Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. LATHAM — The Big Red Raspberry Milton Nursery Co. Milton, Oregon /^ROWERS are just beginning to realize that nothing will make them so much money, so surely and quickly as the LATHAM RASPBERRY. There are records of fields that have produced over $1000.00 per acre each year. A Big Money Maker for Berry Growers This ability of Latham to produce so heavily, together with the fine appearance of the fruit and its splendid shipping qualities make it one of the most profitable Red Raspberries now grown. Its extreme hardiness and splendid vigor insure big crops. It stands shipping well and tops the market. It combines all of the good qualities for profitable berry raising. A Source of Pleasure and Economy for Home Owners Why pay 20c a pint for Raspberries at the stores when fresher berries can be so easily raised in your garden? Enjoy the pleasure and profit of growing your own. Latham doesn’t require expert attention. Our Mosaic-free plants are healthy and vigorous and produce abundantly. Latham commence to bear soon, and con- tinue for many years. Latham will produce the most berries for the least work of any we have ever known. Sensational in Yield and Profit! COPYRIGHT 1927 What Others Say About LATHAM RED RASPBERRIES Just a Few of the Many Letters from Satisfied Customers JBB&BSi =■■ jj C. Stov, an--rnit Crowcrs Association of =SsS«£sW'^ 5430 Quarts Per Acre! T| S,1Ct ' l M Report on 3- Year-Old Field Latham Raspberry Endorsed by Highest Authorities From North Dc Why Our LATHAM Red Raspberry Plants Are Superior To Others: BETTER FRUIT AND MORE OF IT FROM OUR LATHAM BECAUSE THEY ARE “MOSAIC-FREE.” Read what these authorities say of “Mosaic-free” Latham. PROF. A. G. RUGGLES, Chief, Minnesota Nursery Inspection Service, says, “The su- periority of disease free stock cannot be questioned.” The cause for the “running out” of raspberries has been due chiefly to what is known as “Mosaic disease.” Mosaic gradually weakens ordinary plants until they become unprofitable. However, when Mosaic-free plants are secured they will remain disease-free if not planted close to infected plants. Our Latham are “Mosaic-free.” GEO. M. DARROW, B ureau of Plant Pathology, Washington, D. C., writes regarding certified “Mosaic-free” raspberry stock: “Growers are insured clean stock for future planting that will give more profitable fields for a longer period of years than they previously obtained.” FRUIT FROM MOSAIC-FREE PLANTS BRING MORE MONEY One canning company in Wisconsin pays $1 .00 per crate more for berries from Mosaic-free Latham than for fruit from common diseased fields. This canning company found that fruit from healthy Latham plants makes a superior canned product. It has better color, better flavor and does not crumble as do the others. The superior canning qualities of fruits from these plants appeal alike to commercial canners and to the house wife. EASY TO GROW Latham Raspberries can be easily grown in the home fruit garden and they require little care. Set red raspberry plants 3' to 5' apart in rows 6' to 8' apart. Plant 2 or 3 inches deeper than they were in the nursery. Cut back all stems as soon as planted to within 1 to 3 inches of the ground. Don’t let any fruit set first year. Cultivate well between the rows to destroy weeds and sprouts, not allowing the new shoots to make rows over 6 to 8 inches wide. After fruiting cut out old canes and burn, leaving 6 or 8 vigorous new ones to grow for fruiting the following year. In the spring cut off the top 12 inches or possibly more of previous season’s growth to strong, well ripened wood. RELIABLE PLANTS INSURED We have spared no effort to produce No. 1 stock in every respect. Our plants have a national reputation. By constant watching and spraying we maintain our fields in perfect health. They are inspected several times each season by the State Nursery Inspector and have been pronounced to be in EXCELLENT CONDITION. Our Stock is the REDPATH STRAIN OF LATHAM considered by many to be superior to the Common Latham in point of yield, firmness of fruit, and hardiness. Start right! Plant LATHAM (Redpath Strain) Mosaic-free Stock Milton Nursery Co. Milton, Oregon