86 KINGS OF BACTEIA AND INDIA Metal No. M 893 694-696 697 69S Obverse Eeverse Unrepresented types: (i) As type (a), but helmeted bust; didrachm and hemldraehm size in B. M. Cunningham, PL XIY. 8. (ii) Mounted horseman to r.; legends as on type (a). Hemidraclim now in B. M. Unique. (iii) Cunningham, PL XIV. 10. M Now in B. M. Enthroned Zeus as on type (a). HEEMAIOS AND KALLIOPE (a) Type: conjugate busts and mounted king; silver, round BAZIAEI1S ZQTHPOZ Maharajasa tratarasa Iferama- EPMAIOY KAI KAAAIOTIHZ Conjugate diademed "busts of king and queen to r. W. 37. S. -65. Known only in hemidrachm size. S,-65 33 S. -65. Unrepresented types: None, King panoplied and armed on horse prancing to r. M. 38. G. B. Pi. IX. G.B.