206 DANGEROUS THOUGHTS The escape from this deadlock is easy to see if we concentrate on a less familiar situation. During a short visit to Iceland during the summer of last year I heard two views of what was happening, there. Some said that the Socialists had made the country bank- rupt. Others pointed to the new hydro-electric power station which lights the streets of Reykjavik where the houses now have central heating from the natural hot springs which abound throughout the island. After a few days I found that both parties were right. I had come with introductions to two Cabinet Ministers who were touring Europe and America with the forlorn hope of raising a new loan. Ten years ago Iceland, which has no railways and has never been through the age of soot, could not boast that it possessed a single dynamo. Today Reykjavik is a modern city struggling to attract tourists. It has the most up-to- date mental asylum which I have seen. The central heating, the electric lights, and the asylum are solid social achievements. None the less they are non-productive services which can be paid for only by taxing an impoverished local fishing industry and a few boatloads of trippers. A century ago Babbage suggested that Iceland might become the power station of Europe. With its innumerable torrents and ubiquitous geysers Iceland has probably more resources of natural power than any piece of land of the same area in the world. Apart from the fact that fanners' wives bake their bread and do their washing with the help of the hot springs, the only exhibits of die productive use of natural power are glass hothouses to supply roses for the two hotels where summer tourists forgather. Meanwhile, the country is rife with scurvy owing to the lack of indigenous fresh fruit or vegetables and the lack of foreign currency which would pay for fruit from abroad. I am tempted to mention one other relevant fact. I visited the small university, where I was told that they have four professors. One teaches theology. One teaches law. A third teaches philology. According to my information, the fourth was responsible for any instruction which may have been given in medicine, chemistry, agriculture, or engineering. This may help you to see why the Socialist Party