Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 1 Wholesale Price-List Spring and Fall, 1927 HARDY PERENNIALS Rock-Garden Plant Vines, Roses Evergreens, Etc. List of Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds, Home-Saved and Tested, sent on appli- cation. Varieties marked with (*) are most suitable for rockeries. NOTE — All goods are forwarded at purchaser's risk The Palisades Nurseries INCORPORATED SPARKILL, NEW YORK Phone 200 Piermont ROCKLAND COUNTY 2 THE PALISADES NURSERIES, Inc., SPARKILL, N. Y. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS AND TERMS The plants offered herein are all sturdy, transplanted and nursery-grown for more than one year, and can be depended on to flower satisfactorily the first season after planting out. Our stock of plants is reasonably large; we have thirty acres of hardy plants in cultivation. We make a specialty of supplying Landscape Gardeners, Dealers, and others in the trade. We print real prices, which, as long as unsold and without engagement, we are willing to accept. The prices are net, except being subject to 2 per cent discount when cash accompanies order; otherwise payable in thirty days from date of invoice on ap- proved credit. Packing charges at cost, f.o.b. Sparkill, N. Y. To meet reputable competition, we will reduce our prices still further on being given the opportunity. No less than six of one kind furnished at dozen rates, 25 at 100 rates, 250 at 1,000 rates, unless otherwise specified. Clumps (or plants of extra-large size) can, in most cases, be supplied. Prices on application. ACANTHUS Doz. 100 Latifolius. 4- and 5-in. pots. .$2 00 $15 00 Mollis. 4- and s-in. pots 2 00 15 00 ACHILLEA Eupatorium, Parker’s I 25 9 00 ♦Millefolium roseum i 25 9 00 Millefolium, Cerise Queen. New I so 10 00 Ptarmica fl. -pi.. The Pearl. . i 25 9 00 Ptarmica, Boule de Neige. New I 25 9 00 *Tomentosa i 25 9 00 Achillea Ptarmica fl.-pl., The Pearl ACTJEA See also Cimicifuga Doz. 100 Spicata alba 25 $g 00 Spicata rubra i 25 9 00 iEGOPODIUM *Podograria variegatum . . . . i 50 lo 00 AGROSTEMMA Coronaria. Red i 25 9 50 Coronaria alba I 25 9 50 Flos-Jovis. Rose i 50 10 50 ♦AJUGA Genevensis i 00 8 00 Reptans atropurpurea i 00 8 00 *ALYSSUM Rostratum i 50 10 00 Saxatile compactum i 25 9 00 ANCHUSA Italica, Dropmore Variety. Strong plants 125 9 00 Italica, Perry’s Variety. Lar- ger flowers and stronger grower i 25 9 00 Italica, Opal. New. Strong plants I 25 9 00 Picotee. New i 75 12 00 ANEMONE JAPONICA Alba, Honorine Jobert. Single; white 2 00 15 00 Hupehensis. Delicate rose- pink flowers in great abun- dance. I K ft 2 00 15 00 Queen Charlotte. Semi- double; daybreak- pink 2 00 15 00 Rosea superba. Single, light rose 2 00 15 00 Rubra 2 00 15 00 Whirlwind. Semi - double; pure white 2 00 15 00 NOTE.— ALL GOODS ARE FORWARDED AT PURCHASER’S RISK WHOLESALE PRICE-LIST, SPRING AND FALL, 1927 3 ♦ANEMONE, IN VARIETY Hepatica. See Hepalica triloba. Doz. 100 Pennsylvanica . . . .$i 50 $10 00 St. Brigfid. 3-in. pots I SO 10 00 ANTHEMIS Nobilis (Chamo- mile) I 25 8 00 Tinctoria Kelwayi. Field I 25 8 00 Tinctoria Kelwayi alba I 25 8 00 Tinctoria Kelwayi grandiflora. New. i 50 10 00 ♦AQUILEGIA Cserulea (True Rocky Mountain Columbine). Sky- blue, with white corolla I so 9 50 Cserulea Hybrids. New. Various col- ors; long spurs. . . i 25 9 50 California hybrids. 125 9 50 Canadensis i 25 9 SO Chrysantha. Yel- low I SO 10 00 Nivea grandiflora. Large; white 12s 9 So Rose Queen. Rose shades. Long spurs 2 00 is 00 Double Varieties, Mixed 1 00 8 00 Single Varieties, Mixed I 00 8 00 ♦ARABIS Alpina compacta i SO 9 00 Artemisia lactiflora ♦ARMERIA Formosa hybrida. New. Very Doz. fine I 50 10 00 Laucheana i 2s 9 00 Maritima alba 12s 9 00 Maritima splendens 12s 9 00 ARTEMISIA Abrotanum 12s 9 00 Lactiflora. New. Very fine. .. i 5s 10 00 PERENNIAL ASTERS Starwort or Michaelmas Daisies Price of strong plants that will make a profusion of bloom the first season planted, $1.25 per doz., $9 per 100, except where otherwise noted. Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, relative time of flowering. Amethystinus. (3) Bright lilac flowers. Height 4 ft. Blue Gem. Large; handsome; violet-blue. 3 ft. $i.so per doz., $10 per 100. Climax. New. F. W. Burbridge. (2) Large, soft heliotrope flowers; very fine. Height 4 ft. F. W. Raynor. (2) Light reddish violet. Height 4 ft. Lil Fardell. New. Clear lilac-pink. 4 ft. $i.So per doz., $12 per 100. Mrs. Perry, Improved. (2) New. Large, rich rose-colored flowers. Height 3 ft. IS cts. each, li.so per doz., $12 per 100. Novae-Angliae. (3) Purple -violet. 4 ft. Novse-Anglise rubra. (2) Deep reddish violet. Height 4 ft. Perry’s Blue. (2) New. Large rich laven- .der-blue flowers. Height 2% it. is cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $12 per 100. Perry’s Pink. (2) Rosy pink; medium- sized flower. Robert Parker. (2) Large sprays of beau- tiful, large, soft lavender-blue flowers, with yellow centers; extra fine. 5)^ ft. Snowflake. (2) Pure white; very free. Height iK ft. St. Egwin. (2) New. Clear pink; the best pink Aster. $1.50 per doz., $12 per 100. Tataricus. (4) Late; tall; blue. 5 to 6 ft. Wells White. Handsome, large-flowering white. 2 to 3 ft. $1.50 per doz., $10 per 100. Wm. Bowman. (3) Large purple flowers on stems 3 feet high. A late, continuous bloomer; one of the latest to bloom, and has flowers equal in size to any. Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries 4 THE PALISADES NURSERIES, Inc., SPARKILL, N. Y. ASCLEPIAS Doz. 100 Tuberosa. Field roots $i 50 $10 00 ♦ASPERULA Odorata (Woodruff, or Wald- meister). 3-in. pots 2 00 15 00 ASTILBE Queen Alexandra. New rosy pink variety 3 00 Rose Pearl. New pale pink sort 3 00 White Pearl. Dense; pure white 3 00 ♦ASTRANTIA Major I 00 7 00 ♦AUBRIETIA Deltoidea. Various colors. ..125 9 00 Grseca. New. Rich deep pur- ple 1 25 9 00 Hendersonii. Violet i 25 9 00 Leichtlinii rosea. New. Ele- gant carmine-rose i 50 10 00 Mcerheimii. Pink i 25 9 00 Purpurea. Purple i 25 9 00 BAPTISIA Australis i 25 9 00 Australis alba. New 2 50 Perennial Asters ♦BELLIS Doz. 100 Perennis monstrosa alba. 3- inch pots $1 00 $7 00 Perennis monstrosa rosea. 3-in. pots 1 00 7 00 BOCCONIA Cordata i 25 9 00 BOLTONIA Asteroides i 00 8 00 Latisquama i 25 9 00 BUDDLEIA Magnifica. New. Field plants 2 00 IS 00 3-in. pots I 50 10 00 Veitchiana. New. Field- grown plants 2 00 IS 00 3-in. pots I so 10 00 CALIMERIS Incisa i so lO 00 ♦CALLIRHOE Involucrata i so 10 00 CALTHA Palustris i 2S 9 00 CALYSTEGIA Pubescens plena. Perennial; vine-like; a double pink Morn- ing- Glory or Gardenia 3 00 25 00 CAMPANULA *Carpatica, Blue and White. I 50 10 00 Glomerata I 50 10 00 Grossekii I 50 10 00 Latifolia macrantha Medium (Canterbury Bells). I 50 10 00 Blue, Lilac, White, or Rose Medium calycanthema(Cup- I 25 9 00 and-Saucer) . Blue, White and Rose. Colors separate . . I 2S 9 00 Persicif olia. Blue and alba . . I 50 10 00 Persicifolia grandiflora alba. Persicifolia Mcerheimii. Con- I SO 10 00 sidered the finest double white I 50 10 00 *Potenschlagiana. New. • Pale blue flowers in pro- fusion. 6 inches I 75 12 00 Pyramidalis. Blue and white. Rotundifolia (Scotch Blue I 50 10 00 Bells) I 50 10 00 CARYOPTERIS Mastacanthus. Field plants. 2 00 IS 00 CASSIA Marilandica I 2S 9 00 CENTAUREA Macrocephala I 2S 9 00 Montana alba. Or blue I 25 9 00 Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries WHOLESALE PRICE-LIST, SPRING AND FALL, 1927 5 ♦CERASTIUM Biebersteinii. Vigorous-grow- Doz. loo ing variety with gray foliage^ I 25 $g 00 Tomentosum i 25 9 00 CHELONE Barbata 150 10 00 Glabra alba 150 10 00 Lyoni i 50 10 00 CHEIRANTHUS See Wallflower ♦CIMICIFUGA Racemosa (Serpentaria) .... 1 50 10 00 Simplex i 75 12 00 CHRYSANTHEMUMS Various Types *lnodorum (Bridal Robe) . . . .$i 50 $10 00 Nipponicum (Shrubby Daisy) i 75 12 00 HARDY POMPON VARIETIES Single and double ; early and late-flowering Our collection is a careful selection of what we consider the best of the standard sorts and newer introductions. Price, strong 2 V^-inch pot-plants of varie- ties listed below, $1 per doz., $6 per 100. SINGLE LARGE-FLOWERING VARIETIES Astarte. Bright brassy amber. Bronze Molly. Extra-large; tawny yellow; fine for cutting. Vigorous grower. Fernridge. Single; large; bright scarlet. Midseason. Golden Climax. Rich golden j'^ellow with handsome foliage. Homestead. Rich pink, yellow center. Ida K, Skifl. Brilliant bronzy amber. Extra fine. Jupiter. Rose, shading to pink, orange center. Louise. Salmon; excellent for cutting. Mrs. W. E. Buckingham. Extra-large; flat; rosy pink. Supreme. Extra large; glowing crimson, copper center. Wm. H. Wait. Shell-pink; large and very beautiful. DOUBLE LARGE-FLOWERING VARIETIES Adelaide. A splendid deep, rich mahogany; one of the earliest to develop, being ready to cut by October 10. Anna L. Moran. Midseason. Flowers a brilliant, flame-scarlet, on the order of the Doty type. Hardy Chrysanthemums DOUBLE-FLOWERING CHRYSANTHE- MUMS, continued Brune Poitevine. Rich glowing crimson, overlaid gold. Champagne. Amber-yellow, tinted salmon, Cranfordia. Deep bronzy yellow; early. Harvest Home. Blood-red, overlaid with gold. Indian Hill. A stocky, stiff-stemmed va- riety; deep yellow flecked throughout with crimson. Kadar. Bronzy crimson; yellow center. Lillian Doty. Finest pink. Pompon; vigor- ous grower. Lily Neville. Large; solid: pure white; ex- cellent for cutting. Mrs. H. Craig. Yellow overlaid with bril- liant scarlet. Mrs. Mayberry. Double yellow; bright green foliage; extra fine. October Gold. Early. Aster-flowered; rich orange-yellow. Pacific Supreme. White, changing to rose. Charming. Red Doty. Wine-red with a silvery reverse on underside of petals and showing up dis- tinctly in the short, crisp center petals. Roupel Beauty. American Beauty in color with golden yellow center. Shaker Lady. Handsome, bright Tyrian pink; excellent for cutting. Tints of Gold. Early. Glorious golden yellow; aster-flowered. Uvalda. Early. Pure white; double. White Doty. White Lillian Doty. Very vigorous. SMALL BUTTON-SHAPED VARIETIES Brown Betty. Dark maroon-red. Diana. Pure white; bright green foliage. Donald. Delicate light pink. Large, sturdy grower. Klondike. Brilliant yellow, compact blooms. Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries 6 THE PALISADES NURSERIES, Inc., SPARKILL, N. Y. Dianthus plumarius ♦CHRYSANTHEMUM MAXIMUM Giant Moonpenny or Shasta Daisies ENGLISH or EUROPEAN VARIETIES Doz. 100 Alaska 25 ^9 00 King Edward VII. New. Vigorous grower; enormous white flowers 125 9 00 Mrs. C. L. Bell. Pure white. One of the largest of its kind — 6 inches across 150 10 00 Mrs. J. Tersteeg. New. Very large i 25 9 00 ♦CONVALLARIA Majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley). Strong clumps 4 00 Strong pips 75 6 00 COREOPSIS Lanceolata grandiflora. Large clumps i 25 8 00 Lanceolata grandiflora fl.- pl. Double form. Very pretty and more lasting as a cut-flower i 50 10 00 AXVfdCd. 1 O UU Senifolia. Flowers soft yellow, in loose heads; feathery foliage 2 00 Verticillata i 25 8 00 ♦CYPRIPEDIUM Acaule 2 00 15 00 Pubescens, per crown 2 00 15 00 Spectabile, per crown 2 00 15 00 DELPHINIUM (Perennial Larkspur) Gold Medal Hybrids, Finest Mixed. Grown from seed saved from the best American and European strains and Doz. 100 selected in our Nurseries. . . .$i 50 $10 00 Belladonna i 50 10 00 Chinense, Blue i 25 10 00 Chinense album. White. ... i 25 10 00 Formosum. Dark blue 150 10 00 DIANTHUS *Allwoodi. New. Large, per- petual flowering; hardy pink. From 3-inch pots. . I SO 10 00 Barbatus (Sweet William) — Newport Pink I 25 8 00 — Scarlet Beauty. Bright scarlet I 25 8 00 Barbatus, Double Crimson. I 25 8 00 — Double White I 25 8 00 ♦Deltoides, Brilliant (Maiden Rock Pink). Prostrate masses of bright green foli- age covered with rosy crim- son flowers I SO 10 00 Heddewigi, Double White. Dwarf and free-flowering. . i 50 10 00 — Double Scarlet. Dwarf and free-flowering i 50 10 00 *Latifoliu8 atrococcineus fl.> pl. (Hybrid Everblooming Sweet William) 125 9 00 ♦Plumarius (Hardy Pinks). — Cyclops. Dark rose, with crimson ring; very fine; single flower i 25 9 00 — Delicata. Delicate soft rose; constant bloomer 150 10 00 — Her Majesty. Double white I 25 9 00 — Perpetual Snow. Ever- blooming white I 25 9 00 — Scoticus (Scotch Pink) i 25 9 00 DIELYTRA Cucullaria i 25 9 00 ♦Formosa, or eximia 3 00 14 00 DIGITALIS Gloxiniseflora. Purpurea, rosea or alba i 25 9 00 Gloxiniaeflora, Shirley Strain. New Giant Fox- glove, ranging in color from white to dark rose. 5 to 7 ft., i 50 10 00 Grandiflora (ambigua). Pale yellow I 50 10 00 Maculata superba (Ivery’s Spotted). Spotted; very fine i 25 9 00 Monstrosa. Monster terminal flowers I 25 9 00 Mixed I 00 8 00 DAISY English. See Beilis perennis. Shasta. See Chrysanthemum maximum. ECHINOPS Ritro I 00 Sphaerocephalus i 00 7 00 7 00 Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries WHOLESALE PRICE-LIST, SPRING AND FALL, 1927 7 ERIGERON Doz. 100 Coulteri. New $i SO $10 00 Glandulosus major I 50 10 00 Speciosus grandiflorus I 50 10 00 ERYNGIUM Amethystinum. True Blue Thistle I 25 9 00 EUPATORIUM Ageratoides. White I 25 9 00 Coelestinum. Blue I SO 10 00 EUPHORBIA Corollata I 25 9 00 ♦Cyparissias I 25 9 00 *CHOICE HARDY FERNS Ferns are universally admired, and can be planted to beautify and make attractive odd, shady and unsightly corners. Below is a list adapted to this purpose. Price, representing strong clumps of va- rieties named below, 15 cts. each, $1.25 per doz., $9 per 100. ADIANTUM pedatum (Maidenhair Fern). ASPIDIUM acrostichoides (Christmas Fern). Marginale (Shield Fern). Noveboracense (New York Fern). Spinulosum (Evergreen Fern). ASPLENIUM Filix-fcemina (Lady Fern). CAMPTOSORUS rhizophyllus (Walking Fern). CYSTOPTERIS bulbifera (Bulblet Blad- der Fern). DICKSONIA punctilobula (Gossamer Fern). ONOCLEA struthiopteris (Ostrich Fern) Sensibilis (Sensitive Fern). OSMUNDA cinnamomea (Cinnamon Fern). Claytoniana (Interrupted Fern). Regalis (Flowering Fern). POLYPODIUM vulgarc (Cliff Fern). PTERIS aquilina (Eagle Fern). Evergreen FEVERFEW Doz. lOO Little Gem. Strong plants ...$ i 25 $8 00 FUNKIA Aureo-variegata i 25 8 00 Cserulea 125 9 00 Fortunei gigantea. Large blue foliage. Extra fine. ... i 75 12 00 Subcordata grandiflora (White Day Lily) 3 00 22 00 Undulata media variegata. The best variegated-leaf var- iety I 50 10 00 GAILLARDIA ^oz. 100 Grandiflora maxima $125 $8 00 GALEGA Officinalis. Blue or white ...125 9 00 ♦GERANIUM Grandiflorum i 25 8 00 Sanguineum i 50 10 00 Sanguineum album i 50 10 00 ♦GEUM Atrosanguineum fl.-pl i 25 9 00 Lady Stratheden. Fine, rich, double, golden yellow flowers i 50 10 00 Mrs. Bradshaw i 50 10 00 ♦GILLENIA Trifoliata i 50 lO 00 GLECHOMA See Nepeta GRASSES, Hardy Ornamental All our Ornamental Grasses are nursery- grown, and large field clumps are sent on orders, unless otherwise specified. Doz. 100 ERIANTHUS Ravennse |i 50 ^12 00 EULALIA japonica i 75 14 00 Japonica variegata i 75 14 00 PENNISETUM japonicum . . I 50 12 00 ♦PHALARIS arundinacea variegata (Variegated Rib- bon Grass) i 00 6 50 STENANTHIUM robustum i 50 15 00 Gaillardia grandiflora maxima Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries 8 THE PALISADES NURSERIES, Inc., SPARKILL, N. Y, Helianthemums GYPSOPHILA Doz. 100 ♦Cerastioides $i 25 $g 00 Paniculata i 25 8 00 Paniculata fl.-pl. New. The double-flowering form; very desirable 4 00 30 00 HELENIUM Autumnale rubrum i 50 10 00 Autumnale superbum i 50 10 00 Hoopesii i 50 10 00 Riverton Beauty i 50 10 00 ♦HELIANTHEMUM Amabile fl.-pl. New. Double orange, tinged rose 2 00 12 00 Croceum. Yellow i 25 9 00 Double Orange. Deep orange i 50 10 00 Fireball. Single. Brilliant flery-red 2 00 Mrs. Earle. Double crimson . . 2 00 12 00 Mutabile. Pink and white. .. i 25 9 00 The Bride. White; gray foli- age 2 00 12 00 HELIANTHUS Miss Mellish i 25 9 00 Mollis grandiflorus i 25 9 00 Multiflorus plenus. Double golden flowers in great pro- fusion I 50 10 00 The Rev. Wolley Dodd i 25 8 00 HELIOPSIS Pitcheriana l 25 8 00 Pitcheriana semi-plena i 25 9 00 Scabra excelsa. New. Rich double orange-yellow iSO 10 00 ♦HELXINE Solierolii. 3-in. pots i 25 9 00 Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries HEMEROCALLIS Doz. 100 Apricot $1 00 $8 00 Aurantiaca i 00 8 00 Disticha (fulva) l 00 8 00 Dumortieri i 00 8 00 *Flava I 00 8 00 Florham i 00 9 00 Gold Dust I 00 8 00 Kwanso fl.-pl i 00 8 00 Middendorhi i 00 8 00 Orangeman i 00 8 00 Sovereign i 00 8 00 Thunbergii l 00 8 00 *HEPATICA Triloba i 25 8 00 HESPERIS Matronalis i 25 9 00 Matronalis alba i 25 9 00 *HEUCHERA Sanguinea 2 00 12 00 Sanguinea alba i 50 lO 00 HIBISCUS Moscheutos i 25 8 00 Moscheutos, Crimson Eye. . i 25 8 00 Mallow Marvels, Mixed Colors I 25 9 00 HOLLYHOCKS Double Red, White, Yellow, Pink, Salmon,and Maroon. Colors separate. Strong flowering field-roots i 50 10 00 Double Mixed i 25 10 00 Single Mixed 125 10 00 Hemerocallis disticha WHOLESALE PRICE-LIST, SPRING AND FALL, 1927 9 HOLLYHOCKS, continued Single, to color. Red, Pink Doz. loo and Yellow, each 50 $10 00 Allegheny, Fringed i 50 10 00 Henderson’s New Everbloom- ing. Flowers first season from seed. Pure white to the deepest crimson. Pot-plants, or field-roots i 50 10 00 HYPERICUM Moserianum i 75 15 00 *IBERIS Sempervirens i 75 12 00 Gibraltarica Hybrids i 25 9 00 INULA Macrocephala i 25 9 00 Helenium i 25 9 00 IRIS GERMANICA German Iris, or Fleur-de-Lis Price of strong, natural divisions of any of the following varieties, except where noted, 10 cts. each, $1 per doz., $7 per 100, $60 per 1,000. Albino. Pale lavender; falls tipped with royal purple. Celeste. Pale azure-blue. Charlotte Patty. Standards golden yellow; falls blue. Chameleon. Delicate blue; falls tipped a little darker. Iberis sempervirens Single Hollyhocks Fantasy. Standards light blue; falls purple. Florentina alba. Pure white. Early. Garrick. Standards light blue; falls a darker violet-blue. Honorabilis. Golden yellow. Kharput. Standards violet; falls violet- purple. Mme. de Brabant. Standards lavender; falls purple-streaked. Mme. Chereau. White, feathered edges of sky blue. Mrs. Darwin. Standards pure white; falls veined purplish red. 10 cts. each, $i per doz., $8.50 per 100. Pallida (speciosa). Light blue. Pallida Dalmatica. Extra-fine lavender colors. IS cts. each, $1.25 per doz,, $10 per 100. Pauline. Light blue; lower petals slightly darker; flowers large. Queen of May. Violet and heliotrope. 15 cts. each, $i per doz., $7 per 100. William III. Standards rosy lilac; falls light blue. All colors mixed, 8 cts. each, 60 cts. per doz., $4 per 100, $30 per 1,000. Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries 10 THE PALISADES NURSERIES, Inc., SPARKILL, N. Y. Iris sibirica IRIS, JAPANESE {Iris Kaempferi) \ Prices of clumps of 10 best double- and | single-flowering named varieties, $2.50 per doz., $20 per 100. Bandai no Nami. Double; white. Date-Dugo. Single; dark rich maroon. | Kan. Double; violet, pink center. Kichi Cohuo. Single; pure white. Ko-O-Jo. Double; reddish maroon. Osho-Kun. Double; rich blue. j Shi-Chu-Ka. Double; white with red edges. Shikai-Nami. Double; beautiful pale blue. Uchu. Very double; light lavender. Yedo-Jiman. Single; deep violet, purple center. ! All colors mixed, $1.25 per doz., $9.50 per j *LATHYRUS doz. ioo Latifolius. Red $i 25 $g 00 Latifolius albus 1 25 9 00 Latifolius, Pink Beauty. Very fine *. I 25 9 00 Latifolius, White Pearl. New. White 2 00 LIATRIS Pycnostachya i 25 8 00 Scariosa i 25 8 00 Spicata I 25 8 00 ♦LINUM *Flavum. Sulphur-yellow. Dwarf I 50 10 00 Perenne. Blue i 25 9 00 Perenne album. White i 25 9 00 LOBELIA Cardinalis i 25 9 00 Syphilitica i 50 10 oo LUPINUS Polyphyllus. Blue i 50 10 00 Polyphyllus albus. White... I 50 10 00 Polyphyllus, Golden Spire. Tall, attractive spikes of soft yellow flowers 2 00 15 00 Polyphyllus roseus. Rose... i 50 10 00 LYCHNIS Chalcedonica i 25 8 00 Haageana l 50 10 00 Semperflorens plena i 25 9 00 *Viscaria splendens i 25 9 00 ♦LYSIMACHIA Clethroides l 50 10 00 Nummularia i 25 8 00 LYTHRUM Roseum superbum i 25 8 00 Roseum superbum. Perry’s Variety. New i 50 10 00 MALLOW MARVELS. See Hibiscus. ^^^YA Doz. IOO Alcea 1 1 25 $9 00 100. IRIS IN VARIETY Doz. IOO *Cristata $1 50 $10 00 Orientalis, Snow Queen. Pure white i 25 8 00 Orientalis sanguinea. ...... i 25 8 00 *Pumila, Bride. Ivory-white, i 25 9 50 ♦Pumila cyanea. Deep blue.. i 25 9 50 Pumila lutea. Yellow i 25 9 50 Sibirica alba 75 4 SO Sibirica purpurea 75 4 50 ♦LAVANDULA Vera (Sweet Lavender) i 50 10 00 ♦MATRICARIA Capensis fl.-pl. 3-in. pots. . . i 25 8 00 MENTHA Spicata (Spearmint) i 00 6 00 Piperita (Peppermint) i 00 6 00 ♦MERTENSIA Virginica i 25 9 00 MONARDA Didyma rosea i 25 9 00 Didyma splendens, Cam- bridge Scarlet i 25 9 00 Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries WHOLESALE PRICE-LIST, SPRING AND FALL, 1927 11 ♦MYOSOTIS Do.. xoo Palustris semperflorens $i 25 $8 00 Palustris semperflorens grandiflorus i 25 8 00 *Royal Blue. Flc»wers deepest indigo, produced on long sprays . 2 00 10 00 *Star of Love. Covered with large, bright blue flowers. Dwarf 2 00 10 00 ♦NEPETA Glechoma viridis (Ground Ivy) I 00 7 00 Mussinii l 25 9 00 OENOTHERA Missouriensis l 25 9 00 Speciosa. Large, white i 25 9 00 Youngii i 25 9 00 ONOPORDON Robert Bruce. New i 25 8 50 ♦PACHYSANDRA Terminalis. Strong plants. . . i 25 9 00 PAEONIA SINENSIS Double Chinese Peony NAMED VARIETIES Prices of named varieties of double- flowering Chinese Peony roots: Strong root-divisions with 3 to 5 eyes, 50 cts. each, $5 per doz., $45 per 100. PyEONIA SINENSIS, MIXED COLORS Doz. 100 Mixed Red Varieties $2 50 $25 00 Mixed Pink Varieties 2 50 25 00 Mixed White Varieties 2 50 25 00 Mixed, All Colors. 2 00 15 00 PAPAVER ORIENTALE Giant Oriental Poppy Prices of the following named varieties : 3-inch pots (in spring only), $1.50 per doz. $10 per 100. For fall delivery we supply field-roots only at 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $10 per 100. Orientale, Beauty of Livermore. Deep crimson flowers, very large. One of the best of recent introductions. Orientale, Brilliant. Bright scarlet. Orientale, Excelsior. New. A very fine mixture ranging from delicate salmon to deep crimson. Orientale, Princess Victoria Louise. Beautiful new variety with pure rose flowers in wonderful profusion; the best of the rose-colored varieties. Orientale, Royal Scarlet. Flowers 6 inches across, of a rich, glowing scarlet. Orientale, Salmon Queen. Large flowers of a lovely salmon-scarlet. Mixed Colors. Strong plants from 3-in. pots, in spring only I1.25 per doz., $9 per 100. *PAPAVER ALPINUM Miniature Alpine Poppy with brilliant colored flowers. $1.50 per doz., |io per 100. ♦PAPAVER NUDICAULE Iceland Poppies joq Mixed Seedlings. All colors. .$i 25 $9 00 Separate Colors. White, orange and yellow 1 50 10 00 PAPAVER PILOSUM Lovely soft apricot shade; branching habit. iK ft. $1.50 per doz., $10 per 100. PENTSTEMON ^oz. 100 Barbatus Torreyi $i 50 $10 00 Digitalis i 25 9 00 Pubescens i 25 9 00 PHLOX, PERENNIAL NOTICE. — Our prices are for 1- to 2-year- old field-grown plants. PHLOX DECUSSATA, or PANICULATA Doz. 100 Amazon. Pure white $i 50 Sio 50 Bridesmaid. Pure white, with rich crimson eye 150 10 50 Daybreak. New. Pale pink. . i 50 10 50 Eclaireur. Carmine-purple... i 50 10 50 Elizabeth Campbe 11. Clear, soft pink 2 00 15 00 Eugene Danzanvilliers. Lilac and white i 50 10 50 Fernando Cortez. Deep crim- son I 50 10 50 F. G. Von Lassburg. Fine pure white 150 10 50 Hanny Pfeiderer. Cream color changing to salmon in the center, carmine-red eye. Very fine i 50 10 50 Papaver nudicaule Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries 12 THE PALISADES NURSERIES, Inc., SPARKILL, N. Y. Hardy Primrose PERENNIAL PHLOX, continued Mme. Paul Dutrie. New. Doz. loo Lilac-rose $i 50 $^o 50 Mrs. E. E. Jenkins. Pure white, enormous truss; very fine flower and free bloomer i 50 10 50 Pantheon. Tall deep rose. .. . i 50 10 50 Rijnstroom. New. Strong stem; rosy pink i 50 10 50 R. P. Struthers. Rosy car- mine. with claret-red eye. . . i 50 10 50 *PHLOX SUBULATA (Dwarf Moss Pinks) Strong field clumps, or plants from 3-inch pots. Doz. 100 Alba. White $1 50 5io 00 Frondosa. Pink, dark center . i 25 9 00 Lilacina. Light lilac i 25 9 00 Rosea. Rose i 25 9 00 Vivid. Rich bright rose i 50 10 00 PHLOX SUFFRUTICOSA Early-flowering Phlox These flower two or three weeks before ! Decussata, and make fine spikes of bloom again in the fall. Specially useful for cutting. *Miss Lingard. Pearly white Doz. 100 flower, with delicate pink eye. Produces two or three crops of flowers during the season; indispensable cut-flower ... .Si 50 Sio 00 OTHER TYPES OF PHLOX *Divaricata canadensis i 25 9 00 *Ovata Carolina (Laurel-leaf Phlox) I 25 9 00 Reptans i 25 9 00 I PHYSALIS Chinese Lantern Plant Doz. 100 Bunyardii. Orange-scarlet .. 5i 25 I9 00 Franchetii. Bears bright scar- let lanterns in fall, which, when dried are useful for win- ter bouquets and as Hallow- e’en decorations i 25 9 00 PHYSOSTEGIA Speciosa. Bright rose i 25 8 00 Speciosa alba. White i 25 8 00 Virginica. Pink i 25 8 00 *PLATYCODON Grandidorum album i 25 8 00 Grandidorum, Blue i 25 8 00 Mariesii macrantha i 25 8 00 ♦PLUMBAGO Larpentse. 3-in. pots I 50 12 00 PODOPHYLLUM Peltatum i 25 8 00 POLEMONIUM Caeruleum i 25 9 00 Cseruleum album i 25 9 00 Reptans i 25 9 00 Richardsonii i 25 9 00 POLYGONATUM Majus I 50 10 00 POLYGONUM Amplexicaule. Bright rosy red flowers. A good hedge- plant. 6 feet I 75 12 00 Baldschuanicum. See Climbers. Compactum i 25 9 So Cuspidatum i 00 8 50 ♦POTENTILLA Atrosanguinea i 50 10 00 Formosa i 50 10 00 Miss Willmott i 50 lO 00 Wm. Rollinson i 50 10 00 ♦PRIMULA (Hardy Primrose) Elatior (Polyanthus). Various colors I so 10 00 Veris (English Cowslip) 150 10 00 Vulgaris. (True.) 2 00 15 00 Platycodon grandiflorum Varieties marked with an asterisk (♦) are most suitable for rockeries WHOLESALE PRICE-LIST, SPRING AND FALL, 1927 13 PYRETHRUM, Single Varieties The brilliant and fresh colors of the Single Pyrethrum render it a desirable plant for cut- flowers for market. Nipponicum. See Chrysanthe- mum. Roseum hybridum grandi- Doz. lOO florum. Superb, new, large, single-flowered varieties in mixture, all colors $i 25 $g 00 ♦RANUNCULUS Repens fl.-pl i 25 9 00 Speciosus ifl.-pl I 25 9 00 RHEUM Palmatum 150 10 00 ROSMARINUS Officinalis (Rosemary). 3-in. pots I 25 9 00 RUDBECKIA Golden Glow (Laciniata). Clumps I 25 9 00 Maxima. Very attractive sort, i 25 9 00 Newmannii i 25 9 00 Purpurea (Purple Coneflower) i 25 9 00 Subtomentosa i 25 9 00 SAGE Holt's Mammoth. 2 ^-in. pots 75 5 00 Large field clumps i 00 7 50 SALVIA Argentea i 50 10 00 Azurea grandiflora 150 10 00 Farinacea i 50 10 00 Sclarea (Clary). Attractive mauve and silvery leafy spikes of flowers. 2 ft i 50 10 00 ♦SANTOLINA Chamsecyparissus i oo 7 SO Incana l oo 7 50 SAPONARIA Caucasica fl.-pl i 25 9 00 ♦Ocymoides splendens i 50 10 00 ♦SAXIFRAGA Speciosa 2 00 15 00 SCABIOSA Caucasica i So 10 00 ♦Japonica i 25 9 00 ♦SEDUM Acre. Very dwarf; yellow. ... i 25 8 00 Album. Creeping; bronze foliage; white i 25 8 00 Divergens. Small bronzy leaves; yellow iSo 9S0 SEDUM, continued Kamchaticum. Compact; Doz. 100 dark green foliage; yellow. . .$i 25 $g 00 Lydium. Compact ; bright green foliage; pink i 50 9 50 Oppositifolium i 25 9 00 Sarmentosa. Beautiful light green foliage, and yellow flowers in masses; much used for edging, carpeting, and hanging over walls i 25 9 00 Spectabile 150 10 00 Spectabile, Brilliant IS^ 10 00 Spectabile atropurpureum. . i 50 10 00 Spurium coccineum i 25 9 00 Reflexum i 25 9 00 ♦SEMPERVIVUM Arachnoideum i 25 9 00 Globiferum i 25 9 00 Tectorum i 25 9 00 SHASTA DAISY See Chrysanthemum maximum. SIDALCEA Candida. White i 25 9 00 Rosy Gem i 25 9 00 ♦SILENE Alpestris As ter i as Schaf ta SOLIDAGO Canadensis 50 3 50 Odora 3 50 Rigida 50 3 50 SPIRi^A. For varieties, see Astilbe. Physalis. See page 12 I 50 10 00 I 50 10 00 I 50 10 00 Varieties marked with an asterisk (*) are most suitable for rockeries 14 THE PALISADES NURSERIES, Inc., SPARKILL, N. Y. Viola coniuta ‘TRILLIUM eoz. .00 Erectum $o 75 $6 00 Grandiflorum 75 6 00 TRITOMA (Red-Hot-Poker Plant) Pfitzeri. The everblooming Tritoma, with flowers of rich orange-scarlet i 50 12 00 ♦TUNICA Saxifraga i 25 9 00 VALERIANA Coccinea i 25 9 00 Coccinea alba i 25 9 00 VERONICA Amethystina i 25 9 00 Longifolia subsessilis i 50 10 00 Prostrata i 50 lo 00 Repens i 50 10 00 Spicata i 25 9 00 Virginica i 25 9 00 ♦VINCA Minor (Myrtle). Strong col- lected plants, selected i 00 5 50 ♦STACHYS Doz. 100 Betonica $l 25 $9 00 Lanata I 25 8 50 STATICE Latifolia I 50 10 00 ♦STOKESIA Cyanea. Lavender-blue flowers 4 to 5 inches in diameter I 25 9 00 Cyanea alba. New white form of the above I 25 9 00 SWEET WILLIAM See Dianthus harbatus. ♦TEUCRIUM Chamaedrys I 25 10 00 THALICTRUM Aquilegifolium I 75 10 00 ♦Dipterocarpum 2 50 20 00 Glaucum. Blue foliage I 50 10 00 THERMOPSIS Caroliniana I 50 10 00 Fabacea I 50 10 00 ♦THYMUS Serpyllum (Creeping Thyme). I 50 10 00 Vulgaris (English Thyme).. . . I 25 9 00 ♦TIARELLA Cordifolia I 25 9 00 Purpurea major I 25 9 00 ♦TRADESCANTIA Virginiana. Blue I 25 9 00 Virginiana alba major I 25 9 00 Varieties marked with an asterisk ♦VIOLA (Tufted Pansy) Cornuta, Admiration. Dark blue I 00 7 00 Cornuta, Apricot. Beautiful rich apricot, shaded orange toward center. Extra choice, i 50 12 00 Cornuta, G. Wermig (Pur- purea). A beautiful rare variety of the Horned Pansy. Produces masses of rich dark violet-blue flowers on long stems throughout the sum- mer I 50 12 00 Cornuta lutea splendens. Yellow I 00 7 00 Cornuta, Papilio. Pale blue, i 00 7 00 Cornuta, White Perfection, i 00 7 00 “Jersey Gem.” New. Pure rich violet flowers all summer on stems 6 to 8 inches long. Perfectly hardy and excellent for cutting. 3-inch pots ... . 2 00 15 00 O d o r a t a semperflorens. Hardy sweet-scented violets, i 25 9 00 Pedata (Bird’s-foot Violet) — i 25 9 00 WALLFLOWER Allioni (Siberian Wallflower). Gorgeous orange flowers. Excellent for rockery or dwarf borders 2 00 15 00 Cloth of Gold. Bright canary- yellow; single I 25 9 00 English, Double or Single. Strong, plants, suitable for early forcing i 25 9 00 YUCCA Filamentosa. Large, 2-yr.-old. i 25 10 00 ♦) are most suitable for rockeries WHOLESALE PRICE-LIST, SPRING AND FALL, 1927 15 Hardy Vines ACTINIDIA Polygama (Silver Vine) . Dark green, shining foliage, and white flowers, with purple cen- ters, which are followed by clusters of edi- ble fruit. Fine for covering walls and to produce wild effects. 2 >^-yr.-old plants, $5 per doz., $40 per 100. AICEBIA Doz. 100 Quinata. Strong plants $3 00 $22 00 AMPELOPSIS Engelmannii. Strong, 2-yr.- old plants, heavy 2 50 '20 00 Quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper). 2-yr.-old plants, extra heavy 2 00 15 00 Veitchii. Strong, 2-yr.-old, field-grown roots 4 00 30 00 BIGNONIA Grandiflora. (True.) 3-in. pot plants 7 so Radicans. Extra-strong plants 2 50 18 00 CELASTRUS Scandens. 2-yr.-old plants. . . 2 50 18 00 CLEMATIS LARGE-FLOWERING VARIETIES Henryi. Finest white. Jackmanii. Royal purple. Mme. Baron Veillard. Light rose. Mme. Edouard Andre. Rich, velvety red. Strong 2-year-old plants, above named va- rieties, 60 cts. each, $6 per doz. SMALL-FLOWERING VARIETIES Paniculate (Virgin’s Bower). Doz. 100 No. I, XX strong plants . . .$2 00 $15 00 HUMULUS Lupulus (Perennial Hop) ... . i 50 10 00 HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera) Aurea reticulata. Yellow- variegated foliage. Halliana. Pure white, changing to buff. Extra-strong, field-grown plants of above two varieties, 15 cts. each, $1.75 per doz. $15 per 100. IVY True Hardy English (not the So-called). Strong grade, 2- to 3-ft. vines. 25 cts. each, $2 per doz., Si 5 per 100. KUDZU VINE Doz. 100 See Pueraria. Strong roots. . .$i 75 $15 00 and Climbers LATHYRUS Latifolius (Everlasting Sweet Doz. 100 Pea). Red $i 25 $g 00 Latifolius albus. White i 25 9 00 Latifolius, Pink Beauty. Rose. Fine for cutting i 25 9 00 Latifolius, White Pearl 2 00 LYCIUM Barbatum (Matrimony Vine). Strong, 2-yr.-old plants 3 00 25 00 POLYGONUM Auberti (Silver Lace Vine) . $4 per doz. Baldschuanicum multiflorum (Lamb’s Fleece). New. Hardy white climber; rapid grower. Plants from 3-in. pots, 50 cts. each, $4 per doz. PUERARIA Thunbergiana (Kudzu Vine, Doz. 100 or J ack-and-the- Beanstalk) . Strong roots $1 75 $15 00 ' WISTERIA Sinensis. Blue, or White. Strong 2-yr.-old plants 5 00 40 00 Wisteria sinensis HARDY ORNAMENTAL EVERGREENS All first-class, 3 times-transplanted bushy stock Each lo loo Biota orientalis. to 2 ft. B&B $i 00 $g 50 $go 00 Retinospora filifera. 1^2 to 2 ft. B&B i 75 16 00 155 00 Retinospora plumosa. to 2 ft. B&B. Sheared i 50 14 00 120 00 Retinospora plumosa aurea. 1^2 to 2 ft. B&B. Sheared i 75 16 00 150 00 Retinospora Squarrosa Veitchi. to 2 ft. B&B. Sheared i 50 13 00 no 00 Thuya occidentalis. 2 to 3 ft. B&B i 75 15 00 145 00 CLIMBING AND RAMBLER ROSES OF SPECIAL MERIT All the varieties offered here are hardy and retain their canes throughout the winter and require very little pruning American Beauty (Climbing). The color is glowing crimson-red, the real American Beauty color. Beautiful glossy green foliage, which in itself is ornamental and retains its brightness during the entire season. Attains a height of 10 to 15 feet. Absolutely hardy in all localities. Dr. W. Van Fleet Roses Dorothy Perkins. A splendid new shell- pink Climbing Rose. The flowers are borne in clusters of 30 to 40, and sometimes even so to 60. The flowers are large, very double, sweetly scented and of a beautiful shell-pink. Dr. W. Van Fleet. The flowers when open run 4 inches and over in diameter, are a delicate shade of flesh-pink, full and double, of delicate perfume, and fine for cutting. The foliage is a peculiar shade of bronze-green, large and glossy. The variety is a vigorous grower, immune from mildew. Excelsa (Red Dorothy Perkins). The color is an intense, clear crimson-maroon, with tips of the petals tinged scarlet. Flowers are large and double. Gardenia. A strong ^nd vigorous grower, producing large double flowers singly on the stems. Bright yellow in bud; when open, cream color, and 3 to 4 inches in diameter. This plant blooms profusely and the fra- grance is delightful. Glistening evergreen foliage. One of the best of this type. Paul’s Scarlet Climber. A double, medium- sized rose extremely brilliant in color. A new sort of great merit. Silver Moon. The flowers run 4^ inches in diameter, clear silvery-white in color, the centers filled with bright yellow stamens. Prices for any of above-named varieties, strong, 4-in. pot-plants 35 cts. each, $3 per doz.. $22 per 100 THE PALISADES NURSERIES, Inc. Phone 200 Piermont SPARKILL, Rockland County, N. Y. 2-27 J. Horace McFarland Company, Horticultural Printers, Harrisburg, Pa.