148 DANGEROUS THOUGHTS needs and to emergent social aspirations I subscribe to a view which Luther and John Knox, Lenin or Mr. Victor Gollancz could equally endorse. Those who would most like to club me with a Left Book would agree with me in the following statement of what are the pressing needs of our own time. The advance of scientific knowledge has placed at our disposal unrecognized resources for the satisfaction of common human needs and sinister instruments for self-destruction. The distribution of the benefits of discovery as dividends to a restricted social class and the recurrent unemployment of capitalist society have become an obstacle to further social or cultured progress. The cultural task of education in the Age of Potential Plenty is to distribute knowledge of the constructive possibilities of human welfare within our reach, and to show us how to replace a defective social mechanism which prevents us from taking advantage of them. I see no reason for encouraging adult education if it does not start with this explicitly socialist bias. One of the reasons why we have universal education is that John Knox was biased in favour of founding the Kingdom of God in Edinburgh. A large number of ordinarily intelligent people have begun to realize that political democracy is a sham, if it cannot guarantee a much larger share in the benefits of advancing knowledge and improved technical skill to the average citizen. A very large number of ordinarily intelligent people who have no articulate sympathy for Socialism realize that capitalism has outlived its usefulness. Many more would come to the same conclusion if they had more information about the resources which scientific technology has placed within our reach. The task of salvaging democracy is a positive one. We shall not resist the challenge of dictatorship and die downward path from militarism to barbarism if we are content to defend a democracy which has ceased to satisfy the social aspirations of men and women. The educational task of salvaging democracy is to canalize the will to constructive socid innovation by asserting the reasonable grounds for hopeful- ness in the human experiment, and to distribute knowledge