Ecologically Significant Wetlands in the Upper Yellowstone River Watershed including the Boulder, Clarks Fork Yellowstone, Shields, and Stillwater River Drainages Prepared forthe Montana Department of Environmental Quality By W. Marc Jones August 2001 MONTANA Natural Heritage Ecologically Significant Wetlands in the Upper Yellowstone River Watershed including the Boulder, Clarks Fork Yellowstone, Shields, and Stillwater River Drainages Prepared for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality Agreement #200 102 By W. Marc Jones Montana Natural Heritage Program Montana State Library RO. Box 20 1800 Helena, Montana 59620- 1 800 ' 200 1 Montana Natural Heritage Program This document should be cited as: Jones, W. M. 200 1 . Ecologically significant wetlands in the upper Yellowstone River watershed, including the Boulder, Clarks Fork Yellowstone, Shields, and Stillwater River drainages. Report to the Montana Depart- ment of Environmental Quality. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 37pp. plus appendices. Summary The Montana Natural Heritage Program, in partnership with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, has completed an inventory of ecologically significant wetlands in the watersheds of the upper Yellowstone River in south central Montana. This project identified high quality wetlands in the study area and evaluated their diversity and integrity. Building on previous watershed inventories, this work creates a consistent and comprehensive source of wetland information that can foim the basis for effective prioritization of wetland protection and restoration efforts. This inventory targeted wetlands with intact hydrological functions, representative native plant communities, outstanding wildlife values, and/or rare plant and animal species. Inventory priorities were also influenced by degree of threat. Therefore highly protected alpine wetlands in the Absaroka-Beaitooth Wilderness Area and the proposed Line Creek Plateau Research Natural Area were not inventoried, despite the ecological importance of these wetlands. Instead, greater priority was placed on inventorying wetlands on private land because of the greater development potential at these sites. Important sources for locating significant wetlands were local expert opinion and aerial photographs. We used standard Heritage Program methodologies to inventory wetlands and to assess site condition, catalog community types, and document rare plant and animal occun"ences. Five criteria were used to evaluate each site's ecological significance: ( I ) condition, which includes degree of hydrologic or geomorphic alteration, quality of native plant communities, and presence of exotic species, (2) landscape context, which includes condition of uplands and hydrologic connectivity between wetland and uplands, (3) divereity, which includes the number ofplant communities, stmctural vegetation types. and hydrologic classes, (4) rarity, which includes the number and condition of rare plants, animals, or communities, and (5) size of wetland. We then placed sites into one of four categories, ranging from highest quality (A-ranked) to poorest quality (D-ranked). Forty-six ecologically significant wetlands were inventoried for this study Of these sites, eight rated as A-ranked wetlands, 16 asB-ranked wetlands, 20 as C-ranked wetlands, and two sites were not ranked. A-ranked sites were relatively undisturbed to pristine. In general, their natural hydrologic regimes were intact, they supported high quality examples of native plant communities, and they had no or only minor weed populations. The uplands surrounding these sites were largely undisturbed, with minimal human alterations. These wetlands included diverse beaver-influ- enced wetlands and several poor fens, which are a regionally rare wetland type. In contrast, B- ranked sites had been impacted by both on- and off-site human disturbances, although many sites still maintained high functional capacity and sup- ported high quality plant communities. This category included riverine and depressional montane wetlands along the Beartooth Front and low-elevation riverine and slope wetlands. Grove Creek Aspens, a unique spring-fed aspen stand in the arid Bighorn Basin, was included in this category. The remaining sites were rated as C- ranked wetlands. These wetlands have been functionally impaired through hydrologic or geo- morphic alterations or through land use distur- bances in the wetlands or adjacent uplands. Exotic species were widespread and abundant at many of these sites. In contrast, some of these wetlands were in good condition, but were com- prised of a few common, structurally simple communities, and therefore had low diversity and rarity scores, C-ranked sites included low- elevation riverine wetlands as well as three large alkaline lake systems. Acknowledgements This project was primarily funded through a U,S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wetland protection grant to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), as authorized by Section 104(b)(3) ofthe Clean Water Act. Lynda Saul atDEQand Steve Potts at EPA have been instmmental in administering this program, and they deserve special thanks for their continued support of the Montana Natural Heritage Program's wetland inventory initiative. Many individuals provided information about high quality wetlands in the study area. Special thanks to Burt Williams (The Nature Conservancy), Chris Phelps (Montana Land Reliance), Jay Paries (Bureau of Land Management), Jim Hanson (Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks), Rich Johnson (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), and Jim Sparks, Kim Reid, and Pat Pierson (U.S. Forest Service), Thanks also to the private landowners who allowed us to inventory wetlands on their property. Heritage Program staff were essential to the completion of this project. Thanks to Martin Miller and Terrie Kenney for data processing, Cedron Jones and Whitney Weber for maps and CIS manipulations, Paul Hendricks for zoological surveys, John Carlson for rare animal information, Bonnie Heidel for botanical inventories and raie plant information, Steve Cooper and Jack Greenlee for field work, and Cathie Jean and Joy Lewis for editing. Thanks to Katrina Dixon (Scheuerman) at NRIS for help with final report formatting and production. Thanks also to Joe Elliott for identifying moss specimens and Peter Lesicafor help with field surveys. 11 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 1 STUDY AREA 2 Physical Setting 2 Vegetation 3 Cultural Characteristics and Land Use 5 METHODS 6 Site Identification and Selection 6 Data Collecdon 7 Data Management 7 Site and Community Ranking 8 Community Rarity Ranks (State and Global Ranks) 8 Community Viabih^ Ranks 8 Site Ranks 8 Plant Community Classification 9 Nomenclature 10 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1 Wetiand Status 10 Plant Communities 12 Forested Vegetation 12 Scrub-Shrub Vegetation 16 Emergent Vegetation 16 Aquatic Bed Vegetation 17 Plant Species of Special Concern 17 Animal Species of Special Concern 17 Wetland Conservation 19 A-ranked Wetlands 21 B-ranked Wetiands 21 C-ranked Wetlands 31 Wetlands Not Inventoried 32 How This Information Can Be Used 33 Future Needs 33 How To Request Additional Information 33 LITERATURE CITED 35 APPENDIX A - Global and State Rank Guidelines APPENDIX B - Site Rank Criteria for Wetlands and Riparian Areas APPENDIX C - Common Wetland Communities Documented in the upper Yellowstone River Watershed APPENDIX D - Site Descriptions APPENDIX E - Watersheds with High Biological Diversity and Conservation Value 111 Introduction Historically, wetlands have been considered unproductive lands with little value to society (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Consequently, wetlands have long been drained, filled, or other- wise manipulated to produce goods and services valued by society. This has resulted in significant wetland destruction and degradation in the United States. Dahl (1990) estimated that over half of the wetland acres in the conterminous United States have been lost since 1 780. and that approximately 25% of Montana's wetland acres have been lost in the same period. In the last 20 years, as awareness of the cumulative loss and damage to wetlands in the United States has grown, so too has societ}''s appreciation of the ecological importance and economic benefits of wetlands. This recognition has expanded opportu- nities to prevent wetland loss and restore the condition of remaining wetlands. In Montana, there are numerous regulatory and incentive- based programs at the private, state, and federal level dedicated to wetland conservation (see Kyle [1998] for an overview of these programs). Wetland inventories, by identifying and assessing the condition of biologically significant wetlands, can improve the effectiveness of these programs and are an important first step in wetland conservation. In 1998 the Montana Natural Heritage Program (MTNHP), in partnership with the Montana Depart- ment of Environmental Quality, began to systemati- cally evaluate the diversity, integrity and signifi- cance of Montana wetlands through watershed inventories. The goal of these inventories is to produce a consistent and comprehensive source of wetland information to help ensure that protection, restoration, and mitigation efforts target the full range of wetland diversity; including those wet- lands that are outstanding, irreplaceable, or which contribute most to watershed integrity. It provides local landowners, county planners, land trusts, conservation districts, government agencies, and others access to reliable information on the diver- sity of wetland tj'pes as well as the location and relative significance of specific wetland sites within target watersheds. This creates a basis for effec- tively prioritizing wetland protection and restora- tion efforts. The initial MTNHP inventories were conducted in the Flathead River watershed and are summarized in Greenlee (1999) and Cooper et al. (2000). This current project, which inventoried wetlands in the watersheds of the upper Yellowstone River, builds on this previous work. Taken together, these inventories document ecologically significant wetlands in these important watersheds and contrib- ute to our understanding of wetlands and their associated biological diversity in Montana. Figure 1 displays the status of MT>JI-IP wetland invento- ries conducted to date in the state, as well as the watersheds proposed for inventory in 200 1 . MTNHP inventories use standard methods both to identify ecologically significant wetlands at a watershed scale and to prioritize their importance for wetland conservation. This approach considers biological composition and condition as well as the functional integrity of wetland sites with respect to hydrolog}'' and landscape setting. The conservation significance of each wetland is evaluated based on standardized criteria developed for the state (Ap- pendix B). The wetland sites examined in this inventory fall within the wetland definition used by Cowardin et al. ( 1 979). and all had at least one of the following attributes: hydrophobic vegetation, hydric soils, and/or wetland hydrology. This definition includes riparian areas, wet meadows, and vernal pools. Wetland terminology in this report follows defini- tions presented in Chadde et al. (1998) and Keddy (2000). Wetlands can be divided into several different categories depending on the amount and type of water they receive, whether herbaceous or woody vegetation is dominant, and whether the substrate is organic or mineral. Swamps are temporarily to seasonally flooded wetlands that are dominated by woody vegetation that is rooted in hydric soils, but not in peat or muck (organic soils composed of partially or wholly decomposed plant matter). Riparian forests, such as cottonwood gallery forests, receive less water than swamps and are usually temporarily or less frequently flooded. Marshes are seasonally to permanently flooded wetlands dominated by emergent herbaceous vegetation. Although marshes form on mineral soil, some peat accumulation can occur because of the 1 tremendous productivity of marsh vegetation. In contrast, peatlands are wetlands with saturated substrates that have accumulated a layer of peat at least 30 cm deep in the upper soil horizon (Chadde et al. 1998). Peatlands in Montana are either fens, dominated by herbaceous species, or carrs. domi- nated by shrubs. The water source for tens and carrs is groundwater that has been in contact with mineral soil {and thus may be high in nutrients), as opposed to bogs, whose water source is precipita- tion and therefore very nutrient poor. True bogs do not occur in Montana, although some fens are mixed mires that support bog-like microsites. such as raised mounds dominated by Sphagnum mosses. Wet meadows are dominated by herbaceous plant communities that are temporarily to seasonally flooded and have limited peat development because they usually dry down for part of the growing season. Wet meadows are often exceptionally species rich. The terms slope, riverine, depres- sional, and lacustrine fringe wetlands are all used as defined by Smith et al. (1995). Study Area Physical Setting The study area is located within the upper Yellowstone River watershed in south central Montana (Figure 2). This area encompasses the Yellowstone River downstream of the Park County line to the city of Billings and includes the Shields, Boulder, Stillwater, and Clark's Fork Yellowstone River drainages. These watersheds correspond to the following U.S. Geological Survey fourth code hydrologic units (HUCs): Clark's Fork Yellowstone (HUC 10070006), Shields (HUC 10070003), Stillwater (HUC 10070005), Upper Yellowstone Lake Basin (HUC 1 0070004), and the portion of the Upper Yellowstone downstream from Park County (HUC 10070002). The study area contains most of Sweet Grass and Stillwater Counties, the western two-thirds of Carbon County, and the southwestern portion of Yellowstone County. The upper Yellowstone River watershed lies at the intersection of the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains, and it supports a correspondingly diverse physiography, climate, and vegetation. This region includes portions of four Bailey ecoregion prov- inces: the Southern Rocky Mountains Province, represented in the study area by the Beartooth Front. Beartooth Mountains, and Absaroka/Gal latin Mountains Subsections, the Middle Rocky Moun- tains Province, represented by the Crazy Mountains and Central Montana Broad Valleys Subsections, the Great Plains-Palouse Province, represented by the Montana High Plains and Foothills and Mon- tana Sedimentary Plains Subsections, and the Intermountain Semi-Desert Province, represented by the Bighorn Intermontane Basin Subsection (Nesseretal. 1997). The mountainous portion of the study area includes the Beartooth, Absaroka, and Craz>' Mountains. The Beartooth Mountains are a broad, fault- bounded uplift of Precambrian crystalline rocks, such as granitic gneiss and schist (Zelt et al. 1999), and the high Beartooth Plateau supports extensive alpine areas with many lakes. The Absaroka Range is a large Tertiar}' age volcanic field composed largely of andesite. dacite, and rhyolite that was laid down in volcanic flows and eruptions (Woods etal. 1999, Zelt etal. 1999). The Crazy Mountains consist of a core of Tertiary age coarse-grained alkaline intrusive rock surrounded by a mantle of Quaternary' drift and colluvium (Alt and Hyndman 1986, Woods etal. 1999). All these ranges were extensively glaciated and are ver}' rugged. In contrast, the non-mountainous portion of the study area -the Great Plains and Bighorn Basin - are primarily underlain with Cretaceous age sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone and shale, with localized deposits of volcanic debris, as in the Crazy Mountain Basin (Alt and Hyndman 1 986). Unconsolidated Quaternary deposits, such as glacial outwash terraces and alluvium, are common along stream courses. The climate in the study area is largely continental and can be extremely variable. The region's seasonality is the product of interactions among air masses originating in the northern Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Arctic, with Gulf systems dominant in the spring and early summer and Arctic air dominant in the winter (Zelt at al. 1999). Climate ranges from cold and moist in the mountains to temperate and semiarid in the plains (Zelt at al. 1999). Average annual temperatures range from 34''F at Cooke City to AT¥ at Billings (Western Regional Climate Center 2001). Precipi- tation varies from 40 to 110 inches per year in the Current Project Area Watersheds Previously Inventoried Watersheds Planned for Inventory In 2001 Figure 1 . Status of Montana Natural Heritage Program wetland inventories. Absaroka and Beartooth Mountains to ! to 20 inclies in the Great Plains (Nesseretal. 1997). Tlie arid Bighorn Basin, which lies in the rain shadow of the Beartooth Mountains, receives only 5 to 12 inches of precipitation per year ("Nesseret al. 1997). Elevations in the study area range from over 12.000 feet in the Beailoolh Mountains to just over 3,000 feet at Billings in the Great Plains. Vegetation The Beartooth Mountains suppoit extensive areas of alpine tundra. The range's high plateaus and many peaks contain the largest extent of alpine tundra in Montana (Lesica 1993). Associated with the splendor of the alpine vegetation is the greatest variety and extent of cryopedogenic features obsen'ed anywhere in Montana, including solifluc- tion terraces, soiled nets and stripes, soited and unsorted polygons, and frost hummocks (Johnson and Billings 1961). The vegetation on the Line Creek Plateau is more similar to the high ranges of Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado than any other mountain range in Montana. Line Creek Plateau is a gently rolling alpine tundra landscape with extensive areas of moist snovvbed vegetation. The plateau contains hundreds of glacial lakes and potholes although wetland features are rare (Lesica 1993). Vegetation of these alpine environments is charac- terized by turf vegetation dominated by Ross' avens (Get/in rossii)^ curly sedge (Carex rupesiris). Bellardi bog sedge (Kobresia myosauroides) and blackroot sedge {Carex elynoidesX cushion plant communities dominated by curly sedge, moss campion {Silene acauHs\ dwaiT clover {Trifolinm nanum). and twinflower sandwort {Minuartia obtmilobaX and moist grasslands to wet meadows dominated by tufted haii"grass {Deschampsia caespitosa). alpine bluegrass {Poa alpino). and Parry's clover {Trifolinm parry i). The transition from wet meadow to marsh and fen is characterized by the increasing presence of mountain sedge {Carex scopulonun). >t> .t'f'l' '?V^%:f_ji Figiu^e 2. The project shidy aiea, showing physiography, rivers, cities, and Bailey ecoregions (Nesser et al. 1997). Coniferous forests dominate the mountainous portion of the study area. The composition of these forests varies greatly by elevation, hi high-eleva- tion subalpine forests, the dominant species are whitebark pine (Pi/n/s albicaulisX subalpine fir {Abies lasiocarpa\ Engelmann spruce (Picea etigelmamiii\ and lodgepole pine (Pim/s contortd). While whitebark pine is found only in the upper subalpine zone, the other species are also dominant at mid-elevations. Low- and mid-elevation mon- tane areas are dominated by Douglas-tlr {Pseudotsuga menziesii) and lodgepole pine. At the lower treeline. ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) becomes the dominant species, with limber pine {Pinusflexilis) and Rocky Mountain juniper {Juii i perns scopulorum) filling this roll on calcare- ous substrates. Deciduous forests of aspen (Popuius tremuloides) or Cottonwood are relatively uncommon but occur locally in the mid- to low-montane zone where adequate soil moisture is available. Aspen forms large stands on toe slope positions and subirrigated slopes, especially along the base of the Beartooth Front at Grove Creek (east slope) and west of Red Lodge (north slope). Seasonally flooded aspen stands are restricted to sites saturated by seepage from springs or from high stream flow such as below seeps on gentle slopes, wet draws and flats, and in depressions along stream bank terraces. The major streams and rivers in the Great Plains support locally extensive riparian forests, dominated by black Cottonwood {Popuius balsamifera ssp. trichocarpaX narrowleaf cotton wood {Popuius angustifoliaX and plains cottonwood (Popuius delloides). Grasslands and shrublands dominate broad valleys and sedimentary plains. The primary exception is where ponderosa pine woodlands are locally abundant on exposed sandstone ridges and benches. Grasslands are composed chiefly of Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis\ bluebunch wheatgrass {Pseudoroegneria spicataX and needle-and-thread {Hesperostipa comataX with blue grama {Bouteloua gracilis) becoming an important dominant on the lower plains. Sagebrush commu- nities typically are found in upland sites such as flat to rolling plains, plateaus and hills, benches and terraces above valley floors, alluvial fans and toeslopes, mountain parks and ridges, as well as well-drained alluvial bottomlands (ABI 2001). Mountain sagebrush (Artemisia trideutata ssp. vaseyana) is found with Idaho fescue, bluebunch wheatgrass. or western wheatgrass (Pascopyritm smithii). In the more arid Big Horn Basin. Wyo- ming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis) replaces mountain sagebrush as the dominant sagebrush species. Black sagebrush {Artemisia nova) communities with bluebunch wheatgrass are dominant on areas underlain by calcareous substrate. Wetlands in the study area have formed through various processes. In and near the mountains, many wetlands were created by glacial processes. Many depressional wetlands are associated with glacial landforms, such as cirques, terminal and recessional moraines, and kettle ponds. Broad, U- shaped glaciated valleys and outwash plains are also conducive to wetland development. Many rivers in glaciated valleys and on the plains have well developed floodplains that support extensive riparian wetlands. Additionally, some depressional wetlands on the plains are associated with wind- eroded deflation basins (Woods et al. 1 999). Cultural Characteristics and Land Use Population in the watershed is sparse, in most areas averaging 2 to 6 persons per square mile. The exception is Yellowstone County, where Billings (Montana's largest city and the only one of over 1 5,000 in the watershed) accounts for an average population of nearly 50 persons per square mile in the county. The region's population was relatively stable until the I990's. but increased between the 1990 and 2000 census from 14 percent in Yellowstone County to 25 percent in Stillwater County (U.S. Census Bureau 200 1 ). Most of the growth is concentrated in the Billings area and in desirable recreational/ resort areas, the latter driven primarily by conversion of ranches to low-density residential use (Zelt et al. 1999). Most of the study area is in private ownership. Large blocks of public land are restricted to Na- tional Forest lands in the Beartooth, Absaroka, and Craz}' Mountains and portions of the upper Clark's Fork River watershed managed by the Bureau of Land Management. State school trust lands, managed by the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, are interspersed throughout privately owned lands. Land use varies dramatically between the lower and upper watershed and by elevation. In the non- forested Great Plains and intermountain valleys, grazing and. to a lesser extent, crop production (both dr}dand and irrigated) represent the major land uses by acreage. Although overstocking and concentration of stock along watercourses can impact habitat, grazing can be among the lowest- impact land uses and is important to the health of grasslands. Ranches with rangelands are increas- ingly being converted to low-densitj' residential development, resulting in habitat loss and fragmen- tation. Land trusts dedicated to open space have secured many agricultural easements in valley locations helping to prevent habitat fragmentation in the watershed. Development and intensive buman use is concen- trated along rivers, with major impacts on habitat and species diversity'. Riparian babitats support a diverse array of species, many of them dependent on riparian or wetland habitats for all or a portion of tbeir habitat requirements. Riparian habitat, especially along the Yellowstone River, has also been heavily impacted by bank hardening, which suppresses tbe flooding required for cottonwood regeneration. Riparian areas are also particularly susceptible to invasion by exotic weeds, especially those that rely on elevated moisture levels or that invade wbere soils are disturbed. Grazing animals tend to concentrate in riparian areas because of the highly productive forage, available water, and sbade. Recreation activities frequently take place in riparian settings. Grazing animals and humans can also accidentally spread weeds into riparian areas. In the mountainous portion of the watershed, dominant land uses are recreation, forestry, and mining. The principle human impact in forested zones has probably been fire suppression (Arno 2000). Major mining activity is concentrated at the Stillwater drainage. Stillwater Mining Company is the only U.S. producer of platinum and palladium. Recreational impacts are concentrated in areas of higher tourism development (e.g., near Red Lodge, Gardiner, and Livingston), but are also widely dispersed throughout mid- and high-elevation areas, where there is extensive camping, fishing, and hiking use. These activities can damage fragile alpine vegetation in areas of heavy use. Methods Site Identification and Selection The principle criteria used to initially select wet- lands for inventory were ecological integrity and conservation significance. Specifically, we sought wetlands without hydrologic or geomorphic modification that had intact, representative native plant communities and that supported rare species or communities or had outstanding wildlife habitat. We consulted several sources of information to identify potential high quality wetlands. Expert opinion from local resource managers, biologists, and hydrologists provided the best site-specific information and most promising leads for follow- up. Agencies and organizations consulted included the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Reclama- tion, Bureau of Land Management, local Conserva- tion Districts, Montana Department of Fish, Wild- life & Parks, The Nature Conservancy, Montana Land Reliance, University of Montana Riparian and Wetland Research Program, and ecological consult- ants. We also checked Heritage databases for known occurrences of wetland-dependent special status plants and animals and inspected U.S. Geological Survey topographic quad maps and aerial photographs to identify potentially important wetlands. In all, these data sources revealed about 1 00 potential high quality wetland sites. Once potential sites were identified, we used the above criteria to prioritize our inventor^' efforts. We emphasized wetlands with intact hydrologic regimes and geomorpbology that support high quality native plant communities and/or popula- tions of rare plants or animals. We also considered landscape context, ownership, and management. For example, because of the greater potential for development, wetlands and riparian areas on private lands received greater inventor}' attention than those on state or federal lands. Similarly, because of their highly protected status, we did not inventory alpine wetlands within the Absaroka- Beartooth Wilderness Area or the proposed Line Creek Plateau Research Natural Area, despite the ecological importanceof these wetlands. Where potential inventory sites were partly or wholly in private ownership, we requested landowner pemiis- sioti for access. In cases where permission was deniedj the site was dropped from the priority' list. Data Collection Wetlands were surveyed during the summers of 1999 and 2000. except for two sites that were inventoried in May 2001 . Montana Natural Heri- tage Program ecologists used a standardized methodology based on Bourgeron et al. (1992) to assess site condition, catalog community types, and document rare plant and animal occurrences. Specifically, we attempted to walk through all wetland plant communities at any given site, except where prevented by deep water or denial of land- owner permission. We noted dominant species in each stratum, made ocular estimates of their canopy coverage, and estimated the acreage of each com- munity. Where applicable, we classified each wetland plant community using Hansen et al. (1995) and ABI (2001). The condition of each community was assessed using criteria such as the presence of exotic species, evidence of logging, hummocking or pugging, presence of ditches, dikes, riprap, and other geomorphic and hydrologic modifications. We also noted the depth of standing water and presence of beaver activity. For plant communities not previously described in Hansen et al. ( 1 995) or ABI (2001 ) or which were deemed uncommon, we collected detailed plot data. At each site, elevation, aspect, slope, and the hydrogeomorphic (HGM) class and subclass (Smith et al. 1995) were noted, as were the Cowardin system/subsystem, class/subclass, and hydrologic regime (Cowardin etal. 1979). We also recorded offsite land uses and spoke to landowners/managers about land use history whenever possible. A cursory search for rare plants was conducted during the walk-through of each wetland. Br^'oph^les were collected at a few sites and identified by J.C. Elliott. Montana Natural Heritage Program zoolo- gists conducted faunal surveys of selected wet- lands. These surveys focused on animal groups that are ecologically important in wetlands, such as amphibians and snails. Although no formal wetland delineations or func- tional assessments were conducted as part of this project. Heritage Program ecologists did use two regional HGM models developed by researchers at the Flathead Lake Biological Station (Hauer et al. 2000a. 2000b). For example, we measured the depth of the O and A soil horizons at some sites. This variable is measured in the intermontane pothole HGM model; it represents the long-term store of nutrients in the soil and acts as an index of the characteristic decomposer community' in the wetland (Hauer et al. 2000a). For instance, a very thick A horizon can indicate an excessive amount of upland erosion is taking place. About one-third of the wetlands inventoried included lands under private ownership. Landown- ers were contacted for permission to gain access to their property prior to site visits. Users of this report should note that they, too, would need to obtain landowner permission before entering private lands. Data Management The Montana Natural Heritage Program maintains four types of database records for information gathered in the wetland inventor^': community' plot records, community' and species occurrence records, site records, and community abstracts. Wetland community plot information (i.e.. species composition and cover and environmental data) was entered into a relational database that is similar to the U.S. Forest Service Ecodata system used for managing ecological data (Jensen et al. 1 993). We created a community occurrence record for each wetland community ranked as having out- standing quality or considered rare or imperiled. Community occurrence information (e.g., HGM class, Cowardin class/subclass, dominant species, hydrology, landscape setting) was summarized and entered in the Biological and Conservation Data System (BCD), a database developed by The Nature Conser\'ancy and used by programs throughout the Natural Heritage Network. Summary information about each site as a whole (e.g., general site descriptions, ecological diversity, on- and offsite land uses, management needs) was also entered into a site file in BCD. Detailed plant community abstracts were created to characterize both common and uncommon wetland plant communities. These include information from a variety of sources documenting community range, typical landscape setting, typical species composi- t[on, succession, and matiagement. This informa- tion is being stored temporarily in a word process- ing template, for later uploading into a BCD file under development. The boundaries of each wetland site were digitized as polygons and stored in a Geographic Information System. Site and Community Ranking Community Rarity Ranks (State and Global Ranks) We ranked the rarity and conservation significance of individual plant community types using criteria analogous to those used for ranking plant and animal species. This ranking system is intended to help managers identify elements at risk and deter- mine management and conservation priorities. Community ranks are based primarily on the total number of occurrences and area occupied by the community type, either rangewide (for global or G ranks) or statewide (for state or S ranks). In addition, information on condition, threats, trend, and fragility are considered when known. The ranks are scaled from I to 5. with G 1 indicating that the community is critically imperiled rangewide and G5 indicating no risk of extinction. Guidelines used to assign community ranks are included in Appendix A. Community Viability Ranks Each individual wetland community occurrence was also quality-ranked using criteria developed by The Nature Conservancy and the Natural Heritage Network (TNC and ABI 1999). For each commu- nity, we evaluated its condition, landscape context, and size. We then assigned an overall rank of A — D, with A being excellent and D being poor. Wetland and riparian communities usually occur as small patches or linear stringers in the landscape, and they are highly dependent on external factors, such as flooding and upland condition. Therefore, when evaluating a communit}''s overall quality, we considered condition and landscape context to be of primary' importance and size secondary. Site Ranks We evaluated wetland sites using similar criteria. In addition to condition, landscape context, and size, two other factors important for assessing conservation significance were considered: diver- sity and rarity. We developed these criteria in conjunction with regional wetland assessment protocols (Washington State Department of Ecol- ogy !99i, Chadde et al. 1998, Jankovsky-Jones 1999, Greenlee 1999), regional hydrogeomorphic functional assessments (Hruby et al. 1999. Jankovsky-Jones etal. 1999a, 1999b, Haueret al. 2000a. 2000b. Hruby et al. 2000). and plant com- munity ranking specifications developed by other Natural Heritage Programs (Chappell and Christy 2000, Rondeau and Sanderson 2000). Table I shows the indicators for and relative importance of each factor: the complete criteria are presented in Appendix B. Similar to community viability ranks, each site was evaluated by the five factors and assigned an overall rank of A - D. Each factor was weigthed by its relative importance in assessing a site's overall ecological and conserva- tion significance. Condition and landscape context were of primary importance and each factor ac- counted for 25% of a site's overall rank. Diversity and rarity were secondary' factors, each accounting for 20% of the site rank and the tertiary factor was size, which accounts for 10% of the overall site rank. The general characteristics of A - D sites are described below. A-ranked Sites These wetlands have the greatest ecological and conservation significance. A-ranked sites are in good to excellent condition with intact, high quality examples of native plant communities, and there are few to no exotic species. There are minimal anthropogenic influences at these sites or in their surrounding uplands; therefore, wetland functions are largely intact and will most likely fall within the range of natural variation. These sites often support a diverse array of plant communities and other important wetland features, including peatlands, beaver ponds, and springs. They also may provide habitat for numerous state and/or globally rare plant and animal species. Impacts to these sites cannot be fully mitigated, and any alterations could lead to significant loss of their distinctive characteristics and value. B-ronked Sites Wetland sites in this category generally support diverse, high quality' plant communities, but they are distinguished from A-ranked wetlands by having a greater degree of anthropogenic distur- 8 Table 1 . Indicators and relative importance of criteria used to rank the ecological and conservation significance of wetland sites. % of Overall Factor Rank Indicators Condition Landscape Context Diversity Rarity Size 25% « Alteration of hydrologrc, geomorpliic,or biogeochemical processes. • Presence of intact, representative native plant communities with character structure and composition. • Presence of exotic species or cultural vegetation. 25% Extent of land uses in the surrounding uplands thai disrupt hydralogic and hat connectivity among the site, uplands, and adjacent wetlands. 20% Number of plant communilies, number of structural vegetation types, number hydrologic classes. 20% Number and condition of rare plants, animals, or plant communities present al 10% Sizeof site. batice either on- or ofl-site (e.g., logging in the uplands near the site, grazing on a portion of the site, etc.). These disturbances are localized or minimal and may be restorable. B-ranked sites may support a number of state rare plant or animal species. Most of the wetland plant communities at these sites are in excellent condition, but a few may have moderate impacts. Improvement in resource management at these sites, such as changing grazing management plans or reducing trapping pressure on beaver, may improve the overall suite of wetland functions at these sites. C-r anted Sites Generally, C-ranked wetlands have been degraded by systematic hydrologic orgeomorphic modifica- tions or by disruptive land uses in the wetland or its surrounding uplands. These sites may still support high quality native plant communities, but exotic species are often widespread. Alternatively, these sites may be homogenous wetlands in good condi- tion dominated by structurally simple, common communities- such as broadleaf cattail (Typha latifoUa) monocultures. Although these wetlands are often degraded, they still provide important functional values, such moderating flood flows or removing particulates or nutrients, as well as habitat for wetland-dependent wildlife, such as waterfowl. These sites may also support popula- tions of rare species or communities. D-r anted Sites D-ranked sites have been significantly affected by hydrologic or geomorphic alterations and often provide poor functional or habitat values. Vegeta- tion at these sites is often degraded with little to no regeneration and exotic weeds or cultural vegeta- tion may be widespread. The uplands may have been converted from native vegetation to agricul- tural or residential land uses, and the site may suffer from excessive sedimentation, erosion, and nutrient loading or may have become hydrologi- cally isolated. Generally, D-ranked sites are not considered ecologically significant for the purposes of this report. However, these sites may provide locally important habitat values in areas where natural habitats have been largely converted to urban or agricultural land uses. Plant Community Classification We defined plant associations based on the Interna- tional Classification of Ecological Communities (ABl 2001 ). This database, developed by The Nature Conservancy and Association for Biodiversity Information, forms the basis for a standardized National Vegetation Classification. This classification is currently being developed by the Association for Biodiversity Information, Ecological Society of America, and U.S. Geologi- cal Survey, among others. It incorporates and expands on published state and regional plant community classifications, such as Pflster et al. (1977). Muegglerand Stewart (1980), and Hansen et al. (1995). For aquatic communities, we also referred to Pierce's classification of aquatic vegeta- tion in western Montana and northern Idaho (Pierce 1999). ABl (2001) recognizes many of the wetland and riparian communities described in Hansen et al. (1995), with several exceptions. Hansen et al. (1995) was designed as a management tool and not specifically to address biological diversity. There- fore, it lumps together several dominant and indicator species with similar ecological require- ments. In general, we do not follow Hansen et al.'s ecological equivalents. Therefore, we recognize Booth's willow (Salix boothii) distinct from Geyer's willow (Salix geyerianaX inflated sedge {Carex vesicaria) distinct from beaked sedge {Carex utricii]ata\ woolly sedge {Carex pelli id) and Buxbaum's sedge {Carex buxbaumii) distinct from slender sedge {Carex lasiocarpaX narrow- spiked reedgrass {Calamagrost'is stricta) distinct from bluejoint reedgrass {Calamagrostis canadensisX softstem bulrush {Schoenoplecius tabernaemontani) distinct from hardstem bulrush {Schoenoplectus acitWs), black hawthorn {CrataegiLS doitglasii) distinct from succulent hawthorn {Crataegus sitcculentaX prickly rose {Rosa acicularis) distinct from Wood rose (Rosa woodsii), and the native ticklegrass (Agrostis scabra) distinct from the exotic redtop {Agrostis stolonifera). Nomenclature We used Hitchcock et ah ( 1 955- 1 969) and Dorn (1984) to identify plant species in the study area. In keeping with International Classification of Ecological Communities (ABI 2001). we followed the nomenclature presented in Kartesz and Meacham ( 1 999) for vascular plants, except for bog birch {Beliila gloftdulosa), where we used the Flora of North America (Flora of North America Editorial Committee 1997). For mosses we followed Ander- son ( 1 990) and Anderson et al . ( 1 990). There are two other taxonomic considerations worth noting. The first concerns a common wetland sedge, often called beaked sedge, which has been erroneously called Carex rostrata in previous studies. While Carex rostrata does occur in northwestern Mon- tana, it is very rare. In this report, we refer to beaked sedge as Civrexi^/r/t^^jtoa (Griffiths 1989). Secondly, we use Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce) to include Picea engelmamni. Picea glauca (white spruce), and their hybrids (Daubenmire 1974). Table 2 presents the synonymy among Hitchcock and Cronquist ( 1 973). Dorn (1 984), and Kartesz and Meacham (1999) for common and indicator species. Results and Discussion Wetland Status Nationally. 58,500 acres of wetlands were lost each year from 1986 to 1997 (Dahl 2000). Although still a substantial rate of loss, this is an 80% reduction in the average annual rate from the period of the mid- i970^s to mid-1980's (Dahl 2000). In the Northern Plains region, which includes Montana, agriculture was the greatest cause of wetland loss (NRCS 1999). In the study area, development and agricul- ture appear to be the primary causes of wetland loss. In addition to the outright loss of wetlands, the degradation of wetland condition and functional capacity are also causes for concern. Human activities, such as livestock grazing, mining, timbering, agriculture, and development, can impair wetlands by altering their hydrology, geomorphol- ogy. and vegetation and by fragmenting hydrologic and habitat connectivity' between wetlands and between wetlands and their surrounding uplands. The upper Yellowstone River watershed is unusual in that its rivers contain no large hydropower or flood control dams. Thus many aspects of these rivers' hydrologic regime are intact, such as spring flooding. However, the hydrology of some wet- lands has been significantly altered by irrigation practices and bank revetment. Exotic species are a widespread cause of impair- ment, and most wetlands in the study area have experienced some shift in species composition due to invasion by exotic species. The presence of exotic species in a wetland may be indicative of past livestock grazing or other ground disturbance, although some wetlands, such as riparian areas frequently disturbed by flooding, are highly suscep- tible to invasion by exotics. Flooding creates bare substrate that can be easily colonized by seeds of exotic species washed downstream from infesta- tions higher in the watershed. Leafy' spurge {Euphorbia esula) and reed canarygrass 10 Table 2. Synonymy of dominant and indicator plant species. Kaitesz and Mf acham (1999) Porn (1984) Hitchcock and Croiiquist (1973) Common Name Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa Populus bahamifera Betula nana Corniis sericea Dasiphora Jruticosa ssp. flonbunda Salix boothn Salix lucida ssp. caudata Agrostis stolomfera Car ex pellita Car ex utriculata Deschampsia caespitosa Elymus repens Elymus trachycaidu^ Hesperostipa comata Pascopyrum smithii Pseudoroegnena spicata Schoenoplectiis acutus Schoenoplectu^ mantimu^ Schosnoplechis pungent Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Thinopyrum intej'medium Maianthemum stellatum Nuphar lutsa ssp. pofysepala Stuchema pectmata Symphotrichiim foliaceura Trees Shnibs Betula glandulosa Cornus stolonifera Pe n taphy llo i de:: Jlo n b un da Salix boothit Salix lastandra Popular trichocarpa Betula glandulosa Cornus stolomfera Potentilla fruttcosa Salix myrtillifolta Salix lasiandra Giaminoids Agrostis stolomfera Carsx lanuginosa Car ex ro strata Deschampsia cespitosa Elymus repens Elymus trachycauliis Stipa comata Elymus smithii Elymus spicatus Scirpus acutiis Scirpus manttmus Sen pus pungens Scirpus validus Elymus hisptdus Forbs Smilacma stellata Nup harpo lysep alum Potamogeton pectmatus Aster fohaceus Agrostis alba Carex lanuginosa Carex rostrata Deschampsia cespitosa Agropyron repens Agi'opyron caninum Stipa comata Agropyron smithii Agropyron spicatum Sctrpus acutus Sctrpus maritimus Scirpus pungens Sctrpus validus Agropyron intermedium Snulacina stellata Nup harpo lysep a lum Potamogeton pectinatus Astei' fohaceus Black Cottonwood Bog birch Red-osier dogwood Shnibby cinquefoil Booth's willow Shilling willow Redtop Woolly sedge Beaked sedge Tiiftedhairgrass Quackgrass Sleuder wheatgrass Needle-and- thread Western wheatgrass Bluebuuch wheatgrass Hardstem bulrush Saltmarsh clubrush Three square Softstem bulrush Intermediate wheatgrass Stariy false Solomon's seal Yellow pond -lily Sago pondweed Leafy aster (Phalaris arutidinaced) are exotic species that can dominate these early successional habitats. MerigUano and Lesica (1998) hypothesize that both native and exotic genotypes of reed canar>'grass exist in Montana, with the exotic genotypes being responsible for the dense monocultures of this grass in some wetlands. Populations of exotic origin may be responsible for the aggressive spread of reed canarygrass in Montana wetlands. For the most part, however, exotic species are better established in "drier" wetland communities, such as mature cottonwood stands, wet meadows, mesic aspen stands, and willow/ bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis) communities. Long- term grazing pressure and other land uses in these communities (and direct seeding in some cases) have facilitated the spread of exotic pasture grasses, such as smooth brome {Bromus inermisX redtop (Agros/is sto]onifera\ Kentucky bluegrass {Poa pratensis\ and common timothy {Phleum pratenseX and noxious weeds, including leafy spurge, Canada thistle {Cirsium arvenseX spotted knapweed {Centaurea maculosa)^ and hound's tongue {Cynoglossum officinale). Another exotic species that may significantly affect biological diversity'' and native habitats is Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia). This species was and still is widely planted as a windbreak, but it has invaded many riparian areas throughout the western United States (Olson and Knopf 1986). In the study area, it is a mid-canopy dominant in many cottonwood stands along the lower portion of the Yellowstone River. As cottonwoods die, Russian olive will come to dominate many floodplain and terrace sites (Shafroth et al. 1 995, Lesica and Miles 2001). Although Russian olive is beneficial to some wildlife species, conversion of cottonwood stands to stands dominated by Russian olive will be detrimental to many species of cavity-nesting and insectivorous birds (Knopf and Olson 1984, Olson and Knopf 1986). Russian olive is able to repro- duce under its own canopy and occurs as multiple- age stands; therefore, in the absence of flood disturbance, it may be able to perpetually hold riparian terraces and limit the establishment of native late-successional communities, such as western wheatgrass {Pascopyrum smithii\ western snowberr}' {Symphoricarpos occidentalism and green ash {Fraxinns peunsylvanica) (Lesica and Miles 2001). It also may limit future cottonwood estab- lishment on regulated rivers (Lesica and Miles 2001). Plant Communities Eighty-four wetland and riparian plant communities were documented in the study area. These commu- nities, with another 47 communities known or suspected to occur in the upper Yellowstone River watershed, are presented in Table 3. Community names and conservation ranks are from ABI (200 1 ). Appendix C contains detailed descriptions of some of the more common plant associations documented from the study area. For the most part, there are few intrinsically rare plant communities in the study area. An exception is the beaked sedge {Eleocharis rostellata) herba- ceous community. In the study area, this commu- nity is known only from thermal springs, where it forms near-monospeciflc stands on wet mineral soils directly in contact with thermal waters (Lesica !990). Bluewater Springs support an example of this community. Other wetland communities are common, but have been widely degraded by human activities such that high quality' occurrences are relatively rare. As previously mentioned, this phenomenon is prevalent with many drier wetland communities that are accessible to livestock. For example, on the Yellowstone River, high quality cottonwood stands with well-developed native shrub understories. especially mesic floodplain communities with abundant red-osier dogwood (Corni/s sericea). are regionally ver>' rare. In many cases, the native shrub component has been con- verted to an understory dominated by exotic pasture grasses. The following discussion, organized by Cowardin et al.'s (1979) palustrine subclass, provides general descriptions for the major wetland plant communi- ties found in the study area. Forested Vegetation Forested wetland communities in the study area are mainly associated with riverine systems. At mid to low elevations, floodplains along low-gradient streams and rivers are often dominated by well- developed stands of cottonwood. There are three species of cottonwood in the study area: plains cottonwood {Populus dehoidesX narrowleaf 12 Table 3 . Wetland and ripaiian plant communities and tlieir conservation ranks for communities that occur or are likely to occiu' in the upper Yellowstone River watershed, airanged by Cowardin system, class, and sub- class. Scientific Name Coimnon Name State Rank Global Rank Palustrinf forested communities, needle-leaved evergreen Ahies lasiocavpa f Act as a nsbra Abies lasiocavpa I Calamagrostis canadensis Abies lasiocavpa I Galimn tviftonan Abies lasiocavpa I Streptopiis amplexifoliiLS Jimipeiiis scopidoiiiin l Comus sevicea Picea engelmannii / Calamagrostis canadensis Picea engelmannii I Caltha leptosepala Picea engelmannii I Carex dispevma Picea engelmannii i Comits sevicea Picea engelmannii I Equisetum aivense Picea engelmannii I Gahwn tviftoitan Pinus ponderosa I Contiis sevicea Pseudotsuga men~iesii l Comus sevicea Siibalpiiic fir / Baneberry Siibalpine fir / Bluejoiul leedgiass Siibalpiiie fir / Swccl-sceiited bedstraw Subalpinc fir / Clasping twisted stalk Rocky Monntainjmiipcr /Red-osier dogwood Engelmami spmce / Bluejoint reedgrass Engelmaiin spruce / While mar sh-maii gold Engelmami spmce / Softleaf sedge Engelmami spmce / Red-osier dogwood Engelmami spmce / Field horsetail Engelmami spmce / Sweet-scented bcdstraw Ponderosa piue / Red-osier dogwood Douglas-fir/ Red- osier dogwood PaLUSTRINE FOREtTTED COMMUNITIES, BROAD-LEAVED DECIDUOUS Acer negiindo I Pnmus vivginiana Fvaxinus pennsylvanica l Pntmis virginiana Populus ang\istifolia ! Comus sevicea Populus angiistifolia l Recent Alluvial Bar Populus angiistifolia l Mcsic Giaminoids Populua angiistifolia ! Ehus tvilobata Populus angiistifolia l Symphoricaipos occidentalis Populus balsamifera ssp. tvichocaipa f Comiis sevicea Populus balsam ifera ssp. tvichocaipa ! Mesic Graminoids Populus balsam ifera ssp. tvichocaipa ! Recent Alluvial Bar Populus balsam ifera ssp. tvichocaipa ! Symphoncavpos albus Populus balsam ifera ssp. tvichocaipa ! Symphoricaipos occidentalis Populus deltoides I Comus sevicea Populus deltoides ! Mesic Giaminoids Populus deltoides I Recent Alluvial Bar Populus deltoides I Symphoricaipos occidentalis Populus tremidoides l Calamagrostis canadensis Populus tremidoides l Comus sevicea Populus tremidoides l Heracleum maximwn Populus tremidoides l Osmorhi~a occidentalis Populus tremidoides l Poapvatensis Populus tremidoides l Prunus vivginiana Populus tremidoides l Symphoricarpos albits Salix amygdaloides Box elder/ ChokeclieiTy Gieeii asli / Cliokeclierry NaiTowleaf coHonwood/ Red-osier dogwood NaiTowleaf coHonwood / Recent Alluvial Bar NaiTowleaf coHonwood / Mesic Giaminoids NaiTowleaf coHonwood / Skiinkbnsli smnac NaiTowleaf coHonwood / Western snowbcny Black coHonwood / Red-osier dogwood Black coHonwood/ Mesic Giaminoids Black coHonwood / Recent Alluvial Bar Black coHonwood/ Comuiou snowbeny Black coHonwood / Western Snowbeny Plains Cottonwood / Red-osier dogwood Plains Cottonwood / Mesic Giaminoids Plains Cottonwood / Recent Allu\ial Bar Plains Cottonwood / Western snowberry Quaking aspen / Bluejoint reedgrass Quaking aspen/ Red-osier dogwood Quaking aspen/ Cow-parsnip Quaking aspen / Western sweet cicely Quaking aspen/ Kentucky blucgrass Quaking aspen / Cliokeclierry Quaking aspen / Common snowbeny Pe a clil e a f will w PaLUSTRINE SCRBB-SHRUB COMMUNITIES Alnus incana Alnus incana - Betida occidentalis Alnus incana I Calamagrostis canadensis Alnus incana I Carex spp. Alnus incana I Comas sevicea Alnus incana I Equisetum ai-vense Alnus incana /Mesic Forbs Artemisia cana I Pas cop}' nun smithii Atviplex gardneri I Pascopyrum smiihu Betula glanditlosa I Carex idviculata Betula occidentalis Betula occidentalis - Comus sevicea Comus sericea Crataegus donglasii Dasiphova fniticosa ssp. Jloribimda ! Cavex spp. Mountain alder Moimtain alder - Water birch Mountain alder / Bluejoint reedgrass Moimtain alder / Sedge Moimtain alder / Red-osier dogwood Moimtian alder / Field horsetail Moimtain alder /Mesic Forbs Silver sage / Western wheatgrass Gardner's saltbiisli/ Western wheatgrass Bog birch / Beaked sedge Water bircli Water bircli - Red-osier dogwood Red- osier dogwood Black hawtliom Slimbby cinquefoil / Sedge S2 G4? S5 G5 S4 G4 S3 G4 S4 G4 S4 G4 SP G3? S2? G2Q S3 G3 S4 G4 S4 G4 S3 G3 S3 G4 S3 G3 S2S3 G3? S3 G4 S? G? SM G? S? G3 S? G? S3? G3? SM G? S3 G? S4 G2? S3? G? S2S3 G2G3 SM G? S3 G? S? G2G3 S2 G3 S3 G4 S2? G4Q S3? G3? SM G? SQ G3?Q S3? G3? S3 C53 S3 G?Q SP G2G3 S3Q G3Q S? G3 SP G3Q s? G3 SP G3 G4 S4 G4 S3 G3 S4 G4? S3 G3Q SP G3? S3 G4Q S2 G2Q S3 G3? 13 Table 3 continued Scientific Name Coimnon Name State Global Rank Rank Palustrine scrub-shrub communities Dasiphora fmticosa ssp. fioribunda ! Deschampsia caespitosa Elaeagnus commiitata l Pascopymm smithu Pi-unns virginiana Rosa woodsii Salix bebbiana Salix boothii i Calamagrostis canadensis Salix boothii I Carex idncidata Salix boothii I Me^c Graminoids Salix diinnuiondiana I Calainagrostis canadensis Salix exigiia Salix geyenana I Calamagrostis canadensis Salix geyenana I Carex idricidata Salix glauca Salix lucida ssp. caudata Salix lutea I Calam agvostis canadensis Salix lutea I Carox idricidata Salix hitea / Rosa woodsn Salix plan ijblia / Calamagrostis canadensis Salix plan ijblia I Carex aquatilis Salix pi an ijblia I Carex scopidomin Salix pi an ijblia I Carex ictncidata Salix reticulata I Caltha leptosepala Salix woljii I Carex aquatilis Salix woljii I Deschampsia caespitosa Sarcobatus vennicidatus f Atriplex gardneri Sarcobatus vennicidatus l Leymus cinereus Sarcobatus vennicidatus l Pascopymm smithii Shepherdia argentea Symphoricaipos occidentalis Shmbby ciuqiiefoil / Tufted hairgrass Silveibeny / Western \dicatgrass Choke cheny Wood^s rose Bebb willow Bootli's willow / Bliicjoinl reedgrass Booth^s willow / Beaked sedge Booth^s willow /Mcsic Gianiinoids DiTuiuno lid's willow / Bluejoint reedgiass Sandbar willow Geyer's willow/ Bluejoiut reedgrass Geyer's willow/ Beaked sedge Grayleaf willow Sliining willow Yellow willow /Bluejoint reedgrass Yellow willow / Beaked sedge Yellow willow / Wood' s rose Planeleaf willow / Bluejoiut reedgrass Planeleaf willow / Water sedge Planeleaf willow / Holui^s Rocky Mountain sedge Planeleaf willow / Beaked sedge Netleaf willow / While marsh mangold Wolfs willow/ Water sedge Wolfs willow/ Tufted hairgrass Black greasewood / Gardner's saltbiish Black greasewood / Basin wildrye Black greasewood / Western wheatgrass Silver biiffelobeny Western snowberry Palustrine emergent communities Agrostis stolonifera Calamagrostis canadensis Carex aquatilis Carex aquatilis - Carex utncidata Carex buxbaumii Carex lasiocarpa Carex limosa Carex nebrascensis Carex nigricans Carex p ell ita Ca rex praegra c il is Carex scopidomm Carex scopidomm — Caltha leptosepala Carex sunidata Carex utricidata Carex vesicana Deschampsia caespitosa Deschampsia caespitosa - Carex spp. Deschampsia caespitosa - Potentilla diversifolia Distichlis spicata Kleocha ris palustris Eleocharis quinquejlora Kleocharis rostellata Equis etum Jli iv iat ile Festuca idahoensis - Deschampsia cespitosa Glyceria bo real is Glycyrrhiza lepidota Eedtop Bluejoint reedgrass Water sedge Wa(er sedge -Beaked sedge Buxbamn's sedge Slender sedge Mud sedge Nebraska sedge Black alpine sedge Woolly sedge Clustered field sedge Holm's Rocky Moimtain sedge Holmes Rocky Moimtain sedge - While marsh mangold Analogue sedge Beaked sedge Inflated sedge Tufled hairgrass Tufted hairgrass - Sedge Tufted hairgrass - Varileaf cinquefoil Saltgrass Common spikeiusli Fewflower spikerusli Beaked spikenish Water horsetail Idaho fescue - Tufted hairgrass Noitlieni mannagrass Ameiican licorice S4 G4 S2 G3? S4 G4Q S5 G5 S3? G3? S3 G3G4Q S4 G4 S? G3? S2S3 G3 S5 G5 S4 G5 S5 G5 S2 G3? S3 G3Q S3? G3? S4 G4 S? G3 s? G3 S3 G5 S? G4 S? G3 S2 G3 S3 G4 S3 G3 S3 G4? S2S3 G3 S4 G4 S3? G3G4 S4S5 G4G5 S5 GM S4 G4 S4 G5 S? G4 S3 G3 S4 G4? S3 G3 S4 G4 S3 G4 SP G5? s? G3 S4 G5 S3 G4 S3 G4 S5 G5 S4 G4Q S4 G4 S4Q G4Q S2 G5 S4 G5 S5 G5 S3 G4 SI G? S4 G4 S3 G3G4 S3 G4 S? G? 14 Table 3 continued Scientific Name Common Name State Global Rank Rank Palustrine emergent communities Hordeum juba turn Jtmcus ballicus Pascopynsm smithii PI fa la lis aniudinacea Phleum alpimim — Carcx microptera Phragmites austraUs Poa palusliis Poa prat en sis Pucciisellia nutiafUana SaUcoiTfia ntbra Schoertoplecitis acatus Schoenoplecttis maritimiis Schoenoplcctus pun gens Schoenoplecttis tabemaemonlani Spaitina gracilis Spaitina peclinata Spaitina peclinata - Carcx spp. Spaitina peclinata -Scirpus pimgens Typha lalifolia Palustrine aquatic bed Nitphar hiiea sup. polysepala Polygonum amphibium Potamogeton nchardsonii — MyriophyUun^ spicatum Sparganiam angiistifolium Sluckenia pectinala — MyriophylJum spicatum Foxtail barley S4 G4 Baltic msli S5 G5 Western wheal grass S4 G3G50 Reed canajygjass S4 G5 Alpine liniolhy - Smallwing sedge S? G3? Common reed S2 G5 Fowl bluegiass S4 GW Kentucky blue grass SW GW NuttalFs alkaligrass S? G3? Red glasswojt S2? G2G3 Hard stem bulrush S5 G5 Saltmarsli clubmsh S4 G4 Tlireesquare S3 G3G4 Sofistem bulnish S3 G5 Alkali cordgrass SP GU Prairie cojd grass S3? G3? Prairie coidgrass- Sedge S3 G3? Prairie cordgrass- Tlireesquare S3 G30 Broad leaf cattail S5 G5 COMMUNITIES, ROOTED AND FLOAT LNG VASCULAR Yellow pond-lily S? G5 Water knot weed S? G5 Red-head pond weed - Wa(er milfoil S2Q G20 Narrow leaf bur-reed S? G4 Sago pond weed - Water milfoil SIQ G3G4 Cottonwood (Popuhts angustifoliaX and black Cottonwood {Populus baisamifera ssp. Irichocarpd). These species have different elevational ranges, though they often overlap and may be co-dominants at the same site. Plains Cottonwood is abundant at lower elevation sites in the Great Plains and is the dominant cottonwood along the Yellowstone River downstream from Columbus. Narrow leaf cottonwood is dominant at somewhat higher elevations, and is abundant on the Yellowstone River upstream of Columbus. Black cottonwood is most abundant at higher elevations and is the dominant cottonwood along the Yellowstone River's tributaries. Where species of cottonwood do overlap, they often show different environmental tolerances. For example, in the plains, narrowleaf cottonwood survives better on elevated gravel bars while plains cottonwood shows greater vigor in depressions with fine sediments (Patten 1998). Cottonwoods often hybridize, and Rydberg's cottonwood. {Populus s acuminata)^ a hybrid between narrowleaf and plains cottonwood, is common along the Yellowstone River immedi- ately downstream from Columbus (P. Lesica, pers. comm.). Fluvial processes that lead to the development of cottonwood communities, such as flooding and sediment deposition, are largely intact in the upper Yellowstone River watershed. However many of these valley bottoms have received significant long- term grazing pressure, and many stands have shitted from shrub-dominated understories to understories dominated by exotic pasture grasses. Intact valley bottom cottonwood forests have declined regionally, from conversion to agricultural uses, rural expansion, bank stabilization, and dams. Other floodplain forest dominants include green ash and box-elder {Acer negundo) in the Great Plains along the lower portion of the Yellowstone River and Douglas-fir {Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine {Pitius ponderosa) in the foothills and lower montane zone. Quaking aspen {Populus tremuloides) can also dominate floodplain forests in the foothills and lower montane zone, often form- ing co-dominant stands with black cottonwood. 15 Aspen is also common in draws and toeslopes that receive siibirrigation from groundwater and around the margins of morainal potholes. At higher elevations. Engelmann spruce {Picea engelmanmi) and subalpine tlr {Abies lasiocarpd) become common floodplain forest dominants. Engelmann spruce is also sometimes dominant on poorly drained sites on the margins of fens, beaver ponds, ortoeslope seeps. Scrub-Shrub Vegetation Riparian and wetland shrublands in the study area occur on terraces, active floodplain zones of low and high gradient streams and rivers, around beaver ponds, in peatlands. and on the edge of marshes, potholes, and lakes. Willow communities often dominate these shrublands. At higher elevations, planeleaf willow {Salix plamfoUd) and Wolf willow (Salix woljfi) are dominant, occurring in small slope and depressional wetlands and on the margins of subalpine lakes and beaver ponds. Booth's willow (Salix boothii) is the most common willow at mid elevations. Stands of Booth's willow occur on terraces and in swales along low-gradient streams and rivers and as a mosaic with marsh vegetation in wet meadow complexes (often with some beaver influence). Bebb willow (Salix bebbiana) and Geyer's willow (Salix geyeriana) are common co- dominants in this zone. Yellow willow (Salix luteo) is common in riverine floodplains at lower eleva- tions. Sandbar willow (Salix exigi/a) stands dominate active and recently stabilized gravel and sandbars at low to mid elevations. Several non-willow communities are common in the study area. Mountain alder {Alnus incana) and water birch {Betula occidentalis) are dominant in springs and seeps and along high gradient streams. Western snowberry. silver sage {Arlemisia carta), chokecherry (Prwiifs virginianaX and red-osier dogwood are common and locally dominant in riverine floodplains and terraces. Black grease- wood (Sarcobatiis vermiculatus) is a common dominant around alkali lakebeds. Several shrub communities are also associated with fens. Fens are rare in the study area, and occur as slope or depressional wetlands, sometimes associ- ated with beaver activity'. Bog birch {Betula glandidosa\ planeleaf willow, gray- leaf willow (Salix glauca\ and shrubby cinquefoil (Dasiphora fi-uticosa ssp.Jloribimda) are common species in carrs. Emergent Vegetation Native herbaceous emergent vegetation is common in a variety of settings, including peatlands. marshes, potholes, beaver ponds, wet meadows, lake edges, oxbows, and sloughs. Herbaceous wetland vegetation is usually a complex mosaic of monocultures, due to the rhizomatous habit of many of the constituent species. Common domi- nant marsh species include beaked sedge (Carex ulriculata\ woolly sedge (Carex pellila), common spikerush (Eleocharis palustrisX water horsetail {Equiselum Jhiviatile), hardstem bulrush {Schoenoplecttfs acutttsX and broad leaf cattail (Typha latifolid). In addition to being highly competitive, cattail also increases with nutrient inputs, especially nitrogen (Neill 1990). Fertilizer run-off and discharge of septic effluent to water bodies can cause rapid nutrient increases and can lead to increased dominance of this species. Marsh communities in the study area are still largely intact. In contrast, drier herbaceous- dominated wetlands, such as wet meadows and riparian terrace grasslands, have been greatly affected by grazing and other land uses and by invasive exotic species. Although intact wet meadow communities are still relatively common at higher elevations, many valley bottoms that once supported tufted hairgrass {Deschampsia caespilosa) and bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis) communities are now dominated by exotics like redtop. Kentucky bluegrass, smooth brome, common timothy, and reed canarygrass. This conversion has also affected western wheat- grass communities on riparian floodplains and terraces. Two other wetland habitats should be mentioned: alkali lake margins and fens. Alkali areas support herbaceous communities dominated by saltgrass (Distichlis spicala). NuttalTs alkaligrass {Puccinellia ntfUallianaX red glasswort (Salicornia rifbraX and saltmarsh clubrush (Schoenoplectus maritiintfs). Common herbaceous dominants in fens include Buxbaum's sedge (Carex buxhaumii) and water sedge (Carex aquatilis). Fens in the study area are for the most part very nutrient poor, and species ai^ Sphagnum moss are an important 16 and often dominant component of fen communities. Herbaceous wet meadows that have been converted from native vegetation represent a major restoration challenge. In addition to exotic pasture grasses, noxious weeds were most common in herbaceous vegetation types. Among the most widespread are Canada thistle, spotted knapweed, hound's tongue, and leafy spurge. Aquatic Bed Vegetation Aquatic communities occur in the littoral (less than 2-m deep) and limnetic (more than 2-m deep) zones of ponds and lakes or on the beds of low-gradient, slow-moving perennial streams. Yellow pond-lily {Nuphar lutea ssp. pofysepala), a floating- leaved species, is a common dominant aquatic species. Other common dominants, which range from completely to partly submersed, include narrowleaf bur-reed {Sparganium angustifolmm\ water milfoil {Myriophylhim spp.). common mare's tail {Hippuris vulgar is\ grassy pond weed (Potamogelon gramineusX red-head pondweed {Potamogeton richardsoniiX sago pondweed {Stuckenia pectitiatus)^ and the alga Chara. Plant Species of Concern Forty plant species in the watershed are recognized as Montana plant species of concern, in addition to seven species of potential concern that are of limited distribution or whose status is under review (Table 4). They are all vascular plants, except for two mosses. Five of these are regional endemics that are potentially globally vulnerable (03), including Nelson's sedge {Carex nelsonii)^ slender Indian paintbrush {Castilleja graciWma)^ fan- leaved fleabane (Erigeronj!abellifolh/s), persistent- sepal yellowcress {Rorippa calycind) and tiny swamp saxifrage {Saxifraga apetala). For most of these species, the upper Yellowstone River water- shed represents most of their known range in Montana. Thirteen of the plant species of concern and six of the seven species of potential concern are in the alpine zone. They represent the highest concentra- tion of rare wetland alpine species in Montana, reflecting the fact that the Beartooth Mountains have the most extensive alpine wetlands system in the state (Anderson 1994). Eight of the thirteen alpine plant species of concern are known only in the state from the study area. Three of the four regional endemics that are potentially globally vulnerable are alpine species. The rest of the plant species of concern in the upper Yellowstone River watershed are in a variety of habitats reflecting the diversity' of wetland settings. Their habitats include seeps, cold- and hot-springs, alkaline and other wet meadows, ephemeral desert washes, peatlands, temporary' wetlands, riparian forest, open water, and damp cold-air drainages, all variously linked to different elevation zones and riverine or palustrine settings. We sought to relocate l^vo of the species known only from low-elevation historic records in the study area, persistent-sepal yellowcress {Rorippa calycina) and Drummond's hemicarpha {Hemicarpha drummondii). They had vague location information, and we were not successful in documenting extant populations. Incidental to these efforts, three new records were acquired for tracked or watch species, and records for six species were added from secondary' sources, most of which are the first records for these species in the study area. Animai Species of Concern The watersheds of the upper Yellowstone River provide habitat for a number of animals listed as species of concern by the Montana Natural Heri- tage Program and the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks (Table 5). Thirty-one bird species of concern are found within the watershed, 32 percent of which are associated with riparian habitats. Most of the species are tied to the water, although the red-headed woodpecker {Melanerpes erythrocephalus). Lewis' woodpecker {Melanerpes lew-is), and black-billed cuckoo {Coccyzus erythropthalmus) inhabit associated riparian habitats. The harlequin duck {Histrionicus histrionicus) is associated with mountainous riverine and riparian habitats, and the bald eagle (HaliaeetiLs leucocephahisX which is listed as a threatened species, occurs throughout the watershed but breeds in the riparian forests along the major waterways. Mammal species of concern that utilize wetland habitats in the study area are limited to three bat species. Wetlands provide valuable foraging areas for these species. The spotted bat {Euderma mactflatum) and Townsend's big-eared 17 Table 4 . Raie wetland and ripaiian plants and theii' conservation ranks for plants that occur or are likely to occur in the upper Yellowstone River watershed. Scientific Name Consei'vation Management Rank Status^ Common Name State Global USFS BLM Musk -Root SI G5 S w Pink Agoseiis S3 G4 Short-Styled Columbine S2 G5 s Swamp Milkweed SI G5 Wedge-Leaved Saltbnsh SH G5 w Obscure Evening-Primrose SI G4 s Many-Ribbed Sedge SI G5 w Nelson's Sedge SU G3? Alpine Neived Sedge S3 G4 Tootlied Scandinavian Sedge SI G5T?Q Slender Sedge SU G5 Slendei Sedge SU G4G5 Anmial Indian Paintbrush S2 G5 Slender Indian Paintbrnsh S2 G3G4 s w Yellow Bee Plant SI G5 w Small Yellow Lady's- Slipper S3 G5 s w English Sundew S2 G5 s Beaked Spikerush S2 G5 s w Long Slieath Waterweed SI G4G5 w Giant Hell eborine S2 G4 s w Fan-leaved fleabane S3 G3 Sheathed Cotton-Giass SI G5 Joe-Pye Weed S2 G5TU w Pygmy Gentian SU G5 Slender Gentian SU G4G5 Hiker's Gentian SI G4 s w Bractless Hedge-Hyssop SI G4 Dmmmond's Hemicarpha SH G4G5 Hutchinsia SI G5 w Tluee-Fiowered Rush SU G5 Large-Fruited Kobresia SI G5 Simple Kobresia S2 G5 Island Koenigia SI G4 Ice Grass S2 G5 Platte Cinqiiefoil SI G4 w Mealy Primrose S2 G4G5 w Heart-Leaved Buttercup S2 G4G5 w Arctic Bnttercup SI G4 Jove's Buttercup S2 G4 s Per si stent -sepal yellow cress SI G3 w Barratt's Willow SI G5 s Tiny Swamp Saxifiage S2 G3Q Yellow Marsh Saxifrage SI G5 Clasping Groundsel SI G4T? Desert Groundsel SI G5T5 Fleshy Stitchwort SI G5 w S2 G5 s SI G3G5 Vasculai^ Plants Adoxa moschatelliua Agosens lackschewitzit Aqmlegta brevistyla Asclepias incarnata Atnplex tnmcata Camissonia andina Carsx multtcostata Carex nelsonu Car ex nemophora Carex noi-vegica ssp. inseirulata Car ex tenera Carsx tmcta Castilleja exilts Castilleja gractllima Cleome lutea Cypripedium parvifloriim Drosera angltca Eleochans rostsllata Elodea longivaginata Eptpac tis giga n tea Erigeron flabelltfoliu:^ Eriophorum callitrix Eupatorium maculatum var. brunen Gentiana prostrata Genii anella tenella Gentianop^is ^^iniplex Gratiola ebrac tenia Hemicarpha dnimmondu Hutchinna procumbens Juncus trighimis Kobresia macrocarpa Kobresia simpliau^ciila Koemgia islandica Phtppsia algida Potenttlla plattensis Pnmida incana Ranunculus cardwpky litis Ranunculus gelidus Ranunculus jovis Rorippa cafyana Salix barrattiana Saxifiaga apetala Saxifraga htrculus Senecio amplectens Senecio eremophilusvai. eremophilus Stellana crassifolia Non-vasculai' Plants Meesia tnquetra Paludella squarrosa '■ BLM = Biueau of Land Management, USFS = U.S. Forest Seivice; S = sensitive, W = watch 18 Table 5, Rare wetland and riparian animals associated with wetland and riparian areas in the Upper Yellowstone watersheds, as well as their conservation and management status. Heritage Rank Management Status* Scientific Name Common Name State Global USFWS USFS BLM Amphibians Bufo cogfiatas Great Plains toad S3 G5 Spea bombifrons Plains spadefoot toad SU G5 Rana pipiens Northern leopajd frog S3 G5 Birds Gavia immer Common loon SIS2B,SZN G5 S SS Felecanus eiylhiorhynchos American white pelican S3B,SZN G3 Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned night-heron S3B7.SZN G5 Hislrionicus histrionicus Harlequin duck S2B,SZN G4 s HaJiaeettis JeucocephaJus Bald eagle S3B,S3N G4 T Falco peregrinus Peregrine falcon S2B,SZN G4 S Slerna caspia Caspian tern S2B,SZN G5 Cblidonias niger B lack tern S3B,SZN G4 CoccyzKS erythroftbalmits Black-billed cuckoo SU G5 Melanerpes lewis Lewis' woodpecker S3S4B.SZN G5 Melaneipes erythiocephaius Red -headed woodpecker S3S4B.SZN G5 Fish Oncorhynchtis dark! bouvieri Yellowstone cutthroat trout S2 G4 S SS Stizostedion canadense Sanger S2 G5 Mammals Eadeima maculatiifn Spotted bat SI G4 Corynorhinus townsendii Townsend's big- eared bat S2S3 G4 S SS Antrozous pallidits Pallid bat SI G5 s Reptiles Chclydra scipentina Snapping turtle S3 G5 Ti'ionyx spiniferus Spiny softshell S3 G5 ^ BLM = Bureau of Land Management. USFWS = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. USFS = U.S. Forest Service; T : listed as threatened, S = sensitive. SS = special status bat {Plecotus townsendii) are found in south -centra I Montana and utilize cliff habitat found along the river and upland wetlands. Fish species of concern are the Yellowstone cutthroat trout {Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri) and the sauger {Slizostedion canadense)^ both of which have experienced recent declines in numbers and are intimately tied to the management of the Yellowstone River. The trout inhabits the upstream areas of the watershed characterized by clear cold water while the sauger inhabits lower stretches of the study area in por- tions of the river characterized by more sluggish and turbid waters. Reptiles of concern include the snapping turtle {Chelydra serpentina) and spiny softshell {Trionyx spiniferiisX both of which are directly tied to the riverine system in the down- stream portion of the study area. Two toad and one frog species are listed as amphibian species of concern. The northern \^Qp?^v^fvo% {Rana pipiens) is associated with wetland and riparian habitats. The Great Plains toad {Bufo cognatus) and Plains spadefoot {Spea bombifrons) are found in associ- ated upland areas and utilize temporary' wetland areas to breed. Wetland Conservation We identified 46 ecologically significant wetlands in the course of this study; 17 of which occurred on private land (Table 6). Because of land access and other issues, two of these sites. Bluewater Springs and Edgar Oxbow, did not receive full ecological inventories and were not ranked. Twelve additional sites were inventoried or received site visits, but either did not meet significance criteria or were lacking in true wetland characteristics. 19 Table 6. Site ranks and ownership of upper Yellowstone wetland sites inventoried in 1999 and 2000. Site Rank Weight factor = 25 25 20 20 10 (1 00) Site Name A-RANECEDSITES Crater Feu East Rosebud Complex Basin Lakes East Rosebud Lake Chrome Lake Big Beaver West Rosebud Complex West Fork Rock Fens B- RANKED SITES Landscape Overall Ownership* Condition Context Divrrsity Railty Size Rank USFS USFS USFS USFS, Pri USFS, Pri USFS USFS, Pri USFS A A A A B B B A Twin Lakes USFS A West Boulder Meadows USFS B Main Boulder Pri B/C McDonald Basin USFS B Dry Fork Creek Marshes USFS B East Rosebud Floodplain Pri B Subdivision East Fork Fiddler Creek DNRC B Complex Water Birch FWP B Gi'ove Creek Aspens ELM, Pri B West Rosebud Moraine Pri B Horsethief Station FWP B Yellowstone River-Stillwater Pri B River Buffalo Mirage DNRC, Pri B/C Hell's Canyon USFS B Pruit Park Pri B Stillwater River -Flmne Creek USFS B C-RANECED SITES Riverfront Park YCo C Mud Lake-Bonlder River USFS B West Rosebud Trailhead USFS B Sage Creek BLM B Boulder Forks FWP,Pii C Lost Lakes USFS B East Rosebud Oxbow DNRC C Big Lake FWP, DNRC B Bull Springs FWP C Beaver Lodge FWP C Nurses Lakes USFS, Pri B Young's Point Pri C Halfbreed National Wildlife FWS, DNRC, B Refiige Pri Two Moon Park City C Clark's Fork Waterfowl FWS C Production Area Wyoming Line BLM, Pri B Meyers Creek USFS C A B A A A A A B A A A B A A B B B B A B B A B B B B C B A B D B B B B D C C B B C A B B C A A C B B B B B B B B B A B D C C D B B B B C A C C B C C C B B B A D C A B B B A B C A C C B B B C B A B C A C A B B A B A C A A A A A A A A A B B B B B B B B A B B A B C B B C A B B C B C A B C C B C C B D C B D A C D C C D C C C B C D C C C C C D C C A C D A C D A C B C A C D A C D A C A C B C D C C 20 Table 6 continued Weight factor = Ownership'' 0.25 0.25 Site Ranii 0.20 0.20 0.10 Site Name Condition Landscape Context Diversity Raritv Size C-RANKED SITES White Bird Yellowstone River-Work Creek Hailstone National Wildlife Refuge FWP Pri FWS C B C C C D C D C D D D C D A '" BLM = Bureau of Land Managetnent, City = City of Billings, DNRC = Montana Department of Natural Resources, FWP = Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, FWS = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pri = Private, USFS = U,S- Forest Service, YCo = Yellowstone County These sites range from pristine wetlands of state- wide conservation significance to highly impacted wetlands that still provide impoilant wildlife habitat. Appendix D provides detailed information for each wetland and riparian area inventoried. Site locations are presented in Figure 3. Please note that about one third of the sites described occur wholly or in part on private land, and landowner permis- sion is needed to access these sites. A-ranked Wetlands Eight of the sites inventoried qualify as A-rank wetlands. These sites are in good to excellent condition. In general, their natural hydrologic regimes are intact, they support high quality examples of native plant communities, and they have no or only minor weed populations. The uplands surrounding these sites are largely pristine, with minimal human disturbances. Many of these wetlands encompass a broad array of physical environments and thus contain a high diversity of plant communities and structural types. A-ranked sites include fens as well as slope, lacustrine fringe, and beaver- influenced riparian wetlands. Three of these sites, Crater Fen, Chrome Lake, and West Fork Rock Creek Fens, are nutrient- poor fens. This is a rare wetland type statewide and is very uncommon in the study area. Chrome Lake is especially interesting, as it is only the fourth patterned fen known from the state. In addition, there is some fen development at the Basin Lakes site. Three of the remaining sites are slope and riparian wetlands influenced by past and current beaver activity. East Rosebud Complex, Big Beaver, and West Rosebud Complex are all ex- tremely diverse sites that include aquatic communi- ties, sedge meadows, willow bottoms, stands of Cottonwood and wet aspen, and climax riparian spruce forests. These sites support outstanding examples of beaked sedge. Booth's willow/ bluejoint reedgrass, and Engelmann spruce / bluejoint reedgrass communities. The final site. East Rosebud Lake, is a riparian and lacustrine fringe site that supports excellent examples of beaked sedge and planeleaf willow / bluejoint reedgrass communities. All of these sites are wholly or in part on National Forest land. Three sites are partially in private ownership. None of these sites has any formal protection, except for the privately owned section of the West Rosebud Complex, which is under conservation easement. To protect the outstanding character of these sites, conservation easements should be acquired on the portions of the sites under private ownership. For sites on public land, they should be managed to maintain their condition and hydrological connectivity to adjacent wetlands and the surrounding uplands. In some cases. Research Natural Area or Special Interest Area designation would be appropriate. ATV access to and use of the Chrome Lake site should be elimi- nated immediately. B- ranked Wetlands Sixteen wetlands were rated as B-ranked sites. In general, these sites have greater human-caused disturbance both on- and off-site. However, these 21 Figure 3. Locations of ecologically significant wetlands in the Upper Yellowstone River watershed ^^i^7 - OWNERSHIP BLM USFS USRA/S BIA Trust State Trust HDRA/P Other private I Water Figure 3. Inset A .^^ A ^ ^HiaE L_r Bsiie XI ^r. -V"""" ■^s oasME ,i:f'^ ^ ^Bl3E D P i: 1^ 03Sl4t 03S15E 77 ^1 3 03 OWNERSHIP I ^BLM I ^USFS ^gusFws I I BIA Trust I I State Trust ^gDFWP ^ other private ^ Water ■ Wetland sites Boulder Forks Nurses Lake Mam Boulder Pruit Park West Boulder Meadows Mud Lake - Boulder River Dry Fork Creek Marshes Meyers Creek Big Beaver Stillwater River - Flume Creek Hell's Canyon Lost Lakes N \^'jU SBL Him, "■I — 1' PSaiJiH Figure 3. Inset B a ■ OWNERSHIP ^BLM ^USFS ~|USFWS I 1 BIA Trust I I State Trust HDFWP Other private I I Water ^B Wetland sites 13 McDonald Basin 14 Chrome Lake 15 Crater Fen 16 E Fork Fiddler Creek CompI 17 E Rosebud Oxbow 18 E Rosebud Floodplain Subd 19 W Rosebud Moraine 20 W Rosebud Complex 21 E Rosebud Complex 22 W Rosebud Trailhead 23 E Rosebud Lake 24 W Fork Rock Creek Fens 25 Basin Lakes ex ivision 12 16 2D Miles 1 ^ T A N A Natural Heritoge ^^\ Program '^^^""^ Figure 3. Inset C ■TKWhW c^ i } V\ i OWNERSHIP I ^BLM I ^USFS ^gUSFWS I I BIA Trust I 1 State Trust HDFWP Other private I I Water ^H Wetland sites 26 Bluewater Springs 27 Water Birch 28 Clark's Fork Waterfowl PA 29 Bull Spnngs 30 Beaver Lodge 31 Horsethief Station 32 Grove Q'eek Aspens 33 Sage Creek 34 V^yoming Line 10 15 20 25 30 Miles MONTANA Heritage ^S rrogram POaiJiH l<>:^aa4-3itM n Figure 3. Inset D OWNERSHIP BLM USFS USR/VS BIA Trust State Trust HDR/VP Other private Water ^H Wetland sites 35 Yellowstone R - Work Creek 36 Yellowstone R - Stillwater R 37 White Bird MONTANA Heritage Program "■I — 1' PSaiJiH Figure 3. Inset E OWNERSHIP I ^BLM I ^USFS ^gUSFWS I I BIA Trust I 1 State Trust HDFWP Other private ^n Water ^H Wetland sites 38 Two Moon Park 39 Riverfront Park 10 15 20 25 30 Miles MONTANA Heritage Program "■I — 1' PSaiJiH Figure 3. Inset F OWNERSHIP r^BLM ^USFS ■ USRA/S I I BIA Trust I 1 State Trust HDRA/P Other private ^] Water ^H Wetland sites 10 Hailstone NWR II Halfbreed NWR 12 Big Lake MONTANA Natural ^-^^t:^^^"^- Heritage Program "■I — 1' PSaiJiH Figure 3. Inset G OWNERSHIP r^BLM ^USFS ■ USRA/S I I BIA Trust I 1 State Trust HDRA/P Other private I I Water ^H Wetland sites 13 Buffalo Mirage II Youngs Point MONTANA Heritage Program "■I — 1' PSaiJiH Figure 3. Inset H H % i¥ ilm G^2 03hU2E 10 15 20 25 30 Mile Cr v-^ s. V -^- .' ? OWNERSHIP I ^BLM I ^USFS ^gUSRA/S I I BIA Trust I 1 State Trust HDRA/P Other private ^] Water ^H Wetland sites 45 Twin Lakes MONTANA Heritage Program "■I — 1' PSaiJiH sites are still relatively diverse, have high func- tional capacity', and support high quality' plant commnnities as well as good examples of rare communities. The majority of these wetlands occur in the mon- tane zone along the Beartooth Front. Many of these sites are riparian, often beaver-influenced, wetlands. These sites include East Fork Fiddler Creek Complex, East Rosebud Floodplain Subdivi- sion, HelTs Canyon. Main Boulder, Stillwater River-Flume Creek, and West Boulder Meadows. While these sites have intact hydrologic regimes and geo morphology, they have been disturbed by past and current land uses, such as grazing, and populations of weedy species are locally abundant. Nonetheless, they still support high quality ex- amples of native plant communities, such as East Fork Fiddler Creek Complex's wet aspen draws and Stillwater River-Flume Creek's quaking aspen / red-osier dogwood community. In fact, the Main Boulder site contains the best example of a black Cottonwood / red-osier dogwood community documented in the study area. Other montane sites are non-riverine. Dry Fork Creek Marshes. McDonald Basin, and West Rose- bud Moraine are all depressional wetlands that were formed by past glaciation, and McDonald Basin has some fen development. Twin Lakes is a high-elevation slope and lacustrine fringe wetland in a subalpine lake basin, and Pruit Park is a slope wetland on an elevated glacial terrace. Hydrologic processes are largely intact at these sites, but, except for Twin Lakes, they have been influenced by disruptive land uses and by encroachment of exotic species. Twin Lakes is largely pristine, but lacked the diversity and rarity scores to qualify as an A-ranked site. The five remaining sites occur at low elevations. Yellowstone River-Stillwater River, Buffalo Mirage. Horsethief Station, and Water Birch are riverine wetlands. The first two occur along the Yellowstone River and support cottonwood stands in good condition with intact native shrub commu- nities. The latter two occur along Rock Creek, which has been hydrologically modified by irriga- tion withdrawals. Grove Creek Aspens is a unique spring/seep- fed mosaic of aspen stands and alkaline meadows in the Bighorn Basin. These sites have all been influenced by land use and exotic species. Six of the B-ranked sites occur on National Forest land, three occur on state land, five are in private ownership, and two are in mixed public/private ownership. Of the sites on public land, none enjoy protected status, except for West Boulder Meadows, which is in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Area. Water Birch, Horsethief Station, and a portion of Buffalo Mirage enjoy some protection as Fishing Access sites administered by the Depart- ment of Fish. Wildlife & Parks. Sites on public land should be managed to maintain and enhance the existing hydrological and habitat connectivity to adjacent wetlands and the surrounding uplands. Three of the sites in private ownership (Main Boulder, West Rosebud Moraine, and Pruit Park) are under conservation easement. Conservation easements or other cooperative agreements that would protect the other four private land sites from habitat fragmentation or hydrologic isolation should be pursued. Most of these sites would benefit from noxious weed plans. Canada thistle, hound's tongue, leafy spurge, and other noxious weeds are currently present at many sites as small populations, and as such are more amenable to control or eradication measures. Perhaps a more intractable problem is the abundance of exotic pasture grasses in drier wetland habitats and across the transition zone between wetland and uplands. At several sites, including Main Boulder, East Fork Fiddler Creek Complex, Ease Rosebud Floodplain Subdivision, Stillwater River-Flume Creek, West Boulder Meadows, Buffalo Mirage, and Yellowstone River- Stillwater River, the herbaceous layer of some communities is dominated by these pasture grasses. It will be extremely difficult to restore these areas, especially when it is unclear what the pre-distur- bance native dominants were. C- ranked Wetlands The remaining 20 wetlands all rated as C-ranked sites. Most of these wetlands have been function- ally impaired through hydrologic or geomorphic alterations or through land use disturbances in the wetlands or adjacent uplands. Exotic species are widespread and abundant at many of these sites. In contrast, some of these wetlands are in good condition, but are comprised of a few common, structurally simple communities, and therefore had low diversity and rarity scores. 31 The majority of these sites are riverine wetlands, at least in part. Boulder Forks, East Rosebud Oxbow, and West Rosebud Trailhead occur in bottomlands along large streams in the lower montane zone. Meyers Creek is a lower montane site along an intermittent creek. Lower-elevation riparian sites include Beaver Lodge and Bull Springs along Rock Creek, White Bird along the lower Stillwater River, Yellowstone River- Work Creek, Young's Point, Riverfront Park, and Two Moon Park along the Yellowstone River, Sage Creek in the arid Bighorn Basin, and a created wetland at the Clark's Fork Waterfowl Production Area. Young's Point also contains a wet meadow supported by seepage from an irrigation ditch. All these sites have well- established populations of weedy species. Some sites, such as Riverfront and Two Moon Park, face the possibility of the permanent conversion of native cottonwood stands to exotic-dominated Russian olive communities. Other low-elevation sites are depressional wetlands. Hailstone and Halfbreed National Wildlife Refuges and Big Lake occur around alkaline lakebeds in central Montana's Lake Basin. These sites support many salt-tolerant communities and provide important waterfowl habitat. Wyoming Line is a spring/seep wetland in the Bighorn Basin. The remaining three sites are montane depressional wetlands. Lost Lakes, Nurses Lakes, and Mud Lake-Boulder River are in good condition within relatively undisturbed landscapes and are generally less impacted than low-elevation C-ranked sites. However these sites are less diverse and support few or no rare species or communities. Most of these sites occur at least in part on public land. Several of these sites enjoy some protected status or are managed tor wildlife values. These include Riverfront and Two Moon Parks, Hailstone and Halfbreed National Wildlife Refuges, and several Fishing Accesses. Additionally, the private land portions of two sites, Boulder Forks and Halfbreed National Wildlife Refuge, have conser- vation easements on them. All these sites should be managed to maintain, and where possible, to restore wetland functions and habitat values. Although noxious weeds and other exotic species are widespread at many of these wetlands, these sites would still benefit from comprehensive weed management plans. Well-established populations of Russian olive are present along the Yellowstone River below the confluence with the Clark's Fork. This is especially troubling as it is likely that this species will come to dominate many parts of the floodplain as the native cottonwood stands die out. Wetlands Not Inventoried There are a number of wetlands in the upper Yellowstone River watershed that were not sur- veyed as part of this inventor}' project. Readers should not infer that these uninventoried wetlands are in poor condition or have low functional integrity'. Indeed, several potential high quality wetlands identified during the site selection process were not inventoried. These include alpine wet- lands in the Beartooth Plateau, which were not inventoried because of their high level of protec- tion, and wetlands in private ownership where landowners did not grant access permission. Lack of access has resulted in some portions of the study area, such as the Shields River and other Crazy Mountain drainages, being under-represented in this study. Many other wetlands did not meet our initial selection criteria and were not prioritized for inventor}'. However, most of these wetlands do provide important wetland functions and are valuable for that reason alone. Except as noted above, we expect that most wetlands not invento- ried as part of this project would qualify as B- or C- ranked wetlands. Many wetlands in the watershed have been fragmented by roads or have had their native wetland plant communities degraded by a variety of land uses. Others are pristine, but ver>' small and dominated by just one or two plant communities. We believe that the B- and C-ranked sites that were inventoried represent a fairly repre- sentative sample of these types of wetlands. Because we focused where possible on large, fairly discrete wetlands, some types of wetlands and processes were likely under-emphasized during the inventor}'. Examples include small spring/seeps or just smaller wetlands that by chance could have harbored rare species. In addition, some fluvial processes (like deposition, channel migration, and flooding) occur at a larger scale than our assess- ments methods were designed to address. Riparian 32 Cottonwood communities are inextricably tied to such processes, and simply protecting existing patches of mature cottonwood forest cannot con- serve these communities. Areas where deposition is occurring (where future cottonwood stands will be recruited) need to be conserved as well (Merigliano 1996). * Identify potential mitigation sites Some wetlands identified in this report could serve as mitigation sites to help offset losses of wetlands at other locations, in compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. At some sites, restoring hydrology by blocking peripheral drainage would improve wetland function. How This Information Can Be Used The purpose of this wetland inventor}' is to provide information that will assist in the conservation of wetland diversity and quality. The resulting information can be used to: * Prioritize wetlands for conseriation This inventory provides a list of wetland sites ranked by ecological significance. This list can be used to eftlciently prioritize how limited wetland protection funds are spent by land trusts consider- ing conservation easements, or by state/federal agencies and corporate owners considering ease- ments or land exchanges. ^ Identify irreplaceable wetlands This list of significant wetland sites identifies resources that are essentially irreplaceable. Some A-and B-ranked sites contain wetland features like peatlands. spruce swamps, and rare plants which could not realistically be mitigated if lost. * Identify potential Special Management Areas High ranking sites on Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management lands may be good candidates for designation as Research Natural Areas. Botani- cal Special Interest Areas, or Areas of Critical Environmental Concern. Likewise, similar sites on state land merit management to maintain significant natural values. ' Identify reference wetlands Consultants, wetland scientists, watershed groups, and government agencies can use these results to identify' reference wetlands. Such sites can serve as models of wetland plant community structure/ composition for comparison/evaluation of other sites, for restoration projects, or as seed sources for plant materials. Reference wetlands are also extremely useful for inferring the impacts of certain land use activities. * Provide context for wetland permit review This list of significant wetlands and wetland communities can help regulators ascertain the relative scarcity of a particular wetland type or community within a watershed or region, and provide perspective on the biological importance of wetlands resources that may be impacted. * Provide information for land use decisions County planners, regulators, and others can use this list as a tool by to help inform decisions about planning, growth, and development. * Assist HGM modeling efforts Some of these wetlands identified by this inventory could serve as reference sites for the regional guidebook being developed for slope wetlands. Future Needs This report completes our wetland inventory in the drainages of the upper Yellowstone River. How- ever, a tremendous need remains for better informa- tion on Montana wetlands. One of these is to complete the National Wetland Inventory for Montana. >JWI provides valuable basic informa- tion on the distribution, size, and t^pes of wetlands found across the state. Another priority is to continue the inventory of ecologically significant wetlands on a watershed basis throughout the state. Appendix E provides a list of Montana watersheds with a preliminary prioritization by biodiversity value and level of threat, to help direct future wetland inventory efforts. How To Request Additional Informa- tion Additional wetland data is available for watershed- wide or site specific projects. Digitized National Wetland Inventory maps for some USGS quads in Montana can be viewed on the web at the Natural Resource Information System's Wetland Clearing 33 house web page f http ://] s . state . mt. us/wi s/ wisLhtml ). Hard copy maps are available for inspection at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service offices or for purchase from the NWI Regional Distribu- tion Center (605-688-5890). The following wetland information is available from MTNHP: Occurrence information for rare plants, ani- mals, and natural communities Site-specific community' information for wetland sites surveyed Information on ecologically significant wetland sites currently not under conservation management Information on ecologically significant wetland sites currently protected This report and previous wetland inventory reports are also available on the MTNHP website. Requests for additional information can be submitted through the Montana Natural Heritage Program website at . or by contacting the Montana Natural Heritage Program. Finally; MTNHP databases will be updated if and when any additional inventory work is conducted in the study area. Any new site records resulting from future work will be available by contacting the Montana Natural Heritage Program. 34 Literature Cited Alt D. and D. W. Hyndman. 1986. Roadside geology of Montana. Mountain Press Publish- ing Company, Missoula, MT. Anderson. B. 1994. Beartootli Country- Montana's Absaroka and Beartootli Mountains. Montana Geographic Series, No. 7, rev. Fenske Cos., Billings. MT. Anderson. L. E. 1 990. A checklist of Sphagnum in North America north of Mexico. The Br>'ologist93: 500-501. Anderson, L. E., H. A. Crum, and W. R. Buck. 1990. List of mosses of North America north of Mexico. The Bryologist 93: 448-449. Arno, S. F. 2000. Fire in western forest ecosystems. Pp. 97-120 in Brown. J. K. and J. K. Smith, eds., Wildland fired in ecosystems: effects of fire on flora. General Technical Report RMRS- GTR-42-Vol. 2. U.S. Department of Agricul- ture. Forest Ser\'ice. Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ogden, LIT. Association for Biodiversity Information [ABI]. 2001. 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Montana. Nortb Dakota, and Wyoming. U.S. Geological Survey. Water- Resources Investiga- tion Report 98-4269, Cheyenne, WY. 37 Appendix A - Globni and Stnte Rank Guidelines For state ranks, substitute S for G in these definitions Gl = Critically imperiled globally because of extieme rarity (typically five or fewei' occurrences or very few remaining acres) or because of some factor(s) making it extremely vulnerable to exptirpation. G2 = Imperiled globally because of extieme rarity (typically six to 20 occurrences or few remaining acres) or because of some factor(s) making it veiy vulnerable to extirpation. G3 = Vulnerable; eitlier very rare and local tliroughout its range or found locally (even abundantly at some of its locations) in a restricted range (e.g. a single Great Plains state, a single physiogiaphic or ecoregional unit) or because of other factors making it vulnerable to extiipation throughout it's range. G4 = Apparently Secure; Uncommon, but not rare (although it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at tlie periphery). Apparently not vulnerable in most of its range. G5 = Secure; Common, widespread, and abundant (tliough it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at tlie periphery). Not vulnerable in most of its range. GU = Unrankable; Status cannot be detennined at tliis time. G? = Unranked; Status has not yet been assessed. GM/GW = Designates a community that is modified and dominated by cultivated or weedy species. Modifiers and Rank Ranges ? A question mark added to a rank expresses an uncertainty about die rank in the range of 1 eithei' way on the 1-5 scale. G#G# Greatei' uncertainty about a rank is expressed by indicating the full range of ranks which may be appropriate. Q A "Q" added to a rank denotes questionable taxonomy. It modifies the degiee of impeiilment and is only used in cases where tlie type would have a less imperiled rank if it were not recognized as a valid name (i.e. if it were combined with a more common type). P Assigned at the state level. There is potential that tlie element occurs in the state, but no extant or historic occurrences are accepted. R Assigned at the state level. Element is reported as occuning in the state but without a basis for eitlier accepting or rejecting the report. Appendix A CRITERIA USED FOR RANKING The critei'ia for ranking are based on a set of quantitative and qualitative factors. These factors are listed below in order of their general importance: a. Numbei' of Element Occurrences (EOs): tlie estimated number of EOs throughout the Element's global range; b. Abundance: tlie estimated global abundance of tlie Element (measuiedby numbei' of individuals, or area, or stieam length covered); c. Size of Range: the estimated size of the Element's global range; d. Distribution trend: the trend in the Element's distribution over it's global range; e. Number of protected EOs: tlie estimated number of adequately protected EOs tliroughout tlie Element's global range; f. Degree of thieat: tlie degree to which tlie Element is threatened globally; g. Fragility: the fragility or susceptibility of the Element to intnision; h. Otlier global considerations: for example, the quality or condition of EOs that affect or may affect endangennent status; unexplained population fluctuations; reproductive stiategies tliat are dependent on specific habitat; etc. Appendix A Appendix B - Site Rank Criteria for Wetlands »nd Riparian Areas Minimum Site Size: 1 acre (0.5 acre for peatlands) Ranli Pi'ocedurf : The following site ranlcing specifications have been modified from and infonned by criteria presented in regional wetland assessment protocols (Washington State Department of Ecology 1991, Cliadde et al. 1998, Gieenlee 1999, Jankovslcy -Jones 1999), liydrogeomorphic functional assessments (Hniby etal. 1999, Janlcovsky-Jonesetal. 1999a, 1999b, Hauer et al. 2000a, 2000b, Hruby et al. 2000), and plant community ranking specifications developed by otlier Natural Heritage programs (Chappell and Christy 2000, Rondeau and Sandeison 2000). This ranking procedure has been developed to be consistent with standard Hei'itage metliodology described in tlie Draft Element OccuirenceData Standard (TNC and ABI 1999). The data standard was developed for ranking an element occurrence's viability by evaluating its condition, landscape context, and size. We propose similar criteria to evaluate a wetland site's viability. In addition to condition, context, and size, two othei' factors important in detennining a site's conservation significance, diversity and rarity, are considered. In the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains of Montana, wetlands occur as small patch and linear systems on the landscape (although there may be localized large patch occunences, as in tlie Centennial Valley). Because of their small size and high dependence on external processes, the primary factors affecting site viability and significance are condition and context. Secondaiy factors are diversity and rarity, and tlie tertiary factor is size. These variables, tlieir weighting factors, and rank tliresholds are described below. Condition Specifications (weight factor = .25): This factor is a combination of environmental factors (liydrologic, geomorphic, and biogeochemical) and vegetation and habitat parameters. A site's condition should be representative of tlie overall condition of individual plant associations present at tlie site. In addition to tlie condition of native plant associations, tlie presence of exotic-dominated communities is an impoitant factor. The presence of weedy, modified, or cultural vegetation types should reduce tlie site condition rank, even where native associations are in pristine condition. An important point to consider in tliis case is the potential for the exotic species to spread. Note: not all of the factors listed below are applicable to all wetland systems (e.g., surface flooding is primarily a process associated with riverine systems, whereas subsuiface flooding/saturation is important for all wetland types). The following rank tliresholds are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to have a site witli minor hydrologic or geomoiphic modification witli highly degraded plant communities. For example, a cottonwood stand witli an exotic-dominated understory along a free-flowing river (hydrology and geomorphology rank of A or B, vegetation and habitat rank of D) would wan'ant an overall condition rank of C. A-rated condition Hydrology, geomorphology, and biogeochfmistiy. Natural hydrologic processes are intact and the site has no geomoiphic modifications. Indicators include: • In all systems, subsurface flooding and saturation of low areas (swales, oxbows, old channels, depressions) occurs in most years as indicated by soils, vegetation, photographs. • Ovei'bank flooding occurs regularly (approximately eveiy otlier year or more frequently) as indicated by soils, vegetation, photogiaphs. This factor is important primarily for riverine systems witli well developed floodplains. • The floodplain is being actively developed, with multiple macrotopographic features present (e.g., oxbows, ovei'flow/abandoned channels, floodplain, terraces, bars). • Stieam banks and channels have representative shape, are not riprapped, and are not unvegetated by excessive grazing or tiampling. • There is no evidence of geomoiphic modification, excessive erosion, sediment deposition, or nuti'ient loading. Appendix B Vegf t»tion Rnd habitat • Plant communities have representative stmctuie and composition (e.g., cottonwood stands have a diverse and well developed shmb component). • Regeneration is occurring and seedlings, saplings, or clonal shoots are present, hi riverine floodplain systems, channel bar formation is creating substrate for woody vegetation colonization (tliis may be occurring in the system though not at tlie site). • There is a high level of interspersion and connectivity among plant communities. • Within native plant communities, no or veiy few exotic species are present, with no potential for expansion. Cultural or modified vegetation types are absent or are a veiy minor component of tlie site. B-rated condition Hydrology, geomorphology, and biogeochemistry. Hydrologic and geomorphic modifications are minimal and/or localized and are easily restorable. hidicators include: • Ovei'bank and subsurface flooding still occurs frequently, but flooding regimes may be slightly modified by irrigation withdrawal, small headwaters dams, or localized and minimal geomorphic alteiation (roads, bridges, ditching, diking, bank revetment, soil compaction, clearing). • Floodplain riverine systems have few macrotopographic features, but there is evidence of recent floodplain development. • Stieam banks may show some local adverse effects from excessive grazing or otlier activity. • Any excessive erosion, deposition, or nutrient loading is restiicted to localized pockets. Vegftation and habitat • Native plant community structure and composition has been somewhat altered by logging, grazing (including browse from native ungulates), fire suppression, etc. (e.g., the native shrub component is stiiicturally and compositionally diverse, but browsing pressure has altered the stiiicture and abundance, especially that of palatable species). • Native species tliat increase witli disturbance or changes in hydrology or nutrients are restiicted to microsites. • Limited regeneration and channel bar fomiation is occurring. • There is a moderate level of inteispersion and connectivity among plant communities. • Exotic species and cultural vegetation are a minor component of tlie site and have little potential for expansion. Crated condition Hydrology, geomorphology, and biogeochemistry. Hydrologic and geomoiphic modifications are more systematic, and require eitlier a long time (decades) or significant effort to restore, hidicators include: • Subsurface flooding or saturation occurs relatively frequently, but overbank flooding occurs only during high floods. Hydrologic or geomorphic modifications have systematically alteied tlie hydrologic regime. Modifications include regional hydropower or flood contiol dams, extensive inigation witlidrawals or return flows, widespread ditching, moderate bank revetment, etc. Floodplain riverine systems have few macrotopographic featuies and tliere is no evidence of recent floodplain development. Stieain banks are significantly altered by excessive grazing, bank stabilization, channelization, road constniction, etc. Excessive erosion, deposition, or nuhient loading is common. Vegftation and habitat Native plant community structure and composition has been substantially altered by logging, glazing (including browse from native ungulates), fiie suppression, etc. Native species tliat increase witli disturbance or changes in hydrology or nutrients are widespread. Appendix B • Native species regeneration is not occurring or veiy restricted; no evidence of woody species colonization of channel bars. • There is a low level of inteispersion and connectivity among plant communities. • Exotic species and cultural vegetation are widespread but potentially controllable. D rnted condition Hydrology, geomorphology, »nd biogeochemistry. Hydrology and geomoiphology are significantly alteied at both local and regional scales; restoration is unlikely. • Surface/subsurface flooding occurs only during extieme flood events. • Geomorphic modifications are extensive and a significant proportion of the channel is revetted. • Stream banks are severely degiaded. Vegftation and habitat • Community structure and composition is significantly affected by exotic species (e.g., understories of Cottonwood stands have been converted from native shrubs or grasses to exotic graminoids). • Native plant communities are fragmented by cultural vegetation. • Exotic species, cultural vegetation, or native increasers are dominant and restoration is unlikely. Landscape Context Specillcations (weight factor = .25): This factor is a composite of context ranks for individual plant associations present at tlie site. The site context should be representative of the overall landscape context of tliese communities. A-rated context The site's hy dialogic regime is not alteied by flow regulation, augmentation, or reduction by upstream reservoirs, gioundwater pumping, or iirigation witlidrawal. Site is connected hydrologically and by suitable habitat (e.g., riparian vegetation along stream coiridors) to other wetlands via unaltered suiface or subsurface channels. Native vegetation in good condition occupies a 100-m buffer zone around tlie wetland. Adjacent uplands and tlie upstieam watershed are unaltered (> 90% natural vegetation) by urban, agricultural, or otlier landuses (e.g., logging) tliat might affect hydrology or habitat connectivity. Habitat connectivity allows natural processes and species migration to occur. B-rated context Hydrologic regime is largely unalteied witli few small reservoirs or iirigation withdrawals upstream. Hydrologic and habitat connectivity still largely intact, but a few barriers or gaps are present. Landuse in the wetland buffer is restiicted to light grazing or selective logging. Adjacent uplands and the upstieam watershed are moderately altered (60 to 90% natural vegetation) by urban, agiicultural, or other uses. Crated context Natural hydrological regimes are altered by upstream reservoirs or iirigation practices. Hydrologic connections are functional, but habitat connections are fragmented and multiple baixiers are present. Landuse in the wetland buffei' includes moderate grazing, logging, or haying. Adjacent uplands and upstream watershed are fragmented (20-60% natural vegetation) by urban, agiicultural, or otlier uses. D-rated context Hydrology substantially altered by upstream reseivoirs or iirigation practices (e.g., stream may go completely diy in most years, marsh may expeiience complete drawdown). Site may be hydrologically isolated due to hydrological or geomorpliological modifications. Wetland buffer is heavily grazed, roaded, or tilled. Habitat is extremely fragmented and adjacent uplands and upstream watershed are largely converted to uiban, agricultural, or othei' uses. Diversity Specifications (weight factor = .20): This factor has tliree components: floristic diversity (measured by number of plant associations), plant physiognomic diveisity (measured by number of Cowardin Appendix B 3 classes/subclasses), and geomorphic diversity (measured by Cowardin water regimes). Cowardin classes are forest-evergreen, for est- deciduous, scrub-shrub, emergent, and aquatic bed. Cowardin water regimes include temporarily flooded, seasonally flooded, semipeiinanently flooded, and peiinanently flooded. Each component is consideied separately, and the overall rank is tlie average score of the thiee components. Each component is weighted equally. To be counted, each component should occupy or occur over at least 10% of tlie site or 0.5 acres. A-rated diversity 4 or more plant communities; 4 or more Cowardin classes; 4 or more Cowardin watei' regimes. B-rated diversity 3 plant communities; 3 Cowardin classes; 3 Cowardin water regimes. Crated diversity 2 plant communities; 2 Cowardin classes; 2 Cowardin water regimes. D-rated diversity 1 plant community; 1 Cowardin class; 1 Cowardin water regime. Rarity Specifications (weight factor = .20): This factor is evaluated by the number and condition of rare or imperiled plants, animals, or communities present at tlie site. Sites with no rare elements as described below rank for tliis factor. Peatlands are automatically ranked at A-level rarity. A-rated rarity One A-ranked Gl occurrence, four or more A or B-ranked Gl or G2 occurrences, four or more A- ranked G3 occunences, or peatland associations form a significant component of the site. B-rated rarity One B tlirough D-ranked Gl occuirence, one A or B-ranked G2 occuixence, one A-ranked G3 occurrence, or foui' or more B-ranked G3 or C-ranked G2 occuirences. Crated rarity One C or D-ranked G2 occuirence, one B-ranked G3 occurrence, or four or more A or B-ranked SI (G4 or G5) occurrences. D-rated rarity One C-ranked G3 occunence, one A or B-ranked SI (G4 or G5) occuirence, one A-ranked S2 (G4 or G5) occunence, or four or more B-ranked S2 (G4 or G5) or A-ranked S3 (G4 or G5) occuirences. Size Specifications (weight factor = .10): This factor will vary depending on the type of wetland being evaluated (e.g., slope, depressional, riverine, lacustrine fringe). If site boundaries are defined by land ownei'ship or similar factors, evaluate this factor based on tlie size of tlie site's ecological boundaries. A-rated size > 100 acres for riverine; > 50 acres for slope, depressional, or lacustrine fringe; > 10 acres for peatland B-rated size 50 to 100 acres for riveiine; 25 to 50 acres for slope, depressional, or lacustrine fringe; 5 to 10 acres for peatland Appendix B Crated size 10 to 50 acres for riverine; 5 to 25 acres for slope, depressional, or lacustrine fringe; 1 to 5 acres for peatland D-rated size < 10 acres for riverine, < 5 acres for slope, depressional, or lacustrine fringe; < 1 acre for peatland Calculating Site Ranks: To calculate the overall site rank, tlie A -D ranks for each factor are given numeric equivalents, such that A =4, B = 3, C = 2, and D = 1. These numeric equivalents are then multiplied by tlie weighting assigned to each factor and tlien added togetlier, as illustiated by tlie following formula: (Rcoml*Wco,id) + (Rccml*Wconl) + (Rdiv*Wdiv) + (Rmre*W,^,e) + (Raze*W^^e) = OVeiall site lauk wheie RcDiid = numeric equivalent for condition rank RcDiii = numeric equivalent for landscape context rank Rdiv = numeric equivalent for diversity rank Riiire = numei'ic equivalent for rarity rank Raze = numei'ic equivalent for size rank and WcDiid = weight factor for condition WcDiii = weight factor for landscape context Wdiv = weight factor for diversity Wiare = Weight factor for larity Waze = weight factor for size The overall site rank is then detennined given the following correspondence: Site Rank Numeric Ranae A >3.25and<4.00 B >2.50and<3.25 C >1.75and<2.50 D >0.80and<1.75 For example, a site with B-ranked condition, A-ranked landscape context, C-ranked diversity, D-ranked rarity, and C-ranked size would have an overall site rank of B, as illustiated below: (3*0. 25) + (4*0.25) + (2*0.20) + (l*0.20) + (2*a 10) = 2. 55 Appendix B Literature Cited Chadde, S. W., J. S. Shelly, R. J. Bursik, R. K. Moseley, A. G. Evenden, M. Mantas, F. Rabe, andB. Heidel. 1998. Peatlands on National Forests of thenortliem Rocky Mountains: ecology and conseivation. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-1 1. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Ogden, UT. Chappell, C. and J. Chiisty. 2000. Unpublished draft element occurrence specifications for wetland ecological systems in tlie Willamette-Puget-Georgia Ecoregion. Oregon and Washington Natural Heritage Programs, The Nature Conservancy and Washington Depaitment of Natural Resources. Greenlee, J. T. 1999. Ecologically significant wetlands in the Flatliead, Stillwater, and Swan River Valleys. Unpublished report to tlie Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Montana State Libraiy. Helena, MX. Hauer,F. R.,B. J. Cook, M. C. Gilbert, E. C. Clairain, and R. D. Smith. 2000a. A regional guidebook for assessing the functions of intemiontane praiiie pothole wetlands in tlie nortliem Rocky Mountains. Hauer, F. R.,B. J. Cook, M. C. Gilbert, E. C. Clairain, andR. D. Smitli. 2000b. Thehydrogeomoiphic approach to functional assessment: a regional guidebook for assessing the functions of riverine floodplain wetlands in tlie nortliem Rocky Mountains. Hniby, T., T. Granger, K. Brunner, S. Cooke, K. Dublanica, R. Gersib, L. Reinelt, K. Richter, D. Sheldon, E. Teachout, A. Wald, and F. Weinmann. 1999. Methods for assessing wetland functions, vol. 1: riverine and depressional wetlands in the lowlands of western Washington. Washington State Department of Ecology, Publication #99-1 15. Olympia, WA. Hniby, T., S. Stanley, T. Grangei, T. Duebendorfer, R. Friesz, B. Lang, B. Leonard, K. March, and A. Wald. 2000. Metliods for assessing wetland functions, vol. 2: depressional wetlands in the Columbia Basin of eastern Washington. Washington State Depaitment of Ecology, Publication #00-06-47. Olympia, WA. Jankovsky -Jones, M. 1999. Conservation strategy for wetlands in east-centi'al Idaho. Unpublished report by tlie Conservation Data Centei, Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Boise, ID. Jankovsky -J ones, M., B. Benge, F. Fink, P. Guillory, and P. Olson. 1999a. Idaho inteiim functional assessment for low-gradient broad basin, groundwater fed, slope wetlands with spring fed riverine inclusion. Unpublished report prepared by the Idaho Wetland Functional Assessment Committee. Jankovsky -J ones, M., B. Benge, F. Fink, P. Guillory, and P. Olson. 1999b. Idaho interim functional assessment for riveiine wetlands on the floodplains of low to moderate gradient, 2 or 3 order stieams on fine textured substrates. Unpublished report prepared by the Idaho Wetland Functional Assessment Committee. The Nature Conservancy [TNC] and Association for Biodiversity Infonnation [ABI]. 1999. Draft element occurrence data standard, 9/20/99 version. The Nature Consei'vancy and Association for Biodiversity Infonnation in coopeiation with the Network of Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers. Arlington, VA. Rondeau, R. and J. Sanderson. 2000. Unpublished draft element occurrence specifications for wetland ecological systems in the southern Rocky Mountain Ecoregion. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO. Washington StateDepartment of Ecology. 1991. Washington State wetlands rating system for eastern Washington. Publication #91-58. Olympia, WA. Author: Marc Jones Date: March 19, 2001 Appendix B Appendix C INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES: TERRESTRIAL VEGETATION OF THE UNITED STATES Comnion Wetland Communities Documented in the upper Yellowstone River Watershed Report from Biological Consen/ation Datasystem March, 2001 by Association for Biodiversity Infoiination 1101 Wilson Blvd., 15"*" floor Arlington, VA 22209 This subset of the International Classification of Ecological Communities (ICEC) covers vegetation alliances and associations atti^ibuted to tlie upper Yellowstone River, Montana. This community classification has been developed in consultation with many individuals and agencies and incorporates information from a variety of publications and otliei' classifications A fully searchable and periodically updated on-line source for tfie ICEC is at www natureserve org Comments and suggestions regarding the contents of this subset should be directed to Marc Jones Cmarci@state mtus) and Marion Reid (mreid^abi org) ■ BIODIVFR5ITYH ^ - - ^ « « App^ndi^ C Copyright © 2001 The Association for Biodiversity lufonnation, 1101 Wilson Blvd, 15 floor Arlington, VA 22209, U.S A. All Rights Reseived. The following citation should be used in any published materials, which reference these data: The Association for Biodiversity Information. 2001. International Classification of Ecological Communities: Tenestrial Vegetation. Natural Heritage Central Databases. The Association for Biodiversity lufonnation, Arlington, VA. Restrictions on Use: Permission to use, copy and distribute these data is hereby granted under the following conditions: 1. Tlie above copyright notice must appear in all documents and reports: 2. Any use mnst be for infonnational puiposes only and in no instance for commercial puiposes; 3. Some data may be altered in fonnatfor analytical puiposes, however the data should be referenced n sing the citation above. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reseived by Tlie Association for Biodiversity hifonnation. Except as expressly provided above, nothing contained herein shall be constnied as confeixing any license or right imder any Association for Biodiversity Lifonnation copyright. Information Warranty Disclaimer: All dataaie provided as is without warranty as to the cun^ntness, completeness, or accuracy of any specific data. The Association for Biodiversity Infoim at ion hereby disclaims all WTuranties and conditions with regaidto these data, including hnt not limited to aU imphed ^vairanties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a paiticulai' pmpose, and non-infiingement. Li no event shall the Association for Biodiversity Infoiination be hable for any special, indiiect, incidental, consequential damages, or for damages of any kind arising ont of or in connection with the use of tliese data. Because the data in the Natiual Heritage Central Databases are continually being updated, it is advisable to refresh data at least once ayeai' after its receipt. The data provided aie forplamiing, assessment, and infoim at ional puiposes. Site specific projects or activities should be reviewed for potential environmental impacts with ^propriate regulatoiy agencies. Association For Biodiversity Infoiination 1101 Wilson Blvd, 15"' floor Aiiington,VA 22209 These data are extracted from The AssDcialian for Biodiversity Information ^QQl Inlemalional Classification of Ecological Communilies Terrestrial Vegetation Natural Heritage Cenlral Databases The Association for Biodiversity Information, Arlington, VA. This document may be generally cited a: follows: Aiosociation for Biodiversity Informalion 2001 International classification of ecological communities Terresitrial vegetation of the United States. Common wetland communities documented in the upper Yellowstone River watershed^ Assoaalion for Biodiversity Information, Arlington, VA and Montana Natural Heiitage Program, Helena, MT Appendix C The Association for Biodiversity Information (ABI) is an international organization including ABI regional offices, an ABI central office, US State Natural Heritage Programs, and Conservation Data Centies (CDC) in Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean. Ecologists from tlie following organizations have contributed the development of the ICEC: United State-; Cenlral ABI Office, Arlington, VA, Easitem Regional Office, Baslon, MA, Midweslem Regional Office, Minneapolis, MN, SoutheaEtem Regional Office, Durham, NC, Western Regional Office, Boulder, CO, Alabama Natural Hentage Program, Montgomery AL, Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Anchorage, AK, Arizona Henlage Data Management Center, Phoemx AZ, Arkansas Natural Hentage Commission Liltle Rock, AR, Blue Ridge Parkway, AsheviUe, NC, California Natural Hentage Program, Sacramenlo, CA, Colorado Natural Henlage Program, Fort Collins, CO, Connecticut Natural Diversity Database, Hartford, CT, Delaware Natural Hentage Program, Smyrna, DE, Districl of Columbia Nalural Heritage Program/National Capital Region Conservation Data Center, Washington DC, Florida Natural Areas Inventory, Tallahassee, FL, Georgia Natural Hentage Program, Social Circle, GA, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, TN, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Gulf Breeze, FL, Hawan Nalural Heritage Program, Honolulu, Hawaii, Idaho Conservation Data Cenler, Boise, ID, Ilhnois Natural Hentage Division/lUmois Nalural Heritage Dalabase Program, Spnng&eld, IL, Indiana Nalural Heritage Data Center, Indianapohs, IN, Iowa Natural Areas Inventory, Des Moines, lA, Kansas Natural Hentage Inventory, Lawrence, KS, Kentucky Nalural Heritage Program, Frankfort, KY, Louisiana Nalural Heritage Program, Baton Rouge, LA, Maine Nalural Areas Program, Augusta, ME, Mammoth Cave National Park, Mammoth Cave, KY, Maiyland Wildlife & Heritage Division, Annapolis, MD, Massachusetls Natural Henlage & Endangered Species Program, Weslborough, MA, Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Lansing, MI, Minnesota Natural Hentage & Nongame Research and Minnesota County Biological Survey, St Paul, MN, Mississippi Natural Hentage Program, Jackson, MI, Missouri Natural Hentage Database, Jefferson City, MO, Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT, National Forest in North Carolina, AsheviUe, NC, National Forests in Florida, Tallahassee, FL, National Park Service, Southeaslem Regional Office, Atlanta, GA, Navajo Natural Heritage Program, Window Rock, AZ, Nebraska Nalural Herilage Program, Lincoln, NE, Nevada Natural Henlage Program, Carson City, NV, New Hampshire Natural Henlage Invenloiy, Concord, NH, New Jersey Nalural Heritage Program, Trenton, NJ; New Mexico Nalural Heritage Program, Albuquerque , NM, New York Nalural Heritage Program, Latliam, NY, North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh, NC, North Dakota Natural Hentage Inventory, Bismarck, ND, Ohio Nalural Heritage Database, Columbus, OH, Oklahoma Natural Hentage Inventory, Norman, OK, Oregon Natural Hentage Program, Portland, OR, Pennsylvama Natural Diversity Inventory, PA, Rhode Island Natural Hentage Program, Providence, RI, South Carolina Hentage Trust, Columbia, SC, South Dakota Natural Henlage Data Base, Piene, SD, Tennessee Division of Nalural Heritage, Nashville, TN, Tennessee Valley Aulhonly Henlage Program, Nonis, TN, Tesas Conservalion Data Center, San Antonio, TX, Utah Natural Hentage Program, Salt Lake City, UT, Vermont Nongame &. Nalural Henlage Program, Waterbury, VT, Virginia Division of Natural Henlage, P.ichmond, VA, Washington Nalural Heritage Program, Olympia, WA, Wesl Virginia Natural Henlage Program, Elkins, WV, Wisconsin Natural Heritage Program, Madison, WI, Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, Laramie, WY Canada Alberta Nalural Heritage Information Centre, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre, SackviUe, New Brunswick, Canada, Bntish Columbia Conservation Data Centre, Victoria^ EC, Canada, Mamtoba Conservation Data Cenlre Winnipeg, MB, Canada; Dnlano Nalural Heritage Information Centre, Pelerborough, ON, Canada, Quebec Conservation Data Cenlre, Quebec, QC, Canada; Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre, Regina, SK, Canada; Yukon Conservation Data Centre, Yukon, Canada Latin Amei'icanand Caribbean Cenlro de Datos para la Conservacion de Bolivia, La Paz , Bolivia, Centra de Datos para la Conservacion de Colombia, Cali^Valle, Columbia, Cenlro de Datos para la Conservacion de Ecuador, Quito^ Ecuador, Centro de Datos para la Conservacion de Guatemala, Ciudad de Gualemala, Gualemala, Centro de Datos para la Conservacion de Panama, Queiry Heights , Panama, Centro de Datos para la Conservacion de Paraguay, San Lorenzo , Paraguay, Centro de Datos para la Conservacion de Pern, Lima, Peru, Centro de Datos para la Conservacion de Sonora, HermosiUo, Sonora, Mexico, Netherlands Antilles Natural Henlage Program, Curacao , Netherlands Anlilles, Puerto Rico-Departmento De Recursos Nalurales Y Ambientales, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Conservalion Data Center, St Thomas, Virgin Islands ABI also has partnered witli many International and Uniled States Federal and Slate organizalions, which have also contnbuted significanlly lo the development of the International Classificalion Partners include the foUowing The Nature Conservancy, Provincial Foresl Ecosystem Classification Groups in Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Parks Canada, United States Forest Service, National GAP Analysis Program, United States Nalional Park Service, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Umted States Geological Survey, Untied States Departmenl of Defense, Ecological Society of America; Environmental Protection Agency, Natural Resource Conservation Services, United States Department of Energy, and ihe Tennessee Valley Authonly Many individual stale orgamzations and people &"om academic mstitulions have also contnbuted lo the development ofthis classification Appendix C Table of Contents Common Wetland Commmiities Docmneuted iu the Upper Yellowstone River Watershed 1 luti'oduction to the Lit em at ion al Clas^'ifi cation of Ecological Commmiities (ICEC) vii PREFACE vii DEVELOPMENT OF THE CLASSIFICATION vii THE ICEC: FOLTNDATIONS AND SCOPE viii THE ICEC: THE HIERARCHY viii ECOLOGICAL GROUPS x KNOWN DATA GAPS -GEOGRAPHIC xi KNOWN DATA GAPS -TAXONOMIC xi CAVEATS ABOUT DISTIBUTION DATA xi CONSERVATION STATUS RANKING xi REFERENCES CITED xiii Saturated tfinpeiate or subpolar needle-leaved evergrefu forest 1 PICEAENGELMANNII SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 1 Piceaengelmaimii / Calamagrostis canadensis Forest 1 Temporarily flooded cold- deciduous forest 2 POPULUSBALSAMIFERASSP.TRICHOCARPA TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 2 Populus balsamifem ssp. tiicliocaipa/Coniiis s eric e a Forest 3 POPULUSTREMULOIDES TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 4 Populus tremuloides / Conms sericea Forest 5 Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous forest 5 POPULUS TREMULOIDES SEASONALLY FLOODED FOREST ALLLANCE 5 Populus tremuloides / Calamagrostis canadensis Forest 7 Temporarily flooded temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland 7 PICEAENGELMANNH TEMPORARILY FLOODED WOODLAND ALLIANCE 7 Piceaengelmaimii /Conms sericea Woodland 8 Temporarily flooded cold-deciduous woodland 8 POPULUS DELTOIDES TEMPORARILY FLOODED WOODLAND ALLIANCE 8 Populus deltoides/ Symphoricaipos Occident alis Woodland 9 Temporarily flooded cold-deciduous shrubland 10 ALNUSINCANA TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 10 Alnus incana/ Calamagrostis canadensis Shiiiblaud 11 SALIXBEBBIANA TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 11 Salis bebbiana Shnibland 12 SALIXBOOTHE TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 13 Salix bootliii / Caiex utriculata Shmbland 14 SALIXEXIGUA TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLLWCE 14 Salix ex igu a Temporarily Flooded Shnibland 15 SYMPHOiaCARPOSOCCroENTALIS TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLLVNCE 16 Symphoricaipos occidentalis Shnibland 17 Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous shrubland 18 SALIXBOOTHE SEASONALLY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 18 Salix bootliii / Calamagrostis canadensis Shrublaud 18 SALIX GEYERIANA SEASONALLY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 19 Salix geyeiiaua/ Carex utriculata Shnibland 19 SALIX PLANIFOLIA SEASONALLY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 20 Salix (faiiiae, planifolia) /Caiex utiiculata Shnibland 21 Salix planifoiia / Caiex aquatilis Sluiibland 21 Mfdium-tall sod tempfiate or subpolar grassland 21 PASCOPYRUMSMITHn HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 21 Pascopynmi smithii Herbaceous Vegetation 22 Intermittently flooded temperate or subpolar grassland 23 DISTICHLISSPICATAINTERMirrENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLLWCE 23 Appendix C v Distklili^ spicata Herbaceous Vegetation 24 Sensonnlly flooded temperate or subpolar grassland 24 CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 24 Calainagiostis canadensis Western Herbaceous Vegetation 25 CAREX(ROSTRATA,UTRICULATA) SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLLWCE 26 Carex iiti'icu lata Herbaceous Vegetation 27 CAREXBUXBAUMH SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 27 Cai'exbiixbaumii Herbaceous Vegetation 28 CAREXPELLITA SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLLANCE 28 Carexpellita Herbaceous Vegetation 29 ELEOCHARISPALUSTRIS SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLLANCE 30 Eleochai'is palustiis Herbaceous Vegetation 31 Semipfimanently flooded temperate or subpolar grassland 32 SCHOENOPLECTUS ACUTUS - (SCHOENOPLECTUS TABERNAEMONTANI) SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 32 Schoenoplectiis acutiisHeibaceous Vegetation 33 SCHOENOPLECTUS PUNGENS SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLLANCE 33 Schoenoplectiis pung ens Herbaceous Vegetation 34 TYPHA (ANGUSTIFOLLA, LATIFOLIA) - (SCHOENOPLECTUS SPP.) SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 34 Typlia latifolia Western Heitaceoiis Vegetation 36 Intermittently flooded temperate or subpolar grassland with a ^parsf xeromorphic (evfrgretn and/or deciduous) shrub layer 36 SARCOBATUS VERMICULATUS INTERMITTENTLY FLOODED SHRUB HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 36 S arc obatiis Venn iculatns / Pas copy mm smitliii - (Elymiis lauceolatiis) Shmb Heiiiaceous Vegetation 37 Permanently flooded temperate or subpolar hydiomorphic rooted vegetation 38 NYMPHAEA ODORATA - NUPHAR SPP. PERMANENTLY FLOODED TEMPERATE HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 38 Nupliai' liitea ssp. poly sepal a Herbaceous Vegetation 39 Literature Cited 40 Appendix C vi Introduction to the International Classification of Ecological Communities (ICEC) PREFACE This IS a subset of communities defined in the International Classification of Ecological Communities (ICEC), presented in a hierarchical arrangement consistent with that of the ICEC system The ICEC was developed by ecologists at the Association for Biodiversity Information (ABI) and The Nature Consen/ancy (TNC)^ , in conjunction with the network of state Natural Hentage programs and International Conservation Data Centers (CDCs) What follows IS a brief introduction to the classification Considerably more information on the ICEC's development and its uses has been published bytheABI/TNC Ecology Working Group (Grossman et aj. 1998, Maybury 1999] and is available at < http //www abi org > under ttie Information Resources, Heritage Library link. Ttie classification presented here is a snapshot of a work in progress As tfie classification is applied in vanous places and forvarious purposes there will be additions, modifications, and revisions Forttiis reason, printed reports have a suggested shelf life of one year from the "data current as of" date that you should see in the footer of the document Please request an updated version if the data in your document are more than one year old DEVELOPMENT OF THE CLASSIFICATION The ICEC grew out of a longstanding recognition on the part of The Nature Conservancy and the Natural Hentage network that ecological communities were important elements of conservation These organizations employ what is often referred to as a coarse filter/fine filter" approach to preserving biological diversity (Jenkins 1976, Hunter 1991] This approach involves the identification and protection of the best examples of all ecological communities (coarse filter) as well as rare species (fine filter) Identifying and protecting representative examples of ecological communities assures the consen/ation and maintenance of biotic interactions and ecological processes, in addition to conservation of most species Certain species, however, usually the rarest ones, may fall through the community filter Very rare species often have specialized life histones, or are simply so rare and restncted that their consen/ation requires explicit planning based on species-specific information Identification and protection of viable occurrences of rare species sen/ed as the line filter for preserying biological diversity. Using both filters for identifying conservation targets ensures that the most complete spectrum of biological diversity is protected. In the U S . state community classifications were developed for many states by the Heritage ecologist(s), with each state using its ov^n classification scheme This approach worths effectively at a state level to assure protection of ecological communities However, a major obstacle to using communities as conservation units at the regional, national, and global levels was the lack of a consistent classification system developed through analysis of data from a range-wide perspective. To overcome this problem, TNC and the Natural Hentage/CDC network began working to develop a standardized, hierarchical system to classify vegetated terrestnal communities across the U S The first steps taken by TNC regional ecologists were to begin compiling an enormous amount of fine-scale state and local information on vegetation pattern into four regional cl as sili cations spanning the U S and to decide upon a single, standardized framework for the classifications they were developing The U S regional classifications were of necessity developed somewhat independently In the western U.S , for example, most of the existing state classifications were based on vegetation and were strongly influenced by the habitat type approach, which allowed a relatively straightforward compilation into a regional classification for the west In the Midwest East, and Southeast there was less of a tradition of flonstically-based classifications, and as a result, there was more emphasis on a synthesis of descriptive information on vegetation, often done with close consultation and review by Heritage program ecologists, along with other partner in state and federal agencies, and university scientists Synthesis of the four regional classifications into a U S National Vegetation Classification was completed and the first iteration of that classification was published (Anderson et al 1998) While classification development has so far focused on the United States (and is ongoing there), classification of Canadian vegetation using the ICEC system is proceeding on a relatively fast track as is classification of the 1 In 2Q0O, TNC decided to form a new organization that could focus its energies more tightly on developing and providing Hentage network data to Natural Resources decision makers (including those in TNC) Many of the ecologists and other scientists and data managers formerly in TNC's Conservation Science Division are now part of this new organization, tentatively called the Association for Biodiversity Information (ABI) ABI and TNC ecologists contnue to work together, and to work with Heritage, federal and state agencies, and academic partners, on ICEC development Appendtx C yi] Introduction to the International Classification Of Ecological Communities (ICEC) vegetation of portions of northern Mexico Canbbean vegetation has also been an area of recent classification development THE ICEC: FOUNDATIONS AND SCOPE The following basic tenets undehie the terrestnal portion of the ICEC 1 The ICEC IS based pnmanlyon vegetation, rather than soils, landforms or other non-biologic features This was decided upon mainly because plants are easily measured biological expressions of environmental conditions and are directly relevant to biological diversity. Vegetation is complex and continuously vanable, with species forming only loosely repeating assemblages in ecofogicaify similar habitats The ICEC does not solve the problems inherent in any effort to categonze the continuum of vegetation pattern, but it presents a practical set of methods to bnng consistency to the descnption, modeling, and conservation ofvegetation 2. The ICEC system applies to all terrestnal vegetation. In addition to upland vegetation, "ten"estnal vegetation" is defined to include all wetland vegetation with rooted vascular plants It also includes communities characterized by sparse to nearly absent vegetation cover, such as those found on boulder fields or talus 3. The ICEC focuses on existing vegetation rather than potential natural or climax vegetation The vegetation types descnbed in the classification range fi"om the ephemeral to the stable and persistent. Recognizing and accommodating this vanation is fundamental to protecting biodiversity. The manner in which a community occurs is, in part, an intnnsic property of the vegetation itself A classification that is not restricted to static vegetation types ensures that the unjis are useful both for inventory/site description, and as the basis for building dynamic ecological models. The following tenets reflect the current scope of the ICEC: 1. While the ICEC framework can be used to classify all vegetation, emphasis has been given to vegetation types that are natural or near-natural, i e., those that appear to be unmodified or only marginally impacted by human acfivities Where anthropogenic impacts are apparent, the resulting physiognomic and fionstic patterns have a clear, naturally-maintained analog 2. Classification development at the finest levels of the system has so far focused on the contiguous United States and Hawaii Some classification at finer levels has also been done for southeastern Alaska, parts ofCanada,the Canbbean, and a few areas in northern Mexico THE ICEC: THE HIERARCHY SYSTEM LEVEL The top division of the classification hierarchy separates vegetated communities (Ten"estnal System) from those of unvegetated deepwater habitats {Aquatic System) and unvegetated subterranean habitats {Subterranean System] The Terrestrial System is broadly defined to include areas with rooted submerged vegetation of lakes, ponds, rivers, and manne shorelines, as well as the vegetation of uplands The hierarchy for the Ten"estnal System has seven levels the five highest (coarsest) levels are physiognomic and the two lowest {finest} levels are floristic The levels of the terrestrial classification system are listed and descnbed below VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM physiog nomic FORMATION CLASS FORMATION SUBCLASS FORMATION GROUP FORMATION SUBGROUP levels FORMATION floristic levels ALLIANCE ASSOCIATION PHYSIOGNOMIC LEVELS The physiognomic portion ofthe ICEC hierarchy is a modification of the UNESCO worid physiognomic classification of vegetation (1973) and incorporates some ofthe revisions made by Dnscoll et al (1984) for the United States. Formation class The physiognomic class is based on the stnjcture ofthe vegetation as defined by the type, height, and relative percentage of cover of the dominant, uppermost life-forms There are seven mutually exclusive classes: Appendix C viii Introduction to the International Classification Of Ecological Communities (ICEC) Forest Trees with their crowns overlapping (generally forming 60%- 100% cover} Woodland: Open stands of trees with crowns not usually touching (generally forming 25% - 60% cover) Shrubland: Shrubs generally greater than 5 meter tall with individuals or clumps overlapping to not touching {generally forming greater than 25% cover, with trees generally less than 25% cover] Vegetation dominated by woody vines is generally treated in this class. Dwarf-shru bland Low-growing shrubs, usually less than 5 meter tall Individuals or clumps overlapping to not touching {generally fomiing greater than 25% cover, with trees and tall shrubs generally less than 25% cover] Herbaceous: Herbaceous plants dominant (generally fomiing at least 25% cover, with trees, shrubs, and dwarf- shrubs generally with less than 25% cover). Nonvascular: Nonvascular cover {bryophytes, non-crustose lichens, and algae} dominant {generally forming at least 25% cover) Sparse Vegetation Abiotic substrate features dominant Vegetation is scattered to nearly absent and generally restncted to areas of concentrated resources (total vegetation cover is typically less than 25%). Formation subclass The physiognomic subclass is detemiined by the predominant leaf phenology of the forest, woodland, shrubland and dwarf-shru bland classes Subclass is determined by the persistence {perennial or annual) and growth form (gram moid, forb, hydromorphic} of the vegetation for the herbaceous vegetation class The relative dominance of lichens, mosses, or algae is the determining factor in the nonvascular class, and particle size of the substrate is the detemiining factor for the sparse vegetation class Examples include Evergreen Forest, Deciduous Forest, Deciduous Shrubland, Perennial Gram moid Vegetation, Annual Gram moid or Forb Vegetation, Lichen Vegetation, and Consolidated Rock Sparse Vegetation Formation group The group generally represents vegetation units defined based on leaf characters, such as broad-leaf, needle-leaf, microphyllous, and xeromorphic These units are identified and named with broadly defined macroclimatic types to provide a structural-geographic orientation, but the ecological climate terms do not define the groups perse Examples include Temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen forest. Cold-deciduous forest. Cold-deciduous shrubland. Temperate orsubpolar grassland. Sparsely vegetated cliffs Formation subgroup The subgroup (or formation subgroup] represents a distinction between planted/cultivated vegetation and natural/semi- natural vegetation The latter is broadly defined to include all vegetation not actively planted or maintained through intensive management activities by humans. Examples of subgroups include Natural temperate and subpolar needle- leaved evergreen forest: Cultural temperate and subpolar needle-leaved evergreen forest (e g , pine and spruce plantations} Formation The formation represents a grouping of community types that share a definite physiognomy or structure and broadly defined environmental factors, such as elevation and hydrologic regime Structural factors such as crown shape and lifeform of the dominant lower stratum are used in addition to the physiognomic characters already specified at the higher levels The hydrologic regime modifiers were adapted from Cowardin et al (1979) Examples include: Rounded-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen forest. Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous forest. Semipermanently flooded cold-deciduous shrubland Tall sod temperate grassland. Cliffs with sparse vascular vegetation FLORISTIC LEVELS Alliance The alliance is a physiognomically uniform group of plant associations (see association below) sharing one or more dominant or diagnostic species, which as a rule are found in the uppermost strata of the vegetation (see Mueller- Dombois and Ellenberg 1974) Dominant species are often emphasized in the absence of detailed flonstic information (such as quantitative plot data), whereas diagnostic species (including charactenstic species, dominant differential, and other species groupings based on constancy) are used where detailed flonstic data are available (Moravec 1993) For forested communities, the alliance is roughly equivalent to the "cover type" of the Society of Amencan Foresters (Eyre 1980), developed for use pnmanly by foresters to descnbe the forest types of North Amenca The alliance may be finer in detail than a cover type when the dominant tree species extend over large geographic areas andvaned environmental conditions (e g the Pmus ponderosa Forest Alliance, Pinus ponderosa Woodland Alliance, and Ptnus Appendix C ix Introduction to the International Classification Of Ecological Communities (ICEC) ponderosa Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance are all within the Pmus ponderosa Cover Type of the SAF] Alliances, of course, have also been developed for non-forested vegetation The alliance is similar in concept to the "series'' as developed for the Habitat Type System to group habitat types that share the same dominant species under "climax" conditions (Daubenmire 1952, Pfisterand Arno 1930) Alliances, however, are descnbed by the dominant or diagnostic species for a// existing vegetation types, whereas senes are generally restncted to potential "climax" types and are descnbed by the pnmary dominant species Association The association is the lowest level, as well as the basic unit for vegetation classification, in the ICEC The association IS defined as "a plant community of definite floristic composition, uniform habitat conditions, and uniform physiognomy" {see Flafiault and Scfiroter 1910 in Moravec 1993}. Tfiis basic concept fias been used by most of the schools of flonstic classification (Whittaker 1962, Braun-Blanquet 1965, Westhoff and van derMaarel 1973, Moravec 1993) Tfie plant association is differentiated from the alliance level by additional plant species, found in any stratum, whicfi indicate finerscale environmental patterns and disturbance regimes This level is denved from analyzing complete floristic composition of the vegetation unit when plot data are available In the absence of a complete data set, approximation of tfiis level is reacfied by using available information on the dominant species or environmental modifiers, and their hypothesized indicator species Nomenclature for Alliances and Associations Alliances are named for constant dominants, codominants, or diagnostic species identified from the dominant and/or top strata of the vegetation Associations are named with one or more species from tfie alliance name, and have additional species that represent dominants or indicators from any layer of the vegetation Species occurnng in the same stratum are separated by a hyphen (-), those occurnng in different strata are separated by a fon^ard slash {/] Parentheses around one ormore species in a name indicate that the species mayormaynot occur within all associations in the alliance, or an all occurrences (stands) of the association are placed within parentheses Vascular plant species nomenclature in the alliance names follows the nationally standardized list, Kartesz (1994), with very few exceptions Nomenclature for nonvascular plants follows Anderson (1990), Anderson et al. (1990], Egan (1987, 1989, 1990), Esslinger and Egan (1995), and Stotler and Crandall-Stotler (1977) Association and Alliance names include the formation class (Forest, Woodand, etc ) in which they are placed Alliances also include the word "alliance" to distinguish them from associations ( e g , Pmus ponderosa Woodland Alliance For wetland alliances, the hydrologic regime that the alliance is found in is always provided for clanty, e g Popuius fremonf/; Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance All alliances that have no hydrological modifier are upland alliances Environmental or geographic descnptors (e g , serpentine, Intenor Plateau) are used spanngly, when species composition fora type is not known well enough to distinguish it using onlyspecies in a name When an environmental/geographic descnptor is used, it is inserted between the flonstic nominals and the class descnptor (e g , Quercus palustns - Quercus bicofor - Quercus macrocarpa - Acer rubra m Sand Flatwoods Forest) THREE EXAMPLES OF THE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM HIERARCHY CLASS FOREST WOODLAND SHRUBLAND SUBCLASS Deciduous Forest Evergreen Woodland Deciduous Shrubland GROUP Cold-deciduous Forest Temperate or Subpolar Needle-leaved Evergreen Woodland Temperate Bmad-leaved Evergreen Shrubland SUBGROUP N atu ra l/S e m i-n atu ra 1 N atu ra l/S e m i-n atu ra 1 Natural/Semi-n atura 1 FORfVlATION Lowland or Submontane Cold- deciduous Forest Saturated Temperate or Subpolar Needle-leaved Evergreen Woodland Sclerophyllous Temperate Broad- leaved Evergreen Shrubland ALUANCE Quercus stellata - Quercus maniandica Forest Alliance Pmus palustns Saturated Woodland Alliance Quercus havardii Shrubland Alliance ASSOCIATION Quercus stellata - Quercus marilandica - Carya (glabra^ texana) / '\^accinium arboreum Forest Pmus palustns / Leiophyllum buxifclium / Anshda stricta Woodland Quercus havardii - (Pensfemcn ambiguus, Croton dioicus) / Spcrobclus giganleus Shrubland ECOLOGICAL GROUPS Ecological groups are separate from the "standard" ICEC hierarchy They are aggregations of associations that are being developed by ecologists in the different AB I regions Also known as ecological systems, these aggregations are "mjd-scaJe" unjts — there are about 225 in 25 southeastern and midwestern states as compared to about 800 alliances and 2000 associations in the same area Each is unified by similar ecological conditions and processes Appendix C Introduction to the International Classification Of Ecological Communities (ICEC) (e g , fire, riverine flooding), underlying environmental features (e g , shallow soils, serpentine geology), and/or environmental gradients (e g , elevation) Their distnbutions are bounded by broad biogeographic provinces For example, low elevation npanan forests of the desert Southwestern United States, the Great Plains, the Southeastern Coastal Plain, and the Chaco would each constitute a different ecological group The groups are intended as landscape-scale conservation planning tools and as categones that will be more intuitively understandable and will facilitate communication. They can also be used to develop viability and ranking cntena in a more efficient way Separate groups have been developed forthe midwestern, southeastern, and eastern ABI regions However, eventually, the groups will be crosswalked among ABI regions to achieve a single, non- duplicative set KNOWN DATA GAPS - GEOGRAPHIC The ICEC IS pnmanlycompnsed ofa classification of the vegetation ofthe contiguous US and Hawaii Most of the vegetation of Alaska has not yet been incorporated into the ICEC Even within the contiguous U S and Hawaii, regional differences endure in the U S National classification due to regional differences in inventory data and in classification history Some states or regions have focused their efforts on those alliances and associations that are considered to be impenled (conservation ranks G1 orG2), while others, like the western U S. Forest Sen/ice Distncts, focused on more common communities Also, while the classification system is intended to develop units with consistent scale, associations are more narrowly defined in some areas, resulting in a greater number of associations per alliance than average On the other hand, limited inventory and classification work in areas such as the Great Basin area ofthe southwestern United States might lead a casual observer ofthe classification to believe that it is an area with low ecological diversity In fact, it is an area about which little is known. In the near term, significant refinements to the classification are anticipated with further integration of local and state classification work from Alaska, California, and Canadian provinces Future classification refinement will also focus on underclassified portions ofthe U S intenor southwest and adjacent Mexico KNOWN DATA GAPS -TAXONOMIC In general, more information is available for Forest, Woodland, Shrubland, and Herbaceous classes than forDwarf- Shrubland, Nonvascular, and Sparse Vegetation classes Shortgrass praine vegetation and many npanan types have not been consistently classified In addition, the degree of classification confidence for upland types is generally higherthanforwetland types The classification of communities that occur as vegetation complexes will also require additional research and analysis CAVEATS ABOUT DISTiBUTION DATA In general: Absence of a state or ecoregion from any list ofthe distnbution of a type cannot be interpreted to be a definitive statement that the type does not occur there Federal Lands Some data may be available listing federal land units (such as National Park Service units, individual National Forests, etc ) wjthjn which an association occurs However, this field is extremely incompletely populated and absence of a federal land management unit should not be considered to indicate that the type is absent on that unit CONSERVATION STATUS RANKING Associations are given a consen/ation status rank based on factors such as present geographic extent, threats, number of distinct occurrences, degree of decline from histonc extent, and degree of alteration of natural processes affecting the dynamics, composition, or function ofthe type Ranks are custom aniy assigned by the vanous members ofthe Natural Hentage programs and the regional offices of ABI Associations are ranked on a global (G), national (N), and subnational (S) scale of 1 to 5, with 1 indicating cntical impenlment and 5 indicating little orno nsk of extirpation orelimination For example, a rank ofG1 indicates cntical impenlment on a rangewide basis, i e , a great nsk of "extinction" ofthe type wohdwide, SI indicates cntical impenlment in the specific state, province, or other subnational unit, i e , a great nsk of extirpation ofthe type from the subnation Special attention is generally given to taxa of high endangerment, as opportunities for their conservation may be limited in space and time However, occurrences of relatively secure communities can also be of cntical conservation importance In eastern North Amenca, for example, a large tract of a common forest type in pnstine condition that occurs in an intact landscape and with relatively intact ecological processes would be of high prionty for conservation Though the type itself is common, the opportunity to conserve such a high quality example may be very limited Appendix C xi Introduction to the International Classification Of Ecological Communities (ICEC) Global conservation status ranks for natural/near-natural communities are defined as follows GX ELIMINATED throughout its range, with no restoration potential due to extinction of dominant or characlenstic species GH PRESUMED ELIMINATED (HISTORIC) throughout its range, with no or virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered, but with the potential for restoration (e g , Castanea dentata Forest) G1 CRITICALLY IMPERILED Generally 5 or fewer occurrences and/or very few remaining acres or very vulnerable to elimination throughout its range due to other factor{s) G2 IMPERILED Generally 6-20 occurrences and/or few remaining acres orvery vulnerable to elimination throughout its range due to other factor(s) G3 VULNERABLE Generally 21-100 occurrences Either very rare and local throughout its range or found locally, even abundantly, within a restncted range orvulnerable to elimination throughout its range due to specific factors G4 APPARENTLY SECURE Uncommon, but not rare {although it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the penphery) Apparently not vulnerable in most of its range G5 SECURE Common, widespread, and abundant (though itmaybe quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the penphery) Not vulnerable in most of its range GU UNRANKABLE Status cannot be determined at this time G? UNRANKED Status has not yet been assessed. Modifiers and Rank Ranges ? Aquestion mark added to a rank expresses an uncertainty about the rank in the range of 1 either way on the 1-5 scale ForexampleaG2'^rank indicates that the rank is thought to be a G2, but could be a G1 or a 03. G#G# Greater uncertainty about a rank is expressed by indicating the full range of ranks which may be appropnate For example, a G1G3 rank indicates the rank could be a 01, 02, or a 03 Q A^Q" added to a rank denotes questionable taxonomy It modifies the degree of imperifment and is only used in cases where the type would have a less imperiled rank if it were not recognized as a valid type {i e if it were combined with a more common type) A GUO rank often indicates that the type is unrankable because of daunting taxonomic/deflnitional questions ranks indicating semi-natural/altered communities GD RUDERAL Vegetation resulting from succession following anthropogenic disturbance of an area Generally charactenzed by unnatural combinations of species (pnmanly native species, though often containing slight to substantial numbers and amounts of species alien to the region as well) GM MODIFIED/MANAGED Vegetation resulting from the management or modification of natural/near natural vegetation, but producing a structural and flonstic combination not clearly known to have a natural analogue GW INVASIVE Vegetation dominated by invasive alien species, the vegetation is spontaneous, self- perpetuating, and IS not the (immediate) result of planting, cultivation, or human maintenance. rank indicating planted/cultivated communities GC PLANTED/CULTIVATED Areas dominated by vegetation that has been planted in its current location by humans and/or is treated with annual tillage, a modified conservation tillage, or other intensive management or manipulation Appendix C xii Introduction to the International Classification Of Ecological Communities (ICEC) REFERENCES CITED Anderson, L E. 1990. A checklist of Sprtasfr^Lfm m North America north of Mexico The Bryologist 93 500-501 Anderson, L E.,H.A Crum, and W R Buck 1990 List of mosses of North America north of Mexico. The Bryologist 93 448-499. Anderson, M ,P Bourgeron, M T Bryer, R Crawford, L Engelking, D Faber-Langendoen, M . Gallyoun, K Goodm.D H Grossman, S Landaal, K. Metzler, K D Patterson, M Pyne, M Reid, L Sneddon, and A S.Weakley 1998 Terrestnal vegetation of the United States. Volume II List of vegetation types. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA Braun-Blanquet, J 1 965. Plant sociology the study of plant communities (English translation of 2nd ed ] [Trans rev. and ed by C D FullerandH S Conard] Hafner, London 439 p Cowardin, L M , V. Carter, P. C GQlet,andE.T LaRoe.1979 Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States U.S Department of the Interior, Pish and Wildlife Service, Biol Serv Prog Washington, D. C PWS/OBS-79/31 103 PP- Daubenmire, R 1 952 Pore st vegetation of north em Idaho and adjacent Washington and its bearing on concepts of vegetation classification. Ecol. Monogr. 22 301-330. Dnscoll, R. S , D L Merkel,D L Radloff, D E. Snyder, and J S Hagihara. 1 984 An ecological land classification framework for the United States. U S. Forest Service Misc Publ No 1439. Washington, D. C Egan, R. S 1987 A fifth checklist of the lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of the continental United States and Canada The Bryologist 90 77-173 1 989 Changes to the "Fifth checklist of the lichen-formmg, lichenicolous and allied fungi of the continental United States and Canada", edition I The Bryologist 92 68-72 1 990 Changes to the "Fifth checklist of the lichen-formmg, lichenicolous and allied fungi of the continental United States and Canada", edition II The Bryologist 93:21 1-219. Eyre, F. H , editor 1980 Forest cover types of the United States and Canada. Society of American Foresters, Washington, D C FGDC [Federal Geographic Data Committee] 1 997. Vegetation classification standard, PGDC-STD-QQ5 Washjngton, D.C. Plahault, C , and C Schroter 1910 Raport sur la nomenclature phytogeographique Proceedings Third International Botanical Congress Brussels, Belgium. Vol.1 131-164 Grossman, D H., D. Paber-Langendoen, A S. Weakley, M Anderson, P Bourgeron, R Crawford, K Goodm.S Landaal, K Metzler, K D Patterson, M Pyne, M . Reid, and L Sneddon 1 993. International Classification of Ecological Communities. Terrestrial Vegetation of the United States Volume I The National Vegetation Classification Standard The Nature Conservancy Arlington, VA Hunter, M 1 991 . Coping with ignorance: the coarse-filter strategy for maintaining biodiversity Pages 256-281 in K. A. Kohm, ed., Balancing on the Bnnk of Extinction- the Endangered Species Act and Lessons for the Future Island Press, Washington, D. C. Jenkins, R. E 1 976. Maintenance of natural diversity approach and recommendations. Pages 441-451 in Transactions of the 41st North American Wildlife Conference, 4 March 1 976, Washington, D.C. Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D C. Kartesz, J T. 1 994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland Second edition Volume I Checklist Timber Press, Portland Oregon, USA May bury, K. P , editor 1 999. Seeing the forest and the trees: Ecological classification for conservation The Nature Consen/ancy, Arlington, VA Morevec, J 1 993 Syntaxonomic and no men datura I treatment of Scan din avian- type associations and sociations Journal of Vegetation Science 4 833-833 Mueller-Dombois, D , and H Ellenberg. 1974 Aims and methods of vegetation ecology John Wiley S Sons, NY 547 pp Pfister, R. D , and S P Arno. 1980 Classifying forest habitat typesbasedon potential climax vegetation Forest Science 26 52-70 Stolier, R., and B Crandall-Stotler 1977. A checklist of Jtven^^orts and hornworts of North Amenca. The Bryologist 80 405-428 UNESCO 1973 International classification and mapping of vegetation, Series 6, ecology and conservation. United Nations Educational Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Pans 93 pp Westhoff, v., and E.van der Maarel 1973 The Braun-Blanquet approach P. 618-725 in R H.Whittaker, ed. Ordination and classification of communities. Dr W Junk Publishers, The Hague 737 pp Whittaker R H 1962 Classification of natural communities Bot Rev 28 1-239. Appendix C xiii Classification Subset Report LA. Evergreen forest Saturated temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen forest PICEA ENGELMANNII SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE Engelmaim Spmce Satmated Forest Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: Tlie vegetation in this alliauce occurs in ripai'ian aieas iu uorth^vesteni Montana. Tlie climate regime is maiitime: moist aii' masses from tlie Pacific Ocean release laige amounts of snow and rain. Summei's are^vaiin and diy as diy ail masses move across western Montana, Afternoon tliimderstonns ai'e common. Stands aie located in low- elevation (880-900 m) valleys adjacent to meandering streams and ponds. Stands are found on level sites that have a high ^vater table; tlie water table is usually \vitli in 50 cm of the soil surface tliroughout tlie yeai. Standing water is present in depressions. Soils are poorly drained and have a high organic matter content in the upper horizon. Picea engelmanmi and hybrid swanns oi Picea (a result of its hybridization with Picea glauca^ a common lower elevation condition) dominate a moderately open tree canopy. Betula papynfera is occasionally present. A number of shnib species occur in the undei'stoiy; the most common species ?a:^ Almi:^ incana, Betula occidentalism and Comus sencea. Tlie heibaceous layer is dominated by the forb Lysichiton americanus. Cinna latifoha and Athyiiumfdix-Jemina are common associates, hut occur in low abundances. Carex spp., Phalans antncUnacea, Typha latifolia, and Salix spp. dominate adjacent ripaiian communities. Environmejit: Tlie vegetation in this alliance occurs in ripaiian areas in north\vestem Montana, The follo^ving is based on Hansen et al. (1995). Tlie climate regime is maiitime during the winter and spring \\4ien moisture aii' masses fiom the Pacific Ocean release laige amoimts of snow and rain. Summers are waiin and diy as dry aii' masses move across ^vesteni Montana. Afternoon thunderstorms aie common. Stands aie located in lo^v- elevation (880-900 m) valleys adjacent to meandering streams and ponds. Stands aie foimd on level sites that have a high water table; the water table is usually within 50 cm of the soil surface thioughout tlie year. Standing \vater is present in depressions. Soils aie poorly diained and ha\'e a high organic matter content in the upper horizon. Adjacent ripaiian communities are dominated by Carex spp., Phalans aiundinacea, Typha latifoha^ aiidSf?/?A" spp. Vegetation: The vegetation in this alliance occurs in riparian aieas in noithwestem Montana, Tlie association oi Picea engelmanmi and hybrid swarms of Picea (aresult of its hybridization with Picea glauca, a common lower elevation condition) is found in wetland ai'eas in Montana, A moderately open canopy of Picea spp. dominates tlie tree canopy. Betf (la papynfera is occasionally present. A number of shiiib species occur in the under stoiy; the most common species STGAlnus incana, Betula occidentahs, and Cornus sencea. Tlie herbaceous layer is dominated by the forb Lysichiton americanus. Cinna latifoha xid Athyriumfilix-femina aie common associates, but occm' in low abimdances. Dyniunics: Tlie presence of the vegetation in this alliance coixesponds roughly with the Inland Maritime climatic regime, but the diiving variable of greatest importance is pennanent soil saturation (spring flooding common). Commmts: The association of Picea engelmanmi and hybrid swaiins of Picea (aresult of its hybridization with Picea glauca^ a common louver elevation condition) with w^etland conditions is well known in Montana. Picea engelmannii / Calamagrostis canadensis Forest Engelmaim Spnice / Bluejoint Forest Element Concept Summaiy: Tliis forest plant association occurs on cool, moist sites at low to high elevations in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, Wyoming, and southeastern Idaho. It is geneially resti icted to flat to gently sloping sites with poor diainage, such as fen and lake maigins, toeslopes, and low stream and river teixaces. Tliis community usually is satmated for a good portion of the yeai\ and stands have a high water table yeai' roimd. Tlie ground surface in these stands is chaiacteiized by a large amount of microtopogr^hy stemming fiom wondthrown trees. Tlie overstoiy is dominated by Picea engehnannii or Picea (engelmannii Xglanca) hybrids, TovdAbies lasiocarpa may also be present. Not infiequently Pinus contoita is a long-peisisting serai component. Shrub canopy coverage is low, although the divei^ity of shnib species present is fairly high. Calamagrostis canadensis and Calamagrostis stncta are diagnostic species wlien well represented: usually under tliese shaded forest conditions Calamagrostis canadensis dominates the ground layer, often fonning what appears to be a pnre grass sward. GRtmk & Reasons: G4 (00-01-18). Tliis type is the result ofmei^ing two associations, with ranks of G3 andG4, resulting in a rank of G4 for this newly defmed type. There are amodeiatenumber of estimated occurrences of this community across its range, and appaiently the specific hydiologic and geomoiphic conditions requiied for this community aie uncommon. Timber hai'vest has occuired in this community in tlie past, and this will likely continue; Dal a current as of 1^ Feb 2001 Appendix C \ Classification Subset Report I.B. Deciduous forest opening the cauopy can leave remaining trees (sli all o^vly -rooted) susceptible to blowdown. Ho\vevei\ othei' threats siicli as exotic species and development are relatively low. Comments: FormerPicea (engelmannii X glauca, engelmanmi) / Calamagro:^ti:^ canadensis ¥ovtiA. (CEGL000404) in Montana has been merged \vith Picea engelmanmi / Calamagrostis canadensis Forest (CEGL000356) into a single entity wliich can include pure Picea engelmanmi and Ficea engelmanmi X glauca hybrids, or both. Tliis type was desciibed in Montana as the Picea spp. / Calamagrostis canadensis coiamimity type by Hansen et al. (1995). Tlie authors explain that the frequent absence of cones and similar moipho logy and ecological amplitudes caused tliem to lump stands dominated by Picea engelmanmi and Picea glauca (hybrids) into a single type. Youngblood et al. (1985) also describe a Ficea / Calamagrostis canadensis commimity type; tliese authors explain that the similai' ecological amplitudes lead them to lump Picea engelmannii and Picea pungens into a single type. Afe^vUtah stands (Padgett et al.l989), classified as Conifer / Calamagrostis canadensis^ have a Picea engelmanmi-dom'motcd overstoiy. Element Distribution States/Provinces: ID:S4, MT:S4, WY:S3 Element Sources Authors: J. Greenlee, WCS Refer^ces: Boggs et al. 1990, Hansen et al. 1995, Jankovsky-Jones 1997, Padgett et al. 1989, Youngblood et al. 1985, Zuck 1974 Temporarily flooded cold-deciduous forest POPULUS BALSAMIFERA SSF. TRICHOCARFA TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE Black Cottonwood Temporarily Flooded Forest Alliance Alliance Concept Summary: This ripaiiau forest alliance occurs on alluvial teixaces along major streams and rivers throughout the western United States, west of the Continental Divide. Elevations raugefi'om sea level in California to 1800 m. Tliey can occur on alluvial teiTaces of major streams and rivers, maigins of lakes, meadows, deltas, river mouths, andteiraces. Stauds can occupy broad floodplains or foim uairo^v stiingers adjacent to streams with a much steeper slope. Soils typically overlay river giavel and/or cobbles aud me coai'se -textured. Watei' tables usually diop below 1 m of the soil siuface in summer, but can remain moist due to capillaiy action. Vegetation within this alliance is chai'acterized by au open to moderately dense tree layer tliat is dominated by Fopnlus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa. Tree associates include Populus deltoides. Fopnlus angiistifolia, Finns ponderosa, Picea spp., m\dAlnns rhombifolia, Alnns rubra, and Fraxinus latifolia in stands along the west coast. A shi\ib layer is usually present and may be dominated by Alnus incana, Betula papyiifera, Comns sencea. Crataegus douglasii, Piumis virginiana, Ribes americannm, Salix exigna, and Symphoricaipos albns. The herbaceous layer is usually relatively spaise and is dominated by either forbs or giaminoids. Common species include Actaea rubra, Cicnta donglasii, Eqnisehim sylvaticnm^ Mentha ai-vensis, and Symphyotnchum spathulatum (= Aster occidentalis). The giaminoid cover is usually less than 10%, but can be up to 80% consisting mainly of inh'oduced hay glasses on disturbed sites. Species information on the graminoid and forb layers is lacking for much of the range of this alliance. Diagnostic of this alliance is the dominance of Popidns balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa in the tiee canopy in forests tliat aie briefly flooded during tlie growing season. Environment: Vegetation types in this alliance occur on alluvial tenaces along m^or streams and rivers throughout the western United States, west of the Continental Divide. Elevations range from sea level in California to 1800 m. Tliey can occur on alluvial tenaces of major streams and rivers, maigins of lakes, meadows, deltas, river mouths, and terraces. Stands can occupy broad floodplains (1-3% slopes) or foiin naixow sti'ingers adjacent to sti^eams \vitli a much steeper slope (10-r5%). Soils aie typically Entisols, usually up to 1 m of mineral soil overlying river giavel and/or cobbles. Soil texture varies from loam to coarse sand. Water tables usually diop below 1 m of the soil surface in summei, but can remain moist due to capillaiy action. A fluctuating water table in these soils is evidenced by the common presence of mottles. '^Adjacent wettei' communities may be dominated by a variety of types including Salix exigua voidSalix Incida ssp. lasiandra (=Salix lasiandra) community types, or tlie Typha latifolia- ond Eleocharis spp. -dominated habitat types. Adjacent drier commimities may be dominated by coniferous or aspen forests. Vegetation: Vegetation types ^vitliin this alliance ai'e classified as temporai'ily flooded forests, but many individual stands have cover less than 60% (see Classification comments). The tree layei' is dominated by an open to modeiately dense canopy (>50%) of Popnh is balsamifera ssp. trichocaipa. Fopnlus deltoides. Popnlns angnstifolia. Fmns ponderosa^ and Ficea spp. can occur in the canopy with Populns balsamifera in the Montana stands. Tlie Oregon, Washington, and California data state that Alnus rhombifolia, Alnus lubra, and Fraxmns latifolia occur in the tree Dala current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 2 Classification Subset Repoit I.E. Deciduous forest canopy. The shiiib layei' in tlie Montana stauds typically is domiuated by Cornus sencea, Alnus incana, Betula papyrifera, Pninusvirgimanay and Ribes amencannm. Tlie Pacific Northwest and California stands coutaiu Crataegus douglasii, Sahx exigua, aad Symphoncaipos albns in the sluiib layer, andtheforb Cicuta douglasii is common. The forb layer fiom the Montana stauds ranges fiom 1-20%, dominated by Actaea rubra, Mentha aiyensis, and Symphyotnchum spathulatum (= Aster occidentahs). The giaminoid cover is usually less than 10%, but caubeup to 80%, aud mainly consists of introduced hay grasses. Equisetiim syhaticum cau domiuate the fern layer with up to 40% cover. Tliere was no species infonnation on the giaminoid aud forb layers for tlie Pacific Noitli^vest and California types. Dynamics: Populns balsamifera ssp. tnchocarpa is susceptible to fu'e diiiing tlie late summer aud fall. This species is ad^ted to light and in some instances to moderate-iutensity fu'es and may produce new sprouts following bums (Hansen et al. 1995). Li Montana, mauy of these sites are serai to Picea engelmanmi (including Picea engelmanmi Xglauca) aud Thuja plicata forests. Comm^its: Tliis alhance ueeds review of the woodland versus forest status of the associations within it. Cover of the tree canopy can be highly vaiiable within associations in this alliance, but many ^pearto be more chaiacteristically woodlands. Li addition, tlie alliance probably occurs in Alaska wiiere a Popuhis balsamifera ssp. trichocaipa temporaiily flooded woodland alliance has been identified, but is cuirently undescribed. The floristic relationships of tliese two alliances ai'e unknown at present. POPULUS BALSAMIFERA SSP. TRICHOCARPA / CORNUS SERICEAFOREST Black Cottonwood / Red-osier Dogwood Forest Element Concept Summaiy: Tliis association has been documented fiom Washington soutli to noitheru California aud eastwaid to Idaho and all of Montana west of the Continental Divide, as well as centi'al Montana Li Montana aloue it occurs over abroad elevation range of 610-2010 m (2000-6600 feet) \\dieie Populns balsamifera ssp. trichocaipa is tlie dominant Cottonwood at elevations considered relatively low^- to mid-gradient; in Idaho it ranges to 2135 m (7000 feet). Tliis forest type occupies alluvial tenaces of major rivers and stieams, point bais, side bai's, mid-channel bai's, delta bars, an occasional lake or pond margin, and even creeps onto footslopes and lower sub iixig ate d slopes of hilly or mountainous terrain. Many of these sites ai'e flooded in the spring and diy deeply by summer's end; c^illaiy action keeps upper portions of soil profile moist. Othei' sites aie merely subirrigated. Popnlus balsamifera ssp. tnchocaipa dominates the ovei^oiy with covei' values ranging fi'om approximately 12-90%, though the modal range, at least in Montana is 40- 60%. Popnlus angnstifolia is a subordinate canopy species in the eastern portion of the range, and Populns tremuloides and Betf da papyrifera occur as subordinates in the western portion. Tlie shiiib layer comprises at least 25% cover with Cormis sencea diagnostic for the type and having anywhere from 1-90% cover; other shnib taxawith high constancy include Symphoncaipos %'^.^Rosa spp, jSi?/z:t spp., Crataegus Kpp.^Amelanchie r almjblia^ and Alnus incana. Tliere me no graminoids exhibiting high constancy, though any one of a number of distmbance-associated exotics can manifest high coverages. Maianthemum stellatuni Gcduun triflorwn, Sohdago canadensis, and Equisetnm spp. ai'e tlie only forbs tliat exhibit even relatively high constancy across the range of the type. Tliis is a successional community that colonizes moist, newly deposited alluvium exposed to fiiU simlight; in the absence of fluvial disturbance it is csqiable of developing into conifer-dominated communities belonging to alliances as diverse as Thuja plicata, Picea spp. and Junipems scopulomm. Adjacent wetter sites are dominated by a suite of wetland S^/;x sp'p., Alnus incana, wetland-associated Carex spp. often including Carex utriculata, Carex aquatihs and Carex biixbaumii or Typha /a^//b/z a -dominated communities. Adjacent diiei' sites aie dominated by Populus balsamifera ssp. tnchocarpa or Popnlus tremuloicle:^ types or any of avast array of conifer-dominated types tliat aie capable of growing within the elevational zone occupied by tlie Popnlus balsamifera ssp. tnchocarpa /Cornus sencea Forest (CEGL000672). GRtmk & Reasons: G3? (00-05-01). Association rank has been changed from G3? to G3G4 on the basis of this type's broad geogriqjhic disti'ibution and the fact tliat within local landscapes, say Avestem Montana, it is relatively common. In Montana alone, this type is represented by 26 plots, and this is for the case of themostrestiictive or conseivative inteipretation of criteria for the association. A tliorough crosswalk of tliis type across its range of distribution is needed; there may be local vaiiati on s in composition and ecology that would beai' recognition of sepaiate associations. Threats to this type include floodplain haivesting of cottonwood and over-browsing fiom livestock and wildlife, both entities of wiiich find Cofnus sencea extremely palatable to the point of estiipating it from local floodplain landscapes. The more seiious over-browsing consequence is reduced diversity, the introduction of weedy species and the inciease in unpalatable native taxa such as Symphoricarpos occidentahs, Ribes spp. and Urtica dioica. Commmts: There is considerable vaiiability in defming this community at both the alliance (based on tree species composition) and association levels (based on undergrowth species). Some authors taking a habitat type ^proach have considered any stands with conifei^ represented (even in the seedling/sfqjling size classes) to be members of the alliance (series in habitat type idiom) of the most shade-tolerant conifer represented on site and not the alliance of the Popnlus balsamifera ssp. trichocaipa, or other deciduous ti'ees dominant on tlie site. It is also ahighly debatable point as to Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C 3 Classification Subset Repoit I.B. Deciduous forest wiiether stauds containing Fopulus balsamifera ssp. tnckocarpa aud Populus tremuloides should be allocated to the Fopulus tremuloide:^ Forest Alliance {A.274)regai'dless of its covei' value (as some authors have advocated) wiieu in fact Fopulus balsamifera ssp. tnckocarpa generally has a naixower ecological amplitude and better seives as a diagnostic species. An othei' troubling observation is that more than half of the identified stands have less than 60% tree canopy covei', wiiich means that a significant portion of tliis association qualifies physiognomic ally as woodland, ratlier than as forest as cunently classified. There aie stiongly discordant criteria as to how much Cornus sericea cover should be represented (rangmg from 1-25%) for a stand to be considered a member of this association. Element Distribution States/Provinces: CA:S1?, ID:S3, MT:S3?, 0R:S2, WA:S2? Element Sources Authors: S.V. Cooper, WCS Refer^ces: Evans 1989a. Hall and Hansen 1997, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995,Kovalchik 1987, Kovalchik 1993 POPULUS TREMULOIDES TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE Quaking Aspen Tempoiaiily Flooded Forest Alliance Alliance Concept Summaiy: Tliis alliance contains anumbei' of communities found from the Great Lakes to the western and soutliwestem United States. Most stands of this alliance aie found in ripaiian zones. Some may be neai' lakes wiiere the ground is flooded or saturated for a short time in the spring. Tlie moderate to closed tiee canopy is dominated by Populus tremuloides^ sometimes \vith Populus balsamifera codominant. More open stands have a prominent shmb layei' contaming species such TusAlnus incana, Comus sericea, and Salix spp. The sole reference cited for the Populus tremuloides Canyon Formation Forest (CEGL000576) does not mention Populus tremuloides. Environm^it: Forests included in this alliance occur extensively in the western U.S., northern Gieat Plains and extend into the^vesteni Gi'eat Lakes aiea. Elevations range from 600 to 3230 m. Climate is temperate with a relatively long growing season, typically cold winters and often deep sno^v. Mean annual precipitation is greater than 38 cm and typically greater than 50 cm, except in semi-aiid environments. Most of these t emp or aiily flooded stands are foimd in ripai'ian zones. Some may occur neai^ lakes \\4iere the groimd is flooded or saturated for a shoit tune in tlie spring or on upland slopes belo^v seepage aieas. Disti'ibution of these forests is primarily limited by adequate soil moisture requiied to meet its high evapotnuispiiation demand (Mueggler 1988). Secondarily, its range is limited by the length of the growing season or low temperatm'es (Mueggler 1988). Topography is vaiiable. Sites aie typically gently sloping but also include steep slopes neai^ upland seeps. Aspect vaiies according to the limitmg factoi's. Stands at high elevations or noitlieni latitudes are restricted by cold temperatures and foimd on \vanner southern aspects. At lower elevations and southern latitudes stands aie restricted by lack of moisture and ai'e found on cooler noitliem aspects andmesic microsites. Tlie soils aie typically deep and well-developed \vitli rock oflen absent from the soil. Soils aie typically mesic or hydi'ic, poorly diained, and fuie-textmed, consisting of silts and clays, oflen with an organic surface layer. Many ai'e gleyed and would be classified as wetland soils. However, some of the alluvial soils ai'e coaiser so soil texture ranges fiom clay to sandy loams. Paient materials aie variable and may include sedimentaiy, metamoiphic or igneous rocks, but tliese forests ^peai'to grow best on limestone, basalt, and calcaieous or neutral shales (Mueggler 1988). Vegetation: Vegetation included in this widespread forest alliance occurs in temporai'ily flooded sites in the w^esteiii U.S. to the western Gi'eat Lakes ai'ea. Stands a have a somewliat closed to closed canopy of trees to 5-20 m tall, that is dommated or codommated by the cold- deciduous broad-leaved tree Populus tremuloides. Other broad-leaved tiees, such as Populus balsamifera ssp. tnckocarpa, Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera, Quercus macrocaipa^ and Betula papyrfera may be present to codominant depending on geogif^hy and topogrqjhy. Several species of conifer tiees may also be present in the tree canopy. Conifeis include Abies concolor, Abies lasiocarpa, Picea engelmanmi, Picea pungens, Pmus contoiia, Pmus ponderosa^ ?an\ Pseudotsuga menziesii. Conifer species may contribute up to 25% of the tree canopy before the stand is reclassified as a mixed stand. '^Because of the open growth fonn oi^ Populus tremuloides enough light can penetiate for lush undei^ory development depending on available soil moistiue and other factors. Tlie understoiy stnicture may be complex with multiple shiiib and heitaceous layers, or simple with just an herbaceous layer. '^In the western U.S. common tiee associates include Fopulus balsamifera ssp. tnckocarpa in the noithem Rocky Mountains (Cooper andHeidel 1997). One or more of the conifer trees listed above are oflen scattered in the canopy or undei'stoiy of stands occuiTuig in the montane and subalpine zones. If present the tall -shmb layer may be dominated by Quercus gambelii, Amelanchier alnifolia, Alnus incana, Betula occidentalis, Betula nana, Fninus virginiana or Salix species such as Salix bebbiana, Salix cbummondiana, Salix monticola or many others. Common shoit shiiibs include Cornus sencea, Fibes montigenum, Rosa woodsii, Symphoncaipos albus, and Symphoricarpos oreopkilus. Tlie dwarf- shrubs Mahonia repens and Vaccimum myitillus are common. Tlie heibaceous layer m^ be lush and diveise, dominated Dala current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 4 Classification Subset Report I.B. Deciduous forest by graminoids or tall forbs. Other commou giaiiiinoids may include Bromiis cihatus, Bromus cannatus, Calamagrostts canadensis, Carex siccata (= Carex Jbenea), Carex hoodii, Elymus glaucus, Efymus trachycatdus, and Festuca thurben. Forbs may mchxiXe Achillea millefolium, Bucephalus engelmanmi (= Aster engelmanmi). Delphinium X occidentale, Equisetum aj^ense, Fragana virginiana. Geranium richajrisomi, Ligusticum poiteri, Maianthemum stellatum, Meitensia arizomca, Osmorhiza occidentahs, Senecio bigelovii var. bigelovii, Thahctriim occidentale, Veratuim califomicum and many others. Exotic grasses such as the perennial Poa pratensis audthe ?a\\vw?i[ Bi-omus tectouim aie often commou in stauds distiubed by grazing. '^lu tlie noitlieni Great Plains and western Gieat Lakes aieas, these stands have a moderate to closed tree canopy that is dominated by Popnlus tremnloicles with Populus balsamifera codominant. More open stands have a prominent slmib layer containing species such as Alnus incana, Cornus sericea^ ?an\Sahx spp. Little infoimation \vas available for stands in the noitlieni Gieat Plains and midwestem U.S. Dyniunics: Stands in tliis alliance often originate and likely aie maintained by stand-replacing distinijances such as crown fu'e, disease and windthrow, or cleaicutting by man and beaver. The stems of these tliin-baiked, clonal tiees aie easily killed by groimd fnes. Tliey can quickly and vigorously resproiit in densities of up to 30,000 stems per hectare (Knight 1993). Stands ai'e favored by fire in the conifer zone (Mueggler 1988). The stems aie relatively short-lived (100- 150 years) and individual stands will be succeed to longer-lived conifer forest if undisturbed. With adequate distuiliance a clone may live many centuries. Although Populus tremuloides produces abundant seeds, seedling survival is raie because the long wann, moist conditions requiied to establish aie raie in the habitats uiere it occui's. Comin^its: Clarification is needed as to wiiy some associations were included in this alhance instead of the seasonally flooded alliance. Stands in this alliance also had wetland soils (gleyed, hydric, organic muck) as well as better di ained 'upland' soils. It is not clear if the Populus tremuloides - Populus balsamifera alliances also included Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocaipa or just Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera. Little infonnation was available on stands occurring in the noithem Gieat Plains and western Gi'eat Lakes areas. Also, the sole reference cited for Populus tremuloides Canyon Foiinati on Forest (CEGL000576) does not mention Popnlus tretnidoides. Stands in California need association -level description. Populus tremuloides /Cornus sericea Forest Quaking Aspen / Red-osier Dogwood Forest Element Concept Summary: In Colorado, this ripai'ian forest is located in nanow ravines wiiere upland Populus tremuloides forests intermix W\t\\ the ripaiian shiiib vegetation. Stands have a deciduous tree canopy that is dominated by Populus tremuloides with and a shiiib layer dominated by Comus sencea. Tlie obligate lipaiian shiiib species distinguish tliis association fiom upland Populus tremuloides communities. Infonnation on stands tliat occur outside Colorado will be added later. GRank& Reasons: G4 (96-02-01). Element Distribution States/Provinces: CA?, CO:S2,ID:S3, MT:S3, 0R:S2?, WA:S1S2 Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ices: Crowe and Clausnitzei' 1997, Evans 1989a, Hansen et al. 1990, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Kittel et al. 1994, Kittel et al. 1999, Kovalchik 1993, Richaid et al. 1996, Washington Natural Heritage Program (WANHP)n.d. Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous forest POPULUS TREMULOIDES SEASONALLY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE QuaMi^ Aspen Seasonally Flooded Forest Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: This alliance occurs locally in seasonally flooded ai'eas in the Rocky Mountain region. Stands in this alliance are restricted to sites saturated by seepage fi'om springs and streams fiom snowmelt. They occur below seeps on gentle slopes, wet diaws and flats, and in depressions along streambank teiraces. Aspects aie vaiiable. Soils ai'e often fine -textured, poorly drained with high organic content, but in some stands the alluvial soils aie coarse-textured and permit rapid groundwater movement. Tlie water table is typically at or neai' tlie soil surface in tlie spring but may drop more than 1 m by midsummer. Vegetation included in this broad-leaved deciduous forest alliance is characterized by a Dala current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendi:K C 5 Classification Subset Repoit I.B. Deciduous forest somewiiat closed to closed canopy of trees tliat is dominated by Populus tremuloides. In northern stands Populus balsamifera ssp. tnchocarpa may be present to codominant. Scattered conifer trees may occiu' throughout the range and contribute up to 25% of the tree canopy. Tlie shnib layers in tliese communities are typically absent or sparse, commonly consisting of scattered-4/^^^sspp., Lonicera involucrata, Ribes montigemim, Rosa woodsii, Salix spp., or Symphoricaipos albus. The highly diverse herbaceous layei' is typically dense and dominated by mesic gramiuoids and forbs like Calamagrostis canadensis. Eqnisetum ajyense or Ranunculus ahsmifohns. Tlie exotic forage species may have significant cover in stauds grazed by cattle or neai' hay meadows. Diagnostic of tliis alliance is the domiuauce of Populus tremuloides in a forest that is flooded for extended periods during the glowing season and has a high water table. Environm^it: Forests included in this alliance occur in locally in seasonally flooded aieas in the Rocky Mountaui region. Elevations range from 850-3170 m. Climate is temperate with a relatively long growing season, typically cold winters and often deep snow. Mean annual precipitation is greatei' than 38 cm and typically greater tlian 50 cm. The distribution of Populus tremuloides forests is primarily limited by adequate soil moisture required to meet its high ev^otranspiration demand (Mueggler 1988). Secondarily, its range is limited by the lengtli of the glowing season or low temperatures (Mueggler 1988). Habitats vaiy in aspect according to elevation and latitude in respect to the most limiting factor. Stands in this alliance aie restricted to sites saturated by seepage fiom springs and streams from snowmelt. They occur on below seeps on gentle slopes, w^et draws and flats, and in depressions along sh'eambank teiraces. Aspects are vaiiable. In Colorado they aie typically on cool, moist nortli and noitlieast wliereas in northwest Wyoming aspects often aie on wanner eastern or western slopes. Soils aie often fme -textured, poorly drained, consistmg of silts and clays, often fonning an organic muck {Youngblood and Mueggler 1981). However, some the alluvial soils aie coarse -textured and permit rapid groundwater movement (Hansen et al. 1995). Tlie water table is typically at orneaithe soil surface in the spring but may di'op more than 1 m by midsummer (Hansen et al. 1995). Paient materials aie vai'iable and may include sedimentary, metamoiphic or igneous rocks, but it ^peais to grow best on limestone, basalt, and calcaieous or neutral shales (Mueggler 1988). '^Adjacent upland stands may include conifer forests doi\im?A&Ahy Abies lasiocaipa, Picea engelmannii ov Pseudotsuga menziesii, or non-flooded Populus tremuloides-dominoted foveas. Adjacent wetter stands may be dominated by Alnns. Salix or Carex communities and drier sites may uiclude communities dommated by Aitemisia tndentata or xeric grasses. Vegetation: Vegetation included in this Rocky Mountain forest alliance occurs locally in seasonally saturated riparian and seepage ai'eas. Stands a have a somewliat closed to closed canopy of tiees to 5-20 m tall, that is dominated or codominated by the cold- deciduous broad-leaved tiee Populus trermdoides. In northern stands, another broad-leaved tiee, Populus balsamifera ssp. tnchocarpa^ may be present to codominant. Scattered conifer tiees may occur throughout the range. Conifers such as Pseudotsuga menziesii, Pinus contofta, Picea engelmannii, Abies concolor ov Abies lasiocarpa may be present and contiibute up to 25% of the ti'ee canopy before the stand is reclassified as a mixed stand. '^Because of the open growth fonii of Populus tremuloides enough light can penetiate for lush undei'stoiy development, depending on available soil moisture and other factors. Tliese shnib layer in these stands in typically absent or spai'se commonly consisting oi%Q?&itvQdAlnus incana, Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia t = Alnus temdferlia), Lonicera involucrata, Ribes montigemtm, Rosa woodsii, Salix bebbiana, Salix geyenana, Salix monticola, or Symphoiicaipos albus. The higlily diverse heiijaceous layer is typically dense and often dominated Calamagrostis canadensis, Equisetum arvense or Ranunculus alismifolius. Othei' common herbs include grammoids such as Alopecums alpinus, Bromus cdiatus, Calamagrostis stncta, Carex aquatilis, Carex siccata (= Carex foenea). Carex hoodii, Carex microptera, Elymus glaucus, Festuca subulata, Glycena stnata^ and Juncus balticns. Common forbs may include Achillea millefolium, Angelica arguta, Symphyotrichum laeve (= Aster laevis), Galium boreale, Geranium richardsonii, Heracleum spp., Ligusticum poiteri, Meitensia ciliata, Nemophila breviflora, Osmorhiza spp., Rudbecha occidentals, Senecio tnangulans, Viola canadensis, Wyethia amplexicaulis^ and many othei^. The exotic forage species Poa pratensis, Poa palustris, ond Phleum pratense may have significant cover in stands giazedby cattle orneaihay meadows. Dyniunics: Stands in this alliance often originate and are likely maintained by stand-replacing disturbances such as crown fu'e, disease and windthrow, or cleai'cutting by man or beaver. Tlie stems of these thin-barked, clonal ti'ees are easily killed by ground fires. They can quickly and vigorously resprout in densities of up to 30,000 stems per hectare (Knight 1993). Stands ai'e favored by fire in the conifer zone (Mueggler 1988). Tlie stems aie relatively short-lived (100- 150 yeai's), and individual stands will succeed to longer-lived conifer forest if undisturbed. With adequate disturbance a clone may live many centiuies. Although Populus tremuloides produces abundant seeds, seedling survival is raie because the long wann, moist conditions required to establish aie raie in the habitats \%liei'e it occurs. Youngblood and Mueggler (1981) noted that some stands appealed stable because of the multiple age classes of Popidus tremuloides present. Tliey suggested tliese stands may be too wet to readily succeed to conifers, although Abies lasiocaipa and Picea engelmannii were on higher giound in adjacent stands and on hummocks witliin the stand. They hypotliesized that given enough time (seveial centuries), ^^^es lasiocarpa could colonize enough hummocks to lowei' the watei' table and dominate the site if tliere wereno distiubances. '^Many of these stands have had ahistoiy of livestock grazing or are adjacent to hay meadows as evidenced by relative abundance of the exotic weeds and forage species Phleumpratense, Taraxacum officinale, Poa pratensis, Poa palustris^ and other grazing -tolerant plants. Dala current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 5 Classification Subset Report n. Woodlaud Cominmts: These stands me restricted to the Rocky Mountains region. More study is needed, especially into the flood regime differences between stands in this alliance and those in the ^videspread Popnlus tremnloides Temporaiily Flooded Forest Alhance (AJOO) that aie found from the northwestern U.S. to the ^vestem Great Lakes, south to the Gireat Basin and southern Rocky Mountains. Stands in California need association -level description. POPULUS TREMULOIDES / CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS FOREST Quaking Aspen /Bluejoint Forest Element Concept Summaiy: Tliese lush deciduous forests occur in tlie mountains of Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and possibly Wyoming. Elevations range from 850-970 m in Montana and 2770-3170 m in Colorado. Sites are ripaiian, occiin'ing along sti^eani teiraces or floodplains, or upland on \vet flats, benches, and gentle toeslopes \\4iere groundwater seeps. Substrates are often coarse-loamy soils over coai'se alluvium. Stands have a moderately dense to dense tree canopy tliat is dominated by Populus tremuloides. The shrub layer is sparse to modeiately dense, and composed of a variety of shrubs such as-4/^^^s incana, Rosa spp, Symphonca/pos spp., and several Sahx spp., including Sahx geyenana, Salix bebbiana, and Salix monticola. The herbaceous layer is modeiately dense to dense depending on shnib cover. It is dominated by the wet-site perennial graminoid Calamagrostis canadensis. Other common species include Bromus cihatus, Carex siccata (= Carex foenea), Equisetum ai-vense. Geranium ncltardsomi, Heracleum spp., Ligusticum poiten, Maianthemiim stellatum, Mejtensia ciliata, Senecio triangularis, and Viola spp. The introduced species Poa pratensis, Poapalustris, and Taraxacum officinale may be present. The predominance of the Calamagrostis canadensis-domniTAtA heibaceous layer in the understoiy sepai'ates this type from othei' Populus tremuloides forests. GRiuik & Reasons: G3 (99-12-29). Tliis riparian association is known from tlie mountains in nortliern Utali, noitheni Nevada, soutlieasteni Idaho and western Wyoming. Stands may also occur in Colorado. Tlie association is raie (<100 occiurences) and is found only locally thioughout much of its range. Sites aie uncommon and small in size. The trend is stable, however, improper grazing by livestock can degrade tlie condition of these stands by reducing the abundance of palatable species. Additional threats may include inti'oduce plants species and possibly logging. Additional survey is needed to deteimine if this type also occui's in Colorado. Element Distribution Rmige: Tliis association occurs in the mountains of Montana, Idalio, Colorado, and possibly Wyoming. States/Provinces: C0:S3, ID:S2, MT:S2, OR:Sl, WA:S1, WY? Element Sources Authors: K.A Schuiz, WCS Refer^ces: Boggs et al. 1990, Crowe and Clausnitzer 1997, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Mutel 1973, Powell 19SSa Temporarily flooded temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland PICEA ENGELMANNII TEMPORARILY FLOODED WOODLAND ALLIANCE Eiigebiiaim Spmce Temporaiily Flooded Woodland Alliance Alliance Concept Summaiy: These forests are chai'acteiized by Picea engelmanmi as the domiuant tree species in the upper forest cauopy. Environmmt: Vegetation: These forests aie characterized by Picea engelmanmi as the dominant tree species in the uppei forest canopy. Dynamics: Commmts: Tlie complex of riparian and wetland forests and woodlands dominated by Picea engelmanmi needs extensive review to claiify floiistic and ecological similaiities and differences. This includes the Picea engelmanmi Seasonally Flooded Forest Alhance (A.191), Picea engelmanmi Seasonally Flooded Woodland Alliance (A.572), Picea engelmanmi Temporai'ily Flooded Woodland Alliance (A. 566), ?iwd Picea engelmanmi Temporaiily Flooded Forest Alhance (A. 179). Only the Picea engelmanmi Seasonally Flooded Woodland Alhance has been described; the other tliree ^viU be completed following review of the classification of tlie individual associations. Dala current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendi:K C Classification Subset Report II. Woodlaud PiCEA ENGELMANNII / CORNUS SERICEA WOODLAND Engelmaiin Spnice / Red-osier Dogwood Woodland Element Concept Summary: This woodland is found on cool, moist sites in the mountains of the northern Rockies west into Oregon and Washingtou. Tliis community occurs fiom S2O-2300 m in elevation across its range. Tliis commimity is restricted to flat or gently sloping alluvial teiTaces or benches and, less frequently, moist toeslopes or maigius of fens or maishes. Stands may be temporaiily flooded in the spring, and due to its location in ripaiian zones, the ^vater table is usually within 1 m of the surface. Water flow and aeration in the rooting zone is usually good. Tlie ovei'stoiy canopy is dominated by Picea engelmannii or Picea (engelmanmi Xglauca) hybrids. Other conifers or Popidus spp. are often present. Shrub cover is typically high, with Cornus sericea usually the dominant shnib, although other species like Alnus incana or Pibes lacustre are often present. Forb species richness is high but cover is low. GRiuik & Reasons: G3 (00-01-18). Tliis community has a broad range, and the enviionmental conditions cqjable of supporting the community (i.e. alluvial tenaces) are not uncommon. Although it has been impacted by human activities like logging and stieam channelization, it is neveitlieless a relatively common ripaiian type in aieas \\diere lack of disturbance has allowed succession from cottonwood to spnice dominated communities. Li addition, this type is the result of merging two G3 associations, and should be maintained imtil more range infoiination is available. Comm^its: Picea engelmannii and/or Picea engelmannii Xglauca (hybrids) are tlie diagnostic overstoiy species in this woodland plant association. ¥onTitv Picea (engelmannii X glauca, engelmannii) / Cornus sencea Forest (CEGL000407) in Montana has been merged with Picea engelmannii / Cornus sencea Woodland (CEGL000892) into a single entity wliich could include pure Picea engelmannii and the Picea engelmannii Xglauca hybrid, or both. Tliis type was described in Montana as Picea spp. / Cornus stolonifera habitat type by Hansen et al. (1995); and in eastern Idaho and western Wyoming as Picea spp. / Cornus stolonifera habitat type by Yoimgblood et al. (19S5). Hansen et al. (1995) explained that the frequent absence of mature cones, similar morphology, and ecological amplitudes lead them to lump Picea engebnanmi and Picea glauca (hybrids) into a single type. Youngblood et al. (1985) reported that tlie similar ecological amplitudes lead them to lump Picea engelmannii and Picea pungens into a single type. Therefore we have adopted Picea spp. as the diagnostic species regardless of overstory dominance. Element Distribution States/Provinces: BC?, ID:S2, MT:S3, 0R:S1, UT?, WA:S2?, WY:S3? Element Sources Authors: J. Greenlee, WCS Refer^ices: Crowe and Clausnitzer 1997, Hall and Hansen 1997, Hansen et al. 1995, Kovalchik 1993, Padgett et al. 1989, Youngblood et al. 1985, Youngblood et al. 1985b Temporarily flooded cold-deciduous woodland POPULUS DELTOIDES TEMPORARILY FLOODED WOODLAND ALLIANCE Eastern Cottonwood Temporaiily Flooded Woodland Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: Tliis alliance occurs thioughout the Great Plaius neai' rivei^ and lai^e streams. It is dominated by Populus deltoides thioughout its range. Secondary cauopy species include Acer negundo throughout, Salix nigra (in the eastern part of its range), Fraxinus pennsyivanica and Ulmus americana (central and eastern), and Salix amygdaloide^ (central and ^vesteni). Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Ulmri^ americana often increase in abundance and dominance as stands of tliis alliance age (Johnson et al. 1976). Populus deltoides does not reproduce well in established stands. The understoiy composition and stnicture aie valuable. A shrub layei' may be present, with species such as Salix spp., Symphoricarpos occidentalism and Pninus virginiana predominating. Sites experience seasonal floods, wliich, after receding, leave areas available for colonization. This process often favors the establishment of aggressive native and exotic plants. Among the species that me common in this alhance aie Caiex spp., Juncus spp., Spaitina pectinata (in the east), Pascopyuim smithii (in the west), Elymus spp. , Cenchiiis longispinus, Melilotus officinalis^ and Equisetum spp. Typical exotics found in this alliance are Poa pratensis and Brofmis spp. '^Stands of this alliance are found on level to gently sloping topogr^hy neai' rivers^ streams, lakes, and ponds. The areas may have been very recently deposited by watei' action, or they may have been deposited earlier and occupied by other communities (Wilson 1970). Tlie ^vater table fluctuates W\X\\ the level of the adjacent water body. Tliis can lead to periods of flooding and soil satiuation in the spiiiig and after heavy rains and also to periods of dioiight wlien the water level falls in the simimer and fall. Tlie soils are silts, loams, and sands, and are deiived fioni alluvial material (Wilson 1970, Hansen et al. 1984, Thilenius et al. 1995). Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C g Classification Subset Report n. Woodlaud Environmmt: Stauds of this alliance are found on level to geutly sloping topogrsqihy uear rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds. The aieas may have been veiy recently deposited by water action or they may have been deposited earlier and occupied by other communities (Wilson 1970). Tlie \vater table fluctuates with the level of the adjacent water body. This can lead to periods of flooding and soil saturation in the spring and after heavy rains and also to periods of diought when tlie water level falls in the summer and fall. The soils ai'e silts, loams, and sands, and are deiived fiom alluvial material (Wilson 1970, Hansen et al. 1984, Tliilenius et al. 1995). Vegetation: This alliance occurs tlnoughout the Great Plains neai' rivei^ and laige stieams. It is dominated by Popnlus deltoides thioughout its range. Secondaiy canopy species include Acer negundo throughout, Salix nigra (in the eastern part of its range), Fraxinus pennsylvamca and Ulmus americana (central and eastern), and Salix amygdaloide:^ (central and western). Fraxinns pennsylvamca and Ulmti^ americana often increase in abundance and dominance as stands of tliis alliance age (Johnson et al. 1976). Popnlus deltoides does not reproduce w^ell in established stands. The understoiy composition and stnictiu'e aie vai'iable. A shrub layei' may be present, with species such as Salix spp., Symphoncarpos occidentaliSy and Pninus virgimana predominating. Sites experience seasonal floods wliich, after receding, leave aieas available for colonization. This process often favors the establishment of aggressive native and exotic plants. Among the species that are common in this alhance aie Carex spp., Jimcus spp., Spaitina pectinata (in the east), Pascopymm smithii (in the west), ^/yTTJ^^s spp., Cenchnts longispinus, Melilotu:^ officinalis^ ond Equisetum spp. Typical exotics found in this alliance are Poa pratensis ondBromu:^ spp. Dyniunics: Cottonwood forests grow within an alluvial enviionmentthat is continually changing due to the ebb and flow of the rivei\ Riparian vegetation is constantly being 're-set' by flooding distniijance. Cottonw^ood communities aie eaily, mid- or late-serai, depending on tlie age class of tlie tiees and tlie associated species of tlie stand. Mature Cottonwood stands do not regenerate in place, but regenerate by 'moving' up and down a river reach. Overtime, a healthy riparian ai'ea supports all stages of cottonw^ood communities. The process of cottonwood regeneration is w^ell documented. Periodic flooding events can leave sandbai's of baie, mineral substiate. Cottonwood seedlings genninate and become established on newly -deposited, moist sandbai's. In the absence of lai'ge floods in subsequent years, seedlings begin to trap sediment. In time, the sediment accumulates and the sandbai' rises. Tlie young forest community is then above the aimual flood zone of the river channel. ■^In this newly elevated position, with an absence of excessive browsing, fue, or agricultural conveis ion, this cottonwood community can grow into a mature ripaiian forest. At the same time, the river chamiel continually erodes stieambanks and creates fiesh, new siufaces for cottonwood establishment. Tliis results in a dynamic patchwoilc of different age classes, plant associations and habitats (TNC 1996). '^As cottonwoods matiue, other tree species may become established. If tlie land smface is subject to reworking by the river, the successional processes will start over with erosion and subsequent flooding deposition. If the land smface is not subject to alluvial processes, for example on a high teixace, the cottonwoods will be replaced by upland shnib or tree species fiom adjacent areas. Comm^its: In many parts of the Great Plains, stands within this alliance border on and succeed to stands belonging to less flood-prone mesic alliances such as II.B.2.N.a Fraxinus pennsylvanica - (Ulmus amencana) Woodland Alhance iA.619)yllB.l^.?i Fraxinus pennsylvanica - (Ubmis amencana) Forest Alliance (A.259), ?AiAl.^.l^ A Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Ulmus amencana - Celts (occidentalism laevigata) Temporality Flooded Forest Alhance (A. 286). Flood control also appeals to hasten this successional process (Johnston et al. 1976). Sites that ai'e temporal or spatial transition zones can be difficult to classify. Tlie former Popnlus deltoides Temporality Flooded Wooded Herbaceous Alhance {A.I507) has been merged with this alliance. POPULUS DELTOIDES / SYMPHORICARPOS OCCIDENTALIS WOODLAND Eastern Cottonwood / Western Snowbeny Woodland Element Concept Summaiy: This ripaiian woodland community is found in the noithwestem Great Plains of the United States on medium to coaise -textured alluvial soils on tlie floo<^>lains of major rivers. Tlie floodplains ai'e botli seasonally inundated and subiixigated. It is found more raiely at higher elevations in the mountains of eastern Wyoming and western South Dakota, Tliis community is dominated by a single deciduous tiee species, Populus deltoides. In some stands otlier species, such as Acer negundo and Fraxinus pennsylvanica, may contribute to the canopy. The tallest trees exceed 15 m. The shnib layer is typically 0.5-1 m tall. It is dommTditAhy Symphoncarpos occidentahs and commonly \i\{Awdt^ Junipenis scopulorum ?AidPosa spp. In Wyoming, Ericameria nauseosa (= Chrysothamnus naiiseosus) is present and increases with heavy grazing. Tlie herbaceous layer usually includes Pascopymm smithii. Weedy species such 3E Melilotus officinalis. Taraxacum officinale, and Poa secunda are very common, especially in the presence of grazing. Maianthemum stellatum is abundant only where grazing is absent. Environmmt: This community is found on medium to coaise -textured alluvial soils on the floo<^lains of major rivei's. Tlie floodplains ai'e both seasonally inundated and subiirigated (Thilenius et al. 1995). The meandering erosional and Dala current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C Classification Subset Report m. Shiiiblaiid depositional pattern of rivers maintains and iiiiliieuces this community along rivei's (Hanson 1990). It is rarely foimd at higher elevations in tlie mountains of eastern Wyoming and^vesteiii South Dakota (Johnston 1987). Vegetation: Tliis community is typically dominated by a single deciduous tree species, Popnhis deltoides. In some stands other species, such as Acer negundo and Fraxinus pennsylvamca, mf^ contribute to the canopy. "Hie tallest trees exceed 15 m. Populns deltoides is a pioneer species that requires moist, spaisely vegetated alluvium to become established from seed; therefore stands of this community may be considered serai, but tlie stage is long persistent (up to 100 yeai's) (Giiard et al. 1989). Tlie shnib layer is typically 0.5-1 m tall. It is dominated by Symphoncarpos occidentahs and commonly includes Jnmpeius scopulonun and P.osa spp. hi Wyoming, Encamena nauseosa (= Chiysothamnus nauseosiis) is present and increases with heavy glazing (Tliilenius et al. 1995). Tlie herbaceous layer usually includes Fascopyntm smithii and Elymus trachycaulus. Weedy species such as Cirsinm afvense, Melilotus officinalis. Taraxacum officinale, and Poa secunda are very common, especially in the presence of grazing (Jones andWalford 1995, Thilenius et al. 1995). Maianthemum stellatum is abundant only wliere glazing is absent. Dynamics: This type is found closest to tlie rivei' on young, unstabilized floodplains, \\4ieie it colonizes the freshly deposited alluvial substrates on the meanders of the streams andriveis. Proceeding away from the river, other later siiccessional stages may include Populus deltoides / Fraxinus pennsylyanica Forest (CEGL000658) and Fraxinus pennsylvanica - (Ulmiis amencana) / Symphoncarpos occidentah:^ Forest (CEGL002088). As the stream continues to move away from the more recent deposits, the stand may eventually succeed to the Fraxinus pennsylvanica type, a process that could take 100 years (Giiai'd et al. 1989). GRank & Reasons: G2G3 (98-06-22). Tlie total nnmber of occunences is unknown. Tliiiteen have been documented in North Dakota, wliere the community is ranked S1S2?. Although no otlier occunences have been documented, the community is also reported fi'om Wyoming (S2), Colorado (S2) and may occin m South Dakota (SP). It is found in three northern Gi'eat Plains ecoregional sections. Tlie community occui's on medium- to coaise-textiued soils on the floodplains of major rivers. Comin^its: Concept of the type may have come from Thilenius and Smitli (1990). Li eastern Montana, Hanson et al. (1990) describe a Fopulus deltoides / Symphoncarpos occidentahs type as a giazing-induced stage of the Fopulus deltoides / Corniis sericea type. This contrasts with infonnation from Wyoming, wlieie Thilenius et al. (1995) found that Symphoricaipos occidentahs deQV^?ise^\^\Wi grazing ?AiA Encamena nauseosa (= Chrysothamnus nauseosus) increases. Element Distribution Range: Tliis riparian woodland community is found in floodplains of tlie noilliwesteiii Gireat Plains of the United States, ranging fioni Nortli Dakota to Colorado. States/Provinces: C0:S2, ND:S1S2?, SD?, WY:S2 Element Sources Authors: J. Drake, MCS Refer^ces: Girard et al. 1989, Hansen et al. 1990, Johnson et al. 1990a, Johnston 1987, Jones and Walford 1995, Kittel et al. 1999, Tliilenius and Smith 1985, Thilenius et al. 1995 Temporarily flooded cold-deciduous shrubland ALNUS INCANA TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Speckled Alder Temporarily Flooded Slunbland Alliance Alliance Concept Summary: Vegetation types within this temporality flooded, cold-deciduous shrublaud alliance typically occm' adjacent to streams and in mountaiu meado^vs. Landfonns associated witli this alliance are streainbanks, alluvial bars, and floodplains. Sites aie young, active chamiel shelves that lie between active and flood-stage streainbauks aloug second- order and larger streams in moderately graded (3-5%) valleys. Elevations range fiom uear sea level in Alaska to 3000 m in Colorado. Soils ai'e shallow, skeletal alluvium over water-woilced cobbles and gravels. Active channel shelves have siiiiace soil textures that aie loamy sands, \viiile older sites are silts and loam. Available water-holding ciqjacity is low, siuiace \vater is present briefly diuing the growing season. Tlie water table usually lies \vell belo^v the ground siuiace. Alnus incana fonns a dense canopy with at least 90% cover. The diverse understoiy shiiib layer may include Cornus sericea, Betula occidentahs, Ribes huchomanum, Symphoncaipos albus, Salix cbummondiana^ and Oplopanax horridus. The forb layei' is sparse and may include Canadanthus modestus (= Aster modestus), Symphyotrichnm spathulatiim (= Aster occidentahs}, Galium trifiorum, Senecio tnangulans, and Thahctium occidentale. The gi'aminoid layer is usually dominated by 1 or 2 species that include Agrostis ^tolonijera and Calamagrostis canadensis. The fern and feni allies layer is generally dense with at least 40% cover. The dominant species typically are Gymnocarpmm dryopteris and Athynumfilix-femina. Coniferous and cottonwood forests typically grow on adjacent upslopes. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C 10 Classification Subset Report III. Shiiibland Environment: Vegetation types within this alliance typically occiu' adjacent to streams and in moimtain meadows. Landfoiins associated with this alhance aie stieainbanks, alluvial bai^s, and floodplains. Sites are young, active chaimel shelves tliat lie between active and flood-stage stieainbanks along second-order and lai'ger stieains in moderately graded (3-5 percent) valleys. Elevations imige from near sea level in Alaska to 3000 m in Colorado. '^Soils are shallow, skeletal alluvinm over water-worked cobbles and gravels. Active chamiel shelves have surface soil textures that are loamy sands vdiile older sites aie silts and loam. Available water-holding capacity is low, surface watei' is present briefly during the growing season. Tlie water table usually lies well below the giound surface. '^Coniferous and cottonwood forests typically grow^ on adjacent npslopes. Vegetation: Vegetation types within this alliance are classified as temporaiily flooded, cold-deciduous shniblands. Alnus incana fonns a dense canopy with at least 90% cover. The diverse understoiy shiiib layer may include Cornu^ sericea, Betula occidentalis, Ribes hudsomanum, Syinphoncai-pos albus, Salix d]ii}nmondiana^ and Oplopanax honidus. Tlie forb layei' is sparse and may include Canadanthus modestus (= A^ermodestus), Symphyotnchnm spathulatum (= Aster occidentahs). Galium tnflonim, Senecio tnangulans^ and Thahctmm occidentals. The graminoid layer is usually dominated by 1 or 2 species that include Agrostis stolomfera and Calamagrostis canadensis. The fern and feni allies layer is generally dense with at least 40% cover. The dominant species typically are Gymnocaipium dfyoptens and Athy nnmfi lix -femina . Dyniunics: Alnus incana is a long-lived, early-seral species. It is one of the first species to establish on fluvial or glacial deposits as well as the spoils of placer mining {Hansen et al. 1989). After estabhshment, young stands oiAlmis incana aie contimially flooded. As stands matiue, the stems can slow flood waiters and tiiqj sediment. Fine-textured sediments accumulate on top of the coarser alluvial material, and tlie land surface eventually rises above annual flood levels. Flooding is then less fiequent and soils begin to develop (Padgett et al. 1989). ^Alnus incana is shade -intolerant (Vieieck 1970, Chapin et al. 1994 as cited in Kittel et al. 1999), and many mature stands aie restricted to streambank edges, possibly because tliese ai e the only sites wliere light can penetiate the neighboring overstory canopy. Alnus incana has been obseived on high-gradient streams and is thought to requiie well-aerated waiter (Hansen et al. 1988, Padgett et al. 1989). '^Undisturbed -4/^^(s incana stands may become dominated by Salix species or conifer stands (Hansen et al. 1989). In Alaska, thick stands of alders inhibit succession by competing with spnice for nutrients and light (Chapin et al. 1994 as cited in Kittel et al. 1999). In Utah, Acer negundo often becomes the dominant canopy species on more xeiic sites (Padgett et al. 1989). ^Alnus incana fixes atmospheric nitiogen tlirough a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria Frankia and increases the ecosystem nitiogen supply with tlie deposition of nitrogen -rich leaf litter (Binkley 1986 as cited in Kittel et al. 1999). The annual input of nitiogen to soils fiom alder species ranges from 16 to 150 kg/ha aimually compai'ed to 1 to 10 kg/lia/yr deposited by atmospheric precipitation alone (Binkley 1986 as cited in Kittel et al. 1999). Niti'ogen-i ich detritus is an important somce of nutrients for the aquatic ecosystem as well. Comm^its: Alnus incana / Calamagrostis canadensis Shrubland Speckled Alder /Bluejoint Shnibland Element Concept GRank& Reasons: G3Q (94-02-23). Element Distribution States/Provinces: MT:S3Q, 0R:S1, WA:S2, WY:S? Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ices: Groove and Clausnitzer 1997, Kovalchik 1993 SALIX BEBBIANA TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Bebb's Willow Temporaiily Flooded Shrublaiid Alliance Alliance Concept Suininaiy: Tliis alliance occurs along rivers and sh^eains in the ^vesteni Great Plains and Rocky Mountains. Tliis alliance is a briefly flooded, scmb-sluiib wetland on slightly to moderately alkaline soils, usually neai' lo^v-gradient streams. The water table is \vell below the soil surface for over half the glowing season. Ho^vever, there are periods of several days to a few weeks wiien water is at the surface. It is typically dominated by a dense giowth of sliiiibs 0.5-3 in tall. Multiple-stemmed trees and/or shnibs 0.5-5 m tall have 30-100% cover; single -stemmed trees have less than 30% covei\ The most abundant species in the shrub layer are Salix bebbiana, Salix sconleriana^ and Salix Incida ssp. caudata (= Salix fendlenana) . Other species found in this strata include Betida occidentahs, Comus sencea. Salix exigiia, Salix Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C \\ Classification Subset Report m. Shiiiblaiid fluviatihs^ and Puinus virgmiana. The herbaceous layer often contains Scuj)us spp., Carex spp., Tfiglochin palustns, Calamagrostis canadensis^ aaid Equisetfim spp. along the wetter maigins of the alliance. In the drier areas Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta (= Gentiana stnctiflora), Piunella vulgans, Pyrola asanfoha. Ranunculus macounii. Sanicula manlandica, Viola canadensis, Vicia amsricana^ and Zizia aptera (= Zizia cordata) aie frequently present. Environm^it: Communities withm this Sahx bebbiana alliance occur on temporarily flooded, low-gradient streams or along nairow^ alluvial tenaces of canyons. Communities can also occur on broad, seep-fed meadows. Sti'eani channels range from steep and nanow to wider, less steep, and moderately simious. Elevations range from 985 m in Montana to 3290 m in Colorado. Tlie soils ai'e highly sh'atified layers of sandy loams, clay loams, and silty clay typically with mottling neai' the siiiface. Tlie soils can be deep, daik-colored silty clay loams with high organic content and mottling or shallow, becommg skeletal at about 25 cm depth, hi the spring and early siunmer, soils are saturated for several days to weeks and then slowly diy out oveithe rest of the growing season. Pinus ponderosa - Que reus gambehi forests and Populus tremuloides woodlands occur on adjacent hillsides. Vegetation: Vegetation in this alliance occui^ in tlie western Great Plains and Rocky Mountains along rivei^s and sh^eanis. Tlie vegetation is typically dominated by dense shiiibs up to 6 m tall. Sahx bebbiana fonns a dense ovei^oiy with a tree-like growth foim. Sahx boothii, Salix :^coulenana, Alnus incana, or Salix lutea are occasionally present in minor to moderate amounts. The most abundant species in the shnib layer in the Gireat Plains stands ?ir^ Betida occidentalism Cornus sencea, Salix exigua, Sahxflumatihs^ and Pninns virginiana. Tlie low-shrub layer m stands in the western United States mcXwAQ Pdbes inerme, Cornus sencea, Rosa woodsii, ond Sy/r/phoricafpos oreophdus. For the most pait tlie herbaceous layei' is dommated by hay grasses, giaminoids and low-growing forbs (Padgett et al. 1989, Hansen 1995). Tlie herbaceous layer in stands from tlie midwesteiii United States often contains Scupus spp., Carex spp., Triglochin palustns, Calamagiostis canadensis, ?^d Equisetum spp. along the wetter margins of the stand. In the drier ai'eas Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta (= Gentiana stnctiflora), Pninella vulgaris, Pyrola asanfoha. Ranunculus rnacounii, Sanicula manlandica, Viola canadensis, Vicia ameiicana, and Zizia aptera (= Zizia cordata) are fi'eqiiently present. Dyniunics: The Montana stands within this Salix bebbiana alhance represent a bro\vsing/grazing disclimax of the Sahx geyenana-^ Salix lutea-, or Sahx dnimmondiana-douim?&td habitat types (Hansen et al. 1995). Sahx bebbiana seems to be ahighly palatable willow. However, this high level of palatability does not tend to negatively affect tlie status oiSalix bebbiana on a site. In fact, Sahx bebbiana seems to have evolved a physiological tolerance to browsing and remains on a site iindei^ all but the most seveie conditions, such as sustained long-term browning. Tliis tolerance to repeated browsing allows Sahx bebbiana to inciease. Willows less tolerant of browning include Sahx geyenana, Sahx boothii. Sahx lutea, and Sahx dntmmondiana (Hansen et al. 1995). Salix bebbiana sprouts rqjidly following fire. Prescribed burning is a commonly used wildlife mani^ement tool to rejuvenate decadent communities dominated by Salix bebbiana {Hansen et al. 1995). Tlie New Mexico stands (Dick-Peddie 1993) have been invaded by n on -native species, e.g., Tamarix spp. and Elaeagnus angustifoha. Hay grasses were reported in the majority of plots fiom several studies. Commmts: This alhance has not been extensively described. Distinguishing chai act eii sties beyond the dominance by Sahx bebbiana and its relationship to other wetland shmb alliances aie not well known. Salix bebbiana Shrubland Bebb's Willow Shiiibland Element Concept Summary: This willow shnibland is found m tlie montane regions and western plains of the United States. This community is a briefly flooded scrub-shiiib wetland on slightly to moderately alkaline soils, usually neai' low-gradient streams. Tliis sliiiibland is typically dommated by a dense growth of shrubs 0.5-3 m tall. The most abundant species in tlie shmb layer aie Sahx bebbiana, Sahx sconleriana, and Sahx lucida ssp. candata (= Salix Jendle nana). Other species foimd in this sti'ata mclude Betula occidentalis. Cornus sencea ssp. sericea, Salix exigua, Sahx melanopsis (= Sahx fluviatihs), and Pnmus virginiana. Multiple -stemmed trees and/or shrubs 1.5-5 m tall have 30-100% cover; single- stemmed tiees have less tlian 30% covei\ The herbaceous layei' often contains Schoenoplectus spp. (= Scirpus spp.), Carex spp., Triglochin palustns. Calamagrostis canadensis, MidEquisetum spp. along the wetter mai^ins of the community. In the drier areas Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta f = Gentiana stnctiflora), Pninella vulgans, Pyrola asanfoha, Zizia aptera (= Zizia cordata), Sanicula manlandica, Viola canadensis, Vicia amencana, and Ranunculus macounii are fiequently present. Environmmt: Stands occur on slightly to moderately alkaline soils, usually neai' low-gradient streams. The water table is well below the soil surface for over half the growing season. However, there are brief periods of several days to a few weeks when water is at the surface. Vegetation: Tliis shnibland is typically dominated by a dense growth of shrubs 0.5-3 m tall. The most abundant species in the shmb layer are Sahx bebbiana, Salix scouleriana, and Salix lucida ssp. caudata (= Salix fendleriana). Other species found m this strata include Betula occidentalis, Cornus sencea ssp. sencea, Salix exigua, Salix fluviatihs, and Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C 12 Classification Subset Report III. Shiiibland Pfunusvirginiana. Multiple -stemmed trees and/or shrubs 1.5-5 m tall have 30-100% covei; single-stemmed trees have less thau 30% cover. The herbaceous layer often contains Schoenoplectus spp. (= Scii'piis spp.), Carex spp., Tnglochin palu^tiis, CalafTiagrostis canadensis, and Equisettim spp. along the wetter mai^ins of the community. In the drier areas Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta (= Gentana stnctiflora), Pnmella vulgans, Pyrola asanfolia, Zizia aptera (= Zizia cordata), Samcula manlandica. Viola canadensis, Vicia amencana, and Ranunculus }nacounu are fi'equeutly present. Dyniunics: Brief floods can occur in spring or aftei' heavy rains. GRiuik & Reasons: G3? (96-02-01). Most sites have been impacted by grazing. Comments: The distribution and classification of this community need finther investigation. Changes in historic natural processes, inclnding flooding, and more recent human impacts, such as grazing, have altered this commimity. Element Distribution Range: This beaked willow shnibland is found in the montane regions and western plains of the United States, ranging fi'om South Dakota and Montana south to New Mexico. States/Provinces: C0:S2, MT:S3?,NM:S?, SD:S2, WY:S2S3 Element Sources Anthois: J. Drake, WCS Refer^ces: Baker 1982, Dick-Peddie 1993, Hansen et aJ. 1991, Hayward 1928, Kittel et al. 1999, Szaro 1989, The Natme Conservancy 1991, Thilenius 1971 SALIX BOOTHII TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Booth's Willow Temporaiily Flooded Shrublaiid Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: Tliis widespread lipaiian shiiibland alliance is found tlnoughout tlie interior western U.S. between 1320- 2800 m in elevation. Stands occur in valley bottoms, swales, stieain banks, and occasionally teiraces of stieain channels in aieas that have surface water present for only brief periods of time during the growing season, and ai'e nsually found witliin 1 m of the water table. Stands ai'e also located adjacent to seeps on gently sloping toeslopes. The ground surface is often uneven and hnnimocky dne to past flooding and beaver activity. Tlie soils aie variable and include highly stratified alluvium or fine -textured, highly organic soils. Shniblands witliin this alliance are dominated by Salix boothii with a canopy ranging fiom 20-80% cover. Salix geyeriana, Salix lemmoniiy ovSalix diummondiana may codominate. Other shrubs present include Dasiphora fmticosa ssp. flonbunda {= Pentaphylloides flonbunda) and Betida nana {= Betula glandulosa). A niixtiue of forbs and giaininoids growing on raised hummocks chaiacterizes the moderately dense herbaceous layer. Common foi^b and gram in o id species include Sweitia perennis, Pediculans groenlandica. Polygonum bistoitoides, Heracleum maximum (= Heracleum lanatum). Achillea millefolium, Carex aquatiUs, Carex utriculata^ and Calamagrostis canadensis. Diagnostic of tliis riparian alliance is aSalix ^oo^/zn -dominated or-codominatedtall shnibland til at is floodedfor brief periods during the giowing season and has a shallow water table. Environment: Vegetation types in the Salix boothii Temporality Flooded Shnibland Alliance (A.972) occur in valley bottoms on swales, banks, and occasionally terraces of stieam channels, ai'eas wliicli have suiface water present for only brief periods of time dining tlie growing season. Stands aie usually found within 1.0 m of the water table, but are occasionally located above the channel on low tenaces of straight sections of liveis. Vegetation in the alliance is also located adjacent to seeps on gently sloping toeslopes. Elevation ranges from 1320-2800 m. Tlie ground surface is often uneven and hummocky due to past flooding and beaver activity. ■^Soils aie typically highly stiatified with alternating layers of sandy loam and clay loam and ai'e mottled \vithin the top 10 cm. Other soils ai'e finely textured, daik-colored, highly organic soils witli silty clay loam. Lower profiles typically contain a gravel or cobble layer wiiich may indicate that the soil section is a silted-in beaver pond (Kittel et al. 1999). '^ Mixed QO\\\iQV-Populus tremuloides and Populus tremuloides forests often occiu' on adjacent hillslopes at higher elevations, vavdAitemisia tndentata scnib occurs on adjacent hillsides at lower elevations. Vegetation: Communities within tliis alliance are characterized as seasonally flooded, cold- deciduous shnibland. The tall-shnib layer is dominated by laige stands oi Salix boothii with a canopy ranging from 20-80% covei\ Several stands aie codominated (35-50% cover) by Salix geyeriana, Salix lemmonii, or Salix duimmondiana. Other shrubs present include Dasiphora fniticosa ssp. flonbunda {= Pentaphylloides flonbunda) and Betida nana (= Betula glandulosa). The heiiiaceous layer is characterized by a moderate foil) layer growing on raised hummocks. No one forb species is dominant, but rather several species have a combined cover of 40-60%. Forb species include Swertia perennis, Pediculans groenlandica, Polygonum bistoioides, Heracleum maximum (= Heracleum lanatum), vavdAchillea millefolium. Graminoid cover is moderate (<40%) and commonly includes Carex aquatilis, Carex utriculata^ and Calamagrostis canadensis. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendijf C 13 Classification Subset Report m. Shiiiblaiid Dyiiiunic^: Stands within this alliance are dominated by Saliji: boothii wiiich is often highly productive. Understoiy production vaiies, depending oq the density of overstoiy shnibs. Thick sluiib stauds make access by livestock difficult, therefore stands within this alliance aie somewiiat resistant to grazing effects (Youngblood et al. 1985). Comin^its: Sal IX BOOTHII / Carex utriculata Shrubland Booth^s Willow / Beaked Sedge Shnibland Element Concept Summary: lu Colorado, this riparian shnibland occurs in the wettest micro -habitats of the floodplain, including low floodplains adjacent to beaver ponds and low ai'eas between beaver darns. The ground is veiy \vet, aud tlie water table is at or near the soil surface all season loug. Stands have a short to tall (1-4 m), closed, broad-leaved, deciduous sliiub cauopy tliat is dominated by Salix boothii with an herbaceous layer of Carex utriculata. Information on stands that occur outside Colorado will be added later. GRank& Reasons: G4 (96-02-01) Element Distribution States/Provinces: CA?, CO:S3, ID:S4, 0R:S3, UT:S3?, WY:S2S3 Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ces: Kettler and McMullen 1996, Kittel and Lederer 1993, Kittel et al. 1994, Kittel et al. 1999, Kovalchik 19S7, Miitz and Graliam 1982, Mutz aud Queiioz 1983,Nortou et al. 19S1, Padgett et al. 1988, Padgett et al. 1989, Tuhy and Jeusen 1982, Yoimgblood et al. 1985, Youngblood et al. 1985b SALIX EXIGUA TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Coyote Willow Temporarily Flooded Shniblaiid Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: Plant associations ^vitliin tliis teinpoiiuily flooded shnib alliance aie located ou floodplains aud giavel hais at an elevatioual range between 780-1760 ui. Tliese slimblands aie found on opeu sandbars without cauopy shading on laiger, w^e 11 -developed diainages and along laiger sandy rivers. Tliey aie associated W\X\\ annual flooding and iuuudation and will grow well into tlie channel, wlieie it is flooded, even in diier yeais. Even though the flooding is frequent, surface water is not present for much of the glowing seasou, aud the WTitei' table is well below the surface. Some stauds fonn large, wide stands ou mid-channel islands on laiger rivers, or naiTow stiinger bands on small, rocky tiibutaiies. Stieam reaches range widely from moderately sinuous and mo derate -gradient reaches to broad, uieandeiing rivers with wide floodplains or broad, braided chauuels. Many stauds also occur witliin highly entrenched or eioding gullies. Soils of this alliance aie typically coai'se alluvial deposits of sand, silt and cobbles that aie highly sti'atified witli depth fiom floodiug scour and deposition. Tlie stiatifled profiles consist of alternating layers of clay loam and organic mateiial with coarser sand or thin layers of sandy loam overveiy coaise alluvium. Occasionally, stands may occur on deep pockets of saud. pHrauges fiom 6.0-6.8. Tlie cauopy is dominated by a tall, 2- to 5-m, broad-leaved deciduous slinib tliat is typically many-brauched with coutinuous cover of 60-100%. Tlie herbaceous stratum has sparse to moderate cover includiug a vai iety of pioneering species. Plant associations withiu tliis alliance aie chai'acterized as temporaiily flooded, cold-deciduous shnibland dominated by Sahx exigua. Tlie tall-shiiib layer is dominated by Salix exigua with 15-90% covei', ranging in height betweeu 2-5 m. Other willows can occur in the cauopy including Salix ligiihfolia ?a\dSalix monticola. Occasionally the taller Sahx amygdaloides or Populu^ deltoides occur ^vitliin tlie tree subcanopy. Tlie herbaceous layer has at least 20-35% cover of various graminoid species includiug Carex nebrascen^is, Carex pellita (= Carex lanuginosa), Spartina pectinata, Phalaris auindinacea. Equisetum ai-vsnse, Panicum bidbosum^ and Muhlenbergia rigens. The forb cover is usually sparse. The understory cau be dominated by baixen groimd or gravel bar. This alliance represents an eaily serai, primary successional stage ou ue\vly deposited sedimeuts that may peisist undei' a regime of repeated fluvial distuitauce. Salix exigua is highly ad ^ted to most fonn s of disturbance. It is a prolific sprouter and will reestablish itself on sites domiuatedby otlier distuiljance-associated species, e.g., Glycyrrhiza lepidota and Pascopyrum smithii (=Agropyron simthii). Sahx exigua alhances differ due to the stnicture of the vegetation and hydrologic regimes. The forest alliances aie characterized by trees with overlapping crowns (generally foiiuiug 60-100% covei). Tlie woodland alliances contain open stands of trees witli cro\\iis not touching, geuerally foiiuiug 25-60% cover. The hydi'ologic regimes differ due to the length of time that the suiface water is preseut and depth to the water table. Tlie surface water iu the seasoually flooded alliances is present for extended periods during the growing seasou, aud the waiter table is typically near the surface. Whereas, the surface waiter iu the temporaiily flooded alliances is only present for Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 14 Classification Subset Report III. Shiiibland brief peiiods diiiiug the grooving season, and the water table is well below the siuface. Associations in this alliauce are common and widespread. Tlieiirauge extends fiom the Pacific Northwest aud California, east to the Rocky Momitains and tlie noitlieni Great Plains, soutli to the Colorado Plateau aud New Mexico. They occm' in the Midwest in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, aud Ohio. Tliey also extend into Aii^ansas aud Oklalioma, and possibly in Pennsylvauia, as well as in Manitoba, Canada, lu western Oklahoma and thioughout tlie Ozai'ks the associations aie local aloug major streams. Adjaceut upland plaius communities include agriciiltmal fields and rolling hills of Artemisia fihfoha, xeiic tallgrass praiiies, and Bouteloua gracilis shortgiass praiiies. In the steep cauyous of the foothills, upslope vegetation includes Pseudotsuga menziesii and Pinus ponderosa forests, Finns edulis TiwdJnmpents^'^. woodlands, oak, sagebmsh, and gieasewood scnib. In the lower moutane, upslope vegetation includes Finns contota and Fopidns tremuloides forests. Environm^it: Plaut associations within the Sahx exigua Temporaiily Flooded Shnihland Alliance (A.947) aie located on floodplains and gravel bais at au elevational range between 780 and 1760 m. Tliese shrublands ai'e found on open saudbais witliout canopy shading on larger, w^e II- developed diainages and along laiger sandy rivers. Tliey aie associated wath anuiial floodiug and inundation and will grow^ well into the channel, wliere it is flooded, eveu in di'ier years. Even though flooding is frequeut, surface w^ter is not preseut for much of the grooving seasou and the WTitei' table is well below the surface. Some stands fonn laige, wide stands on mid-chauuel islands ou lai'ger rivers, or uairowstiinger bands on small, rocky tiibutaiies. Stieam reaches range widely from moderately siuuous and modeiate-gradient reaches to broad, meandering rivers with wide floodplains or broad, braided chauuels. Many stauds also occur within highly entrenched or eroding gullies. '^Soils of tliis alliance aie typically coai^e alluvial deposits of sand, silt and cobbles that aie highly stratified with deptli from flooding scour and depositiou. Tlie stratified profiles consist of alternating layers of clay loam and orgauic material witli coai'ser saud or thin layers of sandy loam over veiy coai'se alluvium. Occasionally, stands may occur on deep pockets of sand. pH ranges fiom 6.0-6.8 (Johuson 1987). '^Adjacent upland plains communities include agricultiual fields aud rolling hills of Artemisia fill folia, xeric tall-grass prairies midBontehua gracilis shortgrass praiiies. lu the steep canyons of the foothills, upslope vegetation iucludes Fseudotsnga menziesii and Fimis ponderosa forests, Finns edulis aadJunipenis spp. woodlands, oak, sagebrush, aud gieasewood scrub. In the lower montane, upslope vegetatiou includes Finns contorta aud Popnlus ti-emnloides forests. Vegetatiou: Plant associations within this alliance are characteiized as temporarily flooded cold- deciduous shiiibland dominated by Sahx exigua. Tlie tall-shiiib layer is domiuated by Salix exigna with 15-90% cover, ranging in height betweeu 2-5 m. Other willows can occur in the cauopy including Salix ligulifolia aad Salix monticola. Occasionally the taller Salix amygdaloides or Popnlus deltoides occur within the tree subcanopy. The heibaceous layer has at least 20- 35% cover of various graminoid species including Carex nebrascensis. Carexpellita (= Carex lamiginosa), Spaitina pectinata, Fhalans aiundinacea, Ecjuisetiim a/vense, Fanicum bnlbosum, Mid Mnhlenbej^ia ngens. The forb cover is usually spai'se. The understory can be dominated by barreu ground or gravel bai\ Dyuiunics: This alliance represents an early serai primaiy successional stage on newly deposited sediments that may p em st under a regime of repeated fluvial distiubance. Sahx exigna is highly adapted to most foiius of disturbance. It is a prolific sprouter and will re e stab hsh itself ou sites dominated by other distiubance associated species, e.g., Glycyrrhiza lepidota and Fascopymm smithn (=Agropyron smithii). Comm^its: Sahx exigna alliauces diffei' due to the stiiictiue of tlie vegetatiou aud hydiologic regimes. Tlie forest alliances aie characterized by trees with overlqDpiug cro\\Tis (generally fonning 60-100% cover). Tlie woodland alliances coutaiu opeu stands of trees witli crowus not touching (generally fonning 25-60% cover). Tlie hydiologic regimes differ due to tlie leugtli of time that the surface waiter is preseut and depth to the water table. Tlie siuface water iu the seasonally flooded alliances is present for extended periods during the growing seasou, aud the water table is typically neai^ the siuface. Whereas, the surface water in tlie temporaiily flooded alliances is ouly preseut for brief peiiods during the giowing seasou, and the water table is well below the surface. Salix exigua Temporarily Flooded Shrubland Coyote Willow Temporaiily Flooded Shrubland Element Concept Suminaiy: This willow shnibland community is found aloug riveis and streams at lower elevations throughout the northwestern Uuited States and Great Plains. Tliis type is an eaiiy successional stage that occurs on recently flooded ripaiian areas. Stauds occur most commouly on alluvial sand, but silt, clay, or gravel may also be preseut. Salix exigua is the dominant cauopy species. It cau fonn dense stands up to 4 m tall, but there aie ofteu patches wliere the shiiib layer is absent. Seedlings and small saplings of Fopulns deltoides ?aidSalix amygdaloides m?ry be present. The heiijaceous cover is sparse to moderate, but rarely exceeds 30%. Species preseut include Cenchms longispinns, Polygomim lapathifolium, Schoenoplectus americamis (= Scirpns amencanus), Triglochin mantima^ midXanthium stmmarinm. The compositiou of this commuuity, especially tlie herbaceous If^er, vaiies from yeai' to yeai' witli succession or renewed disturbance. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 15 Classification Subset Report m. Shiiiblaiid Environmmt: This community is foiiud on recently deposited or disturbed alluvial material. Tlie pai'eut material is alluvial saud, although silt, clay, or gravel may be present. Soil development is poor to absent. Vegetation: This community is dominated by shnibs, generally between 2 and 4 m tall. The most common of these is Salix exigua. Salix irrorata and saplings oi Populus deltoides or Salix amygdaloides are also fiequently found in the shrub layer. This stratiun can have moderate to high stem density in the community as awiiole. Tlie species in tlie shnib layer do not fonn a closed canopy, allowing significant light to reach the ground layer. Tliere aie often patches where the shrub layer is absent. Tlie heiiiaceous cover is sparse to moderate, bnt raiely exceeds 30%. Older stands and places with less competition from the shiiibs have greater herbaceons cover. Tlie composition of the herbaceous layer can vary greatly. Species that aie often found in this community are Cenchnts longispinus. Polygonum lapathifolinm, Schoenoplectus amencanns (= Scupns amencanus). Tnglochin mantima^ midXanthium stnimarium. Dyniunics: This type originates after flash floods that create new deposits or scour existing alluvial material. Tliis community is a primary or eai'ly secondaiy community and requiies floods to create new ai'eas on which it can develop. Once established, tliis commiinity may not exist for more than 10-20 yeais before it is replaced by a later seial stage. GRank & Reasons: G5 (99-05-06). Tliis type is widespread and common throughout its range. Comments: Tliis type may be an early successional shnibland that matures into Salix exigua I Mesic Graminoids Shnibland (CEGL001203), or the two types may be essentially synonymous. Tliis plant association occupies awide range. Reviewof the western pait of its range is needed to see if the type should be split. Element Distribution Range: Tliis sandbai' willow shnibland community is foimd along rivei's and streams at lower elevations thiough out tlie noithwesteni United States and Great Plains, I'anging sporadically fiom Illinois noitliwest to the Dakotas and Manitoba, west to Washington, and south to Oklalioma, States/Provinces: AR:S?, IA:S5, ID:S3?, IL?, MB:S?, MT:S5, ND:S?,NE:S4S5, OK:S?, OR:Sl, SD:S2, WA:S?, WY:S3Q Element Sources Authors: Drake, J. R, WCS Refer^ices: Bellali and Hulbeit 1974, Evenden 1990, Foti et al. 1994, Hansen et al. 1989, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995,Hoaglandl997, Kittel and Ledeier 1993, Kovalchik 1987, Phillips 1977, Steinauer 1989, Steinaiier and Rolffeineier 1997, The Nature Conservancy 1991, Wilson 1970 SYMPHORICARPOS OCCIDENTALIS TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Western Snowberry Temporarily Flooded Sluiiblaiid Alliance Alliance Concept Summary: This alliance is foimd in the northern Great Plains in mesic swales, depressions, ravines and floodplains. Some sites expeiience inteimittent and brief flooding. Tlie soils aie fertile and well-di'ained to impeifectly di ained silts and loams (Johnston 1987, Jones 1995). The npper soil horizon is usually deep, although a tliin layer of sand may be present if the site has been recently flooded (Jones 1995). ■^Tlie sites tliat aie in tliis alliance aie dominated by shiiibs ^proximately 1 m tall. Shiiib cover is typically greater than 50%, and in places it can qjproach 100% (Hansen et al. 1984, Hansen and HofQnan 1987, Meyer 1985). Tliese shrubs fonn dense clumps that exclude most other species. Symphoncaipos occidentahs \% the most common shnib. Rhus aromatica sad Fntnus virgimana can be locally abundant, and both can grow to 2-3 m in places (Hansen et al. 1984). Rarely, scatteied small trees are present. Tliese aie most often Fraxiniis amencana or Popuhis deltoides. Herbaceons species and smaller shnibs are most abundant at the edge of stands of this alhance and in gaps between tlie taller shiiibs wiiere tlie shading is less complete. Pnsa woodsii is a typical smaller shiiib. Achillea millefolium, Aitemisia hidoviciana, Galium boieale, and Pascopyntm smithii are common herbaceous species. Woody vines sometimes occur, most commonly Farthenocissus vitacea. Symphoricarpos occidentalis shrublands often have a significant component of exotic species, especially wheie grazing has been intense (Hansen andHof&nan 1987, Jones 1995). Bromus inermis, Cirsium aiyense, Mid Poa pratensis aie the most abundant of these exotics. Overgrazing ofpraiiies can lead to the expansion of degraded fonns of tliis alliance. Environmmt: Tlie vegetation in this alliance occurs in ripai'ian habitats m the northern Great Plains and in foothill canyons of the Rocky Mountains. Stands are located on teniae es above the floodplain of laige rivers, on small and inteimittent creeks, and on hillsides below springs or seeps. Stands aie fonnd between 600-2000 m elevation. Soils are classified as Entisols (Fluvents) or Mollisols (Borolls). Soil textures range fiom \ve II -di ained loamy sands to poorly drained silty clays. Tlie upper soil horizon is relatively thick. The vegetation is toleiant of brief flooding. Adjacent riparian vegetation includes Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Populus deltoides, or Populus angustifolia woodlands i^dAlnus incana, Salix exigua^ and Shepherdia argentea shmblands. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendiyi C 16 Classification Subset Report III. Shiiibland Vegetntion: The vegetation in this alliance occurs iu ripaiian habitats iu the northern Great Plains and iu foothill cauyous of the Rocky Moimtaius. Stands are located aloug large riveis and small and iutenuitteut creeks, and on hillsides below springs or seeps. Symphoncarpos occidentahs dominates the shiiib canopy and occiii^s iu large, thick patches or in narrow bands pai'allel to the stream channel. Dense thickets exclude other shnib species, but more open stands have Fj-unus virgimana, Rhn^ aromatica, and Ro^^a spp. Occasionally small trees aie present, such qs Acernegundo^ Fraxinus amencana, Fraxinus pennsylvamca or Fopuhis deltoides. Native aud exotic herbaceous species are present in the understoiy with spaise to moderate cover. Heibaceous species mQlwA^ Achillea millefolium, Artemisia ludoviciana, Bromus ineimis, Bromus tectoium. Cirsium ai-vense, Galium bo reale, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, Pascopyium ^mithii, and Foapraten:^is. Woody vines sometimes occur, most commonly Parthenocissus vitacea. Dynamics: Commmts: This alhancemay grade into Fraxinus pennsylvanica - (Ulmus amencanaj Woodland Alliance (A.629) or Fopulus deltoides Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance (A.636). Some communities \vithin the latter woodland alliances contain significant amounts of Symphoncarpos occidentahs and may be difficult to distinguish from the shmblandwiiere the two meet. This alliance includes grassland areas that aie neai' or between shmb-covered areas. Establishing the boundaries between this alliance and surrounding grasslands is problematic and may be somevdiat arbitiaiy. Symphoricarpos occidentalis Shrubland Western Snowbeny Shiubland Element Concept Summaiy: Tliis western snowbeny shnibland is found in the western tallgrass and noitheiii Great Plains of the United States and Canada, Stands occur in mesic depressions and swales, typically siuTounded by upland grassland communities. Tlie soils are silts and loams. Tliis type has thiee distinct vegetation layers, a slimb layer (approximately 80 cm tall), agraminoid-dominated layer (approximately 30 cm tall), and a foiij- dominated layer (<20 cm tall). Symphoricaipos occidentahs is the predominant species in the shnib layer and at times fonns ahnost monospecific stands. Ro:^a woodm commonly occui^s interspersed with the Symphoricarpos occidentalis. Other shrubs, such asRhn:? aromatica and Fiunus virginiana^ often occur as thickets on the fiinge of this community. Rhus aromatica and Pmnus vugimana can reach 2 m or more. The herbaceous layer is poorly represented wliere the shrubs are dense, although Foa pratensis occurs in many stands. Common forbs mclndG Artemisia ludoviciana. Solidago spp., ondAchillea millefolium. Vines, such as Faithenocissus vitacea^ are often found climbing thiough the shiiibs. This type is frequently observed in heavily grazed meadows and praiiies. Environment: Tliis community is found in mesic swales, depressions, ravines and floodplains. Some examples of this community experience intennittent and brief flooding. The soils ai'e fertile and well-di'ained to impeifectly diained silts and loams. Theuppei' soil horizon is usually deep, although a thin layer of sand may be present if the site has been recently flooded (Jones 1995). Vegetation: Tliroughout its range this commimity is dominated by shrubs approximately 1 m tall. Shiiib cover is typically greater than 50%, and in places it can approach 100%. These shiiibs fonn dense clumps that exclude most other species. Symphoncarpos occidentahs is the most common ^rnhyhwt Rhus aromatica (or Rhus tnlobata) ond Fninus virgmiana can be locally abundant and can grow to 2-3 m in places. Toxicodendron rydbergii may also be present. Herbaceous species and smaller sliiiibs ai'e most abundant at the edges of this community and in gqjs between the clumps of taller shrubs wiiere the shading is less complete. Rosa woodsii is a typical smaller shrub. Common graminoids include Fascopyuim smithii and Foa pratensis. Achillea millefoliurn, Artemisia ludoviciana, Galium boreale^ and Solidago spp. are common forbs of this community. Woody vines sometimes occm, including Paithenocissus vitacea. Dyniunics: Stands may occasionally be flooded (Jones 1995). Symphoricaipos occidentalis seems to thrive in distiubed areas (Hansen and Hofhnan 1988), especially those subject to distmijance by fire and cattle grazing. GRank & Re^isons: G4G5 (96-02-01). Tliis type is common throughout the northern Great Plains. Historically, it may nevei' lla^■e been veiy extensive. It has been obseived to grow out fiom forest or woodland edges and shade out the grasses. It is tolerant of both glazing and fue (Hansen and HofSnan 1988), and is under no threat from human activities. In some cases, heavily grazed pastures may favor this types. Many examples aie somewhat weedy; thus the type is not demonstiably secure. Cominmts: This type often occurs in heavily disturbed ai'eas in conjunction with exotic species such as Foa pratensis and Cirsium aiyense. Because it occurs in mesic swales, depressions, ravine bottoms and floodplains, some stands aie occasionally flooded whereas others are just very moist. Tlius it tends to fall on both sides of the upland/wetland division. Element Distribution Range: Tliis western snowbeny shnibland is found in the western tallgrass and northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada, Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C 17 Classification Subset Report m. Shiiiblaiid States/Provinces: C0:S3, lA?, MB?, MT:S4S5, ND:S4?, NE:S4, SD:SU, SK:S?, WY:SR Element Sources Authors: Drake, J. R, WCS Refer^ces: Christy 1973, Clark 1977b, Claik et aJ. 1980,Haiiseu et aJ. 1984, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Johnston 1987, Jones 1992, Jones and Walford 1995, Kittel et al. 1994, Kittel et al. 1999, McAdanis et al. 1998, Meyer 1985, Steinaiier and Rotfsmeier 1997 Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous shrubland SALIX BOOTHII SEASONALLY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Booth's Willow Seasonally Flooded Slmibland AUiaiice Alliance Concept Summary: Tliis widespread alliance occius throughout much of tlie western U.S. at elevations from 1320-2800 m. Sites include valley bottoms on swales, banks, and occasionally teiraces of stream channels wiiich receive surface water for extended periods of time, especially during the eaily pait of the growing season. Stands adjacent to the sti^eam channel receive moistiu'e fiom overland and lateral stieam flow^, and aie often associated with beaver ponds. Stands occur on teiraces that have a continually high water table. Vegetation in tlie alliance is also located adjacent to seeps on gently sloping toeslopes, and occasionally in bogs or fens. Soils generally have a deep organic layer with some minerals, fme sands, loams, and clays and gravel or cobbles below. Communities within this shnibland alliance aie chaiacterized by a moderately dense to dense Salix ^oof/in -dominated tall-shrub layer. Other shnibs may codominate, including Salix geyenana, Sahx planifoha or Salix cbummondiana. Sahx wolfii may occasionally fonn a relatively spaise, low-shrub layer. Other shrubs may include Lomcera involucrata, Betnla nana (= Betida glanduhsa), oadRibes spp. The moderately dense to dense herbaceous layer is dominated by graminoids and includes Carex aquatiUs, Carex utnculata, Carex nebrascensis, Deschampsia caespitosa, Juncus balticus^ and Tnsetiim wolfii. Forb cover is sparse to moderately dense. Common forbs ai'e Symphyotnchum fohaceiim (= Aster fohaceus), Hedysantm sidphurescens, Genm macrophylhim, Mertensia ciliata, Trolhu:^ la:^us^ and Uftica dioica. Diagnostic of this wetland alliance is aSalix boothii- dominated or -codominated tall shnibland that is flooded for extended periods during the giowing season. Environmmt: Vegetation types in the Sahx boothii Seasonally Flooded Shnibland Alliance {A. 1001) occur in valley bottoms on swales, banks, and occasionally terraces of stieam channels wiiich receive siuface water for extended periods of time, especially during the eaily part of the growing season. Stands adjacent to the stream channel receive moistme fiom overland and lateral stream flows, and aie often associated witli beaver ponds. Stands occur on teiraces wliich have a continually high water table. Vegetation in tlie alhance is also located adjacent to seeps on gently sloping toeslopes, and occasionally in bogs or fens. Elevation nuiges from 1320-2SOO m. '^Organic soils develop from the accumulation of fme materials on ponded or previously ponded sites. Tlieuppei' soil layers generally contain a deep oi^anic layer with some minerals, fme sands, loams, and clays. Some mottling is evident. The lower layers ai'e giavel or cobble. Soils aie typically saturated at or neai' tlie surface. '^Mixed {^omi^x-Populus tmmidoides and Populus tmmnloides forests occur on adjacent hillslopes at higher elevations, ?iwdA)temisia tndentata scnib occurs on adjacent hillsides at lower elevations. Vegetation: Communities within tliis alliance aie characterized as seasonally flooded cold- deciduous shmblands. Tlie tall-shnib layer is dominated by Salix boothii. Several stands are codominated (35-50% cover) by Sahx geyenana, Salix planifoha or Salix diummondiana. Sahx wolfii may occasionally form a sparse (20-30% cover), low-shnib layei\ Other shrubs, Lomcera involucrata, Betula nana (= Betula glanduhsa), Ribes oxyacanthoides ssp. setosum (= Ribes setosum), or Ribes merme,iaFry also be present with 10-25% cover. The undei^owth is characterized by agraminoid layei' of 40- 60% cover and includes Carex aquatihs, Carex utnculata, Carex nebrascensis. Deschampsia caespitosa, Juncus balticus, and Tnsetum wolfii, Forb cover is typically 10-25% cover. Forbs inclnde Symphyotnc hum Jbhaceum (= Aster fohaceus), Hedysantm sidphurescens, Geum macrophylhim, Meitensia ciliata, Trolhus laxus^ and Urtica dioica. Dyniunics: Stands within this alliance are dominated by Salix boothii, wiiich is often highly productive. Understory production vaiies, depending on the density of overstoiy shnibs. Thick sluiib stands make access by livestock difficult, therefore this alliance is resistant to grazing effects. Comin^its: Salix boothii / Calamagrostis canadensis Shrubland Booth^s Willow / Bluejoint Shnibland Element Concept GRank& Reasons: G3G4Q (96-02-01). Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C 18 Classification Subset Report III. Shiiibland Element Distribution States/Provinces: CO:S2S3, ID:S3, MT:SR, NV:S?, UT:S2?, WY:S2? Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ices: Miitz and Gialiain 1982, Mutz and Queiioz 1983, Norton et al. 1981, Padgett et al. 1988, Tiihy aud Jensen 1982, Yoimgblood et al. 1985 SALIX GEYERIANA SEASONALLY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Geyei's Willow Seasonally Flooded Shnibland Alliance Alliance Concept Summairy: Communities witliin this temporaiily flooded, cold-decidiious shnibland alliauce occur from the footliills to higli elevations in the mountains of the western United States. Elevation rauges from 1320-2900 m. Landfonns include broad benches aud alluvial ten aces of sti'eams, springs, and seeps. Stands often develop on abandoned and sedimeut- fdled beaver pouds. Soils aie composed of deep, fme-textiued alluvium over subsiuface soils of vaiious textiues and origin. Surface textures aie silt to silty clay loam with mottling neai' the siuiace. Soils have a high water-holding edacity. Organic matter may accumulate on the surface. Tlie communities ai'e chaiacterized by a tall-shnib layer dominated by Sahx geyenana. Occasional codominants include Salix inonticola, Salix boothii, Salix lemmomi^ or Salix eriocephala. Some stands have shorter willows in the understoiy, including S^/zx wolfii ?a\^ Salix plant folia. Othei' shrub species include Lonicera utahensi^, Dasiphora fi-uticosa ssp. flonbunda {= Pentaphylloidesfuitico^^a)^ ^oidRibes spp. Calamagrostis canaden:^is, Calamagrostis stncta, Poa pahi^^tns, Deschampsia cae:^pitosa, Carex aquatihs, aaid Carex utnculata aie the dominant gram in o id species with 10-60% cover. Tlieforb layer is minor with 10-20% cover and includes Geum macrophyllum, Pyrola asanfoha. Galium tnfidum, and Epilobmm ciliatum. Populus tremuloides, Pinus contorta, and Pinn^ ponds rosa forests occm' on sunounding hillslopes. Environmmt: Communities witli in tliis alliance occur from the foothills to high elevations in the mountains of tlie western United States. Elevation ranges from 1320-2900 m. Landfonns include broad benches and aUuvial teiTaces of streams, springs, and seeps. Stands often develop on abandoned and sediment-filled beaver ponds. Soils are composed of deep, fme-textured alluvium over subsiuface soils of various testiues and origiiL Surface textures are silt to silly clay loam with mottling near the surface. Soils have ahigh WTiter-holding edacity. Organic matteiinay accumulate on tlie siuface. '^Populus tremuloides. Pinns contoita^ and Pinns ponderosa forests occur on sunounding hillslopes. Vegetation: Communities within this alliance aie classified as temporaiily flooded cold-deciduous shiiiblands. Tlie communities are chaiacterized by a tall-shnib layer dominated by Salix geyenana. Occasional codominants include Salix monticola, Salix boothii, Salix lemmonii or Salix eriocephala. Some stands have shorter willows in the understoiy, including Salix wolfii and Salix plani folia. Other shnib species include Lonicera utahensis, Da:^iphora fntticosa s^p. flonbunda (= Pentaphylloides fntticosa), and Ribes spp. Calamagrostis canadensis, Calamagrostis stricta, Poa palustris, Deschampsia cae:^pitosa, Carex aquatilis, and Carex utnculata are the dominant graminoid species \vitli 10- 60% cover. The forb layer is minor with 10-20% cover and includes Geum macrophyllum, Pyrola asanfoha, Galium tnfidum^ and Epilobmm ciliatum. Dyniunics: Chaiacteristics of the heiijaceous layer and soils suggest that many of the vegetation types within this alliance are stable (Youngblood et al. 1985). However, livestock grazing pressure will cause a decrease in the native graminoids (Hansen et al. 1995). Cominmts: Salix geyeriana / Carex utriculata Shrubland Geyer's Willow / Beaked Sedge SImibland Element Concept Summary: In Colorado, this riparian shnibland occurs often on wet soils, that aie satmated throughout much of the gro\ving season. Stands have a 1.5- to 2.5-m tall, neaily closed canopy tliat is dominated by the deciduous shnih Sahx geyenana witli a thick caipet of graminoids in the undei^rowth that is dominated by Carex utnculata. Infonnation on stands that occur outside Colorado will be added later. GRank& Reasons: G5 (96-02-01) Element Distribution States/Provinces: C0:S3, ID:S4, MT:S5, NV:SR, 0R:S2, UT:S2S3, WY:SR Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendiy. C 19 Classification Subset Report m. Shiiiblaiid Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ces: Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Kettler and McMullen 1996, Kittel audLederer 1993, Kittel et al. 1999, Mutz and Queiroz 1983, Padgett etal. 1989, Tuhy and Jensen 1982, Yoimgblood et al. 1985 SALIX PLANIFOLIA SEASONALLY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Planeleaf Willow Seasonally Flooded Shniblaiid Alliance Alliance Concept Suininaiy: Communities within the Salo: planifolia Seasonally Flooded Shnib land Alliance (A. 1008) aie common and abundant in tlie upper montane and subalpine zones (above 1525 m) throughout tlie western United States. They occur in wide, wet valleys on siiowmelt-fed swales. Tliey also occur in naiTow valleys with simious streams and \vet floodplains associated with beaver ponds. Snowmelt is the primary source of moisture duiing tlie growing season. Soils have an organic peat top layer over mineral silty clays, heavy silty clay loams, silty loams, sandy loams, or loamy sands. Mottling is often evident. Tlie water table at seveial stands is usually near the surface throughout the growing season and may be perched by a clay horizon. Still other stands occur on deep, dark clay loams with high organic content or a fibiic or hemic layei' on top. SoilpH levels aie acidic, ranging fiom 4.8-7.8. Salix plamfolia dominates the shrub layer witli at least 70% cover. Other willows can include Salix monticola. Salix wolfii, Salix boothii, Salix geyenana^ and Salix diitmmondiana. The undergrovWh is dominated by graminoids and can include Carex aquatihs. Carex utncidata, Calamagrostis canadensis y and Deschampsia caespitosa. Forb cover is typically less than 20% of the total undergiowth cover and may include Caltha leptosepala, Cardamine cordifolia, and Pediculans groenlandica. Adjacent ripaiian and wetland vegetation includes Carex aquatilis. Carex utnculata, or Calamag/vsts canadensis yvet meadows. Salix brachycarpa shnihlands occiu on highei' ground. At higher elevations, Abies lasiocarpa - Picea engelmannii or Pinus contoifa forests occiu' on adjacent hillsides. Environm^it: Communities witli in the Salix plamfolia Seasonally Flooded Slimb land Alliance (A. 1008) aie common and abundant in the upper montane and subalpine zones (above 1525 m) tliroughout tlie western United States. They occur in wide, wet valleys on snowmelt -fed swales. Tliey also occur in naixow valleys with sinuous streams and wet floodplains associated with beaver ponds. Snowmelt is the primaiy source of moistiu'e dining tlie growing season. Soils have an organic peat top layer over mineral silty clays, heavy silty clay loams, silty loams, sandy loams, or loamy sands. Mottling is often evident. Tlie water table at several stands is usually near the surface throughout the growing season and maybe perched by a clay horizon. Still othei' stands occur on deep, dark clay loams with high organic content or afibric or hemic layer on top (Kittel et al. 1999). Soil pH levels ai'e acidic, ranging from 4.8-7.8 (Komaikova 1986). '^Adjacent riparian and wetland vegetation includes Carex aqiiatilis, Carex ntnculata, or Calamagrostis canadensis wet meadows. Salix brachycarpa shniblands occur on higher ground. At higher elevations, Abies lasiocarpa - Picea engelmannii or Pimis contoita forests occur on adjacent hillsides. Vegetation: Communities within tliis alliance are chai'acterized as seasonally flooded, cold-deciduous shniblands. Salix planifolia dominates the shmb layer with at least 70% cover. Other willows can include Salix monticola. Salix wolfii, Salix boothii, Salix geyeriana, and Salix diummondiana. Tlie undeigrowth is dominated by giaminoids and can include Carex aquatilis, Carex utriculata, Calamagrostis canadensis, and Deschampsia caespitosa. Forb cover is typically less than 20% of the total undergrowth covei' and may include Caltha leptosepala, Cardamine cordifolia, and Pediculari:^ groenlandica. Dyniunics: Carex utriculata, Carex aquatilis, and Calamagrostis canadensis are dominant understory species of several Salix alliances. Tliese giaminoids indicate different micioenviionments within the Salix communities (Padgett et al. 1989) and may represent different stages of succession of thefloodjniain (Cooper 1986a). Carex utriculata. Carex aquatilis, and Calamagrostis canadensis sepaiate out along a moisture gradient related to the depth of the water table at a paiticular site. Carex utiiculata occurs on the wettest sites, such as low-lying swales, with tlie highest water tables. Carex aquatilis occurs on intermediate sites. Calamagrostis canadensis dominates the diiest sites with the lowest waiter tables and oHen colonizes clumps oiCarex utriculata and Carex aquatilis (Cooper 1986a). '^Floodplain aggradation, or build up, can result in a change in species composition over time. Late spring snowmelt and long peiiods of summer rain cause upper elevation stieams to oveiflow their banks. Sediments are deposited on the floodplain, raising the surface higher above tlie water table (Cooper 1986a). As aggiadation of tlie floodplain proceeds and the site becomes less saturated, the dominant graminoid understory can change from Carex utriculata to Carex aquatilis to Calamagrostis canadensis. Comm^its: Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 20 Classification Subset Repoit V.A. Perennial graininoid vegetation Salix (farriae, planifolia) / Carex utriculata Shrubland (Fair's Willow, Plaueleaf Willow) / Beaked Sedge Shnibland GRank& Reasons: G3 (00-05-03). States/Provinces: BC?, ID:S3, WA:S2? Element Concept Element Distribution Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer«ices: Kovalcliik 1993, Mutz and Qiieiroz 1983 Salix planifolia/ Carex aquatilis Shrubland Planeleaf Willow/ Aquatic Sedge Shmbland Element Concept Summaiy: lu Colorado, this low-statured willow shrubland occurs in wet to saturated soils above 2800 m. It is a common plant association of subalpine glacial valleys. Stands have a deciduous shrub canopy is dominated by 5*^//^: planifolia with and herbaceous layer dominated by Carex aquatilis. Salix planifolia occasionally mixes with Salix brachycarpa or Salix wolfii at higher elevations and grades into taller wdllow cans with Salix monticola at lower elevations. '^Infonnation on stands tliat occur outside Colorado will be added later. GRank& Reasons: G5 (96-02-01). Element Distribution States/Provinces: C0:S4, ID:S4, MT:S3, UT:S2S3, WY? Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ces: Baker 1989a, Cooper and Cottiell 1990, Hansen et al. 1988, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Hess 1981, Hess and Wasser 1982, Jensen and Tuhy 1981, Johnston 1987, Kittel and Lederer 1993, Kittel et al. 1994, Kittel et al. 1995, Kittel etal. 1996, Kittel et al. 1999, Komarfcova 1986, Lewis 1970, Mattson 1984, Mutz and Queii'oz 1983, Padgett et al. 1988, Padgett et al. 1989, Terwilliger et al. 1979 Medium -tall sod temperate or subpolar grassland PASCOPYRUM SMITHII HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Western Wheatgrass Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Summary: Tliis alliance is common and widespread in tlie Great Plains, especially the noithem portions, and parts of tlie Great Basin. Tlie communities in it range fiom diy or diy-mesic to wet-mesic. Mid grasses aie the dominant vegetation in most communities, although short grasses and sedges can be codominant. The vegetation tends to be denser wiiere tlie mid grasses ai'e predominant and more open wliere shorter gimiiinoids aie abundant (e.g., Hansen and Hoffman 1988, USPS 1992). Tlie mid grasses giow to 0.5-1.0 iii on favorable sites, wliile tlie short grasses and sedges aie less than 0.5 m tall (Weaver and Albertsou 1956). Tlie most abundant midgrass is Pascopymm smithii. Common associates include Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata), Nassella vi ndnla, Koelena macrantha, Schizachynum scopanum, Hesperostipa spaitea (= Stipa sparteaj, and Foa spp. In the drier commimities of tliis alliance Bonteloua gracilis is the most common sliortgrass. Other short graminoids typically found in the drier communities include Carex mops ssp. hehophiku Carex dnrmscnla (= Carex eleochans), Carex filifoha, ond Bouteloiia cnrtipendula (in the northern portion of this alliance's range), -4r/s^iiap^^p^re(3, ToidBuchloe dactyloides (in the southern half of this alliance's range). In the wetter communities within this alliance, Distichhs spicata. Hordeum jubatiim. Elymns trachycaulus^ and Iva annua aie common. Forbs and shrubs are generally minor components of communities within this alliance. If shrubs aie present they are rarely taller than 1 m. Some foiljs that ai'e usually scattered about are Ganra coccinea, Sphaeralcea coccinea, Amoipha canescens. Astragalus spp., and Tragopogon dnbius. Shnibs include Symphoricaipos occidentalis, Aitemisia cana, Aiiermsia fngida^ and Opnntia spp. '^Communities witliin this alliance occiu^ on several different soil types (Hanson and Whitman 1938, Johnston 1987, USPS 1992). The soil is most often Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 21 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial grain in o id vegetation cl^ or clay loain, howevei\ it can be loam or sandy loain. In tlie east and cential pait of this alliauce's range, these communities can be foimd ou flat or rolling uplands, hillslopes, or along stieams or depressions. In the western pait of tliis alliance's range, its communities ai'e found wliere local conditions ai'e wettei' than tlie average. "Hiis includes such areas as the base of slopes or along rivers or stieams (Weavei' and Albeitson 1956, Jones 1992). Environmmt: Giasslands included in this alliance occur across the Great Plains, on several diffeient soil types (Hanson and Whitman 1938, Johnston 1987, USPS 1992). Tlie soil is most often clay or clay loam, however it can be loam or sandy loam. In the eastern and cential pait of this alliance's I'ange, these communities can be found on flat or rolling uplands, hillslopes, or along stieams or depressions. In tlie western pait of this alliance's range, communities aie found \vliere local conditions ai'e wettei' than tlie average. Tliis includes such areas as the base of slopes or along riveis or sti^eams (Weaver and Albertson 1956, Jones 1992). Vegetation: Tliis alhance is common and \vide spread in the Great Plains, especially the northern portions, andpaits of tlie Great Basin. Tliese communities range fiom diy or diy-mesic to wet-mesic. Mid grasses aie the dominant vegetation in most communities, although short grasses and sedges can be codominant. Tlie vegetation tends to be denser wiiere the mid grasses are predominant and more open where shorter giam in o ids aie abundant (e.g., Hansen andHofhnan 1988, USPS 1992). The mid glasses grow to 0.5-1.0 m on favorable sites, while the short grasses and sedges are less than 0.5 m tall (Weaver and Albertson 1956). The most abundant midgiass is Pa^^copyntm smithii. Common associates include He^perostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Elymiis tmchycaulus. Nassella vindula, Koelena macrantha, Schizachynum scoparium, Hespei'o^tipa spa/tea (= Stipa spartea}^ and Poa spp. In the drier commimities of tliis alliance Boiiteloiia gracilis is the most common shortgrass. Other short graminoids typically found in the diier communities include Carex inops ssp. hehophila, Carex dunuscula {= Carex eleochans), Carex fdifoha, ond Boutehiia cnitipendula (in the north em portion of this alliance's range), -4r/s^c^ap^i^p^ire(3 ?aid Buchloe dactyloides (in the southern half of this alliance's range). In the \vetter communities within this alliance Distichhs spicata. Hordeum jubatiim, Elymus trachycaulus^ and Iva annua aie common. Forbs and shrubs aie generally minor components of commimities within this alliance. If shrubs aie present they are rarely taller than 1 m. Some forbs that are usually scattered about are Gaura coccinea, Sphaeralcea coccinea, Amorpha canescens. Astragalus spp., and Tragopogon dubius. Shrubs include Symphoncaipos occidentalism Aitemisia cana, Aifermsia fngida^ and Opuntia spp. Dynsunics: Pascopyntm smithii is rfiizomatous and is tolerant of moderate grazing. If severely over-grazed, Pascopyntm srmthii will decline and may be replaced by less desiiable wann season grasses and exotic species such as Poapratensis. Commmts: Pascopyntm smithii is a common constituent in many communities in the Gi'eat Plains. Its presence in so many communities can make it difficult to distinguish commimities witliin this alliance from other dry-mesic midgrass communities in otlier alliances. The dominance of Pascopymm smithii is typically agood diagnostic feature. Stands that have otlier species as codominants or even dominants may be difficult to classify. Tliese stands will most likely be similai'to stands within i\\t Bontelona gracilis YiQvh?[Cto\\% AWiTOVQt {AA2S2), Hesperostipa comata Bunch Herbaceous Alhance (A. 1270), Distichlis spicata - (Hordeum jubatum] Temp or aiily Flooded Heib ace ous Alliance (A. 1341), or Distichhs spicata Inteimittently Flooded Herbaceous Alliance (A. 1332). Associations in this alliance differ from those in ihe Hespero stipa comata - Bouteloua gracilis Y{.GTh?[C^o\\^ PA\i?aiQt (A. 1234) in having cover of Pascopymm smithii exceeding that of Hesperostipa comata. In some stands of this association, Distichlis spicata may dominate, but contribution of at least 25% of the canopy cover by Pascopyntm smithii is dii^nostic; stands witli <25% of the cover contributed by Pascopymm smithii belong to the Distichhs spicata alliance. In general a stand must have at least 25% cover of Pascopymm smithii to be included in this alhance. Pascopyrum smithii Herbaceous Vegetation Western Wheatgiass Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summaiy: Tliis midgiass prairie type is found in tlie noitlieni and western Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, and western basins of the United States and possibly Canada, Stands occur on level to gently sloping tenain. Tliey aie sometimes found on alluvial fans. The soils aie clay, clay loam, and silt loam. Tlie dominant mixedgrass species grow to ^proximately 1 m. Pascopyntm smithii mFty have as much as 50% coverage. Other glasses that co-occur and may achieve local dominance are Koelena macrantha and Poa spp. Many other species common in midgiass prairies ai^ also found in this community. These mdndt Aitemisia ludoviciana, Boiiteloua gracilis, Nassella vindula, mid Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Tliis community is similar to several others that have significant amounts of Pascopyntm smithii. Fiuthei' work needs to be done to better defuie the diagnostic chaiacteri sties of this community. Environmmt: This community occurs on flat to gently sloping topography. Soils are clay, clay loam, and silt loam. It is sometimes found on alluvial fans of small streams. Tlie soils aie deep (40-100 cm) and \ve 11- developed. Vegetation: This is a midgrass community. Slinibs aie raie. The dominant species grow to iqjproximately 1 m. Pascopyntm smithii is the only constant dominant species and may have 50% cover. Other species such as Koelena Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 22 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial graminoid vegetation fnacrantha and Poa spp. may be locally abundant. Many other species common in midgrass praiiies me also found in this community. These inclnde Aitemisia ludoviciana, Bouteloua gracilis, Nassella vwidula, and Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). GRank& Reasons: G3G5Q (96-02-01). Cominmts: Tliis community is similar to several others that aie dominated or codom'mated by Fascopynim smithii. As cunently defined, it represents a western Great Plains and foothills version of tlie western wiieatgrass types in the central Gieat Plains. Further work needs to be done to refuie the differences in composition and envii'onmental chai'acteristics. See recent descriptions by Thilenius et al. (1995, Pascopynun smithii sodgrass steppe, amoreplaya-like \\dieatgrass type) and by Steinauer and Rolfsineier (1997). In Nebraska^ Stemauei' and Rolfsmeier (1997) suggest that their stands may resemble Pascopymm smithii - Nassella vindnla Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001583). Element Distribution Range: This midgrass prairie type is found in tlie noitheni and western Great Plains, Rocky Mountains and western basins of the United States and possibly Canada, ranging fiom Noitli Dakota and possibly Saskatchewan, soutli to Nebraska and Colorado, west to Utali, andnoith to Idalio. States/Provinces: C0:S1?, ID:S1Q, MT:S4, NE:S?, SD:S?, SK:S?, UT:S3S5, WY:S4Q Element Sources Authors: Drake, J. R, WCS Refer^ices: Aldous andShantz 1924, Baker 1983 c, Bakei' and Kennedy 1985, Bunin 1985, Chiistensen and Welsh 1963, Godfread 1994, Hansen etal. 1991, MaiT and Buckner 1974, Ramaley 1916, Ramaley 1919, Ramaley 1942, Shanks 1977, Soil Conservation Service 1978, Tliilenius et al. 1995 Intermittently flooded temperate or subpolar grassland DISTICHLIS SPICATA INTERMITTENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Saltgrass Intemiittently Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: Tliis alliance occurs tluoughout much of tlie semi-aiid and aiid western U.S. in lowland sites such as playas, swales and teiiaces along washes tliat aie iutennitteutly flooded. Tlie flooding is usually the result of highly localized thimderstonns. Tlie unpredictable uatiue of the flooding is the key euviionmental factor sepaiating this alliance from siniilai' alliances \vith more predictable flooding regimes. Soils are deep, saline, alkaline and fuie-textmed. They generally have an impermeable layer and therefore ai'e poorly di'ained. Wheu tlie soil is dry, the suiface usually has salt accumulatious. Tliis intennittently flooded grassland of playas and ephemeral stieams has a spaise to dense heiiiaceous layer that is dominated by Distichhs spicata, sometimes occuiring in neaily pure stands. Tlie level of salinity in the soil may restrict associated species. Associated giaminoids may include Fuccinellia nuttalhana, Hordeum jubatum, Pascopymm smithii, Sporobolns airoides, Carex fill folia ^ aadJuncus balticus. Forb cover is generally low and may include Salicomia ntbra, Triglochin mantima, Suaeda calceohformis (= Suaeda depmssa), Hehanthus spp., mvdAster spp. Diagnostic of this alliance is the Distichhs spzca^ij- dominated herbaceous layer and the presence of surface Avater for brief peiiods at unpredictable times during the giowing season. Environmmt: Grasslands in this western alliance occur in lowland habitats such as playas, swales and terraces along washes that aie intennittently flooded. Tlie flooding is usually tlie result of highly localized tliunderstonns which can flood one basin and leave the nest diy. The unpredictable nature of the flooding is the key environmental factor sepaiating this alliance from similai^ alliances with more predictable flooding regimes. Climate is semi-arid to arid. Soil textme ranges from clay loam to sandy clay (Johnston 1987, Redmann 1972). These soils aie deep, saline and alkaline. They generally have an impeiineable layei' and theiefore aie poorly drained. When tlie soil is diy, the suiface usually has salt accumulations. Vegetation: Vegetation included in this alliance occurs in lowland sites throughout much of the semi-aiid and aiid western U.S. Tliis is an intennittently flooded grassland of playas and inteniiittent and ephemeral stieams. Cover is spai'se to dense and is dominated by Distichhs spicata, occurring in neai'ly pure stands. Stands have higher diversity and cover during wet yeai's and neai' boundaries \vith other vegetation types. Higher soil salinity favoi's Distichhs spicata over less salt-tolerant species. However, very high salinity will dwaif tlie Distichhs spicata and reduce covei\ Generally, vegetation height and cover, and species diveisily tend to vaiy inversely with salinity (Uiigai' 1967, Steinauer 1989). Associated species may be restiicted by the level of salinity in the soil. Tliose fiom higher soil salinity sites may include tlie graminoid Fuccinellia nuttalhana and the forbs Salicomia mbra, Triglochin mantima^ and Suaeda calceohformis (= Suaeda depressa). Species from lower salinity sites include the graminoids Hordeum jnbatum, Pascopyntm smithii, Sporobolus auoides. Carex fihfolia^ midJiincusbalticus, and die foihs Hehanthus spp. aiid-4s^er spp. (Ungar 1974). Forb cover is generally low. Slinibs are rare, but m^ include scattered -4 ^np/e.x canescens and Sarcobatus vefmiculatus. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C 23 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial grain in o id vegetation Dyiiiunic^: Tlie intennittent flooding regime combined with high evaporation rate in these diy climates causes acciimulatious of soluble salts in the soil. Total vegetation cover (density aud height), species composition, and soil salinity depend on the amount and timing of precipitation and flooding. Growtli- inhibiting salt concentrations are diluted vAwn the soil is saturated allowing the giowtli of less salt-tolerant species and more robust growth of Di^tichh^ spicata. As the satmnted soils diy, the salt concentiates until it precipitates on the soil surface (Dodd and Coupland 1966, Ungar 1968). Tliis osmotic stiess of growing in alkaline and saline soils is compensated by the accumulation of proline by some halophytic species including Distichhs :^picata. This aids tlie plants' water uptake by incieasing the osmotic potential of tlie plant (Shupe et al. 1986). Vegetation fonns zones at some saline sites, wliere species abundance is stratified by salt tolerance (Shupe et al. 1986, Ungai^ 1969). In playas, tlie soil salinity at field capacity generally increases from the edge to the center allowing for several different vegetation stands to co-occnr (Uiigai' 1967, 1969, 1970). Microtopography can also affect vegetation structure. Where soil accimiulates to foiin hummocks, less salt- and alkali-tolerant plants can occiu' (Uiigai' 1972, Johnson 1987). '^'Distichhs ^picata is rhizomatous and is tolerant of modeiate glazing and its roots resist tiampling. Although relatively unpalatable, it can provide valuable winter forage for livestock if needed. If giazed heavily, Distichhs spicata will decline and may be replaced by less desiiable wann-season grasses such as tumblegrass, Schedonna i-dus pamculatus {CosteWo 1944). Weeds are generally not a problem because few grow well in saline soils. Comin^its: The classification of vegetation in this alliance is difficult for two reasons. Fii'st, Distichhs spicata is a widespread halophytic grass species that dominates or codominates the herbaceous layer of stands classified into many different associations in several different alliances. Tliis results in many closely related associations in other alliances wiiere this giass is a diagnostic species. Secondly, most of tliese related alhances have an inteiinittent, temporaiy, seasonal or tidal flood regime. Tliese flood regimes sometimes sepaiate vegetation that othei"wise is veiy similar. For example, the flood regime that sepaiates this alliance from the Distichhs spicata - (Hordeum jubatum) Temporaiily Flooded Heiij ace ous AUiance (A. 1341) can be somewhat aiiiitrary in regions that have laige year-to-year vaiiatioQ in precipitation. DisTicHLis SPICATA Herbaceous Vegetation Saltgrass Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suminaiy: These aie seasonally and non-seasonally flooded inland saltgrass communities; forb diversity is low. Salinity is likely more important tliaii flooding. Includes all flooded conditions, (temporaiily, seasonally, and semipennanently) (in aiid western United States wliere precipitation is seasonally impr edict able and does not produce annual flooding, that is, intennittently flooded AND intennittently exposed, aie teiiiporaiily(?) included in this alliance). Gioundwater wicking to surface and tends to be saturated for long periods, lakeshores. Monolypic dominance is typical with minor species such as Jimciis balticus, Eleochaiis pahistiis, Hordeum jubatum. GRank& Reasons: G5 (96-02-01) Element Distribution States/Provinces: AZ:S3, CA:S3, C0:S3, ID:S4, MT:S4, NM:S4, NV:S?, 0R:S4, SK:S?, UT:S3S5, WA:S1?, WY:S3 Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ces: Baker 19S4a,Beatley 1976, Brotherson 1987, Bimin 1985, Costello and Turner 1944, Crouch 1961a, Daniels 1911, Daubenmiie 1970, Franklin andDyniess 1973, Graliam 1937, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Hyder et al. 1966, Jones and Walford 1995, Kittel and Lederer 1993, Kittel et al. 1994, Klipple and Costello 1960, Osboni 1974, Ralston 1969, Ramaley 1942, Rogers 1950a, Rogei^s 1953, Shanks 1977, Soil Conservation Sei-vice 1978, Steams-Roger Inc. 1978, Tuhy and Jensen 1982, Vestal 1914, Weaver and Albertson 1956 Seasonally flooded temperate or subpolar grassland CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Bluejoint Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Suininaiy: This alliance is found tliroughout tlie noitlieni states of the United States, excluding the Gieat Plains states. It is a wide-iiuiging alliance with much vai'iabilily in species composition and habitat. Stands of this alliauce have a dense graminoid cover, generally over 1 m tall, with either aflat ortussocky microtopogiaphy. Tall shnibsmay occupy Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C 24 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial graminoid vegetation as much as 25% cover. Calamagrostis canadensis is the chai'acteiistic dominant but cau be associated with Phalans aiundinacea or a variety of Carices. Othei' associates include, in the Northeast, shiiibs siich as Viburnum nudum, Alnus incana, or Alnus serndata. Vibumum dentahim. Spiraea alba^ and gram in o ids siich 9^ Agrostis gigantea {= Agrostis alba). In the Midwest, typical associates include several Carices, such as Caiex stncta, Carex rostrata^ or Carex lacHstris, and occasionally Poa palustns or Glycena grandis (Hairis et al. 1996). The groimd layer can be a heavy mat of glass stems and leaves, with patches of bare soil present in wetter locations. '^The habitat of this alhance is typically mineral soil or well-decomposed peat, usually held togetlier by a dense root mat. Stands aie found in floodplains of small streams, beaver me ado^vs, and lakeshores. The hydrology is typically seasonally flooded (Hairis et al. 1996). In the soutlieni Appalachians of Tennessee and Viiginia, this vegetation occurs in depression meadows and occasionally in beaver ponds. Environmmt: Tliis is aveiy wide-imiging alliance, found &om coast-to-coast of the contenuinoiis United States. Stands aie found in \vet meadows, basins, moist forest openings, broad glaciated valleys, floodplains of small streams, silted-in beaver ponds, on alluvial benches, teiraces, or point bais, and on lake- or pond-shores. If along stieams, they me typically small and low-gradient, and if found in depressions or meado^vs, slopes are flat to gentle. The elevation range is large, fiom neai' sea level in the eastern pait of its range to well over 3500 meters in the Rocky Mountains, \vii ere it occurs from mid-montane into lower alpine zones. '^Tlie hydi'ology is typically seasonally flooded (Hairis et al. 1996), witli spring flooding common. Soils commonly remain moist throughout tlie growing season. Pai'ent materials include CO arse -textured alluvium or sediments, or well-decomposed peat, usually held togetlier by a dense root mat. Soil textures range from clay loam to sands, and sometimes aie over siihhoiizons of coai'se fragment-rich buried streamheds (Crowe and Clansnitzer 1997, Hansen et al. 1995). There is usually an oi^anic siiiface horizon. Vegetation: This alliance is foimd throughout the noitheni states of tlie United States, excluding the Great Plains states. Stands of tliis alliance have a dense graminoid cover, generally over 1 m tall, with either aflat or tiissocky microtopography. Tall shiiibs may occupy as much as 25% cover. Calamagrostis canadensis is tlie chai'acteristic dominant, in some stands fomiing a neai' monoculture. It can also be associated with Phalans auindinacea or a variety oiCarex species. In the northeast of its range, other associates include shrubs such as Vibumum nudum, Alnus incana, or Alnus seriulata. Viburnum dentatum. Spiraea alba and gimninoids such as Agrostis gigantea (= Agrostis alba). In the Midwest, typical associates include seveial Carices, such as Carex stricta. Carex rostrata^ or Carex lacu:^tns, and occasionally Poa palustns or Glycena grandis (Hanis et al. 1996). The groimd layer can be a heavy mat of glass steins and leaves, \vitli patches of baie soil present in wetter locations. '^In the Rocky Mountains, this alliance is chaiacterized by a dense cover oi Calamagrostis canadensis. One or more of several Carex species can be present, including Carex aquatilis, Carex scopulonun^ or Carex utriculata. Other graminoids tliat may be abundant in some stands include Deschampsia caespitosa, Scupus microcaipus, Glyceria spp., Elymus glaucus, ond Poa spp. Forb cover is typically minor, but may include Cardamine cordifolia, Senecio triangularis, Epilobium Kpp.^ Achillea millefolium, Heracleum maximum (= Heracleum lanatum), Ligusticum spp. Aster spp.. Me iten:^ia ciliata, or Veronica spp. Woody species are uncommon, although species oiSalix, Lonicera involucrata, Rubus idaeus, or Comus :^encea may be present. Dyniunic^: Calamagrostis canadensis is an aggressive invader of recently burned sites. In the Rocky Mountains, Calamagrostis canadensis meado^vs iqjpeai' to be long-lived, mid-seral vegetation types. In Utah and Colorado, stands of this alliance often occur adjacent to Pinus conto rta- Aomm?Atd communities. When there is ti'ee moitality due to bait beetle infestations, tlie water table rises as aresult of less evapoti'anspiiation. Increased available soil moisture allows for the expansion oi Calamagrostis canadensis-douim?Atd communities at the meadow/forest ecotone (Padgett et al. 1989). Commmts: Wheie Calamagrostis occius in relatively pure stands or with avaiiety of forbs as codominants, stands can be assigned relatively confidently to this alliance. However, stands that ai'e codominated by Carex species may overly in composition with alliances such as V.A.5.N.k Carex stricta Seasonally Flooded Hei^haceous Alhance (A.1397) or V.A.5.N.k Carex lacustns Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alhance (A. 1367). These relationships reqiiii'e fiirtlier study, as does the veiy broad range of the alliance, wdiicli cuirently sti'etches fiom Califoniia to Maine. Calamagrostis canadensis Western Herbaceous Vegetation Bluejoint Western Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summaiy: This type occurswidely throughout mountainous aieas of the\vesteni United States and probably into Canada, In Colorado, tliese grasslands aie a relatively small, meado^v association that occui's in bioad glaciated valleys, openings in moist forests, silted-in beaver ponds, and nairow floodplains of louver montane canyons. It generally has few shrubs and fairly dense covei' of grasses dominated by Calamagrostis canadensis. '^Infoiination on stands outside of Colorado will be added later. Environmeat: Tliese grasslands are a relatively small, meadow association that occms in broad glaciated valleys, openings in moist forests, silted-in beavei' ponds, and narrow floodplains of lower montane canyons. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 25 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial grain in o id vegetation Vegetation: Tlie vegetation has few shiiibs and contains afaiily dense cover of grasses dominated by Calamagrostis canadensis. GRank& Reasons: G4 (00-04-26). Element Distribution Range: This type occui's widely throughout mountainous aieas of the western United States and probably into Canada States/Provinces: BC?, CA:S?, C0:S4, ID:S4, MT:S4, ND:S?, OR:S3S4, SD:S?, UT:S2S3, WA:S3S4, WY:S2 Element Sources Anthors: D. Faber-Langendoen, WCS Refer^ces: Cooper 1986a, Cooper and Cottiell 1990, Crowe and Clausnitzer 1997, Gysel 1960, Hansen et al. 1988, Hansen et al. 1991, Komaikova 1976, Kovalchik 1993, Mattson 1984, Mattson n.d, Mutel 1976, Mutel and Mair 1973, Mntz and Queiroz 1983, Padgett etal. 1989, Wilson 1969 CAREX (ROSTRATA, UTRICULATA) SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE (Swollen-beat Sedge, Beaked Sedge) Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Suininaiy: This alliance is found iu the upper midwesteni United States and most ^vesteni states as well as several Canadian provinces. Stands usually occur on \vet mineral soil, muck, or shallow peat (<0. 5 m). Standing water (generally stagnant) is present in the spring and after heavy rains, but the water table is generally Jieiowthe siiiface for most of the growing season. This pennits the breakdown of dead oi^anic matter and tlie release of nutrients. Where stands ai e found along stream courses or lake margins, water levels may be more constant relative to stands in depressions or basins. Tliis vegetation is dominated by tall wider-leaved sedges, with amixture of forbs. Typical dominants include Carex rostrata or Carex utncnlata (= Carsx rostrata var. utncidata), as well as Carex vesicana. Fuither study is needed to clarify the floristic characteristics of this alliance. Environmmt: Vegetation types witliin this alliance aie commonly wet meadow communities that occur ajound the edges of montane lakes and beaver ponds, along the maigins of slow-moving reaches of streams and rivers, and in maishy swales and oveiflo^v channels on broad floodplains throughout the ^vesteni United States. Elevations range from neai' sea level in California to 2900 m in Colorado. Occiurences ai'e either adjacent to lo^v-gradient streams in wide valley bottoms or associated with perennial seeps. The vegetation occurs in standing water or on sites tliat become relatively diy during the latter part of the growing season. Many sites are located in old beaver ponds tliat have filled with sediment. Tlie siiiface may occasionally be mounded. Mounds result from a build-up oiCarex spp. sod and downcutting of small chamiels by overland flow dining spring nmoff (Hansen et al. 1995). '^A wide range of soils aie associated with this alliance. Histosols ai'e most common and often have organic accumulations greater than 1 m thick. MoUisols and Entisols aie also associated witli this type. Soil texture vaiies widely fiom loamy clay to sandy loam. Mottling often occui^ within a fe^v centimetei's of the surface. Water tables aie typically at or above the soil siuface tliroughout tlie growing season. Soil reaction is slightly acid to neutral (pH 6.5-7.0). '^Communities aie often pait of a wetland mosaic, with Salix monticola, Sahx dnimmondiana, and Sahx geyenana shrublands. Communities also occur adjacent to and intergrade with Carex aqnatihs or Eleochaiis palustris meadowrs. Populus angustifoha and Picea pungens ripmiaa forests occur on adjacent stream tenaces in mnowGi vMeys. Abies lasiocarpa - Picea engelmanmi forests and Populns tremuloides woodlands occm' on adjacent hillslopes at highei' elevations; Pimis ponderosa and Populus tremidoides forests and Quercus gambelii shiiiblands occur at lower elevations (Kittel et al. 1999). Vegetation: Vegetation types within this alliance are classified as seasonally flooded temperate grasslands. Tlie vegetation is often chaiacteiized by neaiiy pure stands of Carex utncnlata (20-98%). Other Carex species present include Carex aquatihs, Carex vesicana, Carex lenticulans, Carex atherodes, and Carex microptera. Other giaminoid species present are Juncus balticns. Deschampsia caespitosa, Glycena striata^ and Calamagrostis canadensis. Forb covei' ranges from 0-40%. Species include Epilobmm ciliatum. Polygonum amphibium, Comaium palustre (= Potentilla palustris), aad Rammcuhis g/Tiehnii. The layer of feni alhes is typically dominated by e\\hev Eqmsetum fluviatile or Equisetnm aiyense with percent cover up to 80%. Willow carrs are often adjacent^ and a few scattered willows can occur witliin a Carex utncnlata stand, such xsSalix monticola, Salix cbummondiana, Salix geyenana, or Salix planifolia. Dyniunic^: Carex utncnlata vegetation types occur on the wettest sites of the riparian or wetland aiea, such as low- lying swales, and shallow mai'g ins of lakes and ponds, often in standing w^er. Tlie community is early serai and is known to invade maigins of newly foiined beavei' ponds, as well as the fieshly exposed silt beds of dmined beaver ponds (Padgett et al. 1989). With time, these types will grade into Carex aquatihs and Calamagrostis canadensis types. Calamagrostis canadensis dominates tlie diiest sites with tlie lowest water tables and colonizes diying stands of Carex utnculata aad Carex aquatihs {Cooper 1986a). '^Successional shifts in species composition is often initiated by a change Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 26 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial graminoid vegetation in the physical environment of the ripaiian ai'ea. Floodiug events result in sediments deposited on the floodplain, raising the surface higher above the water table (Cooper 1986a). As aggiadation, or build up, of the floodplain proceeds, tfie site becomes diier and the dominant giaminoid cover changes. '^Abandoned beavei' ponds also go through a similar succession. With time, ponds fill iu witli silt, and Carex utnculata establishes on the ue\v, saturated substrate. As the site becomes fum and raised above tlie old pond level, Carex aquatihs and Calamagrostis canadensis become established in the undergrowth. Depending on site chai'acteristics, vaiious willo^v species may become established in tlie overstoiy as well, creating tlie Salix monticola / Carex utnculata Shiubland {CEGL002657) ?aid\\it Sahx geyeriana / Calamagrostis canadensis Shnihland (CEGL001205), for example. '^Distance from tlie stieam channel can also differentiate the graminoid spatially witliin the ripaiian mosaic. Carex utnculata commonly occurs at the stream channel edge wiiere the Walter table is close to or at the siiiface. As the floodplain surface becomes higher with increased distance from the channel edge, the ground becomes slightly less saturated and shifts to mesic meadows of Carex aquatihs^ or on higher siufaces, to slightly diier meadows of Calamagrostis canadensis (Kittel et al. 1999). Commmts: Tliis alhance is cuixently found in two disjunct regions, the upper Midwest and the northwestern United States. Species nomenclature is a problem in this alliance. In Gleason and Cronquist (1991), Carex rostrata is circumboreal and only occurs in the U.S. in noitlieni Michigan and noithem Minnesota^ vdiereas Carex utnculata^ also circumboreal, extends southwTud to Delawaie, Indiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, and California. As such, Carex utnculata may be the only typical component of this aUiance in Midwest sedge meadows. However, Owubey and Morley (1991)refeiTed all material in Minnesota to Carex rostrata var. utnculata^ and Voss (1972) only recognized Carex rostrata in Michigan. Kartesz (1999) recognizes both Carex rostrata and Carex utnculata as distinct species. Until the distinction between tliese two species is more cleaiiy resolved they aie kept together in the same alliance. Carex utriculataHerbaceous Vegetation Beaked Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summary: In Colorado, these common wet meadows occur in montane and subalpine areas aroimd the edges of lakes and beaver ponds, along the mai'gins of slow-moving reaches of streams and rivers, and in maishy swales and oveiflow channels on broad Hoodplains. The water table is usually near the siiiface for most of the growing season. Stands have a medium -tall herbaceous layer that is dominated by Carex ntriculata. ■^Infonnation on stands occurring outside Colorado win be added latei\ GRank& Reasons: G5 (96-02-01). Element Distribution States/Provinces: AZ?, CA:S4, C0:S4, ID:S4, MT:S5, NM:S3, NV:S?, 0R:S4, UT:S3S4, WA:S3S4, WY:S3 Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ices: Andrews 1983, Baker 1983a, Benedict 1983, Franklin and Dymess 1973, Hansen et al. 1987a, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen etal. 1995, Hess and Wasser 1982, Ken and Hendeison 1979, Kettler and McMullen 1996, Kittel and Lederer 1993, Kittel etal. 1994, Kittel et al. 1995, Kittel et al. 1996, Kovalchik 1987, Kovalchik 1993,Looman 1982, Mattson 1984, Mutel 1973, Mutel 1976, Mutel and Marr 1973, Miitz and Gialiam 1982, Mutz and Qiieii'oz 1983, Nachlinger 1985, Norton etal. 1981, Padgett 1982, Padgett et al. 1988, Padgett et al. 1989, Ramaley 1919a, Ranialey and Robbins 1909, Schlatterer 1972, Seyer 1979, Tuhy 1981, Tuhy and Jensen 1982, Yoiingblood et al. 1985, Yoimgbloodetal. 1985b CAREX BUXBAUMII SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE BrownBog Sedge Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Summairy: Vegetation types within these seasonally flooded, temperate or subpolai' grasslands ai'e found in peat bogs, maishes, and wet meadows fiom neai' sea level in tlie Pacific Noitliwest to moderately high (3200 m) elevations in tlie Rocky Mountains. Types occur in moderately broad valley bottoms in wet meadows or fens. Soils aie mineral with accumulations of well-decomposed organic matter thioughout tlie upper soil horizon. Wet stands may have accumulations of organic matter 20-35 cm thick overlying clayey mineral soils, resulting in a perched water table. Occuixences aie widespread but uncommon. Vegetation types within this alliance are dominated by Carex buxbaumii with greater than 25% cover in the giaminoid stratum. Carex aquatihs, Carex saxatilis, and Carex utnculata aie present and occasionally codominant. Deschampsia caespitosa, Caltha leptosepala, Fedicularis groenlandica, and Ligusticum tenuifolium are among tlie common associates typically present in minor cover. Adjacent wetlands are often dominated Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 27 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial grain in o id vegetation by sedges such as Carex utriculata and Carex aquatihs. Adjacent upland commimities are Pinu:^ contorta or Picea engelmannii forests. Environm^it: Vegetation types Avithin this alliance are found in peat bogs, mai'slies, and wet meadows from near sea level in the Pacific Northwest to moderately high (3200 m) elevations in the Rocky Mountains. Occuirences aie widespread but imcommou. Types occur in moderately broad valley bottoms iu wet meado^vs or fens. Soils aie mineral \vitli accumulations of \vell-decomposed organic matter tliroughout tlie upper soil liorizou. Wet stands may have accumulations of organic matter 20-35 cm thick overlying clayey mineral soils, resulting in a perched \vater table (Mattson 1984). Adjacent wetlands ai'e often dominated by sedges such as Carex utriculata and Carex aquatihs. Adjacent upland commimities aie Pinus contorta or Picea engelmannii forests. Vegetation: Vegetation types witliin this alliance are classified as seasonally flooded, temperate or subpolar giasslands. Vegetation types aie dominated by Carex biixbaumii with gieater than 25% cover in the graminoid stratum. Carex aquatilis, Carex saxatilis^ and Carex utriculata are present and occasionally codominant. Deschampsia caespitosa. Caltha leptosepala. Pediculans groenlandica, and Ligusticum tenuifolium are among the common associates typically present in minor cover (Padgett et al. 1989). Dyniunics: Comm^its: Carex buxbaumii Herbaceous Vegetation Brown Bog Sedge Heiijaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summaiy: Tli is vegetation has been found in fens and wet meadows in tlie mountains of Utali, Idaho, Montana, and western Wyoming at elevations 1700-3200 m. Sites aie flat and range fi'om moderately broad valley bottoms to forest openings. Size of wetland is dependent on the presence of peiinanently saturated soils and it often occui's along streams and in the wettest portion of the wetland complex. Soils aie mineral from alluvium with accumulations of w^ell- decomposed organic matter thioughout the upper soil horizon (20-50 cm deep). ■^Stands have a dense perennial graminoid layer characterized by 25% or more cover of Gsrex buxbaumii. Carex aquatilis, Carex saxatilis 2Aid Carex utnculata aie usually present and occasionally codominant. Other common species include Deschafr/p^ia caespitosa, Caltha leptosepala, Pediculans gi-oenlandica, and Ligusticum tenuifolium. Occasional shnibs such as Salix planifolia (= Salix phylicifolia), Vaccimum uliginosum (= Vaccimum occidentale)^ and Dasiphora fniticosa ssp. floribunda (= Pentaphylloides floiibunda) may be scattered in the stand. Adjacent are often dominated by sedges such as Carex utnculata and Carex aquatilis. This vegetation is sepaiated from adjacent wetlands by the dominance or codominance of Carex buxbaumii. GRiuik & Reasons: G3 (00-01-03). Tliis natiually rare \vetland vegetation is found in mountains of Utah, Idalio, Montana, and western Wyoming. Although it occurs over relatively wide range, stands are uncommon. Stands typically occur on valley bottoms were the water table is at or neaithe suiface. Soil have a smface organic layer and aie saturated seasonally. Habitats aie similai' to those of the more common Carex aquatilis \vetland. These w^etlands aie thieatened by presence of invasive non-native plants, and human activity wliich results in alterations of natmiil wetland processes, such as diversions, pumping ground water, roads, and cleai' cutting. Soils are usually too wet for livestock, but alteration of hydiology causing dewatering may result in increased cattle use and invasion of introduces forage species fi'om pastures. Element Distribution Range: Tliis w^etland is found in mountains of Utah, Idaho, Montana, and western Wyoming. Occunences have a relatively broad range, but are uncommon. Carex buxbaumii is a ciicumboreal species and this association possibly occurs in other western states and Canada States/Provinces: ID:S1, MT:S3, UT:S2?, WY:S2? Element Sources Authors: K.A Schiilz, WCS Refer^ces: Hansen et al. 19SS, Mattson 1984, Moseley et al. 1991, Moseley et al. 1994, Padgett et al. 1989, Pierce 1986, Pierce and Johnson 1986, Tiihy 1981 CAREX PELLITA SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Woolly Sedge Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: Vegetation types within this seasonally flooded giassland alliance occur in wet meadows, basins, and sometimes shallow standing w^er. They are found from the plains (<300 m) and lowlands {1050 m) to moder^e (2700 Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 28 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial graminoid vegetation m) elevations in tlie mountains in low-gradient, troiigh-sh^ed, moderately \vide valleys with gentle to moderately steep sideslopes. Stands occur in depressions and swales at the saturated edge of stieam channels or in standing water. Sites are poorly diained, often flooded during spiing ninoff, and water levels noiinally remain in the rooting zone thioughout tlie growing season. Soils are variable, but most commonly mineral with lai'ge amounts of organic matter or, more rarely, witli thick accumulations of paitially decomposed sedges. Streambanks have alluvial soils composed of sand, silt, and clay deposits. This alliance is often chai'acterized by aneaily monotypic cover of 40-90% Carexpelhta (= Carex lanuginosa). Otlier graminoid cover is minor, but includes Carex microptera, Phalans anindinacea, Calamagrostis striata, Carex nebrascensis. Juncus balticus. Scii'pus microcai-pus, Schoenoplectus acutus (= Scupus acutiis) , and Schoenoplectus pungens (= Scupus piingens). Scattered forbs include Geum macrophyllum. Mentha ajyensis, Fninella vulgaris, and Potentilla gracilis. Environm^it: Vegetation types within this alliance occur in wet meadows, basins, and sometimes shallow water. They aie found from tlie plains (<300 m) and lowlands (1050 m) to moderate (2700 m) elevations in tlie mountains in low- gradient (1-2% slope), trough-sh^ed, moderately wide valleys with gentle to moderately steep sideslopes. Stands occur in depressions and swales at the saturated edge of stream channels or in standing ^vater. Soils ai'e vaiiable, but most commonly mineral with laige amounts of organic mattei' or more rarely, witli thick accumulations of paitially decomposed sedges. Stands are poorly diained, and water may peisist on the soil surface thiough the summer. Stieambanks have alluvial soils composed of sand, silt, and clay deposits. These stands aie often flooded diuing spring ninoff, and \vater levels normally remain in the rooting zone thioughout tlie grooving season (Hansen et al. 1988a). Mottling often occui's throughout the profile. '^Adjacent vegetation along foothill stieams includes Salix amygdala ides, Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa (= Popnlus trichocarpa) , and Popidus angustifolia woodlands. Popuhis deltoides woodlands occur along streams on the eastern Great Plains. Adjacent communities at higher elevations aie typically Aitemisia spp. shniblands or Pinus contoita forests. Vegetation: Tli is grassland alliance is chai'acterized by aneaily monotypic stand of 40-90% cover of Carexpelhta (= Carex lanuginosa). Other graminoid cover is minor (0-20%), but includes Carex microptera, Phalans anindinacea, Calamagrostis stricta, Carex nebrascensis, Juncus balticus, Scirpns microcarpus, Schoenoplectus acutiis (= Scirpus acutus)^ and Schoenoplectus pungens (= Scirpus pungens). Scattered forbs include 0-40% cover of Geum macrophyllum, Mentha aiyensis, Fninella vulgaris, and Potentilla gracilis. In the plains, the most abundant species are Calamagrostis stricta, Carexpelhta, Carex saitwellii. Anemone canadensis, Apocynum cannabinum, Symphyotnchum lanceolatum (= Aster lanceolatus), Eleochans compressa, Juncus balticus, Phalans anindinacea. Polygonum amphibium, and Schoenoplectus amencanus (= Scirpus amencanus). Carex buxbaumii can be common (Nelson et al. 1981, Dix and Smeins 1967). Dyniunics: The Carexpelhta plant association appears to be a faiiiy stable community due to tlie dominant species' rfiizomatous roots (Padgett et al. 1989). In Montana, the Carex pellita plant association can include communities dominated by Carex lasiocarpa. With season-long grazing, Carexpelhta decreases in abundance, shifting dominance towaids Poa pratensis. hi Colorado, stands of Carex pellita that occur on streambanks \vith a consistent water table deptli and heavy, cohesive clay soils, iqjpeai' stable as long as tlie water table remains constant. Cominmts: Carex pellita Herbaceous Vegetation Woolly Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suininaiy: This plant association occurs along stream channels, and in depressions and swales along floodplains at low to moderate elevations in the western U.S. from Washington to Montana south to Oregon, Utali, and Colorado. It also has been reported from British Columbia, Canada. Tliese ^vetlands foim small to medium-sized meadows. Carex pellita (= Carex lanuginosa), a distinctive wetland-indicator species, cleaily dominates stands witli 30-80% cover. Low species diversity, with few associates having high constancy, is chaiact eristic. Deschampsia caespitosa, Carex microptera, Carex nebrascensis, Carex simulata, Carex praegracilis, Elymus glaucus, Juncus balticus, Schoenoplectus pungens (= Scirpus pungens}, Equisetum aivense, and Equisetum hyemale aie sometimes present with low cover. On the eastern plains of Colorado, it can occur under a canopy of cottonwood trees, forming Populus deltoides / Carex pellita Woodland (CEGL002649). GRmik & Reasons: G3 (00-10-17). Tliis association has been documented in small stands thioughout much of the western United States and Canada High-quality stands are uncommon due to improper grazing by livestock, hydrologic alterations, and ground-disturbing activities. Tlie diagnostic species in this association is veiy palatable to livestock \viien young. Stands may be diy at the surface as eaily as July allowing season-long livestock utilization. Overuse by livestock can result in intioduction of non-native species such as Poa pratensis and Tara.xacum officinale or an increase in less palatable species such as Carex nebrascensis ?a\d Juncus balticus. Overuse by livestock can also result in stream downcutting that may permanently change the site potential from a wet to adiy meadow. Plialaris anindinacea, an Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 29 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial grain in o id vegetation additional non-native species, may become established diie to alteration of hydrology or sediment inputs. Meadows that support stands of Carex pelhta are often used for hay pasture and may be diained, ditched and flood irrigated, or seeded witli pastme grasses to increase hay production. Comin^its: This plant association has been described in recent classifications tlnoughout its range (Kovalcliik 1987, Padgett etal. 1989, Evenden 1990, Crowe and Claiisnitzer 1997, Manning and Padgett 1995, Kittel et al. 1999). Hansen et al. (1995) included all combinations of Carex pelhta (= Carex lanuginosa). Carex lasiocafpa^ and Carex biixbaumii in the Carex lasiocarpa habitat type. There may be some similaiities between sites supporting Carex pellita, Carex lasioca/pa, and Carex biixbaiimii plant associations. Ho^vever, Carex pelhta stands typically occur on mineral soils in seasonally saturated floodplains along nui off-dominated stream channels or headwater basins, wliile Carex lasiocarpa and Carex biabaumii occur on organic soils in association witli semipeiinanently saturated spring-fed or groimdwater- driven wetlands. From a biodiversity conseivation standpoint, the tlnee associations should be recognized as distinct types. Identification of this association is comphcated wlien shrubs aie present and^viien Carex pelhta is not cleaily dominant. Element Distribution Range: Tliis plant association is a minor type in Colorado, Utali, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia, Canada, Carex pellita is a common sedge that occurs throughout the northern and \vesteni United States. It is likely that this or a closely related association occms in Wyoming, California, and New Mexico. States/Provinces: BC:S2Q, C0:S3, ID:S2,MT?, OR:S5Q, UT:S2S3, WA:S1Q Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ces: Crowe and Claiisnitzer 1997, Evenden 1990, Hansen et al. 1987a, Hansen et al. 1995,Kittel et al. 1995, Kittelet al. 1999, Kovalchik 1987, Manning and Padgett 1995, Padgett et al. 19S8, Padgett et al. 1989 ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Common Spikesedge Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: This herbaceous wetland alliance occurs in shallow, mostly still water tlnoughout tlie miicli of the \vesteni United States and central Gi'eat Plains, from sea level to alpine. Stands occur on avaiiety of landfrjims including lake mai'gins, stream ten aces, floodplains, gravel bai^s, and wet basins (cienegas). Sites are flat to gently sloping on any aspect. Soils and paient materials aie variable, but often highly organic and derived from alluvium. Suiface water is typically present for an extended period during the growing season, and the high water table remains high most of the year. The vegetation is chai'acterized by a spaise to dense herbaceous layer that is dominated or codominated by Eleochans palustriSy a facultative ^vetland species. Because of the vaiiety of habitats \viiere this alliance occms, associated species are diveise. Characteristic associates include several species of Carex, Juncus, mid Scupus, most notably Carex praegracihs Mid Juncus balticus. Other important giaminoids are Phalans antndinacea (= Phalaroides ai-undinacea), Spaitina pectinata, Pamcum virgatum, Deschampsia caespitosa, Distichhs spicata, aad Muhlenbergia aspenfoha. Forb cover is also variable, and may include Sparganmm angustfolium, Lemna spp., Potamogeton spp., Beiiila erecta, Rorippa nastuitmm-aquaticum, Pedicularis groenlandica, Rhodiola integrifolia. Caltha lepto:^epala, Mentha aj-vensis, Rnmex crispus, Ins missouriensiSy and Ranunculus cymbalana. Diagnostic of this herbaceous wetland alliance is the dominance or codominance of Eleochans palustris and the presence of suiface water for extended periods during the giowing season. Environmmt: Plant associations included in this alliance are conspicuous, common emeigent associations that occur in shallow, mostly still \vater thioughout the western United States. Elevation ranges from sea level in California to 3050 m in Colorado. Stands occur on a variety of landfoiins including lake maigins, stieam teixaces, floodplains, giavel bais, and wet basins (cienegas). Stands occur on sites that ai'e flat, 1% slope with all aspects (Crowe and Clausnitzer 1997). Soils vaiy from Histosols to Entisols. High -elevation stands consistently occur on organic {highly s^ric) soils, or on a thick organic horizon that overlays flue to coarse alluvial material. Lower elevation stands occur on fresh alluvial deposits of fme-textiued loamy sands, clays, and sandy clays (Kittel et al. 1999). Soil reaction is often alkaline {Hansen et al. 1988). All sites ai'e saturated tlnoughout much of tlie grooving season. Oregon stands ai'e located on soils derived fiom volcanic (andesite, basalt) or sedimentaiy paient materials (Crowe and Clausnitzer 1997). '^At higher elevation, Carex aquatilis or Carex utriculata meadows and Salix wolfii or Salix plamfoha shnib lands occnr within the ripai'ian mosaic. At lower elevation, Schoenoplectus pungens (= Sciipus pungens) often occurs ^vitliin the stream chamiel wliile wet meadow praii'ies of Pamcum virgatum and Soighastntm nutans occupy the immediate stieambanks and low floodplains. Vegetiition: Plant associations \vithin this alliance aie classified as seasonally flooded, temperate or subpolar grasslands. Eleochans palustris^ a facultative wetland species, dominates the giaminoid stratimi. Cover ranges from spaise to quite dense (10-80%). Eleochans palustris plant associations occm' within a wide elevational range, and the Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C 30 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial graminoid vegetation species composition can be quite variable. In the Gireat Plains stands, co-occun'ing species often include Phalans aiundinacea (= Phalaroides aiundinacea), Juncus balticus, Carex praegracihs, Schoenoplectus pungens (= Scirpus pungens), Fanicum virgatum, Carex pelhta (= Carex lanuginosa}, Spartina pectinata, and Schoenoplectus ameiicanus (= Scupus americanus). Forb covei' can also include Spargamum angustfolium, Lemna spp., and Potamogeton spp. (Kittel et al. 1999). Distichhs spicata and Muhlen be rgia aspenfoha codominate the graminoid layer in the cienegas (Arizona and New Mexico). Forb cover is composed of Benda erecta and Ronppa nastu}tium-aquaticum^ especially in stands with deep water (Cross 1991). '^At higher, montane elevations other graminoids present include Carex aquatihs, Carex ntnculata, Carex biixbaumii. Eleochans rostellata^ and Deschampsia caespitosa. Forb cover is typically low, but can be up to 25% in some stands. Common forb species include Pediculari:^ groenlandica, Rhodiola integrifolia, and Caltha leptosepala (Hansen et al. 1995, Kittel et al. 1999). '^Crowe and Clausnitzer (1997) state that Eleochans palustri^ is an aggressive species, typically excluding otlier species fiom estahhshing. In tlie Oregon stands, associated forbs mclndG Mentha a/yensis, Rumex crispus. Ins missounensis^ and Ranunculus cymbalana. Dyniunics: At lower elevations Eleochans palnstns plant associations occur well within the active channel and ai'e inundated annually. Tliese eai'ly serai communities colonize backwater eddies and shallow edges of slow moving reaches of small and largei' rivers. Tlie stands aie probably ephemeial, as the eddies and river edges are scoured out each yeai' during high spring flows (Kittel et al. 1999). Tliese communities have also been described as eaily serai stages by Padgett et al. (1989). Padgett et al. (1989) describe light colored soils for the sites, indicating an eai'ly phase of soil development. Kovalchik (1987) reports that the lower elevation plant associations within this alliance fiequently fonn serai communities in ponded sites between stream rehabilitation stnictures such as loose rock check dams, ■^hi the montane zone, associations ^vithin this alliance occur in ponded sites on faster moving stieams. If siltation occui's, sites may become dominated by Carex ntnculata. At higher elevations, tlie associations ^pear to be stable. Stands occur neai' seeps on soils with deep organic layers, often sapric, and aie saturated throughout the growing season. ■^Crow^e and Clausnitzer (1997) state \h?A Eleochans palnstns is of little to no forage value to livestock and wild imgiilates. On seasonally drier sites, imgiilate trampling may cause this species to increase (Snyder 1992 as cited in Crowe and Clausnitzer 1997). However, this species does provide seed forage and covei' to ducks and geese (Kovalchik 1987). Comm^its: Eleocharis palustris Herbaceous Vegetation Common Spikenisli Heibaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summaiy: Tliis spikenish wet meadow commimity is found in the central Great Plains of the United States and Canada and in the western United States. Stands occur in small depressions in intermittent stieam beds or depression pond that flood early in tlie season and diy out by summer. Stands aie dominated by submersed and emergent rooted vegetation under 1 m tall. Li noiHiwe^Grai^ehra^ka^ Eleocharis acicidaris aad Eleochans palnstns commonly cover the bottoms of tlie pools and emerge above the \vater as the pools diy out. Ephemeral submeised aquatics, such as CaUitriche palnstns (= Callitnche vernaj, Potamogeton diversifohus vavdMarsilea ves^fij,may be present. As the pools diy out in mid simimer, ephemeral annual forbs, such as Limosella aquatica and Plagiobothiys sconlen, may qjpeai\ By late summer Amaranthns californicus and Gnaphalinm palnstre may dominate in the lowest paits of the depression. In southwestern South Dakota, vegetation is composed of neaily homogeneous stands of Eleochans palustns. Other emeigents, such as Polygonum amphibium, Marsdea vestita^ and Eleocharis ovata are occasionally found. Herbaceous cover is greater than 75%^ except in areas of deeper open water wiiere floating and submerged aquatic plants occur, including Bacopa rotiindifoha and Heteranthera limosa. Environm^it: In northwest Nebraska and soutliwest Soutli Dakota, this community occui^ in small depressions in inteiinittent stieam beds and depression ponds that flood eaily in the season and diy out by summer. Soils aie silty clay foimed from weathered siltstone and shale (Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 1997). In southwestern South Dakota, the type occupies depression ponds in prairies (H. Maniott pers. comni. 1999). Vegetation: In northwestern Nebraska, stands aie dominated by submersed and emergent rooted vegetation imder 1 m tall. Eleochans aciculans and Eleochans pahistns commonly cover the bottoms of the pools andemei^e above the ^vatei' as the pools dry out. Ephemeral submersed aquatics, such as Callitnche palnstns {= Callitnche verna), Potamogeton diversifohus and Marsilea vestita, may be present. As the pools dry out in mid-summer, ephemeral annual forbs, such as Limosella aqnatica and Plagiobothiys sconlen, may ^peai. By late ^\ui\n&x Amaranthns californicus and Gnaphalium palustre may dominate in the lowest parts of the depression (Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 1997). In soutliwest em South Dakota, vegetation is composed of neai'ly homogeneous stands of Eleochans palnstns. Other emergents, such as Polygonnm amphibinm, Marsilea vestita, aad Eleocharis ovata aie occasionally found. Herbaceous covei' is gieater than 75% except in areas of deepei' open water wdiere floating and submerged aquatic plants occur, 'mclndmg Bacopa rotnndifolia ?ind Heteranthera limosa (H Maniott pers. comm. 1999). GRank& Reasons: G5 (96-02-01). Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 31 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial grain in o id vegetation Element Distribution Range: Tliis spikenish wet meadow community is found iu the centi'al Great Plains of the United States and Canada, and in the western United States, ranging from South Dakota noitliwestwaid to Montana and Saskatchew^ui, west to Wasliingtou, south to possibly California and east to Nevada. States/Provinces: CA?, CO:S4, ID:S3, MT:S5, NE:S?, NV:SR, 0R:S5, SD:S?, SK:S?, UT:S3?, WA:S?, WY:S3 Element Sources Authors: D. Faber-Langendoen, WCS Refer^ces: Baker 1983c, Baker and Kennedy 1985, Brothei^son and Barnes 1984, Buniu 19S5, Ellis et al. 1979, Flowers 1962, Hausen et al. 1987a, Hansen et al. 1991, Kettler and McMiilleu 1996, Kittel and Lederer 1993, Kittel et al. 1994, Kovalchik 1987, Kovalchik 1993, Mutel 1973, Mutel and Mair 1973, Padgett et al. 1988, Padgett et al. 1989, Ramaley 1919a, Ramaley 1942, Steams-Roger Inc. 1978, Steinauei' and Rolfsmeier 1997, Ste\vart 1940, Youngblood et al. 1985 Semipermanently flooded temperate or subpolar grassland SCHOENOPLECTUS ACUTUS - (SCHOENOPLECTUS TABERNAEMONTANI) SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Haidstem Biilnish - (Softstem Bulnish) Semipennanently Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Summary: This alliance is found in the midwestem and western United States and central Canada, Vegetation is characterized by medium to tall graininoids \vliich typically range fiom 1 to over 2 m (Weaver 1960). Tlie vegetation is moderately dense to dense. Some stands are heavily dominated by one or two Scupus species \\liile othei^have seveial graminoids common throughout the stand. The most abundant species are typically Schoenoplectus acutus (= Scirpus acutti^), Schoenoplectus fluviatilis (= Scupus fluviatilis), and Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (= Scupus tabemaemontam). Species composition and abundance can vary from year to year depending mostly on WTitei' level fluctuations. In mostyeais, typical species include Lemna spp., Phragmites australis, Schoenoplectus amencanus (= Scirpus amencanus) (in alkaline stands), Tnglochin mantima (in alkaline stands), Typha latifolia^ and Utncidana fTiacrorhiza. Potamogeton spp. often occur in the deeper parts of stands of this alhance and wdiere emeigent species aie not densely packed. Shrubs, such as Salix spp., aie not common but may become established in shallow water areas. During dioughts, species more tolerant of low water, such as Polygonum amphibium, may invade and alter the species composition of stands of this alliance. ■^Stands of tliis alliance are flooded for most or all of the growing season. Stands can have water fiom (exposed soil) to qjproximately 1.5 m deep, but usually aie less than 1 m (Tolstead 1942, Steinauer 1989). Within a stand, water levels can vaiy by up to 1 m during the yeai' (Tolstead 1942). Tlie WBter can be fiesh to mildly saline throughout most of this alliance's range (Stewait and Kantnid 1971), howevei, in tlie Nebraska Sandliills some stands occm' in moderately alkaline water (Steinauer 1989). Across the range of tliis alliance, soils aie deep, poorly diained, muck, peat» or mineral. Environmmt: Tliis relatively ^videspread alliance occurs on pond and lake mai'gins, and in backwater aieas. It also occupies basins wliere tlie water table may remain relatively high, but can diop belo^vthe soil suiface late in the growing season. Elevations I'ange from sea level in coastal aieas to 2025 m in Montana. Stands of this alliance ai'e flooded for most or all of the glowing season. Stands can have water fiom {exposed soil) to qjproximately 1.5 m deep, but usually aie less than 1 iii (Tolstead 1942, Steinauer 1989). Within a stand, water levels can vaiy by up to 1 m during the year (Tolstead 1942). Tlie water can be fresh to mildly saline throughout most of this alliance's range (Stewait and Kantiiid 1971), however, in tlie Nebraska Sandhills some stands occur in moderately alkaline \vater (Steinauer 1989). Across the range of this alliance, soils aie deep, poorly di'ained muck, peat, or mineral. Adjacent wetter sites are typically dominated by Typha latijblia, wliile drier sites support herbaceous communities dominated by Carex spp., Poa pratensis or other grasses. Vegetation: Tliis alliance is foimd in the midwestem and^vesteni United States and central Canada Vegetation is chaiacteiized by medium to tall graminoids which typically range fi'oiii 1 to over 2 m (Weaver 1960). Tlie vegetation is moderately dense to dense. Some stands ai'e heavily dominated by one or two Sciipus species \viiile othei^have several graminoids common tliroughout the stand. The most abundant species are typicFiily Schoenoplecttis acutus (= Scirpus acutiis), Sclwenoplectus fluviatilis (= Scirpus fluviatilis)^ and Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (= Sciipus tabernaemontani}. Species composition and abundance can vary from year-to-yeai' depending mostly on water level fluctuations. In mostyeais, typical species include Lemna spp., Phragmites australis, Schoenoplectus arnericanus (= Scirpus amencanus) (in alkaline stands), Tnglochin maritima (in alkaline stands), Typha latifolia^ and Utncidana Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 AppendiJi C 32 Classification Subset Repoit V.A. Perennial graininoid vegetation fnacrorhiza. Potamogeton spp. often occur in the deeper parts of stands of this alhance and vdiere emeigent species aie not densely packed. Shrubs, such as Salix spp., ai'e not common, but may become established in shallow \vater areas. During dioughts, species more tolerant of low water, such as Polygonum amphibium, may invade and alter the species composition of stands of this alliance. Dyniunics: Schoenoplectns acutns and Schoenoplectu^ tabernaemontam are eaily colonizeis of suitable habitats (Hansen et al. 1995), and are able to persist under wet conditions. Schoenoplectns spp. stands aie generally considered permanent wetland communities. Tliey W\\\ remain in place unless the hydiologic regime is severely altered. If ^vater levels have fallen, stands of this alliance can hiiiii in either late fall or eaily spring. Stands oi Schoenoplectns aie important to wildlife species, especially bii'ds, by providing cover and nesting habitat. Comin^its: SCHOENOPLECTUS ACUTUS HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Hai'dstem Buliiish Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept GRank& Reasons: G5 (96-02-01). Element Distribution States/Provinces: CA:S3?,ID:S4, MT:S5,NV?, 0R:S4, WA:S4 Element Sources Authors: WCS Refer^ces: Dethier 1990, Evans 1989a, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995,Kimze 1994 SCHOENOPLECTUS PUNGENS SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Thieesquare Semipennanently Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: Tliis alliance, found in the noitlieiii Gieat Plains, Utah, and Nevada, is made up of grain in o id-dominated communities found in saline wetlands. Mediiini-tall and short graminoids predominate. Woody species aie veiy uncommon. Schoenoplectns pungens (= Scupus pungens), Snaeda calceohformis, Distichhs spicata (on diiermai'gins), and Ruppia mantima are all common species. Chenopodinm incannm, Monolepis nnttalliana, and Picraclemopsis oppositifoha are sometimes abundant on less saline portions of the alliance. ^This alliance occurs in depressions and river valleys. The loam to sandy loam soils aie deep, poorly diained andfonned in alluvium {Steinauer 1989). Tliese soils aie slightly to strongly affected by soluble salt. Standing water is at or neai^ the suiface for most of the yeai. Environmmt: Plant associations within this alliance occur in saline nieado^vs, depressions, playas, and river valleys in the western United States. Elevations range from 750-1380 m. Sites aie located in wet aieas such as along smaller streams and the edges of marshes, ponds, and playas (Hansen et al. 1995, Biindy et al. 1996, Jones andWalford 1995, Walford 1996). Although these sites aie often subjected to inundation (up to 1.5 m) in tlie eaily season, they aie generally free of standing ^vater by midsummer. Giroundwater levels are often at or near ground surface (Brotherson and Barnes 1984). Soils ai'e typically Entisols or MoUisols. Soil texture imiges fiom clay loam to sandy loam, and the soils aie commonly poorly diained. Soil reaction is typically alkaline (pH S.5) (Steinauer 1989, Hansen et al. 1995). '^Adjacent \vettei' communities aie usually dominated by Eleocharis palu^ns. Typha latijblia or Schoenoplectns acutns (= Scifpns acutns) can dominate the open \vater. In Nevada^ adjacent communities are dominated by Sarcobatns \ermicidatns. Vegetiition: Plant associations \vithin tliis alliance aie classified as semipennanently flooded temperate or siibpolai' grasslands. Schoenoplectns pnngens (= Scirpns pungens) dominates tlie graminoid layer, fonning dense stands. Other common herbaceous associates include Snaeda calceoUfoimis, Spaitina pectinata, Muhlenbergia aspenfoha, Distichhs spicata, aadRnppia mantima. Chenopodinm incannm, Monolepis nuttalhana, aad Pic radeniopsis oppositifoha are sometimes abundant on less saline portions of the alliance. In eastern Wyoming, Hordenm jnbatiim and Hordeum jubatum ssp. intermedium (= Hordeum caespitosum) are present in most stands in small amounts (Jones andWalford 1995). Dyniunics: Hansen et al. (1995) state that Schoenoplectns pungens is an early colonizer of suitable habitats and able to persist under \vet conditions. It is tolerant of alkaline conditions, but does notrequiie it (Cronquist et al. 1977). Because of the wet soil conditions and aggressive growth of Schoenoplectus pungens, other species can be precluded from the sites. Distuiljance can canse the estabhshment of increaser species such as Juncus balticns mid Hordeum jubatum. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 33 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial grain in o id vegetation Lowering tlie water table may diy the site aud result in a decrease of Schoenoplectus pungens. An increase in salinity may increase alkaline-toleraut species. Cominmts: Tliis alliance is foimd mostly in the western United States and needs rangewide review. Tliere aie taxonomic issues between Schoenoplectus amencanus and Schoenoplectus pungens that need to be understood before the concept of this alliance is clear. SCHOENOPLECTUS PUNGENS HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Threesquaie Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suminaiy: This biiliiish wet meadow community is found in the western United States in the intennoiintain basins, as well as in western paits of the Gi'eat Plains. Schoenoplectus piingen:^ (= Scupus pungens) dominates the herbaceous vegetation layei\ \%1iich is 0.3-0.6 m tall. Other species that often are present mcXwA^ Schoenoplectiis pungens, Spaitina gracilis, Hordeumjubatum, Pascopynun smithii^ and Eleochans palustns. In Kansas, species present include Schoenoplectus mantimus (= Scirpus mantimusj, Lemna minor, Sagittana latifolia, and Typha spp. Stands of this association contain no tree or shrub layer, but a fe^v scattei^d trees and shmbs may be present, most commonly of Populus deltoides, Sahx amygdaloides, Sahx exigiia, or Symphoncarpos occidentahs. Stands of this association ai'e found along low-gradient, meandering, usually perennial streams and aiound the mai'gins of ponds and mai^hes. Environment: Stands of this association me found along low-gradient, meandering, usually perennial stieams and aiound the maigins of ponds and marshes (Hansen et al. 1995, Jones and Walford 1995, Walford 1996). Vegetation: Schoenoplectus pungens (= Scupus pungens} dominates the herbaceous vegetation layei, which is 0.3-0.6 m tall. Other species that often are present include Schoenoplectus pungens, Spartina gracilis, Hordeumjubatum, Pascopyntm smithii^ and Eleocharis palustns. Stands of this association contain no tiee or shnib layer, but a few scattered trees and shiiibs maybe present, most commonly of Populus deltoides, Salix amygdaloides, Salix exigua, or Symphoricatpos occidentahs. In Kansas, species present include Schoenoplectus mantimus (= Scirpus mantimiis), Lemna minor, Sagittana latifolia, and Typha spp. (Lauver et al. 1999). GRank& Reasons: G3G4 (98-04-09). Element Distribution Range: Tliis community is foimd in the western United States in the inter-moiintain basins, as well as in western parts of the Gie at Plains, fi'om Montana south to Colorado, and west into Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. States/Provinces: C0:S3, KS:S?, MT:S3, NDiS?, NV:S?, SD:S?, UT:S2S4, WY:S? Element Sources Anthors: G.P. Jones, WCS Refer^ices: Brotlierson and Barnes 1984, Gleason and Cronquist 1991, Great Plains Flora Association 1986, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Jones and Walford 1995, Kittel and Ledeier 1993, Kittel et al. 1994, Kittel et al. 1999, Laison 1993, Montana Natural Rentage Program 1998, Walford 1996 TYPHA (ANGUSTIFOLIA, LATIFOLIA) - (SCHOENOPLECTUS SPP.) SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE (Narrowleaf Cattail, Broadleaf Cattail) - (Biilmsh species) Seiiiipennanently Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Summary: This alliance, found in viitiially every state in the United States aud probably most Canadian provinces, contains stands domiuated by Typha angustifolia and/or Typha latifoha, either alone or in combination witli other tall emergent maish species. Associated species vary widely; iu the Midwest they include many sedges such as Carex aquatilis, Carex rostrata, Carex pellita (= Carex lanuginosa) yhwXnx^&s such as Schoenoplectus amencanus (= Scirpus amencanus), Schoenoplectus aciitus (= Scirpus acutus)^ and Schoenoplectus heterochaetus (= Scupus heterochaetiis) ^ and broad-leaved herbs such as Thelypteris palustns, Asclepias incamata, Impatiens capensis. Sagittana latifolia, Scutellana lateriflora. Sparganmm eurycarpum. Hibiscus moschentos, and Verbena hastata. Floating aquatics such as Lemna mmor may predominate in deeper zones (Anderson 1982, MNNHP 1993). '^Tliis alhance is found most commonly along lake maigins aud in shallow b as ius, and occasionally in river back wateis. Lacustriue cattail mai'shes typically have a muck -bottom zone bordering tlie shoreline, \\4iere cattails ai'e rooted in the bottom substi'ate, and a floating mat zone, wiiere the roots grow suspended in a buoyant peaty mat. Typha angustifolia can gro^vin deeper \vater compaiedto Typha latifolia, although both species reach maximum growth at a water depth of 50 cm (Grace and Wetzel 1981). Typha often occurs in pure stands, and can colonize areas recently exposed by either natural or human causes. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 34 Classification Subset Repoit V.A. Perennial graminoid vegetation Lythfum sahcana, an exotic species from Europe, has become a common associate of many eastern Typha marshes. In the Southeast, this alliance is widespread and cun'ently representative of a wide vaiiety of mixed marshes with no clear dominants. Vegetation in this aUiance may be natural or semi-natural and includes mixed stands of the nominal species, as\vell as essentially monospecific stands oi^ Typha latifoha. Tliese monospecific stands occur especially in aitificial wetlands, such as bonowpits or ponds. This alliance occui's on liydric soils in wetlands, ditches, ponds, lakes, andrivers^ as well as on shorelines and sti'eambanks. Inundation is commonly Z-6 dm (1-2 feet) in depth. These marshes have hydric soils and aie flooded with w^er levels ranging from several centimeters to more than 1 m for a significant pait of the growing season. Occiurences may display aieas of open water, but emergent vegetation dominates (80% cover). Seasonal flooding during winter and spring or flooding during heavy rains help maintain these maishes by causing water exchange \\4iicli replenishes freshwater and cii'culates mitiients and organic debris. Soils which siippoit tliis commimity can be mineral or organic but aie satiuated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in tlie upper pait. Vegetative divei'sily and density is highly variable in response to water depth, WTitei' chemistiy, and natiual forces. Environment: Tliis alliance is foimdmost commonly along lake orpondmai^ins, slow-moving ditches, in shallow basins, adjacent to stieam or river channels in wet mud, oxbows, and occasionally in river backwatei's. Elevations range from neai' sea level to ai'ound 2000 m in Colorado. Sites \\iiere this alliance occurs are typically semipennanently flooded, immdated with 30-100 cm of water throughout the yeai. Lacustrine cattail mai^hes typically have amuck- bottom zone bordering the shoreline, \\4iere cattails ai'e rooted in the bottom substiate, and a floating mat zone, wliere the roots grow suspended in a buoyant peaty mat. Typha angustifolia can grow in deeper waiter compaiedto Typha latifoha, although botli species reach maximum growth at a waiter depth of 50 cm (Giace and Wetzel 1981). Soils are chaiacterized by accumulations of organic matter over deposits of fme silt and clay (Hansen et al. 1995), or loams, sandy loams, or coai'se sand (Jones and Walford 1995, Bundy et al. 1996). Typha often occurs in pure stands, and can colonize aieas recently exposed by either natural or human causes. ■^Adjacent heiijaceous wetland vegetation types can be dominated by species of Scupus, Carex, or Eleochans. Riparian shrublands or forests include those dominated by species of Sahx, FraxinnSy or Fopulus. Vegetation: This alhance, is foimdat low to moderate elevations in viitually every state in tlie United States and probably most Canadian provinces. It contains stands dominated by Typha angiistifoha and/or Typha latifoha^ either alone or in combination \vith othei' tall emergent niaish species. Associated species vary widely; in the central and western United States, they include many sedges such as Carex aquatihs, Carex rostrata, Carexpellita (= Carex lanuginosa)^ and bulnishes such as Schoenoplectus a/Twricanu^^ (= Scupus amencanus), Schoenoplectus acutus (= Scupus acutus), Schoenoplectus tabemaemontani (= Scupus tabemaemontam), and Schoenoplectus heterochaetus (= Scupus heterochaetus). Other graminoids can include Juncus spp., Eleochans spp.» or Glyceria spp. In the cential and eastern parts of its range, broad-leaved heibs such as Thelyptens palustns, Asclepias incarnata, Impatiens capensis, Sagittana latifoha, Scutellaria lateriflora, Spargamum eurycaipum. Hibiscus moscheutos, and Verbena hastata^ may be present. In the west, forbs may include Mentha ai-vensis. Polygonum amphibium, Epilobium ciliatum and many otliers. Floating aquatics such as Lemna minor lafry predominate in deeper zones (Anderson 1982, MNNHP 1993, Hansen et al. 1995). Dynamics: Typha angustifolia occupies inundated and distiubed grounds and can tolerate deeper water and higher alkalinity levels than Typha latifoha (Gieat Plains Flora Association 1986). Typha species aie prolific seed producers, spreading rapidly to become the eaiiy colonizers of wet mineral soil and will persist under wet conditions (Hansen et al. 1995). Roots and low^er stems are well- ad^ted to prolonged submergence, but periods of di'aw-down are required for seedgennination to occur (Hansen et al. 1995). Tliese are imp oitaiit wetland communities for many species of bii'ds and WTiteifowl. Hansen et al. (1995) repoit that in Montana heavy livestock use may convert stands to Carex nebrascensis- dominated communities. Comments: It has been suggested that mixed emergent marshes tend to occur on h aider pond, lake, or river bottoms and ai'e less likely to contain a peaty mat with its diverse mixtiue of forbs {MNNHP 1993). Alliances that describe maishes dominated by mixed emergents other than cattails and the associates listed above include theV.A.5.N.\Fhragmites australis Semipermanently Flooded Heiij ace ous Alliance (A. 1431), the V.A.5.N.1 Schoenoplectus acutus - (Schoenoplectus tabemaemontam) Semipennanently Flooded Herbaceous Alliance (A. 1443), the V.A.5.N.1 Schoenoplectus amencanus Semipennanently Flooded Herbaceous Alhance {A. 1432), andthe V.A.5.N.lZ^z^^^ij (aquatica, palustns) Semipennanently Flooded Herbaceous Alliance (A. 1441). Li shallow flooded conditions this alliance grades into the V.A.5.N.k Typha spp. - (Schoenoplectus spp., Juncus spp.) Seasonally Flooded Hei^baceous Alhance (A. 1394), as well as V.A.5.N.k Schoenoplectus fluviatihs Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alhance {A. 1387). Typha latifoha can hybridize with Typha angustifolia, and the hybrid, Typha Xglauca, may be more invasive of disturbed areas than the pai'ent species. In the West, some studies have classified marshes dominated by Typha domingensis as phases of Typha latifoha marshes. This alliance now includes wetland communities dominated by Typha latifoha^ often in distiiiijed or sedimented situations. Tlie concept and distiibution of tliis alliance in the Southeast needs reassessment. Many of the presettlement occuirences of tliis alliance ha\'e been diained and converted to cropland or Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 35 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial grain in o id vegetation destroyed by siltation, wiiicli greatly accelerates the uatural successional process from shallow inundation to moist soil. Lythrum sahcaria is an aggressive exotic speciesthat threatens this vegetation type in Cauada, the Noitli east, audmore recently in the Midwest. Typha latifolia Western Herbaceous Vegetation Broadleaf Cattail Western HeiHjaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suminaiy: Typha latifolia Herbaceous Vegetation ranges across tlie western United States and western Great Plains neai^ streams, rivers, and ponds. Tlie soil is flooded or saturated for at least pait of the glowing season. Tlie dominant species, Typha latifolia^ often fonns dense, almost monotypic stands. Carex spp. and Schoenoplectus spp. (= Scupns spp.) ai'e often found in this community, especially on theniaigins. Other species that occur regulaily in this community are not well known. Tliis community is common in its range, b»t little work has been done to characterize it. Environm^it: This community is foimd along stieams, rivers, and the banks of ponds. Tlie soil is saturated or flooded for much of theyeai\ It usually has ahigli organic content. Vegetation: This community is dominated by hydi'ophy tic macrophytes, especially Typha latifolia, 'vAivch. grow to ^proximately 2 m. Typha latifolia can form dense stands in places, almost to the exclusion of other species. Other species typical of wetlands ai e found in lesser amounts in this community; among these are Carex spp. GRank& Reasons: G5 (94-02-23) Comments: Tliis community is a common element foimd in many wetland systems, but has received little attention. Consequently, the diagnostic featiues and species of this community are not well known. Element Distribution Range: Typha latifolia Herbaceous Vegetation is widely disti'ibuted, occun'ing across the ^vesteni United States and western Great Plains. States/Provinces: AZ:S3, BC?, CA:S3, CO:S3,ID:S4, MT:S5,NM:S5,NV:S?, OR:S5,UT:S2S4, WA:S5, WY:S? Element Sources Authors: J. Drake, WCS Refer^ces: Bunin 1985, Christy 1973, Crowe and Clausnitzer 1997, Dethier 1990, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995,Kittelet al. 1996, Kovalchik 1993, Kunze 1994, Lindauer 1978, Lindauer and Chiisty 1972, Masek 1979, McEachem 1979, Muldavin et al. 1993, Padgett et al. 1989, Ramaley 1939, Titus et al. 1996, To 1st ead 1942, Youngblood et al. 1985 Intermittently flooded temperate or subpolar grassland with a sparse xeromorphic (evergreen and/or deciduous) shrub layer SARCOBATUS VERMICULATUS INTERMITTENTLY FLOODED SHRUB HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Black Greasewood Inteniiittently Flooded Shnib Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Suminaiy: This alliance is found iii the noitheni Gireat Plains aud Rocky Mountaiu foothills. The vegetation typically has moderate to dense covei (Jones aud Walford 1995, Watford 1996, Tliilenius et al. 1995). Medium-tall (0.5-1.5 m) shrubs ai'e scattered tlnoughout; their total canopy cover is 10-25%. The shrub layer is dominated by Sarcobatus vermiculatus^ wiihAtnplex confeiiifoUa. Artemi:^ia tndentata, and Chiy:^othamnu:^ viscidifloius in smaller amounts. Symphoncafpos occidentahs ?Aid Rhus aromatica aie sometimes found iu more mesic microhabitats within this community (Hiisch 1985). Herbaceous cover is sparse beneath tlie shrubs and modeiate to dense in between. Tlie dominant species are typically 0.5-1 m tall. The most abundant species is Pascopymm smithii, usually accompanied by Bonteloua gracilis, Bromus japomcus, Bromus tectoiiim, mid Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Fe\vforbs are foimd in this community. Achillea fmllejblinm and Opiintia polyacantha are the only species with high constancy. Overall species diversity in this community is low (Hansen and Hoffman 1988). '^Stands in this alliance are found on flat to gently sloping alluvial fans, ten'aces, lakebeds, and floodplains (Mueggler and Stewait 1978, Hansen and Hoffman 1988). Dodd and Coupland (1966) found Sarcobatus vermicnlahis in association with Pascopyrum smithii only on tlie most aiidpaits of southwestern Saskatche^van. Tlie soil is usually deep clay, silty clay, sandy clay, or loam (Hiisch 1985, Jones and Watford 1995), although coaise soils aie possible (USPS 1992, Tliilenius et al. 1995). Tliey aie saline or alkaline, but salt cmsts on the suiface ai'e absent (Thilenius et al. 1995). Parent material is usually alluvium. Flooding during the spring is possible. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 36 Classification Subset Report V.A. Perennial graminoid vegetation Environment: Shniblands included in this alliance occur on lowland sites in the northwestern Gieat Plains and central Wyoming. Precipitation varies witli geogr^liy bnt ranges from 25-35 cm. Elevations range from 655-2400 m. Stands occur on flat to gently sloping al In vial fans, tenaces, lakebeds, and floodplains (Mueggler and Stewart 1978, Hansen and Hoffman 1988). Dodd and Conpland (1966) found Sarcobatus venniculatus in association wdth Fa^^copymm smtthii only on the most aiid paits of sonthwest Saskatche^van. Sites are poorly diained and intennittently flooded with a shallow or perched water table often within 1 m depth {Hansen et al. 1995). Substrates aie generally shallow, fme-textmed soils (clays to silt-loams), deiived fiom alluvium, although coaise soils are possible (USPS 1992, Tliilenius et al. 1995) Soils aie alkaline or saline, although not strongly saline because salt cmsts do not generally foiin (Tliilenins et al. 1995) '^Adjacent npland vegetation vai'ies \vitli geogrtqjhy. In the Gieat Plains, it is likely short- or midgiass prairie and in central Wyoming it is typically shiiiblands dominated by -47tem/s'^(3 tndentata. Vegetation: Vegetation included in this alliance is found on intennittently flooded lowland sites such as stieam teixaces, swales, playas and gently sloping alluvial fans in tlie noitlieni Great Plains and Rocky Mountain footliills. Tlie vegetation typically has moderate to dense cover (Jones and Walford 1995, Tliilenius et al. 1995, Walford 1996) dominated by the cool-season mid grasses. Tlie heiijaceous cover is spaise beneath the shrubs and moderate to dense between tlieni. Tlie dominant species are typically 0. 5-1 m tall. The most abundant species is Pascopyntm smithii, usually accompanied by Bontelona gracilis. Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata) and the exotics Bromus japomcus and Bromus tectonim. Medium-tall (0.5-1.5 m) shrubs aie scattered thiough out; theii' total canopy is 10-25%. The shrub layer is dominated by Sarcobatus vei7nicidatus,'v^\Wi Atnplex conjkjtifoha, Aitemisia tndentata, and Chiysothainnus viscidifloiiis in smaller amounts. Symphoncarpos occidentalis and PJius aromatica are sometimes found in more mesic microhabitats within this community (Hiisch 1985). Fewforbs ai'e found in tliis community. Achillea millefolium and Qpuntia polyacantha are the only species with high constancy. Oveiall species diveisity in this community is low (Hansen and HofSnan 1988). Dyniunics: Sarcobatus vermiculatus^ like many facultative halophytes, is tolerant of alkaline and saline soil conditions tliat allow it to occur in sites with less intei^eciflc competition (Ungar et al. 1969, Bransen et al. 1976). Sarcobatus vermiculatus is often found on sites with high water tables that are intennittently flooded. Hansen et al. (1995) reported that it can tolerate saturated soil conditions for np to 40 days. Sarcobatus vermiculatus is not ordinarily browsed, but Daubenmire (1970) fonnd that nnder heavy stocking rates the shiiibs will develop a compact canopy. Hansen et al. (1995) also reported browsing damage with heavy spring and summer grazing, but noted i\i?& Sarcobatus vermiculatus \^ moderately poisonous to livestock especially in the fall, and supplemental feed is recommended to avoid livestock loss. Hanson (1929) states tliat Sarcobatus venmculattts can fonn an important pait of winter forage for sheep. Fiie will topkill Sarcobatus vermiculatus^ but the shrub Tvill promptly resprout from the root crown (Daubenmiie 1970). Commmts: Some authors recognize o. Sarcobatus venniculatfts / Pseudoroegneria :^picata Shnib Herbaceous Vegetation (Hansen and Hoffman 1988,MTNHP 1988, USPS 1992) in addition to or combined with S^?ra^aft^5 vermiculatus / Pascopy rum smithii Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation (Brown 1971). Tliere is no Sarcobatus veimiculatus / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation in tlie USNVC. For this description these two communities were not merged. Sarcobatus vermiculatus / Pseudoroegnena spicata Slmibland (CEGL001367) is found on moderate to steep slopes and appeals to be slightly drier. Further review needs to be completed to detennine if the Sarcobatus vermiculatus /Pseudoroegnena spicata community described by otliers is actually different. If it is a sepaiate community, its place in tlie classification needs to be established (Drake 1996). Sarcobatus VERMICULATUS /Pascopyrum SMITHII- (Elymus lanceolatus) Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Black Grreasewood / Western Wlieatgrass - (Streamside Wild Rye) Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summaiy: Tliis gieasew^ood shnib praiiie is found in saline habitats in the noithwesteiii Gi'eat Plains of the United States and Canada, Stands occin on flat to gently sloping alluvial fans, teiraces, lakebeds, and floodplains. Tlie soil is usually deep clay, silly clay, sandy clay, or loam, altliough coai'se soils aie possible. Tliey aie saline or alkaline, but salt crusts on the suiface aie typically absent. Paient material is usually alluvium. Tliis community has moderate to dense vegetation cover. Medium-tall (0.5-1.5 m) shnibs ai'e scattered tluough out \vitli a total sluiib canopy of 10-25%. The shrub layer is dominated by Sarcobatus vermiculatus^ Wii\i Aitemisia tndentata, Atnplex confeiti folia , and Chrysothammts viscidifloiits in smaller amounts. Symphoricarpos occidentalis and F^hii:^ aroinatica are sometimes found in more mesic microhabitats within this community. Herbaceous covei' is sparse beneath the shiiibs and otherwise moderate to dense. The dominant species aie typically 0.5-1 m tall. The most abundant species is Pascopynim smithii^ usually accompanied by Bouteloua gracilis. Bromus japomcus, Bromus tectorum, and Hespeiostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Few forbs aie found in this community. Achillea millefolium and Opimtia polyacantha aie the only species with high constancy. Overall species diveisity in this commimity is low. Environmmt: Tliis community is found on flat to gently sloping alluvial fans, teiraces, lakebeds, and floodplains (Mueggler and Ste^vait 1978, Hansen and Hoffman 1988). Dodd and Coupland (1966) found Sarcobatus veimicidatiis in association \vitli Pascopynun smithii only on the most aiid paits of southwestern Saskatchewan. Tlie soil is usually deep Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 37 Classification Subset Report V.C. Hydiomoiphic rooted vegetation ci^, silty clay, saudy clay, or loain (Hirscli 1985, Jones and Walford 1995}, although coarse soils are possible (USPS 1992, Thileniiis et al. 1995). They ai'e saline or alkaline, but salt cm&ts on tlie surface are absent (Thileuius et al. 1995, but see Steinauer and Rotfsmeiei' 1997). Pai'eut material is usually alluvium. Flooding during the spring is possible. Vegetation: This community has moderate to dense vegetation covei' (Jones and Watford 1995, Thilenius et al. 1995). Medium-tall (0.5-1.5 m) shnibs are scattered tliiough out, \vith a total shrub canopy of 10-25% (Hansen andHofhnan 1988, USFS 1992). The shnib layer is dominated by Sarcobatf(s vermiculahis.'witii Atnplex con feiii folia, Atnplex canescens, Atnplex argentea, Aitemisia tndentata, and Chrysothamnns viscidifloms in smaller amounts. Symphoncafpo^ occidentahs Mid Rhus aromatica aie sometimes found in more mesic microhabitats within this community (Hiisch 1985). Herbaceous cover is sparse beneath tlie shnibs and moderate to dense in between. Tlie dominant species are typically 0.5-1 m tall. The most abundant species is Pascopyntm smithii, usually accompanied by Bonteloua gracilis, Bromus japomcus, Bromustectofiim, mid Hssperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Fewforbs are fonnd in this community. Achillea fmllejblmm and Opuntia polyacantha ai'e the only species with high constancy. Other species present may include Gnndelia squarrosa. Overall species diveisity in this community is low (Hansen and Hoffman 1988, Von Loh et al. 1999). In Nebraska^ shrub species cover may be veiy low, and saline pockets may contain Distichhs spicata and Sporobolus airoides. Astragalus bisulcatus mFry be prominent (Steinaiiei' and Rolf smeier 1999). GRank& Reasons: G4 (96-02-01) Comments: Compare this association with Sarcobatus verrmculatus / Elyrmis elymoides - Pascopymm smithii Shnibland (CEGL001365)fi'om New^ Mexico. ■^See Steinauer andRolfsmeier (1997) for a description of tlie stands in Nebraska Sarcobatus vermicnlatus / Distichhs spicata - (Puccinelha nuttalliana) Shiiib Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL002146) may be amore saline version of this type. Element Distribution Range: This gieasewood shnib prairie is found in saline habitats in tlie northwestern Great Plains of the United States and Canada, ranging fiom noithwestern Nebraska noith to the Dakotas and Saskatchewan. States/Provinces: MT:S4, NI>:S4?, NE:S2, SD:SU, SK?, WY:S4 Element Sources Authors: J. Drake, WCS Refer^ices: Brown 1971, Dodd and Coupland 1966, Earth Resource Technology n.d.,Fisser et al. 1965, Hamner 1964, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988, Hansen et al. 1984, Hiisch 1985, Johnston 1987, Jones and Walford 1995, Montana Natural Heritage Progiam 1988, Mueggler and StewTut 1978, Mueggler and Stewait 1980, Olson and Geiliait 1982, Steinauei' andRolfsmeier 1997, Tliileniusetal. 1995, U.S. Forest Seivice (USPS) 1992, Von Loh et al. 1999 Permanently flooded temperate or subpolar hydromorphic rooted vegetation NYMPHAEA ODORATA - NUPHAR SFP. PERMANENTLY FLOODED TEMPERATE HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE White Waterlily - Yellow Pondlily species Pennanently Flooded Temperate Herbaceous Alliance Alliance Concept Summary: Tliis alliance, common throughout most of the eastern and cential United States and adjacent Canadian provinces, contains vegetation \viiicli may occur in a vaiiety of slow-moviug water bodies, including rivei's, millpouds, blackwater livers, stieams, shallow pouds or lakes, or oq shores of deeper water bodies including freshwater tidal aieas. Tlie water depth is generally gieater thau 0.5 m and up to 2 m. Stauds are dominated by hydromoiphic rooted aquatic plants, tyY^'xQTAXy Nuphar lutea (any of its vaiious subspecies), witli ov Wv\\io\\t Nymphaea odorata. Emergent vegetation is less tliau 25%, and typically plaut species diversity is low. Other species present may include Utriculana spp., Potamogeton spp., and otheis. In the north, Brasema schreberi may be locally dominant. Other chaiacteristic northern species include Nymphaea tetragona aud Potamogeton amphfolius. Associates fouud in the Midwest include Polygonum amphibium. In the Southeast, examples may include the floating or emergent 'pad-leaved' species Neluinbo lutea or Nymphoides acjnatica. Submerged aquatic species wiiich may be present include Cabomba caroliniana, Ceratophyllum demersum^ ond Heteranthera dubia. Stands of this alhance are pennaueutly to semipermanently flooded. Environm^it: This alliance contains vegetation \\4iich may occur in avaiiely of slow-moving water bodies, including rivers, millponds, blackwater rivers, sti^eams, shallow ponds or lakes, or on shores of deeper water bodies including fiesh^vatei' tidal aieas. Tlie water depth is generally greatei' than 0.5 m and up to 2 m. Stands of this alliance me pennanently to semipennanently flooded. Tliese communities have been found at elevations as high as 2800 in in the soutlieni Rocky Mountains. Vegetation: Stands ai'e dominated by hydiomoiphic rooted aquatic plants, typically Miphar lutea (any of its vaiious subspecies), with or without Nymphaea odorata. Emei^ent vegetation is less than 25%, and typically plant species Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 38 Classification Subset Report V.C. Hydiomoiphic rooted vegetation diversity is lo^v. Other species present may include Utnculana spp., Potamogeton spp., aud others. In the north, Brasenia schreben may be locally dominant. Other chaiacteristic northern species include Nymplmea tetragona and Potamogeton ampUfohns (Hanis et al. 1996). Associates found iu the Midwest include Polygonum amphibmm. Li the Southeast, examples may include the floating or emergent 'pad-leaved' %^t{^\e% Nelumbo lutea ov Nymphoides aquatica. Submerged aquatic species \\4iich may be present include Cabomba carolimana. Ceratophyllum demersum^ and Hetemnthem dubia. Dynamics: Comments: Field guidelines for sepai'ating floating -leaved aquatic alhances from submerged aquatic alliances aie also needed. NUPHAR LUTEA SSP. POLYSEPALA HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Yellow Pond-lily Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept GRank& Reasons: G5 (96-02-01). Element Distribution States/Provinces: CA:S?, C0:S1, ID:S4, 0R:S5, WA:S4S5, WY? Element Sources Anthois: WCS Refer^ces: Kovalcliik 1993, Knnze 1994, Mairet al. 1980, Ramaley and Robbins 1909, Sawyer and Keeler-Wotf 1995 Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendiy. C 39 Classification Subset Report Literature Cited Literature Cited Aldous, A. E., and H. L. Shantz. 1924. Types of vegetation iu the semiaiid portion of the United States and tlieir economic significance. Journal of Agricultiual Reseaich 28(2):99-128. Ambrose, J. 1990. Georgia's natural communities-- A preliminary list. Unpublished document. Geoi^iaNatiual Heritage Inventory. 5 pp. Anderson, D. A. 1982. 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Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 110 pp. Dal a current as of l^ Feb 2001 Appendix C 52 Appendix D - Site Descriptions Basin Lalies 7 Beaver Lodge 8 Big Beaver 9 Big Lake 11 Bluewater Springs 12 Boulder Forlcs 13 Buffalo Mirage 15 Bull Springs 17 Chrome Lake 19 Clark's Fork Waterfowl Production Area 20 Crater Fen 22 Dry Fork Creek Marshes 23 East Fork Fiddler Creek Complex 24 East Rosebud Complex 26 East Rosebud Floodplain Subdivision 28 East Rosebud Lake 29 East Rosebud Oxbow 30 Edgar Oxbow 32 Grove Creek Aspens 33 Hailstone National Wildlife Refuge 35 Halfbreed National Wildlife Refuge 36 Hell's Canyon 38 Horsethief Station 39 Lost Lakes 41 Main Boulder 42 McDonald Basin 44 Meyers Creek 45 Mud Lake-Boulder River 47 Nurses Lake 49 Fruit Park 50 Riverfront Park 51 Sage Creek 52 Stillwater River-Flume Creek 54 Appendix D Twill Lakes 55 Two Moon Park 57 Water Birch 58 West Boulder Meadows 59 West Fork Rock Creek Fens 61 West Rosebud Complex 62 West Rosebud Moraine 64 West Rosebud Trailliead 66 White Bird 67 Wyoming Line 68 Yellowstone River-Stillwater River 69 Yellowstone River -Work Creek 71 Young's Point 72 Figure 1. Site Photographs 1 Appendix D i^^n -♦*►♦ SubaJpine lake with wetland fiiiige (Twiu Lakes) Poor fen with Sphagnum hummocks (Crater Fen) SpiTJce, willow, and sed^e- dominated lacusti'iiie fiinge communities (East Rosebud Lake) Figure 1. Site Photographs Appendix D Sedge, aquatic^ and wet spmce communities (East Rosebud Complex) Moi'ainal dqiressional wetland (West Rosebud Moraine) Low-elevation alkaline lacustrine fringe communities (Big Lake) Figure 1. Site Photographs (conl) Appendix D Beavei-iuflueuced wetlands (West Rosebud Ti^ailliead) Beaver pond with lodge (West Rosebud Complex) Wet aspen dmws aud potholes in morainal topogiaphy (East Fork Fiddler Creek Complex) Figure 1, Site Photographs (conl) Appendix D Cottonwood comni unities along the Yellowstone River {Rivei:front Paik) Plains Cottonwood stand wath divei-se shnib l^er including red- osier dogwood {Buffalo Mii'age) Degraded cottouw^ood stand: tlie native shnib component is absent and the herbaceous layei' is dominated by smooth brome (Rivei'fi'ont Park) Figure 1. Site Photographs (conl) Appendix D Wet aspen community in the aiid Bighorn Basin (Grove Creek Aspens) Spnice sapling colouiziug afloodplain cottonwood community (Horsethief Station) Prairie dog to\\ii on a tenace along the Yellowstone River (Young's Point) Figure 1. Site Photographs (conl) Appendix D Basin Lakes Directions Basin Lakes is located in the Beartooth Mountains of soutli cential Montana. From Red Lodge, travel 7.5 miles on Forest Service Route 71 to Forest Service Trail 35. Follow Forest Service Trail 35 soutlierly for about 2 miles to Basin Lakes. Description This collection of wetlands occurs in a lower subalpine basin in the Beartootli Mountains. These wetlands consist of small glacial depressions on and adjacent to several small creeks. Some of tliese depressions are supplied primarily witli surface water from tlie creeks, while groundwater is tlie primaiy water soiuxe for tlie otliers. These depressions are small, ranging in size from 2 to 11 acres. The uplands are forests dominated by Phttis coniorta (lodgepole pine) and Finns albicanlis (whitebark pine) in tlie upper canopy and Vaccininm scoparinm (giouse whortleberiy) in tlie undergrowth. The wetter portions of the depressions in tliis complex are generally dominated by Carex aqnatilis (water sedge), altliough in one instance NnpJmr fntea (yellow pond-lily) dominates open water in tlie center of the wetland. Fens have developed in some of the small, shallow depressions. They are dominated by a Salix planifolia / Carex aqnatilis (planeleaf willow /water sedge) community. Most of tlie examples of this community have dense Sphagnnin (mosses characteristic of poor fens and bogs) cover as well, hi one instance, Sphagmiin appears to be invading small Pimis coutorta- dominated islands within the fen. One depression is dominated by a Carex limosa (mud sedge) floating mat surrounded by a fiinge of Carex wi7-/c?^toa (beaked sedge). A small stand of Salix geyeriaria I Carex utricniata (Geyer's willow / beaked sedge) occurs along one of the streams. Key Environmental Factors Groundwatei' generated by meltwatei' from surrounding basin slopes is responsible for maintaining these wetlands. Rarity No rare plants or animals were observed. This site supports many high quality occuirences of common plant communities and one G3 plant association, Carex limosa (mud sedge) herbaceous vegetation. Some of the wetlands are fens, which are a rare wetland type in Montana and have a high conservation value. Land Use No human impacts were discovered within tlie wetlands in the course of inventory. Exotics No exotic species were found. Uplands This basin has experienced past mining activity; associated structures (cabins) and evidence of activities (timbering) remain. Information Needs None have been noted. Management Needs The uplands should be managed to maintain the site's hydrology. Appendix D Element Occurrence Information Plant AsNociiitioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Calamagrostis caua^kims Western Heibaceous Vegetation Carex aqucitifis Herbaceous Vegetation Carex liinosa Herbaceous Vegetation Carex wiWc/ztoa Herbaceous Vegetation Nuplmr hitea Dominance Type Sallx geyeria/ta I Carex utrictilaia Shrubland Sallx plamfoUa I Carex aquatilis Shmbland Salix pla/tifolia I Carex scopulorum Shrubland S4 G4 A S4 G5 A S3 G3 A S5 G5 B « « * S5 G5 A S3 G5 A,B S? G4 A Rank not assigned Beaver Lodge Directions Beaver Lodge is located in the footliills and high plains of south central Montana. From Red Lodge, travel nortli on U.S. Highway 212 for approximately 5.5 miles. Turn east on a dirt road tliat is signed for Rock Creek fishing access. Follow tliis road for approximately 0.5 mile. After crossing Rock Creek, turn right at a T-intei' section and travel south for approximately 1 mile. The access to Beavei' Lodge Fishing Access is signed. Description Beaver Lodge is located in tliefloodplain of Rock Creek. In tliis reach, Rock Creek is braided with two or tliree primaiy channels. The site is composed primarily of mature cottonwood forest, with Popabis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Syinphoricarpos occidentalis (black cottonwood / western snowbeiry) occupying most of tlie floodplain at this site. This community has an open canopy of Popithts balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa with scattered Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce) saplings and an herbaceous layer dominated by the exotics Poapraiensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Broimis htermis (smootli brome). Sytnphoricajpos occidentalis is widespread, but other slmibs, such as Prurms xirginiana ( choke cheiry), Betula occidentalis (water birch), and Rosa acicufaris (prickly rose), are poorly represented and confined to mesic swales. A Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormts sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood) community occurs on a large island between channel braids. Although heavily browsed, the shrub layei' is well developed and dominated by tall Prunus xirginiana. Poapraiensis dominates die heibaceous layei'. This site also has mesic seeps and swales that intercept groundwater and support ?i\\Almis incaiia I Equisetum an'etise (mountain alder / field horsetail) community. Veiy small backwater sloughs along die active channels collect fine sediments and support small stands of Typha fatifolia (broadleaf cattail), Calamagrostis caandensis (bluejoint reedgrass), and the exotic Phalaris arundinacea (reed canaiy grass). Point and side gravel-cobble bars are common and are being colonized by herbaceous species, including many exotics. Key Environmental Factors Fluvial processes, such as seasonal flooding and high gioundwater, and tlie associated channel migration and microtopography are the primary influences on vegetation structure and composition at this site. Browsing by wild ungulates (perhaps elk and moose) has altered the stiiictiue of tlie shrub layer in some cottonwood stands by suppressing and reducing the cover of palatable species, such as Corims sericea {v^^-o^'i^ dogwood). Rarity No special status plant or animal species were obseived. Two G3 communities in fair condition weie documented: Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood) and Alnus incana I Equisetum ar\'ense (mountain alder / field horsetail). S Appendix D Othfr Values Altliough there are several diversion ditches upstream of and within this reach, tliis section of Rock Creek appears to support important hydrologic functions, such as dynamic water storage and surface water - groundwatei' int elections. The floodplain is still accessed by surface and subsurface flooding regimes, and native vegetation appears to be highly connected and to occupy much of the floodplain. Land Use Beaver Lodge is a state fishing access site, and informal recreational trails occur throughout the site. There is also a small camping area. Exotics Weeds are abundant around the camping area and along trails. These include Centcnirea maculosa (spotted knapweed). Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge), Cvfioglosswn officinale (hound's tongue), Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion), Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), Leiicanthemum vulgare (ox-eye daisy), Daciylis glomerata (orchard grass), and Phleum pratense (common timothy). Uplands Native vegetation occupies the floodplain of Rock Creek along the active channels immediately up and downstieam of the site. Land use adjacent to tliis riparian conidor is predominately pasture and housing development. Information Needs What was the land use at this site before its acquisition by the Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks? Management Nf eds Altliough this site would benefit from noxious weed management, die influx of rivei' -borne weed propagules from the upstream watershed will make weed control efforts even more challenging. Elfmfnt Occurrence Information Plant Associatioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Abuts inca/ta / Equisetwrt an^ense Shnibland Foptihts balsaiuifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormis sericea Forest Poptihts balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Symphohcarpos occidentalis Forest * Rank not assigned Big Beaver Directions Big Beaver is located in tlie Beartootli Mountains of south centi'al Montana. From McLeod proceed 16 miles south on State Route 298 to Forest Seivice Trail 117. Big Beaver is located 0.5 miles south on State Route 298. Description This wetland/riparian area, located in the active floodplain of the Boulder River, is a complex airay of aquatic, emergent, shnib, and riparian communities. Some of the shiiib and emergent communities lack well- defined boundaries and appear to intergiade depending mainly on tlie deptli to tlie water table. The watei' source is primarily surface and groundwater from the Boulder River. Castor canadensis (beavei) activity has resulted in a series of dams tliat have ponded watei' in an old river slough adjacent to tlie main channel. The Appendix D 9 s? G3 C S3? G3? c S3? « B flooded beaver ponds have aquatic communities that support a variety of species such as Potamogeto/t foliosits (close-leaved pondweed), Callitriche heteropityUa (different-leaved water starwort), Raminciihis aquatilis (water buttercup), Hippiiris xnlgaris (common mare's tail), Sparganium sp. (bur-reed), m\d NiteUa sp. (an algal species). A small Typha latifoUa (broadleaf cattail) community occurs at one end of the beaver pond, and Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) occurs along some of the slough margins. An exotic community of Poa pahisiris (fowl bluegrass) occurs on some sparsely vegetated silt deposits next to the beaver ponds. The remaining portion of tlie site occurs on drier terrace deposits. A SaUx exigtta (sandbar willow) community occurs on a low terrace next to tlie river. This community has a diverse understoiy of forbs and graminoids, and later-successional willow species are beginning to dominate tlie overstoiy. An Almis i/tcaua (mountain alder) community occurs at othei' low spots on tlie inteiiorpart of diis teixace. Dominance in this community shifts at times fioniAlmis incana to Salix exigiia or Salix boothii (Booth's willow). There is a small patch of Populus bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red osier dogwood) on the terrace as well. Most of this stand is fairly young and poorly developed. The dominant forested community, however, is a climax riparian community, Picea engefmatmii I Cormis sericea (Engelmann spruce / red osier dogwood). There is some spruce blowdown in this community and tlie red-osier dogwood undei'growtli is heavily browsed by ungulates (wild and/or domesticated). Key Envii onmfntnl Factors The primary factors stnicturing tliis site's plant communities are beaver activity (primarily harvesting), high water tables, and seasonal flooding. Rarity No rare plants or animals weie obseived. Two high quality G3 plant associations were documented: Populus bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormis sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood) and Picea engelmcmnii I Corru4s sericea (Engelmann spiiice / red-osier dogwood). Land Use The presence of pasture grasses, weedy species, and severe browsing of Cornus sericea (red-osiei' dogwood) all point to past and perhaps ongoing grazing disturbance. Exotics Pastuie grasses, such as Phleum praiense (common timodiy), Poapalustris (fowl bluegrass), and Poa praiensis (Kentucky bluegrass), and otlier exotic increaser species, including Trifoliiim praiense (red clover), Medicago htpulina (black medic), and Taraxacitm officinale (common dandelion), occur on diy to niesic terraces. More mesic to hydric conditions favor Pbalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass), Lencantheimim xulgare (ox eye-daisy), Tanacetum xulgare (common tansy), and Cirsium vulgare (bull thistle). Uplands A road exists along tlie eastern edge of tlie wetland, but it probably is no more confining of tlie channel tlian the talus slope tliat also bordeis tliis section of tlie wetland. Upstream, grazing and construction of homesites is occurring within the riparian corridor. Information Needs Is diis a management allotment or is the heavy browsing on Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood) all attributable to wild ungulates? Management Nf eds A weed management plan is needed to keep out Euphorbia esula (leafy spiuge). This is a very aggressive noxious weed and was noted along the ti'ail to Gieen Mountain in tlie vicinity of Natural Bridge. Plialaris arundiimcea (reed canarygrass) is also very aggiessive and should be contiolled. 1 Appendix D Element Occurrence Information Pliint AsNociiitioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Aquatic Carex w/nc;/to« Herbaceous Vegetation Picea engelincmmi I Cornus sericea Woodland Foapabistris Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhis babcvnifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormts sericea Forest Sallx boothii I Mesic graminoids Shnibland Sallx e.xigw^ Temporarily Flooded Shnibland Typha latifolia Herbaceous Vegetation S5 G5 B S3 G3 A S4 GW * S3? G3? C S? G3? B S5 G5 A S5 G5 B Rank not assigned Big Lake Directions Big Lake is noitli of the Yellowstone River in soutli cential Montana. From Molt, 22 miles west of Billings on State Route 302, travel 10 miles noitli westerly to Wheat Basin Road. Proceed approximately 1 mile southeasterly on Wheat Basin Road to Big Lake. Description This site is composed of a large, shallow lake basin. Big Lake has no outlet, and is the recipient of water from several intemiittent creeks. During wet climatic periods (e.g., seveial years with above aveiage precipitation), it fills witli water. However, during drier periods, it dries up and leaves expansive, unvegetated, alkaline mud flats. Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristaium) is common in the adjacent uplands. Big Lake, like tlie nearby Hailstone and Hahbreed Wildlife Refuges, has little in the way of emergent vegetation. Parts of the large saline mud flats are covered with a Salicornia rubra (red glasswort) community, but in general tliese flats are unvegetated. The next higher community along a topographic and moisture gradient is Distichlis spicaia (saltgrass), which occurs on flat areas sliglitiy above tlie mud flats on tlie edges of Big Lake. Slightly above {\\t Distichlis spicaia community is a Scftoenoplectus puugetis (direesqiiare) community. This community also occurs as a nanow band around some parts of tlie edge of Big Lake. A Horde tun jubahim (foxtail barley) community occurs in the driest position on tlie site, above the two previous communities. One of the inlet creeks has been impounded to fomi a small wetland diat commonly has standing water for part of tlie year. The neighboring borrow pit (where fill material for the impoundment was taken from) also had standing water at tlie time of tlie site visit and contained populations of Stitckemapecti/tata (sago pondweed) and the green alga Chora. Key Environmental Factors Variation in landform, heavy -textured soils (and associated slow- drain age), and seasonal flooding of the basin setting structure this site's wetlands. Rarity No rare plants or animals were observed. A sizeable occurrence of Scdicorma rubra (red glasswort), G2G3, was documented. Other Values Big Lake is an important migratoiy biid stopover and a breeding production site when it has water; it supports abundant Stuckenia pectinata (sago pondweed) in the aquatic portions and Sc hoe noplec tits acutus (liardstem bulrush) and Schoe/toplectiLS pungetis (thieesquare) as emergent vegetation, all of which constitute important waterfowl food sources. Appendix D 11 L»nd Use At Big Lake and Pond If, hunting is the only allowed activity; at Pond 2 hunting and grazing is permitted. Grazing has caused conspicuous hummocking in this area. Exotics There are numerous exotics in the wet meadow vegetation, including Melilotus qfficirtalis (yellow sweet clovei), Ttuitopyrum iniermedhiin (intemiediate wheatgrass), Kochia scoparia (summer cypress), Sonchits spp. (sow-thistle), Cirsium vulgare (bull thistle), and Cirshim arxense (Canada tliistle). Several exotic species also occur in tlie surrounding uplands, mcXuAmg Agropyron cristatum (crested wheatgrass), Sahola kali (Russian thistle) and Chenopodhim aJbwrt (lambsquater). The only exception to tliis pattern of disturbance- vegetation is tlie soutli side of Big L^kG.whGVG Artemisia caiia is dominant witliS^;^^ spp. (needlegiass) and native forbs comprising tlie undeigrowtli. Uplands There is a buffei' where no farming or grazing occurs in the uplands immediately adjacent to the wetland. Adjacent to this buffer, the uplands are managed for dryland wheat farming. Information Needs The water source for tlie ponds is unknown but assumed to be groundwatei\ Big Lake and ponds in tlie immediate vicinity have emeigent vegetation, wheieas those ponds furtlier removed apparently do not. Is excessive alkalinity a factor? Management Needs A management plan for exotics should be developed, altliough the exotics do not significantly negatively impact tlie value of the wetlands to waterfowl. Element Occurrence Information Plant As^ociatioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Distichlis spicata Heibaceous Vegetation Eleocharis palitstris Herbaceous Vegetation Horde um jubatum Herbaceous Vegetation Salicorma rubra Herbaceous Vegetation SchoertopfectiLS acutus Herbaceous Vegetation Schoenoplecttts pttngens Heibaceous Vegetation S4 G5 B S5 G5 * S4 G4 B S2? G2G3 B S5 G5 ^ S3 G3G4 B * Rank not assigned Bluewater Springs Directions The Bluewatei' Springs site is located along Bluewater Creek, approximately 5 miles soutlieast of Fromberg and 5 miles nortlieast of Bridger, MT. From Bridger, take tlie county road east to East Bridger, then soutli and east towards Bluewater Fish Hatcheiy, about 5.5 miles from East Bridger. Description This site consists of a series of springs along Bluewatei' Creek and several of its tributaries. Soils are fairly sandy and calcareous and are derived from Chugwater sandstone interbedded with tliin lenses of limestone. The springs support species-rich wet or saturated meadows, many of which have extensive marl deposits. Wet areas adjacent to springs support populations of Eleocftaris rostellata (beaked spikenish), Carex aquafilis (water sedge), Carex aitrea (gold sedge), Carex peUita (wooiiy sedge), mid Ju/tcus tracyi (Tracy's rush). A healthy population of Epipactis gigantea (giant helleborine) witli Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (watercress), Platantftera Irpperborea (nortlieni green orchid), and Mimulus gtittahts (seep monkeyflowei) occurs around 12 Appendix D one of tlie upper springs. This site also includes an undeveloped thermal spring, Bluewaterwann spring, which flows into Bluewater Creek. Bluewater Creek supports riparian areas that vary in condition depending on grazing intensity. Key Environmental Factors Surface and subsurface seeps and springs are critical in maintaining this site. Geotheiinal activity and calcareous substiate are also important factors. Rarity The wet meadows support several rare plant species, including Asclepias incarnata (swamp milkweed), SI G5, Epipact'fs gigatitea (giant helleborine), S2 G5, Eupatorium mactilatum var. bruneri (Joe-pye weed), S2 G5, and Eleocharis rostellata (beaked spikerush), S2 G5. Lampropeltis trianguhim (milk snake) is recorded from tliis site. Springs and seeps as well as thermal springs are rare features, especially in this arid region of the state. Land Use The springs are largely undeveloped, except for one spring along tlie North Fork of Bluewater Creek tliat has some development for domestic use. Portions of the riparian areas and adjacent giasslands have been disturbed and degraded by overgrazing. Exotics Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge) is abundant and increasing at this site. Pholaris arwiduiacea (reed canarygrass) has invaded some of tlie wet meadows. Pasture glasses, such as Foapraiensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Bromus inerinis (smootli brome), occur in grasslands adjacent to tlie springs and some of the drier meadows. Uplands Bottomland adjacent to seeps/springs and riparian areas has been conveited into hay pastures in places. Vegetation on the canyon walls and rims is in good condition. Information Needs Plant community surveys are needed, as are additional surveys for plants and animals. The wami springs could potentially harbor rare or endemic aquatic insects, and specific surveys for tliese aquatic insects should be undertaken. Boulder Forks Directions Note: A portion of tliis site is located on private land, and landowner peiinission is needed to access tliat area. The Boulder Forks site is located in the footliills of the Beartooth Mountains in south centi'al Montana. From McLeod, travel south on State Route 298 for approximately 0.5 mile. After crossing the West Boulder, turn west (left) at the Bouldei' Forks Fishing Access. Description This site is located at tlie confluence of tlie West and Main Boulder Rivers. Much of the site occupies a narrow floodplain and low tenace between tlie active channel and a high ten'ace dominated by tlie exotic grass Bromiis inermis (smootli brome). Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa (black cottonwood) communities occupy most of this floodp la in/terrace. Most cottonwood stands are a Popuhis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Corrms sericea (black cottonwood /red-osier dogwood) community. The shrub component of this community varies from diverse and well developed to sparse, and exotic grasses dominate tlie herbaceous layei'. The most degraded stands are classified as a Popuhis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I niesic graminoids Appendix D 13 community: tliey have almost no shrub component and a dense covei' of Br omits irtermis dominates the hei'baceous layer. A senescent stand of cottonwood on a low tenace, witli large gaps created by tree mortality, has succeeded to a Symphoricarpos occidentalfs (western snowbeny} community. Old channels and swales support small Sallx httea I Calainagrostis ccmadensis (yellow willow / bluejoint reedgrass) and Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) communities, which fonn mesic inclusions witliin the cottonwood stands. At tlie soutliem end of the site on the Main Boulder Rivei\ an overflow channel has created a ponded area that supports Carex utriculata, aquatic, and Salix httea I Carex utriculata communities. Scattered mature Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) occupy portions of the slope between tlie floodplain and high terrace. This site also contains two seep areas. One has been modified by an old beavei' dam that is silting in. Typfm latifoha (broadleaf cattail) occupies areas of greater sediment deposition. Deeper portions of the pond support an aquatic community made up of Spargauium angustifolium (narrowleaf bur -reed), Hippuris vulgaris (common mare's-tail), Ranunculus ginelinii (Gmelin's buttercup), and Potamogeton sp. (pondweed). The other seep area is fed by outflow from an irrigation ditch. It may also receive groundwater' from the uplands. The seep edges are dominated by Juncus balticus (Baltic rush) and have a high cover of Cirsium an'ctise (Canada thistle). Wetter areas support a Carex utriculata community co-dominated by Carex aquatilis (water sedge) and Glyceria striata (fowl mannagrass), and tlie wettest areas are dominated by Carex utriculata witli Typha latifolia. Salix exigua (sandbar willow) and SaJix lutea I Carex utriculata communities occur along the outflow swale of tliis seep area. Key Environmental Factors Seasonal flooding and groundwater' seepage are the primary factors influencing vegetation at this site. Cantor caundeusis (beaver) modification, hydrologic augmentation from an inigation ditch, and past grazing practices are also important influences. Rarity No special status plant or animal species were observed. Two G3 communities, Populus balsainifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormts sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier' dogwood) and Salix lutea I Calamagrostis canadensis (yellow willow / bluejoint reedgrass), were documented in fair condition. Land Use A portion of this site is Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks fishing access site, and it receives high levels of recreational use. However, road and campground development are restricted to tlie high terrace, and tlie site appears to be little affected by this use. The private portion of the site is not cunently grazed and appears to receive little use. Exotics Herbaceous exotic species are abundant in drier portions of tliis site, such as cottonwood stands and tiie margins of seeps, and often dominate tlie ground layer in cottonwood communities. Abundant species include Bromus inermis (smooth brorne), Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), and Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass). Other common weeds are Cynoglossitin officinale (hound's tongue), Cirsium arxense (Canada thistle), P/talaris arundinacea (reed canary grass), Arctium sp. (burdock), and Tltlaspi an^etise (penny cress). There are small patches of Euphorbia esttla (leafy spurge) along the Main Boulder. Uplands The riparian zone is very linear and has been greatly influenced by grazing, hi some areas it has been reduced to a Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) disclimax. The site is adjacent to the town of McLeod. Information Needs What is tlie grazing history? Is the dominance of exotic grasses, especially on tlie high tenace, a grazing disclimax? Was Bromus inermis (smootli brome) seeded? Is the grazing history of the Populus balsamifera 14 Appendix D S5 G5 B S3? G3? C SW * * * * * S5 G5 B S3? G3? C S4 G4 B/C S4S5 G4G5 C S5 G5 B ssp. trichocarpa I Cormts sericea (black cottonwood / red-osiei' dogwood) community different from tlie Populus balsaniifera ssp. trichocarpa I mesk graminoids community? Management Needs Some of tlie noxious weeds, such as Euphorbia esufa (leafy spurge) and Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue), are still localized and could be eradicated or contained. Element Occurrence Information Plant As^ociiitioii /Dominance Type S Rank GRank £0 Rank Aquatic * * * Carex winc;/to« Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhis balsaiuifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea Forest Fopuhis bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Mesic graminoids Forest Sallx booihii Dominance Type Sallx e.x/gw^ Temporarily Flooded Shnibland Sallx lutea I Calainagrostis canadensis Shmbland Sallx lutea I Carex utriculata Shmbland Symphoricarpos occidentalis Shmbland jypha latifolia Western Herbaceous Vegetation * Rank not assigned Buffalo Mirage Directions Note: a portion of this site is located on private land, and landowner permission is required to access that area. Buffalo Mirage is located along the Yellowstone River near its confluence witli tlie Clark's Fork Yellowstone River in soutli cential Montana. The site can be accessed from a frontage road south of Park City. Description This site occurs in tlie bottomland of tlie Yellowstone River. It occupies both high teiraces and tlie river's active floodplain, including recent depositional bars. Except for high terraces, tliis site appears to have been inundated by the 100-year floods of 1996 and 1997. High teiraces are a mix of cottonwood stands and areas converted to agricultural uses. The condition of tlie cottonwood communities varies, with stands on private land in the best condition. Tenace cottonwood communities on private land include Populus cmgustifolia I Rhus trihbata (nanowleaf cottonwood / skunkbush sumac) and Popuhis angustifoUa I Symphoricarpos occidentalis (narrowleaf cottonwood / western snowbeny). Botli these communities have open canopies witli well-developed slrnib layers of Rhus trilobata and Shepherdia argenfea (silvei' buffaloberry) or Symphoricarpos occidentalis. Poa prate mis (Kentucky bluegiass) dominates the herbaceous layer, although droughtier patches without woody cover retain low covei' of Pascopyrum smithii (western wheatgrass). Both these communities have large, open, shrub -dominated patches. Teiraces on state land have patches of Populus deltoides (plains cottonwood) with well-developed Rhus trihbata and Shepherdia argentea undei'stories, but for die most part they are dominated by a Populus deltoides I mesic graminoids grazing disclimax. Heavy grazing in tliis latter community has greatly reduced shnib diversity and cover and has facilitated the dominance of exotic pasture grasses. Elaeagmis ofigttstifolia (Russian olive) forms a well developed mid-canopy through much of this community. More mesic areas in abandoned and overflow channels support Popuhis deltoides ! Symphoricarpos occidentalis, Populus deltoides I Cornus sericea (plains cottonwood / red-osier dogwood), and Carex praegracilis (clustered field sedge) communities. The cottonwood communities support a diverse and well- developed slmib layer of Symphoricarpos occidentalism Rhus trilobata, Shepherdia argentea, Ribes aureum Appendix D 15 (golden cuirant), Prumts rirginicma (chokecherry), Salix hitea Ijellow willow), Rosa acicalaris (prickly rose), Cleinaiis ligtisticifoUa (western clematis), Vitls riparia (riverbank grape), and, in places, Cornus sericea. As in the aforementioned terrace communities, exotics grasses, especially Poa pratensis , dominate tlie herbaceous layer. There are limited patches of cottonwood regeneration (sapling-sized Populus angtistifoUd) along an overflow channel. Key Environmental Factors Seasonal flooding and channel migration support these riparian communities and are necessary for tlieir continued vigor and regeneration. The high flood events of 1996/1997 caused a realignment of tlie channel. Castor canadensis (beaver) are causing localized but heavy cottonwood mortality in places. Glazing intensity is variable; however, past grazing may explain tlie absence of Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood) from much of the site. Rarity No special status plants or animals were observed. Two rare plant communities, Poptihis dehoides I Sytttphoricarpos occidentalis (plains cottonwood / western snowberry) and Populus dehoides I Cornus sericea (plains cottonwood / red-osier dogwood), were documented in fair condition. Although tliese stands have high cover of exotic grasses, especially Poa praiensis (Kentucky bluegrass), the shiub layers are robust and diverse, making them high quality stands from a regional perspective. Other Values Cottonwood stands have significant wildlife values. High quality stands with an intact native shrub undei'stoiy are veiy rare along the Yellowstone River in the study area, and those that remain have a high conservation value. Land Use Portions of the high terraces in tliis site have been converted to pasture and other agricultural uses. The site is currently grazed by livestock (mostly cattle with limited horse use), and has probably received long-temi heavy grazing pressure in tlie past. Current livestock use varies, witli tlie greatest utilization on the state land section. In contiast, livestock use on the private land portion of the site does not appear to be adversely alteiing the stnicture of the native vegetation. Exotics Pasture grasses, especially Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), dominate the ground layer. Bromus tectorum (cheatgiass) ^nd Alopecurus prate nsis (meadow foxtail) are locally abundant. Arctium sp. (burdock), Cirsium an'ense (Canada thistle), Cynoglosswn officinale (hound's tongue). Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion), and Ta/tacetum vufgare (common tansy) are present at low cover. Small populations of Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge) and Tamarix chine/tsis (tamarisk) are present in areas witli fresh deposition from tlie 1996/1997 flood events. Efaeagnus cuigustifolia (Russian olive) is well established on the state land section, and saplings are encroaching on the private land portion of tlie site. Uplands The bottomlands along tlie Yellowstone River in tliis reach still retain patches (some large) of cottonwood stands. Howevei, much of tlie high terrace has been converted to pasture and otlier agricultural uses. There is limitedplacement of revetment along portions of the channel. Except for this localized geomorphic modification, fluvial processes are intact. Information Needs None were noted. 1 6 Appendix D Management Needs Some of tlie most ti'oublesome weeds, Euphorbia esttla (leafy spurge), Tamarix cbinensis (tamarisk), and Efaeagmts oftgtistifofia (Russian olive) (in places), are present at low cover and should be eradicated before tliey spread and become an inti'actable problem. The good grazing practices on the private land portion of the site should be encouraged to continue. Element Occurrence Information Plant As^ociiitioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank C are X prae gracilis Herbaceous Vegetation Fopuhis migustifolia I Rhus trilobata Woodland Popuhis angtistifoha I Sympboricarpos occidentalis Woodland Popuhis deUoides I Cormts sericea Forest Popuhis deltoides I Mesic graminoids Forest Popuhis deltoides I Sympboricarpos occidentalis Woodland s? G3 C s? G3 C s? « C S2S3 G2G3 C SW * * S2S3 G2G3 C Rank not assigned Bull Springs Directions Bull Springs is located in the foothills and high plains of soudi cential Montana. From Red Lodge, travel nortli on U.S. Highway 212 for approximately 5.5 miles. Turn east on a dirt road tliat is signed for Rock Creek fishing access. Follow tliis road for approximately 0.5 mile. After crossing Rock Creek, turn left at a T-intei' section. The Bull Springs Fishing Access is just past the intersection on the left. Description Bull Springs occuis in the floodplain of Rock Creek and is characterized by cottonwood galleiy forests and willow communities along wet swales. Rock Creek is braided witli two or tliree primaiy channels and many swales, some of which intellect riveiine gioundwater and have standing or flowing watei\ These wet microsites occur as narrow stiingers widiin cottonwood communities and support a SaUx boothii I Calamagrostis canadensis (Bootli's willow / bluejoint reedgrass) association. Dominant simibs are Sahx boothii. Alnus incana (mountain alder), and Betula occidentalis (water birch). Calamagrostis canadensis dominates the herbaceous layer, except for the wettest locations in and immediately adjacent to swales, which have high cover of Carex utriculata. The remainder of tlie site occurs on higher floodplain deposits di at predominately support Populus balsamifera ssp. tricboccupa (black cottonwood) communities. The largest community is Popuhis balsamifera^sp. trie hoc arpa / mtsic graminoids. An open canopy of nmtur^ Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa characteiizes this community. Saplings (probably from suckering) fonn a scattered midstoiy, and clumps ofJunipertis communis (common junipei) form a minor shnib component. Poapratensis dominates the herbaceous layer widi Ceniaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed) present at low cover. Microtopographic relief provides small mesic swales where native herbaceous species are abundant. These include Calamagrostis canadensis, Poa glancifolia (pale-leaf bluegrass), Carex aenea (bronze sedge), and Equisetum an'ense (field horsetail). A smaller Popuhis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood) association also occurs at the site. Similar to the previous community, diis community also has an open overstory of mature Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa, but Uie shrub component is much bettei' developed. The diagnostic simib Cornus sericea is veiy restricted and present at very low cover. Prunus rirginia/ta (chokecheiry) is abundant and is the dominant shnib; Alnus inca/ta and Symphoricarpos occidentalis (western snowberiy) are present at low cover. The herbaceous layer is dominated by Efymus glauciis (blue wildiye) and Poapratensis, both of which are abundant. Calamagrostis canadensis is locally abundant in numerous shallow swales. The exotics Cynoglossum offici/tale (hound's tongue) and Dactylis glomeraia (orchard grass) are present at low cover and Bromus inermis is well represented. Finally, tlie site Appendix D 17 also supports a small undescribed Populus tremttloides I Syinphoricarpos occidentalis community. Foptihis tremuloides fomis a closed canopy, and Prumis rirginia/ta fonns a scattered midstoiy. Symphoricarpos occideniahs is very abundant throughout. Poa pratetisis is abundant and is tlie dominant herbaceous species, except in swales where CaJamagrostis canadensis is locally dominant. Herbaceous openings have a high cover of exotic species, such as Cynoglossum officinale, Cirshtm spp. (tliistle), Centaurea maculosa, and Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge). Beaver-caused mortality may be limiting Populus tremuloides regeneration in places. Key Environmental Factors Seasonal flooding and high groundwater tables are responsible for creating and maintaining the stiiictuie and composition of tlie plant associations at tliis site. Browsing by native ungulates and beaver and possible past browsing by livestock may be responsible for tlie sparse shnib layer in the majority of the site. This could also be explained by differences in soil or geomorphic characteristics. Rarity No special status plants or animals were observed. One G3? community, Populus baJsauiifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornits sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood), and one undescribed community, Populus tremuloides I Symphoricarpos occidentalis (quaking aspen / western snowbeny), were documented. (The Populus tremuloides I Symphoricarpos occidentalis community appears to be similar to tlie G3?-ranked Popuhis tremuloides I Symphoricarpos albus [quaking aspen / common snowbeny] community.) Botli were only in fair condition, primarily due to the presence of exotics. Othfr Values Altliough there are several diversion ditches upstream of and within tliis reach, tliis section of Rock Creek appears to support important hydrologic functions, such as dynamic water storage and surface water - groundwater int elections. The floodplain is still accessed by surface and subsurface flooding regimes, and native vegetation appears to be highly connected and to occupy much of tlie floodplain. Land Use Despite being a dedicated recreation site, there is little evidence of use, except for a few trails and some garbage near die parking area. Exotics Pasture grasses, especially Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), dominate the ground layer. Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed) and Cynoglossum offici/tale (liound's tongue) occur at low cover over much of tlie site. Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge) is present (for now) as one patch. Uplands Native vegetation occupies the floodplain of Rock Creek along tlie active channels immediately up and downstjeam of the site. Adjacent to tliis corridor, human uses (pasture, houses) dominate, and portions of the floodplain fuillier away from tlie active channel are grazed. Information Needs How do irrigation diversions affect tlie functionality of the site? What was tlie glazing history of this site before the Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks acquiied it? Is the paucity of shiiibs in cottonwood stands tlirough out much of tlie site aproduct of past livestock grazing, oris it a result of differences in soil textuie or geomoiphic characteiistics? Management Needs Altliough pasture grasses are veiy well established at the site, noxious weeds, such as Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed), Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue), and Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge), are currently present at low cover and should be eiadicated or contiolled witli a weed management plan. 1 8 Appendix D Element Occuirence Information Plant Associatioii /DominMiccType S Rank G Rank EO Rank Popnhts bahcunijera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormts sericea Forest Popuhis balsaniifera ssp. trichocarpa I Mesic graminoids Forest Popuhis tremuloides I Prunus rirginiana Forest Sallx booihii I Calamagrostis canadensis Shiiibland S3? G3? C SW * * S?Q G3?Q C S3 G3G4Q B * Rank not assigned Chrome Lake Directions Note: a portion of this site is located on private land, and landowner permission is needed to access tliis area. Chi'ome Lake is located in the Beartooth Mountains of soudi cential Montana. From Dean, travel southwestei'ly onBenbowRoadfor 11.5 miles to an intersection witli an un-named 4-wheel drive road to the south. Proceed soutlierly on the un-named road for 0.6 mile to the first of tliree Chrome Lake wetlands. Description This wetland is a fen that occurs in a relatively nairow diainage divide in the subalpine zone in the Beaitoolh Mountains. The fen is fed by groundwater seeps from tlie two adjoining toeslopes, and it drains in two opposite directions via surface water: to die soudieast into Chrome Lake, and to the noilliwest into a small creek. Smaller fens also occur along tlie outflow streams. Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine), Pinus albicaulis (whitebark pine), and Vaccimiiin scoparium (grouse whortlebeiry) dominate die upland. The wetland is dominated by what appears to be a raised and patterned fen: small ridges or '"stiings" parallel each other and are separated from one anotlier by small tioughs or ''flarks." The flarks are wetter and dominated by a Carex utriculata (bt?ikGd sedge) community, which is a fairly species rich example of this type of community. Associated species include Carex aqiiaiilis (water sedge), Carex aurea (golden sedge), Eriophorum polystachjon (many-spiked cottongrass), Caltha feptosepala (white marsh-marigold), Utricularia minor (lesser bladdeiwort), and brown mosses. The strings or ridges are drier and dominated by a Salix planifolia I Carex aqitatifis (planeleaf willow / water sedge) community, which has the following associated species: Dasiphorafritticosas^p.JIoriburtiia (slmibby cinquefoil}, Carex utriculata, Caltha leptosepala, Sytnpftyotrichumfohaceum (leafy astei), Antennaria corytnbosa (flat-topped pussytoes), and Sphagnum (a group of mosses associated witli poor fens and bogs). This community also occurs along die outflow streams. Wet areas away from these streams are dominated by Carex utriculata. Chrome Lake has an aquatic community of Potamogetoti gramineus (grassy pondweed), Potamogeton ainphfoUus (large-leaved pondweed), and Sparganium sp. (bur-reed). A small, undescribed community, dominated by Sallx glauca (gray -leaf willow) and Carex aquatilis, occurs between one of the fens and die upland forest. Key Environmental Factors Springs and seeps produce Uie waters necessary to maintain this raised fen and the associated vegetation patterns. Rarity No special status plants, animals, or communities were observed. However, Uiis site is a high quality example of a patterned fen, which is a regionally rare wetland type wiUi only a few otlier such fens known from Uie state. Other Values Ranapretiosa (spotted frog) and Pseudacris triseriata (western chorus frog) were noted in a number of the fen communities. Appendix D 19 L»nd Use The main fen has ATV tracks. Exotics No exotics were documented. Uplands Mining and associated roads and woodcutting has occuired in tlie past. Cunently there is no active mining, but hunting, ATV use, and hiking does occur. Information Needs Has the hydrology of the site been affected by mining? M»nagenient Needs ATV use of die site should be halted. Element Occurrence Information Pliint Association /DominiinceType S Raiili G Ranlt EO Rank Aquatic Carex wiWcj/toa Herbaceous Vegetation Sallx glaiica I Carex aquatilis Dominance Type Salix pla/nfolia I Carex aquaiUis Shrubland S5 * S3 G5 G5 A * A Rank not assigned Clark^s Fork Waterfowl Production Area Directions Clark's Fork WateiTowl Production Area is adjacent to the Clark's Fork Yellowstone River in soutli central Montana. FroniBridger, travel 0.75 mile nortli on State Route 310. Proceed east for 0.5 mile on an un- named road and tlien tiavel nortli for 0.25 miles to Clark's Fork Waterfowl Production Area. Description This site is a human-created marsh located in tlie historic floodplain of the Clark's Fork of tlie Yellowstone River. Although a high -magnitude flood event could inundate tiiis wetland, the chief water source is groundwater that is perched on a relatively impermeable clay layer. The marsh is created by a small impoundment tliat blocks water flow. The water drains back to tlie rivei' thiough a saturated meadow. The marsh is dominated by a Typha fatifolia (broadleaf cattail) community, which occurs in one to several feet of standing water. A diveise aquatic plant community occuis in the open water of the marsh. The following species weie observed in this community: Potamogeto/t riclmrdsomi (red-head pondweed), Polygonum amphibium (watei' smartweed), Ranunculus aquatilis (water crowfoot), Myriopfn'fltim sibiricum (Siberian water milfoil), Sagittaria cuneata (arumleaf anowhead), Leittna mi/tor (common duckweed), Alisma grainineum (narrowleaf wateiplantain), and tlie green alga Chora. A large wet meadow planted witli Thinopyrum intermedium (intemiediate wheatgrass) occurs next to the marsh and is dominated by a dense stand of this exotic grass. Below the marsh in tlie drainage pathway are stands of Schoenoplectiis aciitus (li a rd stem bulrush) m\d JunciLS balticus (Baltic rush). A Populus angustifolia / Symphoricarpos occidenialis (naiTowleaf cottonwood / western snowbeny) riparian community occurs along tlie river. Although the community keys to nairowleaf cottonwood / western snowbeny, the shiiib understoiy is dominated by Elaeagmis angustifolia (Russian olive) and Rhus trilobata (smootli sumac). On tlie same tenace, adjacent to the cottonwood stand, is a community of the exotic grass Bromus inermis (smooth brome). 20 Appendix D Key Environmental Factors Groundwater draining from uplands, intercepted and perched by a relatively impermeable clay layer and impounded by a manmade stnicture, is tlie reason this wetland site exits. Rarity This is a created wetland and no rare plants, animals, or communities were observed. Other Values This wetland site was created to stimulate wateiTowl production (and breeding populations of Anas platyrhynchos [mallards] and^//ay arcuta [pintails] were obsei'ved). The marsh appears to have an abundance of aquatic foods for waterfowl, in addition to hiding and breeding cover. Other wildlife noted during the site visit included -47-ffe£?/j^/'o^/aF (great blue heion), Podilymbiis podiceps (pie-billed grebe), Zf^yb woodhousii (VVoodhouse's toad), and Odocoileus rirgimamis (whitetail deei). Land Use The composition of much of the wetland site is planted pasture grasses, mcXu^m^ Bromus inennis (smootli brome), Thinopyrum intermedium (intermediate wheatgrass), and Dactylis glomerata (orchard glass). Exotics A number of noxious weeds/increasers are present, although tliey are not yet abundant. These species include Cenfaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed), Kochia scoparia (summei' cypress). Euphorbia estiva (leafy spurge), Cftenopodium album (lambsquater), Melilotus officinalis (yellow sweet-clover). Taraxacum officinalis (common dandelion), Elymus repens (quackgrass), Tamarix chinensis (salt cedar), and Com'olrulus ar\'ensis (field morning-glory). Uplands The adjacent uplands are farmed for corn and wheat and grazed by livestock, and these uplands probably serve as the source for most of the weed and increasei' species. Information Needs The source of water for tliis site has not been pinpointed; is it tlie ditch or tlie river? The history of the site has not been documented: was it farmed or did it merely serve as unimproved rangeland? Management Needs The marsh portion appears to be functioning well, producing abundant aquatic vegetation and, as a consequence, waterfowl. However, the uplands and wet meadow portion of tlie WPA are dominated by exotics, and a plan to reduce tlieir coverage and concomitantly increase that of native species needs to be explored. Element Occurrence Information Plant Associatioii /DominMiceType S Rank G Rank EG Rank Aquatic Bromus inermis Dominance Type Ju/tctts balticus Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhis angtistifoha I Symphoricarpos occidentalis Forest Sallx e.nigwa Temporarily Flooded Shnibland SchoenopfectiLS acutus Herbaceous Vegetation Thinopyrum intermedium Dominance Type Typha latifolia Herbaceous Vegetation :* * * * * * S5 G5 B S? * B S5 G5 B S5 G5 B S5 G5 A Rank not assigned Appendix D 21 Crater Fen Directions The Crater Fen site is located in the footliills of the Beartootii Mountains in south central Montana. From Fishtail, travel west and soutli on State Highway 419 for approximately 1 mile to the intersection witli State Highway 425. Turn onto State Highway 425 and travel soutli for approximately 6 miles to tlie intersection witli Forest Route 2072. Travel soutli on tliis road for approximately 5 miles. Park just before tlie cattle guard where the road crosses onto tlie Lazy E-L Ranch. Travel west across the ridge that separates tlie West Rosebud from East Fork Fiddler Creek. The East Fork of Fiddler Creek lies on the other side of the ridge approximately 1 mile from the road. Description This site occurs above Crater Lake in a cold aii^ ponding glacial kettle. The site is a poor fen that receives groundwater from the adjacent toeslopes. The southeinhalf of thefen is a mixed mire with boglike Sphagnum hummocks interspersed witli poorly vegetated flats. Common Sphagna include Sphagnum warnstorfii, Splmgnum fiisciiin ^ and Splmgnum teres. Sphagnum hummocks aie relatively diveise and support a stuntGd Be tida gf Of iiiufosa / Carex fv/7-/c///a/a (bog birch /beaked sedge) community co-dominated by Dasiphorajruticosa ^%\}.floribtinda (simibby cinquefoil). Otlier common vascular species include Saibi planifoha (planeleaf willow), Carex buxbaumii (Buxbaum's sedge), Calamagrostis canadenns (bluejoint reedgiass), Menyanthes trifohata (bog buckbean), and Lilium philadelphicum (red lily). Interspersed among tliese hummocks is a depauperate Carex buxbaumii community that occurs on bare peat flats. This community becomes dominant in tlie nortliem portion of tlie basin, where it forms a flat/mound complex. Somewhat higher microsites have small inclusions of AlniLS incana I Calamagrostis canadensis (mountain aldei' / bluejoint reedgrass) shrubland. NupJtar httea ssp. polysepala (yellow pond-lily) occupies a naiTow open watei' band in the center of tlie basin. Key Environmental Factors Saturation from groundwater and tlie stability of the hydrologic regime are key factors tliat influence tlie site's vegetation. The Carex buxbaumii community is seasonally inundated. The surrounding uplands are underlain by glacial till derived from granitic gneiss; con'espondingly, tlie groundwater draining into the site is nutrient poor. This gieatly influences the site's floristic composition and explains the abundance of Sphagnum. Theie is a small eastern outlet tliat flows seasonally and tlie intactness of tlie eastern rim is critical to the hydrological stability of tlie basin. This wetland is an autotrophic system with peat (deiived from Sphagnum and sedge species) accumulation. Rarity No special status plants or animals were obseived. One G3 community, Carex buxbaumii (Buxbaum's sedge), was observed. Otlif r Values This site is an excellent example of a poor fen, which is a regionally rare wetland type. The site has relatively high species and microhabitat diversity for a poor fen. Land Use No evident human uses. Exotics No exotic species were observed. Uplands The uplands are dominated by Firms contorta (lodgepole pine) on morainal substrate derived from granitic gneissic parent material. 22 Appendix D Information Needs Crater Fen is tlie highest in a clustei' of three wetlands. The otlier two wetlands are open water bodies tliat may wairant furthei' consideiation: deep-water Crater Lake and Lily Pad Lake, which is a shallow-water open lake to the south witli a shoreline border tliat has some of tlie same peat-forming sedges as found in Crater Fen. Mimagement Needs The uplands sunounding the fen should be managed such that the hydrology and water chemistry of the site remain undisturbed. Element Occurrence Information Plant Associatioii /DominMife Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Alnus inca/ta I Cakumigrostis cmtndensis Shrubland Betufa glcmdulosa I Carex utriculata Shrubland Carex buxbcmmii Herbaceous Vegetation S3Q S4 S3 G3Q G4? G3 A A A Dry Fork Creek Marshes Directions This site is located in the footliills of the Beartootli Mountains in south central Montana. From McLeod, travel soutli on State Route 298 for approximately 2.5 miles. Take the East Boulder Road for approximately 10 miles. The site is located about a mile past the locked gate. Description This gi'oup of depressional wetlands is probably glacial in origin. They are dominated by either aquatic or marsh vegetation. Thewatei' source for each of the wetlands is an intermittent creek, and eitlier groundwater or an intemiittent creek drains each wetland. The uplands are dominated by Pinus coutorta (lodgepole pine) forest. A Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) community dominates substantial portions of each wetland in areas that are seasonally flooded. One wetland has a diverse aquatic community, which includes Uippuris vulgaris (common mare's-tail), Shickenia pectinata (sago pondweed). Ranunculus aquatilis (water crowfoot), and tlie green alga Chora. The othei' has extensive seeps along one margin tliat support an undescribed spruce community that has anEngelmann spruce (Piceaengebnamni) overstory and a diverse under stoiy dominated by Ledum glandulosum (Labrador tea). This second wetland has a Carex biLxbawrtii (Buxbaiun's sedge) community that occuis on the margins of tlie depression, and a small patch of an undescribed sedge type, dominated by Carex Jlcn-a (ygWow sedge), which occurs in a seepy area. The bottom of the openwatei' portion of this wetland is marl covered, and springs bubble up from the bottom of tlie open water portion in a few areas. Key Environmental Factors The hydrologic regime (seasonal flooding) and calcareous parent mateiial appear to be tlie primary influence on plant community structuie and composition. Rarity A population of Eleocharis rostellata (beaked spikerush), S2G5, occurs in the marsh. A high quality occuixence of a rare community, Carex buxbaumii (Buxbaum's sedge), G3, was documented. Appendix D 23 L»nd Use Cmrent land use appears restricted to occasional use by hunters. This site may have been grazed in tlie past, as evidenced by tlie presence of Phleum prate me (common timothy) and the native 'mcv^^^tv Prunella vulgaris (selfheal) in diier portions of tlie site. Exotics Pasture grasses (Poa paJustris [fowl bluegrass], Phleum prate me [common timothy], Poapraiensis [Kentucky bluegrass]), Trifolium prate me (red clover), and Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygiass) aie present at low cover. This may be indicative of past grazing at tlie site. Uplands The sunounding upland forest is intact. There are nearby mining claims, and one claim is adjacent to one of the marshes. Information Needs What is tlie status and scope of tlie adjacent mining claims? A seiies of groundwatei' monitoring wells are adjacent to one of the marshes - what is theii' purpose? Mnnagement Nf eds The intact character of tlie uplands and the corresponding hydrologic regime are essential to tlie integrity and functioning of these wetlands. Element Occurrence Information j*lant Associatioii / DominMicc Type^ S Rank G Rank EO Rank Aquatic Carex buxbaumii Herbaceous Vegetation Ci7/-gj;^ai'« Dominance Type Carex w/nc/^to« Herbaceous Vegetation Picea engelinannii I Ledum glandulosum Dominance Type S3 S5 G3 G5 A # B Plant Elements Efeochar/s rostellata S2 G5 Rank not assigned East Fork Fiddler Creek Complex Directions The East Fork Fiddler Creek site is located in the foothills of the Beartooth Mountains in south central Montana. From Fishtail, travel west and soutli on State Highway 419 for approximately 1 mile to the intersection witli State Highway 425. Turn onto State Highway 425 and tiavel soutli for approximately 6 miles to the intersection witli Forest Route 2072. Travel soutli on tliis road for approximately 5 miles. Park just before the cattle guard where tlie road crosses onto the Lazy E-L Ranch. Travel west across tlie ridge tliat separates tlie West Rosebud from East Fork Fiddler Creek. The East Fork of Fiddler Creek lies on the otlier side of the ridge approximately 1 mile from the road. Description The East Fork Fiddler Creek site is a complex of willow bottomlands and Castor canadensis (beaver)- influenced wetlands associated witli East Fork Fiddler Creek, nanow draws, and lakes and kettles formed by past glaciation. A Salix boothii I Carex utriculaia (Booth's willow / beaked sedge) community occupies much of tlie bottomland along East Fork Fiddler Creek. Carex utriculata dominates in wet swales; Calamagrostis canadeims (bluejoint reedgrass) and Phleum pratertse (common timotliy) are dominant on 24 Appendix D higher microsites. On highei' sites, this community giades into a Populus tremuloides I Calamagrostis caandensis (quaking aspen /bhiejointreedgrass) community. Phleum pratense completely replaces Calamagrostis caandensis on diier portions of tlie toe and lower slope. The uplands are Firms contorta (lodgepole pine) forest. On higher sections of Fiddler Creek, the riparian zone is very nanow and has been influenced in places by past beaver activity. Drained and silted in beaver dams have created substrate for marsh communities. Wetter sites support an undescribed community witli high cover of Gfyceria grandis (nortliern mannagiass), Carex canesceiis (gray sedge), Agrostis scabra (ticklegrass), and Sparganium mtgustifofium (nanowleaf bur- reed). A Carex iiiriculata community dominates slightly drier sites. Interspersed with and fringing these beaver ponds me SaJix geyeriana! Calamagrostis canadensis (Gey er's willow /bluejointreedgrass) and AInus incarra (mountain alder) communities. This site also has narrow seepy diaws. These support a Populus tremuloides I Calamagrostis canadenns community inteispeised with Salix boothii I Carex iiiriculata and Almis i/tcmta communities. These draws feed into a seiies of small glacially -fonned kettle podioles that support a Carex utriciitaia community fringed by Salix geyeriana I Calamagrostis canadensis. A largei' glacial depression, Lily Pad Lake, also occurs on the site. ANiiphar lutea ssp.polysepafa (yellow pond-lily) community covers much of the lake surface, and the lake is fringed by a naixowband of Carex biabaiiimi (Buxbaiun's sedge) and a small patch ofAhms incana I Calamagrostis canadensis. Key Environmental Factors Seasonal flooding and high groundwater tables are tlie primary factors influencing vegetation. Past beaver activity is also important in creating more mesic substrate. Rarity No special status plants or animals were observed. One G3 plant community, Populus tremuloides I Calamagrostis caiwdeiisis (quaking aspen / bluejoint reedgiass), was documented. Othf r Values A breeding paii' of Grus canadensis (sandhill cranes) with a fledgling was observed. Land Use Mesic sites along die East Fork Fiddler Creek bottomlands are dominated by Phleum pratense (common timotliy), so the site was probably giazed in the past. The section contains several old roads. Otlierwise land use seems minimal. Exotics Phleum pratense (common timothy) and Cirsium ar\'ense (Canada tliistle) are well established in some communities. Drier Populus tremuloides (quaking aspen) communities upslope of the riparian areas are dominated by Phleum pratense. Uplands The uplands are largely intact. Information Needs What is die giazing history of the site? Management Needs The site should be managed to maintain tlie hydrology of tlie wetland features, especially Lily Pad Lake and tlie wet aspen draws. Appendix D 25 Elemfnt Occurrence Information Pliint AsNociiitioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank £0 Rank AInus ittca/ta Shmbland Carex winc?//a/« Herbaceous Vegetation Glyceria grcmdis Dominance Type Popuhts tremuloides I Cafofnagrostis canadensis Forest Sallx boothii I Calamagrostis caandeusis Shmbland Salix boothii I Carex utriculata Shmbland Sallx geyeria/ta I Calamagrostis canadensis Shmbland S3 G?Q A S5 G5 A * « A S2 G3 A,B/C S3 G3G4Q B S4 G4 A,B S4 G5 A * Rank not assigned East Rosebud Complex Directions East Rosebud Complex is located in the Beartooth Mountains of soutli cential Montana. From Roscoe, travel Smiles soutliwesterly on Forest Route 117 to East Rosebud Complex. Description The East Rosebud complex of wetlands occurs in a stream valley along low river tenaces in which tliere are numei'ous old river meanders. These wetlands are primarily fed by groundwater and many have developed peat, so it is reasonable to assume tliat they have a fairly stable hydrologic regime. Castor canndensis (beavei) have dammed some of the shallow streams tliat drain into this complex, thus helping to maintain a high water table at the site. The uplands are characterized by Pimis contorta (lodgepole pine) and Populus tremuloides I Symphoricarpos occidentalis (quaking aspen / western snowbeny) forest and Fesiuca idahoeiisis — Psetidoroegneria spicata (Idaho fescue — bluebunchwheatgiass) grassland. Open waters of the meanders and small beaver ponds support aquatic vegetation such as Nuphar tutea (yellow pond-lily), Potainogeton pusiUus (small pondweed), Potamoge ton gr amine us (giassy pondweed). Ranunculus aquatUis (water crowfoot), and Utricularia vulgaris (common bladderwort). Some of tlie old meanders have silted in and have developed Equisetum fltniaiile (water horsetail) communities, which are usually pemianently flooded. On the margins of the open watei' tliere are Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) communities. A Salix planifoiia I Carex utriculata (planeleaf willow / beaked sedge) community occupies slightly drier positions. This community has standing watei' and in some spots high cover of Sphagnum (moss species characteristic of poor fens and bogs). AnAtnus incaua (mountain alder) community also occurs around some of the ponds in areas with seasonally standing water. Typlm latifoUa (broadleaf cattail) stands occur around pond outlets wheie standing water is nearly continuously present. A complex of wet Picea engetmannii (Engelmann sprue e)-dominated communities compose a large portion of the site. Numerous open water channels run tlirough these communities, and Alnus incana (mountain alder) and Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) are common. On slightly higher ground between sloughs is a Populus tremuloides I Calamagrostis cauade/tsis (quaking aspen / bluejoint reedgrass) community tliat is ecotonal between wetland and upland. This forested community has relatively high cover of exotic pastuie grasses, suggesting that it may have been grazed at some time in the past. Key Environmental Factors Much of the surrounding watershed was burned recently which should at least temporarily influence tlie inflow of groundwater. Castor caundensis (beaver) have dammed shallow stieams that flow tlirough tlie old meanders; they continue to inhabit the wetland and feed on slimbby vegetation. Rarity Geutianopsis simplex (liiker's gentian, SI G4) was found in this wetland in 1989. However, attempts to relocate this population in 1999 weie unsuccessful, possibly due to tlie very nanow phenological window available to identify this species. Three relatively high quality occurrences of G3 plant communities, Populus 26 Appendix D tremuloides I Calamagrostis caandensis (quaking aspen / bliiejoint reedgiass), Salix planifolia I Carex utriculata (planeleaf willow / beaked sedge), and Carex bttxbmiimi (Buxbaum's sedge) were documented at this site. Otlifr Values At the time of visitation s^Y^?i{Alces alces (moose) were spotted feeding within tlie fen. Ranapretiosa (spotted frogs) were also noted in the Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) and Carex bitxbaumii (Buxbaum's sedge)-dominated portions of the wetland complex. Accipiter cooperi (Cooper's hawk) was noted nesting in the near vicinity of, and making hunting forays over, the wetland. Land Use Recreation is the only known human use of tlie wetland. Exotics Exotics, including Cirsiwrt an^ertse (Canada thistle), Poa prate mis (Kentucky bluegrass), Agrostis stolordfera (redtop), and Phfewn prate fise (timothy), constitute a veiy minor problem at tliis site. For the most part, they are presently confined to the driest portion of tlie site (the Popuhis tremuloides I Calamagrostis canadensis community), with a minor presence in tlie Salix planifolia I Carex utriculata Qon\n\umtY Uplands Significant residential development is occuning downstieam from the wetland complex. The uplands have been logged and lightly grazed in tlie past. Information Needs How did the extensive bum within tlie watershed affect the hydrology and in turn tlie vegetation? Management Needs The exotic species are confined at tliis time to a given community type or perhaps a couple of types. A management plan should address the issue, and at tlie very least Cirsium an^ense (Canada thistle) should be eiadicated. Element Occurrence Information Plant As^ociatioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Carex buxbaumii Herbaceous Vegetation Carex utriculataHQvb^cGou^ Vegetation Eqiiisetum fluviaiile Herbaceous Vegetation NupJmr ///^^^ Dominance Type Picea engelmcumii I Calamagrostis canadensis Forest Popuhis tremuloides I Calamagrostis canadensis Forest Potamogeton pusillus Dominance Type Salix planifolia I Carex utriculata Shnibland Typha latifolia Herbaceous Vegetation S3 G3 B S5 G5 A S4 G4 A # « * S4 G4 A S2 G3 B * « * S? G3 A S5 G5 A Plant Elements Gentianopsis simplex SI G4 Rank not assigned Appendix D 27 East Rosebud Floodplain Subdivision Directions Note: This site is located on private land, and landowner pemiission is needed to access tliis site. East Rosebud Floodplain Subdivision is located at the base of tlieBeartootli Mountains in south central Montana. FromRoscoe, travel approximately 4.5 miles southwest on FS RD 117. The midpoint of the site is located wheie powei' lines cross tlie road. Description This site is located in a glaciated valley along an unconfmed reach of East Rosebud Creek. The site is comprised of floodplain deposits interspersed witli oxbows and sloughs associated with old stieam meanders. The oxbows and sloughs are mostly silted in and support a Carex iitriculata (beaked sedge) community. This community is variable across the site and includes small inclusions of Typlm lafifolia (broadleaf cattail) and Carex aqucitifis (water sedge). Active beavei' (Castor canadensis) dams have maintained a significant open water component in some oxbows. These open water habitats support an aquatic community dominated by Hippuris vufgaris (common mare's tail). Gravel/cobble substiate side bars are being colonized in places by a Popuhis bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa I recent alluvial bar (black cottonwood / recent alluvial bar) community. Higher floodplain deposits are dominated by Salix boothii I Calamagrostis canadensis (Bootli's willow / bluejoint reedgrass) with scattered mature Popuhis balsainifera ssp. trichocarpa. Altliough Salix boothii is abundant tliroughout, there are patches where Salix bebbiana (Bebb willow) or Salix lucida ssp. caudata (shining willow) are locally dominant. This community is characterized by dense willow cover interspersed witli many small herbaceous openings dominated by exotic grasses, primarily Phleum pratense (common timotliy), Poa prate mis (Kentucky bluegrass), and Agrostis stolonifera (redtop). Floodplain deposits also support a Popuhis iremuloides I Calamagrostis canadensis (quaking aspen / bluejoint reedgrass) community. Although this community consists of mature stands oiPopulus treimihides, it also includes early-seral stands of small trees (4-5 feet high) that are suppressed by heavy browsing. These early-seral stands are adjacent to active beaver dams and show high beaver use (ti'ails, ti'ee mortality). Pasture grasses (Poapratensis, Phleum pratense) dominate highei' floodplain and terrace deposits. Only a representative portion of tlie site was surveyed. The larger site also contains Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I mesic graminoids and Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood) communities, but tliese stands were not inventoried. Key Environmental Factors Past and ongoing fluvial dynamics (flooding, erosion, deposition) are tlie primary factors influencing vegetation communities. Castor canadensis (beaver) have also influenced vegetation patterns by damming oxbows and causing tree mortality. Rarity No species of special concem weie obseived. However, two G3 plant communities in good to excellent condition were documented: Sahx boothii I Calamagrostis canadensis (Booth's willow / bluejoint reedgrass) and Populus tremuloides I Calamagrostis canadensis (quaking aspen / bluejoint reedgrass). Other Values Alces alces (moose) sign was observed at the site. Land Use This site has been subdivided into approximately 15 20- to 40-acre parcels. Two 40-acre parcels, which appeared to be representative of tlie site, were inventoried. Despite tlie fragmented ownership, the site does not appear to have been developed beyond a few roads. Cunent land use appears to be mostly light horse grazing and recreational use. The presence of pasture grasses and the absence of willow communities from portions of tlie floodplain imply tliat the site has been grazed and/or hayed in the past. 28 Appendix D Exotics Higher portions of thefloodplain are dominated by tlie pasture glasses Phleum pratetise (common timothy) and Poa prateftsis (Kentucky bluegrass). These species, in addition to Agrostis stofonifera (redtoyt), also dominate herbaceous openings scattered thioughout the SalLx boothii (Bootli's willow) community. Otlier exotic species present in low abundance are Phalahs arundinacea (reed canarygrass) and Cirshtm an^ettse (Canada thistle), botli of which occur in the Salve bootMi I Calamagrostis caiiadensis (Bootli's willow / bluejoint reedgrass) community. Uplands The stream coiridor, though subdivided, is still relatively intact. Higher, driei' portions have been grazed. The site lies approximately 1 mile downstream of tlie Custei' National Forest boundaiy. Home development has occuned downstieam of tlie site as well as upstream near the Forest Service boundary. Home development has also occuixed on the slopes to tlie west of tlie site. Information Needs hiventoiy of the parcels not surveyed might reveal gieater community diversity at the site tlian cuixently known. For example, Popuhis bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa stands occui' on the site upstream of tlie parcels surveyed. Only a relatively small portion of tlie site was inventoried in 2000. Mnnagement Needs If possible, tlie cunent intact nature of this site should be maintained. Though the dispelled ownership is problematic, conservation easements or othei' agreements might be used to conseive some or all of this site. Element Occuirence Information Pliint As^ociatioii /Dominimce Type S Riiiik GR»nk £0 Rank Carex ijinc?/to« Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhis bahcunifera ssp. trichocarpa I Recent Alluvial Bar Forest Popuhis tremuloides I CaJoittagrostis canadensis Forest Salix bootMi I Calamagrostis ccmadeiisis Shrubland * Rank not assigned East Rosebud Lake Directions Note: A portion of this site is located on private land, and landowner peiinission is needed to access this area. East Rosebud Lake is located in tlie Beartootli Mountains in south central Montana. From Roscoe, travel south- southwest on Forest Route 117 for approximately 13 miles to the East Rosebud trailhead and campground. The site lies at the head of East Rosebud Lake, approximately 0.5 mile up Forest Trail 15. Description This site occurs on alluvial deposits along and around tlie inflow of East Rosebud Creek into East Rosebud Lake. Plant communities present include lacustiine fringe herbaceous and willow communities and wet Picea engelma/t/tii (Engelmann spruce) forests associated with tlie East Rosebud Creek floodplain. The lowest and wettest lacustrine fringe community is dominated by Carex utriculaia (beaked sedge). This community encompasses a topographic and soil moisture gradient. Dominance shifts from Carex utriciilata in tlie lowest and wettest portions of the community to co-dominance of Carex utriculata and Calamagrostis canadensis (bluejoint reedgiass) on slightly highei' deposits. Somewhat higher deposits are ecotonal between herbaceous and willow-dominated communities, with Salix planifolia (planeleaf willow) occuiring as small to medium sized clumps. These grade into a Salix planifolia I Calamagrostis cattade/tsis community characterized by large clumps of willows dominated by Salix planifolia and some cover of Salix hicida ssp. c audata {^\\min% Appendix D 29 S5 G5 A S3 « B S2 G3 B S3 G3G4Q B willow), Sahx boothii (Booth's willow), and Salix bebbiana (Bebb willow). The ground layer is dominated by Calainagrost'fs cofiadensis with a substantial Phleiiin praiense (common timotliy) component. Moss also forms an important component of tliis community. Willows at this site have been heavily browsed, probably by Alces alces (moose). On slightly highei' deposits along the floodplain of East Rosebud Creek, stands of P'fcea engelmannii I Calainagrostis canadensis occur. A closed canopy of mature Pic ea etigelmannii with a relatively depauperate herbaceous layer dominated by Calamagrostis canadensis characterizes this community. Portions of tliis community have burned, and are now characteiizedby Picea engelmannii snags witli a lush ground layei' of Calamagrostis canadensis. Picea engelmannii is also colonizing the Salix plamfoUa I Calamagrostis canadensis community in places, forming small clumps of two to thiee sapling- sized tiees. Key Envii onmentnl Factors Seasonal flooding and elevated groundwater tables are important in maintaining these communities. Herb ivory is also important in structuring ih^ Salix pi am folia I Calamagrostis canadensis (planeleaf willow/ bluejointreedgrass) community. Fiiehas recently burned most of tlie upland Pinus contorta {{oAg^^oX^ ^'m€) forest and portions of tlie Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce) -dominated bottoms. Rarity No species of special concern or state or globally rare communities were observed. Land Use The site receives recreational, especially fishing, use and there are infomial tiails along East Rosebud Creek. Exotics Pasture grasses, especially Phleum praiense (common timotliy), are abundant in mesic sites along the w eti and/up 1 and b or d er . Uplands The entile shoreline of East Rosebud Lake is in private owneiship and extensive small lot development has occurred along thenoilli and east shores. The uplands are composed of serai stands of Pintts contorta (lodgepole pine), many of which recently burned. The site sits at tlie edge of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Area and is relatively undisturbed. Information Needs Is tlie presence of pasture grasses due to previous livestock grazing or stock use? Management Needs No noxious weeds were observed. Element Occurrence Information Plant Associatioii /DominMife Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Carex wiWc^/toa Herbaceous Vegetation Picea engelmannii I Calamagrostis canadensis Forest Scdix planifolia I Calamagrostis canadensis Shiiibland S5 S4 S? G5 G4 G3 A A A East Rosebud Oxbow Directions Note: A portion of tliis site is located on private land, and landowner peiinission is needed to access tliat area. The East Rosebud Oxbow site is located in the foothills of the Beartooth Mountains in soutli central Montana. 30 Appendix D FromRoscoe, travel south-soutliwest on Forest Route 117 for approximately 3.5 miles. After crossing East Rosebud Creek, turn right (south) at a T- intersection. The site can be accessed immediately after tliis intersection. Description This site is a partially silted in oxbow in tiie floodplain of East Rosebud Creek. An Equisetum fliiriatih (watei' liorsetail) community witli patches of Schoef top fee tiLS tabenmeinoniam (softstem bulrush) occupies tlie deepest portion of tlie oxbow, which had two feet of standing water attlie time of tlie field inventoiy. Tliis community grades into a Carex utriciilaia (beaked sedge) community along tlie oxbow margins. A Salix bebbiana (Bebb willow) community occurs on a terrace between the amis of tlie oxbow and as a nanow and discontinuous band along tlie oxbow edge. The portion of this community that occuis on the teirace has a dense understory of Calamagrostis canadensis (bluejoint reedgrass) and has an insignificant presence of exotic species. In contrast, a Populus tremuloides I Poapratetisis (quaking aspen / Kentucky bluegrass) community that occupies the rest of tlie teixacehas a high cover of the exotic pasture grasses Phleum praiense (common timotliy) and Poapratenns (Kentucky bluegiass). Key Environmfntnl Factors Seasonal gioundwater fluctuations from the East Rosebud Creek are the primary influence on oxbow vegetation. Past grazing is probably a contiibuting factor for the abundance of exotic grasses and tlie paucity of Calamagrostis canadensis (bluejoint reedgrass) in the Popuhis tremuloides I Poa pratensis (quaking aspen /Kentucky bluegrass) community. Rarity No special status or tiacked plant or animal species were obseived. One G3 community, Salix bebbiana (Bebb willow), was documented in excellent condition. Othf r Values An adult Spliyrapicns nuchalis (red-naped sapsucker) was observed feeding chicks in the Popuhis tremuloides I Poa pratensis (quaking aspen / Kentucky bluegrass) community. Land Use The state land section is grazed, but tlie oxbow area is fenced off and is not cunently grazed. It is possible that tiespass cattle could access the site from tlie private land to the west. Exotics Exotic species are mostly restricted to the Popuhis tremuloides I Poa pratensis (quaking aspen / Kentucky bluegrass) community and to the portion of the Salix bebbiana (Bebb willow) community that occurs on the margin of tlie oxbow. These communities have high covei' of Phleum praiense (common timotliy) and Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass). Cynoglossum offici/tale (liound's tongue), Cirsium cu'xense (Canada thistle), ^f\d Arctium sp. (burdock) are present at low cover. Poapalustris (fowl bluegrass) is present at low cover in the Carex utriculaia (beaked sedge) community. Uplands The uplands appear to be used primarily for livestock grazing. Subdivision is occurring tliroughout tlie bottomland along East Rosebud Creek, and there are residences immediately adjacent to the site. Information Needs When was the fence around the oxbow installed? What was the grazing histoiy? Why is the Salix bebbiana (Bebb willow) community so free of exotic pasture glasses? Appendix D 31 Management Needs The noxious weeds are present at low cover and should be eradicated. The western boundary of the State Land section should be fenced. Element Occurrence Information Plant Associatioii /DominMife Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Carex utriculala Herb ^cgou^ Vegetation Eqiiisetumfltmaiile Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhts tremtiloides I Poa prate mis Forest SalLx bebb'mna Shrubland S5 G5 A S4 G4 B SW « C S3? G3? B Rank not assigned Edgar Oxbow Directions Note: this site is located on private land, and landowner permission is required to access tliis site. The Edgar Oxbow is located along tlie Clark's Fork Yellowstone River iiimiediately south of tlie town of Edgar in south central Montana. Description Edgar Oxbow lies along the Clarks Fork River near Edgar and encompasses tamegrass meadows, thiee main stands of Popuhts deltoides (ph'ms cottonwood), two oxbow wetlands, and approximately 2.5 miles of river shoreline. The cottonwood stands are mostly pole-sized tiees witli small clusteis of large cottonwoods over 36-inches diametei' at breast height. Shnib cover in tliese stands is widely scattered and includes Clematis ligusticifolia (western clematis). Toxicodendron rydbergii (poison ivy), Ribes aurea (golden cunant), Rosa acicularis (prickly rose), Prunus rirginiana (chokecheny), and Shepherdia argeniea (silver buffalobeiry). The small tiees Acer negtmdo (box-elder) and Salix ainygdaloides (peachleaf willow) are also present. The exotic Elaeagnus angttstifoha (Russian olive) is common along the river. Although some native species are present, such as Pascopyrum smithii (western wheatgrass) and Ehinus trachycatthts (slender wheatgrass), the hei'baceous layer is dominated by exotic species, including Elymus repens (quackgiass), Bromtis inerinis (smooth brome), and Poa prate mis (Kentucky bluegiass). The oxbow wetlands are dominated by Schoeitopfectus tabenmeinoniani (softstem bulrush) witli intennixed stands of Typha latifofia (broadleaf cattail). The open water component of the larger oxbow has been enhanced by a dike as well as recent beaver activity. The edges of these oxbows support stands of SalLx exigtta (sandbar willow), and tliere is a shallow marsh atone end with Carex prae gracilis (clustered field sedge), Eleocharis pahistris (common spikesedge), and Schoefioplectiis puttgem (three square). Distichlis spicata (saltgrass), Hordeum jubatiiin (foxtail barley), Pucciuellia nuttalliarta (NuttalPs alkaligiass), and Suaeda calceoUformis (seablite) occur in alkaline areas. Key Environmental Factors Seasonal flooding and past channel migration have created and maintain these wetlands. Rarity No rare plants or animals weie documented. Other Values The oxbow wetlands are intact, and the cottonwood stands retain many compositional and stiiictural characteristics tliat are natural. While tliey are not strictly natural vegetation benchmarks, and no rare species weie documented, they are important to tlie conseivation of tlie river conidor, its wildlife, and its processes. They also represent excellent stewardship and considerable work on tlie part of tlie landowners. 32 Appendix D L»nd Use Portions of thefloodplain are hayed. The large oxbow is diked to provide open water habitat for wateif owl and tlie landowner has constructed islands to improve breeding success. Exotics Herbaceous exotics, including Elymus repens (quackgrass), Bromus inermis (smooth brome), Cirsium arre/tse (Canada thistle), Cirsium rtdgare (bull thistle), Cynoghssiim officinale (hound's tongue). Euphorbia esttla (leafy spurge), Phalaris ariindwacea (reed canaiy grass), Poa palustris (fowl bluegrass), and Foapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass). Elaeagmts angustifoha (Russian olive) is also present. Grove Creek Aspens Dirfctions Note: this site is on private land, and landowner permission is needed to access tliis site. Grove Creek Aspens is located west of tlie Clark's Fork Yellowstone River in soutli cential Montana. From Belfiy, travel south 4.5 miles on State Route 72 to an intersection witli anun-named road headed west. Travel west on the un-named road for 6 miles to Grove Creek Aspens. Description This mosaic of aspen and alkaline meadow lies on a gently sloping plain at the eastern base of tlieBeartootli Mountains. Several creeks diain tlirough tlie aspen groves and some spring/seeps that arise in the aspen stands are the primaiy water source for the site. Because this site occurs in the rain shadow of the Beaitooth Range, tlie climate is veiy arid. This fact makes the aspen stands even more significant, as they are sunounded by Artemisia noxa (black sagebnish)- dominated slinib herbaceous vegetation. The most striking community at this site is the aspen forest, which is composed of hoih Populus tremuloides / Cornus sericea (quaking aspen / red osier dogwood) and Populus tremuloides I Prunus rirginiana (quaking aspen / common chokecherry) stands. Both tliese communities are characterized by an aspen-dominated overstoiy and a very dense shrub layei, except for some spots on the margins of the stands tliathave been impacted by cattle grazing. In one wetter area witliin the Populus tremuloides I Pruuus rirginiana stand there is a Prunus rirginiana community tliat lacks an aspen overstory. Surrounding the aspen stands are alkaline wet meadows composed of a variety of communities. The most common plant association is Pascopyrum sinithii (western wheatgrass), which generally occurs on the east side of the aspens. Altliough tliis community is dominated by Pascopyrum smithii, tlie canopy is not very dense and much open ground is apparent. Other associated species are Spartina gracilis (alkali cordgrass), Muhlenbergia richardsonis (mat niuhly). Iris missouriensis (western blue flag), m\dL Antennaria sp. (pussytoes). Dominance shifts to a Spartina gracilis community in a few areas, which are otlieiw^ise similar in composition to tlie fomier community. Salt efflorescence is evident on the soil surface. Two exotic-dominated communities, Agrostis stolonifera (redtop) and Elymus repens (quackgrass), also occur in tlie wet meadow. On tlie west or uphill side of the aspen groves, Spartina pectinata (prairie cordgrass) and Glycyrrhiza lepidota (American licorice) communities dominate tlie alkaline meadow community. Canopy coverage in tliese communities is higher and less open giound is visible. Along some of tlie creek coixidors there are narrow riparian communities dominated by Betula occidenfaJis (watei' bii'ch). A Carex uiriculata (beaked sedge) community occupies some of the lower gradient areas. In tlie ecotone between the alkaline wet meadow and tlie upland there is an Artemisia carta I Pascopyrum smithii (silvei' sage / western wheatgrass) community, which has an overstoiy dominated by Artemisia cana with some Cbrysothamnus riscidiflorus (green rabbit bmsli) cover, and an undergiowth dominated by Pascopyrum smithii. Key Environmental Factors In this very arid valley in tlie rainshadow of tlie Beartootli Range, tlie presence of peiennial seepage and springs is tlie prime driver of plant community development. Appendix D 33 Rarity No rare plants or aniinals weie observed. Four G3 or rarer plant associations in good to excellent condition weie sui'veyed. These are Populus treimihides I Prunus xirgimana (quaking aspen / chokecheny), Beiula occidenialis (river birch), Spartiim pectinata (prairie cordgiass), and Spartina gracilis (alkali cordgrass). Othfr Values The following animal species were observed in the course of inventory: Centrocercus ttrophasianus (sage grouse), Circus cya/tetfs (northern hairier), Crotaitts viridis (western rattlesnake), and Odocoileus liemiomts (whitetail deer). Land Use Cattle grazing is occuning with the accompanying trails and minor introduction of exotics. At tlie time of the site visit, utilization of giaminoids was quite low. A reservoiijust east of the wetlands could concenti'ate cattle in the vicinity. Exotics Exotic pasture glasses, such as Bromits inermis (smooth brome), Poa prate tisis (Kentucky bluegrass), and Phfeum pratense (common timotliy), and noxious weeds, including Cirs'mm an^etise (Canada thistle), Cirsium xulgare (bull thistle), and Cynoglossum qfficirtafe (hound's tongue) have increased as result of grazing. Uplands On tlie sunounding private and public lands, intensive grazing is the primaiy use. Information Needs This site should be visited in spring/ early summer for a complete description of community composition and a thorough rare plant survey should also be conducted. Management Needs The aspen component should be examined to see whethei' die age/size class structure and disease conditions could be improved by conducting a prescribed bum. Livestock numbers on die wet meadow portion should be carefully monitored and livestock should be kept off for a longer peiiod in die spring to avoid hummocking. A noxious weed management plan is needed to prevent new introductions and pursue eiadication/r eduction of the existing populations. Element Occurrence Information Plant Associatioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Agrostis stolonifera Heibaceous Vegetation Artemisia cana I Pascopyrum smithii Shnibland Betufa occidertiafis Shrubland Carex ijinc?/to« Herbaceous Vegetation Elymtts repens Dominance Type Glycyrrhiza lepidota Herbaceous Vegetation Pascopyrum smithii Heibaceous Vegetation Popuhis tremuloides I Cornus sericea Forest Popuhis tremuloides I Prunus virginimta Forest Prunus xirginiana Shnibland Spartina pectinata Western Herbaceous Vegetation Symphoricarpos occidentalis Shiiibland SM GM * S4 G4 B S3 G3Q B S5 G5 B * * * S? * B S4 G3G5Q B S3 G4 B S?Q G3?Q B S4 G4Q A S3? G3? B S4S5 G4G5 * * Rank not assigned 34 Appendix D Hailstone National Wildlife Refuge Directions Hailstone National Wildlife Refuge is located in the Lake Basin in soudi cential Montana. From Rapelje, 24 miles north of Columbus on State Route 506, proceed easterly on die Rapelje-Molt Road for 4 miles to the Hailstone road. Travel 1 mile north on the Hailstone road to die entrance to Hailstone National Wildlife Refuge. Description This is a large, shallow brackish lake in the Lake Basin area of cential Montana. Several intermittently flowing creeks drain into Uie lake, and one intermittent creek drains out of die lake. The nortli shore of Hailstone Lake has a very low gradient. During wet climatic periods (e.g., seveial years with ample precipitation). Hailstone Lake fills with watei' and expands to Uie north. During drier periods, the lake shrinks and leaves expansive unvegetated alkaline mud flats around a small body of water. The upland is a combination of native and disturbed grassland, and the exotic grass Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) is a common species. Wetland communities toleiant of moderately to highly saline conditions occur as a naiTow fringe around the edge of Hailstone Lake and along the outlet creek. Immediately adjacent to the mud flats are nanow patches of Pucci/teiha mtttaJlia/ta (Nuttall's alkaligrass) and Distichlis spicaia (saltgiass) communities. Slightly higher on the topographic gradient and somewhat diier is an exotic -dominated disturbance community. A variety of mustard and Chenopod'min spp. (goosefoot) species dominate this community. Along Uie outlet creek Uiere are SchoeitopfectiLS incu'itimus (saltmarsh clubrush) and SchoeftopfectiLS puftgetts (direesquare) communities in Uie wetter areas. Distichfis spicata and Triglochin co/tcinniitn (graceful arrowgrass) fomi small patches and nanow fringe communities at just a slightly higher point on Uie moisture gradient. Aquatic vegetation grows in the standing water, but the mud was too deep for this community to be sampled. Key Environmental Factors This site is a closed basin with no suiface outlet, and Uie soils in this vicinity are derived from clay substrates, which means Uiey swell on wetting and are consequently poorly drained. The restiicted drainage results in the basin accumulating watei' in pluvial times and Uie fonnation of wetland communities. Rarity Two species of special concern were observed: Himantopus mexicamts (black-necked stilt) and Cyonomys ludoxiciaiuis (black-tailed prairie dog). No infomiation was collected on Uie extent of the prairie dog colony. Other Values Recurvirostra america/ta (American avocet), Limosafedoa (marbled godwit), Numenius americcums (long- billed curlew), Dolichomx oryzirortis (boblink), and a species of dung beetle were all observed within Uie wetland site. Land Use An impoundment at Uie outflow on Hailstone Lake raises Uie lake level several feet. In the past, most of the uplands were farmed down to and Uirough Uie low prairie zone. This has resulted in Uie development of the disturbance communities that now dominate most of Uie wetland edge. Exotics An extensive distuibance community, dominated by Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Sonchus spp. (mostly So/tchtts tihginostts [marsh sow-thistle]), now dominates the low prairie and wet meadow zone. Appendix D 35 Uplands The uplands within tlie National Wildlife Refuge are not grazed or farmed. A road traverses the eastern edge of the lake about 50 feet from tlie edge of tlie current mudflat. Outside tlie Refuge, stiip-cropped wheat is grown and these lands drain into tlie Refuge and lake. Information Needs What effects might tlie familand drainage water have on the composition of the wetlands, particularly the microfauna and foodchain in geneial? Management Needs A management plan for the exotic species in 'Mow prairie" needs to be developed. Stiip-cropped wheat fanns have led to a hypersalinity problem in Hailstone Lake, which will be placed on 303(d) list in the year 2000 as a watei'-quality limited water body (R. Apfelbeck, pers. comm..). Element Occurrence Information Fliint Association /Dominance Type S Rank GRank £0 Rank Distichlis spicaia Heibaceous Vegetation Poapratensis Semi-natural Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Piiccinellia mtttalliana Herbaceous Vegetation Schoenopfectus maritimus Heibaceous Vegetation Schoe/toplectus pungetis Heibaceous Vegetation Triglochin concinnum Dominance Type Anim al Elem ^its Cyonoinys ludoxiciamis S3S4 G4 Himantopus mexiccmus S2B,SZN G5 * Rank not assigned S4 G5 C SW GW * S? G3? c S4 G4 c S3 G3G4 c * * * Halfbreed National Wildlife Refuge Directions Note: a portion of this site is located on private land, and landowner permission is required to access tliis area. Halfbreed National Wildlife Refuge is nortli of tlie Yellowstone River in soutli cential Montana. From Rapelje, 24 miles nortli of Columbus on State Route 306, tiavel about 7.25 miles east of Rapelje on the Rapelje-Molt Road to an un-named road to tlie soutli. Proceed approximately 0.5 mile due south to Halfbreed National Wildlife Refuge, Description This site is located in tlie Lake Basin area of cential Montana. It is a closed basin comprising foui' large, interconnected, shallow brackish lakes as well as numerous small alkaline potholes. During wet climatic peiiods (e.g., several years witli above average precipitation), the lakes fill witli water. However, in dry years and over the course of most growing seasons, tlie lakes decline and leave expansive unvegetated alkaline mud flats around a shnmken body of water. Several intermittently flowing creeks drain into Halfbreed Lake (one of which is from Hailstone Lake). When Halfbreed Lake is full, it diains into Goose Lake, which is also fed by the inteniiittent Cedar Creek. When full, Goose Lake drains into Glass Lake, which in turn drains into Big Lake. Stuckenia pectinata (sago pondweed) is the dominant species at Halfbreed and Grass Lakes across tlie dried- out lakebeds, and appears to be a major component of submeigent vegetation throughout the series of lakes. Typha latifolia (broadleaf cattail) and Eleocharis sp. (spikenish) occupy drier habitats. The Typlui latifolia community occurs along the channel of tlie outflow creek from Halfbreed Lake (which was dry during the site 36 Appendix D visit), and the spikerush community occurs in a diy pothole. Theie are also some patches of apparently dead SchoenopfectiLS acuttts (hardstem bulrush) and Schoenoplectits putige/ts (tliree square) in Halibreed Lake. The low-lying flats surrounding tliese lakes support patches of Hordeum jubatum (foxtail barley) and Pascopyrttm sfttithii (western wheatgrass) but are mostly dominated by a Sarcobatiis xermiculatus I Pascopyrum smitJiii (black greasewood / western wheatgrass) community. It is expansive, and tliere are small inclusions with veiy high coveiage of exotic species, such as Agropyron cristatiiin (crested wheatgrass}, Lepidium perfohatum (clasping peppei"weed), and Bromus commutahis (meadow brome). However, coverage of exotics is geneially low, and the community is in good condition, especially in relation to other examples of this community in tlie basin. Only one aquatic community was sampled during this site visit. The water at this site is quite saline (conductivity = 17,500 p.S/cm). One-time visits have limited use for evaluating succession, but it appeared tliat permanent emergent vegetation at the shoreline, including Hordeiiin jubatum (foxtail barley) and PuccinelUa mtttaUiana (NuttalPs alkaligrass), was being replaced by annual species of alkali flats, such as Chenopodhiin nibrum (red goosefoot), Cftertopodhim glcmcum (oakleaf goosefoot), and Kochia scoparia (summer cypress). These changes are consistent witli a natural drawdown trend in a diought cycle. Key Envii onmentnl Factors The closed basin (a relatively uncommon geomorphological feature), coupled with soils weatliered from a substrate high in clays and of low pemieability, has created a condition promoting intermittent flooding, salt accumulation, and ponding of water. This flooded condition in turn stiiictures the plant communities. The ei'osion and vegetation at tlie perimeter of Halibreed Lake indicates that tlie lake levels are or were artificially elevated. Rarity Three species of special concern were observed: Atftene citmcularia (burrowing owl), Himcmtopus mexicanus (black-necked stilt), and Cynomys hidoxiscicuius (black-tailed prairie dog). Other Values A one-time observation showed the following to be present (in addition to tlie species of concern): Recitn'irostra america/ta (American avocet), Limosafedoa (marbled godwit), Ardea herodias (great blue hei'on, 20+ observed), Olor cohimbia/nis (tundra swan), numerous duck species, Thainnophis sirtalis (common garter snake), ^nd A/ ttifocapra americana (pronghom antelope). The large complex of wetlands and tlieir abundance of sago pondweed are significant for spring waterfowl migration. The decline of emergent cover in the current drought cycle temporarily reduces waterfowl breeding habitat value. Land Use Neithei' grazing nor hunting is currently permitted. Banding of waterfowl takes place on an annual basis. Exotics Numei'ous exotic s/increasei' species occur in a 20-30 foot band on the lake margin mud flat. These include Lepidium perfoUahim (clasping peppei'weed), Chettopodium aWiiin (lambsquarters), Chenopodiiiin rubrtim (red goosefoot), Tragopogon dubius (goat's beard), Ira axillaris (poverty -weed), Riiinex spp. (dock or sonel), and Kochia scoparia (summer cypress). These species are typically found on alkali flats and appear to be replacing patches of dead emergent vegetation including Scftoertoplectus americantts (American bulrush) and Sc hoe rtoplec tits acutus (hardstem bulrush) along parts of the lakeshore. Patches of Bromus commutatus (meadow brome), Lepidium perfohatum, 3nd Agropyron cristatum (crested wheatgrass) are found within tlie Sarcobaius rermiculaius I Pascopyrum smithii (black greasewood / western wheatgrass) plant association. Appendix D 37 Uplands Most of the surrounding uplands are either strip-cropped wheatlands or heavily giazed rangelands. Greasewood flats extend onto private property in areas. A prairie dog town occurs on botli sides of the noitliern refuge border and extends into tlie Sarcobatus xermiculatus (black gieasewood) habitat. Information Needs None weie noted. Mnnagement Needs The Sarcobatus xermiculatus / Pascopyrum smithii (black greasewood /western wheatgrass) habitat tliat prevails around the lakes is in good to excellent condition, but it has unusual levels of vegetation littei' accumulation. This situation wairants furthei' management consideration. Ironically, it is possible tliat in tlie absence of occasional grazing, the idle condition may shift the composition in favor of ruderal species. Element Of cuiience Information Plant Associatioii /DominMicc Type S Rank GRank EO Rank Ekocharis sp. Dominance Type Horde um jubatum Herbaceous Vegetation Pascopyrum smithii Herbaceous Vegetation Sarcobatus rermiculatus I Pascopyrum smithii Shrub Heibaceous Vegetation Stuckenia pectinata Dominance Type Typha latifolia Herbaceous Vegetation Anim al Elem qits Atiiem cumcularia S3B,SZN G4 * Cyonomys ludoxicianus S3S4 G4 * Himantopus mexiccmus S2B,SZN G5 ^^ ^ Rank not assigned 4 + B S4 G4 C S4 G3G5Q B S4 G4 B * ip * S5 G5 B Hellas Canyon Directions Heirs Canyon is in tlie Absaroka Range in south central Montana. HelPs Canyon is adjacent to Hells Canyon Campground 24 miles south of McLeod on State Route 298. Description This wetland is a series of marshes and wet meadows foimed by beaver dams and connected by a small creek. This drainageway, alluvial in origin, flows into the Boulder River. Old beaver dams helped fomi this wetland, and tlie uppemiost marsh still ponds water year-round. Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) and Calamagrostis inexpa/tsa (narrow- spiked reedgrass) fringe the pond and an Afmis mcana (mountain alder) community dominates the creek bottom down to tlie next marsh. A Ccwex utriculata community that is being invaded by CaJainagrostis inexpansa and the exotic Poa paltistris (fowl bluegiass) dominates this next marsh, which appears to be drying out. The part of this marsh just above tlie beaver dam is very wet and still dominated by Carex utriculata. The lowest marsh has another Carex utriculata community that also appears to be drying out; PoapaJustris and Calamagrostis ifwxpaiisa are also increasing in cover in this marsh. Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine) and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas-fir) forest dominate tlie uplands. Key Environmental Factors Cantor canadensis (beaver) activity and seasonal high water cause flooding diat in turn stiuctures the communities present. 38 Appendix D Rarity An uncommon G3 community, Ahuts incana I Calamagrostis canadensis (mountain alder / bluejoint leedgiass), occupies a minor portion of tlie wetland. Othf r Values Akes alces (moose) have heavily browsed the willow component. Ondatra zibethica (muskiats) were noted in the openwatei\ Ranapretiosa (spotted frogs) were flushed in a number of plant communities. Land Use The only impacts to the site, and these are hypotliesized, are tiampling from fishermen and past grazing, which would account for the populations of exotic species. Exotics Within {\\tAlmis i/tca/ta (mountain alder)-dominated community are inexphcably dense patches of Cirsium an'etise (Canada thistle). In tlie wet meadow portion of tlie site are numerous pasture glasses, including Poa palustris (fowl bluegrass), Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), PhJeum prate tise (common timothy), and Agrostis stolonifera (redtop), any of which can compete for dominance with the native dominants, primarily Calamagrostis stricta (nairow-spike reedgrass). Phalaris anwdinacea (reed canaiygrass) constitutes a thieat in the meadow below the pond. Uplands A road nms parallel to tlie west edge of tlie site at tlie toe of the slope and crosses die inlet creek as well. Seveial dispersed campsites were found next to the pond. Information Needs What factors account for the high cover of Cirsium an^ense (Canada tliistle) in parts of the site? Could it be that the site is alluvial in nature and tlie seeds of weedy species are simply washed-in? Management Needs Make certain tliat beavei' have access to the area so they in turn can maintain natural processes that result in the wetland's healtli and extent. Element Occurrence Information Plant AsNociatioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Abuts inca/ta I Cakunagrostis canadensis Shrubland Aquatic Calamagrostis canndensis Western Heibaceous Vegetation Carex wiWcz/toa Herbaceous Vegetation Efeochar is palustris Herbaceous Vegetation S3Q G3Q B * * * S4 G4Q C S5 G5 B S5 G5 B Rank not assigned HORSETHIEF STATION Directions Horsethief Station is located in the foothills and high plains of south cential Montana. From Red Lodge, travel north on U.S. Highway 212 for a little over 1 mile. Turn east on a dirt road signed for Rock Creek fishing access. Follow tliis road for a little less than 2 miles. The access is signed. Appendix D 39 Description Horsetliief Station is located in thefloodplain of Rock Creek. In this reacli, Rock Creek is braided with two or three primaiy channels and many diy (at time of survey) gravel-cobble bed oveillow channels. Channel banks are eroded and the system appears to be downcutting. The microtopogiaphy of tlie floodplain is complex witli many swales and old channels. Much of tlie floodplain appears to be above the flood prone zone (twice the stage height at bankfull). Most of the site is occupied by mature cottonwood gallery forest. Two communities comprise tliese forests: Popuhis bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormis sericea (black cottonwood / red-osiei' dogwood) and Poptihis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Syinphoricarpos occidentalis (black cottonwood / western snowbeiiy). The Popuhis bahajuifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea association occurs on mid-channel bars and more mesic portions of tlie floodplain, while tlie Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Syittphoricarpos occideniahs community occurs on higher floodplain deposits above tlie flood prone zone. Mesic swales that intercept groundwater are interspersed throughout tliese communities and support an Ahms itica/ta I Calamagrostis canadensis (mountain alder / bluejoint reedgiass) community. Old beaver activity has created ponded areas that have silted up and now support small Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) and Carex pelhta (woolly sedge) communities and larger Salix boothii I Carex utriculata (Bootli's willow / beaked sedge) and Salix boothii I Calamagrostis canadensis communities. There is also a small patch of Popuhis tremuloides I Prunus xirginiana (quaking aspen / chokecherry). Key Environmental Factors Fluvial processes, such as seasonal flooding and high groundwater, and tlie associated channel migration and microtopography are the primary influences on vegetation stiucture and composition at this site. Past beavei' activity is also very important and has created ponded areas that support mesic sedge and willow communities. Finally browsing by wild ungulates (perhaps elk and moose) has altered the stiiicture of tlie shiub layer in some cottonwood stands by suppressing and reducing the cover of palatable species, such as Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood). Rarity No special status species were observed. Four G3Q or G3? communities weie documented: Popuhis tremuloides I Prunus xirginiana (quaking aspen / chokecherry), Popuhis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood), Alnus irtcana I Calamagrostis canadensis (mountain aldei', bluejoint reedgrass), and Carex peUita (woolly sedge). These occunences range from small (Carex pellitd) to modeiately sized (Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormis sericea) and are in fail' to good condition. Geneially, more mesic sites are in better condition and less affected by exotic species. Othf r Values Altliough there are several diversion ditches upstream of and within tliis reach, this section of Rock Creek appears to support important hydrologic functions, such as dynamic water storage and surface water - groundwater int elections. The floodplain is still accessed by surface and subsurface flooding regimes, and native vegetation appears to be highly connected and to occupy much of the floodplain. Land Use This site is a dedicated recreation site, and tliere are many informal tiail tliroughout. The site is well browsed, but not apparently by livestock. One low-flow side channel is blocked by a cobble and plastic-lined dam and is diverted into a small ditch, probably for irrigation use. Exotics Exotic species are well established in portions of tliis site. Pasture grasses, such as Poaprate/tsis (Kentucky bluegrass), Phleum pratense (common timotliy), and Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass), are abundant in diier portions of tlie site. Some cottonwood stands have herbaceous openings with well-established patches of 40 Appendix D noxious weeds, including Ceutcmrea maculosa (spotted knapweed), Leucanihemttm rttlgare (ox-eye daisy), Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue), and Cirsium an^ense (Canada thistle). Uplands Native vegetation occupies the floodplain of Rock Creek along the active channels immediately up and downstieam of the site. Adjacent land uses are pasture and housing/ranchettes. Information Needs How do irrigation diversions affect the functionality of the site? Mnnagement Nf eds Altliough pasture grasses are veiy well established at the site, noxious weeds, such as Centcmrea maculosa (spotted knapweed), Cynoglossiiin officinale (hound's tongue), and Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge), are currently present at low cover and could be eradicated or contjolled with a weed management plan. Element Occurrence Information Plant Associatioii /DominMiccType S Rank GRank EO Rank Abuts inca/ta I Calairtagrostis canadensis Shmbland Carex pellita Herbaceous Vegetation Carex wiWc/ztoa Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhis balsaniifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormis sericea Forest Popuhis balsaniifera ssp. trichocarpa I Symphoricarpos occidentalis Forest Popuhis tremuloides I Prumts virginiana Forest Salix boothii I Calamagrostis caundeusis Shrubland Sallx boothii I Carex utriculata Shiubland * Rank not assigned Lost Lakes Directions Lost Lakes are located in the Absaroka Range in south central Montana. From McLeod, travel soutli on State Route 298 for 0.5 mile. Turn onto tlie West Boulder Road and travel west-southwest for approximately 12 miles to the West Boulder trailhead. Travel soutli on Forest Trail 41 for approximately 1 mile. Follow an infonnal trail up the eastern slope of the valley for a little over 1 mile to Lost Lakes. Description This site consists of two lakes located on a small bench on tlie lower slope above the West Bouldei' River. The lakes have formed in shallow, glacial depressions, and receive both surface and groundwater inflows. A small creek drains the lower lake. Wetland communities fringe both lakes. The wettest communities are dominated by Schoenoplecttts acutus (liardstem bulrush) and lyplta latifol/a (broadleaf cattail). These communities are semipemianently flooded, and while Schoenoplectus acutus fringes botli lakes, Typha latifoha is confined to small patches. A Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) community dominates driei, seasonally flooded sites. The upper edge of this community has a few individual Almts i /tcana (mountmn aldei) shrubs and sapling-sized Picea engelmanmi (Engelmann spnice). Pasture grasses, mostly Poa praiensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Phleum prate /tse (common timothy), dominate tlie immediate uplands, and Poapratensis is well established in the Carex utriculata community. There is also a veiy small Carex nebrascensis (Nebraska sedge) community along tlie lower lake. S3Q G3Q B S2S3 G3? * S5 G5 * S3? G3? B S3? « B SQ G3?Q C S3 G3G4Q B S4 G4 B Appendix D 41 Key Envii onmfiitnl Factors Ground and suiface water inflows and water level fluctuations are important influences on plant community still cture. Rarity No rare plants, animals, or communities were observed at this site. Other Values Rartapretiosa (spotted frogs) weie obseived in the lake. Land Use This site receives some recreational use, and tliere is some pugging in the Carex iiiriculata (beaked sedge) community, possibly from horse use. The presence of pasture grasses implies that the site may have been grazed in the past. Exotics Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Phletu/t prate /tse (common timothy) are present in the uplands. Poa praieims is well established in the drier margins of tlie wetland. Uplands The site is located in the Absaroka-Beartootli Wilderness Area. The lake basin does not appear to receive heavy recreational use. Information Needs What is tlie giazing history of the site? Is presence of pasture glasses a product of recreational stock use? Management Needs None were noted. Element Occurrence Information Plant As^ociatioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Carex fwbrasce/tsis Herbaceous Vegetation Carex ittrici data Herb ^cgou^ Vegetation Schoenoplecttts acuttts Herbaceous Vegetation Typha latifolia Western Herbaceous Vegetation S4 G4 A S5 G5 B S5 G5 A S5 G5 A Main Boulder Directions Note: This site is located on private land, and landowner pemiission is needed to access this site. The Main Boulder site is located in tlie footliills of tlie Beartootli Mountains in south central Montana. From McLeod, travel soutli on State Route 298 for approximately 10 miles. The site is located approximately 0.5 mile past the Natural Bridge trailhead. Description This site occurs on tliefloodplain of tlie Main Boulder River along tlie active channel and associated oxbows. Popuhis balsaniifera ssp. trichocarpa (black cottonwood) and Popuhis tremuloides (quaking aspen) forest occupies die majority of the floodplain. Most of these stands are affected by historic grazing. They have a minimal shrub component and an heibaceous layer dominated by exotic grasses such ^sAgrostis stolonifera 42 Appendix D (redtop), Bromus inermis (smootli brome), and Phleum prate/tse (common timothy). Cottonwood and aspen cover is primarily from mature trees. In contiast to tlie above described stands, this site also supports an outstanding example of a Poptilus bahainifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red- osier dogwood) community. Occurring on the inside of a meandei' bend, this community has an overstory dominated by matuie (24-inches diameter at breast height and larger) Popuhis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa and a well established mid-canopy of Poptilus treimiloides. The shiiib layer is diverse witli good Cormis sericea^ Symphoricarpos occidentalls (western snowbeny), and Primus rirgimarta (chokecherry) cover, and the presence of exotic species is minimal. Wetter areas on the site, such as floodplain swales and old oxbows, support well-developed sedge and aquatic communities. A Carex utriculaia (beaked sedge) community with abundant Carex resicaria (inflated sedge) cover occupies the silted in portions of old oxbows. A small depressional wetland has an open water component tliat supports a Potainogeton richardsonii - Myriopfryllwrt spicatuin (red-head pondweed - watei' milfoil) aquatic community. ASalix exigua (^midh^r wiWoW) community fringes many of these low areas. Willow communities also occur on lower portions of tlie floodplain such as aggrading point bars. These communities, including Salix exigtia and small stands of SaJix lucida ssp. caiidata (shining willow) and Salix lutea I Calamagrostis canadeusis (yellow willow / bluejoint reedgrass), have high cover of exotic herbaceous species. Key Environmental Factors The primary factors influencing vegetation at this site are fluvial dynamics, including flooding, erosion and deposition, and channel migration. Historic grazing is probably an important influence in reducing or eliminating the floodplain forest's shrub component and increasing tlie abundance of exotic species. Rarity No special status plant or animal species were obseived. One G2 community, Potamogeton richardsomi - MyrioplivUum spicatum (red-head pondweed - water milfoil), was documented in veiy good condition. Three G3 communities were documented: Salix lucida ssp. caudata (shining willow) and Scdix lutea I Calamagrostis caundensis (yellow willow / bluejoint reedgrass) in fair to poor condition and Popuhis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood) in excellent condition. Other Values Fluvial processes, such as flooding and associated sediment eiosion and deposition, are still largely intact. This provides opportunity for cottonwood regeneration at tlie site. Land Use The effects of historic grazing have altered the structure and composition of cottonwood and aspen stands. Cuirent browsing by wild ungulates, such as Akes alces (moose), may be contiibuting to tlie suppression of palatable native slmibs like Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood). Horses lightly browse portions of tlie site. This has created some pugging in oxbow wet sedge communities. Signs of trespass cattle were observed in the riparian area east of tlie active channel. The site also receives angling use from the adjacent property. Exotics Herbaceous exotic species are well established at the site. The exotic grasses Bromus inermis (smooth brome) 3i\d Agrostis stolonifera (redtop) dominate the und er story of many of tlie cottonwood and aspen stands. The noxious weeds Cirsiuin an^ense (Canada thistle) and Tanacettiin vutgare (common tansy) and the highly invasive Phalaris arundinacea (reed canaiy grass) are locally abundant. Uplands The sunounding uplands are largely intact. Livestock grazing is widespread in tlie bottomland along the river corridor, and some riparian forest has been converted to hay pasture. Appendix D 43 S5 G5 A S3? G3? A SW * i>: S3 G4 c S2Q G2Q A S5 G5 B,D S3 G3Q D S3? G3? C Information Needs What is tlie site's giazing history? Is tlie abundance of Bromus inermis (smootli brome) ?in^Agrostis stolonifera (redtop) affecting the recoveiy of native shrub species? What is the stabihty of tlie active channel? Mimagement Needs Continuing exotic pasture grasses is probably not feasible; however, the smaller populations of Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle) and Tanacetum xulgare (common tansy) might be manageable. Element Occurrence Information Plant Associatioii /DominMiccType S Rank GRaiik EO Rank Carex winc?/to« Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhis bahaniifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormts sericea Forest Popuhis bahcuuifera ssp. trichocarpa I Mesic graminoids Forest Popuhts tremtiloides I Cormts sericea Forest Potamogeton richardsordi - Alyriophyllum spicatitm¥iGrb?icGous Vegetation Salix e.x/gw^ Temporarily Flooded Shnibland Salix htcida ssp. catidata Shiiibland Sallx lutea I Calainagrostis caitadeiuis Shrubland * Rank not assigned McDonald Basin Directions McDonald Basin is located in tlie Beartootli Mountains of south central Montana. From Dean, travel southwesterly onBenbowRoad for approximately 1.5 miles to a junction witli an un-namedroad to the south. Follow this road for 0. 1 mile to a 4-wheel diive trail continuing to tlie soutli. Continue on the 4-wheel drive ti'ail for 2 miles to tlie site. Description This complex of wetlands occurs in the montane zone on the flanks of the Beartooth Mountains. The site is characterized by glacially-fonned depressions dissected by small streams. These depressions, as well as Cantor ccmcideiisis (beaver) activity along tlie stieani courses, have created the current wetland complex. In addition, a few fens have formed on gently sloping ground around seeps. Botli tlie glacial potholes and the beaver-dammed wetlands are dominated by marsh vegetation, primarily Carex utriculata (beaked sedge). Some wetter zones are dominated by Glyceria borealis (northern mannagiass), and Niiphar hitea (y^Wow pond-lily) dominates pemianently flooded areas in the centei' of ponds. Ahuts ittca/ta (mountain aldei) stands have fonned in the seeps and springs tliat permeate tliis area. Small inclusions of wetter areas witliin the alder stands are dominated by graminoids like Carex utriculata and Calaniagrostis canadensis (bluejoint reedgiass). Alrms i/tcmta stands also occur along sheams, as do stands of Salix geyeriana I Carex utriculata (Geyer's willow / beaked sedge). A couple of small fens have formed eithei' in basins fed by groundwatei' or around seeps on gentle slopes. A poorly described community type, which has a low coverage of Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda (shrubby cinquefoil) and undergrowtli dominated by Carex buxbaumii (Buxbaum's sedge), dominates tlie fen vegetation. Otlier associated species are Carex interior (inland sedge), Carex las/ocarpa (slender sedge), Juncus alpinus (northern iiisli), Agrostis scabra (tickle grass), Menyauthes trifoliata (bog huckhQ^in)^ Aster junciformis (rush astei), and a nearly continuous blanket of moss covei\ Forests of Pimis coniorta (^o^^^^oX^ p'mt) 3i\6 Abies lasiocarpa (subalpine fir) with an under giowth of Spiraea betulifolia (birchleaf spiraea) and Vacciniuin globulare (globe huckleberry) dominate the surrounding uplands. 44 Appendix D Key Environmental Factors Seeps, streamflow, and beaver activity all contiibute to stnicturing these wetlands. Rarity Three G3 communities in good condition were documented: Almts incana I Carex spp. (mountain alder / sedge), Carex biixbawnii (Buxbaum's sedge), and Dasiphorafruticosa ssp.JIonbuiida I Carex spp. (shmbby cinquefoil / sedge). Community diversity at this site is very high. Land Use Hiking and hunting can be expected as a trail (old jeep road) does tiaverse a portion of this wetland. Livestock grazing occurs within the site as well, though only ih^Alims iftcaiia I Carex spp. community has received such use as to produce huminocking. Exotics The following exotic species generally comprised at most 1% cover in drier portions of the site: Cirsium an'etise (Canada thistle), Cirsium xulgare (bull thistle), Phleum prate tise (common timothy), Poaprate/tsis (Kentucky bluegrass), and Poapalustris (fowl bluegrass). Uplands Forests in the immediate upland are second giowth. Theie are a couple of diveision ditches that formerly weie used to augment the water levels in the lakes below tlie McDonald Wetlands. Information Needs None weie noted. Management Needs A weed management plant is particularly needed for the noxious weeds, such as Cirsium an^ejue (Canada thistle), but grazing management should be part of the plan to control tlie other weeds/increaser species, such as Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass). Element Occuirence Information Pliint As^ociatioii /Dominimce Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Al/tus i/tca/ta I Carex spp. Shiiibland Calamagrostis caundensis Western Heibaceous Vegetation Carex buxbaumii Herbaceous Vegetation Carex w/nc//to« Herbaceous Vegetation E feoc harts palustr is Herbaceous Vegetation Glyceria borealis Herbaceous Vegetation Nupftar lutea Dominance Type Dasiphora fruticosa ^%\}. floribunda I Carex spp. Shrubland Sallx booihii I Carex utriculata SImibland Sallx geyeria/ta I Carex utricufafa Shrubland s? G3 B S4 G4Q B S3 G3 A S5 G5 B S5 G5 C S3 G4 C * * * S3 G3? B S4 G4 B S5 G5 C Rank not assigned Meyers Creek Dirfctions The Meyers Creek site is located at the base of the Beaitootli Mountains is soudi cential Montana. From Nye, travel nortli on State Highway 420 for about 1 mile. Turn west on Forest Route 2142, following Limestone Creek. Travel for 8.5 miles (tuining north at Limestone) to the Meyeis Creek Work Center. The site occurs Appendix D 45 as a series of discontinuous aspen and willow-dominated stands along Meyeis Creekfrom the Work Center to approximately 1 mile upstream. Description This site is located along Meyeis Creek. Stands of mesic aspen and willow, which occur as discontinuous patches along the creek and adjacent slopes, are the dominant communities. Throughout tlie site, riparian communities occur primarily as narrow stringers along tlie active channel of Meyers Creek. These communities are characteiized by veiy small and discontinuous patches of Pice a engelmannii I Cormts .y^ncea (Engelinann spruce /red-osier dogwood) and small patches of Salix boothii (Bootli's willow). These communities are veiy heavily grazed and have high cover of exotic glasses, such as Bromus inermis (smooth brome) and Phleum praiense (common timotliy). hi a few locations, tlie riparian zone supports larger stands of mesic aspen communities. These stands also occur on adjacent toeslopes subiirigated by groundwater. The stands furtliest upsti'eam are Popiihts treinuloides I Symphoricarpos albus (quaking aspen / common snowberiy) and Popuhis tremuloides I Osinorhiza occideniahs (quaking aspen / western sweet-cicely) (the diagnostic Osinorhiza species present is actually Osmorhiza depauperata [blunt fruit sweet-cicely]). These stands are small and impacted from grazing. A Popuhis tremuloides I Cormts sericea community occurs closer to the Work Center along tlie creek and on an adjacent toeslope. The portion of tliis community along Meyeis Creek is heavily giazed and has abundant PhJeitm prate tise and Bromus inermis cover, hi contrast, the portion of this community on the toeslope appears to be lightly browsed. It has an open canopy of Popuhis tremuloides W\\h minor colonization of Pice a engelmcmnii. The slimb component is diverse wit^i Ame lane hie r afnifofia (seivicebeny) and Symphoricarpos albus abundant and Cornus sericea'WGW represented. The herbaceous layer is diveise: Elymus glaiicus (blue wildrye) is abundant and numerous mesic forbs, including SoUdago cauadensis (Canada goldemod), Viola ccmadeiisis (Canadian violet), Osmorhiza depauperata^ Heracleum maximum (cow -parsnip), Glycyrrhiza lepidota (Ameiican licorice), and Galium triflorum (sweet-scented bedstiaw) are common. This community also occurs in tlie Meyeis Creek floodplain close to tlie Work Centei, but this stand is characterized by an open oveistoiy of mature and senescent Popuhis bafsaniifera ssp. trichocarpa (black Cottonwood) witli an open mid-canopy of Populus tremuloides. Saplings and small poles of Picea eugelmauuii are well established. The shmb layer is dominated by Cornus sericea, Salix boothii^ and Symphoricarpos occidentalis (western snowberry), while mesic forbs and grasses similar to the previous stand represent tlie herbaceous layer. These stands have low cover of seveial exotic species, including Phleum praiense, Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue), Cirsium vufgare (bull tliistle), and Bromus i/termis. Uplands at tlie site are characterized by grasslands on south-facing slopes and Picea engelmannii I Plrysocarpus malxaceus (Engelmann spmce / ninebark) and Pseudotsuga menziesii I Physocarpus malraceus (Douglas-fir / ninebark) stands on nortli-facing slopes. Key Environmental Factors Groundwater flows botli along Meyers Creek and from adjacent slopes provide the site moisture that supports tlie mesic and riparian communities. Meyeis Creek is an intennittent stream (diy during the site visit) with veiy little floodplain development. Portions of the site are heavily browsed, which has altered tlie structure and composition of vegetation at tlie site. Rarity No plant or animal species of special concern were observed. Very small examples of two G3? communities weie documented in fair to good condition. These were Populus tremuloides I Osmorhiza occidentalis (quaking aspen / western sweet-cicely) and Populus tremuloides I Symphoricarpos albus (quaking aspen / common snowbeiry). Land Use Livestock actively grazes this site. A fence separates the upper and lowei' portions of the site. The upper portion is heavily giazed, while the lowei' portion receives some glazing pressure from horse and cow. 46 Appendix D Exotics PhJettm prate nse (common timotliy) and Bromus inermis (smooth brome) are well established at the site. Othei' exotic species are cunently present at low cover but are lilcely to expand in tlie future. These include Cyrtoghssiim officinale (hound's tongue), Cirmiin rulgare (bull thistle), and Cirsium ar\'ense (Canada tliistle). On south-facing slopes, the adjacent upland communities have ?i\>\\n^?i\ii Phkiiin prateiise and Bromtis inermis cover. This provides a large seed source for tliese species to colonize more mesic riparian sites. Uplands Livestock grazes tlie bottomland along Meyeis Creek. The sunounding uplands are National Forest lands. These may also be grazed but have no otlier apparent management activities. Lands below tlie moutli of Meyers Creek in tlie Limestone drainage are in private ownership and ranching and agiicultural land uses predominate. Information Needs What is tlie giazing history of the site? Mnnagement Needs Conti'ol of noxious weeds, especially Cynogfossum officinale (hound's tongue), Cirsium rulgare (bull thistle), and Cirsium arre/tse (Canada tliistle), is needed. Also, the grazing intensity on tlie upper portions of the site should be reduced. Element Occurrence Information Pliint As^ociatioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Popuhts tremuloides I Cornus sericea Forest Popuhis tremuloides I Osmorhiza occidentalis Forest Popuhts tremuloides I Symphoricarpos aJbus Forest Salix booihii I Carex utriculata Shiubland Sallx boothii Dominance Type S3 G4 B S3? G3? C S3? G3? B S4 G4 * * * * * Rank not assigned Mud Lake -Boulder River Directions Mud Lake-Boulder River is in the Absaroka Range in south centi'al Montana. FromMcLeod travel 12 miles south on State Route 298 to Contact Creek. Mud Lake-Boulder River is located 1.5 miles westerly upstream on Contact Creek. Description Mud Lake is a shallow, seasonally flooded lake tliat occurs in a glacially-fomied depression along an intemiittent creek. The creek, which is tlie primary water source, also drains the lake. The lake apparently dries down to a mud flat by tlie end of some growing seasons. At the time of the site visit, the lake was a mud flat dominated by equal portions of unvegetated mud and m\ Eleoc harts palustr is (common spikeiiish) community. The margins of the lake had a patchy drawdown zone wheie Polygonum amphibium (water smartweed) ?ind Mentha aniens is (field mint) were common. Attheupstieam end of tlie lake, W\g Eleocharis palustris community grades into a Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) community on sites witli a shorter peiiod of standing water. Adjacent to the Carex utriculata community, and at a slightly drier position, is a Salhc drummondiana I Calamagrostis canadensis (Drummond's willow / bluejoint reedgiass) community. The actual undergrowdi dominant was Calamagrostis inexpansa (narrow- spiked reedgiass), which is considered by Hansen et al. (1995) to be an ecological equivalent of Calcunagrostis canadensis for management Appendix D 47 purposes. Forest of Pseudotsiiga menziesii (Douglas-fir) and Finns coniorta (lodgepole pine) dominate tlie uplands. Key Environmental Factors This wetland is tlie product of favorable geomorphology (a glacial depression) and proximity to an intemiittent creek tliat seasonally floods. The flooding and diying-down processes stnicture the resulting p 1 a nt c ommun ities . Rarity No rare plants or aniinals were observed. One G3 plant association, Salix drnmmondiana I Calamagrostis canndensis (Drummond's willow / bluejoint reedgrass), was documented in fair condition. Otlif r Values Heavy use by ungulates was noted along witli Ursns americanns (black bear) scat and tiacks. Rcmapretiosa (spotted frog) and Thajttnophis sirtalis (common garter snake) were also present. Land Use No land use was apparent, tliough the area has high potential for hunting, outfitter, and wildlife watching use. An unconfinned report indicates tliat a lodge on the Boulder River stages outfitted trips from tliis point. The ubiquity and abundance of pastuie grasses and increasei' forbs implies a past glazing use. Exotics PhJeum prate use (common timothy) and Poapainstris (fowl bluegiass) are prevalent at the lake inlet. Poa praiensis is an important component in tlie upland meadow at the south end of tlie lake. Scatteied populations of Cirsinm ar\'ense (Canada thistle} and TrifoUum pratense (red clover) are present throughout the site. Uplands The meadow communities immediately adjacent to the wetlands have abundant cover of pasture grasses and increaser forbs, which indicates that tlie area was grazed in die past. Other uses or disturbances were not documented. Information Needs What is the reason for the high populations of pasture grasses? Management Nf eds None were identified. Element Occurrence Information Fliint Association /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Aquatic Carex wi7-/c?/to« Herbaceous Vegetation E feoc harts palnstr is Herbaceous Vegetation PhJeum pratense Dominance Type Salix drnmmondiana I Calamagrostis canadensis Shiubland * « * S5 G5 A S5 G5 A * « * S2S3 G3 C Rank not assigned 48 Appendix D Nurses Lake Directions Note: a portion of this site is located on private land, and landowner permission is needed to access that area. Nurses Lake is east of the West Boulder Rivei' in south central Montana. From McLeod, travel south on West Boulder Road for approximately 1 1 miles to un-named road bearing east. Proceed on the un-named road for 2 miles in a generally southeasterly direction to Nurses Lake wetland. Description This site is a complex of small, steep-sided, muck-bottomed glacial potholes located in a morainal landform surrounded by aspen-conifer forest. Based on the convex shape of tlie moraine and the low conductivity (160 ^S/cm) of water in the potholes, die water source for tliis site is primarily precipitation and subsequent drainage into tliepotlioles. Smaller potlioles (0.5-1 ac) generally have a fringe of Carex utr iculata (hG^ked sedge) on tlie margin and a Sparganium angustifolhiin (nairowleaf bur-ieed) community growing in tlie mucky -bottomed cential portion of tlie pothole. Sparganhiin angtisii folium grows as an emergent community in this setting; associated species include Sagiiiaria cuueaia (ammleaf arrowhead), Poiamogeton grainineus (grassy pondweed), Ranunculus gmelinii (Gmelin's buttercup), Lem/ta minor (common duckweed), and Lemna trisulca (star duckweed). Larger potholes (2-4 ac) have an aquatic community in the middle with Carex utriculata glowing on the margins. Nearly all the potholes have scattered slimbs glowing on the margins, including Salix boothii (Booth's willow), Salix geyeriana (Gey er's willow), and Salix bebbiana (Bebb willow). The suixounding uplands are mostly dominated by a Populus treinuloides I Symphoricarpos (tiembling aspen / snowbeiiy) covei' type, which also has a high covei' of Calamagrostis rubesce/ts (pinegrass). Key Environmental Factors These glacial depressions are seasonally flooded by (mostly) overland flow. This dynamic is die primaiy factor for maintenance of tliese communities. Rarity No rare plants, animals, or communities were observed. Other Values Abundant Ra/ta pretiosa (spotted frog) were found in the Sparganium angustifoUum (n a rrowleaf bur-reed) community, ^ndAlces alces (moose) were feeding in the various aquatic communities. Seveial specimens of a given type of snail were collected for identification. Land Use The Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) community is lightly grazed, whetlier from moose (Alces alces) or cattle is unknown. Past glazing may have been intense, judging from the extent of exotic species and hummocking. Exotics The only exotics are in tlie bankfuU area of drawdown zone and the immediate upland. These include Cirsium rulgare (bull tliistle), Cirsium arxense (Canada tliistle), Cynoglossum officinalis (liound's tongue), Trifolium prate tise (red clover), and pasture grasses such 3S Agrostis stolomfera (r^dtop) ^nd Phleum prate nse (common timothy). Uplands Adjacent public lands are lightly giazed while tliose in private ownership are heavily impacted. Cattle use ponds in the near vicinity. Appendix D 49 Information Needs Some of the potholes had unusual algal blooms. Is this the result of excessive feitilization from cattle use in tlie basin? Mnnagenient Needs The site could benefit from a weed management plan, while tlie population levels are still contiollable. Element Occurrence Information Fliint Association /DominiinceType S Rank GRank £0 Rank Aquatic * * * Carex utriculata Herbaceous Vegetation S5 G5 B Popiihis tremuloides I Syinphoricarpos occidentalis Dominance Type *. ^ -jf Sparganium angustifolium Herbaceous Vegetation S? G4 * * Rank not assigned Pruit Park Directions Note: Pruit Park is located on private land, and landowner permission is required to access this site. Pruit Park is located in the footliills of the Absaroka Range in south central Montana. From McLeod, travel soudi on State Route 298 for 0.5 mile. Turn onto tlie Wet Boulder Road and travel west-southwest for approximately 12 miles to the West Boulder tiailhead. Hike east on Forest Trail 14. Aftei' reaching the top of the hill slope (approximately 1 mile), head cross-country bearing soutli-soudieast for approximately 0.8 mile. The site is located on the nortliem edge of Pmit Park. Description Pruit Park occuis on an elevated bench of glacial origin, and the site receives groundwater from tlie adjacent slope. The site is dominated by a Sallx wolfii I Deschampsia caespitosa (Wolf willow / tufted haiigrass) community. Shallow swales are more mesic and support Carex aqiiaiilis (water sedge). Pole and sapling- sized clumps of Pice a ettgelma/tnii (Engelmann spruce) are scattered throughout this community. Key Environmental Factors Subiixigation from the adjacent slope is the primaiy environmental influence on the vegetation at this site. Rarity No special status plant or animal species were obseived. One G3 plant community, Salix wolfii I Deschampsia caespitosa (Wolf willow / tufted hairgiass), was documented in fair to good condition. Land Use Use of the site appears to be minimal. Cattle sign was observed, and willows are heavily browsed, altliough probably more by Alces alces (moose) tlian by cattle. Exotics Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) is well established in drier portions of tlie site. Uplands A cabin is located in Pmit Park near the site. The site borders the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Area and tlie landscape context is largely pristine. 50 Appendix D Information Needs What is tlie giazing history of the site? How heavy is wild ungulate browsing pressure? Mnnagement Nf eds None weie noted. Element Occurrence Information Pliint As^ociatioii /DominiinceType S Raiil^ GRiinl^ EO Rank Sallx wolfii I DescJtampsia caespitosa Shrubland S3 G3 B Riverfront Park Directions Riverfront Park is located in the sedimentaiy unglaciated Great Plains of soutli cential Montana, hi Billings, travel soutli on South Billings Boulevard from Interstate 90. Riverfront Park is located just before the road crosses the Yellowstone Rivei\ Description Riverfront Park occurs ondiefloodplain of the Yellowstone River. The site is a mosaic of cottonwood forest interspersed witli shrub openings, ponds, sloughs, and developed recreation and parking areas. Most cottonwood stands at tliis site are open gallery forests of mature Popuhis deltoides (plains cottonwood) with a mid-story of the exotic Elaeagnus angtistifoUa (Russian olive) and an understory dominated by exotic pasture grasses, predominately Bromus inerinis (snioodi bronie) and Poapratenns (Kentucky bluegrass). Within this community there are small inclusions where native shrubs are present. These patches have low to moderate cover of Cormis sericea (red-osier dogwood), Acer uegiwdo (box-elder), Salix hitea (^'ellow willow), and Toxicodeiidron rydbergii (poison ivy). The eastem portion of the site contains Popuhis deUoides stands witli a dense cover of tlie exotic shrub Rftammts cathartica (common buckthom). Fluvial processes, including erosion, deposition, and associated channel migration, are active at the site, and tliis has created suitable habitat for cottonwood regeneration. Young stands of Popuhis deltoides and Salix exigiia (sandbar willow) are colonizing recent bars, with small Populus deltoides saplings primarily colonizing raised deposits of silt. In many areas, especially along side channels not having received recent deposition, there are stands of Salix exigua with a dense ground layer dominated by tlie aggressive exotic Phafaris anmdinacea (reed canarygrass). Higher deposits have an older cohort of pole-sized Popuhis angtistifoUa (narrowleaf cottonwood) with an understoiy dominated by Bromus inermis and tlie noxious weed Euphorbia esula (\G?ify spurge). This site also contains a small Symphoricarpos occidentalis (western snowberry) community with high covei' of Pascopyrtim smithii (westem wheatgrass), small stands of Typha latifoh a (broadleaf cattail) around ponds, and a very small stand of Popuhis batsaaiifera ssp. trichocarpal Corrms sericea ()y\?iQk cottonwood /red- osier dogwood). Key Environmental Factors Seasonal flooding and tlie resulting floodplain development is tlie primary abiotic influence at the site. Castor canadensis (beaver) are also important and are causing cottonwood and willow mortality in places. Rarity No rare plants or animals were observed. A very small example of a G3 community, Popuhts bahcmiifera ssp. trichocarpa ! Cormis sericea (black cottonwood / red-osiei' dogwood) was documented in fail' condition. Appendix D 51 other Values While most of tlie cottonwood forests at this site are degraded, tliey still provide important habitat for wildlife, including nesting habitat for many species of Neotiopical migrant birds. Also, active cottonwood regeneration is occurring at this site. Land Use This site is a county park, and it receives heavy recreational use, especially fishing use around tlie lakes. There are many paved roads and trails thioughout the site, and vehicle tiacks were observed on recent floodplain deposits. Exotics Exotic pasture grasses, primarily Bromus irtermis (smooth brome) and Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), dominate tlie giound layer at tliis site. In addition, seveial species of noxious weed are established, including Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge), Ce/ttaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed), and Cytioglossitm offici/tale (liound's tongue). Wetter sites have heavy cover of Phalaris anwdwacea (reed canaiygrass). Perhaps most h'oubling, most of the cottonwood stands have a midstoiy dominated by Elaeagmis angustifolia (Russian olive). It is likely that as the cottonwoods die (and many of tlie cottonwoods are mature or senescent), these stands will convert to an Elaeagnus angtistifoUa-Aom.m^tQA community. This conveision will have unknown habitat and biodiveisity implications. Uplands The surrounding area is dominated by urban and agricultural land uses. Information Needs What is the history of gravel extraction at tlie site? Management Needs The park needs a noxious weed management plan. Element Of cuiience Information Plant As^ociatioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Phalaris artindittacea Western Heibaceous Vegetation Popuhis angiistifoha I Mesic graminoids Forest Popuhis bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormts sericea Forest Popuhts delioides I Mesic graminoids Forest Popuhis delioides I Recent Alluvial Bar Forest Popuhts delioides I Rhaimms cathartica Dominance Type Sallx e.x/gw^ Temporarily Flooded Shnibland Symphoricarpos occidentalis Slmibland Typha latifolia Western Herbaceous Vegetation S4 G5 * SW * * S3? G3? C SW * * S3 « B/C * « ^ S5 G5 C S4S5 G4G5 c S5 G5 c Rank not assigned Sage Creek Directions Sage Creek is located west of the Pryor Mountains in south central Montana. From Warren, travel 1.25 miles south on State Highway 310 to Sage Creek wetland. 52 Appendix D Description This site is composed of marsh and willow bottom vegetation associated witli the floodplain of Sage Creelc, a meandering, low gradient stream in the northern end of tlie Bighorn Basin between the Beartooth Plateau and tlie Piyor Mountains. Surface and groundwater from Sage Creek are tlie water sources for tliis wetland. Some very old beaver dams suggest that beaver played a historic role in shaping these wetlands. There was no water flowing in Sage Creek at tlie time of the site visit. The adjacent upland is dominated hy Artemisia tridentata (big sagebrush), Sarcobahis xermiculatus (black greasewood), and Leymus ci/tereus (basin wildrye). The wettest and largest community at tlie site is Typfta latifolia (broadleaf cattail). Two minor communities, Schoefiopkctus maritimus (alkali bulnish) and Eleocharis palustris (common spikerush), occupy shghtly diier positions. Carex pellita (woolly sedge) is also a dominant community at die site and it occurs on positions somewhat drier tlian the previously listed communities. All tliese emergent communities occur in what are perhaps old oxbows or old beaver ponds associated witli Sage Creek. Willow communities also form a significant portion of the site. Salix e.x/gfva (sandbar willow) is a minor community tliat occurs on botli low and high terraces. Salix hitea (yellow willow) fomis tlie largest willow community. It occurs on a higher tenace, and it lacks any significant graminoid or forb coverage within the giound layer, possibly because of past grazing. Small patches of Distichlis spicata {i>?i\\.gv?i^i) can be found in the driest areas at the margins of the wetland. Key Environmental Factors This site receives annual floods and may be somewhat expanded in size due to past beavei' activity. Rarity No rare plants, animals, or communities were observed. Land Use Though theie has been grazing in die past current evidence points to low levels or grazing. Exotics Various combinations of Sottchus uliginosus (marsh cow-tliistle), Chenopodiam album (lambsquarters), Alopecunis arundinaceus (creeping foxtail), Arctium minus (common burdock), Cardaria sp. (hoary cress), and Cirsiitm arre/tse (Canada tliistle) were found in all communities except for Schoeitoplectus maritimus (saltmarsh clubrush). Uplands Upstieam on Sage Creek there is a limestone mill and adjacent to the west is an active railroad line (effects of eithei', unknown). Livestock grazing occurs on adjacent private and public lands. Information Needs How has tlie highway and railroad affected tlie riparian ecology? Management Needs The dewatering of Sage Creek needs to be halted to preserve die extent of tlie wetland. Appendix D 53 Element Of cuiience Information Plant Associatioii /DominMifcType S Rank G Rank EO Rank Carex pelliia Herbaceous Vegetation Distichlis spicaia Heibaceous Vegetation Ekocharis paltLstris Herbaceous Vegetation Sallx e.x/gw^ Temporarily Flooded Shnibland Sallx lutea I Rosa M'oodsii Shrubland SchoertopfectiLS maritimus Heibaceous Vegetation Schoenoplectus piingeiis Herbaceous Vegetation Typha latifolia Herbaceous Vegetation S2S3 G5? B S4 G5 C S5 G5 C S5 G5 B S? G3 B S4 G4 B S3 G3G4 B S5 G5 A Stillwater River-Flume Creek Directions The Stillwater River-Flume Creek site is located at tliebase of tlieBeartooth Mountains is south central Montana. From Nye, tiavel west and tlien soutliwest on State Route 419 for approximately 5.5 miles. Cross tlie Stillwater River on a bridge across from tlie Stillwater Mine tailings pond. Park on the east side of the river; pemiission is needed to park on Stillwater Mine property. Take tlie road tliat switchbacks up tlie mountain. At the first switchback, leave tlie road and continue along an informal tiail tliat parallels tlie Stillwater River. The site is located approximately 0.5 mile upstream at the confluence of tlie Stillwater' River and Flume Creek. Description The site is located on the floodplain of the Stillwater River\ where it confines with Flume Creek. At the confluence. Flume Creek forms a long backwater slough; a Carex uthculaia (beaked sedge) community occurs along tlie margin of tlie slough. The rest of the site is mesic and is subinigated by groundwater. It is a mix of aspen, willow, and cottonwood communities. A Salix boothii I Cafamagrostis canadeims (Bootli's willow / bluejoint reedgrass) community occupies wetter sites. This community has clumped cover of willow, mostly Sahx boothii and Sallx bebb'mna (Bebb willow), witli Cornus sericea (red-osier' dogwood) and Symphoricarpos occidentalis (western snowbeny) also common. The herbaceous layer is divergent: under Sallx cover, Calaniagrostls canadensis dominates, while in herbaceous -dominated openings, Agrostis stolonifera (redtop) is tlie dominant species. Drier sites (but still seasonally saturated) along Flume Creek are characterized by a Populus treimdoides I Cornus sericea (quaking aspen / red-osier dogwood) community. This community has a vigorous overstory of Populus tremuloides wit\\ a diverse shrub component. Sytnphoricarpos occidentalis and Cornus sericea are tlie most abundant species. Common herbaceous species are Equisetiiin arreme (field horsetail), Elymus glcmcus (blue wild lye), Rudbeckia laciniata (cutleaf coneflower), and Heraclewn maximum (cow-parsnip). A Popuhts balsainifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood) community occupies the driest, most well-drained portions of the site. The cottonwoods are mostly senescent, and sapling and pole-sized Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine) and Picea engehnaimii (Engelmarm spruce) are well represented. The shrub layer is heavily browsed; many shrubs, especially Cornus sericea, are of small stature and appear to be suppressed from browsing. The herbaceous layer has a high proportion of the exotics Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Phleum praiense (common timotliy). Key Environmental Factors Fluvial dynamics associated with tlie Stillwater' River and seasonal surface and groundwater inflow from Flume Creek are tlie most important influences on tlie vegetation. Signs of old beaver' activity are apparent at the site. Browsing by wild ungulates and livestock is effecting the structure of tlie Populus balsainifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood) community by suppressing palatable species, such as Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood). 54 Appendix D Rarity No tiacked or special status plant or animal species were observed. A G3? community, Populus bcdsainifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormis sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood), was documented in fair condition. Land Use The site is grazed by livestock; however, except for the Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa ! Cormis sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood) community, the site appears lightly grazed. Othei"wise the site appears unmanaged. Exotics Seveial exotic species are abundant at the site. Poapraiensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Phleum prate me (common timotliy) are common on tlie driest sites with rocky, well-drained soil. Agrostis stolonifera (redtop) is abundant and Poapahtstris (fowl bluegrass) is present in herbaceous openings in the SalLx boothii I Calamagrostis caandensis (Bootli's willow / bluejoint reedgrass) community. Cirsium arre/tse (Canada tliistle) is present at very low covei' in tlie Populus tremtiloides I Cormis sericea (quaking aspen / red-osier dogwood) community. Uplands The riparian zone has been heavily impacted in this reach. Across the river and upstream of the site, livestock grazing appears to have greatly limited the development of riparian vegetation, altliough pockets of good condition cottonwood and willow communities are present. Downstieam, tlie Stillwater Mine has channelized the river and developed tlie floodplain. Information Needs What are the past and cuirent grazing practices at die site? Management Needs Cirsium an^ense (Canada tliistle) is present at tlie site at veiy low density, and it should be eradicated. Element Occurrence Information Pliint As^ociatioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Carex w/nc;^toa Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Corrms sericea Forest Populus tremuloides I Cormts sericea Forest Sallx boothii I Calamagrostis caunden^is Shrubland S5 G5 A S3? G3? C S3 G4 A S3 G3G4Q B Twin Lakes Directions Twin Lakes are located in the Crazy Mountains in soutli cential Montana. From Big Timbei, travel north on U.S. Highway 191 for approximately 10 miles. Turn left onto County Road 25 and travel west for approximately 13 miles to Half Moon Campground. Hike west on Forest Trail 119 for approximately 3.5 miles to Upper Twin Lake. Description Twin Lakes occur near timbeiline in a glacially -formed cirque basin at die headwateis of Big Timbei' Creek. Wetland communities are lacustiine fringe and slope wetlands. A Salix planifolia I Carex scopulorum (planeleaf willow / Holm's Rocky Mountain sedge) community fringes tlie upper (western) edge of Upper Twin Lake. This community grades into an early-seral-4ft^^-S' lasiocarpa I Streptopus ample xifolius (subalpine Appendix D 55 fir / clasping twisted stalk) community, which occurs on a subirrigated toeslope. A mid-seral stand of this community, witli a Picea engelincmnii (Engehnann sp!'uce)-dominated overstory, occurs in between the two lakes. Lower Twin Lake has a very narrow lacustrine fringe with Carex scopuloniin and Eqidsetttm ar\'ense (field horsetail) forming the dominant covei\ Most of the wetlands along Lower Twin Lake are subirrigated slope wetlands with some peat development tliat have numerous seeps and springs. A Carex scopuhrum community occupies most of tliese wetlands. This well vegetated community has high cover of Carex scopuhrum, Carex illota (sheep sedge), and Pedicularis groendlandica (elephant head), and also has abundant brown moss cover, including Philo/totis fotttcaia and Drepanodadiis adimcus. SpJmgnum moss, including Spftagmwt sqiiarrosum, is locally common around seep margins. This community has numerous linear clumps and breaks of Picea engelmanmi m\d Abies lasiocarpa. Uplands are predominantly m\ Abies lasiocarpa I Vaccimuin scopariiim (subalpine fir / grouse whortlebeny) habitat type. Key Environmental Factors This is a subalpine site greatly influenced by glacial topogiaphy. Hydrological regime is driven by subiirigation from snowmelt. Rarity No special status plant or animal species or rare community lypes were observed. Othfr Values Rarta pretiosa (spotted frog) was observed in small ponds in slope wetlands along Lower Twin Lake. Land Use A popular recreation tiail skirts the upper boundary of tlie site. Campsites and infonnal ti'ails are located in tlie spnice-fir forest between the lakes and at the head of Upper Twin Lake. Evidence of cattle use was observed in some communities. Exotics The only exotic noted was Trifohum repens (white clover). This species was localized and present at low cover. Its presence may be explained by use of pack animals. Uplands The setting is pristine. The area receives some livestock glazing, but it appears to be light. This is a popular recreational area and receives heavy use. Land ownership is a checkerboard pattern of National Forest and private land. Information Needs None were noted. Management Needs None were noted. Element Occurrence Information Pliint Association /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Abies lasiocarpa I Strep topus ample xifolius Foiest Carex scopuhrum Herbaceous Vegetation PhJeum alpitmm - Carex microptera Herbaceous Vegetation Sallx phnifolia I Carex scopuhrum Shnibland S3 G4? A S4 G5 A S? G3? B S? G4 A 56 Appendix D Two Moon Park Directions Two Moon Park is located along the Yellowstone River in the unglaciated High Plains. This site is located witliin the city of Billings. Description Two Moon Park is located in the floodplain of the Yellowstone River. This site occurs between low bluffs tliat overlook tlie rivei' and the river's active channel. The site is a mosaic of communities that occur on different fluvial landfonns. On recently created mid-channel bars, the vegetation is veiy weedy and is dominated by Euphorbia esula (leafy spiuge) and Salix exigita (sandbar willow). Recently deposited side bars and sloughs are dominated by Safix exigua and tlie exotic Phalaris am/t^i/tacea (reed canaiygrass), with wetter microsites occupied by monospecific stands of Phalaris artindinacea. Higher portions of tlie floodplain are a mosaic of Populus dehoides I Symphoricarpos occidentaJis (plains cottonwood/ western snowbeny) woodland and herbaceous openings. The cottonwood stands are open woodlands witli a locally abundant mid-canopy of the exotic Efaeagmts angustifofia (Russian olive). The herbaceous layer is dominated by the exotic grasses Poa compressa (Canada bluegrass), Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), and Bromiis inennis (smootli brome). The herbaceous openings are also largely dominated by tlie same exotic grasses; however, patches of Pascopyntm smithii (western wheatgiass) still dominate some low- lying swales, although some of tliese are being invaded by Broirnts tectoniin (cheatgrass). Seepy, ground water-receiving sites at tlie base of the bluffs are dominated by Typha latifolia (broadleaf cattail) and Phalaris arundinacea. A small stand of Safix amygdafoides (peachleaf willow) occurs along one of tlie sloughs. Key Environmental Factors Flooding, and the associated eiosion, deposition, and channel migration, is the dominant process influencing vegetation. Vegetation is also influenced by microtopography and by seepage from the toeslope of tlie bluffs. Rarity No special status plants or animals were observed. One G2G3 community, Popuhis dehoides I Symphoricarpos occideutalis (plains cottonwood / western snowbeny), and one G3 community, Salix amygdaloides (peachleaf willow), were documented in fair to poor condition. Other Values This site offers habitat for many Neotropical migrant biids and otlier wildlife. This site is locally important because of habitat fragmentation in the greater Billings metropolitan area. Land Use The site is a city park and receives heavy recreational use. There are seveial trails and old roads through the park, and a portion of the park was mined for gravel. Most of the use appears to be limited to the trails. Exotics Exotic grasses dominate tlie ground layer of this site, especially Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Bromus inennis (smootli brome). Phafaris artindinacea (reed canaiygrass) dominates many mesic portions of the site, such as sloughs. Bromus tectorwn (cheatgrass) cuixently occurs as several small monospecific stands, but it is likely to spread. Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge) is scatteied in small patches except on mid- channel bars wheie it is tlie dominant species. Cynoglossum o_fficirtale (liound's tongue) and Cirsiiim an^ense (Canada thistle) are common diroughout the site. Elaeagmis atigitstifolia (Russian olive) is well established in the cottonwood stands. It is likely that as the cottonwoods die (and many of die cottonwoods are mature or senescent), these stands will convert to an Elaeagmis ongitstifolia-doimn^tQd community. This conversion will have unknown habitat and biodiveisity implications. Appendix D 57 S4 G3G5Q C S4 G5 * SW GW * S2S3 G2G3 C S3 G3 C S5 G5 D S5 G5 C Uplands The site occurs as an isolated fragment of riparian vegetation witliin the urban/industrial context of Bilhngs. Information Needs What was the history of giavel extraction and glazing at the site? Management Needs Altliough it is unhkely that native species will reclaim the herbaceous layer, the more aggressive exotic species such as Euphorbia esula (leafy spuige) and Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass), should be contiolled. Element Occurrence Information Plant As^ociatioii /Dominance Type S Rank GRank £0 Rank Pascopyrum smithii Herbaceous Vegetation Phafaris arundinacea Western Herbaceous Vegetation Poapratensis Semi-natural Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Popuhts delta ides I Symphoricarpos occideutalis Woodland Sallx amygdaloides Woodland Sallx ^.x/gwa Temporarily Flooded Shnibland Typha latifoha Western Herbaceous Vegetation * Rank not assigned Water Birch Directions Water Birch is located in the footliills and high plains of south centi'al Montana. From Red Lodge, travel noitli on U.S. Highway 212 for approximately 8.5 miles. Access to Water Birch is signed. Description Water Birch is located in the floodplain of Rock Creek. In tliis reach, Rock Creek is braided with two or three primary channels. Channel banks are eroded and tlie system appears to be downcutting. The microtopography of the floodplain is complex with many swales and old channels. This microtopographic relief, augmented by Castor canadensis (beaver) activity, has created a mosaic of interspersed shiiib and Cottonwood communities tliat occupy most of tlie floodplain. Swales and old channels are occupied by an Abuts incana I Calainagrostis canadensis (mountain alder / bluejoint reedgrass) communit>', which also includes dense stands ofCarex utricidata (beaked sedge) around wet margins of beaver ponds. Interspersed with these mesic areas is a Popuhts balsainifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormis sericea (black cottonwood / red- osier dogwood) community. This community includes small inclusions of sapling and pole-sized Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa regenerating on point and side bars. Beaver have caused substantial mortality among tliese saplings. This site also supports a small SaUx bebbiana (Bebb willow) community that is seasonally saturated from seepage from an inigation ditch. Higher portions of the floodplain support Popuhis balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Symphoricarpos occidentalis (black cottonwood / western snowbeiry) and Populus tremuloides I CaJatnagrostis canadensis (quaking aspen / bluejoint reedgrass) communities. These communities are probably above tlie flood prone zone (twice bankfuU stage height) and so may be less influenced by riverine groundwatei\ Moisture at tliese sites is probably more influenced by subirrigation from a toeslope tliat fonns a topogiaphic break between tlie active floodplain and an older glacial outwash terrace. Key Environmental Factors Fluvial processes, such as seasonal flooding and high groundwater, and the associated channel migration and microtopography are the primary influences on vegetation structure and composition at this site. Past and current beaver activity is also veiy important and has created ponded areas tliat support mesic sedge and alder communities. 58 Appendix D Rarity No special status plant and animal species were observed. Four G3 plant associations were documented in fair to very good condition: Populus baJscunifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormis sericea (black cottonwood / red- osier dogwood), Popultts tremuloides I Calamagrostis (quaking aspen / bluejoint reedgrass), Almis i/tcana I Calamagrostis caandensis (mountain alder / bluejoint reedgiass), and Salix bebbiana (Bebb willow). Other Values Altliough there are several diversion ditches upstream of and within this reach, this section of Rock Creek appears to support important hydrologic functions, such as dynamic water storage and surface water - groundwater int elections. The floodplain is still accessed by surface and subsurface flooding regimes, and native vegetation appears to be highly connected and to occupy much of the floodplain. Land Use Water Birch is a dedicated recreation site, and receives camping and fishing use. However, except for tlie parking/camping area, the site appears to be little affected from use. Exotics Foapraiensis (Kentucky bluegrass) is abundant throughout the site, especially on driei' locations. Otlier exotic species were present at low cover and include Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion), Leucanthemiiin xulgare (ox-eye daisy), Ceniaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed), Cirsium spp. (tliistle), Arctium spp. (burdock), Cynoglossiim officinale (hound's tongue), and Dae ty lis glome rata (orchard grass). Ceniaurea maculosa has been spot sprayed around the parking/camping area. Uplands Native vegetation is mostly intact along the riparian coiridor upstream and downstream from the site. Livestock grazes the adjacent upstream parcel. Adjacent land use is pasture and ranchettes. Information Needs None weie noted. Management Needs More aggressive contiol of noxious weeds is needed. Element Occurrence Information Plant As^ociatioii /Dominance Type S Rank GRank EO Rank Abuts iucaua I Calamagrostis canadensis Shrubland Popuhis balsainifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea Forest Fopuhis balsajuifera ssp. trichocarpa I Symphohcarpos occidentaUs Forest Foptihis tremuloides I Catamagrostis canadensis Forest Salix bebbiana Shrubland * Rank not assigned West Boulder Meadows Directions The West Boulder Meadows site is located in the foodiills of the Absaroka Range in south central Montana. From McLeod, tiavel south on State Route 298 for 0.5 mile. Turn onto die Wet Boulder Road and tiavel S3Q G3Q A S3? G3? B S3? « C S2 G3 C S3? G3? C Appendix D 59 west-soutliwest for approximately 12 miles to tlie West Bouldei' tiailhead. Travel south on Forest Trail 41 for 3 miles to tlie West Boulder Meadows. Description This site is a large complex of riverine-associated wetlands along an unconfined reach of the West Boulder witliin a glaciated valley. The site is delimited both upstream and downstream by confined river reaches, hi tlie unconfined reach, the West Boulder is low giadient and meandering. Plant associations are distiibuted along a topographic, soil moisture, and flood disturbance gradient. Communities range from flooded and saturated sedge and willow communities to wet spruce forests. Along the active channel, overbank deposition has created natural levees. These levees, which are higher and driei' than the adjacent floodplain, are dominated by exotic species, including Poapratemis (Kentucky bluegrass), PhJeum prate use (common timotliy), and Taraxaciiin officinale (common dandelion). The native Jiincus baliicus (Baltic rush) is also well represented. The lower floodplain next to these levees is semi-pennanently flooded by groundwater from tlie West Boulder, and is dominated by a near-mono specific stand ofCarex utricufata (beaked sedge). A Safix boothii I Carex utriculata (Booth's willow / beaked sedge) community occupies slightly highei' sites tliat are seasonally saturated by groundwater. This community is characterized by a mosaic of clumped slmibs, dominated by Salfx boothii and Salix dmmmoiuliana, inteispersed with herbaceous openings dissected by many small channels. Carex utriculata is die dominant herbaceous species, especially in wetter microsites. Calamagrostis canndensis (bluejoint reedgrass) may be locally dominant in drier areas, especially wheie shaded by willows. Exotics, such as Poa pratensis ^ndAgrostis stolotiifera (redtop), are also common in these drier microsites. Where this community occurs near to Picea (spnice) forest, Picea engelmanrui (Engelmann spruce) and Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood) are colonizing higher microsites. The driest locations at diis site are occupied by Picea engelmanmi I Cornus sericea. This community is characterized by an open Picea engelmannii canopy witli a patchy slimb layei' ofAlmt.^ inca/ta (mountain aldei) and Cornus sericea. The herbaceous layer has a high cover of PhJeum prate nse (common timothy), with lesser amounts of Equisetum ar\'ense (field horsetail), Rudbeckia laciniata (cutleaf coneflower), and Carex micropiera {^mM-Win^ sedge). Moss cover, mostly Cliinaceum dendroides, is locally very high. The adjacent uplands are dominated by Picea engelmannii I Maianthemwn stelfatum (Engelmann spruce / starry false Solomon's seal) 3nd Picea enge If rtamui / Linnaea boreaJis (Engelmann spruce / twinflower) communities. Key Environmental Factors The unconfined river reach has allowed for floodplain development. Seasonal flooding and groundwater saturation maintains tlie plant communities at the site. Rarity No special status plant or animal species were obseived. One G3 community, Picea engelmanmi I Cornus sericea (Engelmann spruce / red-osier dogwood), was documented in good to fair condition. Land Use The site is witliin the Absaroka-Beartootli Wilderness Area. The meadows receive modeiate recreational pressure, primarily from fisheiinen. No pemianent tiials were observed in tlie wet meadow. Site does not appear to be currently grazed, although one cowpie was observed. Exotics Pasture grasses, such as Poapratemis (Kentucky bluegiass) and Phteum prate nse (common timotliy), dominate much of the drier portions of tlie site. Natural levees along tlie Boulder River are completely dominated by these grasses and Juncus baJticus (Baltic rush). PMeum prateuse is also the dominant hei'baceous species in the wetland Picea (spruce) community. 60 Appendix D Uplands This site occurs in tlie Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Area. Similar wetland complexes occur along the West Boulder as geomoiphology allows. Information Needs What is grazing hi stoiy of tlie site? Is tlie dominance of exotic pasture grasses a legacy of past grazing? What role does imported horse feed play? Mnnagement Needs None were noted. Element Occuirence Information Pliint Association / Dominiince Type Carex winc//to« Herbaceous Vegetation P'fcea engelincmnii I Cor/ms sericea Forest Poapraiensis Semi-natural Seasonally Flooded Herbaceous Alliance Sallx booihii I Carex utriculata Slmibland S Rank GRank EORank S5 G5 A S3 G3 B SW GW ^ S4 G4 A * Rank not assigned West Fork Rock Creek Fens Directions West Fork Rock Creek Fens is located in the Beartooth Mountains of soutli central Montana. From Red Lodge, tiavel 10.25 miles on Forest Service Route 71 to West Fork Rock Creek Fens. Description This site consists of thiee small slope fens tliat occur at tlie toe of a slope along West Fork Rock Creek in the Beartooth Mountains. The water source for the fens is apparently groundwater discharge from the toe of tlie adjacent slopes. There are no surface outlets, and water apparently discharges to tlie creek as gioundwater. The uplands are dominated by Abies lasiocarpa (subalpine fir) and Pimis contorta (lodgepole pine) forests wheiein die dominant undergrowtli species are Vaccinium globulare (globe hucklebeny) and Vaccimum scoparium (giouse whortlebeiry). Each of these fens is dominated by Salix plcmifoUa I Carex aqtiatilis (planeleaf willow /water sedge) 3nd Salix plant folia / Carex utriculata (planeleaf willow /beaked sedge) communities. Otlier common species at these fens are Betula glandttlosa (bog birch), Dasiphorafruticosa ssp.Jloribimda (shrubby cinquefoil), Carex utr/cufafa (beaked sedge), Viola macloskeyi (small white violet), and Sphagnum spp. (mosses of poor fens and bogs). A small forested spruce wetland, dominated by a Picea eftgelma/t/ni I Calatttagrostis canadensis (Engelmann spiiice / bluejoint reedgrass) plant association, occurs at one of the fens; Splmgnum ssp. appear to be invading this moist forest from the adjacent fen. Key Environmental Factors These wetlands are maintained by gioundwater recharge from the adjacent uplands. Rarity Paltidella sqaiirrosa, an SI G3G4moss, is a component of \h^ Sphagnum moss layer. An excellent example of the G3 community SaJix platiifolia / Carex utriculata (planeleaf willow /beaked sedge) was documented. Other Values The undergrowth of the willow communily is extiemely diverse, especially in die moss layer. One of the fens has at least 60% cover of Sphagnum species with limited brown moss development, another has botli mosses shongly represented and yet anothei' has reduced moss cover but high cover values for Carex scopulorum Appendix D 61 (Holm's Rocky Mountain sedge). Within a limited area tlie varieties of expression of one plant association are well displayed. L»nd Use No land use was apparent. Exotics No exotic plants or animals were documented from this site. Uplands A well-used tiail and hailhead is adjacent to the westernmost fen, and a road is adjacent to the other two fens in this complex. Information Needs Is tlie road influencing tlie hydrology of tliese fens? Mnnagement Needs No management considerations were identified at tlie initial inventory. Element Occurrence Information Pliint Association /Dominimce Type S Rank G Riink EO Rank Picea ertgelittannii I Cakuuagrostis canadetisis Forest Salix pla/tifoUa I Carex aqtiaiilis Shmbland Sallx planifoUa I Carex utriculata Shmbland S4 G4 B S3 G5 B S? G3Q B Plant Elements Pahtdelki squarrosa SI G3G5 * Rank not assigned West Rosebud Complex Directions Note: a portion of this site is located on private land, and landowner permission is required to access tliat section. The West Rosebud Complex is located in the footliills of the Beartooth Mountains in soutli cential Montana. From Fishtail, travel west and soutli on State Highway 419 for approximately 1 mile to tlie intersection witli State Highway 425. Turn onto State Highway 425 and tiavel soutli for approximately 6 miles to the intersection witli Forest Route 2072. Travel soutli on tliis road for approximately 8 miles and park at tlie Pine Grove Campground. Description West Rosebud Complex occurs in the floodplain of West Rosebud Creek and on adjacent toeslopes. Wetland and riparian vegetation communities occur adjacent to die active channel, along overflow channels and swales modified by past and current beaver activity, and on toeslope swales modified by historic beaver dams. Stieamside communities include Picea engelmannii I Calamagrostis caandensis (Engelmann spnice / bluejoint reedgrass), Salix geyerimm I Carex utriculata (Geyer's willow / beaked sedge), and what was historically probably Salix geyeriana I Calamagrostis canadensis. This latter community is now dominated by Poa prate mis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Phlewrt prate nse (common timotliy), due to tlie competitive dominance of these exotic species and grazing pressuie. 62 Appendix D Historic and cuixent beaver dams have significantly altered portions of this site and provide habitat for many of the plant associations tliat are present. On the floodplain, beaver activity has raised water tables in swales and old channels, which support a Salix boothii I Carex utricufata (Bootli's willow / beaked sedge) community. This community is interspeised with Salix boothii I Calamagrostis canadensis^ which occurs on higher floodplain deposits. Pimts contorta (lodgepole pine) is well represented in tliis latter community. A small Popuhis tremuloides I Calamagrostis canadensis (quaking aspen / bluejoint reedgrass) occurs in draws on the lowei'hill slope and on seepy areas on the toeslope. On slope wetlands at tlie bottom of tlie adjacent toeslopes, historic beaver dams have created a series of tenaces. The ponds have completely silted in and dams are visible only as well-vegetated, slrnib -dominated benns. These areas now support Salix geyericma I Calamagrostis canadensis and Salix geyeriana I Carex iitricnlata communities with wetter inclusions of Carex utriculata. There is also a small community dominated by SaJix planifofia (planeleaf willow) and Carex utriculatawith a continuous cover of Sphagnum teres. Key Environmental Factors Site hydrology (surface and groundwater from West Rosebud Creek and gioundwater from adjacent toeslopes) and extensive modification by beaver are tlie primaiy factors supporting and maintaining die site's vegetation communities. Rarity No special status plant or animal species were obseived. One G3 community, Popuhis tremuloides I Calamagrostis canadensis (quaking aspen / bluejoint reedgrass) was documented in fair condition. This site also contained a Salix planifoha I Carex utriculaia (planeleaf willow / beaked sedge) witli abundant cover of Sphagnum teres. Other Values Some of the beaver ponds ^M)^]^oi\, Rana pretiosa (spotted frog) populations and a breeding pair of Gn/j caftadensis (sandhill crane) was observed at tlie site. Land Use Livestock actively grazes the portion of the site on private land. Drier riparian communities, such as Salix geyeriana I Calamagrostis canade mis (Geyer's willow /bluejoint reedgiass) have been altered by historic grazing and are now a glazing disclimax dominated by pasture grasses in the heibaceous layer. The noitli eastern portion of the site on public land also receives some cunent livestock use (an electric fence nms peipendicular to tlie channel just upstieam from the Pine Grove Campground). Livestock use does not appear to be high. Wild ungulate browse appears to be modeiate. Atces alces (moose) browse is locally heavy. The site is adjacent to a developed campgiound. Hiking, fishing, and hunting use has created some informal trails. Exotics Drier portions of die floodplain and lower toeslope are dominated by Phleum praiense (common timodiy) and Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass). Poapalustris (fowl bluegiass), Cirsium arrense (Canada tliistle), Phafaris arundinacea (reed canaiy grass), Trifolium repens (white clover), Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion), ^n^ Agrostis stolonifera (redtop) are present at low cover. The portion of the site on private land has higher cover of exotic species. Uplands Historic grazing has altered some upland communities, especially on tlie private land portion of tlie site. Othei"wise the structure and composition of offsite vegetation communities reflects natural processes. The hydrologic regime is largely intact, except for a small liydio electric dam upstream. Information Needs What is die past glazing history? Have there been recent changes in the course of the active channel? What effect has Mystic Lake dam had on the site's hydrology? Appendix D 63 MnnRgement Needs A management plan to control the noxious weeds at tlie site should be developed. Element Occurrence Information jlant Associatioii /DominMife Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Picea efigebrnmnii I Cakunagrostis ccuuidettsis Forest Popuhis tremuloides I Cafofnagrostis canadensis Forest Salix boothii I Calamagrostis ca/tnde/tsis Shrubland SalLx boothii I Carex utricufata Shmbland Salix geyeria/ta I Calamagrostis canadensis Shrubland Sallx geyeria/ta I Carex utricutata Shrubland Salix geyeria/ta Dominance Type Safix pla/tifofia I Carex iitriculata Shmbland S4 G4 A S2 G3 C S3 G3G4Q B S4 G4 A S4 G5 A S5 G5 A,B * * * s? G3Q * Rank not assigned West Rosebud Moraine Directions Note: This site is located on private land, and landowner pemiission is needed to access tliis site. The West Rosebud Moraine site is located in the footliills of theBeartootli Mountains in south central Montana. From Fishtail, travel west and soutli on State Highway 419 for approximately 1 mile to the intersection witli State Highway 425. Turn onto State Highway 425 and travel soutli for approximately 6 miles to tlie intersection witli Forest Route 2072. Travel soutli on tliis road for approximately 6.75 miles until the road skirts tlie east shore of Reeves Lake. The rest of tlie site lies east of West Rosebud Creek. This portion can be accessed by a gravel road tliat turns off to tlie west approximately 0.25 mile past Reeves Lake. Description This site encompasses a series of kettle potlioles in a recessional moraine along West Rosebud Creek. These wetlands are isolated and occur as small to medium-sized glacially -formed depressions. The water source is groundwatei', and all these wetlands lack an outlet, except for Reeves Lake, which is culverted. These potlioles are dominated by Carex iitriculata (beaked sedge) communities or have an open water component witli a Carex utrictdata fringe. Mesic toeslopes adjacent to these depressions are subiixigated and in some places are dominated by willow or Popuhis tremttloides I Calamagrostis canadensis (quaking aspen / bluejointreedgrass) communities. Higher, slightly less mesic portions of tlie toeslope are occupied by Popuhis tremuloides \V\\h a Phleum prate /ise (common timothy )-dominated ground layer. This community was once probably Poptilns tremuhides I Calamagrostis canade/tsis and now represents a grazing disclimax. One of tlie larger potlioles has been ditched, although its fringes are still dominated by a wet and robust Carex utrictdata community. Reeves Lake is the largest and most diverse of tliese depressional wetlands. The lake has » large open water component tliat supports a Nttpltar lutea ssp. polysepaJa (yellow pond-lily) aquatic community. An Eleocharis pahtstris (common spikeiiish) community occurs on intermittently exposed mudflats on tlie north end of tlie lake. A Carex ittriculata community occurs on slightly higher substrate. This community is variable, witli lower, wetter portions dominated by a near-monospecific stand of Carex utricttlaia wit\\ some patches of Glyceria grandis (Am^riQ^n mannagrass). On drier substrate, Carex utric ulata stiW dominates but species richness increases with ^g/'Oj;/-S'-S'caft7-«(ticklegi'ass), Galiimt trijidum (small bedstraw),Jfo/'/ppa palustris (marsh yellowcress), Poteniilla rixalis (rivei' cinquefoil), Scutellaria galericttfata (marsh skullcap), and otlier species present. The exotics Phlettm pratense and Cirsittm xulgare (bull thistle) are also present. A Salix bebbiana (Bebb willow) community occurs on higher deposits tliat still have saturated soil conditions. Salix bebbiana ?ind Ahttis inca/ta (mountain alder) occupy an open overstory with Dasiphorafriiticosa ssp. 64 Appendix D floribtmda (shrubby cinqiiefoil) present as a low shrub. Carex utriculata and Carex aqttatilis (water sedge) dominate til e ground layer with Calainagrostis canadetisis h^coimng important on drier portions of tlie community. On higher topographic positions, this community grades into a Salix boothii I Calofnagrostis caandensis (Bootli's willow / bluejoint reedgrass) community. Shiiib cover is clumped, with Salix boothii, Salix bebbiana. and Betiila occidentalis (water birch) all present at low cover and Abuts tnca/ta having die greatest individual cover. Calamagrostis canadensis dominates tlie ground layer with Bromus ciliatus (fringed brome) and Heracfewrt maximum (cow-parsnip) present at low cover. Uplands are dominated by PhJettm prate use or Popultts tremuloides I Phleum praiense . Key Environmental Factors Seasonal gioundwater infiltration is tlie primaiy influence in maintaining these systems. Rarity No species of special concern weie observed. Small examples of Salix bebbia/ta (Bebb willow), G3, and Salix boothii I Calamagrostis canndensis (Booth's willow / bluejoint reedgrass), G3G4Q, were inventoried. Otlifr Values These depressions, especially Reeves Lake, provide breeding habitat for numerous bird species, including Aythya affinis (lesser scaup), Brania canndensis (Canada goose), Fuliea america/ta (American coot), Agelams plioeniceus (red-winged blackbird), and Porzana Carolina (sor^). A breeding pair of Grus caftadeitsis (sandhill crane) witli young were also observed at this site. Land Use Grazing is the primary land use. Electric fencing suggests that cattle are actively moved from area to area. Altliough this site is not cuixently overgiazed, its long history of grazing (and perhaps past overgrazing) has alteied die composition of many of tlie drier wetland and wetland -up land transitional communities. Pasture grasses, especially PhJewn prate nse (common timotliy), now dominate tliese communities, and the historic native herbaceous dominants can only be guessed at. Exotics Phleum prate use (common timotliy) and Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegiass) are tlie dominant upland grasses. Cirsium rulgare (bull tliistle) and Phleum prate tise are present witli low abundance in some of tlie wetland areas. Uplands The uplands are giazed but are largely intact. Information Needs None weie noted. Management Needs The present active grazing management should be continued. Appendix D 65 Element Occurrence Information Plant AsNociiitioii /Dominance Type S Rank GRank £0 Rank Carex aquatiUs Herbaceous Vegetation Carex winc?/to« Herbaceous Vegetation E leoc harts pall tstr is Herbaceous Vegetation Nupimr hitea ssp. polysepafa Herbaceous Vegetation Popiihis tremuloides / Cornus sericea Forest Salix bebbiana Shmbland Sallx boothii I Calamagrostis caandeiisis Shmbland Schoe/toplectiLS iabernaemoniani Temperate Herbaceous Vegetation S4 G5 * S5 G5 A, B S5 G5 B S? G5 * S3 G4 B S3? G3? B S3 G3G4Q B S3 G4 * Rank not assigned West Rosebud Trailhead Directions The West Rosebud Trailhead site is located in the footliills of the Beartooth Mountains in south central Montana. From Fishtail, travel west and south on State Highway 419 for approximately 1 mile to the intersection witli State Highway 425. Turn onto State Highway 425 and travel soutli for approximately 6 miles to the intersection witli Forest Route 2072. Travel south on this road for approximately 12.5 miles. The site is located just before tlie Mystic Lake trailhead. Description This site occurs in tlie glaciated valley bottom of West Rosebud Creek. Fluvial processes and old beaver dams have created a diverse microtopography witli numerous swales, low areas, and channels. Vegetation is a mosaic of intennixed willow and sedge communities distributed along a microtopographic gradient. Old beaver dams are well vegetated with willow and sedge. The wettest sites, which occupy approximately 20 peixent of tlie site, are open water. A semipemianently flooded Carex utriculata (beaked sedge) community fringes this open watei' and also occurs on wettei' microsites tliroughout die site. This community is dominated by Carex utriculata hut \\?i% inclusions of Carex btabaiiimi (Buxbaum's sedge) and Deschainpsia caespitosa (tufted hairgiass) on drier microsites. Higher sites are occupied by a SaJix boothii I Calamagrostis caiindensis (Bootli's willow / bluejoint reedgrass) community. This community is seasonally flooded to saturated and is characteiized by high cover of 6*0//^ boothii and 5(7//.xp/a77i^'//V/(planeleaf willow). Calamagrostis caandensis is the dominant herbaceous species, but tlie exotic Poa pahistris is widespread. Exotic pasture glasses are common on tlie highest microsites. An undescribed community, dominated by SalLx boothii and Carex biixbaumii, is transitional between tlie Carex utriculata and Sahx boothii communities. These communities have indistinct boundaries, and tliere is significant intergradation and many small inclusions depending on microtopography. Uplands are Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine) forest. Key Environmental Factors Seasonal flooding, floodplain development, and beaver activity are all critical in maintaining diis site. No current beaver activity was observed at this site. Old beaver dams add to tlie diversity of this site by creating many wet and saturated microsites. Although these dams are well vegetated by willow and sedge, small headcuts are present in many places from overtop flow and subsequent erosion. Failure of tliese dams will altei' the stiucture and composition of this site by increasing the extent of willow communities. Rarity No special status plant or animal species were obseived. A fair to good example of a G3G4Q community, Salix boothii I Calamagrostis ca/n^e/tsis (Bootli's willow / bluejoint reedgrass) was inventoried. 66 Appendix D L»nd Use The site receives moderate recreational use by fishermen. A few recreational trails are present, especially along tlie channel of West Rosebud Creek. Willow communities are moderately grazed, probably by deer, elk, and moose. Exotics Exotic grasses are well established on driei' portions of this site. Species include Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), Phleum praiense (common timotliy), and Bromus inermis (smootli brome). Wetter sites are largely free from exotics, except for Poapalttstris (fowl bluegrass), which is present in wettei' willow communities. Uplands The surrounding uplands are largely undisturbed. Mystic Lake, which is upstieam of the site, is dammed for hydropower. The penstocks return theii' flow to tlie stream immediately upstream of tlie site. This undoubtedly has an effect on the site's hydrology. Information Needs What effect has Mystic Lake dam and associated penstocks had on tlie hydrology of tlie site? Is tlie large openwatei' area a product of riverine processes or is it a depressional glacial feature? Management Needs None were noted. Element Occurrence Information Plant Association /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Carex utrict data Htrb^cGou^ Vegetation Salix booihii I Calamagrostis ca/tn^e/tsis Shrubland Salix booihii I Carex buxbaumii Dominance Type S5 S3 G5 G3G4Q * A B A * Rank not assigned White Bird Directions White Bird Fishing Access is located in the high plains of soutli central Montana. From Columbus, travel south on State Highway 78 for approximately 6 miles. Turn west at the sign for White Bird Fishing Access. Description White Bird is located on the floodplain of the Stillwater River. Most of tlie site is dominated by mature stands of Popuhis bafsainifera ssp. trichocarpa (black cottonwood). These stands are primarily grazing disclimaxes witli no or minimal native shnib cover, and the understory is dominated by exotic herbaceous species, including Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Phalaris aru/t^i/tacea (reed canarygrass). The site also supports a stand of Populus bahaniifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cornus sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood). This stand has a well-established tall shrub layer of Pritnus rirginia/ta (chokecheiry), but tlie Cornus sericea is heavily browsed by wild ungulates and Phalaris am/t^i/tncea is abundant in the ground layei'. Cottonwood regeneration is occurring at this site: a giavel/cobble bar supports a well-established stand of sapling-sized Popithts angitstifoUa (nmrowW^if cottonwood) and Populus balsamifer a ssp. trichocarpa. Side channels below bankfull elevation are liydiic and support a PJmlaris arundinacea community. Appendix D 61 Key Environmental Factors Flooding and associated substrate deposition and proximity of groundwater are tlie primaiy abiotic factors tliat influence vegetation at tliis site. Ungulate browsing is also an important influence on the structure and composition of shrubs at tlie site. Rarity No special status plants or animals were observed. One G3 community, Populus balsainifera ssp. trichocarpa I Cormis sericea (black cottonwood / red-osier dogwood), was documented in fair condition. Land Use This site is a Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks Fishing Access site. It receives heavy recreational use, and tlie roads and campsites degrade tlie integiity of the site. A recent fire burned a small stand of SaJix exigiia (sandbar willow). Exotics Exotic species are abundant. Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygiass) dominates hydric sloughs and more mesic cottonwood stands. Other common exotic species include Cyrtoglossuttt officirtale (liound's tongue), Cirsium spp. (tliistle), Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed), Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge), Poa praiensis (Kentucky bluegrass), and Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass). Euphorbia estila has been spot sprayed along roadsides. Uplands Away from tlie riparian area, land use is primarily livestock grazing, dispersed housing, and agriculture. Information Needs What was land use before site was acquired by FWP? Management Needs Greatei' weed control efforts are needed, although witli high public use and upstieam seed source, tliis effort will bepeipetual. Element Occurrence Information Pliint Association /Dominance Type S Rank GRank EO Rank Phalaris amndinacea Western Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhis mtgustifoha I Recent Alluvial Bar Forest Popuhis bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Corrtus sericea Forest Popuhis bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa I Mesic graminoids Forest * Rank not assigned Wyoming Line Directions Note: a portion of this site is located on private land, and landowner permission is needed to access that area. Wyoming Line is located east of tlie Beartootli Mountains in south cential Montana. From Belfry, tiavel 8.5 miles south on State Route 72 to an intersection with a county road to the southwest. Follow this road for 0.7 mile to a junction witli a county road to the west. Continue westerly on this road for approximately 1 mile to junction with an unimproved road extending north and south. Travel south on tliis road for approximately 0.5 mile to an intersection. Continue south on the southerly fork for 0.1 mile to an otlier junction with anotlier unimproved road. Travel in a geneial southwesterly direction for 1.5 miles to the Wyoming Line wetland. S4 G5 4: S? « C S3? G3? C SW * * 68 Appendix D Description This wetland is located just east of the Beartooth Plateau in a small valley that has springy areas thioughout. The wetland has a small, inteiinittent creek that drains the site. The uplands are dominated by Artemisia trideutata (big sagebnish), Sarcobatus rermiculattts (black greasewood), and Leymus cinereus (basin wildrye). Carex pellita (woolly sedge) dominates die marsh. Cover ranges from veiy high in tlie cential portion of the marsh to moderate on the margins. The watei' in tliis community is slightly brackish, witli a conductivity of 1020 jiS/cm. The cover of exotics increases at tlie edges of tliis community, perhaps because tliis drier portion of tlie community receives more glazing pressure. There are small inclusions of Typfta latifoha (broadleaf cattail) and Schoertoplectus sp. (bulrush) within the Carex pellita community. A Pascopyrttm smithii (western wheatgrass) communily fomis a small patch in the driest portion of this marsh. Key Environmfntal Factors Localized groundwater upwelling and seep areas constitute, apart from scant precipitation, the only souice of water in tliis very dry enviionment. Rarity This site consists predominately of a high quality occunence of a Carex pellita (woolly sedge) community. Land Use Livestock grazing has been and continues to be the primary use of this landscape. Exotics Only two exotic/increaser species were observed: Sorwhits itUginosiis (marsh sow-thistle) m\A Ambrosia arteinisiifolia (annual ragweed). Uplands Livestock grazing and hunting are conducted in the landscape surrounding this site. Information Needs The ultimate souixe of water for diis site is unknown. Identification of this source would be useful so tliat any actions that direaten its continued flow could be avoided. Management Needs Managing livestock to minimize or avoid tlie spread of weeds would be beneficial. Element Occurrence Information Plant Associatioii /DominMiccType S Rank G Rank EO Rank Carex pellita Herbaceous Vegetation Pascopyrum smithii Herbaceous Vegetation S2S3 S4 G5? G3G5Q B B Yellowstone River-Stillwater River Directions Note: This site is located on private land, and landowner peniiission is required to access this site. Yellowstone River-Stillwater River site is located at the nioutli of the Stillwater River in south cential Montana. From Columbus, tiavel L6 miles southwesterly on State Route 78 to an unimproved road to tlie west. Follow the unimproved road for 0.25 mile to a side channel of the Yellowstone River. Yellowstone River-Stillwater Rivei' is approximately 0.4 mile upstream in a westeily direction. Appendix D 69 Description This site occurs on a terrace at the confluence of tlie Yellowstone and Stillwater Rivers. A well-developed Populus deltoides I Symphoriccu'pos occidefitalis (plains cottonwood / western snowbeiry) community occurs at tliis site. The overstory is dominated by Popuhis deUoides, and tliere is also significant cover of Popuhis angtistifolia (narrowleaf cottonwood) and Popuhts balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa (black cottonwood). All of tliese tiees are 90-100 feet tall and average 20-inches or more diameter at breast height. The shmb undeistory is quite diveise and well developed, but is clearly dominated by Syinphoricarpos occidentalis. Othei' shrubs include Ribes aurettm (golden currant), Toxicodendron rydbergii (poison ivy), Rosa sp. (rose), Prurms rirghna/ta (chokecheriy), Shepherdia argeniea (silver buffalobeny), Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood), Parthettocissits uiserta (Viiginia creeper), Clematis figiistici/olia (western clematis), Ribes sp. (goosebeny), ^nd Juuipents scopiilonwt (Rocky Mountain juniper). Glycyrrhiza lepidota (Atn^ncmi Vic oric g), Rudbeckia laciniata (cutleaf coneflower), and tlie exotic grass Bromus inermis (smooth brome) dominate the ground layei'. Small inclusions of wetter communities like Carex pellita (woolly sedge) and open-water pools occur in a series of old oveiflow channels that wind thiough tlie cottonwood stand. The soil has a loam texture. Key Environnifntnl Factors Seasonal flooding and sediment deposition are responsible for creating and maintaining this community. Fluvial processes appear to be largely intact at this site. Rarity A lelatively old stand of a G2G3 community, Populus deltoides I Sympltoricarpos occideutalis (plains cottonwood / western snowbeny), in good condition was documented. Carex tenera (soft sedge), a watch species that is under consideiation for addition to the Montana plant species of special concern list, was documented at diis site. This may be only the second known documented occunence for this species in Montana. Other Values This tall cottonwood stand represents highly significant habitat for fish-eating birds of prey because of its stature and location at a large confluence on tlie Yellowstone River. This cottonwood stand contains mature individuals of the tliree cottonwood species tliat occur in Montana. Analysis of this stand could help refine our understanding of the distiibution and habitat requirements for tliese species. This stand represents the best condition cottonwood community documented on tlie Yellowstone River from Greycliff to Columbus. Land Use The heavy cover of Bromus inermis (smootli brome) in tlie understoiy suggests diat historically this stand could have been grazed. A small number of cattle were present, though tlie stand did not show signs of regular glazing. It is not known whether these cows had escaped or management is changing. Exotics There is low cover of three noxious weeds, Cy/toglossum offlcinaJe (liound's tongue), Cirsium ar\'euse (Canada thistle), and Calystegia sepium (hedge bindweed), in diis stand. Exotic pasture grasses, predominantly Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) and Bromus iftermis, dominate the ground layer beneath the native shmb layer. Grass cover is relatively low because of tlie high shrub cover. Uplands Uplands are affected by agricultural and urban development. Information Needs Knowing die land use histoiy of diis site would be useful to understanding Uie present-day species composition of tlie stand. Botli cattle and wild ungulates show a strong browsing preference for Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood), and die scarcity of Cornus sericea in \h\^ stand may be a product of past grazing. 70 Appendix D stands of tall cottonwood approximately 0.5 mile upstieam on the Stillwater River were noted but not surveyed. In addition, nearby islands have been documented as having nesting bald eagles. This site may be part of a larger woodland complex of significance at the Stillwater River confluence. We donot know the extent of the stand, and tliis affects the significance of the site. Management Needs A noxious weed management plan is needed for the Yellowstone River corridor. Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge) is established and a growing tlireat in tlie area though not cuirently present on this site. Coordinated efforts are needed to improve control efforts for tliis pernicious species. Grazing poses a threat to stand condition. Element Occurrence Information Plant As^ociiitioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Popuhis deltokks I Symphoricarpos occidentalis Woodland S2S3 G2G3 A Yellowstone River-Work Creek Dirfctions Note: this site is located on private land, and landowner peirnission is required to access tliis site. Yellowstone River-Work Creek is an island in the Yellowstone River in soutli cential Montana. From Reedpoint, travel 4 miles west on Interstate 90. Yellowstone River-Work Creek is due nortli approximately 0.25 mile. Description This site is an island in the Yellowstone River. It is dominated by a well-developed Popuhis angtistifoUa / C<7/'/Mis'-S'enc^«(na!Towleaf cottonwood /red-osier dogwood) community. The average height of tlie cottonwood canopy is about 80-90 feet, with tlie red-osier dogwood fomiing a dense 6-10 foot high shrub undei'growdi. The shrub layer is diveise and other associated shrubs include Syinphoricarpos occidentalis (western snowbeny), Salix exigiia (sandbar willow), Salix hitea (yellow willow), and Ribes sp. (gooseberiy). There is a considerable amount of microtopogiaphy in the form of small channels. This creates habitat for a variety of forbs and graminoids, some of which are toleiant of moistei' conditions. The soils on this old ten'ace are silt loam textured witli veiy little organic horizon. Key Environmental Factors Seasonal flooding and sediment deposition are responsible for creating and maintaining this community; lack of ungulate access probably is instiumental in maintaining tlie species composition, particularly tlie dominance of Cormis sericea (red-osier dogwood). Rarity Altliough no rare species or communities were observed at this location, it is significant because it is one of tlie few stands of mature cottonwood forest with an intact native slrnib understory in the stretch of tlie rivei' from Grey cliff to Columbus. Most cottonwood stands in tliis rivei' reach, and apparently elsewheie judging from casual observation, are dominated by an undeigrowth of exotic pasture grasses. Land Use The high level of coveiage by exotic pasture grasses on the island could indicate some past grazing, possibly at a time when diis island was connected to the shore. Appendix D 71 Exotics Three noxious weeds occur at low cover in this stand: Cirshtm xulgare (bull thistle), Cirshtm an^ense (Canada thistle), and Eupliorbia esula (leafy spurge). Exotic pasture glasses dominate tlie ground layer beneatli the native shrub understory. These grasses include Agrostis stolomfera (redtop), Poapraiensis (Kentucky bluegrass), Elymiis repeiis (quackgrass), Broimis inermis (smooth brome), and Phleum pratense (common timotliy). Pimlaris anindinacea (reed canary grass) is also present in wetter locations. Uplands Inigated agricultural crops dominate most of the uplands, though cattle grazing occurs in the immediate riparian zone. All of fluvial processes are intact. Information Needs None were noted. Mnnagement Nf eds A noxious weed management plan is needed for the Yellowstone River corridor. Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge) is established and a growing tlireat in tlie area and coordinated efforts are needed to improve control efforts for tliis pemicious species. Element Occurrence Information Pliint As^ociiitioii /Dominance Type S Rank G Rank EO Rank Populus angttstifolia I Cornus sericea Woodland S3 G4 B Young's Point Directions Note: Young's Point is located on private land, and landowner permission is required to access this site. Young's Point is located along the Yellowstone River in soutli cential Montana between tlie confluence of the Stillwater and Clark's Fork Yellowstone Rivers. The site lies between Columbus and Park City and can be accessed from a frontage road soutli of Interstate 90. Description Young's Point encompasses the floodplain and adjoining teirace of the Yellowstone River. Portions of the floodplain occupied by alluvial bars support extensive early serai stands of Populus angustifolia (nairowleaf Cottonwood). These sapling-sized ti'ees predate the 1996 and 1997 100-year floods. The understory of this community is depauperate — in places apparently due toherbivoiy, but mostly because of poor to no soil development (substiate is sand witli giavel/cobble). Furthei' from the active channel, Castor caandensis (beaver) have dammed a series of meander scrolls, creating semi -permanently flooded oxbows. These wet areas support dense shiiib tliickets of She pherdia or gente a (silver buffaloberiy) m\d Rhus trilobata (skunkbush sumac) along tlieir banks as well as E leoc harts palustris (common spikemsh) in drawdown areas. Livestock use of the site is high, and the effects of tliis grazing pressure are more apparent in the teirace communities. A mature to senescent stand of Popuhts dehoides (plains cottonwood), codominated by Popuhis angiistifoha (a few individual Populus bahamifera ssp. trichocarpa [black cottonwood] are present as well), occurs on the teirace. Grazing has substantially modified this community, such tliat native shiiib cover is reduced to small clumps of Symphoricarpos occidentahs (westem snowberry) and Rosa woodsii (Woods rose). The herbaceous layei' is dominated by Poaprate/tsis (Kentucky bluegrass), although areas witli clay loam soil had standing water at the time of tlie site visit and support low cover of C^r^.x nebrascensis (Nebraska sedge). Alkaline-tolerant communities, such as Sarcobatus rermiculatus I Pascopyrum smithii (black greasewood / western wheatgrass) also occur on the tenace. Distichlis spicata 11 Appendix D (saltgrass) and Plantago elongaia (prairie plantain) dominate small swales witliin this community. A prairie dog colony occurs in tliis community along the western edge of tlie site. Areas receiving seepage from an irrigation ditch (Big Ditch) support a Carex ttebrascensis community. The substrate of this community is clay loam underlying 4 inches of mucky -peat. The naturalness of tliis wetland is uncertain, as irrigation seepage and an adjacent railroad line have alteied its hydrology. The area has also been tiled to facilitate drainage, altliough this system is no longer effective. Culvert seepage along the railroad line supports small shrub patches of Salix boothii (Booth's willow), Salix bebbiaiia (Bebb willow), Sallx amygdaloides (peachleaf willow), and Cormts sericea (red-osier dogwood). Key Environmental Factors Seasonal flooding is critical for the regeneration of cottonwood communities. Beaver utilization of Cottonwood and willow is localized but heavy. Beaver have also dammed a series of meander scrolls, converting temporarily and seasonally flooded wetlands into semipermanently flooded ones. Rarity No rare plants, animals, or communities weie documented. Other Values This site has extensive cottonwood regeneration. A small colony of Cynomys ludoriscicums (black-tailed prairie dog) occurs on the tenace. Land Use The site is and has been extensively giazed. This has removed much of the native shnib layer from the cottonwood communities and has created soil dismption (pugging) in tlie wet Carex iiebrascefms (Nebraska sedge) community. The terrace appears to have been cultivated in the past. Exotics Tamarix chitie/tsis (tamarisk) occurs on open sand and gravel deposits in the floodplain. Euphorbia esula (leqjy spurge) is abundant at this site, with patches dominating some small openings within die cottonwood stands. Uplands Riparian plant communities are not continuous along tliis reach of the Yellowstone River. However, the distance between discreet patches of cottonwood bottomland is small and provides moderate to high continuity of habitat. Much of the highei' terraces have been converted to agriculture or pasture. Information Needs Did the wet meadow function as a wetland before tlie hydrologic and geomorphic modifications of the railroad and iixigation ditches? The peat accumulation in tliis community could reflect the results of seepage from the Big Ditch, although the underlying clay loam soil is very poorly drained. Management Nf eds This has high restoration potential. Appendix D 73 Element Occurrence Information Pliint AsNociiitioii /Dominance Type S Rank GRank EO Rank Sarcobahis reriniculaitis I Pascopyrum smithii Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation Carex nebrasce/tsis Herbaceous Vegetation Popuhis mtgustifoha I Recent Alluvial Bar Forest Popuhis deUoides I Mesic graminoids Forest S4 G4 C S4 G4 c S? * * SW # * Rank not assigned 74 Appendix D Appendix E - Watersheds with High BiologicRl DivMsity and Coiiservatioii Vsdue Criteria Aiea Watershed 1 2 3 4 Evaluation Status Clai'k Fork, Uppei' Bitteiroot X X Clark Fork, Upper Blackfoot X X Clai'k Fork, Upper Upper Claik Foi^k X Flathead Flathead Lake X X X 1998 Flathead Lower Flathead X X X Flathead North Fork Flathead X X X X 1999 Flathead Stillwater (Flathead) X X X 1998 Flathead Middle Fork Flathead X X X Flathead South Fork Flathead X X X Flathead St. Mary X X X Flathead S^van X X X 1998 Milk Beaver X X X 1998 Milk Cottonwood X X X Milk Upper Milk X X Milk Wliite water X X X Milk Milk Headwaters X X X Missouri Headwaters Gallatin X X 2001 Missouri Headwatei's Madison X X X 2001 Missouri Headwaters Beaverhead X Missouri Headwaters Big Hole X Missouri Headwaters Jeffei'son X 2001 Missouri Headwaters Red Rock X X X 2001 Missouri, Lower Big Muddy X X X Missouri, Lower Bmsh Lake X X Missouri, Upper Cnt Bank X X Missouri, Upper Sim X X Missouii, Upper Two Medicine X X X Missouii, Upper Bn llwack er-D og X X Missouri, Upper Smith X Missouri, Upper Teton X X Missouri, Upper Willow X X Yellowstone, Lower Little Powder X X Yellowstone, Lowei' LowerPowder X X Yellowstone, Lower Lower Yellowstone X Yellowstone, Lower Middle Pow^der X X Yellowstone, Upper Bighorn Lake X Yellowstone, Upper Clai'k's Fork Yellowstone X 1999/2000 Yellowstone, Upper Upper Yellowstone X X X 1999/2000 Criteria: 1. Extent and development of wetland and ripaiian communities 2. Quality and integrity of wetland and riparian commimities 3. Presence of sensitive, endangered or threatened species^ rare communities, or outstanding community examples 4. Level of thieat Staff at the Montana Natinal Heritage Program and Tlie Nature Conservancy's Montana Field Office compiled these rankings of Montana watersheds. This is a qualitative ranking based on best professional judgment. Tlie \vater sheds were evaluated using the criteiia listed above. Appendix E