CHAPTER 13 ACUTE SINUSITIS Acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is due in most instances to extension of an infection in the nasal cavity, and is only very occasionally blood-borne. The sinuses may be involved singly, or two or more may become infected. The most common cause is an acute rhinitis, especially during a virus epidemic, but it may follow the acute infectious diseases, infections of the pharynx or tonsils, dental infections such as apicitis or apical abscess, or dental extraction should the floor of the maxillary sinus be ruptured..Injury to the facial bones, operations on the nose, bathing and particularly diving may result in sinusitis. Obstruction to the normal aeration of, or drainage from, a sinus because of a deviated nasal septum predisposes to sinus infection. BACTERIOLOGY. The paranasal sinuses are probably bacteriologically sterile in normal conditions of health, although a healthy nasal cavity may contain micro-organisms. Acute infections are generally primarily virus in origin, the rhinovirus, para-influenzal viruses, ECHO viruses, Coxsackie viruses and respiratory syncytial viruses being the most common. Secondary infection occurs from pyogenic organisms such as pneumococci, streptococci, staphylo- cocci, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis, B. Friedldnder, Esch. colt, B. proteus and diphtheroids. In dental infections B. dentalis and B^necrodentalis may also be present. Anaerobic organisms are not uncommonly found in the pus from infected sinuses. PATHOLOGY. An acute sinusitis may be catarrhal or suppurative, the difference being one of degree. A catarrhal infection results in submucosal oedema with a moderate leucocytic infiltration and only slight alteration in the superficial epithelium. The discharge is mucoid. In the suppurative variety there may be little oedema, but there is considerable leucocytic infiltration and the surface epithelium may disappear or be subject to an extensive metaplasia. The discharge is mucopurulent or frankly purulent. Obstruction of the ostium usually occurs at the catarrhal stage and interferes with the drainage from the sinus, allowing the infection to increase in virulence and perhaps spread through the periosteum to involve the bony walls. SYMPTOMS. The symptoms vary in severity. In milder cases with a patent ostium the symptoms are similar to those of the acute coryza which precedes the sinus infection so that it may be unrecognized until it passes to the chronic stage. There may be complaints of a feeling of fullness or tension in the affected sinus, or even of a slight ache which is accentuated by stooping, straining or coughing. There may be slight tenderness on pressure over the affected sinus. In the more severe type there are malaise and pyrexia. Headache and pain are complained of, and there is a sensation of tightness in the sinus. The voice 3 65