distribution of Zooplankton Biomass in the California Current during Summer, 1993. Carin J. Ashjian and Sharon L. Smith (Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmo- spheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami,EL) , and CharlesN. F lagg (Oceano- graphic and Atmospheric Sciences Divi- sion, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY) The distribution of zooplankton biom- ass in the California Current was estimated using the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) during two cruises surveying the current in 1993 (June-July, August-Sep- tember) as part of the Eastern Boundary Current program. Both the mesoscale re- gional distributions and small-scale distri- butions in individual features (jets, eddies) were described during this multi-investiga- tor project The goals of the zooplankton portion of the program were to describe the association of the zooplankton biomass with physical features of the current and to iden- tify the influence of physical forcing on the biomass patterns. Additionally, this project offered the opportunity to compare distri- butions of zooplankton biomass obtained using two different methods, the single frequency ADCP and the Sea-Soar mounted optical plankton counter, and to compare these distributions to the physical field and to the distribution of phytoplankton. Preliminary examination of areal and vertical distributions of zooplankton biom- ass from the two cruises reveals the impor- tance both of biological mechanisms, such as diel vertical migration, and physical forc- Pacific Seabirds • Vol. 21 No. 2 * Fall 1994 ing, such as advection, in determining the biomass distributions. The effect of physi- cal forcing was especially evident during the June cruise, when nearshore water was entrained in a meander of the California Current jet, injecting high zooplankton bio- mass offshore. Although diel vertical mi- gration produced dramatic and obvious patterns in the vertical distributions of bio- mass, changes in biomass associated with physical features were the dominant signal in the areal distributions of integrated bio- mass. Circulation near Cape Blanco, Oregon. JA. Barth, RL. Smith and A. Huyer (Col- lege of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR) The coastal upwelling region from 433° to 41.5° N off Oregon near Cape Blanco was explored using CTD on SeaSoar, ADCP, satellite SST and surface drifters from 23 Aug to 2 Sep 1994.For five weeks prior to the cruise, the normally strong upwelling favorable winds were more variable than usual. During the cruise, winds were upwelling favorable. Dynamic height topography, subsurface property distribu- tions and satellite SST show that during the first part of the cruise there was a connec- tion of coastal waters with a cyclonic eddy offshore but within 5 days the connection was weakened. SeaSoar CTD and ADCP sections were made across the shelf and slope to about 60 km offshore at 12 loca- tions between 43.5° N and 41.5° N shore; several sections were repeated during the cruise. Coastal upwelling was evident in all sections: the temperature at 11m decreased from > 18 C offshore to 12C or less inshore, and the 33 isohaline was near the surface at thecoast but below 80 m offshore of 40 km. Separation of the coastal upwelling front and jet from the shelf during the early part of the cruise was evident in subsurface property distributions. Additional sections were made across the front as it swerved offshore. The intersection of the 33 isohaline with 55 m roughly marked the location of the coastal upwelling front and jet Early in the cruise the 33 isohaline was continuous on the 55 m surface from over the inner slope at 43° N to nearly 140 km offshore at 42.5° N, curving back to the coast at 42° N. In the second part of the cruise the intersec- tion of the 33 isohaline with 55 m was within 40 km of the coast from 41.5° to 43.5° N. Three satellite-tracked surface drifters were deployed north of Cape Blanco in the equatorward flowing upwelling jet The drifter releases spanned the shelf break (20 km offshore) with the most inshore deploy- ment (over the 100 m isobath) separated from the most offshore release by only 12 km. After transiting south for 35 km at 40 cm j in the upwelling jet, the three drifters exhibited very different trajectories consis- tent with dynamic height topography. The two outermost drifters swept offshore in the separating jet reaching speeds > 60 cm 4 along the northern limb of the cyclonic gyre. This pair remained together for 3 days reaching over 100 km offshore, after which one drifter followed weak flow to the NW and was 300 km offshore 12 days after deployment, while the other continued to follow the cyclonic eddy circulation ex- ecuting at least one revolution around the roughly 80 km diameter eddy with speeds 20-60 cm ^ . In contrast to the offshore fate of the outer drifters, the inshore drifter was carried only 35 km Offshore in the separat- ing jet, but then swept back onshore south of Cape Blanco, approaching within 11 km of the coast at one point This drifter fol- lowed the dynamic height contours along the equatorward upwelling jet inshore of the pinched-off cyclonic eddy and after 11 days was 200 km south of its release point. Coastal and Large-Scale Circulation of the Peru-Chile Current System. P. Ted Strub, J. Mesias and Corinne James (Col- lege of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR), Vivian Montecino and Jose Rutllant (Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile), and Sergio Salinas (Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile) OffPeru the equatorward Peru Current flows northwest into the South Equatorial Current at the surface, the Equatorial Un- dercurrent splits at the Galapagos into a branch that flows along the equator to Ec- uador to become a poleward undercurrent (which extends to the surface) and a branch that comes to the surface and reaches Pem around 7°S as an offshore Peru-Chile Coun- 31 r Abstracts tercurrent. Thus, much of the flow off Peru is poleward and the upwelling system is primarily confined to the upper 50 m. Up- welling-favorable winds off Peru are stron- gest in austral winter and the surface layer displays a clear response to wind events around “upwelling centers.” Below 50-60 m depth, there is little correlation between locals winds and currents and the primary source of variability over the shelf is the passage of poleward coastal trapped waves. The poleward undercurrent is found over the shelf break (as off N. America) and the countercurrent (with noN. American coun- terpart) is found 100-300 km offshore, with a maximum in austral spring. Both under- current andoffshore countercurrent flow as far south as central Chile (35°-45°S),butthe connection between the undercurrent and offshore countercurrent off central Chile is unclear. The regions off Ecuador, Peru and northern Chile are those affected by warm ENSO events, in well documented fashion. Wind forcing is upwelling-favorable all year but weakoff northern Chile (which may provide a large-scale analog of the SouthemCaliforniaBight).Windsarestron- ger and seasonal off central Chile, but up- weUing-favorable winds are weaker than off N. America. The equatorward currents associated with upwelling stay closer to the coast off Chile than off N. America at similar latitudes and are separated from the larger equatorward flow of the Humboldt Current by the countercurrent. In summer the coastal currents carry fresh water from the south and have been called the Fiord Current The upwelling system appears to be deeper off central Chile than off Peru and brings water to the surface from the undercurrent, which is extremely oxygen poor. Upwelling also occurs preferentially at discrete “upwelling centers” off Chile, where colder filaments extend offshore 100- 200 km during upwelling events lasting a week or so. Thus, time scales of these events are similar to those off N. America but offshore scales of extentare smaller. A similar phase relation is found between wind forcing , nutrient enrichment and chlo- rophyll increases off Chile as offN. America (wind and nutrient-enrichment lead chloro- phyllincrease, which is seen primarily dur- ing wind relaxations). Seabird 16 Edited by Sarah Wanless Produced by The Seabird Group CONTENTS Do Great Skuas Catharacta skua respond to changes in the nutritional needs of their chicks? aalge from north-west Scotland. . K C Hamer, D.R. Thompson, A. J. Rundle.s. A. Lewis an Breeding skuas in Orkney: the results of the 1992 census. Islands. TTreSofLurbance on growth rate and survival of young Razorbills A/c