Department of Natural Kesources and Conservation Stillwater State foREST P.O. Bok 164 Glney, Montana 59927 7425 Highway 93 North Whitefish, Montana 59937 (406) 881-2371 This Executive Summary and other portions of this FEIS document can be found on the internet : http: //www.dnrc .mt .gov/ eis_ea.html or call Mike McMahon at 406-881-2670. PeriOwwiXfodUAabvUtiefr who- needy aM/cdternatOves, a*>ce4tible' format of thyCydoxxwiev\£ ihovdd/ contact VbJRC at the- addyeiy or phone- number ihownabove/. Westforhof SwvftCreeh Tiwtber Scde> Project E)t&cu£iA/e/ S wmjmxwy J(M\AMMy 2005 Vepowtment of Matured Hetourc&y cwid/ Con4fervatton/ Page 2 Stillwater State Forest, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) , is planning the West Fork of Swift Creek (West Fork) Timber Sale Project. The proposed sale area is located approximately 20 air miles north of Whitefish, Montana and west of Upper Whitefish Lake. Harvesting would take place in Sections 18, 19, 20, and 28 in Township 34 north, Range 23 west, and Section 13, Township 34 north, Range 24 west. The VICINITY MAP can be found on page 5 and the TIMBER HARVESTING AITERNATIVE MAP is presented on page 6 . In October of 2004, Stillwater Unit produced the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the West Fork Timber Sale Project. This DEIS included a 30-day comment period, open until November 20, for anyone that would like to respond. This Executive Summary is part of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the West Fork Timber Sale Project. The FEIS presents: Corrections, updates, and additions to the DEIS (any significant changes are bolded and italicized) . The Proposed Decision from the project decisionmaker. Copies of letters of comments received on the DEIS; our responses to those comments are opposite the letters. This Executive Summary: Is designed in accordance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) rules. Is written so that, with the supporting photographs and map, it is easily understood. Briefly describes the project proposal and the alternatives that have been considered. Updates the DEIS Executive Summary . Informs you of the next step in this project. Page 22 Johnson Creek. The possible effects of logging and roadwork to the creeks and specific fisheries habitats were also analyzed. Overall, the effects to fisheries should be negligible, and the reduction of sediment going into the streams from the roadwork that would be done with this project would likely have a positive effect. The/ Vvcfpoyed/ VeoC&Ccm/ W CthOw the/ fEIS cwicL What tic to- follow Robert L. Sandman, Northwest Area Manager, is the decisionmaker for this project. He has included his proposed decision as a part of this FEIS. His proposed decision is not the final decision. No sooner than 15 days after the FEIS is published, Mr. Sandman may write a Decision Memo to accept the proposed decision as the final decision or he may write a complete Record of Decision for the project. In general, the Proposed Decision selects Action Alternative B and would implement the Alternative Practice that allows DNRC to use roads currently restricted to motorized vehicles. The rationale for choosing Action Alternative B includes: • The largest amount of revenue would be provided to the school trusts . • Approximately 9.5 mmbf of timber would be contributed to DNRC s annual harvest requirements (sustained yield ARM) . • The costs of road repairs and amount of money being made from the timber sale would show a better balance (costs versus revenue) . Action Alternative B proposes harvesting old-growth timber from stands that are mainly subalpine fir and Engelmann spruce. Currently, Stillwater State Forest has more older stands of subalpine fir and Engelmann spruce than our analysis indicates is needed. Several of these stands have been partially harvested in the past. Following publication of the final decision on this project, such sale-related chores as flagging unit boundaries, marking trees to be left or trees to be cut, flagging boundaries of sensitive areas such as Streamside Management Zones (SMZ), and staking roads for reconstruction would be completed. After these tasks are completed, a Timber Sale Contract would be prepared. The Timber Sale Contract would need Land Board approval before being offered for sale by public bidding. This project could be sold in the late spring or early summer of 2005. Page 20 - use skid trails that have been used in past operations when possible; and - leave larger pieces of logging debris on the ground following the harvest . DNRC estimates that less than 15 percent of the harvested areas would have some level of soil compaction . WILDLIFE THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES Gray Wolf, Bald Eagle, and Canada Lynx With the mitigation measures incorporated into the design of the project, the effects to gray wolves, bald eagles, and Canada lynx are expected to be minor under both action alternatives. Grizzly Bear Grizzly bears could be displaced from some areas where habitat is currently available. Displacing bears from quality habitats could affect grizzly bear survival and reproduction to an unknown degree . If Action Alternative B, with additional mitigation measures for road restrictions, or Action Alternative C is selected, negligible effects to grizzly bears are expected. If, instead, Action Alternative B is implemented with the Alternative Practice, the project would temporarily exceed the open-road density and decrease security-core habitat below the 1996 baseline level for grizzly bears. Due to open-road disturbance, grizzly bear habitat would be reduced for 2 nondenning seasons, which would likely displace grizzly bears from 732 acres. In addition, due to the removal of native culverts, 1,052 acres of potential security core would be affected for about 1 week in late summer. Displacing grizzly bears from quality habitats could affect bear survival and reproduction to an unknown degree . SENSITIVE SPECIES Fisher Under either action alternative, habitat structure for fishers would be removed. Higher quality habitat would be retained in the no-harvest buffers around the major streams in the project area, and deadwood would be retained throughout the proposed harvest units. More habitat would be affected under Action Alternative B than C. Pileated Woodpecker Under either action alternative, habitat structure for pileated woodpeckers in the harvest areas would be removed. Due to the high elevation of the project area, the quality of pileated woodpecker habitat is expected to be low. By retaining deadwood throughout the harvest areas, important habitat structure for pileated woodpeckers would be retained. The effects of both action alternatives would be about the same. BIG GAME Under each action alternative, some minor displacement of big game would occur. Action Alternative B would produce more effects than Action Alternative C. FISHERIES The fisheries analysis considered the presence of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the West Fork, Stryker Creek, and Page 3 DNRC has the task of managing State school trust lands. The primary purposes of this timber sale project are to provide income for the school trust, grow new stands of healthy trees, and improve the growth and vigor of trees remaining in the timber stands. This project follows the State Forest Land Management Rules (Annotated Rules of Montana 36.11.401 through 36.11.450) and is based on the premise that, for the foreseeable future, timber management will continue to be the primary source of revenue. Also that timber management will be the primary tool for achieving biodiversity objectives on State forest lands . This proposed timber sale project would log 5 to 9.5 million board feet (1,250 to 2,000 log truck loads) of timber. Trees would be harvested from 938 to 1,270 acres, depending on the alternative chosen. In addition to harvesting timber : At least one wooden bridge in the project area would be replaced with a 75-foot steel bridge to improve access, water quality, and safety. Currently, this bridge on Stryker Basin Road cannot support heavy machinery or fire engines . Several deteriorating log and earthen stream crossings would be removed. - Approximately 3 miles of new road would be built to access harvest areas; following harvesting operations, these roads would be grass seeded and closed to prevent motorized use. - Roads used for hauling would be improved/repaired to improve drainage, water quality, and safety. - Logged areas would be prepared to grow new trees by either broadcast burning or piling slash and scarifying the ground to allow seeds to germinate or trees to be planted. The West Fork bridge is no longer able to support the weight of heavy equipment and fire engines and would be replaced with a 75- foot steel bridge. Several deteriorating log and earthen stream crossings, like this one, would be removed. Page i Public/ Concerns In April of 2001, DNRC mailed a letter to let the public know that the West Fork of Swift Creek area was being considered for a timber sale proposal. The letter and an information pamphlet (Initial Proposal) provided the project's objectives, maps, an overview of past timber harvesting, and the potential for a new timber harvest. The letter also asked for responses if there were concerns about a timber sale in this area; 10 responses were received. A team made up of foresters, a wildlife specialist, a hydrologist, a fisheries biologist, an engineer, and an economist was formed to study the public's concerns and the West Fork area. This team is called an Interdisciplinary Team (ID Team) . By discussing the concerns and studying the area, we found that effects of the proposed timber sale project would have on the following resources or issues needed to be explained. Vegetation (trees, including old growth) Hydrology (water) Soils Fisheries Wildlife > Threatened and Endangered Species - Bald eagle - Canada lynx - Gray wolf - Grizzly bear > Sensitive Species - Fisher - Pileated woodpecker > Big Game Species (deer, elk, and moose) Economics Management of roads ^>^ m^mmma Page 9 SuintfiaryofEff&cty TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION DNRC is guided to manage Stillwater Forest for appropriate representations of age classes and types of forests. Some areas of the forest should grow mostly Engelmann spruce, while other areas should grow a mix including western white pine or western larch. One objective for this project is to harvest a portion of the timber in an area and regenerate the area with the appropriate species of trees. Action Alternatives B and C would both regenerate some western larch and western white pine trees to assure that they will continue to be a part of the forest . DNRC is also concerned about managing for age classes on the forest . We have a young age class that covers 0- to 39-year- old timber stands . According to our data, this age class is underrepresented on Stillwater Forest compared to the timber that was historically present. We also have age-class groups of 40 to 100 years old, 100 to 150 years old, and 150 years old and older. According to our analysis, Stillwater Forest has about 19, 000 more acres in the oldest age class (150 years and older) than was present around 1900. Action Alternative B would reduce this age class by about 1 percent and, in turn, increase the youngest age class by the same amount . Action Alternative C would reduce the oldest age class by approximately 0.7 percent and increase the youngest age class by that amount . DNRC also considers old-growth forests in their analysis. Approximately 8.7 percent of Stillwater Forest meets the old- growth definition. Action Alternative B would harvest approximately 286 acres of old- growth timber. Action Alternative C and No-Action Alternative A would not harvest old growth. All alternatives meet the SFLM Rules in relation to old-growth management . WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY In the watershed and hydrology analyses, specialists looked for areas where soil could erode into the West Fork, Johnson Creek, Stryker Creek, or any of their tributaries. With the repair of roads and culverts and the removal of deteriorated bridges, the amount of sediment that would reach the streams would be reduced. Following the harvesting of live trees, the amount of snowfall and rain that flows into creeks increases primarily because the larger trees that have been harvested no longer use that water. Therefore, the amount of water running through the streams in the West Fork and main Swift Creek watersheds may increase slightly. This slight increase would continue for several years, but would not noticeably change the quality of the water in these streams and Whitefish Lake. SOILS DNRC is concerned that logging would compact and displace soil, which may prevent trees from growing as fast or as large as in the past. Therefore, DNRC would: - limit logging operations to periods when the soil is dry; Page 8 GENERAL DIFFERENCES Action Alternative B has several differences than No-Action Alternative A and Action Alternative C. These are: - Action Alternative B proposes to harvest the same areas as Action Alternative C, plus an additional 332 acres in another part of the project area. - These additional acres in Action Alternative B are accessed by roads that are currently restricted from public motorized use. The SFLM Rules guide us to look for other roads to temporarily "restrict" while the additional 332 acres are being logged. - Action Alternative B proposes to harvest approximately 286 acres in stands that meet DNRC s old- growth definition, while Action Alternative C does not enter old-growth stands . - Logging operations for Action Alternative B would be more difficult than logging operations under Action Alternative C. Specialized skyline cable equipment would be required to reach some areas. - The value of the timber in Action Alternative B is higher due to the size and quality of the trees and the high number of trees per acre. GENERAL SIMILARITIES In addition to other information provided in this summary: - Both action alternatives would harvest areas that were logged in the 1940s and 1950s. These areas, now full of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir, should be growing more western larch and western white pine. - Both action alternatives would temporarily restrict 2 miles of roads that are currently open to public motorized use. This broken native bridge is located on a stream in Section 30. Under Action Alternative B, this bridge would be removed and the banks would be restored to prevent debris from falling into the stream. Excess slash on a regeneration-harvest area would be piled and burned. The preferred tree species would be planted in the harvest area. This is an example of Harvest Area III after harvesting. Page 5 Ve^elcypin^ the/ Project cund/Vi^layCn^lKe/CoYioerviy During the period when the ID Team was developing plans for the timber sale, the State Board of Land Commissioners (Land Board) in Helena adopted the State Forest Land Management Rules (SFLM Rules) . These rules provide guidance on how DNRC will manage their forests and deal with specific items that need to be considered when planning and conducting a timber sale. The ID Team was directed to follow these rules as they worked to finalize the timber sale proposal. In general these rules cover management for/of: - biodiversity (the forest conditions are managed for an appropriate mix of stand structures and forest types); roads; - watersheds; - fisheries; - wildlife species, including those listed as threatened, endangered, and sensitive, and big game; - weeds; and - economics . The SFLM Rules may be found on the web at: www . dnrc . state . mt . us/trust/fmb . htm Vicinity Map for the West Fork Timber Sale Proposal Legend Project Stream Courses Stillwater Unit Headquaters Page 6 Skyline harvesting equipment like this 'line machine' would be used to harvest trees from the steeper areas . mmmm Trees, such as this dying and dead subalpine fir, would be harvested with both action alternatives. SKJ The Legislature allocates most money made from timber sales to subsidize schools such as the West Valley and Bissell grade schools in Flathead County. The timber stand conditions include poor tree crowns. Page 7 s to fight fires, recreation, and as now. After studying the list of concerns, 3 possible choices (alternatives) were developed by the ID Team. Each alternative was designed to address a particular concern or group of concerns. • JVo-Jlction Alternative «// - No trees would be cut. - No roads would be improved. - Road maintenance projects, acces timber salvaging would continue - No money would be contributed to the school trust funds or the Forest Improvement Program. Action .Alternative B - 1,270 acres of timber would be harvested. - 9.5 million board feet of timber would be purchased by sawmills . - 31 miles of road would be improved and 3.4 miles of new roads would be built . - 2 bridges would be replaced to allow access to more acres for forest-management and fire- protection activities. - Approximately $680,000 would be contributed to the school trust funds and $630,000 would be contributed to the Forest Improvement Program. Action Alternative C - 938 acres of timber would be harvested. - 5.7 million board feet of timber would be purchased by sawmills . - 24.5 miles of roads would be improved and 3.1 miles of new roads would be built . - 1 bridge would be replaced to allow access to more acres for forest-management and fire- protection activities. - Approximately $360,000 would be contributed to the school trust funds and $380,000 to the Forest Improvement Program. A landscape view of proposed Harvest Area I. Approximately 72 acres would be commercially thinned. Though erosion-control measures would be taken, temporary increases in sediment to the streams would occur during the installation of culverts or bridges . Once installed, the annual sediment delivery would decrease to less than the current amount . Wegtforhof Svutft Creeks Timber Sale/ V reject bywurcmm&v\X;ab ImpcuXfitatem&nt' JcwuMwy 2005 Vepctrtwi&nt of Matured Ketotwc&y cw\d/ Coti&ervcctvon/ WEST FORK OF SWIFT CREEK TIMBER SALE PROJECT FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT January 2005 Enclosed is a copy of the West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) . The proposed project is located approximately 20 miles northwest of Whitefish, Montana in Stillwater State Forest. This project was designed to generate income for the school trust, regenerate new stands of trees, improve tree growth of the trees retained in the harvest areas, and provide some substantial improvements to the transportation infrastructure on Stillwater State Forest . The Department does not present a preferred alternative of the 2 action alternatives analyzed in the FEIS at this time. The proposed harvests include No-Action Alternative A, which treats acres and harvests no volume; Action Alternative B treats approximately 1,270 acres and harvests 9.5 million board feet (mmbf ) ; and Action Alternative C treats approximately 938 acres and harvests 5.7 million board feet (mmbf) . My proposed decision in the FEIS is Action Alternative B. I anticipate making my final decision in February 2005. This FEIS is written in the format that can be understood by any interest level and incorporates pictures in the Executive Summary to promote project understanding. The FEIS consolidates Chapters III and IV into a single section (CHAPTER III - EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES) that summarizes the analysis in plain English. The tabbed appendices contain the bulk of the scientific analysis information, which will need to be used for scientific, technical, or legal review. Following review of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and the comments received on the DEIS, no major changes were considered necessary. Some minor corrections and additions were made to the DEIS; any changes, other than grammatical, are shown in a bold, italicized, slightly larger print in the FEIS. APPENDIX H - COMMENTS AND RESPONSES displays the comments made by responders to the DEIS and DNRC's reply to the comments that required a response. Sincerely, Robert L. Sandman NWLO Area Manager Northwestern Land Office RLS:bm/mb Enclosure Cc: West Fork TS file FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (FEIS) PREFACE The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) wishes to present a document that all interested parties could, regardless of their knowledge level, read and be able to fully comprehend the project and its analysis. We must also have a document that is scientifically and legally sound. In the past, our experience has been that to produce a document that is easy to understand by all interested people and still withstand the appropriate scientific or legal review is extremely difficult. The updated Executive Summary of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) is designed to encompass the Montana Environmental Protection Act (MEPA) rules. This information is written so that, with the supporting photographs and maps, the Executive Summary is easily understood. The body of the FEIS was redesigned to combine Chapters III and IV into a single chapter, CHAPTER III - EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES . The analyses and conclusions that were completed by the Interdisciplinary Team (ID Team) are summarized in plain language, thus ensuring that all interested parties, regardless of their scientific or technical abilities, are able to understand this proposal and its effects. The members of the ID Team prepared the resource appendices; the discussions include citations from other sources, such as research documents, environmental assessments, etc. The lengthy discussions of methodologies, research, monitoring, baseline studies, analyses, etc., have been completed by the ID Team and are presented in the appendices. Because the analysis work reguires highly advanced technical procedures and terminology, the information in the appendices needs to be utilized for any scientific, technical, or legal review. APPENDIX H - COMMENTS AND RESPONSES displays the comments made by responders to the DEIS and DNRC s reply to the comments that reguired a response. Any additions to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), other than grammatical corrections, are shown in a bold, italicized, and slightly larger print . TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Area Map (Back of front cover) CHAPTER I - PURPOSE AND NEED Description of Proposed Actions 1-1 Purpose of Proposed Action 1-1 Proposed Objectives 1-2 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Process 1-2 Scope of Environmental Analysis 1-4 Issues and Concerns 1-4 Summary and Tracking of Issues and Concerns from Public Comments .. 1-5 CHAPTER II - ALTERNATIVES Introduction II-l Development of Alternatives II-l Alternative Descriptions II-3 Proposed Silvicultural Treatments 11-10 Mitigations 11-14 Summary of Environmental Effects 11-16 Preferred Alternative or Proposed Decision 11-27 CHAPTER III - EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES Introduction III-l Vegetation Analysis III-2 Introduction III-2 Analysis Methods III-2 Analysis Area III-2 Stand Development III-6 Alternative Effects III-7 Watershed and Hydrology Analysis 111-12 Introduction 111-12 Existing Conditions 111-12 Alternative Effects 111-13 Soils Analysis 111-16 Introduction 111-16 Analysis Methods 111-16 Analysis Area 111-16 Existing Conditions 111-16 Alternative Effects 111-26 Fisheries Analysis 111-18 Introduction 111-18 Analysis Methods 111-18 Analysis Area 111-18 Existing Conditions 111-18 Alternative Effects 111-22 Wildlife Analysis 111-26 Analysis Area 111-26 Analysis Method 111-26 Alternative Effects 111-27 Economics Analysis 111-34 Introduction 111-34 Existing Conditions 111-34 Alternative Effects 111-35 Road Management Assessment 111-36 Introduction 111-36 Methods 111-36 Analysis Area 111-36 Alternative Effects 111-37 Irretrievable and Irreversible Commitments of Natural Resources ... 111-40 Irretrievable 111-40 Irreversible 111-40 Preparers and Contributors References Glossary Acronyms (front of back cover) Resource Appendices are bound separately DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTIONS Stillwater Unit, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), is proposing the West Fork of Swift Creek (West Fork) Timber Sale Project west of Upper Whitefish Lake on Stillwater State Forest. The project includes: - harvesting timber, - replacing up to 2 bridges, - removing several deteriorating log and earthen stream crossings, and - improving drainage on roads leading to the harvest areas. If a harvest alternative were selected, 5 to 10 million board feet (mmbf) of timber would be harvested from 948 to 1,278 acres. In addition, depending on the alternative, 1 or 2 wooden bridges in the project area, which cannot support heavy machinery or fire engines, would be replaced. The wooden bridge on Stryker Basin Road would be replaced with a 75-foot steel bridge; a 30-foot wooden bridge on North Johnson Road would be replaced with a temporary 30-foot steel bridge. Also, several older stream crossings in Stryker basin, originally constructed with logs and covered with dirt, are collapsing. This proposal would remove the collapsing structures and stabilize the streambanks. The project area for the timber sale is located approximately 20 air miles northwest of Whitefish, Montana in Sections 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, Township 34 north (T34N) , Range 23 west (R23W) and Section 13, T34N, and R24W. The collapsing stream crossings are located in Section 25, T34N, R24W (see VICINITY MAP, back of front cover) . PURPOSE OF PROPOSED ACTION The primary objectives of this harvest are to generate income for the school trust, regenerate new stands of trees, and improve the growth of trees remaining in the harvest areas . The lands involved in the proposed project are held by the State of Montana for the support of specific beneficiary institutions, such as public schools, State colleges and universities, and other specific State institutions, such as the school for the deaf and blind (Enabling Act of February 22 1889: 1912 Montana Constitution Article X, Section 11) . The Board of Land Commissioners (Land Board) and DNRC are required by law to administer these trust lands to produce the largest measure of reasonable and legitimate return over the long run for these beneficiary institutions, Section 11-1-2-2 , Montana Codes Annotated (MCA) . On May 30, 1996, DNRC released the Record of Decision on the State Forest Land Management Plan (SFLMP) . The Land Board approved the SFLMP' s implementation on June 17, 1996. On March 13, 2003, the Department adopted Administrative Rules for Forest Management (Rules) (Administrative Rules of Montana [ARM] 36.11.401 through 450). The SFLMP outlines the management philosophy and the proposal will be implemented according to the Rules. The philosophy is: Our premise is that the best way to produce long-term income for the trust is to manage intensively for healthy and biological diverse forests . Our understanding is that a diverse forest is a stable forest that will produce the most reliable and highest long-term revenue stream... In the foreseeable future, timber management will continue to be our primary source of revenue and our primary tool for achieving biodiversity objectives . PROPOSED OBJECTIVES In order to meet the goals of the management philosophy adopted through a programmatic review of the SFLMP and the Rules, DNRC has set the following specific project objectives : • Harvest 4 to 10 mmbf of sawtimber to generate revenue for the appropriate school trusts. The sale would also provide a sufficient amount of sawlog volume to contribute to the sustained yield for DNRC, as mandated by State Statute 77-5-222, MCA. • Improve the long-term productivity of timber stands by increasing stand vigor, reducing incidence of insect infestations and disease infections, and regenerating portions of stands where timber- stand growth is decreasing. Actions would be done in a manner that maintains site productivity and favors the retention and regeneration of appropriate tree species (desired future conditions [ARM 36.11. 405] ) . • Replace the bridge across the West Fork in Section 29, T34N, R23W. • Provide for additional benefits and maintain options for sustained revenue to the school trusts by completing site improvements on existing roads to improve drainage, water guality, and safety as recommended by current Best Management Practice Standards (BMPs) for Forestry. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PROCESS EIS DEVELOPMENT This EIS was prepared in compliance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) , which reguires State government to include the consideration of environmental impacts in its decisionmaking process. Agencies are also reguired to inform the public and other interested parties about proposed projects, environmental impacts that may result, and alternative actions that could achieve the project objectives . PUBLIC SCOPING Public scoping occurs in the initial stage of an EIS and is used to inform the public that a State agency is proposing an action. The public has the opportunity to express their comments or concerns about the possible impacts of the project . In April 2001, DNRC solicited public participation in the West Fork Timber Sale Project proposal by placing notices in the Whitefish Pilot and Kalispell's Daily Interlake newspapers; an article announcing the scoping of the project was also published in the Daily Interlake. In addition, a letter that included maps and general information about the project and the project area was mailed to individuals, agencies, industry representatives, and other organizations that had expressed interest in Stillwater State Forest's management activities. The mailing list developed for this project is in the project file. The public-comment period for the initial project proposal was open for 30 days. As a result of the letters and notices in the newspapers, a total of 10 letters and phone calls were received. The issues and concerns identified through the public scoping were Page 1-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS summarized and used to further refine the project. The Interdisciplinary Team (ID Team) , made up of DNRC s wildlife biologist, hydrologist, and several foresters, began compiling the issues and gathering information related to current conditions in May of 2001. The priorities of the Stillwater Unit timber-sale program shifted from this timber sale to fire salvage during the remainder of 2001 and most of 2002 and 2003. In February 2002, a letter updating this project was sent to those on the mailing list; no responses were received. Another update letter was sent to the groups and individuals on the mailing list in February of 2004. This letter further described the status of the alternative- development process and provided notice that the SFLM Rules {ARM 36.11.401 through 450) would be followed on the project. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was prepared in October 2004. Public comments related to the issues that could affect the project were incorporated into the document . Upon publication, the DEIS and Executive Summary were circulated to individuals, groups, and agencies requesting the documents . Notification that the documents were available on the DNRC web page or at Stillwater Unit was sent to the Whitefish Pilot and Daily InterLake newspapers, as well as to individuals who requested notification. Comments pertaining to the DEIS were accepted for 30 days. Three responses to the DEIS were received; those responses are included in APPENDIX H - COMMENTS AND RESPONSES . FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (FEIS) After public comments on the DEIS were received, compiled, and addressed, DNRC prepared this FEIS. The FEIS consists, primarily, of a revision of the DEIS that incorporates new information based on public and internal comments . A proposed decision was prepared by Robert L. Sandman, Stillwater Unit Manager, and is included at the end Of CHAPTER II - ALTERNATIVES . As with the DEIS, this FEIS will also be published on the State web site at: http : //www. dnrc .mt . gov/eis_ea .html NOTIFICATION OF DECISION Following publication of the FEIS, the Stillwater State Forest Unit Manager will review public comments, the FEIS, and information contained in the project file. No sooner than 15 days after publication of the FEIS, the Unit Manager will consider and determine the following: • Do the alternatives presented in the FEIS meet the project's purpose? • Is the proposed mitigation adeguate and feasible? • Which alternative or combination/modification of alternatives should be implemented and why? These determinations will be published and all interested parties will be notified. The decisions presented in the published document would become recommendations from DNRC to the Land Board. Ultimately, the Land Board would make the final decisions regarding which actions to implement . Chapter I — Purpose and Need Page 1-3 SCOPE OF THIS ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS RELATED TO THE PROJECT In order to address direct, indirect, and cumulative effects on many resources, the analysis must incorporate past, present, and future actions within a determined analysis area. The locations and sizes of the analysis areas vary by resource (watershed, soils, etc.) and species (grizzly bear, Canada lynx, etc.) and are further described by resource in Chapter III and the various resource appendices. The following timber sales are located within several of the West Fork environmental analysis areas. • Ongoing timber sales where the environmental analysis has been completed: - Chicken/Werner Timber Sale Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (1999) - Taylor South Timber Sale Project EIS (2001) - Good/Long/Boyle Timber Sale Project Environmental Analysis (EA) (2000) - Dog/Meadow Timber Sale Project EA (2003) - Ewing Middle Ridge EA (2004) • The Point of Rocks Timber Sale Project was scoped in May/June of 2004 and the environmental review is now in progress. • The Ewing/Fish Lake and Old Highway timber sale projects have been identified on DNRC's 3-year timber sale list as the next potential projects for Stillwater Unit. Currently, no proposal/proposed action has been initiated and the potential projects have not been scoped; therefore, DNRC has not initiated a preimpact study on these proposals . OTHER AGENCIES OR ENTITIES WITH JURISDICTION RELATED TO THIS PROJECT Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (DFWP) DFWP has jurisdiction over the management of fisheries and wildlife in the project area. A Stream Preservations Act Permit (124 Permit) is reguired from DFWP for activities that may affect the natural shape and form of any stream or its banks or tributaries . Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) A Short-term Exemption from Montana's Surface Water Quality Standards (3A Authorization) may be reguired if: - temporary activities would introduce sediment above natural levels into streams, or - DFWP feels a permit is necessary after reviewing the mitigation measures in the 124 Permit. Montana Airshed Group DNRC is a member of the Montana Airshed Group, which regulates slash burning done by DNRC. DNRC receives air-guality permits through participation in the Montana Airshed Group . Plum Creek Timber Company Cooperative road-maintenance activities by DNRC and Plum Creek Timber Company occur on "cost-share" roads to reduce sediment delivery from roads . ISSUES AND CONCERNS Through the scoping process, resource specialists of DNRC and other agencies and the public raised concerns about the project's potential impacts on the environment. These concerns were considered by DNRC in the development of project alternatives (see CHAPTER II) . A summary of the comments that were incorporated in the alternatives is presented by resource in TABLE 1-1 - SUMMARY AND TRACKING OF ISSUES AND CONCERNS FROM PUBLIC COMMENTS. Page 1-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE 1-1 SUMMARY AND TRACKING OF ISSUES AND CONCERNS FROM PUBLIC COMMENTS RESOURCE AREA CONCERN OR ISSUE WHERE ADDRESSED IN EIS PACKAGE Vegetation The timber sale design should promote a healthy and vigorous forest, reduce the risks of wildfires, and improve the species composition to levels and types that were historically present. CHAPTER III - EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES and APPENDIX B - VEGETATION ANALYSIS This timber harvest, in conjunction with other past timber sales, may have an affect on the anticipated historic conditions of the landscape. Water Quality and Water Yield Proposed activities, such as road construction and timber harvesting, could negatively affect several watersheds tributary to Whitefish Lake. Increased waterflows into streams, which could also affect the water quality of the lake, may occur as a result of these activities . CHAPTER III -EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES and APPENDIX D - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS The West Fork of Swift Creek is listed as a water-quality-limited stream; a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) calculation has not been prepared for this stream. Soils Timber harvesting can affect long-term soil productivity by removing biomass, and, therefore, nutrients from the harvest areas . CHAPTER III -EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES and APPENDIX H - SOILS ANALYSIS Long-term soil productivity can be affected by soil compaction and displacement. Fisheries This project may further degrade fisheries habitat . CHAPTER III -EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES and APPENDIX E - FISHERIES ANALYSIS Wildlife Logging activities and roads can cause loss or fragmentation of habitat, affect the quality of habitat, displace species with special habitat needs, and cause increases in open-road densities . CHAPTER III -EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES and APPENDIX F - WILDLIFE ANALYSIS Economics If an action alternative of this project is implemented, direct costs and impacts to the local economy and selected socioeconomic institutions would occur. CHAPTER III -EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES and APPENDIX G - ECONOMICS ANALYSIS Some individuals feel that tourism and recreation have economic value in the area. Timber stand access, road improvements, and harvest methods can have an impact on the project's feasibility. Road Management Changes to public access on Stillwater State Forest as a result of this project are a concern. CHAPTER III -EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES Chapter I — Purpose and Need Page 1-5 CHAPTER II ALTERNATIVES INTRODUCTION The purpose of Chapter II is to introduce 2 action alternatives for the West Fork Timber Sale Project, summarize the effects of each action alternative and the no-action alternative, and present the decisionmaker' s proposed decision. This chapter will focus on the development of the action alternatives, summarize the description of each alternative, and briefly outline the probable environmental consequences associated with each alternative. TABLE II-2- SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS summarizes the detailed environmental effects analysis in CHAPTER III - EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES or the various resource appendices . DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVES An ID Team was formed in the spring of 2001 to work on the West Fork Timber Sale Project. The role of an ID Team is to summarize issues and concerns, develop management options within the project area, and analyze the potential impacts of a proposal on the human and natural environments . DNRC began reviewing resources in this area prior to 2000. Data was collected for resources within the project area to aid in the analyses of wildlife habitat, hydrology, fisheries, old-growth timber stands, timber-harvest feasibility, transportation systems, and economics. Data was also used to develop mitigation that could be applied to the proposal. Foresters provided the ID Team with a harvest and road proposal to accomplish and meet the desired future forest conditions on Stillwater Unit and the objectives described in CHAPTER I - PURPOSE AND NEED. The proposal addresses some areas that were harvested around 1950 and currently have stand conditions that would likely not occur under natural processes (Harvest Area II) . Another area, Harvest Area III, provides an opportunity to regenerate new stands of timber similar to the results of a wildfire. The ID Team further developed the proposal within the framework of the SFLMP and its administrative rules. The ID Team discussed how to address both public and internal issues, mitigations required by the SFLM Rules, and additional mitigations that may be implemented to reduce or minimize effects related to the project. This proposal developed into Action Alternative B. During the initial evaluation of Action Alternative B, issues related to the harvesting activities in Harvest Area III, which do not occur when harvesting in Harvest Areas I and II, were noted by the ID Team. Harvest Area III includes harvesting in stands of old-growth timber; the costs of logging, road development, and site preparation are also higher in Harvest Area III than costs associated with Harvest Areas I and II. Issues with open-road density levels are also more complex when entering the locations in Harvest Area III. The open-road density levels can be met in the Upper Whitefish Lake Grizzly Bear Management Subunit, although existing open roads would be restricted while implementing the project . Harvest Areas I and II would not include old-growth timber stands, but would require mitigation to meet the open-road density level. Those mitigation measures are in the form of road restrictions within the West Fork Timber Sale Project area. Logging costs are minimized with the use of common skyline and ground- based logging eguipment . Based on discussions and reviews of the issues, the decisionmaker was comfortable with developing a second action alternative, Action Alternative C, which would harvest those areas in Harvest Areas I and II, but not the areas in Harvest Area III. The decisionmaker also asked the ID Team to meet 2 additional objectives: replace the bridge on the West Fork and complete site improvements on existing roads to improve water quality. These objectives are listed in Chapter I. To relieve economic concerns related to the removal of a wooden bridge and installation of a 75-foot steel bridge across the West Fork, Harvest Area II-P was added to both action alternatives. Expected returns from the harvest of Area II-P would cover the expenses of the bridge work. This bridge is instrumental in accessing the Stryker Basin area for fire protection, timber management, and recreation. Inventory and assessment work was completed on existing roads within the project area in 2004. This information has identified sections of roads that should be improved to meet BMP standards prior to hauling logs. This information also helped identify several older stream crossings as potential sediment sources to the West Fork. These crossings in Section 25, T34N, R24W, and Section 29, T34N, R23W, were originally constructed with logs and covered with dirt and are beginning to collapse. Both action alternatives include upgrading roads to meet BMPs, removing the collapsing structures, and stabilizing the streambanks . Rotting West Fork wooden bridge that would be replaced with a 75- foot steel bridge. Collapsed native culvert that would be removed under either action alternative . Page II-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS ALTERNATIVE DESCRIPTIONS This section describes No-Action Alternative A and the developed Action Alternatives B and C. • Description ofJXo-*lction Jlllernalive *1 No large-scale timber harvesting or roadwork would take place, although salvage logging and firewood gathering would likely continue. Road reconstruction beyond coordinated maintenance agreements would not be conducted. The bridge over the West Fork, currently restricted to 5 tons or less, would not be replaced at this time. Current road restrictions would remain the same. Recreational uses, such as hunting, fishing, berry picking, and snowmobiling, are expected to continue. Fire-suppression and weed-control efforts would continue. Natural events, including plant or forest succession, windthrow, insect and disease outbreaks, and wildfires, would continue to occur. Future actions, including timber harvesting, would be proposed and undergo environmental analysis before implementation. No-Action Alternative A, which can be used as a baseline for comparing the environmental conseguences of Action Alternatives B and C, is considered a viable alternative for selection. • Description of miction Jllternatire B Under this alternative, approximately 9.5 mmbf would be harvested from an estimated 1,270 acres. A description of the 3 harvest and silvicultural prescriptions proposed under this alternative will be explained under Timber-Management Activities . A more detailed description of silvicultural prescriptions, including photographs, is presented under SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS and TABLE II-l - SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS BY HARVEST AREA NUMBER FOR ACTION ALTERNATIVES B AND C. A description of the proposed road plan and road-management options proposed to implement this alternative are provided under Roadwork Activities . The WEST FORK TIMBER SALE ALTERNATIVE B map is included for reference on page II-5. > Timber-Management Activities Within Harvest Area I, approximately 72 acres would be commercially thinned by utilizing a skyline cable system to harvest approximately 50 to 70 percent of the trees. A stand stocked with primarily Douglas-fir and western larch trees over 7 inches diameter at breast height (dbh) would remain . Landscape view of proposed Harvest Area I. Approximately 72 acres would be commercially thinned. Within Harvest Areas II-A, II-C, II-G, II-H, and II-P, harvests of group selection and overstory removal are proposed on 866 acres. Due to timber-harvest treatments in the 1950s and the mosaic of age classes and tree sizes left in these areas, the amount of trees actually harvested per acre would vary from none to small clearcuts. Chapter II — Alternatives Page II-3 Although the majority of the area could be harvested with ground-based systems, skyline cable systems would be necessary in some locations. Associated with logging, a dozer or excavator would pile logging slash and prepare sites for the planting of western larch and western white pine seedlings. Within Harvest Areas III-I, III- J, III-L, III-M, III-N, and III- 0, regeneration harvests are proposed on 308 acres and would utilize a combination of ground- based and skyline-cable systems. Groups of trees, ranging from a few trees to several acres, would be left standing in the harvest areas following A mid-ground view of Harvest Area II, where group-selection and overstory- removal harvest treatments would be done on approximately 866 acres. Landscape view of Harvest Area III. Regeneration harvests are proposed on approximately 308 acres would utilize a combination of ground-based and skyline- cable logging systems . A closer view of Harvest Area III. A foreground view of Harvest Area III. Page II-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS H § H H I Chapter II — Alternatives Page II-5 harvesting. To reduce logging slash and prepare the area for new trees to regenerate, approximately 216 acres in Harvest Areas III-I and III-J would be broadcast burned, dependent upon such factors as funding, weather, site conditions, and personnel availability. Excavator site preparation and slash disposal would be conducted on the remaining acres. If burning could not be done, an excavator would pile slash and scarify the ground in Harvest Area III. A mixture of tree species would be planted in these areas. > Roadwork Activities Approximately 31.0 miles of existing roads accessing the harvest areas would reguire various levels of heavy maintenance; some minor reconstruction, including road widening and culvert installations, would be necessary to meet safe travel requirements and BMPs. Approximately 1.0 mile of new road would be necessary to access Harvest Area I; approximately 2.1 miles of brushed-in roads and new road would be needed to access Harvest Area II-C, and approximately 0.3 miles of new road would be required for access to Harvest Area III-J. All these road segments would be used for administrative and logging purposes only. Following logging and site- preparation operations, slash, root wads, and grass seed would be distributed on the road to stabilize the roadbed and prevent use by motorized vehicles . This proposal would replace 2 bridges. The bridge on Stryker Basin Road would be replaced with a 75-foot steel bridge, and a 30-foot wooden bridge on North Johnson Road would be replaced with a 30-foot temporary steel bridge . Three older stream crossings in Section 25, T34N, R24W, and one crossing in Section 29, T34N, R23W, originally constructed with logs and covered with dirt, are in the early stages of collapse. One wooden bridge has failed and fallen into the unnamed tributary in Section 30, T34N, R23W. This alternative proposes to remove 5 structures and stabilize the streambanks to eliminate potential sediment sources in the future and upgrade roads to meet BMPs. Page II-6 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS This broken native bridge is located on an unnamed tributary in Section 30. This bridge would be removed and the banks would be stabilized to prevent erosion of dirt into the stream. This road slump would be repaired to meet BMPs before log hauling would take place. Chapter II — Alternatives Page II-7 Description of miction vlttematice V Under this action alternative, approximately 5.7 mmbf would be harvested from an estimated 938 acres. A description of the 2 harvest and silvicultural prescriptions proposed under this alternative will be explained under Timber-Management Activities . A more detailed description of silvicultural prescriptions, including photographs, is presented under SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS and TABLE II-l - SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS BY HARVEST AREA NUMBER FOR ACTION ALTERNATIVES B AND C. The Roadwork Activities section describes the proposed road plan and road-management options needed to implement this alternative. The WEST FORK TIMBER SALE ALTERNATIVE C map is included for reference on page III-9. > Timber-Management Activities This action alternative proposes timber-management activities within Harvest Areas I and II; the prescriptions for these areas are the same as those described under Action Alternative B. No timber- management activities would occur in Harvest Area III under this alternative. (Refer to WEST FORK TIMBER SALE: ALTERNATIVE C map and TABLE II-l - SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS BY HARVEST AREA FOR ACTION ALTERNATIVES B AND C. ) > Roadwork Activities On the road systems accessing the harvest areas, approximately 24.5 miles of existing road would reguire various levels of heavy maintenance. Some minor reconstruction, including road widening and culvert installations, would be reguired to meet safe travel reguirements and BMPs. Approximately 1.0 mile of new road would be necessary to access Harvest Area I ; approximately 2.1 miles of brushed-in roads and new road would be needed to access Harvest Area II-C. Both of these road segments would be restricted to administrative and logging purposes only. Following tree-planting operations, slash, root wads, and grass seed would be distributed on the road to stabilize the roadbed and prevent use by motorized vehicles . harvest areas. At the completion of tree- planting activities, slash, root wads, and grass seed would be placed on the road to stabilize the roadbed and prevent motorized vehicle use. Action Alternative C proposes to replace the wooden bridge on Stryker Basin Road with a 75- foot steel bridge. This is the only bridge replacement under this alternative proposal. Three older stream crossings in Section 25, T34N, R24W, and one crossing in Section 29, T34N, R23W, originally constructed with logs and covered with dirt, are in the early stages of collapse. This alternative proposes to remove 4 stream crossing structures, stabilize the streambanks to eliminate potential sediment sources in the future, and upgrade roads to meet BMPs. Page II- West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS *1 H H H I Chapter II — Alternatives Page II-9 PROPOSED SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS Three different silvicultural prescriptions (harvest treatments) were chosen to meet the management objectives of this project. The photographs provide £ visual representation of how these treated areas may appear following harvesting activities. Due to the variations in stand age, species components, and natural openings, the visualizations show what would be expected to occur on the ground. • COMMERCIAL-THIN HARVEST Fifty to seventy percent of the existing overstory would be harvested to reduce the stocking density, improve growth rates and vigor, and increase the representation of western larch in the stand. The stand would be fully stocked with trees, but would have an open-canopied appearance following harvesting. Notice the open-canopied stand that has resulted from a commercial-thin harvest treatment . Removal of 50 to 70 percent of the overstory reduces the stocking density, allowing tree growth rates and vigor to improve . Page 11-10 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS • GROUP-SELECTION/OVERSTORY-REMOVAL HARVEST Due to the multistoried structure of the existing stands, this type of harvest treatment would result in several different stand conditions: - Small openings, up to 5 acres in size, would be created in the existing stand to promote new regeneration. Within these sites, most of the merchantable trees would be harvested, the excess logging slash piled, the ground scarified, and western larch and western white pine planted. - Trees that were too small for harvesting during the 1950s, and now over- top the sapling- and pole-sized trees, would be harvested to: * reduce value loss and mortality, * reduce the stocking density, and * increase the growth of the smaller diameter trees by allowing more penetration of sunlight and moisture. - An estimated 90 percent of the proposed harvest areas would receive some level of harvest treatment. Harvesting would not go through places that are currently without merchantable trees. - Existing snags and an average of 1 tree of large diameter per acre would be retained individually or in groups throughout the harvest area. Most western larch would be retained. A landscape view of proposed Harvest Area II, where a combination of group-select and over story-removal harvests would be impl emen ted. In this 23-acre group-select/ over story-removal harvest unit, the 3-acre area in the picture has been prepared to grow new trees. An overstory-removal harvest would remove most merchantable trees and leave sapling- sized trees room to grow. Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-11 REGENERATION HARVEST Most trees would be harvested, the excess logging slash piled or burned, and the site planted with a mix of tree species, including western larch, Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, and whitebark pine. Areas near streams, inaccessible to logging systems, or designated by the Department would not be harvested; these are group-retention areas. Existing snags and an average of 1 large-diameter tree per acre would be retained individually or in groups throughout the harvest area. Due to safety and the difference in the way logs are skidded to the landings, less snags would be left in areas harvested by skyline logging eguipment than those areas harvested with ground-based logging eguipment. fc£5*?S i^^^^^^^^^^^H ■ ^^^^^^H B^^^H 1 ^H^ ^H ^H M K ]PM 1 Pi * wSW] iftif ■ $*)niW- T w** m m i gip*** '^^| i i -j i ii **^i Excess slash on a regeneration harvest area would be piled and burned. A mixture of tree species (such as western larch, Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, and whitebark pine) would be planted in the harvest area. This is an example of Harvest Area III, posttreatment . Page 11-12 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE II-l SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS BY HARVEST AREA FOR ACTION ALTERNATIVES B AND C ACTION HARVEST ACRES VOLUME HARVEST SITE PREPARATION ALTERNATIVE AREA TREATMENT TREATMENT METHOD B and C I Section 20 71 .8 340 Commercial thin with skyline system utilized Site preparation is not required. B and C 1 1 -A Section 28 39.3 190 Group select/ overstory removal with ground-based operations Mechanical B and C II-C Sections 29, 32, 33 363.5 2, 250 Group select/ overstory removal with ground-based operations Mechanical B and C II-G Sections 19, 20, 29 271. 9 1, 750 Group select/ overstory removal with ground-based operations Mechanical B and C II-H Section 13, 18 93.5 665 Group select/ overstory removal with ground-based operations Mechanical B and C II-P Sections 19, 20, 29, 30 100.5 500 Group select/ overstory removal with ground-based operations Mechanical B III- Section 91 . 9 1, 255 Seedtree with Combination I 29, 30 (east ) skyline system utili zed broadcast burn and mechanical B III- Section 123. 9 1, 350 Regeneration with Combination J 30 (mid- section) groups of trees retained and skyline systems utili zed broadcast burn and mechanical B III- L Section 30 72. 4 880 Regeneration with groups of trees retained and skyline and ground-based skidding systems utili zed Mechanical B III- M Section 31 (north) 9. 3 110 Regeneration with groups of trees retained and ground-based skidding system utili zed Mechanical B III- N Section 31 ( south) 33.0 185 Regeneration with groups of trees retained and ground-based skidding system utili zed Mechanical B III- Section 1. 8 35 Seedtree with Site preparation 32 skyline system utili zed is not required. Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-13 MITIGATIONS Wildlife and "Road Management To accomplish the various elements of the proposed project, certain methods or mitigation measures have been designed and would be applied. Mitigation measures are designed to reduce impacts and protect resources during harvesting and road-improvement activities. Many are written into the SFLM Rules, but are substantial enough to the design of the project to mention here. Other mitigation measures pertinent to this project will be tracked in APPENDIX A - STIPULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Many mitigation measures are designed to be incorporated into the Timber Sale Contract or site-preparation contract clauses and are implemented through contract administration. This section describes the mitigations and design components common to both action alternatives and describes those specific to each alternative . MITIGATIONS COMMON TO BOTH ACTION ALTERNATIVES BY RESOURCE • Water Quality and Fisheries - While removing and installing the bridge on Stryker Basin Road, construction work over the West Fork would be limited to July 15 through August 20 to avoid disturbance during bull trout spawning. - Timber-harvesting activities would not occur within 100 feet of the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks; this would address fisher rules and exceed rules for the Riparian Management Zone (RMZ) and the Streamside Management Zone (SMZ) Law . - A segment of Lower Johnson Road is near the banks of Johnson Creek. Approximately 600 feet of road would be built farther from the creek; the original segment would be reclaimed with brush and grasses. A gate would be installed at Site A (see project map) and remain closed for the entire year if road use to access Harvest Area 1 receives use exceeding 7 trips/week or 30 days of intensive use. Log hauling from Harvest Area I on the Whitefish Saddle Road would be limited to August 15 through February 1 (eaglets have fledged by August 15) . The Whitefish Saddle, Stryker Basin, and Spur II-C roads would be restricted to administrative use and harvesting operations. The earthen berm on Stryker Basin Road would be removed and replaced with a gate. Following harvesting, slash reduction, and site preparation, the earthen berms and waterbars would be replaced. Gates would be installed on the roads needed to access Harvest Area II-C to restrict public motorized use. Following project completion, these roads would be reclaimed by seeding grass, distributing slash, and constructing water bars. All timber-harvesting activities, including log hauling, from Harvest Area IIA, would be limited to August 15 through February 1 (after eaglets have fledged) . Several piles of cull logs in Harvest Area II would be retained to provide potential lynx denning habitat in the fut ure . At a minimum, 1 snag and 1 snag recruitment tree over 21 inches dbh per acre, on average, would be retained in all harvest units. If these snags and trees are not available , the next largest Page 11-14 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS available size would be substituted. MITIGATION MEASURES TO BE APPLIED TO ACTION ALTERNATIVE B ONLY - Harvesting activities within Harvest Areas I and III would not occur within the same year. If Area III is not active and the closure is moved to Site A, open- road density levels can be met during the harvesting of Area I. The temporary bridge accessing most of Harvest Area III would remain in place during the site- preparation and regeneration efforts . The earthen berm on North Johnson Road would be removed and a gate installed. This would facilitate harvesting and regeneration activities in Harvest Areas III-I through iii-m. Following regeneration activities, the berm would be replaced and the gate removed. The removal and stabilization of the native culvert sites in Stryker Basin would result in a temporary net decrease in grizzly bear security core from the levels calculated in 1996. The acting Forest Management Bureau Chief has authorized this temporary decrease in security core through an Alternative Practice process (ARM 36. 11.432 . l.d.i and ARM 36.11.449) . As a part of the mitigations in the Alternative Practice : * The culvert project would be completed in a short time frame (approximately 7 continuous days) . * The existing rock and gate road closure would be reinstalled. This closure is located at approximately 2.25 miles on Stryker Basin Road. * No motorized use would be allowed except those needed for culvert removal . In order to meet SFLM Rules for open-road densities while logging in Harvest Area III, 3 road-management options have been developed. Either the Antice or Stryker Ridge road would be required to have year-round restrictions in place during the year(s) of harvesting Harvest Area III or the decisionmaker could choose to implement an authorized Alternative Practice to allow a temporary increase exceeding the 1996 road-density baseline levels for this project (ARM 36. 11 . 432 . 1 . c. ii and ARM 36. 11 . 449) . For more information, refer to the ROAD MANAGEMENT section of CHAPTER III . MITIGATION MEASURES TO BE APPLIED TO ACTION ALTERNATIVE C ONLY Other than those mitigations common to both alternatives, no additional mitigations have been proposed for Action Alternative C. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED AND DROPPED FROM FURTHER DEVELOPMENT Foresters and DNRC s engineer attempted to locate several routes into Stryker Basin to avoid installing a new bridge at the present bridge location over the West Fork of Swift Creek. Based on feasibility, resource protection, and expense, the existing location of the bridge appears to be the best location. No other alternatives related to accessing Stryker Basin will be considered in this project. Harvest Areas III-I, III-J, and portions of III-L have a high level of tall brush. Following harvesting operations, the brush has the potential to impede the establishment of natural regeneration and the growth of planted regeneration. The ID Team has investigated the use of Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-15 herbicides to treat brush within establishment of a new timber stand these areas. The ID Team feels that is a silvicultural priority. If acceptable results can be met by brush competition impedes both broadcast burning the harvest regeneration, the Department may areas and supplementing the burning consider the use of herbicides with mechanical site preparation. following a separate environmental The successful regeneration and review. Page 11-16 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS RESOURCE EXISTING CONDITION DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS Vegetation Covertype representation on Stillwater Unit Mixed-conifer covertypes are currently overrepresented and the western larch/ Douglas-fir, western white pine, and lodgepole pine covertypes are under represented . JVo-jIction . J/fer Ha/ire . J No change. Since 1999, the western larch/Douglas- fir covertype has increased by 6 percent . Jletion Jllternative B Approximately 138 acres Since 1999, the The desired future of mixed-conifer western larch/Douglas- condition for covertype would be fir covertype has Stillwater State converted to the increased by 6 Forest would have western larch/Douglas- percent . more of the western fir covertype. The larch/Douglas-fir current covertypes and western white would not change on the pine covertypes . 1,131 acres proposed for harvesting, although representation of the western larch and western white pine covertypes would increase . miction Jllternative C Approximately 46 acres Since 1999, the of the mixed-conifer western larch/Douglas- covertype would be fir covertype has converted to the increased by 6 western larch/Douglas- percent . fir covertype. The current covertypes would not change on the 892 acres proposed for harvesting, although representation of the western larch and western white pine covertypes would increase . Age-class representation on Stillwater Unit The 150-year age class is overrepresented and the 0-to-39-year age class is JVo-*lction Jllternative Jl Older age-class representation would continue to increase The trend for managing age-class distributions has been under represented . over time. increasing the amount of acres in the 0— to— 39-year age class and reducing the amount of acres in the older age classes . Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-17 TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE CONDITION INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS Vegetation (continued) Age class representation on Stillwater .fiction Alternative R 1,045 acres would be The trend for Unit (continued) regenerated and added to the 0-to-39-year age managing age-class distributions has class; 695 acres of the been increasing the 150-year-plus age class amount of acres in would be reclassified the 0-to-39-year age in a younger age class. class and reducing the amount of acres in the older age clas ses . miction Alternative C 713 acres would be The trend for regenerated and added managing age-class to the 0-to-39-year age distributions has class; 393 acres of the been increasing the 150-year-plus age class amount of acres in would be reclassified the 0-to-39-year age in a younger age class. class and reducing the amount of acres in the older age classes . Old-growth 8, 693 acres, or 8 . 7 percent of the Stillwater State Forest, meet the DNRC old-growth JWo-Action Alternative A representation on Stillwater Unit No change in old-growth acres . Due to recent and planned timber harvests, old-growth definition levels would be reduced 152 acres to 8,541 acres . Action Alternative B Old-growth on Due to recent and Stillwater Unit would planned timber be reduced by 286 harvests, as well as acres . this alternative, old-growth levels would be reduced by 438 acres, leaving 8,254 acres on Stillwater Unit. Action Alternative C No change in old-growth Due to recent and acres . planned timber harvests, old-growth levels would be reduced 152 acres, to 8,541 acres. Page II-l! West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE CONDITION INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS Vegetation (continued) Old-growth Old-growth attribute JVo-Action Alternative A attributes levels all rate 'medium' within the Old-growth attribute Other Stillwater Unit project area . levels would not be timber sales that affected in the short- have been harvested term. Attributes, such or will likely be as decadence, down harvested include 152 woody debris, and acres of old-growth snags, should increase. stands that have a medium level of attributes . Action Alternative B Old-growth attributes, In addition to the such as decadence, down 286 acres of old woody debris, and growth with medium- snags, should decrease level attributes on 286 acres. The proposed for abrupt stand edges that harvesting, 152 acres may be created could of old-growth stands contribute to blowdown. with medium-level attributes are in other Stillwater Unit timber sales that have been, or will likely be, harvested. •Action Alternative C Attribute levels would 152 acres of old- not be affected in the growth stands with short term. Attributes medium- level such as decadence, down attributes are in woody debris, and snags other Stillwater Unit should increase. timber sales that have been, or will likely be, harvested. Watershed and Hydrology Sediment Currently, 25.5 tons JVo-Action Alternative A contributions of sediment are to streams delivered annually No direct effect beyond Conditions would be into the West Fork those under current similar to existing from roads and stream crossings; 5 . 2 tons are delivered annually management . conditions . Action Alternative B Road improvements would Tons of sediment into Johnson Creek. reduce approximately delivery would drop 4.2 tons of sediment to 21.3 tons per year per year to the West in the West Fork and Fork and 2 . 7 tons per to 2.5 tons per year year to Johnson Creek. in Johnson Creek. Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-19 TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE CONDITION INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS Watershed and Hydrology (continued) Sediment contributions Action Alternative C to streams Road improvements would Tons of sediment (continued) reduce approximately delivery would drop to 2.6 tons of sediment 22 . 9 tons per year in per year to the West the West Fork; no Fork. measurable change in sediment delivery would occur to Johnson Creek. Water yield The water yield in the West Fork JVo-Action Alternative A watershed is No change in water yield is expected in the presently about 3.4 percent over the naturally occurring level; the Anti.ce/ short term. Action Alternative B An increase in water The total increase in Johnson watershed yield of 2 . 6 percent water yield above is 3.5 percent; the over the current level naturally occurring Swift Creek would occur in the West levels would be 6.0 watershed is 3.4 Fork watershed; an percent in the West percent . increase of 0.2 percent Fork watershed, 3.9 would occur in the percent in the Ant ice /Johnson Ant ice/ Johnson watershed; an increase watershed, and 4 . 2 of . 8 percent would percent in the Swift occur in the Swift Creek watershed. Creek watershed. Action Alternative C An increase in water The total increase in yield of 1 . 7 percent water yield above over the current level naturally occurring would occur in the West levels would be 5.1 Fork watershed; an percent in the West increase of 0.2 percent Fork watershed, 3.7 would occur in the percent in the Ant ice /Johnson Ant ice/ Johnson watershed; an increase watershed, and 3 . 9 of 0.5 percent would percent in the Swift occur in the Swift Creek watershed. Creek watershed. Soils Soil Productivity Past harvesting has caused some JVo-*>lction Alternative A compaction and Soil productivity would No additional displacement of soils . not be directly affected. cumulative impacts would occur. Page 11-20 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE CONDITION INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS Soils (continued) Soil .fiction .alternative B Productivity (continued) Approximately 158 acres Long-term soil would be moderately productivity would be impacted from skid maintained and adverse trails and yarding effects would be corridors . minimized with the application of mitigations . .fiction .alternative C Approximately 131 acres Long-term soil would be moderately productivity would be impacted from skid maintained and adverse trails and yarding effects would be corridors . minimized with the application of mitigations . Fisheries Populations : Bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout both reside in the West Fork Jill .alternatives — presence — genetics No impacts are expected beyond those described in EXISTING CONDITION. and Stryker and Johnson creeks. Habitat : Existing conditions likely have had a low to moderate impact on habitat. JWo-.flction .alternative Jl — flow regime — sediment — channel form — large woody debris — riparian zone No impacts are expected beyond those described in EXISTING CONDITION. miction .alternatives B and C Increased streamflow Impacts range from — stream may have negligible, if negligible to net temperature any, impact to habitat. positive . — connectivity Likely a net positive impact would occur to the sediment component of the habitat for bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-21 TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING CONDITION DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS CUMULATIVE EFFECTS Wildlife Coarse filter: — covertypes and age classes — patch size and interior habitat s — connectivity — dead wood Covertypes favor species that use closed-canopy forests . JVo-Action Alternative A No additional displacement or disturbance would be In many unharvested expected areas, snags range from to 64 per acre. A decrease in habitat diversity would favor those animals associated with late— successional forest stages . Common to Action Alternatives B and C Disturbance and displacement is expected. Negligible effects would occur to habitat connectivity. Mitigation would provide for species associated with large dead wood. Habitat for species that use forested and interior forests would decrease while habitat for species that use edge and young regenerating stands would increase . The trend toward achieving appropriate forest covertypes or desired future conditions would benefit species using forests in early successional stages. Action Alternative li This alternative is expected to have the most displacement due to the amount of area being disturbed. 138 acres would be converted to a western larch/Douglas-fir covertype. Western larch and western white pine would be regenerated and favored for leaving on more than 1,130 acres. Action Alternative C 46 acres would be converted to a western larch/Douglas-fir covertype. Western larch and western white pine would be regenerated and favored for leaving on more than 8 92 acres. Page 11-22 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE CONDITION INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS Wildlife (continued) Bald Eagle A bald eagle nest is in the project area. JVo-Action Alternative A No effects are No additional effects would be anticipated . expected . Action Alternatives It and C No harvesting Habitat alterations are expected activities would to be neutral to slightly take place in the positive. The reproductive nest or primary- success rate would not be expected use areas . With to change. mitigations, no effects would be expected. > Canada Lynx Although denning habitat JVo-Action Alternative A was not noted Denning habitat would be expected to increase while in the proposed harvest areas, foraging habitat was foraging habitat would decrease. Action Alternative R Some disturbance Following harvests, found . would occur to Canada lynx travel corridors . Habitat would be modified on 1,270 acres, but as approximately 14.1 percent of lynx habitat on DNRC lands within the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit would be temporarily unsuitable These stands regenerate, lands are expected to develop forage and denning into young foraging habitat in habitats are 10 to 20 years. Denning expected to habitat would remain increase . unchanged, but some piles of cull logs would be retained to provide denning structure in the future. Action Alternative C Some disturbance Following harvests, would occur to Canada lynx travel corridors . Habitat would be modified on 938 acres, but as approximately 13.1 percent of lynx habitat on DNRC lands within the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit would be temporarily unsuitable These stands regenerate, lands are expected to develop forage and denning into young foraging habitat in habitats are 10 to 20 years. Denning expected to habitat would remain increase . unchanged, but some piles of cull logs would be retained to provide denning structure in the future. Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-23 TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE CONDITION INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS Wildlife (continued) > GrizziyBear Year-round habitat is provided. JVo-vlction .Alternative Jl Hiding cover is No additional effects No additional effects abundant throughout the project area and in the Upper Whitefish Grizzly would be expected. would be expected. miction ilUernaliveli Decreased grizzly bear Without additional road Bear Subunit . use of adjacent habitat restrictions, precise Precise open-road densities are 31.8 is expected to be the most due to the amount open— road densities would be 36.0 percent. percent and the 1996 baseline was and locations of disturbances. Hiding With gate restrictions at Site A and 32 . 9 percent . cover would be reduced, but would be short term additional restrictions placed on Antice Knob Security core is and have minor effects. or Stryker Ridge Road, currently 51.6 Forage could increase. the precise open-road percent and the density would not 1996 baseline was exceed the 1996 43.8 percent . baseline (31.4 to 32.7 percent) . If the Alternative Practice is implemented, the precise open-road densities could be greater than the 1996 baseline (34 percent) . The combined effect of both timber harvesting and native culvert removal would reduce the amount of security core below the baseline (42.7 percent ) . .Action Jilt er native C Decreased grizzly bear Without additional road use of adjacent habitat restrictions, precise is expected due to the open— road densities amount of disturbance. would be 34.0 percent. Hiding cover would be With gate restrictions reduced, but would be at Site A, the precise short term and have open-road density would minor effects. Forage not exceed the 1996 could increase. baseline (32.7 percent ) . The combined effect of both activities would reduce the amount of security core, but remain above the baseline (45.5 Page 11-24 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE CONDITION INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS Wildlife (continued) > Fisher Habitat includes areas with dense JVo-Action Alternative A canopies . No additional effects Minor negative effects would be expected. would be expected due to recent salvage logging and firewood cutting . •Action •Alternative B 1,270 acres of habitat Minor negative effects would be modified, but would be expected due existing forest cover to recent salvage in travel corridors logging and firewood would be retained. cutting . Minor displacement effects would be expected. Action Alternative C lib acres of habitat Minor negative effects would be modified, but would be expected due existing forest cover to recent salvage in travel corridors logging and firewood would be retained. cutting . Minor displacement effects would be expected. > pileated Habitat is limited by the amount of the harvest area at JVo-Action Alternative A Woodpecker No additional effects Pileated woodpecker high elevation. would be expected. habitat would increase and, over time, begin to decline . Action Alternatives B and C 775 acres of potential Potential habitat habitat would be quality and quantity modified, but negligible would be reduced. A effects would be long-term minor expected. Disturbance benefit would occur is expected if from the regeneration harvesting is done of western larch. during nesting season. > Big Game Habitat is limited to the nonwinter JVo-Action Alternative A period. No additional effects or increased vulnerability would occur. Action Alternatives B and C Forage would increase, while hiding cover would decrease. The overall effects are negligible. Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-25 TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE CONDITION INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS Economics Economic JVo-Action Alternative A benefits No additional income would be Volume would come from provided for the school trust sales elsewhere; however funds. Additional jobs would not be provided. the sales would not necessarily benefit this region. Long— term deferral would have a minor impact on harvest patterns and scheduling across this State. miction Alternative B An estimated $677,900 would be Net revenue would add to generated to the school trust funds. This alternative would the State-wide trust provide an estimated 100 jobs for the duration of the timber sale . •Action Alternative C An estimated $359,000 would be Net revenue would add to generated to the school trust funds. This alternative would the State-wide trust fund. provide an estimated 60 jobs for the duration of the timber sale . "Road Management Currently, more miles JVo-Action Alternative A of road in Current access and road Open-road density levels the Upper restrictions would not change. would be met . Whitef ish Grizzly Bear Subunit are restricted Action Alternative B 2.0 miles of Johnson Road Open-road density levels from public would be restricted from would be met with closure motorized public motorized access for 3 of Stryker Ridge or Antice use than in years. Similar restrictions Knob roads . With the the 1996 for a 2-year period may be implementation of the baseline applied to either 4.7 miles of Alternative Practice, the year . Stryker Ridge Road or 5.4 open-road density level may miles of Antice Knob Road. The be temporarily exceeded. decisionmaker may select Implementation of 1 of the either of these 2 additional 3 options would also restrictions, which may contribute to displacement temporarily reduce and disturbance to various opportunities for recreational wildlife species. use. Or the decisionmaker may select an option to temporarily exceed open-road density levels (Alternative Practice) . Page 11-26 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE II-2 - SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS (continued) RESOURCE EXISTING DIRECT AND CUMULATIVE CONDITION INDIRECT EFFECTS EFFECTS "Rpad Management (continued) miction Alternative C 2.0 miles of Johnson Road Open-road density would be restricted from levels would public motorized access for continue to be met. 1 year. This additional road restriction may temporarily reduce opportunities for recreational use and contribute to displacement and disturbance of various wildlife species. PROPOSED DECISION This portion of the FEIS presents the proposed decision by Robert L. Sandman, Area Manager, NWLO, DNRC . The scope of this proposed decision is limited to actions associated with the West Fork Timber Sale Project proposal. The proposed decision is site-specific and is neither programmatic nor a general management plan for Stillwater State Forest . The ID Team has completed the DEIS and prepared the FEIS for the West Fork Timber Sale Project proposal. Mr. Sandman proposes the following decision after a thorough review of the DEIS, project file, public correspondence, corrections and additions made by DNRC that were reflected in this FEIS, Department policies, the SFLMP, and the SFLM Rules . 1. PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE SELECTION: Action Alternative B Three alternatives were developed and are presented in the FEIS: • JVo-Action Alternative A No timber would be harvested, though existing activities would likely continue. The bridge over the West Fork, which is currently restricted to 5 tons or less, would not be replaced at this time unless alternate funding became available. Action Alternative R Approximately 9.5 mmbf of timber would be harvested from an estimated 1,270 acres. A combination of regeneration harvests, group select/overstory removal, and commercial-thin harvests would be implemented. Approximately 31 miles of existing roads would receive various levels of maintenance, minor reconstruction, and the installation of surface drainage, ditch relief features, and new stream- crossing structures. Approximately 3.4 miles of temporary access roads would be needed. Opening older brushed-in roads would provide a portion of this access; the other portion would be newly constructed roads that would be built to temporary road standards . Following postharvest operations, these roads would be partially reclaimed to stabilize the roadbed and prevent erosion and use by motor vehicles. This proposal would also replace the bridge on Stryker Basin Road with a 75-foot Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-27 steel bridge and the bridge on North Johnson Road with a 30- foot temporary steel bridge. Five old wooden and earthen stream-crossing structures would be removed and the streambanks would be stabilized at the crossing sites. This alternative would earn approximately $677,900 for the school trust fund. Approximately 286 acres of old-growth timber stands would be harvested. miction JlUernatiee C Approximately 5.7 mmbf of timber would be harvested from an estimated 938 acres. A combination of group- select/overstory-removal and commercial-thin harvests would be implemented. Approximately 24.5 miles of existing road would receive various levels of maintenance, minor reconstruction, and the installation of surface drainage, ditch relief features, and new stream- crossing structures. Approximately 2.1 miles of temporary access roads would be needed. Opening older brushed-in roads would provide a portion of this access; the other portion would be newly constructed roads built to temporary road standards. Following postharvest operations, these roads would be partially reclaimed to stabilize the roadbed and prevent erosion and use by motor vehicles. Four old wooden and earthen stream- crossing structures would be removed and the streambanks would be stabilized at the crossing sites. This alternative would earn approximately $359,000 for the school trust fund. No old- growth stands would be entered for harvesting. (A detailed description of Alternatives A through C are presented in the FEIS, pages II- through II-9) . The proposed decision is to select Action Alternative B, which would be implemented using an Alternative Practice. This Alternative Practice has been approved by Tom Schultz, DNRC Division Administrator, and allows DNRC to temporarily exceed the SFLM Rules for open-road density levels (see 4. RATIONALE FOR THE PROPOSED DECISION) . No roads, except the upper portion of Johnson Road, would have additional restrictions. This restriction is within the timber sale project area and would last for the life of the timber sale, approximately 4 years . RELATIONSHIP OF THE OBJECTIVES TO THE PROPOSED DECISION • The estimated revenue for appropriate school trusts generated from Action Alternative B is $677,900. In addition, $631,750 would be generated for forest improvements (FI); improvements to the transportation infrastructure are estimated to be valued at $250,000. This additional FI revenue helps maintain and, in some cases, increase the value of the trust lands through improvements. In the future, these improvements would help maintain the ability to generate revenue from these lands . • Action Alternative B would harvest approximately 9.5 mmbf of sawtimber to contribute to DNRC s sustained yield as mandated by State Statute 77- 5-222, MCA. The estimated timber volumes produced by each alterantive are based on stand volumes obtained from Page II-2E West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS SLI and other available data used in the analysis. Actual advertised volumes may vary from these values due to increased statistical accuracy of measured data obtained during sale layout. While the estimated log volume may be different, the environmental effects are based on acres treated and expected changes to stand conditions; these effects would remain similar to those shown in the FEIS. • Action Alternative B is designed to improve the long- term productivity of timber stands being entered. Concepts being implemented are designed to promote biodiversity and trend timber stands toward the desired future conditions. This alternative is designed to implement the SFLM Rules (ARM 36.11.401 to 450) . • Action Alternative B would replace 2 bridges, including the bridge over the West Fork. Replacement of the West Fork bridge would allow access to Stryker Basin for timber management, fire protection, and recreation. In addition, site improvements would be completed that improve drainage, water guality, and safety on the existing road system. 3. RELATIONSHIP OF THE ISSUES AND PUBLIC COMMENT TO THE PROPOSED DECISION a. VEGETATION (FEIS, pages III-2 through I 11-11 and APPENDIX B - VEGETATION ANALYSIS) Approximately 138 acres of mixed-conifer covertypes would be converted to the western larch/Douglas-fir covertype. The representation of western larch, western white pine, and whitebark pine is likely to increase in the harvest units after the establishment of regeneration. The representation of the 0-to-39- year age class on Stillwater Unit would be increased by 1 percent (1,045 acres), and the representation of the 150 + - year-old stands would be reduced by 0.7 percent (695 acres) . Approximately 286 acres of old growth would be harvested with Action Alternative B. The planned harvest and silviculture is designed to regenerate the majority of the area within these old-growth stands. The postharvest treatment includes both mechanical site preparation and burning, with a follow-up of planting various species, including western white pine and western larch . b. WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY (FEIS, pages 111-12 through 111-15 and APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) With the implementation of Action Alternative B, several projects would occur that are designed to replace or remove old wooden or earthen stream- crossing structures. Implementing BMPs and erosion- control measures would minimize direct sediment delivery to streams while work is being done. Over the long term, these projects would reduce the annual sediment delivery to the creek in Stryker Basin, the West Fork, Johnson Creek, and other downstream waters . Water yield would increase by 2.6 percent in the West Fork watershed and . 4 percent in the Antice/ Johnson watershed. The cumulative water yield postharvest has a low risk of creating adverse effects to channel stability from increases in streamflow. Chapter II — Alternatives Page II-2? c. FISHERIES (FEIS, pages I I 1-18 through 111-24 and APPENDIX E - FISHERIES ANALYSIS) Action Alternative B would have no effects on fish presence or genetics. Minimal effect to the flow-regime component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat is expected. In the long term, this alternative would provide positive impacts to trout habitat in the project area by reducing sediment delivery. Effects to channel form are not expected. Action Alternative B is designed with a 100-foot no- cut buffer between the harvest units and 3 fisheries streams; therefore, no impacts to large -woody-debris recruitment, riparian-zone function, and stream temperature are expected. d. SOILS (FEIS, pages 111-16 through 111-17 and APPENDIX D - SOILS ANALYSIS) Following harvesting and postharvesting activities under Action Alternative B, approximately 12 percent of the area in the harvest units would be in an impacted condition from eguipment operations. Skidding mitigation measures would include restricting the season of use, utilizing minimum skid-trail spacing, installing needed erosion-control devices; retaining woody debris; and following all applicable BMPs. Mitigation measures would be applied to minimize long-term effects to soil productivity. e. WILDLIFE (FEIS, pages III-? through III-? and APPENDIX F - WILDLIFE ANALYSIS) With Action Alternative B, some disturbance and displacement to wildlife in the project area would occur; however, the features of the project design would reduce widespread disturbances. Wildlife species that use the more open-canopied forests with shade-intolerant tree species would benefit, while wildife species that are primarily associated with the late successional timber stands that are dominated by shade-tolerant tree species would be more negatively affected. Substantial effects to connectivity are not expected. Habitat for species that use forested and interior habitat would decrease, while species that use edge and regeneration or unforested habitats would be favored . Mitigation measures such as the timing of activities to reduce disturbance to nesting eagles; retaining large snags, cull trees, and down woody material; retaining cover and riparian habitat; and maintaining and implementing motorized-use restrictions are expected to reduce adverse effects and maintain habitat for most wildlife species that use the project area. The proposed decision would implement the Alternative Practice, which authorizes the Department to temporarily exceed the baseline open-road densities and temporarily reduce grizzly bear security core. Grizzly bears may temporarily avoid 732 acres of available habitat as a result of increased road disturbance. The 1996 baseline for open-road density would be exceeded by 358 acres. The temporary displacement of bears from high guality habitats could affect grizzly survival and reproduction to some degree. Following completion of this project, all roads would revert Page 11-30 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS to current management restrictions . f . ECONOMICS (FEIS, PAGES I 11-34 THROUGH 111-35 and APPENDIX G - ECONOMICS ANALYSIS) A conservative estimate of the trust revenue from implementing Action Alternative B is $677,900. The sale would also bring in an estimated $631,750 in FI collections. Additional economic benefits of implementing the project are the generation of the equivalent of 100 local jobs for 1 year, with wages and salaries totaling $3,734,700. It is estimated that the revenue generated from this project could support 96 students for 1 year. g. IRRETRIEVABLE AND IRREVERSIBLE COMMITMENTS (FEIS, page III- 40) Harvesting timber will cause live trees to be irretrievably lost. Harvested trees will no longer contribute to snag recruitment, stand structure and composition, diversity, aesthetics, wildlife habitat, nutrient cycling, and other important ecosystem functions. However, the loss of trees is not irreversible. Natural regeneration combined with site preparation and planting will promote the establishment of new trees that will eventually become eguivalent in size and ecosystem function to those harvested. Action Alternative B includes temporary road construction; these roads would be reclaimed after harvesting. Only minor irreversible commitments to soil productivity would occur. RATIONALE FOR THE PROPOSED DECISION a. The lands involved in this project are held by the State of Montana in trust for the support of specific beneficiary institutions. DNRC is reguired by law to administer these trust lands to produce the largest reasonable and legitimate return over the long run {Enabling Act of February 22, 1889; 1972 Montana constitution, Article X, Section 11; and, 77-1-202 MCA) . The SFLMP provides the management philosophy and framework to evaluate which alternative would maximize real income while sustaining the production of long-term income . The proposed timber sale project contributes 9.5 mmbf to the statewide sustained yield mandated by State statute (MCA 77-5-222) In regard to harvesting 286 acres of old growth with Action Alternative B, the following elements were considered at the project level : • The project complies with DNRC s Forest Management Rules {ARM 36.11.401 to 450) by considering a variety of factors at the project level, including timber stand age-class amounts and distributions, forest covertype amounts and distributions, connectivity, patch size, stand characteristics, etc. The old-growth stands proposed for harvesting with Action Alternative B were included in this consideration. The rules do not set an old- growth retention minimum, instead they state that the decision to treat specific stands of old growth will be made at the project level. Pursuant to 77-5-116 MCA, DNRC is prohibited from temporarily or permanently setting aside "old growth" unless the full market value is obtained for the trust beneficiaries from such a deferral. ARM 36.11.418 Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-31 indicates that the "amounts and distribution of all age classes will shift and change over time" and that "no stands would be permanently deferred from management...". This recognizes and provides for the inherent variability that occurs on the landscape over time and the fiduciary responsibilities of DNRC . The proposed stand-treatment concepts are designed to promote biodiversity and trend timber stands toward the desired future conditions . The timber stands being entered were accessed with roads for the purpose of timber management more than 20 years ago. Several old-growth stands proposed for harvesting have been entered previously with timber harvests and are adjacent to regenerating harvest units . The old-growth stands proposed for harvesting are in the subalpine fir (83 acres) and mixed-conifer (203 acres) covertypes. In regard to desired future conditions, both of these covertypes are considered overrepresented on the coarse-filter analysis level. Approximately 59 percent of the old-growth stands are represented by the subalpine fir and mixed- conifer covertypes . An estimated 8,406 acres of timber stands would remain in the coarse-filter analysis area following implementation of Action Alternative B. In combination with other timber sales that propose to harvest old growth or that have harvested old growth as identified in SLI, approximately 8,241 acres would remain in the analysis area . • In the higher elevations where old growth is proposed for harvesting, whitebark pine was once a substantial component of the overstory. Over time, white pine blister rust and mountain pine beetles have killed a large percentage of the whitebark pine in this area and throughout northwestern Montana. Harvesting this area with the proposed follow-up treatments would provide an opportunity to regenerate whitebark pine. Because of the condition, value, and cost associated with harvesting the additional 3.8 mmbf of timber from 332 acres in Action Alternative B, the timing of the project, in reference to market conditions, is a consideration. Currently, the market for timber stumpage is relatively strong and is expected to continue this same trend through 2005 (personnel communication with Charles Keegan, UM Bureau of Business and Economic Research) . Stumpage prices for State timber sales over the last 6-month period have been relatively high with multiple bidders. Given the relatively ambitious objectives of replacing bridges and repairing existing roads over a large area, the additional timber and value being made available improves the overall project marketability, profitability, and potential revenue. The Proposed Decision includes an approved Alternative Practice to: a. Remove earthen fill over numerous logs used to form culverts in the road prism at Page 11-32 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS the head of Stryker Basin. DNRC s hydrologist and fisheries biologist are concerned that these native culverts will fail and contribute high amounts of sediment to the West Fork, which could affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. The objective is to remove the threat of failure and prevent undesirable sediment production. Using a backhoe and small crew, the operation would take approximately 1 week to complete. b. Utilize the Johnson Basin road system for activities associated with the West Fork Timber Sale Project without restricting public access on roads outside of the project area that are currently open to public use. The objective is to use an existing road system without restricting public access on other open- road systems outside the project area. The Johnson Basin road system would be used approximately 2 years for harvesting operations. The existing Johnson Basin gate restriction would be moved down to the base of the hill. This proposed road restriction would mitigate impacts to open-road density caused by the timber sale activities while using Whitefish Saddle Road. Motorized access to the general public would continue to be restricted on both of these roads. These road restrictions are within the immediate project area and would provide an additional level of mitigation. Antice Knob Road would remain restricted during the spring season . West Fork Road and Upper Whitefish Road are the only other open roads in the immediate project area; both are open to the public. Neither could be restricted during the sale because both are needed as part of the primary haul route. The level of hauling reguired for the sale exceeds the level of use associated with the restricted road status; even if the roads were gated, the level of use would exceed the restricted status allowance. Contractors using the restricted roads for sale-related activities would be prohibited from carrying firearms . In order to concentrate the timing of sale-related activities in a way that limits the magnitude of potential displacement, harvesting activities would not be authorized simultaneously on the Whitefish Saddle and Johnson Basin roads. Spring activities would be extremely limited. The culvert removal project would be limited to a period during the summer season when grizzly bears have the most available habitat (August 15 through September 15) . No other mitigation measures have been identified as being practicable within the sale area. SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED DECISION Overall, Action Alternative B best complies with the Agency' s legal requirement to manage these lands to produce the largest measure of reasonable and legitimate return over the long run for the beneficiary institutions. Action Alternative B strikes the best balance of revenue and development of the alternatives analyzed. The proposed project harvests timber in a manner that moves Stillwater State Forest toward desired future conditions while balancing the recovery of value and limiting high- risk effects to other valuable resources . Chapter II — Alternatives Page 11-33 CHAPTER III EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES INTRODUCTION This chapter contains information related to the Stillwater State Forest environment and the West Fork Timber Sale Project area. The information portrayed is related to the resource issues identified in CHAPTER I - PURPOSE AND NEED. Existing or current conditions discussed in this chapter include effects from current and past management and other known disturbances. The ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS section will discuss the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects that No-Action Alternative A, Action Alternatives B and C would likely have on resources. Refer to the appropriate appendices of this EIS for more complete assessments and analyses related to the resources for both scientific and judicial reviews. DNRCS Stillwater State Forest office at Olney VEGETATION ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION This summary of APPENDIX B - VEGETATION ANALYSIS will provide a description of the present conditions of the forest. Also discussed are the effects the proposed alternatives would potentially have on the following issues : • The distributions of covertypes and age classes at a landscape level (Stillwater State Forest and scattered sections north in Lincoln County) . • The distribution of old-growth timber at a landscape level and the characteristics (attributes) of the old-growth stands within the project area. • The development of timber stands in the project area in relation to natural disturbances and timber management . ANALYSIS METHODS The current stand conditions will be compared to the stand conditions that DNRC believes to be the desired future conditions and appropriate for the site. A forest inventory from the 1930s was used to estimate the proportion of the various stages of stand structure by age classes and covertypes that were historically represented throughout the Inland Northwest (Losensky 1993). From this, estimations have been made of the natural characteristics of forests in the period prior to fire suppression and extensive logging. The procedure used to assign covertypes on State forested lands, including Stillwater State Forest, is explained in detail in the SFLM Rules {ARM 36. 11.405) . The methods to identify old-growth timber stands are initiated from modeling based on the STW 2003 Stand Level Inventory (SLI) data. The model primarily sorts for stands that meet the age criteria and number of trees greater than a particular dbh, based on habitat- type groups. Field surveys were used to verify additional stands in the project area that meet the definition . The analysis method for stand development is a discussion of the conditions of timber stands and how natural and man-caused disturbances may continue to affect the development of timber stands. ANALYSIS AREA The vegetation analysis includes 3 geographic scales: • Upper Flathead Valley - Historic conditions refer to those from Climatic Section 333C of the Upper Flathead Valley (Losensky 1991) . • Stillwater State Forest management block - Current and appropriate conditions for covertype, age, and old-growth distribution were analyzed. This analysis area is approximately 100,208 forested acres that includes the entire Stillwater State Forest and scattered outlying sections in northeastern Lincoln County. • Project level - Stand attributes related to old growth, species composition, and structure will be analyzed by harvest area. COVERTYPE FIGURES III-l through III-3 - PERCENTAGE OF FORESTED ACRES BY COVERTYPE illustrates the percentage of forested ground that is/was occupied by a particular covertype. These figures compare the historic covertype data of the Upper Flathead Valley to the current and appropriate covertype conditions in the analysis area. The chart displaying Historic conditions is from Lozensky' s data and covers forested types at a much larger scale than do the Current and Appropriate conditions. Historic data indicates that mixed- conifer stands are currently Page III-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS VEGETATION ANALYSIS overrepresented and the western larch/Douglas-fir, western white pine, and lodgepole pine covertypes are underrepresented on the forest. FIGURES III-l THROUGH III-3 - PERCENTAGE OF FORESTED ACRES BY COVERTYPE ON STILLWATER UNIT Historic Covertype Distribution in Flathead Valley Ponder osa pine -x Lodgepole pine 27% Wes tern larch/ Douglas - fir 28% Wes tern white pine 1% Mixed coni f er 6% Appr op riate Covertype Distri bution on St i 1 lwa ter Unit Analysis Area Douglas - Wes tern fir white pine 1% 11% > Lodgepole ^iif ^^- pme 8% III Wes tern ill J larch/ Douglas - Mixed coni f er £-''' ^^^ fir iiiiiiiiiii 8% 48% ii 1 lllllllllllllllif ■Ha / Ponderosa -^n m / Subalpine fir 23% pine 1% Current Covertype Distribution on Stillwater Unit Analysis Area W 5 s tern Douglas - We s tern larch/ Douglas- fir 28% whi 1 t e pine-., 3% f fir 1% |V Lc dgepole pine 10% Mixed ^lllllllllffillllllllllllk x - coni f er V ^ 28% Su balpine fir Ponderosa 29% pine 1% Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page III-3 VEGETATION ANALYSIS AGE-CLASS DISTRIBUTION Comparing the entire Stillwater State Forest with the historical data from the Upper Flathead Valley, TABLE III-l- DISTRIBUTION OF AGE CLASSES ON STILLWATER UNIT shows that Stillwater State Forest is low in the seedling-sapling stands (0 to 39 years old) and high in stands 40 years and older. TABLE III-l- DISTRIBUTION OF AGE CLASSES ON STILLWATER UNIT TABLE III-2 COVERTYPE - OLD-GROWTH ACRES BY AGE CLASS HISTORIC PERCENT CURRENT PERCENT to 39 years 36 10 40 to 99 years 12 23 100 to 150 years 22 19 150+ years 29 48 OLD-GROWTH DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTES Approximately 8,693 acres, (8.7 percent) of the coarse-filter analysis area can be classified as old-growth. On the opposite page, FIGURE III-4 - OLD-GROWTH ON MAIN BLOCK OF STILLWATER STATE FOREST displays the locations and distributions of old-growth stands on the main block of Stillwater State Forest. TABLE III-2 - OLD-GROWTH ACRES BY COVERTYPE displays old growth by forest covertype. Covertype is related to habitat type, habitat- type groups, and successional stages. Covertype is used when presenting old growth because the amount can be correlated to Lozensky' s historic information. OLD GROWTH CURRENT COVERTYPE GROSS ACRES BY SLI FIELD- VERIFIED IN WEST FORK PROJECT TOTALS Douglas-fir 44 44 Lodgepole pine 398 398 Mixed conifer 1, 802 182 1, 984 Subalpine fir 3, 139 215 3, 354 Western 2, 432 2, 432 larch/ Douglas-fir Western white pine 481 481 Totals 8, 296 397 8, 693 OLD-GROWTH ATTRIBUTES DNRC is in the process of developing a tool to assign levels of old- growth attributes to stands by sorting SLI data. The attributes considered are: number of large live trees, amount of coarse woody debris, number of snags, decadence, structure, gross volume, and crown density. This data sort assigns a value or an index rating to those attributes in an old-growth stand that indicates its total score. These scores can be grouped into low, medium, and high categories to provide an indication of the stand condition in reference to attributes that are often associated with old-growth timber stands. Within the project area, the attribute index ratings are primarily medium. Some old-growth characteristics in the project area: C Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir are the dominant tree species in all of the old-growth stands, which total 777 acres. Page III-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS VEGETATION ANALYSIS FIGURE III-4 Old Growth on Main Block of Stillwater State Forest Upper Whitefish Lake | Chapter III - Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page III-5 VEGETATION ANALYSIS • Whitebark pine is a component of the overstory and snag attributes in 7 stands, approximately 313 acres . • Vigor is average to poor in all stands . • Snag numbers are generally high (greater than 3 per acre) . STAND DEVELOPMENT The natural processes of stand development and disturbance are influenced by environmental conditions and site characteristics, such as soil, stand covertype, forest health, elevation, and stand structure. The stand structures and species component can be greatly modified by natural disturbances, such as wildfire and wind events, as well as past management activities. STAND COVERTYPE Ninety-five percent of the project area is categorized in the "cool and moist" habitat group, and 99 percent of the project area is currently represented by the subalpine fir and mixed-conifer covertypes. TIMBER-STAND HEALTH Damage and mortality from insects and diseases are relatively minor in the project area. The incidence of western balsam bark beetles and mountain pine beetles have risen since the area was first scouted for this project. Minor levels of spruce beetles, Douglas-fir beetles, and fir engravers, as well as white pine blister rust in the western white pine and whitebark pine, also exist. Indian paint fungus is common in the subalpine fir throughout this area. Additionally, trees have been damaged by wind, snow, ice, and previous logging. This damage has allowed rot to develop in the boles of the trees, resulting in loss of value. ELEVATION/ASPECT Elevations in the project area range from 4,300 to 6,500 feet above sea level. The elevation of a stand is important in determining the tree and shrub species present and how fast or slow changes in the stand take place. A large portion of the project area has a northeast aspect. This exposure, together with the high elevations, account for the high moisture availability and the long duration of snow on the ground. These 2 factors, elevation and aspect, are also the main reasons for the presence of whitebark pine. STAND STRUCTURE Approximately 93 percent of the project area is multistoried. PAST MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Stillwater State Forest has been harvesting timber in the project area since the late 1940s. Many of the stands in Harvest Area II were selectively logged in the late 1940s and early 1950s when Douglas-fir, Engelmann spruce, and western larch were harvested. According to inventory records, western larch, Douglas-fir, and western white pine were present in many of the stands in Harvest Area II in the past, as they are today, but Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir have always been the predominate species. In Harvest Area III, western larch, lodgepole pine, and whitebark pine are a minor component in the stand' s canopy composition . In the early 1980s, infestations of spruce bark beetles occurred and those dead and dying trees were salvage harvested. In some areas of past logging, desired tree species were able to regenerate with the help of ground scarification. Many areas that did not receive scarification and planting were taken over by shrub species. Regeneration has been slow Page III-6 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS VEGETATION ANALYSIS and primarily limited to Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir. FIRE REGIMES The project area is primarily represented by Fire Group 9 Fire Regime (87 percent of gross acreage) , as described by Fisher /Bradley . Fire Group 9 represents moist, lower subalpine habitat types where fires are infreguent, but severe, and the effects are long lasting. Stand- replacing fires have been estimated to occur at moderately long to long intervals, 150 to 300 years. The project area also has minor representation in Fire Groups 10 (8 percent), 8 (5 percent), and 7 (less than 1 percent) . The size of the fires in Fire Group 9 will vary from small (in the less severe fire conditions ) to large and catastrophic (in the more severe fire conditions that have been experienced in the past few years) . In the more severe fire conditions, thousands of acres burn in stand- replacement fires . The incidence of bark beetle attacks Is on the rise In the project area . The next most common fire regime in the project area is Fire Group 10, which is characterized by the high- elevation forests near and at timberline. Some stands in Harvest Area III are in this regime. Stand- replacing fires, even in the more continuous forests, range in freguency to more than 300 years. ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS COVERTYPES AND AGE CLASSES Direct and Indirect Effects • Of reef and Indireef Effeets qfJVo-^leffon Jltterimttre «I to Corertypes and . lye Classes Covertypes on Stillwater State Forest would not be affected. Older age classes would continue to increase. • Of reef and Indireef Effeets ofvletton vltternatiee B to Corertypes and .lye Classes Approximately 138 acres of the mixed-conifer covertype would likely be converted to a western larch/Douglas-fir covertype by planting western larch in some areas and harvesting subalpine fir and Engelmann spruce in other areas. An additional 1,130 acres would be harvested, though the new stands created would still be classified mixed conifer (779 acres) and subalpine fir (351 acres) . The representation of western larch and western white pine trees would likely increase in these covertypes due to site preparation and planting. Following site preparation and planting in Harvest Areas II and III, the representation of the 0- to-39-year age class on Stillwater Unit would increase by 1 percent (1,045 acres), and the representation of 150+-year-old stands would be reduced by 0.7 percent (695 acres) . • Of reef and Indireef Effeets ofvletton jlltematire C to Corertypes and Jlge Classes Approximately 46 acres of the mixed-conifer covertype would likely be converted to a western larch/Douglas-fir covertype by planting western larch and harvesting subalpine fir and Engelmann spruce. An additional 892 acres would be harvested, though the new stands created would still be classified mixed conifer (753 acres) and subalpine fir (139 acres) . The Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page III-7 VEGETATION ANALYSIS representation of western larch and western white pine would likely increase in these covertypes due to site preparation and planting. Following site preparation for Harvest Area II, the representation of the 0-to-39-year age class on Stillwater Unit would increase by 0.7 percent (713 acres) and the representation of 150+-year-old stands would be reduced by 0.4 percent (393 acres) . Cumulative Effects C Cumulative Effects of Jill Alternatives to Covertypes and Age Classes The cumulative effects of timber- stand management on Stillwater State Forest is a trend toward increasing covertypes with western larch, lodgepole pine, and western white pine in areas where recent forest-management activities have taken place. Since the Chicken/Werner Timber Sale Project EIS in 1999, the western larch/Douglas-fir covertype has increased by 6 percent. In addition to the changes in covertype distributions from these proposed alternatives, other timber sale projects have been started, but not completed. Thus, their effects are not represented in the Stillwater 2003 SLI. These current projects are expected to increase the amount of area in the 0-to-39-year age class by slightly decreasing the area in the older- stand age classes. OLD-GROWTH DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTES Direct Effects • Direct Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A and Action Alternative Cto Old-Growth Distribution and Attributes The distribution or attributes of old-growth stands would not be affected in the short term. • Direct Effects of Action Alternative B to Old-Growth Distribution and Attributes Old-growth levels on Stillwater Unit would be decreased by approximately 286 acres; an estimated 8,406 acres of potential old growth would remain. This harvest would remove 203 acres from the mixed- conifer covertype and 83 acres from the subalpine fir covertype. The locations where harvesting would affect the distribution of old-growth stands is shown on FIGURE III-5 - WEST FORK OLD- GROWTH MAP. Most of the attributes associated with the old-growth stands that would be harvested would be removed. Indirect Effects • Indirect Effects Common of Alt Alternatives to Old-Growth Distribution and Attributes Many stands currently meeting DNRC s old-growth definition would become more decadent. Stocking levels and down woody debris would increase in some stands and covertypes, increasing wildfire hazards. Species that are shade tolerant would remain dominant in stands . Various factors, such as insect infestations, disease infections, and decreasing vigor, would eventually cause more snags in portions of the stands. White pine blister rust, mountain pine beetles, and weather-related damage would increase the amount of snags in old-growth stands. • Indirect Effects of Action Alternative B to Old-Growth Distribution and Attributes Portions of old-growth stands would be harvested and create more abrupt stand edges structurally. The risk of blowdown along the proposed unit boundaries would increase. Harvest areas next to remaining old-growth stands could possibly act as fuel breaks that would Page Ill- West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS VEGETATION ANALYSIS Figure III-5 WEST FORK OLD-GROWTH MAP Chapter III - Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page III- VEGETATION ANALYSIS slow or stop wildfires before they reach the old-growth stands. Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects Common of Jill Alternatives to Old-Growth Distribution and Attributes Approximately 48 acres of field- verified old growth are planned for harvesting in the Taylor South Timber Sale Project area. Approximately 104 acres of old growth, field verified or SLI identified, have been harvested with the Chicken/Werner Timber Sale. No additional old growth is proposed for harvesting in the Ewing Middle Ridge or Point of Rocks timber sales, in total, an estimated 59 acres of old growth would be removed from the mixed-conifer covertype, an estimated 81 acres from the western white pine covertype, and an estimated 12 acres from the Douglas-fir covertype. SLI originally classified these 152 acres as having medium attribute levels. These stands would no longer meet DNRC s old- growth definition following harvesting, and, at the most, would be rated as having low attributes levels. • Cumulative Effects Common ofJVo-Action Alternative A and Action Alternative Cto Old-Groivth Distribution and Attributes Old-growth on Stillwater Unit would be reduced to an estimated 8,541 acres; approximately 8.6 percent. The percentage of old- growth acres by covertype would change very little. • Cumulative Effects of Action Alternative B to Old-Groivth Distribution and Attributes Old-growth on Stillwater Unit would be reduced to an estimated 8,254 acres, approximately 8.3 percent. The representation of both the mixed-conifer and western white pine covertypes would be reduced by approximately 1 percent; the representation of the western larch/Douglas-fir covertype would increase by approximately 1 percent. STAND DEVELOPMENT Direct and Indirect Effects • Direct and Indirect Effects of Wo- Action Alternative A to Stand Development Stand development within the project area would not be directly affected. As stands age over time, natural forest succession and fire suppression would reduce the variability of covertypes both on the forest landscape and in the project area. • Direct and Indirect Effects of Action Alternative B to Stand Development Stand development would be directly affected by: - taking on the role of a stand- replacing fire in Harvest Area III by: < removing overstory trees, including those affected by insects and diseases; < reducing fuels; and < following subseguent site preparation to enhance western larch, Douglas-fir, western white pine, and whitebark pine regeneration. - taking on the role of a moderately-severe fire in Area II; this would create a vegetative mosaic by: < creating a vegetative mosaic by removing some overstory trees, including those affected by insects and diseases; < reducing fuels, and < following subseguent site preparation to enhance the regeneration of western larch, Douglas-fir, and western white pine . The resultant effect on stand development across the project Page 111-10 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS VEGETATION ANALYSIS area is that the forest would contain a mosaic of structures that include single-storied, two- storied, and multistoried conditions. Through harvesting, the structure changes would emulate the type of fire regime associated with the covertype. Fire regime simulations would range from stand-replacing to mixed-severity, depending on the type of site preparation and the extent that site preparation can actually be employed. Direct and Indirect Effects of miction Alternative Cto Stand Development Stand development would be directly affected by taking on the role of a moderately severe fire in Harvest Area II. This would create a vegetative mosaic by: - removing some overstory trees, including those affected by insects and diseases, - reducing fuels, and - following subseguent site preparation to enhance the western larch, Douglas-fir, and western white pine regeneration. The resultant effect on stand development across the project area is that the forest would contain a mosaic of structures that include single-storied, two- storied, and multistoried conditions. Through harvesting, the structure changes would emulate the type of fire regime associated with the covertype. Fire regime simulations would range from stand-replacing to mixed-severity, depending on the type of site preparation and the extent that site preparation can actually be employed. Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects of Jill Alternatives to Stand Development Forest succession and stand development would continue as determined by site conditions, weather, timber management, and those factors discussed under EXISTING CONDITIONS. Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page III-ll WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION ANALYSIS AREA The hydrologic environment affected by the proposed West Fork Timber Sale Project proposal includes the West Fork watershed and all of its tributaries . ANALYSIS METHODS Analysis methods used to evaluate the existing conditions and to assess the potential impacts to hydrology include an inventory of sediment sources, assessments of channel stability, and computer modeling of the annual water yield. EXISTING CONDITIONS > MONTANA SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS According to ARM 17.30.608 (1) (c), the Whitefish Lake drainage, including Swift Creek, is classified as A-l. For a description of criteria associated with A-l waterbodies, refer to APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS. Designated beneficial water uses within the project area include cold-water fisheries and recreational use in the stream, wetlands, lake, and surrounding area. > WATER-QUALITY-LIMITED WATERBODIES Swift Creek and the West Fork are currently listed as water-guality- limited waterbodies in the 1996 and 2004 303(d) list. For a more detailed description of management implications in water-guality- limited waterbodies, refer to APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS. The current listed causes of impairment in Swift Creek are bank erosion, other habitat alterations, and nutrients. The probable source for Swift Creek is listed as silviculture. Current listed causes of impairment in the West Fork are flow alteration, other habitat alteration, and siltation. The probable sources for the West Fork are listed as silviculture and highway maintenance and runoff. A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) assessment is scheduled to be completed in 2011 for the Swift Creek drainage. > MONTANA STREAMS IDE MANAGEMENT ZONE (SMZ) LAW By the definition in ARM 36.11.312 (3), the majority of the West Fork and Johnson watersheds are class 1 streams. Some of the smaller first-order tributaries may be classified as class 2 or 3, based on conditions at specific sites. For a description of criteria for classification of streams, refer to APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS. Surveys of channel stability show that stream channel conditions in the West Fork watershed are primarily good to fair; 6 reaches were rated in poor condition. An adeguate supply of large woody debris was found. Little evidence of past streamside harvests was noted. Where past logging had taken place in the riparian area, a shortage of existing or potential down woody material in the streams was not evident. The proposed project area was reviewed to see whether roads and stream crossings are sources of sediment. The road system in the West Fork watershed is contributing approximately 25.5 tons of sediment per year to streams . Roads in the Johnson Creek watershed are contributing about 5.2 tons of sediment per year to streams . Much of the existing road system in the proposed project area meet applicable BMPs. Surface drainage on the road systems in Stryker Basin, Herrig Basin, and on the main roads in the West Fork watershed have been installed with past projects . At least 4 wooden crossing structures surfaced with road-fill material exist on perennial Page 111-12 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS tributaries to the West Fork. Each is collapsing into the creek and is an existing sediment source to the West Fork. An analysis of water yield in the West Fork watershed showed that past activities have produced a 3.4 percent water-yield increase over a fully forested condition. Past activities in the Ant ice /John son watershed have produced a 3.5 percent water-yield increase over a fully forested condition, and the current water-yield increase in the Swift Creek watershed is 3.4 percent over a fully forested This native bridge has collapsed into the creek, contributing sediment to the stream. This dirt-covered old wooden bridge has been overgrown with vegetation and would eventually collapse and contribute sediment to the stream. condition as a result of past activity. These levels are much less than the 10 percent threshold of concern recommended for water- yield increases in the watershed. ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS C Direct and Indirect Effects qfJVo-,Icfion vllteniatire ./ No direct effects to sediment delivery or water yield would occur beyond those under current management . C Direct and Indirect Effects Common to miction v'llternatiees B and C The wooden bridge spanning the West Fork on Stryker Basin Road would be replaced under either proposed action alternative. Also, 3 log crossings with earthen fill would be removed and the streambanks rehabilitated in the upper reaches of Stryker Basin. The proposed work on these sites would contribute sediment to the West Fork only while crews are operating. Sediment contribution would be minimized through BMPs and erosion-control measures. These projects would reduce the annual sediment delivery by approximately 2.33 tons of sediment per year and remove about 750 tons of bridge fill that would eventually fall into the creek if the sites are not repaired. C Direct and Indirect Effects of miction ,/Ilternatire B Erosion control and BMPs would be improved in the West Fork and Johnson Creek watersheds along approximately 31 miles of existing road. This work would lower the annual sediment load to the West Fork by approximately 4.2 tons, and to Johnson Creek by approximately 2.7 tons. Ground-based yarding would increase the risk of sediment delivery by exposing soil in skid Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-13 WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS trails. Building approximately 3.4 miles of new and temporary road would also expose bare soil. Water yield would increase by approximately 2. 6 percent over the current level in the West Fork watershed, approximately 0.4 percent in the Antice/Johnson watershed, and approximately 0.8 percent in the Swift Creek watershed. C Direct and Indirect Effects qf'Jlclion •Alternative C Erosion control and BMPs would be improved in the West Fork watershed along approximately 25 miles of existing road. This work would lower the annual sediment load to the West Fork by approximately 2.6 tons. Ground-based yarding would increase the risk of sediment delivery by exposing soil in skid trails. Building approximately 2 miles of new and temporary road would also expose bare soil. Though erosion-control measures would be taken, increases in sediment to the streams would occur temporarily during the installation of culverts or bridges . Once installed, the annual sediment delivery would be less than the current amount . Annual water yield would increase by approximately 1 . 7 percent over the current level in the West Fork watershed, approximately 0.2 percent in the Antice/Johnson watershed, and approximately 0.5 percent in the Swift Creek watershed. CUMULATIVE EFFECTS C Cumulative Effects ofJVo-vletion Jl Her native The cumulative effects would be similar to those described in the existing conditions for water yield and sediment delivery. C Cumulative Effects ofjlction Jllternative B Cumulatively, the total sediment load to the West Fork would increase over existing conditions. Road construction, culvert replacements, and bare soil from harvest areas would produce a higher risk of sediment delivery for a year or two. In the long term, sediment delivery would drop from approximately 25.5 tons per year to approximately 21.3 tons per year in the West Fork. Due to road repairs, the annual sediment delivery to Johnson Creek would drop from approximately 5.2 tons per year to approximately 2 . 5 tons . Ground-based yarding would increase the risk of sediment delivery by exposing soil in skid trails. Harvesting activities would not occur within 100 feet of the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks . Page 111-14 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS Water yield would rise from the current level of about 3.4 percent over fully forested conditions to about 6. percent in the West Fork watershed, from 3.5 percent to 3.9 percent in the Ant ice /John son watershed, and from about 3.4 percent to about 4.2 percent in the Swift Creek watershed. This water yield increase has a low risk of creating adverse cumulative effects to channel stability from increases in streamf low . C Cumulative Effects of Action Alternative C Cumulatively, the total sediment load to the West Fork would increase over existing conditions. Road construction, culvert replacements, and bare soil from harvest areas would produce a higher risk of sediment delivery for a year or two. In the long term, due to road repairs, sediment delivery to the West Fork would decrease from approximately 25.5 tons of sediment delivery per year to approximately 22.9 tons. Water yield would rise from its current level of approximately 3.4 percent over fully forested conditions to approximately 5.1 percent in the West Fork watershed, from 3.5 percent to 3. 7 percent in the Antice/ Johnson watershed, and from approximately 3.4 percent to about 3.9 percent in the Swift Creek watershed. This water yield increase has a low risk of creating adverse cumulative effects to channel stability from increases in streamf low . Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-15 SOILS ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The processes of glaciers and rivers have formed the valley of the Swift Creek watershed. Deep glacial tills are the dominant soil types found in the project area. The ridges and upper slopes are weathered bedrock scoured by glaciers . ANALYSIS METHODS The productivity of the soil will be analyzed by evaluating the current levels of disturbance to the soils in the project area. The risk factors of soil stability will be included in the analysis criteria. ANALYSIS AREA The project area is the analysis area for evaluating soil productivity. This analysis area is within both the West Fork and Antice/ Johnson watersheds. EXISTING CONDITIONS DNRC has conducted timber harvesting in the West Fork watershed since the 1940s. Since the 1960s, 3,291 acres of State land have been harvested with a combination of ground-based and cable yarding eguipment. Ground-based yarding eguipment may displace and compact the surface layers of soil, mainly on heavily used trails, which affects soil productivity. Based on a review of 1964 aerial photos, approximately 10 to 15 percent of the previously harvested areas contained skid trails. Field reconnaissance shows that many of these trails are well vegetated, and frost action and vegetative growth are continuing to lessen the impacts. No erosion was observed on existing trails. Erosion- control status of the existing road system is addressed in the watershed analysis of this document . The soil types in the project area vary from nearly level wetland types along the West Fork to steep valley sideslopes on ridges. The Flathead National Forest Soil Survey identified one area of soils in the project area at high risk for mass movements. Though this soil type, landtype 74, is found in the northern portion of the project area, no slope failures were identified during reconnaissance. ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-Jlction •Alternative Jl to Soils Soil productivity would be neither directly nor indirectly affected. C Direct and Indirect Effects of .Action •Alternatives B and Cto Soils Action Alternative B would have direct impacts on approximately 158 acres. Direct impacts would include compaction and displacement from skidding logs with ground-based equipment on approximately 937 acres and cable- yarding equipment on approximately 333 acres. Action Alternative C would have direct impacts on approximately 131 acres. Direct impacts would include compaction and displacement from skidding logs with ground-based equipment on approximately 866 acres and cable- yarding equipment on approximately 72 acres. For both action alternatives, site preparation and road construction with ground-based equipment would also generate direct impacts to the soil. TABLE III-3 - SUMMARY OF DIRECT EFFECTS OF ALTERNATIVES ON SOILS WITH SUMMER HARVESTING summarizes the expected impact to soils. These activities would leave up to 12 percent of the proposed harvest units in an impacted condition under Action Alternative B, and up to 14 percent under Action Alternative C. Mitigation measures would be implemented to maintain soil productivity in the long term and Page 111-16 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS SOILS ANALYSIS TABLE III-3 - SUMMARY OF DIRECT EFFECTS OF ALTERNATIVES ON SOILS WITH SUMMER HARVESTING DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETER NO-ACTION ALTERNATIVE A ACTION ALTERNATIVE B ACTION ALTERNATIVE C Acres of harvest 1,270 938 Acres of tractor yarding 937 866 Acres of skid trails and landings 188 173 Acres of cable yarding 333 72 Acres of yarding corridor' 33 7 Acres of moderate impacts" 158 131 Percent of harvest area with impacts 0% 12.4% 14 .0% 1 20 percent of ground-based area 2 5 to 10 percent of cable-yarding units 3 15 percent of ground-based skid trails anc 50 percent of cable corridors control the area and degree of negative soil impacts to less than 15 percent of the proposed harvest area. Skidding mitigation measures would include: - restricting the season of use; - utilizing a minimum skid-trail spacing; - installing erosion-control devices where needed; - restricting ground skidding to slopes of less than 45 percent; and - following all applicable BMPs. DNRC would require retention of proportions of snags, coarse woody debris, and fine litter for nutrient cycling and wildlife needs. DNRC goals for coarse woody debris levels are based on research by Graham et al 1994. CUMULATIVE EFFECTS C Cumulative Effects ofJXo-Jlction Alternative Jl to Soils No soil would be disturbed and no past harvest units would be reentered; therefore, this alternative would have no cumulative impacts on soil productivity and would be similar to the EXISTING CONDITION portion of this analysis. Cumulative Effects of Action Alternatives B and C to Soils Several stands where previous timber management has occurred would be entered. Cumulative effects may occur from repeated entries into a stand where additional ground is impacted by eguipment operations. Long-term soil productivity would be maintained and adverse cumulative effects would be minimized by implementing one or more mitigations : - Existing skid trails from past harvesting activities would be used if properly located and spaced. - Additional skid trails would be used only where existing trails are unacceptable. - Soil-moisture restrictions, season of operation, and methods of harvesting would mitigate the potential direct and indirect effects . - A portion of coarse woody debris and fine litter would be retained for nutrient cycling. In previously harvested stands, cumulative effects to soil productivity from multiple entries would be the same as those listed under DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS. Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-17 FISHERIES ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION This analysis describes the fisheries resources, displays the anticipated effects of each alternative of this proposal, and summarizes the detailed effects analysis in APPENDIX E - FISHERIES ANALYSIS. Native cold-water fish species in the project area include bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout, slimy sculpin, largescale sucker, and longnose sucker. The eastern brook trout is the one nonnative species known to persist within the project area . Bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout are the primary cold-water species that will be addressed. The bull trout is listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. Both bull trout and westslope cutthroat are listed as Class-A Montana Species of Concern, and DNRC has identified them as sensitive species . ANALYSIS METHODS The best available data for both fish populations and habitats will be presented for the 2 basins and 2 subbasins in the project area. The existing conditions and foreseeable alternative effects for each subbasin will be explored using the following outline of subissues: C Populations - presence - genetics C Habitat - flow Regime - sediment - channel form - large woody debris - riparian zone - stream temperature - connectivity - cumulative impacts (in ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS only) ANALYSIS AREA The project area includes the watersheds of 2 major tributaries of Swift Creek: West Fork of Swift Creek (West Fork) and East Fork of Swift Creek (East Fork) . Also included in the project area are 2 specific subbasins of the West Fork: from north to south, the watersheds of Stryker Creek and Johnson Creek. The East Fork will not be included in the fisheries analysis since no foreseeable direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to bull trout or westslope cutthroat trout populations or habitats are expected as a result of any of the alternatives . EXISTING CONDITIONS POPULATIONS > Presence The West Fork has been identified as providing important habitat for a disjunct bull trout population associated with White fish Lake. The annual number of bull trout redds found in the West Fork has ranged from to 8 during the years of 1994 through 2003. No westslope cutthroat trout redds were found during surveys in 2000 through 2002. In Johnson and Stryker creeks, bull trout populations may utilize the lower reaches of the creeks as spawning and rearing habitat. Also, the possibility exists that the lower reaches of the streams could be utilized to some degree by juvenile and adult bull trout. Both Stryker and Johnson Creeks most certainly provide some level of spawning and rearing habitat to westslope cutthroat trout. Due to the lack of data on historic and comparable population presence, no apparent existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population presence exist in Page Ill-lf West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS FISHERIES ANALYSIS the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. > Genetics Site-specific information regarding bull trout genetics in the West Fork is unavailable, but some level of hybridization has possibly occurred with eastern brook trout in the West Fork subbasin. The genetic purity of westslope cutthroat trout was determined to be 97.4 percent in a 1984 DFWP genetic survey. Due to the possibility of bull trout and brook trout hybridization and the known occurrence of introgressed westslope cutthroat trout, low to moderate direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population genetics exist in the West Fork. Information regarding the existing conditions of bull trout genetics in Stryker Creek is the same as that for the West Fork. Regarding westslope cutthroat trout, a possibility exists that genetic introgression within the West Fork has spread upstream into Stryker Creek. Conversely, a remnant population of westslope cutthroat trout in the upstream reaches of Stryker Creek that may be genetically pure is also a possibility . Information regarding the existing conditions of bull trout genetics in Johnson Creek is the same as that for the West Fork. Regarding westslope cutthroat trout, DFWP conducted a genetic survey in 1992 of 52 fish from lower Johnson Creek. The subspecies was found to be slightly introgressed (98.9 percent) with Yellowstone cutthroat trout. A DFWP genetic survey in 1998 of 3 fish from an upstream reach of Johnson Creek found samples to be genetically pure . Due to the possibility of bull trout and brook trout hybridization and the potential occurrence of introgressed cutthroat trout, existing low to moderate direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population genetics are possible in Stryker and Johnson creeks. HABITAT > Flow Regime Changes in flow regime have been known to affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning migrations, spawning habitat availability, and embryo survival. The hydrology analysis for the West Fork basin indicates that the existing average flow regime for the stream is approximately 3.4 percent above the range of naturally occurring conditions (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . Stryker Creek has an average flow regime of 3.3 percent above naturally occurring. Johnson Creek has an estimated flow regime of 3.5 percent over naturally occurring levels . Due to the current flow-regime values, a very low potential for direct and indirect impacts related to the flow-regime component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats exists in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. > Sediment Existing stream-sediment processes that are described in APPENDIX E - FISHERIES ANALYSIS are Rosgen stream-morphological type, sediment budget, and streambank stability. The stream morphology (general shape of the stream) of the West Fork through the project area exhibits a B3/B4 streamtype; the proportion of fine (<6.35 mm) sediment is under the 35-percent threshold for 'threatened' status. Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-19 FISHERIES ANALYSIS Substrate score samples show values that are considered not 'threatened' . Two Wolman pebble- count surveys from 2001 indicate that 8.5 percent of the streambed surface substrates are less than 8 millimeter. This is considerably lower than the results calculated for the similar size class in the McNeil core samples. A streambank-stability survey from 2001 indicates very high levels (99.19 percent) of streambank stability in the West Fork throughout the project area. Based on these observations, no direct and indirect impacts to the sediment component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats exist in the West Fork. Field surveys of Stryker Creek within the project area have found the Rosgen stream morphological type to be B3, with stream gradients ranging primarily from 4 to 6 percent. Field surveys of Johnson Creek within the project area have found the Rosgen stream morphological type to be B4 with a stream gradient of primarily 3 percent. Stream stability scores from reaches within the project area are considered fair for these stream types. Based on these observations, no direct and indirect impacts to the sediment component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats likely exist in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks . > Channel Forms Two descriptions of channel formation will be used to describe existing habitats for bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the West Fork: - Montgomery /Buff ington classification - R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory The stream formations of the West Fork through the project area are broadly described as exhibiting both 'pool-riffle' and 'forced pool-riffle' (Montgomery /Buff ington classifications) . R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory data indicates that the West Fork likely provides an average quantity of pool habitat within the project area. Moving upstream through the project area, the stream formation of Stryker Creek is broadly described as a transitional zone between 'forced pool-riffle' and 'plane bed' (Montgomery/Buff ington classifications) to 'forced step- pool' and 'step-pool' (Montgomery /Buff ington classifications) . From the confluence with the West Fork and upstream to river mile 1.46, the stream formations of Johnson Creek, are broadly described as exhibiting both 'pool-riffle' and 'forced pool- riffle' (Montgomery/Buff ington classifications) . The stream formations from river mile 1.46 upstream through the project area to river mile 3.05 are broadly described as exhibiting 'step- pool', 'forced step-pool', and some 'cascade' (Montgomery /Buff ington classifications) . Although insufficient historic data is available for describing existing trends in channel forms, no direct and indirect impacts to the channel-form component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats likely exist in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks . > Large Woody Debris The average large woody-debris count in the West Fork is 50 pieces per 1,000 feet. This data suggests that existing amounts of large woody debris in the West Fork are below average. Based on Page 111-20 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS FISHERIES ANALYSIS these observations, low to moderate direct and indirect impacts to the large woody debris component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats exist in the West Fork. The large woody debris count in Stryker Creek averages 131 pieces per 1,000 feet. This data suggests that the existing amounts of large woody debris in Stryker Creek are average. Conseguently, no direct and indirect impacts to the large woody component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats exist in Stryker Creek . Although specific historic data is not available to describe existing trends of large woody debris in Johnson Creek, low to moderate direct and indirect impacts to the large-woody-debris component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats likely exist in Johnson Creek. > Riparian Zone Existing impacts to the riparian zone from past timber harvests on the bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats are low to moderate in the West Fork; no direct and indirect impacts exist in Stryker or Johnson creeks. > Stream Temperature During the 2 seasons of record in the lower half of the project area, the weekly maximum stream temperature change in the West Fork ranged from 0.3 to 1.9 degrees Celcius. Although sufficient data is unavailable for describing existing trends in stream temperature in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks, no direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats likely exist as a result of stream temperature. > Connectivity No natural or manmade barriers to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout migration occur in the project area on the West Fork or Stryker Creek. No direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats as a result of disconnectivity exist on either stream. Currently, the 3 bridge crossings on Johnson Creek within the project area provide full passage of all life stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. One culvert is located within the project area on a lower reach of Johnson Creek with seasonal, discontinuous flow. This culvert is likely a migration barrier to all life stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout, except for a portion of the strongest swimming adults. Due to a very limited potential for upstream migration through this culvert, moderate direct and indirect impacts to the connectivity component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats exist in Johnson Creek. SUMMARY OF EXISTING CONDITIONS West Fork * An estimated 3.4 percent increase in streamflow over naturally occurring conditions may have resulted in changes to channel formation, sediment levels, and streambank stability. * Past individual-tree-selection harvest methods in riparian zones have likely reduced the amount of potentially recruitable large woody debris to the West Fork; this could be associated with the existing below-average amounts of large woody debris in the stream. * Past canopy removal in riparian areas may have led to temporarily increased stream temperatures as a result of increased direct solar energy, but to accurately gualify Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-21 FISHERIES ANALYSIS the extent of this potential past impact is not possible. * In the project area, an estimated 25.5 tons of sediment from existing roads are contributed annually to streams in the West Fork watershed (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . Overall, low to moderate collective past and present impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout are likely in the West Fork as a result of the existing conditions described above. Stryker and Johnson Creeks Stryker Creek * An estimated 3.3 percent increase in the streamflow may have resulted in changes to channel formation, sediment levels, and streambank stability. * In the project area, an estimated 2.8 tons of sediment from existing roads are contributed annually to streams in the Stryker Creek watershed (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . Johnson Creek * An estimated 3.5 percent increase in the streamflow regime may have resulted in changes to channel formation, sediment levels, and streambank stability. * Past individual-tree-selection harvest methods in riparian zones along Johnson Creek may have reduced the amount of potentially recruitable large woody debris to the stream and increased incoming direct solar energy. * In the project area, an estimated 5.2 tons of sediment from existing roads are contributed annually to streams in the Johnson Creek watershed (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . * One existing culvert is likely a migration barrier to all life stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout, except for a portion of the strongest swimming adults . Overall, low to moderate collective past and present impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout are possible in Stryker and Johnson creeks as a result of the existing conditions described above. ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS Populations > Presence and Genetics C Direct and Indirect Effects of Jill Alternatives No direct or indirect impacts would occur beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. Habitat > Flow Regime C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-Jlction •Alternative JI No impacts would be expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJlction Alternatives B and C The approximate range of potential water-yield increases to streams in the project area is 0.4 to 2.6 percent under Action Alternative B and 0.2 to 1.6 percent with Action Alternative C. With respect to those existing conditions described in the APPENDIX E - FISHERIES ANALYSIS, these potential modifications of flow regimes are expected to have a negligible impact to the flow- regime component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. Page 111-22 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS FISHERIES ANALYSIS > Sedimen t C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-JIction Alternative Jl No impacts are expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJlction Jllternatives B and C Data from APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS indicates the range of potential water- yield increases would be generally insufficient to facilitate the development of unstable stream channels, which could adversely affect the sediment component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats. APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS also indicates that road improvements would reduce sediment. Timber-harvesting operations would comply with the SMZ laws. With respect to the earlier-described existing conditions, these alternatives would likely provide net positive impacts to the sediment component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats . > Channel Forms C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-JIction Jllternative Jl No impacts are expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. C Direct and Indirect Effects of miction Jllternatives B and C Potential changes to stream channel forms are primarily a function of modifications to flow regimes and conseguent relationships with existing sediment size classes. As indicated earlier, modifications to the bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat components of flow regime and sediment are expected to be negligible or not occur at all. With respect to EXISTING CONDITIONS, Flow Regime and Sediment, described earlier, no foreseeable direct and indirect impacts to the channel-form component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats would be expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. > Large Woody Debris C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-JIction Jllternative Jl No impacts would be expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS . C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJlction Jllternatives B and C Since a 100-foot, no-harvest buffer would be established between the 3 streams and the associated proposed harvest areas, the rate of potential large-woody-debris recruitment would not likely be affected by any proposed harvest area. No direct or indirect impacts to the large-woody-debris component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats would be expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. > Riparian Zone C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJXo-Jlction Jllternative Jl No impacts would be expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. C Direct and Indirect Effects ofJlction Jllternatii'es B and C The capability of the riparian- zone function to provide potential large-woody-debris recruitment was evaluated. Since a no-harvest buffer of 100 feet would be established between the 3 streams and the associated proposed harvest Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-23 FISHERIES ANALYSIS areas, the riparian-zone function associated with these 3 stream channels would likely not be affected. No direct or indirect impacts to the riparian-zone component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats would be expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. > Stream Temperature C Direct and Indirect Effects qfJVo-JJction •Alternative • ! No impacts would be expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. C Direct and Indirect Effects of •fiction •Alternatives B and C Direct solar radiation is the primary mechanism affecting changes in stream temperature throughout the project area. Conseguently , increases in stream temperature can occur through the loss of riparian vegetation that intercepts solar radiation. Since a no-harvest buffer of 100 feet would be established between the 3 streams and the associated proposed harvest areas, stream temperatures would not likely be affected. No direct or indirect impacts to the stream- temperature component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitats would be expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. > Connectivity C Direct and Indirect Effects of Jill •Alternatives No impacts would be expected beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. CUMULATIVE EFFECTS C Cumulative Effects ofJWo-Jlction •Alternative •A Cumulative impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout would not be expected. C Cumulative Effects of •Action •Alternatives B and C As described in EXISTING CONDITIONS and ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS of Action Alternatives B and C, the direct, indirect, and collective impacts of past- and present-related actions associated with bull trout and westslope cutthroat populations and habitat range from low to moderate. No additional future activities related to the proposed actions by location or generic type are known at this time. As described throughout the direct and indirect effects of Action Alternatives B and C, the actions would have impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout that range from negligible to net positive. Conseguently, the risk of foreseeable adverse cumulative impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout is low. Page 111-24 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS Chapter III - Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page III— 25 WILDLIFE ANALYSIS ANALYSIS AREA This discussion occurs at 2 scales: The project area includes lands that DNRC manages in Sections 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34, T34N, R23W, and Section 13 in T34N, R24W. Full descriptions of the project area and proposed harvest units are presented in CHAPTER II - ALTERNATIVES (FIGURES I 1-1 - WEST FORK TIMBER SALE ALTERNATIVE B and II-2 - WEST FORK TIMBER SALE ALTERNATIVE C maps) . The second scale relates to the surrounding landscape for assessing cumulative effects. This scale varies according to the species being discussed, but generally approximates the size of the home range of the species in guestion. ANALYSIS METHOD COARSE-FILTER ASSESSMENT DNRC recognizes that it is impossible and unnecessary to assess an affected environment or the effects of proposed actions on all wildlife species. We assume that if landscape patterns and processes similar to those that species adapted to are maintained, then the full complement of species will be maintained across the landscape (DNRC 1996) . Covertypes Fire suppression probably had little effect in the project area, while past timber harvesting and diseases heavily influenced the decline in shade-intolerant tree species. The changes presumably reduce the abundance of species that use open, shade-intolerant forested habitat, while favoring species that use dense, closed-canopy habitats. Patch Size and Interior Habitats Species that are hesitant to cross broad expanses without forest cover, or that depend on interior-forest conditions, can be sensitive to the amount and spatial configuration of appropriate habitat. Connectivity The connectivity of forest cover between adjacent patches is important for promoting movements of species that are hesitant to cross broad, nonforested expanses. Key travel areas, such as saddles or near streams, are not included in the proposed harvest units. Deadwood Deadwood (downed trees and snags) is an important component of the forested ecosystems. Maintenance of habitats for birds and mammals that depend on insects for food is important for long-term health of the forest. In Harvest Area III, snag densities (greater than 14 inches dbh) ranged from to 16 per acre, with an average of 3.1 snags for stands in the cool and moist habitat type and 3.4 snags for stands in the cold and moderately dry habitat type. The density of snags in the other harvest areas was assessed and appears to be relatively low. This can be expected in previously harvested stands and near open roads. FINE-FILTER ASSESSMENT In the fine-filter analysis, individual species of concern are evaluated. These include wildlife species listed under the Endangered Species Act, species listed as sensitive by DNRC (ARM 36.11.436(6)), and species managed as big game by DFWP . Included are the bald eagle, Canada lynx, Rocky Mountain gray wolf, grizzly bear, fisher, pileated woodpecker, and big game . Threatened and Endangered Species > Bald Eagle Bald eagles nest south of Upper Whitefish Lake. No proposed units occur within the nest or primary- use areas; however, routes for log hauling intersect the nest and Page 111-26 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS WILDLIFE ANALYSIS primary-use area. The West Fork Road, an open road, borders the southern boundary of the nest and primary-use area, while the Whitefish Saddle Road, a restricted road, follows the primary-use area. To assess cumulative effects to bald eagles, the bald eagle territory home range was used. > Canada Lynx Based on field reconnaissance and SLI modeling, while all proposed harvest areas occur in general or foraging habitat, denning habitat is not expected to be affected. Cumulative effects were analyzed for lands in the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit . > Gray Wolf Use of the area by the gray wolf is expected to be transitory or sporadic. This project is not expected to affect gray wolves; therefore, this species was dropped from further analysis for this project. > Grizzly Bear The project area provides year- round habitat for grizzly bears. This project could affect grizzly bears directly through increased road traffic, noise, and human activity indicated by changes in road densities. This project could affect grizzly bears indirectly by altering the amount and location of hiding cover and forage. The cumulative-effects analysis was conducted using the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit. Managing motorized access reduces the potential for mortality, displacement from important habitats, and habituation to humans, and provides relatively secure habitat to reduce the energetic requirements. The road-management scenario in this subunit yields an open-road density of 31.8 percent, a total-road density of 33.8 percent, and a potential security- core area of 51.6 percent. Sensitive Species > fisher Fishers are generalist predators and use a variety of successional forest stages, but are most often found in stands with dense canopies. Timber harvesting and associated road construction could affect fishers by altering habitat and/or increasing their susceptibility to trapping. The Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit was used to assess cumulative effects. > PHeated Woodpecker Due to the relatively high elevation of the project area, the pileated woodpecker is limited to the drainage bottoms in the project area. The analysis conducted for this large project area encompassed enough area to support several pairs of pileated woodpeckers; therefore, the analysis area for cumulative effects is the project area. Big Game Species The big game species that inhabit the project area are deer, elk, and moose. However, due to the high elevation and heavy snow accumulations, big game use of the project area is restricted to the nonwinter period. ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS DIRECT EFFECTS C Direct Effects ofJXo-Jlction .liter native Jl Coarse Filter: No additional displacement or disturbance of wildlife is expected in the area. Bald Eagle: No additional direct effects to nesting or wintering bald eagles would be expected. Canada Lynx: No additional activities would occur; therefore, Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-27 WILDLIFE ANALYSIS no direct effects would be expected. Grizzly Bears: No additional direct effects would occur under this alternative. Fisher: No additional human disturbance or increased vulnerability to trapping would be expected. Pileated Woodpecker : No disturbance of pileated woodpeckers would occur. Big Game Species : No additional human disturbance or increased vulnerability to hunting would be expected. C Direct Effects ofJlction Alternatives B and C Coarse Filter: Displacement and/or disturbance of wildlife species would be expected due to these alternatives. Due to the increased area and duration of Action Alternative B, it is expected to produce more disturbances to wildlife species than Action Alternative C. However, the features of the project design would reduce widespread disturbance of the area . Bald Eagle: No harvesting would occur in the nest or primary-use areas. To limit disturbance to nesting eagles, Harvest Areas I and II-A would not be harvested during the eagle-nesting season (February 1 through August 15) unless the territory is determined to be unoccupied. With these mitigation measures in place, no additional disturbance effects are expected. Canada Lynx: Some disturbance of lynx could occur in areas that have adeguate cover for lynx to travel through. Lynx do not appear to avoid roads that have low traffic volumes, so increased logging traffic on open and gated roads is not expected to displace or increase the energetic cost of individual lynx. The risk of affecting lynx are higher under Action Alternative B than Action Alternative C, but both alternatives are expected to result in very minor risks of negative direct effects. Grizzly Bears: Under these alternatives, disturbance would increase due to activities in the harvest units and on the associated access roads. To accomplish the harvests, some restricted roads would be used, but motorized use by the public would not be allowed over a period of several years. Disturbance associated with these roads are expected to result in decreased use of adjacent habitats by grizzly bears and will be discussed further in the cumulative effects analysis. Fishers : Some displacement could occur under each action alternative; however, the effects of this displacement would be minor . Pileated Woodpeckers : Under the action alternatives, pileated woodpeckers could be affected if harvesting occurred during the nesting period. Action Alternative C would result in a slighter risk of directly affecting pileated woodpeckers than Action Alternative B. Big Game Species : Under each action alternative, some displacement could occur; however, the effects of this displacement would be minor. Indirect Effects C Indirect Effects ofJVo-Jlction Jllternatires *1 Covertypes : In the long-term, species that use the more-open stands and/or shade-intolerant tree species would be negatively affected due to the loss of habitat. Species that use late- successional forest structure Page III-2E West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS WILDLIFE ANALYSIS would benefit by an increase in habitat . Patch Size and Interior and Edge Habitats : Patch size, interior habitat, and edge habitats would not change in the near term. Deadwood: No changes in deadwood resources would occur. Bald Eagles: The density and proportion of shade-tolerant tree species would continue to increase in timber stands that presently provide bald eagle habitat, while growth rates in timber stands would decrease. The potential of these effects limiting nest success of this breeding pair is low . Canada Lynx: In the short term, no effects to lynx are expected. In the longer-term without disturbance, denning habitat is expected to increase, but foraging opportunities are expected to decrease . Grizzly Bears: No additional disturbance due to road use would occur; therefore, negligible effects are expected. Fishers : Fisher habitat would remain relatively unchanged in the short-term. Pileated Woodpeckers : The existing trees would continue to grow and die, thus providing potential nesting and foraging structure for pileated woodpeckers. Therefore, pileated woodpecker habitat would increase through time, then decline, resulting in a short- to mid-term moderate beneficial effect to pileated woodpeckers, but a long- term minor negative effect. Big Game Species : No changes to big game habitat would occur in the short-term. C Indirect Effects Common to * let ion *1 Hermit ires li tmdV Connectivity : Under both alternatives, substantial effects to connectivity are not expected; therefore, any effects are expected to be negligible. Deadwood: Deadwood resources would be targeted for retention in the harvest units. Harvesting is expected to reduce the densities of small- to medium-sized snags; therefore, these alternatives are likely to affect cavity-nesting species that use snags of smaller diameter. However, retention of dominant trees, existing deadwood, and piles of cull logs is expected to provide habitat for species associated with large deadwood in the short and long terms. Action Alternative C would retain more deadwood habitat in the project area than Action Alternative B. Age Class: Under both action alternatives, efforts would be made to convert stands to more closely reflect the historic conditions outlined in Losensky (1997). Both alternatives would benefit early-successional species at the expense of mid- to later- successional species. Action Alternative B would create more early successional habitat than Action Alternative C. Bald Eagle: Habitat in the nest- site or primary-use areas would not be modified under these action alternatives. Therefore, the effects discussed under No-Action Alternative A are expected to occur in these areas. Grizzly Bears: Under Action Alternatives B and C, timber harvesting would reduce hiding cover. The loss of hiding cover is expected to result in negligible, short-term (5 to 10 years) negative effects to grizzly Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page III-2? WILDLIFE ANALYSIS bears. Increased forage would be about proportional to canopy removal. The effects of both action alternatives would be minor . Pileated Woodpeckers : Under Action Alternatives B and C, 775 acres of pileated woodpecker habitat in the project area would be modified. These alternatives are expected to result in negligible negative effects to pileated woodpeckers. Species such as western larch would be planted with these alternatives and could provide habitat for pileated woodpeckers in the distant future. Big Game Species : Removal of the overstory canopy is expected to increase forage, but would also reduce hiding cover. Since Action Alternative B would remove overstory canopy from a larger area, the effects would be more pronounced in the project area under that alternative. However, in either case, effects are expected to be negligible. C Indirect Effects of. I cl ion Alternatives B Covertypes : On 138 acres, harvesting would promote more historic covertype representation. On the remaining 1,130 acres, the covertype would not change; however, shade-intolerant species, such as western larch and western white pine, would be planted in regeneration units to reintroduce or increase their representation in the future stand. These changes would favor wildlife species that use more open- canopied, shade-intolerant tree species at the expense of wildlife species associated with closed- canopied, shade-tolerant tree species. If whitebark pine successfully regenerates, species such as Clarke's nutcracker, grizzly bears, sguirrels, etc., would benefit from an increase in key food sources. Patch Size and Interior and Edge Habitats : Forested habitat would decrease by 1, 187 acres and interior forested habitat would decrease by 1,526 acres, while edge habitat would increase by 339 acres in the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit . Habitat for species that use forested and interior habitat would decrease, while species that use edge and regeneration or unforested habitats would be favored. Canada Lynx: Lynx habitat would be modified on 1,270 acres. In the short-term, available lynx habitat would decline. As stands regenerate, foraging and denning habitats are expected to increase over present . Fishers : Under Action Alternative B, 1,270 acres of habitat would be modified. A 100-foot, no-harvest buffer along the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks would be retained to protect potential high-guality resting habitat and travel corridors, since fishers travel along stream courses and prefer habitats in the proximity of water. This alternative is expected to remove fisher habitat, while retaining travel corridors along stream courses, which would result in minor negative effects to fishers . C Indirect Effects of miction Alternatives C Covertypes : Harvesting would promote more historic covertype representation on 46 acres. On the remaining 892 acres, the covertype would not change; however, shade-intolerant species, such as western larch and western white pine, would be planted in regeneration units to reintroduce or increase their representation in the future stand. These changes would favor wildlife species that use more open- canopied, shade-intolerant tree species at the expense of wildlife species associated with closed- Page 111-30 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS WILDLIFE ANALYSIS canopied, shade-tolerant tree species. Whitebark pine regeneration is not expected in any of these units. Patch Size and Interior and Edge Habitats : Forested habitat would decrease by 855 acres and interior forested habitat would decrease by 1,136 acres, while edge habitat would increase by 281 acres in the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit . Canada Lynx: This alternative is expected to result in the benefits discussed in Action Alternative B without the potential long-term loss of habitat on 332 acres in Harvest Area III. Fishers : The effects discussed under Action Alternative B are expected; however, this alternative would not harvest in Harvest Area III (332 acres) . Harvest Area III occurs in less desirable fisher habitat than the other areas in the flatter topography; therefore, this alternative would result in slightly less minor effects to fisher . Cumulative Effects C Cumulative Effects Common to Jill Mternatives Patch Size, Interior and Edge Habitats, and Connectivity : Adjacent USFS lands are not expected to be harvested, thereby forested habitat and patch size would be retained in those areas. The effects discussed under indirect effects would be cumulative to the conditions occurring on adjacent lands in the area . Deadwood: Reductions in deadwood resources would be cumulative to past timber and salvage harvests. Fishers : Salvage operations and firewood cutting on State trust lands has decreased habitat. Overall, Action Alternative B would combine with other activities on Stillwater Unit to produce minor negative effects to fishers. Slightly less minor effects are expected under Action Alternative C. Big Game Species : Since no other projects are planned in the cumulative effects area, the effects discussed for the project area also hold true for the cumulative effects area. C Cumulative Effects of the JVo Jlction .Uternatives Jt Covertype and Age Class: This alternative would affect wildlife species using the area by decreasing habitat diversity in the area and favoring species associated with late-succession, shade-intolerant tree species. Bald Eagles: Under this no-action alternative, no additional disturbance or habitat modification would occur in the analysis area. Canada Lynx: No habitat would be modified. Under this alternative, barring any disturbance, forage availability would decrease while denning habitat would increase. Grizzly Bears: Under this alternative, motorized access to the area would remain unchanged. Pileated Woodpeckers : Pileated woodpecker habitat in and around the project area would increase on DNRC lands through time, then decline . C Cumulative Effects Common to Jlction Mternatiees B and C Covertype and Age Class: Under both action alternatives, efforts would be made to convert stands to more closely reflect the historic conditions outlined in Losensky (1997). These alternatives would benefit early successional species at the expense of mid- to later- successional species. Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-31 WILDLIFE ANALYSIS Grizzly Bear: No reasonable mitigations were identified for avoiding the short-term impacts to security core while performing the culvert removals in Stryker basin. The Alternative Practice authorized by the Forest Management Bureau Chief would be implemented, allowing the Department to temporarily decrease the security core area below the 1996 baseline. C Cumulative Effects of .fiction Alternatives B Canada Lynx: Following harvesting, approximately 14.1 percent of lynx habitat on DNRC lands within the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit would be temporarily unsuitable . These lands are expected to develop into young foraging habitat in 10 to 20 years. Denning habitat would remain unchanged, but some piles of cull logs would be retained to provide denning structure in the future. Grizzly Bears: Under this alternative, grizzly bears are expected to avoid an additional 1,368 acres of habitat due to the increased motorized use on roads associated with timber harvests. Additionally, 1,052 acres of potential security would be affected. Dependent upon which road- management scenario is selected, the proposal could exceed open- road density levels over the 1996 baseline. If the decision is made to implement year-long restrictions on either the Stryker Ridge Road or Antice Knob Road, effects to the grizzly bear are expected to be negligible. If the decision is made to implement the Alternative Practice (authorizes the Department to temporarily exceed open-road densities), grizzly bears may avoid an additional 732 acres of habitat for 2 nondenning seasons as a result of increased road disturbance. This is 358 acres over the 1996 baseline level of open-road densities. Displacement of bears from guality habitats could affect grizzly bear survival and reproduction to an unknown degree. Following completion of this project, all roads would revert to current management. C Cumulative Effects of Action Alternatives C Canada Lynx: Following harvests, approximately 13.1 percent of lynx habitat on DNRC lands within the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit would be temporarily unsuitable. These lands are expected to develop into young foraging habitat in 10 to 20 years. Denning habitat would remain unchanged, but some piles of cull logs would be retained to provide denning structure in the future. Grizzly Bears: Grizzly bears are expected to avoid 556 acres of habitat due to the increased motorized use on roads associated with the timber harvesting of this alternative. With the mitigation included in the project design, the amount of habitat disturbance is less then those experienced during the 1996 baseline conditions. Therefore, minor effects to bears are expected. Page 111-32 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS Chapter III - Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page III— 33 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The proposed timber sale is located in Stillwater State Forest north of Whitefish in Flathead County. This analysis analyzes the economic impacts of the proposed timber sale project. Market activities that directly or indirectly benefit the Montana education system, generate revenue for the school trust fund, and provide funding for public buildings will be emphasized in this section. The generation of income from trust forestlands for the school trust fund and public buildings is reguired under the Enabling Act of 1889 and the State of Montana Constitution. EXISTING CONDITIONS Enrollment in Montana schools for grades kindergarten through 12 was 149,995 in fiscal year 2003. The most recent information indicates that it costs an estimated $7,080 per year to educate one student, on average. The average expenditure per pupil in Montana is below the national average. Most of the income from timber sales is allocated through the legislative process to various educational institutions. Local school districts also raise income through property taxes . The taxable value of property is an important factor that influences the ability of a local school district to generate tax revenue. The Legislature allocates most of the income from timber sales to subsidize schools such as the West Valley and Bissell grade schools in Flathead County. Page 111-34 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS DIRECT EFFECTS • Direct Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A on Economics No income would be provided for schools. General fund revenues would be needed to replace money that would not be generated by one of the action alternatives. • Direct Effects of .fiction Alternative B on Economics An estimated $677,900 would be generated for the school trust fund. This revenue would be adeguate to send 96 children through school for a year without other financial support. • Direct Effects of Action Alternative Con Economics An estimated $359,000 would be generated for the school trust fund. This revenue would be adeguate to send 51 children through school for a year without other financial support. INDIRECT EFFECTS An indirect impact of timber sales is the employment generated and income provided to those workers who obtain jobs as a result of the timber harvest. The estimated employment in the forest industry in Montana is 10.58 jobs for every million board feet of timber harvested. The annual income associated with these jobs is $37,347 per year per job based on a weighted average of the incomes in the timber industry in Flathead and Lincoln Counties. Using this information, together with the timber harvest associated with each alternative, an estimate of the wage and salary income generated from each alternative is shown in TABLE I I 1-4 - EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS IMPACT. TABLE III-4 - EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS IMPACT ALTERNATIVE JOBS SUPPLIED TOTAL INCOME ($) A B 100 3, 734, 700 C 60 2, 240, 800 CUMULATIVE EFFECTS This sale would be part of the annual harvest of timber from the Montana forest trust lands. The net revenue from this sale would add to this year' s contribution to the trust fund. Annual contributions to the trust fund have varied widely over the years because the actual contribution to the trust is more a function of annual harvest than of annual sales. Harvest levels can vary substantially over time; sales tend to be more consistent. Annual revenue from harvests for the last 5 years is shown in TABLE III-5 - ANNUAL REVENUE FROM TIMBER HARVESTED FROM MONTANA TRUST LANDS. The net contribution to the trust fund is also affected by the annual costs experienced by the Department for program management, which varies year to year. The Department should continue to make net annual contributions to the trust from its forest management program. TABLE III-5 - ANNUAL REVENUE FROM TIMBER HARVESTED FROM MONTANA TRUST LANDS YEAR HARVEST REVENUE ($) 2003 8,270,589 2002 9, 699, 034 2001 8,524,150 2000 12, 710, 311 1999 6, 998, 847 DNRC has a State-wide sustained- yield annual harvest goal of 50 mmbf. If timber from this project is not sold, this volume could come from sales elsewhere; however, the timber may be from other areas and not benefit this region of the State. This forest area would be available for harvesting consideration again. Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-35 ■ROAD MANAGEMENTASSESSMENT INTRODUCTION This section describes road use and road restrictions and the likely effects of the proposed actions. METHODS This section describes the locations, types of road restrictions, and periods of time the restrictions take effect. ANALYSIS AREA The Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit is the analysis area; the project area is within this Subunit. TABLE III- 6 - EXISTING ROADS AND ROAD MANAGEMENT IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT displays both open and restricted roads within the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit. TABLE III-6 - SUMMARY OF ROADS WITHIN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT INVOLVED IN THE WEST FORK TIMBER SALE PROJECT ROADS ASSOCIATED WITH ROAD MANAGEMENT MILES ROAD USE REMARKS Upper Whitefish Road 11 .3 Open for public motorized use year- round . Access from Whitefish and Olney to the North Fork of the Flathead River . West Fork Road 6.1 Access from Upper Whitefish Road to Stryker . Johnson Road 3.4 This dead-end road accesses the Johnson Basin area. Stryker Ridge Road 4 . 7 Accesses Stryker Ridge; the open portion of the road ends at the gate and barricade. Antice Knob Road 5.4 Open for public motorized use July 1 through April 1. Provides access from Stryker Ridge Road to Johnson Road. Whitefish Saddle Road 2.4 Public motorized use is restricted April 1 through November 15. Dead-end road. Road use beyond 1.7 miles is restricted by brush. Stryker Basin Road 5.4 The location of these dead-end roads can be found on the alternative maps in Chapter II. North Johnson Road 1.8 Twin Lakes Road 1.2 Spur IIC Roads 1.4 Due to heavy brush, motorized use is restricted . Page 111-36 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS "ROAD MANAGEMENTANALYSIS ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS DIRECT EFFECTS • Direct Effects ofJVo-Actioii .liter native A to Road Management Current access and road restriction would remain the same. Between April 1 and November 15, administrative use of restricted roads may continue at the current low level of use of 7 vehicle passes per week, or more than 7 vehicle passes per week, but less use than 30 continuous days per year . • Direct Effects of Road Management Common to .let ion Alternatives R and C The Upper Whitefish and West Fork roads would remain open to public motorized use, while the North Johnson, Stryker Basin, Spur II, and Twin Lakes roads would remain restricted from public motorized use. Whitefish Saddle Road would remain restricted from public motorized use, but would be open to harvest-related activities for 1 year. A gate would be installed at Site A (see ALTERNATIVE MAPS in CHAPTER II) on Johnson Road to restrict public access on approximately 2.0 miles. This would be a temporary restriction for the duration of the logging activity associated with this sale. This restriction is within the project area. With this restriction in place, logging operations would be able to exceed 30 days of use on Whitefish Saddle Road and still meet the baseline open-road-density levels of 1996. • Direct Effects of Action Alternative R to Road Management Several road-management scenarios are proposed with Action Alternative B. With an approved Alternative Practice available to temporarily exceed open-road densities and temporarily reduce the grizzly bear security core, 1 of the 3 following scenarios may be selected by the decisionmaker to implement. The details explain where changes are proposed, their purposes, and what direct effects would occur : 1) Scenario I would install a gate on Stryker Ridge Road near the junction of Antice Road. Approximately 4.4 miles of Stryker Ridge Road would be restricted from public motorized use from April 1 through November 15 for 2 consecutive years to allow harvesting activities to be completed in Harvest Area III. 2) Currently, public motorized use behind gates on Antice Road is restricted on 5.4 miles of road between April 1 and June 30; the second scenario would be to lengthen the length of time to November 15 for 2 years while harvesting activities proceed in Harvest Area III. 3) Scenario 3 would implement the Alternative Practice, which has been approved by the Acting Bureau Chief and allows DNRC to exceed the SFLM Rules for open- road density levels. No roads would have additional restrictions, except the upper portion of Johnson Road during log-hauling activities. The gate restriction at Site A would also remain in place during active periods of harvesting in Harvest Area III. This upper portion of the Johnson road system is narrow with steep sideslopes; therefore, restriction of public vehicles is recommended for safety purposes. When timber sale activities are completed, the gate would be removed and closures at the North Johnson and Twin Lakes roads would be reinstalled. Chapter III Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page 111-37 ■ROAD MANAGEMENTASSESSMENT C Direct Ejects of ./lotion Alternative C to Road Management In addition to roads listed under Direct Effects to Action Alternatives B and C, the status of the Stryker Ridge and Antice Knob roads would remain unchanged. INDIRECT EFFECTS • Indirect Effects of Jill Alternatives on Road Management Indirect effects of the changes to public access on Stillwater State Forest may be found under Grizzly Bears in APPENDIX F - WILDLIFE ANALYSIS. C Indirect Effects of Action Alternatives R and Con Road Management Restricted motorized access would temporarily reduce opportunities for recreational use. CUMULATIVE EFFECTS • Cumulative Effects ofJWo-Action Alterantive A and Action Alternative Cto Road Management Stillwater Unit would continue to attempt to meet the open-road density levels within the grizzly bear subunits and restrict public motorized use of roads on new or temporary roads within the subunits . Cumulative Effects of Action Alternative R to Road Management Stillwater Unit would continue to attempt to meet the SFLM Rules for open-road density levels within the grizzly bear subunits and restrict public motorized use of roads on new or temporary roads within the subunits. With the implementation of Action Alternative B and the Alternative Practice for open-road densities, the open-road-density level within the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit would be temporarily exceeded for approximately 2 years . Page III-3E West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS ■ROAD MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT FIGURE I I 1-6 - EXISTING ROADS AND ROAD MANAGEMENT IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT Chapter III - Existing Environment and Environmental Consequences Page III— 39 IRRETRIEVABLE AND IRREVERSIBLE COMMITMENTS OF NATCJRAL"RESOaRCES IRRETRIEVABLE A resource that has been irretrievably committed is lost for a period of time. Many timber stands in the project area are mature; some individual trees are more than 150 years old. Either timber-harvesting alternatives would cause live trees to be irretrievably lost; they would no longer contribute to future snag recruitment, stand structure and compositional diversity, aesthetics, wildlife habitat, the nutrient- recycling process, or any other important ecosystem functions. Areas converted from timber production to permanent roads would be lost from timber production and would not function as forested lands for a period of time. IRREVERSIBLE An irreversible commitment of resources refers to the loss of production or use of a resource due to a land-use decision that, once executed, cannot be changed. A resource that has been irreversibly committed cannot be reversed or replaced. The initial loss of trees due to timber harvesting would not be irreversible. Natural regeneration combined with site preparation and artificial regeneration would promote the establishment of new trees. If management decisions allowed for the continued growth of established trees, they would ultimately become equivalent in size to the irretrievably harvested trees. Timber harvesting would change plant succession, stand development, and species composition. The harvesting of old-growth timber would reduce the available old-growth habitat for an extended period of time (approximately 150 to 200 years) and would constitute an irreversible commitment of resources. Areas that are initially lost to timber production through road construction could, over time, be reclaimed and once again produce timber and function as forested land. Temporary road construction, which is needed to access timber stands, is proposed under both action alternatives. Because these roads would be reclaimed after harvesting, only minor irreversible commitments of soil productivity would occur. Page 111-40 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS LIST OF PREPARERS DECISIONMAKER Bob Sandman, Unit Manager, DNRC, Stillwater State Forest, Olney, Montana 59927 ID TEAM MEMBERS James Bower, Fisheries Program Specialist, DNRC, Missoula, MT Paul Engelman, Economics Forester, DNRC, Missoula, MT Michael McMahon, Co-Project Leader, DNRC, Stillwater State Forest, Olney, Montana Norm Merz, Wildlife Biologist, DNRC, Northwestern Land Office, Kalispell, Montana Tony Nelson, Hydrologist, DNRC, Northwestern Land Office, Kalispell, Montana Bob Traina, Co-Project Leader, DNRC, Stillwater State Forest, Olney, Montana TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND ASSISTANCE Margaret Beck, Graphics and Publication Technician, DNRC, Stillwater State Forest, Olney, Montana Wally Bennett, Fire Management Specialist, DNRC, Northwestern Land Office, Kalispell, Montana Dan Cassidy, Forest Improvement Specialist, DNRC, Northwestern Land Office, Kalispell, Montana Jeff Collins, Soil Scientist, DNRC, Missoula, MT Don Copple, Fire Supervisor, DNRC, Stillwater State Forest, Olney, Montana Pete Evans, Forest Technician, DNRC, Stillwater State Forest, Olney, Montana Gary Hadlock, Forest Engineering Specialist, DRNC, Northwestern Land Office, Kalispell, Montana Wanemah Hulett, Office Manager, Swan River State Forest, Swan Lake, MT Rick Komenda, Forest Improvement Forester, DNRC, Stillwater State Forest, Olney, Montana Brian Manning, Forest Management Specialist, DNRC, Stillwater State Forest, Olney, Montana Scott McLeod, Forest Improvement Supervisor, DNRC, Missoula, MT Sarah Pierce, Forest Program Specialist, DNRC, Missoula, MT REFERENCES Ake, K. 1994. 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Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for the Klamath River and Columbia River Distinct Population Segments of Bull Trout. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR. USFWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 2002b. Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Draft Recovery Plan, Chapter 3, Clark Fork River Recovery Unit, Montana, Idaho, and Washington. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR. Weaver, T. and J. Fraley. 1991. Fisheries Habitat and Fish Populations. Flathead Basin Commission, Flathead Basin Forest Practices Water Quality and Fisheries Cooperative Program, Kalispell, MT. Weaver, T.M. and J.J. Fraley. 1993. A Method to Measure Emergence Success of Westslope Cutthroat Trout Fry from Varying Substrate Compositions in a Natural Stream Channel. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 13:817-822. Wolman, M.G. 1954. A Method of Sampling Coarse River-Bed Material. Transaction American Geophysical Union. 35 (6) :951-956. Wright, M. and R.Escano. 1986. Montana bald eagle nesting habitat: a macro-habitat description. USDA For. Serv. Wildlife and Fish Habitat Relationships Program. Missoula, MT. 2 4pp. Zager, P. 1980. The influence of logging and wildfire on grizzly bear habitat in Northwestern. PhD. Thesis. Univ. of Montana, Missoula. 130pp. References Page 5 Administrative road use Road use that is restricted to DNRC personnel and contractors or for purposes such as monitoring, forest improvement, fire control, hazard reduction, etc. Airshed An area defined by a certain set of air conditions; typically, a mountain valley in which air movement is constrained by natural conditions such as topography. Alevins Juvenile fish in the developmental stage, where the egg yolk sac is still attached. Appropriate conditions Describes the set of forest conditions determined by DNRC to best meet the SFLMP objectives. The 4 main components useful for describing an appropriate mix of conditions are covertype proportions, age-class distributions, stand-structural characteristics, and the spatial relationships of stands (size, shape, location, etc.), all assessed across the landscape. Bald eagle primary-use area An area where it is assumed that 75 percent of the foraging, resting, and associated behaviors occur. Basal area A measure of the number of sguare feet of space occupied by the stem of a tree. Bedload aggredation Stream sediment consisting of sand, gravel, cobbles, and small boulders is termed bedload. Bedload aggredation is the accumulation of bedload sediment in a particular location . Benthic Bottom dwelling. Best Management Practices (BMPs) Guidelines to direct forest activities, such as logging and road construction, for the protection of soils and water guality. Biodiversity The variety of life and its processes, including the variety of living organisms, the genetic differences among them, and the communities and ecosystems in which they occur. Board foot 144 cubic inches of wood that is equivalent to a piece of lumber 1 inch thick by 1 foot wide by 1 foot long . Canopy The upper level of a forest consisting of branches and leaves of the taller trees. Canopy closure The percentage of a given area covered by the crowns, or canopies, of trees . Cavity A hollow excavated in trees by birds or other animals. Cavities are used for roosting and reproduction by many birds and mammals. Coarse down woody material Dead trees within a forest stand that have fallen and begun decomposing on the forest floor. Compaction Increased soil density caused by force exerted at the soil surface, modifying aeration and nutrient availability . Connectivity The quality, extent, or state of being joined; unity; the opposite of fragmentation . Cover See Hiding cover and/or Thermal cover . Co-dominant tree A tree that extends its crown into the canopy, receiving direct sunlight from above and limited sunlight on its sides. One or more sides are crowded by the crowns of other trees. Crown cover or crown closure The percentage of a given area covered by the crowns of trees. Cull A tree of such poor guality that it has no merchantable value in terms of the product being cut. Cutting units Areas of timber proposed for harvesting . Cumulative effect The impact on the environment that results from the incremental impact of the action when added to other actions. Cumulative impacts can also result from individually minor actions, but collectively they may compound the effect of the actions. Desired future conditions See 'Appropriate conditions' . Direct effect Effects on the environment that occur at the same time and place as the initial cause or action. Ditch relief A method of draining water from roads using ditches and corrugated metal pipe. The pipe is placed just under the surface of the road. Dominant tree Those trees within a forest stand that extend their crowns above surrounding trees and capture sunlight from above and around the crown . Drain dip A graded depression built into a road to divert water and prevent soil erosion . Ecosystem An interacting system of living organisms and the land and water that make up their environment; the home place of all living things, including humans . Environmental effects The impacts or effects of a project on the natural and human environment . Equivalent clearcut acres (ECA) This method equates the area harvested and the percent of crown removed with an equivalent amount of clearcut area. Allowable ECA - The estimated number of acres that can be clearcut before stream channel stability is affected. Existing ECA - The number of acres that have been previously harvested, taking into account the degree of hydrologic recovery that has occurred due to revegetation . Remaining ECA - The calculated amount of harvesting that may occur without substantially increasing the risk of causing detrimental effects to the stability of the stream channel. Excavator piling The piling of logging residue using an excavator . Fire regimes Describes the frequency, type, and severity of wildfires. Examples include: frequent nonlethal underburns; mixed-severity fires; and stand-replacement or lethal burns . Fledge To rear until ready for flight or independent activity. Forage All browse and nonwoody plants available to wildlife for grazing. Forest improvement The establishment and growing of trees after a site has been harvested. Associated activities include : - site preparation, - planting, - survival checks, - regeneration surveys, and - stand thinnings. Page 2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project Fragmentation (forest) A reduction of connectivity and an increase in sharp stand edges resulting when large contiguous areas of forest with similar age and structural character are interrupted through disturbance (stand- replacement fire, timber harvesting, etc . ) Geomorphical A term referring to the shape of the earth or its topography. Habitat The place where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows . Habitat type The place or type of site where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows. Hazard reduction The reduction of fire hazard by processing logging residue with methods such as separation, removal, scattering, lopping, crushing, piling and burning, broadcast burning, burying, and chipping. HEX-RAS A computer software package used to model stream flows. Hiding cover Vegetation capable of hiding some specified portion of a standing adult mammal from human view at a distance of 200 feet. Historical forest condition The condition of the forest prior to settlement by Europeans. Indirect Effects Secondary effects that occur in locations other than the initial action or significantly later in time . Interdisciplinary team (ID Team) A team of resource specialists brought together to analyze the effects of a project on the environment . Intermediate trees A characteristic of certain tree species that allows them to survive in relatively low light conditions, although they may not thrive. Interstitial The spaces between the rocks that make up a stream's substrate. Intr ogress ion The successive gene transfer/flow between hybridized individuals of a population and those individuals that are 'genetically pure' (or of some other level of genetic purity) . Landscape An area of land with interacting ecosystems . Macroinvertebrates Aquatic insects. Meter A measurement equaling 39.37 inches. Mitigation measure An action or policy designed to reduce or prevent detrimental effects . Morphology The general shape of the stream. Multistoried stands Timber stands with 3 or more distinct stories. Nest-site area (bald eagle) The area in which human activity or development may stimulate abandonment of the breeding area, affect successful completion of the nesting cycle, or reduce productivity. This area is either mapped for a specific nest based on field data, or, if that is impossible, is defined as the area within a quarter-mile radius of all nest sites in the breeding area that have been active within 5 years. No-action alternative The option of maintaining the status quo and continuing present management activities; the proposed project would not be implemented. Glossary Page 3 Nonforested area A naturally occurring area where trees do not establish over the long term, such as bogs, natural meadows, avalanche chutes, and alpine areas. Old growth For this analysis, old growth is defined as stands that meet the minimum criteria (number of trees per acre that have a minimum dbh and a minimum age) for a given site (old-growth group from habitat type) . These minimums can be found in the Green et al Old Growth Forest Types of the Northern Region (see REFERENCES) . Overstory The level of the forest canopy including the crowns of dominant, codominant, and intermediate trees. Patch A discrete area of forest connected to other discrete forest areas by relatively narrow corridors; an ecosystem element (such as vegetation) that is relatively homogeneous internally, but differs from what surrounds it . Periphyton Single-celled algae. Permeability The ease or rate that water passes through a layer or object. Porosity The guality or state of having holes through which fluid or air may pass. Potential nesting habitat (bald eagle) Sometimes referred to as 'suitable nesting habitat,' areas that have no history of occupancy by breeding bald eagles, but contain the potential to do so. Project file A public record of the analysis process, including all documents that form the basis for the project analysis. The project file for the West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale EIS is located at the Stillwater State Forest office near Olney, Montana . Redds The spawning ground or nest of various fish species. Regeneration The replacement of one forest stand by another as a result of natural seeding, sprouting, planting, or other methods . Residual stand Trees that remain standing following any harvesting operation. Road-construction activities In general, the term 'road construction activities' refers to all the activities conducted while building new roads, reconstructing existing roads, and obliterating roads. The activities may include any or all of the following: - road construction; - right-of-way clearing; - excavation of cut/fill material; - installation of road surface and ditch drainage features; - installation of culverts at stream crossings; - burning right-of-way slash; - hauling and installation of borrow material; and - blading and shaping road surfaces. Road improvements Construction projects on an existing road to improve ease of travel, safety, drainage, and water guality. Salmonids Member of the trout family. Saplings Trees 1 to 4 inches in diameter at breast height. Sawtimber trees Trees with a minimum dbh of 9 inches . Scarification The mechanized gouging and ripping of surface vegetation and litter to expose mineral soil and enhance the establishment of natural regeneration . Page 4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project Scoping The process of determining the extent of the environmental assessment task. Scoping includes public involvement to learn which issues and concerns should be addressed and the depth of assessment that will be reguired. It also includes a review of other factors, such as laws, policies, actions by other landowners, and jurisdictions of other agencies that may affect the extent of assessment needed. Security For wild animals, the freedom from the likelihood of displacement or mortality due to human disturbance or confrontation. Seedlings Live trees less that 1 inch dbh . Sediment In bodies of water, solid material, mineral or organic, that is suspended and transported or deposited. Sediment yield The amount of sediment that is carried to streams. Serai Refers to a biotic community that is in a developmental, transitional stage in ecological succession. Shade intolerant Describes the tree species that generally can only reproduce and grow in the open or where the overstory is broken and allows sufficient sunlight to penetrate. Often these are serai species that get replaced by more shade-tolerant species during succession. In Stillwater State Forest, shade- intolerant species generally include ponderosa pine, western larch, Douglas-fir, western white pine, and lodgepole pine. Shade tolerant Describes tree species that can reproduce and grow under the canopy in poor sunlight conditions. These species replace less shade-tolerant species during succession. In Stillwater State Forest, shade- tolerant species generally include subalpine fir, grand fir, Engelmann spruce, and western red cedar. Siltation The process of very fine particles of soil (silt) settling. This may occur in streams or from runoff. An example would be the silt build-up left after a puddle evaporates. Silviculture The art and science of managing the establishment, composition, and growth of forests to accomplish specific objectives. Sinuosity A measure of meander within a stream. Site preparation A hand or mechanized manipulation of a harvested site to enhance the success of regeneration. Treatments are intended to modify the soil, litter, and vegetation to create microclimate conditions conducive to the establishment and growth of desired species. Slash Branches, tree tops, and cull trees left on the ground following a harvest . Snag A standing dead tree or the portion of a broken-off tree. Snags may provide feeding and/or nesting sites for wildlife. Snow intercept The action of trees and other plants in catching falling snow and preventing it from reaching the ground. Spur roads Low-standard roads constructed to meet minimum reguirements for harvest-related traffic. Stand An aggregation of trees occupying a specific area and sufficiently uniform in composition, age arrangement, and condition so as to Glossary Page 5 be distinguishable from the adjoining forest. Stand density Number of trees per acre. Stocking The degree of occupancy of land by trees as measured by basal area or number of trees, and as compared to a stocking standard, which is an estimate of either the basal area or the number of trees per acre required to fully use the growth potential of the land. Stream gradient The slope of a stream along its course, usually expressed in percentage indicating the amount of drop per 100 feet. Stumpage The value of standing trees in the forest; sometimes used to mean the commercial value of standing trees. Substrate scoring Rating of streambed particle sizes. Succession The natural series of replacement of one plant (and animal) community by another over time in the absence of disturbance . Suppressed The condition of a tree characterized by a low growth rate and low vigor due to competition. Temporary road Roads built to the minimal standards necessary to prevent impacts to water quality and provide a safe and efficient route to remove logs from the timber sale area. Following logging operations or site preparations, reclamation would incorporate the following concepts to discourage future motorized use of the roads: - Segments near the beginning of the new temporary road systems would be reshaped to their natural contours and reclaimed for approximately 200 feet by grass seeding and strewing slash and debris . - The reclamation of the remaining road would include a combination of ripping or mechanically loosening the surface soils on the road, removing culverts or bridges that were installed, spreading forest debris along portions of the road, and allowing the surface to revegetate naturally. Territoriality The behavioral pattern exhibited by an animal defending its territory. Texture A term used in visual assessments indicating distinctive or identifying features of the landscape depending on distance. Thermal cover For white-tailed deer, thermal cover has 70 percent or more coniferous canopy closure at least 20 feet above the ground, generally requiring trees to be 40 feet or taller . For elk and mule deer, thermal cover has 50 percent or more coniferous canopy closure at least 20 feet above the ground, generally requiring trees to be 40 feet or taller . Timber-harvesting activities In general, the term timber- harvesting activities refers to all the activities conducted to facilitate timber removal before, during, and after the timber is removed. These activities may include any or all of the following: - felling and bucking standing trees into logs; - skidding logs to a landing; - processing, sorting, and loading logs onto trucks at the landing; - hauling logs by truck to a mill; - slashing and sanitizing residual vegetation damaged during logging; - machine piling logging slash; - burning logging slash; - scarifying and preparing the site for planting; and - planting trees. Page 6 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project Understory The trees and other woody species growing under a, more or less, continuous cover of branches and foliage formed collectively by the overstory of adjacent trees and other woody growth. Uneven-aged stand Various ages and sizes of trees growing together on a uniform site. Ungulates Hoofed animals, such as mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, and moose, that are mostly herbivorous; many are horned or antlered. Vigor The degree of health and growth of a tree or stand of trees. Watershed The region or area drained by a river or other body of water. Water yield The average annual runoff for a particular watershed expressed in acre-feet . Water-yield increase Due to forest canopy removal, an increase in the average annual runoff over natural conditions. Windthrow A tree pushed over by wind. Windthrows (blowdowns) are common among shallow-rooted species and in areas where cutting or natural disturbances have reduced the density of a stand so individual trees remain unprotected from the force of the wind. Win XSPRO A computer software package used to model stream flows. Glossary Page 7 ACRONYMS ARM Administrative Rules of Montana BMP Best Management Practices cmp corrugated metal pipe CS Common Schools (trust) dbh diameter at breast height DEQ Department of Environmental Quality DFWP Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks DNRC Department of Natural Resources and Conservation DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement EA Environmental Assessment ECA Eguivalent Clearcut Acres EIS Environmental Impact Statement EPA Environmental Protection Act FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement FI Forest Improvement FNF Flathead National Forest IGBC Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee mbf thousand board feet MCA Montana Codes Annotated MEPA Montana Environmental Protection Agency mmbf million board feet MNHP Montana Natural Heritage Program NCDE Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem NWLO Northwestern Land Office RMZ Riparian Management Zone SFLMP State Forest Land Management Plan SLI Stand Level Inventory SMZ Streamside Management Zone TLMS Trust Land Management System TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load USFS United States Forest Service USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service ID Team Interdisciplinary Team Land Board Montana Board of Land Commissioners 124 Permit Stream protection Act Permit 3A Permit Authorization A — Short-term Exemption from Montana's Surface Water-Quality Standards SFLM Rules State Forest Land Management Rules Copies of this document with its appendices were published at an approximate cost of $11.21 per copy for printing and $3.95 per copy for mailing. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION STILLWATER UNIT OFFICE - STILLWATER STATE FOREST 7425 HIGHWAY 93 NORTH (WHITEFISH) P.O. BOX 164 OLNEY, MT 59927 (406) 881-2371 Persons with disabilities who need an alternative, accessible format of this document should contact DNRC at the address or phone number shown above. Westforhof Swift Creeh Timhw Sale/ Project final/ Em/wonm&MtcCl/ Impact Stat&m&nt Jcwvucuy 2005 Vepauttvwemt of hiatuvah %e^ource^ cw\d/ Conservation/ APPENDIX RESOURCES TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix A - Stipulations and Specifications Watershed and Fisheries A-l Wildlife A-2 Roads A-3 Aesthetics A-3 Air Quality A-3 Soils A-4 Noxious Weed Management A-5 Archaeology A-5 Appendix B - Vegetation Analysis Introduction B-l Analysis Method B-l Analysis Area B-2 Covertype B-2 Age-Class Distribution B-4 Old Growth B-4 Stand Development B-6 Alternative Effects B-9 Appendix C - Watershed and Hydrology Analysis Introduction C-l Analysis Methods C-l Analysis Area C-2 Existing Conditions C-2 Alternative Effects C-5 Appendix D - Soils Analysis Introduction D— 1 Analysis Methods D-l Analysis Area D-l Existing Condition D-l Alternative Effects D-2 Appendix E - Fisheries Analysis Issue E-l Introduction E-l Species E-2 Analysis Methods and Subissues E-3 Summary of Alternatives E— 4 Existing Conditions E-7 Alternative Effects E-28 Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Introduction F-l Methods F-l Coarse-Filter Assessment F-l Fine Filter Assessment F — 10 Threatened and Endangered Species F— 10 Sensitive Species F-26 Big Game Species F-31 Appendix G - Economic Analysis Introduction G-l Existing Conditions G-l Alternative Effects G-3 Appendix H - Comments and Responses The Ecology Center C&R-3 Jane Adams C&R-64 Owens and Hurst Lumber Company, Inc C&R-67 Appendix I - People Contacted APPENDIX A STIPULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS Stipulations and specifications for the action alternatives were identified or designed to prevent or reduce potential effects to resources considered in this analysis. In part, stipulations and specifications are a direct result of issue identification and resource concerns. This section is organized by resource. Stipulations and specifications that apply to operations reguired by and occurring during the contract period would be contained within the timber sale contract; as such, they are binding and enforceable. Stipulations and specifications relating to activities that may occur during or after the contract period (hazard reduction, site preparation, planting) would be enforced by project administrators. The following stipulations and specifications are incorporated to mitigate effects on resources involved with action alternatives considered in this proposal. WATERSHED AND FISHERIES • Planned erosion-control measures and BMPs include: - installing grade breaks on roads, - installing water-diverting mechanisms on roads, - installing slash-filter windrows, and - grass seeding. Details for these control measures would be included in APPENDIX B of the TIMBER SALE AGREEMENT. • SMZs and RMZs would be defined along those streams that are within or adjacent to timber- harvesting areas. Harvesting operations would be a minimum of 100 feet from the West Fork and Stryker Creek to protect areas adjacent to streams and maintain water guality. Culvert sizing for all road projects would be as recommended by the DNRC hydrologist for a 50- year flood period. Stream crossings, where culvert or bridge removals and installations are planned, would have the following requirements, as needed, to meet the intent of water- quality permits and BMPs and protect water quality: - Slash-filter windrows would be constructed on the base of the fill slopes . - Silt fences would be installed along the streambanks prior to and following excavation at crossing sites. - Filter-fabric fences would be in place downstream prior to and during culvert installation. - Bridge work within the stream area of the West Fork stream crossing would be limited to the period of July 15 through August 20 in order to avoid the bull trout spawning period. Water-quality monitoring would continue in the Swift Creek and Fitzsimmons drainages to assess and track water quality and resource values associated with water quality. In addition, the monitoring would provide data for water-quality studies being conducted in the Flathead Basin. Brush would be removed from existing road prisms to allow effective maintenance. Improved road maintenance would reduce sediment delivery. The contractor would be responsible for the immediate cleanup of any spills (fuel, oil, dirt, etc.) that may affect water quality . Leaking equipment would not be permitted to operate in stream- crossing construction sites. Included in the project proposal are the following pertinent recommendations of the Flathead Basin Forest Practices, Water Quality, Fisheries Cooperative Program Final Report (June 1991). The following numbers correspond to the numbering of recommendation items contained within the aforementioned document, included in pages 154 through 162 of the final report : I. BMPs are incorporated into the project design and operations of the proposed project. 2 . Riparian indicators would be considered in the harvest unit layout . 3. Management standards of the SMZ Law ( 75-5-301 MCA) are used in conjunction with the recommendations of the study. 4. The BMP audit process will continue. This sale would likely be reviewed in an internal audit and may be picked at random as a State- wide audit site. 7. SMZs will be evaluated as a part of the audit process. II. Swift Creek monitoring is part of the Flathead Basin monitoring effort. 12 . Watershed-level planning and analysis are complete. Logging plans of Plum Creek Timber Company, USFS, and Stoltze Land and Lumber Company, as reported to the Cumulative Watershed Effects Cooperative, are used. 14. DNRC is cooperating with DFWP on a further study of the fish habitat and population for Swift Creek and its tributaries . 15. DNRC would use the best methods available for logging and road building for this proposal . 16A. Existing roads are fully utilized for this proposal. 17. DNRC requested inventory information from DFWP. DNRC s mitigation plan for roads fits all recommendations for "impaired streams". Using "worst-case scenario" criteria provides for conservative operations in this proposal. 18. Provisions in the Timber Sale Agreement address BMPs that are rigidly enforced. 20. Planning for long-term monitoring of Swift Creek is in place. 29-34. DNRC has cooperated with DFWP to continue fisheries work. DNRC will continue to monitor fisheries in the future as funding allows . WILDLIFE GRIZZLY BEARS The following items are incorporated into this proposal: • The grass seeding plans to revegetate roads include a combination of seed mixtures that have different palatability in relation to grizzly bears. The less palatable species are planned for areas where bear use is to be discouraged to minimize the potential for bear/human conflicts . • No logging camps would be allowed in the sale area. • Garbage hauling would be required daily. Page A-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS • The Forest Officer would, if necessary, immediately suspend any or all activities directly related to the proposed action to prevent imminent confrontation or conflict between grizzly bears (or other threatened or endangered species) and humans . • Vigorous patches of Vaccinium sp. (huckleberry) would be avoided during scarification when possible . • Contractors would be prohibited from carrying firearms while working under contract . • All gates would be closed after each entry during the general big game hunting season. • Road management would vary by alternative and includes proposals given in CHAPTER II - ALTERNATIVES. • A vegetative screen would be retained along open roads. WOLVES A contract provision would be included to protect any wolf den or rendezvous site within the gross sale area that may be discovered during implementation of this proposal . CANADA LYNX During site preparation, available cull logs would be piled to provide future habitat. SNAG RETENTION • Wildlife trees of high guality, such as large broken-topped western larch, would be designated for retention and given special consideration during yarding operations to prevent loss. • Snag retention and recruitment: All cull snags that are safe to operate near and a minimum of 1 to 2 of the larger trees per acre, preferably greater than 21 inches dbh, would be retained. The number of trees and snags larger than 21 inches dbh is dependent on habitat group. BALD EAGLE • Timing restrictions would be implemented on the Whitefish Saddle Road; log hauling is restricted to August 15 through February 1 . • Timing restrictions would be implemented for logging operations in Harvest Area II-A, with logging restricted to the period between August 15 through February 1. ROADS • Road reconstruction activities and road use associated with road construction activities would be relayed to the general public. • BMPs would be incorporated in all planned road construction. AESTHETICS • Damaged residual vegetation would be slashed. • Landings would be limited in size and number and located away from main roads when possible. • Disturbed sites along road rights- of-way would be grass seeded. AIR QUALITY The first item is designed to prevent individual or cumulative effects during burning operations. The next 3 items are designed to reduce effects from burning operations . • Burning operations would be in compliance with the Montana Airshed Group reporting regulations and any burning restrictions imposed in Airshed 2 . This would provide for burning during acceptable ventilation and dispersion conditions. • Excavator, landing, and roadwork debris would be piled clean to allow ignition to occur during fall and spring when ventilation is good and surrounding fuels are wet. The Forest Officer may Appendix A — Stipulations and Specifications Page A-3 require that piles be covered to reduce dispersed (unentrained) smoke. Covered piles are drier, ignite easier, burn hotter, and extinguish sooner. • In order to reduce smoke production, the number of burn piles would be minimized by leaving large woody debris on site . • Dust abatement may be applied on some of the segments of Upper Whitefish Road that would be used during hauling; whether dust abatement would be applied depends on the season of harvest and level of public traffic. SOILS COMPACTION • Logging equipment would not operate off forest roads unless: - soil moisture is less than 20 percent, - soil is frozen to a depth that would support machine operations, or - soil is snow covered to a depth that would prevent compaction, rutting, or displacement. • Existing skid trails and landings would be used where their design is consistent with prescribed treatments and meets current BMP guidelines . • Designated skid trails would be required where moist soils or short steep pitches (less than 300 feet) would not be accessed by other logging systems. This would reduce the number of skid trails and the potential for erosion. • Skid-trail density in a harvest area would not exceed 20 percent of the total area in a cutting unit . SOIL DISPLACEMENT • Conventional ground-based skidding equipment would not be operated on sustained steep slopes (greater than 40 percent) . Soft-tracked yarders are suitable on slopes up to 55 percent with less impact than conventional tractor skidding. Cable yarding would be used on sustained steeper slopes. • Piling and scarification would be completed with a dozer where slopes are gentle enough to permit. Steeper slopes would have slash treatment and site preparation done by using an excavator or broadcast burning. EROSION • Ground skidding machinery would be required to be equipped with a winchline to limit equipment operation on steeper slopes. • Roads used by the purchaser would be reshaped and the ditches redefined prior to and following use to reduce surface erosion. • Drain dips, open-topped culverts, and gravel would be installed on roads as needed to improve road drainage and reduce maintenance needs and erosion. • Some road sections would be repaired to upgrade the roads to design standards that reduce erosion potential and maintenance needs . • The prompt and timely application of certified weed-free grass seed and fertilizer would be applied to newly constructed road surfaces and cut-and-f ill slopes. These applications would also be applied to any existing disturbed cut-and- fill slopes and landings immediately adjacent to open roads. These would be done to stabilize soils and reduce or prevent noxious weed establishment and would include: - seeding all road cuts and fills concurrent with construction, - applying "quick-cover" seed mix within 1 day of work completion at culvert installation sites, and - seeding all road surfaces and reseeding culvert installation Page A-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS sites when the final blading is completed for each specified road segment. • Water bars, logging-slash barriers, and, in some cases, temporary culverts would be installed on skid trails where erosion is anticipated, based on ground and weather conditions and as directed by the forest officer. These erosion-control features would be periodically inspected and maintained throughout the contract period or extensions thereof . NOXIOUS WEED MANAGEMENT • Surface blading on roads affected by the proposal may be reguired to remove weeds before the seed-set stage . • All tracked and wheeled equipment would be cleaned of noxious weeds prior to beginning project operations. The contract administrating officer would inspect equipment periodically during project implementation. • Prompt revegetation of disturbed roadside sites would be required. • Roads used and closed as part of this proposal would be reshaped and grass seeded. ARCHAEOLOGY A review of the project was conducted by a DNRC archaeologist. A contract clause provides for suspending operations if cultural resources were discovered and operations would only resume as directed by the Forest Officer. Appendix A — Stipulations and Specifications Page A- 5 ♦ APPENDIX B VEGETATION ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION This section will provide a description of the present vegetative conditions of the forest and address the potential effects of the proposed alternatives related to the following issues: • Covertype and age-class distributions through a landscape- level analysis of timber stands. • Old-growth-stand distribution at a landscape level and old-growth- stand attributes. • Stand development in relation to natural disturbances and management activities. ANALYSIS METHOD The SFLM Rules direct DNRC to take a landscape-level or coarse-filter approach to biodiversity. To promote biodiversity, an appropriate mix of stand structures and compositions on State land should be favored (Montana DNRC 1996) . To implement a coarse-filter approach, landscape analysis technigues were used to determine an appropriate mix of stand structures and compositions based on ecological characteristics, such as landtypes, climatic sections, habitat types, disturbance regimes, and other unigue characteristics, on Stillwater State Forest. Covertype representations and age-class distributions are general characteristics shown in the landscape-level analysis. This analysis will compare the desired stand conditions that DNRC believes to be appropriate for the site with current stand conditions. A forest inventory from the 1930s was used in Losensky' s 1993 data to estimate the proportion of various stand-structure stages by covertype and age class as they were historically represented throughout the Inland Northwest. This provides an estimate of the natural characteristics of forests prior to fire suppression and extensive logging. Losensky (1997) worked with DNRC to complete an analysis for the entire State; some vegetation types specific to that work are included in this analysis. The protocol used to assign covertypes on DNRC forested lands, including Stillwater Unit, is explained in detail in the SFLM Rules (ARM 36. 11 . 405) . The SLI database used for this analysis is the September 15, 2003 version of "main block and scattered north. dbf" (STW 2003 SLI data) . This data is available at the Stillwater Unit office at Olney. The methodology used to analyze current and appropriate stand conditions follows : Two filters were developed and applied to Stillwater State Forest's SLI data (STW 2003 SLI) . The filters were assigned covertypes similar to those used in the inventory of the 1930s. The first filter followed the 1930s criteria exactly, or as closely as possible, representing current conditions. The other filter for appropriate conditions assigns covertypes using criteria primarily designed to help address the situation where succession from one covertype to another was occurring. The successional filter was developed to indicate that those areas in the absence of fire suppression, introduced pathogens, and timber harvesting would likely have been assigned to a different covertype than the current covertype filter would suggest. The appropriate filter then estimates, from the current condition of the stand, what the stand would have looked like in 1900. The methods to identify old-growth timber stands are initiated from modeling based on the STW 2003 SLI data. The guery primarily sorts for stands that meet the age criteria and number of trees greater than a certain dbh based on habitat-type groups; refer to the GLOSSARY for DNRC's old-growth definition. Field surveys were used to verify those modeled old-growth stands and determine if additional stands meet the definition within the project area . The analysis on stand development will be a gualitative discussion of the conditions of timber stands, including how various natural and man-caused disturbances and site factors have affected, and may continue to affect, timber-stand development . ANALYSIS AREA The vegetation analysis includes 3 geographic scales: • Upper Flathead Valley - Historic conditions refer to those from Climatic Section 333C of the Upper Flathead Valley (Losensky 1997) . For this analysis, the historic conditions for Climatic Section 333C relate to forest covertypes and age-class distributions only. • Stillwater State Forest management block - Current and appropriate conditions were analyzed on the scale of the entire Stillwater State Forest and scattered outlying sections in northeastern Lincoln County (approximately 100,208 forested acres) . Current and appropriate conditions for covertype, age, and old-growth distribution were analyzed at this scale . • Project level - Stand attributes related to old growth, species composition, and stand development will be analyzed by harvest area. COVERTYPE FIGURES B-l through B-3 - PERCENTAGE OF FORESTED ACRES BY COVERTYPE illustrate the percentage of forested ground that is/was occupied by a particular covertype. The comparison shown includes the Upper Flathead Valley historic covertype data and current and appropriate covertype conditions on the scale of the analysis area (Stillwater Unit) . The chart displaying historic conditions is from Lozensky' s data and covers forested types of a much larger scale than do the current and appropriate conditions. Data indicates, as illustrated by FIGURES B-2 and B-3, that mixed- conifer stands are currently overrepresented in reference to both historic conditions and conditions that DNRC feels appropriate by using historic data (desired future covertype conditions) . Many of the species that make up the mixed- conifer covertype are shade tolerant and their representation increases as the intervals between disturbances, such as wildfires, lengthens . The western larch/Douglas-fir and lodgepole pine covertypes are currently underrepresented on the forest in reference to appropriate conditions; western larch and lodgepole pine are not shade tolerant and, historically, the species have been perpetuated through fairly intensive disturbances, such as wildfires. The data sort indicates the amount of western white pine covertype is slightly lower than what occurred historically. The white pine blister rust infection has drastically affected the western white pine. In reality, the number of healthy western white pine that occupy the canopy as overstory dominants has been on the decline Page B-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS FIGURES B-l THROUGH B-3 - PERCENTAGE OF FORESTED ACRES BY COVERTYPE ON STILLWATER UNIT Historic Covertype Distribution in Flathead Valley Ponder osa pine Subalpine 1° , ' , *^ Lodgepole f i r / 1 llllllls -- pine 3 6% j J ^M| 27% Douglas- \ S jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjijf fir \ s^T / Western 1% %^^ / larch/ ~** s ^^&zz^ ss *'' Douglas- Western \ \ fir whxte pine \ \ Mixed 28% 1% \ conifer 6% Appropriate Covertype Distribution on Stillwater Unit Analysis Area Douglas - Wes tern fir white pine 11 Lodgepole pine Wes tern larch/ Douglas - fir 48% Current Covertype Distribution on Stillwater Unit Analysis Area Douglas - We s tern white pine- 3% fir 1% Appendix B Vegetation Analysis Page B-3 across most of the Pacific Northwest for several decades. AGE-CLASS DISTRIBUTION Age-class distributions delineate another characteristic important for determining trends on a landscape level . Inventories of the 1930s guantified the ages of the forest stands. To arrive at age estimates, Losensky examined the data and projected the stands back in time to the early 1900s. This data is useful in setting baseline conditions for determining the extent that current forest age-class distribution deviates from average historical conditions . Comparing the entire Stillwater State Forest with historical data from the Upper Flathead Valley, TABLE B-l - DISTRIBUTION OF AGE CLASSES ON THE CONTIGUOUS STILLWATER STATE FOREST shows that Stillwater State Forest is low in stands of the seedling-sapling age class and TABLE B-l - DISTRIBUTION OF AGE CLASSES ON THE CONTIGUOUS STILLWATER STATE FOREST AGE CLASS HISTORIC PERCENT CURRENT PERCENT to 39 years 36 10 40 to 99 years 12 23 100 to 150 years 22 19 150+ years 29 48 higher is stands that are in the 40- years-and-older age classes. OLD GROWTH OLD-GROWTH DISTRIBUTION Old growth, for this analysis, is defined as stands that meet the minimum criteria (number of trees per acre that have a minimum dbh and a minimum age) for a given site, which is based on habitat-type grouping. The criteria can be found in Green et al (Old Growth Forest Types of the Northern Region) . Based on SLI data, field surveys within the project area, and the effects of other timber sales on SLI old-growth data, approximately 8,679 acres, or 8.7 percent, of the coarse-filter analysis area can be classified as old-growth. The amount of old growth present in the Stillwater analysis area is within an expected range of natural variation of old-growth levels based on previous DNRC analysis. Similar to the restrictive definition DNRC currently uses, the analysis using Option 2 was based on a narrower range of old-growth conditions emphasizing stands with higher old-growth attribute levels (DNRC 2000) . No field- verified old growth or SLI potential old growth has been identified in the northern scattered sections; therefore, those areas are not displayed in FIGURE B-4 - OLD-GROWTH ON MAIN BLOCK OF STILLWATER STATE FOREST. TABLE B-2 OLD-GROWTH ACRES BY COVERTYPE CURRENT COVERTYPE DOUGLAS- FIR LODGEPOLE PINE MIXED CONIFER SUBALPINE FIR WESTERN LARCH/ DOUGLAS- FIR WESTERN WHITE PINE TOTALS Gross acres by SLI 44 398 1, 802 3, 139 2, 432 481 8, 296 Additional old growth confirmed by West Fork Project 183 200 383 Totals 44 398 1, 985 3, 339 2, 432 481 8, 679 Page B-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS FIGURE B-4 Old Growth on Main Block of Stillwater State Forest Upper Whitefish Lake Legend | | Stillwater State Forest ^B old Growth Stands I I Water Roads ' Highway 'Gravel/Dirt Appendix B - Vegetation Analysis Page B-5 TABLE B-2 - OLD-GROWTH ACRES BY COVERTYPE displays old growth by forest covertype. Covertype is related to habitat type, habitat- type groups, and successional stages. Covertype is used when presenting old growth because the amount can be correlated to Lozensky' s historic information. Subalpine fir and western larch/Douglas-fir (as displayed below in TABLE B-2 - OLD-GROWTH ACRES BY COVERTYPE) are the 2 dominant old-growth covertypes on Stillwater State Forest. Old growth within the project area can be viewed in FIGURE B-5 - WEST FORK OLD-GROWTH MAP under ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS (page B-12) . In addition to old-growth stands identified by SLI in the project area, approximately 383 field- verified acres of old growth have been identified. OLD-GROWTH ATTRIBUTES DNRC is in the process of developing a tool to assign old-growth attribute levels to stands by sorting SLI data. The attributes considered are: - number of large live trees, - amount of coarse woody debris, - number of snags, - amount of decadence, - multistoried structures, - gross volume, and - crown density. This data sort assigns a value or an index rating to an old-growth stand that indicates its total score. These scores can be grouped into low, medium, and high categories. This provides an indication of the condition of the stand in reference to attributes that are often associated with old-growth timber stands. These attribute levels are not necessarily an indication of guality, but are tools to compare and classify a collection of older stands over the landscape. The expected variation of levels are based on numerous factors, including habitat groups, tree species, covertype, altitude, past management activities, and proximity to roads. Many of these attributes will relate to wildlife and be discussed within APPENDIX E - WILDLIFE ANALYSIS. Within the project area, the attribute index ratings are primarily medium. The SLI category for most of the field-verified, old- growth stands was low, but based on data collected on these areas (number of larger diameter trees per acre and gross volume per acre), those stands should be within the medium attribute levels. Some of the old-growth characteristics within the project area : • Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir are the dominant tree species in all of the old-growth stands, which total 777 acres. • Whitebark pine is a component of the overstory and snag attributes in 7 old-growth stands, which amounts to approximately 313 acres . • The stand structures are all multistoried, with seedlings to large sawtimber-sized trees. • Vigor is average to poor in all stands . • Snag levels are generally high, with greater than 3 snags per acre . STAND DEVELOPMENT Natural processes of stand development and disturbance are influenced by environmental conditions and site characteristics, such as soils, stand covertype, forest health, elevation, and stand structure. The stand structures and species component can be greatly modified by natural disturbances, such as wildfire and blowdown Page B-6 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS events, as well as past management activities . STAND COVERTYPE Site factors, such as soil type, aspect, elevation, growing season, and moisture availability, are combined to develop habitat-type classifications, which are then used to describe successional development and timber productivity, among other things (Pfister et al, 1977) . For the project area, 95 percent of the acreage is categorized in the "cool and moist" habitat group, and 99 percent of the area is currently represented by the subalpine fir and mixed-conifer covertypes. TIMBER-STAND HEALTH Damage and mortality from insects and diseases are relatively minor in forest types that exist in this area. A rise has occurred in the incidence of western balsam bark beetles, mountain pine beetles, and white pine blister rust, as well as minor levels of infestations of spruce bark beetles, Douglas-fir beetles, and fir engravers. Indian paint fungus is common in subalpine fir throughout this area. In addition to the insects and pathogens listed above, trees throughout the project area have mechanical damage caused by previous logging, as well as damage caused by wind, snow, and ice, which has allowed rot to develop in the boles of the trees and value to be lost. Also, stands where tree crowns appear sparse and ratty reflect poor vigor and slow growth. ELEVATION/ASPECT The elevation of a stand has great importance in determining not only what tree and shrub species are present, but also how fast or slow changes take place. Elevations in the project area range from 4,300 feet to 6,500 feet above sea level. Based on measurements taken over the last 27 years, the average snow depth for the Herrig snow-course survey, which is located in Harvest Area II-P, is 65 inches. A large portion of the project area has a northeast aspect. This exposure, together with high elevations, account for the high moisture availability, as well as the long duration snow is on the ground. These 2 factors, elevation and aspect, are also the main reason for the presence of whitebark pine. Within the project area are a total of 882 acres in 18 stands that have whitebark pine older than 150 years in the upper level canopy. STAND STRUCTURE Stand structure indicates a characteristic of stand development and how the stand will continue to develop . Single-storied stands are most often associated with stand-replacement events, such as severe fires or clearcut harvesting. Two-storied stands are often associated with areas of less severe fire and usually have more fire- resistant trees, such as western larch or Douglas-fir, left in the overstory. Regeneration harvests that retain approximately 10 percent crown cover in the overstory and have seedling/sapling understory are also classified as 2-storied stands. The multistoried condition arises when a stand has progressed through time and succession to the point that shade-tolerant species are replacing a shade-intolerant overstory. Often a long interval of time occurs between major disturbances . TABLE B-3 - PERCENT OF STAND STUCTURES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND ENTIRE STILLWATER STATE FOREST TABLE B-3 - PERCENT OF STAND STUCTURES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND ENTIRE STILLWATER STATE FOREST STAND STRUCTURE STILLWATER UNIT PROJECT AREA Single-storied 18% 6% Two-storied 6% Trace Multistoried 76% 93% Appendix B Vegetation Analysis Page B-7 displays the percent of stands in the single-storied, two-storied, and multistoried levels on Stillwater Unit and within the project area. PAST MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir have always been the predominate species in the project area. According to past inventory records, western larch, Douglas-fir, and western white pine were present in many of the stands in Harvest Area II, as they are today, but Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir have always been the predominate species. In Harvest Area III, the serai species are a minor component with less than 15 percent canopy composition. Major timber harvesting has been ongoing in the project area since the late 1940s. Many of the stands in Harvest Area II were selectively logged in the late 1940s and early 1950s, targeting Douglas-fir, Engelmann spruce, and western larch, where available, for use as railroad ties. Minimal site preparation was completed following harvesting; therefore, the progression of these stands leans toward the shade- tolerant species of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir. Over time, salvage logging has occurred in many of the stands in order to remove blowdown or beetle- infested trees, mainly Engelmann spruce . Overall, there are approximately 1, 600 acres in the project area that have more than 30-percent crown removal. Most (76 percent) of the acres were harvested in the 1950s and 24 percent was salvaged and clearcut. Where the ground was scarified, desired tree species were able to regenerate. However, without scarification and planting, many of these areas were taken over by shrub species, causing regeneration to be slow and limited. FIRE REGIMES The fire regimes across Stillwater State Forest are variable. The forest, as a whole, has a mosaic pattern that developed from different fire freguencies and intensities. Areas of freguent fire have produced Douglas-fir, western larch, and ponderosa pine covertypes. As the intervals between fires become longer, the more shade-tolerant species (Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir, grand fir, western hemlock, and western red cedar) begin to develop. The higher elevations within the forest have longer fire intervals and the stands tend to be multistoried with a dominant shade- tolerant covertype. Where fire freguencies were short, the stands are open, single-storied, and, occasionally, 2-storied. With the arrival of aggressive fire- suppression efforts, covertypes and fire freguencies were altered. Stands of ponderosa pine, western larch, and/or Douglas-fir have become multistoried with shade- tolerant species. Stands that were once open, now have a thick understory of predominantly Douglas- fir, grand fir, Engelmann spruce, and subalpine fir. Fires are generally kept small, limiting natural fire effects. If a large- scale fire were to occur, many acres could be affected due to ladder fuels, heavy fuel accumulation, and other environmental factors . The West Fork Timber Sale Project area is primarily represented by Fire Group 9 Fire Regime (87 percent of the project area gross acreage) , with minor representation in Fire Groups 10 (8 percent), 8 (5 percent), and 7 (less than 1 percent) (Fischer and Bradley, 1987) . All stands in Harvest Area II and most stands in Harvest Area III fall into Fire Group 9. Fire Group 9 represents moist, lower Page B- West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS subalpine habitat types where fires are infrequent, but severe, and the effects are long lasting. Fire-free intervals range from 117 years in valleys to more than 146 years on lower alpine slopes. Within the project area, stand-replacing fires have been estimated to occur at moderately long to long intervals, 150 to 300 years. Fire history information for subalpine fir habitat types is limited, particularly for moist Fire Group 9 sites. Available evidence indicates that fires on such sites are infrequent and are mostly either low severity or stand replacing. Moderately severe fires are apparently less frequent, although they do occur. Therefore, the size of the fires in this fire regime will vary from small in the less severe fire conditions to large in the more severe fire conditions that have been experienced lately where thousands of acres in the later successional stages are burned in a stand-replacement fire. The next most common fire regime in the project area is Fire Group 10, which is characterized by high- elevation forests near and at timberline. Some stands in Harvest Area III are in this regime. Stand- replacing fires even in the more continuous forests range in frequency to more than 300 years. Fire Group 8 consists of dry, lower subalpine habitat types where Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir, or mountain hemlock are the indicated climax species. This group experiences more frequent fires that are generally less severe than Fire Group 9. Intervals range from 50 years in lodgepole pine stands to 130 years for the more moist, lower subalpine types. No harvest areas are proposed in Fire Group 7; this group is less than 1 percent of the project area; therefore, this group will not be discussed further. ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS COVERTYPES AND AGE CLASSES Direct Effects • Direct Effects ofJVo-Jlction Jllternative Jl to Covertypes and .Iff e Classes Covertypes and age classes on Stillwater State Forest would not be directly affected. • Direct Effects of. let ion Jllternative B to Covertypes and .If/ e Classes This alternative proposes: - a commercial-thin harvest on 73 acres in Harvest Area I. - regeneration harvests, including group-selection and overstory- removal treatments, on approximately 1,174 acres in Harvest Areas II and III. Approximately 138 acres of the mixed-conifer covertype would likely be converted to a western larch/Douglas-fir covertype through the planting of western larch or the harvesting of subalpine fir and Engelmann spruce. An additional 351 acres of the subalpine fir covertype and 779 acres of the mixed-conifer covertype would be harvested, but no change in covertype is expected. The representation of western larch and western white pine would likely increase due to planting; Douglas-fir and whitebark pine representation should remain similar to current numbers . With the group- select ion/over story-removal treatments planned for Harvest Area II, approximately 713 acres would be regenerated and 153 acres would be retained in a stocked stand of saplings and pole-sized trees in the 40-to-99-year age class. Approximately 190 acres would change from the 40-to-99- Appendix B Vegetation Analysis Page B- year age class to years, 160 acres would change from the 100- to-150-year age class to years, and 695 acres would change from the old-stand age class to years . Following site preparation and planting of Harvest Areas II and III, representation of the 0-to- 39-year age class on Stillwater Unit would increase by 1 percent, or 1,045 acres, and representation of 150+-year-old stands would be reduced by 0.7 percent . Direct Effects of miction Alternative Cto {'overtypes and .lye Classes Action Alternative C proposes a commercial-thin harvest on 73 acres and group-selection and overstory-removal treatments on approximately 866 acres. Through the planting or removal of subalpine fir and Engelmann spruce during the thinning harvest, approximately 46 acres of the mixed-conifer covertype would likely be converted to the western larch/Douglas-fir covertype. Approximately 139 acres of the subalpine fir and 753 acres of the mixed-conifer covertypes would be harvested, but no covertype change is expected. The representation of western larch and western white pine would likely increase due to planting; Douglas-fir and whitebark pine representation should remain similar to the current numbers . With the group- select ion/over story-removal treatments planned for Harvest Area II, approximately 713 acres would be regenerated and 153 acres would be retained in a stocked stand of saplings and pole-sized trees in the 40-to-99-year age class. Approximately 190 acres would change from the 40-to-99- year age class to years, 160 acres would change from the 100- to-150-year age class to years, and 695 acres would change from the 150-year-plus age class to years . Following the site preparation for Harvest Area II, the representation of the 0-to-39-year age class on Stillwater Unit would increase by 0.7 percent or 713 acres and the representation of 150+-year-old stands would be reduced by . 4 percent . Indirect Effects • Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A to Covertypes and Age Classes Overtime, natural forest succession and fire suppression would reduce the variability of covertypes and age classes, thus, reducing biodiversity. • Indirect Effects of .fiction Alternative It to Covertypes and Age Classes Harvesting trees would move the representation of age classes and covertypes would move representation toward historical distribution. In total, representation of the 0-to-39-year age class on Stillwater State Forest would increase by 1 percent, or 1,045 acres, and the old-stand representation would be reduced by 0.7 percent. • Indirect Effects of Action Alternative C to Covertypes and Age Classes The representation of age classes and covertypes would move representation toward historical distribution. In total, representation of the 0-to-39-year age class on Stillwater State Forest would increase by 0.7 percent, or 713 acres, and the 150-year-age-class representation would be reduced by 0.4 percent . Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects of All Alternatives to Covertypes and Age Classes The cumulative effects of timber- Page B-10 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS stand management on Stillwater State Forest is a trend toward increasing serai covertypes in areas where recent forest- management activities have taken place. Since the Chicken/Werner Timber Sale Project EIS in 1999, the western larch/Douglas-fir covertype has increased by 6 percent . In addition to the changes in covertype distributions from the proposed alternatives, other timber sale projects have been initiated, but have not been completed; therefore, their effects are not represented in the STW 2003 SLI. Scheduled updates of the SLI will begin to capture the trend toward more western larch/Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, and western white pine covertypes on Stillwater State Forest, as well as the trend toward increasing the amount of acres in the 0-to-39-year age class. OLD-GROWTH DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTES Direct Effects • Direct Effects ofJXo-Jlction Jitter native .1 to Old-Growth Distribution and attributes The distribution or attributes of old-growth stands would not be affected. • Direct Effects of .fiction . I Iter native H to Old- Growth Distribution and .Attributes Approximately 286 acres of old- growth would be harvested with regeneration treatments on areas typically suited to stand- replacement fire regimes. The posttreatment timber stand would no longer meet DNRC's criteria for old growth. Those portions of the original stand that are not harvested would likely continue to meet DNRC's old-growth definition. Future SLI updates would be made on the remaining portions of the timber stands . Implementation of Action Alternative B would decrease Stillwater Unit's old-growth levels by 286 acres and retain an estimated 8,393 acres of potential old growth. Recognizing that the amounts and distributions of all age classes will shift and change over time, the amount of old growth remaining is within an expected range of natural variation. This harvest would remove 118 acres from the mixed-conifer covertype and 168 acres from the subalpine fir covertype . FIGURE III- 6 - WEST FORK OLD- GROWTH MAP (next page) shows the locations where harvesting would affect the distribution of old- growth stands. Most attributes associated with old-growth stands would be removed. Structure would be retained in small areas where existing trees would not be harvested, such as near springs, areas that are not feasible to skid or yard, or areas that are marked with leave trees. A minimum of 1 large (greater than 21-inches dbh) snag and 1 large- diameter snag-recruitment tree per acre would be retained within the harvest areas. If no snags this size are available, the next largest size would be retained. In addition to live recruitment trees, up to 10 western larch, Douglas-fir, and whitebark pine trees per acre that are suitable for seed dispersal would be retained . • Direct Effects of miction Jllternatire Cto Old- Growth Distribution and attributes The distribution or attributes of old-growth stands would not be affected. Indirect Effects • Indirect Effects Common of ./III .Alternatives to Old-Growth Distribution and .Attributes Stands currently meeting DNRC s old-growth definition and not Appendix B Vegetation Analysis Page B-ll Figure B-5 WEST FORK OLD-GROWTH MAP Page B-12 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS proposed for harvesting would become more decadent. Stocking levels and the loading of down woody debris would increase in some stands and covertypes, increasing wildfire hazards. Shade-tolerant species would remain dominant in stands. Various factors, such as insects, diseases, and decreasing vigor, would eventually cause more snags to occupy portions of the stands. Within the project area, white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetles, and weather-related damage has increased the amount of snags in old-growth stands. • Indirect Effects of .fiction .liter native B to Old-Growth Distribution and attributes Action Alternative B would harvest timber near old-growth stands and structurally create more abrupt stand edges. If the proposed units in Harvest Area III are harvested, an increase in sunlight would occur along the edges of harvested and unharvested areas. This additional sunlight would increase the growth of small trees established in that zone. Regeneration may also occur, but due to site preparation not occurring, the species regenerating would likely be subalpine fir or Engelmann spruce. Potentially, the risk of blowdown along the proposed unit boundaries would increase and likely add to the down fuel loading. Harvest areas next to old-growth stands could possibly act as fuel breaks, which could slow or stop wildfires before they could burn the old-growth. Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects Common to .HI Alternatives to Old-Growt/i Distribution and Attributes Approximately 48 acres of field- verified old growth of the Taylor South Timber Sale Project area are planned for harvesting in Sections 20, 29, and 32, Township 32 north, Range 22 west; the EIS for this project covered the harvesting of these acres. Approximately 104 acres of old growth, both field verified and SLI identified, have been harvested in the Chicken/Werner Timber Sale Project area. No additional old growth is proposed for harvesting in the Ewing Middle Ridge or Point of Rocks timber sale projects . in total, an estimated 59 acres of old growth would be removed from the mixed-conifer covertype, 81 acres from the western white pine covertype, and 12 acres from the Douglas-fir covertype. SLI originally classified these 152 acres as having medium attribute levels. These stands would no longer meet DNRC s old- growth definition following harvesting, and, at the most, they would have low attributes. Cumulative Effects Common ofJVo-Action Alternative A and Action Alternative C to Old-Groivth Distribution and Attributes The estimated acres of old-growth on Stillwater Unit would be reduced to 8,527 acres; approximately 8.5 percent of the analysis area. The percentage of old-growth acres by covertype would change very little. Cumulative Effects of Action Alternative B to Old-Groivtit Distribution and Attributes Old-growth on Stillwater Unit would be reduced to an estimated 8,241 acres; approximately 8.2 percent of the analysis area. Recognizing that the amounts and distributions of all age classes will shift and change over time, the amount of old growth remaining is within an expected range of natural variation. The representation of the mixed-conifer old-growth area Appendix B Vegetation Analysis Page B-13 would be reduced by about 2 percent; the representation of both the western larch/Douglas-fir and subalpine fir covertypes would increase by approximately 1 percent . STAND DEVELOPMENT Direct Effects • Direct Effects of JXo- Action Alternative A to Stand Development Stand development within the project area would not be directly affected. • Direct Effects of Action Alternative B to Stand Development This alternative would directly affect stand development by taking on the role of a stand-replacing fire in Area III, and a moderately-severe fire in Area II; a vegetative mosaic would be created by removing some overstory trees and reducing fuels. The climax species of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir, which are easily killed by fire, would be removed, thereby allowing the regeneration of those species that reguire more sunlight. This alternative would likely convert approximately 138 acres of the mixed-conifer covertype to the western larch/Douglas-fir covertype (see Direct Effects to Covertypes and Age Classes) . By removing trees that are affected by insects and diseases, the vigor and health of the residual trees, adjacent stands, and future forest would all be directly affected. In stands with whitebark pine, the desired future condition is a healthy, virile stand of trees with some degree of rust resistance. The cones and seeds from these trees are beneficial to wildlife. The regeneration harvests and subseguent site preparation in Areas II and III would enhance the regeneration of the serai species. The serai species are western larch, Douglas-fir, and western white pine in the stands of lower elevation and whitebark pine in the stands of higher elevations. Broadcast burning would be a benefit for reestablishing whitebark pine in these stands. • Direct Effects of Action Alternative C to Stand Development This alternative would directly affect stand development by taking on the role of a moderately severe fire in Area II, creating a vegetative mosaic by removing some overstory trees, and reducing fuels. The climax species of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir, easily killed by fire, would be removed, thereby allowing the regeneration of those species that require more sunlight. Action Alternative C would likely convert approximately 46 acres of the mixed-conifer covertype to the western larch/Douglas-fir covertype (see Direct Effects to Covertypes and Age Classes) . By removing trees that have been affected by insects and diseases, the vigor and health of the residual trees, present adjacent stands, and future forest would all be directly affected. The regeneration harvests and subsequent site preparation in Area II would enhance the regeneration of the serai species. The serai species are western larch, Douglas-fir, and western white pine. Indirect Effects • Indirect Effects ofJVo-action Alternative A to Stand Development As stands age over time, natural forest succession and fire suppression would reduce the variability of covertypes both on the forest landscape and in the project area. Coupled with the effects of mountain pine beetles and white pine blister rust, the representation of whitebark pine would diminish over the landscape, Page B-14 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS and the benefits to wildlife would diminish as well. Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir would continue to replace the serai species until a stand-replacing fire develops some day and allows the process of succession to begin again. Hundreds of years may pass before this happens. With current fire-suppression efforts, surface fires that act as underburns would more likely occur, reducing fuels and killing some overstory trees. Less freguent, more severe fires could occur over small areas, but their effect would usually be limited to the creation of vegetative mosaics. Indirect Effects of Action Alternative B to Stand Development In Harvest Area III, logging takes on the role of a stand-replacing fire that probably would not naturally occur except at 150- to 300-year intervals. The shade- tolerant climax species (Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir) are removed, shrub competition is reduced, and some soil is exposed to allow the seeds from the more shade-intolerant species of whitebark pine, western larch, and Douglas-fir to germinate. All proposed harvest units in Area II are in the Fire Group 9 fire regime, where logging imitates more of a moderately severe fire. A fire in this regime is less intense, but still effective in removing the shade-tolerant and least fire-resistant species of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir. The resultant indirect effect on stand development across the project area is that the forest would contain a mosaic of structures to include single- storied, two-storied, and multistoried conditions. The structure changes through harvesting would emulate the type of fire regime associated with the covertype. Fire regime simulations would range from stand-replacing to mixed- severity, depending on the site preparation used and the extent that it could be employed. • Indirect Effects of Action Alternative C to Stand Development All of the proposed harvest units in Area II are in the Fire Group 9 fire regime, where logging would imitate more of a mixed-severity fire. A mixed- severity fire is less intense, but still effective in removing the shade-tolerant and least fire-resistant species of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir. The resultant indirect effect on stand development across the project area is that the forest would contain a mosaic of structures to include single- storied, two-storied, and multistoried conditions. The changes in structure through harvesting would emulate the type of fire regime associated with the habitat type. Fire regime simulations would range from stand-replacing to mixed- severity, depending on the type of site preparation used and the extent that it could be employed . Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects ofJVo-action Alternative A to Stand Development Forest succession and fire suppression would continue; whitebark pine representation would continue to diminish from the landscape . Even if a fire were allowed to burn in the higher elevations , a stand- replacing fire would not likely Appendix B Vegetation Analysis Page B-15 develop. The conditions required for this type of fire are extensive drought and a severe wind-driven crown fire. The political, social, and environmental consequences are much too great for any land manager to allow this kind of "let-burn" action to happen. This type of fire only occurs naturally, and the likelihood for this is small, even with the climatic conditions experienced in the recent past . Cumulative Effects ofJlction Jiltematiee B to Stand Development Natural stand development, past timber sales, and wildfires have created the current vegetative mosaic in this area . Future timber sale projects would likely continue to be planned with the potential to modify the distribution of stand development within stands . Seedling/sapling stands would continue to develop. Action Alternative B is an opportunity to reestablish whitebark pine seedlings on the landscape. Recent fires on higher elevation sites have also provided opportunities to reestablish whitebark pine. Ctiniulative Effects of miction Jllternatiee Cto Stand Development Natural stand development, past timber sales, and wildfires have created the current vegetative mosaic in this area. Future timber sales would likely continue to be planned with the potential to modify the distribution of stand development within stands . Seedling/sapling stands would continue to develop. Recent fires on higher elevation sites have provided opportunities to reestablish whitebark pine. Page B-16 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS INTRODUCTION ANALYSIS METHODS SEDIMENT DELIVERY Timber harvesting and related activities, such as road construction, can lead to water- quality impacts by increasing the production and delivery of fine sediment to streams. The construction of roads, skid trails, and landings can generate and transfer substantial amounts of sediment through the removal of vegetation and exposure of bare soil. In addition, removal of vegetation near stream channels reduces the sediment-filtering capacity and may reduce channel stability and the amounts of large woody material. Large woody debris, which creates natural sediment traps and energy dissipaters to reduce the velocity and erosiveness of stream flows, is a very important component of stream dynamics. WATER YIELD Timber harvesting and associated activities can affect the timing, distribution, and amount of water yield in a harvested watershed. Water yields increase proportionately to the percentage of canopy removal, because removal of live trees reduces the amount of water transpired, leaving more water available for soil saturation and runoff. Canopy removal also decreases interception of rain and snow and alters snowpack distribution and snowmelt, which lead to further water-yield increases. Higher water yields may lead to increases in peak flows and peak-flow duration, which can result in accelerated streambank erosion and sediment deposition. SEDIMENT DELIVERY Methodology for analyzing sediment delivery was completed using a sediment-source inventory. Roads and stream crossings within the project area were evaluated to determine sources of introduced sediment. In addition, in-channel sources of sediment were identified using channel-stability rating methods developed by Pfankuch and through the conversion of stability rating to reach condition by stream type developed by Rosgen (1990). These analyses were conducted in 1999 by a contracted firm and verified by a DNRC hydrologist. In addition, data was collected in 2003 to quantify sediment delivery using procedures adapted from the Washington Forest Practices Board (Callahan, 2000) . WATER YIELD The water-yield increase for the watershed in the project area was determined using the equivalent clearcut area (ECA) method as outlined in Forest Hydrology Part II (1916) . ECA is a function of total area roaded and harvested, percent of crown removal in harvesting, and amount of vegetative recovery that has occurred in harvested areas. This method equates area harvested and percent of crown removed with an equivalent amount of clearcut area. For example, if 100 acres had 60 percent crown removed, ECA would be approximately 60, or equivalent to a 60-acre clearcut. The relationship between crown removal and ECA is not a 1-to-l ratio, so the percent ECA is not always the same as the percent of canopy removal. As live trees are removed, the water they would have evaporated and transpired either saturates the soil or is translated to runoff. This method also calculates the recovery of these increases as new trees vegetate the site and move toward preharvest water use. In order to evaluate the watershed risk of potential water-yield increase effectively, a threshold of concern must be established. Acceptable risk level, resource value, and watershed sensitivity are evaluated according to Young (1989) in order to determine a threshold of concern. The watershed sensitivity is evaluated using gualitative assessments, as well as procedures outlined in Forest Hydrology Part II (1976). The stability of a stream channel is an important indicator of where a threshold of concern should be set. As water yields increase as a result of canopy removal, the amount of water flowing in a creek gradually increases. When these increases reach a certain level, the bed and banks may begin to erode. The more stable streams will be able to handle larger increases in water yield before they begin to erode, while less stable streams will experience erosion at more moderate water-yield increases . ANALYSIS AREA SEDIMENT DELIVERY The analysis area for sediment delivery is the West Fork Timber Sale project area and the proposed haul routes. The West Fork watershed is a 10, 669-acre, perennial, third-order tributary to Swift Creek and Whitefish Lake and includes Stryker Creek. The Antice/ Johnson watershed is a 7,289- acre tributary to Swift Creek. Analysis will cover stream segments within these watersheds that may be affected by the proposed project and all roads and upland sites that may contribute sediment to the West Fork or Johnson Creek. WATER YIELD The analysis area for water yield is the West Fork and Antice/ Johnson Creek watersheds. Precipitation in both watersheds range from 30 inches in the Antice/ Johnson watershed in the lower elevations to 80 inches at the ridgetops . In addition, the water yield of the entire Swift Creek watershed will be analyzed to determine the effects of the proposed project on the receiving waters . EXISTING CONDITIONS REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Montana Surface Water-Quality Standards According to ARM 17.30.608 (1) (c) , the Whitefish Lake drainage, including Swift Creek, is classified as A-l. Among other criteria for A- 1 waters, no increases are allowed above naturally occurring levels of sediment or turbidity. "Naturally occurring, " as defined by ARM 17.30.602 (17), includes conditions or materials present during runoff from developed land where all reasonable land, soil, and water conservation practices (commonly called BMPs) have been applied. Reasonable practices include methods, measures, or practices that protect present and reasonably anticipated beneficial uses. These practices include, but are not limited to, structural and nonstructural controls and operation and maintenance procedures. Appropriate practices may be applied before, during, or after completion of potentially impactive activities. Designated beneficial water uses within the project area include cold-water fisheries and recreational use in the streams, wetlands, lake, and surrounding area. Page C-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS Water-Quality-Limited Waterbodies Swift Creek and the West Fork of Swift Creek are currently listed as a water-quality-limited waterbodies in the 1996 and 2004 303(d) list. The 303 (d) list is compiled by DEQ as required by Section 303 (d) of the Federal Clean Water Act and the Environmental Protection Aqency (EPA) Water Quality Planninq and Manaqement Requlations (40 CFR, Part 130) . Under these laws, DEQ is required to identify waterbodies that do not fully meet water-quality standards, or where beneficial uses are threatened or impaired. These waterbodies are then characterized as "water-quality limited" and thus tarqeted for TMDL development. The TMDL process is used to determine the total allowable amount of particulates in a waterbody of the watershed. Each contributinq source is allocated a portion of the allowable limit. These allocations are desiqned to achieve water- quality standards. The Montana Water Quality Act (MCA 75-5-701-705) also directs the DEQ to assess the quality of State waters, ensure that sufficient and credible data exists to support a 303 (d) listinq, and develop TMDL for those waters identified as threatened or impaired. Under the Montana TMDL Law, new or expanded nonpoint-source activities affectinq a listed waterbody may commence and continue provided they are conducted in accordance with all reasonable land, soil, and water conservation practices and BMPs. TMDLs have not been completed for the Swift Creek or West Fork drainaqes. DNRC will comply with the Law and interim quidance developed by DEQ throuqh implementation of all reasonable soil and water conservation practices, includinq BMPs and Forest Manaqement Rules. The current listed causes of impairment in Swift Creek are bank erosion, other habitat alterations, and nutrients. The probable source for Swift Creek is listed as silviculture. Current listed causes of impairment in the West Fork are flow alteration, other habitat alteration, and siltation. The probable sources for the West Fork are listed as silviculture, hiqhway maintenance, and runoff. Montana SMZ Law By the definition in ARM 36.11.312 (3), the majority of the West Fork and Johnson Creek watersheds are Class 1 streams. Johnson Creek, the West Fork, and many of their tributaries have flow for more than 6 months each year. Many of these stream reaches also support fish. Some of the smaller first-order tributaries may be classified as Class 2 or 3 based on site-specific conditions . SEDIMENT DELIVERY Accordinq to field reconnaissance in the summers of 1999, 2000, and 2003, stream channels in the West Fork watershed are primarily in qood to fair condition. Six reaches were rated in poor condition. These 6 reaches represent approximately 7 percent of the identified reaches in the West Fork, and approximately 16 percent of the total lenqth of streams in the watershed. The primary reason for poor reach ratinqs is movement of channel-bed material. Most reaches were rated as B3 and B4 channels by a classification system developed by Rosgen (1990). Channel types rated as "B" are typically in the 2- to 4- percent qradient ranqe and have a moderate deqree of meander (sinuosity) . Channel-bed materials in B3 and B4 types are mainly cobble and qravel. Given the cobble and qravel beds, and the qradient of these stream types, bed materials commonly move. Gravel bars have formed on point bars in these reaches. No areas of down-cut channels were identified durinq field reconnaissance. Larqe woody debris was found in adequate supply to allow proper hydroloqic function. Appendix C Watershed and Hydrology Analysis Page C-3 For further analysis of large woody debris, see APPENDIX E -FISHERIES ANALYSIS. Little evidence of past streamside harvesting was found, and, where past logging had taken place in the riparian area, the streams did not appear to be deficient in existing or potential downed woody material. The existing road system leading to and in the proposed project area was reviewed for potential sources of sediment. The road system in the West Fork watershed is contributing an estimated 25.5 tons per year of sediment to streams. Roads proposed for hauling in the project area in the Johnson Creek watershed are contributing an estimated 5.2 tons of sediment per year to streams. These sediment-delivery values are estimates based on procedures outlined above and are not measured values . Estimated sediment delivery occurs primarily at stream crossings and comes from a variety of sources. In the upper reaches of the West Fork in Stryker Basin, 3 existing crossings are constructed of wood and earth that are in various stages of decay; another structure is located on an unnamed tributary of the West Fork. Combined, these structures are contributing an estimated 2.8 tons of sediment per year. In addition, each site is at high risk for failure due to decaying wood. In total, these 3 structures are comprised of approximately 760 tons of sediment, most of which, upon failure, would be delivered to the West Fork and Stryker Creek. Other sources of sediment delivery found during the inventory were a result of sites needing erosion-control devices installed on old roads that had been used before the adoption of forest management BMPs. Much of the existing road system in the proposed project area meets applicable BMPs. Past project work has installed surface drainage on the road systems in Stryker and Herrig basins, as well as on the major routes in the West Fork watershed . WATER YIELD The allowable water-yield increase for the West Fork watershed has been set at 10 percent based on channel- stability evaluations, watershed sensitivity, and acceptable risk. This water-yield increase would be reached when the ECA level in the West Fork reaches the allowable level of 2,667. Timber harvesting and associated road construction activities have taken place in the West Fork watershed since the 1930s. These activities, combined with vegetative recovery, have led to an estimated 3.4 percent water-yield increase over an unharvested condition in the West Fork watershed. Currently, the water yield increases in the Antice/ Johnson and Swift Creek watersheds are 3.5 percent and 3.4 percent, respectively. table C-l - CURRENT WATER-YIELD AND ECA INCREASES BY WATERSHED summarizes the existing conditions for water yield in the 3 watersheds. TABLE C-l CURRENT WATER-YIELD AND ECA INCREASES BY WATERSHED WEST FORK ANTICE /JOHNSON SWIFT CREEK Percent WYI 3. 4 3.5 3.4 Allowable WYI 10 10 10 Existing ECA 876 641 4, 833 Allowable ECA 2, 667 1, 822 12,362 Remaining ECA 1, 791 1,181 7,529 Page C-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS SEDIMENT DELIVERY Direct and Indirect Effects • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-vIction mllternative ml to Sediment Delivery No-Action Alternative A would have no direct effects to sediment delivery beyond those currently occurring. Existing sources of sediment, both in-channel and out of channel, would continue to recover or degrade based on natural or preexisting conditions. The indirect effects would be an increased risk of sediment delivery to streams from crossings that do not meet applicable BMPs. These sites would continue to pose a risk of sediment delivery to streams until other funding became available to repair them. • Direct and Indirect Effects Common to Doth miction Alternatives Each of the proposed action alternatives would replace the wooden West Fork bridge on Stryker Basin Road. Each of the action alternatives would also remove and rehabilitate 3 log and earth-fill crossings in the upper reaches of Stryker Basin. Replacement of the existing bridge over the West Fork would involve removal of log-crib walls and the fill material that they are currently retaining. The existing structure is beginning to decay and, over time, would become an increasing risk of failure due to decay in the wood. A potential failure of the wood cribbing could allow several tons of sediment to enter the stream. The proposed new bridge would be designed to allow the stream to flow freely with no constriction of the bank-full channel. This would reduce the potential for bank erosion and channel down-cutting that may occur with vertical bridge abutments. The new crossing would also divert overland flow from the road surface away from the crossing site in both directions. This would lead to a decrease in delivery of approximately 0.11 tons of sediment per year at this site . Removal and rehabilitation of the 3 log/earth crossings in upper Stryker Basin would remove potential sources of sediment, as well as reduce current sediment delivery by approximately 2.22 tons per year for all 3 sites. As stated above, these 3 sites contain an estimated 750 tons of fill material. Removal and disposal of this material outside of the SMZ would remove the risk of this material being delivered to the West Fork and Swift Creek. Direct and Indirect Effects of .let ion Jllternative B to Sediment Delivery Several stream crossings would be replaced in the West Fork and Johnson Creek watersheds and along the proposed haul route. Erosion control and BMPs would be improved on approximately 31 miles of existing road. This work would decrease the estimated sediment load to the West Fork by approximately 4.2 tons of sediment per year, and reduce the estimated sediment load to Johnson Creek by approximately 2.7 tons per year. See TABLE C-2 - SEDIMENT-DELIVERY ESTIMATES IN THE WEST FORK for a TABLE C-2 - SEDIMENT-DELIVERY ESTIMATES IN THE WEST FORK West Fork Johnson Creek Alternative Alternative A B C A B C Postpro ject delivery (tons per year) 25.5 21 .3 22 . 9 5.2 2.5 5.2 Reduction (tons per year) 4 .2 2. 6 2. 7 Reduction percent 16% 10% 52% Appendix C Watershed and Hydrology Analysis Page C-5 summary of sediment-delivery estimates . Crossings proposed for replacement do not currently meet all applicable BMPs and require a new culvert or bridge in order to meet applicable standards. The replacement of existing stream crossings would contribute sediment directly to the West Fork. This sediment would be minimized through the application of standard erosion-control measures. The sediment delivery anticipated from this project would be short term and comply with all applicable permits and State water-quality laws. In addition, several sites would have additional erosion-control measures added to lower the risk of sediment delivery to a stream or draw. In some cases, the addition of erosion-control measures may increase the risk of sediment delivery in the short term by creating bare soil. However, as these sites revegetate, the long-term risk of sedimentation to a stream would be reduced to levels lower than the existing condition. This alternative would also construct approximately 1.0 mile of new road to access proposed Harvest Area I, approximately 2.1 miles of temporary road in proposed Harvest Areas II-C, and 0.3 mile of new road to Harvest Area III-J. Reclamation of the temporary roads would occur immediately following completion of activities in the proposed harvest areas. The reclaimed road would present an increased risk of sediment delivery until bare soil revegetated. Action Alternative B would have a very low risk of sediment delivery to streams as a result of the proposed timber-harvesting activities. Some harvesting activities may occur within designated SMZs. This harvesting activity would follow all requirements of the SMZ Law and have a low risk of affecting recruitment of large woody material to the West Fork, Johnson Creek, or their tributaries. The SMZ law, rules, and all applicable BMPs would be applied to all harvesting activities, which would minimize the risk of sediment delivery to draws and streams. • Direct and Indirect Effects of. Jetton Alternative Cto Sediment Delivery Several stream crossings would be replaced in the West Fork watershed and along the proposed haul route, and erosion control and BMPs would be improved on approximately 25 miles of existing road. This work would decrease the estimated sediment load to the West Fork by approximately 2 . 6 tons of sediment per year. Crossings proposed for replacement do not currently meet all applicable BMPs; to meet applicable standards, a new culvert or bridge is required. The replacement of existing stream crossings would contribute sediment directly to the West Fork. This sediment would be minimized through application of standard erosion-control measures. The sediment delivery anticipated from this project would be short term and comply with all applicable permits and State water-quality laws. Also, additional erosion control would be added to several sites to lower the risk of sediment delivery to a stream or draw. In some cases, the addition of erosion-control measures may increase the risk of sediment delivery in the short term by creating bare soil. However, as these sites revegetate, the long-term risk of sedimentation to a stream would be reduced to levels lower than the existing condition. This alternative would also construct approximately 1.0 mile Page C-6 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS of new road to access proposed Harvest Area I and approximately 2.1 miles of temporary road in Harvest Area II-C of the proposed project area. Reclamation of the temporary road would occur immediately following completion of activities in the proposed harvest areas. The reclaimed road would present an increased risk of sediment delivery until bare soil revegetated. Action Alternative C would have a very low risk of sediment delivery to streams as a result of proposed timber-harvesting activities. Some harvesting activities may occur within designated SMZs; these harvesting activities would follow all reguirements of the SMZ Law, and would have a low risk of affecting recruitment of large woody material to the West Fork, Johnson Creek, or their tributaries. The SMZ law, rules, and all applicable BMPs would be applied to all harvesting activities, which would minimize the risk of sediment delivery to draws and streams. (See TABLE C-2 - SEDIMENT-DELIVERY ESTIMATES IN THE WEST FORK for a summary of sediment-delivery estimates.) Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects ofJXo-Jlction Alternative A to Sediment Delivery The cumulative effects of sediment delivery would be very similar to those described in the existing conditions portion of this analysis. All existing sources of sediment would continue to recover or degrade as dictated by natural and preexisting conditions until a source of funding became available to repair them. Sediment loads would remain at or near present levels . • Cumulative Effects of Action Alternative B to Sediment Delivery Cumulative effects to sediment delivery would be primarily related to roadwork, stream- crossing replacements, and rehabilitations. The sediment generated from the replacement of existing culverts would increase the total sediment load in the West Fork for the duration of activity. These increases would not exceed any State water-guality laws and would follow all applicable recommendations given in 124 and 318 permit applications. In the long term, the cumulative effects to sediment delivery would be a reduction from approximately 25.5 tons of sediment per year to 21.3 tons of sediment per year in the West Fork, and a reduction from approximately 5.2 tons per year to 2.5 tons per year in Johnson Creek. A summary of sediment- delivery estimates is found in TABLE C-2 - SEDIMENT-DELIVERY ESTIMATES IN THE WEST FORK. As the sites stabilize and revegetate, sediment levels resulting from culvert replacements would decrease further from projected levels as work sites, and closed and reclaimed roads revegetate and stabilize. Over the long term, cumulative sediment loads would be reduced due to better designed crossings. Improved design would reduce the risk of structure failure, which would reduce the risk of sediment delivery to Swift Creek and other downstream waters. The installation and improvement of erosion-control and surface- drainage features on existing roads would also affect the cumulative sediment delivery to the West Fork and Johnson Creek, as described above. In the short term, the installation and improvement of surface-drainage features would expose bare soil. This would increase the risk of sediment delivery to the streams in and around the proposed project area. The application of all applicable BMPs during this work would make increased sediment Appendix C Watershed and Hydrology Analysis Page C-7 loads unlikely. Over the long term, with the installation of more effective surface-drainage and erosion-control features on the existing road system, cumulative sediment delivery to the West Fork and Johnson Creek is projected to be lower than existing conditions. Harvesting trees within an SMZ would have a low risk of adverse cumulative effects to downed woody material in the West Fork watershed. The tree-retention requirements of the SMZ Law and the application of Forest Management Rules would ensure a future supply of woody material to the creeks . None of the cumulative impacts described above are expected to adversely affect downstream beneficial uses. All activities would comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Cumulative Effects of miction Jllternatiee Cfo Sediment Delivery Cumulative effects to sediment delivery would be primarily related to roadwork and stream- crossing replacements. The sediment generated from replacing existing culverts would increase the total sediment load in the West Fork for the duration of the activity. These increases would not exceed any State water-guality laws, and would follow all applicable recommendations given in the 124 and 318 permit applications. In the long term, the cumulative effects to sediment delivery would be a reduction from approximately 25.5 tons of sediment per year to approximately 22 . 9 tons of sediment per year in the West Fork. TABLE C-2 - SEDIMENT-DELIVERY ESTIMATES IN THE WEST FORK summarizes sediment- delivery estimates. As the sites stabilize and revegetate, sediment levels resulting from culvert replacements would decrease further from projected levels as work sites and closed and reclaimed roads revegetate and stabilize. Over the long term, cumulative sediment loads would be reduced due to a better crossing design. Improved design would reduce the risk of structure failure, which would reduce the risk of sediment delivery to Swift Creek and other downstream waters. The installation and improvement of erosion-control and surface- drainage features on existing roads would also affect the cumulative sediment delivery to the West Fork as described above. In the short term, the installation and improvement of surface drainage features would expose bare soil, which would increase the risk of sediment delivery to the streams in and around the proposed project area. The application of all applicable BMPs during this work would make increased sediment loads unlikely. Over the long term, with the installation of more effective surface drainage and erosion control features on the existing road system, cumulative sediment delivery to the West Fork is projected to be lower than existing conditions. Harvesting trees within an SMZ would have a low risk of adverse cumulative effects to downed woody material in the West Fork or its tributaries. The tree-retention requirements of the SMZ Law would ensure a future supply of woody material to the creeks. None of the cumulative impacts described above are expected to adversely affect downstream beneficial uses. All activities would comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Page C- West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS WATER YIELD Direct and Indirect Effects • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJWo-Jlction •Alternative Jl to Water Yield This alternative would have no direct or indirect effects on water yield. Water quantity would not be changed from present levels . • Direct and Indirect Effects of miction •Alternative B to Waaler Yield The annual water yield in the West Fork watershed would increase by an estimated 2 . 6 percent over the current level, Antice/Johnson watershed would increase by 0.4 percent, and the entire Swift Creek watershed would increase by 0.8 percent. These levels of water-yield increases would not be sufficient to create unstable channels . • Direct and Indirect Effects of miction •Alternative Cto Water Yield The annual water yield in the West Fork watershed would increase by an estimated 1.7 percent over the current level, Antice/Johnson watershed would increase by 0.2 percent, and the entire Swift Creek watershed would increase by 0.5 percent. These levels of water-yield increases would not be sufficient to create unstable channels . CUMULATIVE EFFECTS • Cumulative Effects ofJXo-,Aetion •Alternative •A to Water Yield This alternative would have no cumulative effects on water yield. Existing timber harvest units would continue to revegetate and move closer to premanagement levels of water use and snowpack distribution . • Cumulative Effects of •Action •Alternative B to Water Yield The removal of trees proposed in Action Alternative B would increase the water yield in the West Fork watershed from its current level of approximately 3.4 percent over unharvested to an estimated 6.0 percent. This water-yield increase and its associated ECA level includes the impacts of all past-management activity, existing and proposed roads, proposed timber harvesting, and vegetative hydrologic recovery in the West Fork watershed. The water-yield increase expected from Action Alternative B leaves the watershed well below the established threshold of concern. No impacts to water quality are expected as a result of this alternative. A summary of the anticipated water-yield impacts of Action Alternative B to the West Fork, Antice/Johnson watershed, and the entire Swift Creek drainage is found in TABLE C-3 - WATER YIELD AND ECA INCREASES IN THE WEST FORK; TABLE C-4 - WATER YIELD AND ECA INCREASES IN ANTICE/JOHNSON WATERSHED; and TABLE C-5 - WATER YIELD AND ECA INCREASES IN THE SWIFT CREEK WATERSHED (INCLUDING WEST FORK AND ANTICE/JOHNSON) . • Cumulative Effects of •Action •Alternative C to Water Yield The removal of trees would increase the water yield in the West Fork watershed from its current level of approximately 3.4 percent over unharvested to an estimated 5.1 percent. This water-yield increase and its associated ECA level includes the impacts of all past management activity, existing and proposed roads, proposed timber harvesting, and vegetative hydrologic recovery in the West Fork watershed. The water-yield increase expected from Action Alternative C leaves the watershed well below the established threshold of concern. No impacts to water quality are expected as a result of this alternative. A summary of the anticipated water-yield impacts of Action Alternative C to the West Appendix C Watershed and Hydrology Analysis Page C- Fork, Ant ice/ Johnson watershed, and the entire Swift Creek drainage is found in TABLE C-3 - WATER-YIELD AND ECA INCREASES IN THE WEST FORK; TABLE C~4 - WATER- YIELD AND ECA INCREASES IN ANTICE/ JOHNSON WATERSHED; and TABLE C-5 - WATER-YIELD AND ECA INCREASES IN THE SWIFT CREEK WATERSHED (INCLUDING WEST FORK AND ANTICE/ JOHNSON) . TABLE C-3 - WATER-YIELD AND ECA INCREASES IN THE WEST FORK ALTERNATIVE A B C Allowable WYI (percent) 10 10 10 Percent of WYI 3.4 6.0 5.1 Acres harvested 1, 180 883 Miles of new road 1.0 0.7 ECA generated 1, 114 822 Total ECA 876 1, 992 1, 700 Remaining ECA 1, 791 675 967 Allowable ECA 2, 667 2, 667 2, 667 West Fork Project Area Watersheds Page C-10 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE C-4 - WATER-YIELD AND ECA INCREASES IN THE ANTICE/ JOHNSON WATERSHED ALTERNATIVE A B C Allowable WYI (percent ) 10 10 10 Percent WYI 3.5 3. 9 3. 7 Acres harvested 94 60 Miles of new road ECA generated 91 57 Total ECA 641 732 698 Remaining ECA 1, 181 1, 090 1, 124 Allowable ECA 1, 822 1, 822 1, 822 TABLE C-5 - WATER-YIELD AND ECA INCREASES IN THE SWIFT CREEK WATERSHED (INCLUDING THE WEST FORK AND ANTICE/ JOHNSON) Allowable WYI (percent) Percent WYI Acres harvested Miles of new road ECA generated Total ECA Remaining ECA Allowable ECA ALTERNATIVE B 10 10 3.4 4 .: 1, 275 1.0 1, 204 4,833 6,040 7, 529 6, 322 12,362 12,362 10 3. 943 0.7 879 5, 714 6, 648 12, 362 Swift Creek.yVatershed Appendix C - Watershed and Hydrology Analysis Page C-ll >§0$0$C APPENDIX D SOILS ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The Swift Creek watershed is a valley formed by glaciers and river processes. The dominant soil types found in the project area are deep glacial tills derived from argillite, siltite, and limestone from the Belt Supergroup. Upper slopes and ridges are weathered bedrock scoured by glaciers. ANALYSIS METHODS Soil productivity will be analyzed through aerial photo interpretation of past harvesting activities, field verification of aerial photo interpretation, and by evaluating the current levels of soil disturbance in the proposed project area. Analysis criteria will also include soil stability risk factors . ANALYSIS AREA The analysis area for evaluating soil productivity will include State-owned land within the West Fork Timber Sale Project area. The proposed project area is within both the West Fork and Antice/ Johnson watersheds . EXISTING CONDITION In the West Fork watershed, DNRC has conducted timber harvesting since the 1940s. Since timber sale records dating back to the 1960s, 3,291 acres of State land have been harvested (approximately 775 acres are within within the proposed project area), using a combination of ground-based and cable-yarding harvest methods. Ground-based yarding can affect soil productivity through displacement and compaction of productive surface layers of soil, mainly on heavily used trails. Field review and aerial photos of the proposed project area show that approximately 775 acres of the proposed project area has been harvested in the past. Based on a review of 1964 aerial photos, 10 to 15 percent of the previously harvested areas contained skid trails. Field reconnaissance shows that many of the existing trails from past management are well vegetated and past impacts are ameliorating from frost and vegetation. No erosion was observed on existing trails. The erosion-control status of the existing road system is addressed in the watershed analysis of this document . Soil types in the project area vary from nearly level wetland types along the West Fork to steep valley sideslopes on ridges. The Flathead National Forest Soil Survey identified one area of soils at high risk for mass movements in the project area. This soil type is landtype 74 and is found in the northern portion of the proposed project area. No unique geology is known to exist and no slope failures were identified in the proposed project area during reconnaissance. A list of soil types found in the West Fork Timber Sale Project area and their associated management implications are found in TABLE D-1SUMMARY OF DIRECT EFFECTS OF ALTERNATIVES ON SOILS WITH SUMMER HARVESTING. ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJXo-Jlction Jllternative Jl on Soils Soil productivity would not be directly or indirectly affected. No ground-based activity would take place, which would leave the soil in the project area unchanged from the description in the EXISTING CONDITION portion of this analysis . • Direct and Indirect Effects of miction Alternative B on Soils This alternative would have direct impacts on approximately 158 acres. Direct impacts would include compaction and displacement resulting from use of ground-based eguipment to skid logs on approximately 937 acres, and use of cable-yarding eguipment on approximately 333 acres. Ground-based site preparation and road construction would also generate direct impacts to the soil resource. TABLE D-1SUMMARY OF DIRECT EFFECTS OF ALTERNATIVES ON SOILS WITH SUMMER HARVESTING summarizes the expected impacts to the soil resource as a result of Action Alternative B. These activities would leave up to 12 percent of the proposed harvest units in an impacted condition. DNRC expects to maintain long-term soil productivity based on the implementation of mitigation measures to control the area and degree of detrimental soil impacts to less than 15 percent of the proposed harvest area. This range of soil effects is achievable based on past monitoring. A combination of skidding mitigation measures would include : - restricting the season of use, - utilizing a minimum skid-trail spacing, - installing erosion control where needed, - restricting ground skidding to slopes of less than 45 percent, and - following all applicable BMPs. DNRC would require that proportions of snags, coarse woody debris, and fine litter for nutrient cycling and wildlife needs be retained. DNRC's goals for coarse-woody- debris levels are based on research by Graham et al 1994. Direct and Indirect Effects of miction Alternative C on Soils Approximately 131 acres would be directly impacted. Direct impacts would include compaction and TABLE D-l - SUMMARY OF DIRECT EFFECTS OF ALTERNATIVES ON SOILS WITH SUMMER HARVESTING DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETER NO-ACTION ALTERNATIVE A ACTION ALTERNATIVE B ACTION ALTERNATIVE C Acres of harvest 1, 270 938 Acres of tractor yarding 937 866 Acres of skid trails and landings 1 188 173 Acres of cable yarding 333 72 Acres of yarding corridors' 33 7 Acres of moderate impacts" 158 131 Percent of harvest area with impacts 0% 12.4% 14.0% 1 20 percent of ground based area 2 5 to 10 percent of cable yarding units 3 15 percent of ground-based skid trails and 50 percent of cable corridors Page D-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS displacement resulting from use of ground-based eguipment to skid logs on approximately 866 acres and cable-yarding eguipment on approximately 72 acres. Ground- based site preparation and road construction would also generate direct impacts to the soil resource. TABLE D-1SUMMARY OF DIRECT EFFECTS OF ALTERNATIVES ON SOILS WITH SUMMER HARVESTING summarizes the expected impacts to the soil resource as a result of Action Alternative C. These activities would leave up to 14 percent of the proposed harvest units in an impacted condition. DNRC expects to maintain long-term soil productivity based on the implementation of mitigation measures to control the area and degree of detrimental soil impacts to less than 15 percent of the proposed harvest area. The range of soils effects is achievable based on past monitoring. A combination of skidding mitigation measures would include: - restricting the season-of-use, - utilizing a minimum skid-trail spacing, installing erosion control where needed, - restricting ground skidding to slopes of less than 45 percent, and following all applicable BMPs. DNRC would require that proportions of snags, coarse woody debris, and fine litter for nutrient cycling and wildlife needs be retained. DNRC's goals for coarse-woody- debris levels are based on research by Graham et al 1994. CUMULATIVE EFFECTS • Cumulative Effects oJ'J\o-.lclion ^llternatice «// to Soils This alternative would have no cumulative impacts on soil productivity. No soil would be disturbed and no past harvest units would be reentered. Cumulative effects of this alternative would be similar to those described under the EXISTING CONDITION portion of this analysis . Cumulative Effects Common to Jlclion .liter natives B and Cto Soils Both action alternatives would enter several stands where previous timber management has occurred. Cumulative effects to soils may occur from repeated entries into a forest stand where additional ground is impacted by equipment operations. DNRC would maintain long-term soil productivity and minimize adverse cumulative effects by implementing any or all of the following mitigations specific to harvest units: - If properly located and spaced, existing skid trails from past harvesting activities would be used. - Additional skid trails would be used only where existing trails are unacceptable. - The potential direct and indirect effects would be mitigated with soil moisture restrictions, season of operation, limiting ground skidding to slopes of less than 45 percent, and use of equipment suited to slopes and soil types. - A portion of coarse woody debris and fine litter would be retained for nutrient cycling. In previously unharvested stands, cumulative effects to soil productivity from multiple entries would be the same as those listed in the direct and indirect effects sections . Appendix D - Soils Analysis Page D-3 West Fork Soil Types Page D-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS m >1 E to i ^H •H IB .* M en .. O 4-1 o >i O 4-1 o O 4-1 4-1 a co 3 1) CO -H •H M X) CO a XI ^ M CO a XI < CO a X D Oi CO 3 CO o\° ■0 5* 0) 4-1 1) ■H id .H > ^ £5 1) ■H IB H ! ■H CJ ■-H CO CO a > ■H CO a D c 1) a X W IB X! a 4-1 4-1 ft ft a^ 1) o 73 n 4-1 +J ft ft XI i-\ X a CO i (B CO a a tn H a id id xi CO O O • o a en i-H a id o a ft 4-1 i O en ■H -H ■H g O X) xi V 4-1 CO CO XJ xi ^ 4-1 CO xi a i-H ft 10 XI i-H 3 CO u a » ft a a o\° IB xi ft a a # id ft a il co a a 0) Q) CO ft IB 1) (1) IB Xi in > C id 3 1) IB XI iri > c 1) nj > id ■H >i a x) xs CO H (1) 00 iC M -U -H tn A en ai .a >i 4-1 ft a; 11 Xi Id € a, -h a, >! 4-1 ft 1) il' 1 >1 4-1 ft xi a XI 10 CO a a In co H 10 > 4-1 D -a (U a A! rH id > +J rH id a 4-i •H CO C ■H •H id 0) 3 H ^ CO o CO h Kin (U 3 .H O ^ CO (U 3 i-H id 1 CO 0) IB X • X • +J H 4-1 CO a id id (0 o <0 ^> ■a « #ii t. 4-1 CO a id 4-1 CO >i 4J e X! JS U CO CO ■H ^1 IB CO IB il) CO (U u m O id D 00 ii o id D XI id a tj .£ J; 4-1 XI a 4-1 M o x: D 4-1 XI M o X 1) 1) .-H i-H • ^ > -ri a > ib a 0) a 4-1 ft 4-1 id 3 U| «*-! W »1 XI Xi 3 O id o XI X5 a X +J ■H O CO IB M a u x a X! a M CO CO CO Xi D xi Q & X) 2 a m CO CO X 2 a CO o EROSION (BARE SURFACE) u 1) (U i 0) CO +J 1 3 0) 4-1 IB a 1) xi o S 1) 4-1 id a 1) Xi s J3 ■H 1) 4-1 id (1) CO en c ■H M (0 0) X! M O Xi +J tn C D H 4-> CO u 4-1 IB a (1) Xi o a a >; u U CO J; en xi ■H a 1) IB a D Ti e 3 ai 3 ai 3 H U J S H 2 O H +j u o XI * n X) -P IB Xl s 0) a 4-1 IB si 3 (1) > •H CO CO 0) CJ X I.' D 4-1 IB U 1) H H il' 1 3 xi 1; a ■H nj a xi xi u a ■H id a xi i-H i-H 1) xi u a ■H id a xi a CO ft e CO Xi O S 4-1 s s 2 o H EH Pi H ei u CO u a i-H 10 ■H > 3 i-H i-H <; CO i-H ■H O CO >i +J H -H CO a) a -H a -M CO 3 U Hi .-H CO ft .-H CO u 3 cr a ■H u CO a ■H CO IB X! o o CM CO CD ft O CO O O a; CO ft O a u 4-1 a 3 i-H H IB Xi CO glacial till, 40- 60% slopes xi 1) 4-1 id •H CJ id i-H C5 a ■H id +J a 3 O e I o CM CO ili ft O ■H CO CO il; ft O .-H CO cA» o XI 1) 4-1 id •H u id i-H C5 a ■H id 4-1 a 3 O e o CO il' 1 ft o .-H CO CO 1) ft .-1 CO o\° O CD n E" 1 3 H B CM 1 O i-H CO 1 00 1 CM CT! 1 ^H CM oo 1 CO CM 1 oo CM Appendix D - Soils Analysis Page D-5 rH rH CD i .^ ■H 1 -~ ■H to co M 0) 4-1 O 0) 4-> cB 1 co ft c CO CO G co CO 4J 4-1 H 4J CD • > ■H ■H ft ■H -H ft G G CD CH rH CO O tu O tu O O CB IB > >1 Ti rH E H E H 4-1 M 4-1 U IB CO CO CD 4-1 ■H -H CO >i O CO • CO • O • O .^ 4J ft rH >H >i rH CO ft rH C H C rH ft H ft rH -rH O ■H M n • ■H ■H I.' ■H -H i rH G (B U 4-1 O rd U 4J O -H O -H O -H CO H > > IB M CO M w CO E P c CO E 3 CO CO co J CD MO p w ; 4-1 IB 4-1 tB CO CO CH CO CO O G -Q eh M CO 4-1 (1) Sh CO 4J 0) -H CD -H CD 4J ■H ■H Ti M O o > ■H M > ■H SH > > > • 3 O \ 4J 2 ■H rH O O ■H H O O ■H X! ■H X! ■H 01 14 O .G JS E >i tn CO 4-1 ■H £ ft 4-> -H E ft 4J 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 CO CD rH 4J 4-1 rH G IB U E O O E O ft O ft OPT ft ft Ti rH -H O 3 CO iH ■H 3 co rH ■ri P U IB Xi CO O Ti O CO O O o o .y o\° ■H G G IB IB O U 1) CO •H M CD CO ■H S4 rH M rH H CO LO O rH IB rH IB 3 U >i M ft M a Sh ft -H ft -H ft G ^ CO -H 4-1 ■H 4-1 O Di X! 3 .* Xi P .* Xi O O M O H O M rH ft ■P u 4-1 On 4-1 u 4J ft CO ft co ft co O c ft co O CO O rH >1 rH ^ X 0) ft X CD ft 0) ft CD ft CD rB IB IB CD ft ft ft ft IB Sh A A" u Ti Q H Q H a co 4J -P Q H ■H H ■H m > o -=f EROSION (BARE SURFACE) 0) CD -p 4-1 4-1 St? x) C 4-1 4-1 (0 S-l X) IB M Xi 3 IB U CD X) IB ^4 XI 3 O IB M Ti O O O a a a a a a En 2 U § 1 4-1 IB U XI O a >i >i 2 i 4J 4-1 ^3 X) XI T X) XI ^4 -G H P « X) ■H Bl IB P u u o u e> [^ M T CO w En 2 s ch TOPSOIL ISPLACEME AND COMPACTIO 0) +J CD 4-1 0) -H 4J CD -^ X 2 & 1 CD 2 » 4-1 4-1 (0 CB IB 3 O o ^J 1 1 rH O IB CM ■H O - cd H rH H U -H 4-1 CO 01 ft rH CO t*° O Glacial moraines , 0-20% slopes Glacial moraines , 20-40% slopes Glacial moraines , 40-60% CO CD Q, O ^1 CO T rH G IB IB ■H O co IB 0) rH E U IB T kettles , 10-20% slopes rH IB ■H u IB rH u moraines , 0-20% slopes Residual soils , 20- 40% slopes * H CO 1 ft; CD CM 1 ft; CD CM 1 O CD CM CO 1 O CO CM CFt 1 o CD CM 1 CM 1 CO CM 00 1 [~^ CO Page D-6 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS w w EH o 2 Very shallow soils with excessively steep sideslopes. Cutslopes are difficult to reveget ate . Steep slopes, rocky soils with common rock outcrops. Cable logging recommended for slopes over 45%. Lop and scatter or excavator pile slash . 0) H X! rd O 0) P ■H P tr 0) p CO 0) ft • c ^H O CO -H P ft rd 0) P 0) 0) p ft OT EROSION (BARE SURFACE) 3 eP si tn ■H X si tn •H En 2 g| 3 ffi 3 w 01 H p ft >l p 0) > P ■H rd c ■H - p P -H ■H p cd 0) fcl ft e TOPSOIL DISPLACEMENT AND COMPACTION 3 eP 1 5 cd ° +J c 01 e Xi 01 tn O ■H rd ffi H ft CO ■H X) W 2 O « H s H ft 0) 0) -p CO >l M Pi ft 0) 0) p CO >. M PC Moderate to severe ( steep) H u H 2 O H a -3 * p T3 T5 * H « id ■* P T5 Fair to good, droughty on south slopes 2 o H En Pi H ei u to u a Glacial cirque wall, 60- 90% s lopes Glacial t rough wall, 60- 90% Stream breaklands , slopes over 60% » H CO Appendix D - Soils Analysis Page D-7 APPENDIX E FISHERIES ANALYSIS ISSUE The purpose of this analysis is to assess potential impacts to cold- water fisheries within the West Fork Timber Sale Project area as a result of any one of the project alternatives . INTRODUCTION The West Fork Timber Sale Project area includes State trust lands within Sections 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34, T34N, R23W, and Section 13, T34N, R24W, which lie entirely within the Swift Creek drainage {5 th code HUC 17010210050) . Up to 1,270 acres of total harvest area is proposed within the project area . The project area includes the watersheds of 2 major tributaries of Swift Creek: West Fork of Swift Creek (West Fork) and East Fork of Swift Creek (East Fork) . Additionally, 2 specific subbasins of the West Fork will be included in the analysis; from north to south, Stryker Creek and Johnson Creek. The downstream, main-stem reach of Swift Creek between Section 3, T33N, R23W, and Whitefish Lake is not within the project area and will not be included in this analysis. None of the project alternatives are expected to have any direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts with respect to downstream fisheries in the main-stem reach of Swift Creek. The West Fork is identified on the Montana 303 (d) list as an impaired stream, and a TMDL is scheduled for development in 2011. The portion of the West Fork within the project area has been identified as "not supporting" of cold-water fisheries and other aguatic life according to the 2002 and Draft 2004 303(d) lists developed by the DEQ. Probable causes of this listing include flow alteration, other habitat alterations, and siltation; the probable sources include silviculture, highway maintenance, and runoff. The East Fork is identified on the Montana 303(d) list, but is not scheduled for TMDL development as an impaired stream. The portion of the East Fork within the project area has been identified as "partially supporting" cold-water fisheries and other aguatic life according to the 2002 and draft 2004 303(d) lists developed by DEQ. Probable causes of this listing include flow alteration and other habitat alterations; the probable sources include silviculture, habitat modification (other than hydromodif ication) , and modif ication/destablilization of banks or shoreline. The Swift Creek drainage, including the West Fork, East Fork, and any contributing subbasins, is classified as A-l in the Montana Surface Water Quality Standards. The A-l classification is for multiple beneficial-use waters, including the growth and propagation of cold-water fisheries and associated aguatic life. Among other criteria for A-l waters, a 1 degree Fahrenheit maximum increase above naturally occurring water temperature is allowed within the range of 32 to 66 degrees Fahrenheit (0 to 18.9 degrees Celsius) and no increases are allowed above naturally occurring concentrations of sediment, which will harm or prove detrimental to fish or wildlife. In regard to sediment, naturally occurring includes conditions or materials present from runoff on developed land where all reasonable land, soil, and water conservation practices have been applied. Reasonable practices include methods, measures, or practices that protect present and reasonably anticipated beneficial uses. The State has adopted Forestry BMPs through its Nonpoint- Source Management Plan as the principle means of controlling nonpoint-source pollution from silvicultural activities (Thomas et al 1990) . SPECIES Native cold-water fish species within the project area include bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) , westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) , slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) , largescale sucker {Catostomus macrocheilus) , and longnose sucker {Catostomus catostomus) . The 1 nonnative species known to persist within the specific project area is eastern brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) . Neither slimy sculpin, largescale sucker, nor longnose sucker are identified as endangered, threatened, or sensitive species (Montana Natural Heritage Program [MNHP] 2003) . Although all 3 species are an integral component of the aguatic ecosystem within the project area, any foreseeable issues or concerns regarding these species' populations or habitats can be addressed through an effects analysis for bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. Eastern brook trout is an invasive species that is not a component of the region' s historical biodiversity, but any foreseeable issues or concerns regarding this species' populations or habitats can also be addressed through an effects analysis for bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. Bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout are the primary cold-water species that will be addressed in this analysis. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has listed bull trout as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. Both bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout are listed as Class-A Montana Animal Species of Concern. A Class-A designation is defined as a species or subspecies that has limited numbers and/or habitats both in Montana and elsewhere in North America and elimination from Montana would be a significant loss to the gene pool of the species or subspecies (DFWP, MNHP, and Montana Chapter American Fisheries Society Rankings) . DNRC has also identified bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout as sensitive species (ARM 36. 11. 436) . Both bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout exhibit resident, fluvial, and adfluvial life forms. Resident life forms spend their juvenile and adult life in natal or nearby low-order tributaries . Fluvial and adfluvial life forms generally leave their natal streams within 1 to 3 years of emergence (Shepard et al 1984, Fraley and Shepard 1989) to mature in downstream river and lake systems, respectively, and then return again to headwater or upstream reaches to spawn. Fluvial and adfluvial life forms of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout are typically larger than resident fish, and bull trout have been observed returning to upstream reaches during successive or alternating years to spawn (Fraley and Shepard 1989) . The life forms and stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout have evolved to coexist in overlapping geographic areas (Nakano et al 1992, Pratt 1984, Shepard et al 1984) . Fluvial and adfluvial bull trout generally mature between ages 5 to 6, begin upstream spawning migrations in April, and spawn between September and October in response to a temperature regime decline below 9 to 10 degrees Celsius (Fraley and Shepard 1989) . Spawning adult bull trout are known to construct redds in close association with upwelling Page E-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS groundwater and proximity to overhanging or instream cover (Fraley and Shepard 1989) . Naturally occurring stream temperature regimes and substrate compositions having low levels of fine material are closely related to bull trout embryo and juvenile survival (MBTSG 1998, Weaver and Fraley 1991, Pratt 1984) . Resident westslope cutthroat trout have been observed maturing at ages 3 to 5 {Downs et al 1991), and all life forms are known to spawn during May through June (Shepard et al 1984) . Naturally occurring stream- temperature regimes and substrate compositions having low levels of fine material are closely related to westslope cutthroat trout embryo and juvenile survival (Pratt 1984) . ISSUES RAISED DURING SCOPING Four concerns were received by DNRC during the scoping process that pertain specifically to fisheries: 1) The project should protect the genetic diversity of existing bull trout populations. 2) The project should help protect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in Johnson and Swift creeks . 3) The project will not address existing areas of degraded habitat . 4) The project may further degrade bull trout habitat. Concerns 1 and 2 are stated as conservation goals and are not considered 'issues' to be described in the EXISTING CONDITIONS and ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS sections. Concern 3 is an 'issue' that will be addressed under the EXISTING CONDITIONS habitat subissues for each basin and subbasin. Concern 4 is an 'issue' that will be addressed under the ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS habitat subissues for each basin and subbasin . ANALYSIS METHODS AND SUBISSUES The existing conditions of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations and habitat will be described in the EXISTING CONDITIONS portion of this analysis. In ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS, those existing conditions will then be compared to the anticipated effects of the project alternatives to determine foreseeable impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. Analysis methods are a function of the types and guality of data available for analysis, which varies among the different basins and subbasins in the project area. The analyses may either be guantitative or gualitative. The best available data for both populations and habitats will be presented separately for Stryker and Johnson creeks and the West Fork. Existing conditions and foreseeable environmental effects for each subbasin will be explored using the following outline of subissues: • Populations - presence - genetics • Habitat - flow regime - sediment - channel form - large woody debris - riparian zone - stream temperature - connectivity The East Fork will not be analyzed for existing conditions under the EXISTING CONDITIONS or ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS sections since a portion of Harvest Area II-A (see Action Alternatives B and C) is the only area within the East Fork watershed that is proposed for harvesting. This specific proposed harvest area includes approximately 31.5 acres within the East Fork watershed and lies on a very low slope, 1 to 2 percent gradient terrain. The boundary of the proposed harvest unit parallels the East Fork for Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-3 approximately 1,025 feet, but the boundary is at least 285 feet from the stream at all points. The very low relative amount of potential timber harvesting in the East Fork watershed and the associated risk of cumulative effects due to a potential water-yield increase is inconsequential (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . Consequently, this stream will not be included in the fisheries analysis since no foreseeable direct, indirect, and/or cumulative impacts to bull trout or westslope cutthroat trout populations (presence, genetics) or habitat (flow regime, sediment, channel form, large woody debris, riparian zone, stream temperature, connectivity) are expected as a result of No-Action Alternative A or Action Alternatives B or C. SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVES See CHAPTER II-ALTERNATIVES for detailed information, specific mitigations, and road management plans pertaining to No-Action Alternative A and Action Alternatives B and C. Under No-Action Alternative A, existing conditions relative to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the project area would remain unchanged as a result of the selection of this alternative. Action Alternative B involves 12 proposed timber harvest subareas in 3 areas; approximately 1,270 acres would be harvested using various silviculture plans. Actions associated with Action Alternative B would occur in the West Fork basin and the subbasins of Stryker Creek, and Johnson Creek, all of which provide varying degrees of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat . Action Alternative C involves 6 proposed timber harvest subareas in 2 areas. Approximately 938 acres would be harvested using various silviculture plans. Actions associated with this alternative would occur in the West Fork basin and the subbasins of Stryker Creek, and Johnson Creek, all of which provide varying degrees of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat . Page E-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS MAP 1 - KNOWN BULL TROUT DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA (MFISH) Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-5 MAP 2 - KNOWN WESTSLOPE CUTTHROAT TROUT DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA (MFISH) Page E-6 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS EXISTING CONDITIONS > WE£TFORK The West Fork is a fourth-order stream; the entire reach within the project area is considered fish bearing. West Fork Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations • Presence The West Fork has been identified as providing important habitat for a disjunct bull trout population associated with Whitefish Lake. Although bull trout may exhibit the resident life form in the West Fork, this subbasin is likely used by bull trout primarily as spawning and rearing habitat for disjunct populations associated with Whitefish and Upper Whitefish lakes. Genetic data suggests that migratory adults in the upper Flathead River system have been found to freguently return to their natal or near-natal streams (Kanda et al 1997), and populations of migratory spawning adult fish in the Flathead River system have been observed returning to the same stream reaches during subseguent spawning runs (Fraley and Shepard 1989) . This propensity for habitual adult migration to natal or near-natal streams and the conseguent selection of unigue spawning locations would make the use of redd counts in the West Fork a valid measure of the trends of the species' overall success in occupying a specific subbasin. The protocol for collecting redd count and estimated population data in the West Fork is described in Weaver and Fraley (1991). Experienced crews and fixed survey boundaries are used for result consistency. The data in FIGURE E-l - BULL TROUT REDD COUNTS IN WEST FORK OF SWIFT CREEK, 1994 THROUGH 2003 shows the number of bull trout redds constructed in the West Fork has ranged from to 8 during the years 1994 to 2003. The data may also appear to describe a positive trend in bull trout success in the West FIGURE E-l - BULL TROUT REDD COUNTS IN WEST FORK OF SWIFT CREEK, 1994 THROUGH 2003 BT redd counts on West Fork Sw ift Creek (T. Weaver, FWP Kalispell) 10 -t— • 8 3 o o 6 T5 T5 4 CD DC 2 IT TT .III.. 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-7 Fork, but the statistical significance of the simple linear regression is very low (r 2 = 0.0515), and studies suggest that a larger data set is needed in order to begin identifying long-term trends in bull trout populations through redd counts (Rieman and Myers 1997) . The data in TABLE E-l - BULL TROUT POPULATION ESTIMATES IN THE WEST FORK, 1995 THROUGH 2003 shows the population estimates of bull trout age 1 and older in the West Fork has ranged from 0.22 to 5.10 individuals per 100 sguare meters during the years 1995 to 2003. The statistical significance of the simple linear regression for this data set is also very low (r = 0.0022) . For these reasons, it is determined that insufficient data is available to infer existing bull trout population trends or long-term success in the West Fork. The West Fork is used primarily as habitat for resident westslope cutthroat trout, although resident adults typically spawn in several of the stream's lower-order tributaries such as Herrig, Stryker, and Johnson creeks. The West Fork may also be utilized to some degree as spawning and rearing habitat for adfluvial life forms that have matured in Whitefish or Upper Whitefish lakes. DFWP has conducted surveys of westslope cutthroat trout redd counts during the 2000, 2001, and 2002 early summer seasons utilizing the same protocols as described above for bull trout. No westslope cutthroat trout redds were counted during those survey years . Due to lack of historic and comparable population presence data, there are no apparent existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population presence in the West Fork. Genetics Site-specific information from DFWP regarding bull trout genetics is unavailable. However, some level of hybridization has possibly occurred with resident or migratory eastern brook trout in the West Fork subbasin, as data suggests that this hybridization has occurred widely throughout the Flathead River basin (Kanda et al 1997) . Any existing impact to bull trout populations in the subbasin as a result of hybridization with eastern brook TABLE E-l 2003 BULL TROUT POPULATION ESTIMATES IN WEST FORK SWIFT CREEK, 1995 THROUGH DATE POPULATION ESTIMATES 95-PERCENT CON- FIDENCE INTER- VAL PROBABILITY OF FIRST-PASS CAP- TURE DENSITY (NUMBER PER 100 SQUARE METERS) 8/24/1995 9 no estimate 1. 04 9/16/1996 7 no estimate 0. 81 8/26/1997 8 no estimate 0. 92 8/26/1998 44 + /-20 0.52 5. 10 8/25/1999 14 + /-1 0. 92 1. 44 9/07/2000 9 + /-1 0.88 1.52 8/31/2001 29 + /-3 0.83 2. 80 9/19/2002 12 + /-2 0.80 1.38 8/29/2003 2 no estimate 0.22 Data adapted from T. Weaver (fisheries biologist), DFWP, Kalispell : population estimates, 95- percent confidence intervals , probability of first-pass capture and densities for age 1 and older bull trout calculated from electro fishing in a 150-meter section of the West Fork. Page E- West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS trout most likely is low. Migratory bull trout tend to have a reproductive size advantage over resident eastern brook trout (Reiman and Mclntyre 1993), and offspring can have a considerable chance of being sterile or exhibiting other progressive growth problems (Leary et al 1983) . A DFWP genetic survey in 1984 of 26 westslope cutthroat trout collected from the West Fork found the subspecies slightly introgressed with rainbow trout. The genetic purity of westslope cutthroat trout was determined at that time to be 97.4 percent (MFISH 2004) . Due to the possibility of bull trout and brook trout hybridization and the known occurrence of introgressed westslope cutthroat trout, there are existing low to moderate direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population genetics in the West Fork. West Fork Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Habitat • Flow Regime Flow regime is the range of discharge freguencies and intensities in a specific watershed that occur throughout the year. The analysis of hydrologic data for the West Fork basin indicates that the existing average flow regime for the stream is approximately 3.4 percent above the range of naturally occurring conditions (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) , which is primarily a result of past forest crown removal. The range of naturally occurring conditions is considered representative of those flow regimes in a fully forested, mature (20 to 30 years old) watershed. Changes in flow regime can affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout through modifications of stream morphology, sediment budget, streambank stability, and channel formations. There is likely no detectable existing impact on these specific habitat characteristics as a result of the estimated 3.4 percent increase in flow regime. Changes in flow regime have been known to affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning migration, habitat available for spawning, and embryo survival; for this reason, there is a very low potential for direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout as a result of flow-regime modifications in the West Fork. Sediment Existing stream-sediment processes that are described in this analysis are Rosgen stream- morphological type, sediment budget, and streambank stability. The stream morphology of the West Fork, from the confluence with the East Fork (river mile 0.00) in Section 3, T33N, R23W, upstream through the project area and to a point (river mile 7.13) in Section 12, T34N, R24W, is generally described as exhibiting a B3/B4 Rosgen morphological type with gradients ranging from 2 to 4 percent (Koopal 2001) . The B morphological type broadly includes riffle-dominated streams in narrow, gently sloping valleys, which typically exhibit infreguently spaced pools {Rosgen 1996) . Furthermore, the B3/B4 morphological type is characteristic of channel compositions dominated by cobbles and codominated by Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E- gravels, with lesser amounts of boulder, gravel, and sand (Rosgen 1996) . Several surveys have been conducted to describe the sediment budget of the West Fork, including McNeil core, substrate score, and Wolman pebble count. The McNeil core sampling methodology (McNeil and Ahnell 1964) has been demonstrated to be an effective technigue for measuring temporal changes in the streambed permeability of spawning gravels. McNeil core data has been collected at known bull trout spawning reaches in the West Fork between 1998 and 2003 {FIGURE E-2 - MCNEIL CORE SAMPLES FROM THE WEST FORK, 1998 THROUGH 2003 [NOT SURVEYED DURING 1999 AND 2000]) . Weaver and Fraley (1991) found that the percentage of substrates less than 6.35 millimeter in spawning beds was inversely proportional to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout embryo survival in the Flathead River basin. The Flathead Basin Commission, a cooperative program involving private, State, and Federal landowners in the river basin, subseguently determined that streams with spawning gravels having 35 or 40 percent of substrates less than 6.35 millimeter in any given year were "threatened" or "impaired", respectively, in regards to bull trout and western cutthroat trout embryo survival (Flathead Basin Commission 1991) . The McNeil core sample results from the West Fork are collected using Weaver and Fraley (1991) and are displayed in FIGURE E-2 - MCNEIL CORE SAMPLES FROM THE WEST FORK, 1998 THROUGH 2003 [NOT SURVEYED DURING 1999 AND 2000]) to show the proportion of substrates in the less than 6.35 millimeter size class. All of the sample sets show that the proportion of substrates less than 6.35 millimeters is under the 35 percent threshold for "threatened" status. Embeddedness is generally described as the degree to which fine sediments surround coarse substrates on the streambed surface (Sylte and Fischenich 2002) . The substrate score is one technigue for measuring embeddedness, where higher scores indicate lower embeddedness and typically better juvenile bull trout habitat (Shepard et al 1984) . A modified substrate score FIGURE E-2 - MCNEIL CORE SAMPLES FROM THE WEST FORK, 1998 THROUGH 2003 (NOT SURVEYED DURING 1999 AND 2000) M cNeil Core samples from West Fork Swift Creek (T. Weaver, FWP Kalispell) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ^rr^r ^3t7^ ^3t4- ^mr 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year Page E-10 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS methodology has been employed on the West Fork (Weaver and Fraley 1991 citing others) from 1994 through 2003 (see FIGURE E-3 - SUBSTRATE SCORE SAMPLES FROM THE WEST FORK, 1994 THROUGH 2003 [NOT SURVEYED DURING 1995 AND 1998]). The Flathead Basin Commission has subseguently determined that streams with substrate scores of 10 or 9 in any given year were "threatened" or "impaired", respectively, in regards to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout embryo survival and juvenile rearing habitat (Flathead Basin Commission 1991) . All of the sample sets in FIGURE E-3 - SUBSTRATE SCORE SAMPLES FROM WEST FORK SWIFT CREEK, 1994 THROUGH 2003 (NOT SURVEYED DURING 1995 AND 1998) show substrate scores higher than 10, and data also suggests that overall habitat guality as it relates to substrate embeddedness is likely improving over time . The Wolman pebble count (Wolman 1954) is another method that can be used to describe temporal changes in substrate size classes on the streambed surface. Sample data from 2 collection sites on the West Fork is only available for the year 2 001 (FIGURE E-4 - WOLMAN PEBBLE COUNT RESULTS FROM THE WEST FORK, 2001) . The combined FIGURE E-3 - SUBSTRATE SCORE SAMPLES FROM WEST FORK SWIFT CREEK, 1994 THROUGH 2003 (NOT SURVEYED DURING 1995 AND 1998) Substrate Score samples from West Fork Swift Creek (T. Weaver, FWP Kalispell) 12.2 12.0 512 Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-ll percentage of substrates less than 8 millimeter is 7.5 percent, which is considerably lower than the results calculated for the similar size class in the McNeil core samples (percentage of substrate less than 6.35 millimeters ranges from 31.0 to 33.7 percent) . This difference suggests that there could be a greater level of interstitial spaces in the streambed surface gravel and cobble substrates than may be indicated by the McNeil core data . The final assessment of stream sediment processes includes a description of existing streambank stability. Streambank stability is a measure of bank erosion rates per stream length; temporal changes in the rates can be used as one indicator of potential existing impacts to fish habitats. Streambank stability data for the West Fork is only available for the year 2001 (TABLE E-2 - STREAMBANK STABILITY RESULTS FROM THE WEST FORK (KOOPAL 2001) and includes all stream habitats from the confluence with the East Fork (river mile 0.00) in Section 3, T33N, R23W, upstream through the project area and to a point TABLE E-2 - STREAMBANK STABILITY RESULTS FROM THE tfEST FORK (KOOPAL 2001) TOTAL TOTAL LEFT TOTAL RIGHT MEAN MEAN MEAN HABITAT TYPE* NUMBER BANK BANK PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT OF LENGTH LENGTH STABLE UNSTABLE UNDERCUT UNITS (FEET) (FEET) BANK BANK BANK DMV 1 49.0 49.0 100.00 0.00 15.00 DMW 5 215.0 214.0 86.60 13.40 0.70 GLD 2 220.0 220.0 100.00 0.00 0.00 HGR 7 831.0 832.0 100.00 0.00 0.26 LGR 140 29, 135.0 29,303.0 99.26 0.74 1.09 RUN 27 2, 714.0 2, 704.0 100.00 0.00 2.09 SLB 6 178.0 178.0 100.00 0.00 2.30 SLM 27 999.0 1,003.0 100.00 0.00 7.09 SLW 22 595.0 591.0 94.18 5.82 2 .76 SMB 12 476.0 486.0 100.00 0.00 2.35 SMW 10 324.0 329.0 99.17 0.83 6.26 SPB 2 71.0 75.0 100.00 0.00 3.08 SPW 38 1, 016.0 1, 011.0 97.83 2 .17 5.01 STP 4 315.0 304.0 100.00 0.00 0.00 SUW 12 402.0 408.0 99.36 0. 64 10.80 Totals 315 37, 540.0 37, 707.0 Mean 99.19 0.81 1.61 *DMV = main channel dammed pool caused by beaver DMW = main channel dammed pool caused by large woody debi "is GLD = glide, "HGR" = high gradient riffle LGR = low gradient riffle RUN = run SLB = lateral scour pool formed by boulder SLM = lateral scour pool formed by meander SLW = lateral scour pool formed by large woody debris SMB = mid-channel scour pool formed by boulder SMW = mid-channel scour pool formed by large woody debrii SPB = plunge pool formed by boulder SPW = plunge pool formed by large woody debris STP = step-pool SUW = underscour pool formed by large woody debris Page E-12 West Fork of S wift Creek T imber Sale P roject FEIS (river mile 7.13) in Section 12, T34N, R24W. The protocol used for collecting the streambank stability data is outlined in Overton et al (1997). Overall, the results of this data set show very high levels (99.19 percent) of streambank stability throughout the project area. McNeil core data indicates that the substrates of known spawning reaches are not "threatened"; substrate scores describing streambed substrate embeddedness also indicate that known spawning reaches are not "threatened", and Wolman pebble counts suggest that there are high levels of streambed substrates in the gravel, cobble, and boulder classes. Additionally, a recent streambank-stability assessment shows very low levels of potential streambank erosion. Based on these observations, there are no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of sediment in the West Fork. • Channel Forms Two descriptions of channel formation will also be used to describe existing bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork: Montgomery /Buff ington classification (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) and R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory (Overton et al 1997) . The stream formations of the West Fork, from the confluence with the East Fork (river mile 0.00) in Section 3, T33N, R23W, upstream through the project area and to a point (river mile 7.13) in Section 12, T34N, R24W, are broadly described as exhibiting both , pool-rif f le' and 'forced pool-riffle' Montgomery /Buff ington classifications. The 'forced pool-riffle' channel form is generally a function of large- woody-debris recruitment to the bankfull area of the stream, and both channel forms typically have pool freguencies of 1:5 to 1:7, where the later ratio is channel width (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) . The R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory is a useful protocol for describing existing conditions and tracking temporal changes in the relative proportions of different stream microhabitats used by bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout, and other native fisheries. Inventory data for the West Fork is only available for the year 2001 (TABLE E-3 - R1/R4 FISH HABITAT STANDARD INVENTORY RESULTS FROM THE WEST FORK [KOOPAL 2001]) and includes all stream habitats from the confluence with the East Fork (river mile 0.00) in Section 3, T33N, R23W, upstream through the project area and to a point (river mile 7.13) in Section 12, T34N, R24W. The R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory data from 2001 indicates that 56 percent of all channel forms are nonpool features (GLD, HGR, LGR, RUN) , and the remaining 44 percent of all channel forms are pool features. The relative numbers of nonpool and pool channel forms are roughly eguivalent to the mean guantity of habitat area, which is 53 and 47 percent, respectively. On the contrary, the mean guantity of habitat volume in the West Fork is 43 percent for nonpool features and 57 percent for pool features. Increasing amounts of different pool habitats are typically proportional to increasing levels of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout stream-habitat guality. As B morphological type streams are Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-13 TABLE E-3 - R1/R4 FISH HABITAT STANDARD INVENTORY RESULTS FROM THE WEST FORK CREEK (KOOPAL 2001) SWIFT HABITAT TYPE* TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS MEAN HABITAT LENGTH (FEET) MEAN WIDTH (FEET) MEAN HABITAT DEPTH (FEET) MEAN WIDTH/DEPTH RATIO MEAN HABITAT AREA (SQUARE FEET) MEAN HABITAT VOLUME (CUBIC FEET) DMV 1 49.0 19.5 . 68 28. 68 955.5 649. 7 DMW 5 41 .4 18.7 .76 24. 90 772.2 586.0 GLD 2 110.0 13.7 .52 32.55 1,509.0 777. 6 HGR 7 118.4 14.1 .54 27. 91 1, 669.2 894.5 LGR 140 208.0 17.2 .52 35. 94 3,568 .7 1, 873.5 RUN 27 107.5 17.1 . 65 29.37 1, 838 .0 1, 194.2 SLB 6 29.3 16.4 .79 20. 91 479.7 377.8 SLM 27 36.5 16.0 .83 21.07 584. 7 483. 6 SLW 22 26.0 17. 9 .84 24.45 465. 6 393. 3 SMB 12 39. 6 17.8 .77 24.17 702. 6 539.0 SMW 10 31 .8 19.5 .72 29.70 620. 6 447. 4 SPB 2 35.5 12. 6 .76 16. 62 446.8 340.2 SPW 38 26.1 18.1 .89 22.56 471.8 418. 6 SIP 4 75.3 19.2 1 .01 19.71 [ 1,446.1 1, 455.7 suw 12 33.1 20.3 .86 25.26 671.0 575.1 Total 315 Mean 119. 4 17.1 .57 33.70 2, 047 .5 1, 175.1 *DMV = main channel dammed pool caused by beaver DMW = main channel dammed pool caused by large woody debris GLD = glide HGR = high gradient riffle LGR = low gradient riffle RUN = run SLB = lateral scour pool formed by boulder SLM = lateral scour pool formed by meander SLW = lateral scour pool formed by large woody debris SMB = mid-channel scour pool formed by boulder SMW = mid-channel scour pool formed by large woody debris SPB = plunge pool formed by boulder SPW = plunge pool formed by large woody debris STP = step-pool SUW = underscour pool formed by large woody debris generally riffle dominated (Rosgen 1996), this data indicates that the West Fork likely provides an average guantity of pool habitat within the project area. No specific conclusions regarding trends in channel form can be drawn from these current observations, but this data will be indispensable in future habitat assessment and monitoring efforts. Although insufficient data is available for describing existing trends in channel forms, likely there are no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of channel formations in the West Fork. Large Woody Debris Large woody debris is recruited to the stream channel from adjacent and upstream riparian vegetation, and the material is a critical component in the formation of complex bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat. All life stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout have been observed closely associated with Page E-14 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE E-4 - LARGE-WOODY-DEBRIS COUNT RESULTS FROM THE WEST FORK (KOOPAL 2001) HABITAT TYPE* TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS SINGLE PIECES AGGREGATES ROOT WADS TOTAL NUMBER MEAN NUMBER NUMBER PER 100 FEET TOTAL NUMBER MEAN NUMBER NUMBER PER 100 FEET NUMBER OF PIECES TOTAL NUMBER MEAN NUMBER NUMBER PER 100 FEET DMV 1 1 1. 2.0 0.0 DMW 5 1 0.2 .5 6 1 2 2 . 9 47 GLD 2 2 1.0 0. 9 .0 HGR 7 12 1.7 1.4 6 9 .7 16 LC-R 140 363 2 . 6 1 .3 223 1 6 .8 707 14 1 RUN 27 33 1.2 1.1 25 9 . 9 77 1 SLB 6 5 0.8 2.8 2 3 1.1 10 SLM 27 24 0. 9 2.4 10 4 1.0 41 6 2 6 SLW 22 3 0.1 0.5 20 9 3.5 94 2 1 3 SMB 12 11 0. 9 2.3 8 7 1 .7 32 1 1 2 SMW 10 2 0.2 0. 6 10 1 3.1 59 1 1 3 S?B 2 2 1.0 2.8 2 1 2 .8 7 SPW 38 23 0. 6 2.3 29 8 2 . 9 161 STP 4 3 0.8 1.0 5 1 3 1 .7 58 SUW 12 6 0.5 1.5 13 1 1 3.3 51 1 1 3 Totals 315 496 359 1,360 26 Mean 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.1 0.1 *DM = main channel dammed pool caused by beaver DMW = main channel dammed pool caused by large woody debris GLD = glide HGR = high gradient riffle LGR = low gradient riffle RUN = run SLB = lateral scour pool formed by boulder SLM = lateral scour pool formed by meander SLW = lateral scour pool formed by large woody debris SMB = mid-channel scour pool formed by boulder SMW = mid-channel scour pool formed by large woody debris SPB = plunge pool formed by boulder SPW = plunge pool formed by large woody debris STP = step-pool SUW = underscour pool formed by large woody debris large woody debris in the Flathead River basin (Piatt 1984, Shepard et al 1984) . Large woody debris recruitment rates to the West Fork throughout the project area can be described using large-woody- debris counts per stream length; this data was collected during 2001 as part a R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory (Overton et al 1997) . (See TABLE E-4 - LARGE-WOODY-DEBRIS COUNT RESULTS FROM THE WEST FORK [KOOPAL 2001]). Large-woody- debris counts for the West Fork include all stream habitats from the confluence with the East Fork (river mile 0.00) in Section 3, T33N, R23W, upstream through the project area and to a point (river mile 7.13) in Section 12, T34N, R24W. The mean large-woody-debris count per 1,000 feet is calculated by dividing the sum of the total number of single pieces, the number of pieces in each aggregate, and the total number of root wads by the total length of all main-channel habitat units (37,612.0 feet) surveyed during the inventory. The mean large-woody-debris count per 1,000 feet in the West Fork is 50 pieces per 1,000 feet . Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-15 Data from reference reaches (Harrelson et al 1994) in the Flathead River Basin region indicate that the average amount of large woody debris in undisturbed , B' channel types (Rosgen morphological stream type) is 123 pieces per 1,000 feet plus or minus 57 percent (Bower 2004) . This data suggests that existing amounts of large woody debris in the West Fork are below average when compared to reference reaches in the region with similar morphological characteristics. Moderate levels of riparian harvests have occurred on the West Fork during the 1950s. These riparian harvests primarily involved the individual selection of larger diameter trees in the riparian zone throughout the existing project area and did not include clearcut methods in the riparian zone. This past individual- tree-selection harvest method likely reduced the amount of potentially recruitable large woody debris to the West Fork and could be associated with existing below-average amounts of large woody debris in the stream. Conseguently , there is a low to moderate existing direct and indirect impact to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of low levels of large- woody-debris recruitment in the West Fork. • Riparian Zone The stream riparian area is broadly defined as the interface or linkage between the terrestrial and aguatic zones, and this area is critical for regulating large-woody-debris recruitment, thermal regimes, stream nutrient inputs, and water guality among other variables (Hansen et al 1995) . This section will consider how riparian-zone function, in particular, is related to the potential for large-woody-debris recruitment. Studies of large- woody-debris recruitment to the stream channel suggest that the primary zone of recruitment is approximately egual to the height of the tallest trees growing in the riparian zone (Robinson and Beschta 1990, Bilby and Bisson 1998) . The site-potential tree height at 100 years is used to estimate the extent of the primary zone of large-woody-debris recruitment for riparian areas adjacent to proposed harvest areas. Calculations of the site-potential tree height for riparian zones adjacent to various proposed harvest areas are displayed in TABLE E-5 - CALCULATIONS OF SITE POTENTIAL TREE HEIGHT AT 100 YEARS*. As described in the previous section, Large Woody Debris, past individual-selection harvesting has likely reduced the amount of potentially recruitable large woody debris to the West Fork. This selective harvest is known to have occurred within those riparian zones delineated by the mean site-potential tree height at 100 years in TABLE E-5 - CALCULATIONS OF SITE-POTENTIAL TREE HEIGHT AT 100 YEARS*. Conseguently, there are low to moderate existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of riparian- zone function in the West Fork. Page E-16 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE E-5 - CALCULATIONS OF SITE POTENTIAL TREE HEIGHT AT 100 YEARS* AREA ADJACENT STREAM SAMPLE SPECIES HEIGHT (FEET) AGE (YEARS) SITE INDE X SITE- POTENTIAL TREE HEIGHT AT 100 YEARS (FEET) MEAN SITE- POTENTIAL TREE HEIGHT AT 100 YEARS (FEET) REFERENCE II-H West Fork 1A-1 Englemann spruce 68 75 50 75 USFS INT-42 II-H West Fork 1B-1 Englemann spruce 115 158 70 103 USFS INT-42 II-H West Fork 1B-2 Englemann spruce 98 138 60 88 USFS INT-42 II-H West Fork 2A-1 Subalpine fir 84 70 40 110 USFS RN-71 II-H West Fork 2A-2 Englemann spruce 98 126 60 88 USFS INT-42 II-H West Fork 93 II-G West Fork 3A-: Subalpine fir 48 65 30 91 USFS RN-71 II-G West Fork 3B-1 Englemann spruce 65 100 40 63 USFS INT-42 II-G West Fork 3C-1 Englemann spruce 49 40 60 88 USFS INT-42 II-G West Fork 3D-1 Subalpine fir 71 105 30 91 USFS RN-71 II-G West Fork 83 II-P West Fork 5A-1 Subalpine fir 57 58 30 91 USFS RN-71 II-P West Fork 5A-2 Englemann spruce 80 154 50 75 USFS INT-42 II-P West Fork 5B-1 Subalpine fir 38 33 40 110 USFS RN-71 II-P West Fork 5C-1 Englemann spruce 57 44 60 88 USFS INT-42 II-P West Fork 5C-2 Subalpine fir 75 112 30 91 USFS RN-71 II-P West Fork 91 II-C West Fork 7A-1 Subalpine fir 61 85 30 91 USFS RN-71 II-C West Fork 7A-2 Englemann spruce 58 60 50 75 USFS INT-42 II-C West Fork 7B-1 Englemann spruce 58 63 50 75 USFS INT-42 II-C West Fork 7B-2 Englemann spruce 80 105 50 75 USFS INT-42 II-C West Fork 7C-1 Subalpine fir 37 50 30 91 USFS RN-71 II-C West Fork 81 *Samples were taken by DNRC personnel on 3/3/2004 and 3/4/2004 . Samples were taken from random trees with unimpeded growth at a distance of 50 feet from the bank- full slope break. Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-17 Stream Temperature Stream temperature data for the West Fork, available for only 2001 and 2003, is displayed in TABLE E-6 - STREAM TEMPERATURE DATA (CELCIUS) FOR THE WEST FORK*. The 'upper' recording station is located in the northwest quarter of Section 29, T34N, R23W, and the 'lower' recording station is located in the southwest quarter of Section 34, T34N, R23W. Data indicates that the annual mean weekly maximum temperature at the upper recording station is relatively stable (11.3 degrees Celsius during 2001 and 2003.) Data also indicates that the mean weekly maximum temperature at the lower recording station is more variable than the upper station (11.6 to 13.2 degrees Celsius during 2001 and 2003) . During the 2 seasons of record, the average change in stream temperature through the lower half of the project area ranged from 0.3 to 1.9 degrees Celsius. In respect to bull trout, the temperature ranges described in TABLE D-6 - STREAM TEMPERATURE DATA (CELCIUS) FOR THE WEST FORK* are at the upper end of the species' tolerances as observed in various studies . Fraley and Shepard (1989) rarely observed juvenile bull trout in streams exceeding 15 degrees Celsius. Gamett (2002) did not find bull trout where maximum stream temperatures exceeded 20 degrees Celsius. Reiman and Chandler (1999) found that bull trout are most frequently observed in streams having summer maximum temperatures of approximately 13 to 14 degrees Celsius . No specific conclusions regarding stream temperature trends in the West Fork can be drawn from these current observations, but this data will be indispensable in future habitat assessment and monitoring efforts. Although insufficient data is available for describing existing trends in stream temperature, no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat are likely as a result of stream temperature in the West Fork. Connectivity Currently, 2 bridge crossings of the West Fork are in the project area in Sections 29 and 34, T34N, R23W. These crossings provide full passage of all life stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. No naturally occurring or manmade barriers to either trout exist on the West Fork in the project area . TABLE E-6 - STREAM TEMPERATURE DATA (CELCIUS) FOR THE WEST FORK* SITE NAME SEASONAL MAXIMUM SEASONAL MAXIMUM CHANGE IN TEMPERATURE DATE VALUE DATE VALUE 7 -DAY AVERAGES DATE MAXIMUM DAYS GREATER THAN 10.0 CELSIUS DAYS GREATER THAN 15.0 CELSIUS West Fork 2001 - Upper West Fork 2001 - Lower 08/07/01 11.8 07/07/01 08/07/01 14.1 08/06/01 6.4 8.2 08/09/01 11.3 36 08/09/01 13.2 61~ West Fork 2003 - Upper 07/23/03 11.7 07/18/03 5. 07/22/03 11.3 35 West Fork 2003 - Lower 6.0 07/21/03 ll.i 4 07/23/03 12.1 07/18/03 Samples obtained by DNRC hydrologlsts using Stowaway (Onset Corporation) data loggers . Page E-lf West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS There are no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of disconnect ivity on the West Fork. Summary of West Fork Existing Conditions The entire West Fork watershed, including subbasins, has undergone extensive, but irregular timber harvesting through much of the past century, up to approximately 20 years ago. Existing, nonspecific pressures on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout may include past upland or riparian timber harvesting and secondary road construction. The potential existing impacts from these past events may include increased sedimentation, increased peak flows, modifications of the hydrograph, and reduced large- woody-debris recruitment and channel stability (Montana Bull Trout Scientific Group 1995, USFWS 2002b) . In the West Fork, an estimated 3 percent increase in the flow regime may be resulting in a modified hydrograph, and reduced large-woody-debris recruitment has been observed. Moderate levels of riparian harvests have occurred on the West Fork during the 1950s. This riparian harvest primarily involved the individual selection of larger diameter trees in the riparian zone throughout the existing project area and did not include clearcut methods in the riparian zone. This past individual-selection harvest method likely reduced the amount of potentially recruitable large woody debris to the West Fork and could be associated with the existing below-average amounts of large woody debris in the stream (see West Fork Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Habitat - Large Woody Debris) . This riparian canopy removal may also have led to temporarily increased stream temperatures as a result of increased incoming direct solar energy, but to accurately gualify the extent of this potential past impact is not possible. Nonetheless, this specific pattern of past riparian management collectively constitutes low past and present impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the West Fork. No data is available regarding recreational fishing pressure on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the West Fork (MFISH 2004) ; therefore, these potential past and present impacts are likely very low. The existing road system in the project area has been assessed for specific sources of sedimentation to streams in the West Fork watershed. Estimates indicate that approximately 25.5 tons per year of road material (sediment) are contributed to streams in the West Fork watershed by the existing road system (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . Overall, low to moderate collective past and present impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout are likely in the West Fork as a result of the existing conditions described above. > STRYKER CREEK Stryker Creek is a third-order stream and the entire reach within the project area is considered fish bearing. Stryker Creek Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations • Presence Very little fisheries data is available for Stryker Creek and no known fisheries surveys have been conducted on the creek. Although this subbasin is not typically utilized by bull trout Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-19 as spawning habitat for disjunct populations associated with Whitefish and Upper Whitefish lakes, a possibility exists that the lower reaches of the stream are utilized as short-term rearing habitat by juvenile bull trout that later become adfluvial or fluvial life forms. Also, the lower reaches of the stream could possibly be utilized to some degree by resident bull trout. Westslope cutthroat trout are known to exist in Stryker Creek; however, the degree to which westslope cutthroat trout utilize the stream is not well studied. Stryker Creek most certainly provides some level of spawning and rearing habitat to resident westslope cutthroat trout and, possibly, adfluvial and fluvial life forms associated with Whitefish and Upper Whitefish lakes. Due to the lack of historic and comparable population-presence data, there are no apparent existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population presence in Stryker Creek. • Genetics Information regarding the existing conditions of bull trout genetics in Stryker Creek is the same as that for the West Fork - see West Fork Bull Trout and Western Cutthroat Trout Populations - Genetics) . Site-specific information from DFWP regarding westslope cutthroat trout genetics in Stryker Creek is unavailable. A DFWP genetic survey in 1984 of 26 westslope cutthroat trout from the West Fork found the subspecies slightly introgressed with rainbow trout. The genetic purity of westslope cutthroat trout was determined at that time to be 97.4 percent (MFISH 2004) . A possibility exists that genetic introgression among individual westslope cutthroat trout from the West Fork has spread upstream into Stryker Creek. Conversely, there is the possibility of a remnant population of westslope cutthroat trout in the upstream reaches of Stryker Creek that may be genetically pure. Due to the possibility of bull trout and brook trout hybridization and the occurrence of introgressed westslope cutthroat trout, existing low to moderate direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population genetics in Stryker Creek are possible. Stryker Creek Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Habitat • Flow Regime Flow regime is the range of discharge freguencies and intensities in a specific watershed that occur throughout the year. The analysis of hydrologic data for the Stryker Creek subbasin indicates that the existing average flow regime for the stream is approximately 3.3 percent above the range of naturally occurring conditions, which is primarily a result of past forest crown removal. The range of naturally occurring conditions is considered representative of those flow regimes in a fully forested, mature (20 to 30 years old) watershed . Changes in flow regime can affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout through modifications of stream morphology, sediment budget, streambank stability, stream temperature ranges, and channel formations. There is likely no detectable existing impact on these specific habitat Page E-20 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS characteristics as a result of the estimated 3.3 percent increase in flow regime. Changes in flow regime have been know to affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning migration, habitat available for spawning, and embryo survival; for this reason there is a very low potential for direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout as a result of flow-regime modifications in Stryker Creek. • Sediment Field surveys of Stryker Creek within the project area have found the Rosgen stream morphological type to be B3; this is characteristic of cobble-dominated channels with lesser amounts of gravels, boulders, and sands (Rosgen 1996) . Stream gradients range primarily from 4 to 6 percent. Pfankuch (1978) stream-stability scores from reaches within the project area range from 73 to 76, which is considered fair for B3 stream types. Based on these observations, existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat are not likely as a result of sediment in Stryker Creek. • Channel Forms Descriptions of channel formation that can be used to describe existing bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in Stryker Creek are the Montgomery /Buff ington classification (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) and R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory (Overton et al 1997) . The stream formations of Stryker Creek, from the confluence with the West Fork (river mile 0.00) in Section 29, T34N, R23W, upstream through the project area and to a point (river mile 1.45) in Section 19, T34N, R24W, is broadly described as a transitional zone between 'forced pool-riffle' and 'plane- bed' classifications to 'forced step-pool' and 'step-pool' classifications, respectively. The 'forced pool-riffle' and 'forced step-pool' channel forms are generally a function of large-woody-debris recruitment to the bankfull area of the stream. The 'forced pool- riffle' channel form typically has pool freguencies of 1:5 to 1:7, where the later ratio is channel width, and gradients less than 3 percent (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) . Both 'step-pool' channel forms typically have pool freguencies of 1:1 to 1:4, where the later ratio is channel width, and gradients of 3 to 8 percent (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) . The 'plane bed' channel form typically does not have pools and generally occurs in gradients of 1 to 4 percent (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) . R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory (Overton et al 1997) is not available for Stryker Creek within the project area. Although insufficient data is available for describing existing trends in channel forms, no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat are likely as a result of channel formations in Stryker Creek . Large Woody Debris Large woody debris is recruited to the stream channel from adjacent and upstream riparian vegetation; this material is a critical component in the formation of complex bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-21 habitat. All life stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout have been observed closely associating with large woody debris in the Flathead River basin (Piatt 1984, Shepard et al 1984) . Large-woody-debris recruitment rates to Stryker Creek throughout the project area can be described using large-woody- debris counts per stream length; this data was collected during a survey in June 2004 using the protocol described in Overton et al 1997. Two separate 1,000- foot, large-woody-debris survey sections were located on Stryker Creek adjacent to proposed Harvest Area II-P; the mean large-woody-debris count per 1,000 feet in Stryker Creek was determined to be 131 pieces. Data from reference reaches (Harrelson et al 1994) in the Flathead River basin region indicate that the average amount of large woody debris in undisturbed 'B' channel types (Rosgen morphological stream type) is 123 pieces per 1,000 feet, plus or minus 57 percent [Bower 2004) . This data suggests that existing amounts of large woody debris in Stryker Creek are average when compared to reference reaches in the region with similar morphological characteristics. Conseguently , there are no direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of large-woody-debris recruitment in Stryker Creek. • Riparian Zone Proposed Harvest Area II-P is the only area immediately adjacent to Stryker Creek. The site-potential tree height in the riparian zone of this proposed harvest area was calculated for the West Fork. The watershed proximity and the similarity of stand types and growth conditions is sufficient enough that the site-potential tree-height values for the West Fork can be applied to Stryker Creek within proposed Harvest Area II-P. Therefore, the site- potential tree height at 100 years for this riparian zone is determined to be 91 feet {TABLE E-5 - CALCULATIONS OF SITE- POTENTIAL TREE HEIGHT AT 100 YEARS*) . There are no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of riparian- zone function adjacent to Stryker Creek. Stream Temperature Stream-temperature data is not available for Stryker Creek within the project area. Although Stryker Creek is guite similar to the West Fork in respect to many environmental conditions, stream temperature conditions and data generally can be moderately variable between subbasins. Although sufficient data is unavailable for describing existing trends in stream temperature, no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat are likely as a result of stream temperature in Stryker Creek. Conne ct ivity Currently, 1 bridge crosses Stryker Creek in the northeast guarter of Section 30, T34N, R23W, of the project area. Although this bridge is a failing native-material structure, this crossing provides full passage of all life stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. No naturally occurring or manmade barriers to bull trout or westslope cutthroat trout are on Page E-22 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS Stryker Creek in the project area . There are no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of disconnect ivity on Stryker Creek. Summary of Stryker Creek Existing Conditions The entire Stryker Creek watershed has undergone extensive, but irregular timber harvesting through much of the past century, up to approximately 20 years ago. Existing, nonspecific pressures on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout may include past upland or riparian timber harvesting and secondary road construction. The potential existing impacts from these past events may include increased sedimentation, increased peak flows, modifications of the hydrograph, and reduced large- woody-debris recruitment and channel stability (Montana Bull Trout Scientific Group 1995, USFWS 2002b) . In Stryker Creek, an estimated 3.3 percent increase in the flow regime may be resulting in a modified hydrograph. No data is available regarding recreational fishing pressure on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in Stryker Creek (MFISH 2004) ; therefore, these potential past and present impacts are likely very low. The existing road system in the project area has been assessed for specific sources of sedimentation to streams in the Stryker Creek watershed. Estimates indicate that approximately 2 . 8 tons per year of road material (sediment) are contributed to streams in the Stryker Creek watershed by the existing road system (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . Overall, low collective past and present impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout are likely in Stryker Creek as a result of the existing conditions described above. > JOHNSON CREEK Johnson Creek is a third-order stream and the entire reach within the project area is considered fish bearing. A variable portion of the lower reach immediately above the confluence with the West Fork exhibits discontinuous, subterrain flows during low-flow periods of the year. Johnson Creek Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations • Presence Limited fisheries data is available for Johnson Creek, and no known fisheries population surveys have been conducted on the stream. Although this subbasin is not likely utilized by bull trout as spawning habitat for disjunct populations associated with Whitefish and Upper Whitefish lakes, the lower perennial reaches of the stream are possibly utilized as short- term rearing habitat by juvenile bull trout that later become adfluvial or fluvial life forms. Also, the lower perennial reaches of the stream could possibly be utilized to some degree by resident bull trout. Westslope cutthroat trout are known to exist in Johnson Creek; however, the degree to which westslope cutthroat trout utilize the stream is not well studied. Johnson Creek most certainly provides some level of spawning and rearing habitat to resident westslope cutthroat trout and possibly adfluvial and fluvial life forms associated with Whitefish and Upper Whitefish lakes. Due to the lack of historic and comparable population-presence data, there are no apparent existing direct and indirect Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-23 impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population presence in Johnson Creek. • Genetics Information regarding the existing conditions of bull trout genetics in Johnson Creek is the same as that for the West Fork (see West Fork Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations - Genetics) . A 1992 DFWP genetic survey of 52 westslope cutthroat trout from Johnson Creek (river mile 1.2 to 1.3) found the subspecies slightly introgressed with Yellowstone cutthroat trout. The genetic purity of westslope cutthroat trout was determined at that time to be 98.9 percent (MFISH 2004) . A later (1998) DFWP genetic survey of 3 westslope cutthroat trout from an upstream reach of Johnson Creek (river mile 2.0 to 2.1) found samples to be genetically pure. The possibility exists that the genetic introgression that has occurred among the westslope cutthroat trout population within the reach of river mile 1.2 to 1.3 has since spread further upstream into Johnson Creek. Conversely, the possibility also exists that the population representing genetically pure specimens of westslope cutthroat trout in upstream reaches of Johnson Creek may remain genetically isolated. Due to the possibility of bull trout and brook trout hybridization and the known occurrence of introgressed westslope cutthroat trout, there are possible existing low to moderate direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population genetics in Johnson Creek . Johnson Creek Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Habitat • Flow Regime Flow regime is the range of discharge freguencies and intensities in a specific watershed that occur throughout the year. The analysis of hydrologic data for the Johnson Creek subbasin indicates that the existing average flow regime for the stream is approximately 3.5 percent above the range of naturally occurring conditions (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) , which is primarily a result of past forest crown removal. The range of naturally occurring conditions is considered representative of those flow regimes in a fully forested, mature (20 to 30 years old) watershed . Changes in flow regime can affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout through modifications of stream morphology, sediment budget, streambank stability, stream temperature ranges, and channel formations. There is likely no detectable existing impact on these specific habitat characteristics as a result of the estimated 3.5 percent increase in flow regime. Changes in flow regime have been known to affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat spawning migration, habitat available for spawning, and embryo survival; for this reason, there is a very low potential for direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout as a result of flow regime modifications in Johnson Creek. • Sediment Field surveys of the reach of Johnson Creek adjacent to proposed Harvest Area II-C and within the project area have Page E-24 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS found the overall Rosgen stream morphological type to be B4; this is characteristic of gravel-dominated channels, with lesser amounts of cobbles, boulders, and sands (Rosgen 1996) . The stream gradient in this reach is approximately 3 percent. The Pfankuch (1978) stream stability score for this reach is 79, which is considered fair for B4 stream types. Based on these observations, no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat are likely as a result of sediment in Johnson Creek. • Channel Forms Descriptions of channel formation that can be used to describe existing bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in Johnson Creek are the Montgomery /Buff ington classification (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) and R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory (Overton et al 1997) . The stream formations of Johnson Creek, from the confluence with the West Fork (river mile 0.00) in Section 3, T33N, R23W, upstream through the project area and to a point (river mile 1.46) in the southwest guarter of Section 32, T34N, R23W, is broadly described as exhibiting both 'pool-riffle' and 'forced pool-riffle' Montgomery/Buff ington classifications. The 'forced pool-riffle' channel form is generally a function of large- woody-debris recruitment to the bankfull area of the stream, and both channel forms typically have pool freguencies of 1:5 to 1:7, where the later ratio is channel width (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) . The stream formations of Johnson Creek, from river mile 1.46 upstream through the project area and to a point (river mile 3.05) in Section 31, T34N, R23W, is broadly described as exhibiting 'step-pool' , 'forced step-pool' , and some 'cascade' Montgomery/Buff ington classifications. Both 'step- pool' and 'forced step-pool' channel forms typically have pool freguencies of 1:1 to 1:4, where the later ratio is channel width, and gradients of 3 to 8 percent (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) . The 'cascade' channel form typically has pool freguencies of 1:<1, where the later ratio is channel width, and gradients of 4 to 20 percent (Montgomery and Buff ington 1997) . R1/R4 Fish Habitat Standard Inventory (Overton et al 1997) is not available for Johnson Creek within the project area. Although sufficient data is unavailable for describing existing trends in channel forms, no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat are likely as a result of channel formations in Johnson Creek . Large Woody Debris Large-woody-debris count data is not available for Johnson Creek within the project area. Although Johnson Creek is a lower-order tributary to the West Fork, existing large-woody- debris counts within the project area are likely guite similar to those in the West Fork. This is probably attributed to watershed proximity, similar stand types and growth conditions, and similar soil and geologic conditions . Therefore, although sufficient data is unavailable to specifically describe existing conditions of large woody debris in Johnson Creek, low to Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-25 moderate existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat are likely as a result of the low levels of large- woody-debris recruitment . • Riparian Zone Proposed Harvest Area II-C is the only area immediately adjacent to Johnson Creek. Specific calculations of the site-potential tree height in the riparian zone adjacent to this proposed harvest area are not available. However, the site-potential tree height in the riparian zone of this proposed harvest area was calculated for the West Fork. There is sufficient watershed proximity and similarity of stand types and growth conditions that the site- potential tree-height values for the West Fork can be applied to Johnson Creek within proposed Harvest Area II-C. Therefore, the site-potential tree height at 100 years for this riparian zone is determined to be 81 feet (TABLE E-5 - CALCULATIONS OF SITE-POTENTIAL TREE HEIGHT AT 100 YEARS*) . There are likely no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of riparian-zone function adjacent to Johnson Creek. • Stream Temperature Stream-temperature data is not available for Johnson Creek within the project area. Although Johnson Creek is guite similar to the West Fork in respect to many environmental conditions, stream temperature conditions and data generally can be moderately variable between subbasins. Although insufficient data is available for describing existing trends in stream temperature, no existing direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat are likely as a result of stream temperature in Johnson Creek. Conne ct ivity Currently 1 culvert crossing and 3 bridge crossings exist on Johnson Creek in the project area. The culvert is located in the southeast guarter of Section 33, T34N, R23W, and the bridges are located in the southeast guarter of Section 32, the southwest guarter of Section 32, and the southeast guarter of Section 31, all in T32N, R23W. The 3 bridge crossings provide full passage of all life stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. A variable portion of the lower reach immediately above the confluence with the West Fork exhibits discontinuous, subterrain flows during low-flow periods of the year. With discontinuous flow, this reach acts as a naturally occurring seasonal barrier to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout migration. Bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout passage through this reach is most likely possible only during runoff or other bankfull flow events . The culvert on Johnson Creek within the project area is located on the lower reach with discontinuous flow. This culvert was surveyed during 2003 as part of the DNRC Fish Passage Assessment Project; information collected during that survey was used to model seasonal low and high flows, along with juvenile and adult cutthroat trout passage through the structure using FishXing software (1999) . The results of those modeling efforts indicate that the culvert is an upstream migration Page E-26 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS barrier to juveniles and most adult westslope cutthroat trout. Only those adults capable of attaining burst swim speeds of 9.75 feet per second for 7.5 seconds are likely able to migrate upstream through the culvert during low to bankfull flows. These results are likely representative of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout swim performances and suggest that only a portion of the strongest swimming adults are able to migrate upstream through the structure . Due to very limited upstream migration potential through the culvert located in the lower reach with seasonal, discontinuous flow, there is a moderate existing direct and indirect impact to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of disconnect ivity on Johnson Creek. Johnson Creek Existing Cumulative Impacts The entire Johnson Creek watershed has undergone extensive, but irregular, timber harvesting through much of the past century, up to approximately 20 years ago. Existing, nonspecific pressures on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout may include past upland or riparian timber harvesting and secondary road construction. The potential existing impacts from these past events may include increased sedimentation, increased peak flows, modifications of the hydrograph, and reduced large- woody-debris recruitment and channel stability (Montana Bull Trout Scientific Group 1995, USFWS 2002b) . Moderate levels of riparian harvesting have occurred on Johnson Creek during the previous harvest period described above. This riparian harvest primarily involved the individual selection of larger-diameter trees in the riparian zone throughout the existing project area and did not include clearcut methods in the riparian zone. This past individual -tree- select ion harvest method likely reduced the amount of potentially recruitable large woody debris to Johnson Creek and could be associated with possible below- average amounts of large woody debris in the stream (see West Fork Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Habitat - Large Woody Debris under Stryker Creek) . This riparian canopy removal may also have led to temporarily increased stream temperatures as a result of increased incoming direct solar energy, but to accurately gualify the extent of this potential past impact is not possible. Nonetheless, this specific pattern of past riparian management collectively constitutes low past and present impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in Johnson Creek. No data is available regarding recreational fishing pressure on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in Johnson Creek [MFISH 2004) ; therefore, potential past and present impacts are likely very low . The existing road system in the project area has been assessed for specific sources of sedimentation to streams in the Johnson Creek watershed. Estimates indicate that approximately 5.2 tons per year of road material (sediment) are contributed to streams in the Johnson Creek watershed by the existing road system (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . Overall, low to moderate collective past and present impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout are likely in Johnson Creek as a result of the existing conditions described above. Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-27 ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS FOR THE WEST FORK, STRYKER CREEK, AND JOHNSON CREEK Bull Trout and Wests lope Cutthroat Trout Populations ~ Presence • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A This no-action alternative would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population presence in the West Fork or Stryker or Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of miction •Alternative B The existing conditions describe confirmed bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout presence in the West Fork and Johnson Creek and the likely presence of one or both species in Stryker Creek. Redd count and estimated population data from the West Fork indicate that habitat utilization specific to this stream is variable for both bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. It is reasonable to assume that relatively proportionate levels of variability in habitat utilization also occur in Stryker and Johnson creeks. Action Alternative B would not involve direct or indirect impacts to any specific bull trout or westslope cutthroat trout populations in the project area. Therefore, Action Alternative B would have no direct or indirect impact to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population presence in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of miction Alternative C Direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population presence as a result of Action Alternative C are expected to be the same as those described for Action Alternative B. Genetics • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A No-Action Alternative A would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population genetics in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under Existing Conditions . • Direct and Indirect Effects of Action Alternative B The eastern brook trout may negatively affect bull trout population genetics in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks through hybridization, as described in the EXISTING CONDITIONS. However, the introduction, migration, and spawning behavior of nonnative eastern brook trout and the conseguent population biological interactions with bull trout are beyond the control and regulatory jurisdiction of DNRC land-management activities. Different strains of nonnative and historic hatchery rainbow trout may hybridize with westslope cutthroat trout, which can introduce long-term genetic introgression to pure westslope cutthroat trout populations in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. The genetic introgression of westslope cutthroat trout may also arise from hybridization with Yellowstone cutthroat trout, through either local Page E-2{ West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS introduction of the subspecies or residual introgression introduced by westslope cutthroat trout that may have originally come from historic cutthroat trout hatcheries. Introgression, in general, negatively affects genetically pure westslope cutthroat trout, and, as described in EXISTING CONDITIONS, this is known to have occurred at a minimum in the West Fork and Johnson Creek (MFISH 2004) . However, the introduction, migration, and spawning behavior of nonnative rainbow trout and the conseguent population biological interactions with westslope cutthroat trout are beyond the control and regulatory jurisdiction of DNRC land- management activities. Additionally, the genetic pathway within westslope cutthroat trout populations of genes specific to Yellowstone cutthroat trout is also beyond the control of DNRC land- management activities. Therefore, Action Alternative B would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population genetics in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. Direct and Indirect Effects of .fiction Alternative C Direct and indirect environmental effects of Action Alternative C to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout population genetics would be expected to be the same as those described for Action Alternative B. Flow Regime • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A No-Action Alternative A would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the flow-regime component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of Action Alternative B Changes in flow regime can affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning migration, spawning behavior, potential spawning habitat, and embryo survival through modifications of stream morphology, sediment budget, streambank stability, stream temperature ranges, and channel formations. An analysis of potential actions related to Action Alternative B indicates that water yields would increase from approximately 3.4 percent (existing conditions) to approximately 6.0 percent in the West Fork, approximately 3.3 percent (existing conditions) to approximately 4 . 1 percent in Stryker Creek, and approximately 3.5 percent (existing conditions) to approximately 3.9 percent in Johnson Creek (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . The range of potential water- yield increases to streams with bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the project area is approximately from 0.4 percent to 2.6 percent. With respect to those existing conditions described earlier, these potential modifications of flow regimes as a result of Action Alternative B are expected to have negligible, if any, direct and indirect impacts Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-2? to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. Direct and Indirect Effects of •Action •Alternative C Changes in flow regime can affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout spawning migration, spawning behavior, potential spawning habitat, and embryo survival through modifications of stream morphology, sediment budget, streambank stability, stream temperature ranges, and channel formations. An analysis of potential actions related to Action Alternative C indicate that water yields would increase from approximately 3.4 percent (existing conditions) to approximately 5.0 percent in the West Fork, approximately 3.3 percent (existing conditions) to approximately 3.5 percent in Stryker Creek, and approximately 3.5 percent (existing conditions) to approximately 3.7 percent in Johnson Creek (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) . The range of potential water yield increases to streams with bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the project area is approximately 0.2 percent to approximately 1.6 percent. With respect to those existing conditions described earlier, these potential modifications of flow regimes as a result of Action Alternative C are expected to have negligible, if any, direct and indirect impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout Habitat ~ Sediment • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJWo-Jlction •Alternative •/! No-Action Alternative A would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the sediment component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of •Action •Alternative B Modifications of stream sediment size classes, especially with trends toward fine size classes, could adversely affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the project area by reducing the guality of spawning habitat, in-stream cover, rearing habitat, and wintering habitat. Increased levels of fine sediments can be introduced to the stream system from various sources, including bank erosion due to stream channel instability, road features, and adjacent timber-harvesting operations . Data from APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS in this EIS indicates that the range of potential water-yield increases as a result of Action Alternative B is generally insufficient to facilitate the development of unstable stream channels . APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS also indicates that road improvements associated with Action Alternative B would reduce sedimentation to the West Fork and Stryker Creek by approximately 4.2 tons per year and by approximately 2.7 tons per year to Johnson Creek. Road Page E-30 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS improvement activities that remove or mitigate potential sediment sources may have temporary, unavoidable, and short-term impacts to the sediment component of streams (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) , which may correspond to a minor, short- term impact to bull trout or westslope cutthroat trout. However, these road improvements would provide a long-term, net- positive impact to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in respect to sediment. Timber harvesting operations adjacent to the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks would comply with SMZ laws. The SMZ laws are designed to provide adeguate mitigations for the prevention of sedimentation to streams from adjacent timber- harvest-related activities. With respect to those existing conditions described earlier, the selection of Action Alternative B would likely provide net-positive direct and indirect impacts to the sediment component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. Direct and Indirect Effects oJ'Jlclion •Alternative C Modifications of stream-sediment size classes, especially with trends toward fine size classes, could adversely affect bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the project area by reducing the guality of spawning habitat, in-stream cover, rearing habitat, and wintering habitat. Increased levels of fine sediments can be introduced to the stream system from various sources, including bank erosion due to stream channel instability, road features, and adjacent timber-harvesting operations . Data from APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS indicates that the range of potential water-yield increases as a result of Action Alternative C is generally insufficient to facilitate the development of unstable stream channels. The APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS also indicates that road improvements associated with Action Alternative C would reduce sedimentation to the West Fork and Stryker Creek by approximately 2 . 6 tons per year and by approximately 0.0 tons per year to Johnson Creek. Road-improvement activities that remove or mitigate potential sediment sources may have temporary, unavoidable, and short-term impacts to the sediment component of streams (see APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS) , which may correspond to a minor, short- term impact to bull trout or westslope cutthroat trout. However, these road improvements would provide a long-term, net- positive impact to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in respect to sediment. Timber-harvesting operations adjacent to the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks would comply with SMZ laws. The SMZ laws are designed to provide adeguate mitigations for the prevention of sedimentation to streams from adjacent activities related to timber harvesting. With respect to those existing conditions described earlier, the selection of Action Alternative C would likely provide net-positive direct and indirect impacts to the sediment component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-31 Channel Forms • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A No-Action Alternative A would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the channel-form component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of .fiction Alternative B Potential changes to stream channel forms are primarily a function of modifications to flow regimes and conseguent relationships with existing sediment size classes. As indicated earlier, modifications to the bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat features of flow regime and sediment as a result of Action Alternative B are expected to be negligible or not occur at all. Therefore, with respect to those existing conditions described earlier, there are no foreseeable direct and indirect impacts to the channel form component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. • Direct and Indirect Effects of .fiction Alternative C Potential changes to stream channel forms are primarily a function of modifications to flow regimes and conseguent relationships with existing sediment size classes. As indicated earlier, modifications to the bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat features of flow regime and sediment as a result of Action Alternative C are expected to be negligible or not occur at all. Therefore, with respect to those existing conditions described earlier, there are no foreseeable direct and indirect impacts to the channel form component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. Large Woody Debris • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A No-Action Alternative A would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the large-woody-debris component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of Action Alternative B Action Alternative B proposes varying levels of timber harvesting up to, but not within, 100 feet of the nearest stream bankfull edges of the West Fork (proposed Harvest Areas II-H, II-G, II-P, and II- C) , Stryker Creek (proposed Harvest Area II-P), and Johnson Creek (proposed Harvest Area II- C) . Potential large-woody- debris recruitment to the channels of these and other streams is a function of the distance from the stream channel that riparian trees may fall in order to contribute large woody debris. This distance from the stream channel is generally egual to the mean height of dominant and co-dominant trees (Robinson and Beschta 1990, Bilby and Bisson 1998), which is usually expressed as the site- potential tree height. As described in EXISTING CONDITIONS, the site-potential tree height at 100 years from sample sites in the riparian zone along both sides of the Page E-32 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS West Fork throughout the project area ranges from 81 to 93 feet. The riparian zones along Stryker and Johnson creeks are likely sufficiently similar to those in the West Fork that site- potential tree heights of 81 to 93 feet can also be applied to these areas. Since a no-harvest buffer of 100 feet would be established between the 3 streams and associated proposed harvest areas described above, rates of potential large-woody- debris recruitment to any of these 3 stream channels is not expected to be affected by any of the proposed harvest areas. Correspondingly, a study of large-woody-debris recruitment to stream channels in Alaska found that 99 percent of in- stream large woody debris was recruited from trees within 30 meters (96 feet) of the stream channel (Murphy and Koski 1989) . In-stream large woody debris may also be recruited to 1 of the 3 stream channels from upstream channel reaches. Proposed Harvest Area III-I intersects 1 intermittent stream channel that eventually delivers seasonal flow to the West Fork, and proposed Harvest Areas III-J and III-L are jointly bordered by 1 intermittent stream channel that eventually delivers seasonal flow to the West Fork. The very low discharge of these 2 intermittent streams is unlikely to provide sufficient energy for transportation of large woody debris to downstream reaches. The intersecting reaches of these 2 first-order, intermittent tributaries, which would also have established buffers for Class I streams according to Streamside Management Rules (1996), are not expected to affect sources of upstream large-woody-debris recruitment to the West Fork in any measurable or detectable way . Therefore, Action Alternative B would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the large-woody-debris component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of miction Alternative C Although Action Alternative C does not propose any harvesting in Harvest Area III, the conseguences, in respect to large woody debris, would be identical to those of Action Alternative B. Therefore, the direct and indirect effects of Action Alternative C to the large-woody-debris component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat would be expected to be the same as those described for Action Alternative B. Riparian Zone • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action •Alternative •/! No-Action Alternative A would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the riparian-zone component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker or Johnson creeks beyond those described under Existing Conditions . • Direct and Indirect Effects of* let ion Alternative B The manner in which the riparian zone affects bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat through large-woody- debris recruitment to the stream channel is described under Large Woody Debris (previous heading) . In that section, the effective riparian zone is described as varying between 81 and 93 feet Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-33 along the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. Since a 100-foot no-harvest buffer would be established between these 3 streams and the associated proposed harvest areas in Action Alternative B, the riparian-zone function associated with these 3 stream channels is not expected to be affected by any of the proposed harvest areas. Therefore, Action Alternative B would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the riparian-zone component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker or Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct mid Indirect Effects qfJlction Alternative C The direct and indirect environmental effects to the riparian-zone component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat for Action Alternative C would be expected to be the same as those described for Action Alternative B. Stream Temperature • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-jIction Jllternatiee .1 No-Action Alternative A would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the stream-temperature component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker or Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of miction Alternative B Direct solar radiation is the primary mechanism affecting positive changes in stream temperature throughout the project area. Increases in stream temperature can then, conseguently , occur through the loss of riparian vegetation, which intercepts solar radiation. The amount of riparian vegetation intercepting solar radiation, or stream shading, depends on many factors, such as width of the stream channel, site-potential tree height of dominant and co- dominant riparian tree species, riparian tree density, and stream azimuth. Nonetheless, studies with no-harvest riparian buffers of 30 meters (96 feet) in managed, forested watersheds have demonstrated levels of stream shading eguivalent to unlogged, forested watersheds (Beschta et al 1987, Castelle and Johnson 2000 citing others.) A similar study has found the same results with a 100-foot no- harvest buffer (Brown and Krygier 1970) . Since a no- harvest buffer of 100 feet would be established between the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks and the associated proposed harvest areas in Action Alternative B, stream temperatures associated with these 3 stream channels are not expected to be affected by any of the proposed harvest areas. Tributaries to streams can have an affect on (downstream) stream temperatures that is proportional to the discharge of the tributary. Proposed Harvest Area III-I intersects an intermittent stream channel that eventually delivers seasonal flow to the West Fork, and proposed Harvest Areas III-J and III-L are jointly bordered by an intermittent stream channel that eventually delivers seasonal flow to the West Fork. The intersecting reaches of these 2 first-order, intermittent tributaries would have established buffers for Class I streams according to Streamside Management Rules (1996), which have been shown to have a Page E-34 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS statistically insignificant effect on stream temperatures in preliminary studies {Sugden and Steiner 2003) . As these streams also provide only low, seasonally intermittent discharges to higher-order streams, no measurable or detectable changes in stream temperature would be expected in the West Fork due to Action Alternative B. Therefore, Action Alternative B would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the stream-temperature component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct ana ! Indirect Effects ofJlction •Alternative C Although Action Alternative C does not propose any harvesting in Harvest Area III, the conseguences in respect to stream temperature would be identical to those of Action Alternative B. Therefore, direct and indirect environmental effects to the stream-temperature component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of the selection of Action Alternative C are expected to be the same as those described for Action Alternative B. Connectivity • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-JIction Jllternative .1 No-Action Alternative A would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the connectivity component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker or Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of miction Jllternative B As part of Action Alternative B, the bridge crossing the West Fork in Section 29, T34N, R23W, would be replaced with a new 70- foot steel bridge. The new structure would be expected to provide naturally occurring levels of connectivity to all life stages of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. Therefore, Action Alternative B would not be expected to have any direct or indirect impacts to the connectivity component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat in the West Fork or Stryker and Johnson creeks beyond those described under EXISTING CONDITIONS. • Direct and Indirect Effects of miction Alternative C Direct and indirect effects to the connectivity component of bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat as a result of the selection of Action Alternative C are expected to be the same as those described for Action Alternative B. CUMULATIVE EFFECTS FOR THE WEST FORK, STRYKER CREEK, AND JOHNSON CREEK • Cumulative Effects ofJVo-Jtction Jllternative Jl Action Alternative A would not be expected to have any cumulative impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks . • Cumulative Effects ofJlction Jllternative B Cumulative impacts are those collective impacts on the human environment of the proposed action when considered in conjunction with other past, present, and future actions related to the proposed action by location or generic type (75-1-220, MCA). Appendix E Fisheries Analysis Page E-35 The direct, indirect, and collective impacts of past- and present-related actions associated with bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations and habitat in the project area for all 3 specific streams are described throughout the EXISTING CONDITIONS section. These existing impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout described earlier range from low to moderate in the West Fork and Johnson Creek and low in Stryker Creek. There are no known future activities related to the proposed action by location or generic type . As described in the Direct and Indirect Effects of Action Alternative B, the actions associated with proposed Action Alternative B would have impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout that range from negligible to net positive. The assessment of the proposed actions on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations (presence and genetics) and bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat variables (flow regime, sediment, channel form, large woody debris, riparian-zone function, stream temperature, and connectivity) summarily indicate that no adverse negative impacts would likely be associated with Action Alternative B. Conseguently, as a result of the selection of Action Alternative B, the risk of foreseeable, adverse cumulative impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout is low in the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks. Cumulative Effects oJ'Jlclion .1 Iter native C Cumulative impacts are those collective impacts on the human environment of the proposed action when considered in conjunction with other past, present, and future actions related to the proposed action by location or generic type (75-1-220, MCA). The direct, indirect, and collective impacts of past- and present-related actions associated with bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations and habitat in the project area are described throughout the EXISTING CONDITIONS section for all 3 specific streams. Those existing impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout, described earlier, range from low to moderate in the West Fork and Johnson Creek and low in Stryker Creek . There are no known future-related activities associated to the proposed action by location or generic type . As described in Direct and Indirect Effects of Action Alternative C, the actions associated with proposed Action Alternative C would have impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout that range from negligible to net positive. The assessment of the proposed actions on bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout populations (presence and genetics) and bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout habitat variables (flow regime, sediment, channel form, large woody debris, riparian-zone function, stream temperature, and connectivity) summarily indicate no adverse negative impacts would likely be associated with Action Alternative C. Conseguently, as a result of the selection of Action Alternative C, the risk of foreseeable, adverse cumulative impacts to bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout is low in the West Fork or Stryker or Johnson creeks. Page E-36 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS APPENDIX F WILDLIFE ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The discussion in this section pertains to wildlife species and their habitats in the existing environment and changes to that environment due to each alternative. During the initial scoping, the following issues were expressed regarding the effects of the proposed project: • Timber harvesting and road use could reduce habitat security of areas for large mammals. • Timber harvesting and road use could cause fragmentation. In addition to the above issues, the analyses below discuss other environmental effects of the alternatives to the wildlife resource . This discussion occurs at 2 scales. The project area includes DNRC- managed lands within Sections 18 through 21 and 28 through 34 in T34N, R23W, and Section 13 in T34N, R24W. Full descriptions of the project area and proposed harvest areas are presented in CHAPTER II - ALTERNATIVES (TABLE II-l - SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS BY HARVEST AREA NUMBER FOR ACTION ALTERNATIVES B AND C) . The second scale relates to the surrounding landscape for assessing cumulative effects. This scale varies according to the species being discussed, but generally approximates the size of the home range of the species in guestion. Under each grouping or species heading, the description for the cumulative-effects analysis area will be discussed. In the cumulative-effects analysis area, the project area and the effects are placed in a landscape context. If habitat does not exist in the project area or would not be modified by any alternative, species that use that habitat were dismissed from further analysis. METHODS To assess the existing condition of the project area and the surrounding landscape, a variety of techniques were used. Field visits, scientific literature, data from the SLI and Montana Natural Heritage Program, aerial photography, consultations with other professionals, and professional judgment provided information for the following discussion and effects analysis. In the effects analysis, changes in the habitat quality and quantity from the existing conditions were evaluated and explained. Specialized methodologies are discussed under the species in which they apply. COARSE-FILTER ASSESSMENT DNRC recognizes that it is an impossible and unnecessary task to assess an affected environment or the effects of proposed actions on all wildlife species. We assume that if landscape patterns and processes similar to those that species adapted to are maintained, then the full complement of species will be maintained across the landscape (DNRC 1996) . This "coarse filter" approach supports diverse wildlife populations by managing for a variety of forest structures and compositions that approximate "historic conditions" across a landscape. To compare present and historical conditions across the landscape, the analysis was conducted for Stillwater State Forest using SLI data (refer to APPENDIX B - VEGETATION ANALYSIS) and was compared to the historical assessment compiled for the Lower Flathead Climatic Section (Losensky 1997) . Covertypes The vegetation analysis indicates that covertypes changed over the past century due to the influence of fire suppression, insects, diseases, and timber harvesting. Generally, Stillwater State Forest should support more western white pine and western larch/Douglas-fir covertypes and less subalpine fir and lodgepole pine covertypes than found on average for the climatic type. All other covertypes occur near historical proportions found in the climatic section (Losensky 1997) . Therefore, species using western white pine and western larch/Douglas-fir covertypes are presumably more likely to be found and/or be more abundant on Stillwater State Forest than on average in the climatic section. Conversely, species using subalpine fir and lodgepole pine covertypes are presumably less likely to occur or occur in lower densities on Stillwater State Forest due to the amount of habitat present, while species that use other covertypes are expected to occur near the average densities expected throughout the climatic section. However, primarily due to fire suppression, timber management, and introduced diseases, many of the stands have increased in the proportion of shade-tolerant tree species (TABLE F-l - PERCENTAGE OF COVERTYPES FOUND ON STILLWATER STATE FOREST AND THE CLIMATIC SECTION) . Fire suppression probably had little effect in the project area, while past timber harvesting and diseases heavily influenced the decline in shade-intolerant tree species. The changes presumably reduce the abundance of species that use open, shade-intolerant forested habitat, while favoring species using dense, closed-canopy habitats. Patch Size and Interior Habitats Species that are hesitant to cross broad expanses without forest cover, or those that depend upon interior forest conditions, can be sensitive to the amount and spatial configuration of appropriate habitat. Therefore, patch size and juxtaposition can influence habitat quality and population dynamics for some species. Some species are adapted to thrive near patch edges, while others are adversely affected by the presence of edge or by the presence of other animals that prosper in edge habitats. TABLE F-l - PERCENTAGE OF COVERTYPES FOUND ON STILLWATER STATE FOREST AND THE 333C CLIMATIC SECTION COVERTYPE PERCENT CLIMATIC SECTION (LOSENSKY 1997) PERCENT OF COVERTYPES ON THE STILLWATER STATE FOREST EXPECTED UNDER HISTORIC CONDITIONS PERCENT OF COVERTYPES ON THE STILLWATER STATE FOREST EXISTING COVERTYPES CURRENTLY Douglas-fir <1 2 2 Lodgepole pine 27 11 11 Mixed conifer 1 ( spruce-fir) ' 6 8 27 Nonf orest 1 (wheat -fescue) £ Trace 2 2 Other types Trace Trace Trace Ponderosa pine 1 1 1 Subalpine fir 36 20 26 Western larch/ Douglas-fir 28 45 26 Western white pine 1 11 3 DNRC classification 1 Losensky (1997) classification Page F-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS 1) 2) 3) 4) A "patch" is defined as a unit of habitat with broadly similar age and structural characteristics (primarily associated with forest or nonforest cover) . For this analysis, forested habitats provided the basis for patch, interior- habitat, and edge-habitat analyses. Forested habitats were defined as stands greater than 40 years old (pole- to sawtimber-sized stands) with a canopy cover of 40 percent or more. Interior forested habitat is defined as an area that is not affected by the adjacent stand and retains similar climatic conditions. Conversely, edge is defined as the contact zone between 2 different types of habitat. For this analysis, the first 300 feet of a patch was considered edge habitat; the remaining patch was considered interior forested habitat {TABLE F-2 - EXISTING AND RESULTING FORESTED, INTERIOR, AND EDGE HABITAT ON THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT) . Connectivity Connectivity of forest cover between adjacent patches is important for promoting movements of species that are hesitant to cross broad, nonforest expanses. Stands that are pole-sized or greater with crown closure greater than 40 percent can be important for providing travel cover for forest-dwelling species. Across Stillwater State Forest, connectivity is high with few isolated stands. No harvest areas are proposed in key travel areas, such as saddles or near streams TABLE F-2 - EXISTING AND RESULTING ACRES OF FORESTED, INTERIOR, AND EDGE HABITAT IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT (FIGURE F-l - EXISTING FORESTED HABITATS IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT) . See Canada Lynx and Fisher analyses for additional details on connectivity and travel cover. Deadwood Deadwood (downed trees and snags) is an important component of the forested ecosystems. The 5 primary functions of deadwood in the forested ecosystems are to: increase structural diversity, alter canopy microenvironment , promote biological diversity, provide critical habitat for wildlife, and 5) act as a storehouse for nutrient and organic matter recycling agents (Parks and Shaw 1996) . This analysis focuses on the importance of deadwood as wildlife habitat and the effects of this project on those habitats. PARAMETER NO-ACTION ALTERNATIVE A ACTION ALTERNATIVE B ACTION ALTERNATIVE C Forested habitat 21, 465 20,278 20, 610 Interior habitat 14, 771 13,245 13, 635 Edge habitat 6, 694 7, 033 6, 975 The presence of insects and predaceous birds and mammals are important to forest management. Both insects and birds associated with snags and downed wood are suspected of controlling insects that are harmful to wood production, such as the Douglas-fir tussock moth and spruce budworm. However, when insect populations reach epidemic levels, predation is often ineffective at controlling or reducing population levels (Torgensen 1994) . Small mammals that are associated with downed wood distribute ectomychorrhizal fungus, which is needed for seedling establishment and tree growth (Amaranthus 1998) . Therefore, maintenance of habitats for insectivorous birds and mammals is important for long- term forest health. Snags and logs provide reproduction, feeding, Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -3 FIGURE F-l SUBUNIT - EXISTING FORESTED HABITAT IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR Page F-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS rearing, and/or shelter structure for an array of wildlife species. Deadwood provides insects, fungus, and wood food sources for small mammals. In turn, these small mammals provide prey for predatory birds and mammals. Additionally, deadwood provides animal areas with: stable temperatures and moisture, shelter from the environment, - lookout areas, and - food storage sites. Small mammals, such as red-backed voles, to large mammals, such as black bears, rely on deadwood for survival and reproduction. The size, length, decay, and distribution of deadwood affect their capacity to provide specific habitat. Logs less than 6 feet in length tend to dry out and provide limited habitat for wildlife species. Single, scattered logs could provide lookout and travel sites for sguirrels or access under the snow for weasels and other small mammals, while log piles provide habitat for weasels, hares, other small mammals, etc. Similarly, diameters, heights, and snag densities determine the snag habitat value for wildlife species. Larger, taller snags tend to provide nesting sites, while shorter snags and stumps tend to provide feeding sites for birds and mammals. Cavity- nesting birds often nest in areas where several snags are available, using individual snags as feeding or roosting sites; therefore, considering the size and distribution of these resources is important . Snag data were collected in areas where SLI data indicated the stand might meet the old-growth definition defined by Green et al (1992). These areas occurred only in Harvest Area III, which is exclusive to Action Alternative B. Mean snag densities (greater than 14 inches dbh) ranged from to 64 per acre, with an average of 12.6 (n (stands) = 20 [standard deviation = 3.67]) and 14.0 (n (staBda| = 4 [standard deviation = 4.12]) for stands in cool and moist and cold and moderately dry habitat types, respectively. Only 2 of the sampled stands were harvested in the past. In the harvested stands, snag densities are among the lowest encountered. Whitebark pine was the most common snag encountered (36 percent of all snags), followed by subalpine fir (30 percent) , Engelmann spruce (26 percent), and Douglas-fir (8 percent) . The live- tree distribution is guite different; Engelmann spruce (75 percent) represents the highest proportion of large trees (greater than 21 inches dbh), followed by subalpine fir (12 percent), Douglas- fir (9 percent), whitebark pine (3 percent), and western larch (2 percent) . These trees could provide snag and coarse-woody-debris recruitment in the future . Regeneration in the project area is primarily shade-tolerant Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir. Snag densities in the other harvest areas were subjectively assessed and appear to be relatively low in density, which is expected in previously harvested stands (Harris 1999) and near open roads (Bate et al. 2002) . COARSE FILTER Direct Effects to Coarse Filter • Direct Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative Jl to Coarse Filter No additional displacement or disturbance of wildlife is expected in the area. • Direct Effects of. Jet ion Alternatives B and C to Coarse Eilter Displacement and/or disturbance of wildlife species would be expected due to these alternatives. Since different species react to human disturbance differently, the extent of disruption would be related to the species in Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -5 question. Generally, the amount of harvest area, associated roads, and duration of the project provides an avenue to develop a hierarchy of potential disturbance to wildlife in the area. Both action alternatives would be implemented over a 3-year period. Action Alternative B proposes to harvest 9.5 mmbf of timber from 1,270 acres and construct 3.4 miles of new roads. Action Alternative C proposes to harvest 5.7 mmbf of timber from 938 acres and construct 3.1 miles of new roads. Due to the amount of acres and volume, Action Alternative B would be expected to take longer to complete than Action Alternative C. Due to the increased area and duration of Action Alternative B, Action Alternative B would be expected to produce more disturbances to wildlife species than Action Alternative C. However, the project design features would be incorporated to reduce widespread disturbance of the area (see Grizzly Bear analysis) . Indirect Effects to Coarse Filter Covertypes • Indirect Effects ofJVo-vIction JlUernative Jl to Covertypes The stands considered for harvesting would continue to age, and the western larch/Douglas-fir covertypes would convert to mixed- conifer or subalpine fir covertypes. Where mixed-conifer and subalpine fir covertypes currently exist, these covertypes would be retained, but these stands would maintain or increase their canopy closure, shading out understory plants and shade- intolerant tree seedlings. In the long-term, species that use the more open stands and/or shade- intolerant tree species, would be negatively affected due to the loss of habitat, while species that use late-successional forest structure, would benefit by an increase in habitat. Indirect Effects of miction filler native B to Covertypes Harvesting under this alternative would convert most stands to younger age classes, but would not necessarily change covertypes. On 138 acres, harvesting would promote more historic covertype representation. On the remaining 1, 130 acres, the current covertype would be retained; however, shade- intolerant species, such as western larch and western white pine, would be planted in the regeneration-harvest areas to reintroduce or increase their representation in the future stand. DNRC would rely on natural regeneration of whitebark pine to increase or maintain this species in the future stand. These changes would favor wildlife species that use the more-open canopies and shade-intolerant tree species at the expense of wildlife species associated with closed- canopy, shade-tolerant tree species. If whitebark pine successfully regenerates, species such as Clarke's nutcrackers, grizzly bears, squirrels, etc., would benefit from an increase in key food sources. Indirect Effects of miction Jllternative Cto Covertypes Harvesting under this alternative would convert most stands to younger age classes, but not necessarily change covertypes. On 46 acres, harvesting would promote a more historic covertype representation. On the remaining 892 acres, the covertype would be retained; however, shade- intolerant species, such as western larch and western white pine, would be planted in regeneration-harvest areas to reintroduce or increase their representation in the future stand. These changes would favor wildlife species that use the more Page F-6 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS open canopies and shade-intolerant tree species at the expense of wildlife species associated with closed-canopy, shade-tolerant tree species. Whitebark pine regeneration is not expected in any of these harvest areas. Patch Size and Interior and Edge Habitats • Indirect Effects ofJVo- .let ion filler native Jl to Patch Sise and Interior and Edge Habitats Patch size and interior and edge habitats would not change in the near term. Through time, forested patch size and interior habitat are expected to increase, while edge habitat would be expected to decrease. These conditions would favor wildlife species that prefer dense, mature forests at the expense of wildlife species that use nonforest, open-canopied, or edge habitats. • Indirect Effects of .let ion Jllternative B to Patch Sise and Interior and Edge Habitats Forested habitat would decrease by 1,187 acres and interior forested habitat would decrease by 1,526 acres, while edge habitat would increase by 339 acres in the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit (TABLE F-2 - EXISTING AND RESULTING ACRES OF FORESTED, INTERIOR, AND EDGE HABITAT ON UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT) . Habitat for species that use forested and interior habitat would decrease, while species that use edge and regeneration or unforested habitats would be favored. • Indirect Effects ofJlction Jllternative C to Patch Sise and Interior and Edge Habitats Forested habitat would decrease by 855 acres and interior forested habitat would decrease by 1,136 acres, while edge habitat would increase by 281 acres in the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit (TABLE F-2 - EXISTING AND RESULTING FORESTED, INTERIOR, AND EDGE HABITAT ON UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT) . Habitat for species that use forested and interior habitat would decrease, while species that use edge and regeneration or unforested habitats would be favored. These effects are intermediate between No-Action Alternative A and Action Alternative B. Connectivity • Indirect Effects ofJVo-Jlction . I Hermit ire ./I to Connectivity No change in forest connectivity is expected. Over time, forest connectivity would be expected to increase due to the succession of early serai stands and sparse stands. The increase in connectivity would benefit species that depend on dense interconnected forests by providing movement corridors and other habitats within the project area . • Indirect Effects to Connectivity Common to Jlction Jllternatices H and C Timber harvesting under these alternatives does not substantially alter connectivity. In both alternatives, regeneration harvests would not result in barriers to forest dwelling species under either alternative (FIGURE F-2 - FORESTED HABITAT IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT) . However, Action Alternative B narrows the connectivity corridor along the West Fork to approximately 500 feet. Under both alternatives, substantial effects to connectivity are not expected; therefore, any effects are expected to be negligible. Deadwood • Direct and Indirect Effects ofJVo-Jlction Jllternatire Jl to Deadwood No changes in deadwood resources would occur. Tree mortality, especially shade-tolerant tree species, could increase due to insects and diseases or other Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -7 Forested habitat not affected under either action alternative Forested habitat removed under Action Alternative B in addition to Action Alternative C Forested habitat removed under Action Alternative C FIGURE F-2-F0RESTED HABITAT IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT UNDER EITHER ALTERNATIVE Page F- West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS natural events. This situation would benefit species that use deadwood resources in the short term; however, because of the current lack of shade-intolerant tree species in the longer term, reductions in deadwood, especially shade-intolerant tree species, could occur. Direct and Indirect Effects to Deadwood Common to miction .liter natives B and C Under both alternatives, deadwood resources would be targeted to be retained in the harvest areas. Harvesting could remove recently dead trees that are merchantable, but would attempt to retain most of the cull material. Based on data collected by the USFS on Lolo National Forest, an estimate of snag loss during harvesting activities ranged from 50 to 100 percent (Hillis 1993) . On a recent DNRC timber sale where all snags greater than 14 inches were to be retained, 60 percent were standing following harvesting; however, when all snags were considered, only 35 percent were left standing. A majority of the loss of snags occurred in the medium-size class, with retention of the larger snags appearing more successful. Therefore, nearly one-half of the snags, mostly small to medium sized, planned for retention in the area could succumb to operational or safety- related felling. These losses are expected to be larger in the cable-yarding harvest areas and exasperated if prescribed fire is used for site preparation. In each harvest area, a minimum of 1 snag and 1 snag-recruitment trees over 21 inches dbh would be retained per acre (ARM 36 .11.411) . If snags planned for retention were felled for safety concerns, these trees/snags would be left on site to provide feeding substrate and habitat structure for wildlife species. In all harvest areas, decreases in feeding and nesting sites might occur due to the reduction in snags, while some ground structure and foraging sites could be removed by the harvesting and crushing of downed trees. Harvesting is expected to reduce the densities of small to medium-sized snags; therefore, these alternatives are likely to affect smaller cavity-nesting species and their associated secondary cavity species. However, retention of dominant trees, existing deadwood, and untreated piles of cull logs is expected to provide habitat for species associated with large deadwood in the short and long term. More deadwood habitat would be retained under Action Alternative C than under Action Alternative B. The loss of deadwood structure could reduce insectivorous wildlife species, which could result in increased populations of forest pests (Torgenson 1994) and could inhibit regeneration by reducing distribution of ectomychorrhizal fungus distributed by small mammals {Amaranthus 1998) . However, not all deadwood would be removed from the stand, thereby providing some habitat for these species. The scale of the effects to these species is unknown, but is expected to be related to the reduction in deadwood habitat . CUMULATIVE EFFECTS - COARSE FILTER Cumulative Effects to Covertype and Age Class • Cumulative Effects ofJWo-Jlction JlUernative ml to Covertype and Jlge Class Covertypes would continue to convert from shade-intolerant to shade-tolerant covertypes, and stands in older age classes would continue to increase. Where shade-tolerant covertypes are present, shade-intolerant tree densities would continue to decline. This situation would affect wildlife species using the Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F area by decreasing habitat diversity in the area and favoring species associated with late- succession, shade-intolerant tree species . • Cumulative Effects to Covertype and *4ge Class Common to .fiction Jl Iter natives li and C Efforts under both action alternatives would be made to convert stands to more closely reflect the historic conditions outlined in Losensky (1997). Under Action Alternative B, conversion would occur through the thinning of shade-tolerant species and regeneration harvesting. The harvesting would result in more closely reflecting historic covertypes and age classes. This alternative would benefit early successional species at the expense of mid- to later- successional species. The treatments are expected to increase the growth of retained trees, thereby decreasing the amount of time before large trees are available in these stands. These alternatives are expected to benefit native wildlife species by reproducing habitats to which the species are adapted. Cumulative Effects to Patch Size, Interior and Edge Habitats, and Connectivity Adjacent USFS lands are not expected to be harvested, thereby increasing forested habitat and patch size in those areas. The effects discussed under the indirect effects above would be cumulative to the conditions occurring on adjacent lands in the area. Cumulative Effects to Deadwood Resources Reductions in deadwood resources would be cumulative to past timber and salvage harvests. However, in these areas, mitigations to provide deadwood habitats are incorporated in all these projects. So, although deadwood resources would be reduced in the cumulative effects area, retention of specific snags and downed trees would continue to contribute habitat, albeit at a lower density in the short term, for species that use deadwood resources. FINE FILTER In the fine-filter analysis, individual species of concern are evaluated. These species include wildlife species listed under the Endangered Species Act, species listed as sensitive by DNRC (ARM 36.11.436(6)), and species managed as big game by DFWP . THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES > Bald Eagle The bald eagle is classified as "threatened" and is protected under the Endangered Species Act. Strategies to protect the bald eagle are outlined in the Pacific States Bald Eagle Recovery Plan (USFWS 1986) and the Montana Bald Eagle Management Plan (Montana Bald Eagle Working Group 1994) . Management direction involves identifying and protecting nesting, feeding, perching, roosting, and wintering/migration areas (USFWS 1986, Montana Bald Eagle Working Group, 1994) . For the nesting territory at Upper Whitefish Lake, Paige (1991) developed site-specific management guidelines that will be followed in this project. Bald eagles prefer multistoried nesting habitats with 40- to 70- percent canopy cover with emergent trees within topographic line-of- sight to an associated water source with an adeguate food supply. The emergent trees and/or snags need to be large enough (more than 25 inches dbh) to support nesting or perching eagles. Additionally, eagles prefer cottonwood, Douglas-fir, and ponderosa pine trees (Wright and Escano 1986). In western Montana, eagles also use western larch and Engelmann spruce. Page F-10 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS Eagles nest south of Upper Whitefish Lake. Paige (1997) defined the nest area to include the south shoreline of the lake to West Fork Road; the primary use area includes the nest area and extends approximately 1 mile to the north. The home range of these eagles extends north from Swede Creek to Nasukoin Lake and east from the divide between the Swift Creek and West Fork drainages to Hay Lake (FIGURE F-3 - UPPER WHITEFISH BALD EAGLE TERRITORY) . The eagles return to their breeding territory in February and, if successful in raising eaglets, will inhabit the nest area through August. No proposed harvest areas occur within the nest or primary-use area. However, haul routes intersect the nest and primary-use area. The West Fork Road (open road) borders the south boundary of the nest and primary-use area, while Whitefish Saddle Road (restricted road) cuts through the primary-use area. To assess cumulative effects to bald eagles, the bald eagle territory home range was used. This area includes DNRC (approximately 33 percent) and National Forest System Lands (approximately 66 percent) . Harvest Areas I, II-A, and II-C fall into the bald eagle's home range . Direct Effects • Direct Effects ofJWo-Jlction Jitter nut ire .1 to Bald Eagles No additional direct effects to nesting or wintering bald eagles would be expected. • Direct Effects to Bald Eagles Common to Jlction Jllternative B and C No harvesting would occur in the nest or primary-use area. However, hauling through the primary-use area and along the boundary of the nest-site area would occur. To limit disturbance to nesting eagles, Harvest Areas I and II-A would not be harvested during the eagle nesting season (February 1 through August 15) unless the territory is determined to be unoccupied. If needed, logs could be loaded and hauled (but not cut, skidded, or processed) from Harvest Area II-A during the nesting season because the harvest area is along an open road. Loading and hauling would be a short-term disturbance consistent with disturbance found along open roads. However, if this activity is determined to be too disruptive to the nesting eagles, the hauling operation would be discontinued immediately and would start again after August 15. With these mitigation measures in place, no additional disturbance effects are expected. Indirect Effects • Indirect Effects ofJVo-Jlction Jlllernaliee Jl to Bald Eagles Timber stands that presently provide bald eagle habitat would continue to increase in density and proportion of shade-tolerant tree species, while decreasing in growth rates. Additionally, snags would continue to develop. Barring any natural disturbance, shade-intolerant trees would not regenerate over time. Existing younger stands would continue to grow and produce the structure needed by eagles, but at a slower rate due to dense stocking. Under this alternative, the guality of eagle nesting habitat would decrease as canopy cover increases above 70 percent (Montana Bald Eagle Working Group 1991) . The potential of these effects limiting nest success of this breeding pair is low . Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -11 FIGURE F-3 - UPPER WHITEFISH BALD EAGLE TERRITORY Page F-12 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS • Indirect Effects to Bald Eagles Common to .'Id ion Alternative B and C No habitat modifications would occur in the nest site or primary-use area under these alternatives. Therefore, the effects discussed under No- Action Alternative A are expected to occur in these areas . Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects of 'JVo-./lction Jitter native «// to Bald Eagles Under this alternative, no additional disturbance or habitat modification would occur in the analysis area. No other projects are proposed in the home-range area. • Cumulative Effects to Bald Eagles Common to miction . I Iter native B and C This alternative would result in treatment of 119 acres of timber within the 17,520-acre home range associated with this territory. None of these stands are located in a landscape position (outside line-of-sight of an associated waterbody) where they provide potential bald eagle nesting habitat. In both Harvest Areas II-A and II- C, regeneration and a group- select harvest prescriptions would be implemented. These treatments would open the overstory canopy, which would increase eagle access to small mammal prey, while retaining dominant trees scattered throughout the harvest area or in groups. Over time, these harvest areas would develop a multilevel canopy. These conversions are expected to be neutral to positive. However, harvesting in Harvest Area II-A would decrease visual screening between the open West Fork Road and the harvest area, thereby offsetting any benefit realized by reducing canopy cover. Otherwise, no other projects are planned in the cumulative- effects analysis area. The effects of these habitat alterations are expected to be neutral to slightly positive, but are not expected to change the reproductive success rate of this nesting pair. > Canada Lynx Canada lynx are listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. Currently, no recovery plan exists for Canada lynx. Several reports have been written to summarize the research on lynx and develop a conservation strategy (Ruediger et al 2000) . Lynx are associated with subalpine fir forests, generally between 4,000 and 7,000 feet in elevation, in western Montana (Ruediger et al 2000) . Lynx habitat in western Montana consists primarily of young coniferous forest with plentiful snowshoe hares, stands with abundant coarse woody debris for denning and cover for kittens, and densely forested cover for travel and security. Additionally, the mature forests provide habitat for red squirrels, an alternative prey source. These conditions are found in a variety of habitat types, particularly within the subalpine fir series (Pfister et al 1977) . To assess lynx habitat, DNRC SLI data were used to map specific habitat classes used by lynx. These areas were considered lynx habitat (ARM 36 . 11 . 403 (40) ) . Other parameters (stand age, canopy cover, amount of coarse woody debris) were used in modeling the availability of specific types of lynx habitat in the area (i.e. denning, forage, other, temporarily not available) (ARM 36.11. 435 (2) ) . Based on field reconnaissance and SLI modeling, denning habitat is not expected to be affected, while all harvest areas occur in general Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -13 or foraging habitat. The current conditions allow lynx to move through the project area and the proposed harvest areas. All stands proposed for harvesting likely provide red sguirrel habitat, and stands or portion of stands with thick understories likely provide snowshoe hare habitat . Cumulative effects were analyzed for lands in the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit. Based on the above analysis, lynx habitat comprised approximately 26,866 acres, nearly the entire DNRC ownership in the Upper Whitefish Subunit. Of these acres, 915 acres are modeled as denning habitat. The denning habitat component is difficult to model because lynx can den in small patches of downed wood within a large stand. The SLI is designed to identify general stand conditions and does not capture small dense patches of downed woody material; therefore, it is likely that more denning habitat occurs on the landscape than the model predicts. Other classifications used in the modeling effort appear more predictable. For existing lynx habitat, see TABLE F-3-EXISTING LYNX HABITAT ON DNRC OWNERSHIP WITHIN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT. TABLE F-3-EXISTING LYNX HABITAT ON DNRC OWNERSHIP WITHIN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT LYNX HABITAT COMPONENT EXISTING ACRES EXISTING PERCENT Denning 915 3.4 Mature foraging 4,915 18.3 Young foraging 5,025 18. 7 Other available 13,406 49.9 Temporary nonhabitat 2, 604 9.7 Totals 26, 865 100.0 Direct Effects • Direct Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A to Canada Lynx No additional activities would occur; therefore, no direct effects would be expected. • Direct Effects to Canada Lynx Common to Action Alternatives B and C Some disturbance of lynx could occur in areas with adeguate cover for lynx to travel through. However, lynx appear to be relatively tolerant of human presence and road use (Mowat et al 2000) ; therefore, no substantial direct effects would be expected. A slight potential increase for mortality due to road traffic on gated and/or new roads would be possible, though the risk of this occurring would likely be extremely small. Lynx do not appear to avoid roads at low traffic volumes (Ruediger 2000), so increased logging traffic on open and gated roads is not expected to displace or increase the energetic cost of individual lynx. The risks are higher under Action Alternative B than Action Alternative C, but both alternatives are expected to result in very minor risks of negative direct effects. Indirect Effects • Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A to Canada Lynx Under No-Action Alternative A, lynx would continue to use the project area similarly in the short term because no lynx habitat would be modified under this alternative. In the longer term (barring natural disturbances), stands would continue to age and increase in the coarse woody debris needed for denning and security cover. Regenerating harvest areas would mature and reduce habitat guality for snowshoe hares, Page F-14 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS potentially resulting in decreased primary prey availability for lynx. As these stands mature, habitat for red squirrels would increase, somewhat lessening the loss of prey. However, a diet of red squirrels might not provide the nutrients needed for the successful reproduction and rearing of kittens (Koehler 1990) . Therefore, in the short term, no effects to lynx are expected. In the longer term without disturbance, denning habitat is expected to increase, but foraging opportunities are expected to decrease. • Indirect Effects of. I cl ion .'Menial ire It to Canada Lynx Lynx habitat would be modified on 1,270 acres. A regeneration- harvest prescription would be implemented on 1,198 acres; a commercial-thin harvest prescription would occur on the remaining 72 acres. Regeneration harvests would render the harvest area temporarily unsuitable for lynx. Over time, if the harvest areas regenerate to a dense stocking of young trees, snowshoe hare populations in these areas are expected to increase, thereby providing an increase in lynx foraging opportunities. Due to the steep slopes and shrub competition, the harvest areas specific to this alternative (Harvest Area III) might not regenerate successfully enough to provide young foraging habitat. Past harvesting in adjacent areas show sparse regeneration over the past 20 to 30 years. In the proposed regeneration harvest areas (332 acres), tree density is not expected to meet young foraging- habitat criteria, however, the shrub component could provide summer cover for snowshoe hares. Therefore, lynx use of these areas is expected to be limited until the regenerating canopy exceeds 40 percent canopy closure, resulting in marginal habitat in 40 to 80 years. If these stands do not regenerate successfully, lynx habitat would be removed on 332 acres for a long period of time. In Harvest Area I, where a commercial-thin treatment is proposed, harvesting would remove trees that could lead to red squirrel population declines to an unknown degree due to the removal of cone-producing trees (Pearson 1999) . However, canopy cover would be retained above 40 percent; therefore, the potential for lynx to use or move through this harvest area is expected to continue. Additionally, several slash piles throughout Harvest Area II would be retained following harvesting to potentially provide denning sites near future high quality foraging areas. The regeneration harvest areas and associated piles of cull logs are not expected to be used until dense regeneration occurs. In the short-term, available lynx habitat would decline. As stands regenerate, foraging and denning habitats are expected to increase. Indirect Effects ofJlction .lllernalire Cto Canada Lynx The effects discussed above would apply to harvest areas proposed under this alternative; however, the 332 acres discussed above would not be harvested. This alternative is expected to result in the benefits discussed above without the potential long-term loss of habitat on 332 acres in Harvest Area III. Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -15 Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects of the JVo-Action Alternative A to Canada Lynx No habitat would be modified. In time, denning habitat would develop on much of the area at the expense of young forage. Snowshoe hare populations would remain relatively stable, but possibly at low densities due to the lack of the temporal high- density, young successional habitats. Under these alternatives, barring any disturbance, forage availability would decrease, while denning habitat would increase. • Cumulative Effects of Action jllternative B to Canada Lynx Under this alternative, 1,198 acres of lynx habitat in the Upper Whitefish Subunit would be converted to 'unsuitable' for 10 to 20 years. The conversion of habitat would be cumulative to other past harvesting on State land; some harvest areas have not fully regenerated in 20 to 30 years. Of this proposed alternative, 332 acres are in areas similar to those that have not regenerated in the past 2 to 3 decades. In the other harvest areas, young foraging habitat is expected to develop. Additionally, denning structure (piles of cull logs) would be left following harvesting, which could increase denning habitat in this subunit. Expected effects to lynx habitat components are presented in TABLE F-4 - LYNX HABITAT EXPECTED FOLLOWING HARVESTING UNDER ACTION ALTERNATIVE B. TABLE F-4 - LYNX HABITAT EXPECTED FOLLOWING HARVESTING UNDER ACTION ALTERNATIVE B LYNX HABITAT COMPONENT FOLLOWING HARVESTING ACRES PERCENT Denning 915 3.4 Mature foraging 4,326 16.1 Young foraging 4,977 18.5 Other available 12, 856 47.9 Temporary nonhabitat 3, 791 14.1 Totals 26, 865 100.0 • Cumulative Effects of Action Alternative C to Canada Lynx Under this alternative, 866 acres of lynx habitat in the Upper Whitefish Subunit would be converted to unsuitable for 10 to 20 years. All proposed harvest areas in this alternative are expected to regenerate successfully; therefore, young foraging habitat is expected to develop in 10 to 20 years. Additionally, denning structure (piles of cull logs) would be left following harvesting, which could increase denning habitat in this subunit. This alternative is expected to impact lynx to a minor degree in the short-term, with greater long-term benefits. Expected effects to lynx habitat components are presented in TABLE F-5 - LYNX HABITAT EXPECTED FOLLOWING HARVESTING UNDER ACTION ALTERNATIVE C. Page F-16 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS TABLE F-5 - LYNX HABITAT EXPECTED FOLLOWING HARVESTING UNDER ACTION ALTERNATIVE C LYNX HABITAT COMPONENT FOLLOWING HARVESTING ACRES PERCENT Denning 915 3.4 Mature foraging 4,489 16. 7 Young foraging 5,025 18. 7 Other available 12, 905 48.0 Temporary nonhabitat 3,531 13.1 Totals 26, 865 100.0 > Gray Wolf The gray wolf is listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. The Northern Rocky- Mountain Wolf Recovery Plan defines 3 recovery zones (USFWS 1987) . The proposed project is in the Northwest Montana Recovery Zone. The 3 recovery zones met the recovery standards for the last 2 years and are expected to meet the 10 packs per recovery area this year, initiating the delisting process. The wolf is a wide-ranging, mobile species. Adeguate habitat for wolves consists of adeguate vulnerable prey and minimal human disturbance, especially at den and/or rendezvous sites. Primary prey species in northwest Montana are white-tailed deer, elk, moose, and mule deer. The distribution of wolves is strongly associated with white-tailed deer winter ranges. Wolves in northwest Montana typically den in late April. Wolves choose elevated areas in gentle terrain near a water source (valley bottoms), close to meadows or other openings, and near big game wintering areas for dens and rendezvous sites. The project area contains elk and white-tailed and mule deer nonwinter ranges, which could provide prey for wolves . However, due to the high elevation, denning and rendezvous sites are not expected and harvesting activities would not occur in spring when wolves and their pups are sensitive to human disturbance. Wolf use of the area is expected to be transitory or sporadic; therefore, this project is not expected to affect gray wolves, and this species was dropped from further analysis for this project > Grizzly Bear Grizzly bears are listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. The Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan defines 6 recovery areas {USFWS 1993) . This project is proposed in grizzly bear habitat in the North Continental Divide Ecosystem Recovery Area. The North Continental Divide Ecosystem is divided into subunits. Each subunit approximates the size of a home range for a female bear and is separated from other subunits based on landscape features. This project is proposed in the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit. The project area provides year- round habitat for grizzly bears. During the spring, bears search for winter-killed big game and lush green vegetation, especially in avalanche chutes. During the summer, bears seek lush green vegetation typically found in riparian areas. In late summer and into autumn, bears switch primarily to a berry diet. The project area contains high elevation, relatively flat basins bounded by steep slopes with numerous avalanche chutes and riparian habitats. Repeated spring observations indicate that grizzly bears could be migrating through the project area between denning sites and spring habitat. During summer and autumn, the basins and riparian habitats in Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -17 FIGURE F-4-EXISTING ROADS AND ROAD MANGEMENT IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT Page F-1S West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS the project area provide high quality habitat for bears. This project could affect grizzly bears directly through increased road traffic, noise, and human activity indicated by changes in road densities, and indirectly by altering the amount and location of hiding cover and forage resources . The cumulative effects analysis was conducted using the Upper Whitefish Subunit . This subunit is comprised of 84 percent DNRC- and 16 percent USFS-managed lands. This subunit receives a high amount of recreational activities, especially around Upper Whitefish Lake. Recreational use varies by season and includes snowmobiling, ice fishing, camping, fishing, ATV riding, firewood cutting, etc. During the nondenning season, these activities are generally confined to Upper Whitefish Lake, the surrounding area, and along open roads . Access management is a major factor in managing grizzly bear habitat. The subunit includes several open roads (Upper Whitefish, West Fork, Swede, Stryker Ridge, and Johnson) and the seasonally restricted (March 15 through June 30) Antice Road. Other roads in the area are restricted year-round with gates or berms (FIGURE F-4 - EXISTING ROADS AND ROAD MANAGEMENT IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT) . To measure disturbance associated with open and total roads, a moving-windows analysis (Ake 1994) was used. Additionally, areas that are 500 meters from open or gated roads were defined as potential security core habitat. The road-management scenario in this subunit yields precise-open-road (POR) density (greater than 1 mile per square mile) of 31.8 percent; precise- total-road (PTR) density (greater than 2 miles per square mile) of 33.8 percent; and 51.6 percent of potential-security-core area. DNRC committed to design projects not to exceed the POR or decrease the amount of potential security core realized in 1996 baseline (ARM 36.11.432 [1] [c and d]), unless approved by the Forest Management Bureau Chief (ARM 36.11.432 [c] [ii] and [d][i]). In 1996, the POR was 32.9 percent, PTR was 41.2 percent (no commitment under ARM), and 4 3.8 percent was security core (TABLE F-5 - EXISTING AND BASELINE ACCESS-MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS FOR THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT) . In the present situation, grizzly bears benefited by the reduced disturbance realized in the subunit. Managing motorized access reduces the potential for mortality, displacement from important habitats, and habituation to humans, and provides relatively secure habitat to reduce the energetic requirements (Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee [IGBC] 1998) . In addition to the timber harvesting proposed under this alternative, a native culvert restoration project is included. This project would require "walking" an excavator to the head of Stryker Basin to remove earthen fill from over numerous logs that were used to form a culvert for TABLE F-5 - EXISTING AND BASELINE ACCESS MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS FOR THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT. PARAMETER CURRENT CONDITION 1996 BASELINE POR density (percent exceeding 1 mile per square mile) 31.8 32 . 9 PTR density (percent exceeding 2 miles per square mile) 33.8 41 .2 Potential security core area (percent greater than 500 meters from potential motorized disturbance) 51 . 6% 43.8% Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -19 the existing road prism. DNRC hydrologist and fisheries biologists are concerned that these culverts will fail in the future and contribute high amounts of sediment to the West Fork of Swift Creek, which could affect bull and westslope cutthroat trout reproduction and survival (refer to APPENDIX C - WATERSHED AND HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS and APPENDIX E - FISHERIES ANALYSIS) . Access to these culverts would reguire use of a road that, presently, is bermed and water-barred, making it relatively impassable to motorized vehicles . Direct Effects • Direct Effects ofJXo-Jlction Alternative A to Grissly Bears No additional direct effects would occur under this alternative . • Direct Effects to Grissly Bears Common to Action Alternative B and C Under these alternatives, disturbance would increase due to activities in the harvest areas and on the associated access roads. Due to the amount of area, Action Alternative B is expected to result in more direct negative effects than Action Alternative C. The specific road disturbance will be discussed under the cumulative effects analysis. To accomplish the harvests, some restricted roads would be used for commercial purposes, but public use would not be allowed over a period of several years. Disturbances associated with these roads are expected to result in decreased use of adjacent habitats by grizzly bears and will be discussed under Cumulative Effects . Indirect Effects • Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A to Grisssly Bears No additional habitat would be altered. Hiding cover would be retained within the proposed harvest areas. In time, increases in canopy cover could reduce forage production. No additional disturbance due to road use would occur. Therefore, negligible effects are expected. • Indirect Effects to Grisssly Bears Common to Jlction Alternatives B and C Under Action Alternatives B and C, timber harvesting would reduce hiding cover. To assess the reduction in hiding cover, hiding cover is expected to be removed in all harvest areas where harvesting reduces overstory cover to 50 percent or less. Timber harvesting would reduce hiding cover in the project area by 1,270 acres under Action Alternative B and 938 acres under Action Alternative C. In both cases, visual screening would be retained along open roads (ARM 36.11.432 [1]) . The loss of hiding cover is expected to be short-term due to the rapid regeneration expected from the shrub component. Therefore, this alternative is expected to result in negligible, short-term (5 to 10 years) negative effects to grizzly bears. Following treatment, reduced canopy cover and burning could stimulate berry-producing plants and other forage items (Marten 1919, Zager 1980) . However, mechanical scarification or a hot fire may reduce the response of berry-producing plants (Zager 1980) . In areas with large patches of berry-producing plants, attempts would be made to avoid these patches or minimize damage to vegetative Page F-20 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS organs when mechanically scarifying the area. Increased forage would be approximately proportional to canopy removal. Therefore, forage increases are expected to be higher with Action Alternative B than Action Alternative C. Additionally, Action Alternative B could increase reproduction of whitebark pine, a high energy autumn food source, by opening the forest canopy in Harvest Area III. The effects of both action alternatives would be positive and minor. Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects oj 'JVo-Action Alternative Jl to Grisssly Bears Under No-Action Alternative A, motorized access to the area would remain unchanged. In the short-term, hiding cover would be retained at the highest amount of any alternative. Forest succession would continue and could reduce food sources for grizzly bears, but increase the amount of hiding cover. Since hiding cover does not appear limiting in the subunit, maintaining this cover at the expense of food resources could reduce the guality of grizzly bear forage habitat in the subunit through time, resulting in negative minor effects. • Cumulative Effects of Action Alternative B to Grissli/ Bears Under Action Alternative B, timber harvesting would not reduce hiding cover below 40 percent in any subunit. Since the subunit contains over 40 percent hiding cover, no measurable effects to grizzly bears are expected. Impacts to grizzly bears occur when the open-road density exceeds 1 mile per sguare mile because at this road density bears tend to avoid otherwise suitable habitat (Mace et al. 1997) . Under this alternative, grizzly bears are expected to avoid an additional 1,368 acres of habitat due to the increased motorized use on roads associated with the timber harvests. Additionally, 1,052 acres of potential security would be lost (FIGURE F-5 - EXISTING POTENTIAL SECURITY CORE AREAS AND THOSE AFFECTED UNDER EACH ALTERNATIVE IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT) . Additional losses to security core would occur due to the native-culvert removals in Stryker Basin; however, this disturbance would occur for only about 1 week during the summer period when habitat is most abundant. The disturbance associated with the native- culvert removals would be limited to a backhoe and a small crew that would remove culverts on Stryker Basin Road. This alternative would reduce the amount of habitat available to grizzly bears to less than was available in 1996 and exceeds ARM 36. 11.432 (1) (c) and (d) . During alternative development, this alternative received the approval by the Forest Management Bureau Chief (ARM 36.11.432 [c] [ii] and [d][i]). The loss of habitat increases the energetic cost for grizzly bears using the area. In addition, increased access also increases the risk of mortality for bears. To mitigate this increased risk, any currently restricted road would retain the restriction to the general public. Additionally, contractors would not be allowed to carry firearms on restricted roads (ARM 36 . 11 . 432 [ 1 ] [m] referencing open-road density levels) . To mitigate the loss of grizzly bear habitat, several scenarios exist. The use of 3 road systems (Whitefish Saddle, North Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -21 Upper Wlritefisn. Subuni Efiiting EdmL Management 'Hi^iway/C aunty Open, Unedited Open Gated Cbsed, Biushedln, Obliterated, Bemed Easement ^'y' Seasonal Affected Potential Security Care Lossed Security Core Under Both Altematiues Lossed Security Core Under Altematiue B Existing Potential Security Cere FIGURE F-5-EXISTING POTENTIAL SECURITY CORE AREAS AND THOSE AFFECTED UNDER EACH ALTERNATIVE IN THE UPPER WHITEFISH GRIZZLY BEAR SUBUNIT Page F-22 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS Johnson, and Twin Lakes roads) requires mitigation or an exception to ARM 36.11. 432 (1) (c) (ii) . To mitigate the Whitefish Saddle Road, DNRC would move the existing gate on Johnson Road down to the base of the hill (Site A on Alternative B Map in CHAPTER II) to maintain road restrictions. Road restrictions would be maintained for the year (April 1 through November 15) that the Whitefish Saddle Road is used for more than 7 trips per week or 30 consecutive days. This scenario successfully mitigates the loss of habitat associated with the construction and use of Whitefish Saddle Road {TABLE F-6 - THE EXISTING, PROPOSED, AND MITIGATED POR UNDER ACTION ALTERNATIVE B) . There are several scenarios to mitigate for using the Johnson Road system: => Scenario 1 would require restriction of Stryker Ridge Road just past the intersection with Antice Road. This restriction would apply for the year(s) that the Johnson Road system was used for more than 7 trips per week or 30 consecutive days. If this were not acceptable, => Scenario 2 would extend the existing spring seasonal closure on the Antice Road to the full year for each year the Johnson Road system exceeds 7 trips per week or 30 consecutive days of motorized use. With the Johnson closure mitigation included in the project design and implementation of 1 of the 2 scenarios, grizzly bears could be displaced from the project area; however, DNRC would reduce disturbance in other areas to offset the habitat affected by road use associated with the proposed timber harvests. If these mitigations were implemented, bears would be displaced from the specific habitats in the project area, but would have other habitats secured for them to Misplace into' . Therefore, with the above-mentioned mitigations, the effects of this alternative are expected to be negligible. Scenarios 1 and 2 both increase the amount of habitat affected as compared to the existing condition; however, both scenarios reduce the amount of habitat affected to less than the 1996 baseline (TABLE F-6 - THE EXISTING, PROPOSED, AND MITIGATED POR UNDER ACTION ALTERNATIVE B) . => Scenario 3 would not incorporate road-disturbance mitigations while harvesting in Harvest Area III. The alternative practice authorized by the Forest Management Bureau Chief {ARM 36.11.432 [c] and 36.11.449) would be required for this scenario . With the authorized alternative practice, the increased road disturbance could result in grizzly bears TABLE F-6 - THE EXISTING, PROPOSED , AND MITIGATED POR UNDER ACTION ALTERNATIVE B HARVEST AREA HARVEST ACTION JOHNSON CLOSURE MITIGATION HARVEST III WITH AREA III 1996 EXISTING ALTERNATIVE AREA III STRYKER WITH BASELINE CONDITION B WITHOUT WITHOUT RIDGE ANTICE MITIGATION MITIGATION CLOSURE CLOSURE MITIGATION MITIGATION 32 . 9% 31 .8% 36.0% 32.7% 34.0% 31.5% 31.4% Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -23 avoiding an additional 732 acres over the currently available habitat and 358 acres over the levels experienced during the 1996 baseline. The area where displacement of bears is expected provides good quality summer and autumn habitat. Displacement from these areas during the summer and autumn periods could result in increased energy expenditures and decreased forage consumption resulting in reductions of weight gain. Since bears are dependent on weight gain for survival and reproduction during the denning period, the displacement of bears from these good quality habitats could affect winter survival and reproduction. The scope of these effects is unknown and depends on a bear's ability to live in a disturbed area or seek out suitable undisturbed habitat. These effects would be present for at least the duration of the harvesting activities in Harvest Area III (approximately 3 nondenning seasons) . The combination of the timber harvesting proposed under Action Alternative B and the native culvert removal would reduce potential security core areas to less than the 1996 baseline, thereby violating ARM 36.11. 432 (d) . If this alternative is selected, approval by the Forest Management Bureau Chief would be required (ARM 36 . 11 . 4 32 [d][i]). Road access to Harvest Areas III would reduce security core areas by 1,052 acres, but still retain enough security core area to exceed the 1996 baseline. After 1996, Stryker Basin Road was bermed and water barred. This action increased the potential security core by approximately 2,500 acres. Therefore, while the timber sale in Harvest Area III is active, security core areas would be reduced, but would still be above the levels experienced in 1996. The combined use of North Johnson Road for timber harvesting and Stryker Basin Road for accessing the native culverts would result in a loss of security core area to less than 1996 levels. Options to restrict other roads in the subunit for long periods of time are extremely limited and not overly practical. Therefore, an exception to ARM 36.11.432(d) would be required for the native culvert removal. This project would occur between August 15 and September 15 and would be expected to last approximately 1 week. The culvert removal could be expected to prevent impacts to bull and native cutthroat trout (see APPENDIX C-WATERSHED AND FISHERIES ANALYSIS and APPENDIX E-FISHERIES ANALYSIS) . The loss of security core area for 1 week during the late summer period is expected to be negligible. In addition, the culvert removal would further inhibit illegal motorized use. Following completion of this project, all roads would revert to their existing management. • Cumulative Effects ofJlction Alternative C to Grisssly Hears Under Action Alternative C, timber harvesting would not reduce hiding cover below 40 percent in the subunit. Since the subunit estimates are well above 40 percent, no measurable effects to grizzly bears are expected. Impacts to grizzly bears could intensify when the open-road density exceeds 1 mile per square mile because at this road density bears tend to avoid Page F-24 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS otherwise suitable habitat (Mace et al. 1997) . Under this alternative, grizzly bears are expected to avoid 556 acres of habitat due to the increased motorized use on roads associated with timber harvesting. To mitigate this increase, the gated closure on Johnson Road would be moved down to the base of the hill (Site A on Alternative C Map in CHAPTER II) . This mitigation would reduce habitat avoidance to 309 acres over the existing condition. This increased amount of habitat disturbance is still less then those experienced during the 1996 baseline conditions. Additionally, 166 acres of potential security core area would be lost for the duration of the harvesting and postharvest ing activities in Harvest Area II-P (TABLE F-7 - THE EXISTING, PROPOSED, AND MITIGATED POR UNDER ACTION ALTERNATIVE C) . Additional losses to security core would occur due to the repair of the native culvert in Stryker Basin. However, this disturbance would occur for only about 1 week during the summer period when habitat is most abundant. This disturbance would be limited to a backhoe and a small crew that would remove culverts on Stryker Basin Road. This alternative would not reduce the amount of habitat available to grizzly bears to less than was available in 1996 and does not exceed the limit of ARM 36. 11.432 (1) (c) or (d) . During implementation of the project, small losses of habitat could occur that increase the energetic cost for grizzly bears using the area. In addition, increased access also increases the risk of mortality for bears. To mitigate this increased risk, any currently restricted road would retain the restriction to the general public. Additionally, contractors would be restricted from carrying firearms on restricted roads (ARM 36. 11.432 [1] [m]) . Since these losses would affect a small area and be short term, this alternative is expected to have minor negative effects. Following completion of this project, all roads would revert to their existing management. TABLE F-7 - THE EXISTING, PROPOSED, AND MITIGATED POR UNDER ACTION ALTERNATIVE C 1996 BASELINE EXISTING CONDITION ALTERNATIVE C WITHOUT MOVING THE JOHNSON GATE MOVING THE JOHNSON GATE 32. 9% 31.8% 34 .0% 32 .7% Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -25 SENSITIVE SPECIES When conducting forest-management activities, the SFLMP directs DNRC to give special consideration to the several "sensitive" species. These species are sensitive to human activities, have special habitat requirements that may be altered by timber management, or may become listed under the Federal Endangered Species Act if management activities result in continued adverse impacts. Because sensitive species usually have specific habitat requirements, consideration of their needs serves as a useful "fine filter" for ensuring that the primary goal of maintaining healthy and diverse forests is met. The following sensitive species were considered for analysis. As shown in TABLE F-8 - LISTED SENSITIVE SPECIES FOR NWLO SHOWING THE STATUS OF THESE SENSITIVE SPECIES IN RELATION TO THIS PROJECT, each sensitive species was either included in the following analysis or dropped from further analysis for various reasons. TABLE F-8 - LISTED SENSITIVE SPECIES FOR NWLO SHOWING THE STATUS OF THESE SPECIES IN RELATION TO THIS PROJECT SPECIES DETERMINATION - BASIS Black -backed woodpecker No further analysis conducted - No burned habitat occurs in the project area. Coeur d'Alene Salamander No further analysis conducted - No moist talus or streamside talus habitat occurs in the project area. Columbian sharp-tailed grouse No further analysis conducted - No suitable grassland communities occur in the project area. Common loon No further analysis conducted - Neither alternative would occur near Upper Whitefish Lake. Ferruginous hawk No further analysis conducted - No suitable grassland communities occur in the project area. Fisher Included — Potential fisher habitat occurs in the project area . Flammulated owl No further analysis conducted - No dry ponderosa pine habitats occur in the project area. Harlequin duck No further analysis conducted - Neither alternative would occur near Swift Creek. Mountain plover No further analysis conducted - No suitable grassland communities occur in the project area. Northern bog lemming No further analysis conducted - No sphagnum bogs or other fen/moss mats occur in the area. Pileated woodpecker Included — Western larch/Douglas-fir and mixed conifer habitats occur in the area. Townsend' s big-eared bat No further analysis conducted - No caves or mine tunnels occur in the project area. Page F-26 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS > Fisher Due to their use of mature and late-successional forested habitats, fishers are listed by DNRC as a sensitive species (DNRC 1996). DNRC's strategy to conserve fishers in a managed landscape is aimed at protecting valuable resting habitat near riparian areas and maintaining travel corridors. Fishers are generalist predators and use a variety of successional stages, but are disproportionately found in stands with dense canopy (Powell 1982, Johnson 1984) . Fishers appear to be highly selective of resting and denning sites. In the Rocky Mountains, fishers appear to prefer late- successional coniferous forests for resting sites and use riparian areas disproportionately to their availability. Fishers tend to use areas within 155 feet of water. Such areas contain large live trees, snags, and logs, which are used for resting and denning sites and dense canopy cover, which is important for snow intercept (Jones 1991) . Field reconnaissance indicates that all of the proposed harvest areas provide fisher habitat. However, in some of the areas, large snags and downed wood are rare, while relatively abundant in other areas. Timber harvesting and associated road construction could affect fishers by altering habitat and/or increasing susceptibility to trapping. Trapping pressure was responsible for the extirpation of fisher over most of their range by the 1930s. Although they again inhabit this area, populations remain vulnerable to trapping because fishers are easily caught in traps set for martens, bobcats, and coyotes; however, fishers are rare and are not trapped often. Vulnerability to trapping is influenced by the miles of road, both open and closed. The Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit was used to assess cumulative effects. For a description of the subunit and ownership, refer to the Grizzly- Bear portion of this analysis. In the cumulative effects analysis area, State trust lands provide potential denning/resting, foraging, and travel habitats. Currently, these areas are highly connected, thereby allowing fishers to use and move relatively unimpeded through the project area and the subunit . Direct Effects • Direct Effects ofJVo-Jlction filler native Jl to Fishers No additional human disturbance or increased vulnerability to trapping would occur. • Direct Effects to Fishers Common to .Id ion Alternative B and C Under each action alternative, some displacement could occur; however, the effects of this displacement would be minor. The risk of displacement is approximately proportional to the amount of habitat affected; therefore, Action Alternative B (1,270 acres) poses more risk than does Action Alternative C (938 acres) . Under Action Alternative B, 3.4 miles of new or temporary road would be constructed, while 3.1 miles of road would be constructed under Action Alternative C. The new temporary roads would increase access into the project area. Following use, these roads would be obliterated or restricted, thereby inhibiting use during the nonwinter period. However, during the winter period, access into the harvest areas via snowmobile would be increased. This increased access could result in increased fisher Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -27 mortality due to trapping. However, since fishers are rare and many of the areas are already accessible, no substantial changes to fisher vulnerability are expected. Indirect Effects • Indirect Effects ofJVo-Action Alternative A to Fishers Fisher habitat would remain relatively unchanged in the short-term. In the longer-term, more resting/denning habitat would develop. Fishers would benefit from the increased habitat and no increase in mortality risk, resulting in a potential increase in fisher use in the area. • Indirect Effects of Action Alternative B to Fishers Under Action Alternative B, 1,270 acres of habitat would be modified. In regeneration- harvest areas (1,198 acres), harvesting would remove fisher habitat for a period of time (15 to 30 years) and reduce the habitat guality in the adjacent stands, because fishers avoid openings (Roy 1991, Jones 1991) and are rarely detected near abrupt-edge habitat adjacent to clearcuts (Heinemeyer, unpublished) . The retention of seedtrees and snags would provide resting/denning structure for the future stand. However, these resources would be reduced by nearly 50 percent following harvesting. The regenerating areas could provide foraging habitat (snowshoe hare habitat) in the future (15 to 30 years) . A 100-foot, no-harvest buffer along the West Fork and Stryker and Johnson creeks would be retained to protect potential high guality resting habitat and travel corridors, since fishers travel along stream courses and prefer habitats in proximity of water (Jones 1991, Heinemeyer 1993) . This proposed alternative would reduce fisher habitat in the harvest areas; however, habitat and travel corridors along perennial streams would be retained to provide fisher resting/denning habitat and allow movement through the project area. Within each harvest area, snags and large trees would be retained to provide denning/resting sites in the future. This would reduce the amount of time needed to become fisher habitat from 100+ years to develop resting structure to 15 to 30 years needed to develop horizontal cover. The reduction of denning/resting sites and foraging habitat in the uplands would result in increased energy expenditures, while decreasing forage opportunities. This alternative is expected to remove fisher habitat, while retaining travel corridors along stream courses, resulting in minor negative effects to fishers . • Indirect Effects of Action Alternative C to Fishers Under Action Alternative C, the same effects discussed above are expected; however, this alternative would not harvest in Harvest Area III (332 acres) . Harvest Area III has less desirable fisher habitat than the other areas in the flatter topography; therefore, this alternative would result in slightly less minor effects to fisher . Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects of All Alternatives to Fishers Salvage operations and firewood cutting on State trust lands has decreased habitat. Salvage and regeneration harvests, especially in mature and late successional stands, has reduced Page F-2i West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS the amount of habitat available on State trust lands. Habitat conditions on USFS lands are expected to improve in time; however, these lands occur higher in the drainage and are probably used less by fishers than the lower elevations. Under all alternatives, movement corridors from the project area into the cumulative effects area would be retained. The effects of the new roads discussed above would also apply to the cumulative effects area. Overall, Action Alternative B would combine with other activities on DNRC-managed to produce minor negative effects to fishers. Slightly less minor effects are expected under Action Alternative C. > Pileated Woodpecker Pileated woodpeckers, listed by DNRC as sensitive, play an important ecological role by excavating cavities that are used in subseguent years by many other species of birds and mammals . Pileated woodpeckers excavate the largest cavities of any woodpecker. Preferred nest trees are western larch, ponderosa pine, Cottonwood, and quaking aspen, usually 20 inches dbh and larger. Pileated woodpeckers primarily eat carpenter ants, which inhabit large downed logs, stumps, and snags. Aney and McClelland (1985) described pileated nesting habitat as "stands of 50 to 100 contiguous acres, generally below 5,000 feet in elevation with basal areas of 100 to 125 sguare feet per acre and a relatively closed canopy." The feeding and nesting habitat reguirements , including large snags or decayed trees for nesting and downed wood for feeding, closely tie these woodpeckers to mature forests with late-successional characteristics. The density of pileated woodpeckers is positively correlated with the amount of dead and/or dying wood in a stand (McClelland 1979) . Potential pileated woodpecker nesting habitat was identified by searching the SLI database for 'old stands' with more than 100 sguare feet basal area per acre, more than 40 percent canopy cover, and below 5,000 feet in elevation. Due to the relatively high elevation of the project area, the pileated woodpecker is limited to the drainage bottoms in the project area. Only Harvest Area II (except Subarea II-H) provides pileated woodpecker habitat. Harvest Areas I and III are above 5,000 feet in elevation and are unlikely to be used often or heavily. Older-aged stands with dense amounts of deadwood would provide pileated with nesting habitat, younger- aged stands could provide feeding or lower guality nesting habitats. Since even the subareas in Harvest Area II are at the upper extremes used by pileated woodpeckers, this habitat is probably marginal. The project area is large enough (approximately 5, 035 acres) to provide habitat for several pairs of pileated. woodpeckers. Of this area, approximately 3, 000 acres occur at less than 5, 000 feet in elevation, with 433 acres currently unsuitable due to past harvesting. Since the project area could provide habitat for several pairs of pileated woodpeckers, the cumulative-effects analysis area is the project area. Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -2? Direct Effects • Direct Effects ofJWo-Jlction Jllternative .1 to Pileated Woodpeckers No disturbance of pileated woodpeckers would occur. • Direct Effects to Pileated Woodpeckers Common to miction .alternatives B and C Under the action alternatives, pileated woodpeckers could be affected if harvesting occurred during the nesting period. Nesting woodpeckers could be displaced by harvesting activities. The effects of harvesting disturbance are unknown; however, Bull et al. (1995) observed a discernible woodpecker roosting near a harvest area consistently throughout harvesting. Additionally, mortality of individual woodpeckers could occur if nest trees were inadvertently cut. This risk would be low because most nest trees possess some rot; therefore, they have low merchantability and would likely not be harvested. Action Alternative B would result in a low risk of directly affecting pileated woodpeckers. Action Alternative C would result in a slightly less risk of directly affecting pileated woodpeckers than Action Alternative B. Indirect Effects • Indirect Effects ofJVo-JIction Jl Iter native jI to Pileated Woodpeckers The existing trees would continue to grow and die, thus providing potential nesting and foraging substrate for pileated woodpeckers. However, as these trees die, barring any disturbance, replacement trees (shade-intolerant) would not be present. Therefore, under this alternative, pileated woodpecker habitat would increase through time, then decline, resulting in a short- to mid-term moderate beneficial effect to pileated woodpeckers, but a long-term minor negative effect. • Indirect Effects to Pileated Woodpeckers Common to miction Jllternatives B and C Under Action Alternatives B and C, 775 acres of pileated woodpecker habitat in the project would be modified. All of these areas would experience a regeneration harvest, thereby reducing the quality of nesting habitat for a long period of time in all proposed harvest areas (McClelland 1979) . Some of the dominant and clumps of trees would be retained and would be expected to increase growth rates due to reduced competition. Additionally, large snags would be targeted for retention, especially western larch snags greater than 21 inches dbh, thereby retaining some feeding and nesting structures in the harvest area. However, some snags could be lost due to harvesting. These snags would be left on site to provide feeding substrates for pileated woodpeckers and other wildlife species. These alternatives are expected to result in negligible negative effects to pileated woodpeckers. In the longer term, serai species would be planted under this alternative and could provide pileated woodpecker habitat in the distant future. Cumulative Effects • Cumulative Effects ofJXo-Jletion jllternatire ml to Pileated Woodpeckers Pileated woodpecker habitat in and around the project area would increase through time on DNRC lands, then decline. This alternative would result in continued retention of the existing pileated woodpecker habitat on DNRC lands. These conditions would result in continued retention of pileated woodpecker habitat. Page F-30 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS • Cumulative Effects to Pileated Woodpeckers Common to miction Alternatives B and C Under Action Alternatives B and C, potential habitat would be reduced; this loss would be additive to past harvesting and salvaging on DNRC lands. Under both action alternatives, pileated woodpecker habitat in the analysis area would be reduced by 775 acres. The reduction is expected to cumulatively contribute to reduced habitat guality and guantity in the analysis area. However, since the analysis area occurs in higher elevation and, presumably, lower habitat quality, any effects would be negligible. Following harvesting, enough habitat is expected to remain in the project area to support at least 1 pair of woodpeckers . The long-term minor benefit could be realized by the regeneration of shade-intolerant tree species that are important nesting structures. BIG GAME SPECIES Deer, elk, and moose inhabit the project area. However, due to heavy snow accumulations and high elevation, big game use of the project area is restricted to the nonwinter period. During the nonwinter period, forage and hiding cover are important components for these species. The project area provides dense hiding cover in both harvested and unharvested stands. To assess cumulative effects, the Upper Whitefish Grizzly Bear Subunit was considered. DIRECT EFFECTS • Direct Effects of JVo-Action Alternative A to Big Game Species No additional human disturbance or increased vulnerability to hunting would occur. • Effects of Action Alternative B and C to Big Game Species Under each action alternative, some displacement could occur; however, the effects of this displacement would be minor. The risk of displacement is approximately proportional to the amount of habitat affected; therefore, Action Alternative B (1,270 acres) poses more risk than does Action Alternative C (938 acres) . Any use of restricted roads during the project period would reguire the contractor to keep the road restricted to the public with a sign during active periods and with a locked gate during inactive periods (nights, weekends, breakdowns, etc.) . This mitigation measure would result in no increased direct effects to big game species. INDIRECT EFFECTS • Indirect Effects of the JVo-Action Alternative A to Big Game Species No changes to big game habitat would occur in the short-term. In the longer-term, forage items could be reduced as canopy cover increases. These changes would be slow and localized. Hiding cover is not expected to change dramatically over time. This alternative is expected to result in negligible effects. • Indirect Effects of Action Alternative B and C to Big Game Species Removal of the overstory canopy closure is expected to increase forage items, but would also reduce hiding cover. The reduction in hiding cover is expected to be short-term due to the rapid regrowth of shrubs in the project area. Visual screening would be retained along open roads in the project area. Since Action Alternative B would affect more area than Action Alternative C, these effects would be more pronounced in the project area under Action Alternative B. Appendix F - Wildlife Analysis Page F -31 However, these effects are expected to be negligible and could result in slight habitat shifts . CUMULATIVE EFFECTS • Cumulative Effects of Jill .alternatives to Big Game Species Under all alternatives, vegetative cover, especially along streams, would allow movement into and out of the project area. Harvest areas are expected to increase forage production in the cumulative effects area, with Action Alternatives B expected to produce more forage than Action Alternative C. No increases in forage production are expected due to No-Action Alternative A. Since no other projects are planned in the cumulative effects area, the effects discussed for the project area also hold true for the cumulative effects area. Page F-32 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS >§0$0$C APPENDIX G ECONOMIC ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The West Fork Timber Sale Project is located in Stillwater State Forest, north of Whitefish in Flathead County. The project is in an area of relatively low population density and has produced timber for the area mills since the early 1900s. The focus of the economic section will be on market activities that directly or indirectly benefit the Montana education system, generate revenue for the school trust funds, and provide funding for public buildings . Flathead and Lincoln counties have historically provided both manufacturing and recreational pursuits. Manufacturing has historically focused on mining and timber, as well as a limited amount of agriculture processing. Recreation has focused on Glacier National Park, as well as the many lakes and mountains in the region. Mining has declined within the area in recent years, while timber has remained comparatively steady or declined slightly. EXISTING CONDITIONS The location of Stillwater State Forest in relation to purchasers likely to be interested in timber sales necessitates analyzing economic and demographic data for both Flathead and Lincoln counties, although there is a potential for purchasers further south and west to be interested in this sale. TABLE G-l - SELECTED DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FOR FLATHEAD AND LINCOLN COUNTIES contains selected demographic information for each of these counties and for the entire State. TABLE G-l - SELECTED DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FOR FLATHEAD AND LINCOLN COUNTIES Demographic Flathead Lincoln Montana Population 1990 59,218 17, 481 799, 065 Population 2000 74, 471 18, 837 902, 195 Growth Rate 2. 4% 0. 8% 1 .2% Median Age 37 .2 38 .2 37.8 School Enrollment 13, 000 3, 012 157,560 Flathead County is known for its production of "Flathead cherries". Flathead County also has a large wood-products sector producing a variety of products that include dimensional lumber, plywood, and molding. In addition to wood products, Flathead County also has a large recreation industry that include the primary entrances to Glacier National Park and Big Mountain, a large and major ski destination . Lincoln County is located in the northwest corner of Montana. Historically, both mining and wood manufacturing played a large role in the County's economic activities. In recent years, mining has declined in the region and the timber industry has remained as one of the primary employers. An abundance of forests, lakes/streams, and wildlife have made the area also heavily used by recreationalists . School enrollment for kindergarten through grade 12 in the 2 counties combined is over 16,000. The data in TABLE G-2 - COVERED WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN 2002 FOR SELECTED INDUSTRIES IN FLATHEAD AND LINCOLN COUNTIES shows employment and income in selected industry categories for each of the 2 TABLE G-2 - COVERED WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT IN 2002 FLATHEAD AND LINCOLN COUNTIES FOR SELECTED INDUSTRIES IN INDUSTRY FLATHEAD COUNTY LINCOLN COUNTY AVERAGE ANNUAL EMPLOYMENT ANNUAL WAGES (000) AVERAGE WAGE AVERAGE ANNUAL EMPLOYMENT ANNUAL WAGES (000) AVERAGE WAGE Agriculture, forestry, and fishing 424 $13, 717 $32 340 236 $6, 655 $28,201 Forestry 70 10, 392 36 898 210 5, 893 28, 020 Construction 2, 411 73, 054 30 295 193 5, 190 26, 928 Manufacturing 3,264 122, 266 37 461 664 21, 082 31, 755 Lumber 1, 426 55, 536 38 945 575 19, 190 33, 384 Metals 475 21,280 44 800 NA NA NA Transportation 659 18, 072 27 410 127 2, 554 20, 180 Trade 5, 776 124, 546 21 563 64 10, 144 15, 850 Eating and drinking establishments 2, 685 29, 392 10 259 363 2, 969 8, 178 Finance, insurance, and real estate 1, 797 57, 826 32 180 163 7, 388 19, 907 Services 9, 736 290, 648 19 875 1, 554 24, 177 15,557 Hotels , etc . 1,254 18, 908 15 074 99 1, 101 11, 109 Amusement and recreation 952 12, 667 13 306 81 985 12,221 Government 4, 389 136, 196 31 035 1, 393 42, 552 30,542 Total all industries 33, 446 $853, 132 $25 508 5, 085 $118, 983 $23, 399 counties that are included in the analysis. Economic activity within the 2 counties varies substantially, although both counties have timber- related industry present. Lincoln County is less populated and less developed than Flathead County. Lincoln County has a substantially smaller labor force and a smaller number of workers employed in timber-related jobs. The average wage in the timber industry is 53 percent higher than the overall average wage in Flathead County (38,945 divided by 25,508 times 100) and 43 percent higher than the overall average wage in Lincoln County (33,384 divided by 23,399 times 100) . Service-industry wages are lower than the overall average wage in both counties. The service industries provide employment for over twice as many workers as the timber industry in Lincoln County and nearly 9 times as many workers as the timber industry in Flathead County. The average wage in the service industry is almost one-half of the average wage in the timber industry in both counties. Page G-2 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS ALTERNATIVE EFFECTS DIRECT EFFECTS Three options are being analyzed in this Environmental Impact Statement: No-Action Alternative A; Action Alternative B, which includes harvesting an estimated 61,750 tons (9.5 MMBF) of timber; and Action Alternative C, which includes harvesting an estimated 37,115 tons (5.7 MMBF) of timber. The following estimates are intended for relative comparison of alternatives and not intended to be absolute estimates of returns, taxes, employment, or wages . • Direct Effects ofJWo-Jlction Jitter native .1 None of the employment, income, or trust fund effects that result from the action alternatives would occur . • Direct Effects of miction jllternatices B and C Timber Sale Effects TABLE G-3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FROM THE WEST FORK OF SWIFT CREEK TIMBER SALE PROJECT displays the estimated revenue and expenditures associated with the TABLE G-3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FROM THE WEST FORK OF SWIFT CREEK TIMBER SALE PROJECT ACTION ALTERNATIVE B ACTION ALTERNATIVE C Harvest volume 61,750 tons 37,115 tons Stumpage price $/ton $26.55 $25.50 Forest improvement fund revenue ($10. 20 /ton) $631, 750 $379, 700 Stumpage revenue (harvest volume times stumpage price) $1, 639, 100 $947, 600 State income (FI revenue plus stumpage revenue) $2,270, 850 $1, 327, 300 Trust income (stumpage revenue minus expenditures) $677, 900 $359, 000 Expenditures * $961, 200 $588, 600 Source: DNRC, Trust Land Management . *The State does not identify expenses for individual timber sales. The estimates used here are based on area- wide averages of the timber sale program. West Fork Timber Sale Project. The 2 alternatives analyzed may, for administrative purposes, be broken into smaller sales, but are treated as a unit for the purpose of this analysis. The volume for Action Alternative B is 61,750 tons, or 9.5 MMBF. The corresponding volume associated with Action Alternative C is 37,115 tons, or 5.7 MMBF. The areas associated with each alternative are identified in the map section of Chapter II. Broader market and local stumpage prices are currently well above the long-term average. These prices are highly dependent on the housing market and foreign timber imports. The housing market is highly dependent on the interest rate, which, in part, determines who can "gualify" to purchase a home. Interest rates are currently at very low levels; these low levels have not been seen since the late 1950s and early 1960s. Low interest rates normally impact the housing market by stimulating new construction to satisfy the demand for housing from individuals who can now "gualify" to purchase a home. The growth of the economy appears to be increasing, as the economic effects of the bombing of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 continues to decline. The result of the growth and low interest rates has been a continued strong housing market. Mortgage interest rates appear to be remaining at low levels, which helps keep the demand for housing strong . Restricted imports of timber and sheet goods from other countries, primarily Canada, have helped bolster prices by reducing the supply of Appendix G — Economic Analysis Page G-3 timber available to homebuilders . In addition, the demand for U.S. timber has increase due to a combination of economic recovery in several countries and the devaluation of the U.S. dollar, which makes our timber relatively cheaper to foreign buyers. The timber prices used in this analysis attempt to recognize the current market conditions. Underlying Assumptions Project impact estimation and analysis assumes that most of the economic impact associated with the sales would take place in the 2- county area. The estimates are intended for comparative purposes and do not purport to be the value of the impacts in any absolute sense. Stumpage prices were determined using the current transaction eguation modified by professional judgment to reflect current and local market conditions as much as possible. The estimated stumpage price per ton for Action Alternative B is slightly higher than Action Alternative C because Action alternative B has a greater volume of timber for sale, higher volume of timber per acre, and higher value material due to the quality of wood and average dbh. Fees collected for the FI fund are collected from the purchaser of the timber sale as part of their bid. Activities funded under this program include site preparation, tree planting, thinning, roadwork, right-of-way acguisition, etc. The current FI fee for the NWLO area is $66.50 per MBF. TABLE G-4 - NUMBER OF STUDENTS SUPPORTED BY 1 YEAR OF ESTIMATED REVENUE shows the difference in revenue to the trusts from the 2 action alternatives. The school trust income from a timber sale under Action Alternative B is estimated to be $677,900; enough to fund the education of 96 students for 1 year based on an average cost of $7,080, as determined by information provided by the Montana Office of Public Instruction. This information is shown in TABLE G-4 - NUMBER OF STUDENTS SUPPORTED BY 1 YEAR OF ESTIMATED REVENUE. If the sale does not take place, no students are benefited. A "cost" of not harvesting, compared to harvesting the timber under Action Alternative B, is the loss of financing for 96 kindergarten through grade 12 students for 1 year. The school trust income from a timber sale under Action Alternative C is estimated to be $359,000; enough to fund the education of 51 students for 1 year based on an average cost of $7,080, as determined from information provided by the Montana Office of Public Instruction. This information is shown in TABLE G-4 - NUMBER OF STUDENTS SUPPORTED BY 1 YEAR OF ESTIMATED REVENUE. If the sale does not take place, no students are benefited. Thus, one of the "costs" of not harvesting the timber, compared to harvesting under Action Alternative C, is the loss of financing for 51 kindergarten through grade 12 students for 1 year . If the trust does not fund these students through the sale of timber, funding must come from other sources, primarily property taxes. TABLE G-4 - NUMBER OF STUDENTS SUPPORTED BY 1 YEAR OF ESTIMATED REVENUE ACTION ALTERNATIVE B C Estimated school revenue $677, 900 $359, 000 Students supported* 96 51 Source: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Trust Land Management * Assumes all of the "trust" income would be distributed for educational purposes . Depending on the trust, some of the income is distributed to a fund that earns revenue for future education funding. Page G-4 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS Timber-Related Employment Timber harvesting generates employment. Keegan et al estimate that on average 10.58 jobs are created or maintained for every MMBF of timber harvested. Both economic theory and empirical analysis suggest that the marginal effect of an increase in the timber harvested is likely to be different than the average effect because of increasing returns. The marginal effect may be larger or smaller than the average. Empirical evidence would suggest that in a growing industry marginal effect on employment is likely to be smaller than the average. In a contracting industry, the marginal effect on employment could be either larger or smaller than the average. In most cases the marginal effect of increased or decreased timber sales is "lumpy", i.e. 2 sales of the same size under different conditions might induce a larger-than-average employment response in one case and a smaller-t nan-aver age, or nearly negligible, employment response in another. sale are unknown, the best estimate of employment, (i.e., the average effect on employment) should be used since it is the best estimate available and the marginal effect of the sale is unknown. A ratio of 10.58 jobs per mmbf of wood harvested implies the direct generation of between 60 and 100 jobs and between $2.2 and $3.7 million in wages for each alternative as shown in TABLE G-5 - WEST FORK I TIMBER SALE DIRECT EMPLOYMENT AND INCME IMPACTS. The wages are based on an average wage of $37,347 for lumber industry in both counties, using the from data in TABLE G-1SELECTED DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FOR FLATHEAD AND LINCOLN COUNTIES . These are the wages that directly result from the timber harvest. Without a timber harvest, income would be lost to the State and communities. Wages in the timber industry are higher than FIGURE G-l - TOTAL TIMBER HARVESTED FROM MONTANA FORESTS (MBF) V 1,000,000 > 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 J FIGURE G-l - TOTAL TIMBER HARVESTED FROM MONTANA FORESTS (MBF) demonstrates that the amount of timber being harvested in Montana from all sources has declined since 1987. The decrease in harvesting since the peak of 1,411 mmbf in 1987 has been nearly 40 percent to 854 mmbf in 1999. Mills, such as the Louisiana-Pacific Mill in Belgrade, recently closed, citing a lack of available timber as part of the cause of their closure. All of these point to an industry declining in size. Based on the previous discussion, the assumption of the average induced employment of 10.58 jobs per mmbf is reasonable. Because the exact conditions of this 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 r-i>i>ooooooooooaNaNO\csa\ Year Source: Montana Department of Natural Resources, Forest Management TABLE G-5 - WEST FORK TIMBER SALE DIRECT EMPLOYMENT AND IMCOME IMPACTS ACTION ALTERNATIVE B ACTION ALTERNATIVE C Direct employment 100 60 Wages and salaries $3, 734, 700 $2,240,800 Appendix G — Economic Analysis Page G-5 average. This allows individuals working in the industry to obtain higher than average ownership of real personal property. Since much of the revenue for school funding comes from property taxation, higher levels of real property ownership should provide for better school funding . In addition to these jobs, additional employment is created when the income earned within the timber industry is spent to purchase goods and services elsewhere in the economy. There are also impacts from the logging companies and timber mills when they purchase goods and services from the local economy. Both of these effects are important since they support other community businesses such as grocery and clothing stores, gas stations, etc. The loss of the income from this sale would mean not only the loss of the direct income, but the loss of the indirect income as well. The economic impact on the schools occurs through ways other than just the direct contribution to the school trust fund from the revenue generated through timber sales. The timber industry pays taxes on the facilities it owns and operates. In the year 2000, the timber industry paid estimated taxes of over $848,600 to the schools in Flathead and Lincoln counties. The tax contribution, however, may decline in the future if more mills, such as American Timber Company in Flathead County, close. The closure of this mill has reduced the tax base by an estimated $4.4 million (Jackson, South Wood Timber Sale EIS) , thereby reducing the taxes received by the school districts by about $28,500. This is a permanent reduction in school funding for over 4 students per year. INDIRECT EFFECTS Indirect economic impacts are much broader than those identified above. Some of these impacts are the result of the money from the timber sales "recycling" through the economy several times. For example, the money spent for groceries by the employee of the timber mill, in part, goes to pay the salary of the grocery store employees; the grocery store employees use that money to purchase groceries for themselves. This, in turn, generates more income for the grocery store employees, etc. Unfortunately, a model of the county that could be used to demonstrate secondary effects is not available. In a broader State-wide context, money paid to the woods industry workers results in increased State income tax collections as well as increased purchases in other areas of the State. Income tax collections from the wages of millworkers alone are estimated to generate between $87,000 and $146,000 in State tax revenue, depending on which alternative is selected. Taxes on indirect wages would add to this tax amount. Since State revenue is spent on projects State-wide, the entire State shares, in part, in the benefits that result from the timber sale. In particular, Montana schools benefit additionally by being able to use these revenues to fund schools throughout the State. Nonmarket Issues A quantitative analysis of the economic value of nonmarket benefits and costs will not be part of this analysis because they do not generate income for the trust, although they do affect the well- being of Montana residents. Because of their effects, a short qualitative discussion of nonmarket issues follows . A brief description of the biological impacts is included in order to identify areas where economic values might be affected. A more detailed discussion of the biological impacts is found in other sections of the report. Environmental Modifications - The harvest of the timber would modify Page G-6 West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS the undisturbed development of the forest and, as a result, would affect both the short- and long-term habitat and wildlife regimes. How individuals value these modifications is an empirical question and may be viewed either positively or negatively by different individuals. The estimation of the net social benefit or loss of the impacts described in this EIS is an empirical issue that does not directly affect the school trust fund. Human Use - The harvest area has been historically used for recreational purposes such as hiking, hunting, and fishing. While the use of these areas is likely to decline or change during the period of logging, long-term overall use of the area is expected to remain high. Some nonmarket uses are unlikely to change. Fishing, for example, should not be severely affected by the logging since SMZ laws protect streams. The aesthetics would be modified; some individuals would view this as a loss, others may prefer the more-open forest that would result from the harvest. Visual changes are minimized to the extent practicable by limiting the trees harvested in some areas and by "sculpting cuts" to avoid "unnatural" visual lines. Some activities may be enhanced. For instance, the logged area may enhance the habitat of some game species, and the increased use of areas by those game species may make the area more attractive to hunters. As in the case of the environmental modifications, the net social benefit or loss is an empirical issue dependent on individual values . Social Impacts The area has a substantial presence in the wood-processing industry and, as a result, has institutions established to handle the social requirements associated with this industry. This timber sale is unlikely to add sufficient pressures to these institutions to require their modification. A high rate of employment (low rate of unemployment) is associated with lower rates of crime, domestic violence, alcohol/drug problems, and a healthier, more satisfied community. To the extent that No- Action Alternative A might contribute to unemployment, the social impact of the harvest might be a short-term negative social impact on the community. Conversely, to the extent that the sale provides employment, the short- term impact would be positive. Roads and Infrastructure New roads are to be constructed for the sale(s) . Existing roads would be improved to handle the logging truck traffic and provide transport for other equipment used in logging. Expenditures for road improvements are identified in both action alternatives as part of the sale development cost. Some improvements are also funded through FI funds, as well as other funds set up for this purpose. To the extent that these expenditures are spent locally, they will improve local economic conditions. A portion of the money will leave the area and provide income for other areas of the State and national economies. The culverts, for example, usually come from manufacturers outside of Montana; however, most of the road improvement expenditures will remain in Montana. Population Impacts Logging and milling activities associated with the timber sale are not anticipated to have any long- term impact on the population of the region or the State of Montana. CUMULATIVE EFFECTS This sale would be part of the annual harvest of timber from the State of Montana forest trust lands. The net revenue from this sale would add to the trust fund. Annual trust Appendix G — Economic Analysis Page G-7 fund contributions have varied widely over the years, because the actual contribution to the trust is more a function of harvest levels than of sales. Harvest levels can vary substantially over time; sales tend to be more consistent. TABLE G-6 - ANNUAL REVENUE FROM TIMBER HARVESTED FROM MONTANA TRUST LANDS shows the annual revenue from harvesting for the last 5 years. The net contribution to the trust fund is also affected by the annual costs experienced by the Department for program management, which varies year to year. The Department should continue to make net annual contributions to the trust from its forest management program. DNRC has a State-wide sustained- yield annual harvest goal of 50 MMBF . If timber from this project is not sold, this volume could come from sales elsewhere; however, the timber may be from other areas and not benefit this region of the State. A long-term deferral of harvesting from this forest would impact harvest patterns, changing both the region where the trees are harvested and the volumes taken. This would impact other areas of the State where these changes occur. TABLE G-6 - ANNUAL REVENUE FROM TIMBER HARVESTED FROM MONTANA TRUST LANDS YEAR HARVEST REVENUE ($) 2003 8,270,589 2002 9, 699, 034 2001 8,524, 150 2000 12, 710, 311 1999 6, 998, 847 Page G- West Fork of Swift Creek Timber Sale Project FEIS APPENDIX H COMMENTS AND RESPONSES INTRODUCTION This section contains comments received from parties interested in the West Fork Timber Sale Project DEIS and DNRC's responses to those comments. A response is not required for those portions of the comments that stated either an opinion or a recommendation. All comments were carefully reviewed. DNRC appreciates both the time and thought that was involved in producing these comments. The decisionmaker will carefully consider each received comment to aid him in deciding on a course of action for this project. c h ai '- P rl 01 0> rC ■P a 01 u p ■p 01 - -H >i v +j id c T) ■H ai ■P -P H to id r-| 0> C s 01 rl Id C id H S CM > id id X g 6q H 01 c £ g >H ■P ■H Q H CP n c H "■ — ■H C ■rl ■P rl 01 10 H & ■P -H •c ■rl ■P ■H 44 J3 HI H t W M c ■P c ■P ■P -H H id id id c D Oi ID S P oi C 4J ai p c a> +> ai u M ■r-t U ■rl N oi -P > c ■H u c 01 01 H C T) ■rl 0> H 01 ■P C H c ai C ■P C rl fl M id Id H « g id ■rl 4J p S rl 4J h ai at ■P CM in c H P CM 01 ai ■r-t in id ■rl M 01 ■H ■P ■p c e > 01 £ oi 01 ■P C -P C id m u > ■P g W 01 o g > >i Id -H n id ■fl 01 g m ■P X! in H P 01 ai h M ■rl p ■P M-l CM ■P -P tn ai oi H H 01 oi id 2^ 44 M 0> 01 >i 0) 01 p ai "1 01 01 c AI ■H rl V id -h > •H id id ■P id g 4J ai ■H ■H ■P S ■p ■rl 44 rl u ■o ■P 01 ■rl > Oi 4J 0) H .c c ^ ■rl 01 10 u P ■rl - -p p ■P 01 01 111 3 X! ■p VI ■o ■rl 01 H -P oi t\] 4J n ■P id ■p a* P 0> 1 01 ■c ■H H h i c h a CM P c ■P C H H ■rl CM n id c P ai id > oi oi ■p ai ■P ■P H g 01 Ol H ^ g rl Id X! ■H ■rl q 01 H c 01 4-> nf H .C tt, 4J J id Oi CM -P w ai CM oi T! id CM ai at s oi ■H X c >i ai oi H H H > U c id rl A ai P M 01 g ■0 id ■P n I) h H ■rl i 01 -P 44 01 CM 01 ■p n ■a c g ■h ai id id id P 0) U3 43 £ -P £ TS ■rl rl H S 4J 4J ■P U M ■P ■p 01 ■P CM OI o fl 0> US DID 0) O 3 ^=2 -J *i 3 ae r- s b S So ■§ IT) 0> o o ON u > o z s ■a J 4-1 „ CO o (U o =2 ■9 oa s r- (N On On in 5 !-h ■X r=) X ffl >1 a 3 J3 o H 3 O Q -S o p'3 . ei ^ ^ -3 8 .§ w ^ « S 8 S a ^ ^ .3 S •« ^< d o & (u C 4-" HH ■" A GO rj-J 5 ^ d u 133 r i d d > S 03 fa ° O X3 O C3 05 a > 2 Oh o P -d ft 3 " Pn 05 T3 «d . d O 05 05 S O M ' ft d N 05 ft O u O d o -d S S-H > 3 d vd P O 2 ^ V 4= = s w a °o a o o rl ii £ S M O ■§ y E S s 4> p ™ - J- SJ2 ** jj — a) h o •- ^ .44 wi .2 ?* ts * 3 ^ -e ■M 1/3 +- s u ■si *> S g-g »tts s ^ e, .a a -a a s 6 3 -m e a> . u " * 1 6 1 « = O - a H J t +i B u S o* a — ' .3 rrt ■*- djd 3 c: Or 5 3 ca 0> ^ a J 3 u a a 3 o 5^ c h a^'C™ a-— Sa-S-SJsa^ral ^liialli.§l Comments and Responses Page C&R-3 ■P 0) 01 4J id ■p U a> £ id A id M ■P A ■P ■p 01 0) n ^ 4J cn 0) 01 > 73 H 1 ^ m 0> >1 cn > A ■rl 0) ft. 4-1 J 10 4J X P 4J id c Cn 01 •H 4J ■P 01 x oi 73 4J 4J c m s •H c ■rl 4J 73 a> a> ■H c 01 at o> ■P ■H £ a j: 01 ft. 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O rH 5- cu X -S CU M © 2 nba* •- £> ■M 'Q a £ « a cu a X cu a ^ 2 2 a* .3 _x 52 "h 2 S H h2 a _© cu r» CU ■3 x ■w ei a "E 3 ■3 ■3 cu ■3 cu ■3 ■3 a .52 *x a a S fa 2 cu MrS ^ s 3 s 3 3 C ^ fa CU -M ft! ^ o « a -g ni -3 x cu cu ex a w c2^ r- a rg X 3 H-" S 3 i s O cu -a -s 8 S o cu •ft cu cu ^ X "^ "3 a hS* X « •a S S£ft? 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C 01 H 41 ■H -r| id 01 c 41 % H 01 rl c e 44 ■P > ■P bq Oi 41 ■d id rl O ■ 01 4J 3 41 •rl g id 44 T) id T) id id ■rl ^ S o id m >4 01 T3 rl >o m 01 Ol 01 01 — v 01 rl c > 01 v H — v O A 1 ft. 41 01 H H 44 O.^ ■P Tl (N rl n Ol id u a n — v id CO rl 01 ■p •0 •ri j: O id tn 4J ft. 01 1 H Oi c 01 H 44 41 4-1 -IJ CO & H 4-1 01 H ^ ■r| «1 eh O m Tl § S C id 01 ja OQ g. 4) ■p ■0 H CO 01 c H CO 01 N c C ■H J3 44 rl ■rl Tl Oi C 01 ■H 01 01 ?> rH oi id H a c ■h id Id id *l T) 4J 44 ft. H S 01 r4 3 - 01 oi 44 44 rH M rH ■P A ■rl y Id • 4J >- +, 3 01 Oi n 41 4J Ol c ih m Kl 01 3 o id ■P « S; q -. 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Id W H 41 C 4J 01 A 01 § H rl 01 W Jh 4-1 M 01 1 *: 9 3 01 01 fcj Si > 41 Ol H C 01 O g O •rl O 41 0) A A Si Si -o 01 2 •0 41 41 ■H ■o c 01 O ■p id H .ft Sj Oi C id ■P -P b. CO «! r$ 4i 0) 01 5 41 •s B ^ 4J 3 01 01 * H C| co id ■P K, rt Tl l4 rl Id rl Id T) C ■P Eh > 01 >i O ■rl 01 01 H « H rn U 01 H o,t; h 4J c O P( O C ■rl B n c H 4J OJ! Q a * fc! ° 44 ■H ^ O bq 3 01 ■rl ft. 01 ■H . n CS ■rl ^ 4J 41 Id U H Si * CO O ft, 01 z M CO ■H 01 4J 44 J3 A B C lg C TJ H 3 M bq CO K, CO rl >i bq Dj'a C X M H • -r| 4J ■P t' & ^ 0$ 01 -H 3 Q. H B ■P H 41 Q. ■H 3 01 u s S 01 :§ 4J -=U rl 01 g 01 oi a b. Eh 1 M id 9 •0 » K Tl 1 ■rl Tl 01 g 01 1 ■3 h ■rl H 4J 3 01 01 S c id C Si R id b c A C 01 rl ft. 2 rl rl id t. c >i 3 3 U M -o 1 & Q H ft. id «! m J5 Q. id «: S id u ■P 01 Q Oi Oicq g CO D A O O r» 2^ o> o BS r- w s ^ ft S3 5 S « ^ .S u ew .4) « ss = u s C •PM _ t/1 ft^ ^ •Sac .2 ^ to a> 4> = S _, ? 4» efl "^ H^ rt o S ° 8 S an J3 "^ "3 t2 rC ^ O V '- S3 « OX -3 ca r* « O rO rg -S ** O 2 OX "d ^^ Si o> S rC « ^ OX — V r- M S § w 4> A S a u — " S3 55 **> _; ox h= Sa.S Sd O Oi 5 *- ° 'a 'a - - a m » •-ago .S ox g" > - J £ Si « ox g 5 85 t? 3 w w 5 C3 a> a> «a ft a ^ co 'C S ; t< a S « « tS "3 tS^ ° a S « a -2 a o ft 2 •■3 -a S 3 a © Comments and Responses Page C&R-13 XI 01 14 ■p TJ III 1 ai ■p H H in cq i ai id 3 01 -H "0 01 E £ O 4-> H "< fH m 4J * id id 0>o XI n a in id ai 1 01 id ai ■- X! ■ 0, xi o> ai M 0] XI -^ — -u 01 c H XI TJ TJ s v H ■H C id G xj to cq £ rH n id id n ■y H c< id u +1 Ol 5 to A) ■H P 01 oi ai 01 >H i> £ c Eh ai m 0> p. TJ H^H s 1 TJ > id X! H Ol "( -U ■o ■H c ai n ° 55 Id TJ 3 P _^ rH 3 8 TJ 3 ■rH OJ Ex Eh C H xi 5 R m 3 H 111 Cq O •U 01 ID S •H X! IV tnU H -U H ■H 4J m U 4J «q u Oi tS XI TJ TJ CO id a, fc» u m H * C 1 01 5 XI ■= q| tj i TJ 1 id ai ■H CO tj rH H 0> (fl 3 !>H 4h m ■H H n - H >i C U gpq O XI 0> x> id H -H IV R u 01 i 01 H Id XI XI to :*: ai id o s O Q •U a 1 u > H t3 * ," ) 3 e « a. id h X! H U Ct) Mh •Q 4J •H IH XI H o n ■H Q, id ■rl IH O id c q s o ■H ■p n H m +> O C id h to ai Q 01 u Eh M Id H 01 H H g id h ai id x: h ■o *«a ■H 0. 01 ai o> xi o> m III X) Q Q +i ^ ttj 01 c * 01 3 X! 4J S ai u ^ 01 01 H H XI id III V V O X 3 Eh Oi 0) M 01 01 n ii Eh s -H j: 01 > 01 Xi W 0) rH u f a ^ ■p h id X) Eh «3 H a 05 05 a CO a o CO _£-1 u ^3 cr o (U o e3 E2 th m ra T3 J3 si o 'O 5 o CO r-j X^ ^ § 3 o on O " Oh > » o ft a ex U z Q u 5b H o .2 T3 h9 d u ^ cfi — 5« H- a « rg | 1-9 ex a tj •- a 'a I •- hS S a s o .9 « ^£ — O a u •- ex (U i -d ^ 4> a H— — a a ^ 4> 4> '- cu ex S 2 £ * eS Sf v a a a 8 S •■■ a 4> ex a .a 4> > 4> 4> 41 •- 9 -M CB ►» 4> O 2 ex o2 O 4> a « a •- 41 53 -o S4> ™ — -d ^ « a 1- •" h9 u o s ti « s a ta a S oil 3 « oa »» 4> =3 ex-- eS «» — 4> 4) JS -a * ^ o to «> 2 2 .2 a 4> U5 a ex^ ex a t>j 4» -2 « tj rrt !5 = "- bT. « h r~ S ■<-> _a t» ja "s 2 *° a a o a -a o g O o> a -a .2 ^ 4) « 3 4> « a 4> T3 2 H §.€ 89 5 4» rt -a o ^ ex .2 '*- 41 "C u 4> VI 41 hS 2 ex ■* a © ex ^ ex « o fc« prt S 4> !h O « a 5a S, u £ « .-a ft ^ ■* — « 'g vi -S — y ■a si ? « 2 « el- -a 3 o ■£ Page C&R-14 West Fork Timber Sale Project - 01 H ■o CO C ■P id 41 43 ■0 s 4> PJ h id 41 £ H ■H 01 4J ■p 41 ■p 01 CO H id 43 1 -p in 01 rl ■H 41 41 43 id +J s 41 & 4-1 01 4) M •H 4) C a. a 41 id M-l ^ ■H rl 43 id rl O 41 s Q ^ ■H Eh rl ■rl 43 0. 3 S 41 o » > T) 3 id g ■H T! A 01 00 01 0) 43 IV +1 U ^ 4J MH H ■H 73 ■P rl rl £ 41 6* o H > rH 4: 41 g % 01 01 I 41 H ft, 01 Ss 01 o m 4J ft. - 3 H 41 3i 0> r~ ■o ■P >i id ■P ■r| 41 43 t, 01 ft. b. r| 01 a> 41 ■H ' 0. ■o 01 rl tn id r~ c 41 M ■0 s A ■rl +• _ + 1 01 1 H 01 n ai 0*73 ■U 73 c ■o C 41 CO id 5 01 r~ ^ id U A ■P . 01 M id •H 4i id D 41 41 ■H 4J ■P o rl id A % C id id n 41 C C 4) 41 fe id H 4J o g S A r- 41 ^ H U 41 4) H 4) >i 0> 01 01 1 ft, ■H id MH £ H g id ■o g c M 41 -P ■P 3 H cn 41 Eh id a rl 01 01 H 01 rl 0) T) 01 MH Id t. 01 c • H MH 3 c ai c 41 ■H ■H 73 ft, c U 3 ■p id ■H 01 41 41 41 01 0) TS H > H 7J <\ 01 Oi id 01 g ■H « • ■P > 41 S C id Eh id u fl 41 U M ■P rl +J rH ■r| H O 41 01 1 0> id ■H ■H M a id 4) > H ■C id ■P H d) MH ■p * A ft, id ■h id 43 4J MH N fc, 01 Oi C >l 01 , A •H ■H 41 ■p >l o at ■rl ai •»- H A H y id 41 ■rl - c 41 41 01 C c •-I H 01 +1 43 73 01 ■H H fl| g 4j a) H 01 C 01 01 rl 41 ^ i* ■n ~ H 43 i-H T) 01 0> id 41 rl ■rl 73 Id 4) id ■H H id 01 c > ■rl id jj H >i ft, n ■p • ■o u ^ rl 43 41 Ti H C &>T3 73 41 rl rl fl 3 id ■rl id ■P S id ■H 41 cp 1 ft, rl 41 rH T) g rl T) ■P 4J 3 ■rl id id C C 43 ft. 43 ■H C H -H 43 CO A ■P c > 41 01 id 41 3 ft, -P ft, CM H u 4J 41 H H s O, id id g id ■P ■d &1 id 4J ■H M ■p 4) c oq ■n id 3 41 T) id H M Id 01 v - 01 ■rl 01 ■H g c ai MH c 5 id n « fl 43 id oi ■H +> 01 ■o H r* U 0>A rl rl 01 ■P id *<§ 43 T) 41 ■rl 3 S CO Eh 41 ■rl ■H H g id ■p ■0 73 ih id ft, -p •u H ft, ■P H U id H id C 43 , H f 5 > u 01 01 H MH rl £ R ■rl C 41 U 4) 3 Q 4J id H ^^ <-t 3 +> ^ ■rl C JO W ■H 41 73 41 73 a> c =9 01 In 4J c H id ■0 H 41 s 41 id C 4> 41 -P 41 4) O 01 >1 rl !h § ■P ft, C ■rl H ■0 H g 41 id ■rl rH +> ■H c T) > 41 6q A -P ■rl H ft, id >i4: 41 41 ■P TJ +> id ■H H« ■rl 01 id O -H g 3 J5 +1 43 co n J H id H •rl N Q, ■P -H id >i43 Eh 0.4- 43 0) ■H > 4J 1* CO 01 H 41 S u g g •U 0. -P Is 41 01 3 H ■rl S XI ■o Eh 4J o 3 41 C 01 id E5 6q c 41 ft, ei « 3 ■H lH id ■rl "i >i 01 01 4-i id 41 01 CO id C ■n 01 H 4) 4J HJ CO 41 43 CJ 01 01 g 43 g c 5 T) s O MH > ■H s ^ A ■H 41 jj 01 rH rl H ■P H 41 43 c to 01 ■P s 43 a +> ■rl ■H S3 id O -H rl id 01 Tt ■P % £ "■ S 41 4J c g CN 4-> 0n3 c T) 41 C CO ■P s rl U ■P ■P u ■rl r- ■P ft, 41 ■H & H 0! ^ U Q 43 at oi ■rl 01 n ■^ c 1 H c 41 ft, id H C -P ■P id ■h id 01 01 rH C ■0 T) rl 73 1 4J MH 43 c g 01 .fl >1 Ee ai ■0 41 H >i 6q 41 01 c 43 id T) ft, 41 41 id r3 6q 41 73 41 ■P H 01 -u c ■p R TJ H -H 41 ■P M Q H 41 «3 Id rl 4) rl 41 >, 41 01 43 01 ■rl MH U Q Eh C fl v > id 4J EH rl 41 +j id CO in i-q -q 41 3 C 41 41 - nl 43 "M g H H ■P ■P 41 41 g ■rl r~ ~^ ft. id H _ 43 TI fc! I" 1 ■P ■H ft, ft, 4> £ ai En rl - H 01 - id id g A ft, 4J T! u v id ft, ■o n C 4J & t. id 73 CO id > > 41 XI Id rr ■fl 01 M Cn 4J 3 ■P ■o .C >i 01 01 id H id 41 T) id id 1 41 41 u 01 id 0) g rl 41 CO .p id 41 •H C m c H H 41 41 H 4J M 41 ft, C MH ■P 1 -3 rl 01 01 01 43 73 43 • 01 ■P rl 41 J c X! C cn id 4> ft, 41 T) ■H 0) 43 id - CO r| CO 43 01 73 id C ai a. 01 id < 41 CT> rl ■P id ^ ■rl ■P >i H c 01 41 43 ft, H 01 4J H 43 l«4 « ■P 3 Eh C 41 id ■P +1 ^ 0. A C id ■H ■rl A >i -h H rl id 4J 4J id id M id TJ ?l 41 c w * ^ 3 U fe id 43 73 4-> id ■rl -U 43 g 01 +) ■H 41 ■P M ■o >0 &> g id 5C 01 H H 01 Q 43 X O u 01 ts H 4J ai oi £ 01 bi ■rl ■p -P id 01 41 1 ■H 4J O u ■o w 41 41 r3 3 g 1 H U ■H ■rl s ■p ■u +1 3 oi C 41 u 41 fl id ■P ■P cq o ■c X Id rH 41 4) fl 41 "0 h ei 41 41 43 9 . MH 73 to 01 73 (V C «i >i-H 41 41 r3 01 ? 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H Comments and Responses Page C&R-15 ai H M ai H tr +1 l« S c 1 id ■P oi n e H +> c '-Mm ai ID 01 g 1* h d) c ■p 3 41 0) dl •H ~. +1 H >i 01 e 01 2 u a) •H IH 41 i ecu H ■H id II ft CJ U M ■h tp a) a> a 41 id 4J m n 4: s ft ft m u ■P a 01 H • ft ■p 3 -P H ^ id id ft C J ■P 01 ■p H 01 ■d »H ■H ft H a> ■H X) c a> 3 > id C H C a 41 X! o S M H i ■p -p •0 id H M • e ai id ■ a) id id id 01 01 C 01 H ft .p H 01 ■u id h h id X! u 41 T) ■P 41 ai > V X! 4-1 x: « xi ■P c M-l ■P H >ii a 41 H S P IH ■H n C 41 01 4J T) 41 M - 3 41 01 -H id u 4J C XI N id 4J H d) u ■H ■H X! id > a> •H M H H U «r| ■P ■P id U 3 rt * h M c U g £ zoo a x: o ft H a ft 4> v '3 a. 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H 3 ■P ■r| - >l 14 X 3 ■P X XI HI ■P 01 4J 14 H nl m ■rl 01 3 01 ft. P .S H oi U 01 ip £ a c c •H ■p 0> m ai ai ai 01 01 01 Q, • 73 0.73 ra 01 A T) rf fv ■t-i n 01 01 ■p 01 .c > u H ■H 01 ■p 1 o a> 01 Bi c 01 X EC u ai A 01 ■H 3 to Ch M Cn 01 a. ■p H 73 +> ■H £ 01 73 01 6H C >i £ En ■rl 01 Q 14 H c 01 73 ■P s — H H 14 01 s ■^ HI u 73 to 01 01 co ■ri n ai ra ■P 14 H HH ■rf J ■p ai ■3 0> 01 6q IH 01 tn C tJi 3 •H 01 ■3 Q 01 >1 m c rH. 01 H >. 4J 14 U 01 01 o> 01 0) 14 s JS & Vi O oo > ■g g u ^ U i^ tJ ID 3 § 13 D •33 T3 u S I-h 03 Oh u G a -G 03 OQ U 00 & e ° 'a :- .5 03 3 & 03 00 00 H c o c -S pq U T3 3 ° O u -^ e oo .a 13 13 13 o u o 3 w J3 oj 5 £• " S 05 " 03 <^ ^3 O ^^ u & O ™ « a S v o f Si— I o = s as w & S -a a 3 4> O G O ft *- o fa « s S a«« S s -a ^" «pM ^^ S ^ U « A 2 « 2 Z C/5 ,-g • I « W 'S - » s « p s ° b 55 &* P if | OX) e CS -ta> S- CI £-* « -2 2 2 P S c p (S 1/1 o ■o +J j2 P p « 01 £ f P -B •- ea o> n< ^-> B P a o 0> a rn CS *j o O) 1/1 OX'C V p >■ CS CS a «m — SC3 CS f -2 H ■s ^ a 2 fi .2 P P O B.S CS p — 0* CS •a « « .a s •■SB© -= S a b .2 a> o g = %. O p« S h cs * a-o cs C/5 5 >■ pH p^h S3 w s ^ s 173 173 P .tn -o 3 O 1/3 pd -. (U >-. ^ H >-l JD ^ ,° B (U O S CO co ,d P (H §;§ 173 C „ P co -d > 2 o (U ON 00 00 ^ < B u d cri O & -O p° .s s rd ed "5 co > 173 . , ^^ U d p-l T3 03 M -d H d (73 d -d V3 rd 03 ._ S-H "d > rd '■& a JJ OS S O d s-h ° a CJ c3 03 03 On (73 (73 03 03 (73 I » (73 si S 00 C3 -iH 03 00 jB -^ 03 d >-h •d o p*»2 03 r-J -^ O o ^ 03 ti a -s & 03 O .03 i > r— ( ^^ &H O C3 d § 2 -d ^3 & d B 3 d o d o (73 >! d (73 d (73 s O o TJ <£ 03 OS ^— » O d Uh OS Uh 03 o T3 CO rrj d o CO ■*— > o o OJ T3 (73 S B On ,03 Q t+H d 03 •a S-H (73 a 03 ca 03 B O +J 03 > 03 Q O 03 r^ (73 03 &H Page C&R-20 West Fork Timber Sale Project (-) C3 _ GO 03 i= d ^2 d r R d ~ s 1—1 >- I - J *i-h ^3 "a r T? " 33 n S g & £ -^ d O 2 5 o ~ o •£ H O oo d •S 1 d ^ a, en d (6 S 2PP d .o 8 ^ T3 u O jh o • - Ill Sl< S 8«8-S.9.&£ CO O 2 o d T3 d 03 X a •2 g ce H •> s 8 H 8 S-j Oh 00 .fl til S s c« d o ■1H CO 3^ O "5 ^_» C3 GO 03 ca -d S-h 03 ^ s> o3 d GO fi g § oo d o 3 B ■■ < I ° gffl S fs S.d^g O X) ooB £h 03 fl ^■^ 'd » ^ 8 * ^ go gO Bh d ^H u • S > Oh c« o u d 3 .-d d S C3 Frt t/j t/5 C5 a» CU ra o5 fl O £ +j S C« 2^ ^^ .2 o gufi a S o CU 3 HH s -w o f>% H- — CU n, «5 is § « | £ .S ^ S3 « a B5 fl 3 OS S" 2 53 4> •- •- s cj -a I— I «4— I fl CU cu H-> o fl «^ .° « o CO u - o ,a a o 41 _>■ *-S ca S a u o o S *> u Cy #n *1 CO nt i) V -a S S a H T3 to 3 CU s « O CU & ** c2 03 fl '-8 ■a 03 o *- CU fl 03 CU V 4> 03 S « -2 03 a ft-rt o> -a cu 'd -a 03 *- cu cu j- ^ s CJ 2 C£ O es & "d «m Comments and Responses Page C&R-21 i 1 co" U +1 t* ID H Si K ■P ID -P •a * 01 u a Eh .C & B M-l H l at tq CO CQ 43 .2 H) H >i 9 4J ^ H 13 H r-l 01 «5 01 § X ^ io n) ■u < r-l Ti S HI KIJ 3 i-q C c id H Q< U q .e H tq SB 4J TJ w A ■p S >1 ^ H S CO • n *: id U 01 Q Jj M & H >i o u X Oi £ fc ■H C 5 Et| 4J 3 R s -P Ol ai > >i 1 u W -H ■p a K a 01 A ■rl H H Eh > « a ■H c ■p •u ■p il ki Cn H -H ■p -U >i A 0) F U at It! jj ■H 5 H u m lH c IV ■o X ■o & U ■9 ," > H g •U ■p ■H c id M OJ 01 id co ■p * CO id ■p ■o T c c at § ■o ■H « c Kl « "0 ■H CI) n: u 5 > Q< X Q c in _- H R A oi 1 Q< Qi U u ■P § id id id oi 3 t< ■p 01 01 at S! 0< 3 4J H £ i -u 111 N 01 ■p X IH a C ai 01 Oi n ,C v ■o td m ^ OJ H ■H id o o CO c Eh u o c ^ IV £ -P 6 jq ■o Q, m p H id ■P H ^ ■p 01 id 01 W 2; H 01 01 1 Eh & -p ■p c ai m oi VI s CO 01 ID 01 b) r% -H M u id e e ^ c in 3 ■ H ■ H Eh Q, c a 3 01 i^ U 01 •o H 01 0, ■H HI c 4-> s 01 (V bn cq tj c ai 0) 4J >i i? ■H & ^h Id tq o ■H M n ■p > „, ■H H ID «! 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Lo CO Sh E Of CO O Sh o T3 a _o cd o o > .1 o o o cd CO 'co -a 9h PJ S E .s co o aj o CO fl cd Sh OJ &0 Sh cd -a o >> Sh &0 o 11 CO o &0 > O Sh Oh co CO -a H O -4— » CO T3 75 p C (U co O .■fa 2 -^ CO C O ^ Oh 3 Oh O P ° fa 3 -^ § B p ■ ^ o g h3 S ■i3 O 13 .-fa t+H ^ O co p s Sh -M 3 3 o '^ ^h - 3 !> -4-^ p i Oh E g p CO X) -3 3 CO o Sh o Oh T3 ■p Ti Sh d) o -3 o CO Sh ^3 o Comments and Responses Page C&R-23 Eh *t 1 Q Eh § H bi *s 3 X s S3 H S; Q H K) § Eh ts tq to Q 0. H K) -v £ * Q Eh H 1 § to H N e H OS CO Q fc. O H « (V y at «i £ ^i p) « +> co Eh ID *: £ C Eh N >H ■H M v ^ N 7J e> Q N ai i « H >i b. Eh Pa 14 to CS H 0. 8, st &! n is o to ■H 0 Eh at ^1 to £ H bl fei Eh & a; O < 'S S-h 133 I 2 r> co ^ c3 U a a O <4-H CO o "—- co y ° (U CO X) 3 T3 co -§ & « 5 CO > (U O 00 o c3 (U M ^ d t3 3 a a rt d d iTi O CO '-fl 173 173 c3 8 'S § ^ I g (73 -*— > C/3 (U (U co j3 (U ^ *-< co (U C3 T3 .a e 3 (U O w ^H -^^ CiH > = O 1/1 § -s 03 -« M 03 C5 • 4) v S3 © .a § a & o 5 -B I = •- u 0JD S3 .2- & «5 t« *S 2 a> •- 03 « "3 * i * S O ^ ox s o o g « 2 '"I 5r> o* « S3 ^ C3 eu -2 ■a 0X) »3 CJ 4, 4) cu >• o u T3 C~ H-> O .2 'ffl *! H-> S H- "» «" OX) A S3 O 5 •- w ox a a 52 o .— cu ** cu J3 OX u " S CU u S c/3 cu cu a o > -a as «S C3 cu cu 'd u I' "O cu cu t- o ^ S cu ■o ex cu "d '— cu ox 5 2 5 «" rt .-a ««£ g CU -w fa I g • a b *j O H- a .^ •_. «c2 £2 cu s u •= a a o u, u cu cu a a o cu T5 cu VI cu *- S £ C3 CU cu ex •- g 1 s M cu fc- *-. 2 5 — cu cu S +- ~^ •h 75 .3 S3 a cu o CU -w +- cu o *- ■S OX cu ^ 03 ,fl aa Scu 3° 2 % a ■*-> a a* C3 ^ ;^ S^ 05 "H cu C3 S3 a CO .2 *S cu a. CO a ,c3 CU «t-i 55 c3 -a ex cu .5 S 2 -2 O co 2 a .2 Q 2 IB 4J O 5 ■* a e^ H o r, 2 « i cu >-> U C3 .a a v a 4= CU 5 * O cu *- 2 Sis 55 9 cu E 1 cu eg ~ cu CU «M o w ■w 03 cu cu a a u o -S a * a CO .2 "d cu 03 CU cu o *- CO CU a a 2 £ 03 O "a a co .a 03 « I la g 5 a> e* a-S ■ e to a a i- a a cu «2 2f « o .E * CO & cu Se2.S t>0 co O Oh g d jd^h 00 T3 t-j c 9 d d d g ° !n s (« tj > ° a l ^ (U c g S a O o d a ^^ ^ cu a co d ^ w ,73 a ^ tin 00 Page C&R-24 West Fork Timber Sale Project i_, ro en 2P GO & en <~^ S-H ON O ON P-H — I oo o -^ O cm P* T3 *h -2 -75 -S -d o o -d .-a +" 1 Cfl •" C3 a « o " X! >,5 o •"^ d 73 d o ^J n OJ c/1 r: ,P 13 d 7! 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XI ■p ■H TJ 01 3 u "ft 01 TJ TJ id 01 X! •u TJ 0J id 01 lH 01 > id c id § «! 01 01 ■H HJ ■P id g Ol 4J c ■rl •-< «i R O 'H X5 U 01 ■r| >H -v 3 Ol ■P 01 C c ■p ai c H n d) in Id ■u u id R in Id ■H CO > id u jq H b E HJ Eh 01 ■-H ■ rl 01 > id u ■H H 01 id M W R R O Mh id •u to bq ■ rl 4J ■ rl 3 § >H CO IV ■H -H ■u in id W M c 01 R ■u •H Mh ^ ■H Ol 01 10 4J >< id c 3 in (V c ■H u id XI 01 >i u ■rl id c c S ■H TJ u R ■H •H 3 Mh id 6 to 01 R •H M id H 01 g C ■rl U tn c TJ to n, 01 HJ in ^ •H C H H ■rl id •rl > 01 X3 ai -U id 01 X) •i! ■H ■H 01 ■l~l lH 0) 3 3 ■ rl 01 CJ to TJ 01 01 id o> g ■p ■p x: u •rl x: On -P Tl 01 u in U R to TJ 01 x CO T) in T) id q M ^ r-l rl C rl id ■H M a. ai ■p ■p id s C a H 01 id Id ■H N ^ x; tn H S 0) ■ rl id id o-J O q Id -P id 01 ai id > id n ■H id 73 R ■H •o •H -u 6 H Mh Q, -u •H tn u tn X! 4J H 0) 01 li. n ■o c & u ■rl ■p in o> at H 01 N s •U $ Id ■r| MH n si q 01 ■H 4J 01 « •rl id g ^ •H ■H TJ 01 TJ id R 01 1 T) H MH id Mh 'r| Ej - HJ 01 01 0) -H 4J Tl in H v -* g ■P H R in 01 in •R id 01 x; In Tl c id , ^ E-i O in 3 id 4J ■H +1 ■H g TJ T) ■rl ai 0> id ■rl id 01 >iTl TJ at c 01 ■& id ■H •VI R 0J ■u Id ■U 01 R w" to R ■H ■o 01 H 6q id ■rl 4J 01 > >|4J tjl O HJ id X) •H O H HJ CO N id 0) 3 ill oi ■H id c 1 ■P M 3 •u TJ •H -u ■H 10 ■u B R • rl X ^ c ■ rl O 01 ^, R > Q r-l H X C H ai ■H 01 M 01 R R 01 ■H •U ■H 01 O u ■H -U id H 4J 01 4J H ■n 0) 01 id J5 Oi id 01 01 M g 0> 3 c in Ol MJ ■R 01 TJ U W 01 u i" 01 X! 3 4J Q u 4J id •H s ■H CO ■H > ■H T> ai r-l H r-l id c M ai M^ -u ■u 01 id u R 01 W ^ •u -u 0) g 0) c T) M Ol to 1 to in 3 01 M-l £ id id 01 01 id x: ■H •H u 01 3 Id 3 Mh 01 ■H lH Tl b) u en u S< ■H to q t) id Ol 7J En ■p in H u 3 ■d H ■p ■d ^ On id U u TJ C| X) 10 01 TJ S; -O Q- ■H 01 XJ 3 01 3 •H 01 +1 ill id 0) a Tl 73 4-1 4J 0) Ol to r-l to tn oi id XS ^-^ ,-^ — ^ -v x; c C •-i 01 x; * to O Id 55 0) A A Eh S-i rH CM ro T Eh ■H id id g ■p Id O (H o Q$ Eh -p ealthy on objec- o an ex s a CJ o X X es s X ■w CJ CJ E -= ta O *- •- a> O La o G "x "q3 ■w a 0> t/> efl a> es =3 5 H— CJ ex a *x 3 a" tos tec 0> '3 = CJ TS 83 ded trou _r* en S *- es o O 3 o» — r^ •- X a> "73 X = CJ o TS o> a> Ol *- ■w CJ S •- 3 CJ CJ CJ '5 s •-. 4> *- -2 64) = -s 2 — o & X TS s - o S 6J5 3 CJ '- CJ X O sities ex ns of bu s O •- CJ CJ r»> ■n O u CJ r3 id den ulatio o in it, = 05 X Tl ded). T jective. ° o Ol A (Tt r» cs r> TS rO ■M rC *- CS o Page C&R-42 West Fork Timber Sale Project 01 01 id 1> 01 T) +1 •H ■P n >1 x; id C a ■p 11 01 11 3 £ C n 0> ■p ■p dl id ■P ■rl 01 3 ■P a, E u ■P id 11 id •^ rl C H • C di 01 c 3 a g 11 X3 T) ■P IH rH c O oi ^4 id ■rl id ii ■o a. C 01 XI ■rl 2 73 m 11 rl 73 Oi id 3 n n IH >i id « H 01 T) ^ dl rl dl S dl ■P Oi g u rl 3 £ X) 11 73 11 ■p £ S r5 ■H di id ■o 11 rl 11 rC ■p Xi id 3 ■p XI d) rl 01 4-> M4 Id u MH 3 0> ■P 73 Q V rl 0> c > id MH 01 MH s id 01 3 Oi c 01 a u U 4J ■p H 4J ii G rl H 3 •rl i S x: c£ 01 id 01 rH 11 3 "w ij C T) id 01 +1 * H id rl id E a Oi XI Xi rl X C -P 4J c id 4J S -P 2 H ■H c ■rl ■rl XI u O Si H 11 H ■P T! ■H T) Xi 01 ■H id c c ■P ■p Eh s id c dl s 3 O H 01 ■P t^ 4J ■rl C IH O 01 c c rl dl H H rl t^ rH id ■rl g 01 dl Xi id c £ oi 3 >i73 c O, ■rl ■P id rs . . id 01 3 id dl H ■n C ^ dl H o* 73 N 01 >i H V i a. g ■p a IH X! H H 1) Oi c a. c >i id d) 1) d) 01 11 ■o +1 > dl Cft id ■P +J >1 c XI •-i -^ 73 D dl rl 73 H H 11 ■H id 3 ■p rH id dl 11 H v "H H rl ■p u ^ 01 rl 11 9! C 11 ■H 01 H 3 CO C -P H id id 4J u C rl ■p ■P 01 3 H id u c Xi 01 a. s s 11 H Oi H 3 c id ■rl 73 CO 01 c G cog c M id ■P H ■p ■H M c H rl B ■P d) Ol H g rl oi 3 M id 3 •H id •H 01 ■H ■rl H di ii id 11 -P ■rl id H ■P 11 id id ■p dl rH 11 01 id c r-l 01 7} 0. ■P c xi xi H MH C 73 id rl H id Xi M C M4 H +> > > 0\ e 4J c g ■H H -H Id c M ■p id id >l 4J MH dl C ■u ■rl dl id rl 3 4J ■p E2 ■h id >, id XI m jj 11 •rl 0\ ■H 11 ■rl dl g § id c > Xi H X! dl H rl 3 u ■P ■P a, 01 & MH 4J XI tm 3 S ■P u H B >1 rl ■o O rl ■H dl ■p H 4J 01 H Q 11 c id 01 MH S E* ■H 0> 01 id M tlH c 73 s. c H id 3 rl MH fr ^1 dl ■p 11 a, D S >i 01 ■P H H ao H 3 H D 11 rl e id dl • >l M ■p ■rl 11 dl c •H 3 h. MH S u ■p w ■H dl > rl 13 dl id 73 •-i c c H -P 11 01 HJ ■p H H rl 4 IB 11 M ■rl ■P X3 Oi TJ • -H H ■P 4J ■p ■rl MH ^ a. g m 11 3 H id j &173 di c 0. -| r, ii >1 id A id c Oi C dl 73 Oi a. c ■H id 3 ■P 01 0> & dl 01 H li ■U 73 •H C XI ■p ■o ■p 0> rl 11 3 -H 01 ■P ■H 01 0> c 11 1 U H c H « >i g 11 3 3 •rl 01 one id 3 ■H rl •p 4J dl 3 MH c rl d) dl U 4J S 01 ■rl D 73 ID 3 ii 4J Ol ■P A! 11 H 4J >iX3 dl U 01 H ■P ■p Cn id u H ■P ■n X c ■P 01 C A M •H ii t»i ■P •H ■p rl III H 01 01 id ■P 0.x: dl 73 rl X! id id ■HOC id 3 VI id 10 ■p 11 11 3 id Q oi c 1 ». +1 TJ ^ ■0 1) 73 C 01 rl 3 H ■p 73 01 H rl Oi id o C id y id A 73 M rl id dl 0. dl T) c dl H id ■rl ■rl id 73 01 H •rl X! 4J C oi +i u ■rl Oi ■rl En 01 C ■P 1 4J — ■ rl rl rC XI dl > C TJ 4J d) N X3 dl 01 id 3 dl >i 3 dl Oi 01 ■H ■H -r| >? ■rl •o rl •H M id dl 01 ■P C dl ■P En u dl rl id C a. ■H -H •-< 73 >l -P H XI Xi •-t cs 73 3 H M 4-1 73 d) x3 & 3 11 li ■P C H 1) ■H ■p 01 3 C H +> C H rl Eh X) ■r| rl 11 id U 3 > a. 73 01 ■p rl dl ■n "H >H >1 XI 01 ^ ■H ai73 3 id di id c > X! d) ■P u g ■P H m id M ■H 01 id rC u X! -U H s rl C IH 01 01 XI dl •-I c ■n ■* dl ■p £ 4J dl S 01 4J M & ^ U C H Id H 01 ■P dl 11 id id o 3 MH id 11 H 3 •rl H H g 73 H Q id 0> H & id IS ■rl •o 73 CU "I M id 01 ^ 3 •H >i 4-1 01 rl > 3 01 id 01 ■P a.< dl dl H id n 01 01 rU id dl U oi rl dl 01 dl ■P H TJ Xi oi 3 01 >i a, 01 4J 11 dl id N rH rl - XI d) li ■P M MH id 01 ■P H 0> id C id n id H id rl r> rl c C o> > Id 3 >1 Xi 3 id dl id 3! 11 id a. rl 4-1 • rl 73 H x; id H H k. G X! C 11 3 id 3 e l> U 01 01 H >i H Xi a MH 1> oi C 11 C 11 C ~ li ■p ■p ■P .—* g ■H ■P fl 0> 01 H H ■H H H H ■rl id rl ■p 73 MH ■P 01 01 73 C > id c ■H (V m 01 u 11 H 01 01 S dl rl >i 11 a. « ^ Id H X! > 0) ii U ■rl c dl H dl c M •o id li 01 id H ■C u 4J 01 •a ■P H x; rH >i 01 o id s MH ■p X) ■p D 73 rl 4J 01 - id ■o c id ii * ■n H 01 ■p >H T! 3 "H id <-< 3 id ■p rH H +> >i dl ■r| 11 3 •rl id H ■n rl u C -P id oi xi d> id H c 11 U 01 ■rl 1 id dl 3 rl id 11 ■a a. 01 -H ^ rC dl rl ■rl id dl d) ft-P 0> Oi ■P XI •rl 01 M ■p > id rH c H X! C rl u u 01 ■H S oi 3 >i o a, c ■P c Xi U rl ■H rl 4J g ■P -rl C C a ■H H >i fi 01 & id 11 & id Ol s ■p ■a e ■p ■H JJ ■p H >i ■H 0> 01 a. -p a. c ■rl C U dl ■rl ■rl g 3 H 11 M 01 a X! •H ■H 3 oi C 11 di C H 01 +1 ■rl 01 H 3 1> c dl rl ■H g > oi id ■P 11 U CO 3 ■P 01 M -H 11 H MH ■p dl ■P ■o rl 01 c dl 73 H 1) 01 g 11 01 -r| 01 dl 11 01 > ■P H n u id id rl 11 01 H 01 ■P 1> id ii id 73 d) ■H 01 rl a. -p ■H g ■P 4J D 73 g rl U H 11 3 &q a XI rl H xi a. c id 3 MH >1 rC X3 XI >I U rl 01 id Xi 01 a. X! c rl dl dl H -P id 73 id •o 01 Q id M-l ii 11 Oi +> ■— »t! Xi 01 & -p +> Eh H X3 id dl 3 Xi ■P < id a. -p u H c a. oi rl U 01 05 .as» 4> V3 ON 00 On rH St o 55 Ifl a o VI 3 05 DJD = UJ _fl ■o o o 55 n CU s a -a ft«J = < C/3 T3 05 U V) = — w 05 4> •- ■« •- W ^a •- a» 05 ■n o TS -a 41 = O ■*j •- r»> s a a 3 V 05 05 OS O £ s a r*> Or ■n a 05 O H— '3 05 •- > u 41 05 1 t/1 oi # a *DJD •- a> o 41 exi T3 £ •- 4> o ri 05 no a o T5 a a 0JD a ■w 3 05 a "53d o B 05 a 5 a EC 05 O a» 05 •M •- Comments and Responses Page C&R-43 C dl U is 1 ■P ■p >. 01 H u 01 < r^ III S rl 01 id c MH H u U 3 U £ u dl &> XI dl 01 73 >i XI 3! ■rl -u 3 ■p 01 01 73 01 Eh di u dl u 01 XI ■P 73 < 01 XI ■p a H 3 ■o ■o t X! 0) 73 dl 73 £ j: m U id H 01 4J id 01 tj j: < 01 8" 01 1 ■H ■P X d> O £ ■p 73 dl V H 01 dl s j: a 01 ^ u t XI 01 01 a M u ■c oi 01 3 ■P j: O b ^ id £ c ■p 73 c 01 M u 73 ■p 01 di X ■rl 1 Eh M e S id 01 M 01 s ■P dl XI ■rl c id ■p 73 M di 01 m 73 H 3 •rl 01 EH 01 73 u ■H id 0) n O. 01 H 01 0> dl 01 dl 0> XI 4J H 0> dl MH H 01 ■rl 01 •H ft, XI u 01 di £ dl t ■p u c M 3 01 a M 73 •rl ■P ■P Eh id 01 XI ■H & id O > ■P •H ■P u X! •H ■p dl id MH 73 ■H a c 01 01 id id s ■p ■H ■p >i73 a ■P O H a < >1 4J ■P rl id £ 01 ■p C X 4J dl C ■P a s >1 01 01 73 01 rl 3 m u a H 01 s >! 4J 73 01 s id u ■rl id x; 01 H ■rl n 01 1 MH XI ■p •-i di 4J 01 ft. ill 1 — w ■rl ■P ^ 01 e 01 d) 01 ■p ■p JJ ■rl 4J rl 01 0> 01 rl 01 01 id XI U ■rl dl di CO u n >i 01 &> id dl X — , rH 01 01 £ MH id 01 01 01 01 dl 73 rl dl H id 73 id 01 id rl £ 0\ 01 01 01 o> 73 73 c (1) 01 0\ MH ■p a ■p Cr> 01 dl 73 U H O ■p 01 id jt 01 01 M ft,H ■P ■p a, j: dl H ■p 3 ■H 01 3 n CO s ■rl 73 ■rl 01 c 73 01 rl H id id 01 c dl a d) 73 rH Eh 01 ■H id ■P > id 01 0\ id c O.MH 01 MH 01 ■rl 73 J id 1 s D 73 tr> dl ■p ■P ■rl 73 ■P dl a ? c ■o s 01 ■P id ■p ■H di 3 01 ft. ■rl 01 73 ■p 01 73 1 £ 73 H tTi ■H ■P id O ■p ■H a 73 MH M di id *> — u di 73 XI c XI C 73 ^ ■p c ^ 3 c 01 id H s 73 a c O & ^ & 4-1 id — , 73 1 ft,X! s ■p ■P u dl H Eh ■rl C 01 3 C «3 MH id 01 ■rl 01 ■rl 01 dl ■o h n n o> o\ 01 £ a bi 01 01 N dl a a rl fO ■H 01 ■H 73 s 01 73 rl O id £ 73 ^ ft. di & 01 di c X CO 01 ■P ■H di u R 01 73 ■rl > di 01 01 01 u MH 3 01 0> rH ft. -P 01 H 01 X c b 4J M o\ 3 3 M 01 ■H >1 > dl 01 01 M t M ■rl ■P ■P 01 >1 u 01 01 c rl dl a dl ■rl s - nt 01 n ■H 01 H 4J s 01 o> v — dl 01 ■P 73 M rC id rH 73 01 >i73 s 3 ■P •p id 3 M ■P ft. III ■p >1 -P MH +> m oi h XS dl id ^ ■P j: ■H •-< 01 ■rl C H 01 01 73 01 c O u rH & ft. ft. id 1 01 O 3 H 73 h bi H 73 O H c c 73 id id 01 ■rl H g- rl dl c di 1 H id c m id 0) id d) » rl >i r -^ MH id R H H 01 O j: dl a s c 01 id 01 M id rl 73 id ft 73 rl ■P dl 01 01 ■P 0> ■P ■p s id ■P > r? rH n C 01 01 < Ej 0) 3 J £ 3 ■p u ■P rl 1 73 01 CO ■P 01 01 0> ^ j: 01 XI C u rl ■rl ■H O *-- ■P 01 ■H X! 01 M X) u 01 a 01 ■P ■p 73 01 c U ■P H m 01 dl rl ■p XI Cr> +i id 01 >1 3 ■P ■P 01 ■o ■P •H O u ■H 73 ■H 01 c ■p 01 a ■H rl •-) m ■H ■p c ■p ft c ■P a r tjl 0> 01 01 MH ■P ■P 3 X 0> s MH id &1 rl MH a a id a s ■rl &> rl X id id id di R 01 j: 01 MH >1 dl & id j: 01 s c ■H < MH M c 01 c O 0> C & ■n H L H dl 01 01 H 01 c £ 73 E 01 73 H di 73 01 ■H MH u M rl 01 0> di 01 id O •H ft. MH A 4J a ■P H c id dl c ■p 01 H M dl dl ft. id ■rl 01 w ■P MH 73 MH Xi > ■p XI O 73 a MH X P n) 0> c c O id ■H Hh C 0> n 01 73 0> XI H 0> r^ H •p X! c ■H 01 ■p > .. B ■p 0. id G u c H 6 ■rl ■p id 3 < XI M H 4J 01 dl c 01 •-I 73 3 U •rl di H u dl >H >i ■rl id 01 ■rl ■rl ft. l« id ft, id CJ 73 O H id id 01 N tr> N id •-t 01 01 rl MH C c 01 ft. id £ 01 H ■P * 0> ■P 01 ft. 01 ft. 01 01 is a u c c XI 01 a x; 01 ■H ■rl •rl a 3 id 01 01 id a X ■P 01 nt 01 H •H ■p ft. id >H c 01 id ■rl 4J 73 01 ■p id 01 01 01 01 di H 0> 73 01 ft. dl R g d> H 3 4: dl H ■H ■u rV( XI 01 3 o> 0> s M rl dl C 01 ■rl M +1 p 01 U 73 Eh M 3 .c >i« ■rl 01 XI 01 s id a c Cn H c 73 c ■p id 01 id ■P id ■H rl 3 rl di U 3 >|73 ■H s 01 01 H ■P 01 di di Eh 73 •rl c u ■H •H < 01 ■P •-t id id ft. >i O dl oi H H 0> rl s 01 c H •Vi id M ja u 01 H di 01 ■rl c 01 01 c id a 01 01 & H B 6 JJ ■P ^ n id Id U U 3 x; MH XI XI 01 01 ■H t7> ■rl tr> 01 rl id ■rl •rl ■H a >i 01 dl H oi c 1 rH C 01 H ■rl 3 01 rl ■p 73 01 i ■p ■p ■P ■rl C c id 3 01 X 01 01 M a 01 u l| ■H dl ■fi ■rl 01 MH 01 ■P 01 a. MH 01 dl 01 rl rH rl 73 ■H H •rl 01 0> H u rl >. >1 u id 01 H 01 4h M ■P n ■p A! 01 id 3 rl 01 a id 01 o> ■p ■p 3 O.H &> J 0> dl rl J u id rl H H a rl -U M MH ■o 01 id id 0> H 01 73 H c 01 ■P n id id 01 rl 0> c 73 c rl u 73 id ft. id id 73 ■H ■P dl R C 3 ■H >! X3 ■p dl X dl 01 J5 id U H id ■p XI XI 01 3 ■H id id a O c c ft. c c c M X rl ■p H H MH X3 ■P 01 Hi EH U ■rl ■u E X ft. id S 01 ■p ■p rl 01 >i rl a H id ■H a ■rl id id id id id ft. 01 ft. o -3 « S cr 05 s C3 ft s o u Si 8|H > r s o "a v '— cs yi +j 3 s- 3 O "3 O U w r3 H r^ o o 53 .22 a cs s '■5 .a 3 u ■o s ss S *- 3 cr « & o in - cfl •- eu r» ea an cu o B Q oa i» v -o OX « B O « fc- « a 8 « 2 a CU u 00 CU ON "« a a •= C5 73 •- •-. •« a; =2 > a « « -a « i 03 Oi a * •a c BX y G .at 03 Is CJ __ ~ a 03 .a ■e S u R o 41 ai •" G O 03 G 5 ^ ex G 03 ai • rS C 00 g *- S? *: s CU ^3 ex « •-. o J2 =J cu cu cu Cm t3 .2 a- G ^ a a S 2 ax g a — -w 03 O 3 8 8 09 •- O H-* 03 '■3 G •- o o ft 09 3 H-» CU •- 03 ■O G 03 c^ 1 CTA >- » o G 35 2 ex sp a ft « G *3 « M h a CU > 03 r3 03 X +j x H 03 & O 5S ex S a '■" 3 x w cu ex 3.5 cu £ = M CU a 2f S - s « -5 .2 x ■S cu cu os ■S cu O '- a w G sh .3 x a c w 3 J= '- ^ X cS a 9 a cu •a •a 03 tg *x 03 X a S CU Si CU r* • • *43 ■M CU x cu o £ X x 03 — CO On ex a r^ ex^ .3 O as M r3 c2 a _, o OS ^ *43 03 CU 3 o' 3 fttJ CU o 5-x S o •- -a cu cu o* 2 a CU 03 M M .3 o rfl M -5 CU -° a ro a 03 03 O £ m CU Sm © •2f S X 03 M cu a •_ o -O • ■4 x ■M 03 r^ a -3 -3 ** t= a &- o cu 3 ex « S a O C3 — eu .s s CU •- « a X -M it « o ^ 55 o -a 55 ex x 3.SP a-= o a ■-S-2 03 H^ M 03 3 '- T3 3 O cu x ex x a •S — x a 03 fi cu cu a cu •- a CU M CU r3 H 03 ex • E.S " • PM -J_t ^^ "S « o 5 "rS 3 a a -d ° .2 CU X -M cu .ti 03 a 3 M 3 3 a 35 -a S " -2 T3 m O O a J cu M o s « ■a x a> . cu j; a> 2 eu ' a m o ts a - x 5 cu o M «J 1 3 O o ex 53 «« .S S 2 a « 3 03 ?J o x 5 j= XXX Page C&R-44 West Fork Timber Sale Project 01 +> 01 01 01 73 id ■o ■C 3 n 0) ■* 01 A 01 Eh 0) id id 73 01 u ■P Cr> c u & 3 c c id •rl g H ■rl ■rl id u n H 01 U rH 01 C o> m 01 01 01 u c 01 01 > 0) H 01 C ■rl 01 73 g id h id id c 73 01 id 01 01 A id c £ 01 J3 rl c ID 01 >1 A id •P rl 01 01 G H id id 01 73 A 73 ^ g A ■rl ft ■H H & 01 , 01 ■P 01 4J m £ 01 u ■p a H • ■H 73 rH H ■P C MH c .fl id oi 73 MH 01 01 01 u O -H C g > 01 ■H 01 > •H ■H 01 H 0) J3 •P 01 01 H >i &> >1 41 73 ■rl ■rl tn rH rH H .c M 73 c s id 01 h id +1 ■P c id ■P ■p c ■H x: ■P 01 X H 01 id rl Id ■P - in J MH 01 rl id at 3 01 73 1 id 01 01 g n 01 0173 rV( ft +> H ■rl n 3 ^ c 0) id ■P 0) 01 £ H MH 73 ^^ ■rl ■p 01 01 g -p U 01 H 73 4J id tt 73 rl rH 01 01 a. 01 73 MH C 01 id MH ■p ■rl ■rl 01 C ■P £ 3 01 X 3 id En 73 73 01 01 ■rl 01 >i 01 ID ■H J u — ■P H id >iH 01 > 73 c id ■P H ■H ■H • ■rl C MH •P id 01 id 4J rl H 01 73 01 C 73 id oi 01 73 C ■p >1 3! & 01 g U •rl e rH g ■P u rl ■H 01 ■H •rl rH 01 u ■H ■rl m .c H rl MH 3 m 01 ft +> 73 ft -p 0) 01 01 MH id 01 id ■c 0, ■rl — c 01 01 g ■P 01 0) 01 id rC > •rl +1 73 g tP > H c g •p ■rl H C Id H c ■H J! 4J U H 01 < ■U 73 ■rl •P MH id 01 01 -P U H U ■p 01 c 01 rl H 3 W 01 g ■rl id M rH id H rH 73 O..C 01 ■P >i 01 01 MH < c 4J 4J 01 01 .fl > 01 u >i id H c 3 £ U En rl u Jh 0) id ■rl Jh v id 3 o a -° "•a , to " '5 O a a © 2^ a> a aS « S 9 ■-B « rt ^J '~ r"^ o> rt 3 rC ST 5 «T3 « rt rt r© -a - a 8 -a «, *5 aa 9 .9 -^ g /~- S3 'r- On o O 3 c 2 ! s all rO .t5 - rO a a O rC O -a - .gg 0> a « sm •a .a ° - £ •« « .3 O H2 ^ a .° ' a "S a -^ ■M r» o . « a A O S " r* ^ a O S5 S a 9 s ° * I ,2 2 1 « H SB a © a S ^ -B a 2 w « o S — 3 w a h .S: S S«2 fe o « 3 2 0> * -S a a a> a> a .3 a -e u a a « r 6 0* 05 a « a 05 2 s a W rQ 4> rQ 3 « a 1 P ox a .3 . a m a 5 3 © « — t- ga § § 8 S 03 5 a a. 'g § js a m rO a a © a) 4» u a « 4> au a - a 03 K c/5 03 m J aj -S * i £ > i « B a a r> u a ^ a o a . tB ? o a 3 a o> ft 03 0J5 a ea a u o 03 _>^ "rt a rt 03 W Q o» a H « rt ft H ss a 5 « © a v a S -° a S a o rt u 03 a a — ' — a a a a rt rt aa a ** *a a a 2 «« 2 03 is « « rt o> S £ a a © d a ex rt ox 2 ** 3 E^ 03 © rt a ^ n, a 03 ^ O rt a » ft a "5 a •- ' .a a a SB « £ a> -< o >? -* a ^3 O 4) — « a 2 a -9 ox ? *a g 03^ 9 to a o> a> a a a> a w 'S ^ a as§ -2 « 3 a „a> a © SB S ft « a 9 111 a . o> 3 ox u 3 a « 6 i5 a a +^ a <* « & 9 8 'ox ex OX tH o o r*. O rQ a a a> 8 a m rt ox >. ox 5 "C © a a •-. rt o o> a a a « 9 e* 2 S a *- os rt o> •- ox o> •- rt o> ex a rt a "3 a a rt a u a a a" L +- a M 4> o > ft « rt 9 H- M 9^-^ ON «©^ 03 ** a - a gf « .a a, C- a va a a rt a a o a ^ .9 ex a « a ^a a' a U 4) S W o SB u rt Comments and Responses Page C&R-45 m « tn c dl dl i X « H H XI IH id ■p ■P 4J H 4J dl X! di X) +) £ ■P O Id O 1H 73 dl •H dl di ^ ■P c 01 > id H c s 8 ° « .-1 •o id f-t B c c H C id c ■H ■p c J 73 2 Ck •H 1 c < XI c 73 ■p ■P > di 4J 4J ■H Q id ■P > M id Q O id dl ft. O dl 01 u X) s id ^ ■H t 73 ^ Cq dl G X id x: a 01 di dl ■p di dl dl •H U dl c ^ C id ? 3! dl g * ■k * id 01 id > 01 01 >i dl ■P Ol 4J di CO -v a dl 4: ■H 01 CO — ^ id Si u a) id c id 01 4J id id 01 ft, a % ■rl n ■p M i ■P £* ^ di id 01 •H x; dl E dl r-l 4J g di P ,' 73 U & c p> 1 u ■P c 73 u 01 id 01 > O M4 En U (V o> di d) E-l O id dl 73 c ■p 01 id dl n ■H O 5 01 ■U c dl u > s 01 C 'H •H id C id H di r-l — v XI id ■P & .13 M4 •rl x: ■p dl & j: ■p id -U x; ■H dl M dl 10 4J XI id di Oi IV ■rl 01 ■p 01 o> dl ^S 73 ■p c c c 0\ g 73 1 3 £ s 01 s 1 3 di u ^ 73 H O c C c 0\ c ■p ■rl 3 ■P w 0) M-l id ■n di >i c 3 01 ■P id ■H id «H dl 01 H 4J O U H H u n S 4J 111 73 73 XI XI s_ dl di O H . X HI ■o ■c § x; > d) tr> C 4J H Ol H 3 id id c x: H dl ■H 01 01 ■H O di H >i id dl M-l id id B "9 73 dl OiQ ■H di 01 ■P ■P u ■P O XI id c E xt g B r' IV .* C ■H 2! 1 j: id ■H 111 H dl ■H n 4J H id f* M-l 6q U rl dl •H w c XI 65 O ■p di 01 « 3 4J 01 ft. tH c H dl n. dl ■rl id O. u c 01 id c ^ >. +1 XI 3 J) 73 n 01 4J Ol S 01 c u dl 73 dl s dl 73 01 H 3 * ■rl ■P ■p -p r-l U 111 >1 01 e !» ■H c 01 c n 01 H dl H O 4-1 c a) *- b> 3 01 ■P ■rl ■H tji ■H id u 3 u ■H XI 73 n) 3 XI M4 m ■U c ■rl 01 rl id 73 73 dl dl dl O c id 4-1 C H ■P co a, s M4 H dl 3 CO n, dl 73 dl NX! 73 XI X! id 14-1 ■r4 id dl g H ■rl & ■rl n 73 H 01 H X M 4J u 01 +> s H id 01 H s - v 01 s 01 XI 6q v 01 dl 01 id >i 01 73 73 H rl O Q CO HI en id dl a Q CO dl ■H M p 1 id 01 c c 01 •H O di Id rl H > H ■p £ H 01 >1 dl g s g S ■H id s 0) XI dl -p dl Co ■H 4-1 01 4J ■H dl E° 01 1 ■P 3 S ■P C ■p ft. c X3 ^ ■P M ■P XI in id U id CO H ■p H >l 01 r-l 4-1 ft. ■P ^ ID H 0> id 4-> ^ dl s ^ id ■P id CT> 01 ft. c ft ft. 01 f id ■° h! 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"« 05 r9 a o a r9 o 4> r 0. .9 r= * »a ■ *3 4) o »- Si ■^ s as x 05 «^ 5 3 .a 4> 1/3 ^3 "9 C/3 o a ** a 05 a» a ^o %9 u 9 O •- a O 55 o> '- 9 x a 05 a © 9 05 •- X S * ST! -<3 ^ 05 u S 2 W 55 05 i±3 *> - 9 4> O ■w U 05 *- ■« a X .9 a o> u a o r^^ ■9 ON a on 05 rH ■0 -i a 05 Ol _U a a X ■9 X 05 O o> ■4-1 m o> n> — •- o> ■_ Si— 1 0J) — O o> ■9 1 '- ^a 'a a ■9 ■*j ■*- "a3 ^o %9 X :_ ex s 9 a -9 — O 5 ? 8 •- X a &*• a ^ O 55 a -i O r9 r» 05 O ■4J X rt 05 X X X 9 u •- 9 X "a r/i H-> ■9 ■9 a 05 9 W in s Q ON a X o> On ■** -i-l 9 %9 05 •- - 9 O H X a ■** a 9' 05 ex 05 a r9 % 05 u O *- *^ u 55 ■9 05 A J cu T5 O E 42 a 9 o S 05 Ol r» O 05 X O 55 05 a x 05 su •- u a X ■9 05 2 « -a 2 .2 S ^. x ■E 4» 41 — •5 r3 W 05 05 a a ^ o *- — 41 o ex a -9 ** 2 x 5 tj a Si § -9 S z 3 5 s ~» 05 r§ ex 05 .9 irT "9 on a rH !► o S a ° pJS 4) O x r^ 9 Page C&R-46 West Fork Timber Sale Project ■o i C 73 01 _-*, ai m 41 1 Q x: ^ 01 01 4J M 01 c ■P 41 o U a ■P C a. n IV £ ai ai 41 id x * a ■rl -H A &> g rC >i a On -P * x: to 01 4) v * ■H _ -P ■P 4) 3 g ■P u ■rl H &< OS id rl 01 H to 4J 73 H 3 id c M4 B 3 ^ XI M4 ■H id H 4) U C rl 4> c at u 01 C H H 41 ■rl § Ei 73 01 01 6q 4J 41 id o > at xi •o ■H 41 3 £ 4J &h M IS —V 01 id >i •H 01 Q -^ 4J id 4J ■H m u H ■o U 0. c ■P Q. j: & H 41 H 41 to rl 73 rl x3 u ■P 01 01 u id H a 4J ■H 01 rl Id 4J 3 41 H 01 3 rl oi a, 3 id >i a id XI 3 i 1 id a id H XI 5° 73 oi a, 4J ID c n id U 41 01 rH 41 41 ■H M C id 4J ■P id 01 4J H CO o XI ■h n c s rl a u M Id III 3 C H u H ><; tr> C ■P -H 01 4) ■H fe g M 4J > at 01 ■rl id d) ■H 41 44 id ^ 01 N 3 ■H 01 XI 73 01 «c 41 3 01 01 o> £ oi * u H 4J 73 Q SL 9 ■H 4J id 41 73 tn o 41 73 +> ■P ^ w HI XI 01 3 01 bi g u 73 X XI 41 rH id 01 rl 01 * c id > ■H ■H H 01 id 4) m y XI rH 4) C rl Eh 4J U C oi 41 01 o - ai C 01 111 01 4J U ■p XI Dh Q. ■p 4) ■r| rl O id 73 M rH C C oi > m H 01 01 id c r4 01 4-> S! ■H 4) c rH a id 4J H oi i H 4J ■H 3 41 v 0\ >iX3 73 Ch o 4) 01 1 111 ai c 0. 01 01 tn c to 1 1 4J 41 01 41 « H rl 4J XI a c ai c & id a 41 C ■rl H ^ o rl 01 41 4J rl P H id c o c 01 111 01 x! ■rl £ ■p rl id V> to 41 Cn 3 01 C iH ■rl C ■H c id i m m X! 4J 4J x: 73 !h H 01 ■P C id 4) 01 * * -H M c C X3 £ a. 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CT\ — h *h r»«uc«, a^o^s Comments and Responses Page C&R-47 0) n H to N 0) 1 ■P 01 MH TJ MH u id b) 0) * a c 01 01 01 01 k. CQ s fr to 01 01 01 9 01 TS 4J ■rl ^ c 01 *d « id n 01 n to U 01 S 01 m en 01 c 0) H T) 01 01 - J-l 01 ft, P J3 MH ■H id H M T) «! 3 C ■p c A ft. 01 E ■rl 01 si id -H 4J Eh T) 01 01 W 01 -H •-< -H ■rl ■u ft, 01 4J ■rl ■P id 3 — . 01 id >i ■rl 01 Q -^ ft. s Q u 01 JJ 3 01 ■U id 01 id 4J to Is H 01 O H 01 to 1 U ■U s 01 01 n > ft. 01 01 .-H 3 ■p c H H 01 n id JJ 3 01 H r- 01 * ■rl 4J H 4J id 01 A 01 TJ « oi M -p CQ to 1 1 id a id H j: 5° 0> Jj <4H c to T) C X 01 A TJ c 01 4J ■rl A 01 A E >1 O 01 tn id A id 4J >H id K, 01 01 c id ■rl n > 4J U ■P T) i-q o n c JJ > ^ id jj 0) ■rl ¥ — N B 4J 01 3 u 01 •- id 01 >i id 1 A ■rl 01 c s to 4J ■U Eh oo M ■H 01 u 01 01 01 c ■P C M X tn c JJ -H 01 01 ■H fe TJ id rl 3 1 01 TJ X A TJ id b. 01 id ■p c H 3 ■H oi j: ■o 01 -=i! C C H 2 & o A 01 4J 01 s ■u 0) 3! 01 01 -H ,_i B O ■H JJ id 01 ■c 3 H T) 4J 01 n 01 E XI TJ TJ id 0> p CQ a. CQ Sm s w ■o X £ 0) >H O 01 id 1 ■s MH 01 T) 01 3 0) id 0) - U c«5 A rH 01 c u Eh 4J u MH 01 01 tn tJl s c u 01 >, M rl 01 rl TJ u ■rl o ft. jj 01 ■H ft o 01 01 c o 3 T) c id c C H H ■H H c & CQ -P H V t-q 5! ■rl 0) c ^ ■U C H c ■H H id ■H 0) A 01 g< o id o 0\ >, Jh TJ ft, o lH rH 01 H >H id +• d 0> ^ 01 01 id > T) 01 ■p flj o; i 1 ■P 01 01 01 &; 2 ^ > H fl oi <; rl 01 A u •rl 01 01 01 m ■n ^| § ■V o n 01 01 4J u Q ft, u ■H 9 ■u 01 ■H id % ■U ■H H rH rl 4J m c id to 01 tn 3 01 C in oi id 4J 01 12! % X c 01 H 01 rl ■H TJ -rl d) o ft; H 01 JJ c id 01 01 * « u 01 6q HI 01 • ■P m 3! > CUT) id rl 01 G +) A U >i -P ■rl « !> id ■H JJ 01 H n ft, 01 rH Q. 1 ca id u S id ft. MH id o Q Q tn s TJ 01 u id 01 9 4J MH id % o 01 01 MH 01 A id 4J c H ■P 01 N — id 3 01 > A 15 ^j ,H MH 01 MH 4J H ■n tn c ■U id 01 JJ e tj d) H C Mh C id H ft,T) H A c ■H E » TJ H 01 x_ 01 id id ■u TJ 3! 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J5 A MH TJ MH £ C ■P H 3 C -P ■h id (/] -p (J 1 J jj id Eh ■C ■u 4J !«. C T) « ■H C 4J ■U id ■U ■u CQ C 01 -p ■rl a a o M O id 4J id X 01 c 01 >H U 01 rl TJ 01 01 > en "b m flj 01 S n 4J 73 u H Og > id 01 T) U ■H e ft. c 01 ei c H ^ rl MH £ -H C c o 4-1 M i 4-1 § H JJ Q 01 • 01 01 Q O H H o 4J 01 ■rl 4J 01 1 01 01 H ■rl JJ H M-l A 4J id in ft. m e 01 C 0.2; O 4J 01 ■rl id ^ c > 01 3 ■H TJ c 3 TJ id > OJ (V bq 3 * u ft. 01 rH CP H K| CM ■u 4J •c o id A 01 rl 4J H 01 H o ft. ft. % *> — ■p A ■H Q, 01 ■H C K rl 4J TJ C 01 ft. 01 >. 01 3 rl •o c c (V Eh If) 01 O O H 01 3 01 a. 01 MH ■o id id 9 01 8" id ■rl 01 i id 0) 01 i s- ^ I A fe c H >! 01 c ^ A H A e c rl 01 TJ c 01 rtl 01 a 3 6 id h o Eh «! ■H id oi ■o id ■H Eh 01 id ft. 01 * ■u ■H -r| rl ft. 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N H 73 B o 1) Eh 4J ■rl 4J Cq U 1) m 11 ^ ■rl ■H M id ■H S -c; 11 Of ^ C ■P c Q Oi 01 c to s ■H JJ 01 11 bq 73 s 73 •n S ■H 11 11 l) 11 n) e ■rl H 4J 73 ■H ■H D. tj 11 C ■p % 1 P 14 a 43 1) tri a. ft. £° ai C M ^ u N % H) 1) J5 Id o H P •rl £ ifl ■rl ■d Sm +1 11 id O 01 0) ^3 i c •P Ip H 3 -P 73 73 ■P ft. c ■P H IV ^ •P 14 ■P ■H ■P 1 ■P >H H Oi <, H 1) 1) 11 01 14 O.H 3 H 73 H C 11 v 1 N Oi c to 9 !h 73 p 01 01 H C v ■P •rl g 01 3 H 11 ft. id •H J5 -P to O C 'H c H 01 S u 1) 11 id 14 ■rl to ■o (V 01 (4 -=>! 73 oi ft. -P M ■P !? H n •H -p b) St -=<: o A P ft. 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C 01 11 p ■H ■rl P id I 0> 11 a ■P P > 01 u 01 •-I 01 01 id s ■rl 4J 01 c ■rl Q MH S^ id P H p ■P 01 P ■rl ^ •rl U id ■p u ■P 73 ■rl PQ ■H ■P s bl ■H ■P P 3 C ■P id 01 ■P 73 Jh ■p ■fl 11 U c P ^ p H ■rl «! p O 14 01 2 U to 1) id b. u 11 01 ■p +) 11 id 01 1) ■P P > Ol 11 11 > >. i fi p ■p H P P £ 01 rH 73 4-i id ■P ■rl 4J | id id ■rl 11 £5 c u A oi ■P ai p n ■P 73 u U rH ■p ■P C ■P ■n _4 ■H rH c p 73 P c j: j: 4J Jh g ■rl <* 4J 01 n) Oi U MH n C n a id •rl 11 - C id H id ■H 01 p p 1> a, id ■H 4J U o O id ■P C c P MH ■n > 0) e ■o 11 ii P p 73 01 Oi -P p ■P id 73 H c b) 73 CO H ai p 0> m tn H H a. 11 01 P 01 id C u 11 0> 01 4J •-t Eh id ^ c c ■ ■P tJi id P j: li ■P ii R .Q _4 ■p 73 11 11 ■rl p 01 U C P U «; c ^ id o >i MH U P MH r§ a. ■p ■p c £ ■H Id H m 73 id ■H P g u P id ^ id ■P P a* H ■rl to ■H 4J P 11 >i P 11 Eh J5 ■H IP X ■P 11 c H g p 4J g id ■rl s 2 13 MH - 4J -H 73 S >i id h u a rH P 01 IP IP ■p 73 11 p 01 01 id J u ■rl ■P Q D- Oh P Id H ■P c 01 ai c g a a ■rl P a •rl 1) c C ii 01 0> 11 73 p ■H P id c H H « 1) 4J -H C > 1) ■p 01 P & ■P 11 X id 01 p 11 0> p 73 a. 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Sh Ph d Ch 11 ill d ■3 d 3 o ■* r- T3 <* d en s .. .« en oo en 5 u ■a S >i u o u U 1/3 S • u f~- a 00 o OS Ph . d T3 d u c3 J3 d T3 -H ■S3 d . 2 c is 1 os o u 13 3 8 o d M Kj O Sh ^h 3 O -rH Oh T) ,. OS to -< O ^ < 5; « D ^ IS-! « ^ or pj d d o B c 6 5 oo ^ Kj OS 6 3 o o PQ Q s-T s^ E 3 CO o p< a 3 -O +-» O -4— » S^ U -O o p< -4-» o CO ■* &0 O "o pq p _o 'hP t . CO vn Sh as ( ) i u r- in CO ON OJ c3 -4-» 0) bX) r/i c3 T3 Ph B ^t P O O Page C&R-60 West Fork Timber Sale Project u o >, T3 « U 43 O JJ •5 a i e .2 « § o vd o c o ^M <+H . r^ E iS o S O M • 43 ^ U c S 1 ^ u rt S3 ^ go '5b JS - «» a .2 _2 c ««3^ d M d T3 d d o 51. Q 2 o d 4m in w « ^ . ffl o — I m o O CN o d „ „ d 3 as Sh cm j g » "« d — i Oh t/3 -0 pa c > U M> > r a w H _; u 3 pa Cfi o < O O o 3 CU a e? c3 M Oh 3 Q <" CV5 m c^ w u on o ON [t. C/3 1) Pi C o e o E 3 m CD . Cm M « o -m ^ e 43 o H < a § a e ■ j?. > "3 > cS on Cm On .. 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C\l 10 4-1 3 tO ■H 31 a; 4-1 00 a; Q, Tl •H ■H Tl 34 to CD H H CO 3 g N i i G H v id .H T) tn H CD to >l Ti g 1 ^4 A 4J ■H CO CD a; CO CO H to .H 3 CO id 3 -H ■H U h U > Tl i-H ■H CO -H tn cd = r u 4-1 4-1 CO 3 Ti •n 31 >-l 71 cd 3 tO ^ M 3 iD 3 3 4-1 1 Cl, ->-l CD C 3 31 o XI Ti 3 3 = 3 U 4J 3 3 3 CM 4J ■3 3 a O = a CCS 3 M -H 3 1) in- 13. 3 to O oo 4J ^H •n ■H CD 3 3 U ■H CO Cl' 1 Tl to CD D id g CO g 13 H U 34 H tn a; 4J A G -H 3 CO > G O u 31 -H 3 > 3 4-1 31 c 3 Si 4J ■H 44 Z 4J 10 3 CD >H < to 31 CO CO H rH 3 ' tO 3 10 ■H IH CH H JS tn O 3 to 4J H ■H KH CO u Tl Q 1) G O Ti I 2 cw w O Page C&R-64 West Fork Timber Sale Project Comments and Responses Page C&R-65 O bS '•. i U 9 § u o % 2 H o I 'II S-2 S U S -a .9 a 3 p< > a "I'S s .s I o o o "3 •'S« §"1 1 Z P la Page C&R-66 West Fork Timber Sale Project i to x: ft G ni -H P tn (1) ft nS ^H 4-> ft ft to (1) 0) c P4 , 4-1 P OS l a; G -P .* 4-1 -H to to a T5 X! •H Pi P 0) H5 to p p 3 ■H p P si P tr >1 4-4 -p a p p p T3 Xt (1) i-H m to .. H tti to •H p X! C -P to >i T3 -H G -P X) ^ p tti H a P Hi P JS a .H 3 H Comments and Responses Page C&R-67 Jane Adams Alliance for the Wild Rockies Frances Anderson Tony Arnold Jane Bartolini Brad and Kelly Beck Brad and Margaret Beck DeWayne Beck Jack Beckstrom Jerry Benbrook Wes and Monica Benbrook Ed Benz Big Sky Girl Scout Council Charles and Kathleen Bogle Jim Bower (DNRC) Kathy Bramer (Office of Public Instruction) Reggie and Donna Briggs Thad and Debbie Briggs Brian C. Bring Bob Brown (Secretary of State) Doug and Pam Brown G.I. Burk Norma Burk Stan and Roxy Burk Dan Bushnell (DNRC) Darlene Hersey Byers John Byers Sara Cadenhead James Carr Veronica Carr Kevin Chappell (DNRC) Cliff and Pam Christensen Citizens for a Better Flathead Nathan and Patti Conkle Ted and Val Corne Jon Dahlberg (DNRC) Tony and Lisa Darsow Connie Daruk (DNRC) Jeff Dayhuff Mark Deleray (Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks) Kay DeMoss Bryan Donner (U.S. Forest Service, Tally Lake District) Paul Engelman (DNRC) Citizens for a Better Flathead Ecology Center Steve and Christina Eisenberg F.H. Stoltze Land and Lumber Company Mike Filipek Tracy Filipek Neil Franson Roger and LaVern Fredenberg Keith and Renae Fredrickson John Gangemi Ted Giesey (DNRC) Al Gouzene Dan Grandkoski Elsie Gress Rocky Gress David Groeschl (DNRC) Dave Haake Gary and Rita Hall Harley Harris (Department of Justice) Roger and Rhonda Hatlen Cary Hegreberg (Montana Wood Products Association) Peter Hersey Gary and Lisa Hill Ruth and Rusty Hill Betty Holder (U.S. Forest Service, Murphy Lake Ranger District) Allen and Cindy Horn (Castle Rock Entertainment) Jerald and Maimie Hudson Hungry Horse News Leo Keane Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kearney Steve Kelly Rick Kerr Kurt and Becka Keys Heather Kiedrowski (Governor' s Office) Louis Knudsen Gary and Kathy Kober Jane Kollmeyer (U.S. Forest Service, Tally Lake Ranger District) Rick and Charlotte Komenda Jim Krantz (Plum Creek Timber Company) Joe and Kathleen Krass K. Kusumoto Charles Langlois Ted and Brenda Larsen Tom and Erika Larsen Tom Larsen Bill Leonard (Whitefish Water and Sewer District) Stuart Lewin LeAnn Libby Pat and Marion Libby Bob Love Jim Mann (Daily InterLake Newspaper) Jane Markland (DNRC) Gary Marks (Whitefish City Manager) Carol Massman (DNRC) Mike and Norma McBroom Linda McCullough (Office of Public Instruction) Mike and Sandra McDonald Mike McGrath (Department of Justice) Norm Merz (DNRC) Jeff Mielke Mike Miller Ed Monnig (Murphy Lake Ranger District) Montana Ecosystem Defense Council Montana Wilderness Association Montana Wood Products Association Montanans for Multiple Use Arlene Montgomery (Friends of Wild Swan) William Montgomery Jerry Morris John Morrison (State Auditor's Office) Geary and Debbie Murphy Dick and Carol Nelson Tony Nelson (DNRC) Rick and Nita Newton Kathy 0' Conner (DNRC) Todd O'Hair (Govenor's Office) Mike O'Herron (DNRC) Richard and Judy Ottwell Owens and Hurst Lumber Company Edwin Payne Bill and Alice Perry Fred Peters Rollie Peters Tana Rae Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phelps Sarah Pierce (DNRC) William Polus Lonny and Janet Quimbey Sheila and Roy Quimby, Jr. Vince and Mary Reed Bill and Jan Richardson Dan and Sheila Richardson Evelyn Richardson Barb Roberts Jerry Roberts Merlin and Chris Rose Roselles (Potters Field) Bruce Rowland (DNRC) Dave Russell Larry and Alice Ryerson Leanna Ryerson Tom Schultz (DNRC) Gerald and Christine Schwegel Greg and Janet Schwegel Dore Schwinden (State Auditor's Office) Sylvia Shaddon Greg Shildwachter (Intermountain Forest Industries) Ralph Simpson Mike and Rachel Singer Angie Storkson Carl Storkson Delbert Storkson Scott and Sylvia Storkson John and Karen Strean Bruce and Roxanne Street Michael Sullivan (Secretary of State's Office) Rita, David, and Erik Summers Betty Thomas Kyle Thomas Steve Thompson Minnie Torgerson Peg Wagner (Montanans for Multiple Tom and Margaret Torgerson Use) Larry and Becky Tracy Dianna Warner Salish and Kootenai Tribes Gary Watson Jodee Triplett Ted Weber Jeff Ulsamer (Dog Sled Adventures) William John Welch Art Vail (Plum Creek Timber Company) Tana and Norman Weller H.T. Vars Kay Wenzel Jim Vashro (Department of Fish, Candace West (Department of Justice) Wildlife and Parks) Allen and Pam Whitaker Aaron and Jo Voorhies Allen Wolf (DNRC) Richard E. Wackrow (Northfork Kane Youngguist Improvement Association) Donna Yutsy ACRONYMS ARM Administrative Rules of Montana BMP Best Management Practices cmp corrugated metal pipe CS Common Schools (trust) dbh diameter at breast height DEQ Department of Environmental Quality DFWP Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks DNRC Department of Natural Resources and Conservation DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement EA Environmental Assessment ECA Eguivalent Clearcut Acres EIS Environmental Impact Statement EPA Environmental Protection Act FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement FI Forest Improvement FNF Flathead National Forest IGBC Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee mbf thousand board feet MCA Montana Codes Annotated MEPA Montana Environmental Protection Agency mmbf million board feet MNHP Montana Natural Heritage Program NCDE Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem NWLO Northwestern Land Office RMZ Riparian Management Zone SFLMP State Forest Land Management Plan SLI Stand Level Inventory SMZ Streamside Management Zone TLMS Trust Land Management System TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load USFS United States Forest Service USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service ID Team Interdisciplinary Team Land Board Montana Board of Land Commissioners 124 Permit Stream protection Act Permit 3A Permit Authorization A — Short-term Exemption from Montana's Surface Water-Quality Standards SFLM Rules State Forest Land Management Rules DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION STILLWATER UNIT OFFICE - STILLWATER STATE FOREST P.O. BOX 164 OLNEY, MT 59927 (406) 881-2371 Persons with disabilities who need an alternative, accessible format of this document should contact DNRC at the address or phone number shown above.