156 DR. BARNARDO: PHYSICIAN, PIONEER, PROPHET 2,000 destitute children—500 of whom were at the close of 1877 still in the Homes; the Report for 1888, however, shows that he had then rescued 12,653 children—3,000 of whom were then in the Homes. In other words, the total of destitute children rescued during the second eleven-year period was five times greater than during the first eleven- year period, while the Barnardo "family" in the Homes in 1888, was six times greater than in 1877. The increase, too, in finances was equally pronounced. During the pre- Arbitration period the total income received was appre- ciably less than £150,000. During the immediate post- Arbitration period of equal length, it was well over four times that amount—£655,000; while a comparison of the single years 1877 an(^ X888 shows that the respective incomes were barely £30,000 as compared with over £i 12,000. A comparison of the distinct Branches of the work during these same periods is equally suggestive. At the close of the Arbitration, the Mission included eight separate Institu- tions, with fourteen cottages marking the dimensions of the Girls' Village Home. Barnardo's 1888 Report shows that during this post-Arbitration period the Branches had increased almost fivefold; for then the Mission boasted thirty-eight "distinct institutions" and the cottages in the Village Home numbered fifty. Again, though by 1877 these "Homes" had rescued 2,000 destitute children, during this earlier period the Mission partook chiefly of the nature of a glorified Ragged School, of which the Homes were simply a Department; but by 1888 the Homes had grown to proportions over- shadowing all else, and this despite the fact that meanwhile Barnardo had initiated new efforts on all fronts. Hence it would appear that the Arbitration assaults, centring as they did around the "Homes", resulted in elevating their position over all other aspects of the Mission's endeavour. Another point which must be noted relates to finance. During the pre-Arbitration period Barnardo never per-