HUYISHKA 197 Metal No. Obverse Keverse 130 As OB No. 126, 181 W. 122. S. -8. 182 133 As on No. 116. W. 123. S. -75. 134 135 W. 122, S. -8. W. 28. S.-5. W. 120. S. .8. APAOXf>Q Goddess to r. holding cornuco- piae in both hands. To r. M. 6. G.B. APAOXfX) As on No. ISO, but goddess to L To l.-M. 6. PL XVIII. OANINAO Winged goddess to 1. with palm in L hand and wreath in out- stretched r. hand. To r, M. 6. G. B. PL XVIII. NANA Goddess standing to front, radiate, with head turned to L; sceptre in outstretched r. hand. To L M. 6. PL XVIII Figure of goddess Nana stand- ing to r. as on No. 97. but name is blundered and illegible. To r. M. 6. NANA and OH|>0 Figures of the deities facing one another; between them M. 6. G. B. PL XVIIL Figure of goddess with the cornucoplae as on No. 130, with name to L, which is quite blun- dered and illegible. To r. M. 4. G. B. Pi. XVIIL