Yoiijme 31 Number 1 Spring 2@C4 PACIFIC SEABIRD GROUP Dedicated to the Study and Conservation of Pacific Seabirds and Their Environment The Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) was formed in 1972 due to the need for better communication among Pacific seabird researchers. PSG provides a forum for the research activities of its members, promotes the conservation of seabirds, and informs members and the public of issues relating to Pacific Ocean seabirds and their environment. PSG holds annual meetings at which scientific papers and symposia are presented. The group’s publications include Pacific Seabirds (formerly the PSG Bulletin), Marine Ornithology (published jointly with the African Seabird Group and the Australasian Seabird Group), symposium volumes, and technical reports. Conservation concerns include seabird/fisheries interactions, monitoring of seabird populations, seabird restoration following oil spills, establishment of seabird sanctuaries, and endangered species. Policy statements are issued on conservation issues of critical importance. PSG members include scientists, conservation professionals, and members of the public from both sides of the Pacific Ocean. It is hoped that seabird enthusiasts in other parts of the world also will join and participate in PSG. PSG is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (lUCN), the Ornithological Council, and. the American Bird Conservancy. Annual dues for membership are $25 (individual and family); $15 (student, undergraduate and graduate); and $750 (Life Membership, payable in five $150 installments). Dues are payable to the Treasurer; see Membership/Order Form next to inside back cover for details and application. World Wide Web Site http://www.pacificseabirdgroup.org Donations The Pacific Seabird Group is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California. Contributions to the Pacific Seabird Group are tax deductible [IRS Section 501(c)(3)] to the fullest extent allowed by law. Pacific Seabirds Pacific Seabirds (ISSN 1089-6317) is published twice a year in the spring and fall. It informs PSG members about regional seabird research and conservation news. Pacific Seabirds seeks submissions of short peer-reviewed articles, reports, and other items that relate to the conservation of seabirds in the Pacific Ocean. Abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting are included in the Spring issue; the Fall issue contains a summary of ongoing research. All materials should be submitted to the Editor, except that conservation-related material should be submitted to the Associate Editor for Conservation. Information for contributors to Pacific Seabirds is published in each Fall issue. Deadlines are March 15 for the Spring issue and September 15 for the Fall issue. Back issues of the Bulletin or Pacific Seabirds may be ordered from the treasurer; please remit $2.50 each for volumes! -8 (1974-1981) and $5.00 each for volume 9 and later (see Membership/Order Form next to inside back cover for details). Editor Vivian M. Mendenhall, 4600 Rabbit Creek Rd., Anchorage, AK 99516 USA. Telephone (907) 345-7124; Fax (907) 345 0686; e- mail: fasgadair@ att.net. Associate Editor for Conservation Craig S. Harrison, 4953 Sonoma Mountain Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, USA. Telephone: (202) 778-2240, Fax: (202) 778 2201, e-mail: charrison@erols.com Pacific Seabirds Submission Deadlines All items intended for publication in Pacific Seabirds must be received by The Editor or Associate Editor for Conservation prior to March 15 (Spring issue) and September 15 (Fall issue). Manuscripts may be submitted at any time. Change of Address Send changes of address to the Treasurer, Ron Le Valley, Mad River Biologists, 1497 Central Avenue, McKinleyville, California 95519, USA; telephone: (707) 839-0900; fax: (707) 839-0867; e-mail: ron@madriverbio.com PACIFIC SEABIRDS A Publication of the Pacific Seabird Group Dedicated to the Study and Conservation of Pacific Seabirds and Their Environment Volume 31 2004 Number 1 Article Do the Albatrosses of Midway Atoll Select Cigarette Lighters by Color? By John Cooper, Heidi J. Auman, and John Klavitter Conservation Report PSGNews Seabird News — Secretary’s Report for the 2004 Executive Council Meeting List of Papers and Posters Presented at the 30th Annual PSG Meeting Obituary: Jack T. Moyer Japanese Translation by John Pierce 26 28 Treasurer’s Report for the Fiscal Year Ending September 2003 Regional Report for Washingto n-Orego n, 2003 (continued) General Information Information on the Pacific Seabird Group Published Proceedings of PSG Symposia Pacific Seabird Group Committees PSG Life Members and Recipients of Awards Membership Application and Order Form ... 32 Inside Front Cover 36 37 38 39 PSG Executive Council 2004 Inside Back Cover ARTICLE DO THE ALBATROSSES OF MIDWAY ATOLL SELECT CIGARETTE LIGHTERS BY COLOR? John Cooper, Heidi J. Auman and John Klavitter Disposable cigarette lighters form a noticeable part of the steadily increasing amounts of plastic debris ingested by North Pacific albatrosses Phoebastria spp. and subsequently regurgitated to their chicks (Sileo et al. 1990a, Auman 1998, pers. obs.. Figure 1). The lighters, like other small floating objects in the North Pacific, are used by flying fish (Exocoetidae) to attach their pelagic egg masses, which are prey items of the Laysan Albatross (P. immutabilis) and Black-footed Albatross {P. nigripes) breeding on the Northwest Hawaiian Is- lands, including Midway Atoll (Pettit et al. 1981, Harrison et al. 1983). Plastic debris, including lighters, may also be mistaken by North Pacific albatrosses for prey items (such as ommastrephid squid), presumably because they match the col- ors of those prey (Pettit et al. 1981; see also Day 1980, Day et al. 1985, Ryan 1987a). Although the ingestion of plastic debris by North Pacific albatrosses may not result in direct mortality, it does re- duce fledging mass, and therefore could affect juvenile survival (Sileo et al. 1990b, Sievert & Sileo 1993, Auman et al. 1998). It is thus a valid conservation concern. Little is known about the at-sea dis- tribution, abundance or sources of these lighters, although observations among breeding colonies on Midway and other Northwest Hawaiian islands show that many are manufactured by or for Asian countries that surround the North Pacific Ocean, based on inscriptions (Pettit etal. 1981, pers. obs.). Surveys of beached debris give an opportunity to obtain in- formation on the sources of at-sea plas- tic pollution, as well as trends over time (e.g. Ryan 1987b, Ryan & Moloney 1993), but information from Asia seems to be lacking in this regard. On 20 August 2002 JC surveyed a section of the north-facing shoreline of Shi Jiu Tuo (Happy) Island, Bo Hai Bay, Hebei Province, People’s Republic of China, for washed-up disposable ciga- rette lighters. The seaward end of the surveyed shore was recorded by GPS at 39° 08.548’ N, 118° 50.090' E, and its length, also measured by GPS, was 860 m. All but two lighters found were col- lected for subsequent classification as to color, and where possible, provenance. The lighters were then disposed of on the Chinese mainland, since it seemed un- wise to subject them in their mainly cor- roded state to international travel. A total of 36 lighters was counted (Figure 2), at an average density of 24/ m. Only six lighters carried inscriptions that could be used to help identify their sources. Five had Chinese characters (which were not recorded), suggesting that they had come from the People’s Republic of China, confirmed for one lighter by also having the English inscrip- tion “Shenzhen Duty Free Shop.” A sixth lighter bore the word “Kent” and thus may have been derived from another country. Of the 34 lighters examined, 29 were made of translucent and five of opaque plastic. In numerical order their colours were blue (11), orange (10), green (6), yellow (3), red + pink (3) and purple (1). According to Shaw & Day (1994), transparent plastic particles were the most common color collected by neus- ton nets in the North Pacific Ocean (49.0%), followed by white (25.2%), blue (16.9%) and black/gray (5.2%). Day et al. (1990a) reported similar results. with transparent (44.3%), white (34.4%), blue (7.2%) and black/gray (4.2%) be- ing the most common colors of neuston plastic. Day et al. (1990b) recorded col- ors of visually-observed plastic debris (minimum size 2.5 x 2.5 cm) in the North Pacific; white was the most common. However, in terms of size, cigarette light- ers fall between these net and observa- tional surveys, and so there is no avail- able information on the color proportions of lighters floating in the North Pacific to compare with the that of the small col- lection made on Happy Island. Analyses of plastic items ingested by seabirds, including North Pacific al- batrosses, compared with at-sea informa- tion from net hauls suggest that there is selection for certain colors, and that in- gestion is not random (Day 1980, Day et al. 1985, Ryan 1987, Sileo et al. 1990a). However, although thousands of disposable lighters of many different colors have been collected from the breeding grounds of Black-footed and Laysan Albatrosses in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands, where they have been regurgitated by chicks or found in de- composed corpses (Mendenhall 2001, pers. obs. for Midway Atoll), there has Figure 1. Cigarette lighters within the stom- ach cavity of a dead Laysan Albatross chick. Sand Island, Midway Atoll, July 2003. By Barbara Mayer. Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 2 ARTICLES - Albatrosses been no information published that gives the color proportions of non-selective collections that can be specifically allo- cated to the two albatrosses (which can breed in mixed colonies or in close prox- imity). Thus, it is not possible currently to state with any certainty which colors of lighters Black- footed and Laysan Al- batrosses select. If there are indeed dif- ferences in color selectivity between the two species, perhaps it is due to differ- ences in their diets. Such might be ex- pected, given that Black-footed Alba- trosses consume more flying fish eggs than do Laysan Albatrosses, which eat more ommastrephid squid (Harrison et al. 1983). It could be assumed that Laysan Albatrosses would thus be more selective, ingesting cigarette lighters that more closely resemble in color their natu- ral prey, whereas Black-footed Alba- trosses should show less of a color bias in this regard, since they may be target- ing egg masses rather than the lighters themselves. At the request of the authors, volun- teers working at the Midway Atoll Na- tional Wildlife Refuge categorized by color a collection of 1307 lighters they had previously made during 2003 (Mayer 2003, Figure 3). Lighters were collected from the interior of all three islands form- ing the atoll (Sand, Eastern and Spit Is- lands), with the majority being obtained on Sand Island. It is thus reasonably cer- tain that all the lighters had been origi- nally ingested by albatrosses and had not washed ashore. It is not possible to as sign the lighters to either of the two albatross species. The red + pink color category was the most abundant, followed by or- ange and then green (Table 1). A non- statistical comparison with the sample from Shi Jiu Tuo could suggest that the albatrosses were actively ratios of light- ers manufactured. It is hoped that further studies on Midway can assign lighters to the two albatrosses, and can investigate prov- enance (or at least the manufacturers) of the lighters by studying their inscriptions and manufacturing marks. Ideally, to test for color selectivity, lighters should be collected at sea within the foraging ranges of breeding North Pacific alba- trosses. In addition, collections should be made on the tide-lines of islands in the Hawaiian chain that do not support breedi ing albatrosses (as well as on coastlineselsewhere within the species? ranges), so as to avoid any possible con- fusion between ingested and washed-up lighters. The Pacific Seabird Group could take the lead in calling for cooperative research to address this question. If new collections confirm color selectivity by the birds, then manufacturers of lighters in North Pacific rim countries should be approached to refrain from producing lighters of the selected colors, as a posi- Figure 3. Cigarette lighters ingested by alba- trosses on Sand, Eastern, and Spit Islands, Midway Atoll. Photograph taken after collec- tion on Sand Island by Daniel Tsukayama, July 2003. Table 1. Color proportions of disposable cigarette lighters ingested by albatrosses on Midway Atoll, 2003. Color Blue Orange Green Yellow Red+Pink Purple White Black Total Number 120 249 228 88 274 104 220 24 1307 Percentage 9.2 19.1 17.4 7.3 21.0 8.0 16.8 1.8 Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 3 tive contribution towards the conserva- tion of Black-footed and Laysan Alba- trosses. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS JC thanks Dieter Oschadleus and Les Underhill for their help with the sur- vey on “Happy Island,” conducted while on a post-congress tour of the 23 rd In- ternational Ornithological Congress, held in Beijing, China. We thank the volun- teers at the Midway Atoll National Wild- life Refuge who collected and catego- rized cigarette lighters, especially Bar- bara Mayer and Daniel Tsukayama. LITERATURE CITED Auman, H.J., J.P. Ludwig, J.P. Giesy, and T. Colborn. 1998. Plastic ingestion by Laysan Albatross chicks on Sand Island, Midway Atoll, in 1994 and 1995, Pp. 239- 244 in G. Robertson and R. Gales, editors. Albatross biology and conservation. Surrey Beatty, Chipping Norton, U.K. Day, R.H. 1980. The occurrence and characteristics of plastic pollution in Alaska’s marine birds. MSc thesis. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Ill pp. Day, RH., D.G. Shaw, and S.E. Ignell. 1990b. The quantitative distribution and characteristics of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean, 1984-88. Pp, 182- 211 in R.S. Shomura, and M.L. Godfrey, editors. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Marine Debris, 2-7 April 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii. Vol, 1. US Dep Commerce, NOAA Tech Memo, NFMS, NOAA- NMFS-SWFSC-154. Day, R.H., D.G. Shaw, and S.E. Ignell 1990a. The quantitative distribution and characteristics of neuston plastic in the North Pacific Ocean, 1985-88. Pp, 247- 266 in R.S. Shomura, and M.L. Godfrey, editors. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Marine Debris, 2-7 April 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii. Vol. 1. US Dep Commerce, NOAA Tech Memo, NFMS, NOAA-NMFS-SWFSC- 154. Day, R.H., D.H.S. Wehle, and F.C. Coleman 1985. Ingestion of plastic pollutants by marine birds. Pp. 344-386 in R.S. Shomura and H.O. Yoshida, editors. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Fate and Impact of Marine Debris, 26-29 November 1984, Honolulu, Hawaii. US Dep Commerce, NOAA Tech Memo, NMFS, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFC-54. Harrison, C.S., T.S. Hida, and M.P. Seki 1983. Hawaiian seabird feeding ecology. Wildl Monogr 85:1-71. Mayer, B. 2003. Marine debris: cigarette lighters and the plastic problem on Midway, http://kms.kapalama.ksbe.edu/ projects/2003/albatross; accessed 02 August 2002. Mendenhall, V.M. 2001. Midway Atoll: problems in paradise? Pacific Seabirds 28:2-8. Pettit, T.D., G.S. Grant, and G.C. Whittow. 1981. Ingestion of plastics by Laysan Albatross, Auk 98:839-841. Ryan, P.G. 1987a. The incidence and characteristics of plastic particles ingested by seabirds. Mar Environ Res 23:175- 206. Ryan, P.G. 1987b. The origin and fate of artefacts stranded on islands in the African Sector of the Southern Ocean. Environ Conserv 14:341-346. Ryan, P.G., and C.L. Moloney 1993, Marine litter keeps increasing. Nature 361:23. Shaw, D.G., and R.H. Day 1 994. Colour- and form-dependent loss of plastic micro- debris from the North Pacific Ocean. Mar Pollut Bull 28:39-43. Sievert, P.R., and L. Sileo 1993. The effects of ingested plastic on growth and survival of albatross chicks. Pp. 212-217 in K. Vermeer, K.T. Briggs, K.H. Morgan, and D. Siegel-Causey, editors. The status, ecology and conservation of marine birds of the North Pacific. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa. Sileo, L., PR. Sievert, and M.D. Samuel. 1 990b. Causes of mortality of albatross chicks at Midway Island. J Wildl Diseases 26:329-338. Sileo, L., PR. Sievert, M.D. Samuel, and S.I. Fefer. 1990a. Prevalence and characteristics of plastic ingested by Hawaiian seabirds. Pp. 665-681 in R.S. Shomura, and M.L. Godfrey, editors.. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Marine Debris, 2-7 April 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii. Vol. 1. US Dep Commerce, NOAA Tech Memo, NMFS, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFC-154.. John Cooper^ Heidi J. Auman^ and John KlavitteH. ‘Avian Demogra- phy Unit, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch7701, South Africa; e-mail: jcooper@adu.uct.ac.za; ^School of Zool- ogy, University of Tasmania, Hobart 7001, Tasmania, Australia; ^Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1082 Makepono Street, Honolulu, HI 96819, USA. [This is a peer-reviewed article.] Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 4 CONSERVATION REPORT Craig Harrison USFWS DECIDES MARBLED MURRELET IN PACIFIC NORTHWEST IS NOT A DISTINCT POPULATION USFWS decided in September 2004 that the Marbled Murrelet is not a differ- ent population from those in British Co- lumbia and Alaska. This prepares the agency to reanalyze whether the bird should be classified as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). USFWS recently completed a five- year review that was required by the ESA, but that was initiated by a timber industry lawsuit. USFWS’s regional of- fice in Portland concluded in April that the birds are indeed a distinct population segment (DPS) and are suitable for list- ing under ESA. They concurred with panel of independent scientists convened by USFWS, which also found that the species has declined 10% in California, Oregon and Washington since it was listed as threatened. However, the USFWS headquarters in Washington, D.C. sent the draft con- clusion back to the Portland office, say- ing murrelets do not qualify as a DPS. They supported this decision by a policy issued in 1996 that defined a DPS : it must be biologically different from other groups of the species, and, if there is an international boundary between the groups, there must be differences in the conservation, management, and habitat of the species across that border. USFWS headquarters decided that birds in the Pacific Northwest and in British Colum- bia are not different enough to warrant separating them, and that management is similar in the two countries due to Canada’s recent passage of protective legislation. According to environmentalists, delisting the Marbled Murrelet would allow significant increases in old-growth logging in coastal areas, particularly in Oregon. They point out that continued declines in the Marbled Murrelet, despite ESA protection and the Northwest For- est Plan, show that the species needs more protection, not less. They say that the Bush administration is allowing policy to override scientific data and judgement. The timber industry replies that not enough research has been done into the life cycle of murrelets to deter- mine that logging is primarily respon- sible for the decline. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME COMMISSION LISTS XANTUS’S MURRELETS AS THREATENED The California Fish and Game Com- mission (CDFC) decided on 24 June 2004 to list the Xantus’s Murrelet (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus) as a threatened species under the California Endangered Species Act. This culmi- nated a long regulatory process that be- gan when PSG submitted a petition to the Commission in April 2002, asking it to list the species as threatened {Pacific Seabirds 29:10, 2002). The California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) conducted a year-long review of the spe- cies’ status, then recommended that the Commission list it. The CDFC proposed to list the Xantus’s Murrelet as a threat- ened species at a public meeting in Feb- ruary 2004. PSG was represented at the meeting by Gerry McChesney, who read a letter from PSG; others who attended to support the listing included the Ocean Conservancy, the Center for Biological Diversity, Channel Islands National Park, and the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. The CDFC’s decision was facilitated by a lack of opposition. A pub- lic notice of the action was published in the California Regulatory Notice Regis- ter before its final adoption. The murrelet has a limited worldwide distribution, nesting on only six of the California Channel Islands and six is- lands along the coast of Baja California, Mexico. Approximately 51% of the Cali- fornia population nests on Santa Barbara Island, the smallest of the Channel Is- lands at only 2.6kml California currently provides some pro- tection to the Xantus’s Murrelet through interim regulations on incidental take, which were adopted in October 2002 af- ter the first public hearing on the peti- tion. The regulations apply within one nautical mile of Santa Barbara and Anacapa islands during the breeding sea- son (primarily 1 Feb through 15 Jul). The CDFG is also developing protective measures for the murrelet and other sen- sitive seabirds in the Market Squid Fish- ery Management Plan, which is sched- uled for adoption by the Commission later this year. USFWS DOES NOT RANK LISTING OF MURRELETS AS HIGH PRIORITY The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) published its Endangered Spe- cies Candidate Notice of Review in the Federal Register in May. Xantus’s and Kittlitz’s murrelets {Synthliboramphus hypoleucus and Brachyramphus brevirostris)wQrQ both added as candi- date species with a listing priority of 5. This is the lowest category and means that, as a practical matter, USFWS will not be devoting resources to listing ei- ther species anytime soon. Essentially USFWS says that Xantus’s Murrelets already are actively managed, and that no threats are so im- minent that the species is in immediate Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 5 CONSERVATION REPORT jeopardy, in contrast to other candidate species. The notice points to the success- ful rodent control efforts on breeding is- lands (thanks in part to PSG’s advocacy) and the shielding of deck lights on squid vessels. USFWS neglected to mention that California has listed the Xantus’s Murrelet as threatened, thus tending to support USFWS’s view that other spe- cies are in more imminent j eopardy. The basis for the listing priority of Kittlitz’s Murrelet is unclear. PSG COMMENTS ON DRAFT REGIONAL SEABIRD PLAN PSG commented during August on an extensive draft plan for seabirds in the Pacific region. The plan will guide sea- bird conservation projects during the coming decades and is of interest to ev- ery member of PSG. PSG noted that the plan contains excellent and useful back- ground information on the biology and general conservation issues that face sea- birds in the North Pacific. However, it lacked clear priorities for action, which we hope can be remedied in the final version. Among the specific priorities that we recommended were to provide short lists of the most important seabird colonies where predators should be re- moved, and a list of seabird colonies that do not have sufficient protection. PSG also suggested that some of the conservation classifications of seabirds be reconsidered to insure that they are objective and that agencies and the pub- lic focus their attention on the species that face the most severe problems. We noted that USFWS curiously found no prob- lems with Caspian Terns {Sterna caspia), despite the fact that the Service simulta- neously issued a draft environmental impact statement that would severely reduce the size of the largest colony in the world on East Sand Island in the Co- lumbia River. With respect to oil pollu- tion, fisheries impacts and contaminants, PSG urged that the final report focus on unresolved problems and include practi- cal projects or actions that would im- prove the situation for seabirds. PSG OPPOSES CHEVRON LNG PLANT NEAR CORONADOS ISLANDS, MEXICO PSG wrote Alberto Cardenas Jimenez, Secretario de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, government of Mexico, to express its concerns regard- ing the proposal by ChevronTexaco Cor- poration to build a $650 million liquid natural gas (LNG) facility 600 m offislas Los Coronados, Baja California. The ter- minals will be used to convert imported LNG — super-cooled liquid methane — back into gas for sale to the Mexican and U.S. markets. LNG imports are expected to account for 1 5% of the total U.S. natu- ral gas supply by 2025, a huge increase from today. The Coronados Islands are 13 km off the Baja California coast and are uninhabited except for a Mexican navy outpost on South Island. Accord- ing to Chevron, fish are not abundant in the area where the platform would be, because the sea bottom there is flat and sandy. The company has offered to cover its pipeline to shore with riprap to create a fish feeding area. PSG noted that Islas Los Coronados support at least 4,600 breeding seabirds of 10 species, but that the environmental planning process did not adequately con- sider the effects of the project on sea- birds. Of these, Xantus’s Murrelets are listed as endangered in Mexico, and three species of storm-petrels (Leach’s, Ashy and Black; Oceanodroma leucorhoa, O. homochroa, and O. melania) and Cassin’s Auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) are considered threatened there. Los Coronados is an important Mexican nesting site for all of these rare species. These islands support the larg- est known breeding population of Xantus’s Murrelets in the world and the only breeding population of Ashy Storm- Petrels in Mexico. Los Coronados are particularly important for Xantus’s Murrelets, a species that breeds only from Islas San Benito off central Baja California to the Channel Islands of southern California. Because of the sig- nificant seabird resources that depend on Islas Los Coronados, a number of major efforts have been made there in recent years to survey and protect the seabirds and other natural resources. These efforts include removing feral cats, goats, and burros, all of which prey upon seabirds or degrade their nesting habitat. PSG explained that many species of seabirds are extremely sensitive to hu- man disturbance, which can cause failed breeding attempts and abandonment of nesting areas. The construction and op- eration of the proposed LNG facility at Islas Los Coronados will dramatically increase levels of disturbance to seabirds, including: (1) bright lights at night from the facility and visiting tanker vessels; (2) noise from the facility; (3) noise from helicopters visiting the facility; (4) in- gress and egress of tanker vessels; and (5) other vessels transporting personnel and supplies. Taken together, the cumu- lative disturbance caused by this pro- posed facility could have disastrous con- sequences for these colonies. Many of the threatened and endan- gered seabirds that use the island are nocturnal species that come and go from their nests only under the cover of dark- ness. These species are very sensitive even to dim lights at night. Lights affect nocturnal seabirds in two ways. First, lights attract seabirds and cause them to become disoriented, thereby disrupting their normal activities and causing mor- tality as birds fly into lights or structures around the lights. Second, light can in- crease seabird susceptibility to predation by illuminating areas at sea and on the colony. Therefore, lights near the colony may prevent adults from visiting their nests, increase mortality of those adults that do attempt to visit the colonies, and dramatically increase their susceptibility to natural predators. Frequent exposure to lights at or near the nesting colonies will likely cause many, if not most, birds Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 6 CONSERVATION REPORT to either die or abandon the Los Coronados Islands breeding site. PSG urged the secretary to consider and protect these important resources in evaluating the proposal to build a LNG facility near Islas Los Coronados. SHORT-TAILED ALBATROSS RECOVERY TEAM MEETS IN JAPAN TO WORK ON RECOVERY PLAN An international team from the United States, Japan and Australia met during May in Kashiwa, Japan, to con- tinue its work on the development of a recovery plan for endangered Short- tailed Albatrosses (Phoebastria albatrus). One of the key issues dis- cussed was re-establishing breeding colo- nies in safe non- volcanic locations. The primary breeding colony of the Short- tailed Albatross is currently onTorishima Island, an active volcano that has empted in the past and devastated the Short-tailed Albatross colony there. PSG ENDORSES PROPOSAL TO ERADICATE SMALL MAMMALS FROM LEHUA ISLAND, HAWAII PSG wrote to USFWS in support of eradicating introduced rabbits (Oryctolagiis cuniculus) and rats (Rattus spp.) from Lehua Island, Hawaii, to aid in the conservation of seabirds and their habitat. PSG pointed out that the intro- duction of black rats (R. rattus) on Mid- way Atoll in 1943 decreased seabird populations there and caused the extinc- tion of the Laysan Rail (Porzana palmeri). PSG also noted that the eradi- cation of rats from Midway in the 1990s has benefited small nesting seabirds such as Bonin Petrels (Pterodroma hypoleuca) and storm-petrels. We suggested that re- moving introduced rats and rabbits could provide immediate benefits for small and vulnerable seabird species, such as Blue- gray Noddies (Procelsterna cerulea), Harcourt’s Storm-Petrels (Oceanodroma castro). Sooty Storm-Petrels {Oceanodroma tristrami), and Bulwer’s Petrels {Bulweria bulwerii), which might begin reclaim their former ranges. The elimination of rabbits would benefit all species that need vegetation for nesting, shade, or the stabilization of soil for bur- rows. PSG noted that USFWS’s Regional Marine Bird Policy (November 15, 1985) states that it will “remove all introduced predators from marine bird colonies on all National Wildlife Refuges and encour- age their removal from all other colonies” as well as “utilize all available programs and divisions of the Fish and Wildlife Service” to maintain all marine birds “in their natural diversity and on native habi- tat throughout their range” on all non- Service lands. The proposed rat- and rab- bit-removal project furthers that policy. PSG recognizes that the elimination of alien predators is sometimes contro- versial, even though they devastate natu- ral communities of plants and animals and drive some species to extinction. PSG offered to help educate anyone who may be initially opposed to this project. Finally, PSG endorsed a goal of full eradication, because half-measures are inefficient and a waste of funds. ALBATROSS NESTING INCREASES ON MIDWAY ATOLL In January 2004, USFWS an- nounced that nests of Laysan Albatrosses {Phoebastria immutabilis) had increased 53% on Midway Atoll, and that Black- footed Albatrosses {P nigripes) had in- creased 7%, compared to the most recent census two years earlier. Both species are reported as being taken as bycatch in the Alaska and Ha- waii longline fisheries, as well as in the swordfish fishery that occurs off Califor- nia beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone (now managed by the West Coast Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan). Estimated albatross bycatch in both Hawaiian and Alaskan longline fish- eries has dropped dramatically. Albatross population dynamics, like those for many other species, are complex and are af- fected by a multitude of factors. Factors can be both environmental and human- related, such as oceanographic condi- tions, prey availability, and nesting habi- tat. There are concerns that bycatch also contributes to population declines of al- batrosses; hence reductions in bycatch may account for some of the observed population increases. Further details are available at http;/ / WWW. fakr. noaa.gov/ protectedresources/ seabirds/newsitems.htm MERGASERS TOP SALMON PREDATOR AT COLUMBIA RIVER DAMS PSG member Julia Parrish recently announced the preliminary results of her study concerning bird predation on salmon in the mid-Columbia River. Her study will likely be used for management purposes by dam operators such as to the Chelan County Public Utility District. Parrish’s study observed birds along 62 miles of river between Rock Island and Wells dams. She collected about 1500 birds to examine stomach contents and fat tissue. The work was initially expected to focus on California Gulls {Larus californicus). Ring-billed Gulls {L. del aw areas is), Caspian Terns, and Double-crested Cormorants {Phalacrocorax auritis). Surprisingly, mergansers {Mergus spp.) consume more young salmon {Oncorhynchus spp.) and steelhead {Salmo gairdneri) than any other bird along the reservoirs of Rock Island and Rocky Reach dams, account- ing for more than 60 percent of the salmon consumption by birds. Gulls ac- counted for another 25 percent of the salmon consumption. Fishery managers had wrongly believed that cormorants and Caspian Terns were eating large Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 7 numbers of endangered young salmon and steelhead, but those birds do not ar- rive in the mid-Columbia until later in the summer, after the small salmon and steelhead have moved down stream. Also surprising was that salmon were eaten in the calm reservoirs behind the dams, rather than in the tailraces, where fish often lie dazed after their jour- ney through the turbines or bypass sys- tem. Eighty percent of all the fish eaten by birds are consumed in the reservoirs above the dams, not below them. There is currently no management of mergan- sers in the Columbia, and Parrish advised the utility to use a habitat approach to control mergansers and gulls to push them away from the areas where they tra- ditionally feed on salmon and steelhead. Tern and cormorant predation on ju- venile salmonids near the mouth of the Columbia has also been researched for several years (e.g.. Pacific Seabirds 29:92, 2002). DRAFT EIS FOR MANAGEMENT OF CASPIAN TERNS IN THE COLUMBIA RIVER ESTUARY RELEASED USFWS has released its draft envi- ronmental impact statement for Caspian Tern management. Comments are due September 21. The preferred alternative would disperse 60-70% of the tern colony (5000-6500 pairs) from East Sand Island by reducing the amount of nesting habi- tat there from 2.7 ha to less than 0.6 ha. Between 2500 and 3125 pairs would con- tinue to nest on East Sand Island. USFWS also proposes to enhance and create tern habitat at several other loca- tions on public lands: Summer, Crump and Fern Ridge lakes in Oregon, Dunge- ness National Wildlife Refuge in Wash- ington, and three sites in California’s San Francisco Bay (Brooks Island, Hayward Regional Shoreline, and Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge). Ownership of East Sand Island CONSERVATION REPORT remains unresolved pending a final de- cision {Pacific Seabirds 30:12, 2003). In 2004, only 17% of the identifi- able fish delivered to the Caspian Tern colony on East Sand Island were salmo- nids. This compares to 26% in 2003. The proportion of juvenile salmonids in the diet of East Sand Island terns this year promises to be the lowest since diet stud- ies began in 1997. The numbers of salmo- nids taken by Caspian Terns had been reduced by at least two-thirds through 2003 and there well may be a further a reduction after 2004 data are analyzed. REPORT CRITICAL OF NATION’S OCEAN MANAGEMENT FAILS TO MENTION SEABIRDS A national panel of scientists and ex- perts concluded that the coasts are awash with trash, that fish stocks are depleted, and that few of the federal and state agen- cies responsible for overseeing such is- sues are working well together. The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy made 200 recommendations to improve ocean man- agement, including doubling the amount of money spent on ocean research, beef- ing up public education efforts, improv- ing water quality, and better managing the nation’s fisheries. It called for creat- ing a national oceans council, a presiden- tial oceans council, a national ocean policy, and for sweeping reforms in the way the country manages its coasts and oceans. The current regulatory scheme con- sists of piecemeal legislation and admin- istrative decisions. Commission Chair- man James Watkins, a former Navy ad- miral and secretary of the Department of Energy, called on Congress to pass an or- ganic statute that elevates the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion (NOAA) to the lead agency for ocean affairs. Ocean functions that cur- rently reside in other agencies would be consolidated to reduce the fragmentation and redundancy that are a perennial prob- lem in setting ocean policy. Some scien- tists expressed concern about whether NOAA would be the appropriate lead agency on ocean matters. Amoang their doubts was whether NOAA would rec- ognize the equal importance of its re- search and education, management, and prediction/assessment tasks. Moreover, concerns were expressed that NOAA— or any agency in its position — would shortchange its research, education, and management activities when faced with funding shortfalls. Some academic sci- entists testified to Congress that NOAA can play a major role in ocean sciences, but its programmatic and organizational stmcture are real impediments to effec- tive partnerships with the academic community. The Commission’s report, however, was itself deficient: it did not mention seabirds. PSG, along with a variety of conservation groups, wrote the Commis- sion to urge that seabirds and their con- servation be included in its Ocean Policy Report. The letter notes that seabirds rely on, nd are critical parts of, the ecosys- tems that the Commission recommends as the basis for ocean and coastal re- source management. Many species of seabirds are threatened with extinction due to issues involving the world’s oceans. Specifically mentioned were (1) the serious problems created by oceanic longline fisheries; (2) the availability of cost-effective mitigation techniques in the longline fishery; (3) the failure of most fishing nations to adopt national plans of action as required by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organiza- tion (FAO); and (4) threats from intro- duced mammalian predators on critical breeding islands. PSG SUPPORTS AMENDING MIGRATORY BIRD TREATY ACT AND FUNDING FOR NEOTROPICAL BIRD CONSERVATION PSG has worked closely with the American Bird Conservancy to support Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 8 CONSERVATION REPORT the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Reform Act in both the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives. PSG added its name to let- ters from organizations such as the American Bird Conservancy, National Audubon Society, National Wildlife Fed- eration, The Nature Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, The Wildlife Society, and the Wildlife Management Institute urging passage of this legislation. The proposed reforms of the Migra- tory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) would make all non-native, introduced avian species, such as the Mute Swan (Cygnus olor), exempt from the protection of the act. The amendments are needed because a federal appeals court ruled in 2001 that the Mute Swan is protected from all man- agement and control by lethal means, under a provision in the United States’ migratory bird treaty with Canada that protects the family to which it belongs. In response to suits by animal rights groups, all mute swan control in the U.S. (even addling of eggs) has ceased. Dur- ing the first 80 years of the Act, USFWS and all state resource agencies operated with the understanding that Act applied only to native birds. Non-native, inva- sive birds were managed and sometimes eradicated if they interfered with native North American species or ecosystem functions. Without clarification from Congress, the court ruling could extend the act’s protection to at least 93 other species of birds, including pigeons and starlings. The measure to reform the MBTA has been attached to a bill that would re- authorize Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA). The NMBCA program has been highly popu- lar; the current bill would allow it to con- tinue, raise authorized funding from the current $5 million to $15 million, lower matching requirements, and add Canada. During the past two years, USFWS has received grant requests for 579 conser- vation projects totaling more than $225 million, to protect, restore, and manage habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife. The money that Congress has appropriated has been more than qua- drupled by matching funds from other sources. PSG also wrote to Senator Boxer of California, who did not support the bill on animal rights grounds. PSG noted that it has for years worked to remove non- native creatures, including rats and birds, from seabird colonies throughout the world where they can cause great de- struction to native seabirds. Examples include Common Mynas {Acridotheres tristis) on Midway Atoll that eat the eggs of native seabirds such as White Terns {Gygis alba) and Black Noddies {Anous tenuirostri), and Cattle Egrets {Bubulcus ibis) on Oahu, Hawaii, which eat ground- nesting terns on several seabird colonies. We noted that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agrees with us and supports the legislation to reform the MBTA. NFWF FUNDS A BLACK- FOOTED ALBATROSS PROJECT The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation recently funded a project by Oikonos-Ecosystem Knowledge called “Conserving North Pacific Albatross Populations.” Investigators will identify important foraging habitats by exploring the movements of satellite-tracked birds during the post-breeding season (July to October). The project was to have begun this summer with the tagging of Black- footed Albatrosses around Cordell Banks offshore of California. It should make an important contribution to the conserva- tion of the Black-footed Albatross in the North Pacific. FISHING VESSEL RUNS AGROUND AT SAN BENITO ISLANDS, MEXICO In late March 2004, a 95 -foot fish- ing vessel ran aground on Middle San Benito Island, one of the three San Benito islands. These islands support one of the largest and most diverse seabird colonies in the California Current, with 12 breed- ing species and more than 2 million birds. The Mexican navy responded to the ac- cident and offloaded 55,000 liters of fuel from the wreck. Apparently little fuel spilled during the incident. Because the grounded vessel’s crew walked off the boat to the safety of Middle Island, any rodents on board could probably have done so as well. Whether rats were aboard is not known, but this incident emphasizes the importance of quickly responding to accidents that can intro- duce predators on seabird colonies. FISHERMEN DISRUPT TOURISM AND RESEARCH IN GALAPAGOS Fishermen on the island of Isabela took over the Galapagos National Park offices during May, while several fish- ing boats prevented passengers on tour boats from disembarking on Isabela and Espanola islands. On Santa Cruz Island, about 50 fishermen took over the park offices and prevented staff from work- ing. Staff of the Charles Darwin Research Station who live in town were also pre- vented from working. There was been some destmction of property, but no in- jury to people or animals. The fishermen are dissatisfied about regulations for the sea cucumber fishery, which was due to open on 31 May 3 1 for a period of 60 days with a quota of 4 million sea cucumbers. This quota is far in excess of the limit recommended by the scientific and management commu- nity. Certain areas were to be closed, and a condition of the opening the fishery was a two-year ban on sea cucumber fishing, which was to commence at the end of the season. The artisanal fishing sector of Galapagos has carried out various pro- tests and blockades throughout the archi- pelago in past weeks due to their dis- agreement with the regulations. Their demands include opening the Femandina and the Bolivar Channel to fishing, the rescission of quotas, and the rejection of the two-year ban on fishing. UNUSUAL MORTALITY OF BROWN PELICANS IN Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA High mortality of young-of-the-year Brown Pelicans (Felecanus occidentalis) was reported along the southern Califor- nia coast. Frank Gress and Dan Ander- son have confirmed the presence of many more first-year birds along the coast than normal, as well as unusual sightings at the Salton Sea. They also emphasize this was an exceptionally good breeding sea- son. In the Southern California Bight, the earliest initiation of breeding on record was seen on West Anacapa Island (early November 2003) and Santa Barbara Is- land (early December). Possibly the most nests ever recorded were built literally all over those islands — about 6000 pairs on Anacapa and 1500 on Santa Barbara. The number of chicks fledged and over- all productivity appear to be relatively high. Unusual nesting and roosting pat- terns also were seen in the Mexican por- tion of the Southern California Bight. Nesting on Coronado Norte began much earlier than usual (mid-December), al- though overall productivity was normal. On South Island in the Islas Todos Santos group, a small colony of about 100 nests was present — the first pelican nesting there since 1923. On Isla San Martin, however, nesting began late and the colony was relatively small. Also, few birds were present, in contrast with most years when up to 10,000 birds from other colonies roost on San Martin in July. Nest numbers and productivity in Gulf of California seabird colonies were as high as Dan Anderson has seen in 33 years of continuous study. Species in- cluded Brown Pelicans, Heermann’s Gulls {Lams heermanni), Elegant Terns {Sterna elegans) and Royal Terns {S. maxima). The high mortality of young pelicans appears to be a natural event. Apparently food was plentiful early in the season, attracting large numbers of pelicans to the breeding grounds. Local food re- sources continued to be abundant during the nesting period, resulting in high pro- ductivity and a large number of fledg- CONSERVATION REPORT lings. Then the food suddenly disap- peared. Fledged chicks, which in any case have a high attrition rate in most years, were unable to find sufficient food and began to starve. Food-stressed young pelicans tend to congregate around wharves, marinas, piers, sports fishing boats, bait barges, and fish processors, where food may be easy to come by. Later they become “pier bums,” unable to find food from natural sources, and become a nuisance to humans. Anderson notes that the phenomenon has occurred at least four times previously, always af- ter exceptional productivity rather than seasons of poor reproduction. COMMAND SPILL TRUSTEES FUND SHEARWATER PROJECT IN NEW ZEALAND The Command Trustee Council has decided to fund a shearwater restoration project in New Zealand that PSG has supported {Pacific Seabirds 30:6, 2003). The Rakiura Titi Restoration Project will attempt to eradicate introduced rats from four nesting islands in the Big South Cape Group, New Zealand. The Command trust fund derives from the settlement following the tanker’s oil spill outside of San Francisco Bay in 1998. The council’s Final Resto- ration Plan allocated $3.9 of $5.5 mil- lion in the trust fund to restore natural resources injured in the spill, including more than 1,500 seabirds and over 24 km of shore in the Monterey Bay area. Shear- waters {Puffinus spp.) were the second most frequent species recovered in beached bird surveys after the spill and were the most numerous species identi- fied in aerial surveys. Among the recov- ered dead seabirds was a Sooty Shear- water {P. griseus) that had been banded in New Zealand. Hannah Nevins, Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge, is one of the investigators and notes that they plan to initiate pre-eradication rat and shearwater monitoring in late 2004. The eradication will be conducted in 2005. A project description and project updates can be viewed at http:// www.oikonos.org/projects/titi.htm This is the second time that a U.S. trustee council has decided to support a restoration project in another country. The previous decision involved trust funds from the American Trader Oil Spill in Southern California, which were used to restore a Brown Pelican colony in Baja California, Mexico {Pacific Seabirds 27:65, 2000). Other projects in the Final Restora- tion Plan of the Command Trustee Coun- cil include: (1) Marbled Murrelet {B r achy r amp h us marmoratus) restora- tion and corvid management, (2) Marbled Murrelet land acquisition and enhancement, (3) seabird colony protec- tion, (4) Common Murre {Uria aalge) nesting ledge creation, (5) Brown Peli- can roost site creation and enhancement, (6) seabird entanglement reduction and education, (7) Seal Cove beach access improvement, (8) Half Moon Bay State Park beach access improvement project, and (9) Mirada Surf recreational im- provements. The plan can be found at http://www.darp.noaa.gov/southwest/ command/index.html AVIAN CHOLERA KILLS CORMORANTS IN SOUTH AFRICA An outbreak of avian cholera in January killed more than 4,000 seabirds, especially Cape Cormorants {Phalacrocorax capensis), on Dyer Is- land off southern South Africa. This colony, a Cape Nature Conservation re- serve, has suffered similar outbreaks three years in a row. 7800 birds died in the 2002 epidemic. Previous outbreaks of cholera af- fected adults, but because it struck dur- ing the breeding season, this outbreak affected fledglings as well. Avian chol- era is spread through the birds’ feces and mucus. Wildlife managers attempted to halt the spread of the virus by removing dead birds from the colony as quickly as possible, walking through it several times Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 10 each day to retrieve dead birds and burn- ing them in bonfires. They also wrung the necks of ill or dying birds. Bird colo- nies are highly susceptible to rapid spread of the disease because the birds nest so close together. INTRODUCED RABBIT ERADICATION HELPS SHEARWATERS ON SANTA CLARA, CHILE While it is still too early to claim total victory, biologists on the island of Santa Clara, Chile, have made significant progress in the eradication of rabbits to protect one of the world’s three breeding colonies of the Pink-footed Shearwater (Puffinus creatopus). Santa Clara is one of three islands that make up the Juan Fernandez Archipelago, 640 km west of Santiago in the Pacific Ocean. The island chain was designated a national park in 1935 and, like the Galapagos Islands north of them, has a remarkable rate of endemism. Indeed, 60% of plants there are found nowhere else. Unfortunately, the islands suffer from the same threat as many others around the globe: pressure from intro- duced plants and animals that are out- competing the native species. Rats, goats, and European rabbits are among the spe- cies that have prompted the lUCN-World Conservation Union to classify Juan Fernandez as one of the 12 most threat- ened national parks in the world. Rab- bits have been a particular concern for Pink-footed Shearwaters, which breed on only one other island outside the Juan Fernandez group and are considered vul- nerable under lUCN criteria. Not only do the rabbits compete for burrows where the shearwaters nest, they also take over burrows in mid-breeding cycle, ejecting the birds’ eggs. Furthermore, the dam- age caused to vegetation by the rabbits leads to soil erosion that destabilizes the shearwater burrows. The Corporation National Forestal, which administers the Chilean park sys- CONSERVATION REPORT tern, has been trying for five years to rid Santa Clara of rabbits by poisoning and shooting, despite limited resources. They have been hampered by the island’s rug- ged terrain, which makes some burrows difficult to access. But the statistics speak for themselves: rabbit numbers quickly decreased from 350/ha in 1998 to 40/ha in 2001. From mid- January to mid- March 2004, researchers failed to find any evidence of rabbits on the island. Vegetation is already making a re- markable recovery, with formerly de- nuded areas now covered with grass sev- eral feet high. Egg rejection rates at bur- rows are down significantly, and while this bodes well, it is still too early to de- termine the effect on the shearwater population. Park officials and visiting researchers from the Juan Fernandez Is- lands Conservancy will continue to monitor the island in coming years and implement additional eradication mea- sures if necessary. IMPORTANT BIRD AREAS DESIGNATED IN THE BERING SEA Alaska’s first Important Bird Areas (IB As) have been designated in the Bering Sea area. Seabird colonies, feed- ing areas at sea, and places where other bird species concentrate were selected on both the Alaskan and Russian sides of the Bering and Chukchi Seas. The 137 sites include islands and island groups, mainland cliffs and estuaries, and pelagic areas. Eighty of the IB As are important for seabirds. They include all major colo- nies and adjacent waters, from Wrangel Island and the Diomede islands to the Aleutians and Commander Islands, and from Cape Olyutorskii to the Alaska Pen- insula. Offshore IB As also were desig- nated in productive marine areas such as the Bering Strait, several passes in the Aleutian chain, the continental shelf edge, and polynyas. Although 64% of Bering Sea IB As were chosen for their importance to sea- birds, others encompass habitats where shorebirds or waterfowl stage, molt, and winter, and a few coastal areas that are critical for land birds. Selection of the Bering Sea IB As ended up being a three-year project. Guidelines were provided by the Na- tional Audubon Society and BirdLife International. However, many decisions were still necessary (how many islands should be in a single IBA? how can we document the importance of a site using only vague population data? how should we draw the borders of marine sites?. . .) The work was a collaboration between Audubon Alaska, the state office of the National Audubon Society, led by Stan Senner; the Russian Bird Conservation Union (Victor Zubakin); and the Asia Council of BirdLife International (Alexander Andreev). Research and compilation were done by Olga Romanenko of Anchorage, assisted by agency biologists and by PSG member Vivian Mendenhall for seabirds. A booklet summarizing the Bering Sea IB As has been published by Audubon Alaska (ssenner@audubon.org) . The full data- base for these IB As is not being pub- lished as hard copy, but it will be avail- able in the near future through the Na- tional Audubon Society’s website (http:/ /www, audubon.org). For each IBA, the database contains population estimates for bird species, physical description of the site, map, research and monitoring history, threats and conservation issues, and other information. Important Bird Areas are designated as a worldwide program overseen by BirdLife International; the National Audubon Society manages the IBA project in the U.S. IBA status does not convey statutory protection. However, it draws public attention to areas that are essential to birds, and some governments have extended protection to their IB As. Most seabird colonies in Alaska already are in national wildlife refuges, but the marine areas and many Russian colonies are without statutory protection. Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 1 1 WWF-RUSSIAN PROJECT TO REDUCE LONGLINE BYCATCH IN THE BERING SEA Seabirds are taken incidentally by fisheries in the Russian Far East — trawl, driftnet, and longline — but little informa- tion has been available on the problem, especially for longline bycatch. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) provided a grant in 2003 to assist Russian research- ers in collecting data and consulting with the Russian fishing industry. In 2004, WWF expanded the effort by arranging meetings of Russian and American bycatch experts and encouraging the in- dustry to experiment with deterrent de- vices. In 2003, seabird scientist Yuri Artyukhin analyzed past data on Russian longline bycatch (what there was of it), and placed observers (including himself) on longline vessels and fishery research vessels, using an observation protocol based Ed Melvin’s. He also organized a seminar on seabird bycatch for Kamchatka fishermen, among other work. CONSERVATION REPORT This past May, WWF brought Ed Melvin (Washington SeaGrant) to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii, along with Mark Lundsten (a retired longline fish- erman who has been active in bycatch reduction) and WWF’s Meredith Lopuch. They visited with Dr. Artyukhin, other scientists, fishery managers, indig- enous communities, and the fishing in- dustry. The general director of AKROS, the largest longline company, has ap- proved initial experiments with stream- ers and weighted lines in the fishery. WWF also attended a meeting of the Russian Far East Forum in July 2004 in Vladivostok. At both venues they pre- sented the educational video “Off the Hook,” for which a Russian version is near completion. A Russian-language bird identification guide (a laminated card) is also being prepared, in coopera- tion with the North Pacific Longliners’ Association. Dr. Artyukhin previously wrote a seabird identification book for researchers and the interested public. WWF plans to continue supporting and coordinating Russian bycatch re- search next year, including evaluation of bycatch deterrents with regard to seabird bycatch and fishing harvest. Farther in the future, they hope that bycatch deter- rents can be expanded to other Russian fishing areas such as the Okhotsk Sea and Barents Sea. GROSS PLASTIC POLLUTION IN THE NORTH PACIFIC A carpet of plastic almost as large as central Europe and weighing 3 mil- lion tons has accumulated in the North Pacific Gyre, 2000 km northwest of HawaiT. This was reported in an article in the March 2004 issue of the German magazine Geo. Charles Moore of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation describes the “plastic megastrudel” as an almost solid mat. The stuff includes pop bottles, fishing nets, and packing mate- rial. Some of the trash is mistaken for food by birds and fish. What’s more, per- sistent toxic compounds such as PCBs are present in floating plastics at a con- centration a million times higher than in the surrounding water, according to Hideshige Takada, a geochemist at the University of Tokyo. Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 12 PSG NEWS 2004 ANNUAL MEETING IN LAPAZ, BCS The Pacific Seabird Group’s 3P* Annual Meeting took place on 21-25 January 2004 in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The scientific program included three plenary lectures by George L. Hunt, Jr., Sarah Wanless, and Exequiel Ezcurra, symposia on the Brown Pelican in west- ern North America and on ornithologi- cal studies with radar, a special paper session on cormorants, and many other presentations. (A full list of paper titles and authors is elsewhere in this issue.) The Hotel Los Arcos was an ex- tremely pleasant venue. The local com- mittee provided excellent arrangements, which included full buffet lunches at the Conservation Committee and Annual General meetings. The banquet on Sat- urday night featured a Lifetime Achieve- ment Award for George L. Hunt, Jr. (an article on this award will be in the next Pacific Seabirds). In addition, Eduardo Palacios was awarded an iron sculpture of a pelican in recognition of his hard work as head of the Local Committee. It was a treat, as always, to walk around the streets of La Paz, and to tour the nearby countryside, on organized outings or individually. Those who trav- eled to the meeting on Dan Anderson’s bus enjoyed birdwatching and learning local ecology throughout the Baja pen- insula. They were especially prepared to appreciate Dr. Ezcurra’s talk on conser- vation problems in northwestern Mexico — its remoteness is combined with fragility. Many who attended were intrigued to compare their fellow PSG members and La Paz itself with what they saw at PSG’s 1986 meeting there. One attendee who was in utero then is a now young man. La Paz’s waterfront .has developed. Most hope that they can return to La Paz in somewhat less than 18 years! PSG TO MEET WITH THE WATERBIRD SOCIETY IN 2005 IN PORTLAND PSG’s 32"'* Annual Meeting will be held 19-23 jointly with the Waterbird Society in Portland, Oregon, on 19-23 January 2005. The Local Committee chair is Katie O’Reilly; the scientific pro- gram chairs are Bob Day and Francie Cuthbert. Further information will be in the fall issue of Pacific Seabirds. PSG ELECTIONS The following people were elected to the Executive Council in fall of 2003. They will serve from the end of 2004’s Annual Meeting through the 2005 meet- ing: Chair-elect: Bob Day Secretary: Ron Ydenberg Student Representative: Shiway Wang Regional representatives Alaska-Russia: Verena Gill Northern California: Esther Burkett Pacific Rim and Hawaii: Beth Flint Old World: Mark Tasker A list of all Exco members is on the inside back cover of Pacific Seabirds. More ballots than usual were re- turned in this election, which is a good sign. But, as always, some people voted for a representative in eveij region. No- no-no... How many years of education does it take before we can read a ballot?? UPCOMING ELECTIONS In fall 2004, PSG members will re- ceive ballots for Chair-elect, Vice-chair for Conservation, Treasurer, and regional representatives for Canada, Southern California, and the non-Pacific U.S. In many PSG elections, only one candi- date runs for each slot. Pat Baird, the Elections Committee chair, spends a lot of time finding these candidates. The Exco urges Regional Representatives whose region will be on the next ballot to find one or two willing candidates. This is especially important if the incum- bent will not run again; however, it’s al- ways good to have a choice on the bal- lot. PSG ABSTRACTS ON WEB, NOT IN PACIFIC SEABIRDS Pacific Seabirds is ending its long tradition of publishing the complete ab- stracts of papers presented at each an- nual meeting. The full abstracts are avail- able at PSG’s Internet web site, at http:// pacificseabirdgroup.org Pacific Seabirds will continue to publish a list of all pa- per titles, authors, and contact informa- tion for the first author. The Executive Council decided to discontinue publishing abstracts in Pa- cific Seabirds at their meeting in Janu- ary 2004. Reasons for the decision are to avoid duplication and reduce costs. Du- plication is avoided because the abstracts are already available on the Web site (which is also a PSG publication). PSG has been reviewing publication costs for several years (see Pacific Seabirds 3po:92 and 1 19, 2003), and it has become necessary to save money in some man- ner. Publishing only titles in Pacific Sea- birds instead of full abstracts will save about 45 pages each year, which trans- lates to around US$2,500 in publication and mailing costs (out of an annual total for the journal of $7,000 or so). The disadvantage of discontinuing the abstracts is that some members don’t have easy access to the Internet, and some who do would still prefer to receive them as “hard copy.” We apologize to readers who will find the new system Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 13 PSG NEWS inconvenient. The editor hopes that the list of titles will help, and that readers will either download the full abstracts from the Web or will write to senior au- thors for copies of interesting abstracts. For those who have not used the PSG web site before, here is a short manual for finding the abstracts. (Librar- ies and Internet cafes can assist you.) 1. Type the site’s URL into the “Ad- dress” line on the Internet browser screen: http://pacificseabirdgroup.org 2. On the site’s home page, find the phrase “Annual Meeting” near the top; click on it. 3. On the “Annual Meeting” page, an announcement of the, future meeting usually appears near the top; scroll down to links for the past meeting. 4. Click on “Abstracts.” This will cause the abstracts (about 55 pages) to NEW PETREL A new subspecies of the Tahiti Pe- trel {Pterodroma rostrata) has been des- ignated. The New Caledonian bird has been named P. t. trouessart , based on a heavier bill, among other characteristics. REPORTS ON SOUTH PACIFIC EXPEDITION NOW ACCESSIBLE The U.S. Exploring Expedition of 1832-1842 was an important chapter in the scientific and geographic annals of the South Pacific, Although little known, this naval expedition disccovered Antarc- tica and Wake Island, among other download onto your computer, which will take a few moments. 5. To read this PDF file, you will need the program “Adobe Acrobat Reader.” If your computer doesn’t have this, it can be downloaded free from the Internet. 6. You can read the abstracts on the computer screen, print one or more pages, or print all of them. PSG NOW HAS ELECTRONIC BULLETIN BOARD PSG has entered the 2P* century by offering its members a list-serve for news on seabird research and conservation. Those who subscribe to the list-serve re ceive an automatic e-mail whenever an- other subscriber posts information or a comment, and every subscriber can post his or her own material. Verena Gill developed the list-serve during the past year, and it is hosted on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s server. To subscribe, members can e-mail her at Verena_Gill@fws.gov If you de- cide not to continue the service, you can un-subscribe instantly by clicking on a link in each message. A word of caution: the list is getting clogged with messages intended for 1 or 2 people. All posted messages say they come “From” an individual. However, if the line below “From” says “Reply to Pacificseabirds@lists.fws.gov,” do not automatically click on the “Reply” but- ton — that sends your message back onto the list-serve. Instead, please start over with a new message. SEABIRD NEWS places, and specimens obtained by its scientists form the foundation of the Smithsonian collections. The trip is now recounted in a best seller, Sea ofGloiy, America’s Voyage of Discovery, by Nathaniel Philbrick. Cognoscenti refer to the expedition as “The US Ex Ex.” A new Smithsonian website contains all vol- umes of the expedition’s reports, includ- ing Peak’s volume on birds and mam- mals. Its URL is http://www.sil.si.edu/ DigitalCollections/usexex/ A FISHERIES AGENCY BY ANY OTHER NAME... Pacific Seabirds asked Kim Rivera, of the National Oceanographic and At- mospheric Administration (NOAA), whether “NOAA Fisheries” is a new agency, or whether it’s the new name for the old National Marine Fisheries Ser- vice (NMFS, conveniently pronounced “Nymphs”). Kim replied that neither is true — the same agency now has two names. The head of NOAA would like NOAA agencies to be more identifiable as divisions within NOAA, and therefore NMFS is now using the name NOAA Fisheries. However, the official name is still National Marine Fisheries Service, because it would require an act of Con- gress to change it in regulatory docu- ments. So either name is correct. Rivera adds, “Sorry, I know it’s confusing! Please don’t use ‘NOAA-F!’” Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 14 SECRETARY’S REPORT SUMMARY OF PROPOSED MINUTES OF THE 2004 PACIFIC SEABIRD GROUP EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico, 21 and 23 January 2004 [The full text of the proposed min- utes is available from the Secretary, Ron Ydenberg. The minutes will become of- ficial when they are approved the 2005 Executive Council meeting.] 21 January 2004 Minutes The minutes from the 2003 meeting were approved with minor corrections. Treasurer’s Report The Treasurer’s Report for 2003 was approved. {Editor’s note: the Treasurer’s Report usually is published in the fall Pacific Seabirds before the Annual Meet- ing, but the report for 2003 appears in this issue.] Meetings Local committees Local Committees for each Annual Meeting should wind up their finances soon after the meeting, so that the Trea- surer can get PSG’s accounts in order. The Exco stressed that the local commit- tee chair must provide the Treasurer with final report and a check for any profit within one month of the meeting. The PSG Handbook will be changed to re- flect this. Student Representative The Exco approved financial sup- port of up to $500 per year for the Stu- dent Representative to attend the Execu- tive Council meeting (which is always held at PSG’s Annual Meeting). Awards Student Travel Awards Lisa Ballance, past chair, reported that Student Travel Awards were funded with $2000 from PSG’s meeting budget and Can$1000 from the Center for Wild- life Ecology at Simon Fraser University. In order to regularize the source of funds for annual Student Travel Awards, the Exco approved a line item of approxi- mately $2000 to $4000 for student travel grants, to be placed in each local committee’s estimated budget. Committee Reports Reports are provided by the Coor- dinator of each committee. The year’s mandate for each committee is proposed by the committee and approved by the Exco. Elections Committee The Elections coordinator and the Treasurer will work on implementing e- mail ballots for PSG’s annual elections. Results of the 2003 election are given in “PSG News,” this issue. Xantus’s Murrelet Technical Commit- tee The committee’s coordinators were not present. PSG petitioned the State of California and the U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service (USFWS) to list the Xantus’s Murrelet. The California Department of Fish and Game has recommended list- ing of the species as threatened {Editor’s note: listing is final in California; see “Conservation Report,” this issue]. USFWS has not responded to the peti- tion. Bill Everett, who successfully led the committee through the listing pro- cess, feels that his job is finished and rec- ommended last year that the committee be abolished. The Exco felt the commit- tee should be continued to work on the listing process. It approved termination of Bill Everett and Ken Briggs as com- mittee coordinators. The Chair requested that the minutes reflect formal acknowledgement of Bill Everett’s and Ken Briggs’s great leadership of the Xantus’s Murrelet committee for over 10 years. The mandate of this committee is to monitor the status of federal and state list- ing petitions, research, and conservation issues, and to provide information to in- terested parties. Seabird Monitoring Committee Scott Hatch reported that the com- mittee met in La Paz. The committee al- most met their mandate for the year. Data entry into PSG’s monitoring database is complete, and a demonstration should be ready soon. The mandate of this committee is to work on final implementation of the da- tabase, spend the funds set aside for them during the next 12 months, transition into reviewing the data, and look for species of concern. Japanese Seabird Conservation Committee Koji Ono provided the report. The committee is working on a Japan seabird colony database. Koji provided the Council with maps of Japanese seabird colonies. The data will be incorporated in the PSG database. Koji Ono discussed the decline of the Common Murre and restoration ef- forts. The Japanese hope to attract pros- pecting murres that originate from Rus- sian colonies. Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 15 SECRETARY’S REPORT Results of the Japan-US seabird symposium will be available soon. The Japanese government’s budget for sea- birds is small. The government has ac- knowledged that there is problem with the incidental bycatch of seabirds in the gillnet fishery. The Chair expressed gratitude to Koji Ono and the committee for their work on seabird conservation. The man- date for this committee is to provide a link between PSG and Japanese seabird research community. American Bird Conservancy Malcolm Coulter reported that a Bird Conservation alliance has been formed. Malcolm discussed possible problems with a short tum-around time on letters of support for conservation is- sues. The Exco noted that PSG should restrict its formal support to seabird con- servation issues. Marbled Murrelet Technical Commit- tee Anne Harfenist reported that USFWS is conducting a 5 -year review of the status of the Marbled Murrelet. The committee assumes that PSG will be consulted if USFWS recommends a status change for the species. PSG sent a letter recommending that only qualified tree-climbers be used to look for Marbled Murrelet nests, because un- trained climbers don’t know what a Marbled Murrelet nest looks like. Now agencies and organizations are request- ing that we define “qualified”; a subcom- mittee is working on criteria. The mandate for this committee is to continue providing technical advice on Marbled Murrelet issues. Publications Committee Pat Jodice reviewed activities of the committee. PSG has been considering joining OSNA, partly because that orga- nization would then handle our dues and journal subscriptions. The committee has reviewed this option and decided it is not a good idea at this time. A Technical Publication series num- ber for the Marbled Murrelet Survey Pro- tocol will be issued soon. The publications committee is in charge of PSG’s journal exchange pro- gram (in which we receive other journals in exchange for free copies of ours). The Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zool- ogy receives our “exchange” journals and stores PSG back issues. The Exco discussed the future of all PSG’s periodical publications, especially the best methods to distribute Pacific Seabirds and Marine Ornithology and ways to improve PSG’s web site. Lisa Balance has agreed to continue support- ing the PSG web site in her lab; Robert Holland, who works in Lisa’s lab, is now PSG’s webmaster. A motion was approved to: Publish Pacific Seabirds in hard copy and on PSG’s web site 2 times per year; publish abstracts of the Annual Meeting on the web site, and discontinue publishing them in Pacific Seabirds', encourage members to get Pacific Seabirds elec- tronically; subsidize Marine Ornithology for up to US$6050 annually; withdraw up to $5000 from the Endowment Fund to support publications (including the web site); and consider a proposal to in- crease membership by $5 for the 2006 membership year. 23 January 2004 Awards Lifetime Achievement Awards Lifetime Achievement Awards may benefit from a change in procedure. The selection committee (the Chair, Chair- elect, and Past Chair) changes every year. Also, the Exco does not receive the nomi- nation until a few days before the award is presented. A subcommittee of George Divoky, Bob Day, and Dave Irons will evaluate the procedure and recommend changes. In the meantime, the Exco should receive timely notice of any nomi- nations, and could vote on them earlier via conference call. The Secretary will look into a per- manent archive for PSG’s files. Meetings Registration for non-members The Exco approved a non-member surcharge of 2 times the current mem- bership dues for registering at an Annual Meeting. This registration fee will give the person a year’s membership. 2005 meeting The next meeting is a joint meeting with the Waterbird Society. Profits will be split 50:50 between the groups. The program chairs ofPSG and the Waterbird Society will work together; the local committee should receive advance funds from each society. Other proposed future meetings 2006 — Alaska. The Exco approved this location; Verena Gill and Ian Van Tets will start coordinating it. 2007 — Asilomar, California. Jim Haiwey will negotiate with the Conference Cen- ter. 2008 — Hawaii; mid- to late February, in conjunction with the World Seabird Con- ference. Mark Tasker will coordinate. 2009 — Areata, California 2010 — Vera Craz, Mexico The North American Ornithological Congress is scheduled for August 2006 in Vera Cruz, Mexico. PSG has the op- portunity to organize a seabird sympo- sium there, but no one has volunteered yet. PSG will not to hold its meeting at the same time, although some societies will. Administration Budget for PSG’s 2005 fiscal year The proposed budget for 2004-2005 was approved. Bylaws The Chair directed the Exco to re- view the Bylaws and suggest updates. Among other changes, the Publications Coordinator and the Webmaster might be added to the Executive Council, and du- ties of existing members should match what they are actually doing. The secre- tary should ensure that the Handbook re- flects the Bylaws. Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 16 Committees Mexican members want to add a Mexican Seabird Conservation Committee. The Chair can initiate the committee by appointing a coordinator for it. Institutional memory The Exco intends to develop a work plan every year and send action items to Exco members periodically. The Secretary will update the handbook regularly. Minutes ofExco meetings will be available in draft form soon after each meeting. The Exco may develop a procedure for reviewing and approving them before the next meeting. Membership Directory The Treasurer has prepared a membership directory for the web. It will be password protected. Members will be asked beforehand whether they want to be listed in the web directory. Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 17 LIST OF PAPERS AND POSTERS TITLES AND AUTHORS FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS PRESENTED AT THE 30^w ANNUAL PACIFIC SEABIRD GROUP MEETING Hotel Los Arcos, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico Pacific Seabirds is no longer able to publish abstracts from the program for each Annual Meeting. Full abstracts are available on PSG’s Internet web site. The following list of papers and authors includes the contact information for each senior author. For more information on obtaining copies of abstracts, please see “PSG News,” this issue. Invited Plenary Talks Climate forcing, ecosystem response, AND THE consequences FOR MARINE BIRDS IN THE BERING SeA. Gcorge L. Hunt, Jr. Dept, of Ecology and Evo- lutionary Biology, Univ. of Califor- nia, Irvine, CA 92697, USA; glhunt@uci.edu Climate or fisheries: which matters MOST FOR North Sea seabirds? Sa- rah Wattless, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Banchory, Kincardine- shire, Scotland AB31 4BY, UK; swanl@ceh.ac.uk Desafios para la conservaci6n in el Golfo de California. (Challenges TO CONSERVATION IN THE GULF OF CALI- FORNIA.) Exequiel Ezcurra. Instituto Nacional de Ecologfa, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Natu- rales, Mexico. Symposia The Brown Pelican in western North America BiOGEOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE AND POPULA- TION ESTIMATES OF THE CALIFORNIA Brown Pelican: toward a range- wide DATA BASE. Daniel W. Anderson, James O. Keith, Franklin Gress, Eduardo Palacios, Charles J. Henny, and Carlos Godinez. Dept, of Wild- life, Fish, and Conservation Biology, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA; dwanderson@ ucdavis.edu Population recovery of Brown Pelicans BREEDING IN THE SOUTHERN CALIFOR- NIA Bight: a historical perspective. Franklin Gress, Daniel W. Anderson, Robert W. Risebrough, md James O. Keith. California Inst, of Environmen- tal Studies, 3408 Whaler Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA; fgress@ pacbell.net Survival selection and sexual size di- morphism IN THE California Brown Pelican. Eduardo Palacios and Daniel W. Anderson. CICESE Unidad La Paz, Mi ratio res 334 e/ Mulege y La Paz, Fracc. Bella Vista, La Paz, BCS 23050, Mexico; epalacio@cicese.mx Breeding behavior of Pelecanus occidentalis californicus. J.O. Keith, K.A. King, C.A. Mitchell, and D.W. Anderson. 8027 E. Phillips Circle, Centennial, CO 80112, USA; jokeith@ Comcast, net Age-and sex-related growth patterns in nestling Brown Pelicans. Eduardo Palacios, Daniel W. Anderson, and Franklin Gress. CICESE Unidad La Paz, Miraflores 334 e/ Mulege y La Paz, Fracc. Bella Vista, La Paz, BCS 23050, Mexico; epalacio@cicese.mx Non-breeding Brown Pelican distribu- tion PATTERNS IN THE CALIFORNIA CUR- RENT system: RESPONSE TO ENSO, La Nina, and the Pacific Decadal Os- cillation. Deborah Jaques, Daniel W. Anderson, David S. Pitkin, and Roy W. Lowe. Crescent Coastal Research, 1151 Lakeview Drive, Crescent City, CA 95531, USA; djaques.ccr@earthlink.net Roosting ecology of California Brown Pelicans on East Sand Island, Or- egon: EFFECTS OF HUMAN DISTURBANCE. Sadie Wright and Daniel D. Roby. USGS, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Oregon State Univ., 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA; sadiwright@hotmail.com Habitat or location: why Brown Peli- cans USE DIFFERENT STRATEGIES IN ROOST SELECTION DURING DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE YEAR. Dan Robinette and Natalia Collier. PRBO Conservation Science, Vandenberg Field Station, 205 N. H St., Suite 217, Lompoc, CA 93436, USA; drobinette@prbo.org Seabird conservation efforts in the Gulf of California islands, as a fed- eral NATURAL PROTECTED AREA. CatioS Godinez Reyes, Alfredo Zavala Gonzalez, and Daniel W. Anderson. Area de Proteccion de Flora y Fauna Is las del Golfo de California en Baja California, Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas, Av. Del Puerto # 375, Altos 25, Fracc. Playa, Ensenada, BC, Mexico; cgodinez@conanp.gob.mx Pelicans and oil: changing perceptions. Paul R. Kelly, Daniel W. Anderson, Franklin Gress, and Deborah Jaques. California Dept, of Fish and Game, Office of Spill Prevention and Re- sponse, P.O. Box 944209. Sacra- mento, CA 94244-2090, USA; pkelly @ ospr.dfg.ca.gov Advances and Applications of Orni- thological Radar in Seabird Stud- ies Using ornithological radar to estimate POPULATION SIZES OF NOCTURNAL TUB ENOSES ON KaUAI ISLAND, HaWAI‘i. Robert H. Day and Brian A. Cooper. ABR, Inc. — Environmental Research and Services, P.O. Box 80410, Fairbanks, AK 99708-0410, USA; bday@ abrinc.com Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 18 PAPERS AND POSTERS A COMPARISON OF FOUR LARGE-SCALE RA- DAR STUDIES OF Marbled Murrelets. Brian A. Cooper and Martin G. Raphael ABR, Inc. — Environmental Research and Services, P.O. Box 249, Forest Grove, OR 97116, USA; bcooper@abrinc . com Effects of environmental factors on MIGRATION OF EIDERS AT B ARROW, Alaska. Robert H. Day, John R. Rose, Alexander K. Prichard, Rich- ard J. Blaha, and Brian A. Cooper. ABR, Inc. Environmental Research and Services, P.O. Box 80410, Fairbanks, AK 99408-0410, USA; bday @abrinc .com Post-hoc and prospective power analy- ses FOR using radar TO DETECT LOCAL BREEDING POPULATION TRENDS IN Marbled Murrelets. David B. Lank and Lynn Lougheed. Centre for Wild- life Ecology, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada; dlank@sfu.ca Radar monitoring of Marbled Murrelets at inland sites in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, California, 1999-2002. Thomas Hamer, Sarah Schuster, Douglas Meekins, and Robert Douglas. Hamer Environmental, 19997 State Route 9, Mount Vernon, WA 98274, USA; hamert@aol.com Direct comparison of tilted and untilted RADAR FOR MONITORING MaRBLED Murrelet populations on northern Vancouver Island. William L. Harper, Bernard K. Schroeder, Irene A. Manley, and John Deal. Osiris Wildlife Consulting, 4399 Shore Way, Victoria, BC, V8N 3V1, Canada; Bill.Harper@shaw.ca Radar monitoring of Xantus’s Murrelets atAnacapa Island, Cali- fornia, BEFORE and AFTER ERADICATION OF BLACK RATS. Thomas Hamer and Sarah Schuster. Hamer Environmen- tal, 19997 State Route 9, Mount Vernon, WA 98274, USA; hamert@aol.com Waterbird deterrence at oil spills: po- tential applications OF A RADAR-AC- TIVATED ON-DEMAND DETERRENCE SYS- TEM. Robert A. Ronconi and Colleen Cassady St. Clair. Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Victoria, P.O. Box 3020 Stn CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 3N5, Canada; rronconi@uvic.ca Special Paper Session P acific Coast Cormorants: Status and Trends Population trends of cormorant species IN Alaska. Shawn W. Stephens en, David B. Irons, and Donald E. Dragoo. Migratory Bird Manage- ment, USFWS, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage, AK 99503, USA; shawn_stephensen@fws.gov Status of Red-faced and Pelagic Cor- MORANTS IN THE WESTERN ALEUTIAN Islands, Alaska. Jeffrey C. Williams and G. Vernon Byrd. USFWS, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, 95 Sterling Highway, Suite 1, Homer, AK 99603, USA; jefF_williams@fws.gov A MONITORING RECOMMENDATION FOR ReD- FACED AND PELAGIC CORMORANTS IN Alaska. Vernon Byrd and Jeff Will- iams. USFWS, Alaska Maritime Na- tional Wildlife Refuge, 95 Sterling Highway, Suite 1 , Homer, AK 99603, USA; vemon_byrd@fws.gov Status of breeding cormorants along THE WEST coast OF THE CONTERMINOUS United States. Marua Naughton, Phillip Capitolo, David Nysewander, David Pitkin, Gerard McChesney, Daniel D. Roby, William Mclver, and Harry Carter. USFWS, Migratory Birds and Habitat Programs, 9 1 1 NE IF*’ Avenue, Portland, OR 95521, USA; maura_naughton@fws.gov Are good ocean conditions fueling con- tinued GROWTH OF THE COLUMBIA Rver estuary Double-crested Cor- morant POPULATION? Donald E. Lyons, Daniel D. Roby, Karen N. Fischer, Cynthia D. Anderson, and Ken Collis. USGS, Oregon Coopera- tive Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Oregon State Univ., 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA; lyonsd@onid.orst.edu Humboldt Bay area Double-crested Cormorant population, 1993-2003. Phillip J. Capitolo, Harry R. Carter, Richard J. Young, Michael W. Parker, Gerard J. McChesney, Julie Yee, and Richard T. Golightly. Humboldt State Univ., Dept, of Wildlife, Areata, CA 95521, USA; Phil_Capitolo@hotmail.com Population trends of Brandt’s Cormo- rants AND Double-crested Cormo- rants IN THE Gulf of the Farallones, California, 1985-2002. Gerard J. McChesney, Travis B. Poitras, Harry R. Carter, Michael W. Parker and Phillip J. Capitolo. USFWS, San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Ref- uge Complex, P.O. Box 524, New- ark, CA 94560, USA; Gerry_Mcchesney@fws.gov Status of the Double-crested Cormo- rant BRIDGE colonies IN SaN FrAN- cisco Bay, California. Mark J. Rauzon, Harry R. Carter, Meredith Elliott, William J. Sydeman, and Phillip J. Capitolo. Marine Endeav- ors, 4701 Edgewood Ave., Oakland, CA 94602, USA; mjrauz@aol.com Brandt’s Cormorant reproductive suc- cess IN RELATION TO PREY AVAILABILITY IN San Francisco Bay, 1994-2003. Benjamin L. Saenz, William J. Sydeman, md Julie A. Thayer. PRBO Conservation Science, 4990 Shore- line Highway, Stinson beach, CA 94970, USA; dgardner@prbo.org Status of cormorants in the Mexican PORTION OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bight. Eduardo Palacios, Franklin Gress, Daniel W. Anderson, L. Alfaro, and L. Harvey. CICESE Unidad La Paz, Miraflores 334 e/ Mulege y La Paz, Fracc. Bella Vista, La Paz, BCS 23050, Mexico; epalacio@.mx General Paper Sessions Nutritional Stress and Food Con- straints Body condition and reproductive re- sponses OF Heermann’s Gulls in re- lation TO FOOD availability AND TIM- ING. Enriqueta Velarde and Leticia Vieyra. Centro de Ecologia y Pesquerias, Universidad Veracruzana, Apdo. Postal 663, Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 19 PAPERS AND POSTERS Xalapa, Veracruz, CP 911 90, Mexico; evelarde@uv.mx Marine bird prospectives on the Cali- fornia Current: El Nino and the 1998-1999 REGIME SHIFT. Pete Warzybok, Russell Bradley, Peggy Yen, William J. Sydeman, and K. David Hyrenbach. PRBO Conserva- tion Science, 4990 Shoreline High- way, Stinson Beach, CA 94970, USA; pwarzybok@prbo.org An unusual mortality of Northern Ful- mars (Fulmarus glacialis). James T Harvey, Hannah M. Kevins, Scott Hatch, Josh Adams, Jim Hill, Jack Ames, Jennifer L. Parkin, Kelly New- ton, Jan Roletto, Joe Mortenson, Jamie Hall, and Todd Hass. COMB- ERS, Moss Landing Marine Labora- tories, 8272 Moss Landing Rd., Moss Landing, CA 94039, USA; harvey@mlml . calstate . edu The influence of prey density and be- havior on the foraging patterns of seabirds on the northeast coast of Newfoundland, Canada. Gail K. Davoren, William A. Montevecchi, and John T Anderson. Zoology Dept., Univ. ofManitoba, 190Dysart Rd., Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2, Canada; davoreng@cc.umanitoba.ca When the Arctic becomes Subarctic: HOW seabirds responded to the oceanographic changes in the Beau- fort Sea in 2003. George Divoky. Inst, of Arctic Biology, Univ. of Alaska, AK 99775, USA; fngjd@uafedu Anchovy for dinner again? Importance of marine forage fishes to the nest- ing success of Caspian Terns in the Columbia River estuary. Scott K. Anderson, Daniel D. Roby, Donald E. Lyons, and Ken Collis. USGS, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wild- life Research Unit, Oregon State Univ., Dept, of Fisheries and Wildlife, 104 Nash hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA; ScotLAnderson@lifetime.oregonstate.edu Daytime foraging locations and noctur- nal COLONY attendance OF XaNTUS’S Murrelets. Christine Hamilton, Ri- chard Golightly, Mid John Takekawa. Dept, of Wildlife, Humboldt State Univ., Areata, CA 95521, USA; chamilton 13@hotmail.com Guess your weight: what do body con- dition INDICES represent? Adrian E. Gall, Daniel D. Roby, and David B. Irons. USGS, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Or- egon State Univ., Dept, of Fisheries and Wildlife, 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA; galla@onid. orst . edu Nutritional stress in Alaskan seabirds: A REVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE. Patrick G.R. Jodice and Daniel D. Roby. USGS, South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, G27 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC 29634, USA; Pj odice@Clemson.edu Population Biology Contrasting population dynamics of NEIGHBORING BlACK-LEGGED KiTTI- wake colonies. Dean Kildaw, David Irons, and Loren Buck. School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA; fifdsk@uaf edu The changing population status of kit- tiwakes at Bluff, Alaska. Edward C. Murphy dMd David G. Roseneau. Inst, of Arctic Biology, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA; ffecm@uafedu Heermann’s Gull movements and mor- tality patters from banding recov- ery data for individuals banded in a 10- year period. Enriqueta Velarde, Paola Rodrigues, and Leticia Vieyra. Centro de Ecologia y Pesquerias, Universidad Veracruzana, Apdo. Postal 663, Xalapa, Veracruz, CP 91190, Mexico; evelarde@uv.mx Distribution and movements of Ameri- can White Pelicans in the southeast- ern United States: preliminary in- sight. Tommy King. U.S. Dept, of Agriculture, National Wildlife Re- search Center, P.O. Drawer 6099, Mississippi State University, MS 39762, USA; Tommy.King@aphis.usda.gov Growth of the Black-footed Albatross population on Torishima Island, Ja- pan. Paul R. Sievert, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Fumio Sato, Kunikazu Momose, and Kiyoaki Ozaki. USGS, Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Dept, of Natural Resources Conservation, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA; psievert@forwild.umass.edu Foraging Ecology The effect of food resources and com- petition ON Black-legged Kittiwake foraging patterns in Prince William Sound. R. Glenn Ford, David G. Ainley, Evelyn D. Brown, Robert M. Suryan, and David B. Irons. R.G. Ford Consulting Company, 2735 N.E. Weidler St., Portland, OR 97232, USA; eci@teleport. com The diet of Brandt’s Cormorants breeding and foraging in central San Francisco Bay, California. Ja- son D. Yakich, Benjamin L. Saenz, and William J. Sydeman. Dept, of Biology, San Francisco State Univ., 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Fran- cisco, CA 94132, USA; y akich@eudoramail .com Structure of the food web supporting waterbirds nesting on Is la Montague and the Cerro Prieto geothermal evaporative ponds, delta OF the Colorado River, Mexico. Eric Mellink, Drew Talley, Sharon Herzka, Gary Huxel, and Paul Dayton. CICESE, B.C. Apdo. Postal 2732, Ensenada, BC, Mexico; International mail: P.O. Box 434844, San Diego, CA 92143, USA; emellink@cicese.mx Fatty acid analysis of blood serum in Black-legged kitti wakes: what’s chromatography go to do with it? Naomi A. Bargmann, John M. Kennish, Ian G. van Tets, and Scott A. Hatch. USGS, Biological Re- sources Div., Alaska Science Center, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage, AK 99503, USA; nbargmann@usgs.gov Determinants of Herring Gull forag- ing ACTIVITY and success WITHIN AN ARCTIC Common Eider colony. Karel Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 20 PAPERS AND POSTERS Allard, H. Grant Gilchrist, and An- thony Diamond. Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network, P.O. Box 45111, Univ. of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, E3B 6E1, Canada; karel . allard@unb . ca Seabird distribution, abundance, and DIETS IN THE CENTRAL AND EASTERN Aleutian Islands. Jaime Jahncke, Kenneth O. Coyle, and George L. Hunt, Jr. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Dept., Univ. of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA; jjahncke@uci.edu Tracking seabird foraging tactics THROUGHOUT REPRODUCTION WITH STABLE ISOTOPES. W. EHc Davics, J. Mark Hipfner, and Keith A. Hobson. Behavioural Ecology Research Group, Simon Fraser Univ., 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada; wedavies@sfii.ca Provisioning by Red-throated Loons: a SEABIRD IN disguise? Jeffrey R. Ball, Daniel Esler, Joel A. Schmutz, and Ronald C. Ydenberg. Centre for Wild- life Ecology, 8888 University Drive, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada; jrball@sfu.ca An evaluation of observer bias and ac- curacy OF FISH SPECIES AND SIZE IN THE BILL-LOADS OF CASPIAN TERNS. David Craig, Samantha Lantz, Keith Larson, and Daniel D. Roby. Dept, of Biology, Willamette Univ., 900 State St., Salem, OR 97301, USA; dpcraig@willamette.edu Ocean habitat of Cassin’s Auklet: in- tegrating LOCATIONS AT SEA WITH EN- VIRONMENTAL VARIABLES OFF SOUTHERN California. Josh Adams, John Y. Takekawa, and Harry R. Carter. USGS, Western Ecological Research Center, San Francisco Bay Estuary Field Station, P.O. Box 2012, Vallejo, CA 94592, USA; j osh_adams@usgs . gov The DISTRIBUTION OF Marbled Murrelets RELATIVE TO THE DISTRIBUTION AND AT- TRIBUTES OF PREY schools AND MARINE HABITAT IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. Ri- chard Golightly, Percy Hebert, Greta Wengert, William Pinnix, and Brian O 'Donnell. Dept, of Wildlife, Humboldt State Univ., Areata, CA 95521, USA; rtgl@humboldt.edu Breeding Biology Ornamentation of Least Auklets (Aethia pusilla) in relation to per- formance AND QUALITY INDICATORS. Martin Renner and Ian L. Jones. Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. Johns, NL, AIB 3X9, Canada; h95mr@mun.ca Variation in pre-laying nest-site atten- dance IN Common Murres: a sexu- ally selected quality indicator? Anne E. Storey, Maureen L. Cameron-MacMillan, Carolyn J. Walsh, and Sabina L Wilhelm. Dept, of Psychology, Memorial Univ., St. John’s, NL, AIB 3X9, Canada; astorey@play.psych.mun.ca Daily temporal patterns of inland Marbled Murrelet flights in north- ern California. Brian Accord, Rich- ard Golightly, and Percy Hebert. Dept, of Wildlife, Humboldt State Univ., Areata, CA 95521, USA; bca4 @humboldt . edu Reproductive success of Heermann’s Gulls (Larus heermanni) and Yel- low-footed Gulls (Larus livens) in THE southern GuLF OF CALIFORNIA, Mexico. Enrique Lozano, Roberto Carmona, and Georgina Brabata. Programa de Aves Acuaticas, Departamento de Biologia Marina, Universidad Autonoma de Baja Cali- fornia Sur, A.P. 19-B, La Paz, BCS 23080 Mexico; beauty@uabcs.mx The reproductive ecology of Sabine’s Gulls in the eastern Canadian Arc- tic. Iain J. Stenhouse, H. Grant Gilchrist, and William A. Montevecchi. Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology, Memorial Univ., St. John’s, NL, Canada; iansten@play.psych.mun.ca Natal and breeding philopatry in Heerman’s Gulls (Larus heermanni) ON IsLA Rasa, Gulf of California. Enriqueta Velarde, John M. Eadie, and Vania Macias. Centro de Ecologia y Pesquerias, Universidad Veracruzana, Apdo. Postal 663, Xalapa, Veracmz, CP911 90, Mexico; e velarde@uv. mx Nest-site fidelity, egg laying, and on- set OF INCUBATION IN MaRBLED Murrelets nesting in Redwood Na- tional AND State Parks. Percy Hebert, Richard Golightly, mA Harry Carter. Dept, of Wildlife, Humboldt State Univ., Areata, CA 95521, USA pnh700 1 @humboldt.edu Site FIDELITY in Rhinoceros Auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata): temporal AND SPATIAL VARIABILITY IN MATE AND success effects. David Gardner, Julie Thayer, and William Sydeman PRBO Conservation Science, 4990 Shore- line Hwy, Stinson Beach, CA 94970, USA; dgardner@prbo.org. Factors affecting breeding of Blue- footed Boobies on Isla El Rancho, Sinaloa, Mexico, 2003. Jose Alfredo Castillo-Guerrero and Eric Mellink. CICESE, B.C. Apdo. Postal 2732, Ensenada, BC, Mexico; International mail: P.O. Box 434844, San Diego, CA 92143, USA; jacastil@cicese.mx Egg characteristics and the evolution of developmental strategies in the Alcidae. Mark Hipfner and Karen Zimmerman. Centre ofWildlife Ecol- ogy, Canadian Wildlife Service and Simon Fraser Univ., 5421 Robertson Rd, Delta, BC, V4K 3N2, Canada; Mark.Hipfner@ec.gc.ca Diving Behavior and Physiology Wing- and foot-propulsion of seabirds DIVING TO DEEP WATER RECORDED BY HIGH-SPEED SAMPLING OF ACCELERATION: REGULATION OF STROKE AND GLIDE AGAINST BUOYANCY IN ALCIDS AND SHAGS. Y. Watanuki, A. Takahaski, F. Daunt, S. Wanless, M. Harris, KSato, and Y. Naito. Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido Uni- versity, Japan; y wata@fish.hokudai. ac .jp Regulation of swim speed and energy COST IN FREE-RANGING GUILLEMOTS AND CORMORANTS. James R. Lovvorn, Yutaka Watanuki, Akiko Kato, and Yashuhiko Naito. Dept, of Zoology, Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA; lovvom@uwyo.edu Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 21 PAPERS AND POSTERS How DOES INTENSE WING MOLT AFFECT DIV- ING IN ALCIDS? Eli Bridge. Dept, of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, Univ. of Minnesota, 1984 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA; brid0030@tc.umn.edu The ROLE OF the spleen in the DIVING PHYSIOLOGY OF COMMON MURRES (Uria aalge): convergent function IN MARINE BIRDS AND MAMMALS? Hannah M. Nevins. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, 8272 Moss Landing, Moss Landing, CA 95039, USA; hnevins@mlml.calstate.edu Conservation Biology: Contaminants Seabirds as sentinels of emerging dis- eases AND MARINE ECOSYSTEM HEALTH. A. Alonso Aguirre and Scott H. Newman. Wildlife Trust, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964, USA; aguirre@wildlifetrust.org Murre (Uria spp.) eggs as environmen- tal MONITORS. Stacy C. Vander Pol, David G. Roseneau, Paul R. Becker, Steven J. Christopher, Russell D. Day, John R. Kucklick, Rebecca S. Pugh, Kristin S. Simiac, and Geoff W. York. National Inst, of Standards and Technology, Hollings Marine Lab., 33 1 Fort Johnson Rd., Charleston, SC 29412, USA; stacy.vanderpol@nist.gov The efficacy of oiled wildlife care on Common Murres in California: in- sights from a post-release survival STUDY. Scott H. Newman, Richard T. Golightly, Emily N. Craig, Harry R. Carter, Chris Kreuder, and Jonna A.K. Mazet. Wildlife Trust, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NH 10947, USA; newman @ wildlifetrust.org Immune alternation in Black-footed Al- batrosses: POTENTIAL TOXIC EFFECTS FROM CONTAMINANT EXPOSURE. Myra Finkelstein, Keith Grasman, Don Croll, Brad Keitt, Wally Jarman, Bernie Tershy, and Don Smith. Dept, of Environmental Toxicology, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA; myraf@cats.ucsc.edu Seabirds and illegal ship-source oil pol- lution ON THE WEST COAST OF CANADA? Newer solutions to an old problem. Patrick D. O’Hara. Canadian Wild- life Service/Univ. of Victoria, Birds Oiled at Sea Inst, of Ocean Sciences, P.O. Box 6000, 9860 W. Saanich Rd, Sidney, BC V8L 4B2, Canada; O ’ HaraP@pac . dfo-mpo.gc . ca Conservation Biology: Nesting Sites Thirty years of puffin restoration on THE Maine coast, USA. Stephen W Kress and C. Scott Hall. Seabird Res- toration Program, National Audubon Society, 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850, USA; skress@audubon. org Restoring Common Murre colonies in CENTRAL California: an update. Gerard J. McChesney, Michael W. Parker, Stephen W. Kress, Harry R. Carter, and Richard T. Golightly. USFWS, San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex, P.O. Box 524, Newark, CA 94560, USA; Gerry_Mcchesney@fws.gov Re-establishment of a Short-tailed Al- batross colony: logistical and popu- lation CONSIDERATIONS. Paul R. Si evert and Hiroshi Hasegawa. USGS, Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Dept, of Natural Resources Conser- vation, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA; psie vert@forwild. umass . edu Unnatural selection? Predation of the Least Auklet by the introduced NORWAY RAT. Heather Major and Ian L. Jones. Dept, of Biology, Memo- rial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, AlC 3X9, Canada; X 1 9hlm@mun. ca The Masked Boobies of Clipperton Is- land: recovery and STATUS OF THE world’s largest population. Robert L. Pitman, Lisa T. Ballance, and Joshua Fluty. Ecosystem Studies Pro- gram, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, 8604 La Jolla Shores Dr., La Jolla, CA 92037, USA; Robert.pitman@noaa.gov Ivory Gulls in Canada: a drastic de- cline and potential causes. Iain J. Stenhouse, H. Grant Gilchrist, Mark L. Mallory, and Gregory J. Robertson. Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology, Memorial Univ., St. John’s, NL, Canada; iansten@play.psych.mun.ca Status and conservation of the Xantus’s Murrelet in Mexico. Bradford Keitt, Darrell Whitworth, Harry Carter, Gerard McChesney, R. William Henry III, Shaye Wolf, Jose Alberto Zepeda Dominguez, and Chelsea Phillips. Island Conservation and Ecology Group, LML, Univ. of Cali- fornia, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USA; bkeitt@islandconservation.org The status of seabirds in American Sa- moa. Mark J. Rauzon and Paul O ’Connor. Marine Endeavors, 4701 EdgewoodAve., Oakland, CA 94602, USA; mj rauz@aol .com The status of seabirds in the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia. Verena A. Gill, Ray Pierce, Philippe Raust, Graham Wragg, Eric VanderWerf Richard Lanctot, Lee Tibbitts, Ed Saul, Jean-Marc Salducci, and Johanna Squire. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchor- age, AK, USA; verena_gill@fws.gov Using “presence only” data for efficient PREDICTIVE SPATIAL MODELING OF ARC- TIC Terns for the Great Slave Lake area: methods, problems, solutions, AND APPLICATIONS. Jana Fenske and Falk Huettman. Dept, of Geo-Ecol- ogy, University of Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam, Germany; j anafenske@gov.nl. ca Monitoring auklet populations by COLONY MAPPING. Heather M. Renner, Ann Harding, David B. Irons, Ian L. Jones, Martin Renner, and Joel Reynolds. USFWS, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, 95 Sterling Hwy #1, Homer, AK 99603, USA; heather_renner@fws.gov Caspian Tern nesting ecology and diet IN San Francisco Bay and interior Oregon. S. Kim Nelson, Daniel D. Roby, Ken Collis, Keith Larson, Chris Couch, and P.J. Klavon. USGS, Or- egon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Oregon State Univ., 1 04 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR97331, USA; kim.nelson@orst.edu Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 22 PAPERS AND POSTERS Evaluation of human-related noise dis- turbance ON THE BEHAVIOR .VND REPRO- DUCTIVE SUCCESS OF MaRBLED Murrelets IN Redwood National AND State Parks. Percy Hebert and Richard Golightly. Dept. ofWildlife, Humboldt State Univ., Areata, CA 95521, USA; pnh700 1 @humboldt.edu Conservation Biology: At Sea Forest inventory char.\cteristics asso- ciated with Marbled Murrelet ac- tivity IN FR.4GMENTED SECOND-GROWTH FORESTS IN SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON. Scott Horton and Danielle Prenzlow Escene. Washington State Dept, of Natural Resources, 411 Tillicum Lane, Forks, WA 98331, USA; scott.horton@wadnr.gov Implementation before regulation: co- ordinated EFFORTS to PROACTIVELY REDUCE FREEZER LONGLINE SEABIRD BYCATCH IN Alaskan WATERS. Shannon Fitzgerald, Thorn Smith, and Janet Smoker. Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Bldg. 4, Seattle, WA 98115, USA; shannon.fitzgerald@noaa.gov Using a directional abundance vector to describe, analyze, and predict the migration of pelagic seabirds: an EXAMPLE using NORTHERN GaNNETS IN EASTERN Canada. Falk Huettmann. Biology and Wildlife Dept., Inst, of Arctic Biology, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA; falk.huettmann@uafedu Assessing southern Strait of Georgia MARINE BIRD POPULATION CHANGES SINCE 1980. John Bower, MarcAuten, Brian Cary, Caanan Cowles, Rainy Diehl, Holly Donovan, Cassidy Grattan, Adam Peck-Richardson, Sandlin Preecs, Becky Rowland, Suzanne Sanborn, mdMarci Staub. Fairhaven College, Western Washington Univ., 516 High St., Bellingham, WA 98225, USA; jbower@cc.wwu.edu Temporal trends in distribution and ABSOLUTE abundance FOR OCEANIC SEA- BIRDS IN THE TROPICAL PACIFIC. Lisa T Ballance, Larry B. Spear, and Rob- ert L. Pitman. Ecosystem Studies Program, Southwest Fisheries Sci- ence Center, 8604 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA; lisa.ballance@noaa.gov At-SEA CAPTURE AND TRACKING OF ShORT- TAiLED Albatrosses during the non- breeding SEASON AND RECOVERY PRIORI- TIES FOR this ENDANGERED SPECIES. Gregory Balogh and Robert Suryan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 605 W. 4* Ave, Rm. G-61, Anchorage, AK 99501, USA; greg_balogh@fws.gov The IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING TROPHIC RELATIONSHIPS FOR CONSERVA- TION. Thomas P. Good, Katie Barnas, Doug M. Marsh, Brad A. Ryan, and Edmundo Casillas. Conservation Bi- ology Div., Northwest Fisheries Sci- ence Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle, WA 98112, USA; tom.good@noaa.gov Population trends of Kittlitz’s Murrelet in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Gary S. Drew and John F. Piatt. USGS, Alaska Science Center, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage, AK 99503, USA; gary_drew@usgs.gov Posters Radio transmitter effects on breeding Cassin’s Auklets at the California Channel Islands. Joshua T. Ackerman, Josh Adams, and John Y. Takekawa. USGS, Western Ecologi- cal Research Center, San Francisco Bay Estuary Field Station, P.O. Box 2012, Vallejo, CA 94592, USA; j acke rman@usgs . gov The Least Tern on the peninsula of B.aia California: results from 2002 and 2003 breeding seasons. Edgar Amador, Eduardo Palacios, Salvador Gonzdlez-Guzmdn, and Ren a to Mendoza-Salgado. Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste, S.C. Apdo.. Postal 128, La Paz, BC 23000, Mexico; eamador@cibnor.mx Restoring balance: removing the black rat from Anacapa Island. Jennifer Boyce, Holly Gellerman, Carol Gorbics, Paul Kelly, Gregg Howald, Kate Faulkner, and Darrell Whitworth. NO AA Restoration Cen- ter, 50 1 W. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90803, USA; jennifer.boyce@noaa.gov Predictive GIS modeling of species oc- currence of Arctic Terns and American White Pelicans in the Great Slave Lake region, North- west Territories, Canada. Jana Fenske, Falk Huettmann, and Mike Suitor. Dept, of Geo-Ecology, Uni- versity ofPotsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam, Germany; janafenske@gov.nl. ca Nesting ecology of Double-crested Cormorants on East Sand Island in THE Columbia River estuary: what will limit colony expansion? Karen N. Fischer, Daniel D. Roby, Donald E. Lyons, Cynthia D. Anderson, and Ken Collis. USGS, Oregon Coopera- tive Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Oregon State Univ., 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA; flschkar@onid.orst.edu Summary of seabird mortality associ- ated WITH the Alaska groundfish trawl fleet, 1998 through 2002. Shannon Fitzgerald, Michael Perez, and Kim Rivera. Alaska Fisheries Science Center, 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Bldg. 4, Seattle, WA 98115, USA; shannon.fltzgerald@noaa.gov Feeding habits of the Kelp Gull (Larus DOMINICANUS) ON ISLA LA ViEJA IN CEN- TRAL Peru. Esmeralda Flores and Carlos Zavalga. Dept, of Biological Sciences, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru; lala_flores@yahoo . com Effects of reproductive state on adre- nal RESPONSIVENESS OF GlAUCOUS- winged Gulls. J. Brook Gamble, Kathleen M. O ’Reilly, and C. Loren Buck. Univ. of Alaska, Dept. ofBiol- ogy and Wildlife, P.O. Box 756100, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA; ftjbg@uafedu Food habits of Brown Pelicans breed- ing IN THE Southern California Bight. Laurie Harvey, Franklin Gress, Daniel W Anderson, and Paw/ R. Kelly. California Inst. ofEnviron- Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 23 PAPERS AND POSTERS mental Studies, 3408 Whaler Ave., Davis, CA 95616, USA; laurieharvey @yahoo . com Food limitation in the tropics: starva- tion EVENTS of Wedge-tailed Shear- water CHICKS indicate VARIABILITY IN SKIPJACK TUNA ABUNDANCE IN HaWA|‘L Aaron Hebshi and David Duffy. Spatial and temporal segregation of marine birds and mammals in nearshore waters of Monterey Bay, California. Laird A. Henkel. H.T. Harvey & Assoc., 294 Green Valley Rd., Ste. 320, Watsonville, CA 95076, USA; Lhenkel@harveyecology.com Techniques to stabilize degraded bur- row nesting seabird habitat: initial efforts on ANo Nuevo Island, Cali- fornia. Michelle Hester, Julie Thayer, David Gardner, David Sands, Gary Strachan, and William Sydeman. Oikonos, P.O. Box 979, Bolinas, CA 94924, USA; michelle@oikonos.org Nesting Double-crested Cormorants: agents of island evolution. Jan Hodden Oregon Inst, of Marine Bi- ology, Univ. of Oregon, Charleston, OR 97420, USA; jhodder @uoregon.edu Ecosystem studies of subarctic seas. George L. Hunt, Jr, Harold Loeng, and Ken Drinkwater. Dept, of Ecol- ogy and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA; glhunt@uci.edu Bering Ecosystem Study Program (BEST). George L. Hunt, Jr., Phyllis Stabeno, Jeffery Napp, and Roy Sambrotto. Dept, of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Cali- fornia, Irvine, CA 92691 , USA; glhunt@uci.edu Food-web structure across a large- scale OCEAN productivity GRADIENT: marine BIRD assemblages IN THE SOUTHERN Indian Ocean. K. David Hyrenbach, Richard R. Veit, Henri Weimerskirch, Nicholas Metzl, and George L. Hunt, Jr. Duke Univ. Ma- rine Laboratory, Beaufort, NC 285 16, USA; khyrenba@duke.edu An assessment of the factors influenc- ing the recovery of Common Murres at the Castle/Hurricane colony complex in central California. Josh S. Koepki, Gerard J. McChesney, Michael W Parker, Harry R. Carter, and Richard T. Golightly. Humboldt State Univ., Dept. ofWildlife, Areata, CA 95521, USA; jkmurreproj ect@earthlink. net Monitoring Kittlitz’s and Marbled Murrelets in College and Hvrriman Fiords, Prince William Sound aboard a tour vessel, summer 2003. Elizabeth A. Labunski, David B. Irons, Katherine J. Kuletz, Shawn W. Stephensen, Alyson E. McKnight, and Kelsey M. Sullivan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., Anchorage, AK 99503, USA; elizabeth_labunski@fws.gov Thirty years of seabird research by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. Lora Leschner. Washington Dept, of Fish and Wild- life, 16018 Mill creek Blvd., Mill Creek, WA 98012, USA; leschlll@dfw.wa.gov Distribution and abundance of seabirds OFF southern California: a twenty- year COMPARISON. John W Mason, Gerard J. McChesney, William R. Mclver, Harry R. Carter, Richard T Golightly, Joshua T. Ackerman, Den- nis L. Orthmeyer, William M. Perry, Julie L. Yee, Mark O. Pierson, and Michael D. McCrary. USGS, West- ern Ecological Research Center, San Francisco Bay Estuary Field Station, P.O. Box 2012, Vallejo, CA 94592, USA; jwmason@usgs.gov Do SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES INFLUENCE breeding of Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia? Laura McFarlane Tranqiiilla, Elizabeth A. Krebs, Nadine R. Parker, Russell W Brad- ley, and David. B. Lank. Centre for Wildlife Ecology, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada Wow: Canadian component of water- shed CONSERVATION FOR THE AMERICAS. Robert Milko and James Kushlan. Migratory Birds Div., Canadian Wildlife Service, 35 1 St. Joseph Blvd., Gatineau, PQ, KIA 0H3, Canada; Bob.Milco@ec.gc.ca Changes in the estimated breeding popu- lation OF Leach’s Storm-Petrel on Kent Island, New Brunswick. Laura Minich, Robert Mauck, and Charles Huntington. Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network and Biology Dept., Univ. of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 45111, Fredericton, NB, E3B 6E1, Canada; laura.minich@unb.ca Decline in numbers of Caspian Terns at colonies in the Pacific Northwest: indication of decreased survival rates between the 2002 and 2003 breeding seasons? Anne Mary Myers, Daniel D. Roby, Ken Collis, and Donald E. Lyons. USGS, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Re- search Unit, Oregon State Univ., 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA; myersan@onid.orst.edu Trends observed for selected marine BIRD species during 1993-2002 win- ter aerial surveys, conducted by the PSAMP bird component (WDFW) in the inner marine waters of Washing- ton State. David R. Nysewander, Joseph R. Evenson, Bryan L. Murphie, and Thomas A Cyra. Wash- ington Dept, of Fish and Wildlife, 600 Capitol Way N., Olympia, WA 98501, USA; nysewdrn@dfw.wa.gov Current population status of the Vanrossemi Gull-billed Tern in Mexico. Eduardo Palacios and Eric Mellink. CICESE Unidad La Paz, Miraflores 334 e/ Mulege y La Paz, Fracc. Bella Vista, La Paz, BCS 23050, Mexico; epalacio@cicese.mx Movement patterns and survival of naturally occurring and botulism rehabilitated California Brown Pelicans of the Salton Sea: a pre- liminary report. Charles A. Pelizza, Laurie Haiwey, Daniel W. Anderson, Franklin Gress, and Paul R. Kelly. USFWS, Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge, 906 W. Sinclair Rd., Calipatria, CA 92233, USA; charlie_pelizza@fws.gov The breeding biology of the Xantus’s Murrelet at West San Benito Is- land, Baja California, Mexico. Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number I • Spring 2004 • Page 24 PAPERS AND POSTERS Chelsea Phillips, Jose Alberto Zepeda-Dominguez, Shaye Wolf, and Paige Martin. Univ. of California, Long Marine Lab., 100 Shaffer Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USA; seaphillip@yahoo.com Predicting the ecological niche of pe- lagic Short-tailed Albatrosses in Canadian Pacific waters using pub- lic AVAILABLE DATASETS AND ERROR AS- SESSMENT METHODS. Vera Reifenstein and Falk Huettmann. University of Potsdam, AmNeuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam, Germany; rstein@rz.uni- potsdam.de Using plots for future monitoring of BREEDING SUCCESS OF COMMON MuRRES AT Devil’s Slide Rock, California. April H. Robinson, Richard T. Go lightly, Michael W. Parker, Harry R. Carter, Stephen W Kress, Nathan M. Jones, and Gerard J. McChesney. Humboldt State Univ., Dept. ofWild- life, Areata, CA 95521, USA. Seabirds in an estuarine environment: the story on Alcatraz Island, Cali- fornia. Bernjamin L. Saenz, David A. Gardner, Julie A Thayer, and William J. Sydeman. PRBO Conservation Science, Marine Science Div., 4990 Shoreline Hwy, Stinson Beach, CA 94970, USA; blsaenz@prbo.lorg Inter-colony differences in Least Auklet chick provisioning behavior reflect differences in foraging ra- dius AND diet quality. Lisa Sheffield, Daniel Roby, and David Irons Dept, of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331, USA; shefFiel@onid.orst.edu. Diet, maximum diving depth, and diving TIME OF Brown Boobies at Isla San Jorge, Sonora, Mexico. Edith Suazo- Guillen and Eric Mellink. CICESE, B.C. Apdo. Postal 2732, Ensenada, BC, Mexico; international mail: P.O. Box 434844, San Diego, CA 92143, USA; esuazo@cicese.mx Past, present, and future investments MAY VALIDATE THE AGGRESSIVE DISPLAYS OF Little Blue Penguins. Joseph R. Waas. Dept, of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Waikata, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand; j.waas@waikato.ac.nz Just the fats: the skinny on fatty acid SIGNATURES OF ADIPOSE TISSUE AND stomach oil OF Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) in Alaska. Shiway W Wang, Scott A. Hatch, Sara J. Iverson, and Alan M. Springer. School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Univ. of Alaska, 245 O’Neill Bldg., Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA; shiway@sfos.uaf edu Nest monitoring and nocturnal spot- light surveys to assess the popula- tion STATUS AND TRENDS OF XaNTUS’S Murrelets at Anacapa Island, Cali- fornia, 2002-2003. Darrell Whitworth, Harry Carter, Richard Young, Sarah Fangman, wad Franklin Gress. California Inst, of Environ- mental Studies, 3408 Whaler Ave., Davis, CA 95616, USA; dwhitworth@inwind.it Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 25 OBITUARY JACK T. MOYER (1929-2004): FATHER OF CONSERVATION OF THE JAPANESE MURRELET Harry R. Carter and John N. Fries A Japanese translation by John Fries follows this article. We report, with sadness, the pass- ing of Jack T. Moyer on 11 January 2004 in Tokyo. Over the past five decades, Moyer has been a leading public voice appealing for the protection of the Japa- nese Murrelet {Synthliboramphus wumizusume), coral reefs, islands, and marine ecosystems in Japan and the world. Moyer was bom in Kansas, USA, in 1929. He received a Master ?s degree in ichthyology from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. from the Univer- sity of Tokyo. During the Korean War in 1951, he came to Japan with the U.S. Army. Enamoured of Japan and its people, he became a life-long resident and was soon fluent in Japanese. He lived for almost 50 years at Miyake Island in the Izu archipelago south of Tokyo, where he headed a marine biology sta- tion that focused on the study and con- servation of coral reefs and coral reef fish. He also was heavily involved with nature education, ecotourism, and the local community. In his early years, Moyer was a bud- ding naturalist with a great interest in ornithology. In the 1950s he spent much time collecting birds in the Izu Islands and sending specimens to the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Moyer noted that Sanbondake Reef (or Onoharajima) off Miyake Island was being used for practice bombing by the U.S. Air Force. To save the colony of the Japanese Murrelet that was the then larg- est known, he sent letters to close asso- ciates of President Tmman and asked for a stop to the bombing. He was success- ful, as first reported by Austin and Kuroda (1953). Moyer?s actions un- doubtedly saved the Japanese Murrelet at Sanbondake Reef, although two years of bombing in 1951-1952 had perma- nently damaged the bird?s breeding habi- tats (Carter et al. 2002). Moyer later pub- lished his observations on Japanese Murrelets and on impacts of bombing at Sanbondake Reef in 1953 (Moyer 1957). The attention that developed from this event likely helped the Japanese Murrelet attain “Natural Monument” sta- tus (i.e., a protected species) in Japan in 1972. Moyer also wrote several letters to Robert W. Storer at the University of Michigan?s Museum of Zoology regard- ing Japanese Murrelets and other obser- vations. Gus van Vliet rediscovered these archived letters at the museum in the early 1970s. While we do not have a complete list of all specimens sent to mu- seums, the letters indicated that Moyer collected widely in the Izu Islands be- tween 1953 and 59. In 1958, he reported the last nesting of the Japanese Murrelet at Shikinejima, whose colony is now ex- tirpated colony, and the first reported breeding on Onbasejima (Carter et al. 2002). He was also first to report sev- eral colonies of B lack-tailed Gulls {Lams crassirostris) and Sooty or Tristram ?s Storm-petrel {Oceanodroma tristrami) in the Izu Islands (Moyer 1994). These ob- servations are being incorporated into a Catalog of Japanese Seabird Colonies that is currently being compiled by the Japan Seabird Group. In 1994 we had the honor of getting to know Moyer during a survey of Japa- nese Murrelets at Sanbondake Reef (Carter and de Forest 1994, Moyer 1994, Carter et al. 2002). Moyer arranged for a fishing boat to take us from Kozu Island to Sanbondake Reef and then on to Miyake Island. Along the way we heard Jack?s plentiful stories first-hand. After a successful survey of reef habitats, we passed through numbers of murrelets on the water at a regularly-occurring con- vergence area off the west side of Miyake Island, which Moyer had first seen and described in 1953 (Moyer 1957). Once at Miyake Island, Moyer offered us use of his car for a few days, brought us into his home for dinner with his charming wife Loma, and kindly showed us the Miyakejima Nature Center, endemic birds of the island, and other natural sights around the island, including the then-dormant volcanic crater. The vol- cano later erupted and caused evacuation Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 26 of the island in 2000, after which Moyer lived in Tokyo, far from the life he loved at Miyake Island. In 2001, Moyer con- ducted a survey of Miyakejima for the government of Japan to determine the effects of the eruption and lava flows. Jack is survived by his wife Loma, son Jackie (age 9) and daughter L.L. (age 6). He will be remembered as a kind, gentle, and widely knowledgeable scientist with a driving need to help pro- tect the ocean he loved and inform the world of the negative changes to the marine environment in Japan he wit- nessed. We are extremely fortunate for his efforts, for sharing his exceptional life with us, and for having the opportu- nity to thank him for all he had done for the conservation of the Japanese Murrelet. LITERATURE CITED Austin, O.L., Jr., and N. Kuroda. 1953. The birds of Japan: their status and distribution. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 109: 279-613. Carter, H.R., and L.N. de Forest. 1 994. Pacific Seabird Group goes to Japan: Part 3 (continuing efforts). Pacific Seabirds 21: 13-16. Carter, H.R., K. Ono, J.N. Fries, H. Hasegawa, M. Ueta, H. Higuchi, J.T. Moyer, L.K. Ochikubo, L.N. de Forest, M. Hasegawa, and G.B. van Vliet. 2002.. Status and conservation of the Japanese Murrelet {Synthliboramphus wumizusume) in the Izu Islands, Japan. J. Yamashina Inst. Omithol. 33: 61-87. Moyer, J.T. 1957. The birds of Miyake Jima, Japan. Auk 74:215-228. Moyer, J.T. 1 994. Japanese Murrelet revisited. Wild Bird:27 (in Japanese; see English translation in Pacific Seabirds 21:17, 1994). Harry R. Carter, Number 219, 5700 Arcadia Road, Richmond, BC V6X 2G9, Canada John N. Fries, Apt. 101, House Green, 2-21-14 Sakura, Setagaya, Tokyo 156-0053, Japan Pacific Seabirds • Volume 31, Number 1 • Spring 2004 • Page 27 *>A'J • t^'■V-(1929-2004)^e^-e Harry Carter John N. Fries 2004^1^110, -L';!)'b;SA U05 xX^ (^SSynthliboramphus wumizusume)$:(i Dtoi U, 0$^tSI^4’®;S;¥x=]->XT-Aro-tfxw4sno bXt'So B$0i1i!$^;]46TS§^e'®li, ll,lliS#4^®1951^. 77'J*Pim o Aco flA£< 0zt:igt,>/it^*icofS„®fcJ:DfW5?roAc46W;S;¥^fe^P5g55:^$Mir UAco tAc, gM?iW^xa • '7 -iJXA, ilife® □ = Xzl 7-|- (Ct;lil< A'A't>oAco 7E«, t-FX-Rli, B^i^®5Ai?lCjDlt5i(fii±5"cLXUXhXS>oAc„ 1950^f-t(S. ift ro,siii$f?HiiSxijx*, £ ~>;>]>:k^m’ti^mmwiMizm?> z t ic^< Aco -S-roiSic. H!?g;‘t=lc^)5Z4:a(Alflf,S)A^77 UAi;SlicDlHI;IgiiAiJ';;£AX7cr>aB#jDbnxt'Ac4’X!i®Aco=iPx-xfe cAc, -?-CDPPx-€1*1I7-SAc». »Slli|ii$^«)5ct5PilI» ^itcAco ?S0^Al(ia»lc51i$SUAco C®Ci;(±1953^lcAustin tKuroda (CcfcUliJItoX ®SA«Ad:$nxt'-5, 1E4'X-K0SA]A«H4:SOAi>Ay ■jp£XXX$#^oAcCAiJ'5£XX7ICOl\X©tI rej$^5SUXl'-5o (Moyer 1957^)C(75ta5|5*€?|4ffi(C, * XAU '!7£XX7(i1 972^, 0^0A^IHi:t)lcm:£$nAco t4'X-K(i, SAc, £->Ai>A^0RobertW. StorerK(cAi>AiJ'^£XX7Ad;£®taglAl# $*t'Ac¥.ffi€^ii?iXXl'AcCA'ciXt'-5o CCD^PhtlS'S^ffilSI 970^(iDJ6Gus vanVlietKZ)m«gX^^bAcfc(7)X&5„ t4'X-RX)qftlSIICiSciAc^z^(D^±Ad; 0 X b (iiIi?UAj:0;()?, -?-©^*ft0lAl§A'6, t4'X-KX)n953^A'b1959^(cA4AXf?aliSX j£A 0 C’ £XXX©ft fS(C^$nAcm(iiaimie)fcJ:Z>', S.ife^X©^SA^1OTtoX5tg.$nAcC; C'£'>/'?X (^SOceanodroma tristrami) ©. 0z^©;SB©PPx-7'-^^-XlctiK$nx (,'5 H;*:SlCfc(j--5)*>A'J'55XX /Ma'*«(Moyer1957^). m JGTt'^to =^ST"(i$€:»Urfeboty> mizmw^n. 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