Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ll r I r f . • 1 ‘4- 1<* 15) 21, 26, 30, and 35 board-foot volumes read opposite 20 inches in Table 31, when multiplied by 1.10 give the 10, l6, 23, 29, 33 and 3S board-foot volumes shown opposite 20 inches in the local volume table. Local Volujiie Table Black Oak (Scribner Decimal C) - Bent Creek Experimental Forest D.B.H. : Average : o.b. : f orm : class Multiplier 1 2 Number 1 of 16.3- IJ -foot 2 logs 3 In. Gross volume in bd. ft. (Tens) 12 85 1.02 3 5 6 8 9 11 14 85 1.02 4 7 9 11 13 15 16 86 1.05 5 9 13 16 19 22 18 87 1.08 8 13 17 22 26 29 20 88 1.10 10 16 23 29 33 38 22 89 1.13 12 22 29 36 43 49 24 90 l.l6 27 37 45 53 6l 26 90 1.16 32 44 55 65 74 28 91 1.19 39 54 67 79 90 30 92 1.22 48 65 81 94 109 32 93 1.25 55 74 93 110 126 This local volume table used for the black oak trees on 20. 8 acres f cruise plots in the oak tj^e or the Bent Creek Forest gave a total of 15,140 board feet of that species. The regional volume table made up from the data basic to the form class volume tables presented here, but based on d.b.h. and merchantable height alone, gave a total of 13,800 board feet for the same black oak trees. The difference amounts to near- ly 10 percent of the volume obtained from the regional table. Local tables made up from form class tables through the use of local data on th.e relation of form class to d.b.h. and height ?;ill be an im- provement over regional tables whenever the relation of form class to d.b.h. and height differs locally from the average relation between these variables in the data basic to the regional table. In some instances a regional table may serve as a local table with little or no modification, but where accuracy is sought it v/ould be unsafe to use the regional table without first testing it. Local tables will often differ more v/idely from regional tables than does the black oak table in this example. 6 CIIANGING O.B. FORM CLASS TABLES TO L.B. FORM GLASS TABLES Because individuaLs already accustomed to the use of inside -bark form classes raay find that the volume tables presented here require an inconvenient departure from their usual procedures, a method of translat- ing them to i.b. form class tables has been worked out. By use of mul- tipliers calculated from the tabulation given below, the o.b. form class volume tables can be changed to i.b, form class tables. The translation is from a table of a certain o.b. form class to a table of a numerically equivalent i.b. form class — from o.b, form class 84? for instance, to i.b. form class 84. The values of b and a in the tabulation depend on (l) the regression of bark thic]:ness at the top of the first I6. 3-foot log on d.b.h.o.b. and (2) the partial regression of logarithm of volume on o.b. form class as given in the equation accompanying each volume table. Item (2) changes with the log rule used. Consequently there are separate values of b and a for International, Scribner and Doyle-Scribner log rules. Constants for the calculation of multipliers by which to transform o.b. form class volume tables to i.b. form class volume tables. International Scribner Doyle 'Scribner b a b a b a Eastern white pine .0476 .0667 .0492 .0690 .0598 .0838 Loblolly pine .0429 .8835 .0475 .9791 ,0622 1.2813 Virginia pine .0072 ,203s .0076 .2136 .0096 .2713 Shortleaf pine .0132 .5433 .0143 . 5868 .0182 .7466 Eastern hemlock ,0622 .3760 ,0630 .3807 .0745 .4503 Sweet birch .0760 -.1926 .0754 - .1911 .0908 -.2300 Eastern red oak .0633 .3384 .0635 .3391 .0784 .4190 Scarlet oak .0461 .4281 .0478 .4432 .0602 .5589 Black oak .0557 .7957 .0544 ,7762 .0655 .9351 White oak .0361 .5364 .0365 .5425 .0449 .6676 Chestnut oak .0649 -3836 .0630 .3725 .0755 . 44^4 Yellowpoplar .1153 - . 1884 .1196 - .1953 .1446 -.2361 Sugar maple .0431 .8267 .0454 .8719 .0568 1,0889 Red maple .0263 • 4582 .0265 ,4601 .0322 .5608 Basswood .0501 .7235 .0518 .7479 .0647 .9344 White ash .0669 .0687 .0084 .0838 .0845 .8442 logarithm M = b -b a (l/D) . f where D = d.b.h.o.b. and M = multiplier by which to transform o.b, form class volume table to i.b. form class volume table. - 7 - If D = d.b.h.o.b. , F = numerical value of a form class, either o.b. or i.b., and M = factor by which to multiply volume of a tree of o.b, form class F to get volume of a tree of the same d.b.h. and mer- chantable length with i.b. form class F, then M may be calculated from the equation: logarithm M= b -t a (l/D). For scarlet oak, for example, the tabulation shows that for the Scribner rule, b = .0478 and a = .4432. The equation for scarlet oak, Scribner rule is then: logaritlim M= .0478 4- .4432 (l/D) making it evident that the multiplier v;ill change with diameter. Below are given the values of the multiplier for scarlet oak, Scribner rule, by 2-inch diameter classes as v/orked out from the equation. Note that above about 18 inches the multipliers change very little, and l.l6 iTiight be used with only slight error for all diameters 20 inches and larger. For some species and log rules the multiplier may change so little with diam- eter that one value could be used for all diameters. Multipliers for scarlet oak, Scribner rule b = . 0478 a= .4432 . log M = b + a (l/D) D.B.H. l/D log M M 10 .1000 .0921 1.24 12 .0833 ,0847 1.22 14 .0714 .0794 1.20 16 .0625 .0755 1.19 18 .0556 .0724 1.18 20 .0500 .0700 1.17 22 .0455 .0680 1.17 24 .0417 .0663 1.16 26 .0385 .0649 1.16 28 .0357 .0636 1.16 30 .0333 .0626 1.16 32 .0312 .0616 1.15 34 .0294 .0608 1.15 36 .0278 .0601 1-15 D= d.b.h.o.b. M = factor by which to multiply volume of a tree of o.b, form class F to get volume of a tree of i.b. form class F. Table 30 of the o.b. form class voiujne tables gives Scribner Deci- mal C volumes for scarlet oaks of o.b. form class 87. If the values for - 8 - 10-inch trees are multiplied by 1.24, those for 12-inch trees by 1.22, etc. (see multipliers for scarlet oak, above), there will result a table by 2-inch diameter classes for scarlet oaks of i.b. form class 87, Scribner Decimal C volume. Following is part of such a table from which volumes for l/2-log length are omitted. SCARLET OAK I.B. FORM CUSS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET-SCRIBNER DECIMAL C LOG RULE I.B. FORM CUSS 87 Number of I6. 3-foot logs D.B.H. 1 2 3 4 5 In. Gross volume in board feet ( Tens) 10 4 7 10 12 6 10 15 17 14 8 14 20 25 36 135 183 228 269 If a table for some other i.b. form class, say 70, is wanted, the above table can be converted to it by using the multiplier for form class 70 given in the tabulation at the end of Table 30. This multiplier is .67- The Scribner Decimal C volume of 36-inch trees 2, 3, 4, and 5 logs, i.b. form class 70 are therefore, respectively, .67 x 135, .67 x 183, .67 X 228, and .67 x 269, or 90, 123, 153, and 180 tens of board feet. The T\rork of converting volumes (1) from o.b. form class to i.b. form class of the same numerical value, and then (2) to i.b, form class of some other numerical value can be combined into one job by using the prod- uct of the two multipliers concerned. In the example above, the multi- plier for converting volumes of 36-inch trees from o.b. form class 87 to i.b. form class 87 is 1.15, and for converting form class 87 to form class 70 is .67. The multiplier for doing the two jobs at once is there- fore 1.15 X .67 or .77- The results of converting volumes of 36-inch trees 2, 3, 4, and 5 logs, o.b. form class 87, directly to volumes of trees of the same d.b.h. and merchantable heights but of i.b. form class 70 are (see Form Class Volume Table 30): ,77 x 117, *77 x 159, -11 x 198, and .77 X 234, or 90, 122, 152, and 180, the same results as before except for differences due to rounding off. " 9 - XABIE lo-SASTM mniE Pliffl O.B.-FCEM Cl ASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD Fm INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 82 ^Nufflber of l6.3~foot logs- DBH J 1 2 2| 3 3i 4 44 5 54 6 64 7 In, GrosB yolume la board feet 10 43 37 49 60 11 28 45 60 73 85 12 33 54 72 88 102 116 13 39 64 85 104 123 137., 153 196 14 46 75 99 121 141 161 179, 15 53 86 115 140 163 185 206 227 246 16 61 99 131 160 187 212 237 259 282 303 17 69 112 149 182 212 2a 263 294 320 344 18 78 126 168 205 240 272 303 333 361 388 19 88 142 188 230 268 305 339 372 4O4 434 20 97 158 209 256 298 339 373 414 450 48A 21 108 175 232 283 331 376 a9 459 499 536 573 22 119 19^ 256 313 365 4U 461 506 550 592 632 23 131 211 280 343 401 455 506 556 603 649 693 305 24 231 307 375 438 498 553 608 659 ■ 710 759 25 252 334 408 476 542 603 662 718 773 826 877 1007 26 274 363 444 518 589 655 719 780 840 897 953 27 393 561 637 710 778 845 ""W 970 1033 1091 1236 28 424 518 605 687 766 840 912 982 1047 1114 1178 29 456 557 652 740 324 904 982 1057 1127 U99 1268 1334 30 598 700 794 883 970 1052 1132 1211 1285 1361 U32 31 641 750 851 946 1040 1127 1213 1297 1377 1459 1535 32 686 800 90s 1012 1109 1205 1297 1337 1472 1556 l6a 33 853 968 1079 1186 1285 ggE U79 1570 1660 1750 34 910 1033 1148 1262 1368 1472 1574 1675 1770 1862 35 1096 1340 1455 1567 1675 1778 1879 1977 36 1164 1294 1422 1542 1660 1774 1888 1995 “30^ 37 1374 1507 1637 1758 1879 1995 2113 2223 38 U52 1592 1730 1862 1986 2113 2234 2355 39 1963 2099 2360 2483 40 2070 2213 2355 2489 2618 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS s Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for b11_ O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Fom Claes of the 210 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtai’- volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 012 (Tens) 3 (Units) 4 5 Factors 6 7 8 9 6 7 .73 8 .95 9 1.23 .75 ,77 .79 .98 1.00 1.03 1.26 1.29 1.33 .81 .84 .w.. 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.36 .83 .90 .92 1.14 1.17 1.20 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 «■ 160 x 1.29 = 206 bd. ft. Basic data; 210 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2,097153 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .696569 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .011186 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.291899. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation ^5.6 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.92 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J, H. Buell December 1941 TABIZ 2.-L0BL0LLI PIME O.B.-FORM CLASS VDLDME TABIZ BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RUIZ O.B.-FOR14 CLASS 86 -Number of 16,3-foot, logs DBHi 1^2 2 2i 3 3i 44i 55i 66^ 7 In. Groes volume in board feet 10 21 34 44 54 63 11 26 42 56 68 80 12 33 52 69 84 98 13 39 64 84 102 119 14 47 76 100 122 143 15 56 90 119 144 168 16 65 105 169 197 17 75 121 160 195 228 18 139 184 224 262 19 159 210 256 293 20 180 238 290 337 21 267 326 379 22 299 365 425 23 333 406 473 24 369 450 ?24 25 407 497 1 578 26 546 ^37 27 598 697 28 653 760 29 828 30 900 31 973 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 72 90 100 no in 124 136 147 135 150 164 178 192 161 180 197 213 230 245 191 212 232 252 271 290 307 223 248 272 294 317 338 359 258 287 315 3U1 366 392 U6 296 330 362 392 421 450 478 338 376 412 447 480 513 544 383 425 4^ 505 542 579 615 430 479 525 569 6n 653 692 481 535 586 635 684 730 774 536 596 653 708 762 813 863 594 661 724 785 843 902 957 656 730 798 867 931 995 1054 721 802 879 953 1023 1094 n6i 791 879 962 1042 1122 1197 1271 863 959 1052 1140 1225 1309 1387 940 1045 1143 1239 1334 1422 1510 1019 n32 1242 1346 1445 1545 16U UO4 1227 1343 1455 1567 1671 1774 U91 1324 U52 1574 1690 1803 1914 1282 1426 1563 1694 1820 1945 2065 1377 1535 1679 1820 1959 2089 2218 1479 1644 1303 1954 2099 2244 2382 1585 1762 1928 2089 2249 2399 2547 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volome as utilized, to a variable top diameter . O.B.-FORU CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first I6. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100* block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Claes of the 378 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes. UULTIPLIHIS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORU CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Claeses O.B.-Fom Class 0 12 (Tens) 5 6 7 .65 .66 .68 8 .85 .87 .90 9 1.12 1.15 1.18 (ttxits) 3 4 5 Factors 6 7 8 9 .70 ,72 .74 .76 .78 .80 .83 .92 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 .21 1.24 1.28 1.31 1.35 1.39 1.43 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Fom Class 92 ■ 169 ^ 1.18 » 199 bd. ft, Basic data: 378 trees from piedmont and northern coastal plain counties of S. C. Table constructed from the ec^tion: Logeo'ithra International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. « 2.416605 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + ,636903 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .011847 (O.B.-Fom Class) - 2.740782. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ^5.4 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.25 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 3. -VIRGINIA PINE O.B.=FORM CLASS TOLtME MLS BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4” LOG RUIE O.B.-FORM CLASS 34 Number of 16. 3-foot logs DBH ^ 11^ 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i 5 5^ 6 6^ 7 In. Gross volume in board feet 10 24 41 55 67 79 91 101 112 11 30 50 68 84 99 113 1 126 139 152 164 176 12 37 62 83 102 120 138 154 170 1P5 200 215 13 45 74 100 123 144 165 185 204 22? 240 258 14 53 88 118 146 171 196 219 242 264 285 306 15 62 103 138 171 201 230 257 283 309 333 358 16 72 119 160 198 233 266 298 328 358 386 as 17 82 1?7 184 227 267 306 342 378 411 445 476 18 94 156 210 1 259 305 348 390 430 469 507 543 19 106 177 238 I 293 345 394 [ 442 488 531 574 615 20 119 198 267 330 388 444 497 547 597 644 692 21 222 298 368 434 496 555 612 667 721 773 22 247 332 ao 483 552 618 681 743 802 859 23 368 454 535 684 753 822 887 953 24 500 589 673 753 832 906 980 1050 25 828 912 995 1074 1153 26 998 1039 1175 1262 27 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilised, to a variable top diaEaeter. O.B.-FORM CLASS! Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block Indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Foxm Class of the 179 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by vdiich to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain voliimes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 012 (Tens) 3 (Itaits) 4 5 Factors 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 .70 8 .90 9 1.16 .72 .74 .76 .93 .95 .98 1.19 1.22 1.25 .78 .30 .82 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.28 1.32 1.35 .34 .36 .88 1.08 1.10 1.13 1.33 1.42 1.46 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 198 x 1.22 » 242 bd. ft. Basic data: 179 trees from Cherokee and Nantahala National Forests. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm International 1/4” bd. ft. vol. = 2,290421 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .732232 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + ,010850 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.481360. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ^4.6 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.20 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERLffiNT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE A.-SHORTLEAF PINK O.B.-PORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 89 Nujnber of l6.3-foot loga DBH i 1 li 2 2j 3 3i 4 5 5i 6 In. Grosa voluma in board foot 10 25 41 56 69 81 93 104 11 31 52 70 87 102 117 131 144 12 38 64 86 107 126 144 161 178 13 47 78 105 128 153 175 196 216 14 56 93 126 155 183 209 234 259 282 15 66 110 148 184 216 248 277 306 334 16 77 128 173 214 253 289 324 358 390 422 453 17 89 1U9 L 201 248 292 335 375 414 A52 489 524 18 103 171 231 285 336 385 432 475 519 561 603 19 U7 195 263 325 384 438 492 542 592 640 666 20 221 [ 298 368 434 497 556 6U 670 724 776 21 248 335 4U 489 558 625 690 753 81? 875 22 278 375 463 546 625 700 773 843 912 977 23 U7 608 697 780 861 940 1014 1089 24 462 572 674 771 865 955 1040 1125 1205 25 510 631 745 851 955 1052 1148 1242 1334 26 695 818 ^38 1050 1159 1265 1365 1466 27 760 897 1026 1151 1271 1384 U96 1607 28 830 980 1122 1256 1387 15U 1633 1754 2V 904 1067 1219 1368 1507 1644 1778 1910 30 982 U56 1324 1483 1637 1786 1932 2070 31 1062 1253 U32 1607 1774 1932 2089 2244 32 1148 1352 1549 1734 19U 2089 2254 2421 33 1236 U59 1667 1866 2061 2249 2432 2606 34 1327 1567 1791 2004 2218 2415 2612 2805 35 1426 1679 1923 2153 2377 2594 2805 3006 36 1524 1799 2056 2307 2547 2773 2999 3221 37 38 39 7 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as atlUsed, to a Tariable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS; Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided bj diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 324 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply vojLumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) ,-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tensj Factors 5 6 7 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 .78 8 .80 .82 .84 .86 .88 .90 .93 .95 .98 1.00 9 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.11 l.U 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 Example; Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 » 214 x 1,08 ■ 231 bd. ft. Basic data: 324 tress from Cherokee and Nantabala National Forests; and northeastern South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation; Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. » 2.419420 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .738404 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .011091 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.686446. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation; *6.0 percent. Aggregate difference; estimated values 0.02 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPEEBENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 5.-SASTERN HEMLOCK O.B,-FORli CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" lOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 85 DBH i 1 Number of 16* 3-foot logs 2 Zi 3 4 4i 5 5^ Gross volume in board feet 6 6^ 7 10 24 37 48 58 11 29 46 60 72 83 12 36 56 73 88 101 lU 13 43 67 87 105 121 136 U 51 79 103 124 143 161 15 59 93 120 145 168 189 16 69 107 139 168 194 218 17 79 123 160 192 222 250 18 90 140 182 219 253 284 19 101 158 206 248 286 322 20 114 177 231 278 321 361 21 127 198 258 310 358 404 22 141 220 286 345 398 448 23 156 243 316 381 441 496 24 171 268 348 420 485 546 25 294 382 460 532 598 26 321 418 504 581 652 27 455 548 632 711 28 380 494 594 687 773 29 411 535 743 836 30 444 577 695 802 904 31 479 621 748 865 973 32 514 667 804 929 1045 33 551 716 863 995 1119 34 589 766 923 1067 1199 35 818 984 1138 1279 36 871 1050 1213 1365 37 927 1117 1288 1452 38 1186 1371 1542 39 1259 U52 1633 40 1330 1538 1730 41 1409 1626 1828 42 IM8(> 1718 1932 43 44 45 46 47 4fi 178 208 2a 263 277 301 325 315 343 370 396 356 387 a8 448 399 434 470 502 446 485 525 561 496 540 582 624 664 547 597 644 689 733 603 658 710 759 807 661 721 778 832 885 723 787 849 910 968 787 857 925 991 1054 855 929 1005 1076 U43 1211 925 1007 1086 U64 1239 1309 998 1086 U75 1256 1337 1413 1074 1172 1265 1352 1439 1521 U53 1259 1358 1545 1637 1722 1239 1349 U55 1560 1660 1754 1324 1442 1556 1667 1774 1875 1977 ia3 1542 1663 1782 1892 2004 2158 1507 i5ar 1770 1897 2018 2133 2249 1603 1746 1884 2018 2148 2270 2393 1702 1854 2004 2143 '^S0~ 2410 25a 1307 1968 2123 2275 24a 2559 2692 19U 2084 2249 2ao 2559 2710 2851 2023 2203 2377 2547 2710 2664 3013 2133 2328 2512 2685 2858 3020 3184 Volume as utilized, to a variable top dimeter. O.B.-FCRM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16.3-foot log divided b/ diameter outside bark at breast belgbt, the result being multiplied bj 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 112 sample trees used. Fac- tora in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIHJS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes; ,-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (ttoits) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 .76 .78 .80 .82 .84 .86 8 .89 .91 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.10 9 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.34 1.37 i.a Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 «■ 168 x 1.19 = 200 bd. ft. Basic data: 112 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.259927 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .646370 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + ,010605 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2,375710. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ±6,9 percent. Aggregate difference; estimated values 0,27 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPHUMENT STATION J. H. BueU December 1941 TABLE 6. -SWEET BIRCH O.B.-FORli CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FIET lUTERNATIONAL l/k" LOG RUIE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 Number of 16. 3- foot logo- DBH i 1 li 2 3 4 4i 5 5i 6 6i 7 In. Groaa Tolume in board foot 10 20 35 47 59 11 25 43 58 73 12 31 52 71 89 13 37 62 85 106 125 14 43 74 100 125 148 15 51 86 117 146 173 16 58 99 135 168 200 230 17 67 114 155 193 229 263 18 76 129 176 219 260 298 336 372 19 86 146 199 248 294 33t 379 420 20 96 164 223 277 329 378 426 471 21 108 182 249 310 367 422 474 525 22 119 202 276 344 468 526 585 23 132 224 305 T79“ 456 518 582 6V* 24 145 246 336 418 496 569 640 708 25 269 367 457 542 624 702 776 26 294 402 500 593 681 766 847 27 nzr 436 543 6U 741 834 923 28 348 474 590 700 804 904 1000 29 376 513 638 757 869 977 1081 30 406 553 689 817 938 1054 U67 31 436 596 741 879 1009 1135 1256 32 469 638 794 942 1084 1219 1349 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volama aa atlUsecl, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter out aide bark at top of first 16. 3-Toot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the resitlt being multiplied by 100. Block indlcatea extent of basic data for aU O.B.-Form Clasees. Table above Is for the average O.B.-Form Claaa of the 54 sample trees used. Fao- tors In table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Claeses. MULTIPLIFES FOR OTHER O.B.-FCKM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes In the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 12 3 (Iftiits) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 6 .64 .65 Factors .67 .68 .70 .71 .72 .74 7 .75 .77 .79 .80 .82 .83 .85 .87 .89 .90 8 .92 .94 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 lai 9 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.35 Example: Volume of I6 ", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Claes 92 - 168 X 1.02 - 171 bd. ft Basic data: 54 trees from Plsgah and Nantahala National Forests: and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the eouation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. - 2.239227 (logejithm d.b.b. inches) + .762725 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + .008761 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.359875. Average deviation of individual tree volumes frcoi values estimated by the equation: *6.3 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.35 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EIPEIilKENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 7.-EASTERN RED OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABIE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 85 ■Number of 16,3-loot logS' DBH h 1 IJ 2 2i 3 4 5 In, Gross volume in board feet 10 20 34 46 57 66 78 11 25 42 58 84 96 12 31 52 70 87 103 118 13 37 62 84 104 123 lU 15s 14 44 73 100 123 146 167 187 15 1 51 86 116 144 170 195 219 242 16 59 100 135 167 197 226 254 280 17 63 114 154 191 226 259 291 321 18 78 130 176 218 258 296 331 366 400 19 88 147 199 247 292 334 375 414 452 20 99 166 224 277 327 375 421 466 508 21 185 250 310 366 420 471 520 568 614 22 206 278 344 406 467 524 578 631 632 23 228 308 381 450 515 578 640 698 755 24 251 339 420 496 569 637 703 769 832 25 275 372 460 544 624 700 773 843 912 28 301 406 504 596 682 766 845 923 998 27 327 443 550 649 743 834 920 1005 1086 28 356 481 597 705 807 906 1000 1091 U80 29 386 521 646 762 873 980 1084 1183 1279 30 a6 562 698 824 944 1059 1169 1276 1380 31 449 607 752 887 1019 LI40 1262 1377 1439 32 482 652 807 953 1094 1227 1355 1479 1600 33 516 700 867 1023 U72 1315 1452 1585 1718 34 553 748 927 1096 1256 1409 1556 1698 1837 35 590 800 991 1169 1340 1503 1660 1816 1963 36 630 853 1057 1247 1429 1603 1770 1936 2094 37 908 1125 1327 1521 1706 1884 2061 2228 38 964 1197 1409 1614 1811 2004 2188 2366 3'^ 1023 1268 1496 1714 1923 2123 2323 2512 40 1084 1343 1585 1816 2037 2249 2460 2661 41 1419 1675 1923 2158 2382 2600 2812 42 1500 1770 2028 2275 2512 2748 2972 43 1581 1866 2U3 2404 2655 2897 3133 44 1667 1968 2254 2529 2799 3055 3304 45 1754 2070 2371 2661 2944 3214 3475 46 1845 2178 2495 2799 3097 3381 3656 47 1936 2286 2618 2938 3251 3548 3837 48 2032 2399 2748 3083 HOT 3715 4027 6 7 foluse as utiligsd, to a ’/ariable top diameter. 6,B,-FCSM CLASSs Diamatar outside bark at top of first 16,3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by lOO, Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 280 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes, MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CUSSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes (Uni ts) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .64 .65 .67 .68 7 .70 ,72 .73 .75 .77 .79 .81 ,83 ,85 .87 8 .89 .91 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 9 1.13 1.16 1.18 1.21 1.24 1,27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.40 Examples Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 167 x 1.18 = 197 bd. ft. Basic datas 280 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, and Nantahala National Forests: Jackson County, Ohio; Garrett County, Md; Tucker County, VJ. Va; and Bland County, Va. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.27^*411 '(logaribbrn d.b.h. inches) + .745902 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .010369 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.526032, Average deviation of indi-vidual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: i6,6 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.12 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABI£ 8. -SCARLET OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 8? Nimber of 16. 3-foot logs DBH i 1 li 2 2i 3 4 4i 5 5i 6 6i 7 Id. Gross ToluiiLB In board fsst 10 23 38 52 64 76 87 11 28 47 Sir 80 94 108 121 12 34, 58 78 97 n5 131 U7 163 13 41 69 94 n6 137 157 177 195 U 49 82 in 137 162 186 209 231 252 15 57 96 130 161 190 218 244 270 295 16 66 in 150 186 220 252 282 313 341 369 17 76 127 172 213 2$2 289 324 358 392 424 18 86 145 196 243 287 330 370 408 446 482 19 98 164 222 275 325 418 461 504 546 20 no 184 249 309 365 418 469 519 566 612 21 122 206 278 345 407 467 524 579 632 684 22 136 228 309 384 453 519 582 [643 703 760 23 150 252 342 424 501 574 644 7n 778 841 24 166 278 377 467 552 632 710 783 857 927 25 182 305 a3 513 605 693 778 859 940 1016 26 333 452 560 662 759 851 940 1028 1112 27 363 492 6n 721 826 927 1023 ni9 12n 28 394 535 662 783 897 1007 1112 1216 1315 29 428 578 718 847 970 1091 1205 1315 1422 30 461 625 774 916 1050 n78 1300 1419 1538 31 498 6^ 836 986 n30 1268 1403 1531 1656 32 535 723 897 1059 1213 1361 1507 1644 1778 33 776 962 1138 1303 1462 16U 1762 1910 34 830 1030 1216 1393 1563 1730 1888 2042 35 1099 1300 1489 1671 1845 2014 2183 36 n72 1384 1585 1782 1968 2148 2323 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volisae as utilized, to a yarlabls top dlaBster. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first I6. 3-foot log dlrided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block Indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 213 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FC£M CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .62 .63 .65 .66 7 .68 .69 .71 .72 .74 .76 .78 .79 .81 .83 8 .85 .87 .89 .91 .93 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 9 1.07 1.10 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.32 Example: Volume of I6", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 » 186 x 1.12 « 208 bd. ft. Basic data: 213 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, Nantahala, and Chattahoochee National Forests; Bland County, Va; and Chatham County, N. C. Table constructed from the ec^tion: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. lo 2.269024 (logarithm d.b.h. Inches) + .747475 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + .009994 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.462957. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: I4.8 percent. Aggregate difference:' estimated values 0.27 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST ETPffilMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 .r TABI£ 9.-BUCK OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL l/k" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 Number of 16. 3-foot logs — DBH i 1 2 2^ 3 3s k kl 5 6 6^ 7 Gross YolviDLe In board feet 10 20 33 45 56 66 76 11 24 a 56 69 82 94 12 30 50 68 84 100 115 128 13 36 60 81 101 120 137 154 171 14 42 71 96 120 142 163 182 202 220 15 49 83 113 UO 166 190 213 236 258 16 57 96 131 162 192 220 247 274 298 17 65 UO 150 186 220 252 264 313 343 18 74 126 171 212 251 288 323 357 390 19 84 142 193 239 283 325 366 404 442 20 95 160 217 269 318 365 410 454 496 21 178 242 301 356 408 458 507 553 22 198 269 334 395 454 -509 564 615 23 219 i 298 370 438 501 564 622 631 24 242 328 407 482 552 621 686 750 25 265 360“ 447 528 605 681 753 822 26 290 489 578 662 745 324 900 27 316 1 428 532 630 723 8U 897 980 28 343 466 578 634 785 681 975 1064 29 371 504 625 740 849 955 1054 U53 30 401 544 676 800 916 1030 1138 1245 31 432 586 728 861 989 1109 1227 1343 32 463 630 782 925 1062 1191 1318 1442 33 498 676 840 993 1138 1279 1413 1545 34 532 723 897 1062 1219 1368 15U 1656 35 569 773 959 1135 1300 U62 1618 1766 36 607 322 1023 1208 1387 1560 1722 1384 37 646 875 1086 1288 U76 1660 1832 2004 38 931 1156 1368 1570 1762 1950 2128 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volisme as utilized, to a triable top dimeter. b.B.-PORM CLASS; Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for nil O.B.-Fona Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 150 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other 0. ,B.-Fom Classes (ttiits) O.B.-Form Class 0 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .66 .68 7 .70 .72 .73 .75 .77 .79 .81 .84 .86 .88 8 .90 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 l.U l.U 9 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.36 1.40 1.43 1.47 Example; Volume of I6", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 - 162 X 1.23 1 = 199 bd. ft Basic data; 150 trees from Cherokee, Nantahala and Chattahoochee National Forests | Jackson County, Ohio; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation; Logarithm International lA" bd. ft. vol. •• 2.270779 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .753428 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .011131 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.599530. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation; ±6.1 percent. Aggregate difference; estimated values 0.23 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST BCPEOMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 10. -WHITE OAK O.B.-PORU CLASS VOLUME TABUS BOARD FHST INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOO RULE O.B.-FORU CUSS 34 Nunber of 16. 3- foot log* DBH i 1 li 2 2i 3 3i 4 4| 5 6 6^ 7 Gtob* Toluma in board fort 10 22 35 46 1 56 65 11 27 43 58 70 82 93 12 33 53 71 86 100 114 13 40 65 85 104 121 137 153 14 48 77 102 124 144 164 182 15 56 91 120 146 170 193 215 16 65 105 139 170 198 224 250 274 17 75 122 161 196 229 259 288 316 18 86 139 184 224 262 296 330 362 393 19 98 158 209 255 298 337 375 U1 446 20 in 179 236 288 336 380 424 463 504 5U 21 124 200 265 323 377 427 475 521 565 608 22 139 223 296 361 421 476 530 581 631 678 23 154 248 328 400 467 530 589 646 700 753 24 170 275 363 443 516 585 652 713 774 832 25 302 400 488 569 6U 716 7?5 853 916 26 332 438 535 624 708 787 863 935 1007 27 363 480 585 682 773 861 942 1023 1099 28 395 522 637 743 843 938 1028 1114 1199 29 430 568 692 8O7 916 1019 1114 1211 1303 30 464 615 750 875 991 1102 1208 1309 1409 31 502 665 811 946 1072 U91 1306 ia9 1524 32 542 716 873 1007 1153 1285 1406 1528 1641 33 582 771 940 To^ 1242 1380 15U 1644 1766 34 826 1009 1175 1334 1483 1626 1762 1897 35 670 885 1079 1426 1589 1742 1888 2028 36 7U 946 1524 1698 1858 2018 2168 37 1009 1230 U35 1626 18U 1986 2153 2312 38 1074 1528 1734 1928 "air 2291 2466 39 1143 1393 1626 1845 2051 2249 2438 2618 40 1213 147? 1726 1959 2178 2388 2588 2780 41 1567 1328 2075 2307 2529 2742 2951 42 1660 1936 2193 2443 2673 2904 3119 43 1754 2046 2323 2582 2831 3069 3304 44 1854 2163 2449 2729 2985 3243 3483 45 1954 2280 2582 2871 3148 3420 3673 46 2061 2399 r2723 13027 3319 3597 3873 47 2173 2523 2864 3184 3491 3784 4074 48 2275 2655 3006 3342 3664 3981 4276 Voluma as utilized, to a variable top dlametar. O.B.-FORM CIJ^: Diameter outalde btfk at top of firat 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above Is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 638 sample trees used. Fac- tors In table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. UULTEPLIfflS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Claeses -Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 .45 .46 .48 .49 Factors .50 .51 .52 .54 .55 .56 6 .57 .59 .60 .61 .63 .64 .66 .67 .69 .71 7 .72 .74 .76 .78 .79 .81 .83 .85 .87 .89 8 .91 .93 .96 • 98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.12 9 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.35 1.38 1.42 Exairiple: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 170 x 1.20 = 204 bd. ft. Basic data: 688 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, Nantahala, and Chattahoochee National Forests j Jackson County, Ohio; Garrett County, Maryland; Hardy County, W. Va.; Bland County, Virginia; and Chatham County, North Carolina. Table constructed from the ewation; Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.361718 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .689234 Uogarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .010075 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.502791. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: -6.2 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.40 percent high. AFPAUCHIAN FORiJST E)CPERL.a!NT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABIE U .-CHESTNUT OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABIE BOARD FESI INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RUIE O.B.-FORM CLASS 86 DBH i 1 1 1 i 2 2k 3 of 16.3-foot logs 3k 4 4? 5 In, Grose volume i_n board feet 10 20 33 44 11 1 a 55 67 79 90 12 31 1 50 67 82 96 110 13 37 61 81 1 99 116 133 14 44 1 72 96 118 139 1 158 15 5i 85 113 139 rw 186 208 16 60 99 132 162 190 216 242 17 70 114 152 187 219 249 278 18 80 131 175 214 251 286 319 19 90 148 198 243 284 324 361 398 20 102 167 223 274 321 366 408 U9 21 114 188 250 307 360 410 458 504 22 128 209 279 343 402 457 510 562 1 23 142 232 310 380 446 508 568 624 678 24 156 256 343 421 493 561 627 689 750 25 172 282 377 463 543 618 690 759 826 26 189 310 414 508 596 “W 757 832 906 977 27 206 339 452 555 652 7a 828 910 991 1067 28 225 369 493 605 710 807 902 991 1079 1161 29 535 656 769 877 980 1076 1169 1262 30 434 579 711 834 ??1 1059 116? 1268 1368 31 469 627 769 902 1026 1146 1259 1371 1476 32 505 674 828 970 1104 1233 1355 1476 1592 33 543 724 889 1042 1189 1327 1459 1589 1710 34 582 778 955 1119 1276 1422 1567 1702 1837 35 624 [ 834 1023 1199 1365 1524 1675 1824 1963 36 667 889 1091 1282 1459 1629 1791 1950 2099 37 948 1164 1368 1556 1738 1910 2080 2239 38 1012 I?;,? T55n 1656 1849 2032 2213 2382 39 1074 1318 1545 1762 1968 2163 2350 2535 40 1140 1400 1641 1871 2089 1 2296 1 2495 2692 41 1208 1483 1742 1982 2213 2432 2642 2851 42 1279 1570 18a 2094 2339 2570 2799 3020 43 1660 1945 2218 2472 2723 2958 3192 44 1754 2056 2339 2612 2871 3126 3365 45 46 47 48 6 6J 7 Volme as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS! Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 471 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 .47 .48 .49 .50 Factors .52 .53 .54 .55 .56 .57 6 .58 .60 .61 .62 .63 .65 .66 .67 .69 .70 7 .72 .73 .75 .76 .78 .80 .81 .83 .85 .86 8 .88 .90 .92 .94 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 9 1.09 1.11 1.13 1.16 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.28 1.31 Example! Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 162 x 1.01 = 164 bd. ft. Basic data: 471 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the ei^tion: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.353891 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .712861 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .009012 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.478711. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: -6.2 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.60 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 12.-rELL0WP0PLAR O.B.-FORll CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTEENATICWAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 88 Number of 16,3-foot logo DBH i 1 li 2 2^ 3 4 4i 5 5i 6 6i 7 In. Groea volume in board feet 10 23 38 1 62 1 72 82 92 101 11 29 47 63 77 90 102 1 lU 125 12 35 57 76 93 109 124 139 1 152 13 42 68 91 112 131 U9 166 182 14 50 81 108 132 154 176 196 215 234 15 58 95 126 154 181 206 229 252 274 16 67 109 146 179 209 238 265 291 316 17 77 125 167 205 239 272 304 334 363 18 143 190 233 273 310 346 380 a3 19 161 215 263 308 351 391 430 467 502 20 181 2a 295 346 394 438 482 524 564 21 202 269 330 386 438 490 538 585 630 22 224 298 366 428 488 543 597 649 700 23 330 405 474 540 601 661 718 773 828 24 364 446 521 593 662 728 791 851 910 25 399 489 572 650 726 798 867 933 998 26 436 535 625 711 792 871 1021 1091 27 474 582 681 774 863 948 1030 mp 1189 28 515 631 740 8a 938 1030 1119 1205 1291 29 557 682 800 910 1014 1114 1211 1306 1396 30 601 738 863 982 1094 1202 1306 1409 1507 31 649 794 931 1059 1180 1297 1409 1517 1626 32 853 998 1135 1268 1393 15U 1629 1742 33 914 1072 1219 1358 1493 1622 1746 1871 34 977 1146 1303 1452 1596 1734 1871 2000 35 1045 1222 1390 1552 1706 1854 1995 2133 36 m2 1303 1483 1652 1816 1972 2128 2275 37 1183 1387 1578 1758 1932 2099 2259 2421 38 1259 1472 1675 18W 2051 2404 2570 39 1560 1774 1982 2178 2366 2547 2723 40 1652 1879 2099 2307 2506 2698 2884 41 1746 1986 2218 2438 2649 2851 3048 42 1845 2099 2339 2570 2793 3006 3221 43 2213 2466 2710 2951 3177 3396 44 2333 2600 2858 3105 3342 3581 45 2455 2735 3006 3266 3516 3767 46 2576 2871 3162 3436 3698 3954 47 3013 3311 3606 3882 aso 48 3162 3475 3776 4074 4355 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-PORM CLASS: Diameter outside b^k at top of first 16. 3- foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100, Block Indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 334 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Claeses (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3- 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .54 .56 .57 .59 7 .61 .62 .64 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 .78 8 .80 .82 .85 .87 .90 .92 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 9 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.15 1,18 1.21 1.25 1.28 1.32 1.36 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 179 * 1,12 « 200 bd. ft, Basic data: 334 trees from Geo. Washington, Cherokee, Pisgah, and Nantahala National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Tucker County, W. Va; Blemd County, Virginia; and Chatham County, N. C. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.256729 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .706620 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + .012070 (O.B.-Form Claes) - 2.597145* Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ^6.8 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.89 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EJCPERIii2JT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 13. -SUGAR JOPLE O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DITERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 I 1 ------ — -- Number of 16. 3-foot logs- -------------- DBH i 1 2 3 U 4 5 6 6i 7 In, Gross Tolume in board feet 10 21 35 46 56 65 11 27 43 57 69 81 91 12 32 52 69 84 98 in 124 136 147 158 169 13 i 39 62 82 100 117 133 148 162 176 189 202 14 46 74 98 U9 139 157 175 191 208 223 239 15 53 86 lU 139 162 184 224 243 261 279 16 62 100 132 161 187 212 236 259 280 302 322 17 71 114 151 184 215 243 270 296 322 346 370 18 81 130 172 209 244 277 308 337 366 394 421 19 91 U7 194 237 276 313 3U3 381 4U 445 475 20 102 164 218 266 310 351 390 428 464 499 533 21 184 243 296 345 392 436 478 518 557 594 22 204 270 329 384 436 484 531 575 619 661 23 225 298 364 424 481 535 586 635 684 730 24 248 328 400 467 530 589 646 700 753 604 25 272 360 438 512 581 646 708 767 824 881 26 297 393 480 558 634 705 773 838 902 962 27 324 428 522 608 690 767 841 912 982 1047 28 352 464 566 661 750 834 914 991 1067 U38 29 380 502 612 7U 8n 902 989 1072 1153 1230 30 ao 542 661 771 875 973 1067 1156 1245 1327 31 442 585 713 832 942 1047 1148 1247 1340 1432 32 474 628- 766 891 1012 1125 1233 1337 1439 1535 33 508 673 820 957 1084 1205 1321 U32 1542 1648 34 544 719 877 1023 1159 1291 1416 1535 1648 1762 35 1 551 767 935 1091 1239 1377 1510 1637 1762 1879 36 618 813 998 1164 1318 U66 1607 1746 1875 2004 37 658 871 1062 1236 IAO3 1560 1710 1354 1995 2128 38 698 925 1127 1315 li!t89 1656 1316 1972 2U8 2265 39 741 980 1194 1393 1581 1758 1928 2089 2249 2399 iiO 785 1038 1265 1476 1675 1862 2042 2213 2377 25a 41 830 1096 1337 15^ 1770 1968 2158 2339 2512 2685 42 875 1159 ia3 1644 1866 2075 2275 2466 2655 2831 43 923 1222 1489 1738 1968 2188 2399 2606 2799 2992 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16.3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 105 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSK Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Ifeiits) -Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factor.3 5 6 .64 .66 .68 .69 7 .71 .73 .74 .76 .78 .80 .82 .84 .86 .89 8 .91 .93 .95 .98 1,00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.13 9 1,16 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.34 1.38 i.a 1.44 Example; Volume of l6", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 161 x 1.22 »= 196 bd. ft, Basic data: 105 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests. Table constructed from the ecmation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd, ft, vol. = 2.252352 (logarithm d.b.h, inches) + .689232 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .010682 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.446606. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ±7.6 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.20 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE U.-RHD ItWLE O.B.-FORli CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTHINATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORU CLASS 84 — _ -Numbur of 16. 3-foot logs DBH i 1 li 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i 5 5i 6 61 7 In. Groag Yolume ip board feet 10 23 37 49 59 11 28 46 60 74 86 12 ?6 74 90 105 120 13 a 67 89 108 1 126 144 U 49 79 105 128 150 171 190 208 15 57 93 123 151 176 200 222 244 16 108 U3 175 204 232 258 283 17 76 124 164 201 234 266 296 325 18 87 141 188 229 267 304 338 372 19 99 160 212 259 303 344 383 421 20 111 180 239 292 341 387 430 473 21 201 267 327 381 432 482 528 22 224 297 363 425 482 537 589 23 248 329 402 470 533 594 652 24 274 363 444 519 589 656 719 25 301 399 569 647 719 791 26 329 ^3 624 708 789 865 27 359 582 679 773 859 944 28 390 518 632 740 840 93J- 1026 29 423 561 686 802 910 1014 1112 30 457 607 741 865 984 1094 1202 31 655 800 933 1059 1180 1294 32 703’ 1005 1140 1271 1393 33 755 923 1079 1225 1361 1496 34 809 989 1153 1312 1459 1603 35 1057 1233 1403 1560 1714 36 1127 1315 U96 1663 1828 37 33 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume aa utilized, tc a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of firat 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 83 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to gat volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLlHiS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) -Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens'> Factors 5 6 .68 .70 .71 .73 7 .74 .76 .77 .79 .81 .83 .84 .86 .88 .90 8 .92 .94 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.07 1.09 1.11 9 1.14 1.16 1.19 1.21 1.24 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.35 1.38 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 175 x 1.02 » 178 bd. ft. Basic data: 68 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Tucker County, W. Va; auid Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. =■ 2.299066 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .696904 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .009272 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.359544. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: 16.6 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.39 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPHtBENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 15. -BASS', YOOD O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 87 __ — — ___ — Niunber of 16. 3-foot logs DBH i 1 2 2i 3 31- 4 4i 5 5s 6 6^ 7 In. Gross volume In board feet 10 21 35 47 57 67 77 11 27 44 59 73 85 97 12 34 55 73 90 105 120 134 147 13 a 67 89 109 128 146 163 180 U 49 80 107 132 154 175 195 215 234 252 !■) 58 95 127 156 182 208 232 255 277 299 16 68 in 149 182 2U 244 272 298 325 350 17 79 129 173 212 248 282 316 347 378 406 18 91 U9 199 244 286 326 363 399 434 468 501 19 104 170 227 279 327 372 415 456 497 535 573 20 118 193 258 316 371 422 471 518 562 607 649 21 218 290 356 418 475 531 583 634 684 733 22 244 326 400 469 533 596 655 7n 767 820 23 272 363 446 522 594 664 730 794 855 916 24 ^031 404 496 581 661- 738 8n 881 951 1016 25 334 446 547 641 730 815 895 975 1 1050 1125 26 368 491 603 706 805 897 1074 U56 1239 27 405 540 662 776 883 986 1084 n78 1271 1358 23 590 723 847 966 1076 1186 1283 1390 I486 29 643 789 925 1052 n75 1291 1403 15U 1618 30 698 857 1005 1143 1276 1403 1524 1644 1762 31 757 929 1089 1239 1384 1521 1656 1782 1910 32 818 1005 n78 1340 TSyT 1786 1928 2065 33 833 1084 1271 1445 1614 1774 1928 2080 34 U67 1368 1556 1738 1910 2075 2239 2393 35 1253 1469 1671 1366 2051 2228 2404 2576 36 1343 1574 1791 2000 2198 2388 2576 2761 37 U35 1683 19U 2138 2350 2559 2754 2951 38 1535 1799 2046 2286 2512 2729 2944 3148 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utiliaad, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASSs Diameter outside bark at top of first 16,3-foot log di-vided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 140 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLmS FOR OTHHl O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .58 .59 .61 .62 7 .64 .66 .68 .69 .71 .73 .75 .77 .79 .31 8 .83 .86 .38 .90 .92 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.05 9 1.08 l.U 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 Examples Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 182 x 1.14 = 207 bd. ft. Basic data: 140 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests, North Carolina. Table constructed from the ecmation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.460366 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .711270 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .011366 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2,766340. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equations ^7.5 percent. Aggregate differences estimated values 0,26 percent low, APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J, H. Buell Decemb«* 1941 TABLE 16. -WHITE ASH O.B.-FORli CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET I.NTEIU.'ATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 8? DBH In. Number of 16. 3- foot losa- li 2 3 3i 4 4i Gross Tolume in board feet 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34, 35 36 37 38 39 21 26 36 44 48 61 60 75 72 90 82 103 785 847 912 980 1052 1125 1202 931 1005 1081 1161 1247 1334 1426 1069 1156 1245 1337 1432 1535 1637 1205 1300 1400 1503 1614 1726 1841 766 849 940 1033 1132 1236 1346 1462 1334 1459 1581 U39 I 1574 I 1706 1549 1694 1837 1663 1824 1977 1786 1954 2118 1910 2089 2265 2042 2234 2421 6 6i 7 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to & variable top diameter. O.B.-FORU CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block ladlcates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 52 sample trees used. Fac- tors In table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASfflS Factors by which to multiply volumes In the aoove average table to obtiiin volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tons) 5 6 7 .59 .61 .63 .65 Factors .67 .69 .71 .73 .75 .78 8 .80 .83 .86 .88 .91 .94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 9 1.10 1.13 1.17 1.21 1.24 1.28 1.33 1.37 1.41 1.46 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 » 181 x 1.17 « 212 bd. ft. Basic data: 52 trees from Pisgedi and Hantathala National Forests and Tucker County, W. Va. Table constructed from the eouation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. » 2.334759 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .764274 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .013624 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.895813. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: 16.3 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.24 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 :ABLS PINE AND HEMLOCK 0. Bo -FORM CLASS VOLUME TABIE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 83 of 16»3-foot logs- DBH 1 1^ 2 3 3s 4 4i 5 6 6i 7 In. Gross volume in board feet 10 23 37 IS 58 11 28 45 59 72 84 12 34 54 71 87 101 114 13 41 66 85 103 120 136 150 14 48 76 100 121 141 159 177 193 15 55 89 U6 141 164 185 205 224 243 16 64 102 134 162 188 213 236 258 279 300 17 73 116 152 185 215 243 269 294 319 342 18 83 132 173 209 243 275 305 333 361 388 19 93 148 194 236 274 308 344 376 406 436 20 L04 166 217 264 306 346 384 420 454 488 21 U6 184 242 293 340 385 427 467 502 542 578 22 128 204 268 324 377 426 472 516 560 600 640 23 141 224 294 357 415 469 520 569 617 661 705 24 154 246 324 392 455 515 572 625 676 726 773 820 25 269 353 428 498 562 624 682 738 792 845 895 26 293 385 467 542 612 679 743 805 863 920 977 1030 27 318 418 507 589 665 738 807 873 938 1000 1059 ni9 28 344 453 548 637 721 800 875 946 1016 1081 1148 1211 1274 29 372 489 592 689 778 863 944 1007 1096 1169 1239 1306 1374 30 400 526 637 7U 838 929 1016 1099 1180 1259 1334 1406 U79 31 430 565 686 796 900 998 1091 1180 1268 1352 1432 1510 1589 32 460 605 734 851 964 1069 U69 1265 1358 1445 1535 1618 1702 33 492 647 785 912 1030 1143 1250 1352 1452 1549 1641 1730 1820 34 690 838 973 1099 1219 1334 1442 1549 1652 1750 1349 1941 35 736 891 1038 1172 1300 1422 1538 1652 1762 1866 1968 2070 36 782 948 1102 1245 1380 1510 1637 1754 1871 1982 2094 2198 37 815 1007 U69 1321 1466 1603 1734 1862 1986 2104 2223 2333 38 1067 1239 1400 1556 1698 1841 1977 2104 2234 2355 2477 39 U30 1312 1483 1644 1799 1945 2089 2228 2360 2495 2618 40 1194 1387 1567 1738 1901 2056 2208 2355 2495 2630 2767 41 1259 1462 1652 1832 2004 a68 2328 2483 2630 2780 2917 42 43 44 45 46 1327 1542 1742 1932 2113 2286 2455 2618 2773 2924 3076 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable ■ top diameter O.B.- -FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16,3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 322 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volimes for other O.B.-Fom Classes. MULTIPLIEPvS FOR OTHER 0,B.-F0Rm CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes; O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 6 7 .72 .74 .76 .78 Factors .80 ,82 .34 .86 .88 .90 8 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1,08 1.10 1.13 1.16 9 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.32 1,35 1.38 1.42 1.46 1.49 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 162 x 1.25 = 203 bd. ft. Basic data; 322 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; and B]^d County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Internatiorial 1/4" bd. ft, vol. = 2.178540 (logarithm d.b.h, inches) + .671470 (logarithm meroh. ht. ft.) + .010895 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.333807. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation; White pine ±6.2 percent; Hemlock *6,9 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values - V/hite pine 0.60 percent low; Hemlock I.64 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPSRLvffiNT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 18. -LOBLOLLY PINE AND YELLOWPOPLAR O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 8? DBH i 1 Ik 2 2i 3 3i- 4 uk 5 5i 6 In. Gross volimie in board feet 10 22 36 47 58 68 77 86 94 U 28 45 59 72 85 96 107 117 12 34 55 72 89 104 118 131 144 156 13 a 66 88 107 125 142 158 173 188 2c : ' U 48 78 104 127 148 169 188 206 223 240 25, 15 57 92 122 149 175 198 220 242 262 282 302 321 16 66 107 142 173 203 230 256 281 306 329 352 373 17 76 123 164 200 233 266 295 324 352 378 405 430 18 141 187 229 267 303 337 371 402 432 491 19 160 212 259 303 344 383 421 456 491 525 557 20 180 239 292 3a 387 432 474 514 553 592 628 21 202 268 327 382 434 484 531 577 621 662 705 22 225 299 365 427 484 540 592 643 692 740 785 23 332 406 473 537 598 656 713 767 820 871 24 366 448 522 594 661 726 787 847 906 962 25 403 492 575 653 728 798 867 933 995 1059 26 442 540 631 716 798 875 951 1023 1091 1161 27 483 589 689 782 871 955 1038 1117 1194 1268 28 525 641 750 851 948 1040 1130 1216 1300 1380 29 570 697 813 925 1028 1130 1225 I3I8 1409 1496 30 617 753 881 1000 1114 1222 1327 1429 1524 1622 31 667 815 951 1079 1202 1318 U32 1542 1648 1750 32 877 1023 1161 1294 ia9 1542 1660 1774 1884 33 942 1102 1250 1390 1528 1656 1782 1905 2023 34 1009 1180 1340 U93 1637 1778 1914 2042 2173 35 1081 1262 1432 1596 1754 1901 2046 2188 2323 36 U53 1349 1531 1706 1871 2032 2188 2333 2483 37 1230 1439 1633 1820 1995 2168 2333 2489 2649 38 1309 1531 1738 1936 2123 2307 2483 2649 2818 39 1626 1845 2056 2259 2449 2636 2818 2992 40 1726 1959 2183 2393 2600 2799 2992 3177 41 1828 2075 2312 2535 2754 2965 3162 3365 42 1932 2193 2443 2679 2911 3133 3350 3556 43 2317 2582 2831 3076 3311 3540 3758 44 2449 2729 2992 3251 3491 3733 3963 45 2582 2871 3155 3420 3681 3936 a78 46 2716 3027 3319 3606 3873 4140 4406 47 3177 3491 3784 4074 4355 4624 48 3342 3664 3981 4285 4571 4864 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bairk at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 712 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below aire to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) i.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .56 .58 .59 .61 7 .62 .64 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 .78 .80 8 .82 .85 .87 .90 .92 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.05 9 1.08 1.11 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.28 1.32 1.35 1.39 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Fona Class 92 = 173 x 1.15 * 194 bd. ft. Basic data: 712 trees - Yellow poplar from: Geo. Washington, Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Tucker County, W. Va.; Bland County, Virginia and Chatham County, N. C. - Loblolly pine from: Piedmont and northern coastal plain counties of South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.336667 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .696762 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .011959 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.668960. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: Loblolly pine ^5.9 percent; Yellowpoplar -7.0 percent ,4 ' Aggregate difference: estimated values - Loblolly pine 1.03 percent low; Yellowpoplar 2.04 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERI1;eNT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 19.-SH0RTI^ PINE AND VIRGINIA PINE O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTHINATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 8? •Number of 16. 3-foot logs- DBH i 1 Is 2 2i 3 4 4| 5 5i In. Gross volume in board feet 10 25 41 56 69 81 93 104 115 11 31 52 70 86 102 116 130 144 157 169 182 12 38 64 86 106 125 143 160 176 192 208 223 13 46 77 103 128 151 172 193 213 232 251 268 14 55 91 123 152 180 205 230 254 276 298 320 15 65 108 145 179 211 2a 270 298 325 352 377 16 75 125 169 208 246 280 315 347 378 409 438 17 87 144 194 240 283 324 363 400 436 471 506 18 99 165 223 275 324 371 a5 458 499 540 578 19 113 188 253 313 368 421 472 520 568 612 658 20 127 212 285 352 415 475 532 586 640 692 7a 21 238 320 395 466 532 597 658 718 776 832 22 265 357 441 520 594 665 734 800 865 929 23 396 490 577 659 740 815 889 962 1030 24 438 542 638 729 817 902 982 1062 1138 25 482 596 702 804 900 993 1081 U69 1253 26 653 771 881 986 1089 U86 1282 1377 27 714 8a 964 1079 1189 1297 1403 1503 28 778 916 1050 U75 1297 ia3 1528 1637 29 845 995 1140 1276 1406 1535 1660 1778 30 916 1079 1233 1380 1524 1663 1795 1928 31 989 U67 1334 1493 1648 1795 19a 2080 32 1067 1256 U35 1607 1774 1936 2089 33 1146 1349 1545 1730 1905 2080 2249 2ao 34 1230 1449 1656 1858 2046 2234 2a5 2588 35 1315 1552 1774 1986 2193 2388 2582 2767 36 1406 1660 1897 2123 2344 2553 2761 2958 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first l6.3~foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 503 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 012 (Tens) 3 (lAiits) 4 5 Factors 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 .65 .67 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 .78 .80 .62 .84 .86 .88 ,90 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.13 1,16 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.32 1.35 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 208 x 1.13 = 235 bd. ft, Basic data: 503 trees from Cherokee and Nantahala Nationail Forests; and northeastern South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.354920 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) -(• •735318 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .010971 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.583906. Average de-viation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: Shortleaf pine ^5.9 percent; Virginia pine -5.7 percent. Aggregate difference; estimated values - Shortleaf pine 1.32 percent high; Virginia pine 2.72 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST ESPIREiENT STATION J. H, Buell December 1941 TABLE 20. -SUGAR IIAPLE, RED UAPLE AND SWEET BIRCH O.B.-FORl! CLASS VOLUME TABIE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FCRM CLASS 84 DBH 1 li In. 10 21 35 47 11 27 44 58 12 32 53 71 13 39 64 85 14 46 76 101 15 54 88 118 16 62 102 136 17 71 U7 157 18 81 133 178 19 92 151 201 20 103 169 226 21 115 189 253 22 128 210 280 23 141 232 310 24 156 256 342 25 280 375 26 307 ao 27 334 447 28 362 485 29 393 525 30 424 566 31 457 611 32 490 656 33 526 703 34 562 752 35 601 804 36 640 857 37 681 912 38 724 968 39 767 1026 40 813 1086 U 859 1148 42 908 1213 43 957 1279 44 45 46 47 48 ■ Number of li 2 2i 3 3h Grose 58 68 72 84 96 88 103 117 105 123 140 124 146 166 145 170 194 168 197 224 192 226 258 219 257 293 248 290 331 278 327 372 310 365 a5 345 405 461 382 448 510 420 493 562 460 5a 617 504 592 673 548 644 733 596 698 796 644 757 863 697 817 931 750 879 1002 805 946 1076 863 1014 U56 925 1084 1236 986 1159 1318 1052 1233 1406 1119 1312 1496 1189 1396 1589 1262 1479 1687 1337 1567 1786 1413 1656 1888 ll»89 1750 1995 1574 1845 2104 1945 2218 2046 :)333 2148 2449 2259 2570 2366 2698 ).>-foot logs 4 4i 5 in board feet 131 144 156 169 157 172 188 202 185 204 222 239 217 238 259 279 251 275 300 324 287 316 344 371 327 360 392 423 370 406 443 478 a5 457 497 536 463 510 555 598 515 566 617 665 570 627 682 736 628 690 752 809 689 757 824 887 752 828 900 970 818 902 982 1057 889 980 106tl^ 1148 964 1059 1153 1040 1143 1245 1343 1119 1233 1340 1445 1202 1324 1439 1552 1291 ia9 1545 1667 1380 1517 1652 1782 U72 1622 1766 1901 1570 1730 1879 2028 1671 18a 2000 2158 1774 1954 2128 2291 1884 2070 2254 2432 1995 2193 2388 2576 2109 2323 2523 2723 ooott. 2449 2667 2871 2350 2582 2812 3034 2477 2723 2965 3192 2606 2864 3119 3357 2735 3013 3273 3532 2871 3162 3436 3707 3013 3311 3606 3890 5i 6 6i 7 181 216 256 299 347 397 452 512 574 641 713 787 867 951 1040 1132 1230 1330 U39 1549 1663 1782 1910 2037 2173 2312 2455 2606 2754 2917 3076 3251 3420 3597 3784 3972 4169 Volxnne aa utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first I6. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the res\iLt being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Claes of the 247 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volvimes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .62 .63 .64 .66 .67 .69 .70 .72 7 .73 .75 .77 .78 .80 .82 .84 .86 .88 .90 8 .92 .94 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.07 1.09 l.U 9 1.14 1.17 1.19 1.22 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = I68 x 1.19 “ 190 bd. ft. Basic data: 247 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Tucker County, W. Va.; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the eq^tion: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.263548 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .716287 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .009572 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.388677. Average deviation of individual tree volumes front values estimated by the equation: Sugar maple ^8.3 percent; Red maple i8,4 percent; Sweet birch -6.3 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values - Sugar maple 5.59 percent high; Red maple 5.51 percent low; Sweet birch 1.31 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 21. -WHITE OAK, CHESTNUT OAK, EASTHIN RED OAK, BLACK OAK AND SCARLET OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET INTffiNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FOHM CLASS 85 -Number of 16. 3-foot logs- DBH h 1 li 2 2i 3 3h 4 4i 5 In. Gross volume in board feet 10 21 34 46 57 67 77 11 26 43 58 71 84 96 107 12 32 52 70 87 102 U7 131 144 13 38 63 85 104 123 140 157 173 U 45 75 100 124 146 167 186 206 224 15 53 88 118 145 171 195 219 2a 262 16 61 102 137 169 199 226 254 279 305 329 17 70 117 157 194 228 261 292 321 350 378 18 81 133 180 221 261 297 333 366 400 432 19 91 151 203 251 295 337 377 a6 453 490 20 103 170 229 282 332 379 425 468 509 551 21 U5 190 256 316 372 425 474 524 570 617 22 128 212 285 352 413 472 528 582 635 686 23 142 234 316 389 458 524 586 646 703 760 24 156 259 348 430 506 577 646 711 776 838 25 171 284 383 472 555 634 710 782 853 920 26 188 311 419 516 608 695 776 857 933 1009 27 205 340 457 564 665 759 847 935 1019 1099 28 223 370 497 612 721 824 923 1016 1107 1197 29 401 538 664 782 893 1000 1102 U99 1297 30 434 582 718 845 966 1081 1191 1297 1403 31 468 628 774 912 1042 1167 1285 1400 1514 32 502 676 834 982 1119 1253 1384 1507 1626 33 540 726 895 1052 1202 1346 1483 1618 1746 34 578 778 959 1130 1288 1442 1589 1734 1871 35 618 332 1026 1208 1377 1542 1698 1854 2000 36 659 887 1094 1288 U72 1644 1816 1977 a33 37 703 944 1164 1371 1567 1754 1932 2104 2275 38 1005 1239 1459 1667 1862 2056 2239 2421 39 1067 1315 1549 1770 1982 2183 2377 2570 40 1130 1396 16a 1875 2099 2312 2523 2723 a U76 1738 1986 2223 2449 2667 2884 42 1560 1837 2099 2350 2588 2818 3048 43 1648 19a 2218 2477 2735 2979 3214 44 1738 2046 2339 2618 2884 31a 3388 45 1828 2153 2460 2754 3034 3304 3573 46 1928 2265 2588 2897 3192 3483 3758 47 2023 2382 2716 30a 3357 3656 3945 48 2123 2500 2858 3192 3524 3837 4140 Volifflie as utilized, to a variable top diameter • O.B.. -FORM CLASS; Diameter outside bark at top of first l6.3-fo( 5i diameter outside bark at breast height, the resxilt being multipLaed by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 1802 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIESS FOR OTHEE O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes ,-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 .44 .45 .46 .47 Factors .48 .50 .51 .52 .53 .54 6 .56 .57 .58 .60 .61 .63 .64 .66 .67 ,69 7 .70 .72 .74 .76 .77 .79 .81 .83 .85 .87 8 .89 .91 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 9 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.32 1,35 1.38 Examples Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 «■ 169 x. 1.18 = 199 bd. ft. Basic data: 1802 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, Nantahala and Chattahoochee National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Garrett County, Maryland; Hardy and Tucker Counties, W. Va.; - Bland County, Virginia; and Chatham County, North Carolina. Table constructed from the ecmations Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. = 2.305965 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .729780 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) +.010116 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.514001. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation; White oak ^7.9 percent; Chestnut oak ^6.8 percent; Eastern red oak i6.6 percent; Black oak i6.3 percent; and Scarlet oak i6.5 percent. Aggregate difference; estimated value - White oak 4.51 percent low; Chestnut oak 3.97 percent high; Eastern red oak 2.02 percent high; Black oak 1.90 percent high; and Scarlet osk 4.33 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. BueU December 1941 TABLE 22.-VmiTE ASH AND BASSWOOD O.B.-FOW.; CLASS VOLUilE TABLE BOARD FEET INTERNATIONAL 1/4" LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 87 DBH ^ 1 li In. Number of 16,3-foot logs 2 2i 3 h 4 5 Gross volume In board feet 6 6^ 7 10 21 35 48 59 70 79 11 27 44 60 74 87 100 12 33 55 74 91 107 123 138 152 13 40 66 89 UO 130 149 167 184 U 47 79 107 132 156 178 200 220 240 259 15 56 93 126 156 184 210 236 259 283 306 16 65 109 U7 182 2U 245 275 303 330 357 17 76 126 170 210 248 283 318 350 382 413 18 87 144 195 241 284 325 365 402 438 474 508 19 99 164 222 274 324 370 kl5 458 499 540 579 20 112 186 251 310 366 a9 469 518 565 610 655 21 209 282 348 ai 470 527 582 634 686 736 22 234 316 390 459 526 589 650 710 767 822 23 260 351 434 512 585 656 723 789 853 9U 24 288 388 481 566 647 726 802 873 9A4 1014 25 318 428 530 625 7U 800 883 964 1042 m? 26 349 471 582 686 785 879 970 1059 1146 1227 27 382 515 637 752 859 964 1062 U59 1253 1343 28 a7 562 695 820 938 1052 1159 1265 1368 1466 29 611 757 891 1019 1143 1262 1374 I486 1596 30 664 820 968 1107 1239 1368 1493 1614 1730 31 718 887 1047 1197 1343 U79 1614 1746 1871 32 774 957 1127 1291 1U5 1596 1742 1384 2018 33 834 1030 1216 1390 1556 1718 1875 2028 2173 34 1107 1306 1493 1675 1845 2014 2178 2333 35 1186 1400 1600 1795 1982 2158 2333 2506 36 1271 1496 1714 1919 2118 2312 2495 2679 37 1355 1600 1828 2051 2259 2466 2667 2858 38 1445 1706 1950 2188 2410 2630 2844 3048 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FCRlt CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 192 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. IflJLTIPLUIiS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .54 .56 .58 .60 7 .61 .63 .65 .67 .69 .71 .73 .75 .77 .79 8 .82 .84 .86 .89 .92 .94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 9 1.09 1.12 1.15 1.19 1.22 1.26 1.29 1.33 1.37 i.a Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 » 182 x 1.15 209 bd. ft. Basic data: 192 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests and Tucker County, W. Va. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm International 1/4" bd. ft. vol. » 2.397562 (logarithm d.b.h. incnes) + .737772 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + .012495 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.831076. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: y/hite ash ^6.4 percent; Basswood ^.1 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values - White ash 1.32 percent high; Basswood 1.83 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMEN'" STATION TABLE 23. -EASTERN VfHITE PINE 0.B.-F0R14 CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 82 DBH In. 10 [ 11 12 13 U 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ------- -Number of 16. 3-foot logs li 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i 5 Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 5i 15 5 8 10 13 16 6 9 12 15 17 7 10 14 17 18 7 12 16 19 19 3 13 18 21 20 9 15 20 24 21 ur 17 22 27 22 12 18 24 30 23 13 20 27 32 24 22 30 36 25 25 32 39 26 27 35 43 46 50 1 54 59 63 66 111 13 15 17 19 22 28 31 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 10 12 68 73 78 84 90 141 17 19 22 25 31 35 39 43 47 51 56 61 66 71 77 83 89 95 13 16 181 21 24 23 35 39 43 47 52 57 62 68 73 79 J1 92 98 105 101 112 108 120 115 128 136 lU 17 20 22 25 27 6^ 27 29 31 30 33 35 34 37 40 38 a 44 42 46 49 53 47 51 55 58 52 56 60 64 57 62 66 71 75 62 67 72 77 82 68 74 79 84 89 94 74 80 86 92 97 102 87 93 99 105 m 117 86 94 100 107 lU 120 126 93 101 108 116 122 129 136 100 [ ■.109 116 124 132 139 U6 107 116 125 133 U1 149 156 115 124 143 151 160 168 123 133 U3 152 161 170 179 131 142 152 162 172 182 191 140 151 162 173 183 193 C 203 148 160 172 183 194 205 216 157 170 182 194 206 218 229 193 206 218 231 242 204 218 231 244 256 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16,3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 210 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLISIS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to nwltiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes ,-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 .73 .74 .76 ,78 .81 .83 .85 .88 .90 .92 8 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.17 1.20 9 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.34 1.37 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 15 x 1.30 = 20. Basic data: 210 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.205930 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .670361 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + ,011578 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.454191. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ^6.1 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.80 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIKiENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 2A. -LOBLOLLY PINE O.B.-FORU CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNHl DECIMAL C LOG RUUE O.B.-FORU CLASS 86 DBH In. 10 U 12 13 lA 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Number of 16. 3-foot loga - li 2 2;^ 3 3i 4 4l 5 Groaa volume in board feat (Tena) 146 132 142 154 166 184 158 173 170 186 159 172 187 185 200 201 216 200 217 233 197 213 231 248 26 30 36 42 48 55 63 71 80 90 100 111 122 135 148 162 177 192 209 226 244 263 7 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 Volume aa utilized, to a variable top diameter, O.B.-FORU CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 378 sample trees used. Fac- tors in -table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORU CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 .62 8 .83 9 1.13 .64 .66 .68 .86 .88 .91 1.16 1.20 1.23 .70 ,72 .74 .94 .97 1.00 1.27 1.31 1.35 .76 .78 .81 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.39 1.44 1.48 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 » 15 x 1.20 = 18. Basic data: 378 trees from Piedmont and northern coastal plain counties of South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.656781 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .668339 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .013130 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.174013. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: i6.3 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.40 percent high. APPALACHIAfJ FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. BueU December 1941 Table 25.-vik;inia pine O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBKSl DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 -Number of 16. 3-foot logs DBH i 1 li 2 2i 3 4 4^ 5 54 6 64 7 In. Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 11 3 4 6 7 8 10 u 12 13 14 15 12 3 6 7 9 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 13 4 7 9 U 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 14 5 8 11 13 15 18 20 22 23 25 27 15 6 10 13 16 18 21 23 26 28 30 32 16 7 11 15 18 21 24 27 30 32 35 37 17 8 13 17 21 25 28 32 35 38 41 43 18 9 15 20 24 29 32 36 40 43 47 50 19 10 17 23 28 33 37 a 46 49 53 57 20 12 19 26 32 37 r 42 47 52 56 60 65 21 22 29 36 42 48 53 58 63 68 73 22 25 33 40 47 53 59 65 71 76 82 23 36 45 52 r 59 66 73 79 85 91 24 50 58 66 73 81 88 95 101 25 81 89 97 104 U2 26 98 107 U5 123 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first I6. 3-foot log dividea by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 179 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes, MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 012 (Tens) 3 (Units) 4 5 Factors 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 .69 .71 .73 .75 .77 .79 .81 .83 .85 .88 8 .90 .92 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.14 9 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.44 1.48 Example; Volume of I6", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 18 x 1.23 = 22. Basic data: 179 trees from Cherokee and Nantsihsda National Forests. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.457404 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .704882 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .011371 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.718291. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ^5.0 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.11 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERBIENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABUE 26.-SH0HTIEAF PINE O.B.-PORil CLASS VOLUME TABUE BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 89 Nuober of 16. 3-foot loga DBH J 1 2 2i 3 3i U Li 5 5i 6 In. GroBB volume in board fsot (Tons) 10 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 12 4 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 13 4 7 9 12 13 15 17 19 14 5 9 U 14 16 18 21 23 25 15 6 10 14 17 20 22 25 27 29 16 8 12 16 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 40 17 9 u L 19 23 27 31 34 38 41 44 47 18 10 16 22 27 31 36 40 44 47 51 55 19 12 19 25 31 36 a 46 50 55 59 63 20 22 [ 29 35 U 47 52 57 62 67 72 21 25 33 40 47 53 59 65 71 76 82 22 28 37 4? 53 60 67 74 80 86 92 23 42 51 59 67 75 83 90 97 103 24 46 57 66 76 84 92 100 108 U5 25 52 63 74 84 94 103 in 120 126 26 70 82 93 104 114 124 133 142 27 77 90 103 114 125 136 147 157 28 85 99 113 126 138 150 161 173 29 93 109 124 138 151 164 177 189 30 101 U9 135 150 165 180 193 206 31 111 129 U7 164 180 195 210 225 32 120 140 160 178 195 212 229 244 33 130 152 173 193 212 230 248 265 34 141 164 187 208 229 248 267 286 35 152 177 202 225 247 268 286 308 36 163 191 217 242 266 286 310 332 37 38 39 6i 7 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100, Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 324 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other OoB.-Form Classe. MULTIPLIES FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 012 3 456789 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 8 .78 .80 , .82 .85 .87 .90 .92 .95 .97 1.00 9 1.03 1.06 1, .08 i.n 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.28 1.32 Example : Volume of 16", 2- log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 20 X 1.08 - 22. Basic data: 324 trees from Cherokee and Nantahala National Forests; and northeast- ern South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. - 2.605507 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .701402 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .0U980 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.969663. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ±6.6 percent. Aggregate difference; estimated values 0.23 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMEHT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABtE 27. -EASTERN HESiLOCK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABIS BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECIMAL C IDG RUIS 0. 3,-FORM CLASS 85 -Nuznberof 16. 3-foot logs- DBH t 11^ 2 2j 3 3| 4 4i 5 5^ 6 6^ 7 In, Gross voluma in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 5 11 3 4 5 6 7 12 3 5 6 8 9 10 13 4 6 8 9 U 1 12 14 5 7 9 U 13 u 16 15 5 8 11 13 15 17 19 16 6 10 13 15 18 20 22 24 17 7 11 15 18 20 23 25 28 30 18 8 13 17 20 23 26 29 31 34 36 19 9 15 19 23 26 30 33 36 38 a 20 11 17 21 26 30 34 37 40 43 46 21 12 18 24 29 33 38 41 45 49 52 22 13 21 27 32 37 42 46 50 54 58 23 15 23 30 36 a 46 51 56 60 64 68 24 16 25 33 40 46 51 57 62 66 71 76 25 28 36 44 50 56 62 68 73 78 83 26 31 40 48 55 62 68 74 80 86 91 27 34 43 52 60 68 75 81 88 94 100 28 36 47 V 65 74 81 88 96 102 103 ns 29 40 51 62 71 80 88 96 104 in ns 124 30 43 55 67 77 86 96 104 112 j 120 127 135 31 46 60 72 83 93 103 na 121 129 138 146 165 32 50 64 78 90 -100- in 121 130 148 157 33 54 69 83 96 108 n9 130 140 1 150 159 168 TTT 34 57 74 90 103 116 123 139 150 161 171 181 190 35 80 96 no 124 137 149 161 172 183 193 203 36 85 102 U8 132 146 159 184 195 206 217 37 91 109 126 141 156 170 183 196 208 220 232 38 U6 134 150 166 181 195 208 234 247 39 123 142 160 176 192 207 221 236 249 262 40 131 151 169 187 204 220 235 250 264 278 41 139 160 180 198 216 233 249 265 230 294 42 147 169 190 210 229 246 264 280 296 312 43 U 45 '♦6 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. 6. B. -FORM CLASS s Diameter outside bark at top of first 16.3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the res\ilt being miLLtiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 112 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Foim Classes: O.B.-Form Class 0 1 z 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 .76 .78 .80 .82 .84 .86 8 .88 .90 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.08 1.10 9 1.13 1.16 1.19 1,22 1.25 1.28 1,31 1.34 1.38 1.42 Volume of 16 1", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Cl ass 92 = 15 X 1.19 n 18 Basic data: 112 trees frcai Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; and Bland Co\mty, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd, ft. vol. = 2.339470 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .639514 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .010737 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.511685. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ±7.1 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.15 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPHilMENT STATION J. H. BueU December 1941 TABLE 28. -SWEET BIRCH O.B.-PORU CLASS VOLUliE TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNIE DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 DBH 1 2 2i 3 or 10.^ -lOOT 4 In. Gross volume in board fe 10 2 3 4 5 11 2 4 5 6 12 3 4 6 8 13 3 5 8 9 11 14 4 6 9 11 13 15 4 8 10 13 16 16 5 9 12 15 18 21 17 6 10 14 18 21 24 18 7 12 16 20 24 28 35 19 8 13 18 23 27 35 39 20 9 15 21 26 31 35 40 44 21 10 17 23 29 35 40 45 50 22 11 19 26 32 39 44 50 55 23 12 21 29 36 43 49 56 62 24 14 23 32 40 47 55 62 68 25 26 35 44 52 60 68 75 26 28 39 48 57 66 74 32 27 42 53 63 72 81 90 28 34 46 58 68 79 89 98 29 37 50 62 74 85 96 107 30 40 54 68 80 92 104 116 31 43 59 73 87 100 U3 125 32 46 63 79 94 108 121 135 4i 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 5i 6 6i 7 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Forn Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 54 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) -Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .64 .66 .67 .68 .70 .71 .72 .74 7 .76 .77 .78 .80 .82 .83 .85 .87 .88 .90 8 .92 .94 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10 9 1.13 1.15 1.17 1.20 1.22 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.32 1.35 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 «= 15 x 1.17 = 18. Basic data: 54 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.361890 (logarithm d.b.h, inches) + .772073 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .008695 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.557288. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estioated by the equation: i6.3 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.22 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 29.-EASTHRN RED OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNHl DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 85 — -Number of 16.3-foot logs DBH i 1 Ik Z 2k 3 3i 4 4i 5 6 6^ 7 In. Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4| 5 6 7 11 2 4 5 6 1 7 8 12 3 5 6 8 9 10 13 3 6 8 9 11 13 14 14 1 4 7 9 U 13 15 17 15 5 8 11 3 15 18 20 22 16 6 9 12 -5 18 20 23 25 17 6 11 U 18 21 24 26 29 18 7 12 16 20 24 27 30 33 36 19 8 14 19 23 27 31 34 38 41 20 10 16 21 26 30 35 39 43 47 21 3.8 24 29 34 39 44 48 52 56 22 20 26 32 38 43 49 54 58 63 23 22 29 36 42 48 54 59 65 70 24 24 32 40 47 54 60 66 72 77 25 27 36 44 52 59 66 72 79 85 26 29 39 48 56 65 72 79 86 94 27 32 43 53 62 70 7? 87 95 102 28 35 47 57 67 77 36 95 103 111 29 38 51 62 73 84 93 103 112 121 30 a 54 67 79 90 101 111 121 131 31 44 59 1 73 86 98 109 120 131 142 32 48 64 78 92 105 118 130 141 152 33 51 69 84 1 99 113 126 139 152 164 34 55 74 1 91 106 122 136 150 163 176 35 59 79 97 114 T30^ U6 160 175 188 36 63 84 104 122 139 156 171 187 201 37 90 111 130 148 166 183 199 215 38 96 118 138 158 177 194 212 229 39 102 125 Ikl 168 188 207 225 243 40 108 133 156 178 200 220 239 258 41 lU 166 189 211 233 254 274 42 U9 175 200 223 246 268 290 43 158 185 211 237 261 284 306 44 166 195 223 250 275 299 324 45 175 206 236 263 290 316 340 46 - 185 217 248 277 306 333 359 47 194 229 261 292 321 350 378 48 204 240 274 306 337 367 396 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided 67 diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for edl O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 280 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .63 .65 .66 .68 7 .70 .71 .73 .75 .77 .79 .80 .82 .84 .86 8 .89 .91 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 9 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.40 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 15 x 1..18 = 18. Basic data: 280 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Garrett County, i!d.; Tucker County, W. Va.; and Eland County, Va. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.358786 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .724375 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .010388 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.634671. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: i7.3 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.23 percent high. APPAUCHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. BueU December 1941 TABLE 30. -SCARLET OAK C.B.-FORi: CLASS VOLUl® TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECIliAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 8? — — Number of 16. 3-foot logs DBH i 1 li 2 2i 3 3h k kh 5 5i 6 6^ 7 In. Gross volume in bocircl feat (Tens) 10 2 3 4 6 6 8 11 2 4 1 ^ 7 8 9 n 12 1 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 14 13 4 6 8 10 12 U 16 17 14 4 7 10 12 15 17 19 21 23 15 5 9 12 14 17 20 22 24 27 16 6 10 14 17 20 23 26 29 31 34 17 7 12 16 20 23 27 30 33 36 39 18 8 13 18 22 27 30 34 38 U 45 19 9 15 20 26 30 35 39 43 47 51 20 10 17 23 29 34 39 44 49 53 58 21 11 19 26 32 38 44 49 55 60 65 22 13 21 29 36 43 49 55 1 67 72 23 14 24 32 40 48 55 61 68 74 80 24 16 26 36 45 53 60 68 75 82 89 25 17 29 40 49 W 67 75 83 91 98 26 32 43 54 64 73 82 91 100 108 27 35 48 59 70 80 90 100 109 118 28 38 52 64 76 88 98 109 n9 129 29 42 56 70 83 95 107 n8 129 140 30 45 61 76 90 103 U6 128 140 152 31 49 66 82 97 m 125 139 151 164 32 52 71 88 105 120 135 U9 163 177 33 77 95 113 129 146 161 176 190 34 82 102 121 139 156 173 189 205 35 no 130 U9 168 185 202 219 36 n7 139 159 179 198 216 234 37 38 39 W a A2 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 213 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .60 .62 .64 .65 7 .67 .68 .70 .72 .73 .75 .77 .79 .81 .83 8 .85 .87 .89 .91 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 9 1.07 1.10 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 Example: Volume of I6 1", 2~log tree of O.B.-] Form Class 92 « 17 X 1.12 = 19. Basic data: 213 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah Nantahala, and Chattahoochee National Forests; Bland County, Virginia; and Chatham County, North Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. « 2.387291 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .755965 (logarithm raerch. ht. ft.) + .010347 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.690299. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ^5.5 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.26 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EJEERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 31. -BLACK OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 Number of 16. 3-foot logs- DBH i 1 1^ 2 2| 3 3^ 4 5 6 6^ 7 In. Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 2 4 5 6 8 9 12 3 5 5" sL 9 11 12 13 r 3 6 8 9 u 13 U 16 14 1 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 15 5 8 11 13 16 18 20 22 24 16 5 9 12 15 18 21 23 26 28 17 6 10 14 18 21 24 27 30 32 18 7 12 16 20 24 27 30 34 37 19 8 14 18 23 27 31 35 38 42 20 9 15 21 26 30 35 39 43 47 21 17 23 29 34 39 U 48 53 22 19 26 32 38 43 48 54 59 23 21 28 35 42 48 54 59 65 24 23 32 39 if6 53 59 66 72 25 26 35 43 51 58 65 72 79 26 28 38 47 56 64 71 79 86 27 30 41 ?1 1 61 70 78 S6 94 28 33 45 56 66 76 85 94 103 29 36 49 60 72 82 92 102 lU 30 39 53 66 77 89 100 110 120 31 42 57 84 96 107 119 130 32 45 61 76 90 103 116 128 140 33 48 66 82 97 lU 124 137 150 34 52 70 88 104 119 133 147 161 35 56 76 94 111 127 U3 157 172 36 59 80 100 U8 135 152 168 184 37 63 86 106 126 144 162 179 195 38 91 113 134 154 172 190 208 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Fom Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 150 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Fom Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .67 .69 7 .70 .72 .74 .76 ,78 .80 .82 .84 .86 .88 8 .90 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.08 1.10 1.13 9 1.16 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.32 1.35 1.38 1.42 1.45 Example; Volume of l6", 2-log tree of O.B.-Fom Class 92 m 15 X 1.22 * 18. Basic data: 150 trees from Cherokee, Nantahala, and Chattahoochee National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed frcan the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.316801 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .749715 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .010858 (O.B.-Fom Class) - 2.652733. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation; ^5.6 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.20 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. BueU December 1941 TABLii 32. -WHITE OAK O.B.-FOR!.: CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECBUIL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORil CLASS 84 of 16. 3-foot logs- DBH 2 1 2 2^ 3 4 Ui 5 In. Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 1 5 6 11 2 4 5 6 1 7 8 12 3 5 6 8 1 9 10 13 4 6 8 10 11 13 14 14 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 15 5 8 11 13 16 18 20 16 6 10 13 16 18 21 23 25 17 7 11 15 18 21 24 27 29 18 8 13 17 21 24 28 31 34 1 36 19 9 15 19 24 28 31 35 38 42 20 10 17 22 27 31 36 40 43 47 51 21 12 19 25 30 35 40 44 49 53 57 22 13 21 28 34 39 45 50 55 59 64 23 U 23 31 38 44 50 56 61 66 71 24 16 26 34 42 49 55 61 67 73 79 25 28 38 46 54 61 68 74 81 87 26 31 42 51 59 67 75 82 W\ 96 27 34 45 56 65 73 82 90 97 104 28 37 50 60 71 80 39 98 106 114 29 a 54 66 77 87 97 106 116 124 30 44 59 71. 83 95 105 116 125 135 31 48 63 77 90 103 114 125 136 146 32 52 68 84 98 111 123 135 147 158 33 56 74 90 105 119 133 U6 158 170 34 5o1 79 97 113 128 U3 156 170 182 35 64 ^5 104 121 137 153 168 132 196 36 69 91 U1 130 147 164 180 194 • 209 37 97 119 138 157 175 192 208 224 38 104 148 168 187 “2051 222 239 39 110 135 157 179 199 218 237 254 40 118 143 167 190 211 232 251 270 a 152 177 201 224 246 267 287 42 161 188 213 238 261 282 304 43 171 199 226 252 276 299 322 44 180 210 239 266 292 316 340 45 190 222 252 280 308 334 359 46 201 234 296 324 352 379 47 211 247 280 312 342 371 399 48 222 259 294 328 360 390 420 toliane as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 688 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. multipliers for OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) ,-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 .45 .46 .47 .48 .49 .50 .52 .53 .54 .56 6 .57 .58 .60 .61 .62 .64 .65 .67 .69 .70 7 .72 .74 .75 .77 .79 .81 .83 .85 .87 .89 8 .91 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.12 9 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.36 1.39 1.42 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = l6 x 1.20 = 19. Basic data: 688 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, Nantahala, and Chattahoochee National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Garrett County, Md.; Hardy County, W. Va.; Bland County, Va.; and Chath^lm County, N. C. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.416195 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .692581 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .010189 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.618716. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ±7.0 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.08 percent high. APPALACHIAI'I FOREST EXPlillli.ENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 33. -CHESTNUT OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUlffi lABIE BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 86 1 Number of 16 .’3-foot loga DBH 5 1 li 2 2^ 3 3| 4 4^ 5 5s 6 6^ 7 In. Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 11 2 4 5 6 7 8 12 3 5 6 7 9 10 13 3 6 7 9 10 12 Ik 4 7 9 11 13 14 15 5 8 10 13 15 17 19 16 6 9 12 15 17 20 22 17 7 11 14 17 20 23 25 18 8 12 16 20 23 26 29 19 9 14 18 23 26 30 33 37 20 10 16 21 26 30 34 38 42 21 11 18 24 29 34 38 43 47 22 12 20 26 32 38 43 48 521 23 14 22 29 36 42 48 53 58 64 24 15 25 33 40 47 53 59 65 70 25 17 27 36 44 52 ?9 65 72 78 26 18 30 40 49 57 65 72 79 86 92 27 20 33 44 53 62 71 79 86 94 101 28 22 ?6 43 58 68 77 86 95 103 no 29 39 52 63 74 84 94 103 112 120 30 42 56 69 81 91 102 112 121 131 31 46 61 75 87 99 no 121 132 142 32 50 6(> 81 94 107 nr 131 142 153 33 54 71 87 102 115 128 “un 153 165 34 58 77 94 109 124 133 152 165 177 35 62 82 100 117 133 U9 163 177 190 36 66 88 107 126 143 159 175 190 204 37 94 115 134 153 170 187 203 218 38 100 123 ~142r 163 182 199 216 233 39 109 131 153 173 193 213 231 248 40 114 139 163 184 206 226 1 246 264 41 121 148 173 196 218 240 261 280 42 128 157 183 208 232 254 276 297 43 166 194 220 246 269 292 315 44 175 205 233 259 285 310 333 45 46 47 43 Folume &s utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS; Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 471 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. ivRJlTIPLIBRS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 .48 .49 .50 .51 Factors .52 ,53 ,54 .56 .57 .58 6 .59 .60 .62 .63 .64 .65 .67 .68 .70 .71 7 .72 .74 .75 .77 .78 .80 .82 .33 .85 .87 8 .88 .90 .92 .94 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 9 1.08 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.20 1.22 1.25 1.27 1.30 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 15 x 1.13 = 17. Basic data: 471 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft, vol. = 2.440861 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .699519 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .008751 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.578469. Average deviation of individual tree volimies from values estimated by the equation; i6.7 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.47 percent low. APPAUCHIAN FOREST EXPSRIONT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 34.-TKLLOTPCPLAR O.B.-FCRl! CUSS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DBCIiiXL C LOG RULE O.B.-FOail CLASS 38 DBH In. 10 Number of 16. 3-foot logs 2 2i 3 3s 4 4i 5 GroBB volume In board feet (Tena) 8 n 3 4 6 7 3 9 1 10 10 12 3 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 13 4 6 8 10 12 13 u 16 14 5 8 10 12 U 15 17 19 20 15 6 9 12 U 16 18 20 22 24 16 6 10 14 16 19 21 24 26 28 17 8 12 16 19 22 25 27 30 32 18 14 18 22 25 28 31 34 37 19 16 20 25 28 32 36 39 42 45 20 18 23 28 ' 32 36 40 44 47 51 21 20 26 31 36 41 45 49 53 57 22 22 29 35 40 46 50 55 60 64 23 32 39 45 51 56 61 &6 71 76 24 35 43 50 56 62 68 73 79 84 25 39 47 55 62 69 75 81 87 92 26 43 52 60 68 75 82 89 95 101 27 47 V 66 74 82 90 97 104 111 28 51 62 72 81 90 98 106 114 121 29 56 68 78 88 98 115 124 132 30 61 73 85 96 106 116 125 134 143 31 66 79 92 104 115 125 135 U5 154 32 36 99 112 124 135 146 156 167 33 22. 107 120 133 145 “TsT 168 180 34 99 129 143 156 169 181 193 35 106 123 138 153 168 181 194 206 36 113 131 148 164 179 193 208 221 37 121 140 158 175 191 206 221 236 38 129 150 I69 187 204 220 236 251 39 159 180 199 217 234 251 268 40 169 190 211 230 249 267 284 a 179 202 224 244 264 283 301 42 190 il4 CM 259 280 300 319 43 226 251 1 274 296 318 338 44 239 265 29c 313 335 35? 45 252 280 306 330 354 377 46 266 295 322 348 373 397 47 31C 339 366 393 418 48 327 356 386 a3 440 7 Volume as utlll2ed, to a Tarxable top dlaiaator. O.B.-FORli CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16,3-foot log divided 67 diameter outaide bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 334 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. JiULTIPUERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FCSUi CUSSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other 0, .B.-Fonn Classes (Units) ,B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .53 .54 .56 .58 7 .59 .61 .63 .65 .67 . 69 .71 .73 .75 .77 8 .79 .82 .84 .86 .89 . 92 -94 .97 1.00 1.03 9 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.15 1.19 1. 22 1.26 1.29 1.33 1.37 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 =• I6 x 1.12 » 18. Basic data: 334 trees from Geo. Washington, Cherokee, Pisgah, and Nantahala National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Tucker County, W. Va.; Bland County, Va.; and Chatham County, .N. C. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. ■< 2.393125 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .659267 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .012514 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.768833. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: i6.9 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.59 percent low. APPAUCHIAl'J FOREST EXPHilLEtfr STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 35. -SUGAR IIAPLE O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNFK DECIMAL C LOG RUI£ O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 Number of 16. 3-foot logs- DBH h' 1 2 2i 3 3S 4 4t 5 5j 6 In, Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 5 6 11 2 4 5 6 7 8 12 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 1 4 6 8 9 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 14 4 7 9 U 13 14 16 17 19 20 22 15 5 8 10 13 15 17 19 20 22 24 25 16 6 9 12 15 17 20 22 24 26 28 29 17 7 11 14 17 20 22 25 27 30 32 34 18 3 12 16 20 23 26 28 31 34 36 39 19 9 14 18 22 26 29 32 35 38 a 44 20 10 16 20 25 29 33 36 40 43 46 49 21 17 23 28 32 37 41 44 48 52 55 22 19 26 31 36 U 45 50 54 58 62 23 22 28 34 40 45 50 55 60 64 68 24 24 31 38 44 50 56 61 66 71 76 25 26 34 42 48 55 61 67 72 78 83 26 29 38 46 53 60 67 73 79 85 91 27 31 41 50 58 66 73 80 86 93 99 28 34 45 54 63 72 79 87 94 101 108 29 37 48 59 68 78 86 94 102 no n? 30 40 52 64 74 84 93 102 in n9 12? 31 43 57 69 80 90 101 110 n9 128 137 32 46 61 74 86 1 98 108 119 128 138 147 33 50 65 80 93 105 116 127 138 148 158 34 53 70 85 99 112 125 136 148 159 169 35 57 75 91 106 120 133 146 158 170 181 36 61 80 98 114 128 143 156 169 182 194 37 65 86 104 121 [ 137 152 166 180 193 206 38 69 91 111 128 U6 161 177 191 206 219 39 73 97 118 136 154 172 188 ~203] 219 233 40 78 103 124 145 164 182 199 216 232 247 41 82 109 132 154 174 193 211 229 246 262 42 87 115 1 139 162 184 204 223 242 259 277 43 92 121 U7 171 194 a5 236 255 274 292 44 45 46 47 48 6^ 7 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result beii:g multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Claeses. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 105 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. mTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Ifel-i ts) O.B.-Fom Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .63 .64 .66 .68 7 .70 .71 .73 .75 .77 .79 .81 .83 .86 .83 8 .90 .92 .95 .98 1.00 1.03 1.05 1,08 i.n 1.14 9 1 .17 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.33 1.36 1.40 1.44 1.48 Example; Volume of 16" , 2- log tree of 0 .B.-Form Class 92 = 15 X 1.23 = 18. Basic data: 105 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.323953 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .677930 (logarithm mer oh. ht. ft.) + .011266 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.600019. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: *7.7 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.09 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIi.El'IT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TA3I£ 36. -RED UAPLB O.B.-FCfUl CLASS VOLUllE TABUS BOARD FEET SCRIBNQi DSCBIAL C lOG RUI£ O.B.-FOHU CLASS 84 -Kujnber of 16. 3-foot logs- ______ DBH i 1 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4i 5 5i 6 6i 7 Ip. Groaa volumo In board fe«t (Tan») 10 2 3 4 5 11 2 4| ri 7 8 12 ? 5 7 8 9 11 13 4 6 8 10 n 13 U 4 7 9 12 14 15 17 19 15 5 8 11 U 16 18 20 22 16 6 10 13 16 19 21 24 26 17 7 11 15 18 21 24 27 30 18 8 13 17 21 25 28 31 34 19 9 15 20 24 28 32 35 39 20 10 17 22 27 32 36 40 U 21 19 25 30 35 40 45 49 22 21 28 34 40 45 50 55 23 23 31 38 44 50 56 61 24 26 34 42 49 55 62 68 25 28 38 46 54 61 63 75 26 31 41 51 59 67 75 82 27 34 45 55 65 73 82 90 28 37 49 60 70 80 98 29 a 54 77 87 97 106 30 44 58 71 83 94 105 U5 31 63 77 90 102 U4 124 32 68 8?" 97 UO 122 134 33 73 89 104 U8 132 144 34 79 96 112 127 141 155 35 103 120 136 151 166 36 UO 128 146 162 178 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 88 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Unite) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .68 .69 .71 .72 7 .74 .76 .77 .79 .80 .82 .84 .86 .88 .90 6 .92 .94 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.09 l.U 9 1.14 1.16 1.19 1.21 1.24 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.35 1.38 Example: Volume of 16 1", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 - 16 X 1.19 «= 19. Basic data: 88 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Tucker County, W. Va.; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.381072 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .694671 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .009310 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.498312. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: *6.9 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.47 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIll^JT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 37. -BASSWOOD O.B.-FORU CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FELT SCRIBNER DECIMAL C LOG RU1£ O.B.-FORM CLASS 8? DBS 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 -Number of 16. 3-foot logs • i 1 li 2 3 3i 4 4i 5 5^ Gross volume in board feat (Tens) 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 4 5 6 8 9 3 5 7 8 9 n 12 13 4 r 8 10 12 13 15 16 4 7 10 12 14 16 18 20 21 23 5 9 12 U 17 19 21 23 25 27 10 U 17 20 22 25 2? 30 32 7 12 16 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 9 u 19 23 27 30 34 37 40 43 46 10 16 21 26 30 35 39 42 46 50 53 U 18 30 35 39 44 48 53 57 61 21 27 34 39 45 50 55 60 64 69 23 31 33. 44 5Q_ 56 62 67 72 77 26 35 42 50 56 63 69 75 81 86 2? 38 47 55 63 70 77 84 90 96 32 43 52 61 70 78 85 93 1 100 107 35 47 68 77 36 94 103 no 118 39 52 64 74 85 94 104 113 122 130 43 57 79 82 93 104 114 124 133 143 62 76 89 102 U3 124 135 146 156 63 83 97 111 123 136 U7 159 170 74 90 106 120 134 “iir 160 173 164 80 9? U5 130 146 174 187 200 86 106 124 141 157 173 188 202 216 114 134 152 170 187 203 218 233 123 144 164 183 201 218 235 251 132 155 176 196 216 234 2§2 270 142 166 189 210 231 251 270 290 152 177 202 225 248 269 290 310 6 6i 7 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS! Diameter outside bark at top of first 16,3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100, Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B,-Form Class of the 140 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table bolo'»f are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes, MULTIPUraS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by -Hhlch to multiply -volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) ,-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 ,57 .58 .60 .61 7 .63 .65 .66 .63 .70 .72 .74 .76 • 78 .80 8 .S3 .35 .87 .90 .92 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.05 9 1,08 1.11 l.U 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.31 1.35 1.38 Example! Volume of 16”, 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 17 x 1.14 » 19. Basic data: 140 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. « 2,542317 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .705954 (logarithm merch, ht. ft.) + .011750 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2,925396. Average de-viatioa of indl-vidual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ^7.7 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0,01 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 38.-WHITE ASH O.B.-FORU CLASS VOLUME TABIE BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORU CLASS 3? of 16. 3-foot logs- DBH 1 li 2 2i 3 3i 4 44 5 Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 2 4 5 7 8 9 12 3 5 — T 8 10 — nr 1 13 4 6 8 10 12 u 14 4 7 10 12 14 16 18 15 5 8 12 U 17 19 22 16 6 10 13 17 20 23 ' 26 17 7 U 16 19 23 26 30 18 8 13 18 22 26 30 34 38 19 9 15 20 25 30 34 39 43 20 10 17 23 29 34 39 44 48 21 19 26 32 38 44 49 ^4 22 21 29 36 43 49 55 61 66 72 SS^ 32 40 47 54 61 68 74 80 24 36 44 52 60 68 75 82 88 25 39 49 58 66 75 83 90 98 26 43 54 64 73, 82 91 99 107 27 59 70 80 90 99 109 118 28 64 76 87 98 108 n9 128 29 70 83 95 107 ns 129 140 30 76 90 103 U6 128 140 151 31 82 97 112 125 139 1 -T^ 164 32 1 105 120 1?5 150 163 177 33 9i 113 130 146 161 176 190 34 103 121 139 157 173 189 205 35 no 130 U9 168 185 203 220 36 118 139 160 180 i99 217 235 37 38 39 40 U 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Voltaas u utlllMd, to a Tarlable top diameter. O.B.-PORM CLASS: Diametar outelde bark at top of flrat 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outalde bark at breaat height, the result being multiplied by 100, ELook indloatee extent of basic data for O.B.-Form Clasaee. Table above la for the average O.B.-Fora Cleas qf the 52 ana.'fi.* trees used. Fae- tora la table below are to be used to get volmes for other O.B.-Pom Claasea. MTiT.TTPT.Tms FOR OTH^ O.B.-FOBM CLASSES Factors by which to omltlply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Fom Class 0 1 2 (Obits) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 6 7 .58 .60 .62 Factors .64 .66 .68 .70 .73 .75 .77 8 .80 .82 .85 .88 .91 .94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.07 9 1.10 l.U 1.18 1.21 1.25 1.29 1.33 1.38 1.42 1.47 Example: Volvme of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Fom Claae 92 • 17 x 1.18 ■ 20. Basic data: 52 trees from Plsgah and Nantahala National Forests and Tucker County, W. Virginia, Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. - 2.404893 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .753712 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + .013933 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.024582, Average deviation of individual tree volumes fhom values estimated by the equation: -6.7 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.43 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EIPERIMENT STATION J, H. BueU December 1941 TABLE 39. -WHITE PINE AND HEWLCXJK O.B.-FOSM CLASS VOLUME TABI£ BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECIMAL C LOG RUI£ O.B.-FCBM CLASS 83 DBH i 1 li In. 2 . - -Number of 16,3-foot logs 3 if 4 5 Groae volume in board feet (Tens) 5h 6 6i 7 10 2 3 4 5 11 3 4 5 6 7 12 3 5 6 8 9 10 13 4 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 4 7 9 11 13 14 16 17 15 5 8 11 13 15 17 18 20 22 16 6 9 12 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 17 7 11 14 17 20 22 25 27 29 31 18 8 12 16 19 22 25 28 30 33 35 19 9 14 18 22 25 29 32 35 37 40 20 10 16 20 25 28 32 35 39 42 45 21 11 17 23 27 32 36 40 43 47 50 53 22 12 19 25 31 35 40 44 48 52 56 59 23 U 21 28 34 39 44 49 53 58 62 66 24 15 24 31 37 43 49 54 59 63 68 72 77 25 26 34 41 47 53 59 64 70 74 79 84 26 28 37 45 52 58 64 70 76 81 87 92 97 27 31 40 49 56 64 70 77 83 89 94 100 105 28 34 44 53 61 69 76 83 90 96 103 109 n5 120 29 36 47 57 66 75 83 90 97 104 in ns 124 130 30 39 51 62 72 31 89 97 105 113 120 127 134 141 31 42 55 67 77 87 96 105 n3 121 129 137 144 151 32 46 59 72 83 93 103 n3 122 131 139 U7 155 163 33 49 64 77 89 100 in 121 131 140 U9 158 166 175 34 68 32 95 107 n9 129 140 150 160 169 178 187 35 73 88 102 U5 127 138 U9 160 170 180 190 200 36 77 94 108 122 135 U7 159 171 182 192 202 213 37 82 100 U5 130 144 157 169 182 193 205 216 226 38 106 122 138 153 167 180 193 205 217 229 240 39 112 130 U7 162 177 191 205 218 231 243 255 40 119 138 155 171 187 Z32 217 231 244 258 270 U 126 146 164 182 198 2U 229 244 238 272 286 42 133 154 173 191 209 226 242 253 273 287 302 43 44 45 46 47 4f Volume ae utilised, to a varlabls top dlaawtwr, O.B.-FCRM CLASS; Diameter outside berk at top of first 16.3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100, Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 322 sample trees used. Fae- tors in table below are to be used to get -Tolnmes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOE OTH^ O.B.-FORM CLASSY Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Ifaite) O.B.-Form Class 0123456789 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 .72 .73 .75 .77 .79 .81 .84 .86 .88 .90 8 .92 .95 .98 1,00 1.03 1,05 1,08 i.n 1.14 1.17 9 1.20 1.23 1,26 1.29 1.32 1.36 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.51 Example : Voliune of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 - 15 X 1.26 = 19. Basic data; 322 trees from Cherokee, Piegah, and Nan-tahada National Forests, and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation; Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.272700 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .654938 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + ,011158 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2,482938. Average de-viation of indi-vidual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation; White pine i6.5 percent; Hemlock *7.1 percent. Aggregate difference; estimated values - White pine 0.83 percent lor; Hemlock 1.07 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 4O.-L0BLCLLy PINE AND lELLOT/POPLAR O.B.-FCRU CUSS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNER DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 3? ■Number of l6. 3-foot logs- DBB h 1 li- 2 24 3 3i 4 4i 5 6 In, Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 11 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 13 4 6 8 9 11 12 13 U 16 17 14' 4 7 9 11 13 14 16 17 19 20 22 15 5 8 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 24 26 27 16 6 iO 13 15 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 17 7 11 15 18 21 24 26 29 31 33 35 37 18 13 17 21 24 27 30 33 36 38 41 43 19 15 20 24 28 31 35 38 a 44 47 49 20 17 22 27 31 35 39 43 46 50 53 56 21 19 25 31 36 40 44 49 53 56 60 64 22 22 29 35 40 45 50 55 59 63 68 72 23 32 39 45 51 56 61 66 71 76 80 24 35 43 50 56 62 68 74 79 84 89 25 39 48 55 62 69 76 82 88 93 99 26 43 53 61 69 76 83 90 97 103 109 27 48 58 67 76 84 92 99 106 n3 120 23 52 64 74 83 92 100 109 n7 124 132 29 57 69 80 91 100 no n9 127 136 144 30 62 76 88 99 no 120 129 139 148 157 31 68 82 95 107 n9 130 141 151 161 170 32 89 103 116 129 141 152 163 174 184 33 96 111 126 139 152 164 177 183 199 34 104 120 136 150 164 177 190 203 215 35 111 129 146 162 177 191 205 218 231 36 120 139 157 174 190 205 220 234 248 37 128 149 168 186 203 220 236 251 266 38 137 159 180 199 217 235 252 268 284 39 170 192 212 232- 251 269 287 304 40 181 205 226 248 268 287 306 324 41 193 218 241 264 234 306 325 344 42 205 231 256 280 303 324 346 366 43 246 272 297 321 344 367 389 44 260 288 315 340 366 389 a2 45 275 305 333 361 386 ■vn 436 46 291 322 352 381 408 536 461 47 340 372 402 432 459 486 48 359 392 424 455 484 513 Volume &a utiliz ed, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 712 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to gat volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHHl O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by wiiich to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 •2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .54 .55 .57 .59 7 .61 .62 .64 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .77 .79 8 .81 .84 .86 .89 .92 .94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 9 1.09 1.12 1.16 1.19 1.23' 1.27 1.30 1.34 1.38 1.43 Example: Volume of 16 i", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 15 X 1.16 = 17. Basic data; 712 trees - Yellowpoplar from: Geo. V/ashington, Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Tucker County, W. Va.; Bland County, Virginia; and Chathaju County, North Carolina. Loblolly pine from; Piedmont and northern coastal plain counties of South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.524953 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .663803 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .012322 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.971420. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: Loblolly pine -7.1 percent; Yellovfpoplar -7.6 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values - Loblolly pine 0.09 percent nigh; Yellowpoplar 3.28 percent liigh. APPAUCHIAU FDREST EXPgtllua.T STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLS 41.-SH0RTLEAF PIFii AND VIRGINIA PIIE O.B.-FORii CLASS VOLULE TABLE BOARD FEiJT SCRIBNKR DECIiiAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 87 ■Number of 16. 3-foot logs- DBH 1 m 1 2 2S 3 3i 4 42 5 51- In. Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 5 6 7 9 10 n ' 12 13 lU 15 12 3 6 8 9 n 12 14 15 16 18 19 13 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 18 20 22 23 U 5 8 11 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 15 6 10 13 16 19 22 24 27 29 31 33 16 7 12 16 19 22 26 29 31 34 37 39 17 8 14 18 22 26 30 33 36 40 43 46 18 10 16 21 26 30 34 38 42 46 49 53 19 11 18 24 30 35 40 44 48 53 57 61 20 13 21 28 34 40 45 50 55 60 64 69 21 24 31 38 45 51 57 62 68 73 78 22 26 35 43 50 57 64 70 76 82 88 23 39 48 56 64 71 78 85 92 98 24 44 54 63 71 80 87 95 102 109 25 49 59 70 79 88 97 105 n3 121 26 66 77 88 98 107 n6 125 134 27 72 85 96 107 118 128 138 147 28 79 93 105 n8 129 140 151 161 29 87 101 n5 128 141 153 165 177 30 94 no 126 140 154 167 180 192 31 103 120 136 152 167 182 195 209 32 in 130 148 165 181 197 212 226 33 120 141 160 178 195 212 229 245 34 130 152 173 192 2n 229 247 264 35 140 163 185 207 227 247 266 284 36 150 175 199 222 244 265 285 305 37 38 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORte CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100, Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 503 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class (Tens) C 0 1 2 3 4 5 Factors 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 .63 .65 .67 .69 .70 .72 .74 .76 .79 .81 8 .83 .85 ,88 .90 .92 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.05 9 1.08 i.n 1.14 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.31 1.34 1.38 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 19 x 1.14 = 12. Basic data: 503 trees from Cherokee and Nantahala National Forests; and north- eastern South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.531456 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .703142 (logarithm merch, ht. ft.) .011675 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2,843982. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation; Shortleaf pine i6.5 percent; Virginia pine ^6.5 percent. Aggregate difference: estintated vsilues - Shortleaf pine 2.18 percent high; Virginia pine 3.48 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST SXPERIMEl'IT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE i»2. -SUGAR UAPLE, KO) UAFLE, AND SWEET BIRCH O.B.-FORU CLASS VOLUUE TABLE BOARD FSei SCRIBNER DBCIUAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FCRli CLASS 84 -Number of 16. 3-foot loge- DBH i 1 li 2 22 3 3i 4 4i 5 5i In. Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 5 6 11 2 4 5 6 7 8 12 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 13 3 6 8 9 U 13 14 15 17 18 19 U 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 18 20 22 23 15 5 8 11 13 15 18 20 22 24 25 27 16 6 9 12 15 18 21 23 25 27 30 32 17 7 U 14 18 21 24 26 29 32 34 36 18 8 12 16 20 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 19 9 U 19 23 27 31 34 38 a 44 47 20 10 16 21 26 30 35 39 43 46 50 53 21 11 18 24 29 34 39 43 48 52 56 60 22 12 20 26 33 38 43 49 53 58 63 67 23 13 22 29 36 42 48 54 59 64 70 74 24 15 24 33 40 47 53 60 65 71 77 82 25 27 36 44 52 59 65 72 78 85 90 26 29 39 48 56 64 72 79 86 93 99 27 32 43 53 62 70 79 86 94 101 109 28 35 47 57 67 77 86 94 102 110 118 29 38 51 62 73 83 93 102 111 120 128 30 U 55 67 79 90 101 111 120 130 139 31 44 59 73 86 98 109 120 130 140 150 32 48 64 79 92 105 117 129 140 151 162 33 51 69 84 99 U3 126 139 151 163 174 34 55 74 91 106 121 135 149 162 175 187 35 59 79 97 114 130 U5 159 173 187 200 36 63 84 104 122 139 154 170 185 200 214 37 67 90 in 130 148 165 182 197 213 228 38 72 96 118 138 157 176 193 210 226 243 39 76 102 125 147 168 187 206 223 2U 258 40 81 108 133 156 177 198 218 237 256 274 41 86 115 141 165 188 210 231 251 271 290 42 91 121 149 175 199 222 244 266 287 307 43 96 128 157 185 210 235 259 281 303 325 44 195 222 248 273 297 321 343 45 206 234 262 288 313 337 361 46 217 247 275 303 330 356 381 47 228 259 290 319 347 374 400 48 239 273 305 335 365 393 421 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. 0;B.-F0RM CLASS; Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log 6i iUmetor outside bark at breast height, the resitlt being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 247 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table belom are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIES FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) ,-Form Claes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .61 .62 .64 .65 .67 .68 .70 .71 7 .73 .75 .76 .78 .80 .82 .84 .86 .87 .89 8 .91 .94 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.09 1.12 9 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.34 1.37 1.40 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 15 x 1.20 - 18. Basic data: 247 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Tucker County, W. Va.; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed fTca the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. - 2.355638 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .714891 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + .009757 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.551868. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: Sugar maple ^8.7 percent; Red maple ^8.3 percent; Sweet birch ^.5 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values - Sugar maple 6.17 percent high; Red maple 4.11 percent low; Sweet birch 1.56 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPEIMEKT STATION J. H. Buell Deceoiber 1941 TABLE 43. -WHITE OAK, CHESTNUT OAK, EASTERN RE) OAK, BLACK OAK, AND SCARLET OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLIME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNIE DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 85 DBH In. i 1 2 2^ Gross 3 volume 3k U Uk 5 in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 U 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 12 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 13 3 6 8 9 11 13 14 16 U 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 15 5 8 11 13 16 18 20 22 24 16 6 9 13 16 18 21 23 26 28 30 17 7 11 15 18 21 24 27 30 32 35 18 8 12 17 21 24 28 31 34 37 40 19 9 14 19 23 27 31 35 39 42 45 20 10 16 21 26 31 35 40 44 48 51 21 11 18 24 30 35 40 44 49 53 58 22 12 20 27 33 39 44 50 55 60 64 23 13 22 30 37 43 49 55 61 66 72 24 15 25 33 41 48 55 61 67 73 79 25 16 27 36 45 53 60 67 74 81 87 26 18 30 40 49 58 66 74 82 89 96 27 20 33 44 54 64 72 81 89 97 105 28 22 36 48 59 69 79 88 97 106 115 29 39 52 64 75 86 96 106 U5 124 30 42 56 70 82 93 104 U5 125 135 31 46 61 75 88 101 113 124 135 U6 32 49 66 81 95 109 121 134 146 157 33 53 71 87 103 117 131 144 157 169 34 57 76 94 UO 126 141 155 169 182 35 61 81 100 118 135 151 166 181 195 36 65 87 107 126 lU 161 177 193 208 37 69 93 115 135 154 172 139 206 222 38 99 122 144 164 183 202 220 237 39 105 130 153 174 195 215 234 252 40 112 13s 162 185 207 228 248 268 41 146 172 196 219 242 263 284 42 155 182 208 232 256 279 301 43 164 193 220 246 271 295 313 44 173 204 232 259 286 312 336 45 183 215 245 274 302 329 355 46 192 226 258 288 318 347 374 47 203 238 272 304 335 365 394 48 213 250 236 319 352 384 414 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot 5i 64 diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 1802 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM GLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 .44 .45 .46 .48 .49 .50 .51 .52 .53 .55 6 • 56 .57 .59 .60 .61 .63 .64 .66 .67 .69 7 .70 .72 .74 .76 .7? .79 .81 .83 .85 .87 8 .89 .91 .93 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 9 1.12 1.15 1.13 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.35 1.39 Examples Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 16 x 1.18 = 19. Basic data: 1802 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, Hantahala and Chattahoochee National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Garrett County, Mid.; Hardy and Tucker Counties, V/. Va.; Bland County, Virginia; and Chatham County, North Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.-38398? (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .724431 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .01010? (0. B.-Forra Class) - 2.634971. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equations White oak i8.2 percent; Chestnut oak i?.l percent; Eastern red oak -7,3 percent; Black oak -5.6 percent; Scarlet oaic ^6.3 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values - VGiite oak 4.25 percent low; Chestnut oak 4.0? percent high; Eastern red oak 2.66 percent high; Black oak 0.56 percent high; Scarlet oak 3.69 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST E2CPERBSNT STATION J. H. BueU December 1941 TABLE 44. -WHITE ASH AND BASSWOOD O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET SCRIBNHl DECIMAL C LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 87 -Number of 16. 3-foot loge- DBH i 1 1 h-> 1 2 3 3i ’ 4 5 5i Ine Gross volume in board feet (Tens) 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 U 2 4 5 7 8 9 12 3 5 7 8 10 11 12 n 13 4 6 8 10 12 13 15 17 U 4 7 10 12 U 16 18 20 22 24 15 5 9 12 14 17 19 22 24 26 28 16 6 10 14 17 20 23 25 28 30 33 17 7 12 16 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 18 8 U 18 22 26 30 34 37 41 44 47 19 9 15 21 26 30 35 39 43 46 50 54 20 11 18 24 29 34 39 44 48 53 57 61 21 20 27 33 39 44 49 55 59 64 69 22 22 30 37 43 50 55 61 67 72 77 23 25 33 41 48 55 62 66 74 80 86 24 28 37 46 54 62 69 76 83 89 96 25 30 41 51 60 68 76 84 91 99 106 26 34 45 56 66 75 84 92 101 109 n7 27 37 50 61 72 82 92 102 in 120 128 28 40 54 67 79 90 101 in 121 131 140 29 59 73 86 98 no 121 132 U3 153 30 64 79 94 107 120 132 144 155 16>6 31 70 86 101 U6 130 U3 156 168 181 32 76 93 110 125 no 154 168 182 195 33 81 101 118 135 151 167 182 196 2n 34 108 127 1A6 163 180 196 2n 227 35 U6 137 156 175 193 210 227 244 36 125 147 168 188 207 225 243 261 37 134 157 180 201 221 2a 261 280 38 U3 168 192 215 237 258 279 298 39 6i 7 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 192 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLUHS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .54 .55 .57 .59 7 .61 .62 .64 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .77 .79 8 .81 .84 .86 .89 .91 .94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 9 1.09 1.12 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.27 1.31 1.34 1.38 1.43 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 «= 17 X 1.16 = 20. Basic data: 192 trees from Plsgah and Nantahala National Forests and Tucker County, y/est Virginia. Table constmicted from the equation: Logarithm Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.473605 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .729833 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .012842 (O.B.-Form Class) - 2.975240. Average deviation of indi-vridual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: Vftiite ash ^6.8 percent; Basswood ^8,3 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values - White ash 1.57 percent high; Basswood 1.64 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPHUMEHT STATION J. H. BueU December 1941 TABIS 45 .-EASTERN WHIS PIKE O.B.-FORU CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARS FEET COUK-SCRIBNEH LOG RGXE O.B,-P(fflM CLASS S2 DBH h 1 1 1 H 2 2i 3 OX 16»3“foot logs- 3i k 4 5 4 6 4 7 In. Gross volume in board feet 10 1 12 19 25 30 n 1^ 25 32 38 44 12 20 31 40 48 62 13 25 39 50 60 69 77 85 14 31 61 73 85 95 104 104 15 37 571 74 89 102 114 126 137 147 16 44 68 88 106 121 136 150 175 188 17 52 81 [ 104 124 143 160 177 192 207 221 18 61 94 121 146 167 ISS 206 224 242 258 19 71 109 lU 168 194 217 239 260 280 299 20 SI 125 162 194 223 250 275 298 321 21 93 143! 134 221 254 285 3U 341 367 393 417 22 105 163 209 251 283 324 356 387 a? 445 472 23 119 183 236 283 325 365 402 436 470 502 533 24 206 [ 266 365 409 A51 490 527 564 598 632 25 230 296 355 407 457 504 547 589 630 668 706 26 256 330 454 509 561 610 656 702 745 785 826 27 366 438 504 564 621 -571“ 726 776 824 371 914 28 404 483 555 622 686 745 802 857 910 959 1009 1057 29 444 531 6ll 684 753 820 883 -152- 1000 1057 1112 1164 30 582 670 750 826 897 96s 1033 1096 1159 1219 1276 31 637 731 820 904 982 (10571 1130 1199 1265 1330 1393 32 693 798 893 984 1069 1153 1230 1306 1380’ U52 L521 33 867 973 1072 1164 1253 T35S^ 1419 1500 1578 1652 34 940 1054 1161 1262 1358 U52 1542 1626 1710 1791 35 1140 1256 1365 1469 1570 1667 1762 1849 1941 36 1230 1355 1472 1585 1694 1799 1901 1995 1 2094 1 37 1459 1589 1710 1828 1936 2046 2153 2254 38 1570 1706 1837 1963 2084 2198 2312 2427 39 2109 2239 2360 2433 2600 40 2259 2393 2529 2661 2786 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Tolome as utilized, to a mri&bXe top dissistep. O.B.-PORM CLASS! Diameter outside bsrk at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result boiog multiplied by 100» Block indicates extent of basic da-ta for all O.B.-Foxxl Glasses. Table above is for the average O.B.-Forai Class of the 210 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to got -volmes for other 0»B«-Form Classes. MUlTIPLIiSiS FOE OTHEK O.B.-FOEM CLASSES Factors by idiieh to multiply volumes in the abo-ve average -table to ob-bain Tolasea for o-ther O.B.-Forai Classes ,-Form Glass 0 1 3 (ifeits) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 .68 ,70 .72 ,75 .77 ,80 .82 .85 .88 .91 8 .94 ,9? 1.00 1.03 1,0? 1.10 1.14 1.18 1.21 1.25 9 1.29 1.34 1,33 1.43 1.47 Esample: Volume of 16“, 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 106 x 1.38 = 146 bd. ft. Basic data! 210 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests. Table constructed from the equations Logarithm Doyle.^cribnsr bd. ft. vol. = 2.-714961 (logarithm d.b.h, inches) + .626238 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + ,014060 (O.B.-Fcm Class) - 3.345989. Average de-viation of indi-vidual tree volumes from values estimated by the equations ±7.4 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated -values 0.17 percent high. J. H. Buell APPALACHIAN FOREST SSPSSIMENT STATION TABLE 46. -LOBLOLLY PINE O.B.-FORU CIJISS VOLUIE TABLE BOARD FEET DOYLB-SCRIBNER LOG RULE O.B.-FORk CLASS 86 DBH In. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 - -Number of I6. 3-foot logs- 2i 3 3i 4 4i Gross volume in board feet 6J 1718 1897 2098 1892 2089 2301 2056 2218 2270 2443 2500 2692 2366 2512 2612 2773 2877 3055 2655 2931 3228 7 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORtl CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 378 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes I’or other O.B.-Form Classes.* MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 6 7 .53 .55 .58 .60 Factors .62 .65 .67 .70 .73 .76 8 .79 .82 .85 .89 .92 .96 1.00 1.04 1.08 1.13 9 1.17 1.22 1.27 1.32 1.37 1.43 1.49 1.54 1.61 1.67 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 101 x 1.27 = 128 bd. ft. Basic data: 378 trees from Piedmont and northern coastal plain counties of South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 3.415548 (logstfithm d.b.h. inches) + .627998 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .017182 (O.B.-Form Class) - 4.534534. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: -8.8 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 2.74 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 47.-V1RGIHIA PINE O.B.-FOHM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOHS-SCRIBNEa LOG RULE O.B.-FOEM CLASS 84 — Nxunber of l6, 3-foot logs — - — DBH i 1 2 2^ 3 4 4i 5 6 6^ 7 Tn, Gross volume in board feet 10 13 20 26 32 36 41 45 49 u 18 27 35 43 49 55 L 61 66 71 76 81 12 23 36 47 56 65 73 80 8*7 94 101 107 13 30 47 60 72 83 94 103 112 121 130 138 14 38 59 76 91 105 118 131 142 153 164 174 15 47 73 95 114 131 147 163 177 190 204 217 16 58 90 116 140 161 181 199 217 234 250 266 17 70 109 141 169 195 219 241 262 283 303 322 18 84 130 169 202 233 262 289 315 340 363 386 19 100 154 200 240 277 311 [■ ~1W 373 403 430 458 20 117 182 236 282 326 366 404 440 473 506 538 21 212 275 330 380 427 471 513 552 590 628 22 246 318 382 441 494 546 594 640 684 728 23 366 440 507 569 1 628 684 736 787 838 24 504 579 652 718 732 843 902 957 25 817 889 959 1026 1089 26 1007 1086 1161 1233 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volijpae as utilized, to a variable top diameter, 0,B.-F0RM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16,3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 179 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volimies for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIHiS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSY Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes ,-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 6 7 .63 .65 ,67 .69 Factors .72 .74 .77 .79 .82 .85 8 .88 .91 ,94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.07 1,10 1.14 1.18 9 1.22 1,26 1.31 1.35 1,39 1.44 1.49 1.54 1.59 1.65 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 140 x 1,31 = 183 bd, ft. Basic data; 179 trees from Cherokee and Nantahala National Forests, Table constructed frcsa the equations Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd, ft. vol. = 3.163017 (logarithm d.b.h, inches) + .636443 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + ,014446 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.840515* Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equations ■^.4 percent. Aggregate differences estimated values 0.17 percent high, APPALACHIAiJ FOxREST EJffEllIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE L8.-3H0RTLEAF PINE O.B.-FOR.M CLASS VOLUUE TABLE BOARD FEET DOrLE-SCRIBMHl LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 89 - - — -Number of 16. 3-foot logs DBH 2 11^ 2 2$ 3 3k 4 4 5 5s 6 6^ 7 In. Gross volume in board feet 10 14 21 27 32 37 42 46 11 18 29 37 44 51 57 63 69 12 25 38 49 59 68 76 84 91 13 32 49 64 77 88 99 109 U9 U U 63 81 98 112 126 139 151 163 15 51 79 102 122 141 158 174 190 204 16 63 98 126 151 174 195 215 234 252 270 286 17 77 n9L 154 184 212 238 262 286 308 329 349 18 93 IM 186 223 256 288 317 344 372 397 422 19 in 172 222 266 306 344 378 4n 444 474 504 20 203 [ 262 315 362 406 448 486 525 560 596 21 238 308 369 425 476 525 572 615 658 698 22 278 359 430 494 555 6n 665 716 766 813 23 a5 498 573 643 708 769 830 887 9^ 24 478 572 658 738 813 885 953 1019 1081 25 546 653 752 843 931 1012 1089 n64 1236 26 743 855 959 1059 n5i 1239 1324 1406 27 841 9.58 1086 n97 1303 U03 1500 1592 28 948 1091 1225 1349 U69 1581 1690 1795 29 1064 1225 1374 1514 1648 1774 1897 2014 30 n89 1368 1535 1690 1841 1982 2118 2249 31 1324 1524 1710 .1884 2051 2208 2360 2506 32 1469 1690 1897 2089 2275 2449 2618 2780 33 1626 1871 2099 2312 2518 2710 2897 3076 34 1795 2065 2312 2553 2773 2992 3192 3388 35 1972 2270 2547 2805 3048 3289 3516 3733 36 2163 2489 2793 3076 3342 3606 3855 4093 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 324 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) .-Form Class 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 .59 .61 .63 .66 .68 .70 8 .73 .76 .78 .81 .84 .87 .90 .93 .97 1.00 9 1.04 1.07 i.n 1.15 1.19 1.23 1.28 1.32 1.37 1.42 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 » 151 x 1.11 = 168 bd. ft. Basic data: 324 trees from Cherokee and Nantahala National Forests; and northeastern South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 3.279536 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .630310 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .015242 (O.B.-Form Class) - 4.079383. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation; ^.7 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 1.20 percent high. APPAUCHIAN FOREST EXPHtlMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABIS 49.~ZAS'ratN HmOCK 0,B.-F0HM CL^ VOLUME TABUS BOAiro FEET DOHE-SCEIBNER LOG RULE O.Bo-FORM CLASS 85 -Hujaber of 16,3-foot logs SBH i 1 1-J 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i 5 5i 6 6| 7 In. Gross volaiae in board feet 10 14 20 26 31 u 18 27 34 40 46 12 23 34 43 51 53 65 13 26 42 54 64 731 81 U 35 52 66 78 89 100 109 15 42 63 80 95 108 120 132 16 50 76 96 114 129 144 158 171 17 59 89 114 134 154 m 187 202 217 18 70 105 133 158 180 200 219 237 254 270 19 81 122 154 183 209 233 255 275 296 315 20 93 140 178 211 241 268 294 318 340 362 21 107 161 204 242 276 307 336 364 390 a5 22 122 183 232 275 314 350 383 414 444 472 500 23 137 207 263 311 356 395 434 469 502 535 566 24 155 233 296 351 400 4^6 488 527 566 m 637 25 261 331 393 448 499 546. 592 634“ ^74" 713 26 291 370 438 500 556 610 659 706 752 796 27 324 410 486 555 618 678 733 785 836 883 28 358 454 538 614 684 748 311 869 925 977 1030 29 394 501 593 678 753 826 891 957 1019 1079 1135 30 434 550 652 743 828 908 932. 1052 m9 U83 1247 31 474 603 7U 815 908 993 1076 n53 1227 1297 1365 32 519 658 780 889 991 1034 1175 1259 1340 1416 1493 1563 33 565 718 849 968 1079 1183 1279 1371 14?9 1542 1626 1702 1 34 6U 780 923 1054 1172 1285 1390 1489 1585 IW 1766 1849 35 845 1000 1143 1271 1393 1507 1614 1718 1820 1914 2004 36 914 1081 1236 1374 1507 1629 :sK. 1858 1968 2070 2168 37 986 1167 1334 1433 1626 1758 1884 2004 2123 2234 2339 38 1259 1435 1600 1750 1892 2032 2163 2286 2404 2523 39 1352 1542 1718 1884 2037 2183 2323 2455 2588 2710 40 1452 1656 1345 2018 2183 2344 2495 2636 2773 2911 41 1552 1774 1972 2163 2339 2506 2667 2825 2972 3112 42 1660 1897 2109 2312 2495 2679 2851 3020 3177 3327 43 44 45 46 47 48 VoliuBS as utilised, to & ^ariaslo top diaaieter. C,B.-POEM CLASS* Diaiaetsr outside b^k at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diaaieter outside barfc at breast heiglit, the result being multiplied by 100, Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Forsa Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 112 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other 0,B.-Form Classes. MOITIPIIEIS FOR OTHER O.B,-FORM CXAS^ Factors by wliich to aiuLtiply volumes in the above average table to obtai* ,-Fona Class volisBss for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) 0123456 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 ,72 .75 ,77 .79 .81 .84 8 .86 .89 ,91 ,94 .97 1,00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 9 1.16 1.19 1.22 1,26 1.30 1,34 1,38 1.42 1,46 1.50 Example; Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Fom Class 92 114 x 1,22 « 139 bd, ft. Basic data; 112 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Hantahala Maticuad Forests; and Bland County, Virginia, Table constructed frcm the equation; Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol, = 2.780205 (logarithm d.b.h, inches) -t- .589916 (logarithm mereh. ht, ft.) -(• .012702 (O.B.-Fom Class) - 3.264825. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equations ^.8 percent. Aggregate differences estimated values 0,36 percent high. ' APPALACHIAH FORE-ST SKP^DiSMT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 50. -SWEET BIRCH O.B.-FOKi CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOHE-SCRIBNER LOG RULE O.B.-FOHU CLASS 84 of 16.3-foot J DBH k 1 2 3 4 In. Gross volume in board 10 10 17 23 28 11 14 22 30 37 12 18 29 39 48 13 22 37 49 61 71 14 27 46 61 75 88 15 34 56 75 92 108 16 a 67 90 111 131 149 17 49 80 108 132 156 178 18 57 95 127 157 184 210 235 259 19 67 111 149 184 216 r“24r 275 303 20 78 129 173 213 251 286 320 352 21 90 U9 200 246 289 330 369 406 22 103 171 229 282 331 378 423 466 23 118 194 261 321 377 430 481 530 24 133 220 295 363 428 488 5U 600 25 248 332 409 481 550 614 676 26 278 372 459 540 617 689 759 27 310 1 416 513 603 689 769 847 28 345 462 570 670 766 855 942 29 382 “^13] 632 743 847 948 1045 30 422 566 698 820 935 1047 1153 31 464 624 767 904 1030 1153 1271 32 509 684 841 991 1130 1265 1393 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORii CliASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 54 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table beloif are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) ,-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .59 .60 .62 .63 .65 .66 .68 .70 7 .71 .73 .75 .76 .78 .80 .82 .84 .86 .88 8 .91 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.13 9 1.15 1.18 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.44 Example; Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 ■= 111 x 1.21 » 134 bd. ft. Basic data: 54 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests and Bland County, Va. Table constructed from the eqimtion: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. ■» 2.922970 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .725017 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .OIO465 (O.B.-Fom Class) - 3.450154. Average deviation of indi-vidual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ^7.9 percent. Aggregate difference; estimated values 0.02 percent high. APPAUCHlAi'I FOREST SffaUlENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 51. -EASTERN BJED OAK O.B.-FORL' CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOILS-SCRIBNER LOG RULE O.B.-FQRM CLASS 35 Number of l6.3-foot logs DBH i 1 Iz 2 2^ 3 U Ui 5 5i 6 6^ 7 In. Grose volume in board feet 10 u 18 24 29 33 38 u 15 24 31 38 44 50 12 19 30 40 48 64 13 24 38 50 61 71 1 80 89 ^ , 2? 47 62 75 87 99 no IS 1 36 57 75 91 106 120 134 146 16 43 69 91 no 128 145 161 176 17 51 82 108 131 152 172 191 209 18 60 96 127 154 180 203 225 247 267 19 70 113 14s 180 209 237 263 288 312 20 32 130 172 208 243 274 305 333 361 21 150 197 240 279 316 351 384 U5 446 22 171 225 274 319 361 401 438 474 509 23 194 256 3n 362 409 455 498 540 579 24 220 290 352 409 462 5U 562 610 655 25 247 325 395 460 520 578 632 684 734 26 277 364 443 5U 532 646 708 766 822 27 3O8 406 493 573 649 721 789 853 916 28 342 451 547 637 719 800 875 946 1019 29 378 498 605 703 796 883 968 1047 1125 30 417 548 667 774 877 973 1067 n53 1239 31 458 603 733 851 964 1069 n72 1268 1361 32 501 659 802 1054 n72 1282 1387 1489 33 548 721 875 1019 n53 1279 1400 1517 1629 34 597 785 955 no9 1259 1393 1528 1652 1774 35 649 853 1038 1205 ijsr 1514 1660 1795 192s 36 703 925 1125 1306 1479 1641 1799 1945 2089 37 1000 1216 1413 1600 1774 1945 2104 2259 38 1081 1312 1528 1726 1919 2099 2270 2443 39 1164 U13 1644 1862 2065 2259 2449 2630 40 1250 1521 1770 2000 2223 2432 2624 2825 41 1633 1897 2148 2382 2606 2825 3034 42 1746 2032 2301 2553 2793 3027 3251 43 1871 2178 2460 2729 2992 3236 3475 44 2000 2323 2630 2917 3192 3459 3715 45 2477 2805 3112 3404 3690 3963 46 2270 2642 2985 33n 3631 3926 4217 fl 2410 2805 3177 3524 3855 4173 4437 58 2564 2979 3381 3743. 4093 t 4436 4764 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLAS& Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100, Block indicates extent of basic data for aJ-l O.B.-Form Classes, Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 280 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes. MULTIPLIEES FOR OTIiER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by vriiioh to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) .-For.T!! Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .57 .59 .61 .62 7 .64 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .77 .79 .81 .34 8 .86 .89 .92 .94 .97 1.00 1,03 1.06 1.09 1.12 9 1.16 1.19 1.23 1,27 1.31 1.34 1.38 1.43 1.47 1,51 Example! Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 110 x 1,23 = 135 bd. ft. Basic data: 280 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, and Nantahala National Forestsj Jackson County, Ohio; Garrett County, Md.; Tucker County, W. Va.; and Bland County, Va. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.865214 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .677057 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .012339 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.524248. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from iialues estimated by the equation: -9o7 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 1.93 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST SKPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 52. -SCARLET OAK O.B.-FX)RM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOXLE-SCRIBNER LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 8? — -Number of l6, 3-foot logs- DBH i 1 2 2^ 3 U kh 5 6 6^ 7 Tn , Gross volume in board feet 10 12 20 26 32 38 43 11 16 26 35 42 50 57 63 12 1 20 33 45 55 64 73 81 89 13 42 56 69 81 92 103 113 U 32 52 70 86 100 114 127 140 152 15 39 64 85 104 122 139 155 171 186 16 47 77 103 126 148 168 188 206 224 242 17 56 92 122 150 176 200 223 246 267 288 18 66 108 144 177 208 237 264 290 316 340 19 78 127 169 208 243 277 308 339 369 397 20 90 U7 196 240 282 321 358 394 428 461 21 104 169 226 277 325 370 412 453 493 531 22 119 194 259 317 372 /f23 472 “^19^ 564 608 23 135 221 294 361 423 481 537 590 641 692 24 153 250 333 408 479 544 6O8 667 726 782 25 172 281 375 459 538 612 684 752 817 881 26 315 420 515 604 687 767 843 916 986 27 352 469 575 673 766 855 940 1023 U02 28 391 521 638 748 851 951 1045 1135 1225 29 432 577 708 828 942 1052 1156 1256 1355 30 476 637 780 914 1040 1161 1276 1387 U93 31 525 700 859 1005 1143 1276 1403 1528 1644 32 575 767 940 1102 1253 1400 1538 1671 1803 33 840 1028 1205 1371 1531 1683 1828 1972 34 914 1122 1315 U96 1667 1837 1995 2148 35 1219 1429 1626 1816 1995 2168 2339 36 1324 1552 1766 1968 2163 2355 2535 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FOEM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 213 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. IdULTIPLUHS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by irtiich to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) -Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .53 .55 .56 .58 7 .60 .62 .64 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 .79 8 .81 .84 .86 .89 .91 .94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 9 1.09 1.13 1.16 1.20 1.23 1.27 1.31 1.35 1.39 1.44 Example; Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 «= 126 x 1.16 = 146 bd. ft. Basic data: 213 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, Nantahala and Chattahoochee National Forests j Bland County, Virginia and Chath^ County, North Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.901047 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .709521 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .013049 (O.B.-Form Claes) - 3.601946. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: *6.9 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.24 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 53. -BUCK OAK O.B.-FOHM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOILE-SCRIBNER LOO RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 Number of 16,3-foot logs- — DBH I 1 2 3 3^ k kh 5 6 6^ 7 In, Gross volume in board feet 10 11 18 24 29 35 39 u U 24 31 39 45 51 12 18 30 40 49 38 66 73 13 23 38 50 62 72 82 92 101 U 28 46 62 76 89 102 114 125 136 15 34 56 75 92 108 124 138 152 165 16 U 68 90 in 130 148 165 182 198 17 49 80 107 132 154 176 196 216 234 18 58 94 126 154 181 206 231 254 275 19 67 110 147 180 2n '■AO 268 295 321 20 77 127 169 208 244 278 310 341 372 21 146 194 239 280 319 392 426 22 166 222 272 319 364 406 447 485 23 188 252 309 362 412 460 506 551 24 212 284 348 408 464 519 570 621 25 238 318 391 458 521 582 640 697 26 zST 356 436 512 583 652 716 778 27 296 396 570 649 724 796 867 28 328 438 538 631 719 802 883 959 29 362 ^^84 594 697 794 885 975 1059 30 399 532 653 766 873 975 1072 n64 31 43s 585 718 sa 957 1069 U75 1279 32 479 640 783 920 1047 n69 1285 1400 33 522 697 855 1002 1143 1276 1403 1524 34 568 759 931 1091 1245 1387 1528 1660 35 617 824 1012 n86 1349 1507 1656 1803 36 667 891 1094 1282 U62 1629 1795 1950 37 721 964 n83 1387 1578 1762 1936 2109 38 1038 1274 1493 1702 1901 2089 2270 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS; Diameter outside bark at top of first 16,3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all 0.3. -Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 150 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTffiE O.B.-FOHM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtadn volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .62 .64 7 .66 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 .79 .81 .84 .86 8 .89 .91 .94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.13 1.16 9 1.20 1.24 1.27 1.31 1.35 1.39 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.57 Example: Volume of 16”, 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 111 x 1.2? = 141 bd. ft, Basic data; 150 trees from Cherokee, Nantahala and Chattahoochee National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio, and Bland County, Virginia, Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2,822522 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .712949 (logarithm mdrch. ht. ft.) + .013081 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.531305. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation; -7.2 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 1.32 percent high. APPAUCHIAN FOREST SXPMU/SMT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 54.-?(HITE OAK O.B.-FORM CLASS VDLU12 TABLE BOARD FEET DOYLE-SCRIBNHl LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 •Number of l6. 3-foot logs- DBU i 1 2 22 3 3i 4 4 5 In. Gr OSS volume in board feet 10 12 18 23 28 32 11 16 24 31 37 43 48 12 20 31 40 48 55 62 13 26 40 51 61 70 79 86 14 32 49 63 76 87 98 108 15 39 60 78 93 107 120 132 16 47 73 94 113 130 145 1&) 174 17 57 88 113 135 155 174 191 208 18 67 104 133 160 184 206 227 247 1 266 19 79 122 157 188 216 242 266 289 311 20 92 142 182 218 251 281 310 336 362 387 21 106 163 210 252 290 325 358 389 419 448 22 122 188 242 289 333 373 UO 447 481 513 23 139 214 275 330 379 426 469 509 548 586 24 157 243 313 374 430 482 531 578 622 664 25 274 353 423 485 544 600 652 702 750 26 308 396 474 546 611 673 733 78^ 841 27 344 444 531 6U 684 753 818 881 942 28 383 494 592 679 762 840 912 982 1050 29 426 548 656 753 845 931 1012 1089 1164 30 470 605 724 834 933 1028 1117 1205 1285 31 518 667 800 918 1030 1135 1233 1327 1419 32 569 733 877 1009 1130 1245 1352 1459 1556 33 624 804 962 1104 1239 1365 1483 1596 1706 34 681 877 1050 1208 1352 1489 1622 1746 1862 35 741 955 n46 1315 U76 1626 1766 1901 2032 36 805 1040 1245 1429 1603 1766 1919 2065 2208 37 1127 1349 1552 1738 1914 2080 2239 2393 38 1219 -jwr 1679 1879 2070 2427 2588 39 1318 1578 18U 1 2032 2239 2432 2618 2799 40 1419 1698 1954 2188 2410 2624 2825 3013 U 1828 2104 2355 2594 2818 3034 3243 42 1963 2254 2529 2786 3027 3258 3483 43 2104 2421 2710 2985 3251 3499 3733 44 2254 2594 2904 3199 3475 37a 3999 45 2410 2767 3105 3420 3715 3999 4266 46 2570 2958 rjsm 3648 3963 4266 4560 47 2742 3U8 3532 3890 4227 4550 4853 48 2911 3350 3758 4130 4498 4842 5164 6 6^ 7 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for an O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 688 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIEES FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) ,-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tons) Factors 5 .38 .39 .40 .41 .42 .43 .45 .46 .47 .49 6 .50 .52 .53 .55 .56 .58 .59 .61 .63 .65 7 .67 .69 .71 .73 .75 .77 .79 .82 .84 .86 8 .89 .92 .94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.15 9 1.19 1.22 1.26 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.41 1.46 1.50 1.54 Example: Volume of l6", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 •= 113 x 1.26 ■ 142 bd. ft. Basic data: 688 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, Nantahala and Chattahoochee National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Gaivett County, Md.; Hardy County, W. Va.; Bland Coimty, Virginia and Chatham County, North Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. « 2.960694 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .625508 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .012540 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.512881. Average deviation of individual tree volumes frcm values estimated by the equation: ^9.4 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 2.32 percent high. APPAUCHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 55. -CHESTNUT OAK O.B.-FOHL CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOILB-SCRIBNSl LOG RULE O.B,-FORi<: CLASS 86 Muniber of 16. 3-foot logs- _____ DBH I 1 Is 2 2| 3 3h 4 At 5 5t 6 6i 7 In. Gross yolume in board feet 10 11 18 23 11 15 23 30 37 42 47 12 19 30 39 47 54 61 13 24 38 49 59 69 77 14 30 47 61 74 85 96 15 37 58 75 90 104 117 129 16 45 70 90 109 126 la 156 17 53 83 108 130 150 169 186 18 63 98 128 154 177 200 220 19 74 115 U9 180 208 233 258 280 20 85 133 173 208 240 271 299 326 21 98 154 200 240 277 312 345 376 22 U3 176 229 275 318 357 394 “43(r 23 128 200 260 313 361 407 450 490 528 24 145 227 294 355 409 460 509 555 598 25 164 255 332 399 461 519 573 624 673 26 183 286 372 448 518 582 643 700 755 809 27 205 320 415 500 577 6^ 718 782 843 904 28 228 356 461 556 6a 721 798 869 938 1005 29 394 512 615 711 800 883 962 1038 1112 30 434 565 679 783 833 975 1062 1146 1227 31 479 621 748 363 970 1072 1169 1262 1349 32 525 681 820 946 1064 1175 1282 1384 1479 33 574 745 897 1035 1164 1285 1403 15U 1618 34 627 813 980 1130 1271 1403 1531 1652 1766 35 681 885 1064 1230 1384 1528 1663 1795 1923 36 740 959 1156 1334 1500 1660 1807 1950 2084 37 1040 1253 1445 1626 1795 1954 2109 2259 38 1125 1352 1353’ 1758 19a 2113 2280 2443 39 1213 1459 1687 1897 2094 2280 2460 2636 40 1306 1570 1816 2042 2254 2455 2649 2838 a 1403 1687 1950 2193 2421 2636 2844 3048 42 1503 1811 2089 2350 2594 2831 3055 3266 43 19a 2239 2518 2780 3034 3273 3499 44 2075 2393 2692 2979 3243 3499 37a 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by- diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block -ndicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 471 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get voltmes for other O.B.-Form Classes. iiULTIPLIERS FOR OTffi® O.B.-FORM CLAS^ Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 .42 .43 .44 .45 Factors .46 .47 .48 .50 .51 .52 6 .53 .54 .56 .57 .59 .60 .62 .64 .65 .66 7 .68 .70 .71 .73 .75 .76 .78 .80 .82 .84 8 .86 .88 .91 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.07 9 1.10 1.13 1.15 1.18 1.21 1,24 1.27 1.30 1.33 1.37 Exauiple: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 109 x 1.15 = 125 bd. ft. Basic data: 471 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed fran the equation: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol, = 2.913098 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .644365 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .010489 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.347888. Average deviation of indi-vidual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: is. 4 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.15 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST ESFSRIiENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABIE 56.~mJXfWPOPL&a O.B.-FOKU CLASS TOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOILB-SCRIBKDSI LOG RULE O.B.-FOEM CLASS 88 — - -Muiiibe? of 16. 3-foot logs- DBH i 1 li 2 2^ 3 k hi 5 6 7 Ip. Gro^e voluma in board fast 10 13 20 26 30 35 38 42 46 11 18 27 34 40 46 51 L 56 60 12 23 34 44 52 59 66 72 1 78 13 29 43 55 65 74 83 91 98 14 36 54 68 81 92 103 112 121 130 15 44 66 84 99 113 126 137 U9 159 16 53 79 101 119 136 151 166 179 192 17 63 95 120 142 162 181 198 214. 229 18 112 142 168 191 213 233 252 270 19 131 166 197 224 250 274 296 317 337 20 152 193 228 260 290 317 343 367 391 21 175 222 263 300 334 366 395 424 451 22 200 254 301 344 383 419 453 485 516 23 290 343 391 436 476 515 552 588 621 24 327 388 443 493 540 583 625 665 703 25 369 436 498 555 607 656 703 748 792 26 414 490 558 622 681 736 789 840 887 933 27 461 547 624 695 760 822 881 938 991 1042 28 513 608 693 773 845 914 980 1042 1102 1159 29 568 673 767 855 935 1012 1084 1153 1219 1282 30 627 743 847 944 1033 1109 1197 1274 134t ^6 31 690 817 931 1038 1135 1227 1315 1400 1483 1560 32 895 1021 1138 1245 1346 1535 1622 1710 33 980 1117 1245 1361 1472 1578 1679 1778 1871 34 1219 1358 I486 1607 1722 1832 1936 2037 35 1154 1327 U79 1618 1750 1375 1995 2109 MIS 36 1262 U39 1603 1754 1897 2032 2163 2291 2410 37 1368 1560 1738 1901 2056 2203 2344 2477 2606 38 1479 1683 1875 1 2051 gnid ~S5Tr ■2^ 2679 2813 39 1816 2023 2213 2393 2564 2729 2891 3041 40 1954 2178 2382 2576 2761 2938 3112 3273 a 2104 2339 2559 2767 2972 3162 3342 3516 42 2254 2512 2748 2972 3184 3388 3581 3767 43 26^ 2944] 3184 3412 3631 3837 4036 44 2377 31/^8 3404 364s 3882 4102 4315 45 3069 3357 3631 3890 4140 4375 4613 46 3273 3581 3873 4150 4416 4667 4920 47 38U 4121 4416 4699 4966 5224 48 4055 4385 i>699 5000 5559 Volume as utillzad, to a variable top diametar. O.Bo-PORM CLASSs Diamet®? outside bark at top of first l6.3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being msltiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 334 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table belo« are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLiESS FOR OTHffi O.B.-FORM CUSSSS Factors by shich to multiply volimies in the above average table to obtain voliBEse for other O.B.-Fom Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0123456789 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .46 .48 .50 .52 7 • 53 .55 .57 .59 .61 .64 .66 .68 .71 .73 8 .76 .78 .81 .84 .87 .90 .93 .97 1.00 1.04 9 1.07 1.11 1.15 1.19 1.23 1.28 1.32 1.37 1.42 1.47 Examples Volume of l6", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form 03^83 92 » 119 x 1,15 » 137 bd. ft. Basic datas 334 trees from Geo. Washington, Cherokee, Piogah and Mantahal* National Forests j Jackson County, Ohio; Tucker County W, Va.; Bland County, Virginia; and Chatham County, North Carolina, Table constructed from the equations Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.909762 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .587714 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + .015130 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.648002. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equations is. 7 percent. Aggregate difference; estimated values 0,84 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOPAST EXIffilMESSf STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TAELS 57.-SUGAH MAPLE O.B.-FORli CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOYLB-SCRIBNEF LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 ____ Number of 16. 3-foot logs DBH ^ 1 Ih 2 2i 3 3^ 4 4i 5 5^ 6 6i 7 In. Gross volume in board feet 10 12 18 24 28 33 11 15 24 31 37 43 48 12 19 30 39 47 55 61 68 74 80 85 91 13 1 24 38 49 59 68 77 85 92 100 107 113 14 30 47 61 73 84 95 104 lU 123 132 140 15 36 57 74 89 102 ns 127 133 149 160 170 16 44 68 89 106 123 138 152 166 179 191 204 17 52 81 105 126 146 164 181 197 212 227 242 18 61 95 123 148 171 192 212 231 250 267 284 19 71 in 144 173 200 224 247 270 290 3n 330 20 82 128 166 200 230 259 286 3n 336 359 382 21 147 190 229 264 297 328 357 386 412 438 22 168 217 261 301 339 374 407 440 470 500 23 190 246 296 3a 384 424 461 498 533 566 24 214 277 333 386 432 478 521 561 601 638 25 240 3n 374 432 485 536 583 630 674 716 26 268 348 a9 483 543 598 653 703 753 800 27 298 387 466 537 604 667 726 783 638 891 28 330 428 515 596 668 738 804 867 929 986 29 365 473 569 656 738 815 887 957 1023 1089 30 402 521 627 723 813 895 977 1052 4127 n97 31 441 572 687 792 891 984 1072 n56 1236 1315 32 481 624 752 ~w 975 1074 1172 1262 1352 1435 33 525 681 818 946 1062 n72 1276 1377 U76 1567 34 572 7a 891 1028 1156 1276 1390 1500 1603 1706 35 “519' 804 968 in7 1253 1384 1510 1626 1742 1849 36 671 871 1047 1208 1358 1500 1633 1762 1884 2004 37 724 940 1132 1306 T459' 1618 1766 1901 2037 2163 38 782 1014 1219 1406 1531 1746 1901 2051 2198 2333 39 841 1091 1312 1514 1702 1879 2046 2208 2360 2512 40 904 U72 U09 1626 1828 2018 2198 2371 2535 2698 a 968 1256 1510 1742 1959 2163 2355 25a 2723 2891 42 1035 1 1343 1614 1366 2099 2312 2523 2716 29n 3090 43 U07 1439 1730 1995 2244 2472 2698 2904 3112 33n 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASSs Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided oy diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for aU O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 105 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to got volvunes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPUSiS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 6 7 .64 .66 .68 .70 Factors .72 .75 .56 .77 .58 .80 .60 .82 .62 .85 8 .88 .91 .94 .97 1.00 1.03 1.07 1.10 1.14 1.18 9 1.21 1.25 1.30 1.34 1.38 1.43 1.48 1.52 1.57 1.63 Example: Volume of l6", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 106 x 1.30 = 138 bd. ft. Basic data: 105 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests. Table constructed from the equation; Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol, = 2.819509 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .641480 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .014070 (O.B.-Form Class) ~ 3.520644. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: ^9.5 percent. •Aggregate difference: estimated values 1,10 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIhENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 5S.-aED ilAPLE O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOILE-SCRIBNER LOG RULE O.B.-FORM CLASS 84 - — — Number of 16. 3-foot logs- — DBH t 1 1§ 2 2i 3 3i 4 4i 5 6 6^ 7 In. Gross volume in board feet 10 12 19 25 30 u 16 26 [■ 33 40 46 12 21 33 I 42 51 59 66 13 27 41 54 64 74 83 U 33 51 66 80 92 103 114 124 15 40 63 81 97 112 126 139 151 16 k9 75 98 117 135 152 167 182 17 58 90 116 140 161 181 199 217 18 68 106 137 165 190 213 235 256 19 80 124 160 193 222 249 275 299 20 92 144 186 223 257 289 318 347 21 165 214 257 296 333 366 399 22 189 245 294 339 380 420 457 23 215 279 334 386 432 476 519 24 243 315 378 436 489 540 588 25 274 354 426 490 550 607 661 26 307 397 476 550 617 679 740 27 342 r 443 531 612 687 759 826 28 380 492 590 681 764 916 29 421 545 753 845 933 1014 30 463 600 721 830 931 1023 1U9 31 659 792 912 1026 1130 1230 32 723 867 1000 1122 1239 1349 33 791 951 1094 1227 1355 1472 34 861 1035 1191 1340 1476 1607 35 1125 1297 1455 1607 1746 36 1219 1406 1578 1742 1897 37 38 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bau-k at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Fomi Class of the 88 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) -Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [Tens) Factors 5 6 .62 .64 .66 .67 7 .69 .71 .73 .75 .77 .79 .81 .83 .85 .88 8 .90 .92 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.14 9 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.33 1.37 1.40 1.44 1.48 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 117 x. 1.23 = 144 bd. ft. Basic data: 88 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests j Tucker County, W. Va. and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation: logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 2.889611 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .635702 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .011347 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.325889. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: -8.6 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated value.s 0.37 percent low. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABIE 59. -BASSWOOD O.B.-FCRM CLASS VOLUME TABLE BOARD FEET DOUB-SCRIBNER LOG RULE O.B,-FORM CLASS 8? — Niiaiber of l6. 3-foot logs — ■ DBH I 1 li 2 2| 3 3h A 4i 5 5^ 6 6^ 7 Tn, Gross volvime in board faet 10 12 18 24 29 34 38 u 16 25 32 45 51 12 20 32 42 51 59 67 74 81 13 26 41 54 65 76 85 94 103 14 33 52 68 82 95 107 119 130 140 150 15 41 64 84 102 118 133 U7 161 174 186 16 1 50 79 103 124 144 162 180 212 228 17 60 95 124 150 173 195 216 237 255 274 18 71 113 148 179 207 233 258 282 305 327 348 19 85 133 175 2U 244 276 306 333 361 386 U2 20 99 156 204 247 286 323 358 391 423 453 482 21 182 238 287 333 376 416 454 491 526 561 22 210 274 332 385 434 481 525 568 608 647 23 241 315 3^ 442 498 551 603 650 698 743 24 ! 275 . 359 434 504 568 628 687 741 796 847 25 312 407 493 572 644 713 778 841 904 962 26 352 460 644 728 805 879 951 1019 1086 27 395 516 625 724 817 906 989 1069 1146 1219 28 443 578 700 811 9U 1012 1107 1197 1282 1365 29 644 780 904 1019 1127 1233 1334 1429 1521 30 716 865 1002 1130 1253 1368 1479 1535 1690 31 792 ~wr 1109 1253 1387 1514 1637 1754 1871 32 873 1057 1225 1380 1528 1671 1807 1936 2061 33 962 1161 1346 1517 1683 1837 1986 2128 2270 34 1274 1476 1667 1845 2014 2178 2333 2489 35 1393 1614 1824 2013 2203 2382 2553 2723 36 1521 1762 1986 2203 2404 2600 2786 2965 37 1656 1919 2163 2393 2618 2831 3034 3228 38 1799 2084 2350 2600 2844 3069 3296 3508 39 40 a 42 4-3 44 45 46 47 48 VoluBe as utilized, to a Yariable top diameter <• O.Bo-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by- diameter outside berk at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for a^ O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Foim Class of the 140 sample trees used. Fac- tors in -table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. EULTIPLISiS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSSS Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Units) O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .49 .51 .53 .54 7 .56 .58 .60 .62 .64 .67 .69 .71 .74 .76 8 .79 .82 .85 .87 .90 .94 .97 1,00 1.04 1.07 9 1.11 1.15 1.18 1,22 1.27 1.31 1.36 1.40 1.45 1.50 Example: Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 124 x 1.18 = 146 bd. ft. Basic data: 140 trees from Pisgah and Nan-tahala National Forests. Table constructed from the t.-uation: Logarithm Doyle-Soribner ) d. ft, vol, = 3.090402 (logarithm d.b.h, inches) + .660895 (logarithm merch, ht. ft.) + .014679 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.904780. Average de-viation of indi-viduai. tree volumes ftrom -values estimated by the equation: -9.9 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 0.90 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 60. -WHITE ASH O.B.-FORM CLASS VOLUME TABIiS board feet DOILE-SCRIBraa LOS RUIS O.B.-FORM CLASS 8? of 16. 3-foot logs- DBH 1 2 3 3i 4 4i 5 5i 6i In. Gross volume in board feet 10 11 19 25 31 36 41 11 15 25 33 41 48 55 12 20 32 43 $3 52" 71 13 25 40 67 78 89 14 31 50 67 83 97 Ul 124 15 38 62 83 102 119 1?6 152 16 45 75 100 123 144 164 184 17 54 69 U9 147 173 197 220 18 64 106 141 174 204 233 260 286 19 75 124 166 204 239 273 305 336 20 37 144 192 237 278 317 354 390 21 166 222 273 321 366 408 41^ 22 190 255 30" 368 420 469 515 561 605 23 290 356 41^ 478 533 588 640 690 24 329 405 475 542 6O5 665 724 ?82 25 371 456 536 611 682 750 817 881 26 416 512 601 766 843 916 989 27 572 671 766 ®5? . 942 1026 1104 28 637 746 651 951 1047 1140 1230 29 705 828 944 1054 1161 1265 1365 30 m 914 1042 U64 1282 1396 1507 31 857 1007 1U8 12^ 1413 i 1538 1 1660 32 “W 1104 1259 1409 1549 1687 1820 33 1030 1211 1380 15W2 1698 1845 1991 34 1125 1321 1507 1683 1854 2018 2173 35 1225 1439 1641 1832 2018 2198 2366 36 1330 1563 1782 1991 2193 ^82 2570 37 38 39 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter O.B.-FORM CLASS: Diameter outside bark at top of first l6.B-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast hei^t, the result being multiplied by 100. Block indicates extent of basic data for all O.B.-Form Classes. Table above is for the average O.B.-Fom Class of the 52 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIEES FOR OTHK O.B,-FC»M CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain O.B.-Fom Class volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes (Units) 0123456 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 7 .51 .53 .55 .57 .60 .62 .65 .67 .70 .73 3 .76 .79 .82 .85 .89 .92 .96 1.00 1.04 1.08 9 1.13 1.17 1.22 1.27 1.32 1.37 1.43 1.49 1.54 1.61 Example: Volume of l6“, S»log tree ©f O.B.-Fom Class 92 “ 123 x 1.22 ■ 150 bd. ft. Basic data: 52 trees frcm. Pisgah and Nentahala National Forests and Tucker County, West Virginia. Table constructed fron the equation; Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. » 2.936875 (logarithm d.b.b. inches) + .719353 (logarithm mereh. ht. ft.) -i- .017201 (O.B.-Form Class) - 4.031653. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: is. 8 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values 1.47 percent high. A)»PAUCHIM FCSEST EXPERIMENT STATION J. H. Buell IABJ£ 61.-TOIES PINE ^ HSilLOCK O.B.-FORM CLASS TOLUliE TASffi BOASD FIST DOHE-SCRIBN®. LOG KUIS 0.B.-FQEH CLASS 83 DBH i 1 In^ . _ _ „ -MuEber of 16. 3-foot logs - 22^ 33i 4 55i Grcas volume in board feet 6 6^ 7 10 13 20 25 30 u 17 25 32 39 44 12 a 32 41 49 56 63 13 26 40 51 61 70 78 86 U 32 49 63 75 36 96 105 114 15 39 59 76 91 104 116 127 138 148 16 47 71 91 108 124 138 152 165 177 189 17 55 84 107 128 146 163 ISO 194 209 223 18 64 98 125 U9 171 191 210 228 245 261 19 75 114 146 173 199 222 244 264 284 303 20 86 131 1<^ 200 229 255 280 304 327 348 21 98 150 191 228 261 292 321 348 374 398 423 22 112 170 218 259 297 332 365 395 425 453 480 23 126 192 246 293 336 375 412 447 480 512 542 24 142 216 277 330 377 422 462 502 540 575 610 643 25 242 309 368 422 471 518 561 603 643 ^1 718 26 269 3U 410 470 525 577 625 671 716 759 800 840 27 298 382 455 521 582 640 693 745 794 843 837 933 28 330 423 504 577 644 708 76? 824 879 931 982 1030 1079 29 363 466 555 637 710 778 843 908 968 1026 1081 1135 1186 30 399 510 60B 697 778 855 927 995 1062 1125 1186 1245 1303 31 436 558 665 762 851 935 lou 1089 1161 1230 1297 1361 1426 32 476 610 726 832 929 1021 no? 1189 1268 1343 1416 I486 1556 33 519 664 791 904 1012 n09 1205 1294 1380 1462 1542 16U 1690 34 719 857 982 1096 1205 1306 1406 1496 1589 1675 1758 1837 35 780 929 1C64 1189 1306 1416 1521 1622 1718 18U 1901 1991 36 843 1005 1U8 1285 1409 1528 1644 1754 1858 1959 2056 2148 37 9C« 1081 1239 1384 1521 1648 1770 1888 2000 2109 2218 2317 38 1164 1334 1489 1637 1774 1905 ,2032 2153 2270 2382 2495 39 1250 1432 1600 1758 1905 2046 2183 2312 2438 2559 2679 40 1340 1535 1714 1884 2042 2198 2339 2477 2618 2748 2871 a 1435 1644 3-837 2014 2188 2350 2506 2655 2799 2938 3076 42 1531 1754 1959 2153 2333 2512 2673 2838 2992 31a 3281 43 44 45 46 47 43 foluma &s utiliaed, to & 7arl&bl@ top diaaet^r. O.B.-FCSU CLASS! Diametsr outaido bark at top of first l6o3-foot log divided by diaaetar outsido bark at breast bsightj the result belrsg iaaitiplied by ICO. Table above is for the average OoB.-Form Glass of the 322 saiaple trees used. Fac- tors ia table below are to be used to get volusiiea for other O.B.~Fom Classes. MOLTIPLI^ FOR OTHSK O.B.-FOHM CLASaSSi Factors by which to sssiltiply voluiess ia the above avarag® table to obtaiu volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 12 (Tens) 3 (Gaits) 4 5 Factors 6 7 8 7 5 6 7 .6? 8 .91 9 1.24 .69 .71 .73 .94 .97 1.00 1.28 1.32 1.36 .76 ,78 .81 1.03 1.06 1.10 1.40 1.45 1.49 .83 .86 .88 1.13 1.1? 1.20 1.54 1.59 1.64 Ejamplej Volume of 16", 2-log tra® of O.B.-Form Class 92 » 108 x 1.32 » 142. bd. ft. Basic data: 322 tress from Cherokee, Pisgah and Raat&hala Rational Forests; and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equations Logarithm Boyle-Scribasr bd. ft. vol. => 2.747583 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) ■¥ .608102 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + ,013381 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.30,1406. Average deviation of individual tr®@ volumes f?oa values estimatad by the aquations White pine ±7.6 percent; HffiBlock ±8.4 percent. Aggregate differences esti^tsd values - White pine 0.45 percent lor; Hemlock 0.98 percent high. APPALACKEAK FOREST ESraSUffiNT STATION J, H. Buell December 1941 TABIjE 6a.-10BtX)Li;? PINE AND mLOWPOPUE O.B.-FCSM CLASS VOLGUE TABLE BOAHD Fme Donsscaismi log bdle O.B.-FORU CLA^ 87 of 16a3-foot logs- OBH 1 2 2^ 3 3k 4 5 5i 6 ISx Gross voltme in board feet 10 u. 16 21 25 29 32 35 38 11 15 22 28 34 39 43 47 51 12 19 29 37 44 51 57 62 68 73 13 25 38 48 57 65 73 60 87 94 100 U 31 47 61 72 83 92 102 UO 118 126 134 15 39 59 76 90 103 115 126 137 U7 157 166 175 16 47 72 92 no 126 141 155 168 180 192 204 215 17 58 38 112 133 153 171 188 203 219 233 247 260 18 105 134 160 183 205 225 244 262 279 296 312 19 124 160 190 217 243 267 289 311 331 352 370 20 147 188 223 256 286 313 340 366 390 a3 436 21 171 219 261 298 333 366 397 427 455 482 508 22 198 254 302 345 386 424 459 494 527 558 589 23 292 348 398 445 488 530 569 607 643 67s 24 333 397 455 508 558 605 650 693 734 774 25 379 452 518 578 635 689 740 789 836 881 26 430 512 586 655 719 780 838 893 946 998 27 484 577 661 738 811 879 944 1007 1067 1125 28 543 647 741 828 910 986 1059 1130 1197 1262 29 607 723 828 925 1016 1102 1183 1262 1337 1409 30 676 8O5 923 1030 1132 1227 1318 1406 1489 1570 31 750 893 1023 1143 1256 1361 1462 1560 1652 1742 32 986 1130 1262 1387 1503 1614 1722 1824 1923 33 1089 1247 1393 1528 1660 1782 1897 20U 2123 34 1197 1371 1531 1683 1824 1959 2089 2213 2333 35 1312 1500 1679 IBia 2000 2148 2291 2427 2559 36 1432 1641 I832 2014 2183 2344 2500 2649 2793 37 1563 1791 2000 2198 2382 2559 2729 2891 3048 38 1702 1945 2178 2388 2588 2786 2965 3148 3311 39 2113 2360 2594 28^2 3020 3221 3412 3597 40 2291 2559 2812 3048 3273 3491 3698 3899 a 2477 2767 30a 3296 3540 3776 3999 4217 42 2667 2985 3281 3556 3319 4074 4315 4550 43 32U 3532 3828 4111 4385 4645 4898 44 3459 3802 4121 4426 4721 5000 5272 45 3715 4074 4426 4753 5058 5370 5662 46 3981 4375 4742 5093 5433 5754 6O67 47 5070 5445 5808 6166 6486 48 5420 5821 6209 6577 6934 Volume &e utilized, to a variable top diameter. 6i O.B.-FQRU CLASS i Dianteter outsida bArk at top of first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by ICX). Table above is for the average O.B.-Fom Class of the 712 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes. MUIIIPLIKRS FOR OTHEE O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other 0.3.~Fom Classes (Units) O.B.-Fom Class 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .46 .48 .49 .51 7 .53 .55 .57 .59 .62 .64 .66 .69 .72 .74 8 .77 .80 .83 .86 .90 .93 .96 1.00 1.04 1,08 9 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.51 1.56 Example: Folume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = 110 x 1.20 = 132 bd. ft. Basic data: 712 trees - lellowpoplar from Geo. Washington, Cherokee, Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Tucker County, W. 7a,; Bland County, Virginia; and Chatham County, N. C. Loblolly pine from Piedmont and northern coastal plain counties of South Carolina. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. => 3-162655 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .607856 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .OI6156 (O.B.-Form Class) - 4.091264. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: Loblolly pine ^9.9 percent; Yellowpoplar ilO.l percent. Aggregate difference; estimated values - Loblolly pine 0.22 percent high; Yellowpoplar 10.51 percent high. APPALACHIAN FOREST E3CPi2lIMEliT STATIOf J, H. Buell December 1941 63.“SHOEKXir PESE A!® 7IFGDJU PliJE O.B.-FCSOi CLASS VWm SABLE BOARD FEET DOnS-SCRIBRm LOG RULE O.B.-PCSM CLASS 87 of I6.3“foot loge- DBH i 1 2 2i 3 3k 4 4i 5 In. Gross volxime in board feet 10 13 21 27 32 37 42 46 50 11 18 28 37 44 51 57 63 68 74 79 84 12 24 38 49 58 67 76 S3 90 98 104 m 13 31 49 63 76 87 98 108 n? 126 135 143 14 40 62 SO 96 no 124 137 U9 160 m 182 15 50 77 100 120 138 155 171 186 200 214 223 16 61 95 123 148 170 190 ao 229 247 264 230 17 74 U6 U9 179 206 232 255 278 299 321 340 18 90 139 180 216 248 279 308 334 361 386 409 19 107 166 214 256 296 332 366 398 428 458 488 20 126 195 252 303 3i>8 391 432 469 506 541 574 21 228 295 354 407 458 505 550 592 632 671 22 266 343 411 474 532 586 638 637 734 780 23 395 474 547 614 676 736 792 847 902 24 454 544 627 703 776 845 910 973 1033 25 518 621 714 802 885 964 1038 1109 1178 26 705 an 912 1005 1094 n78 1259 1337 27 796 916 102i n35 1233 1330 1422 1510 28 895 1030 1156 1276 138? U96 1600 1698 29 1002 U53 1294 1429 1552 1675 1791 1901 30 1117 1285 1445 1592 1734 1866 1995 2U8 31 1242 1432 1607 1770 1928 2075 2218 2355 32 xm 1585 1778 1959 2133 2296 2455 2606 33 1517 1750 1963 2163 2355 2535 2716 28S4 34 16!KL 1928 2163 2382 2594 2793 2985 3177 35 1837 m3 2371 2618 ;^51 3069 3281 3483 36 2009 2317 26C» 2864 3U9 3357 3589 3819 37 38 39 AO U 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Volume as utilizedj to s variable top liametOTo O.B.r-FORM GLASS: Diameter out aide bark at top of first l6.3-foot log dlrided by diameter outside bark at brsast kelght, the result bedsg multipliod by 100. Table above is for the aTsrage O.B.-Form Class of the 503 staple tree# used. Fee- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Fom Claasee. MULTIPLTSS FCK OTH® O.B,-FQSM GLi^SS Factors by which to sultiply volumes in tha above average table to obtain volumes for other 0«B,“Form Classes (Units) O.B .-Form Class 0 1 2345 6 7 8 9 (Tens) 5 6 7 Factors .56 ,58 .60 .62 .64 ,66 .69 .71 .73 ,76 8 .79 .81 .84 .87 .90 ,93 ,97 1.00 1.04 1.07 9 l.U 1.15 1.19 1.23 1,27 1.32 1.36 i.a 1.46 1,51 Example: Volume of 16*', 2-log tree of O.B.-Fom Class 92 = 148 X 1.19 » 176 bd. ft, Basic data: 503 tress from Cherokee and Nantah&la National Forests and northeastern South Carolina. Table constructed Srom the squatioas Logarithm Doyle-Ssribner M. ft, vol. ® 3.221276 (logarithm d.bih. inches) .633376 (logarithm mereh. ht. ft.) + .C143i>4 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.959952. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the eejuatisns Shortleaf pine ^8.5 pereenti Virginia pine ^8.8 percent. Aggregate differences estimated values - Shortleaf pin© 4.75 percent high; Virginia pine 4.60 pereent lew, AEPAL&CHIAN FCffiSST ELPaiMSKT STATION^ J. H. BwfiU Seseraber 1Q13 TABIS 64.--SU&AR MAPUS, SS) MAPI£ AKD SHOT BIRCH O.B.-FOHM CLASS VOLUME TABIfi BOARD FSBT DOn£-SC5lIBfiER LOG RUIS O.B.-FOHM CLASS 84 OBH h 1 2 2^ 3 3^ 4 4i 5 1 5^ In. Gross volume in board feet 10 11 18 24 29 33 11 15 24 31 38 44 50 12 19 31 40 49 56 64 71 77 84 90 96 13 24 39 51 61 71 80 89 97 105 113 120 14 30 48 63 76 88 100 110 120 ji.30 140 149 15 37 58 76 92 107 121 135 147 159 171 182 16 44 70 92 m 129 146 162 177 191 206 219 17 53 84 109 133 154 174 193 2U 228 244 261 18 62 99 129 156 182 205 228 248 263 288 308 19 72 115 151 183 212 240 266 290 314 337 359 a) 84 133 175 212 246 277 308 336 364 391 416 21 97 154 201 244 283 319 354 387 U9 449 479 22 UO 175 230 279 324 365 405 443 479 514 547 23 126 200 261 316 367 U5 460 502 544 583 622 24 142 225 295 358 415 469 520 569 615 659 703 25 254 332 403 467 527 585 640 692 7U 791 26 284 372 451 522 590 655 716 774 832 885 27 316 a5 502 583 659 730 798 863 927 986 28 352 460 557 647 731 811 885 959 1028 1096 29 388 509 617 716 809 897 980 1059 1138 1213 30 428 561 679 789 891 989 1079 1169 1253 1337 31 471 617 748 367 980 1086 1186 1285 1377 U69 32 515 676 818 951 1074 1189 1300 1406 1510 1607 33 564 738 895 1038 1172 1300 1422 1538 1648 1758 34 614 8O5 975 1132 1279 1416 1549 1675 1799 1914 35 667 375 1059 1230 1390 1542 1683 1820 1954 2084 36 724 948 1148 1334 1507 1671 1824 1977 2118 2259 37 783 1026 1245 l/*42 1629 1807 1977 2138 2291 2443 38 345 1109 1343 1560 1762 1950 2133 2307 2477 2636 39 912 1194 1445 1679 1897 2104 2296 2489 2667 2844 40 980 1285 1556 1807 2042 2259 2472 2673 2871 3055 41 1052 1380 1671 1941 2188 2427 2655 2871 3069 3281 42 1127 U79 1791 2080 2344 2600 2844 3076 3304 3516 43 1206 1581 19U 2223 2512 2786 30a 3296 3532 3767 44 2377 2679 zm 3251 3516 3776 4027 45 2535 2864 3177 3467 3750 4027 4285 46 2704 3048 3381 3698 3999 4285 4571 47 2871 3243 3597 3926 4256 4560 4364 48 3048 3443 3819 U78 4519 4842 5164 6^ Voluma as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS! Diameter outside bark at top of first 16,3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 247 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Fom Classes. MULTIPLIERS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASSES Factors by which to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes O.B.-Form Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 6 9 (Tens) 5 6 .55 .56 Factors .58 .59 .61 .63 .64 .66 7 .68 .70 .72 .74 .76 .78 .80 .82 .85 .87 8 .90 .92 .95 .97 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.15 9 1.18 1.21 1.25 1.28 1.32 1.36 1.39 1.43 1.47 1.51 Example: Volxane of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 = in X 1.25 = 139 bd. ft Basic data: 247 trees from Pisgaih and Nantahala National Forests j Tucker County, W. Va.j and Bland County, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation: Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. =■ 2.877373 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .667400 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .011960 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.432235. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equation: Sugar maple -10.8 percentj'Red maple ilO.5 percent; Sweet birch -8.3 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values - Sugar maple 9.94 percent high; Red maple 5.85 percent low; Sweet birch 1,96 percent high. APPAUCHIAN FOREST EEPSRIMENT STATION J. H. Buell December 1941 TABIS 65.-WHIIE OAK, CHSSrraT OAK, SASTi®*! KS) OAK, BLACK OAK, AND SCAKLEI OAK O.B.-nm, CLASS TOLCHE TABLa BOABB Fm’ DOIUS-SCRIBNEa LOG RULE O.B.~FORM CLASS 85 -Numbor of 16.5-foo-fc logs- 1 2 2i 3 4 4 5 Gross volume in board, feet 10 11 13 24 29 34 33 LL 15 24 31 38 44 50 56 12 19 31 40 49 57 65 72 78 13 24 39 51 62 72 81 90 99 14 30 43 63 77 89 101 112 122 133 15 37 59 7? 94 109 123 137 150 162 16 44 71 93 113 131 149 165 180 195 209 17 53 84 111 135 156 177 196 215 232 250 18 62 100 131 159 184 209 232 254 274 294 19 73 116 153 186 216 244 271 296 3a 344 20 85 135 177 215 251 m 3U 344 372 399 21 156 204 243 288 326 361 395 428 460 22 111 178 234 284 330 373 414 453 490 526 23 127 202 266 323 375 424 470 515 557 598 24 144 229 301 365 425 480 532 582 631 676 25 161 258 338 410 478 540 598 655 710 762 26 181 288 379 460 535 605 671 734 794 853 27 202 322 423 513 597 674 748 818 887 951 28 2SU 357 470 570 662 750 832 910 984 1057 29 395 520 631 733 830 920 1007 1089 1169 30 436 573 695 m 9U 1014 1109 1202 1291 31 430 631 766 889 1007 1117 1222 13a 1419 32 526 690 840 975 1102 1222 1337 1449 1556 33 562 755 895 1042 1178 1306 1429 1549 1660 34 627 824 1000 1161 1315 1459 1596 1726 1854 35 682 895 1086 1265 1429 1585 1734 1879 20U 36 740 970 ueo 1371 1549 1718 1879 2037 2188 37 800 1052 1276 1483 1679 1862 2037 2203 2366 38 U35 1380 1603 1811 2009 a98 2382 2559 39 1225 I486 1730 1954 2168 2371 2570 2754 40 1318 1600 1858 2104 2333 2553 2767 2965 a 1718 1995 2259 2506 2742 2965 3184 42 1841 2138 2421 2685 2938 3177 3412 43 1972 2291 2594 2877 3148 3404 3656 44 2109 2449 2767 3076 3365 3639 3908 45 2249 2612 2958 3281 3589 3882 a69 46 2399 2786 3148 3499 3819 4140 4446 47 2553 2965 3350 3715 4064 4406 4732 48 2710 3148 3565 3954 4325 4677 5023 Volume as utilized, to a variable top diameter. O.B.. -FORM CLASS s Diameter outside bark at top of first 16. 3-foot 6^ diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100, Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 1802 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to gat volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes, MuXTIPUSaS FOR OTHER O.B.-FORM CLASaES Factors by ?rtjich to sfoiltiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Claesas O.B.-Fom Class 0 1 2 3 (Units) 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tone) 5 .37 .33 .39 .40 Factors .41 .42 .44 .45 .46 .48 6 .49 .50 .52 .53 .55 .56 .58 ,60 .62 .63 7 .65 .67 .69 .71 .73 .75 .77 .80 .82 .84 8 ,87 .89 .92 .94 .97 1.00 1,03 1.06 1.09 1.12 9 1.15 1.19 1.22 1.26 1.29 1.33 1.37 i.a 1.45 1.49 Examples Volume of 16", 2-log tree of O.B.-Form Class 92 « 113 3L 1.22 « 138 bd. ft. Basic datas 1802 trees from Cherokee, Pisgah, Nantahala, and Chattahoochee National Forests; Jackson County, Ohio; Garrett County, Maryland; Hardy and Tucker Counties, S. Va.; Bland County, Virginia susd Chatham County, North Carolina. Table constructed from the equations Logarithm Doyle-Scribnar bd. ft, vol. = 2.892515 (logarithm d.b.h. inches) + .673880 (logarithm march, ht. ft.) + .012399 (O.B.-Form Class) - 3.503653. Average deviation of individual tree voliaaes from values estimated by the equations White oak ±10.9 percent; Chestnut oak ±8.6 percent; Eastern red oak ±9.7 percent; Black oak -7.1 percent; Scarlet oak ^S.l percent. Aggregate differences estimated vai.ues - White oak 3.21 percent low; Chestnut oak 6,11 percent high; Eastern red oak 5.67 percent high; Black oak 2.06 percent liigh; Scarlet oak 4.47 percent low. APPAIA0HIAN FOREST SmUSENT STATION J, H. Buell December 1941 TABLE 66. -■WHITE ASH AND BASSWOOD O.B,-FORM CLASS ?OLUlffi TABLE BOARD FEET BOnJE-SCRIBNSi LOG HULK O.B.-FORM CLASS 87 DBH i 1 In. -Nisfflber of 16. 3-foot logs- 2 3 3^ 4 5 Gross volume in board feet 6 6k 7 10 12 19 25 30 35 40 11 15 25 33 40 47 53 12 20 32 43 52 61 69 76 84 13 25 a 54 66 77 87 97 107 14 32 51 68 83 96 109 121 133 144 155 15 39 63 83 102 119 135 150 164 178 191 16 47 77 101 124 lU 163 182 199 216 232 17 57 92 122 148 173 196 218 239 259 279 18 68 109 144 176 206 233 259 284 308 331 354 19 80 128 170 208 242 274 305 334 363 390 a? 20 93 150 198 242 282 320 356 390 04 455 486 21 174 230 280 327 371 412 452 491 527 564 22 200 264 322 376 427 474 520 564 607 649 23 229 302 368 430 488 542 594 646 693 7a 24 259 344 419 489 555 617 676 733 789 843 25 294 388 474 552 627 697 764 830 891 953 26 330 438 533 622 706 785 861 933 1005 1072 27 371 490 597 697 791 879 964 1047 1125 1202 28 U13 547 667 778 883 982 1076 1167 1256 1340 29 608 7a 865 982 1091 1197 1297 1396 1489 30 673 820 957 1086 1208 1324 U35 1545 1652 31 743 906 1057 1199 1334 1462 1585 1706 1824 32 817 998 1164 1318 1466 1607 1746 1875 2004 33 897 1094 1276 1449 1611 1766 1914 2061 2198 34 1197 1396 1585 1762 1932 2094 2254 2ao 35 1306 1524 1730 1923 2109 2286 2460 2630 36 1422 1660 1879 2094 2296 2489 2679 2858 37 1545 1803 2042 2275 2495 2704 2911 3105 38 1675 1954 2213 2466 2704 2931 3148 3365 39 40 U 42 43 U 45 46 47 48 ■^olume aa utilized, to a Tsriable top diameter. O.B.-FORM CLASS; Diameter outside bark at top of .first 16. 3-foot log divided by diameter outside bark at breast height, the result being multiplied by 100. Table above is for the average O.B.-Form Class of the 192 sample trees used. Fac- tors in table below are to be used to get volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes. MULTIPLIFES FOR OTHER O.B.-FCEM CLASSES Factors by irtiioh to multiply volumes in the above average table to obtain volumes for other O.B.-Form Classes (Itaits) O.B.-Fom Class 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (Tens) Factors 5 6 .46 .48 .50 .52 7 .54 .56 .58 .60 .62 .64 .67 .69 .72 .74 8 .77 .80 .83 .86 .90 .93 .96 1,00 1.04 1.08 9 1 .12 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.29 1.34 1.39 1.44 1.50 1.55 Example: Volume of I6" , 2-log tree of 0 t.B.-Form Class 92 = 124 X 1.20 - 149 bd. ft Basic data: 192 trees from Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests and Tucker County, W, Virginia. Table constructed from the equation; Logarithm Doyle-Scribner bd. ft. vol. = 3.013638 (logarithm d.b.b. inches) + .690124 (logarithm merch. ht. ft.) + .015940 (OoB.-Form Class) - 3.968214. Average deviation of individual tree volumes from values estimated by the equations White ash ^9.0 percent; Basswood ±10.8 percent. Aggregate difference: estimated values - Vftiite ash 3.01 percent high; Bassr/ood 1.19 percent low. APPALACHIAN FORIST EXPERIMENT STATIOfI J. H. Buell December 1941 r Ar