Plant Species of Concern and Plant Associations of Powder River County, Montana Prepared for tlie Bureau of Land Management by Bonnie Heidel, Catherine Jean and Susan Crispin Montana Natural Heritage Piogram Natural Resource Information System Montana State Library October 2002 MONTANA Natural Heritage Program Plant Species of Concern and Plant Associations of Powder River County, Montana Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management Miles City, Montana Under Agreement # 1422E930A960015 by Bonnie Heidel^Catlierine Jean and Susan Crispin Montana Natural Heritage Progiam 1515 East Sixth Avenue Helena, Montana 59620-1800 MONTANA Natural Heritage Program T<ate nJ4^ Natural Resource Library ^^Sr^ information System © 2002 Montana Natural Heritage Program P.O. BOX201S00 • 1515 East Sixtb Ave • Helena, MT_^9<520-1800 This document should be cited as follows: Heidel, B., C. Jean and S. Crispin. 2002. Plant Species of Concern and Plant Associations of Powder River County, Montana. Report to the Biueau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Progiam, Helena, Montana. 23 pp. plus appendices. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Soutlieastem Montana, including Powder River County, has some of the most extensive range land- scapes in tlie state. A long histoiy of ranching as tlie predominant land use and effective land steward- ship have maintained or restored extensive areas that support good quality rangelands with healthy, di- vei'se populations of native wildlife and high ecological integrity. However, tlie biological character and richness of tliis region has not been well documented. The goal of this project was to survey Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands in Powder River County for plant species of concern and document tlie natural vegetation on tliese lands, including communities of limited range and outstanding examples of more widespread community types. Our survey work emphasized major blocks of land administeied by the BLM, but also included odier public lands near or continuous with BLM blocks. We visited most BLM tiacts of at least five contigu- ous sections, as well as select scattered tiacts, and adjacent private lands with landowner permission. We occasionally also surveyed on nearby state lands tliatwere part of BLM allotments. Sui'veys were conducted in the summeis of 1999 and 2000. To document vegetation communities, we sampled a broad range of habitat types tliroughout tlie geographic breadth of BLM-administered lands in the county. Surveys ranged from the most rugged topography to flat lands and from tlie most heavily wooded to the least vegetated. We focused more detailed data collection on excellent representative ar- eas of common vegetation types, those types of limited distiibution and/or potential statewide or range- wide significance, and types not previously known or documented to occur in soutlieastem Montana. In surveying plant species of concern, we particularly emphasized species of global or range-wide signifi- cance. All new data on plant species of concern and vegetation communities were geo-referenced, digitized and entered into tlie Montana Natural Heritage Program (MTNHP) data system, making diem readily avail- able to tlie BLM, as well as othei' landowners, resource managers and decision-makers, both public and private. The results of these surveys doubled (from 5 to 10) the number of Montana plant species of concern documented in the County. Based on tlie number of new populations discovered, one species has been dropped from the Montana Species of Concern list, anotlier is recommended for possible downgrading, and we recommend that four species be considered for removal from BLM "Watch' status. We also documented a total of 46 native vegetation types in Powder River County. Several of these are particularly well -rep resented or of significance on BLM lands, either because of tlieir extent and good condition and/or because tliey represent types that are uncommon or range-limited. In addition to col- lecting data from vegetation plots to better document and understand these communities, we also identi- fied six notable areas where one or more were particularly well -rep resented in good or excellent condi- tion, witliin ecologically intact landscapes. While tliis study added a great deal to knowledge of tlie vegetation and ecology of Powder River County, it is far from comprehensive. We would recommend tliat inventory work be expanded to in- clude fauna as well as flora, and to encompass lands under other ownerships to gain a more complete and accuiate frame of reference for understanding tlie biological resources and ecology of tliis remarka- bly healtliy and intact native landscape. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For suggesting and initially facilitating this study, we are indebted to Hal Vosen, Range Conservationist now retired from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Miles City Office. We also received valu- able support and assistance during tlie project from staff of the BLM Miles City Field Office, and from Bill Volk and Roxanne Falise of the Montana State Office. A number of HeiitageProgiam staff contributed to production of this report. Cedion Jones and Duane Lund designed and produced tlie maps; Martin Miller, Terrie Kenney, Joy Lewis, and Coburn Cunier, helped witli data processing and production, and Steve Cooper contributed to final editing. This report has benefited from tlie support and contributions of many people, however any errors of commission or omission rest with tlie authors. This project was supported by a challenge cost-share agieement between tlie Bureau of Land Management and tlie Montana Natural Heritage Program (BLM Agieement Number 1422E930A960015, Task Orders # 26 & 31). TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary i Acknowledgements ii Table of Contents iii Intioduction 1 SUidy Area 2 Location 2 Climate 2 Geology and Soils 3 Elso-Midway-Tliurlow association 4 Ringling-C abba-Midway association 5 Els o-Remmit-Ocean Lake association 5 Kyle-Midway -Cabb a association 5 Halverson-Glenberg association 5 Metliods 6 Inventory 6 Data Management 9 Vegetation Analysis 9 Results and Conclusions 12 Plant Species of Concern 12 Astragalus barrii 14 Care X gravida 14 Ceanothiis herbaceous 14 Chenopodhim siibg^abrum 14 Cypenis schMeht/tzii 15 Dichanthelium oligosanthes var. scribneriaimm 15 Mentzeha nuda 15 FlUox atidicola 15 Physaria brassicoides 15 Psoralen hypogaea 16 Vegetation Commuiuties 16 Pascopynmi smithii — Hesperstipa contata 16 Pascopyrum smithii — Biichloe dactyioides 16 Calamordfa longifoha — Hesperostipa comata 17 Andropogon hallii — CalaiHorilfa fotigifolia 17 Andropogon JtalUi — Carex inops ssp. heliophila 18 Psetidoroegneria spicaia — Boutefoua curtipe/tdula 18 Artemisia tr/derttata s^p. wyommgef/sis — Pascopyrum simthii 18 Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis — Buchloe dactyioides 19 Pimts po/tderosa — Pseudoregneria spicaia 19 Juniperus scopiilorum — Piptaiherum micranthum 19 Recommendations 20 Literature Cited 21 111 FIGURES Figure 1. Topography of Powder River County Figure 2. Powder River County Study Area Figure 3. Climate Diagram of Broadus, MT Figure 4. Elso-Midway-Thurlow association setting Figure 5. Ringling-Cabba-Midway association setting Figure 6. Elso-Remmit-Ocean Lake association setting Figure 7. Kyle-Midway-Cabba association setting Figure 8. Halverson-Glenbeig association setting Figure 9. Vegetation study plots in Powder River County Figure 10. Plant species of concern in Powder River County TABLES Table!. Plant Inventory Targets Table 2. Plant Synonymy Table 3. Plant Associations in Powder River County Table 4. Plant Species of Concern in Powder River County APPENDICES Appendix A. Global/State Rank Definitions Appendix B. Site Descriptions Appendix C. Powder River County Plant Species of Concern Appendix D. Rangeland ecological sites and plant associations of Powder River County Appendix E. Plant Community Descriptions IV Photo by Bonnie Heidel INTRODUCTION Southeastern Montana, including Powder River County, has some of tlie most ex- tensive range landscapes in the state. A long history of ranching as tlie predomi- nant land use and effective land steward- ship have maintained or restored exten- sive areas that siippoit good quahty rangelands with healtliy, diverse popula- tions of native wildlife and high ecologi- cal integrity. However, the biological character and richness of diis region has not been well documented. Recent studies focusing on the Tongue River drainage in southeast- em Rosebud County (Heidel 1997) and Carter County (Vanderhorst et al. 1998) have provided a gieat deal of new infonnation on the vegetation and rare flora, but neither extended to Powder River County. This study was undertaken as a first step in documenting the county's biological resources and ecology, in tlie context of soutli eastern Montana and tlie sun'ounding region. Our goal was to suivey BLM lands in Powder River County for plant species of concern and document tlie natural vegetation on these lands, including communities of limited range and outstanding examples of more widespread community types. Sui'vey work emphasized major blocks of land administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), but also included otiier public lands near or continuous with BLM blocks. ^'Species of concern" are those identified by tlie Montana Natiual Heritage Program (Heidel, 2001) as vulnerable to extirpation across tlieir range or in Montana because of rarity, significant loss of habitat, and/or sensitivity to habitat disturbances. Most of tliese are also designated as BLM Special Status Spe- cies. We placed particular emphasis on species Ihat are of global orrangewide concern (Heritage ranks Gl -G3; see Appendix A for rank definitions). In tlie course of sui'vey work, we also documented loca- tions for "species of potential concern" (fomierly called "*watch" species) -primarily species of uncer- tain status or regional endemics that are thought to be secure witliin their limited range. Our specific objectives were to: Clarify the distribution and status of plant species and vegetation community types relative to BLM lands; Identify particularly significant populations, habitats and areas of natural vegetation on public lands in Powder River County; Highlight management opportunities for maintaining species of concern and significant vegetation communities; Consolidate new and previous infoiTnation as a reference for tlie Bureau of Land Management and otliers. STUDY AREA Figure 1. Topography of Powder River County Location Powder River County covers 3,297 square miles of unglaciated Missouri Plateau in die Eastern Sedimentary Plains of southeast Mon- tana. The Powder River aud its tributaries, including Little Powder River, Mizpah Creek and Pumpkin Creek, drain most of tlie county, dissecting the uplands and underlying sedi- mentaiy bedrock layeis. Ottei' Creek and Bea- ^>'^ ver Creek, tributaries of the Tongue River, drain the west end of the county. Nortli-soutli valleys and intei'vening ridges fonn the preva- lent landfomis (Figure 1), spanning elevations from 2,768 feet in tlie county's northwest cor- nel' to 4,305 feet in die soutliwest comer (Parker etal. 1971). Powder River County was part of Custer County until 1919. The county seat, Broadus, lies at tlie junc- tion of tlie county's two main highways, M-59 and US-212. Lands in tlie county weie settled for ranch- ing, and beef production reached its peak between 1880 - 1920 when open range prevailed (Parker et ak 1971). Cattle ranching remains tlie first and foremost industry the county today. Like other counties in tliis area, the prevailing land cover is rangeland, however it includes a relatively high woodland component. In 1976, land cover in Powder River County was 84% rangeland, 10% woodland, and 5% cropland (Ross and Hunter 1976). The highest ridge systems and the most extensive pine woodlands lie witliin the Ashland District of Cus- ter National Forest at the western end of tlie County, diough tliere are pine-covered escarpments and knolls in the soutlieastem comer and widely scattered tliroughout the County. Lands administei ed by the BLM are concentrated on, but not limited to, rough teirain along the Powder and Little Powder Riv- ers (Figure 2), and are intenningled witli private and state lands. Climate The area's climate is continental and typical of tlie high plains, witli cold winters, warm summers, and peak rainfall early in tlie growing season. Average annual precipitation at Broadus is 13.4 inches while across tlie county averages range from 11-19 inches. The average of meanmondily temperatures is 7.3° Celsius (45.1" Fahrenlieit), with summei' temperatures usually cooler tlian in tlie Yellowstone River val- ley to the north (Parkei' et al. 1971). Precipitation is typically concentjated in May and June, and maxi- mum mean monthly temperatures occur later in July, resulting in a late summer water deficit (Figure 3). Compiled climate data invariably mask tlie high degree of variation in climate from year-to-year, moiitli- to-month, and tlie great variations tliat occur even in the span of weeks, days and hours. Figure 2. Powder River County Sliidy Area BLM USPS State trust fands Tribal & Allotted Other private Water 10 Scale in Miles MTNHP April 20, 2001 Geology and Soils The sweeping, luiglaciated landscape of Powder River County is carved by erosion largely from the Fort Union Fomiation, a heterogeneous Paleocene sedimentaiy deposit made up of sandstone, shale, ben- tonite, lignite and otlier materials. It is dissected by Quaternary alluvial deposits along major rivers and tributaries. The county lies entiiely widiin tlie unglaciated segment of the Great Plains biogeographic province, and largely within the Powder River Basin section. Along tlie eastern side of the county, tlie Foit Union fomiation gives way to shales and claystones of tlie Piene Shale Plains section. Soils tluoughout die county are entisols and aridisols (Torriorthents and Camborthids) of dissected to nearly level sedimentaiy bedrock plains and hills. In addition, Ustorthents and Argiborolls occur in the pinelands, and Toniflu vents, Torrioitlients and Camboitliids in die broadest river valleys (Montague et al. 1982). It is easiest to visualize tlie terrain and associated soils tluough schematic diagrams. The rela- Figure 3. Climate diagram showing average montlily temperature and precipitation for Broadus, MT. (Gray portion of bar indicates growing seasoQ lengthy or the number of frost- fi:ee days with mean daily minimum temperature above 0° Centigrade.) Broadus, MT {924 m/3030 ft) {7.3 C/45.1 F) (350.0 mm/1 3.8 in) (1 948 -1999) 40 n f^n ou 35 —•—Temperature 30 —A— Precipitation - -60 25 / \ Period of „ 20- u "^ 15- "S 10- m E 5- l-lp rnri- ^ Astragalus barrij locations J (W) Other tracked species ' I I Watch species (potential concern) Water BLM USPS Tribal State Trust Other private Infomiation gatliered during survey work has also provided new insights into tlie habitats characteristics and ecology of tliese species. Below, we have summarized cunent infomiation for each species on tlieir distribution in die county and potential management considerations. Appendix C provides fnll species descriptions with additional infomiation, including detailed identification and habitat data, range-wide distribution, an explanation of status, and illustrations and photos of each species. Astragalus barrii, Harris milkvetch (G3, S3, BLM Watch status) Coti/tty Distribution: The two largest areas of concenti'ation for tliis species in Montana lie in Powder River County, where it has been documented from a total of 23 locations. Of tliose, 18 are clustered into two large population complexes, one along part of Otter Creek and the other in the Little Powder River- drainage. In visits to tlie latter, we found Ihat it occurs repeatedly across tlie landscape where suitable- habitat is extensive, such that some of tlie populations are quite large. 12 Ecology and managemeni considerations: This species almost always occurs on secondary range and is not glazed due to its low growth fomi. It is little-affected by allotment management practices and devel- opments unless concenti'ated livestock tiampling occurs in its habitat. It may be vulneiable to exotic spe- cies encroachment, however there is little tlireat from weedy annuals at present, and the fine texture and instability of soils limit invasion by annual bromes. A non-native mustard, Malcolmia {Malcolmia qfri- ca/td), is beginning to invade fine-textured slopes of Powdei' River County; it has become abundant in similar habitats elsewhere, and appears to be spreading along backroads. Seeding of sweetclover (MelHohts spp.) should be avoided in revegetation efforts or road plantings near tliis species' habitat. Status Note: Bair's milkvetch is a regional endemic species of limited distribution in the nortliem Great Plains, where it is restiicted to portions of thiee states. Its total range comprises an area less tlian half the size of Montana. Given the extensive distribution of Ban's milkvetch in Powder River County, tlie status of tliis species will be reviewed and may be downgraded statewide from ''species of concern" to ''species of potential concern." This evaluation will need to consider any cunent tlireats to tlie species and tlie security of existing populations and habitats with respect to land management, especially for those on public lands. Carer gravida, Pregnant Sedge (G5, SI) Coii/tty Distribution: It has only been found in two places on the Ashland District of the Custer National Forest (Heidel and Marriott 1996), and these represent tlie known Powder River and Rosebud records. In tlie course of tliis survey tliere was veiy little suitable habitat in tlie areas that were visited, so it was not found and no additional data was collected on tliis species and its distribution. Ecology and management considerations: This plant seems restricted to niesic microhabitats witliin pine woodlands, which could make it vulnerable to changes in woodland structure and composition by grazing and logging. These settings are also vulnerable to invasion of exotic species like Kentucky blue- grass (Poapratensis). Theie were fire scars among the Ponderosa pine at one of the Ashland District sites where it occuned, indicating tliat the species survives ground fires. Status note: Since this species is restricted to woodlands and has not been found on BLM lands in Mon- tana, it could be dropped from BLM ''Watch" status. Ceanothus herbaceous^ New Jersey tea (G5, SH) County Distribution: The single collection of this species in Montana was from a "grassy, pine-covered hill" in Powder River County. There are few pine stands on BLM lands in tlie county, and of tlie few that were surveyed, none appeared to have suitable microhabitat. It is not known whetlier tliis species is resti'icted to pineland habitat in Montana, and we also looked for it nearby grassland habitat on BLM lands. We did not locate it, and were unable to collect any additional data on this species in tlie county. Ecology and management considerations: We have no infomiation on the ecology of tliis plant. It has reportedly diminished elsewhere on the Great Plains (Ode, pers. conini.) Some species of Ceanothus are highly palatable to wildlife and livestock. Status note: Since this species is restricted to woodlands and has not been found on BLM lands in Mon- tana, it could be dropped from BLM "Watch" status. Chenopodiunt subglabrum, Smooth Goosefoot (G3G4, SI) County Distribution: This plant was documented for die first time in Powder River County and on BLM -administered lands during this study. We found it in the noitlieastem comer of the County on an isolated ridgetop. 13 Ecology and management considerations: The Powder River County population occurs in secondary range, where livestock use is light and watei' sources are remote. This species is a poor competitor and is associated with otlier annuals and early-succession species. Maintenance of early successional habitat in upland settings requires a balance of fire and/or grazing. Leafy spuige is in early stages of invading some of the most extensive areas of tliis habitat type in the state. Cyperus schweinitzii, Schweinitz' Flatsedge (G5, S2) Coii/tty Distribution: We documented tliis plant for the first time in Powder Rivei' County, at two sites in the noitlieastem comer in small blowouts at toeslope positions on loose sand eroded from sandstone outcrops above. Ecology and management considerations: The Powder River populations occur in primaiy range that is in good to excellent condition. Maintaining the species' early -sue cession habitat requires grazing and/or fire, and it may decline in the absence (or excess) of tliese. Leafy spurge is in early stages of invading some of the most extensive areas of tliis habitat type in the state. Dichanthelium oUgosanthes var. scribnerianum, Scribner's Panic Grass (G5T5, SI) County Distribution: This plant has been documented at four sites in Powder River County, all on the Ashland Distiict of Custer National Forest. It grows in openpondeiosa pine woodlands of valleys and plains. There are few pine stands onBLM lands in the county, and of tliefew tliatwere surveyed, none appeared to have suitable microhabitat. Ecology and management considerations: This species occupies open pine woodland that may be af- fected by vegetation encroachment and by grazing, particularly early in the growing season. It cannot complete witli sod-fomiing grasses like Kentucky bluegrass (Poapratensis). Status note: Since this species is restiicted to woodlands and has not been found on BLM lands in Mon- tana, it could be dropped from BLM ''Watch" status. Mentzelia niidOy BractlessMentzelia (G5, SI) County Distribution: We documented tliis species from three locations in the northeastern comer of Powder River County; these weie die first county records for it. Prior to this, it had not been reported anywhere in Montana since 1957. Ecology artd management considerations: In Powder River County, it was found in blowouts associated with outcrops, and on tlie sandstone outcrops tliemselves. It could be vulnerable to road constniction, subdivision, and exotic species invasion, however we identified no immediate management concerns. Phlox andicolOy Plains Phlox (G4, S2) County Distribution: We discovered this species at one location in the southeastern comer of Powder River County; this was the first record of it for tlie county. Ecology and management considerations: The single Powder River County population was found in a parti ally -re vegetated blowout witli prairie sandreed {Calamoxilfa longifolia). sandhills bluestem (Andropogon hallii), lemon scurfpea (Psoralea tanceolatd) and yucca {Yucca glauca). It is an early- to mid-succession species of plains and woodlands, and is subject to encroachment by bettei- competing species in more productive settings. Moderate levels of grazing and disturbances that reduce competition may benefit the species. Anecdotal observations indicate it is favored by fall fire and winter grazing. 14 Physaria brassicoideSt Double Bladdeipod (G5, S2) Coii/tty Distribution: It occurs in soutliwestem and possibly northeastern areas of Powder River County where tliere are sandstone outcrops. Ecology and management consideratioiis: Double bladderpod is restricted to sandy or stony soi! of open grassland slopes on the plains. In Powder River County, it occupies secondaiy range. It grows where the vegetation is sparse, often on steep slopes where tlie slope is unstable and there is little or no profile de- velopment, and is vulnerable to competition from invasive exotics. Seeding of sweetclover {Melilotits spp.) should be avoided near its habitat. It could also be vulnerable to road widening, maintenance, and hei'bicide tjeatment. Psoralea hypogaea, Little Indian Breadioot (G5T4, S2S3) Comity Distribution: We found this plant on sandstone outcrops in tliree of tlie four comers of Powder River County, and there are more records of it here tlian in any otlier Montana county. It was previously reported from single isolated populations in smaller-scale studies (Heidel 1994, Heidel 1997, Vander- horst et al. 1998). The sandstone outcrops of Powder River County are widespread but mostly small and isolated, so tliese neu' location records suggest that tlie species is likely more widespread than previously known. Ecology and management considerations: This plant occupies ridgetop blowouts, and loose sand slopes around isolated sandstone outcrops and tliose along the Powder River valley. Initial observations indi- cate that it is not sensitive to grazing. The size of populations appears to be directly related to the extent of available habitat, and it appears able to peisist in low, isolated pockets. Status note : As a result of tliis inventory work, Little Indian Breadroot has been dropped as a state spe- cies of concein, and we recommend that BLM drop it from ''Watch" designation. Vegetation Communities Based on our field surveys and previous studies, we have now documented a total of 46 native vegeta- tion communities in Powder River County. These are listed in Table 4. Appendix E provides detailed descriptions for 32 of tliese vegetation types. Where infomiation is available, these include composition and distinguishing attributes, environmental setting, state and county distributions, global and state status, and ecological or management considerations (NatureServe 2002). State status ranks for commu- nities should be considered preliminary and will continue to be reviewed and revised as we acquire new infonnation. Several vegetation types were particularly noteworthy on BLM lands in the county, either by their extent and good condition and/or as distinctive types tliat are uncommon or range-limited. In addition to col- lecting data from vegetation plots to better document and understand these communities, we have also identified areas where they are particularly well -rep re sen ted in high quality condition, witliin ecologi- cally intact landscapes. The discussion below highlights a few of the significant communities and representative areas tliatwe documented during our surveys. Each area mentioned by name is summarized witli a site profile in Ap- pendix B, which includes photographs and a map showing its generalized location and extent. 15 Table 4. Plant Associations found in Powdei' River County Global State Scifiitiflc Name Rank Rank WOODLAND Fraxmns pennsydvanica / Pntnits virgimana Forest GJ? S2S3 Junipeiiis scopidorum / Piptathentm inicranthwn (= Oiyzopsis inicrarttha) Woo7*;/rf^y(westfrnwheatgr ass — buffalo grass) (See full description of Western wheatgrass Alliance communities in Appendix E, page 30) Distribution: In Powder River County, western wheatgrass- dominated communities occur on gentle to modeiate slopes ranging from 0-35 % and it is characteiistic of the widespread Silty Ecological Site of the 10-14 inch precipitation zone. This type is prevalent on gentler slopes witliin the Elso-Midway- Thurlow and the Elso-Remmit-Ocean Lake soil associations deiived from calcareous shales. It also occurs on Silty Ecological Sites on well-drained deep-loam soils of the Elso - Ocean Lake association to the north. It is occasional on upland and bench positions with suitable substiate in the Ringling-Cabba- Midway association to tlie west, a Clayey Ecological Site of the 15-19 inch precipitation zone. InPow- dei' River County, we documented tliis community with seveial different co-dominants including Hes- perostipa comata and Biichhe dactyloides, tlie latter having not been previously documented and apparently distinctive to tliis region. We recorded data from ten plots in this vegetation type and made extensive field notes, with particular emphasis on documenting the communities co-dominated by western wheatgrass and buffalo grass, which were extensive on BLM lands. Representative sites: One area that is dominated by western wheatgrass — needle-and-tliread community in particularly good condition was Five Mile Hill. We documented particularly good representation of tlie distinctive western wheatgrass — buffalo grass community in two areas: Little Powder Hills and Biddle Hills. Ecology and management considerations: Altliough western wheatgrass communities are common tliroughout a broad geographic range, heavy grazing and lack of fire may cause many stands to have a high proportion of exotics. In the past, fire likely occuned commonly in tliis type. Fire, botli aboriginal- and lightening-caused, was a regular part of this landscape. Fire-return intei'vals have been considerably lengthened since settlement by European-Americans. Vast (singly and in the aggregate) black-tailed prairie dog {Cynomys hidoriciarms) "towns" once developed on tlie favorable substrates in tliis community and exploited its vegetation. Prairie dog populations have undergone significant decline since settlement, so much of tliis type could be in various states of secondaiy succession, returning from a somewhat denuded state and altered composition created by tlie prairie dogs as well as bison (Bos bison) tliat found nutritious forage here. Calamovilfa longffblia - Hesperostipa comata (prairie sandreed - needle-and-thread) (See full description of this community in Appendix E, page 26) Distribution: This is a rare upland community that was not previously documented in Montana. It oc- curs in small patches on the landscape. In Powder River County, tliis plant association is found in the Sandy Ecological Sites of tlie 10-14 inch precipitation zone. Representative sites: We documented tliis community on the eastern edge of the county along Cabin Creek. This site supports a diversity of otlier grassland types. The prairie sandreed - needle-and-tliread community occurs on the upper portions of well-drained sandy slopes along watercourses and ridges. Ecology and management considerations: This community can be highly susceptible to invasion by exotic brome grasses and other non-native invasives. 17 Antlropogon hallii - CaliUHOvilfa loitgifoUa (sand blue^tem - prnii ie snndrecd) (See full description of this community in Appendix E, page 22) Distribution: This community types is characteiistic of sandy deposits, usually on gentle to moderate slopes, ranging from stabilized rolling to choppy sand dunes. In Montana, where we do not have extensive choppy dune systems, it is uncommon and widely -scatteied, associated with active wind ei'osion. This association occurs at tlie ''rim" of blowouts at Medicine Lakes, but is so small and narrow a vegetation band that it was not included in our description of plant associations in Sheridan County. The unglaciated sedimentaiy plains of the Fort Union Fonnation in southeastern Montana provides more habitat for it on active wind erosion featuies associated with sandstone outcrops, which are widely- scattered in small pockets, hi Powder River County, this community is uncommon in areas with sandstone outcrops in at least tlie eastern end of tlie county. It occurs witliin the 10-14 in precipitation zone, and at higher precipitation levels elsewhere. This plant association or closely related ones provides habitat for a number of Montana species of concern, including Chenopodium subglabrum, Cryptcuithafeiuileri, Cyperits schweinitzii, Meutzeha nuda, and possibly otliers. Ecology and Management Considerations: Blowouts may occui' in this community type, leading to bare soils or subsoils. Blowouts may be related to seveie droughts and windstonns, and may occur in con- junction with grazing pressures or fires tliat reduce the ability of the vegetation cover to stabilize tlie sand. Andropogon hallU - Carex mops ssp. heliophila (sand bluestem - sun sedge) (See full description of this community in Appendix E, page 24) Distribution: This sand bluestem prairie community type is found in restricted areas of the nortliern Great Plains of tlie United States, including southeastern Montana and soutlieastemNoilli Dakota., where stands are typically less than a hectare in size. It occurs on gentle to steep sloping tenain with sand or sandy loam soil, and in Montana, can occur on slopes of any aspect, witli nortli the least frequent. Ecology and Management Considerations: Blowouts may occur in this community type, leading to bare soils or subsoils. Blowouts may be caused by severe droughts and windstorms, and may occur in conjunction witli grazing pressures that reduce the ability of the vegetation covei' to stabilize the sand. This community may be an early successional stage on tliese blowouts, where vegetation cover and diversity are low. Pseudoroegneria spicata - Bouteloua curtipendiila (bluebunch whe^tgrass - sideoats grnma) (See full description of this community in Appendix E, page 36) Distribution: This mixedgrass association occurs as small to large patches on foothills and sideslopes along major drainages between the Tongue and Powder rivers of southeastern Montana. To date, it has been documented only in soutlieastem Montana, although potential habitat exists in northeast Wyoming and westernmost Noitli Dakota. It is considered a topo-edaphic climax by Hansen and Hoffman (1988) because it occurs on moderate to steep slopes (>45%) witli large amounts of inegularly shaped, iron oxide porcelainite shale (scoria), produced by fires in contiguous coal beds (liowever the soils are conventional loams). These harsh sites produce a unique depauperate community with one of the lowest total and giaminoid covers of any southeastern Montana community. Ecology a/ td Management considerations: Given the low covei' and patchiness of this type, fires probably burned in a mosaic fashion witli reduced intensity. It could be vulneiable to grazing, but stands IS are generally somewhat removed from watei\ These areas are generally not conducive to alien bromegrasses, but tlieir susceptibility to invasion by other weeds is unknown. Pronghom antelope (Antilocapra americana) use areas sites for grazing and predator detection. Shrublands and Shrubland-Grasslands : Artemisia truletUata ssp. wyomiiigensis — Pascopyrum srnitltii (Wyoming bigsagf - westfin wheat- grass) (See full description of this community in Appendix E, page 13) Distribution: In Powder River County, this widespread Montana community occurs wheiever tlie topography is dissected, and is especially extensive in the extreme soutliwestern comer of the county. Over most of the county's shale plains, it is concentiated on tlie steeper slopes (greater tli an 8%) giving way to giassland on gentlei' slopes. It occurs on Thin Silty Ecological Sites, with 10-14 in. precipitation zone. It is not limited to steep slopes in all settings, and prevails at the extreme southwestern border of the county on Silty ecological sites, where elevation is higher. Representative sites: We found good stands of Wyoming bigsage - western wheatgrass at Chico Buttes and in the Little Powder Hills. Botli are in good condition and exist in a landscape tliat is largely ecol- ogically intact. The Little Powder Hills represents tlie cool phase of tliis community, with a co- dominance of Carexfiiifoha (three-leaved sedge) in the understoiy. At Chico Buttes, tlie understory is co-dominated by Nassefia xiridnla (green needlegrass), indicating a more mesic phase of this vegetation type. The Chico Buttes site also supports a particularly rich stand witli species that were scarce or absent elsewhere, including Calochortus mittcdliU (Nuttall's maiiposa lily), Besseya Myomingensis, (Wyoming coral-drops), Limim lewisii (prairie flax), and gieen needlegrass. Ecology and managemeni considerations: Taylor and Hoist (1976) refer to an ^'upland praririe sagebrush ecosystem" of the Ashland Distiict and note that this sagebnish ecosystem overlaps strongly witli upland grassland, appearing as an edaphic difference in places, and as a grazing disclimax in otliers. In Powder River County, we found many areas of tliis community in good condition, indicating its edaphic origin. Wyoming bigsage is killed within prairie dog towns. In Powder River County, vegetation sampling was conducted on a bench along Buffalo Creek in what appeared to be a long-abandoned prairie dog town, even tliough theie were no signs of buirow mounds remaining. Elsewhere on the bench, Wyoming bigsage dominated in identical settings. In the abandoned prairie dog town, tliere was 50% covei' of Wyoming bigsage and 10% cover of both ^^^^^^^^^/^^^(^(Sandbergbluegrass) mid Br omt is japonic us (Japanese bronie), with high litter accumulation (greater than 60%). Perhaps tlie fertilizing and churning influence of tlie praiiie dogs heightened productivity and impeded re-establishment of Wyoming bigsage in the high vegetation and/or higli litter cover. Under heavy grazing pressure, the cover of exotic and increaser species like Japanese brome, Hedeoma hispida (rough pennyroyal), Flaniago patagonica (woolly plantain), and Vulpia octoflora (slender 8-flowered fescue) increases greatly. Artemisia truletUata ssp. wyomiitgensis - Buchloe dactyloides (Wyoming bigsage - buffalo gi ass) (This is referenced in Appendix E, page 15 under Wyoming bigsage-westem wheatgrass shrubland) Distribution: We documented this vegetation type for the first time in Powder River County during these surveys, where it occuned on BLM lands in much of the county. This community type has not been well-documented elsewhere in tlie northem Gieat Plains. Representative sites: We identified two particularly high quality landscapes with good stands of this community type. In the Riddle Hills, Wyoming bigsage -buffalo glass occurred ovei' about half a 19 township in essentially undisturbed natural condition, witliin a functionally intact landscape. Buffalo grass is also co-dominant (with western wheatgrass) in tlie giasslands of the Biddle Hills. One of tlie few areas in the county where we found the Wyoming bigsage - buffalo glass community on clay substrate (Ai^ada-Bone complex, rather than the typical silt substrate) was at the Cabin Creek site. It occurs theie in good condition within an ecologically intact landscape. Ecology Of td management considerations: We have no infomiation that is specific to this type. Waodlands : Pinus ponderoifa- Pseudoregneria \pic{ita (ponder 0%^ pine -bluebunch wheatgrass) (See full description of tliis community in Appendix E, page 10) Distribution: In Powder River County, this association is found on Shallow to Sandy and Silty Ecological Sites in both 10-14 and 15-19 inch precipitation zones. It occurs on slopes witli coarse soils, often with a high gravel or rock content, and occurs mostly on steep soutlierly aspects. Representative sites: We identified ponderosa pine — bluebunch wheatgrass stands at Five Mile Hill that are good condition second growtli. This site is one of seveial areas near Broadus tliat best represent the ''park-like" nature of tlie ponderosa pine community type. The Buffalo Breaks along the southwestern edge of the county, east of the Powder River, has a complex system of steep ridge slopes covered by a ponderosa pine woodland with some Juniperus scopiilorum (Rocky Mountain juniper ) in tlie understoiy. The area is impressive in its extent and complexity, and supports a diverse complex of woodland, steppe and grasslands similar to nearby National Forest lands. Ecology and management considerations: Fire likely occurred at regular intervals in this type; documentation on fire frequency is not available. The lack of Rocky Mountain juniper in many stands may be attiibutable to past fires killing diis species and leaving tlie pondeiosa pine overstory intact, this scenario has been documented by Culwell et al. (1991) in tlie Bull Mountains of central Montana. Juniperus scopulorum - Piptatlterum micnuttJtum Woodland (Rocky Mountain juniper - little-seed mountain riccgi ass) (See full description of this community in Appendix E, page 6) Distribution: In Montana, this association is best-developed on sheltered aspects in dissected sedimentary plains. Witliin Powdei' River County, it is widely -scatteied on thin silty ecological conditions, along noitli eastern escai'pments and dissected terrain along tlie soutli end of the Powder River in the soutliwestern comer of the County. This type closely intergrades witli Ju/uperus scopulortmi / Pseudoroegneria spicaia andbotli may be represented on the same slope or on opposite aspects of the same landfomi, as we found tliem in the dissected terrain along die Powder River. Ecology and Management Considerations: This plant association is in relatively moist habitat that is not as prone to burning as sunounding vegetation types, but is highly flammable when diy. Rocky Moun- tain junipei' is readily killed by fire; once ignited the crowns are almost always completely incinerated. It often has grassland or steppe openings that influence the levels of overall livestock use. Signs of fencepost cuttings are ubiquitous in tlie stands and the changes brought on by tliis histoiy need to be fur- ther addressed in characteiizins stand structure. 20 Recommendations for future work While tliis study added a great deal to knowledge of tlie vegetation and ecology of Powder River County, it is far from comprehensive. One limitation was our focus on BLM lands - and principally large blocks witliin tliose lands. While tliese lands support a diversity of community types, many in good to excellent condition, tliey also tend to concentrate in certain types of landscapes, resulting in oversampling of some features and undersampling of otliers. For example, the more mesic river valleys and major draws stand out as one of tlie least-documented vegetation complexes in tlie county, and one tliat we did not addiess, since they occur almost entirely on private lands. Riparian communities have undergone major changes, including conversion to pasture grasses and widespread loss of cottonwood regeneiation. Howevei, tliey continue to be extiemely im- portant to a divei'sity of wildlife species. An understanding of biological resources in drainages and as- sociated lowlands will be particularly important due to tlieir favorability as locations for coalbed meth- ane wells and associated facilities. These areas are also of ti' emend ous importance for a diversity of wildlife species. This study did not address fauna at all, and future efforts should include wildlife, em- phasizing species of concern and lesser-known groups such as small mammals, reptiles and amphibians, and songbirds. It may also be valuable to better understand the effects of existing riparian modifications on wildlife species populations and diversity, to help in evaluating the impacts of potential futuie modi- fications and identify management options. Forb diversity was relatively low in many of tlie communities that we documented. This would be wor- thy of fui'ther documentation to detemiine its extent and to identify patterns related to geology, geogra- phy and/or land use history (e.g., sheep grazing). Much of Powder River County has not yet been extensively invaded by many invasive exotic weeds that pose serious thieats elsewhere in the state. Continued documentation of tliose weeds that are present and/or invading will be important to safeguarding tlie rangeland values provided by native vegetation communities. We did note a significant presence of Japanese and smootli bronie. The ecological impact of these species on tlie native communities and species has not been evaluated, to our knowledge, and may be woithy of further attention. Our survey efforts were also limited by time and tlie scale of the project, which was relatively modest. We designed our approach to provide a representative overview of vegetation types on BLM lands, how- ever many tracts were not visited, and among tliose tliat we did survey, none were systematically inven- toried and many were far too large to be more than sampled. In addition, portions of the counfy are quite remote witli limited access, which imposed restrictions on the reach of our ground surveys. It would also be worthwhile to extend survey work to significant state land holdings in the southeastern part of the county, and into Custer National Forest in the west. All of these additional efforts would con- tribute to developing a tnily integrated portrait of the biological resources and dynamics in this large, diverse and relatively intact landscape. 21 LITERATURE CITED Booth, W. E. 1950. Flora of Montana, part 1, conifers and monocots. The Research Foundation at Montana State College, Bozeman, MT. 232 pp. Booth, WE. and J. C. Wright. 1966. Flora of Montana, Part II. Dicotyledons. Montana State Univei- sity, Bozeman, MT. 305 pp. Connelly, J.W., M.A. Schroedei, A.R. Sands and C.E. Braun, 2000. Guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats. Wildhfe Society Bulletin 28 (4): 967-985. Culwell, L. D. 1979. Vegetation communities of tlie Coal Creek study area, Powdei' River County. Re- port to Coal Creek Mining Company. Western Technology and Engineering, Inc. Helena, MT. Braun, C. E., O.O. Oedekoven, and C. L. Aldridge, 2002. Oil and Gas Development in Western North America: Effects on Sagebrush Steppe Avifauna witli Particular Emphasis on Sage-grouse. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conferences. 67: In Press. Dorn, R. D. 1984. Vascular Plants of Montana. Mountain West Publishing, Cheyenne, WY. 276 pp. Dorn, R. D. 1992. Vascular Plants of Wyoming. Mountain West Publishing, Cheyenne, WY. 340 pp. Fabei'-Langendoen, D. 1999. Tenestrial Vegetation of the midwestern United States. Compiled com- munity characterization abstiact in draft fonn. Midwest Office of The Nature Conservancy, Minneapolis, Minn. Fertig, W., C. Refsdal, and J. Whipple. 1994. Wyoming Rare Plant Field Guide. Wyoming Rare Plant Technical Committee, Cheyenne, WY. Great Plains Flora Association. 1977. Atlas of the flora of the Great Plains. Iowa University Press, Ames, lA. 600 pp. Great Plains Flora Association. 1986. Flora of the Gieat Plains. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. 1392 pp. Grossman, D.H., D. Faber-Langendoen, A.S. Weakley, M. Anderson, P. Bourgeron, R. Crawford, K. Goodin, S. Landaal, K. Metzler, K. Patterson, M. Pyne,M. Reid, and L. Sneddon. 1998. Inter- national Classification of Ecological Communities: Terrestrial Vegetation of tlie United States. Volume I. The national vegetation classification system: development, status, and applications. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia. USA. 126 pp. Hansen, P. L. and G. R. Hoffman. 1988. The vegetation of the Grand River/Cedar River, Sioux and Ashland Distiicts of the Custer National Forest: a habitat type classification. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-157. USDA Forest Sei^ice, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Expeiiment Station. Fort Collins, CO. 68 pp. Heidel, B. L. 1994. Survey for PSORALEA HYPOGAEA in the Great Falls Resource Area, Lewistown District. Unpublished report to tlie Bureau of Land Management, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program. 22 pp. plus appendices. 22 Heidel, B. L. and K. H. Dueholm. 1995. Sensitive plant species survey in the Sioux District of Custer National Forest, Carter County, Montana and Harding County, Soutli Dakota. Unpublished re- port to the Custer National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 95 pp. plus appendices. Heidel, B. andH. Marriott. 1996. Sensitive plant species survey in tlie Ashland District, Custer Na- tional Forest. Report to the U.S. Forest Service. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. Heidel, B.L. 1997. Preliminaiy Botanical Survey in the Tongue River Area, Montana. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 11 pp. plus appendices and map. Hitchcock, C. L. and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Nortliwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle. 730 pp. Husby, P., J. Antos, J. Elliott and T. Olson. 1979. Vegetation inventoiy and analysis of the Montco pro- ject area. Report to MONTCO. Olson-Eillott and Associates. Helena, MT. Kartesz, J.T. 1999. A Synonymized Checklist and Atlas witli Biological Attributes for the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. Fiist Edition. In: Kartesz, J.T. and C.A. Meacham. Synthesis of the North Ameiica Flora, Version 1.0, North Carolina Botanical Gar- den, Chapel Hill, NV. August. Montague, C.,L. C. Munn, G. A.Nielsen, J. W. Rogers andH. E. Hunter. 1982. Bulletin 744. Boze- man, MT. Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Montana State University. 95 pp. Montana Native Plant Society. 1993. Guidelines for collecting plants. Reprint from Kelseya Newslet- ter. Bozeman, MT. 2 pp. Natural Resource Conservation Service. 1980. Draft: Report of Field Review of Mapping Units in Soil Survey of Powder River County area, Montana. June 6, 1980. Natuial Resource Conservation Service. 2001. Plants Database. http.//p plants/. Data accessed in May, 2001. NatuieSei've. 2002. Intemational Classification of Ecological Communities: Teirestrial Vegetation. Natural Heritage Central Databases. NatureSeive, Arlington, VA. Parker, J. L., L. R. Guptill, K. M. Bajema, W. A. Berg, L. Logan, and R. E. Adams. 1971. Soil Survey of Powder River Area, Montana. Soil Conservation Service (Natural Resources Conservation Service), Bozeman, MT. Ross, R. L. and H. E. Hunter. 1976. Climax vegetation of Montana based on soils and climate. Boze- man, MT. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 64 pp. Taylor, J. E. and T. L. Hoist. 1976. Grass and shnib plant community classification. USPS Contiact Research Project 26-3494. Final Report, Ashland Distiict, US Forest Service. The Nature Conservancy. 1999. Ecoregional Conservation in the Northern Great Plains Steppe. 181 pp. 23 Vanderhorst, J., Cooper, S. V. and B. Heidel. 1998. Botanical and vegetation survey of Carter County, Montana. Unpublished report to Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Pro- gram, Helena, MT. 116 pp. + app. 24 Appendix A: Global / State Rank Definitions HERITAGE PROGRAM RANKS The international network of Natural Heritage Programs employs a standardized ranking system to de- note global (range-wide) and state status (Association for Biodiversity Information 2001). Species are assigned numeric ranks ranging from 1 (critically imperiled) to 5 (demonstrably secure), reflecting the relative degree to which tliey are ''at-risk". Rank definitions are given below. A number of factors are considered in assigning ranks — tlie number, size and distribution of known ''occuixences" or popula- tions, population tiends (if known), habitat sensitivity, and tlireat. Factors in a species' life history tliat make it especially vulnerable are also considered (e.g., dependence on a specific pollinator). RANK DEFINITIONS Gl SI Critically imperiled because of extreme rarity and/or othei' factors making it highly vulnerable to extinction. G2 S2 Impei'iled because of rarity and/or other factors making it vulnerable to extinction. G3 S3 Vulnerable because of rarity or restricted range and/or othei' factors, even tliough it may be abundant at some of its locations. G4 S4 Apparently secure, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at tlie pei'iphery. G5 S5 Deinonstiably secure, tliougli it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the pei'iphery. GU SU Possibly impeiiled, but status uncertain; more infomiation needed. GA SA Native in nearby states, but in Montana believed to be accidentally introduced, deliberately planted, or escaped from plantings. GH SH Historical, known only fiom records over 50 year ago; may be rediscovered. GX SX Believed to be extinct: historical records only. COMBINATION RANKS G#G# or S#S# Indicates a range of unceitainty about the rarity of the species. SUBRANKS T# Rank of a subspecies or variety; appended to the species' global rank of the full species, e.g. G4T3. QUALIFIERS Q Taxonomic questions or problems exist, more information needed; appended to the global rank, e.g. G3Q. ? Denotes uncertainty or for numeric ranks, inexactness. Appendix A-1 Appendix B: Site Descriptions Site Map for Powder River County j:> -> I III i^ruFJ bjy-UEDr> wf^-'—lff^ hpIf^ui. 14 UAWfis CD ^r^s Doundarief USFS Tribal B^ St3t? Tiu^t Other privBts Water Appendix B-1 FIVE MILE HILL Photo by Bonnie Heidel Location Approximately 3 miles W of Broadus. MT and 2 miles N; public road access on E side of Higliway 59. General Description The site is a portion of sandstone outcrop escai'pment between tlie Powder River and Mitzpah River, with pine-covered outcrop knolls and intei'vening gently rolling grasslands. Vegetation Communities The grassland community is co-dominated by Pascopyntm smithii (western wheatgrass) at 10+ % cover and Hesperostipa comata (needle-and-thiead) at 30% cover. Short-stature giaminoids are not readily apparent but the cover oiCarex i/tops (sun sedge) cover exceeds 10%. The most important forbs in temis of cover are Androsace occidentalis (western rockjasmine) and Sphaeralcea coccinea (red globe- mallow). Boutelona gracilis (blue gramma) increases and western wheatgiass decreases in higher to- pogiaphic positions. Plot data was taken in mesic habitat at Ihe lower end of tlie gradient, perhaps simi- lar in site characteristics to adjoining fannland. The open woodland community is dominated by Pimts ponderosa (ponderosa pine) at approximately 5% and Pseiidoroegiieria spicata (bhiebunch wheatgrass) at +/- 20%, sometimes joined by sun sedge and Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem) at 0-3%. The associated forbs are present in tiace amounts, including Campanula rotimdifoha (American harebell), Heterotheca rillosa (hairy golden-aster), and Br/ckelha eupatorioides (thoroughwort brickerbush). Environmental Characteristics The series of small hills is typical of escarpments on the plains, covered by pine woodland, interspersed with giassland and sparse vegetation. Soils range from gravelly silt loams to loamy sands, and fall within the Ringling slaty loam, 20-50% slope unit. The gentle noilliem toe-slope setting is part of a well-drained perimeter diat flanks the sandstone and scoria outcrops of Five Mile Hill, on Hapley and Relan loams, witli a 4-8% slope. The pine-covered hills and open perimeter lie widiin productive up- Appendix B-2 lands that are eithei' conveited to familand or tamegrass, or more intensively utilized. Significance The giassland community represents a ''large patch" type in good condition, within a landscape that is ecologically intact in part. The botanical and ecological diveisity is good but limited by size, and in places by condition. The ponderosa pine community is a 'Marge patch" type represented here by second- growth stands in good condition. It is among tlie areas near Broadus that best represents a "park-like" pine community, and could serve as a stewardship demonstration site. Land Management Public recreation access is provided via a gate and scoria road on the east side of the highway. A trailer for BLM fire-fighting crews is parked in the middle. The area is popular for local recreational use, in- cluding parties and target practice. Exotics Annual bromes are common on exposed outcrop slopes and Poapratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) is com- mon in swales between knolls. Appendix B-3 FIVE MILE HILL CHICO BUTTES Photo by Bonnie Heidel Location Approximately 17 miles S and 2 miles W of Foit Howes Work Station, in a valley NW of tlie road. General Description This is a productive Artemisia thdentata ssp. •wyotmngensis—Fciscopyrum stttithii (Wyoming big sage- bmsh-wes'tem wheatgiass) shrub -herbaceous community tliat occupies some of the county's best- condition rangelands; the coinninnity spans dissected terrain and an unmodified watercourse. The area includes the transition from sagebrush community to tlie surrounding grasslands. Artemisia iridentata ssp. Myo/nhtgeiisis (Wyoming bigsage) cover becomes prevalent to tlie soutli and west; our sui'vey was incomplete and limited by access, and tliis community likely includes additional BLM lands to the soutli that could not be accessed. Vegetation Communities The area is dominated by Wyoming big sagebmsh widi covei' at or below 20%. The understory is co- dominated by westem wheatgrass and Nassetla riridula (green needlegiass) both approaching 20% cover, and witli Koeleria macrmitha (prairie junegrass) and Bro/mis japonic us (Japanese brome) also having between 10-20% cover. The most common forbs mt Achillea millefoliiim (common yaiTo), Phlox hoodii (Hood's phlox), Gutierrezia saroihrae (broom snakeweed) ^n^A]yssum desertorum (desert alyssum), approaching 1% cover. Codominance by green needlegrass indicates tlie most niesic phase of this association in Powdei' River County. Environmental Characteristics This is in die only major area of the Kyle-Midway-Cabba soil association in Powder River County, which has a relatively higli clay component It occupies tlie head of a nortli -trending valley that cuts into a prominent, open ridge where the valley has among tlie best soil development in tliis landscape on tlie Midway and Elso Rocky Soils, with 35-75% slope. Grassland vegetation prevails over the ridgetop and sparsely vegetated communities dominate on certain aspects and lilhologies of the side-slopes. Appendix B-4 Significance The Wyoming bigsage-westem wheatgrass community typically occurs as large patches on the land- scape; it is present here in good condition in an ecological setting that is largely intact. Exotics Japanese biome is present with 10-20% cover in the Wyoming bigsage community. Appendix B-5 CHICO BUTTES LITTLE POWDER HILLS .-.£^ ?^^^.v^^-- ^.-'^- Photo by Boiuiie Heidel Location North of Horse Creek, approximately 7 miles N of Biddle, MT, 4.5 miles E on Belle Creek Rd and 1.5 miles N, following a seiies of turns going primarily N for about 2.5 miles to tlie only public access for the site from tJie soutli. General Description The Little Powder Hills are a series of ridges and valleys along side tiibutaries of tlie Little Powder River. Horse Creek has tlie broadest valley of tliose tributaries, with prairie dog towns and some tame- grass hayland. Abrupt, scattered ridgecrests and valley rims have siltstone outcrops, and support the most extensive upland successional communities. Giasslands predominate, grading into sagebmsh steppe on steep, upper slopes and in tlie intact valleybottoms. Vegetation Communities A productive Artemisia trideniata ssp. wyomingejisis (Wyoming bigsage) steppe community, witli sage- bmsh cover exceeding 30%, dominates tlie higlier slopes and topographic positions. The understoiy is co-dominated by Pascopyrum smithii (western wheatgrass) at over 30%, Koeteria mewrantha (prairie junegrass) at less than 30 %, and Carex fiUfoUa (tliread-leaved sedge) at less tlian 20%. Co-dominance by tliread-leaved sedge represents tlie cool phase of tliis association in Powder River County. Environmental Characteristics Side tributaries of tlie Little Powder River dissect the uplands. Grasslands prevail, with scattered ridge outcrops and steppe on their uppei' north-facing slopes. The shrub communities grade into grassland with decreasing slope and lower topogiaphic position, and into sparsely vegetated communities on ex- posed aspects. Soils are Midway - Elso, with 8-35?'o slope. The Elso and Midway soil series predomi- nate, originating from a siltstone of remarkable unifonnity. Widely scattered areas of sandstone out- crops occur at lower elevations. Appendix B-6 Significance The Wyoming bigsage steppe is a community that occurs as large patches on the landscape, and is repre- sented here in good condition within a landscape that is largely ecologically intact. This site includes good habitat for Astragalus Barrii (Barr's milkvetch). It also has good to excellent examples of the Pascopyrum smithii - Buchloe dactyloides (western wheatgiass - buffalo glass) plant association, and occupied Cynoinys ludoricianus (black-tailed prairie dog) habitat that is probably 500-1000 acres. It is also high quality \\?ih{\.?ii for Antilocapra ainericafui (prongliom). Land Management The area is rangeland tliat spans at least two allotments. A couple inclusions of tamegrass plantings ex- ist as well (unknown whether they are still hayed). Exotics Exotic species are limited to annual bromes ?ind Makolittia qfricafta (African adder's -mouth). Appendix B-7 LITTLE POWDER HILLS BUFFALO BREAKS Photo by Boimie Heidel Location E of Moorehead. MT extending from the Wyoming state line N along the Powder River to Buffalo Creek and the range of hills paralleling it on tlie NE. General Description and Vegetation Communities The area is a complex system of steep ridge slopes covered by Pimis pouderosa (ponderosa pine) with some Jtmiperus scopnforum (Rocky Mountain juniper) siiirounding long, flat isolated ridgetops. It also encompasses a segment of the broad Buffalo Creek valley. Key Environmental Factors Soils are part of tlie Ringling-Cabba-Midway association, witli shallow slaty loams and clay loams. Significance This area has a diveisity of woodland, steppe and grassland habitats which are similar to nearby National Forest lands on the same soils series, noteable in tlie extent and complexity more than their condition. It also has high habitat value for big game. Buffalo Creek includes extant and fonner prairie dog towns, with interesting successional patterns. Land Management The entire area is rangeland. Portions of this area have a histoiy of heavy livestock use, including tracts along tlie Powder River. Most of the complex lies within a BLM roadless study area. Appendix B-8 BUFFALO BREAKS BIDDLE HILLS Photo by Boimie Heidel Location The site lies 1 ainiiile soutlieast of Biddle, MT. The main access is via tlie Rancli Creek Road, going app. 8 miles east, and 3.5 miles south, tlien west 2 miles west on oil well roads, above Prairie Dog Creek. General Description The Biddle Hills are a series of dissected ridges and eroded site tiibutaiies of the Little Powder River. Siltstone outcrops are consistently exposed at different levels, with some of tlie most extensive outcrops being on die knolls and spines that top the ridges. Grassland predominates, and giades into sagebrush steppe in steep upper slopes. Vegetation Communities The steppe community is dominated by (Artemisia tridentata ssp. y\yomingeusis) Wyoming bigsage with cover approaching 30%. The understoiy is codominated by Pascopynim smithii (western wheatgrass) at 30 % and Buchloe dactyloides (buffalo grass) at 50%. The only forb with more tlian trace cover is Achil- lea milkfohum (common yano). This community is recurrent over an area that covers about half a township. The herbaceous grassland community is dominated by western wheatgrass (over 30%) and buffalo gi'ass (over 60%). The most common forb is Agoseris glauca (pale false-dandelion), at slightly more tlian trace cover. This community is prevalent over an area tliat is about half a township. Environmental Characteristics The uplands are sharply dissected uplands by tjibutaries of tlie Little Powder River, widi scattered ridge outcrops, and steppe on tlieir upper, more sheltered slopes. The shmb communities grade into grassland with decreasing slope and lower topographic position, and into sparsely vegetated communities on ex- posed aspects. Soils are part of the Elso-Midway-Thurlo soil association with 8-35% slope, and are some of tlie most unifonn siltbeds in tlie area. Appendix B-9 Significance This area supports the largest and most ecologically intact populations of Bair's milkvetch on BLM lands in Montana. Tlie Wyoming big sage - western wlieatgrass community ranges fiom good to excellent condition and the landscape is largely functionally intact from an ecological perspective. It was also the first site in the County where we documented buffalo grass as a co-dominant under essen- tially undisturbed conditions. Land Management The area is made up of several range allotments. It is bordered by oil wells on the east. A wide, new road tiaverses much of the site. Appendix B-10 BIDDLE HILLS Cabin Creek Photo by Boimie Heidel Location Near tlie eastern edge of the county, along Cabin Creek, about 13 miles N of Boyes, MT, primarily NW of Moore Road. General Description Tliis area is characterized by gently rolling upland plains and widely scattered drainages. Dominant vegetation is a diversity of grasslaud types, all with Hespevostipa comata (needle- and-thread). Large areas of Wyoming big sage- bmsh grassland are interjected oumidslopes. The upper segments of well-diained sandy slopes along watercourses and ridges are co-dominated by Calamomlfa longifolia (prairie sandreed). Vegetation Communities This area supports two significant vegetation types. The grassland is a Calaiuoxilfa longifolia - Hesperostipa comata (prairie sandreed - needle-and-diread) commimity, botli species witli about 20% cover. CarexfiUfolia (tliread-leaved sedge) and C inops (sun sedge) are each present witli about 10% cover, and tliere is a diversity of forbs (27 species recorded), witli only Ambrosia psilostacfn/a (naked- spike ambrosia) abundant. The shmb -herbaceous community on Ihemidslopes is doimn?itQd by Arte tries ia tridetitata ssp. }]yomii}gefisis (Wyoming bigsage), witli cover over 10%. The understoiy is co-dominated by Pascopyrum smithii (western wheatgrass) at 30% cover and Buchloe dactyloides (buffalo grass) at 40% cover. Environmental Characteristics A range of sedimentaiy bedrock materials not apparent from the topography underlies tlie uplands and drainages. Soils are Remmit-Ocean Lake, with 8-25% slopes and Arvada-Bone complex widi 0-4% slopes. Appendix B-11 Significance The prairie sandreed - needle-and-thread association is a rare upland community that typically occurs in small patches on tlie landscape. The Wyoming big sagebrush - western wheatgrass - buffalo glass) com- munity is a large-patch community occurring here in good condition in a landscape setting tliat is ecol- ogically intact. This is one of die few areas in the county where this shiiib -herbaceous community was found on clay substiate (Arvada-Bone complex), normally occurring on silt. Appendix B-12 CABIN CREEK >> a '^'S \ ^ Appendix B-13 Appendix C, Powder River County - Plant Species of Concern Table of Contents Barr's Milkvetch 1 Pregnant Sedge 4 New Jersey tea 5 Smootli Goosefoot 6 Schweinitz' Flatsedge 7 Scribner's Panic Grass 8 Bractless Mentzelia 10 Plains Phlox 10 Double Bladdeipod 11 Little Indian Breadroot 12 Literature Cited 14 Illustration and Photo Credits: Jeanne R. Janish Figure 20, 28 (From 'Vascular Plants of the Pacific Nortliwest') Debbie McNiel Figure 1,24, and 26 John Challey Figure 21 JoeDuft Figure 18 Bonnie Heidel Figuie 3-7, 9, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 and 30 Hollis Mairiott Figure 11 and 12 Steve Shelly Figure 8 Dee Strickler Figure 2 The New York Botanical Garden Figuie 10, 13, 14, and 17 Reprinted With permission Ji'om the New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, Vol. 1, page 310, Copyright 1952, The New York Botanical Garden Astragalus barrii Barneby Ban's mi Ik vetch Bean Family (Fabaceae) BLM status: Watch USFS status: Sensitive Global rank: G^, State rank: S3 State status summary: Ban's milkvetch is a regional endemic with more tlian 20 occunences in Montana. It has no immediate tlireats but is potentially vuhierable to exotic species invasion through disturbances of fire and coalbed metliane developments. Description: Ban's milkvetch is a perennial tliat grows in low. dense mats. Leaves have 3 nairowly lance-shaped leaflets 1 to 4 cm long and densely covered witli short white hairs (Figures 1 and 2). Stipules at the leaf bases are membranous. Puiple or pinkish -purple pea shaped flowers are borne in a naiTow, open, and few-flowered inflorescence Astragalus gilxiflorus and Astragalus Jn/aUtius. Both have white flowers and a longer calyx tube (6 to 16 mm) Wiinn Hit Astragalus barrii calyx tube length (2.8 to 5 mm). They also have peduncles that are short (<3.5 mm) or absent compared to Astragalus barrii peduncle lengtli (7 to 24 mm). Figure 1. Illustration oi Astragalus barrii (Figure 3). The petals are 7 to 17 mm long. The calyx is 3 to 5 mm long and densely covered with long, white hairs. The sparsely white, haiiy pod is nanowly elliptical, 4-8 mm long, and 1 to 2 mm in diameter. Flowering occurs in May-early June and fmiting from late May-June. The only other mat-fomiing species with 3-leaflets in the range of Astragalus barrii in Montana are Figure 2. Photograph oiAsirag^iIus barrii Distribution: Ban's milkvetch is a regional endemic found at die jiuictions of northwestern South Dakota, nortlieastem Wyoming, and soutlieastern Montana. In Montana it has been collected from four counties, but one of tliese represents a single historic record that has not been relocated. Besides tlie historic Carter County record, tliere are a total of 3 5 other records for the species. Half of tliese (18) are in two areas of concentration and may represent two large population complexes. Both of tlie large concentrations of Astragalus barrii are in Powder River County, which has a total of 23 known records for tlie species. As mentioned above, 18 of tliese in die County are highly concentrated and may represent two large population complexes along part of Otter Creek and tlie Little Powder River. In visits to tlie latter, we detemiined that the species repeats consistently in the landscape where suitable habitat is extensive so that some of tliese records are very large. We also began documenting intei'vening records diat connect tlie concentiations of 18 records. Astragalus barrii has die higliest number of records among tlie Montana species of concern in tlie study area, and is tlie only one tliathas a geographically hi a few cases, the gentler teirain of the Midway- Appendix C-1 Figure 3. Photograph of Astragalus barrii (close-up) Hmited distribution beyond state borders. We represent its distribution in the county by a separate symbol in tlie map showing locations of plant species of special concern in Powder River County County (see tlie map labeled Figure 1 1 in tlie body of the report). Note: In tlie course of this study, we detennined \h^i Astragalus hyalimis is much more widely distributed than previously known in tlie western and southern parts of the County. It cannot be distinguished vegetatively from Astragalus barrii, but has a white or cream-colored flower tliat readily distinguishes it during flowering (Figure 4). All new records of Astragalus barrii were veiified using flowering mateiial. They also differ in tlieir habitat, with Astragalus hyalinus restricted to settings witli sandstone outcrop. We note that Astragalus barrii superficially looks like tlie Qou\n\of\ Astragalus spathulatus, but the latter has an elongated flowering stalk (Figure 5). A complete set of technical distinguishing characteristics hQ\}N^^w Astragalus barrii and Astragalus ftyalinus is summarized in Heidel and MaiTiott(1996). Habitats: Barr's Milkvetch is restricted to sparsely vegetated knolls, buttes, and barren hilltops, on calcareous soft shale and siltstone. It is often found at tlie rim of outcrops and midslope benches (Figure 6). These microhabitat settings represent thin silty ecological sites. Their clay fraction is high enough in places to classify tlie microhabitats as thin clayey. There is little or no soil profile development but there are generally no restrictive layers that would classify the microhabitats as a shallow ecological site. These microhabitats occur within predominantly silty ecological sites, but while tliey occupy a small fraction of the landscape, they are widespread and recurrent in part of BLM-administered lands (Figures 7 and 8). Figure 4. Photograph of Astragalus Irvaliuus (note white flowers) Figure 5. Photograph of Astragalus spathulatus (note stalked flowers) This species is restricted to uppei-and mid-slope topographic positions and does not occupy outwash or eroded gullies below die outcrops. It is most commonly found on slopes widi noitliem and eastern aspects and does not occur on steep soutli- facing slopes with their salt-affected vegetation. In otlier words, its habitat represents a small subset of outcrop settings and a small subset of tlie thin silty ecological site. In Powder River County, Bair's Milkvetch is found, almost witliout exception, on die Midway- Elso rocky soils on 35% to 70% slope (Parker et al. 1971). Appendix C-2 Elso rocky soils (8% to 35%) is the mapping unit. Soil textures range from silty clay to loam, and are frequently unifomi silt loam. The soil surface is often unifonii silt but may have a veneer or be embedded with pebbles and cobbles. Figure 6. Habitat of Astragalus barrii The Little Powder River habitat is on tlie open plains while the Otter Creek habitat is in a pineland setting, but they otliei'wise have similar species composition. The sparse vegetation has many of the same species present from place to place even if the relative cover of any one of tlieni is variable. The most common shiiib is usually Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata uyomittge/isis). The most common grass that we noted on BLM lands is western wheatgrass (Pascopynmt swithii) or else tliickspike wheatgiass (Elyitius lauceolains) on level terrain, but neitlier is mentioned among the associated species on Custer National Forest (Schassberger 1988, 1990). Otiier directly- associated species typically include leafy musineon Figurt 7. Landscape of Astragalus barrii habitat {Mnsifieon diraricatum), broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia saroihrae), few-flowered buckwheat (Eriogounm paucijlorum), textile onion (Allium textile), cushion goldenweed (Haplopappus acauUs, x goldenweed (Haplopappus armerioides), and {Hyinenoxys richardsomi). There are species tliat have been characterized as pait of associated vegetation in past reports and as part of the information recorded for individual records, however, they are actually found on adjoining sandstone substrates ratlier tlian soft shale with Astragalus barrii. Plants such as little bluestem (Andropogon scoparius) and soapweed (Yucca glauca) do not generally occupy tlie same microhabitats as Astragalus barrii while tliey may be common and conspicuous all around it. Comments: The species almost always occurs in habitats considered secondaiy range, in addition, the plant is not grazed due to its low gi'owth foim. It is little- affected by allotment management practices and developments unless concentrated livestock trampling occurs in its habitat. Astragalus barrii is potentially vulnerable to exotic species encroachment It is an early- succession species and its forested habitat settings may be subject to increased tree canopy cover. Any revegetation efforts should avoid seeding sweetc lover (Melilotus spp.) in proximity. There is little encroachment by weedy annuals at present. The fine texture and instability of the soils limit invasion by annual bromes. A non-native mustard, malcolmia (Malacolmia africana), is in early stages of invading fme-textured slopes of Powder River County and elsewhere. It appears to be spreading along backroads. Figure 8. Habitat of Astraga- lus barrii above Horse Creek Appendix C-3 Carex gravida Tuckerm. van gravida Pregnant sedge Rush Family {Cyperaceae) BLM status: Watch USFS status: Sensitive Global rank: G5T5?, State rank: SI State status summary: Pregnant sedge is known from fewer than six occun'ences. Its habitat is in primary range that is potentially affected by glazing and logging. Descriptions: Pregnant sedge is » perennial grass- like plant tliat fomis clumps of stems that reach up to 6 dm higli and arise fiom short root stocks. Leaves are 4 to 8 mm wide and clustered near tlie base of tlie plaut. Flowers are clustered in egg- shaped spikes tliat are about 1 cm long; tbe female flowei's (perigynia) occupy most of the spike, but there are a few male flowers at tlie tip (Figures 9 and 10). Spikes are aggregated at tlie top of tlie stem and subtended by 2 to 3 leaf-like bracts that are shorter tlian tlie inflorescence. Scales subtending each perigynia are oval with a long point at the tip. The perigynia are 4 to 5 mm long and egg-shaped; tliey gi'adually taper into a beak that is seirate on tlie edges and notched at the tip. There are few or no nei'ves visible on the outer face of the perigynia. There are 2 stigmas, and tlie seed is 2-sided. Fruit matures in late Jiuie-July. Carex is a large and difficult genus; there are many species similar to Carex grm'ida. The awn- tipped scales of the perigynia, relatively broad leaf blades (gieater than 3.5 mm) and loose sheath help distinguish it from the closely -related Carex hoodii with which it overlaps in distribution. A hand lens or Figure 10. Photogiaph of Carex grmida var. gravida (close-up) Figure 9. Illustration of Carex gra\idav3.v. grmida microscope and teclmical key are essential for positive detenu in at ion. Distribution : Pregnant sedge is an eastern species tliat is peripheiai in Montana, extending from Saskatchewan to Pennsylvania, south to New Mexico. Texas. Missouri and Vii'ginia. In Montana, it is known from only tliree southeastern counties, including Big Horn, Powder River and Rosebud counties. It has only been found in two places on the Ashland District of the Custer National Forest (Heidel and Mamott 1996), and these represent the known Powder River and Rosebud records. In the course of this survey tliere was veiy little suitable habitat in the areas that were visited, so it was not found and no additional data was collected on this species and its distribution. Habitat: This species is restricted to open woods on the plains, often in ravines with deciduous tiees in a setting that is witli or witliout flowing watei\ The ravines border oveiflow ecological sites. In the Ashland Distiict, the species occurs along ravine bottoms dominated by a combination of gieen ash and chokecherry {Fraximis peimsyhoiiica / Pritnus y/rginia/ta) within pine woodland (Figure 1 1). In some cases, aspen (Populus treitniloides) is present. Other associated species include seivicebeny (.'iitte lane hie r ahnfoUa). Hood's sedge (Carex hoodii). Toney's sedge {Carex torreyi) and SprengePs sedge (Carex sprengelii), and otlier plants of eastern deciduous woodland. Comments: This species seems restiicted to mesic microhabitats witliin pine woodland, making it particularly vuUierable to changes in pine woodland stmcture and composition as affected by Appendix C-4 grazing and logging. These settings are vulnerable to invasion of exotic species like Kentucky bluegrass (Foa prate Jis/s). There were fire scars among the Ponderosa pine (P'nuis ponderosa) at one of tlie Ashland Disti'ict sites where the species was found suggesting tlie plant can survive ground fire. Figure 11. Habitat of C^r^.i; grcnidav^. ^ai7V/i7 (Custer Natl. Forest). Ceanothus herbaceus Raf, New Jersey tea Bucktliorn Family {Rhammtceae) BLM status: Watch USFS status: - Global rank: G5T?. State rank: SH State status summary: New Jersey tea is known from one historic occuirence in Montana. It may be declining elsewhere on tlie Great Plains. Relocation efforts have not been successful to date. Description: New Jersey tea is a higlily branched shmb witli stems up to 1 m high. The alternate, lance-shaped to nan'owly elliptic leaves are 2 to 6 cm long and have seirated edges; they are glabrous on top but hairy beneath. Nimierous white flowers are bom in congested, rounded inflorescences that temiinate tlie growing branches (Figures 12 and 13.) Each flower is about 2 to 3 mm high with 5 calyx lobes and 5 petals tliat have a linear basal portion and a hood-shaped blade. There are 5 stamens and a 3-lobed ovary. The fiuit is a glossy, brown, 3-lobed, globose capsule that is 3 to 5 mm wide. It flowers in June, The Ceanothits genus has simple alternate leaves with 3 prominent, somewhat parallel veins arising from nearly the same point near the base of the blade. It also has hood- shaped petals, and 3-lobed fniits. Ceanothus herbaceous can be distinguished from otlier members of the genus by its naiTower leaves, which are less tlian 2 cm wide and not shiny on the upper surface. Figure 12. Illustration of Ceatiothtis herbaceus Distribution: New Jersey tea is an eastern species tliat is peripheral in Montana. It grows from Quebec to Manitoba to eastern Montana, and south to Georgia, Texas, and Colorado. In Montana, tlie plant is knov^ai from a historic record in Powder River County- There are few pine stands represented on BLM lands in die study area. Of tlie few tliat were visited in tlie course of this survey, none appeared to have suitable microhabitat. It is not known whetlier tliis species is restricted to pineland habitat in Montana, and tliis species was also sought in the closest grassland habitat on BLM lands. No additional data were collected on tliis species and its distribution. Figui^e 13. Photogiaph of Ceanothus herbaceus Appendix C-5 HRbit»t: The single collection label for tliis species in Montana described the setting as a ''grassy, pine- covered hill." It may represent a sandy, stony, or gravel ecological site, hi tlie Gieat Plains, this species occupies rocky prairie hillsides, roadsides and open pine forests. Comments: Management considerations are unknown. This species has diminished elsewhere on the Great Plains (Ode, pers. comin.) Some species of Cecutothiis are higlily palatable to wildlife and livestock. Chenopodium subglabrum (S. Wats.) A. Nels, Smootli goosefoot Goosefoot Family (Chefiopodiaceae) BLM status: Watch USFS status: - Global rank: G3G4, State rank: SI State status summary: Smootli goosefoot is known from fewer tlian six occurrences in Montana, one of which may be extirpated. It occupies early-succession habitat tliat is potentially affected by grazing, changes to river flow regimes. and noxious weeds. Df scriptions: Smooth goosefoot is an annual with erect, simple, or high stems (2 to 3) 8 cm (Figure 14). The alternate leaves are linear witli entii"e margins, single veined, glabrous, up to 3 cm long. The small, green flowers are grouped in remote clusters in simple or branched spikes (Figure 15). Each flower lacks petals but has 5 glabrous sepals and 5 stamens. The one seeded fiiiit is compressed hemi spherically and is relatively Figure 15. Photogi'aph of Cheiiopodinm subglabrum Figure 14. Illustration of Chenopodium subglabrum large; 1 to 2 mm across, exposing a jet-black fmit at maturity diat readily separates from tlie pericarp (fruit wall). Fruiting occurs in late June-July. Cheiiopod'wm subglabrum sometimes occurs with and is related to Chenopodium leptophyUum. They both have linear, single- veined leaves but tlie latter are farinose white (mealy usually wiiitish colored). Chenopodium leptophylhmt also has densely- clustered flowers, a relatively unbranched growtli fomi, fmits usually 1 mm or smaller, and seeds which do not detach from the pericarp. Distribution: This species is known from the Great Plains, extending from Manitoba to Alberta, and south to Kansas and Nevada. It is also in the Midwest, including Michigan and Missouri. Plants of the Pacific Northwest, including Washington, Idaho and Oregon, are said to differ from Great Plains material (Crawford 1973) and tlieir proper disposition has not been resolved. It is centered in tlie Nebraska Sandhills and widely scattered in five eastern Montana counties. The species was documented in Powder River County and on BLM-administeied lands for die first time during tliis study, where it was found in the northeastern comer of the County. HRbit»t: CJienopodium subglabrum occupies two main kinds of settings, namely sparsely vegetated sand dunes and sandy tenaces of major rivers on the plains. Only one of the five Montana records, located in Custer County, was from a riparian setting on the Tongue River. All five records represent sandy ecological sites. This species is a Appendix C-6 poor competitor and is associated with otiier annuals and early-succession species. The Powder River County setting is an isolated ridgetop blowout rather tlian a sand dune (Figure 16). This is a different setting tlian has been found to date, and may mean that tlie species is not so nanow in its habitat requirements as previously interpreted. It was resti'icted to one segment of tlie blowout rim where sand was being deposited, in association witli lemon sciuTpea (Psoralea lofweolata), sandhills bluestem (Aitdropogoit hallii) and western spideiwort (Trade scatttia occidenlaJis). While diere were no other nearby ridgetops widi blowout features, tlie Midway - Rock land association and the sandy ecological site that it represents are widespread (Parker et al. 1971). They are associated with many other landfomis capped by sandstone. The were no records of CJienopodium subglabrum documented in the few riparian settings we surveyed where we had access along tlie Powder River. Comments: Maintenance of early serai habitat in the upland settings requires a balance of fire and/or grazing. Maintenance of early serai habitat in the riparian setting requires intact flow regimes and landscape processes over a larger scale. Tamarisk control is needed in riparian habitat, and leafy spurge is at early stages of invading some of tlie most extensive upland habitat. Figurf 16. Habitat of Che Jtopodium subglabrum (Medicine Rocks SP) The Powder River population occurs in sccondaiy range, where livestock use is light and water sources are remote. Cyperus schweinitzii Torn Schweinitz' flatsedge Rush Family {Cyperaceae) BLM status: Watch USFS status: - Global rank: G5, State rank: S2 State status summmy: Scliweinitz' flatsedge is known from 6 to 20 occurrences, most of which have low numbers. It is an early-succession species, affected by absence or excess of disturbance and potentially tlireatened by noxious weeds. Description: Schweinitz' flatsedge is a giass-like perennial widi stems diat are 10 to 40 cm higli, arising from short, irregularly swollen rhizomes (Figure 17). The leaves are 1 to 4 mm wide and located mostly near die base of the plant. The inflorescence is subtended by 3 to 6 long, leaf-like bracts, some of which are wider Uian tlie leaves (Figure 18). The inflorescence is made up of ascending clusters of flattened spikelets tliat are 5 to 25 mm long and borne on stalks that are very short to long. The flowers are crowded opposite each other and consist only of a small, pointed scale, which is about 3 to 4 mm long and subtends 3 stamens and an ovaiy. The seed is triangular in cross-section. Fmit mature in late June-July. This is our only perennial Cyperus and is the only one occurring in upland habitat. Figure 17. Illustiation of Cyperus schwewitzii Appendix C-7 Distribution: This species occurs from Albeita to Quebec and soutli to New Mexico and West Viiginia. It is concenti'ated around tlie Great Lakes and tlie Great Plains. It is known from five counties in eastern Montana. This species was documented for tlie first time in Powder River County at two sites in tlie nortli eastern comer. Habitat: In the Great Plains, it is resti'icted to sparsely vegetated loose sand, most often associated witli sand dunes. A typical sand dune blowout is Figure 18. Photograph of ^^^^^^ '" ^^^^""^ Cvpenis schweimtzii (close-up) ^^- ^^ occupies sandy ecological sites. The Powder River County settings represent small blowouts at toeslope positions where there is loose sand eroded from sandstone outcrops above. This is a different setting than has been found to date, and may mean that tlie species is not so naiTow in its habitat requirements as previously intei'preted. It was more common in the setting where tliere was more wind erosions. Associated species included prairie sandreed (Calamovilfa lougifoha). tlireadleaved sedge {Carex fihfoUa), and western spidei'wort {Trade sc antia occidentalis). While this species often overlaps with Chenopoditim snbglabnuti (discussed previously), and is found in a wider range of successional conditions, it was not found in tlie same habitats in tliis study. While there were no other nearby blowout features along Cedar and Stump creeks, the Elso-Ocean Lake association and the sandy ecological range site tliat tliis landscape represents are widespread (Parker etal. 1971). Comments: Maintenance of tlie species' early- succession habitat requires balances involving grazing and/or fire. The species may decline in tlie absence or excess of these. Leafy spurge is in early stages of invading some of its most extensive habitat in the state. The Powder River populations occur in primaiy range, and tliey are sufficiently far from Cedar and Stump creeks tliat the range is in good-excellent condition. There are no associated management concerns. Figure 19. Habitat of Cypents scfnvei/titzii (Sheridan Co.) Dichantheliiim oligosanthes (J, A. Schultes) Gould van scribnerianum (Nash) Gould Scribner's panic glass Grass Family (Poaceae) BLM status: Watch. This species is not known from BLM-administered lands in Montana and is recommended for dropping accordingly. USFS status: Global rank: G5T5, State rank: SI State status summary: Scribner's panic grass is known from fewer tlian six occurrences. Most have low population numbers and one represents a historic record. It is potentially affected by grazing and logging. Dtscription: Scribner's panic grass is a perennial tliat fomis clumps of simple or branched stems 1 to 6 dm tall (Figure 20). The lower leaves are 3 to 10 cm long and 3 to 12 mm wide, while the upper Appendix C-S Figurt 20. II Initiation of Die hanthe dlium o Ugosanthes var. scribiiericumm leaves are short and relatively broad. Leaves are mostly glabrous, but tlie sheatlis sunonnding tlie stem are glabrous to long-haiiy. There is a short fringe of hairs on tlie leaf where it meets tlie stem, which is known as a ligule. The flowers are bonie on short-to long- stalks, which are airanged in a conical inflorescence tliat is 5 to 8 cm high (Figure 21). Inflorescences of tlie main stems are larger than tliose of die branches. Each egg-shaped spikelet has one flower, is abont 3 mm long, and consists of two glumes enclosing a lemma and a palea tliat may or may not be haiiy. Fmit matures in late June - early July. The relatively large, egg-shaped, single-flowered spike lets help identiiy this as Dichwithelun/t. This species branches mainly in the upper portions of the stein, while Diclmiitheluim yvUcoxiaimm usually branches near tlie base. A hand lens or microscope and technical key are needed for positive detenu in at ion. Figure 21. Photograph of Dichanthehum oligosantfies var. scribneriamim eastern United States, extending from southern Canada to Mexico. It is peripheral in Montana, where it is known from both die Flathead Valley and from four records in Powder River County. The latter are all on the Ashland Distiict of Custer National Forest. Habitat: In Montana, this species is only known from open ponderosa pine woodlands of valleys and plains (Figure 22). These woodlands fall Distribution: This species is widespread in tlie Figure 22, Habitat oi Dichanthehum oligoscatthes var. scribnerianum within \Ug Fi/ttis po/t^erosa / Mahonia repem habitat type, comprised of silty ecological sites with fine sandy loams and loams. The associated species include bluebunch wheatgrass {Pseudoroegneria spicata). Sprengel's sedge (Carex sprengeUii), Dewey's sedge {Carex de^veycuid). and field milkvetch (Astragalus agrestis). DichaiHhedhniti oligosanthes has two gi'owtli foniis in different times of the growing season, requiring partial or direct sunlight throughout tlie season. In Powder River County, it has only been found in four places on tlie Ashland Dishict of Custer National Forest. There are few pine stands represented on BLM lands in die study area. Of tlie few tliat were visited in tlie course of this siu'vey, none appeared to have suitable microhabitat. No additional data were collected on this species and its distribution. Other: This species occupies open pine woodland that may be affected by vegetation encroachment and by grazing, particularly early in tlie growing Appendix C-9 season. It does not compete with sod-foniiing grasses like Kentucky bluegrass (Poa prate mis). One of the Ashland District sites where the species was recorded had burned (occuirence no. 003). Only one plant was found, indicating a capacity for sui"vival witliout providing basis for interpreting species' response to fire. We note that Dichajithelium mlcoxiaitiim, which has a similar growth form, was locally common following tlie 1988 wildfires in the Sioux District (Heidel and Dueholin 1995). Mentzelia nuda (Pursh) Torrey & Gray Bractless mentzeha Loasa Family (Loaseae) BLM status: Watch USFS status: - Global rank: G5, State rank: SI State status summary: Bractless mentzelia is known from over five occunences in Montana, but three of tliem are historic and the numbers of plants in most occurrences are low. Dtscription: Bractless mentzelia is an herbaceous biennial or short-lived perennial witli one to a few erect, branched stems that arise from a taproot and are up to 1 m higli. The lance-shaped, alternate leaves are 4 to 10 cm long, have deeply-tootlied margins, and are petiolate below but sessile above. Foliage is covered with short, barbed hairs tliat cause it to stick to clotliing like Velcro. Flowers that open in late afternoon are borne on short stalks arising from the axils of reduced uppei' leaves, or bracts. Each flower is 4 to 9 cm across and has 10, non-overlapping, white petals and numerous exseited stamens (Figure 23). The calyx fomis a deep bowl widi 5 narrow, pointed lobes diat are 10 to 25 mm long; it also contains the ovary and bears tlie stamens. The cylindrical seed capsules are 2 to 3 cm long. Flowering in July. By comparison, Mentzelia decapetala has larger flowers diat are 8 to 15 cm across, and its petals overlap. Distribution: This species occurs from eastern Montana to Soudi Dakota, and south to Colorado and Texas. Li Montana, it has been collected from four counties. It was documented fiom Uiree occunences in the noitlieastem comer of Powder River County, representing tlie first county records for it. Prior to tliese. it had not been reported in the state since 1957. Figure 23. Photogiaph of Menztelia wida Habitat: The species occupies sandy or gravelly soil of open hills and roadsides on the plains. These habitats represent sandy, tiiin sandy, and shallow to gravel ecological sites. In Powder River County, it was found in blowouts associated with outcrops, and on the sandstone out c r op s til em s el ve s . Comments: This species is potentially affected by road constiuction, subdivision, and exotic species invasion. The principal habitat and perturbation ecology of this species still needs clarification. All of the population numbers in the study area weie veiy low, but tliere were no immediate management concerns identified. Phlox andicola E. Nels. Plains phlox Phlox Family (Pofemoiuaceae) BLM status: Watch USFS status: - Global rank: G4, State rank: S2 State status summary: Plains phlox is known from over five occunences. The numbers of plants at most occunences are low, but it may be more widespread in Montana than records indicate. Dtscription: Plains phlox is a pereimial herb with loosely tufted stems Uiat are 4 to 10 cm high arising Appendix C-10 from creeping rhizomes. The 5 to 8 pairs of opposite, linear leaves have prominent midveiiis and whitish bases and are 10 to 25 mm long, about 1 mm wide and come to a shaip point. Foliage is glabrous to sparsely hairy. Stems are white. One to five white flowers are borne at die stem tips (Figures 24, 25) Each flower has 5 petals and a tubular corolla. The calyx is also tubular, witli 5 lobes, tangled long hairs, and 6 to 11 mm lengtli. Flowering in May-early June. The leaves of Fhlox hoodii are usnally less dian 10 mm long, and tlie leaves of Phlox afyssifolia are 2 to 5 mm wide. Flowers are needed for detemiination, and hybridization between tliese species is reported elsewhere in the range. Distribution: This species is disti'ibuted from eastern Montana and North Dakota, south to Colorado and Kansas. In Montana it is known from Carter, Powder River and Sheridan counties. Plains phlox was only located once in the soutlieastem comer of Powder River County, representing tlie first county record for it. Figure 24. Illustration of Phlox andicota Habitat: This species occupies sandy soil of grasslands and open pine woodlands on die plains. Most of tJie settings are well-vegetated, yet there is still bare giound. Associated species are mid- successional and usually occupy sandy ecological sites. The single Powder River County population was found in a sandy ecological site, in partially-healed blowout habitats, associated witli prairie sandreed (Calamoxilfa longifoha). sandhills bluestem (Andropogon halhi), lemon scurfpea (Psoralea lojiceofata) and yucca {Yucca glattcd). Comments: It is an early- to mid-succession species of plains and woodlands subject to Figure 25. Photograph of P/iJox aitdicola vegetation encroachment in the more productive settings. Anecdotal observations indicate that it is favored by fall fire and winter glazing. Grazing and disturbances tliat reduce competition may benefit tlie species at low levels. Physaria brassicoides Rydb, Double bladdeipod Mustard Family (Brassicaceae) BLM status: - USFS status: - Global rank: G5, State rank: S2 State status summniy: Double bladdeipod is known from over five occuiTences in Montana, these witli mostly low numbers ofplants. Description: Double bladdeipod is a perennial herb with numerous ascending stems that are 2 to 17 cm long and arising from a basal rosette that surmounts a branched crown and large taproot. The basal leaves are 2 to 8 cm long and are spoon- shaped witli long petioles (Figure 26). The few, alternate stem leaves are broadly lance-shaped. Foliage is covered with silveiy, star-shaped hairs appressed to tlie suiface. The yellow, stalked flowers are borne at tlie tops of tlie steins in a narrow inflorescence that elongates as Hie fruit matures (Figure 27). Each flower has 4 separate Appendix C-11 Figure 26. Illustration of Physaria brassicoides petals that are 9 to 12 mm long and 4 separate sepals. The ascending, inflated fmits are 1 to 2 cm long, at least as wide, and flattened on top. They are 2-lobed witli the locules (lobes) more deeply defined above than below. There are 2 ovules in each of the locules, attached at the top of the replum (suture between tlie two locules), and tlie replum has a linear outline. The style is 6 to 9 mm long. Flowering in May-early June, fruiting in June -July. There are many similar-appearing P/fv^^/vf/. Physaria didymocarpa is reported fiom sontheastem Montana. It differs from Physaria brassicoides having a replum that is obovate to elliptic; ovules usually 4 per locule, and funicles not restiicted to apex. A technical manual and hand lens or microscope will be required for positive identification. Distribution: This species is a regional endemic of southwestern North Dakota, soudieastem Montana, eastern Wyoming and western Nebraska. In Montana, it is known fiom three counties to date, including Carter, Powdei' River and Peti'oleum counties. It was first documented in the state in 1994 (Heidel and Dueholm 1995, Heidel 1996). Habitat: Double bladderpod is restricted to sandy or stony soil of open grassland slopes on the plains. It grows where tlie vegetation is sparse, often on steep slopes where tlie slope is unstable and there is little or no profile development. Most settings represent sandy or tliin sandy ecological sites. Associated species may include bluebunch wheatgrass {Pseudoroegneria spicatum), goldenweed {Heterotlieca rillosa). indian ricegrass (Oiyzopsis hymenoides), skunkbush (Rhus f^romatica), wild begonia {Runtex \ei\osns) and yucca {Yucca glattca). Comments : The species is vulnerable to exotic species competition. Avoid seeding sweet clover (Melihtfis spp.) in the area. It is also potentially impacted by road widening, maintenance, and herbicide treatment. It occupies secondaiy range. Figure 27. Photograph of Physaria brassicoides Psoralea hypogaea Nutt. Little Indian breadroot Bean Family {Fabcweae) BLM status: Watch USFS status: - Global rank: G5T4, State rank: S2S3 State status summary: Little Indian breadroot is now treated as a watch species, in light of survey results documenting its breadtli of distribution and indicating low vulnerability. Theie are fewer tlian twenty occurrences in widespread, localized habitats of eight eastern unglaciated counties. While it is often found in low numbers, it persists under disturbance and annual brome grass encroachment. Description: Little Indian breadroot is a perennial herb tliat consists of a rosette of long-petioled leaves diat are palmately divided into 3 to 7 linear- Appeadix C-12 elliptic leaflets that are 25 to 50 mm long witli a deep, club-shaped root that is up to 6 cm long and suiiTiounted by a subteiraiiean connecting stem (Figure 28). Above giound, the plant foliage is covered witli dot-like glands and dense, white appiessed hairs, but tlie upper leaf surfaces become glabrous with age (Figure 29 and 30). Blue, pea- like flowers are borne in condensed spikes arising among tlie bases of the leaf petioles at or barely above giound- level. The tubnlar calyx is 6 to 9 mm long and has 4 long, nairow lobes and a fifth that is longer and broader. The upper petal is 10 to 13 inm long and held foi'ward. The haiiy pods are egg-shaped, ca. 5 mm long, and each has a beak tliat is 5 to 13 mm long. Flowering late May -June. Figure 28. Illustration of Psoralea In^ogaea The common breadroot, Psoralea escnieiita, has a distinct flowering stem widi spreading pubesence on the stem and leaf petiole, while Psoralea hypogaea is stemless witli appressed pnbesence. Its flowers are at ground-level. Distribution: This species of the western Great Plains is found from eastern Montana soudi to Texas and New Mexico. In Montana, it is widely distributed across unglaciated plains, documented from eiglit counties to date. Figure 29. Photogiaph of PsoraJe a hypogaea tlian in any otlier county. It was otherwise reported from single isolated populations in studies diat were mainly smaller in scale (Heidel 1994, Heidel 1997, Vanderhorstetal. 1998). The sandstone outcrops of Powder River County are widespread but mostly small and isolated, so we make inference from the new disti'ibution information that die species is likely to be more widespread tlian previously known. Habitat: Little Indian breadroot occupies sandy ecological sites: mainly in the 10" to 14" precipitation, zone across grasslands and open pine woodlands on die eastern sedimentaiy plains. It is often found in tlie loose sand below sandstone outcrops, but is known from reworked alluvial sand deposits. It tends to occur in sparsely -vegetated niicrohabitats where more tlianhalf of tlie bare sand soil surface is exposed. Associated species include sand-loving species such as prairie sandreed (Calamorilfa longifoUa), Indian ricegiass {Oryzopsis hymenoides), annual buckwheat {Eriogoimin atmuum), priaire lupine (Litpimts lepidus), and western spiderwort {Tradescantia occideniahs). The dominant species of the suiTounding uplands may be inteniiingled, including blue giama (Bouteloua gracilis), needle- and-tliread (Stipa comata) and little bluestem {Schizachyrium scopariwn). Botli common Indian breadroot (Psoralea escutentd) and silver scurf-pea {Psoralea argopJn'Ua) may occasionally be present in low numbers or in the suiTounding grasslands. It was found in three of Uie four comers of Powder River County, and diere are more records of it here Powder River settings included ridgetop blowouts, and loose sand slopes around isolated upland Appendix C-13 Figure 30. Photogiapli of Psoralea hypogaea including root sandstone outcrops and those of tlie Powder River valley. Comments: Initial obseivations indicate tliat it is not sensitive to grazing and related indirect influences. The size of populations appears to be directly related to tiie extent of available habitat, with a capacity to persist in low, isolated pockets. Heidel, B. and H. Marriott. 1996. Sensitive plant species survey in the Ashland Distjict, Custer National Forest. Report to tlie U.S. Forest Service. Montana Natural Heritage Progi'am, Helena. Heidel, B. L. 1997. Preliminaiy Botanical Survey in the Tongue River Aiea, Montana. Unpublished report. Montana Natural Heritage Progiam, Helena. 11 pp. plus appendices and map. Parker, J. L., L. R. Guptill, K. M. Bajema, W. A. Berg, L. Logan, and R. E. Adams. 1971. Soil Sui'vey of Powder River Area, Montana. Soil Conservation Service (Natural Resources Conservation Service), Bozeman, MT. Schassberger. L. A. 1988. Status review of Astragalus barrii. Custer National Forest. Unpublished report, Montana Natural Heritage Progiam, Helena. 61 pp. LITERATURE CITED Doni, R. D. 1984. Vascular Plants of Montana. Mountain West Publishing, Cheyenne, WY. 276 pp. Heidel, B. L. 1994. Survey for PSORALEA H\TOGAEA in tlie Great Falls Resource Area, Lewistown District. Unpublished report to tlie Bureau of Land Management, Montana. Montana Natuial Heritage Program. 22 pp. plus appendices. Schassberger, L. A. 1990. Report on die conservation status oi Astragalus barrii, a candidate threatened species. Unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 85 pp. Vanderhorst, J., S. V. Cooper, and B. Heidel. 1998. Botanical and vegetation survey of Carter County, Montana. Unpublished report to Bureau of Land Management. Montana Natural Heritage Progiam, Helena. 116 pp. + app. Heidel, B. L. and K. H. Dueholm. 1995. Sensitive plant species sui'vey in tlie Sioux Distiict of Custer National Forest, Carter County, Montana and Harding County, Soutli Dakota. Unpublished report to tlie Custer National Forest. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 95 pp. plus appendices. Appendix C-14 Appendix D: Rangeland Ecological Sites and Plant Associations Range Ecological Sites and Plant Associations Sedimeutaiy Plains, East(MLRA 5SAE) Ecological Site Types Plant Associations Fonnd Within Diffei'eiit Precipitarton Zones 10 to 14 inch 15 to 19 inch Riparian Subirrigated • Salix extgua Temporarily Flooded • Populus deltoides / Symphoncarpos Riparian Meadow • Spartina pectinata Western Herba- ceous Vegetation Riparian Emergent • Schoenoplectus pungens ^txh^cto\\% Vegetation • Phalanx arundmacea Herbaceous Vegetation • Phalavis arundinacea Herbaceous Vegetation' Subirrigated • Eleocharis paliistris Herbaceons Vegetation • Symphoncarpos occtdentalis Shrub- laud^ • Pacopynim smtthii - Hovdeum juba- tum Herbaceous Vegetation • Eleochans palustns Herbaceous Vegetation • S[Taphoricarpos occidentalis Shrub- land' • Pacopynim sraitha - Hordeum juba- tiim Herbaceous Vegetation Saline Lowland • Sarcobatus vermiculatus / Pascopyrum smithii (Elymus lanceolatii:^) Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation Saline Upland • Sarcobatus vsrmiculatus / Pseu- doroegneria ^picata Slirubland • Sarcobatus vermiculatus - Artemisia tndentata Slirubland • Sarcobatus vei'miculatiis / Pseu- doroegnena spicata Shrubland • Sarcobatus vermiculatus -Artemisia tndentata Shnibland Wet Meadow • Cavex nebrascensis Herbaceous Vege- tation • Cavex lanuginosa - Calamagrostis stncta Herbaceous Vegetation • Jimcus balttcus Herbaceous Vegeta- don' • Carex nebrascensis Herbaceous Vegetation • Carex lanuginosa - Calamagrostis stncta Herbaceous Vegetation • Juncus balticus Herbaceous Vegeta- tion' Closed Depression • Eleocharis palnstns Herbaceons Vegetation • Pacopyrum smithti - Hordeum juba- tum Herbaceous Vegetation • Pacopyrum smtthii Herbaceous Vege- tation • Eleochans palustns Herbaceous Vegetation • Pacopynim sraithn - Hovdeum juba- tum Herbaceous Vegetation • Pacopyrun\ smithii Herbaceous Vegetation Appendix D-1 Ecological Site Types Plane Associatioiis Found Within DifTereiit Precipitation Zones 10 to 14 inch 15 to 19 inch Overflow • Artemi:^ia cana / Pascopymni smithu Shnibland • Artemisia cana ssp. cana / Pascopy- rum smithu Shnib Herbaceous • Symphoncaipos ocadentcdis Shnib- land' • Fraxvms pennsylvamca / Prunus vu- gmiana Forest • Pmiis pondevosa / Pnimis virgimana Forest • Artemisia cana / Pascopyrum smithu Shrubland • Artemisia cana ssp. cana / Pascopy- rum smithu Shnib Herbaceous • Symphoncavpos occtdentalis Shnib- land' • Pinus ponderosa /Carex maps ssp. heliophila Woodland • Pinus pondevosa / Festuca idahoen- sis Woodland • Pmus pondevosa / Pseudoroegneria • Pinus ponderosa / Pseudoi'oegneria spicata Woodland spicata Woodland • Andropogon halln - Calamovilfa • Andropogon halhi - Calamovilfa longifolia Herbaceous Vegetation longifolia Herbaceous Vegetation • Calamovilfa longifolia - Hesperostipa comata Herbaceous Vegetation • Festuca idahoensis - Carex mops ssp. heliophila Herbaceous Vegetation • SchiZQchyrium scopanum - Bouteloua (cnrtipendula, gracihs) / Carex filifo- lia Herbaceous Vegetation Sandy • Schizachyi'uim scopanum - Cai'ex • Schizachyrium scopanum - Carex mops ssp. hcliophila Herbaceous inops s:^p. heliophila Herbaceous Vegetation Vegetation • Hesperostipa comata - Bouteloua • Hespei-ostipa comata - Bouteloua gi'acilis - Carex fill folia Herbaceous gi'acili:^ - Carex filifoha Herbaceous Vegetation Vegetation • Hesperostipa comata - Carex mops ssp. heliophila Herbaceous Vegeta- tion • Calamovilfa longifolia - Caies mops • Calamovilfa longifolia - Cares mops ssp. hsliophila Herbaceous Vegeta- ssp. heliophila Herbaceous Vegeta- tion' tion' • Krascheninmkovia lanata /Hes- • Krascheninmkovia lanata /Hes- perostipa comata Dwarf-shnibland' perostipa coraata Dwarf-shrubland' Sands • Andropogon hallii - Calamovilfa longifolia Herbaceous Vegetation Appendix D-2 Ecological Site Types Plant Associations Found Within Different Precipitation Zones 10 to 14 inch 15 to 19 inch Silty • Jimiperus scopulovum / Piptathenim mtcranthum Woodland • Pinu^ ponderosa / Pseudoroegneria spicata Woodland • Pinu^ ponderosa / Jumpenis horizon- tally Woodland • Pascopyrum smithti - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex fihfolia Herbaceous Vegetation • Pseudoroegneria spicata - Carexfih- folia Herbaceous Vegetation • Pseudoroegneria spicata - Pascopy- runj smithii Herbaceous Vegetation • Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyoraingen- sis / Pascopyrum smithu Shnibland • Pimis ponderosa /Carex inops ssp. heliophila Woodland • Pinus ponderosa /Pseudoroegneria spicata Woodland • Piniis ponderosa / Jumpevus horizon- tally Woodland • Pascopyrum smithii - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia Herbaceous Vegetation • Festuca idahoensis - Carex inops s:^p. heliophila Herbaceons Vegetation • Pseudoroegneria spicata - Carex fili- folia Herbaceous Vegetation • Pseudoroegneria spicata - Pascopy- rum smithii Herbaceous Vegetation' • Artemisia tridentata s^p. wyommgen- sis / Pascopyrum smithii Shnibland Clayey • Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingen- sis / Pascopyrum smithu Shnibland' • Pascopyrum smithti - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia Herbaceous Vegetation • Atnplex gardnerii / Pascopyrum smithii Dwarf-shrubland • Pascopyrum smithii Herbaceous Vegetation • Junipei'us scopulorum /Pseu- doroegneria spicata Woodland • Artemisia tridentata s^p. wyomingen- sis / Pascopyrum smithu Shnibland • Pascopyrum smithii - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex fill folia Herbaceous Vegetation • Atnplex gardnerii / Pascopyrum sriuthii Dwarf-shrubland • Pascopyrum smithn Herbaceous Vegetation h^liin Hiliy Pan Spots • Carex lanuginosa - Calamagrostis stricta Herbaceous Vegetation • Eriogonum pauciflorum - Gutieirezia sarothrae Badlands Sparse Vegeta- tion adlands Appendix D-3 Ecological Site Types Phiiit Associations Foun\.A^^ Rocky Mountain Juniper / Little-seed Mountain Ricegiass Woodland Element Concept Suinmai'y: This rocky moimtaiu juniper community type is foiiud in the western Great Plaius of the United States. Stands occur ahnost exclusively on steep (30-70%) uorth-facing slopes. Tlie soils are shallow and poorly developed; loamy sands and saudy loams predominate. The vegetation stnicture and composition is an evergreen woodland with moderately open to dense cover ofJumperus scopidorum, Junipenis virgimana, or introgressant hybrids of the two. Woody species otlier than Jumpenis scopidorum or Jumperus virginiana occur sporadically, but none achieves prominence. Most of the trees are small (10-20 cm dbh) and few exceed 6 m. Where the density of the tiee canopy is high, the short-shnib and herbaceous stiata are not well-developed. In more open places Piptathevum micranthum {= Oijzopsis micvantha) is often abundant. Other common herbaceous species include Campanula rotundifoha, Galium boreale, aud Mai anthemuni ^tellatum. Mosses and lichens can cover much of the groimd. hi Montana, oaiy Jumperus scopulorum is present and dominant. Tliis plant association is best -developed on sheltered aspects in dissected sedimentary plains. In Powder River County, this plant association is widely- scattered on escarpments, and dissected teirain along the south end of tlie Powder River. Envii^onment: Tliis community typically occurs on moderate to steep (16-70%), north-facing slopes, but can occur on a variety of aspects (Johnston 1987, Von Loh et al. 1999). Tlie soils are poorly developed, shallow, loamy sands, sandy loams, and clay loams, sometimes witli high gravel content. Tliese woodlands are frequently associated with outcrops of sandstone (DeVelice et al. 1995) or scoria and clay slopes (Girard et al. 1989). In Montana, this plant association occurs in a variety of Silty Ecological Sites that are well-drained owing to the slope and the gully-erosion in tliese settings. This community is best -developed on north aspects. In Powder River County, this type was foimd on tliin silty ecological conditions. Tliis is consistent with other Montana state data, with exception of tliin clay conditions noted in Carter County (Vanderhorst et al. 1998). Vegetation: This woodland community is dominated by ^\\\?M Jumperus scopulorum tiees through most of its range, and is replaced by J^i'^^/^erus vivgimana and introgressant hybrids in the eastern portion of its range in Nebraska and South Dakota (Kaul et al. 1983, Von Loh et al. 1999). Acer negurtdo and Fraximis pennsylv am ca saplings are sometimes foimdin depressions where soil and moisture accumulate. Most of the juniper tiees are 10- 20 cm dbh and 4-6 m tall, but some trees can be up to 30-40 cm dbh. Tlie basal area has been reported at 22-29 m2/ha in North Dakota and up to 22-41 m2/ha in southeastern Montana and northwestern Soutli Dakota (Nelson 1961, Hansen et al. 1984, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988). Tree canopy is moderate to dense, e.g., in North Dakota, Girard et al. (1989) measured densities of 975 tiees/ha. Where tlie canopy is dense the shrub and herbaceous strata are poorly developed. Where the canopy is less fiiU, shnibs and herbaceous species are more abundant, e.g. on 7 stands in southwest North Dakota mosses and lichens covered 72% of the ground surface, shrubs covered 17.4%; graminoids69.1%, andforbs9.4% (Hansen et al. 1984). Among the shrubs that may be found in this community aiG Jumpej'us comniums, Jumperus horizontahs, small Jumperus scopulorum or Jumperus yirgimana, Mahoma repens, Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda (= Pentaphylloides flonbunda) . Prumis vugimana. Rhus tnlobata, Ribes aureum, Ribes csreum, Rosa woodsu, Symphortcarpos albus^ and Symphoncaipos occtdentalis. Typical herbaceous species include Pulsatilla patens ssp. multifida (= Anemone patens), Antennana nuavphylla. Campanula rotundifoha, Carex mops ssp. heliophila, Chenopodmm fi'emontii, Elymus lanceolatus, Elymus trachycaulus, Galium boreale. Geum triflorum, Koeleria macrantha, Piptatherum micranthum (= Oryzopsis micrantha)y ?i\id Maianthemum stellatum, Parietaria pensylvanica, and Taraxacum officinale {Hansen et al. 19S4, Appendix E-6 Hansen andHoffinau 1988). In Montana, this plant association is distingui^'hed by the palatable bunchgiass Ptptatherum micranthum having tlie highest graminoid cover at generally 10-30%, the absence or paucity of bluebunch wheatgrass (P^eudoroegnena spicata)^ high nonvascular cover, and often rich forb diversity and cover (DeVehce et al. 1995, Culwell et al. 1986, Vanderhorst et al. 1998). Hybrids between Jumperus scopulorum ?iud Jiimpsnis honzontalis have been reported and may accomitfor the unusual growth form of stands along the Missouri Breaks where trees do not have a cential axis (Robeits et al. 1979, Heidel 1997). Dynamics: This plant association is in relatively moist habitat that is not as prone to burning as surrounding vegetation types, but is higlily flammable when diy. Jumperus scopulorum is readily killed by fire; once ignited the crowns are almost always completely incinerated. GRank & Reasons: G3G4 (00-01-31). A number of sites have been impacted by cutting for fenceposts or railroad ties. Fire suppression may increase the extent of the community within its range. Comments: Tliis description includes stands with both Jumperus scopulorum and Jumperus virgmiana over a herbaceous layer with Piptatherum micranthum (= Oryzopsis micrantha). Ptnus ponderosa , if present, is less than 25% tiee canopy cover. Tliis type ciosGly iatev grades vii^ Jumperus scopulorum / Pseudoroegneria :^ptcata and both may be represented on tlie same slope or on opposite aspects of the same landform as they were in the dissected terrain along the Powder River. It often has grassland or steppe openings that condition the levels of overall livestock use. Signs of fen cepost- cuttings are nbiquitious in the stands and the changes brought on by this history need to be furtlier addressed in characterizing stand stiiicture. Element Distribution Range: Tliis rocky mountain juniper community type is found in the western Gieat Plains of the United States. It is fonndin the Black Hills and the Badlands of North and South Dakota and Montana, and from the High Plains of eastern Wyoming eastward to central Nebraska. In Montana, this plant association is best represented on the open eastern sedimentary plains associated with river breaks and scattered escarpments. It is sometimes present at the margins of pine woodland landscapes but is not consistently part of them. Li Powder River Connty, this plant association is present on northeastern escarpments, and valley segments of the Powder River in the southwestern comer of the County. States/Provinces: MT:S3,ND:S3,NE:S4S5, SD:SU Element Sources Authors: P.L. Hansen, G.R. Hoffman, and A.J. Bjugstad: mod. J. Drake and S. Rolfsmeier, MCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidence: 1 Idfnrtfier: CEGL000747 Referfuces: DeVehce et al. 1995, Diiscoll etal. 1984, Girard et al. 1989, Godfiead 1994, Hansen 1985, Hansen andHoffinan 1988, Hansen etal. 1984, Johnston 19S7,Kaul etal. 1983, Nelson 1961, Von Loh et al. 1999 JuNiPERUs SCOPULORUM / Pseudoroegneria sp/c>17L4 Woodland Rocky Mountain Juniper / Bluebunch Wheatgiass Woodland Element Concept Suinmai'y: Envli^oninent: In eastern Montana this community type is commonly found in low to moderate relief rolling uplands as well as in badland arroyos/draws, often occurring atX\?i{^eiii to Jumperus scopulorum / Achnatherum hyraenoides (=Oiyzopsis hymenoides) but on warmer exposures (not strictly north-facing) with the same moderate to steep slopes. Li eastern Montana three of the four sampled stands were on calcareous substrates, though this habitat type is not confined to these substrates in this region. It has also been recorded for the Beaverhead Mountains Section occurring on rocky, primarily volcanic substrates with tliin soils; substrate conditions here Appendix E-7 appear to be the determiniug factors in its occurrence. It is primarily associated with lower tieeliue positions and slope and aspect are oiily weak determining factors. In eastern Montana, Jump ems scop uloruni / Pseudoroegnena spicata also has more exposed soil and rock than the associated to Jiimperus scopulorum /Achnatherum hymenotdss, often exceeding 50%. The same situation often obtains iu western Montana where bare soil and exposed rock usually constitute 60% plus of the substrate and litter is never more than 20% and adjacent shiublaud types often have more developed, deeper soils. Vegetation: As a result of tlie ubiquitous past cutting for fencing, stands of Jimipenis scopulorum / Pseudoroegnena spicata in eastern Montana are rather open, with coverage of 3 to 12 feet tall Junipenis scopulorum not exceeding 50%; in tlie Beaverhead Mountains Section, the tiee canopy are also quite open (at most approaching 30% canopy cover). We speculate tree coverage does not much exceed these figures due to hmitations of site factors. The higher coverage of shnibs {up to 20 % for Artemisia tridentata ^nd •^Arteraesia fngida combined) that are reported in noitheastem Montana as opposed to southeastern Montana (Hansen and Hoffinan 1988) is also attributable to serai conditions. In tlie BeaverheadMoiintains Section, ^? ten ni-m tndentata ssp. —vaseyana and ssp. wyomingensis, Artemesta frigida, Encamsria nauseosa (=Chrysothamnus nauseosus), and Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus have the highest constancy but comprise less than 5% cover in the aggregate. The undergrowth is dominated by graminoids, chief among which and diagnostic of the type is Pseudoroegnena spicata, always well represented (40% average cover in eastern Montana only 10% in SW Montana). Carex filifoha and Koelena raacrantha (=FIoelena cnstata) have high constancy and Bouteloua curtipendula is consistently present in the easteiimiost occurrences of tins type. Forb diversity is moderately high and higher in western tiian eastern Montana witii not much overlap in higli constancy species between regions; regardless of location, forb coverage's are generally low» not exceeding 10% except in the most open stands. Dynamics: GRaak & Reasons: 04(96-02-01). Comments: Element Distribution Range: States/Provinces: CO:S2S3, MT:S4, WY:S4 Element Sources Authors: WCS ConTidence: 1 Identifier: CEGL00074S References: Bighorn Coal Mine n.d., Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Brown 1971, Driscoll et al. 1984, Francis 1983, Hansen 1985, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988, Johnston 1987, Strong 19S0, Terwilliger et al. 1979a, Tiedemann etal. 1987 II.A.4.N.A.32. PINUS PONDEROSA WOODLAND ALLIANCE PiNus PONDEROSA / Carex iNOPS ssp. heliophila Woodland Pondeiosa Pine / Sim Sedge Woodland Element Concept Suinmai'y: Tliis ponderosa pine / sedge woodland community type is fomidin the Black Hills region, adjacent Great Plains and northern Rocky M omit a in fi'ont range. Stands occur in the mostuiesic of the habitat types with a gr a niinoid- dominated ground layer. Tliey are generally found on moderate south- and west-facing slopes in the western Dakotas, and eastern parts of Wyoming and Montana. Tlie community is dominated by Pinus ponderosa with occasional Junipenis scopulorum and Quej'cus macrocarpa in the subcanopy. Shrubs are relatively uncommon in this type. The herbaceous layer is dominated by Carex mops ssp. heliophila^ with inclusions of Danthoma sptcata, Schtzachynum scopanum, and Pseudoroegnena spicata, generally in areas with more open canopies. Envli^oninent: This community is often found on gentle and moderate south- to west -facing slopes (Hansen and Hoffman 1988, Hoffman and Alexander 1987). Appendix E-8 Vegetarton: Tlie tree canopy and subcaiiopy are dominated by Finns ponderosa . Jimiperus scopulonim and QuercHS macrocavpa are occasionally found in the subcanopy. Shnibs are in&eqiient in this type. The herbaceous layer is dominated by Cavex mops ssp. heliophila (sun sedge), witli inclusions of Danthoma spicata, Schizachyrium scopanum ^nd Pssudoroegnena spicata^ generally in areas with more open canopies. At Wind Cave National Park, herbaceous cover is most commonly in the 25-50% range and occasionally greater, with sun sedge dominant. Other common herbaceous species inciudG Artenust a ludoviciana, Danthoma spicata, Piptatherum micranthum {= Oryzopsis micvantha), Nassella viridula, and Po a pratensis (H. Marriott pers. comm. 1999). Dynamics: This type probably develops from little bhiestem prairie as pines become established. Disturbances such as fire convert stands back to prairies (Marriott andFaber-Langendoen 2000). Tlie canopy in this type is usually moderately open due to occasional fires, but can become nearly closed in stands where the natural fire disturbance regime has been disrupted. GRank & Reasons: G3G4 (00-05-26). Comments: Tlie stands used by Hoffinan and Alexander (1987) and Hansen and Hoffinan (1988) to document the Pinus ponderosa /Cavex mops ssp. heliophila Woodland habitat type had very high basal area and densities for a woodland, possibly due to their sampling procedure. Tlie dense stnicture may have affected tlie fioristic makeup of the stands. Tliis type is expected to have an open canopy where natural fire distmbances occur. Element Distribution Range: This ponderosa pine / sedge woodland community type is fonndin the Black Hills region, adjacent Great Plains and northern Rocky Mountain fiont range iioiii Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota south to Colorado. States/Provinces: CO:S2, MT:S3S4, SD:S?, WY:S2S3 Element Sources Authors: AG. McAdams, WCS Confidence: 1 Identifier: CEGL000849 Referfuces: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994,Driscon etal. 19 S4, Hall 1967, Hall 1973, Hansen 1935, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988, Hoffinan and Alexander 1976, Hoffman and Alexander 1987, Johnston 1987, Kooiman andLinhart 1986, Livingston 1947, Livingston 1949, Marriott and Faber-Langendoen 2000, McAdams et al. 199S PiNUS PONDEROSA / JUNIPERUS HORJZONTALIS WOODLAND Ponderosa Pine / Creeping Juniper Woodland Element Concept Suinmai'y: This woodland association has been described from north- cential (Little Rocky Mountains) and the plains of nortlieastern Montana. All occurrences are below 1160 m (3S00 feet) on calcareous shales and sandstones of roUing uplands and foothills, generally on slope shoulders. Except for accidentals of Pseiidotsuga menziesii and veiy scattered Jiiniperus scopulorum. Pi nus ponderosa is the only tree present, witli somewhat stunted specimens comprising between 40% and 70% canopy cover. Tlie undergiowth is rather depauperate in species diversity. Jnnipenis honzontalis is always tlie dominant species but varies enormously in cover, fioiii 10- 70% (even greater cover noted in reconnaissance). Jumpevits communis can also attain high cover values but is not consistently present. Rhus tnlobata v^ndArtemisia tndentata ssp. wyoraingensis are highly constant but seldom comprise more than 5% cover. There is a stiong difference between the stands in the Little Rocky Mountains^ which have a veiy depauperate graminoid cover, and those of northeastern Montana wherein Pseudoroegnena spicata ^nd Pascopyrum smithu can attain canopy covers of greater than 30%. Theforb component seldom has more than a trace amount of any species: tliose with the greatest constancy are Sohdago i^ussounensis, Therniopsis rhombifolia, and Linum perenne. Structurally and composition ally this association is similar to both Pinus pondsvosa /Jimiperus communis Woodland (CEGL000859) and Pinus flexilis /Junipei'us communis Woodland (CEGL000807). Rank & Rrasons: G3? (00-01-09). Tliis type appears to have a ratlier limited geographic range and few known occiurences; conversely there is an abundance of potential habitat that could support tliis woodland type. It is proposed that the rank be changed fiom G3 to G3? Queries of federal agency resource managers in eastern Appendix E-9 Montana resulted in no positive responses fiom any of them as to having seen this community. With only 6 plots documented and virtually no reconnaissance information it would seem that this type is rarer than indicated by G3 alone, but indeed it could be more common, thus the ? added to rank. Comments: Only 6 plots have been documented for this association and hmited reconnaissance notes recorded in tlie course of the Northern Cheat Plains Ecoregion Rapid Ecological Survey. Tliis type is relatively easily distinguished from other Pmus ponderosa-domin^tGd types by its abundance oi Jiinipenis honzontalis, though it conldbe confiised with Finns flexilis / Jiimp ems communis Woodland (CEGL000807) growing on poor sites if one mshed to judgment on the tree species dominant. Element Distribution Range: This woodland association has been described fiom the Little Rocky Mountains in north-central Montana and the plains of northeastern Montana. States/Provinces: MT:S3 Element Sources Authors: S.V. Cooper, WCS Confidence: 2 IdentlTier: CEGL000S60 References: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, DeVelice et al. 1995, Driscoll et al. 1984, Roberts 1980 PiNUS PONDEROSA / Pseud OROEGNERJA SPICATA WOODLAND Ponderosa Pine / Bluebunch Wheatgrass Woodland Element Concept Summai'y: This ponderosa pine woodland is one of tlie drier ponderosa pine woodlands found in the northern Rocky Mountains, Liter-Monntains, and extreme northwestern Great Plains of the United States and Canada . It is found on slopes with coarse soils, often with a high gravel or rock content. Pinus ponderosa is typicaUy tlie only tree in the overstory, although Jumperus scopulorum may be present in the subcanopy. It forms open to moderately closed canopies. There are veiy few shnibs. Tlie herbaceous layer is dominated by Pseudoroegnena spicata. Other species foimd in this layer are Cavexfilifolia, Cavex mops ssp. hehophila, Koslena macrantha, Achillea millefolium. Bctlsamorhtza sagittata and Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Bare mineral soil and exposed rock are common. Envli^onment: Tliis community occurs mostly on steep southerly aspects. It is found on coarse soils derived from sandstone, porcillenate, or limestone (Tliilenius et al. 1995). These include sandy alluvium, gravelly or sandy till, and loams with high stone content. Rock and mineral soil are commonly exposed. hi Powder River County, MX, this plant association is foimd on ShaUow to gravel, Sandy and Silty Ecological Sites in both 10-14 and 15-19 inch precipitation zones. Vegetation: Tliis community is dominated by tlie tree and herbaceous strata. On tliree stands in tlie eastern portion of its range, Hansen andHoffinan (1988) found that total cover by understoiy strata was 55%. Shrubs made up only 1.3% of tliis total. Finns ponderosa is often tlie only tiee in the overstoiy. The tiee coverage can vary from open to moderately closed. In northeastern Wyoming, most of the trees were less than 15 m tall and 60 cm dbh (Thilenius et al. 1995). The herbaceous stratum is also open to moderately dense. Fseudoroegnena spicata is the dominant species. Other species that are often found in the central and eastern portions of its range aiGAchillea millefolium var. ocadentahs, Cavexfilifolia, Carex inops ssp. hehophila, Koeleria macrantha, and Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). In the western portion of tlie range of this community Festuc a idahosnsis maybe present (Daubenmire 1952). When shrubs are present they typically include F^hus avomatica and, especially on sandy soils, Ericamena nauseosa (= Chiysothamniis naiiseosus}. Dynamics: Fire likely occurred at regular inteivals in this type; documentation on fire fieqiiency is not available. Despite the widely spaced trees and relative paucity, or at least patchy distribution of ftjels, this type experienced predominantly stand-replacing fire in tiie course of the Alkali Creek burn on the CMR Wildlife Refiige. A more typical and expected response when these conditions occmin Eire Group Two (warm, diy Finns ponderosa habitat Appendix E -10 types; Fisher and Claytou 1983) is an undeibiirn or surface fire. The Pirtus ponderosa of this community type iu the Bull Moimtaiu^ and in tlie Alkah Creek study area generally bore no fire scars. This observation probably reflects the light fijels condition for this type and may also point to Ihe exceptional Alkali Creek Fire conditions. Tlie lack of Juniperus scopulorum in this type may be attributable to past fires killing this species and leaving the Finns ponderosa ov erst oiy intact; this scenario has been documented by Culwell et al. (1991) in theBuU Mountains of central Montana. GRank & Reasons: G4 (96-02-01). Element Distribution Range: Tliis ponderosa pine woodland is one of tlie drier ponderosa pine woodlands found in the northern Rocky Mountains, Litermoiintains, and extreme northwestern Great Plains of the United States and Canada, extending fi'om the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming west to Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. States/Provinces: BC:S2S3, ID:S3, MT:S4, ND:S2S3?, OR:S2, SD:S4, WA:S1, WY:S3? Element Sources Authors: Drake, J. F., WCS; Heidel, B. L. MTNHP Confidencf : 1 Identifier: CEGL000865 References: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Clausnitzer and Zaniora 1987, Cooper andPfister 1985, Cooper et al. 19S7,Daubenniire 1952, Daiibenmire 1970, Daiibenmire and Daubenmire 1968, Driscoll et al. 19S4,Hall 1973, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988, Hansen et al. 1984, Hoffinan and Alexander 1976, Johnson and Clausnitzer 1992, Johnson and Simon 19S5, Johnson and Simon 1987, Johnston 19S7, Jones 1992b, McAdanis et al. 1998, McLean 1970,Pflster et ai. 1977, Steele et al. 1981, Teiwilhger et al. 1979a, Thilenius etal. 1995, Williams and Lillybiidge 1983, WiUiams and Lillybiidge 1985,Zamora 1983 n.B.2.N.b. Temporarily flooded cold-deciduous woodland II.B.2.N.B.4. POPULUS DELTOIDES TEMPORARILY FLOODED WOODLAND ALLIANCE POPUL US DEL TOIDES / SYMPHORICARFOS OCCWENTALIS WOODLAND Plains Cottonwood / Western Snowberry Woodland Element Concept Suinmai'y: Tliis riparian woodland community is fomidin the northwestern Gieat Plains of the United States on medium to coarse-textured alluvial soils on tlie floodplains of major rivers. Tlie floodplains are both seasonally inundated and siibiriigated. It is found more rarely at higher elevations in the mountains of eastern Wyoming and western South Dakota. Tliis community is dominated by a single deciduous tiee species, Popnlus deltoides. In some stands other species, such as^lcer negundo and Fraxinus pennsylvamca^ may contiibute to the canopy. Tlie tallest trees exceed 15 m. The shrub layer is typically 0.5-1 mtall. It ii^ tXoimw^ttdhy Symphoncarpos occidentalis and commonly 'niQhxdt^ Jiimpenis scopulonim ?indRosci spp. Li Wyoming, Encamena nanseosa (= Chrysothammis nanseosus) is present and increases with heavy grazing. The herbaceous layer usually includes Pascopyrum smtthti. Weedy species such as Melilotus officinalis. Taraxacum officinale, and Poa secimda are very common, especially in the presence of grazing. Maianthcmum stellatum is abimdant only where grazing is absent. Envii^onment: Tliis community is found on medium to coarse-textured alluvial soils on the floodplains of major rivers. The floodplains are both seasonally inundated and subirrigated (Tliilenius et al. 1995). Tlie meandering erosional and depositional pattern of rivers maintains and influences this community along rivers (Hansen et al. 1990). It is rarely found at higher elevations in the mountains of eastern Wyoming and western South Dakota (Johnston 1987). hi Montana, fliis plant association occurs on major river systems of the eastern plains, with a flood cycle driven by mountain run-off and vegetation succession linked to intact hydrological processes. In Powder River County, this plant association is foimd in Riparian subiirigated Ecological Sites along the Powder and Little Powder Rivers. Appendix E -11 Vegetation: Tliis community is typically dominated by a single deciduous tree species, Popidus deltotdes. lu some stands other species, such as^lcer negimdo and Fraxinus pennsylvamca^ may couhibute to the canopy. Tlie tallest trees exceed 15 m. Popidus deltotdes is a pioneer species that requires moist, sparsely vegetated alluvium to become established from seed; therefore stands of this community maybe considered serai, bntthe stage is long persistent (up to 100 years) (Girard et al. 19S9). Tlie slirub layer is typically 0.5-1 m tall. It is dominated by S\-mphoricarpos occidentalis and commonly includes Jj;??jperf;j scopulonim ?[nd Rosa spp. In Wyoming, Encamena nauseosa (= Chiysothamnus nauseosus) is present and increases with heavy grazing (Thilenius et al. 1995). The herbaceous layer usually includes Pascopyrum snuthu and Elyraus trachycaulns. Weedy species such as Ctrstum arvense. Mehlotiis officinalis, Taraxacum officinale^ and Poa secunda are veiy common, especially in the presence of grazing (Jones and Walford 1995, Tliilenius et al. 1995). Maianthemuni stellatum is abimdant only where grazing is absent. In Montana, stands are typically heterogeneous in vegetation age and structure as weU as microtopography, because of tlie small-scale patterns of alluvial deposition and erosion operating over the years. In Powder River County, Cottonwood communities are represented by all serai stages, from seedlings up to trees greater than 18 inches circumference. The latter stands are widely spaced, with Arteraisi a cana establishment if theunderstory is intact. In the study area, Symphoncarpos ocadentalis was typically present, but was there was not a distinct shrub-layer dominant. The dominant grass was Pascopyrum snnthu, followed by Nassella vindida, and replaced by Poa pratensis under disturbance. Otlier characteristic species include Rosa woodsu, Elymiis canadensis and such generalists ^sAchillea millefolium. Tliere is widespread invasion by Euphorbia ssula, which has become locally abundant in many stands. Tamegrasses have been seeded or accidentally intioduced into some stands, induing Agropyron repens and Bvomis mevmis. Dynamics: This type is found closest to the river on young, unstabihzed floodplains, where it colonizes the freshly deposited alluvial substiates on the meanders of the streams and rivers. Proceeding away from the river, otlier later successional stages may include Populus deltotdes / Fraxinus pennsylvamca Forest (CEGL00065S) and Fraxinus pennsylvamca - (Ulraus americana) / S\-mphoricarpos occidentalis Forest (CEGL00208S). As the sti'eam continues to move away from the more recent deposits, the stand may eventually succeed to the Fvaxtnus pennsylvamca type, a process that could take 100 years {Girard et al. 1989). In Montana, the climate is too diy for succession to the Fvaxtnus pennsylvamca type. Decadent stands may succeed io Artemisia cana (Boggs 19S4). GRank & Reasons: G2G3 (9S-06-22). The total number of occurrences is unknown. Tliirteen have been documented in North Dakota, where the commimityis ranked S1S2?. Although no other occurrences have been doaimented, the community is also reported from Wyoming (S2), Colorado (S2) and may occur in South Dakota (SP). It is found in three nortliern Great Plains ecoregional sections. The community occurs on medium- to coarse -textured soils on tlie floodplains of major rivers. Comments: Concept of the type may have come from Thilenius and Brown (1990). hi eastern Montana, Hanson et al. (1990) describe a Populus deltotdes I Symphoncarpos occidentalis type as a grazing-induced stage of the Populus deltotdes I Cornus sericea type. This contrasts with information from Wyoming, where Tliilenius et al. (1995) found that Symphortcaipos occidentalis decreases with grazing and Chrysothamnus nauseosus increases. Element Distribution Range: Tliisripaiian woodland community is found in floodplains of the northwestern Great Plains of the United States, ranging from North Dakota to Colorado. States/Provinces: CO:S2, MT:S2S3,ND:S1S2?, SD?, WY:S2 Element Sources Authors: J. Drake, MCS: mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidence: 1 Identifier: CEGL000660 References: Boggs 19S4, Driscoll et al. 19S4, Girard et al. 19S9, Hansen et al. 1990, Johnson et al. 1990a, Johnston 19S7, Jones 2001, Jones and Walford 1995, Kartesz 1999,Kittel et al. 1999, Tliilenius 1970, Thilenius andBrown 1990, Thilenius and Smith 1985, Thilenius et al. 1995 Appendix E -12 III. SHRUBLAND in.A.4.N.a. Lowland microphyllous evergreen shrubland III.A.4.N.A.20. ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA SSP. WYOMINGENSIS SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis I Pascopyrum smithii Shrubla^^^ Wyoming Big Sagebnish / Western Wlieatgiass Shnibland Element Concept Suinmai'y: Tliis Wyoming big sagebrush type is found throughout the northern Gieat Plains and adjacent basins, Black Hills, and Rocky Mountains of the United States. Stands occur on gently rolling uplands or upper parts of stieani terraces and drainageways. Drier examples may be on more exposed slope positions. Soils are moderately deep clays, clay loam, silt loam and loam. Soil moisture conditions are relatively mesic. Soil pH ranges from 5.8 to 7.8. "Hie vegetation contains an open short-shrub layer, approximately 0.5 m tall, dominated by microphyllous- leaved shrubs, and a dense herbaceous layer dominated by medium-tall graminoids. Shrub cover averages between 15% and 30%. Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomtngensis dominates the shnib layer. Tlie dense herbaceous layer has a canopy cover of over 75%. Pascopyrum smtthti is the leading dominant. Important associates include Koeleria macrantha, Poa secimda, and Nassella vindula (= Sttpa viridida). hi diier or more heavily grazed phases, Bouteloua gracilis, Hesperosttpa comata (= Stipa comata)^ and Carex filtfoha may be more common, along with the succulent Opimtta polyacantha. Forbs contribute low cover, often less than 10%, and are typically of low constancy. More constant species (>50%) mcXwd^ Artemisia fngida, Sphaeralcea coccinea, and Vicia amei'icanci. Grassy leaf litter covers over 75% of the ground; stones and bare soil comprise the remainder. Nonvascular plants are rare. Envli^onment: Stands occur on gently rolling uplands or upper parts of stream terraces and drainageways. Diier examples may be on more exposed slope positions. Soils are moderately deep clays, clay loam, silt loam and loam. Soil moisture conditions are relatively mesic. Soil pH ranges from 5.8 to 7.8 (Hirsch 19S5, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988, Tliilenius et al. 1995). In Montana, this widespread plant association assimies many positions and patterns depending on environmental and perhaps historical context. It prevails across Beaipaw Shale in the Missouri River drainage (DeVelice et al. 1995, Jorgenson 1979, Heidel 1997) and Beaipaw shale of extreme southeastern Montana in Carter County (Vanderhorst et al. 199S). Tlie pH of soils with tliis plant association in Carter County ranged from 4.9-S.O. It is present at some scale in all landscapes compiised of entisol-aiidisol soil complexes. Over most of the shale plains in Powder River County, it is concentrated on the steeper slopes (greater than 8%) giving way to grassland on gentler slopes. Tliis plant association is primarily east of the mountains, but is also documented on alluvial terraces of southwestern Montana (Cooper et al. 1995). FinaUy, it is found in smaU grassland panspots at the extreme eastern end of the state. In Powder River County, tliis plant association is found in Thin Si Ity Ecological Sites, 10-14 in. precipitation zone. It is consistently found on steeper slopes throughout much of the County. It is not limited to steep slopes in all set- tings, and prevails at the exheme southwestern border of the county on Silty ecological sites, where elevation is higher. This is the case in the Ashland Dishict of Custer National Forest, where soils supporting this plant associa- tion are characterized as loams and sandy loams (Hansen and Hoffman 19SS) that seem to fall within the "Silty ecological site" definition. Vegetation: The vegetation contains an open short-shnib layer, approximately 0.5 m tall, dominated by microphyllous-leaved slinibs, and a dense herbaceous layer dominated by medium-tall graminoids, Shnib cover averages between 15 and 30% (Hirsch 19S5, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988, Tliilenius et al. 1995). Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyommgensis dominates the shnib layer. Tlie dense herbaceous layer has a canopy cover of over 75%. Pascopyrum smithii is the leading dominant. Important associates include Koelena macrantha, Poa secunda, and Nassella viridula (= Stipa vindula). In drier or more heavily grazed phases, Bouteloua gracilis, Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata), and Carex filifolta may be more common, along with the succulent Appendix E -13 Opuntia polyacantha. Forbs contribute low cover, often less than 10%, and are typically of low constancy. More constant species {>50%) inchidG Artemisia fiigi da. Sphaeralcea coccmea, and Vicia araencana. Grassy leaf litter covers over 75% of the ground; stones and bare soil comprise the remainder. Nonvascular plants are rare (Hirscli 19S5, Hansen and Hoffman 1938, Thilenius et al. 1995). In Powder River County, the cover of Pascopyrum ^mithu was high in pineland openings, up to 60% cover^ while on the open plains was more typically less than 30% cover and codominant with CavexfilifoliQ, Poa secunda, and/ or Koelena macrantha. Commonly associated species iiiQlvidt Artemisia fngida, Achillea millefolium , Agoseris glauca. Allium textile. Antenna fia paw i folia, Comm^wd^a umbellata, Gutieirezia safothrae , Opuntia polyacantha. Phlox hoodii, and Vicia amencana. A particularly rich stand in the western end of the county included species that were scarce or absent elsewhere, including Calochovtus nuttalhi. Besseya wyomingensis, Linura lewisn^ and Nassella vindula. Under heavy grazing pressure, the cover of exotic andincreaser species like Bvomus japomcus, Hedeoma hispida, Plantago patagonica, and Vulpia octofloi'a increases gi'eatly. Dynamics: Taylor and Hoist (1976) refer to an ''upland praririe sagebrush ecosystem" of the Ashland District and note that this sagebrush ecosystem overlaps strongly with upland grassland, appearing as an edaphic difference in places, and as a grazing disclimax in others. Tliis dual nature of this sagebrush plant association was evident in the study area, with its status as an edaphic phenomenon indicated by the many areas in good condition. In southwestern Montana, this plant association may be a grazing disclimax (Cooper et al. 1995). See Cooper and Jean (2001) for a discussion of fire succession in tlie veiy i^mi\»E Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Elymus lanceolatiis association. Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis is killed witliin prairie dog towns. In Powder River County, vegetation sampling was conducted on a bench along Buffalo Creek in what appeared to be a long-abandoned prairie dog, even though there were no signs of burrow mounds remaining. Elsewhere on the b^ii\:\i^ Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis dominated in identical settings. In the abandoned prairie dog town, tliere was 50% cover of Pascopynim sraithii and 10% cover of both Poa secunda ?[nd Bromus japonicus^^i^h. high fitter accumulation (greater than 60%). Perhaps the ferfifizing and churning infiuence of the prairie dogs heightened productivity and impeded re-establishment oiArtemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis in the high vegetation and/or high litter cover. GRank & Reasons: G4 (94-02-23). Higli-ranked species: The complex vegetation mosaic patterns of this plant association within grassland and sparsely vegetated outcrops lends habitat diversity that has high wildlife values for big game and upland bird spe- cies. Comments: Tins plant association is often part of a continuous gradient with the Pascopyrum smithii - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex fill folia Herbaceous Vegetation. Tlie cover of Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis is also variable within stands, clustered around the cut-off point used in differentiating shrublandfiom shrub herbaceous vegetation, rather than centered greater or less than this point representing a cover value that can be discerned in remote sensing. Tims, the cover values used to define it are problemmatic. Many of the same plant association classification questions associated with the Pascopyrum sraithii - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex fill folia Herbaceous Vegetation are also present for this plant association: 1) the inter change ability and ecological equilivence of Pascopyrum smithii znd Elymus lanceolatus and the similar needlegrass species-pair has not been analyzed in detail. They sort by latitude in their distribution and their tendency to have different environmental modes where they occur together waiiants extended documentation. We did note tiiat Elymus lanceolatus is uncommon in Powder River County compared to Pascopyrum smithii; the former species is most common on overflow outwashes and panspots in tiie County. However, Elymus lanceolatus appeared to be the dominant or codominant in at least some of the Carter County vegetation study sites (Vanderhorst et al. 1998) and further investigation is needed into their ecological equivalency. 2). The question of delimiting the Pascopyrum smithii dominance fiom the Hesperostipa comata - Bouteloua gracilis dominance becomes secondary where Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis cover is high. The fine textured soils preclude much Hesperostipa comata in the study area. 3). There are different co-dominants with Pascopyruni smithu. with or without Bouteloua gracilis, Carex fill folia, Buchloe dactyloides, and Poa secunda. Given the current concept of this type, they all fit Appendix E-14 within the type» butuot all of their environmental characteristics fit. Tlie codominance of Buchloe dactyloides v/ith Pascopyvum srattini inArtemisia tndentata ssp. wyommgensis shnibland, as documented on BLM -administered lands in much of Powder River County, has not been well -documented in the nortliern Gieat Plains. Element Distribution Range: Tliis Wyoming Big Sagebrush type is found throughout the nortliern Great Plains and adjacent basins, Black Hills, and Rocky Mountains of the United States, parti ailarly in Colorado and Wyoming. hi Montana, it inmost extensive on shale plains in counties along tlie Missouri River (DeVelice et al. 1995), as weU as those of Carter County in the southeastern corner {Vanderhorst et al. 1998). But it is present throughout eastern Montana where there are fine-textured entisol and aridisol soils, as found on Ashland and Sioux Distiicts of Custer National Forest (Hansen and Hoffman 19SS). In Powder River County, this plant association is present everywhere the topography is dissected. It is especially extensive in the extreme southwestern comer of the county. States/Provinces: CO:S3S4, MT:S?,ND?, WY:S? Element Sources Authors: D. Faber-Langendoen, WCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidence: 2 Idfnrtrier: CEGL001047 Referfnces: Baker 1932b, Baker 19S3c, Baker and Kennedy 1985, Bear Creek Uranium Mine Application n.d, Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Cooper et al. 1995, Cooper and Jean 2001, Cotter -Ferguson Project n.d., DeVelice etal. 1995,Driscoll et al. 1984, Earth Resource Technology n.d., Ellis and Hackney 1981, Francis 1983, Hansen andHoffinan 1988, Hansen etal. 1980, Hansen etal. 1984, Hirsch 1985, Keamnierer 19S7, Skull Point Mine Application n.d., Skull Point Mine Permit Renewal n.d., Stiong 1980, Sweetwater Uranium Project 1978, Thilenius etal. 1995,Tiedemann etal. 1987, Vanderhorst et al. 199S Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Pseudoroegneria spicata Shrubland Wyoming Big Sagebrush / Bluebunch Wheatgrass Shrubland Element Concept Suinmai'y: Tliis is a widespread Wyoming Big Sagebrush shrub type, extending fiom the western side of tlie Great Plains on the east to British Columbia on the west, and south as far as northern Nevada. Stands of this type occupy loamy soils (often with coarse fiagments) derived fiom a variety of parent materials, on middle and lower slopes and in draws. Shrubs are dense and form a canopy witli at least 25% cover. Artemisia tndentata ssp. wyommgensis contributes the most cover to the shrub layer and is often the only shrub present. Tlie heiglit of the sagebnish ranges fiomabout35 cm tall in the eastern part of the range toabout 1 m tall in the western part. Chrysothammis spp. often are present as well. Pseudoroegneria sptcata contributes more cover to the herbaceous layer than does any other native species, and Poa secunda usually is present. Stands in the eastern part of the geographic range often include Gutterrezia sarothrae , Artemista fngida, Bouteloua gracilis^ and Koelena macrantha. Many stands of tliis community may result fi'om grazing in stands of Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Pseudoroegneria sptcata Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001535). Grazing increases the cover and density of shrubs and often decreases the cover of grasses, especially of Pseudoroegneria sptcata. Stands no doubt exist, though, that do not result ftom grazing. Such stands are likely found in diaws and other places on the landscape where soil moisture is sufficient to support a dense shrub canopy, and may represent only a smaU area on the landscape. Envli^onment: Stands of tliis type occupy loamy soils {often witli coarse fragments) derived from a variety of parent materials, on middle and lower slopes and in diaws. The close relationship between this association and Artemisia tndentata ssp. wyomingensis / Pseudoroegnena spicata Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001535) suggests that stands of this type occupy loamy soils (often with coarse fiagments) derived ftom a variety of parent materials, on middle and lower slopes and in diaws. Vegetation: Tliroughoiit the geographic range of this type,^^^^^^^^^ tndentata ssp. wyomingensis dominates a shrub layer tliat has at least 25% canopy cover. Rabbitbrushes (Chrysothammis spp.) often are present as well. Psendovoegnena spicata contributes more cover to the herbaceous layer than does any other native species, and Poa secunda usually is present. Stands in the eastern part of the geograpliic range often include Gutierrezia Appendix E -15 sarothrae, Artemisia fngida, Bouteloua gracilis, ^nd Koeleria macrantha. The heiglit of the sagebrush ranges from about 35 cm tall in the eastern part of the range to about 1 m tall in the western part (Hirouaka et al. 19S3). GRank & Reasons: G5? (96-02-01). Comments: Many stands of this association maybe derived by grazing of Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyommgensis / Psendoroegnena spicata Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001535). It maybe preferrable to first combine these two types, and then split them geographically. Tlie occuirences from the Great Plains west as far as northwestern Colorado, western Wyoming, and western Montana might belong to one type characterized by the presence of Bouteloiia spp., Carexfilifoha, Koeleria macrantha, Gutisrrezia sarothrae, Artemisia fngida, and Opuntia polyacantha^ and by the absence of Achnatherum thurberianum (= Stipa thiirberiana) . The occuiiences fi'om southern Idaho, nortliern Nevada, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and British Columbia could belong to a different type characterized by the presence of Achnatherum thurberianum, and by the absence of the other species listed above. Tlie separation between these two types probably would occur in Idaho. Additional research will be required to clarify this issue. Element Distribution Range: Tliisis a widespread Wyoming Big Sagebrush shnib type, extending fiom the western side of the Gieat Plains on tlie east to British Columbia on the west, and soutli as far as northern Nevada. States/Provinces: BC:S2, CO:S3?, ID:S?, MT:S5?, ND:S2S3?,NV:S?,UT:S4S5?, WA:S?, WY:S? Element Sources Authors: B. Johnston, mod. D. Fab er-L an gen do en, WCS Confidrnce: 2 Identifier: CEGL001009 Referfnces: Blackburn 1967, Blackburn et al. 1968a, Biackbiun et al. 196Zb, Blackburn et al. 1969a, Blackburn et al. 1969c, Blackburn et al. 1971, Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Brotherson and Brotherson 1981, Cooper et al. 1995, Daubenmire 1970, DeYelice et al. 1991, Driscoll et al. 19S4,Hail 1973, Heinze et al. 1962, Hironaka et al. 1983, Johnston 19 87, Knight et al. 1987, Lewis 1975, McLean 1970,Moretti 1979,Moretti and Brotherson 1982, Mueggler and Stewart 19S0,Pouhon 1955,Tisdaie 1947 in.A.4.N.c. Temporarily flooded microphyllous shrubland III.A.4.N.C.2. ARTEMISIA CANA TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Artemisia cana / Pascopyrum smithii Shrubland Silver Sagebrush / Western Wheatgrass Slirubland Element Concept Suinmai'y: This silver or coaltowu sagebnish shrubland is foiiud in Ihe northwestern Great Plains and Rocky Moimtaius of the western United States. Stands occur on flat alluvial deposits on floodplains, terraces or benches, or alluvial fans. The soils are moderately deep to deep and either silt loam, clay loam, or sandy loam. Flooding may occur periodically aud this teuds to retard soil development. Tliis community is dominated by a combination of shrubs and graminoids. Tlie total vegetation cover is moderate. The tallest and most conspicuous stratum in fliis community is a shrub layer that is usually 0.6-1.2 m. Artemisia cana is tlie dominant in this layer and may be ?ii^i^o\i\^^mtdhy Symphoricarpos occidentalis. Also present are shorter shrubs such 9^^ Artemisia frigida, Kraschemnnikovia lanata, Rosa woodm, and Gutierrezia sarothrae. Tlie most abundant graminoid is Pascopyrum smithii. This species is typically 0.5 -1.0 m tall. It is often accompanied by Nassella viridida and sometimes Koelena macrantha, Poapratensis, ^nd He sperostip a coraata {= Stipa comata). B outGlona giacilis is the most abundant short graminoid. Typical forb constituents of this community aie Achillea millefolium, Gaura coccinea, ^haeralcea coccinea, and Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella. Envli^onment: Tliis community occurs on flat alluvial deposits on floodplains, terraces or benches, or aUuvial fans. Tlie soils are moderately deep to deep (USPS 1992) and either silt loam, clay loam, or sandy loam (Johnston 1937, Hansen and Hoffinan 19S8). Tlie soils may have moderate salt content (Hanson and Whitman 1938). Flooding occurs periodically and this tends to retard soil profile development (Hirsch 19S5). Appendix E -1(5 In Powder River County, tliis plant association is found on Overflow Ecological Sites in the 10-15 and 15-19 inch precipitation zones. It is the prevailing vegetation along major river valleys. Vegetation: This community is dominated by a combination of shrubs and graminoids. Tlie total vegetation cover is typically moderate, but depends on frequency of flooding. Tlie tallest and most conspicuous stratum is a shmb layer that is usually 0.6-1.2 m (Hansen and Hoffinan 19 SS). Li 14 stands in western North Dakota shrubs averaged 2S% canopy cover, graminoids 59%, andforbs 2% (USFS 1992). Stands in Nebraska often have less than 15% cover. Tlie variation in soils within and between stands of this commimity results invariable species composition. Artemisia cana is tlie dominant shrub. Symphoncarpos occtdentahs is fieqiiently present. Tliere are also shorter shrubs such ?i^ Artemisia fi'igtda, Krascheninmkovia lanata, Rosa woodsn^ and Gidierrezia sarothrae. Tlie most abimdant giaminoidis Pascopyriim smithii. This species is typically 0.5-1.0 m tall. It is often accompanied by Nassella viridula and sometimes Floeleria macrantha, Poa pratensis^ und Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa con\Qta}. Bouteloua gracilis is the most abundant short giaminoid. Typical forb constituents of this community ^t Achillea millefoliHTd , Gaiira coccmea, Sphaeralcea coccinea^ and Lactnca tatarica var. pidchella. Dynamics: Periodic flooding occurs in many stands of this community. GRank & Reasons: G4 (96-02-01). Comments: See Steinauer andRolfsmeier (2000) for a description of the stands in Nebraska. Element Distribution Range: This silver or coaltown sagebnish shrubland is found in the northwestern Great Plains and Rocky Mountains of the western United States, ranging floni Montana and North Dakota, south to Nebraska. States/Provinces: MT:S4,ND:S2S3?,NE:S?, SD:SU Element Sources Authors: Drake, J. F., WCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidence: 1 Identifier: CEGL001072 References: Bourgeron and Engelking 1994, DriscoU et al. 19S4, Hansen and Hof&nan 19SS, Hansen et al. 1984, Hansen etal. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Hanson andWliitman 193S,Hirsch 1985, Johnston 19S7, Nelson 1961, Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000, USFS 1992 in,B,2,N,d. Temporarily flooded cold-deciduous shrublaiid III.B.2.N.D.6. SALIX (EXIGUA, INTERIOR) TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE Salix ExiGUA Temporarily Flooded Shrubland Coyote Willow Temporarily Flooded Slimbland Element Concept Summai'y: Tliis willow shrubland commimity is foimd along rivers and streams al lower elevations tliroughout tlie nortliwestern United Stales and Great Plains. Tliis type is an early siiccessioual stage that occurs on recently flooded riparian areas. Slands occur most commonly on alluvial sand, but sill, clay, or gravel may also be present. Salix exigua is Ihe dominant canopy species (Salix interior or intermediates of the Iwo willow species may be present in the eastern part of the range). It cauform dense slands up to 4 m tall, but there are often pa Iches where tlie shrub layer is absent Seedlings and small saplings of Popidus deltoides T^ndSahx amygdaloides maybe present. Tlie herbaceous cover is sparse to moderate, but rarely exceeds 30%. Species present include Cenchrus longispwiiis , Polygonum lap athi folium , Schoenoplsctus ctmericanus {= Scirpiis araericamis), Triglochin n^aritima^ ?i\id Xanthium stuimanuni. The composilion of Ihis community, especially the herbaceous layer^ varies fi'om year to year with succession or renewed disturbance. Envli^onment: Tliis community is found on recentiy deposited or disturbed alluvial material. Tlie parent material is alluvial sand, although silt, clay, or gravel may be present. Soil development is poor to absent. Appendix E -17 Vegetation: Tliis community is dominated by shrubs, generally between 2 and 4 m tall. The most common of tliese is Saltx exigua (Saltx interior or intermediates of the two willow species may be present in the eastern part of tlie range). Sahx irrorata and saplings of Popuhis deltoides or Saltx amygdaloides are also &equently fonnd in the shrub layer. This stiatiun can have moderate to high stem density in tlie community as a whole. Tlie species in the shrub layer do not form a closed canopy, allowing significant hght to reach the ground layer. Tliere are often patches where the shrub layer is absent. Tlie herbaceous cover is sparse to moderate, but rarely exceeds 30%. Older stands and places with less competition ftom the shrubs have greater herbaceous cover. The composition of the herbaceous layer can vary greatly. Species that are often found in this commimity are Cenchms longispmus. Polygonum lap athi folium , Schoenoplectus americanus (= Scirpus amencanus), Triglochin mantima, and Xanthium strumarium. Dynamics: This type originates after flash floods that create new deposits or scour existing alluvial material. This community is a primary or early secondaiy community and requires floods to create new areas on which it can develop. Once established, this commimity may not exist for more than 10-20 years before it is replaced by a later serai stage. GRank & Reasons: G5 (99-05-06) Comments: Tliis type may be an early successional shrubland that develops into Sahx exigiia I Mesic Graminoids Shmbland (CEGL001203), or the two types may be essentially synonymous. Tliis plant association occupies a wide geographic range. Tlie range of this type was reviewed and it was split into eastern, Sahx interior Temporarily Flooded Shmbland (CEGL008562), and western components. Tlie western stands may all be composed of jSa^^x exigua (sensu stncto) and Great Plains stands may contain either Salix exigua, Salix interior^ or intennediates of the two willow species, the Saltx exigua being an entirely Great Plains and eastwardly distributed species (Kartesz 1999). Element Distribution Range: Tliis sandbar willow shmbland community is found along rivers and streams at lower elevations tliroughout the nortliwestern United States and Gieat Plains, ranging sporadically fiom Oklahoma northwest to the Dakotas and Manitoba, and west to Washington. Part of this type's former range in the Great Plains and eastward is actually occupied, at least in part, by Salix interior [see Saltx interior Temporarily Flooded Shrubland (CEGL00S562)]. States/Provinces: ID:S3?, MB:S?, MT:S5,ND:S?,NE:S4S5, OK:S?, OR:Sl, SD:S2, WA:S?, WY:S3Q Element Sources Authors: I.E. Drake, WCS Confidence:! Identifier: CEGL001197 References: Bellah and Hiilbert 1974, Boiirgeron and Engelking 1994, Driscoll etal. 1984,Evenden 1990, Foti et al. 1994, Hansen et al. 19 89, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen etal. 1995, Hoagland 1998c, Hoagland 2000, Kartesz 1999, Kittel and Lederer 1993, Kovalchik 19S7, Phillips 1977, Steinauer 1989, Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000, Wilson 1970 III.B.2.N.D.20. SYMPHORICARPOS OCCIDENTALIS TEMPORARILY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE SYMPHORICARPOS OCCIDENTALIS SHRUBLAND Western Snowbeny Shmbland Element Concept Suinmai'y: This western snowberiy shrubland is found in the western tallgrass and northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada. Stands occur in mesic depressions and swales, typically surrounded by upland grassland communities. Tlie soils are silts and loams. Tliis type lias three distinct vegetation layers, a shnib layer (approximately 80 cm tall), a graminoid- dominated layer (approximately 30 cm tall), and a f orb-dominated layer (<20 cm tall). S\-mphoricarpos occidentalis is the predominant species in the slinib layer and at times forms almost monospecific stands. Rosa woodsti commonly occurs interspersed with the £>ymphoricarpos ocadentalis. Other shrubs^ such as Rhus aromatica and Prunus virgtniana, often occur as thickets on the fiinge of this AppendixE-lS commiuiity. Rhus aroniatica and Prunus virginiana can reach 2 m or more. Tlie herbaceous layer is poorly represented where the shnibs are dense, although Poa pratensis occurs in many stands. Common forbs inchide Artemisia ludoviciana, Solidago spp., andAchillea millefolium. Vines, such as Parthenocissus vitacea, are often found climbing through the shrubs. This type is frequently observed in heavily grazed meadows and prairies. Envli^onment: This community is found in mesic swales, depressions, ravines andfloodplains. Some examples of this community experience intermittent and brief flooding. Tlie soils are fertile and well-drained to imperfectly drained silts and loams. Tlie upper soil horizon is usually deep, although a thin layer of sand may be present if the site has been recently flooded (Jones and Walford 1995). Vegetation: Tliroughout its range this community is dominated by shrubs approximately 1 m tall. Shrub cover is typically greater than 50%, and in places it can approach 100%. Tliese shrubs form dense chimps tliat exclude most other species. Symphoncarpos occidentahs is the most common shrub, but Rhus aromatica (or Rhi^ tnlobata) and Pi'iimis virginiana can be locally abundant and can grow to 2-3 m in places. Toxicodendron rydbergii may also be present. Herbaceous species and smaller shrubs are most abundant at the edges of this commimity and in gaps between the chimps of taller shrubs where the shading is less complete. Rosa woodsii is a typical smaller shrub. Common graminoids include Pascopyrum smithn nnd Poa pratensis. Achillea millefolium, Artemisia ludoviciana, Galium boreale, and Solidago spp. are common forbs of this community. Woody vines sometimes occur, including Parthenoci:^sus vitacea. Dynamics: Stands may occasionally be flooded (Jones and Walford 1995). Symphoncarpos occidentahs seems to tlirive in disturbed areas (Hansen and Hoffman 19SS), especially those subject to disturbance by ftre and cattle grazing. GRank & Reasons: G4G5 (96-02-01). This type is common throughout tlie northern Great Plains. Historically, it may never have been veiy extensive. It has been observed to grow out from forest or woodland edges and shade owX the grasses. It is tolerant of both grazing and flre (Hansen and Hoffinan 198S), and is under no threat ftom human activities. In some cases, heavily grazed pastures may favor tliis types. Many examples are somewhat weedy; thus the type is not demonstrably secure. Comments: Tliis type often occurs in heavily disturbed areas in conjunction with exotic species such as Poa pratensis and Cirsnim an'ense. Because it occurs in mesic swales, depressions, ravine bottoms andfloodplains, some stands are occasionally flooded whereas others are just veiy moist. Thus it tends to fall on both sides of the upland/wetiand division. Element Distribution Range: Tliis western snowberry shrublandis found in the western tallgrass and northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada. States/Provinces: CO:S3, lA?, MB?, MT:S4S5,ND:S4?,NE:S4, SD:SU, SK:S?, WY:SR Element Sources Authors: Drake, J. F, WCS Confidencf : 3 Identifier: CEGL001131 References: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Cluisty 1973, Clark 1977b, Clark etal. 19S0, Driscoll et al. 1984, Hansen and Hoffinan 19SS, Hansen et al. 1984, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Johnston 1987, Jones 1992b, Jones and Walford 1995, Kittel etal. 1994, Kittel et al. 1999, McAdams et al. 199S, Meyer 19S5, Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000 Appendix E -19 in.B.3.N.a. Extremely xeromorphic deciduous subdesert shrubland without succulents III.B.3.N.A.14. SARCOBATUS VERMICULATUS SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE SARCOBATUS VERMICULATUS / Pseudoroegneria spicata Shrublakd Black Gieasewood / Bluebunch Wlieatgiass Shnibland Element Concept Summai'y: This greasewood commiiiiity is foimd in the badlands regions of the northwestern Great Plains. Stands are foimd on weakly consolidated sedimentaiy rocks, where eroded slopes contain iuterbedded clay and silt shales. Slopes rauge from 0-S0%, aud average about 35 -40%, with a southwest- to soutli east-facing aspect. A tliin cmst of highly saliue salt 1-5 cm in deptli may form on the surface. Soil pH is aroimd 8.0. Stands have a sparse to moderate woody layer (1 5 -40% cover) dominated by tlie deciduous, facultative halophytic shrub Sarcobatus vermiculatus. Other characteristic shrubs aud dwarf-shrubs may iiwAwde Artemisia tridentata,Atriplexcanescsns, Encamena nauseosa {= Chiysothamnus nauseosiis), and Gutieirezia sarothrcie. The herbaceous layer ranges from absent to moderately sparse cover (<25%) of scattered tall and medium -tall bunch grasses, such as Pseudovoegnena spicata, Achnatherum hymenoides (= Oryzopsts hymsnoides), aud the sod grass Bouteloua gracilis. Auuual grasses, especially the exotic Bromus tectorum and Bi'omfis japomcus, may be present. Forbs are sparse, except on disturbed, weedy sites. Forb species may include Enogonum paiiciflorum, Srmeda calceohformis, or Sphaeralcea coccmea. Occasioually, cacti, such as Opuntia fragilis or Opiintia polyacantha, may also be preseut. Envli^onment: Stands occur in the badlands regious of the uorthwesteru Great Plains, where they are found ou weakly consoh dated sedimentaiy rocks. Tlie badland topography is composed of outcrops of parallel beds of clay aud silt shales, interspersed in some regions witli liguite (coal) seams of varying thickness, massive outcroppiugs of sandstoue stiata, and colluvial talus of clay, silt and fragments of sandstone (Brown 1971). This commiiuity is found on the iuterbedded clay and silt shales. Slopes range from to 80%, and average about 35-40%, with a southwest- to south east- facing aspect. On steeper slopes, this community is found on residual iuterbedded clays aud silts, witli occasioual bands of lignite that are from several centimeters to over a meter in thickness, and stands are usually 0.5 ha iu size. On more gentle slopes, they are found ou alluvial materials of stream terraces and may range iu size up to 4 ha or more. A thin crust of highly saline salt 1 to 5 cm in depth may form on the siuface. Tliese crusts form iu places where substantial movement of subsurface water accumulates higli concentrations of salts and sodium near tlie surface through high evaporation rates (Browu 1971). Tlie porous lignite seams may cause subsurface water to move horizontally to the surface on the hillsides (Hanseu and Hoffman 19SS). The upper audlower soil horizons contain conceutrations of sodium salt of 9.1 to 12.00 me/100 g (Brown 1971). Soil pH is around S.O. Vegetatiou: Stands have a sparse to moderate woody layer (1 5 -40% cover) dominated by the deciduous, facultative halophytic shrub Sarcobatiis vermiculatus. Otlier characteristic shrubs and dwarf-shrubs may iuclude Artemisia tndentata, Atnplex canescens, Encameria nauseosa (= Chrysothamnns nauseosns)^ and Gidierrezia sarothrae. The herbaceous layer ranges from absent to moderately sparse cover (<25%) of scattered tall and medium-tall buuch glasses, such as Pseiidovoegnena spicata, Achnathenini hymenoides (= Oryzopsis hymenoides), and tlie sod grass Bouteloua graahs. Annual grasses, especially the exotic Bromus tectorum and Bromus japonicus may be present. Forbs are sparse, except on disturbed, weedy sites. Forb species may include Eriogonum pauciflorum, Suaeda calceoltformis, or Sphaeralcea coccmea. Occasionally, cacti, such as Opuntia fragilis or Opuntia polyacantha, may also be present (Browu 1971, Hansen andHoffiuan 19S8). Dyuamics: Natural disturbances include ongoing erosion of badlands topography, and, where stands are near stieams, occasional frash Hoods. GRank & Reasous: G3 (99-09-23). Tliis type is restricted to Badlauds topography in the uorthem Great Plains, rarely exceeding 4 -5 ha iu size. Sites are not particularly threatened, but site requirements are veiy specialized (liighly salty subsurface soils) and localized. Appendix E-20 Element Distribution Range: Tliis community is fomid in the badlands regions of southeastern Montana and western South Dakota, and possibly in northeastern Wyoming and western North Dakota. States/Provinces: MT:S3,ND:S?, SD:S?, WY? Element Sources Authors: D. Faber-Langendoen, WCS Confidence: 1 fdentifier: CEGLOOf 367 References: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Brown 1971, Driscoll et al. 19S4, Hansen 19S5, Hansen and Hoffinanl988 Appendix E -21 V. HERBACEOUS VEGETATION VA.S.N.a. Tall sod temperate grassland V.A.5.N.A.3. ANDROPOGON HALLII HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Andropogon HALLII - Calamovilfa longifolia Herbaceous Vegetation Sand Blue^tem - Prairie Sandreed Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinmai'y: Tliis sand prairie community is found in the uorthem and central Great Plains of the United Slates and Canada. Stands are found on sandy deposits, usually on gentle to moderate slopes, ranging from stabihzed rolhng to choppy saud dunes. Tlie soil is saud, loamy sand, or sandy loam, often erodible, and somewhat poorly developed. Tliis community is dominated by moderately widely spaced mid to tall grasses. The most abundant species are Andiopogon hallii and Calamovilfa longifolia. Other graminoids that may be found in this commimity include Bouteloua gracilis, Bouteloua hirsuta, Carex duriuscida, Carexfihfolia, Cavex mops ssp. heliophila, Cyperus schweinitzii, Eragrosti^ trichodes, Hesperostipa comata (= Sttpa comata), Koelevia macrantha, Muhlenbergia pungens , Redfisldia flexuosa , ^nd Schizachynum scoparium. Forbs and slirubs are a minor component of the total vegetation. Characteristic forbs include Chenopodium subglabrum, Chamaesyce serpyllifolia, Hehanthns pauciflovus, Hehanthiis petiolans, Lappula occidentalis vav. occidentalis, Liatris punctata, Lithospermum incisum, Lygodesmia jimcea, Monarda punctata, Oenothera rhombipetala. Penstemon haydenii (in Nebraska), nnd Pso rah dmm lanceolatiim. Artemisia frigida and Yucca glauca are the most common slirubs, especially on wiud-blown dime crests and choppy slopes in Nebraska sandliills. Li soutlieastern North Dakota, a subtype containing tallgrass species may be distinct; species include AwtAi-opogon gerardu, Syniphyotnchum encoides [= Aster ericoides), Lithospermum canescens, Sohdago nemoralis, and ^orobolus heterolepis. In Montana, this plant association is uncommon as a widely-scattered featme associated with active wind erosion. Montana in general does not have the choppy dime systems that characterize the Nebraska Sandhills and the glacial lake sandliills elsewhere in the northern Great Plains, where they are more extensive and well-developed. Tliis plant association is at the ''rim" of blowouts within the most similar of Montana landscapes, i.e., the Medicine Lake sandliills of Sheridan County. But, tliis type is so small and narrow a vegetation band that it was not included in the description of plant associations here. Tliere is more habitat for it in the imglaciated sedimentary plains of tlie Fort Union Fonnation at localized erosion features associated with sandstone outcrops, though widely- scattered and in small pockets. In Powder River County, this plant association is uncommon in places with sandstone outcrops as found in at least the eastern end of the County. Envli^onment: This community is usually found on sandy deposits, such as dunes, with gentle to moderate slopes (Johnston 19S7). Tlie soil is sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam and often erodible. Hirsch (1985) reported that stands of this type in southwestern North Dakota were small, generally less than 0.05 ha. In Montana and Powder River County, this plant association is restricted to active wind erosion features in the Sands ecological sites, most often in the sideslopes of a blowout but also at tlie rim. It occurs in Powder River County within tlie 10-14 in ppt. zone, and at higher precipitation levels elsewhere. Vegetation: This community is dominated by moderately widely spaced mid to tall grasses. The most abundant species are An^'opogon hallii and Calamovilfa longifolia. Other graminoids that may be found in this community include Bouteloua gracilis, Bouteloua hirsuta, Carex duriuscula (= Carex eleochans), Carexfihfolia, Carex mops ssp. heltophila, Cyperus schweinitzii, Eragrostis trichodes, Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata), Koelevia macrantha, Muhlenbevgia pungens. Redfteldia flexuosa^ awd Schizachyrtun\ scopariun\. Forbs and shrubs are a minor component of the total vegetation. Characteristic forbs include Chenopodium subglabrum, Chamaesyce serpyllifolia (= Euphorbia serpyllifolia), Hehanthus pauciflorus, Helianthus petiolans , Lappula occidentalisvar. occidentalis, Liatris punctata, Lithospermum inasum, Lygodesmia junce a, Monarda punctata, Oenothera rhonibipetala, Penstemon haydenii (in Nebraska), and Psoralidiuni lanceolatum. Artemisia fngida and Yucca glauca are the most common shnibs, especially on wind-blown dime crests and choppy slopes in Nebraska Appendix E -2 2 sandliills (Steinauer anclRolfsmeier 2000). On eroding parts of the Nebraska Saudliills a number of different species may occur, including Chamaesyce geyen, Chamaesyce missunca, Chenopodmm beii^wdien. Chenopodium pratencola, Cycloloma atripltcifolmm , Engeron bellidiastrum , Enogonum anmmm, Froelichia floridana var. campestns, Ipomop^ts longiflora, and Linum I'lgidiini. Redfieldia flexuosa is common iu blowouts (Steiuauer and Rolfsmeier 2000). In southeastern North Dakota, a subtype containing tallgrass species may be distinct; species include A\\6^opogon gerardu. SiTiiphyotnchura encoides (= Aster encoides), Lithospevmum canescens, Solidago nemoralis, and Sporobolus heterolepis (Burgess 1965). In soutliwestem Kansas, Calaniovilfa gigantea may be present (Lauver et al. 1999). In Montana, the vegetation is dominated or co-dominated by And^opogon hallii and Calamovdfa longifolta. Sometimes they sort in separate small bands by microliabitat and succession^ but they are more often intermixed. Other graminoides that are often present incXwd^ Achnatherum hymenoides, Sporobolus ciypt?i\i^'iis and Hesperostipa comata. Forbs ty'picTAXy incXwd^ Ambrosia pstlostachy a, Enogonum annuum, Helianthus pettolaris , Lygodesmia juncea, Psoraltdium lanceolatum, and Tvadescantia occidentalis. Dynamics: Blowouts may occur in this community type, leading to bare soils or subsoils. Blowouts may be related to severe diouglits and windstorms, and may occur in conjunction with grazing pressures or fires that reduce the ability of the vegetation cover to stabihze tlie sand. An^-opogon hallu - Carex mops ssp. hehophila Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001466) may be an early successional phase on blowouts, at least in the northern states (Burgess 1965). Blowouts may subsequently develop into tliis type where sands have been stabilized and vegetation cover and diversity are high. GRank & Reasons: G4G5 (00-03-24). This type has a relatively restricted distribution in teiins of site characteristics, but has a wide distiibution in the northern Great Plains. Tlie community is reported fi'om 7 ecoregional sections in Kansas, Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Stands are typically less than a few hectares in size in tlie nortliern parts of the range, but can be quite extensive in tlie Nebraska Sandhills. Total coverage is over 100,000 acres. Tlneats are not known. Higli-ranked species: This plant association or closely related ones harbor many SI and S2 plant species in Montana, including Chenopodmm subglabnim, Ciyptantha fendlen, Cyperus schweimtzn, Dalea villosa var villosa. Mentzeha nuda. Psoralea lanceolata, and possibly others. Comments: Stands in this association may vary from north to south and east to west. More northern stands may have higher dominance by Carsx fill folia or Carex mops ssp. heliophila. Distinctions between this type and Andi-opogon hallii - Carex mops ssp. heliophila Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001466) are not entirely clear. Note tliat Looman (19S0) describes this type for Manitoba, but these northern stands also contain Carex siccata (= Carex foenea), Danthonia spicata, and Festiica ovma. Cuiiently tlie North Dakota Heritage Program restricts this type primarily to the tallgrass prairie region of the state, where sands are deep, as described in part by Burgess (1965): however, it is reported farther west in soutliwestern North Dakota (Hirsch 1985) and Montana. Rangewide application of this type needs further review. In Minnesota, relatively small Calamovilfa /o^^i/o^j^- dominated patches can occur in dry sandpraiiies or barrens, particularly on crests of dunes, but these are treated as part of Schizachynum scopariuni - Hesperostipa spartea - Bouteloua {curtipendiila, gracilis) Sand Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL005204). Andiopogon hallii does not occur as a native species in Minnesota. Steve Kettler (pers. comm. 199S) indicated that this association does not occur in Colorado (although tliey once tracked it). All of their sandliill types Qoni^inArtenusiafilifolia and are classified {or will be reclassified) ^sAftemisia filifolia / Andi'opogon hallu Shrubland (CEGL001459). NRCS range site descriptions state that abimdance of Artemisia filifolia should be low, but Kettler thinks it is always present, otlierwise the vegetation and environment are similar. He suggested that the presence or absence qI Artemisia filifolia seems to make a good split between the southern (Colorado and south and east) and tlie northern (Nebraska and north) sandhills. Element Distribution Range: Tliis sand prairie community is found in the northern and central Great Plains of the United States and Canada, ranging fiom Manitoba and Saskatchewan, south to Kansas. In Montana, it is localized within the aeohan sand deposits of the Medicine Lake Sandhills. There exists appropropii ate habitat in the unglaciated sedimentaiy plains at locahzed erosion features associated with sandstone Appendix E -2 3 outcrops, tliough widely- scattered and in small pockets. States/Provinces: KS:S2S3, MB:S?,MT:S?,ND:S?,NE:S5, SD:S?, SK:S? Element Sources Authors: Drake, J. F., WCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Coiifidfnce: 1 Identifier: CEGL001467 Referfiices: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Bmner 1931, Burgess 1965, Driscoll et al. 1984, Hirscli 1985, Hoagland 199Sa, Johnston 1987, Lauver et a!. 1999, Loomau 1980, Ramaley 1939b, Soil Conservation Sei-vice 1978, Steinauer 1989, Steiuauer and Rolfsmeier 2000, Tolstead 1941, Tolstead 1942 ANDROPOGON HALLII - CAREX INOPS S3R HELIOPHILA HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Sand Bluestem - Sun Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinmai'y: This sand blue stem prairie community type is found iu restricted areas of the northern Great Plains of tlie United States. Stands occur on gently to steeply sloping terrain with saud or sandy loam soil. In Montana, stands occiu' on slopes of any aspect, but north is the least likely. Li North Dakota, they occur on steep, choppy sands. Tlie vegetation is veiy open, ranging fiom 15-50% cover. The taller herbaceous stratum of tliis community is dominated by And; 0/3 0^0 ?i hallu^ witli associates of Calamovdfa longifoha, He^perostipa comata (= Sttpa coniata}^ »nd Spoi'obolus ayptnndi'us. In southeastern North Dakota Koeleria macrantha, Redfisldia flexuosa^ and Hesperostipa spartea (= Stipa spavtea) are present at low abundance. The lower herbaceous stratum is dominated by Carex spp., especially Caj'ex mops ssp. helwphila. Other species that may be present Mt Artemisia fngida, Carex fill folia, Carex dunuscula , Dalea villosa, and Yucca glnnca. Key diagnostic characteristics include the choppy sand dune habitat, the very open structure of the vegetation, dominance by Andropogon hallii with Carex inops ssp. heliophila and the presence of early successional species, such ^% Redfteldta flexiiosa. Envli^onment: Tliis type is found on gentle to steep sloping terrain with sand or sandy loam soil. In Montana, it can occur on slopes of any aspect but north is the least likely (MTNHP 1988). In North Dakota, it occurs on steep, choppy sands (Heidel 1984a). Vegetation: The vegetation is veiy open, ranging from 15-50% cover (Burgess 1965). The taller herbaceous stiatum of this community is dominated by An djqpo^o?? hallu y\^ith associates of Calamovilfa loiigifolia. Hesperostipa cor\iata (= Sttpa comata}, and ^oroboliis cryptnndius. In southeastern North Dakota Koelena macrantha, Redfieldia flexuosa, ^nd Hesperostipa spartea (= Stipa spartea) are present at low abundance, and Carex tnops ssp. heliophila is not present (Burgess 1965, Nelson et al. 19S1). The lower herbaceous stratiun is dominated by Carex spp., especially Carex mops ssp. heliophila. Other species that may be present avG Artemisia frigida, Carex filifolia, Carex durmscula (= Carex eleochans), Dalea villosa (= Petalostemon villosus)^ and Yucca glauca. Dynamics: Blowouts may occur in this commiuiity type, leading to bare soils or subsoils. Blowouts may be caused by severe dioughts and windstorms, and may occur in conjunction with grazing pressures that reduce tlie ability of the vegetation cover to stabilize the sand Tliis type may be an early successional stage on these blowouts where vegetation cover and diversity are low. It may develop into Calamovdfa longifolia - Andropogon hallii Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001469) (Burgess 1965). GRank & Reasons: G3 (96-02-01). Tliis type has a veiy restricted distiibution both geographically, and in teiins of site characteristics. Stands are only known from soutlieastern Montana and soutlieastern North Dakota, where tliey are typically less than a hectare in size. A recent rapid ecological assessment of the Northern Great Plains did not turn up any sites for this type, substantiating its restricted nature (Martin et al. 1998). Tlireats are not known. Comments: Tliis association occurs only in limited places. Rangewide review is still needed, e.g., distinctions between it and Awdiopogon hallii - Calamovdfa longifolia Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001467) are not entirely clear. Awd^-opogon hallii occurs in Manitoba, but stands are placed in t\\t And)-opogon hallii - Ccdaraovilfa longifolia Herbaceous Vegetatiou (CEGL00I467) [see Looman 1980]. Stands in southeastern North Dakota may contain more tallgr ass prairie associates^ such as Awdiopogon gerardii, Symphyotnchum ericoides {= Aster Appendix E-24 sj'icoide^), Lithospermum canescen^, Solidago nemotahs, and Sporobolus heterolspi:^^ than those in Montana. The name of this association should probably be changed to Calamovilfa longifolia - Carex mops ssp. helwphila - Carex fill folia Herbaceous Vegetation. Carex filifolta occurs on a wider variety of substiates than does Cavex inops ssp. hehophila, which is more restricted to lighter sands. Steve Cooper (pers. comm. 1998) also notes that Car sx fill folia occius farther nortli and west in Montana than does Carex mops ssp. hehophila. In Montana, Carex inops ssp. hehophila also occms on shales that have been weathered to sand particles. In North Dakota, this type is restricted to the western part of the state. Element Distribution Range: Tliis sandbluestem prairie community type is found in restricted areas of the northern Great Plains of the United States, including southeastern Montana and southeastern North Dakota. States/Provlnces: MT:S3,ND:S? Element Sources Authors: J. Drake, WCS Confidence:! Identifier: CEGL001466 References: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Burgess 1965, Culwell and Scow 1982, DriscoU et al. 19S4, Heidel 1984a, Looman 19S0, MTNHP 1988, Nelson et al. 19S1 V.A.5.N.A.11. CALAMOVILFA LONGIFOLIA HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Calamovilfa longifolia - Carex INOPS ssp. helwphila Herbaceous Vegetation Praiiie Sandreed - Snn Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summai'y: This prairie sandreed grassland is found in tlie northwestern Great Plains of the United States and Canada. Stands typically occur on gentle slopes bnt can also be found on flat land or moderate to steep slopes. Soils are thin sands, sandy loams, and loamy sands, in places derived from sandstone. Moisture levels may be high deeper in the soil profile. Most stands of this community are not veiy large. Tlie vegetation is dominated by graminoids, with two strata, one of mid to tall grasses, the other of dense short sedges. Shrubs are uncommon. In the taller grass layer, the most abundant species is Calamovilfa longifolia. Other species found in this layer include Koelena macrantha, Schizachyrmra scopnnum, ^nd Hesperostipa coraata (= Stipa coraata). Pascopyrum smithti may be present on some stands with finer soil textures. The short graminoid layer is composed chiefly of Carex filifolta and Carex mops ssp. hehophila, which may have high cover vahies. Other upland Carices, such as Carex diiriusciila, as well as Bouteloiia gracilis midMuhlenbergia pnngens, may also be present. Forb species diversity is moderate but they do not contribute greatly to the cover. Tlie forbs that are typical of this community include Artemisia dvacunculus, Artemisia frigida, Artemisia ludoviciana, Chenopodium album, Chenopodium leptophyllum, Lathyrus spp., Liatris punctata, Lygodesmia jiincea. Phlox hoodii, and Psoraliditun lanceolatum. Envii^onment: Stands are found on gently rolling uplands witli little to moderate slopes (typically between and 20%, bnt occasionally as high as 39%) (Hirsch 1985, Hansen and Hoffman 1988). Tlie soils are sand, sandy loam, or loamy sand and there is rarely substanfial soil horizon development (Hanson and Whitman 193S). TTie parent material is sandstone (USES 1992). Moisture levels may be high deep in the profile. In Powder River County, tliis plant associafionis found within the Sandy Ecological Sites of the 10-14 and 15-19 inch precipitation zones. Vegetation: Tlie vegetafion structure is somewhat open, with cover averaging 65% in parts of its range (USFS 1992). The vegetation is dominated by graminoids, with two strata^ one of mid to tall grasses, the otlier of dense short sedges. In the taller glass layer, the most abundant species is Calamovilfa longifolia. Other species foimdin this layer inchide FCoeleria macrantha, Schizachyriunj scopanum, and Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Pascopyrum sniithii may be present on some stands with finer soil textures. The short- graminoid layer is composed chiefly of Carex filifolia and Carex inops ssp. hehophila, which may have high cover values. Other upland Carices, such as Carex duruiscula (= Cavex eleocharis), as well as Bontelona gracilis mid Muhlenbergia Appendix E -2 5 pungens, may also be present. Forb species diversity is moderate, but they do not contribute greatly to the cover (Hausou audWIiitman 193S, USFS 1992). Tlie forbs that are typical of this community include Artemisia dvacuncuhis, Artemista fngidci (considered a shnib by some ^wthoxi^, Artemisia liidoviciana, Chsnopodium album, Chenopodium leptophyllum, Lathynis spp., Li atris punctata, Lygodssmia juncea. Phlox hoodn, and Psoralidium lancsolatum. Shnibs are uncommon. Wlien shrubs are present they are short shrubs such as Yucca glauca, Rosa spp., ?iudArtemisia fngida (considered a forb by some authors). GRank & Reasons: G3 (96-02-01). No occurrences have been documented, but the community is reported in 3 ecoregional subsections in Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Sonth Dakota, and Saskatchewan. It is a very uncommon community in Badlands National Park, South Dakota. Comments: The name of this association should probably be changed to Calamovilfa longifolia - Carex mops ssp. heliophila - Carex fthfolia Herbaceous Vegetation. Cavex fiUfoha occurs on a wider variety of substrates tlian does Carsx inops ssp. hsliophila, which is more restricted to lighter sands. Steve Cooper (pers. comm. 1998) also notes that Carex filifolta occurs fartlier north and west in Montana than does Carsx inops ssp. heliophila. In Montana, Carex inops ssp. heliophila also occurs on shales that have been weathered to sand particles. Li North Dakota, this type is restricted to the western part of the state. Element Distribution Range: This prairie sandreed grassland is found in the northwestern Gieat Plains of the United States and Canada, ranging from the western Dakotas to Montana and Saskatchewan. States/Provinces: MT:S3?,ND:SU, SD:S?, SK:S? Element Sources Authors: K. Hirsch, mod. J. Drake andD. Faber-Langendoen, WCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidence: 2 Identifier: CEGL001471 Referfnces: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, DriscoU et al. 1984, Hansen 19S5, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988, Hansen etal. 1984, Hanson and Wliitman 1938, Hirsch 1985, USFS 1992 Calamovilfa longifolia - Hesperostipa comata Herbaceous Vegetation Prairie Sandreed - Needle- and- Tine ad Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinmai'y: This prairie sandreed grassland community type occurs in the central and northern Great Plains region of the United States. Stands occur on stabihzed sand dunes, as well as in interdunal vaUeys, coUuvial sands, and, less commonly, silty terraces of intermittent streams. Soils are mediimi to fine sands foiined either fiom eolian or colluvial processes. Tlie vegetation has an open canopy, dominated by mid to tall grasses. Calamovilfa longifolia and Hespevostipa comata (= Stipa comata) are the most conspicuous and dominant grasses. Other common grasses include Bouteloua gracilis, Koeleria macrantha, Achnatheruni hymenoides (= Oryzopsis hymenoides), ^orobolus ciypt?[n6i'HS . The type may grade into stands dominated by Pascopyrum smithit and Nassella viridula (= Stipa vindula) at tlie base of slojjes. Andi'opogon hallii or Hesperostipa spartea (= Stipa spartea) may also be present. Sedges are rare, but could include Carex inops ssp. heliophila. Forb diversity ranges from low to moderate, depending on the site. Diy valley sand prairies may be particularly forb-rich. Silty terraces of inteiinittent streams may cout^iu Artemisia frigida, Artemisia ludoviciana, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Psoralidium teniuflorura, and Yucca glauca. Shrubs are scattered and infrequent to absent, with Rhus trilobata the most common species. Tliese areas are higlily susceptible to invasion by exotic brome grasses (Bromus japonicus, Bromiis squarrosus, Bromus tectorum) and may be quite weedy. Envii^onment: Stands occur on stabilized sand dunes, as well as in interdimal valleys or diaws, colluvial sands, and, less commonly, silty terraces of intermittent stieams. Soils are medium to fme sands formed either from eolian or colhivial processes. For example, in Nebraska stands occur below sandstone ontcrops and escarpments. More rarely, stands occnr on floodplain teiraces of intermittent streams, where soils are moderately deep, poorly drained, silty loams and loams (Heerwagen 1958, USDI 1979, Barnes et al. 19S4, Steinauer andRolfsmeier 2000). Appendix E -2 <5 In Powder River County, this plant association is foimdin the Sandy Ecological Sites of the 10-14 inch precipitation zone. Vegetation: The vegetation has an open canopy, dominated by mid to tall grasses. Calaniovilfa longifolta is the most conspiciions grass. Other common grasses include Bouteloua gracilis, Bonteloua gracilis, Koelei'ia maci'antha, Achnatherum hymenoides (= Oiyzopsis hynienoides), Spofobolu:^ ciypt?in6ii'us^ and Hesperostipa coniata (= Stipa comatct). Pciscopyrum smithn (= Agropyron sraitha) v^ndNassella vindnla (= Stipa viridula) may occur on more level sites at the base of slopes (Barnes et al. 19S4, Steinauer and Rolf smeier 2000). An^-opogon hallii may also be present. Sedges are rare but could include Cavex mops ssp. hehophila. Forb diversity ranges fi'om low to moderate, depending on the site. Diy valley sand prai lies may be particularly forb-iich. Silty terraces of intermittent streams may contain Aiteniisi a fngida, Artemisia ludoviaana, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Psorahdium tenuiflonini, and Yucca glauca (Steinauer and Rolf smeier 2000). Shrubs are scattered and infiequent to absent, with Rhus trilobata the most common species. These areas are higlily susceptible to invasion by exotic brome grasses {Bromus japomcus , Bromus squan'osus, Bromus tectorum) and may be quite weedy (Heerwagen 1958, USDI 1979, Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000). Dynamics: Blowouts caused by diought and wind may occur in this type. Tlie type probably represents a later successional stage. Earlier stages may be dominated by An<\>opogon hallu {e.g., An6^-opogon hallu - Calamovilfa longifolia Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001467)). Heavy grazing may increase the hkelihood of blowouts. GRank & Reasons: G3 (96-02-01). Tlie community is reported in 2 ecoregional sections in Wyoming, Colorado, and Nebraska. It is restricted primarily to stabihzed sand dimes, as well as ininterdunal valleys or diaws, colluvial sands, and intermittent streams, but it has a moderately wide distribution in the cental to northern Great Plains. Stands are typically less than a few hectares in size, but larger stands are found in interdimal valleys in Nebraska, some reaching 100 acres or more {G. Steinauer pers. comm. 1999). Li Nebraska, this community can be heavily grazed and subsequently invaded by exotic species (Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000). Comments: Tliis type may perhaps be differentiated from otlier types, such as Calamovilfa longifolia - Carex inops ssp. hehophila Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001471), by the absence or low abimdance of Carcx filifolia and Cavex inop^ ssp. hehophila^ though why those species are not abundant in this type is not clear. Further floristic comparisons need to be made to help make tlie distinction clear between that type and this type. Some floristic variability is to be expected in this type, based on successional patterns following dime blowouts. Steve Kettler {pers. comm. 199S) says they don't have this type in Colorado. It sounds like a version of a locally described Ands-opogon hallu - Hesperostipa comata type, of which Colorado is also not very confident. Kettler suspects that a lot of the variation in glass dominance is fiom different management (grazing) over the years. The silty terrace stands are reported from tlie White River drainage in northwestern Nebraska and Badlands National Park, South Dakota (VonLoh et al. 1999, Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000). Element Distribution Range: Tliis prairie sandreed grassland community type occurs in the central and northern Great Plains region of tlie United States, ranging from Colorado and Nebraska, nortli to Wyoming and South Dakota. Tliis type has been documented in Powder River County, Montana. States/Provinces: AB?, CO?, MT:S3, NE:S?, SD:S?, WY:S3 Element Sources Authors: G. Steinauer and S. Rolfsmeier, mod. D. Faber-Langendoen, WCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidencf: 2 Identlfifr: CEGL001473 Referfuces: BLM 1979b, Barnes et al. 1984, Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, CDM Consultants n.d., Driscoll et al. 19S4, Heerwagen 1958, Johnston 1987^ Mine Reclamation Consultants 1977, Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000, YonLohet al. 1999 Appendix E -2 7 V,A.5.N,c, Medium -tall sod temperate or subpolar grassland V.A.5.N.C.29. HESPEROSTIPA COMATA - BOUTELOUA GRACILIS HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE HESPEROSTIPA COMATA - BOUTELOUA GRACILIS- C AREX FILIFOLIAHEKB ACEOUS VEGETATION Needle-and-Thread - Blue Grama - Threadleaf Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summai'y: This ueedlegrass - grama grass prairie community is common iu tlie northern and ceuhal Great Plains of the United States. Stands occur on flat to r oh iug topography with deep (40-100 cm), sandy loam to loam, coarser-textured soils. Tliey are typically associated with uplands, though they may also occur lower in the landscape, such as coulee and draw bottoms, if soils are sufficiently coarse (usually sandstone-derived). Tlie type is foimd at elevations ranging from 600-1700 m (2000-5500 feet); average annual precipitation associated with fliese elevation param ranges from shghtiy less than 25 cm to over 50 cm {10-20 inches). The vegetation is dominated by moderate to moderately dense medium-tall grasses. Hesperostipa comata {= Stipa comata) is the tallest of the dominant species, sending seed heads to a maximum height of approximately 1 m. Tlie rhizomatous graminoids Bouteloua gracilis and Carex filifoha ^ tlie other two doni in a nt/co dominant species, do not usually exceed 0.5 m. Calamovilfa longifoha is often foimd with high cover values on sandier soils, and Koelena macrantha cover increases on degraded sites. Tliere are regionalized expressions of variability with Carex inops ssp. heliophila surpassing Carex fdi folia in Colorado and Calamagrostts montanensis being at least as important as the diagnostic species in noith-central Montana. Pascopyrum smithit is consistently present. For woody species, siibshrub forms (Artemisia fiigida, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Rosa arkansana) have the highest cover and constancy, but their total cover does not sum to more than 5%, except on overgrazed sites. Cover values for forbs are low (the exception being Selagmella densa). Geographic setting influences forb composition to some degree, with ^haeralcea cocanea. Phlox hoodit, Hetevotheca villoma, Gaura cocanea^ and Liatns punctata common in the noithem areas, ^nd Lygodesmia juncea, Opuntia polyacantha, Avtenusia dracunculiis, aud Ratibida colummfera seeming to increase to the eastern and southern areas. Envii'onment: Stands occur on flat to rolling topography with deep (40-100 cm) sandy loam to loam soils. Tliey are typically associated with uplands, though they may also occur lower in the landscape, such as coulee and draw bottoms, if soils are sufficiently coarse (usually sandstone derived). Even though it is a major association in the Northern Plains, it does not occur in areas dominated exclusively by shale and mudstone parent materials, from which heavy soils are derived. This type is found at elevations ranging from 600 to 1700 m (2000-5500 feet); average annual precipitation associated with these elevation parameters ranges fiom slightly less than 25 cm to over 50 cm (10 to 20 inches). Vegetation: Tlie vegetation is dominated by moderately dense graminoids that are usually between 0.5 and 1 m tall. For example, on 19 stands in west-cenhal Montana the cover by tiie different strata was as foUows: shrubs 6%, graminoids 67%, forbs 11%, biyophytes 14%, titter 55%, rock 4%, bare soil 9% (Miieggler and Stewart 1978). Thilenius et al. (1995) found that the average cover on 14 stands in eastern Wyoming was 42%. Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata) is the taUest of the dominant species, sending seed heads to a maximum height of approximately 1 m. The rhizomatous graminoids Bouteloua gracilis and Carex filifolia , the other two dominant/ codominant species, do not usually exceed 0.5 m. Calamovilfa longifolia is often found with liigh cover values on sandier soils and Koelsria macrantha cover increases on degraded sites. There are regionalized expressions of variability with Carex mops ssp. heliophila surpassing Carex fi I foil a in Colorado and Calaniagrostis montanensis being at least as important as the diagnostic species in north-cenhal Montana. Pascopyrum snuthii is consistentiy present. For woody species, subshrub forms {Arteraisia frigida, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Rosa arkansana) have the highest cover and constancy but their total cover does exceed more than 5%, except on overgrazed sites. Cover values for forbs are low throughout the range of tlie type (the exception being Selaginella densa). Geographic setting does influence forb composition to some degree. Sphaeralcea coccinea, Phlox hoodii, Heterotheca villosa, Gaura coccinea^ ^nd Liatr is punctata, have high constancy values in northern areas, whereas in the eastern and southern portions of the range Lygodesmia juncea, Opuntia polyacantha, Artemisia dracunculus and Ratibida columnfera seems to be more constant. AppendixE-2S Dynamics: Vast (singly and in tlie aggregate) prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) "towns" once developed on the favorable substrates of tliis type and exploited its vegetation. Prairie dog populations have undergone a precipitous decline since settlement, so much of this type conld be in various states of secondary succession, returning from a somewhat denuded slate and altered composition created by tlie prairie dogs (and attendant bison that found nutritions forage here). Fire, both aboriginal- and lightening- caused, was a regular part of this landscape. Fire- retum intervals have been considerably lengthened since settlement by European- Americans. This association and Pascopyrum sraithu - Bouteloiia gracilis - Carex filifoha Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001579) could be considered the most common plant associations in the Northern Great Plains (Martin et al. 1998). These two associations, cited by many authors as the chmatic climax communities for this region, are manifested by matrix or large patch occuiiences frequently found dominating whole landscapes. The Hesperosttpa coraata {= Stipa coniata) defined community is more associated with uplands and the Pascopyrum smithii defined type characterizes sites with higher moisture status, generally occurring at lower positions in the landscape. GRank & Reasons: G5 (99-02-25). Tliis is an exceedingly common type, manifesting any number of permutations, some of which are related to disturbance and some of which appear to be related to the expected geographic distinctions in such a broadly distributed type. Tlie only reason to consider it a G4 is that it has received, and continues to receive, significant grazing pressure which, combined with the surge in alien weed populations, pose a significant threat to its quality. Comments: Carex ftlifoha is lacking or highly reduced in importance southward. Soutliern stands were once classified separately (CEGL001699), and fiirther review of their characteristics compared to more northern stands is needed. Weaver and Albeitson (1956) also remark on the fact that low sedges are present as far south as Texas but are important only north of Colorado. However^ a phase of the Hesperostipa comata - Bouteloua gracilis type of Mueggler and Stewart (1980) in western Montana is apparently quite similar to communities of the southern and southeastern portions or the Northern Great Plains, andbotli lack Carex fth folia. Tliere are a welter of named commimity types, mostly serai representations of grazing or fire impacts, that vary by having one or another of the defining species (or even other graminoids, e.g., Carex mops ssp. heliophila) dominant. Tliis assemblage of types is also defined by having relatively low cover of both Pascopyrum snuthti ^\nX Elymus lanceolatns (= Agropyron dasystachyum). To accommodate these permutations within the concept of the type {as lesser-ranked occurrences) or to recognize tliem as independent vegetation types recognized by existing vegetation composition is one question. Another is, what cover value or degree of dominance of Pascopyrum snuthti or Elymus lanceolatns will serve to establish the distinction between Pascopyi'um smithn - Hesperostipa comata - Carex filifolia (and allied Pascopyrum 5^2 ^f/i^r- "dominated" communities) from the community under consideration. Element Distribution Range: Tliis needlegrass - grama grass prairie community is common in the nortliern and cential Great Plains of tlie United States and Canada, ranging from Manitoba west to Alberta, south to Kansas and possibly Colorado. States/Provinces: AB:S?, CO?, KS:S?, MB:S3, MT:S?, ND:S3?,NE:S?, SD:S?, SK:S?, WY:S3 Element Sources Authors: J. Drake, MCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidence: 1 Identifier: CEGLO02O37 Referfnces: Hansen et al. 1984, Hanson and Whitman 193S, Hubbard 1950, Johnston 19S7, Looman 1980, Mueggler and Stewart 1930, Steinauer and Rolf smeier 2000, Thilenius et al. 1995, Tolstead 1941, Tolstead 1942, Weaver and Albertson 1956 Hesperostipa comata - Carex filifolia Herbaceous Vegetation Needle-and-Thread - Tine adleaf Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Envlionment: hi Powder River County, MT this plant association occurs on sandy, nearly-level uplands scattered along tlie Powder River and on top of isolated, sandstone-capped buttes and ridges. Vegetation: GRank & Reasons: G4 (96-02-01). Appendix E-29 Comments: In Montana this plant association appears to correspond with a subset of environmental conditions for tlie Hesperoshpa comata - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia plant association. Element Distribution Range: In Montana, tliis plant association is reported fiom the Sioux District of Custer National Forest as well as national grasslands in South Dakota (Hansen and Hoffman 19SS). States/Provlnces: MT:S4 Element Sources Anthers: WCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidence: 2 Identifier: CEGL001700 References: Bourgeron and Engelking 1994, Driscoll et al. 1984, Hansen 1985 V.A.5.N.C.27. PASCOPYRUM SMITHII HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Pascopyrum SMITH II - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia Herbaceous Vegetation Western Wheatgrass - Blue Grama - Tlireadleaf Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Snmmai'y: This western wheatgrass prairie commimity occius throughout much of the northwestern Great Plains of the United States and Canada, on flat or genfly sloping terrain. Many stands are on floodplains or gentle valley slopes. Some are on uplands. The soils are clay loam, silt loam, or loam andnsnally deep and fertile. Tliis commimity is dominated by medinm and short graminoids. The midgrass stratum is dominated by Pascopyrum sniithii or Elynius lanceolatus. Common associates include Koelena mcicrantha, Hespevostipa comata (= Stipa comata}^ and Nassella vividula. Hespevostipa comata is more common on the upper slopes and drier upland sites with sandier soils, whereas Nassella vtridida is more common on the lower slopes and floodplains with flner- textnred soils. Tlie most common short graminoid is Bouteloua gracilis. Other common graminoids include Carex filifolia. Carex mops ssp. heliophila^ Carex duriuscula (= Carex eleochavis), and Carex pensylvanica. Forbs do not contribute much of the canopy cover but they are scattered tliroughout this community. Topical forbs are Tragopogon dubms. Gaura cocanea, Hedeoma hispida. Phlox hoodii and Sphaeralcea coccmea. hi Montana, tliis association occurs as a prevalent plant association across eastern plains landscapes and at all smaller scales on fine-textured soils. It has Pascopyrum sraithu composing a significant portion of the canopy cover, representing mid-height stature and rhizomatous growth form, unless suppressed under dionglit cycles. Short stature graminoids (grasses and sedges) compose equal or greater cover tlian the canopy of mid-height grasses. Envli^onment: Tliis community is found on flat or gently sloping terrain. Many stands are on floodplains or gentle valley slopes, others are on uplands. Surface layers of soils arensually clay loams, althongli stands of this type may also be found on loams, silt loams, silty clays and clays (Hanson and Whitman 1938, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988). hi Alberta and Saskatchewan this association grows on solonetzic soils (with an ehivial horizon above a dense clay horizon high in sodium salts) developed on thin glacial till over Cretaceous shale (Coupland 1961). Tliis commimity does not appear to be foimd in monntain valleys (Hanson and Dahl 1956, Jones 1992). In Montana, this community occurs on deep-soil settings of the plains on loams, silt loams, and clay loams, with or without impeded diainage. It spans the fiill range of topographic positions in its cuirent vegetation definition, while sorting by topographic position and permeability depending on species dominance phase. This association and the Hesperostipa comata - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia Association (CEGL002037) could be considered the most common plant associations in the Northern Great Plains {Martin et al. 1998). Tliese two associations, cited by many anthors as the climatic climax commimities for this region, are manifested by matrix or large patch occurrences fieqiiently found dominating whole landscapes. The Hesperostipa con\ata defined community is more associated with uplands and the Pascopyrum smithii defined type characterizes sites with higher moisture status, generally occiuring at lower positions in the landscape. Appendix E-30 In Powder River County, tlie association occurs on gentle slopes ranging &om 0-35 % and it is characteristic of the widespread Silty Ecological Site of the 10-14 inch precipitation zone. It is prevalent on geutler slopes within the Elso-Midway-Tlmrlow aud the Elso-Remmit-Ocean Lake soil associations derived from calcareous shales. It also occurs on Silty Ecological Sites on well-diained deep-loam soils of tlie Elso - Oceau Lake association to the north. It is occasional on upland and bench positions witli suitable substrate iu the Ringhng-Cabba -Midway association to tlie west, a Clayey Ecological Site of tlie 15-19 inch precipitation zone. Vegetation: Tliis community is dominated by medium and short graminoids. Total vegetation cover is usually liigh (Hanson and Dahl 1956, Hansen et al. 1984). Pascopyrum smithu or Elymus lanceolatus or both (the two species are similar both morphologically and ecologically) and Bonteloiia gracilis usually contribute the most cover; however, Bouteloua gracilis cover may vary from codominant to locally absent. Carex fill folia . Carex dwiuscida (= Carex eleochans), and Carex pensydvanica are often secondary species, but they also vary from moderate cover to locally absent. Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa coraata} usually is present as a secondaiy species, but it ofren codominates on sandy loam soils. In Alberta and Saskatchewan, Hesperostipa cwtiseta {= Stipa spartea var. curtissta) may be as common as Hesperostipa comata. Koeleria macrantha is present in most stands and may contribute substantial cover. The forbs most likely to be foimdin this association are Phlox hoodn, ^haeralcea coccinea, Polygomin\ ramosissimum, Plantago patagomca, Opiintia poly acantha, Artemisia frigida, Antennana mici'ophylla, and Hedeon^a hispida. In southeastern Montana, western North Dakota, and northeastern Wyoming, stands of this association often contain Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyorauigensis. Exotic brome grasses, especially Bromiis commutatus and^ronius tectorum^ are present in many stands of this association and they commonly contribute substantial cover (Hanson and Dahl 1956, Coupland 1961, Hansen et al. 1984, Hansen and Hoffinanl988). In Montana, this association occurs as a prevalent plant association across eastern plains landscapes and at all smaller scales on frne-textured soils. It has Pascopyrum smithii composing a significant portion of the canopy cover, representing mid-height stature and rhizomatous growth form, unless suppressed under diouglit cycles. Short stature graminoids (grasses and sedges) compose equal or greater cover tlian the canopy of mid-height grasses. We note that in Powder River County, all combinations of species as co-dominants have been documented. Buchloe dactyloides is also a recurring co-dominant to add to the plant association description. Li places co- dominated by Pascopyrum smithii and Buchloe dactyloides^ the cover of grasses was high under good range conditions (greater than 70%) and the cover of forbs was low, often including one or more of the following: Agoseris glauca, Hedeoma hispida, Lomatium foeniculaceum, Linum australe, Psoralea argophylla, and ^haeralcea coccinea. Under degraded range conditions, the cover of annual bromes, Vulpia octoflora and Poa secunda increased, and tlie cover of Pascopyrum smithii decreased. Forb cover was significant only under degraded conditions, with such non-native or increaser species ?[%Alyssum desertorum, Camelina sativa, Opuntia polyacantha and Plantago eriopoda. In the course of this study, we took ten plots and extensive field notes, with particular emphasis on documenting the vegetation co-dominated by Pascopyrum smithii and Buchloe dactyloides that was extensive on BLM lands. Dynamics: In the past, fire likely occuixed commonly in this type. Vast (singly and in the aggregate) prairie dog (Cynor^ys ludovicianus) "towns" once developed on tlie favorable substrates of this type and exploited its vegetation. Prairie dog populations have undergone a precipitous decline since settlement, so much of this type could be in various states of secondary succession, returning fiom a somewhat denuded state and altered composition created by the prairie dogs (and attendant bison that found nutritious forage here). Fire, both aboriginal- and lightening-caused, was a regular part of tiiis landscape. Fire -return intervals have been considerably lengthened since settlement by European -Americans. GRsink & Reasons: G4 (96-02-01). Tlie G4 rank is based on the broad geographic range of this type, and its status as a common vegetation type within that range. Heavy grazing and lack of fire tiiroughout its range may cause many stands to have a high proportion of exotics. Higli-rsinked sprcies: Check for correlation witii black-tailed prairie dog towns in the area. Appendix E-31 Comments: Almost any combination of Pascopyi'iim snitthii, Bouteloua gracilis, Carexfihfoha^ and Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata) can be fonnd in the northern and northwestern Gieat Plains, and the relative amounts of these species apparently depend at least in part on soil texture and grazing histoiy. Moreover, drought or wet weatlier can cause the relative amounts of these species in one stand to change markedly in a few years (Ellison andWoolfolk 1937, Weaver and Albertson 1956). Consequently, differentiating between plant associations based solely on the relative amounts of these species is extremely difficult. This Pascopymm smithu - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex ftltfoha association is found on soils in textural classes finer tlian loam in which Pascopyrum sratthii and/or Elymus lanceolatus (which is similar morphologically and ecologically) contribute at least as much cover as does Hesperosttpa comata. Bouteloua gracilis, Elymus lanceolatus and Carex filifolia may be patchily distributed, so areas of several acres should be examined to determine whether the vegetation belongs to this associafion. This association shares major graminoid species with Hesperostipa comata - Bouteloua gracilis - Carex fill foil a Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL002037) but in the latter association, Hesperostipa comata contiibutes more cover than do Pascopyrum smithti or Elymus lanceolatus^ and the latter association grows on soils of loam or coarser texture. Recognition of this plant association in Montana is comphcated by four factors. 1) There is a basic question on delimifing tlie Pascopyrum smithu Alhance as separate fi'om the Hesperostipa comata - Bouteloua gracilis Alhance and possibly others. The classification work to date has amassed information fiom the hteratiire that includes different standards of measure (basal cover vs. canopy cover) as well as different climate cycles. Classification within the ''wheatgrass-needlegrass" domain of Kuchler (1964) may result in different dominance types depending on whether defined by canopy dominance or basal cominance. 2) Tlie inter changeability and ecological equilivence of Pascopyrum smithn and Elymus lanceolatus and the similar needlegrass species-pair has not been analyzed in detail. They sort by lafitude in their distribution and tlieir tendency to have different environmental modes where they occur together waiiants extended documentafion. Note: Elymus lanceolatus is uncommon in Powder River County compared to Pascopyrura smithu. It is most common on overflow outwashes andpanspots. 3) There are many different expressions of the plant association that have been well -documented. Li one of its most widespread foiins, Hesperostipa comata is associated with Pascopyrum smithu and Bouteloua gracilis. In the Ashland District of Custer National Forest, Pascopyrum smithii is associated with Carex fdi folia (Hansen and Hoffman 19SS). In broad, hot aUuvial flats, there are reports of Pascopyrum smithii occurring repea t ably wi til Bouteloua gracilis (Heidel et al. 2000). Given the current concept of this type, they all fit within tlie type, but not all of their environmental characteristics fit. 4) Tlie codominance of Buchloe dactyloides with Pascopyrum sruthu^ as documented on BLM-administered lands in much of Powder River County, has not been well-docmnented in the noithern Great Plains. Vegetation dominated by Pascopyrum smithu, Buchloe dactyloides and Bouteloua gracilis vias briefly described in the South Dakota Badlands (Tolstead 1941), and mapped accordingly by Kuchler (1964). It is widely accepted that heaiy grazing favors increased cover of Buchloe dacytloides, as demonstiated on clay range sites at the Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Experiment Station of the noithern Gieat Plains (Reed and Peterson 1961), as well as in the central and southern Great Plains. In Powder River County, the two species are ubiquitous on silty range sites. The cover values of Pascopyrum snuthii typically ranged fiom 20-30%, but in moisture-collecting settings and successional conditions, may exceed 50%. The cover of Buchloe dactyloides were typicaUy aroimd60%. It superficially resembled blue grama {Bouteloua gracilis), fiom which it differs in vegetative reproduction by stolons, dioecious spikelets, and leaf siuface characteristics. The latter was not present above a trace in plots with this association. Tlie cover of individual native forb species was only a trace. hi Powder River County, we documented co-dominance of Pascopyrum smithu and Buchloe dactyloides as prevalent on eastern plains. Co-dominance of Pascopyrum suiithii and Carex filifolia has been documented on ridge systems to the west (Hansen and Hoffman 19SS) and we documented co-dominance of Pascopyrum smithii, Hesperostipa comata and Bouteloua gracilis with changes in substrate to the north. Element Distribution Range: Tliis western wheatgrass prairie commimity occurs throughout much of the nortliwestem Great Plains of tlie United States and Canada on fiat or gently sloping teiiain, ranging fiom Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada south to Nebraska and possibly Colorado. hi Powder River County, there are extensive areas of fine-textured soils where this is the prevalent plains plant Appendix E -3 2 associatiou. States/Provinces: AB:S?, CO?, MT:S4, ND:S3?,NE:S3S4, SD:S4, SK:S?, WY? Element Sources Authors: H.C. Hausoii and W. Whitman, mod J. Drake aud D. Faber-Langendoen, WCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidence: 2 Identifier: CEGL001579 References: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Driscoll el al. 1984, Ellison andWoolfolk 1937, Hansen 1985, Hansen and Hof&nau 198S, Hansen et al. 1984, Hanson audDahl 19_^6, Hanson aud Whitman 1938, Johnston 1987, Jones 1992b, Kuchler 1964, Ode pers. conim., Steinauer aud Rolfsmeier 2000, Weaver aud Albertson 1956 Pascopyrum SMiTHii Herbaceovs Vegetation Western Wheatgrass Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Sumniai'y: This midgrass prairie type is found in tlie northern and western Great Plains, Rocky Momitains, and tlie interior western United States andpossibiy Canada. Stands occur on level to gently sloping terrain. They are found on alluvial fans, swales, river terraces, floodplains, valley floors and basins. The soils are clay, clay loam, aud sill loam. Pa:^copyrum smithii strongly dominates the moderate to dense (40-100% cover) mixedgrass herbaceous canopy that grows 0.5-1 m tall. Other graminoids tliat co-occur aud may achieve local dominance are Koelena macrantha. Eleochans palnstns, ^ndPoa spp. Many other species common in midgrass prairies are also found in this commiuiity. These mcXvidt Artemista ludoviciana, Enogonum spp.» Bouteloua gracilis, Nassella vwidida^ and Hesperosttpa comata (= Stipa comata). Shrubs and dwarf-shrubs are rare in this community, but occasional woody plants such ?[%Artemisia tridentata, Symphoncarpos spp., EncamehQ naii:^eosa, or Kraschenmmkovia lanata may be present. Introduced species, such as Bromus tectorum, Bromus inermts, Poa pratensis, Melilotus spp, or Cirsium aiyense, are common in some stands, especially where disturbed. Envli^onment: Tliis grassland association is widespread in the nortliern and western Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, the intermountain western United States and possibly Canada. Elevation ranges fiom 600-3000. Stands occur on level to gently sloping terrain. Tliey are found on alluvial fans, swales, river terraces, floodplains, valley bottoms and basins. Tlie soils are deep (40-100 cm) and well -developed with clay, clay loam, and silt loam textiues. Some stands occur on perched water tables. Vegetation: This association is characterized by a moderate to dense (40-100% cover) mixedgrass herbaceous canopy that grows 0.5-1 m tall and is strongly dominated by Pa:^copy rum smithu. Other graminoids that co-occur and may achieve local dominance are Koelena macrantha, Eleochans palustns^ and Poa spp. Many other species common in midgrass prairies are also found in this community. TTiese incXud^Artemma fngida, Artemisia ludoviciana, Achillea sp., Carex spp., Enogonum spp., Bouteloua gracilis. Nassella viridula, and Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Slirubs and dwarf-shnibs are rare in this community, but occasional woody plants such as S\-mphoricarpos spp., Encamena nauseosa, or Krascheninnikovia lanata may be present. Introduced species, such as Bvomiis tectorum, Bromiis inermis, Poapratensis, Melilotus spp., drsmm arvense. Taraxacum officinale^ or Salsola kali^ are common in some stands^ especially where disturbed. Dynamics: In semi-arid chmates, this association is found in relatively mesic topographic positions such as swales, river terraces, floodplains and basins that may be temporarily or intermittently flooded or in some classes, tlie fine textiued soil sometimes perches the water table (Hansen et al. 1995, Hansen and Hall 1997). In more mesic climates it is found in extensive upland areas. GRank & Reasons: G3G5Q (96-02-01). Comments: Tliis community is similar to several others that are dominated or codominated by Pascopyrum smithii. As currently defined, it represents a western Giieat Plains and foothills version of the western wheatgrass types in the central Great Plains. Further work needs to be done to refine tlie differences in composition and enviionmental characteristics. See recent descriptions by Thilenius et al. (1995) {Pascopyrum smithii sodgiass Appendix E -3 3 steppe, a more playa-like wheatgrass type) and by Steiuauer and Rolfsmeier (2000). Li Nebraska, Steiuauer and Rolfsmeier (2000) suggest that their stands may resemble Pascopyrum smithu - Nassella vindula Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001583). Element Distribution Range: Tliis midgrass prairie type is found iu the northern and western Great Plains, Rocky Moimtaius, intennoimtaiu western United States aud possibly Canada, ranging from Nortli Dakota and possibly Saskatchewan, south to Nebraska and Colorado, west to northern Arizona, Utah and Idaho. States/Provinces: AZ:S?, CO:Sl?, ID:S1Q, MT:S4,NE:S?, SD:S?, SK:S?,UT:S3S5, WY:S4Q Element Sources Anthers: I.E. Drake, mod. K. Schiilz, WCS Confidence: 3 IdentlTier: CEGL001577 Referfnces: Aldous and Shantz 1924, Baker 1983c, Baker 19S4a, Baker and Kennedy 1985, Bourgeron and Engelking 1994,Bnnin 1985, Christensen and Welsh 1963, DriscoU etal. 1984, Godfread 1994, Hall and Hansen 1997, Hansen etal. 1991, Hansen etal. 1995, Jones and Walford 1995, Marr and Buckner 1974, Ramaley 1916b, Ramaley 1919b, Ramaley 1942, Shanks 1977, Soil Consei-vation Service 1978, Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000, Tliileniiiset al. 1995, Von Loh 2000 V.A.5.N.C.20. SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM - BOUTELOUA CURTIPENDULA HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM - BOUTELOUA {CURTIPENDULA, GRACILIS)- CAREX FILI FOLIA Herbaceous Vegetation Little Blueslem - (Sideoats Giama, Blue Grama) - Tlneadleaf Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinmai'y: This little bluestem - mixedgrass prairie type is distributed tliroughout the northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada. Stands are usually found on moderate to steep slopes with variable aspects. The soils are typically shaUow and occur over sandstone or limestone. Tlie vegetation is predominantly composed of graminoid species less than 1 m tall with moderate to higli cover. Tlie dominant species is Schizachyrium scopanum with Bouteloua curtipendula, Bouteloua gracilis^ and Cavex filifolia as associates or codominants. A\i6i opogon gerardii, Carex inops ssp. heltophila, Cavex dunuscula^ Koeleria maci'antha, and Calauiovilfi longifolta are often present. Calamovtlfa longifoha may be abundant on sandier soils. Muhlenbergia cuspidata, Hesperostipa comata {= Stipa coraata), Pascopyrum smithu, and Nassella vindida may also be present. Forbs do not contiibute greatly to the canopy, but many species may be found in this community. Among the forbs that may be found are Echinacea angustifoha, Symphyotrichum oblongifolium (= Aster oblongifoluis), Gaura cocanea, Lygodesmia juncea, Helianthus paiLciJlonis ssp. pauciflorus, Rosa arkansana, Ltatns punctata, Pediomehim argophyllum, Symphyotrichum ei'icoides (= Aster ericoides), Dalea purpurea^ and Campanula rotundtfolia. Envli^onment: Tliis community is usually found on gentle to steep slopes with variable aspects (Hansen et al. 1984, Johnston 19S7, Hansen and Hoffiuan 198S). Tlie soil may be loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, or clay loam. Tliere may be a substantial component of gravel. Hansen et al. (19S4) found 7-36% gravel by weight in 16 stands in western North Dakota. The soils are typicaUy shallow and occur over sandstone or hmestone (Johnston 1987, Tliileniuset al. 1995). Vegetation: Tliis community is predominantly composed of graminoid species less tlian 1 m tall. Finus pondevosa may occasionally be present. Tlie vegetation cover is moderate to high. Thilenius et al. (1995) found that vegetation cover was 44% in Wyoming, and Hansen andHoffinan (1988) found 75% cover in Nortli Dakota. Tlie dominant species is Schizachyrium scopanum, with Bouteloua curttpendula, Bouteloua gracilis, and Carex filifolta as associates or codominants. Awdn'opogon gevardii, Cavex inops ssp. hehophila, Carex duriuscula (= Carex eleochans), Koelena macrantha and Calamovilfa longifoha are often present. Calamovilfa longifoha may be abundant on sandier soils. Muhlenbergia cuspidata, Hesperostipa comata (= Sttpa comata), Pascopyrum snnthii, and Nassella vindula may also be present. Pssudoroegneria sptcata may be found in the western portions of this community (Jones 1992). In Manitoba, the graminoids Festuca ovina and Elymfis trachycaulus and the Appendix E -34 liclieu Selagmella densa are more abimdaut (Greeuall 1995). Forbs do not couhibute greatly to the canopy, but many species may be foimd in this community (Hanson and Whitman 1938). Among the forbs that may be fouud are Echinacea ctrtgiistt folia, Symphyotnchum oblongifolmm {= Aster oblortgifoluis), S\-mphyotrtchiim encotdes {= Aster ericoides), Gaura coccmea, Lygodesmia juncea, Hehanthits pauctflorus ssp. paucifiorus^ Rosa arkansana, Liatris punctata, Pediomelum argophylhim (= Psoralen avgophylla). Dalea purpurea. Phlox hoodn, and Campanula rotundifolta . Tliere are very few woody species; those that are present are usually short shrubs siich as Artemisia fngida. Jumperus horizontalis, Tind Yucca glauca. Litter often accimiulates and may cover more than 50% of the ground (Hirsch 19S5). Dynamics: Fire probably played a major role in this type, whereby peiiodic fires would increase graminoid production and deter tree growth. GRank & Reasons: G3G4 (99-09-09). Comments: Contrast this association with Schizachyrmm scopartum - Bouteloua cwttpendula grasslands in New Mexico. Hansen et al. (19S4) report that Bouteloua gracilis and Koeleria macrantha (= Koelerta cnstata) may be prominent in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota. Element Distribution Range: This httle bluestem mixedgrass prairie type is distribnted throughout the northern Great Plains of the United States and Canada, ranging fiom Manitoba and possibly Saskatchewan, south to South Dakota and Wyoming. States/Provinces: MB:S?, MT:S?,ND:S3?, SD:S?, SK:S?, WY:S3 Element Sources Anthers: P.L. Hansen, G.R. Hoffinan, and A.J. Bjugstad, mod. J. Drake andD. Faber-Langendoen, WCS; mod. B.L. Heidel,MTNHP Confidrnce: 2 Identlfifi: CEGL001681 Referfnces: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Butler and Goetz 19S6, Driscoll et al. 19S4, Greenall 1995, Hansen 1985, Hansen and Hoffman 1988, Hansen et al. 1984, Hanson and Whitman 193S, Hirsch 1985, Johnston 1987, Jones 1992b, MTNHP 1988, McAdams et al. 1998, Tliilenius 1972, Tliilenius et al. 1995 V.A.5.N.C.35. SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARJUM - CAREX INOPS 3SP. HELIOPHILA HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Little Bluestem - Snn Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summary: Environment: In Powder River County, this plant association is found in Sandy Ecological Sites, 10-14 inch precipitation zone. Vegetation: Dynamics; GRank & Reasons: 03(96-02-01). Comments: Element Distribution Range: States/Provinces: MT^S3 Element Sources Authors: WCS; mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidencf : 2 IdentiTier: CEGL001682 References: Bourgeron and Engelking 1994, Culwell and Scow 1982, Driscoll et al. 19S4 Appendix E-35 V.A.S.N.d. Medium -tall bunch temperate or subpolar grassland V.A.5.N.D.8. FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE FESTUCA IDAHOENSIS - CAREX INOPS 3SP. HELIOPHILA HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Idaho Fescue - Sim Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summai'y: Festuca idahoensts - Carex mops ssp. heliophila Herbaceous Vegetation is found in the northern Great Plains on upland plateaus and in open areas surrounded by ponderosa pine forest. It is found on moderate slopes (5-15%) of all aspects at around 1200 ni elevation. Soils tend to range fiom loam to sandy loam. Festiica idahoensis is clearly dominant, and Carex inops ssp. heliophila (= Carex heliophila) is constant and abundant. Also usually present are Koelena macrantha (= Koeleria pyramidata), Artemisia hidovictana, Symphyotnchum encoides (= Aster ei'icoide^), nud Pascopy rum ^mithii (=Agropyron smithti), Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata) is often present but only as a minor component of the vegetation. Envii^onment: Tliis herbaceous vegetation type is found on moderate slopes (5-15%) of all aspects at aromid 1200 m elevation. Soils tend to range &om loam to sandy loam. Vegetation: Shnibs and forbs are present, but this type is clearly dominated by giaminoids, with Festuca idahoensis being tlie most prominent species. There is often some exposed soil. GRank & Reasons: G3 (96-02-01). Comments: Tliis vegetation type was documented on an imglaciated landscape and may not occur on the glaciated portions of the Gieat Plains. Festuca idahoensis - Carex inops ssp. heliophila Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001610) is separated from Hesperostipa comata - Carex mops ssp. heliophila of Hansen andHoffinan (19SS) by tlie predominance of Festuca idahoensis and by the lack of significant cover of Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Tlie Festuca idahoensis - Carex inops ssp. heliophila type also has less forb coverage, less leaf htter and more exposed soil (ibid.). Several studies have documented Festuca idahoensis types that have Carex spp. as a dominant associate. Generally however, the species of Carex noted as predominant is different. Carex obtiisata is listed as a main component for a number of types (Hansen and Hoffman 1988). Mueggler and Stewart (1980) note a Festuca idahoensis - Carex filifoha habitat type. Element Distribution Range: Tliis community is found in Montana. States/Provinces: MT:S3 Element Sources Authors: WCS Confidence: 1 Identifier: CEGL001610 Referfuces: Bourgeron and Engelking 1994, Driscoll et al. 1984^ Hansen 1935^ Hansen and Hoffinan 1988, Mueggler and Stewart 1980 VA.5.N.D.22. PSEUDOROEGNERIA SPICATA HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE PSEUDOROEGNERIA SPICATA - BOUTELOUA CURTIPENDULA HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Bluebunch Wlieatgrass - Sideoats Grama Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summai'y: This mixedgrass association ranges in size fiom small to large patches which are located on foothills and sideslopes along major diainages between the Tongue and Powder rivers of southeastern Montana. This type is considered a topo-edaphic climax by Hansen and Hoffinan (1988) because it occurs on moderate to steep (>45%) slopes the surfaces of which are stiewn with large amounts of irregularly shaped, iron oxide porcelainite shale (scoria). Tlie surface resulted from fires in contiguous coal beds (but the soils are conventional loams). Tlie harsh sites of this type result in a imique depauperate community wilh the lowest total cover and graminoid cover of any southeastern Montana type inventoried by Hansen and Hoffinan (1988). However, it still has greater cover Appendix E-3"j audis more productive than those communities associated with bentoiiite deports and acid shales. Psendovoegnena spicata is strongly dominant {canopy cover ranging fiom 40-60%) with Bouteloua curhpendula exhibiting less than one- fourth tliis value. Pascopyrnr-i snuthn (= Agropyvon smithu) ^nd Schizachynuni scopanum are consistently present with cover less than 10%. Forbs are a minor component with Lygodesmia juncsa. Echinacea angusttfoha and Pediomelum argophyllum (= Psoralen aigophylla) having the highest fidelity to the type. Envii^onment: Tliis type occurs as small to large patches located on footliills and sideslopes along major diainages between the Tongue and Powder rivers of southeastern Montana; known elevations range between 3100 and 3800 feet. Tliis type is considered a topoedaphic climax by Hansen and Hoffinan (19S3) because it occurs on moderate to steep (>45%) slopes, the surfaces of which are strewn with large amounts of irregularly shaped, iron oxide porcelainite shale (scoiia) that has resulted &om ancient fires in contiguous coal beds. Tlie soils are conventional loams but shallow and excessively drained. Vegetation: Pseudoroegneria spicata is shongly dominant (canopy cover ranging fiom 40-60%) with Bouteloua cuvtipendula exhibiting less than one-fourth this cover value. Pascopyrum sraithu (= Agropyron smithu) and Schizachyrium scoparmra are consistently present with cover less than 10%. Forbs are a minor component with Lygodesmia juncea, Echinacea angustifoha and Pediomelum argophyllum (= Psoralea argophylla) having tlie highest fidelity to the type. The shmbs (siibshrubs) Rhus trilobata, Gutierrezta sarothvae ^nd Artemisia fngida are consistently present with low coverage values (less than 5%). Dynamics: Given the low cover and patchiness of this type, fires probably burned in a mosaic fashion with reduced intensity. Pronghorn antelope use these sites for grazing and predator detection. GRank & Reasons: G3 (99-12-01). As cuirently understood, this type is reshicted both geographically and with regard to site parameters. However, appropriate habitat in Wyoming overlaps the distribution of the characteristic species, so inventory may yield more occurrences. Tlireats to this type could potentially come fiom domestic stock, but sites are generally somewhat removed fiom water. These sites are generally not conducive to alien Bromus species, but their potential to support otlier weeds is unknown. Comments: Pseudoroegneria spicata - Bouteloua curtipendula appears to be endemic to southeastern Montana, occiuring between the Tongue and Powder rivers. Other portions of southeastern Montana and adjacent Wyoming would appear to have appropriate habitat (soils derived fiom scoria chnker) but lack populations of Bouteloua curtipendula or Pseudoroegneria spicata because they are at the extreme western and eastern extensions of their respective ranges and consequently sporadically distributed. There would seem to be some sites intennediate between Rhus trilobata /Pseudoroegneria spicata Shmb Herbaceous Vegetation {CEGL001120) and this type and for which it would be helpful to have an arbitrary cover cutoff value for Rhus trilobata for assigning stands to types. In the Rapid Ecological Assessment of the Northern Great Plains this type was recorded but once (Martin et al. 1998). Rhus trilobata /Pseudoroegneria spicata Shrub Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001120) differs fiom this community by having Rhus trilobata dominant or at least well represented. Pseudoroegneria spicata - Carex filifolia Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001665) differs from this association by lacking Bouteloua curtipendula and having Carex filifolia witli at least 5% cover, tliough it may not be the dominant graminoid. Pseudoroegneria spicata - Bouteloua gi'acihs B.evhAceoiis Vegetation (CEGL001664) of western Montana occurs for the most part west of the distribution of Bouteloua curtipendula and where Bouteloua gracilis is the imdergrowth dominant. Element Distribution Range: Tliis association has been recorded for only southeastern Montana, tliough appropriate habitat ostensibly occurs in northeastern Wyoming and westernmost North Dakota. States/Provinces: MT:S3,ND:S?, WY? Element Sources Authors: S.V. Cooper, WCS: mod. B. L. Heidel, MTNHP Confidence: 2 Identifier: CEGL001663 References: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Driscoll et al. 1984, Hansen 1985, Hansen and Hoffinan 1988 Appendix E-37 PSEUDOROEGNERIA SPICATA - CAREX FILIFOLIA HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Bhiebiiuch Wheatgrass - Tlireadleaf Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinmai'y: Staud^ of this association occur on level or gently sloping upland sites with loam or siUloani soils. Tliis is au herbaceous vegetation type iu which graminoids contribute most of the cover. A number of forbs may be present, but forbs and shmbs contribute httle covei to the vegetation. Pseiidoroegnena spicata dominates the vegetation, and Carex filifoha contributes substantial cover. Small amounts of Bouteloua gracilis maybe present. Envii'onment: Stands of tliis association have been described from nearly level sites (some windswept) with loam and silt loam soils. Elevations range from about 4100 feet on the Great Plains to about 7000 feet on the west flank of the Bighorn Mountains. Vegetation: Graminoids contribute most of the cover, and forbs are secondary; shrubs may be present as scattered individuals or clumps that contribute little cover to the vegetation. Pseudoroegnena sptcata dominates the vegetation, and Carex filifoha contributes substantial cover. Hespej'o^tipa comata (= Stipa comata), Koeleha macrantha^ and Carex mops ssp. heliophila (= Carex heliophdn) (in Great Plains stands) often are present in smaUer amounts, but they may contribute as much cover as does Carex fill foh a. Bouteloua gracilis is absent or present only in small amounts. Cheatgrass {Bromus japomciis. Bromus tsctorum) is present in many stands and may contribute nearly as much cover as does Pseiidoroegnevia spicata. The vegetation may contain small amounts of numerous forbs. Shrubs are absent or present only as scattered individuals {t^t\:\?[[\y Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis), but the ^ibKhvubs Artemisia fngi da and Gutierrezia sarothrae usually are present in small amounts. GRank & Reasons: G4 (96-02-01) Comments: Tliis association seems to resemble very closely, in environment and vegetation, the more widespread Pseudoroegnena spicata - Bouteloua gracilis Herbaceous Vegetation {CEGL001664), except that this association contains little or no Bouteloua gracilis. The geographic ranges of tlie two associations overlap, and it is unclear whether good reasons exist to differentiate the two. Element Distribution Range: This association has been described from two stands in soutlieastern Montana (Hansen and Hoffman 1988) and from two stands (Fisser 1964) and cursory information (Despain 1973a) in north-central Wyoming. States/Provinces: MT:S4,WY:S? Element Sources Authors: WCS Confidence: 1 Identifier: CEGL001665 Referfnces: Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Cotter- Fergus on Project n.d., Despain 1973a, DriscoU et al. 19S4, Fisser 1964, Hansen 1985, Hansen and Hoffman 1983, Johnston 1987 PSEUDOROEGNERIA SPICATA - PASCOPYRUM SMITHII HERBACEOJJS VEGETATION Bluebunch Wheatgrass - Western Wheatgrass Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summai'y: This grassland association is found in the northern Gieat Plains and in the eastern foothills of the northern U.S. Rocky Mountains. Stands generally grow on slopes with shallow soils. Pseudoroegnena spicata dominates tlie vegetation, and rhizomatous wheatgrasses {Pascopyj'iir\i smithii or Elyr\ius lanceolatus) are abundant. Forbs and shrubs contiibute little cover. Envii^onment: Stands of tliis grassland association grow over a broad elevation range, fiom 2600 feet in Great Plains to 7500 feet in the foothills of tlie Rocky Mountains. Tliey occur on slopes, from gentle alluvial fans to slopes as steep as 40%, facing all aspects. Substiates are glacial deposits, alluvium, limestone, and calcareous sandstones. Soils usually are shallow, may contain a substantial volume of coarse fragments, and belong to sandy AppendixE-3S clay loam, loam, or clay loam textiiial classes. The sites often are exposed to strong, persistent winds. Vegetation: Grasses contribute most of the cover and production. Pssudoroegnena spicata dominates (usually sti'ougly). Tlie rhizomatous wheatgrasses Pascopyrum smithii or Elymus lanceolatus (or both) are secondary species, but the rhizomatous wheatgrasses may codominate with Pseudoroegnena spicata. Hesperostipa comata (= Stipa comata). Koelena macrantha^ and Poa secunda usually are present in smaller amoimts, but Hespei'o^tipa coraata ofteu codomiuates in west-central Montana (Jorgensen 1979). Bouteloua gracilis is absent or is a minor species. Nassella vindiila (= Stipa vindula} contributes substantial cover in some stands, especially in the Great Plains but also in some foothills stands (Mueggler and Stewart's (1980) Stipa vwidula phase). Stands in the footliills often contain Poa cnsichi, Leucopoa kingn^ and Calamagrostis montanertsis . In southeastern Montana (Hansen andHoffinan 19SS) and northeastern Wyoming (Terwilliger et al. 1979a), Bouteloua curtipendula may also occur in the vegetation. Forbs contribute little cover or production, but a mmiber of species may be present, mQ\\\di\i% Ambrosia psilostachy a (in Great Plains stands), Draba ohgosperma, Engeron compositus, Stenotus acanlis {= Haplopappus acauhs), Heterotheca villosa, Sphaeralcsa coccuiea. Phlox hoodii, Tragopogon dubtus, and Vicia amencana. The ^ibshvubs At te mi sia fngi da and Gutierrezia sarothrae usually are present in small amounts. Shnibs generally are absent or are present only as scattered individuals, but Tweit and Houston (1980) note that Tetradynaa canescens may be common and Chiysothamnus spp. may form a distinct shnib layer in disturbed stands. GRank & Reasons: G4 (96-02-01). Comments: Tlie inclusion of Hansen and Hoffinan's (19SS) stand number 25 from southeastern Montana extends the range of variability in vegetation found in this association. That stand contains Bouteloua curtipendula as an important species, and its inclusion in this association may be inappropriate. Similarly, it is unclear how much Bouteloua gracilis and Carex filifolia should be allowed in the vegetation for a stand to be placed into this association. In Pseudoroegnena spicata - Poa secunda Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001677), rhizomatous wheatgrasses are absent or contribute little cover. Element Distribution Range: Tliis association has been described fiom western and central Montana (Jorgensen 1979, Mueggler and Stewart 1980, Cooper et al. 1995), northeastern Montana (DeVelice et al. 1995), southeastern Montana (Hansen and Hofhnan 1933), northwestern and west-central Wyoming (Tweit and Houston 19S0), and apparently fiom northeastern Wyoming (Terwilliger et al. 1979a). States/Provinces: MT:S4,WY:S3 Element Sources Authors: WCS Confidence: 1 Identifier: CEGL001675 References: Bourgeron andEngelldng 1994, Cooper et al. 1995, DeVelice et al. 1995, DriscoU et al. 1984, Hansen and Hofhnan 19SS, Hansen et al. 1984, Johnston 1987, Jorgensen 1979, Mueggler and Stewart 19S0, Tei-wilhgeretal. 1979a, Tweit and Houston 1980 VA.S.N.j. Temporarily flooded temperate or subpolar grassland V.A.5.N.J.18. PASCOPYRUM SMITHII TEMPORARILY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Pascopyrum SMITHII - Horde UM JUBATUM Herbaceous Vegetation Western Wheatgrass - Foxtail Barley Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinniai'y: This wheatgrass sahne prairie type is found in the northern Great Plains of the United States and adjacent Canada. Stands occur in temporarily flooded sites (playas and stock ponds) with deep, poorly diained, clayey, alkaline-saliue soils. Stands occur as small patches in temporarily flooded sites, siuTounded by grasslands or shrublands. Grasses dominate the vegetation. Pascopyrum smithii (or Elymiis lanceolatus) and Hordeum Appendix E-39 jubatum are the major species, and other species fiom the siirroundiug matiix vegetation may be present. Eiivii^oninent: Stands of tliis association occupy temporarily flooded sites (playas and stock ponds) with deep, poorly dfaiued, clayey, alkaline- saline soils. This type occurs on diawdown zones around reseivoirs in eastern Montana (S. Cooper, MTNHP, pers. comm. 1998). Vegetation: Grasses contribute most of the cover in this association, although forbs and scattered shrubs may be present. Pascopyrum snuthu or Elyraus lanceolntus dominate, and Hordeiim jiibatiira contributes substantial cover. Other species may be present but contribute little cover. Stands in south-central Wyoming contain scattered Atnplex gardnen liom the surrounding vegetation (Medicine Bow Mine, no date). GRank & Reasons: G4 (96-02-01). Tlie G4 rank is based on a fairly broad geographic range. Comments: Stands apparently occupy soils with higher sodium concentrations than do stands of the similar Pascopyrum smithti - Eleochans spp. Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001581) (Bergman and Marcus 1976), or playas where the surface dries and the water table drops more quickly (BLM 1974). Tliis association has not been described well. Further analysis of existing information and additional inventory will be helpful in detennining tlie range of variation in stands of this type and how this type differs froia other vegetation types of temporarily flooded sites. Element Distribution Range: Tliis wheatgrass saline prairie type is found in the northern Gieat Plains of the United States and adjacent Canada, extending fiom Colorado north to Montana and possibly Saskatchewan. States/Provinces: CO?, MT?, ND:S?, NE?, SK?, WY:S3? Element Sources Authors: WCS CoMidencf: 2 Identifier: CEGL001582 Referfuces: BLM 1979b, Bergman and Marcus 1976, Boiugeron and Engelking 1994, Driscoll et al. 1984, Medicine Bow Mine Apphcation n.d. V.A.5.N.J.11. SPARTINA PECTINATA TEMPORARILY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE SPARTINA PECTINATA WESTERN HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Prairie Cordgrass Western Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinmai'y: In Colorado, this is a tallgrass meadow comprised entirely of Spartina pectinata. Stands occurs in small swales on the plains as well as onfloodplains of larger rivers. Stands of this grass have been inchidedin otlier tallgrass prairie plant associations. On large river floodplains, this type occurs as distinct patches and is distinguished fiom adjacent riparian types by micro -topography and degree of soil saturation. Weaver (1965) reports that historically, large stands of Spartina pectinata occurred onmnd flats of the Missouri River. Large stands have been observed south of Denver, now threatened by housing and golf coiu'se developments (Steve Kettlerpers. comm.). Vegetation: GRank & Reasons: G3? (96-02-01). Comments: Compare this association with Spartina pectinata - Carex spp. Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001477). Element Distribution States/Provinces: CO:Sl, MT:S3?, WA:S1, WY:S? Appendix E -40 Element Sources Authors: WCS; mod B. L. Heidel.MTNHP Confidencf : 2 IdeiitiTifr: CEGL001476 References: Bourgeron and Engelking 1994, Diiscoll ei al. 1984, Evaus 1989a, Hansen and Hoffman 1988, Hansen etal. 1989, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995,Kittel et al. 1996, Weaver 1965 V.A.S.N.k. Seasonally flooded temperate or subpolar grassland V.A.5.N.K.56. CAREX NEBRASCENSIS SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Carex NEBRASCENSIS Herbaceous Vegetation Nebraska Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinmai'y: Tliese minor wetlands occur on the western Gieat Plains and throughout much of tlie western U.S. Elevation ranges from 1000-2800 m (3300-9200 feet). Stands form open meadows that occur along the margins of sheanibanks, flat Hoodplains, and lakes often forming a band along the alhivial teirace. Stands have also been sampled from marshy areas surrounding springs and below seeps on lower hillslopes. This association is often found on well -developed soil, but occurs on a wide variety of soil types ranging fiom saturated organics to Mollisols to Entisols. Soils tend to be fine-textured alluvium, ranging from sandy, silly loam, clay loam, or clay to organic and are typically gleyed and mottled near the surface because of tlie high water table most of the growing season. Tlie vegetation is characterized by a moderately dense to dense perennial graminoid layer dominated or codominated by Carex nebrascensis (25-99% cover), that generally forms small- to medium-sized meadows. Stands often are neariy pure Carex nebrascensis, but a variety of other graminoid species may be present such as Carex pvaegracilis, Calamagvo^^tis stncta, Deschampsia caespitosn, Eleochans palustris, Glycsha striata, Juncus balticiis. Schoenoplectus pungens (= Sciipuspiingens), or Tnglochm mantima. Forb cover is generally low, but can be high in moist locations. Common forbs include Suiybia mtegnfolia (= Aster mtegvifolms) , Geiim macrophylhim, Mentha arvensis, Mimulus glabratus, and Ranunculus cymbalaria. Introduced species Poa pratensis, Poa palustvis^ i^ntX Melilotus officinalis m^y also be common. Envli^onment: This wetland plant association occurs on the western Great Plains and throughout much of the western U.S. Elevation ranges from 1000-2800 m (3300-9200 feet). Stands form open meadows that occur along tlie margins of streambanks, flat floodplains, and lakes often forming a band along the alluvial terrace. Stands have also been sampled from marshy areas surrounding springs and below seeps on lower hillslopes. Tliis association is often found on weU-developed soil, but occurs on a wide variety of soil types ranging fiom saturated organics to Mollisols to Entisols. Soils tend io be fme-textiued aUuvium, ranging fiom sandy, silty loam, clay loam, or clay to organic and are typically gleyed and mottled near the surface because of the high water table most of the growing season. Vegetation: Tliese wetlands are characterized by a moderately dense to dense perennial graminoid layer dominated or codominated by Carex nebrascensis (25-99% cover), that generally forms small- to medium-sized meadows. Stands often are nearly pure Carex nebrascensis, but a variety of other graminoid species maybe present such as Carex praegractlis, Calamagrostts stricta, Deschampsia caespitosa, Eleochans palustns, Glyceria striata, Juncus balticits, Schoenoplectus pungens (= Scirpus pungens), or Tnglochm mantima. Forb cover is generally low, but can be high in moist locations. Common forbs include Ewybia mtegnfolia (= Aster integnfolius), Geum macrophyllum, Mentha arvensis, Minndus glabratus, mid Ranunculus cymbalaria. Introduced species Poapratensts, Poa palustns, ^wdMelilotus officmalis may also be common. hi Nebraska, common species iwcXvidt Agrostts stolomfera, Carex hystencma, Carex pellita (= Carex lanuginosa), Eleochans erythropoda, Equisetum ^'p.yJuncus balttcus, Schoenoplectus pungens (= Scirpus pungens), and Triglochin spp. (Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000). Dynamics: hi Montana, the Carex nebrascensis Community Type is considered a grazing- disclimax. Under season-long grazing, Carex nebrascensis increases in abundance, replacing fonner dominant species (Hansen et aL 1995). However, under extreme grazing conditions and a resulting diop in the water table, Juncus balticus or Poa pratensis can eventually replace Carex nebrascensis. In Nevada, sites dominated by Carex nebrascensis are Appendix E -41 considered the Potential Natural Community (Manning and Padgett 1995), which appears to be the case in undisturbed stands in Colorado. GRank & Reasons: G4 (96-02-01). Tliis type is widely distiibuted, but many examples have been heavily grazed by cattle, lowering tlieir floristic quality. Comments: hi the Black Hills, classification of stands was problematic due to identification problems with Carex nebvascensis and Carex aquatica. The two are difficult to distinguish based on available keys and written descriptions (Maiiiott and Faber-Langendoen 2000). Element Distribution Range: This sedge meadow type is widely distributed from the western Great Plains into the western mountains of tlie United States, ranging from South Dakota and Montana to possibly as far west as Washington, south to California and east to New Mexico. States/Provinces: AZ:S2, CA:S3, CO:S3,ID:S3, MT:S4,NE:S2,NM?,NV:SR, OR:S3?, SD:S?, UT:S3?, WA?, WY:S3 Element Sources Authors: J. Drake, mod. D. Faber-Langendoen, mod. K.A. Schuiz, WCS Confidence: 1 Identifier: CEGL001313 Referfuces: Baker 1982b, Bourgeron andEiigelking 1994, Cooper and Cottrell 1990, Driscoll et al. 1984, HaU 1973, Hall and Hansen 1997, Hansen et al. 19SSb, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995, Jones 1992b, Jones and Walfordl995,Kitteletal. 1994, Kittel et al. 1996,Kittel et al. 1999, Kovalchik 1987, Manning and Padgett 1995, Marriott and Faber-Langendoen 2000, Mutz and Queiroz 19S3, Padgett et al. 19SSb, Padgett et al. 19S9, Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 2000, Youngblood et al. 1985a, Youngblood et al. 1985b V.A.5.N.K.53. CAREX PELLITA SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE Carex PELLITA - Calamagrostis strjcta Herbaceous Vegetation Woolly Sedge - Western Bluejoint Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinmai'y: This sedge -bluejoint wet meadow is found in the northern tallgrass prairie region and in the northeastern Gieat Plains. Stands occur on level ground in shallow depressions and other lowlands on poorly drained sandy, loamy, or silty clay soils. Standing water may be present for a few to several weeks during most years. Soil pH is circumnential to somewhat alkahne and organic content can be moderately high. The vegetation of this community provides approximately 100% cover andtlie dominant vegetation is graminoids, typically 0.5- 1 .0 111 tall. Forbs can be common, but shrubs are rarely found in this type. Tlie most abimdant species are Calamagrostis stncta, Carex pellita (= Cavex lanuginosa), Carex sartu-ellu , Anemone canadensis, Apocynum cannabinum, Symphyotrichum lanceolatum (= Aster lanceolatus), Eleochans compressa, Junciis balticus, Phalans arnndinacea. Polygonum amphibmra, ^nd Schoenoplectus americanus (= Scirpus americanits). Carex buxbaiinui may be common, except in North Dakota. Envli^onment: This community occurs on level ground in shallow depressions and other lowlands on poorly drained sandy, loamy, or silty clay soils. Standing water can be present for a few to several weeks a year (Dix and Sineins 1967, Smeins and Olsen 1970). Soil pH is circumneutral to somewhat alkaline, and organic content can be moderately high. Vegetation: Tlie vegetation of this community provides approximately 100% cover, and the dominant vegetation is graminoids, typically 0.3-1.0 in taU. Forbs can be common; they had 25% relative cover in the stands studied by Nelson et al. (19S1). shmbs are rarely found in this type. Tlie most abundant species are Calamagrostis striata, Carex pellita (= Carex lanuginosa), Carex sartwellu , Anemone canadensis, Apocynum cannabinum, S^Tiiphyotnchum lanceolatum (= Aster lanceolatus), Eleochans compressa, Juncus balticus, Phalans Appendix E -42 arurtdinacea, Polygonum amphibmni, and Schoenoplectu^ americamis (= Scirpus amencanus). Carex buxbaiimii can be common, except in North Dakota. GRank & Reasons: G3G5 (98-06-22). Comments: Type concept is a little unclear. Simple dominance by Carex lanugmosa (now Carex pellita in Kartesz 1994) may not be adequate. Hydrologic placement is difficult, ranging from seasonally flooded to temporarily flooded. This type may simply be a part of Spavtina pectinate - Calamagrostis stvicta - Carsx spp. Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL002027) {wet praiiie), or vice versa. See also Carex pelltta Herbaceous Vegetation (CEGL001S09). Element Distribution Range: Tliis sedge-bluejoint wet meadow is found in flie northern tallgrass prairie region and in the northeastern Gieat Plains, ranging from northern Iowa, western Minnesota, and the Dakotasto parts of the Canadian praiiie provinces. States/Provinces: IA:SU, MB:SU, MN:S?, MT:S3?,ND:S?, SD:S?, SK:S? Element Sources Anthors: J. Drake, mod. D. Faber-Langendoen, MCS Confidence: 3 Identifier: CEGL002254 Refei^rnces: Dix and Smeins 1967, Kartesz 1994, Nelson et al. 1931, Smeins and Olsen 1970 V.A.5.N.K.61. ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS ^^.^BACYQ^J^ VEGETATION Marsh Spikerusli Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Summai'y: This spikerush wet meadow commnnity is fonnd in the central Gieat Plains of the United States and Canada and in the western United States. Stands occm' in small depressions in intermittent streambeds or depression ponds that flood early in the season and may diy out by summer. Stands are composed of submersed and emergent rooted vegetation nnder 1 m tall that is dominated by Eleochari:^ palustns, often in nearly pure stands. Soils are generally fine-textured. Envli^onment: Tliis wetland occurs across the central and northwestern Cheat Plains and western United States. Elevations range fiom near sea level to 3050 m {in Colorado). In eastern Washington and Idaho it occurs in valleys and canyon bottoms with low-gradient streams, slonglis, and along tlie margins of ponds and lakes (Kovalchik 1993). Li northwest Nebraska and southwest South Dakota, tliis commnnity occurs in small depressions in intermittent stieambeds and depression ponds that flood early in the season and dry ont by summer. Soils are silty clay formed from weathered siltstone and shale (Steinauer and Rolfsmeier 1997). In southwestern Soutli Dakota, the type occupies depression ponds in prairies (H. Mamolt pers. comm. 1999). hi Utah stands are described fi'om small playas on floodplain terraces of a large river (Von Loh 2000). In Colorado this commimity type occurs on the bottom of ephemeral ponds or playas (Baker and Kennedy 1985), oris associated with small to moderate-sized ponds or the edges of larger lakes and reservoirs (Bunin 1985, Padgett et al. 1989). The sites are generally only seasonally flooded, but remain moist throughout the year (Bimin 1935, Padgett etal. 1989). Elevations range &om 1525-2750 m (5000-9020 feet). Tlie soils of Baker and Kennedy's (1985) stands were derived from Quaternary alluvium, with a heavy clay content and an average pH of 7.8, shglitly alkahne. Tlie soils reported by Padgett et al. (1989) were mineral soils with flne-loamy to fine particle sizes or organic. Tliey are commonly ponded throughout the growing season and have developed fi'oni pond siltation. Hansen et al. (1988a) indicate fliat Eleochans palustris is alkahne-tolerant. Appendix E -43 Vegetation: Tlii^" wetland association is dominated by submersed and emergent rooted vegetation mider 1 m tali and occurs across tiie uoithwesteru Gheat Plains and western U.S. within a wide elevational range. Tlie species composition can be quite variable, but this community is easy to recognized by the blight green, nearly pure stands of Elsocharis palustn^. Vegetation cover can be sparse to dense (10-90%), but Eleocharis paliistris is the dominant species, and the only species with 100% constancy. Other species, when present, can contribute as much as 40% cover, but never exceed that of the Eleochans pahistvis cover. Some of this variation is described from Colorado (Kittel et al. 1999, Baker and Kennedy 1985). Co-occiirring species in low-elevation stands on the western slope can include Phalans anmdinacea (= Phalaroides anmdinacea), Junciis balticus, Hordenra jubcitum, Pascopyrum snuthii, Schoenoplectus americanus (= Sctrpu^ amsncanus), Spargcmium angusttfolium ^ species of Lemna and Potamogeton, as well as the intvodncGd Meli lotus ojftcinalis ^nd Bromits inermis. On the eastern plains of Colorado co-occumng species caninchide Leersia oiyzoide:^, Schoenoplectus pimgens (= Sarpiis piingens), Pamcum virgatum, Carex pelltta (= Carex lanuginosa), and Spartina pectinnta. At montane elevations, other graminoids, such as Carex aquatilis, Carex utncnlata, and Deschampsia caespitosa are present. Forb cover is typically low, but can be occasionally abimdant (30%) in some stands. Forb species include Pediculans groenl?indica, Rhodiola integj'ifolia, audCaltha leptosepala. In stands fiom eastern Washington, associates include Carex iitnculata, Cicuta douglasu, and species oiGlyceria and Potaniogeton. Li northwestern Nebraska, stands are dominated Eleochans aacnlans and Eleochans palustvis which commonly cover the bottoms of the pools and emerge above the water as the pools diy out. Ephemeral submersed aquatics, such as Callitriche palustris (= Callitnche verna), Potamogeton diversifohus ?indMarsilea vestita, may be present. As the pools dry out in mid-summer, ephemeral annual forbs, such as Limosella aquatica and Plagiobothrys scoulen^ may appear. By late ^uwhwgx Amavanthus cahforniciis and Gnaphalmm palustre may dominate in the lowest parts of the depression (Steinauer and Rolf smeier 1997). In southwestern South Dakota, vegetation is composed of nearly homogeneous stands of Eleochans palustns . Other emergents, such as Polygomim amphibmm. Mavsdea vesttta^ and Eleochans ovata^ are occasionally found. Herbaceous cover is greater than 75% except in areas of deeper open water where floating and submerged aquatic plants occur, including Bacopa rotundifoha and Heteranthera hmosa (H. Maiiiott pers. comm. 1999). In lower elevation Utah stands Glaux manttma, Distichlis spicata^ ^wdJuncits balticus were important associates (Brotherson and Barnes 1984). Few stand data are available for Colorado examples. Generally, it appears that this community is dominated by Eleochans palustns, forming a scattered to dense overstory, often with few associated species. Commonly associated graminoids include Hordeum jubatum ?[nd Pascopyrum smtthii. Forbs present m^y iaclude At nplex argentsa. Polygonum aviculare, ^nd Ronppa sinuata (Baker and Kennedy 1985). Tlie higher elevation stands may include a slightly different suite of species, but no stand data are available. Ramaley (1942) described a Distichlis spFffifn- dominated salt meadow on a lakeshore in the San Luis Valley which was ringed by Eleochans palustns. Communities in Utah include Eleochans acicularis 3nd Alopecuius aequalis as likely associates (Padgett et al. 1989). Dynamics: Tlie hydrological regime is critically important to this association. Most stands are seasonally to permanently flooded, although some in the Great Plains occur under intermittenfly to temporarily flooded conditions. Baker and Kennedy (1985) suggest that domestic livestock grazing may tend to result in increases in Hordeum jubatum, Bassia scoparicty and Polygonum aviculare. However, Hansen et al. (1988a) suggest that palatability of Eleochans palustns is low for both domestic and wild animals, but that heavy grazing may increase this rhizomatous species and spread it onto adjacent sites. Trampling damage may occur to this type when animals heavily use the sites supporting it, particularly during drought years (Hansen et al. 1988a). Water level fluctuations over a year of greater than 1 m will not support this type (Hansen et al. 19SSa). GRank & Reasons: 05(96-02-01). Element Distribution Range: Tliis spikerush wet meadow community is found in the cential Great Plains of the United States and Canada and in the western United States. Appendix E -44 States/Provinces: CA?, CO:S4, ID:S3, MT:S5,NE:S?, NY:SR, OR:S5, SD:S?, SK:S?, UT:S3?, WA:S?, WY:S3 Element Sources Authors: D. Fabei-Langeudoen, mod. K. Schulz, mod. M.S. Reid, WCS Confidence: 1 Identifier: CEGL001833 References: Baker 1983c, Baker and Kennedy 1985, Billings 1945, Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Brotherson andBarnes 1984, Bunin 1985, Driscoll e( al. 1984, Ellis et al. 1979, Flowers 1962, Hall and Hansen 1997, Hansen etal. 1988a, Hansen et al. 19SSb, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen et al. 1995,Kettler andMcMullen 1996,Kittel and Lederer 1993,Kittel etal. 1994, Kittel et al. 1999, Kovalcliik 1987, Kovalchik 1993, Mntel 1973, Mutel andMaiT 1973, Padgett et al. 1988b, Padgett et al. 1989, Penfound 1953, Ranialey 1919a, Ranialey 1942, St earns -Roger Inc. 1978, Steinauer and Rolfsnieier 2000, Stewart 1940, Von Loli 2000, Yonngblood et al. 1985a V.A.5.N.K.13. JUNCUS BALTICUS SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE JUNCUS BALTICUS HERBACEOTJS VEGETATION Baltic Rush Herbaceous Vegetation Element Concept Suinmai'y: This Baltic rush wet meadow community is found widely thronghont the western United States. This wet meadow vegetation occurs as small, dense patches on flat stream benches, along overflow channels, and near springs. Soils are usually sandy clay loam or fine sands and mottled or gleyed. Stands are characterized by a dense sward of Jiinciis balticns and often minor cover ofCavex species, including Carex aquattlts, Carex praegiQcilis, Carex nebrascensis, or Carex utriculata. Other common species include Deschampsia caespitosa, Dtstichlts spicata, Gfycsna striata, Hordeiim jiibatum, Muhlenbevgia aspenfolta, Phleum alpimim^ ^nd Spo rob olu^ aivotdes. The introduced perennial sod grasses Poa praten:^ts oiAgvo^^ti:^ stolomfera codominate some stands. Forb cover is generally low and includes wetland species like Caltha leptosepala and Dodecatheon pnlchellum. Shmbs are not common. This association is often considered to be a grazing-induced community since it increases with disturbance. Envii'onment: Tliis widespread herbaceous wetland community is ft)und throughout western North America. Elevation ranges fiom 1420-3500 m. Stands usually occur as small, dense patches on flat to gently sloping sites near seeps and stieams. Stream channels are highly variable in size and type ranging ftom narrow to moderately wide, and deeply entienched to very sinuous (Kittel et al. 1999). Soils are also variable and range ftom alluvial sandy and well-drained, to poorly drained silty clay loam, to organic; however, soils tend to be finer-textured, alkahne and may be sahne (Brotherson and Barnes 1984, Kittel et al. 1999, Padgett et al. 19S9). Cobbles and gravel are common on many sites, and gleyed and mottled horizons are often present because of ftooding or higli water tables (Kittel et al. 1999). Vegetation: This association is characterized by a low (<50 cm), dense graminoid layer dominated by the rhizomatous perennial Junciis balticns. Minor cover of Carex species, including Carex aquatilis, Carex praegracilis, Carex nebrascensts or Carex utriculata^ is often present. Other common graminoids include Deschampsia caespttosa, Disttchhs spicata, Glyceria striata, Hordeum jubatum, Muhlenbergta aspenfolta, Phleum alpinum^ and ^orobolus airoides. Forb cover is generally low but may include Caltha leptosepala^ Glaux mantinia, Maianthemum stellatimi, ^nd Dodecatheon pidchellum. Shrubs are not common, but occasional Salix spp. may occur. Some stands may be codominated by the introduced perennial sod grasses Poa pratensis or Agrostis stolomfera. Other introduced species, such as Taraxacum officinale, Tnfoliurrt spp., Cirsium arvense, Lactuca serriola, Phleum pratense, and Thinopyrum intermedium, may occur in disturbed stands. Dynamics: Tliis association is considered by some to be a grazing-induced community because Jurtcus balticus is tolerant of grazing (low palalability when mature) and increases with grazing disturbance (Hansen et al. 1995, Padgett el al. 1989). Nearly pure stands of Jurtcus balticus may indicate that the site was heavily grazed in the past (Hansen et al. 1995). However, this association also occms as a stable, late-seral commimity in areas with low disturbance (Kittel and Lederer 1993). Appendix E -45 GRank & Reasons: G5 (96-02-01). Comments: Tliis association is often con^dered to be a grazing-induced community since it increases with grazing distiubance. Element Distribution Range: Tliis Baltic rush wet meadow community is found widely throughout the western United States, ranging fi'om Sonth Dakota and Montana west to Wasliington, sonth to possibly California, and east to New Mexico. States/Provinces: CA?, CO:S5, ID:S5, MT:S5,NM:S4,NV:S?, OR:S5, SD:S?, UT:S3S4, WA:S3S4, WY:S3 Element Sources Anthers: J. Drake, mod D. Faber-Langendoen, mod. K. Schulz, WCS Confidence: 1 Idrntifier: CEGLO0i33S Refei'fnces: Baker 1984a, Bourgeron andEngelking 1994, Brotherson and Barnes 19S4, Bunin 1985, Driscoll et al. 1984, Faber-Langendoen 2001, Flowers 1962, Hall and Hansen 1997, Hansen et al. 1988b, Hansen et al. 1991, Hansen etal. 1995, Hess 1981, Johnston 1987, Jones and Walford 1995, Kartesz 1994, Kittel andLederer 1993, Kittel et al. 1994, Kittel et al. 1999, Komarkova 1986, Manning 1988, Mulda\in et al. 2000a, Mutel 1973, Mutz andGiaham 1982, Olson and Gerhart 1982, Padgett 1982, Padgett etal. 1989, Rector 1979, Richard et al. 1996, Shupe etal. 1986, Stewart 1940, Tliompson 2001, Tiihy and Jensen 1982, Von Loh 2000, Wasser and Hess 1982, Youngbloodetal. 1985a V.A.5.N.K.20. PHALARIS ARUNDINACEA SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE PHALARIS ARUNDINACEA WESTERN HERBACEOUS VEGETATION Reed Canaiy Grass Western Herbaceons Vegetation Element Concept Summai'y: This association is reported £om througliont Montana, Idaho, northeastern Utah, and the Columbia Basin of Washington, bntishkely more widespread in tlie western United States. Its distribution as a natiual type is complicated becanse this native species is widely cultivated as a forage crop and has escaped and estabhshed in wetlands and riparian areas, displacing the local flora. Elevations range fiom near sea level to 1700 m. Stands are found along riparian areas, pond and lake margins, wet meadows, and intermittent drainages. Soils are commonly flne-textured and may be flooded for brief to extended periods. Tlie vegetation is characterized by a dense, tall herbaceous layer (often >S0% canopy cover andl.5-2 m tall) that is dominated by Phalans anindinacea^^XuQh tends to occur in monocultures. Associated species may include Equisetum a^yense, Muhlenbergia asperifolia, Mentha arvensis, Schoenoplectus acutiis (= Scirpns acutus), and many other species in trace amounts where disturbed. Introduced species such as Leptdium latifolium, Cirsium ar\;ense, Sonchns oleracens, Enphovbia esula, and Phleur\i pratense are common in some stands. Environment: This association is reported from tliroughout Montana, Idaho, Washington and noitheastem Utah, bntis likely more widespread in the western United States. Elevations range fiom near sea level to 1700 m. Stands are found along riparian areas, pond and lake margins, wet meadows, and intermittent drainages. Sites are flat to rolling. Soils are commonly fine-textured, but can be coarser in texture. Subsoil is often mottled and gleyed (Crawford 2001). Sites are generally fiooded during the growing season, but flooding can vary fi-om brief to extended periods. Vegetation: Tliis association is characterized by a dense, tall herbaceous layer (often >90% canopy cover and 1.5- 2 m tall) that is dominated by Phalans arundmacea^ which tends to occur in monocultures. Associated species such as Equisetum aiyen^^e, Muhlenbergia asperifoha, Mentha arvensis. Schoenoplectus acutus (= Scirpiis acutiis). Polygonum amphibmm. Solidago canadensis, Uvtica dioica, and many other species may be present in trace amounts especially where disturbed. Occasional Populiis tremuloides, Salix exigua, Rubus tdaeus^ or SyniphoncGipos albus may be present is some stands. Introduced species such as Lepidmn} latifoluim, Cwsium arvense, Sonchus oleraceus. Euphorbia esula, Poa pratensis^ and Phleum pratense are common in some disturbed Appendix E-4