CHAPTER IX. THE PRISON GATE BRIGADE. THIS has already been in operation for two years in the cities of Bombay and Colombo and a branch has beei* recently established in Madras. Kow that it will be-connected with other branches of our Social Reform, we-may look for a rapid increase of this useful though difficult. work. The establishment of our Labor Yards will greatly help us in finding work for this class, without branding them with the perpetual stigma of their crime. The chief diffi--culty in the working of these Homes- consists in the almost, insuperable objection of the men to be Imown as criminal*. after their release from jail. This is of course perfectly-natural. Besides, it is important that we should hold out before them hopes of bettering themselves by their good conduct, and earning an independent and honest livelihood at no distant date. When once our Labor Yards and Farm Colonies are in active operation, we shall be able to do this, for our rescued criminals, continuing at the same time the-fatherly supervision and help which they so very much need. The following quotations from our last annual report will serve to explain this, branch of our work, and to give a glimpse of the encouraging success with which we have-already met in our efforts to reach and reform the criminal classes, COLOMBO PRISON GATE HOME. PICTURESQUELY situated among palm trees in one of the most beautiful suburbs of Colombo, -within easy reach of the principal city jail, is our Sinhalese Prisoners' Home. Cinnamon Gardens, as the district is called, forms one of the attractions of Colombo, which every passing visitor is bound to go and see. The beauty of the surroundings must be a pleasant contrast to those dull prison walls from which the inmates 1 nave just escaped. Still more blessed and cheering must be the change