Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. INTAIIGIBLE FOREST VALUES A bibliography Conpilod by A, M, Avakian, Librarian United States Forest Service California Forest and Range Experiment Station Berkeley, California December 1941 The forest is the source of timber, naval stores, and other forest products to which one may give a specific value. But the forest has other uses,- it anchors the soil, conserves water, shelters wildlife, and serves as a great recreational playground for thousands of persons, Miat then is the forest vj-orth? How can its intangible values be determined? Our search for roforenecs revealed some which attempt to establish a method of evaluation of intangibles, ajid a considerable nuiiiber v/hich generalize. However, we decided to include those peripheral references as useful background material o This list is not exhaustive, o.nd it is suggested that the follomng biblio- graphies be consulted for other references, A selected bibliography on management of western ranges, livestock end midlife (U,S,I),A, Misc, pub. 281) Bibliography on soil erosion and soil and water conservation (U,3 .D.A.Misc, pub, 312) Bibliography of North Jknerican forestry (U,S,D.A.Mi3c , pub, 364) Forest recreationj a bibliography. U,S, Forest service ,1938 , A selected bibliography on the economics of forestry in the United States, U,S, Forest service ,1941 . (This has just boon issued and wo have not yet been able to secure a copy for examination) (Note: Ljbrary call numbers arc given only for items in the sto/tion library) Adam.s , C. C, The cconom-ic and social importance of animals in forestry, ?/ith special reference to wild life, Roosevelt wild life bulletin 3(4): 509-678. 1926 412,9 R67B v,3:4 /uuidon, R. E, Determining the value of public works expenditures. Civil cnginooriiig ll(3):175, March 1941, Ashe, 17, 17, Financial limitation in the employment of forest cover in protecting reservoirs. Wash. , Govt, print , of f, ,1926, 34 p, (U.S,D,A, Dept,bul,no,1430) 99.36 As 3 Special relations of forests to rivers in the United States. In U.S, Inlcnd watcraTays coiTimission, Preliminary report# Wash. , Govt, print, off , ,1908, p, 514-534, Ayres, P. W, Corveercial importance of the ITliito Mountain forests. Wash,, Govt, print, off., 1909, 32 p, (U.S, B'erost service. Giro. 168 ) 99,13 Ay7 Bogart, E, L. The water problexa of southern California. Urbana,Ill., Univ, of 111, press, 1934, 132 p, (Claremont library scr.2) 292 B63W Brov/n, S, F, Social a.spocts of park administration, Syracuse univ, N,Y, state college of forestry. Bui. 10, Suracuse ,N. Y, ,1920, .p, 47-66. Bov:ors,E,L, & Rovrntroc ,RtH, Economics for engineers. N, Y, ,McGrawTHill > 1938, 591 p, Broun. , P, V, Recreation values. Journal of forostrj^ 39(6 ); 563-565. Je ,1941 OVER Bunco, A. C, Society and consorTation, Leuid policy review 4(6): 13-22; June 194:1, Some economic and social problems of soil conservation. Part I, General theoretical considerations. Ames, Iowa, IoY\ra state college of agriculture and mechanic arts, 1939, 67 p. Mimeo, Time preference and conservation. Journal of farm economics '22 (3): 533-543, August 1940, and Wilcox, W, YiT, A neglected point in the economics of the soil: a reply. Journal of farm economics 23 (2); 475-477, May 1941 California state chamber of commerce, Y^inter sports committee. Winter sports - a big business, California, magazine of the Pacific 3l(4): 2i-22, 24-25, 34-37. DocemBer 1941. California, University, College of agriculture. Flood control coiTmiittoo, Forests and other vegetative cover as related to runoff retardation and soil erosion prevention in flood control, 3erkelcy,Calif , , 1939. Mimeo. 99,36 C12 Carhart, A, H, Bogies and dudes, American forestry 29(356):475-478, 511, August 1923, Recroa.tion a.s a basic forest product. Ames forester 11:49-54, 1923^ Recreation on forest lands. Amos forester 9:24—29. 1921, Chandler, B, A, Financial loss to the comaunity due to forest lands be- coming wastes. Journal of forestry 18(l): 31-33, January 1920, Chapman, H, H, Forest valuation. 1st od, N.Y, , J, Wiley & sons, 1915. 310 p. 99.57 C36 Ciriacy-Wantrup, S.von, Economic aspects of land conservation. Journal of farm economics 20(2 ): 462-473, May 1938, Land conservation and social plonning. Plan ago 5: 109-119, Ap. ,1939 Lond-use planning or land-use policy in the United States, Axgricultur al engineering 19 (6 ): 261-263, June 1938, Multiple and optimum use of wild land under different economic conditions. Journal of forestry 36 (7 ): 665-674, July 1938, Clapp, E, H, Our future forest needs. Journal of forestry 28(2 ): 147-153, February 1930. Dana, S. T, Forestry and community development. Wash, , Govt, print, off , ,1918. 35 p, (U.S.D.A.Bul.no,638) 99,76 D19F The outlook for forestry, Yale forest school nows 28(3):40-43, July 1940, Vdiat the national forests mean to the Y^rator user. Wash. , Govt, print . off, ,1919, 52 p, Drumaux, L, Forests, hunting and fishing from the economic viewpoint in Belgium, Journal of forestry 23 (7-8 ): 67^-676. July- Aug, ,1925. Ely, R, T, an.d Yfehrwcin, G.S, Land economics, N. Y. ,Macm. ,1940, 512 p, 282 EL9I' Englund, E. YJhat price consorvo-tion. Land policy roviov; 3(2); 1-2, March- iipril ,1940, Evenson, M,C, Financial returns from big game. Northern region nev/s(U,S, Forest service) 13(l9):18, December 6, 1941, Mimeo. Foster, E, E, Evaluation of flood losses and benefits, /miorican society of civil engineers. Proceedings 67 (5) : 805-828, May 1941, Discussion, 67 (8): 1591-1602. October 1941, Goc,W, Social economics of agriculture, N, Y, ^Macm. ,1932, 696 p. Gray, L. C. Economic possibilities of conservation. Quarterly journal of c c onomi os 27:497-519, May 1913, and Regan, M, Needed points of development and reorientation in land economic theory. Journal of farm economics 22 (l): 34-46, February 1940, Discussion p, 46-51, Hall, R. C, Measuring rocroatioiml utility, U,S, Forest service, Sorvico bulletin 16(L4):1-2, April 4, 1932, -2- 4G9464 Eamiriar, C. H, EconcLiic aspects of ccnsorvation. Journal of land and public utility Gconomics 7(3 ): 282-290, August 1931, Hai-'iiiiatt, R, F, Forestry and pornanont prosperity, Rov, Wash, ,U,S, Govt, print, off , ,1939 , 21 p, (U.S.i>,A,Hisc,pub,no,247) 99,7 .H18 1939 Hodrick, W, ^0, Recreational uso of northern Michigan cut-evor lands. East Lansing, 1934, 63 p, (Mich, Ag, expt. sta, Spec .bul, 247) 260,6 H35 Hotelling, H, The oconomics of exhaustible resources. Journal of political GGonony 39(2): 137-175, April 1931. Kursh, C, R. Forests of Goorgia highlands, their inportance for watershed protection. By C.R.Hursh and L, I, Barrett, n,p,,1931, 32 p. (Georgia, Forest service, Bui, 15) 99,16 G29 Josephs on, H,R, The best use of forest land. Western farm oconomics assn, Procoodings. 1939, p, 39-47. Mimoo, King, A, I, Dees conservation involve cost? Quarterly journal of economics 30 : 59 5-600 , May 1916, Kneipp, L. F, Forest recreation cones of o.go, -■'■merican. forests and forest life, 36:415-418, July 1930, Recreational uso of the national forests. Jcurnod of forestry - 5): 618-626. May 1930. Kurz, G, F, The economic value of public parks end scenic preservation. Scientific monthly IS (4 ): 374-380. April 1923. Kylie, H. R. Forest values, TJ.S. Forest service. Service bulletin 16(7):l-3, Fob. 15, 1932; 16(8):2, Fob. 23, 1932; 16(9 ): 2-3, Feb. 29,1932 ; 1604):2-5, April 4, 1932. Lange, G. A neglected point in the economics of soil conservation. Journal of farra economics 23 (2 ): 467-474, May 1941, Leighton, M, 0, The rolo.tion of the southern Appalachian Mountains to inland water navigation. By M,0. Leighton and A. li, Horton, Wash. ;,Govt. print, of f, ,1908, 38 p, (J.S. Forest service. Giro, 143) 99,36 L53 and others. The relation of the southern Appalchian Mountodns to the devolGpmeiit of rmiter power, Ylash, , Govt, print. off , ,1908, 53 p, (U,S, Forest so]n/icG. Circ,144) 99.36 L53R Leopold, A, Conservation economics. Journal of forestry 32(5): 537-544. May 1934. Marquis, R. W, Economics of private forestry, 1st ed. rl.Y, , McGraw-Hill , 1939. 219 p. 99,7 M34 Marshall, R, The forest for recreation. In U.S, Forest service, A national plan for %ierican forestry. 1933, p, 46-3-487. 99 F76N The people’s forests, , Harrison Smith & Robert Haas, 1933, 233 p, ^'^artin, J. P, and Norcross ,T,W. A method for determining the economic value of a forest road. Journal of forestry 30(8 ) : 988-10C4, Dec,, 1932. Maughan, K, 0, Recreational development in the national forests, Syracuce, N,Y. state college of forestry, 1934, 172 p, (Syracuse univ. I^,Y, state college of forestry. Tech, pub, no, 45) 280.6 M44 Memorandum for Bureau of agricultural econoraics Flood control survey representatives. Subject! Suggestions for the evaluation of erosion control benefits, March 11,1939, [53i p. Typewritten manuscript. [Ho information available concerning place issued, but name of M, M. Kelso, economic asst, to Assistant chief. Land utilization, appears on manuscript, so probably prepared in Washington] IRinns , E.IT, and others. Watershed and related forest influences. In U.S, Forest service, A national plan for Araerican f orcstry, 1933 ,p. 299-401 . Hcff,P, Valuation of national forest lands. Journal of forestry 37(8): 598- 600, August 1939. OVER WT Nolson, E.W, Tho ocononic importarxco of wild life. Scientific monthly 16 (4): 367-373. April 1923. Faton, W,A, Essentials of accounting. N.Y, ,M,acm. ,1938. 830 p. (see p. 544- 546 on intangible assets ) Pearson, G, A, Public v. ^.uos in cutover timber lands. Journal of forestry 33(6):590-594. Juno 1935. Pigou, A.C. Tho economics of welfare. 4th od. Lond. ,Macm. ,1932, 8.37 p. Pulling,A,V.S. Tho importance of wild life and recreation in forest moriagonient. Journal of forestry 26 (3 ): 315-325. Mo.rch 1928. Rodington, P. G. Tho beneficial effect of vdld life on forest ond other lands. Journal of forestry 27(6 ): 692-698. Oct., 1929, Game and forests. Journal of forestry 3l(3 ):270-276. March 1933. Corni:ionts p. 2 7 7-278. Roberts, P. li. and others. '/>Aldlifc a forest resource. In U.S, Forest service. A national plan for innorioaa forovstry. 1933. p. 489-52 5. 99 F76N Rorem, G. R. Accounting method. Chic . ,Univ. of Chic. press ,1939. 644 p. (See Chap, XXVII Valuation of intanigibles ) Rothory, J. S, study of forest depletion charges. Journal of forestry 32(5):315-328. May 1934. Rush, W. Ydia.t arc mid life vo.luos? Nature magazine 30(l )r40-43. July 1937. S-anta Monica mountai.ri3 fire prevention association. Report and rGcoMnenda- tions for fire and flood control in Hollywood Hills and Santa Monica mountains. Beverly Hills , Calif ,, 1936 , 88 p. Mimeo, 99,51 Sa5 ShermoJi, E, A, The protection forests of the Mississippi River watershed and their part in flood prcvonticn. RHsh, ,U.S, Govt, print, off . ,1928. 50 p. (U.S,D.A,Circ.no.37) 99.36 Sh5F Show, G, B. Evo.luating watershed damage. In Conservation association of Los -^nigolcs county. Proceedings, Flood control conference ,1934, p. 12-16, Discussion p,17, Mimeo, 292 C76P 1934 Hew the national forests of California benefit the state. Wash., U, S, Govt. print, off , ,1930. 8 p, (U.S .D.A.Misc , pub. 82 ) 99,7 Sh8 SparhowkmW.N, A survey of research in forest economics. N.Y. ,1936. 52 p. (Socio.1 science research council. Bul.no, 24) 99.7 Sp2S and Brush, W.D. The economic aspects of forest destruction in northern Michigan, Wash. , U.S, Gox’'t. orint , off , ,1929 . 120 p, (U.S.D.A. Tech. bul.no. 92 ) 99,7 Sp2E Stanley, T. L, The effect of forest fires on tourist travol. Journal of forestry 30( 5 ); 608-61 5. May 1932, Sterling, E. A, The striking features of tho forest and water situation in California. Society of American foresters, Frocoodings 2(l): 20-28. July 1907, 99.9 Sol v.2 Tronk, F.B, ojid Rowlands, vV.A, ^%king tho host use of Wisconsin land through zoning. Madison, 1934, 19 p. U.S, Dept, of agriculture. Survey report for tho Los Angelos River water- shed, Wash. , U.S, Govt. print, off , ,1941 . 68 p, (U.S, 77th Cong,, 1st soss. House doc. no. 426) U.S, Dept, of agriculture. Committee on study of Mount Hood area. Public values of tho Mount Hood area. Wash, , U.S .Govt, print. off , ,1930. 103 p, (U.S, 71st Cong., 2d soss. Senate doc. no. 164) 280,6 Un3P U.S, Engineer dept, Proc.of the eng, conference , South Po.cific div. and North Pcacific div. , San Francisco, Calif Feb . 26-27,1940. 281 p. Glaze, V.L. Absorption through spreading as c, moans of flood control, p, 77-81, Bisemssion p. 82-85. Christian,F,G, Economics of flood control projects, p. 127-130. Jobes, J.G, Economic considerations in developing o. flood control plon. p, 131-133, Discussion p. 134-137. -4- f i U.S* Forest service • Forest land rosourcosj roquiromonts , prcbloms, and policy, Hash, ,U,S,G-o'vt.priiit,off, ,1955, 114 p, 99,7 F73 U,S, national po.rk servico. Recreational uso of land in tho United States, \'7ash, ,U.S, Govt, print, off , ,1958, 280 p, 280,6 n21R VanHiso, C, R, Conservation of our natural resources, IT .Y, , Haem, ,1930, 551 p. 279 V31 Tk.ugh, F,A, Conservation ad absurdun. Scientific laenthly 17(5):498~505, 1923, Recroaticnal uses on the national forests. Wash, , Govt , print, off , , 1918, 43 p. 280,6 Tf35R Weeks, D, and Josophson, H, R, Econor-iic criteria for classifying non-urban land a. ccerding to probahlo best uso. Journal of fo.nn economics 21 (2 ) : 419-424. May" 1939 , Wchrwoin, G. S, and Pansons, K. H. Recrec.tion as a. land use. Madison, ^932 , 32 p, (tMsCc •‘i-g.Gxpt.sta. Bui. 422) Western forestry and consorvatien association, Co-opera.tive forest study cf tho Grays Plarbor aroafitfai-sliington) Portland, Ore. ,1929, 79 p, 99,54 G79 , YJhen smoko gees up-busincss gees dovm; tho effect cf fires on travel. Motor land p,7,18, June 1932, ’Wilccx,W. W, Econcmio aspects cf soil conserveebien. Jcurml of politica.l economy 46(5): 704, October 1938. Wirth, C, L, Land classif ica.tion in relation to rocroationed land use. In Nationad conforenco on lend classif icaticn, 1st ,1940. Proceedings p, 261-269, Bdscussion p. 270-275, Wisconsin, Comiuitteo on land uso and forestry, Madis 011,1932 , 156 p. 282 78/5 Forest land uso in Wisconsirio I '■ -C