Ecologically Significant Wetlands in the North Fork Flathead River Watershed Prepared for me Montana Department or Environmental Qualily Stephen Cooper, Jack Greenlee and Catherine Jean June, 2000 M O ^ - A HA Natuial Heritage Program Ecologically Significant Wetlands in the Nortli Fork Flathead River Watershed DcparlinciH of EnviranmcnlBl Qualily by Slcphcu Cddjicf, JickGECcnlci; ind Calhccini; ian Mo n Hub Nslun] Hccilsgc Pcugcam MonliuB Si ale Librsrv P.O. Bifx20ISlX» Hclcnj, MonlBna W620-ISm ■MOO Monlana Nilural HcrilBgr FrugTim This ilIoc umcnl !i ho u Id be cilcd as follows: Cooper. S V, J GrccnLcc and C. Jcin. 2000 Ecolo^lcalLy flgniCicinl ivclland^ in ihcNorlh Port FlBlhcanl R Lvcc u' alL'ishcil. Repocl lo Ih? Monlina DrpanmrnloFEuviioniniziilBl Qualily. ManlanaNalucaL Hiriilaf? Pcognm, Hirlizna. 31 pp plus ap pcndiccv Executive Summary TliL' MoiHini Nalural Hcrila^c Pro^Tim IMTNHPJ, Lnpinner.hipv^ilh IbicMonlBUB Dc[i arLmcnl d£ Envi ronmenlil Q uaLHy, hiscom- plfloL in Invcnlory Id LdcnlLfy, dch. umcnl Hnd cvbIubH Ihc divcisi ly, mlc^nly b iid si^niric incc of u'cllBiHt In IhcNorlh Foit Fl bI he Bd River u'alcr- ^tielin nj n hu'«ilcrn Monlina. ThlikUvrh bulLd^ on prevlDiCi ivBlciiihcd i n^ eulorie'v anildcalCk a coitviMcnl Bnd cu mprcheitii^ e souit c of ivelLand I nformallitn fonmng b bisis fo r cffcclive ly prion- I I zln^ u'cll BiHfci fo c piu let Ijou, millgaliDJi and TCklDCallDIl Tucnly-fourivLgnifieanl ivel I aiuk * ere ulenli- fied and 1 n> cnliirLcd Ln 199^. Inilial * el I amil ^cle^.- ( lo n cnle n a ucrc Ihr absence d£ signi Fie anl hydro- logical modi Fie allonind Ihc presence of ml be I reprcseulilive hiIivl' plinl co[ii[iiiiiillie<, oul'lind i n^ u' ildllfe V B I ue-k or rare plani ind animil 'ipccicv I iii]>i>clanl for Idc bI i n^ 'vigni Cie ani we ll and& ucrc liicil cfLpcjl oplnkm, Nilioml Welland Inven- lory map' ind BcnaL p holograp hs Wcga^e loivcr pereuniilnvenue and dcp ressiouil well b nds on pnvile I amiliv f IV Bicc allenllon bee aiLie of ihc polcnlial fordcvclopmenl. Wcllin* were mvcnlo- ned itvi ng 'viand and hcnli^i: pcogrim melhodolDg}' lo assesiv SI Ic coihJ I lion ^alilogcommunily lypeb anddocumeul itic plani amil lulinil occiincn^es. The Invcnioned irei'v are suininijiied in Icn udl B nd 'lie dL"l^. rip lion.4. A I l^^o'lles eluslci^of ikCpacalL' i^ellindf i^ere giouped Inio AcllaiuLl complejLCifDrrcpojling purposes Eaehivile u'as e^ Bluiled foc^lgniCieanec iLiing Ihc Collou'ing faclonv piCL'rice of rare plani or bhIhibI specl&vor uiKoninion mlural > cgclil ion lypcs IheduenvilyoF vegclilionlype'v, Ihc^ondilionorfunelionBl i merrily of Ihc well and, Ihc landscape ^onlcil and Ihc size of Lhc jFelland. The NoclhFork has ibundaul i^elLand bihI rip an an habilal and si a iids oul as hiving I he leasl impaclcd uclLind and ci p aci an 'vyilems among Ihc FLilhcad River walcisheds Ihal have been Invcnm- ned by Ihc MTWHP lodalc. Rivcnnc anddcpira- BuiDil ivclLind'i arc Ihe inosi w ukspreid w ell and lyppEdue lo piEV loit^laci alio n, high prcdpilallon and I he develop mcnl □rflo[>dplalii landFonm along Ihe nvcrcomdar. These syslcm' arc import anI fiir livo ihrealcned spcclcv, gri^/ly bctriU/mi ir/iim hiir"bii\s) and a ivvidcnl pop ul alion of b uU Iroul (SuSvetimis t-o'ijfiieii "ti). Tcpec Lake Complex, Mud Late CompJCH uid Hay C ree k-Wonh Fork Floodp I am well Bint rcprc'cnl Ihc moiil ccoLogie ally si^nlfic anI 'vile'v mvcnloncd in Ihc NorlhFork. These si lesconlam aiomplci of physical Ccalures ivhlchconlnbulc lo an oiil'vland I nf divenlly of plaul communilies ihil arc mcxccilciilcorulilion Wc ulrn. iimenled a sizeable uncommon pcallindcoiniiiumly domi- nalcd by mudsciLlgc [Ct//c\ lifPt/st/i and cxcclienl examples of a common can lype, Diummond's *illow / beaked ned^e ISt/l/\ dwrttnomhi'i'it / C!'i€\ iili-nuiiiiii) Shrubland. Rare plani 'kpcdc'v Found allhcvc 'vile'v include Huilsi>n's E ay bul rush {Sii'iMis liuilsofiirmi^t. EnglKh sundc* [Dfiiem uiigliiii) and slender collongrasi t_E'iiij?hiiniti\ graalei- Three rare moisc *crc also dacu- menled Schnau.' C reek Coal Creek-No nh Fork Floodplam arul Coal CreckComplcx have very hi^h m^ulficancediiclo Itici r large size and hi^hdivcrsily o F well and habil Bis u' hie h inclmile bl ac k co llo nu'ood tfi'i'i/lui hatiiitiujefi' spp /"ffiaft/rini] forc^l communilies a long Icjiaccv and flood pi ains adjacenl lo Ihe river Nearby land aclivilies and pres- ence of no mdus wee* al livo of Ihce SI les reduce Ihc slgniFicance ranks fro m oul?i1 andiug lo a rank of very high significance The remaining Foufviles are ranked as hif hlysi^nifu-anlor modcralelysif nifi- canl. These siles are all m eiccllenl londilion and have no noxioit u'eedi AbbollsFlal Hay Creek Pen and Red MeadoA Lake arc smaller insi/e u'llh fcA er u'cll and fealurcv The u'ellartiti al Cyclone Lake CO nsisl of a narroiv fringe around ihe pertm- eleroF Ihe lake In all four of Ihese siles Ihe lack oFdiveisc well and Fcalurcs resull in a less diverse biol le enviioruneul and mfliierkc Ihc o ^ erall 'vignifi- came rank WclLind'; in IbicNurlh Foit arc Ibirc b Icnciil by liK icaiiCiLl rccrc B Liu n b1 ami hi>[Lsiiig dc vcIo pmcnl , liHD[ii[i alible land uhc bc li i' i Hcv iikI Ihe ^kpicad of noxiDiCi u'Cfds. Pojlunalely miny uppurluulliea fkUvl Id cawbcne ind piolecl uclliniti In Itic lyBlcrihrd Leaving 1 argcr U m bcr hinc^l bufCciy ■ni und iv? lland^ and fo I Ioa lug bcM [nanagcmcnl praclic;? ^ uidcl i ncv cd uld niiligalc tiyd[Dlaf.ic changes and ccilIuc? [lolciiliil in[i ul:^ of imlimeiil'v Conlml of nonQUi went and picvc nl lo n of new InCcil alLDni u'ould piD IccI Ihiz Lnlcgri ly d£ Ibic nalucalplinlcommunilicv Since Ihc^e impomul 5ile?i arcundermlxnlDAnc[?ihip,CDn^en'aliDn'Alll icqu I rc cdLI b borall> c cCfoil'v bclu'ccn pn v ale panirik, lind IhbiH and public Bf cncies. ThLk projec I CDinpLrles Dur TiiM inland mvciUprj' In I he Narlh Port "■ alcrihcd. \llhough ihc prajccl 1^ mcanl li> be comprcbicnsiv c, Ihcrc arc a number of well ands in Itic Ailcrihcd Itial we ir no! surveyed b:^ pan of Ihis luvcnlary projetl. Since *c foe used, "■ biere pnssibLe, on lirge, fairly diikCiclr 1^ e ll andi, iiime lypeiof well and^, espe- cially smill necps ind ivp n ngs ucre under-empha- Bizeddunng Ibie in'Feiilorj' We did nolin>enlory privale properly *llhoul permission nordidu'c consider signifieani wrilands inside GLicier Nallonal Park as Ihcse well ands are ilreanly in highly prolccled slalus A'opparliinilics pitHcnl liii: mselv es or as resources became available, addlliom] lnvenlory may be iv a muled. Contents liriroduiliDn 1 Study Atea 4 Melhods 7 Id cnlilyiii^ And Sf ki Li IK ^^ Ll I jnds K
lnghsL^nifiiniiiCL' 22 H L£li ■jgnifLCJiiic 22 H ale [in c ij 3 n I Tic ill lie 22 ^ilkinds iii»l ini EJilitned 21 Kowl'hl'^lnlDniialiaiiCanBELlEcd 21 rjljn:NEalE 11 HowlbRoiDcflAddLlhtreJInEitcndlhtn 21 AdaioAledgemoits 2G R^asices 27 Aiqioirfix A: Globd aid dd^roikguiddines 3Z Appaidix B: Wdlaitf CDmrrunily type dorriptions 34 App^dix C: Wdlaid dte description 89 Appaidix □: Wder^iais wHti high biodivasty vdue 112 111 I ntroducHon A £ IK' accncjs of Ihc c; um u] B iLvc lo^ hihI ilIbhib^c Ii> ^^cllandsin Worth ^irnznc a hiiv ^n>*n. si> haiv an increased a^Mrcncs.'ul Ihc I m ppMincc ul i^clLind izco'vyilizni'v Thliv rcco^ni- lion has expanded Dp pojlunHic li> pitvcnl -i^cl- land los^ and impn^ve Ihr quality o I remiiulng v^cllBiHt. [nvcnlorj' piovidci animporlinl Ucl sicp Kjuiinl coiticrv mg well B nds aCfcrmg Ihe mearL'v lo ideulify and pmlcci iJie inu&l biuLagic; aLI> SLgiiLCLCiiil A rl I and SI Ic^ In 1^8 Ihc Monlim NBluril Hcnlagc Pnj- frim fMTWHPf, m pirlnciship *llh Ihr Monlana DcpanmcnlDCEuvLnfninizulB] Quill ly bc^ini sy^lcrriBlLC ceaLogn; al ^^cllanul lnvcnlory In iden- tify, dih. umcnl and evaluate Ihcdivcnvily, Lnlegnly andMfulflcanccDrMonlanau'cllBnds. The f ml phase I nc] uded inveulnr^' in Ihe SIiILivbIcc. Sv^an and FlBlbiead Lake ivBleiyhcd'i Ihosc ifvul Is ivcrc sum m ai I ^cd in i L9*l rcporl by Greenlee ThU re]>arl 'ummarL/cs reivullsDC similar lnvcnloiy WDiklorlhe NorlbiFurk Flalbiead Piveru'ilePihed, simply referred Id as Ihe Norlbi Fork. Tbic Nonh Fork ^^ellamil lnvcnlury bui Ids o n our prcv lo uiv inveulonesin Ihe Su'an Slillu'aler amil Plalhcad Lahe u'alcished'i ind c;oiilnbiile'v lu ouc overall umkiyl B ndiug of A ell and biolu^iealdi^envily in the grciler PI altie ad 'vyslem. Figure I dKplays Ihc Blilu'iDf MTWHP * ell ami mvcnlonca in Ibie gjcjlcr Flalhcad River * »le nvbied. The NarlhFork has ibumilBiil i^elland bihI n pan an habililduc lu picv m uiv ^ 1 a^ iiliou, tii^h precipilallon and Ihcdevelopmenlof floodplain landfarms alan^ Ihe NorlhFork Flalbiead Pl>er. The lin]>{nlanie o I Ihene v^cll a nds his long been recognized both lihilly ind regionally. The Fliihe ad d rai nage 'vuppncls one of Ihc gre alesl ind mosi dive nic c(j nee nl ral nj niv of ^^ ell aiul'v in ihe RiKhy Mounlalrei, Including peillands i>iboiy ponds, sprin^'v and seepiv, ^.ol^plexe'v of polhole pomb, vemil pools, and beavec pandit In Ihc Nonh Fork, nvenne ind depics'lonal ^^elland.'i are ihe mosl "■ idespicid well I lid lypesdue loglacla- lion ind lluvlal pioccsses. The Hen ligc Pragram lnvcnlory uscv slindard melhods bolh k> idenliCy ecologically significani ivelland' al a Ailenvtied ncale ind lo pnonllze Iheir imporlaneefor v^cllandeonscn'allon ThK ippco ae h consldeis builDgi^ al ^ompo'vilion and condilion as a el I as Ihc f uncliouil jnle^iily dF we Hand ivileiv v^ilh ccspecl lo hydiolofy and lamfcicape selling. The i:i>n4ervalion flgnific ance dC a u'ellind is evaluiled againsl olher a el I amil silesu'ilhin Itie v^ aleished ind Ihe relaliveslgnifi- ciDce of u' aleisheds c an bccvaLualcd The in'Fenlorj' ^oil K lo pioduce i canhLivleiil ind comprehensive source of * ell and ln£o million lo help cnivure Ihil proles lion, millgilion, amil resloralion efforbi liigel Ihc Cull range o I ucllind divctsily including IhoHC well ands I h a I arc oul- slaiuling, irteplaieiblc.oriyhichcDnlribulc moiil Id * ilenvhed I niegn ly ll provides local laiuloivn- ers counly plinrtcis lirtd I ruivls , canservalion dislciels gtjvemmeni agencies ind olheisu'ilh iccesslo reliable I nfnrmallon on Ihcdivenvily of ivelland lypes I heir local ion ind relallvesi^nlfl- cince. This ere ale' a b asK for eCFec lively pnoiilii- inguielland p rolec lion ind resli>rallDn ef Forliv This lnvcnlory did nol irh. ludc well ands u' i Ihin □lazier Nilionil Park. Since i^ellind resources ivilhinlhe pirt enjoy Ihc highcil level o£ prolcc- lion, we dee idcd lo foi u' ^. urre nl invenloty ivoit on uclliiHt oubiidc Ihe Park, even Ihou^h Ihc Park's ivellandsconnbulesi^nlficanlly lo Ihc overall importance of Ihe Nonh Fort waleished. Two sources provide infonnilion on Acdand locilion'v, bul nol ihe biologieil significance of ive Hands *llhin Ihe park ihe FWS Nalionil Well and lnvcnlory mapiv and a ■cgelalion map currenlly being co mple led by Ihe Biological Resource Division o£ ihe U S Geological Survey {USG3J. Our invenlory ivoit is iIho incomplele lOrpnvale lands inhere in some cases *e ivcre unable Id obliln permisivion For accesik The well I nd SI les examined inlhis invenlory fall u'llhin Ihe u'cll and defi ni lion used by Cowaidinel iJ Ll?79) because Ihey all had al FifuiE L EliLL&oFMDnlinH Nilunl Hcnl Df c PiDgram mrll d nil invcnlory tnlhc Fl jEIkmI W alcrvbuzd. DpsnagB^ mi yei InuFinTivlsrr MlbCLE n^k llATUt^n , CbIIhhII ^ ^ , v~- '> "^ Kfl-tll KIRK H.'TIIE\D WTbHP .lijiv 1? 2lVI[> IcaM Dnccif Ihc Collou'lng allnbulc^ hydrophylic ^c^clBliun hydrii: SOI Iji, and/or * cI I and hydinLogy. This dcf I n I ILDO ] nc I [ulcv riparian arcBi, v^cl mcBdoiyv, and mz mil pools Wi^lland Hrminologj' in diii rcpDJl folLo*'i Ibic dcfinllio n't ^c1 fonhin our 1999 icponou Ihe Fl al he anl Walcrihcd, and ihcy tre [irovidcd again hrrc Corclanly (Grccnlcc 1999). 'Marshra ai? ^ica^ionilly lo pcrmincnlly Hooded well amb domlnHcd bj emergen! bicr- baccoiEi vcgclalLO n. M irihcs gcncrilly fonn o n mincrat hmI, bula>mc peal ace umul alio n can CMC ur bcc aitic of Ihe Ircmcruloit producliMly of marsh vz^clalion, a snamp differs liom i marihonly m Ihil iyi>iid> planl inr tkimmanl. Inconlrasl pcaltindE air a el lands Itial ae^u- mul ale pcil, o r pam al I y dcjio iTi]>r>scd pi ani mai- ler AIL I he pL'alland'v in Monlana are (icrb-domlnalcd fens or ivli rub -do mi na led [:Brr^ whose w aler soun c is picdij mi n a nl ly giDiind* lie r I hal hiii been i n conlaci w i Ibi m i n- cial HDil (eonHcque nl ly high In nulrienlsj, as opposed lo l»EE ivhosc w aler source is pre- dominanlly preeipilalion |hcnce nulrienl piur). Flnnslically bogh Icrhd lo be moie impover- ished Ihan fens The shrub-nlom I nalcd pe all aixis |carnv| »rc somen mes beivl developed in Ihe lH£En i>t mo a I- 1 1 be ri ng HO me li ni;^ I ouiid as Ihe oulerinar^inorihepeallaniLl. Scd^e ntEBdowB oceur lnshillou' basim ind have hmiled [ical developmeni beiause Ihcj itually dry do*ii for pan of Ihe flowing season In Monlina, Ihcy are Irequenlly dommaled by Ciiie\ limi?<.iifj?ii Islendersedgef, *hieh K also com- mon In fens. The terms Ebpe rherlne de- pre^donal aixl bcuEtrlnefrliiEE Aellarxt ire all u^ed asderined by Smilh el al ll995> ~ study Area The Nanh F^ik Fill hf ad ivBlcnheil lb locilrd in [Lonhu'cM MdiiIiiii jFlgucc H imlikaLltii- nHlcm B niLkbi CoLumb I D. C inad^ Th? C anadi jib rcEcr Ip lliis area aplhi? Flalheid Valley. Tbic i*nlci5hc<] licpnilbim Xiinliizm Ruckica SccliPnciE IhcNonhcm Rocky M o unl i] as S Irppc-Com £c iduh FdicsI- A LpiiH Mcadnw Pm^jncf fM J3J. Billc) l^95r and IS spLiI iki vh'n I he mjddlf jnlQ Ihf Wbiilcrth/Si^Bn MiiunlDLit, & ufccc lion Eubscc- Udd fM33ICa| IQ ihc cb.\I (Nc^^acl il. 1917). ThcLiSGS4"'C[nlehjdjDlcigii Unil numbrrb I71}[020Ml nvi^ c biiii n. up la S milfs uiide I n pi nccs. Tbic Norlh Fort mI Icy iv oi s^;ollrcd b> ca nU [Lcnl dL ^] D^ Lf IS duel ng Ihiz Flc\flacenc. Slucf ibc IT Lecal af Ihf f I acii^jH, villc}' boLIoma hivf been Kubjec roJ lo hJIeividI [irTKi;'v^is, making gUf I il cvLclc[u:c morr ^ubdueil. G I bc i al □ ulu' ash drpiBilB rrh^dctcd ind nz-sdrled by glBriol incll- *ircTundrjlie I hi! mijonly n E I hi? BnzB Flawing ui iCf T f cncn Led f]DiNl[i I aiiti ind Lcitbccs idjiccnl Id Ihf rJonh Fork R Ivcr and lis LnbnlacLrs Many Likes and hi' ell b nds u'e re foEiiicil by flBCJjIly inElnenced iBndfonns lihe keltic poivt- Irrciled by imz I ling jccb Inc; ksj duLi« ish pi bj fls. and EcDlhill:* moraines IMl ind Hyndman 1^X6). Alpine glBLicPi in Ihe higher mounlij ni fl anklng ihc tjlley CTcaled U-shipcd valleys and cirque b lEFiE. balli CDnducive b uicll uid dc\ i? lopmenL ThecLmalcciflhciludy area Eciletti u balance belu'een pacilic manlime inEluences and dni^rcanlinenial an masses ^inleis iieciKii. dandy, and ivel . ind summe [\ aic hi' aim and dry. June ]* the v^clleNl single monlh fFi^ure If CanlfeiDLB Eorcsl [lole nl i ally ca I'eis nearly ill orihe uppeibSonh Fort driimge, aniv in iieaaar lecenl bums or Limber h a n esL □ r ivi ihl n I he compBculively limlled alpine and »clland eaviian- menU does a ne find nuD-lcursled iiomniuni lies. The LaaereleviliDnsin Ibesludy aici air pic- dn m I nam 1} .sccal ca ni Fe r fDcesli dDimniled by Dou^\us-ftr [Fvniif/liufti f iri-JEiu'ei^j >, ivesle m IbtuIi tLit" • ticciiiiriiiiiUs) ind lodgepalc pine (/■i FTJj' HmijJorTfr), a n Ihc a inncil ci posures pandeii>!ia pine (Flii"i pfniSeroja^aa^te in Impaclanl slind ciLimpn ne nl While pine H'mm Fircvjn [Yj'ir t ^^is an impirclanKeri] conifer be Edit ■he idvcnlof ^^hile pine bh^lccnril | C^i'nu rPJirpir nibica>aj.'Yhc mosl me^icaElhe loiter li> mid elevBlinn£ire£ are polcniiilly dnminanlin gmnd fir (.-Iftf ti if nrnJri), a ealern icd: edar ( r/udjO pSititliii and Id a very limiled tilcnl u'csicm bemlack tjiu^a lic-\e'iij?hylta). however, ihen: a a sliong ilDchislLC CDm[iDnenL lo Itic dLUnbulion of Ihebe me!iic I rec ikiiec le.i and Lhey are ofLen abbenl fid m drainages a E II' a lecJieds IV he I? IhecLmiUc CDniLirri>nE A'onJd fivDC 1 be ir piese ncc FigmE 1. WiHerclimalcdiagiam iWillec \^1i\ Ecom Polebndge, Monlani. The diagonal snips on llic loiver b ar iF[i rcsenl ihe^OSf pmbabilily Ihil I he lem peril ure ivill nml fill beloi* J2 5 F POLEBRII>GE.Hr(l073m,'aBaJh> f3flD.'30l FJ (B50mm''Z2 I H liaiB- I99ffl E E O B a. - °- - -30 -4D Ddl^Jhs El r. lye^lizm I an bi. ]imI^c[id]c pine, Bnf ? I maun spriKC [F/ccti fi£<^"iii'i"i\) and aubilplue Cir i\b\i:j tii^'oci'iiii') arc ilIdiiiIiiiiiI al niLd-cLcvalinitv ind I he lallcrlbirccvpceLCi wilh Ihc add] Hon of v^ hilebirh pine tFimi^ itSbicaiiSii) and 'vubslpme larch {Ltiiix S'-at>ii) arc dDininanI al [he biif hcvl clevalinrei {Si meek and Ba^huinki L995) Recenlly ivhilcbark pincvlind' have undergone missive niurl b I lIv. whu. h "■ lII f busc cc^l mcl uiiug of numeiDiCi hi^hsubilpine plinl communings Of Ihc above lisled co nife mit Iree ipecici, only En^elmann spruce or En^ elmann ^pnKe 1 u'hilciprucc [Fifeii Rlitmu] hybridi arc Mrougly Biisoei aled v^ ilh a ell and comil] lions ar^l p rc^ B Icnl uiUhm Ihc 1 andsc ape Weivlcrn rcAcdar o Cicn [>ceiirs in i^ el I amil'v. bul has i very limiled pcc^ence ivi Ihm IhLk hydroJogle unil. Deciduous I rcc species, picdommanlfy biBck CDHonuiaod ^Fuytitiis huisiurt/Je/ ti ti'ip lufSinca'pa) and Id a limlled ekicnl quaking aspen il'iij?iihii UemiiliiiiSfs). are promi nenl componenls of CloodpLiln^alLcry forcsls, be a'F e r-gcrteraled well B nds. irtd olher A el] and cnv I coumenls Bolh spccie'i may range upslope, hou'cve r bLick co lion- wood does so o nly ivheic subimgallon is presenl. 0£ Ihc Iwo fc/'jjJjj] species, il K much more slion^ly iiKSOclBled ivilhinni'vl lo wclsoll moislure regime'v The largcsl landowner in Ihc waleished K ihe Amcncin public The Ae'vlem'vLopeof Ihe Livin^ivlon Range in GlacierNilionil Park is managed by Ihe NBlional Park Service Ihc eiLslcm flopcof Ihc WhilcCish Range K manBgcd by Ihc FiBlhcBd rJalLonal Foresl. There are HcveraL seel louiv of si ale land lUHUiged by Ihc Monlana Dcparlmcniof Niluril Resources Co nnerv i lia n. The Nojlh Fork is p arl of Ihe Fl bI he anl Wild fi Scenic R Lver dcvLgnaled 1 n 1^76. Pnv»le iBnd is couflitcd lo Ihe valley bolloni. Methods I daitilyngAndSdediing Wdlatds Fcrl rTkHTtotY ThL' p ri in. [p Lc ^. rUcn B for milLillyscLccling ¥^cl] B nil ^] Ic^ in Ihbi luvcnloiy ivcr? ecalagtcii SLgm Clciucc and funclii^naL inlrgiily. Ouiprr- IfivcnlDr^' cvBluBliancDreiiilcmJ Ahclhcr aivil? had undcr^nne m ajo r hydinLDgn; or gcomprp hn. mixlLni: Bl m FLiv, u' biclbici ] I hid inlacl icprc'enlilivc nBlivcplBulmminunilLrsoriarcplBuloi anjinal sprdcs, and AhclhL^r Ibi? 'ilchiduulslindLn^ u'lldllf? habilBl vilucv. Several sdufccn of Info r- m B ILO n ivcrc coitvullcd In idcnlify well b nds for field invcnlorj' EfLpcrl opinion' £roin locil renouire mimgeri, field biolo^iivls bihI hydro Io- gLivIs piovided Ihe be-il si le-spcci Fk informallnn Biid mo'l p roml'vLn^ leads for Col low- up. En ill neBrly Ihree doze n si les ucre idenlilied Ihraugh public ind pnvaleseclor inlerviews. We bI^o idenliCied pDlrnliBlLy imporliiil i^elland'i by 1 FLspec ling U SGS topographic quad mips ^JbIiohbI Wellarul Invenlnry mips lenil pbiolographs Bnd I he FlalhL'idNilioiiil Forcsl map. As previously iiDlcil, wcllBni]& in Glacier NilionBl Park were ml included in Ibie field mvcniiiry even Ibiougbiminy Bre biolrtgicilly signilicani and would be iteful t\ reference SI les Wl' Ihen pnorilijed Ihcsiles fo r invcnlo ry, emphisizinglhc Coliowing ■ Liiger uclLindi ove r sm B I Ler well B nib ■ Si lea wi Ibioul geo morpbLie and/or hydrologic modiliealLDn ■ InlacI native plant eommuniiie^, bolh in ttie AellatuLl ind inlhesujiQundiug upliniti ■ h DDA n papul aiiDiis of TB re plants and animils \Vc also ci>rL'idcr I'd I an^l.'l^. ape ^.olHc ;^l ind m B n B^cniL'nt cnip h asLS Foreiample lower percuniil nvcnnc atHLl tlep ressio n b I uctlBiHti ilong the Nojlh Fort received greater [nvenlory atlen- ban Ihiu upper perennial wetl a nds bee auhc of Ihc poleulial iDrdevelopmeulon private Linds. '^e Found fc^^ p re-existing irferrnces lo high quality a el Iannis in Ihe watershed, exce pi for McGec Meidow inGlicier ^Jatianal Pirt u'hieh h>£bccn A ell documented a'l a 'iignific aul wet- land however, uc c hoDse not to include Ihissrte in the ranking list bee aune of iK ei isl i ng , highly pro tec ted si atu.'i annl because we did not evaluate any Dihcr *cllaruls wilhin the Pirk Where polen- lial in^enlory ^ile^ *ere partly or * holly inpiivile ownership, we requested landowner permission lor access Incases where permission ^ms denied, the^iite A IS dropped from Ihe prion ty lisl In the course of I he 199^ Tield se ason 24 individuil wetlinds *cre inventoried al len sites [presented in Table 5j Two iiles. Tepee Like arul Mud Like, coreiisted of lightly gnjuped although spatiilly sep a ra te well ands u'hich we c hose lo c al I a wetlandcomplc* We Found four wetlands too small, degrided, or licking in Irue * el I arul charac- Icnslics to meelourcritena for eculo^calsignLn- cincc. Dd:aCollelion W 'iIjiJi I rrriirr'f'dlini' ilr lii i rr 1^1 nil- iliti iri i rfkii i lg^i li ii'ME Eilr II I Jilii I nil lu- II iiilf Ijp ri III dirii MliM' pill! ill 1111 il^inrrri^iL jB I ii[ rri I rl il I m I S p eeiIie i 11^ r r il- l:i pl:d Ik r ill ik ri if k ill r Mind p In! : 1 1 ■ i- iili'Liliil [irii Liir iiEipli k'l' rrMMlH if irf| r I If I iririiilil liiJgi i'\ prri iliiii ■ ' iilH dii nil! iirii'i II Mil Eifiiii I id' irilii rilii Hie a I ikririii^ii .ir'n:i iid Mill I I'd III iriri^r ilmk iii i lulf T : iIileiIieJ 'Ilk iilliiJ pliilici I iiiM lEiij ] mil M il |M m iti iLEiLEii Ik : i^ii iliti 1 1 M>k Ell I llllr.llllllll| friEIKIflEEIIII ip"iiE.Miiii(i a I Ii>;ei[ kii i icLiig ii ri||iif piiEiiiigliililiE diliE iiffip.iiJ I till r 1^1 rrp kit iii k ji ru Ig^ ii i i J iIiiiIidi l. ie I i\\ IE iriEiiE' fl iN grir Ik (iijiIiiie ii ii riLli difil 1 1 Elii J ii; r I'M ii Mi itii aclivily ForpLinlcommunllic^ mil prcviouily dc^cnbizd in hiitcn el il. { L 995| or ivhlch *crc deemed u IK Dm mo u, '^r caLlrcle^ldclBilelplQl dali. A I nchMlccLrvaliitn, 3^pecl slope ind Ibic biyiHragconiDrp hic |liGM)cLasi and subcl Bii iSmllhclil 1995) *cjr noKd. a'vU'cmhe Cou' anili n syslcm/subsyvlcm, c I asivVsubcl aivTi , aiul hydinLogic regime {Cou'anilin cl il. L974| Wc alsn ictordcd oCfivHc landitcv and spoke lo landD*n- cis/ m Bnigcis ibnul 1 annluse hi'^eir/ i^hcnevcr possible A c umfty scar^. h for rirc planis ivb' conduclcd d unng Ibic "■ aLUbirou^h i>£ iz ac; bi ft ell and. Btyopbiylcs ivcrc collcc; led al afiz* '>Hc^ and idcnIiFicd byJ.C EIIloII. MonlanaNalural ncriligc FiD^rBin znolo^i'K comLluclcd faunal suhf cyv of sclc^; led uicll b nds These iiurvcys I1kll4scilI on animal groups Ibial arc rcolDgidlly imporlanl mucllimti, bul incon- aplcuoici and ik>I aell dn<.umcnled Znological surveys enip h aivi/ed amp hibl b niv andsnailiv This Invcnlo ry dijcs nol dclmcalcjurisdlc- llonal ivelland'i nor is I he luvcnlaiy i forinBl ftizllaniil fuiiclLDnal asscsmcnl Hcrilagc Progjim ccifLogisIs d id itic Ivio rcgmnaL HGM models developed by rccanbicr* al Ihe Fl bI he anl Like HiologicaL SiBlion {Hauciel al. L994,HaLier L995) Fo r iitlance, alsiimesilcs ive mcaivured Ihc deplhof lADiiiLl honiois. Ihc O honzon and A honzon, i n ho me pi bhI eammuni lies This>iriible IS measured m Ihe mleimonlanc ]>nlhole MGM model, Il rep rcscnis I he long-lcrm ivliirc of nulri- cnEin ihesoil and tc^ as hu indci oflhe^hara^- Icnslic dctamposcr communi ly I n Ihe a el I and (Kiuerel al. L99fl| Thiiv amil Dlhei soil dali ivis gathered for ho me u'ell aniti. half of ihe luvenloried u'ell and slles Included Limt umiler p n V ale ou' ne rnhi p LBndjwneis ft en: conlacied Co r peimission lo gnu aeeess lo Iheir piopeTly prior Id sile visils. Users of Ihiiv rcpoM should nole Ihil Ihry liio.u'ould need looblain liudLiv^ ncr pennis!iian befoic cnleri ng privalc Liud<.. DdiaMaiaganoTl T 1:1 otiitj *i Ki:i.3 Miii'r Fiii^ii iiii.n I'll \' }'.i •: i lUk je: !••• il' fir Ik r 1 1 II ! ilk'i'd II Ik : ■ riliii ii r' iliri ( 1 1 - I I LI r plol records commLinily lud specie'^ DccurETBce records slle recoRt and commumly dbslracU Welliudcommunjly pLul mfurmalLon fi c .specieseomposLlion, cover and cuviionmeu- laLdali) ftisenlcred lulo a database slrucluralLy ^ery similar lo Ihc EC ADS dal abase developed by IhcU S. Fores! Service for m a iiagiug ecological dala (Jensen cl »1. I99?|. Wcciciled a community occuirencc recoid forca^h wellHiidcommunLly ranked as having oul'vlandingqualily oreonsldcicd rare or imper- iled Commuully oiiLirrence luformation (eg . HGH class Cowaid i n cl ass/suln. LiivS dominaul speclcv. hyd rology, 1 andnc ape scllingf v^is ■vumma- nzed and entered in Ihc Biological amil Co nivcrv a- iLonData 3yslcm |BCD| a dalabisc developed by The W alure Co nncrv a ncy amil ited by programs throughout the Natural tlciilBgc Nelwaik. Summary inConniliou aboul cichsite as i whole (e.g.. geucril site dcscnplions. ecological divePvLly, on- amLloCCslle landitiCv, and manage- mcnl ucedivl u'as iIho enlcred lulo a site lilc in BCD. Del a I led plani community a bivtra^ Is u'crc created to chiiaclenzc both common and uncom- mon Aclland plant communLlles.ThciC include I nfoimallon f rom a vanety of si>urces documenting communily range, typical I amit'ic »pc sell i ng , ty pic al spccicv com]>osi tLon succcssLonal piltcrniv. and managcmcnl consideralion'v Thiiv information IS bcLngivtorcd Icmpoianly in au'ord pnjcessing template, Co r I a tcr uploading i nio i BCD file under development. The boundiries of c»ch ft ell ami si Ic wcicdigiti/cd as pulygoiti indsloiedin iGeo- griphn. luformalion Syslcm T *rlbi A menci 11997^, Ahich pjDVLdKi 1 nnjre receni IreBlmcnl of I he gcnui BLltthr The olhcr ciecp Ildh "■ as a cominDii udl Bnd ^cdgc, itvu B 1 1 y refrncd lo bs beaked sedge, uibii^h haiv been enoneoitly called Ciifex'niifalii i n picv lo u'sIixIlcv While Ci'ii-y 'iisl I I'll' Aic^^}<.<.ti^ in Ihcslalc, il ls vltv rare. In Jhi^ report, fhe common *rlland sedge, also known by Ibic cominDn mmc o F bcite^l ivcdge, giiesby Ibic L B lin bimimiil C!'i€\ iiHici'h'lt' lGnlFilh.4 L959| .\\:^.F'nst' eif,ehi\uiii'i (EngeL- in B nu spruce) is ited k> inc lulc Tri iyj e/iRirl/rni/if'i' , Ficen giuiica {ivhllc iip mcej and ihe I F liyb ndii (Daubenmlre L974| Rdtiking Of CommuiitiEsAnd Sits W' Jil rl II' null "^ ip lErir lIii i ei> i ili llll' irildlTldlllplllUillllIlM Irp'E I Ell I iiilMii LI I lg jr I L II lluEF iiri h j iii l.i- TllllllJllllllipriirE TllElllllt'Eril'l IE ]iUidrd 1 1 I'lp I II i[ rii li ri nil :lri ri Ie ii jieL 111 JMmi II' iitjfri III lid rinriiiliii rniMli'E fii I iiilr riiLi III liEii p:ii Nilp CI ll : lu III I II In 1 1 I in ii'K'E II J i ir l fnipirJ I] llrtgiiiiili Ippi nllniiij'riJr jPi I ;Ul il 1 1 G II iIe| 1 1 ilMir idr Ifui Elilr 1 1 i iiiIe| Ii iHiliki.iiiiii iliri uitiidiligi llir 111 lind. II J III jililp 111 ni ildnf J r I n li I r I T Ir III Ie IK lulrd Pni J Ii ! r ill G I Mdiri:ii[ llilllr III I iiilj lEnilinll] ii pn- llrJ iii[rild'.]il I G ^ iiJirMii| ii iieL tf f ilii G iidrliin Ml J lo lEii'i (I II ml E 111 II ill i ri ]i ^ p p'li ii ' }\ liil 1 1 1 ' Mil i 111 lip I nil p liil n I I 1 1 1- linPiiid II lliluill Fril rilriEl'd i ii gnniird iiii[ ll^liLliEiri^Ird liillr li ii, Tabic ]. DerinillDns indcnleni Co r rank i ng si les aeeoiding lo degree of ecolagic al sigulflc anec CPITERlt ccinmciN WJCATOFS R^riK rA ^i:oF£3 RKImn ^ir ■ 'UiirrliGiv ol nnvrixB [bil [OdiTHJilH ikilln s. 5ir lEB iigi dhf I'.iih Gi v<^ Eihn i|H^ a ^Ei.i>] miE'. £ 5ir h.!. .]rni>} dsf I'.i^ Di ve^ Eihn F/n^ (■ w] ^lr>jE nil oi Co-iarBli (I.T.9l[alDn fe.iUr^ ^^rrrliUv ol iftnl (cnmrilE'. c Edilcqca PDTfS biri^ /HllBI HVJi (oirnlolci Gl ? 5ir h.B HDi di[] nE ^KdEi c ciBiiniiito^ CtfUtn E'Enlb^KH^r COMCB |< a Ptitwut Dlok-^lt Bip^icB ± 5ir nif»] [onllDn iiTt Bip^icE ^(HXiEnl 1 nun r.i>ji Di roll.! v.nil[n dtlMV iTtfihn ^l>ihu.1 rr^t.ilb'El LEf . hn«r i 5ir n|H» (ollci moTi wriact ptitm Sin •iita ri^rnl oi -. i Eir B ^md |.3D ^Hirii HftlHt L3>ilcE n^LiTanlra PtinwMi aliMrti MfmcC li^nit nn-rntir 1 v quili ly-rmtcd iti n^ crilc n a developed by The N ilurc Coiteryincy and ihc Naluril He n lage Nclivort |ThL' N ilurc Coite r- vaiK;y I9?8| Wccvalualed cnmniunily ^ize camil] Iidh ind I aiml'ie ipc c;o niexl fi>c ea^ bi mmmu- ncCy oce UJTCIKC ind I hen averaged far a final eoniniuiilly □« urrence rankof A— D, or OLcellenI fo pc>i>r.Coinmunily occurrence ranks ivere con-sldered dunng Ihe \He rank i ng pcocefiv, ex- [ilalurd below. We cv jl u alenl Ihco.eril! ivLgni I ic a^^.e of individual well and 'lle'i iiflug meltiods 'viiriil ar Id Iho^c iLird in Idaho ind W aivhi nglon fWa'ihinglon Depirlmcnl of EcDlogy 1 99 1 , J inkovsky-Jortes 1997, Chiddeel al. I99ll| Each iveliandivilc was evaluated Corlivc CaelDni fTable i}. Prrsenccof rarcspcciei as well as ihcj r degree of rarily innuenced Ihe ririly score for e fL ample presence oE a glob ally rare ivpe^ iciv w as riled higher Ihiu [1 resence i>£ aivlile rirc species. Thccondilion ind liihbic a pe coniek I fquilily riiik| of all Ihe com mu- nily occ urrcnccv al aivile were considerenl ivhcn as!iigninglhesile(Dndilion ind upl anti seo reiv E*ch Cailar aleaihivile was scored CroinO (low- est) Id 3 rhifhcvl) amil Ihen all scores al a&ile were summed for a lalal score ranging CromO lo 15 E*chof Ihe Civefaclors *iseqiiilly i^eighlenl in [he ^.o mpoivile score. The scores of all Ihe siles ^^cre Ihen arranged £rom highesi Id lowesi, and Ihe d LSI ri buliou of ikCO re^ a is divided iniD four urtcven qiiarlile'v E ac h of Ihese qiiarlile'; def i ned icil- ego ry of ivile si^ nific ance, dene ri bed beloiv ■ Outstoiding g^iificaice Thenc siles rcpre-enl Ihe tno&l ecologie illy significiul 1^ el lands in ihe ivurvey area They arc lar^c aixlsupporl adivenvc array of plani commu- ni Ill's a lid o Iher iiii]>r>rlinl AellaruLl feilures ivuc h as pea Hinds, beaver ponds and spring:^, whie h pinvide adi>eisily of habilil'i These siles irc prl'vliue, o r rtcirly so, and lypu.illy provide habilil fornuineroici si ale and/o r glob ally rare plaul ind am m al specieiv The i^elland pi anl comrriiin] Hi's al Itiesesiles are gertcrally ine^celleuleondilion There ire minimil lulhro pogenu. influences al Itiesesiles so Ihe well and funcliorts ire lirgeLy inlad ind mosl likely fall Ailhiu Ihe ran^e of nalural viiialion. Finally, ihe uplinds surro unding Ibie-e SI les lend lo be largely inl acl . I hus m ai nl ai n- in^ Ihe siles' hydrologic regime ImpacKlo Ihese siles ^annol he Cully miligalcd, and iny alleralioibv could lead lo signific aul los^of Iheirdislinclivc c h arac lenslics and value ■ Vayhigha^iificaice Wei I arul SI les m Ibis cile^orj' generally support d I venie, hi^hqualily planlcomrriunjiies bul Ihey are diivlinguished from Ihosc of O ulsl and- in^ Significance by having a greilc r nJcgree of anlhmpo^enic dislurbince eilheron- or of£-sile |e g., lodging in Ihe uplands near ihe si le, grazing on a pojlionof Ihesile, elc.f They may support a number of si ale rare plani or animal speciei, and Itiey lend lo be large. Mosl of Ihe well and plani communilies al Ihese siles are in excel lenleondi- lion bul a few may have modcrale impacliv ImprovemenI in resource manigemenl al Ihese siles, siKh as changing prizing mana^emenl plirts or reducing Irapping pressure on beiver, would impntve Itieoverill ivuileof ivellind fune lions ind could mo-e Ihem lowird Oulslandmg^tgnificance ■ Higha^ifficaice Well and siles ol lii^h 3 igniFioincc arc gener- ally large and lend lo have a modcrale divemly of well a lid plani communily lypeiv, compared lo Ihe l*o pjcviDiCiCilegones These 'vile'v may supporl liomc populalionsoC rare pliuliv and animals The 10 degree af Biilhn>[iogenLC dislurbiiK e al IhciiCvLl?^ Icntk lo be SI mi L»r li> IbioHC in Ibic prcvioiLS c »l- cgoiy MqivIuI IhL' i^izlland pi buI commun] lirs hI ihc^csiKs Brc m cn-cllcnlcondnioii, bul b fru' miy have mixlcralr Impacl'v ThciC ^ll?^, u'llh Ida divf lyc pi BUI cnminun] lies miy be Bppcopriilc modcK fpr well B nd rc'loralion. iincc Ihcy exem- plify Ihcdi^liibullnn and ^omposi lion of cu m mou nBlivcuclLind cominuiii lies They could iIho Ecnc B& seed SDUires fitr [ilanl malcnil used in reiilDralinii piDjcem ■ Modadea^iificaice Sues of Mode FBlc S Lgm £11 aih.c hBve 1 mnder- Blc diveiikily of plinl co m m uuil les ind hirtHir some raicspciles Houcvcr. Ihcy ace generally moce impBcled I h b n si les of n igti signi Cic aih.e. For lnslance, I hey iihlude more lommu nil ics mHu- eihed by ekolie specie^, such as iced c anarygras^ {Fitiiluns a/uf'iiittncen]otieiilap [.Ir/oiIij jliilo'irjcrai. 01 Ihal have a simple vegelaliaii slcuclure such aseallall manoc ul lures \llhougli Ihese'lle' lend lo have relall>clj biigh le^el'iof eurreni or biislonc on- Bndoftilc imparls I heir I Brge size Kill I makes Itiem giiod habilil Fdc ivilecfou'l andcerlBin wildlife. In add 1 lion. I hey £lill provide Impaclanl well and Cunclions, £ peak £lowsi>r removal o I com- pouiHti indpBJliculales Reslo ra lio n dC degradrd ivellind'i ne ac or adj icenl lo Ihcse'ille'i Aould add lo Ihe lolal AellaiuLl acreage. n Results And D iscussjon Connuities Tbic Ncjnh Poih VBllcy slinitioul a.^ biaving Ihc IcBSI Imptcled ivclLand Bnd n [i an an ikyiilf in antDn^ Ihc FlBlhizad R ivcr ivubu' alerihi-ds Ihil ivc have invL'nIoncd iFigunz If The nvcnne Fluvial ptocn-iiCf aic inLacI ind 'vup]>i>rl Ibic nlo clopmcnl (j£ early iixl laic sera I col lo nuooil M ands Malurc CDllonwiHid gallery Corcvlshavc ainulacl nadvc ^hiub undcnlnr^' There irc^ignllicanl i^cIIiikI CD[ii[i lcie?i Ailhcommunjlieslhal are In □ uliil and- ing eondilioii and repce^eul Ihe nalucaldiLcrrlbi Fork Fl bI he ad ivizllands Biringat by C oiv B rdlu syslcm ciany bihI 'ubc; I as.' SciEmiFic HjU'e COFIUDH Hj^UE Rank Py^LUSTRINE FOREST ED CO WWUNITIES, NEE Ab«£ iBsiocB/pa .' CalamBgnisfE cs^iadenaia Ab«£ lasiocs/pa / Lodifp ^3ndu<03iim fiii/CE iBsiocB/ps ' CV' QUEpnl FP^dgBBB Sp' Beadily Spcucf >' Rpd-D5i?r dogiKKxd SpcucE >' Fipid IXT5?bll SpcucE >' ^ti^E I Ec^ntd becktsw Weslem reitEifir ■ ladylErn Weslem reifcEifir ; Osktrn Weslem reitEiter .' Dainl s dub GESS GflSd G3S2 G4'&3 G3Bi GflSd G3G4^3Sd G4S3 GflSd G3Gd33 G3S3 G3S3 R?d-OEier ifcgucod Hprbaccaj^ RacanI olluinal boi Py^LUSTRINE FOREBTED CO WUUNR'IES, BROAD-LEAVED DECIDUOUS Befala pao' Ocnmcn Enowb^nv Popaits Hayiuioxiios / Calayiagm^Da canaOense Qusking a5|:«n '' BuEprH rpadgs^s Popaits Hayiu^oxiios / ComuB seticea Quaking aap^n '' Red-c^iar do^ixxl PopuiuB P^mi/loMlfs/ OBiPO/Ti/za occidenal'B Quaking aapEn '' Was^rn sn^El cicEly P Iremitlo/des - P b3l^ii\toja B5p. Quaking aapEn - tiack a}ctioc3jpa ' Osmoihfza occxdenOlis coHai*iicd .' Weslem a*eel cicely Pcpuliial'omulaideB'SfiipffO'Hia/poaabiiB Quaking as p«n V Cotnmn anos^ierry Sd033 G3?&3 G-'S' G-'S' GflSd G3S2 GflS3 G3?&3-' G2Q&2Q G3?53-' PALUSTRINE SCRUB-SHRUB COVHUNTTIES AInuB amana AInuB incana / Caret sfp AInuB yirttSs BEp av/uaB Belitia glsn/luloaa / Caret cuB/ckit Belitia g^ndi/las ■' Carex tas/ocajpa Belitla g^ndi/loBa ■ Care/ ult.ti/laB Couiusaencea Kalmta mtcmpt/ylia I Cave: ficopuVorum flhanvus Btn/lol/B ^1" bebhianB Sal" booth/i , CatajT/BgmsIs canadensis Sal;- CB^dk^ / Carei tB3}0CBipa ^1" dti/n'mcnd\anB ^1" dti/n'i'icnd\anB . CBJamag/oalis canadenalB BROAD-LEAVED DECIDUOUS Ktainlainalttr GES5 Ktainlain aldEr i sei^ G3S "> S\ta alder GES5 birch.'CuaicksEti^ G''S3 birch ' ^lenitr ^^d^ GdS J brch.' Beaked EE<^ Ga?B'l ■tdosiardog^oKl GaS3 A\p-w laurel .' Hdma Raik, Mojn^n 5?i^ G3G J3 3 Alitr-leavedbj[»-lh>xn GES5 Bebbs'iilo'j GES5 BcDiha itillDW ' BuefirWresftjass GjGjO^R Ikiat, wiIIdw .' ^lantraedge G'^S^ Drummcnd a filloiv GES5 Dru mm end a filing' ; 3uefirnieei^asa GeS cavTi'^UED ON ^'£J^^ page 13 TibLc. ? ciinlinuciLl friim prrF ions page SciEHnFiG Naue Coi'VOh NiWE Rahh PPJ.U^TRriESCRU&SHRUf CCfJVUNIIIES BROAD-LEAVED DECIDUOUS Saiu dni'j'U'a^'ia^'a / Cbvp: uOicuiaB dummcnd 5 'Mllon '' B^ah^da^d^ G5^E fefu nBummifidaiTa 'Mesicfcb Drummcrd 5 '' Mpsic ganirod G5^E Sahx o'/giB /J^mpaaiy Icoctd ^anctar willoi'i' TEmiKxarY IcKxtil G5SE SaO/ geyensna / Caret utr/ci/taB GPY^r'E wiIIdw >' beaked 5?!^ G^^E Sahi ggyeuBiB / VeB\c ^arrim^d Gsyec 5 fnllow >' Mpaic garrirod G2G3? P4LUBTRINE EWERG EHT COMtfUNfTIES, PERBSTEHT Agrosis stolonifeta Redlcp G55E Bro/pua /nemi\3 ^mcolh bfome GS^E CaiaymgnisDa canaOens-s Qucpnl r^^i^sBS G4Q3J Cb'o- apoHa GcJumtia 5&d^ G2^S2 Caia- Bipia6{\3 Walpr E£i^ G55fl Cb'o- aqis0\3 - Gate' uOicuiaB Wslpr EE<^ - E^akEd Eei^ G.3G4 Cb'o- aHie/odes Anred sedgE G^^E Cb'o- biniiaurpn Qj ib^um'E SEdgE G3^3 Caia- iastof^ipa ^l^nitr ^^d^ GSSE Caia- ItmosB Mud EEI^ G3^3 Caia- nab'a£cens\£ NEbraaka SEdgE G5^E Cb'o- scapiAoram HcJm s Rcck^ Mixin&r liEdge G5^4 Caia- aPxtaiaSa &akEd5?i^ G5SE Caia- yesiisvtB ktlalEd5?i^ G5SE Deschampsta ce^Moaa Tultd hskgasB <>]S3Sd Dul/di/uni amndmacei/nr Dulichum G3^3Z EJeocliB'/B paluatrtB Canmcn EpikErush G5SE EJfocliB'.s mslelia B &akEd 5[ik?ruBh G'5l EJymi/s glaucus Que fildy? G2^-' Eqinselwp lnviattlo WbIef Ikir^Elail G5^E G^yceiia boteaba Men hem rriBmB^aES <>]E3 Ho 'de am jfiia lunr Fdi^I ba\ef G^^E Jiai i7U£ balUcuB ^itc rush G^^E PjapiBlensiB V-eifitky tlu^gaES G^^E Poapali/sPa Fnwl meadjw-^asa GSSE P'/aia/ia a/iBidnacea RESd CBrBIV^BBE G5^E Sc/zpua aculuE HBr(felEm bulrush GS^E Tj/pha lal\lol/a Qoad^al calbl G53E 14 developed npBnan uthh FOorly drained ■vHe'vOii ihe niBigLiEoC Fens bc»>er point, or Ine slope seeps ire iLiuaLlj doiniuileiLl by ucl E ngelm b nu spruee facesK, orby bliek (DlHinAiiDd ind 'kinalle r amounls of spruce. "■ hn. h evcnluaLly rcplacevlhe bl BC t: collomvood b I iiLU. bi sHes Fa Ibiolc 1 abcs of Icn hBve a narroi^ fnn^c of b I ai t col lo nuood and quaking ispen t_P«iii't'is liemiitoiiieS) Ihil quickly gi>L"i v^ay lo upland forcsl bee buhc of Ihe sleep sLope ^ridlenls around Iheseslles. We alio ob- sen'ed blick iDimnwiiod slands on upsLope 'kUbirng Bled burn siles, Itiis ueeuiTi an b large scale in Glacier Niliouil Park. Fluvial pnn-cssL's Ihal lead lo Ihedevelopmcnl of CO llanuTJod bol lo ms, 4ul h ai Hooding and sedimenl deposition, areinlael in ItieNorlh Poih "■alcished Milure b I ai t c;ol lo nuood foresis ivilbi inlaci nalivc shrub undeislory species are^.ommon izompired lo olher Fl bI he ad subi^ b lerslK^t a here miny af Ihe malureeollonu'oodeoniniunilles Ihal remain haveshifled From more palilable umiler- slDty species such as rcd-oilcr dogivoiid |CiinrjJT i€"'.fii] lo lesii palilable 'kpedes sue ti as common snou' berry (Syiiiiihi?'niiTS<'is iilbi't) Inlacl valley bollom^ollDnv^ood Co resis hive dec I ined region- al ly, from co nv cisio n lo agncullural uses, rural expinsiou, bankslabili^ilioii, and dams. S^YiJj wgddii on R! pi nil 111 r rihi j Ehi Mil h ii Ik' eIi J r rri i(( 1 1 1 1 1:riN :[ iillrr llii J pLii iii'Eullir-ii] ki'k tniirililiriiE iid iuMi iiJiiilMirrpotii iip'illiiii iiJii Iki^J-rifiiiEkM piltilfE iiMikr' I nil lid Eiillir \SiiSixiSniti\mii"iilii'ia) islhc mosl comnion willou' in Ihesludy area, si a nds of Drummnnd's ivilla* occurDnlerracesoFloiv gridienl si reams amil rivers il mid-clevilions and higher, and as i moi^iic u' i Iti m aisti > egeliliou in ivel meacLoiv completLes loClen uiilh some beaver influence^ Bebb'sivillou' [Sitiix hebbri'i'it] and Geyer's *llloiy {SiiH\ f^fyefi'i'ii] are much lesi common asdomluinls Sandbar u'l How {Siili\ Fi/j^d/ir^slandsdaminale aclive ind recenlly sliblhzed grivel and samilbiis Mounlilu alder [.Minis "icfttii) and redH>sie r dj^u'ood domlnale eommuniliesiloug higher fridieul si re ami«, amil bo III mi>unlain alder ind alder leaved-buckl horn {Bltuiiiiii'i I'liirjiiliu] farm communilieson Ihe fringeiiol fens ind lakes. Bog birch {Belulir Kliiiid'iti?s!i'^ IS a common shrub communily an pcallaiiLls Pe all and develop meni is uncommon In Ihe Wonhem Rocky Hounlams. Hd* ever v^ hen pcillandsdn develop, Ihcy occur as fens ind cans, somelimcs issm.iileiLl i^ilhbeivcr acllvlly. Al- Ihnugh nol common, Ihey probably havenol dcerciseiLl miihedly in icreage {Chaddeel al. 1995). Chidde el al. |l 9^8) provides a del ailed drac n pi lo n of I he ecology a nd co nser%' alion of peilJ anils in MonLina. EmG"gmt (hobacEou^ VEgSdion Nil If krrki.MiE'i'Mrtlr:iMiiiri ric Ifjllllll 1 MflElJ ilE'llll[i,IIEllJli| frilliiJE iiiEkM pgllilrE ^riirrpuiJc rrl ■ ndirE Lil'-rd[r[ ii^irE laJEliijlE I'fkiiioiEi Mliti r':rlLliii ie ieiiIIi i III piM I lEiii iririihilliiii lir li Ik: ikiiri ilri'kikilili iir ilik: .iLElilkril Ep '■ If E H'l II ■ 'I I; f I Ca'ex >as'oti"iiP^. Bu^baum sudge {C!'ie\ h'tfJinu/rt/i). and mud seflgc |Cn^ f I /Jrn"](r) c an dominale portions of fens and sedge meidoAS Common calliil [Typha ^(rPrJ^j^Jul . hardslem bii\ni:yh{SiJipui ant'rts), beaked sedge {Ctirtx iiSnculit'it). mflaled sedge {Ciirei *tirLidiijj| . iv aler sedge {Ctimx tiirttu'ilnt ind Bwned sedge (Cmex nlhcades) lypicilly duminale m aches In Ihe waleished. Hantlem bulrush beiked anul i^ a ler sedges and callill are ilso relalively common Cillail increases a lib nulneni i npuls. espcci a 1 1 y nllnjgen |Neill I990J; fertilizer run-off ami discharge of seplic elfluenl lo ivBler bodies c an c Busc rapid nulneni increases MosI of Ihe n al I ve heibaceoici i^ ell and and npanincommuniUes in Ihe North Fort u'alershed ire lo<.ally anul regionally comrrton Allhough Inlacl u'el meadow communilies areslill relalively common il higher eleval ions miny valley bollom ive I me anloi^ s Ihal once supponed lufled hairgrass {DeiLltumiiiit' tesp'ioiii] ind bluejoinl ri^edgras^ {Cnln'tni'aiUs nr/nji^errif ij co mmunilles hive 15 been convcrlrd lo rxDlIc^ like rcdiop lig,ni]'ii ]lol/if")erat.}itaIw.\;y bluc^ris.' IFiu/ iint'errs/ii. [linDlhy [Fhtefim I'TaletiiS^ ind ircil c anaiygris:^ (Fhi'liiiii a'ti"iiimifeii). Mriigliano and Lr'^ici (L9?8| hypolhcsljc Ihil bo Ibi inline Bndciolic gcnolypcs nf reed c b n Brygrasv iz i^iil in Muni an a wjlh the cnj lie gcnol> pes bci n^ res]>iin'iblc furlhc dcnie nnj nocullurcs nf Ibiis grasii income ucl- LiiHti. PopulalloreiaCcxolii: Dngin may be les pan- si blc Inrlbic a^gicsslvc sprawl of icrd c anarygras.' in K1 □ nl ana hibll abi. ncrbaccDLL' -^cl mcidn^^s I h bI hive been convcncnl fnim nall>e icgclalion rcpificnL a major rcilnralinin. h al Lcngc Noxloit v^cct.];- arc mo^l common in hcrbiccDiB vcgclallon lypcv Among Ihr mml widespread bi? Canada I hi&llf {CiTiiwii urvnriej , spnllcd tzmpivccd {Cfil!"i'eii and leal J spurge {Enpht'/ hn/ i!iu!t/i.TtBzt!i of bullcr iS egg* {L"ia"ii vt/lRiifiityicrc Coimd al S e huiici C ab m Well b nils ind ivbioiild be cradle Bled immedialely. Aqudi c bEd A^gd^i on P.i^lnir LLniliiir Jii EiTrnir iiiilii t:J !!' mil I 111 Illli III 14 ] I i rrp ^ Lid lliifli[|> ^iptircifprihiiJlilrE pfii Llr kiJ ip]lii-i iri|i prrMiiLlilmi e P irrrr'[ film < liiEifiiiliut 1 1 lyi iIk e r; Miliri It ■'Elm y iiliii lil irrltrri liiti inndM \it fi 1 1 J iliai fa I It r fglli r ii | iqiilit di i i- I Jl ir |r p M I t Errr' I Ik It : EII J r JFM 1 r Tn piid li.r \Ntti'hn'pi}l\ii^iialiurt').t(\oaItng-\ea\eti speeies, is b commo n dn m i nani Bquilic '>[]«: les Walcrinilfoll {M\-nn; and Gooiie-grBbfi Scd^e iCi'rty SenUctita'ii var dotra). The moonAocbi lend lo be facull bI i vc ucll and species, oeeuiriug in valley ind monlinc ci [i aci an forcsis and Ihickel'v. b' ^^ell b4 inu'cl nicaAiws. The GociC-grBis Scd^e Koncof iiii iktiec ill concern planlii in Ibic waleished Ihil ire hnou'n In Montana only £^OI^GlB^.lcr National Park; ive eolleclcd no neu' inFormalionon Ihcm in Lhi' 'il udy. O f Itic nz m a I ni n^ specie-!, many ire boreal or eireumborail plauK IbiaL ace re'vlnclenl lo peallaiids iChadileel al ISySV Tbiey include Huili>n\Eiy Eulntih (Si/ri'ni liuilii'/i'itttn^t.'Engliih Sundew (Dfieru (r//j(^r( uj . S lemiler Col lo ngrasi iEn'>iihoiiim giiitili:) amil Ihrae [lealliiid moivSCF^ The reivl are associaird *ilh i vanely oF ivelLind habilabi Ihil are il risk Tiom developmeni and I nIcoduL ed fpecieiv i nlcodu. lions lncl udiug loiv elevalion npanan foresi lypes spniigs and seeps, and open ivalec hibllals. Animdl Sped es Of Sped al Concan The fJorlh Fork pio^ideiv well and biabilal for 24 animal species o£ concem amil Ihrcc ~^^aH;h I LSI ipet ies for * hich more inform alion is being soughl fTable 41- One of Ihe special concern Fkpec ieiv. M oul a n a irclic grayling [Thyiiiulim I'nUtiis "io"lamis].'ht!- been slocked in mounlain lakes ind is nol uilivelo Ihc drainage The ra- maining 26 use u'cll and habilalsfor braeding and foriginglo various de^rceiv. or p asiv Ihmugh Ihem during migrilion or dun ng loc;al moveiueuU Many verlcbrales are rclilively u'ldespread in Itiis iyalershed,bulseveril ire ipparenlly limiled indi'vlnbuLion There are few reio rds of bore a I load {BiiJ" bofeaS) in Ihe drainage in Glacier National Park fMamell 1997), breeding *is documcnlcd alonly o ne of f i ve ucll and siles 16 TflbJc 3. PIbhI SpcciCiDC S pci [»l Co ncc m and Ihci r CDiLicivallon rank: Nanti Fo rk Fl albicad uclfinik SciEmiFic HjU'e VBHCular PIbhIb Bol^ychiuf asceodsna Boliy€h\inn campeaife Bofychxum c&ni/lanim Bol^ychiuf haspe/iu/if Boliych\iiin parado'u/n Care' clioii>li:iili al files amiable For Ihis small mammal remain lo be 'lurFcyed. Inverlebriledislribulion'v and abundance arc [looilj documcnlcd, arul cich spcrcie-i IKled in T»blc4i' knoi^n Croin o nly one or a £ewille-i. Ttie aqualic amp hi pod [Sly Robniiiiiii iit.] a a new species ivhiHie formal deiciiplion is soon lo be submillenl far publicilion fJ-HoLvinger peis comm ). 1 1 iscurrcnlly kix>wn Fii>m j one Miblcjiancan'prinf along Trill Creek The Kiulla Like mounlilnshell [Oiv'hfllx^pJ). an undckC nbcd ^pee leiv of land 'nail fFreivl and Joliinnes I995|, has been rcporle^l from near Upper K mill Like Ciom unc h ariclen ^ed habllal, □ Itier localian'oul'ide Ihc Aileisticd indlcalc il may be iivsoclaled u' i Ih drier tiab i liLk The valldlly □Elhi^ lauin lu' ai Is > erific alian The ivub arcl le blue I [C'lemigiiiin ititi:/nig,t/l'tfp') has been lourul al Hone Lake m GlaeicrNaliouil Park. This lakcdrain'i iniD McDonald Like, whu.h is nol inihe l^orlh Forh drainage Houc^er oihe r ivui liblc si les forlhK species irc prescnl In arul ncirMcGee Meadows, and Ihc 'vpc^. il-s 1 1 ke I y i' preicnl In IheNorlhFork drainage □ i llcl le'i c hec kcispol iEi'j?h'iifyas gitleSlir) K found m a £e^^ carly-succcvsioml i^el mcidowsiles In Glacier Nalmnal Pirh where lis hosi plani blick livinbcnj' [iji'i'tffa "iviiliicmfn] IS ivallable |Debin'.ki 19^2). A numberofMonlina's special concern animals ite Ihe i^alershed'' * ell ands fur fiiragi n^ orduring migralion larul mi>re local mo>emcnlsJ, bul have nol been dot umcnicd breeding I he re. These im lude ^re al blue heron iifdculre/oiHiiit. Iriiiiipclersi''an [CA >> during ivcasonal ind annual movemenis bul are nol parlicularly depen- denl upon Ihem TD*nseiKl \ big-eared bal [C«fy'ii?'>'i"ii^ Pfii'iist/jJrj I breeds ind hibemiles incaveiv and ibandoned mines, buloClen Foriges inforesl clean ngivover sire ams and po ndi "■ here in^ecls are abundani Con^vdi on Pri oiiti sF or Eo:)log(ally5J^ficcnt Wdlaids W; il ri lilir L 'I iij I Mil 1 1 1 ^ iNi n \i\it- iM Ir d I f I' t ■ iJip 11 ■! 1 1 'eiIie' 11 llr iiiiEruliliEEliJ] iLii I inzrl ii \ \\\t 'i\ Ful Bull Ticiul MnnlBna Ami »: Qiayling (I) Amphbsns Tailed Fmg (W) Weslern BlrdB Gam man Loon GiEsI Blue Heion fW} Trumpeler S^sn Hartquin Duck Bsb Eagle Nculhem Goahs''^ NcnhEiin Ha^-O'vl |V;> GiGSI GiBV Owl B^k-bBcked Woocfcecker LeC onle s Spanoiv U am me Is Tci'Nn^nds B^-eared Bal NanhQin Bog Lemming Gray VJni Grizzly Bear FiEher Nanh Ameiiisn Wahienne Lynt SciEmiFic Hahe Colitis conluBi/B OochorfiichuB darh IswiBi SBlveUy\ua conlluennis ThymBiiiia anaiciia monlanus Ascaphxis l'U9i Gauia /miner flrdes hs/od/is CygnuB buconator HiB/rtomciis hialnonicua Hal/3Bsli/3 feticocBphalua Acapttet gsnUliB Stir n} a i/li/la Sin' nebufosB P}coideE BiaiaiB Ammodra/nia leconleit Co/ynorbinuB lownaendii Syosp/omys boreala Cania lupus Uisus aidos hoinbils Varlsa peonanP Gi/lo gi/lo luficiifi Lyi>- csnadensia Globu. State RjUJK llAmi G5 &3 G4T3 &3 G3 &3 G5T3Q SI G4 S4 G4 S3S4 G5 SIS2B G5 S4B G4 S?B G4 S?B G4 S3B G5 S3S4B G5 SIB G5 S3 G5 S3 G4 SIS2B G4 S2S3 G4 S? G4 SI G4T3 SIS2 G5 S? G5T4 S? G5T?Q S2 BniBleceBTiB libcer smphpod' Btfgobtomus 'glBctaia' |G1 ISff Dam self J4eB &ii>3n:lb Bluel Coenagtion iirlBrfogaW} G5 SIS? HuherflfeB Gifelles Gheckerqul Euphyitiyas gilienH G3 &3 UollUSkB Kinl^ Lake MounlsinEhelP OieobBlix Bp 6 Gl SI ' S]V{ les s^'H cin!l H^ u Dceil JiD, ^!l c niak^han^c pKiposcd la SU ' New fr^ci::'^ JcscnpliciB am yci publiflicd |J Hulsiiif cr pciTv. codidi k jod rukniH yd JssigBcd PiupjsnJ nc^ species niK >ei dccri^oH Ficsl jnd Joliiiiiics 11*^51. 19 cuETcnl invciili>ry in Ihcir narmucr fm. [l^ and bc^aici? Ihrydid m I cm phibiir inltcl uilivf A izl I aiml i:i>[ii[iiun] lies ind I andhc ap«i. h IghLlgbibi dC ih? 'vigniCi^anl AcllanilMlcs idcnllflcil ace 'uminaci ^cd bclo'*', and A ppendi i C f covldiTS del B I Led inFnnnaliDii. GenccaL luc;allDrei D C I hcic &il«i uc [napped In Figure 7, ivilbiinDic p rec iiic loc alLon^ ^ho* n in Figure 4. Users of HiK repon ivbioiild mile ihal h b I F of Ibic v^cll b nds denenbed arcun private Lind bihI penniuviuii fcum lindnwneiy is needed lor accei* ■ Wdlatds of O utdaidJug ^^lififaHE Tcpec L B he Complex, K1 ud Like Comp let and H ly C ree k-Worlh Fork Floodplain rcpreHcnl ihc mosl ecDlDgicillysignificanl wetlands In Ihc survey area A II dC I hese si le?i have an oulslaiuLl i ng divcnlly aC ucllind plHnleommunilLcs and lycllaniil feilurcs They are generilly lncn-cllenl comLlilLon have no ar only mi nor weed popula- llons ind I he sunoundiug uplands are generally inlaci wllh mlnimil human imptcK All ihree O ubil andlug ^lle-k eiho m p aivs i broad inay of phynic al cn^ I ronmenbi ind hence eanlain agreilci divePvily of CDmmuullies Ihini^millcr Drcn^iiDn- mcnlally ^.ollslra[l^ed u'clliiHt. For en I m pie . Ihc Tepee Like Complex lias si/ able examples of uncDrnmon pcallandcommunille'viLlDmLnaled by mud sedge, liighqualny ciamplcNoFlhe moil common carrlypc Dmmmond's aiIIou' /beihed 'cdpc. Eoreslcd and ^^nodland ^^ ell aruts dommHed rc'pc^. lively by black col lo nu'ood and Engelmann ■spruce in bolliscral arul olnJ-groivl h ci>nd i lion uiL]LiBli^ ^ommunilicii; indrire vase ul ar plink and bryophylftv The Hay Creck-rJorlh Fork Floodplain site iup ports less dl>eisily ihin Ihc Tepee L»tc Complex bill Ihc lind^cipe is comparably inlacr and LiK ludcs some early serai condilions lypilied by common 'pikcedgc [Eltiithti'iJ ;enlDricd in I9?9 0*NEFgH»' Ste Nil E Fedefil St>ie Privite M fih i^ g Ell Eh t Stitus WETLANDS WrTH OUTSTANDING SIGNIFICANCE Mud Lake Conplei Tepee Lake Compel Hsy CiEek-Norlh Fork FljndpBin WETLANDS WITH VERY HIGH SIGNIFICANCE CoBlCiEek Gamp^x U&FS DNHC PVT U&FS DHHC PVT DNHC Coal Creek -North Fork Fbocb&in U5FS PVT SchnauE Cabin ViJelland USPS PVT WETLANDS WITH HIGH SIGNIFICANCE Abbollg Flals USES PVT Hay C reek Fan U&FS WETLANDS WfTH MODERATE BJGNIFICANCE Cyclone Lake DNHC Red Meadnn Lake USES Widfi Scene Hnier WidS Scene Rn/er ' DNHC = Mnnlsna DEpartmenlnl Nalursl Resaumes LISFS=LJ.S Foresl Seririce: PVT= PrrLrals 20 Figmc 4- Bca lof ic dI Ly nlgnirLciiil i^i^lljnck inlh? rJoilh Fork Fl irhckd »> Jlizi^ihcd ■HhhD' uiv i^.JWU 1 AbbnTTEFtaie J Co^lCrQGkCon-DlQK 2 Cfiial Cib'rk-hLinh FL>rk Ftiixiriliiiri d Cyi:lDii«|.dHe b HSV '.'012*. l-or, G l-Lay Ci^Fii Noilh Fnih Flixnilpldn T Mua LaieCompia. B RtnMDdODW Ukc 9 Snlindu^CdNnWelldiiiJ 10 Tepee lite Cai^ ^ 9iifi<3ice Three well and ■vHe'v, Si bin b us C irck, C d*1 Crcct:-Nojlh Forb FloodpLiln and Coal Crrck Complex *ere raled ai bia'Fing Ver>' Hl^H Signifi- ciihedLie lo Ihcir Lirgc sue anddivcmHj uf well and hibilBl^^ Ihal Include Coreikl, 'ihcub ind herb BCCD UH eoininunilles. The SI le boundanesof Cob! C icet-Ni>nbi Fork Flood pi am and C oil C reek Complex include bull lioul [Sitlvel/m/i toiijiuiiiiUii) biabilal. All Ihrce of IheHC ^lle' rcClecl gccaler huniiu imp ac Is I h b n Ihe si les dC O ul^^l b nil- Ing Significance Foe example, Sehnaus Creek, CobI Cicet-NanbiFork Flood pi am bihI C oil C reeb Complex have all been impacleil by Ihinnmg har^e-kl ind haul ii>ad conslcuc lio n i n Ihe adjtcenl Id restv or have loa^t Immedlilcly adjBccnlor culling Ihnniighihe well and In addllion, Iwoof Ihe above siles hive small popul allonh of noi lo us weeuls Ihal have nolyel burgeoned mlu ikeFiuus ■nCesI alions. ^f ino r ehingcs In manage me nl pracliee-^ in ind BiDund some of I hese ^ellandseould imprnve Ihclrqu Billy and mo-e Ihem Ida iid O ulsl andlng Significance. SchnntCrceb and C oil C recb- WonhFork Floodplaln bolh have a diveisily of well and plml commumlies Ihil ire In good CDndilnn {eg .Tew exoliCk, no grizi ng impacls|. However, n>id building ami limber harveslhive ifCecled Ihe condil ions in Ihe upland' ncil lo Ihe Iwosiles Similiily, Schnaui Creek i^ ell and, which has some oF Ihe besl-developed eximplesof valley hollo m lipiiiau CoresI In Ihcsludy area. Is slou'ly being encroached upon by ceiceallonal devclopmeul and housing Leaving larger bulfcn bclAccn Umber hirvesl uniDi iJid uiell and, or bi mply fo I Ida lug best managemeul pcac lice guidcl iites Aould miligale changes lo Ihe hydinlogy d£ sue h siles and reduce polenlial mpulsof Tiedimcnis. ■ Higha^rficaice AbbollsFlil ind Hay Creek Fen acre bolh idcnIiCied as a el I amils of High Slgniricance based on IhelreicellenI condillon amil Ihe absence of noxious Aeeds Ah bolls Flal is lociledon a complenoCfloodplain lecraces which Include an cnccllcniexamiileof blactcollonu'oodV red-osicr dogwood ForesI All hough Ihissile is made up cxc I usively of foFeslenl indshcubland lypes, il k slJULlurally very diverse, having a range of siKcesslonil collonAood forests prencnl Allhough mexcellenlcondllion and lacking weeds. Hay Creek Fen is small ind as a rcsull his a relalively lo^vdiveisily of *ellaniLl plinl commumlies, sliuLluraldivcclly, ind u'ellandlcalures. BoEh ihescsile!! iir lociled enlliely or pir- liillyonlhc FlalhcidNalionil ForesI \bbullsFlal IS wilhmlhe Wild A Scenic R i vcr conuki r ind lieiv panly on piivile land, \llhoughlheseslles have lessdiveisc plani commumlies I hey may be ihc opiimal pi aces for ucll and resloralion [imjecis since Ihey exemplify Ihedislnbullon arul composi- tion of common nili^e wcllind commumlies They could iIho Henc is seed sources for reslorilion of well and planlsil olher siles. ■ Moda'dea^iificaice Tu'osiles, Red Meadow Like and Cyclone Lake, were rinted as Moderalcly Sigmfiianl Eolhsilcs irr in excel lenH.oruli lion wilh minimal humin impacbi lhi>iigh Ihey are less diverse ind have fewer pi ani commumlies Ihanlhe rmre highly signilicanl wellands idenlified Allhough Cyclorte Lake is Liige, lis wellindconsislsof i narip* fringe ainund Ihe perimelerof Ihe lite. The 1 a ke suppo ris a breenling pair of common loons [Gi'Vfii I'tmt' ) which rtrsi on floating vegelalionmals. Thentad and Irall leading lo Cyclorte Lake goes lo an e Me nsive well-developed floBling mil where anglec and boalershive Irailed across Ihe u'ldesl po n lo n , nienuding Ihe mal 72 m pilchcv Reloc B ILH^ Ihi: Iriil lo fad] i HI? pul-in and lihc-uul ivould millgal? ivcLland Imptcl^ Rfd Mcadou' Lake h»s an cucllcnl iz ;^ ampliz i>£ walcr sedge- bcabcd scd^c HizibafCiiui Vcgclil ion. Al ihc N alLonal Famil c Bnipgriiund al Red Mcidii^^ Lake, cUD rls shiiuld be lihcnlo minimize I he ] m p Bc bi dC load and ^ impground lelivirle'kOii rhc Bdj accnl w:ll B nds VMlontknot irn^itorisi T\<\< 11! 1 III in 1 1 I MIjiI L It Ik r \ i rik PirL FilMEk'd Ikili'i' iiliirr'T'^ M|]rl gllliEiir'iltri piijril IriJrrcikiiN iiliiPrr ik Ll Ik r[' 1 1 II ':ilgiir J i ' llii h irr ii f 1 1 1 (iidriiiirtiirlir riir:iiiiliik[iil! TkiE pK|'.l'>ILlFI'WrrEpMiril ll ll^lllffl^r I lElriili'inllj Ei|iilirMli'lliiJLii lk:iliJf LFM LI J p ni iilNMlri fgi ri iiriMliri I'llrri- 1 i I III; iiiui y III I Mini [ i li in I i!\ 4 II II lilt I irlit III I ( I Mr IN Ji i I rir i' I p iii ii liEEiriiiiiriliif nri'in iii] illlrE'di piiiiJr II pgiliMi:lliii iiiiliriciii ii' I ill ik I: I' I Ik Ll iM'^i ill I' I LI' pi Ji I Ikr I Mini [ 1 Ilk II G liiiri H i- lii I lI F 1 jk r r n' ir IlIm rlj ri ilidril III I i i [1 rrllLiiErl4il[lLidli[ Si^iifiriirr knilr'! li M lifiH i II III fii ri( r il k ie:J i i I i ik r df pik LI J k iMi Ik rf Ik ll L in \ili< liil i li lip p ri diiii[ lk:iiirikir iti ^liiiiLrifkl liifE Lid iriiilfkilii ll liMlifr 111 Eiii'j iif iiifi r rlitiiE III k Ml 1 migiri k r Hr li iillj Liir Ifdjnllr iidliidiilE I ' ripMl Ikil I UEl r rllLidE ill iii'ilnird LL pill 1 1 Ik II p ii)'( I r 1 1 li iM: lI k' jI ie I i[ k ii I iJmiIi ^iMifiiitir-li 111 rrllniEit Ikr rilMEk'J kn: \"i fiLji'il'J kp iiiii iiljir k td llni I LiM r r rlltid p In I ii i i iiiIem d:|iidri kj i 'Liirli uMiiiiiiE H IkME m pililiir.kilirii II iNiid iui'tJi:J ki heIik ailiupliiltiiiiiiliM I ilHi'iMkillkr I igk Lii: y I i MLlrli E i:i ifiiiil eiIfe ikiJ i < II F'iNiir d II i iiiEiik li ieiifemI i fiiiij Kpi'Erililii' ELI pi: ll Ikri' 'ipiE rf r rlliidE lliiliii I lailj ii'^iiilj.rrllLiJ Eirr liJ Miiiliii iliiEiiiif'J iid]'i->iii« Mliiii 111 \ I lEiliiIrd kf riiiillii[ II It i^E iii ulIilI iig II pLilEii iilr lifiii Hill 41 Lull ILK Ep Mir E I II i^ir I ir E 1 1 ikiir < I'lii ii ie ^i lilr Hi III I, ikliiiri \-.ti V T 1^ 3 F E riiiir 1 I liriLid ■ krir puEiilli ii Iliii i]ii]i iiEiiMr r rliiidE mm i lipiE rP r rlliidE Iii pjiirEiiEi^KliLili iiJii-npkLLJiiJ fiiii| III iMiiliij Elli pill iirliiiEi ill EpiEi^iEirpL iijiil El illri r rlliidE ikil kj f liiir II I li ^111 k Li^i iii iiii Epr r III. ll lidilldi III I PIifIlI piiiiEiiE llil: dipiiiliii. r Iiii ll i if iilii i iii Pliii ii [ i i iii i il l .liii ' Eiili llii uiilleilei Mill illiii rill iiLijiii la liiiME k ipiiiii (ulliii ail •at ■ iiiIeii hi liiilEiiLkIr liiJ \c ml piriiEiii Lid lei plf riiliiliif iEiLlii| pilikiEili Mill irllgiiiii il ml M III 1 1 1 lEiiii lliEi 'am ■ ii iliii \ ji ii I kill i ip iiilii I IE I II Hill [ |i km Pi ll K ir Jluii ori III Li ' < ill k : ii. iiilii | i iii li >i II lEI II id IL < I II ly III! Illl I I M k I. H owTlisI nformdion Cdti BeU 5Ed Til pii|iLi iPlkii rilliid iiEiiliif IE ll piM li I II ll II H.I I Ik ll r ill LLEiim III EiiLiiiMiii iPi Mljti JiiiiHli Lid iilIiIj [ki ■III Illl ! M'^II illl I . il \t I El' ll ■ PrioritizewdiaKlsfor consovdicui Thin InvcnlDiy provides a linJ or Aril and £ilcs rankenl by ec;Dlogical ^igniCLCince. Th\y iLivlcinlic ited H> cCfic; Lcnily pnoiili^c how li m i led u'cll i nd priilcellnn Fund' arcpcnl by land Iruivls coitide r- lng coitcrv ll lu n ciHcnLEnDi , or by ilalc/£cdcral igeiKlr'k and CO rpitrale OA nci!i CDiisldciijig rLHCirLciLbi or land ex baiLf eik ■ IdaitiTyirr^ace^iei-j^aids TbLis li^loC'vLgiLiCLCiul 1^ el I and ivLleiv idcnlLrrcs leiouit cs I h ll are esscnIialLy irreplacicablc. Some SI Ic^ of O LiDil andlng aiul Very h Lgb S ignific ancc conlilu AcllaiLiLl fciluics 1 1 ke peil I and-iv. <[i cucc sv^amps, and rare [i Lanis u' hic Pi could nol rcili^l]- cill^ be riLLligileiLl If hsl 23 ■ I doitify potoitid Rewach Ndiurd Areas Old Botaiicd Spedd Intast Ar^s High rBnting 'vHi^'v on Forcsl Sttwi: land' may b? good c ind id ales fi>r ilcvLgnalion b:^ Re- st arch [^alural AicasorBolaniol Spmal lulere'vl AiciE Li kcwEC, '^imll H r SI iRv on 'il Bl? laiml meril managcmcnl lo milulBinsignificanl uilural values. ■ Idaitilyr^aeiceLiv^aids The&r irsulKon bn uscilI by consul lanis, ivcll and sc icnllivbi ivBlcnhcd graiipiv, Bnd^ovcm- mcnl agencies Ip idenlify refcirncc lyellamils Siicli siles CBU ^erve is mixlels of Aril and [ilani commu- nily 'InK lurc'campo'vUioii For co mpiri'io n/cv b I iia- llonof Dlhcmlle!!, Co rirslo ralian pn>j rcl^, o r is seed souircv for p I ani maleriil'v PL'fcitnuc ivcllandi arc also eHremclj u'L'fiil lor inCerniig ■he impacts of ceniiu lindiLir aclivilies ■ Idortilvpatartid nitig^Dnate Some well andividc nil £ied in Ihliv re porl could serve isiniligallonilici lo hclpoCCicI losiCvof well and' al o Iticr lor Bl lo niv, mcompllBncc with Scclian 404- of Ibic Clean Walcr \cl AHomenllci, iKilojiiig hydrology by blocking penphcral drainage uould impmvc ^^ ell and Cunclion. ■ Proudecontedforvudlaidpaiiitraia^ Thin It'll of signiFicanI Acllands and a el I and CDmmuniliescBn tielp regulilois aiiccniin Ihc iclili^e 'kCaiclly dC b pirllcular wellind lype or commiinlly ivilbiin b ivBler^hed or region, arul providi' [le rspec li> c on Ihc biological imporlancc oCu'elliiHt icTiDurces Ihil miy bcimpacled ■ ProurideinfoiindionlbrlaKliuedaiaons ThiJi li'lL'in be used b^ a loo I by counly planners, regulalonv, andoltieri lo help Inform drtisioniv aboul planning, gnjivlh, and dcvelop- mcnl ■ Asa^HGMmDd^ngdfcnts Some o I Ihcse ^cllaridsidcrililicd by ihi' invenlory could Herve bs reference 'vHe'v lor Ihc regioml guidebook being de> eloped lor 'lope wetlands F lit ire Needs T III rrpuilin plri'Eoirrriliid iirMimj ii ill a irik Jill U^llr i-'.\ El ii iii Jljllnd liLiJriiiJ'r' n^i'irr lrii:idiiii::JE FM III IrrkMlrriiluiiiiiii ii 1 giliii ifl- Iji ii D I r I lilrEF iL k II I p]:lr Ik r N liigiil t Mill Ml Kiliii Iti " ■ ■i>ns»rc iIho Bviilablcon Ihc M TN H P wcbsi Ic RcqucMf Cor tdd I lional inCorm bI m n cm bcvubmil- Kd I hrau^h Tbic M o nl an B Nalural tJcnlBgc Fio- gnm ^^cbsiH al hllp /^a n''J mlnhpy, or by canlacllng Ibic M T7J HP I nCoimHion Manigfr 25 T Acknowledgements hbi pnjjetL 'A Ilk conducled largely u'llh fuiulin^ £mm Ihe Unilcd SIbIc-i Envi ronmcn- lH] P[lllc^.llon |E PA| Agency lo Ihc Monlina Dc p iJlinciH d£ EnvLiu nmciil B I QuBlily [D'EQf The conlcnls or Ibii^i doc Lime nl do nol nccrs.^ijily icflccllhc vicivs and po I iclc^ of Ihc En^ i ronmcn- Ib] Pro Ice lion Agency, nor docs me nl ion o £ I fbhIc names or c;oininein al pind uc d lanilil ulc c ndarac- mcnl o r rccommcniil B Lio n for use ^e eMend sprclal ihanka m Lynda Saul of DEO Hnii Sieve PolKof EPA £o r Ihcir canlLnued suppo rl of Ibic M J nl an I Nalural tJcnlBgc Pmgram we Hand luvcnlDiy Inili alive Many individuals helped piovide mformallon on high qui]] ly uclliiHti in Ihc'ludy BreB They deserve » special Ibiants and reiDgni lio n far I he i r conlnbuliDrLi: Mbhb Manias Gael BlivselNRichcl Poller, Toby S[nbillc, and Manlyn Wood Manlyu •i^b:^ also iitil mmculi] u'llhprivile I BiHkiwncF com Bc Is and biiltiGacI ind Marilyn kindly provided lodging Tbie aulhoisof Ibim icpo rt recei ved ■viib'vlinllBl suppon finm hen lage ivliff Cedmn Jones pre- pared I he repDFl mapi^ amil cilc; ul alcd rkamc of Ihc slali'vllc; Ryan R ausi bie r prep ared Ihe Waller cl] m ale d I agram and Maniu M il ler'ied Itie clemeni occurrence records A special Ibianbi lo vo I unleer, Te nie Kenney u'bio biel ped organize dali records amil formal appendices Olher regional nt leuli&bv u' tio conln b ule^L Id Ihls piojecl Bli>de'L'rvc re^.ogllll lo n^ PelcrLesica conducleiLl luvcnlory. loe Ellioll idcnilfled Ihc btyopbiyle 'ipedmens, ind John Pierce provided Info miB lion on Bqualiccommunilies 26 References All, D. Hiul D.W. HymHiniii. 1986 Poadiide geology of Hnnlini. Mo u nl b i n Prcis Publiih- Ing Co m p Bny, M isiDul a, M o nl an B 427 pp. Andcpion M., P Bourgcran H.T.Brycr,R. CriwCoid, L. Engclbmg, D.Fabcr-Langcndocn, M.Gillyoun K Gimdiii DH Gni'v.fmin. S. L»ndaaL,li Mclzlcr, h.D. PBlHr,Dn,M Pync, H.Rcid.L. Snrdiloii, and A.S.WcBkLcj 1993. I nIcrnalLDnaL c I as.'iifii: b lion aC cuoiogic al cxunmunll ic^ TcrrclnBl > cgcl bI ion of Ihc UnUcdaiaH^ Vtilumc II The Nilioml Vl'^cIb- llonCli'siCn.Hiori Sy^lcm LiMoflypcv Thi: N Bl uiv Coiticrv B nc J, A rl i nglon, Viigi ni a Hiker, W L. 1939. ClassiCu-Hionof the ripiriiu vcgclallon of Ihc monlBne inJ 'ub al [i i nc ioues In UTSIcrn Co lo ranlo. Gicil Baiiin fJalurBliiil 49|-:) ?H-2?5. Eogg'i,K PHBitcn R PCLSIcr BndJ.Joy 1990 Cl aT^ilic Bl lo n ind m Buigemrul o I ripiniu amil ivcl I and SI ICk I n norlbiwcMcrn MDnliui. Drall vcmon I. Montana RIpiiiBuA^soci allien, Manlana School of Forcslrj amil Co ancrv alion ExpcnmcnlSlalion, School of Fore-ilry, Univcr- £il^Df Montana, M ISM? ul a. Moul BUI. 2L7 p[i Eaurgcion P.S., L D EngcLting cds I994.A prcl imluiry vegelBlion classiCi^aliou of Ihc Wcilcm Unilcd SIbIcs. U np ublKbicnl report prepared by Ihc Wclcm hen lagc T aivb Pone for Ihc N alujc Coiticr^ Bncy, H ouLdcr. Colo FBdo. Eourgcion P.3., R L. DcVclfccL D Engclking. G Janc^, and E. MuLdavin 1992. WHTF'vil.z ind commuiiily minual. vcision9?B. Wcvlcm HcnIagcTfcvk Foicc, Tbic N alure Co ancr^ Bncy, Boulder, CaLoradn. 24 pp EuiMk,RJ and R H Mosclcy. l995.Ec;oiyMizm can^crvallon ivlralcgy lorTdBho pBuhamEIc pcallands Unpublished repojlDnfilc bI fdaho DcpiJlineiilol Fish and □ b mc . Co ancrv alion Dala Center, Boise, ID. 23pp Cbiadde, S.W.,J.S.Shcllj,RJ. BuFHit, R. K. Mo^clcy, A Q Evcndcn M.M»iila'v,F Rabe and B lic[dcL.I99S Pcallandson nalional forcslsoClhc norlbicrn Rocky Mounlains: ecology andiDn.4crL'alion Gcn.Tcih Rep RMRS-GTR-L I . Oedcn, UT: U.S. Dcpanmcnl of Agncullure, Fnresl Scn'n.c, Rocky Mounliin Rcicareh Sliliou. 75 pp. ColcN K 1995. Faclori a£fcc ling ihc dKlribulLon of plani specie-! *ilhin Ihc npaniu zone of Ibic nagccmansludy area appendix E 3.3-C lor new applLcilion: Upper SilmonFaLK IFERC no. 2777|,Loiycr Salmon Fill' fFERC IK. ?06lJ,Elissa^RC no. 1975) Voliime4 IJatio PDiyccCompiny,EoBiclD 122 pp. Couiardm, L. M , V. Cancr, F C Gold, and E. T. LaRnc. L979 C I b' The Umvcisily of Fi aiti a^v, L awrence, K arwas Nuinbcrl59 L-13 Evcnden, \ Q 1959 Ecology and dislri bulion of npanan vcgclilion in Ihe Tioiil Creek Moun- laiiti o£ HO ul he ailem O regou. Corvalli^, OR Oregon Si ale Univcniily. 125 pp. Thesis 27 FlorioCNonh Amcrn;aEiHiKnal CDmimllec 1991 FlorBoCNonh AmciicB mirlbi nf M ci icd , volume 3. 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    crl9-2:j 1993 Inlulug binder ArllngUn V A. The N alurc Conbcrv incy. UnpBglnilcd. Tuhy.JS I98L Slrcam bollanicoininiinLly cl HHSil ic allon for Ihc Siivlortlh Villcy IJabio. Mdscou', ID UnivcniLly of Idabio. 230 pp. Thc?.]&. Tuhy, J.S. and S icn&cii.l9&2 Ripiii bu cl HivSif ic a- llDnfnrlhc U p pc r 3 al mu n/M iddlc Fo rk SBlmon River draLnagn,, EdBho. Smilhrield, UT: While Hoiae AhiiDcI Ble?i. I &3pp Ulilg, GF rl il. L936 A TLcId guide for idenlLfici- llon and lulejpiclilionDCeco'ky^lfiii'k in the Welion Foreivl Region, iccnnd revision. Pidv- Inc c of B nliivbi CoLumbia, M Lnislry i>£ Forestv 83 pp Vlereck, L A.,C.T. DyrncH:..\. R Ballcn.andK I 1992 Thr Ala.'.ki vegelallon cl b-IvmIh; allon USD A ForeslScrvn-cGcneraL TcchniiaL RepiKl PNW-GTR-286 FBCifn; WonhiCvL Rencirch Slilion. 275 pp. Wi]fOnLl,G G Janes, W FcrlLg, and K. HnitlDn 1997. RipinBU and ucllind plBnlcDmmuiiily lypes d£ ihe Shoshone Nilionil Forcil. Unpub- ILktied drafi repoil prcparenl by Wyoming Wiluril Di^envHy Dalibtc, The N »l urc Conser- vancy, »ndlhc USD.A Forcsl Scr%'n.c ]20 pp. WaHcrli 1973 VegclBlLonof Iheearlh inrclalLon lo c] I male amil Ihe ceo- physiological condilioic NcftYart: S pringer- Vcrlig; 237 pg. Washlnglon Si ale Dcparlmenl of Ecology 1991. WB'hin^lonMBle u'cllind ral i ng syslcm For easlern WashLn^lon. PubliiallonNo. 9I-5B Washin^lon SlUe Dc piJlmcnl of Ej:oLogy, OLympia. Washinglon. 55 pp. WcLLner, C. \ I9S9. Eslablishmcnl reconil for Palholes Research Walural .\reB ivilhin hanlksu Nalional Foresl. Bonner Counljjdado. U3DA Fore-il Service 23 pp. Willmier. H. I9S6 Land acquislliou and dcvclop- menl plan. Flalbiead ind Lat:e Caunlies. Oclo- bcr, 1 986 Wrighl P.L 1996 Slalitof Rare Binh inMon- lana. Wllh Commcnls on linoivn Hybruls Norlhweslern NBluralm 77 57-35. VoungbliNid,AP,WG Padgcll, and .\.H. Winu'ard. L955 Riparian communitj' Jypc clasiHicBlionafcB'Icm I d aha- ^^ cslcrn W yo- mmg.Ecol Rep R4-Ecol-85-1H Ogdcn UT US. Dcpirlmcniol Agnculliire Forcsl Service, I iHenni>iinl ai n Region 78 pp 3\ ■ Appendix A. Global aid staterank gulddines ■ For dd^raik^ substitutes fof G inthseddinitions □ J = CnlLcilly impcrilciLl glo b al Ly bcc huhc of cHremc rHnly (lyplc b I Ly five or fcucr Dccuncncci or vcjy £c* rcrnaLning Bcrcvl or bcc auic o£ mj mc f ic lor|sJ miking 1 1 cilrcmcly vulnerable lo cfLplirpilion. G2= I m pen led globally bee au&r of exlreme nnly jly pie ally six lo 70 oee iirrences or fcA remaining ac mil or bre H use of some faclorfs) making ll \eiy vulrtcrable lo cnl i rp h lio n. Gi= Vulnerable, ellhcr very rare and lr>c»l Ihrnu^lwul iDi range or found locally |cvcii abundanlly al somrof ibi kKilioiis| In a reMneled range /eg i single Great PI ai niv 'I a Ic, a ivingle phyniogriptiic orecorcgional unil| or bee aiLte of olhrr f ae lori making ll vulrterable lo exiirpalion lhri>ii^hi>ul ifs range. G4= Apparcnlly Seeurc, Uneommon, bul no I rare |»llhough ilmay bequllcrare In [larDioCiDi range, especially al Ihe penphcry| Appaitiilly no I vulrterable in moivlol lis range. G5= S ecure; Co m mon, ui idespreiil, amil ibuniliul {Ihough il may bequile rare in parts or i Is Tinge, especially al Ihe penphcry| Nol vulrterable inmoslof iK range. GU = Unrankable S lilus c annol bcdelcmiined al Ihislimc G^= Unranked; Slalus has nolyel been assessed ■ -■ModiFias^dRaikR^gs-* ? A question mark added lo t rank cxpreM^es tn uncerlamly aboul Iticranh mihe range of L either Aiy on Ihe 1-5 scale GKGIt Greiler uncertainly aboul t rank Lk expressed by Indicaling Ihe Cull range o I rank^ ivhich maji be a[ipn>pnalc. Q A ~Q" added lo a ranknienole-ique'vllDnable laionomy 1 1 monlilie-i Ihe degree d£ mipcrilmenl and Lsonly U-Hed i n c anes "■ he re Ihe lypeuioukl have a lesiv Lmpcrilcd rank if lI *cjr nol recogni/ed as a valid nime {I.e. ifil Acrc combined ivilh a rrtorc common lype). ■ CntaaUsifForRaUdng Thecnieria For ranking are based on a^eloCquanlilalLve and qualil alive Caelors. These Taylors are lislcil bclou' in Older of Iheir genera I importance: a NumberoCElcmcnl Oceurrencd IEOb): Ihe eslimaled number of EOs I hiuiighoul Ibic Elcmcnfs global range, CONJiHUEOCMHEXJ PAGE 32 b. AbuniliDCf: ibr CvIIihiIcilI gLab al ab undancc of Ihc E Lcmr nl rmca?iiiicd by number of ind i v idu bI^, OT area, or si ream Icn^lh covcral), c. Sizcof Ran^c ibf CLilm Biol SI ^c o I Ihe Elrmcurs gl[>b al langc, d. D I'vlcibulLDn Ircuil: Ih? I re nil Ln ihe ElcmcnI'&di^ljibulioiiDvcril'iiglabiJ nngc, c. [dumber of prolcclnl EO^- Ihe Cvlliniled number of adequately [i role^ led EOii Ihioughoul Ihe Elemenl ivglnbal range; f. Degree of IhiEil the degree lo u'hic;hlhe Elemenl i:^ Ihrealenrd globally; g.FragiLlly: Ihe fngJily or 'iteeplibilily of Ihe Elemenl lo inlnciioii; h. Olherglobil eoitiidenl lo niv for CI am pic ihequaLHy oreondilLDnof EOslhal affccl or may affcel endan^e rmeiH slalit , unexplained pDpulallonfluc;lualiDn:i; repEoducUveslcalegie'klhBl a re dependcnl oniipc^lfie habll allele. 33 Appendix B W^and community type descriptions BET U LA GLAND ULOSfl/ CAPE): UT Rl CU LATA Shrublaid B CALAMAGROSTISCAUADENSISHabaieciu&V^eliian 37 CflPEX AQUAIILISHahaieDU^VegaiiDn 3E CAPE):BUXBAUMII H abaieausV^adion 40 CAPE):LArJUGIN0BAKab»:Mii5Vegad:ion 41 CAPE):LA3IOCARPAHe-bHe>UEVEqadion 42 CAPE):LIM0BAHataBau5Vegadian 44 CAPE): UTRICU LATA KabaieDiiEVegeldiion 45 CAPEXVEBICARIAHabiCEOii^Vegaaian 47 C0PNUB*EF!ICEA3br\]blaid 50 DULICHIUM ARUUDIUACEUM K abaieauW^aaion 53 ELEOCHAPISPALUSTPIBHabaieaiiWegaaiDn 53 ELEOCHAPISROSTELLATAHabiPieiu&VegaaiDn 55 EOUIBETUM FLUVIATILEHa-biPimuEV^aaian 56 JUUCUSBALTICUBHabiceoii^VegadiDn 57 PICEAEHGELMArJUII I CO PN U B SERI C EA Woodlaid 59 PICEAErj&ELMAnrJII I CALA^OGROSTIBCAWADEUaSForet 63 PICEASP/ EOUIBETUM ARVEHSE Foral 64 PICEASP./ LYSICHITOU AM ERI CAN U B ForEi 66 P0PULU3 BALSAM I FERA BSP TPICHOCARPAI CO RtJU S aPI CEA Fnrrf 67 SALIX BOOTHIII CALAM AGRO SI I B CANAD Et^ Bl S Bbriiblaid 69 BALIX CANDID A| CAREX UT PI CU LATA *hrublaid 71 BALIX DPUMMONDIANAJ CALAM AGRO SI IS CANAD EN 3 B Shrublaid 73 BALIX DPUMMONDIAr^AJ CAPE): UT PI CU LATA 9ir\]bla^d 74 BALIX E:|ic I n H Dfisf n t'P uA ilS')^^, lIibLib, IhiB \s Lhconly Beiiilo n ^■]'?i/rfri[OELCs and Cis'ex Imiotitifit underaloncs fxi^l in ixi clbi? rn IdBba and nonhwc^lMdnlanB fJ ankovsky- ioncs L9^T,ChaddcfJj^. I*i9li, andGiccnIcc llfl^l.Tbic BeliiSu Rliiiidi'li'si' / Cure.K Liuift/i [ilani associilion Li i i: lobcly ilJ lol CD m munLly rm m nDiEhn^lM<>[|lana|G|ccnkf Roige Beiiilti glanilflitsa / Caret "liiailala if b mlmr lypc bI inid f IcvaLlans in » rslcEn M onl am j Hinscn tP ^jf. I '^5 J, and Ihiun^ hoiLl Idiha {Mosclry ciiil L9^I.BLmlh and MoscLc^y I995j EnuircHunaitd Oscription T hiiv to m m umly type occuis Bdjaccnl lo brivcrpoixk, Li^rs . or m anh» , indonsccpi lailc^ andu'ff al IuvidI If rracf^ adjicrul Id Ihu ^radif nl . mf audf nn^ ^liEims i H a nsen fJ erf [f'i5] Thb L'Dmmuni Li' dccuc □u raid} u'clFJics lyjihpeil icc; umul alia n , indiciling a pnzdoininancc of inafiobii: piDCCL^fii Inconlriil, ui mc ui iIIdiv ikEantk, lihc^irVn i^/ /^/irrji riiii^i/FFU iliiHti , connnoiily occ ur on <>□ 1 1» lh al ve btUcr teTtled, ind brracf tre ncl usuDlly found in p? allantiv. Soils an^ L'Dmmcinly nocHlcd unlil mid Eummf c. and an:5alimml yf ar HI und Du ai^IIcc^iIi^z. Rizdix l'ddci^ nlriliDus anz prcsf nl jnsDini^ miuf ril bhh 1^, rain ;^ df pLf liu ns IgLfyrd aDil>oc(Lirrin:Jy. Oij^ani^ ma ILcr a^cumul aliens maj form llo all n^ , qu a kjn^ mabi iilhj< Lyp? izjiciuaih» Dnloopfn ailcr DncccKlrcmfs bia^ f shal Lo^k orgiuk hn nzons overlying draper m i ncral 9>lI ttiMwecn e' al. Roige D saipti on Beiiilo ^ Ihi: v a cio us t'lnculalu arul 'i.ijLr^^t^iahLa 35 prc'L'nl in ulncr mIcjD-M lc?i imtar dl'vlurbcd si Hs {H b aHcn eJ uf I9^5> WildifeVdus Bi'liita flu'idiit'na \\ a VBluablc biDwic n^rci?^ IDrflk ^ufrlil 1971) C Qmmum Ilc'v dDmlnilcd by Belula flu'id'itoja may fuiK lion loslabiLlzr chinncL bBnks Ifiequciilly crmi ng avr rhingi n^ banKl anil provide sh Bile 1. lEilJ ng qu B 1 1 ly I i^h h b bi lal. SucceBon The Reli'k' glu'riiiilosit / Caiex ii\"ttiliiiii communHy l>pi: repress nis b iBirly slBblc lypc Grazing my cktrcasclhc VLgorof bpg birch ind incrcBic Ihe prccncc of spec ics IoIltihI uf grazing i in. I udi ng .l^/inPri ilaia}uieTa, Foa p miens' i. Ftii palttsSm. and Jiuitits hul'iiui. MBnigcrrtcnl SBlLirBlcdsoiIji arc highly susecplLbLc li> si>lI comp ac liaii Bnd sire Binb But 'lnughing ^^ hen used by kvcslock and hcivy mBchmcjy Overuse may rcsull in irdiKed vigoror cvenluaLeLlmlnilioinjl sbimbs from Ihcsilc. B umlng of Ihis I J pe c an Icmporinly lncirise pniduclLvily of Cfr^ti species Hoi^ e^ er, e arc iho uld be laben Ahen burning along slreimbank'i bee aiLic of Ihc ex^eLle nl cimiou piDlecIian provided by Errlttla gltiftiinlum / C/'remlnath'lii hBbilal lype (Hansenfijjf 1995| A djacoit C ommu niti es AdiBcciil.i^cLLer iHei may be domlmled hy SiiSix dnniwcfdiii'/a, S. xere/'nia, Ca/etrt'riailii'aojC Siis\iic!'iii!' lypes. D ncr ^^ ell and eo m m unll les supporl /'^ji^ jirrrPcrrir t, Fiiptiliis Inclrocufiii. tadFt/'err/rUa f'lU'Loia.Al higher elev alLDni, adjaieni, v^elland Coresis arc aClcn daminalcd by Fit <^ eiigeliiinii'i'i Dr.^ftrei /uirocnrfi.?. Adj a^.enl uplBndssiipporLhibllBllypcsfiDm ihe l^'ti las'iitiiTsm. Fseii^nlmga •iimti'eii' . mi /■jwjjs jJUFrJtrfyi^ se nes, depending on eLrvalion arul ispecl ( h arten tr u^. 1995|. C on^av^ on R aik G4?;S4 Efanait Code CEGLUIIK)T9 EDITION/ AUTHOR 95-09-Q5/L. Willnns 3g Blue|oint reedgrasBHe"baceousVeget3:ion ■ CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS Hfrbapeojsl^egftaticn si nila Community e« S imil HT commum Lifj^ biD^ f br r n ilcst; ci brd b> MHieiOiilE^Hl rorVcllowMiJucNBlninil Paik.Psd^cIl eltiS. 1L959| Cor Ul»li ind Ki ul he iLslizm Id jhn J intfi v'vk> -Jonc.i 1 1 997| iDriHirLlirnildilu.aiid KavDJcbiika937| Eqc CBKlf Tn OTTgD n 5 1 [nilircoiniiiEiiill les damiiuLcd by Ctilt/itngriM'n sSficIti have bcizn observed inMonlani and Hinrcn^r III. {It'iSt binvc placed Lfrnc in Ihc Cjj^uFiriTir rr'irji citnuiSemls iidiKiBLlDn bizc I LLSC of jumj I acLLii^ In mini^nLcnL ciLinccirei , m^cnrril C iSnc'a a more a'^^ion B led 1^ J Lb [I I aiiti env] ronmenls and C. ci'iiiiiSensM ^^llh mounLaiiiaus ind fonzsled I B [id'ic ape^ OlliecMudif& have dcic ume nied CaltinmgMii'rs cirnmliTtiii as IbedcimmBnl uodizisa] ly EpeclfE flowing *[lh a^anelj' of o ibc r a veniUry ^pec i rs. incl uding f^tta ^p. [Hanstn cS ill. }*'95'i. .Miiea loslocistj?!! jPIIiEerf J al 1977 J, SaStx tt'iimmonibitnu. Spltt ge'enana. incL Salix lu'eit {Hinscn et al 1S95|. -v.' Raige ThHCDmmLinily Cv fouiKl in M Dnlina. W^'omiuf . Idaho, Ul ah , b nd iz aivLrm D icp^n. Enuiroiuiiaitd DscriptiDn Thf Calumugsuil'i t-u'iadensii b^bhh:! b lion i^ EouiHlin mcnilane losubilplnf hafaililB inllif im u nl ii il^ □ F MuulanB. IL Cil>picBlLy Tound in a vanely of ^i^llin^: in de [i nzESJOui] landfcinn^ ^cine of Che aulerbimb (iiC. ihr dEBwdswn zonrr of ve^elilion, IniieE nieicb^Lis, adjAcrnl Id sinz b mco uim^ and an ilLu^luL Lena^i:^. ind Ln moisl Eo r? m id- sum me c. \dj bc;c[iI uielliz r CDmiiiiLni Il^j^ ireoEErndcmlniled b« Ciirr^ aciiiolilij or Ciifex iitficiiltim ind adj Bcenl dniz r ve^ cliliou is iciiiil]> u[i I and CDnifcra u\ foiesl [Manben ci al. I'HS. tiMisen el III I995J. Rdige D escripti on Ciiiarptifniil'i'Liin/idat"i is Ihr domi n bhI ^pei: les in Ibis cii mmiin] I y. i^ j ih l: Bmr[iy 4:a veEBf e Bvmginf 70^ |}iBnBrn±:r^F^ 1995). Though Ihl^ asioi: i bHqd iei a[i[iBi?nlly miiEl abund b nl Ij' daciime nied far M u nl am O^ sluvt-i-anc mini beciullDin i«hizji inEfqicclln^lhe dilB of tiaieicne fttl.. {1995}. They ahoii C. canadcuii ■ nrl CiSnc-'ii Id bc mulually caizIueivc flbei e nzspec live (DnMincy ^Blue^sum lo IIH>S) and I bus Ditfi: annul drlFnnuif if £iLiiiif □ f Ibe b ^51:11:1 a led Epc( n^ ace mure aliened hvilhani! DrlbeQlherol Ihe CiilinnaniiiSii spp. TiieeE af CDnkfeiE indof EhiubEian be fonnd in lhi< si-rMcttlMiin. Deicfii'mf^iia ceisiiosa ind Ciirrr.i UinctilaTa ice Ibe mosl FrequcnlLy a^noci aErd f runinaidn i« 1 lb Ihe f cealcil eok er v al nes. FdHjs [isuall> □c;cuc il Id4 LZdvrnge bul in Aide vancly, including mosl coiiinK\a\y SetiTit" tiiti'igniiini. \ii/!tispp. and Ef/llihitt FIT [V Sill 'iiin . 37 3 ucccv^ioml d> niinici of IbiiJi CO m m unlly arcjMiorly undcislood. Pad^c II ti uJ. 1 1 9 S^J dciC nbc cxpiitio n of Ct/lt/irniR/oi'is ci't'iiiSfiiis lnln Ihe moiil bo rdcis pf f ruddi coFrPn^ J.? slaiuk dying fram bflit bcclLes »ikI ascribe I hi^ Id lIlClca^ci lh Ihcu^alcrlibLcducIo Ic^s I rBii'v[i i ralLon by Ibic con] Fern M aiL'cn tT uJ. |lfl95^ ^uggc^l \'ht\ Ficei' ^\f. I C!'h"P!'£'i?siis pp.. Cffxp't'cgu'ciiis ind Fhleiim iiliii'iiim. CuiexiiirtmUlM in comblnaliou wllh all Ihe Coigo i ng gramino ids defi neiv four planl is'^dcib- llorts C t/ipmSilii alsDcon'illlule-k Ihe piincipa] undergiDA Ih species laStillx iilu'irjiilm- and^irfri y\'ii!Jii- ckominalcd aisocialiDni fHansen tPuJ 1 9? 5 J. llshDuld be noled Ihil H anscn fJ ir' . {L995| considerenl Ci'ii-y Se"l\ti'k'ns and Cuiicfir as ccDlogicilly amlDgous lo C. iri|UJ^jJrJji, I hough doI y 12^D£lheir TS plnls used Id define Ihe lype had e i Ihcr of Ih&ie Dihcr Cir^ t^i sp p. as dDminanls. 3B R oige C ommunitis S imll B r p] ani CDinm uull ic?i hsve be? n dDcumcnlcd by o Ibicr MikIll's in l' Bslcm Oir^n ( Ku ■ b k bii k L9&T|.ldBhD |HaLL and HanHcn l?97j, Ulah {PBnlgcll eWi L959|,NcvbilIb iMinnLiig inilPadgcll \'^5) Wyoming lYoungbloExli-Jir' I9S5), and Co lorado (Killcl el nl. 1995) E iMromnaitd D Bicription Cun-T (r(|yj.iir^j] communi lies c an be found bI mid {1.100 icci) lo biigh cIcvBlmn.'i 15,200 fcrl, plus) Ibirougbi- Dul Manlana ll i^ lypically Couixl i n ilepccs'vLDnal I and Fo^n^ , aid ch b nurlik alo ng M i? amii, Ccn.^, Bmil IumIIoI in bcivcr pond.^ ThiicommunHj oc;cunvOii bolh minccaL amilDr^Bnn; '.(Jibi llnugh more ci>ninio nl j on the lallcr Soil rcacllonh iir iLiually iridic ind v^ alcr Levcl'v \aCiiTi:x ittp't'lilu <.am.muniMe'. iLiuaLly rcmamhigbi ihiDughoul I he gmivi ng HcaiiOii, Dcc aivLDnal Ly dropping bclD^^ I he roolingzonc mdrj ycBPv Adj accnl v^ cllcr cominuni llCk include Cumx iiinti'li'li' and Ciirsxlus'iK-a' pa ^Mjvti, while dnercommuiilli«i could Include Jinri'ts bi'liuu^ Ct'tiimt'xmsi'j m/iitiieniii. or meadows domlnalcd by Dciclriiiniii'n fesjfilani fHjnscn ems. LyS5| Raige D Biripti on Ciirexiitp'tUiliJ iscLciily Ihc dLi m mani spec ic?i inlhl'vplBiil ashuc; iilion, b I though ll cm be found grou' ing K'UhfignirLciul coverage of ol her gram i nojiLtiv piMlcularly Ci'iex uSnculalit and Ciimx Jimi'li'li' in IheucHer c n> linnmenii o r DfSL /j^jjFjjj Tjrr ' L'lfrJ'j Tu m Ihesomeu'hBl drier pha^c of Ihc same mmc. Hiiten t^ ^jJ. |1995J have arbllrBnly eivlibliivhed Ihal 25'A or grc Bier canopy cover of C f f Pj j\ jjJuru denolcv aivhifl Eiom ftie C u^furj'ri lo Ihe wellerC ffPn'tTJ^uFu aisociallon Loiv coverageof shrubiv'iKh BiSirfn ivp or Ffiliij?h'tlii'unl ai ni □ F Ul abi iy?sl?jn and soulh-ccnlcaL Montana, ^clIcjwMoue ^JslmnHl Parh. Bnd four di^Junc I accasnfldihD EiMronmoitd D ecription ThL^Cl^mmunJLy lypL^u^^un^ innmlcFalrly bnnsd valLry bolloiii'v, i n dcpre^sm n bI ucrlint li^f glAclal pulholcf, inpcBlland'i, and on lake plBiniv Saluralrdsoll condillorei pciM'il In Ibi? 'ludacc pcalfiDm mid spnn^lo mid 'summer WBlcr levels, may ihc n drop lo Ibic ho i L surface or, o n drier ^limt Id icvcraL dec Lme- lci!i bcloiv the surficc R aige D aaiption Cn'ty biixbiiii'tii isilu'ay&dojuimm in Itiiscommuully, wilh 25'^ orgrcal^T caver Curex ai/nalrHs tnd/oi Cnre\ laxu'il'i arc ^o mcllmr'k prrscnl Bnd occasionally arc co-daminani O Iticr ih^idcI b Ics imludc Dei'-huiiiiiia cei;eplai€;m low lo modcrale. SBlurBled soils ire a nalurBl delerrcm lo llveslockgra/Ing Alleralion of hydrology and subscqucnl dew alcnng may resul 1 1 n cammiini lieiv dj m i naled by Ca/ex binbaiimi' being accesi^lblc locallle Fencing d£ Ihcsc reLili^cly small com munllies K b praclical mana^c- mcnl melhod fo r reslo tb lio n i^heu Ihc hydro logic regimi: isinlacl A djacoit C omrxj niti es InMonlBm adjKcnl i^ c lli:r 'illcs \.ni\a^ StTfiui octil'ij. Ctirex laimca/pa. nfd Ca/px rtTnciilnin. ind »d]»ccnl dncrsiles inchidL' I'l^st ln//rtpi/ii t-cip/lt'st/ »nd Ju/r* iii lin!'n.'ts commuaMte^ (Pierce 1936). C onsov^ on R aik Elonoit Code CEGLUIIiail^ EDITION/ AUTHOR 95-06-09 /L.WillLims 4Q Woolly Sedge H erbaceousVegetalion ■ CAREX LANUGINOSA /YfTteceojsVegetatim Simila CDmnuibttQ tiaiaen L'l ti!. 09^5) incLudcd Ihc Ctimx k't'iifiiom planl as.^iKl»lion m Ihc Ciimx !niiin.iirfii habilil lypc pcircivmg Ibicy had ^Imll ar minagcincnl coitidcralLDri'i nouicvcr. Ihc livo connnunll iCi dilfcr i n Ihal Cir/ex !!iii'enne slough.^, v^ el mcHkiw areas along ciecks, ind in well ant focmenl by spnngs and seeps Elands pnmanly o20 % ) for Ihis aivsocialion |»siloccuPv in Monlinir are Ciiiiiti\ii/;ni]l/] ilntit/, Ct"fx t'liiciitalt'. D€jcli<"ppiiii tvit'i'osi' and Jmnui hirll/tui.Conimcniy issociiled Corbs Include A/t/jr//^j i'iv€m'i.l'olfil'Ha!'"Sfn"ii.Fi''iti •iiiinl'iiiiii, a num be r o E fo rbs, Including EqtmeUim spp . occ aivional ly alliln high cover viluci |>30%> Succesion Liifex /irrjjjg iJEr']^ commu nil les pro b ably represcnl a lairiy ivlible planl ashociallon, given a relallvcly slable hydrologic regime. Moderaledi^lurbance could cause increases in Jwicm bat Hcin az tny paik line grasses pjcseni, 1 1 ke Fojj jij uJt//irs or fWoj/n pnilL^tie |Hinsenrt of . I9?5j 41 Maiagonoit Caiei iii/uffiinuiiuh highly pDlaUbLf Jiid CDinm uull i^ a cm bn ad---cistly i [up DclctJ by Bciboii-lDiif ^mfi Dg, [I dclLculijIy « hf n gm^in^ mindgf [ncnl pncl icr^ ciiei^ idcieibaJ dn hi' iu: u LLin^ dC ^liram c h b nurl'v, i^' hjc h id Irm ulLrislhi! biyilioLofy o[ Ci'tf /ujprrfjunsu CDmrnunj Lll^ Idc Bled In lloDdp I Jin 'vclli ngh Hoi^ ev rr, iluc li> Ihc rtil/DmilDiTi biB bj L of IhLi sedge , (lislurbed SI Lc?i do il B nil ic biuncc aE Impni vi nj; ri|iii]]y once Iticdalur- h in[:c IS remrrved dnil i E Ihe disCucb b hl^i! Level Lsu'riDDhlghfKDvalcliik I'^E?). Coiuav^on Raik Elmmt Code CEGL0QIS09 EDITION / AUTHOR 99-HHJ5 ^Bck Greenlee slender Sedge H erbaceousVegetaior ■ CAREX LASIOCARPA /Vfrbapeajsl'eg^tiCTi SlmJIdi Communities S Dine c] BRii fii: BlmiUk Inc ludc ^1 Hmb dominBled by Caret Irni'/^ifoia in ihc CoreT Sas\uiiifj}a piBnl issoclBlion (Pierce ]'!ft6.HBnHnerjj/ L9'J5|.diir lo Bim 1 1 jnlles In sLruL:1 UJT Bnd mana^ emeni conccETtk Cun^'A Ii'fug'noin lends Id □ccur □ n miDcial soiJs, iv biJc Cu ret luirocarpa a mciEl ottcu louad an ov^aiac BDils (Hjitcn l'JjjV L95II.LesicB 19941. Cirri^i biixhitiwMi sluncLs BJt uLho included in Ihe Carei lasif/ciii}iii hBbilBl lypc by some cl uailic bIidhs d ne Id £1 m i I an [ie£ i a mana^emenl concerns (Kov ale 111 L l'J37. Hniuen ±:r ir' lf'}5]. ■miD w JkiiQcLi Raige The Cunrt iniincufpu communily lypc iikdislcibuled^lQ ball}' Ihrouglhiul Che ixi rllie en be m i^plie ee, i n llie neslem U HI led 5 riles il i?i a mininr Ivpe lucaslcm W ashin^lon. ihe UihIb MQunlBinsof UlaK sourhcaslcin Ida ho. I hiuugbou I miu; bi of K-l □ nl an B . a nd in ccnlcalVelJciv^slDiie National Part EiMianmaitd Desoiption The Ciirei ^mil^Lll'}Hl pLinL asikCic; laiiou usiiaLLy ciec upies fDimcr I ake bisins. lang-ibandoned beB-er ponb, palliDleE, Dudlake and si re am mii^in:i Itial fii'a c rhc BecumulBlicinDf peal. Dec asiouilly Ihis CDininuuily 41 oci: un^ as do Bllng or quak] ng m abi on fl uml pcBl subsoil This ikik. iiliou c an of Icn be faund i n LnlcmicdLal? la nchlcn^ The '.(j i Is aic itu b 1 1 y or^ b nic . * ll h accumulalloiti of sedge pcH.Thi^lypc is lypicaLly an iiulicalar of 1 'viable hydrologk regime v^ ilh yearlong saluraleil soi I cdiuHi lio iLik In I he mo I zone al im nimiim. This commum 1} i: an lolcralc je ailong flooded coihIiIidib. Raige D acripdon Carex >iiiiiitiiTSii u'litwii', or \giiii'ii sSiil'i/iiJcnr Maiagonait D rougtil ye B nv may make BO acceHnible Id bolh demesne and Alld grazing HnlmHk IhatcculdcauFie lulled and biummoct sdlK on mar^iniv TheHcslles arc generally ho ucI as lo [ireclude irtDSI lypes of rec realLonal lines enepl fishing Heavy dislurbancesuch as from ORV use ivbioiild be avoided bee ause I he or^ a nic hoi Is are ivlow lo recover Cn^m me^ hani^ al damage High ivalec lables make b uming dlfTiciill bullire can be used Dnsilcs adjaceni Id Cloodplainiv DominanI Hedges o F I hiiv h.l are rcsislani lo damage by £irc en;e[il where hoi fires [lenelrale Ihc peal soil. 1 1 has oFlen been Ihc [loliey or land manageislo Irap amil hill be av er bc^ aite ihey can be a nuisance However be^aite beavers [injduLe such desirable habilal and provide many benefi- cial si re am fune lions, Ihcir removal from a npanansyslem needs lo be closely evalualed (Hansen fJuf 1995). Adjflcoit Comniunitis Adj aecnl, welle r SI les may be dominaled by Ca'ex iiliiciiSufii. C mpmSili i. or C /jefi/uifff^Eidi commiinil les. Dner Hild may be dominaled by DL^cln/irtpiiii caiii't'st/, irlei/niimniia / Fci'ru ir /tSt/lrocttin. oiJwiciii tirMiJj^communilies. .\djacenl uplands can be cbminaled by A/Scvsia Snde' t variety of conifer communilies ^H ansen fJ id'. 1995) C onsavdion R ank G5/S5 ElanaitCode CECLUOISIO EDITION/ AUTHOR 95-07-11 JL.Williams 43 M ud Sedge H erbaceouBVegetaiion ■ CAREX L\M OSA Her baceousVegetBtiai Siirilo' ConiminiUfs In U[ih. Carex liniom ippcin lLds^ ly icLilcd Id ihf C litii'iiltlis cilhiiiiiiiiii F^ lypc .^ Hh "■ hich ] L bi ciommoiil J fcflKLilcd iFnd^clLtP irV lflS9V TliL, BBaii: LdliLtn iiKlud^s M a Ldi.'Hn^ 1 L '^M^ C limi'Ki scnc^ end phaiif^ Ji^scnbcJ fo r Lbic central porLion of \ cl Loa'sLq mz [^lUanil Pach. hu-... J... IniddLliDD la MqdIihi, iheCiirfT li/npiii ccinimiiuly ly [ic i?i dliln [i uIizlI lhmii|f houl I he nonhcm hcniisp here , in Ihc ^L esLcm U ni [cd Slile$ lI i:^ anijnor lype jn The Uinli Mdei n I di n:i of U I nh, ^oci I he jule rn lElahi), Lhntii^hDuL m ucli □ [ M □dLbdo, ind bi& becndacn- menled Erc^m Wnmin^'^ Ye] iDv^^ldue N iliDuil Pijk. isiyell HsCaliforniD EiMrnnmaitd DsuipfiDn Thuh cominuni ly type is ilssdl i iiLcd V^ 11 h jxind ani] 1 1 ke in i rglnH, ini]l>|kLcil1y drkrlDpsDnEloBEln^arquHbLnl maUk ]l mty abiOQicucDii lo-n- ^rDilienl i nflows □ r auLCIows of poiKk □ c 1 d ke' iHiiCicn emS. J ^5], Sites ore uiuilly veiy paoHy dciinciJ a il h peisiTilenl ly «il UTiled w i Ih a L jmdi n^ h b Lee in spjiu^ Ratge D esuipliDn Caiti ItPiviu l:ui'cc luifB liom Jfi-'iVm 4 H Buae n ff o^. 1995}. In MoDFina, Cinex iiiriatlpia and Venyiiflfm Sn)oltiiSii Jic commDnL} issdci iled species. Wildlife Vdus Oncra, beaver, 91 nd hi Ll cranes, and u'aLcrfou'L use IhiscDmmunily lype for bedding and foEBf mg aic^s 4>til1wn 19)14). Succeson C/irej lim/'jfl Kk considered aslible, long li^edcDnimuiill> Ly pe. hov^ ever, deu alcnn^ Hnd subsequenl dccD m posi rlQD ^r □ rgBnie £Di Ie miy rtsuLl in a^hilT in Epci:les ea m posj Lion due hi m^isicinliy cotlie species DC an incicise in spec les ivuc b is Cunrx itijiitiDhi 4 P idgell ?J irf L9lt9|. These siLes ore gencr'Uy so ^vel b^ to preclude mosl 1> pes of | tycslQC k ind lec reDlLDnnL [ibes 44 AdjdCBit ComnHinities Ailjuirnr, lypirrr^ilr^ lihIucI? rhc EJi-ocha"s pitiK-iJInni Eiabilal l>pir L>rD[if n hi'ili^c A J| D^:f nl, dncc ^i Lrs ■n[:lLidf Ifac Cnsexiiincttlala, C iitftiuUl/i, C i^iiroca/pa.atScirsnis uciilua b-LlHaiaai f al. 1995). CoiuQvdJan Hank G3/S-1 Elanait Code CEaLIXILBH EDITION / AUTHOR 95-07-IO'L Willinmi BBaked 5edge H erbaceouBVegetaJan ■ CAREX UTRICULATA Herbdceais Vegetation Simildi Communities Thi^ srd^ ipcc bra "■ H^ prcMoiBly lliDu^hl Lo be Ciirr^ riMt'ola. iihlch uia^ jncludol In minv co mmunLLy lypc nnnics IhiDugliDiil ihf ycsl. We nam \inayi LhiL C. ttlricuSii'ii hid been misidriUlficd uf- C foilntTa IGnriillis 1 ^X9J. Thi5 IS a i^'ell-€li:ii:iimcjilcd [:oiiimu[ii [y type. HBiaen fi itl.. lL995f plflcci Cit/et ul'icuSii'ii. C. iviicafio. Bad U athfifJira iDgelheTuilhin Che C n'slium b-i. [dt nunnfcmenl purposes HaiLicn tPnV i[995\ also icto^ni^tc bcvccaL vc^eLaLiDn-denoleil [ihasej^Df Uic C. nuSrala habiLiI lype Iplinl aisDC] D [jn m [hal bear e' Dinj n Bl 111 n Tur rle v b Lm n la rheusDclaban level, given Iheenvinrunienlal r\lirmrs Dk er ui hk h Ihliv b'JiCC] aLiou no hji oee uis Raige Thtk JiDnuiLunlly Dceuri In ihe rollo'*' i ug.ililes. WashlngH] fl OregoiL Nc^ idi, Idaho, Monlana. Wyamli^ Dlih, New Mrwco. BJid C QlQrado. EmiromiiHitd DscriptiDii This CDDUiiLin] I y l?i v^ idcspirid il modenle lo bj^li e lev b rm o^ i n I he mounliins. rare I y [be iDA-eleviUon V d] levs (I r (I n vclcanic plaiiLV. 1 1 occuri m a iv ide vinely ol I BihtiL' ape se lliu^ ^uch a5i LuuimihJ' In bmad Mllei ba ILom?! □ n meidoA's. aecps. sLicim Eeica^cs ind i^ ca m monly a^noci aEed u' lEh poiHts andsJougb^ LliaE hive EJ I led in 1 1 c an Qceur in slindi ng iv b lee or mn sj Les Ihil betcime rel alively dry d unng the iBlLrrparlaFbe S-UrmniR 45 grou' I ng TIC B.10 n. Valley bo I Id m grid ic ills bfc Ipiv [Padgel' l'I irl [9S9: HbII and Hansen 1997). SdlIs Bre classlfieil as Hi'vlbio]^, Molli'iii III , and I ncepi i^dIs, a nil Enlbio]^. M lueral so i Is anz generally vcr^'orginic-mallcr Fich BinJoflcn ha.iz aninciplenl biiMn. iz pjpcdQn fo rmi ng all he surface These sdlIs m»y rFeiiliiilly beeome Hisllsols. Moiilol he mi neri] soils ace riuc-lcxlurcd and hive hifh waler holding cap aeily The soils ire SBluralar 1o ihesurfiee ucLI Inlo Ihc summer aiul Ihe ivalcc labLc is nsu bJ Ly uiilhln 2 feel of Ihe surface laic iniD I he grou' I n^ se aso n (CiDive and C I ausnilze r L997| Ratge D ociipliDn Ci^rti d^incTff (tPo lypic b1 I y c* hi bi Is moni>spcci Fie do m i nance inlhiscommunily, lyllhdeILse^.o>er. Cit/irc ncbniikc/iiij. C. lifPttlahr, C iiqi'tUiln, zwilov Jimtiii bftl'iiu may be abundani i n Ihis s[le^. ies-]>DO r camniu- nily. LElleroClen a^^uniulales and CeA species cineslablish on Ihesc o rginic , [lecm aneni I y salucaledor inundiled soils. This is "'hywillou's are rarely picseni inlhiseommunHy |li anscn sf o' 1995, Manning and Pidgcll 1995, Crowe andClausnilier 1997) WildifeVdus Thiscommunily performs a vilaL role in miinlaming ABlerquaLily ind aqnilie heallhin hcadv^ Her sire ams. FasI beaver iclivily is o£lcn evident in Ihis communi ly lypc, and Ci^ti uSnculalir is orte of Ihe species Likely Id pioneer rK*ly lliioded beaver pr>nds. PilalabiLily appears Id be loner I h an £o r olher sedges such is Cures nebniikc/iiis nrC nirttu'il/i fPidgcll tPuA 1 9119 J. Ct/ic\ ulniitlahr provides valuable breeding and feeding grounds Cor a ilerfoivl and snipe CDrrimon yclloivl hioals. rrd- a inged bl ackbirtt, song sp anoivs, and Irec su' allows are comrrtDnly issoeialeiLl lyllhlhls^.omlnunlly (CioAe and Cliusnilzcr 1997J. Sufx^aon Ciue' iiHsci'h'la isi widespread spe^.leslhll occupies mmeTil Dr organic sniLsu'ilhseBsi>nally high a Her libles Thiscommunily lypieally iDlDoizes iccenlly formed ponds ind^Dr silcs inoradjaicnl lo lou'-gridicnl sircam channels ll has been observed Ihil C. jjp"t jjJjjru has highcreoverDnsilcslhal are seiso n il I y flooded conlinually inundaledsiles had dec re ased shoo I densi ly. 1 1 cancolonijc permanenlly Hooded si les oflcn doing SD from Iheouler edge. Assi>il ind li Her build up, Ihcse siles are more conduci^ e In inercised C. W'liultiSn dominance This species is relalively long-lived and miinlBirLsdominiih.e Ailh high soil moislure, communilies are il polenlial forlhesesiles An soil moisloic decreases, ol her species ^Eich ■& C nebuiske'iiis. C. livttit'a, or Denhiimiiiia '.esjfiloiu miy replace C i/lncttta'B {M inning ind Padgell 1 99 5 J. Maiagonoit Though C iiinti'li'li' produ. es 1 a rge arrh>unLsol herbage ever^' year, il apparently is irl a lively onpalal able lo li>eslDck. especially as il malures. 1 1 is coarse sedge u'llh high amo unls of si I ica in lis leaf cells ThetlcrLsc nelwort of rhizomes and rools pnjvidcs ekcelleni slrcambank slab ilizi Inn. A djacoit C omminiti^ B ec aide dE the u' ide e lev alion and geographical dcilribulion, adjaceni upland communilies can range from sagebrush-sleppe al Ihe loAer eloalions Irare^ lo adi>eisily of mcmlane and sub alpine conifeioit foresi lypeb. Adjaceni dneru'ellartd communilies i nc lude vanoici wi I loui co m m unities , and weller siles include lyi'hti h'l'jnl'i' and St j^fif i (rtTf Pjji communi lies (Hansen ffTu/. 19951. Consovdi on R a\\t G5;S5 4g Elanait Code CECLOIH562 EDITION / AUTHOR 1993-01-02 /B Hmclcy nflaed Sedge H erbaceou3Veget3:ion ■ CAREX VESICARIAfVerbaceajsl/egefatfOT Simihi Communities The Cjjn?T vfrituf Ti^ communi ly type s ■« mclLiiiL's ] iicl udcd *llhlii Ihe Cnrey iilnci'h'la IcrtDnroitly cillal CjjrFT*oiJr(rrjj}[:oinmuiiily IKovilchIk L9?3, Hkiaenetat. 1995 Hall ami HarLHcn 19971- RcH-'ions lor lumping arc I h Hi Curex luslnitu Bnd Ca'ex vesicai'ii hit somrl i me^ d i CCi^ ul I lu dl'vlluguish aiml iicccaLo^icaL anHlogubv. They may fonn mlxi^ c nol rccDgni zed I hezc phases or have grouped I hem i^ i lb olher co mmu- nlly l>|>«i. R3ige Ciifex vencfiii Is a m ajo r eammunily Ijpe villi a *ldrppjrad ran^e. 1 1 \^ tnou'n fiom the 10 1 Id* lug arca^; ccnlral and nojlhc aslcm O regon lliovalcbik l9S7,Croi''e andClaLisnLlzer L997|, YeLloiviloncNallonal Park and ebic* here inu'cslem Wyoming {Millajn 1 9 54, Youngbloral tr i^J. 19S5V LTinlaMounlainsof Ulah |Padfelltr,?J. 1989), moM of Manlana |lianwnffJn'. 19BSI; Ihe Hcnij' sFork ba-sm o F c aslcm Idaho lYoungbloixl elt'l I9S5; Jankovsky-loncs 199ftl and norlhcm [dahi> |J ankovsky- Janes L 997 , J antd'F sky- Jo ncN |inpicpaialioii||, bol h side o F Ihe C asc anle Mounlimsin Washlnglon |HalPi>n 1984 Crouc and Clausnilzci I997| and Ihecaslsidcol Ihe 3 le rra Ncv anl a along lbcC»lilomL»-Ne>»d» bonier (Manning anul Padgcll 1995| The CjjrPT iTrinin^in eommuni Ij a pnjbablj c i re umbarcaL Ln dislnbulLon (Hallson I9IMJ. E nuironmaitd D oai pti on The Cunix VL'ir^unff communilj occunv in>eiy lou' frtdienl and ivide ucl mcadou's, f loodp I aLit , ba?iln&. and ForesI o pe nmgs. The Ca'ex itsjcir^ ru eommuni ly is moslco m monLy founul In su' ales Fen^, ^1 ac Lilly formed kelllc pomt, pol holes, illlcd-in beaver punnts or po nds "■ i lb bloivn-nul d ams, a nd o Ibcr closed driinigcionca'FilLes (HalDiDn 1984 Manning and Padgell 1995.Cniu'c and C LiiCinllzcr 1997, Jankovsky- JoncN |inpreparallon|| ll is also Founilon poorly drained shoicLlnes of ponds lakes, rescrvoinv. springs. D>erflD* ibannel';, arul sLreamside allu'Fial lerraces Ihil are (lnoded In Ibc spring inJ ha>esLaruling *»lcr ihraugh mosloF I he summer groining season (YiiungbLnod tP uJ L955, hovakbik 1987, H ansen tr i^J. 1983, Padgelltru;. 1989, J ankovsky-Jones L996, Cmive »nd C I ausni Izcr 1997, J ankovsky-Junes L997, Jantovsky- Jones linpreparallonjj The spring and early summer u'alcrdcplh vanes finm 12 lDO>er 50 em foccasion- ally less, espec I al I y dun ng drougbl] bul drops by laic summer or fill in mosl yeiis (Malison 1954, \ oungbloDil fJ Id'. I9S5; Kovalchik 1957, Janhuvsky-lones |in prcparaliun]). .\flcr i si le dries ihe wilcr 47 Iiblcdmps bclou' I hf surf 3C f over 30 1: m Ihj ugh I h? sitl] iLfually rcmaiiLi moi^l bI L y? b r fM allno n L9S4, hovalchlt I ^87 J This niDlivlurc flu* c; re ales primou need molllLng Bnd ^leyi ng of deeper m i neral ^dlI. SdlU aic iLiually deep, rinc- let; luce nl miurnl dc organic 'il I lo h ms wilh tiigh Dcg b nii: inHllec BeeumulBlion ind f Uec balding c apta ly R aige D Btription 3 pETCies d I ve lyily isrclalivcly \o^ in I he Cirnx v€]/tiina nominutiMy Carex veiiamn is clearly ilaniinanl, fij mil ng dense Mands i5 lo 6lJini lall, iyilbi40 lo 50^ cover and lOOSf conivlamy iMallson I9B4, hovaLehik 1 9 57; C roue BniiClaiLinilzer 1997; I ankavity-Jiine-i |inprcparallnn|| Shrub or Ircc species arc rarely prescnl *ilh negligible caver. The iin]>arl»ni c of alhcr ashoc i alcd spccie-i varies due lo Ihe maislure chiric- Icrl'kllc'k [e g. [lermBneiUly Hooded versus seasonally flooded) of each Ca'ex venca'iu ^imi iMBllson I9II4| For ei ample, Ihe ucHe'vl phancof Ihe C!'i€\ ^tirti^ju communi ly, «■ here ivlind i ng iv b ler li over 30 cm In Ihe spring, his lou' diveisily and is composed of milnly C<"e'. vesitviiii u'llh lou' c;overofolhcr species such as Cmey iiHici'h'la fMallHon 1954; Kovalchih 1 987 J. Siles ivi Ih less ivpn iig si Bnding "■ aler, whu. h m ay dry only In Ihe fill, have higher cover of Cnr^j ugtfjjfifrs (lesiilhan 7^ cover and 2i'A eansUncyl wilh lo* cover of Denltuiiiiiiiii f€Jj?iloiii. Cuk'miig'iiiUi ti'i'iiiSfiiiis. tndGalriurt ivpee les {M »l Ison 19 84, Groove and ClaiCinllzer 19971. Olhcr species associilcd ivilh Cnrt:x vi?ir( ^j/jf r o n si les "■ i Ih long perioitof slandlng IV Bier include. Eleoclia'u ;ded inivpnng hul dr>' in sumiiKr, are co-iLlominaled by iHtic/EfTFiT/u^u fciiii't/sa (less Ihan 12^ cover and 75^ conivlancy] or \i'er Jolitureiti llesslhin tl% cover and 23* conslancy) fMallmn 1984 Kovalchik l957;Cmive andClau-snilzer 1997) O Iher ivpee les commonl y aivsoclaled u'llh Ciimx ves/cunir in Ihcsc slaruK irnilude Cnn:x iic/irttii l'/'s/i JIckS Ihan 3111 cover and 42^ conslarniy) , Cir/ei iri/iu/lrHs Ej for * ale rfo* I small mammals and olher blids (Kovalchik l957,Cmi^e and CI ausni l/i?r 1997) Ciin:x yeiiciiui' rool mals lorm a Ihicb Hod ivhlchslabili/Cvunderculslreambanbs arul crcales deep . narrov^ channeKu'ilh overhanging cover for fish Lample, if Ihe porul i ng iseliminaled arul Ihe ivaler lable lou'cred by fluvial c h ingff . uicll and draining, rcnioval of be Bvcr B nd Ihci r d Bniiv, J r £i Lllng o£ * cl I aiut'i ivi Ibi scdlmcnl IhcsDil'v uiiLldiy proniDlIng Cit'extt'n<.iiIii'ii.5iili^speii\cp.oi |iy i Ibi mora drying] fiti-sjc ID rbs bihI ^rinilnDLjt lYDungbloHl eit'l ISS5: Kovalchik L95T, titn,cniHii. 1^5 J. I £ dncr pbiascv of Co^ ci wsitvi/ti Bit ovcigrBzcd, Ihe caminiinLly may nia--i: loiv b rd domlmncc by mcsic lorlji, Cutex fchrascc/iiis. I'lm P'aieiiiii. rlhilam nni' fiileiurt s'/nlc/ni^, or a Ibicr gramino idii (Kovalchit: L95T, Cjdivc ind ClBusnilicr 19971. Maiaganait Thcscmi-pcrniBncnlly £loodcd Cir/ei vciiiv/zusIaMi' arc no! iLsually gra7J(l or l^lpa^.lL'd by re^.rcallon and olhcr uiCv Houcvcr. If * cl I and-iv arc drimcd o r Tilled , or I he hydrology olhcrAl'iC alleri'd 1'in.h as rcmovil orbcBvcr BJid Itici r d Bim| . »lchik 1957; C roue andClaiiinilzcr I997| CufL'tviriUii'n/ is moderalcly liio higbily pilalablc arulcan be iin]>i>nanl i n 1 ale summer «■ bicn olher forage is less Bviilablc ll !■> more paLilBblclhan Ci'if I'lncitula and may bescLeeled fo r (H Bitcn rt o' 1995; HbII arul Han-Hen 1 997J. Thougbi I he dcrte 'iodo£ Cu/ti ves'ciiiiii resbvCi grazing and trampling damage |li aanen fJ cr' l9S&r,o>enLSi: on daiTiBfe soils, reduce Ciifexveiut"i!'ca\c^ ind pramole dominance by olhermcsic ^rimlnDi^ti and gracing lolcranl lOrb'v IKovilchik l9S7;Cn>i^e BndClausnil/cr I997| ^'vsoci aled iiiiec les. sue h a^ Dei'-hiiiiiiiiia Lespriom. u'lll I liiD dec rcase under heavy grazing amil \c^^ palilBblCkpedOv. ^u:h t}^ Iii"ciis bitSUci'i •"iW lncrei'ie (han&cn elnl. 1995; Hall and Haiticn 1997). Eve nlually Ihr eommunlly mayeonverl lo Curct //t^ruicfErii or cnolie spe^leivSULh asFln/lt/ns fwiiimittii The eo m m unlly should nol be grazed loo low so Ihil Ihe ve^elallon can nol £uiiclioii as a sed i meni li I ler. Ctirbx vtj'ci'iin is elTeclive In rediiei ng erosion andslabilizlng Klraambanksdue lo lUnud Forming rtiizomen. ll m jIho of tii^h I'aLue lor AellaruLl raicgclallon |li ansen tT i/J. 1995. Hall and Hansen 1997) The Ciirex rtirtidfijj eominuni ly v^ ill burn only In Lale ivumiiieror fall I hen diy FIra *ill reduce liller and ine raasc producl i v i ly for several years. Hoiyevcr, if peal soils are dr>' enough Jhey ivill bum hoi and kill Cir/tr' vei'mnri' rtii^omcs Ihovalehit 1987, Crowe and C laitnllzcr 1997J. Adjflcoit Comniunitis Onsileiv wilh long periodivof slanding Aaler, adjaceni we Hand communille'k arc nearly [i ure slamil'v of scm i- iqualicDflen Flo a ling lea led, [i I anis. These eommuni lies incl ude, ,l^ufEY'd/j jjs i/^,aju^d]-^rrrjjjii£ d/'ddi jliimtniiSii. Curat uShc'inSc], (7 A f i-jju ivpcc les. f iiJi £iiiid"rr spec ics. Spa' gitii'iim iipccies, and Ulnruliriiii stiecleik iMallHcin 1 9 54; Kovalchlk 1957, Hansen cJuf I95ll| Where u'aler levels dnip in lale summer, adj aeenl welle r communi lies may £oiinon Ihe shoreline below Co^fi iwsjnr^iu . such as ivlands of £f foc^ujftj bella I ml Etp'tiel'im linviie (CrD*c and Clausnilzer 1997). ,\dj ace nlcommuni lies on siles Ihaldry in lale summer "■ I Ih asimilarorslighlly drier moislura regime a. Citret veiUinri' , irtclude Ca/crtt'ntiiltiSii. fiiirh'/zninimlr'ntcLit, Eleiithi'iis j[]« iCv, Fi'up'i'lfiiiii. DeschampsiinespM'isii- \'ilf""in'!".iir\'pbas!', Ciire\ iitji/a"!n-Dci*ltnp\ii^n/ icipilon/, Fhleiiiii alpittw/- Caretiitji/a'il/i, Vttn.iii'u/rt iKtiii'^ti'iiii:/ Cnln"/ngrtii'ii n/finSciiiii. and Ciiliiiiiiigi'iil\iC!"'iiiSfiiis (Malison 1984, Kovikhik 1 9 57;li ansi'n tr i^'. 1955; I an kovsty-Joncs |inpraparallrm|). ,\djacen1dry lerraces and uplaiHti aradominaled by i'lcuMiiu Indi'/rlahr / faa t-iiiichi and ioni£cc4 such a^ Fittui cii/iloi'ti. frcea ff/iRi.'l/r/n/i"i' . tnO Ahiei luiifLurpii CMallson 1954, Kovakhib 1987 Crowe and Clausnilzer 1997) Consavdion Rank G4g'S4 49 Elonoit Code CEGL0n266l EDITION / AUTHOR L 99U-n ]-09IChI^^^^ uiphy Red - Oser Docfv^ood ShrublErd ■ CORNUSSERICEAShmbl^d similar C cinimunitiF& CoiJiiii ieni:eii a b communi ly dDininanI i n severs] iik^ik I bI id fliv This commun] Ij, Ibu'cvcc. Iichs Ihr sirucluril divcnily of Ibicolhcr lypcs, CorrximpLc Ihc \liii'i iicifa / Con'iis ^eucen Bud Ct'/iirtsscnceti- Sii!i\ sp lypc^ (lam NomIb |M aiming and Padgcll 1995i. TbicrclalLiin-'hipof Ihiscommunily u'llh Ibic Cn'ii'i minmi / ll€'!'t-lti"i l!"'ii\uti\ amil C. seuvea / GoUwn Snjionifn lypcs £mm UIbIi and fi£lcFnldat» iY oun^blood €l 111. 1905 . Pad^ell €t al. iS£9) isuiKlfu Roige This !■> a "■ idcspicad lypc tnou'n from Wfcvhinglan.Orc^n Idaho, Nevada BndMunlBU*. EiMronmoitd D escription This lypc islypicilly Bl^JB^.cnl Lii 'vLrcam amil nvcr ^. bianncK. bul ll CBniniupy idivcnily of landlDrm^. fl may appr sr is ilinbic 1 1 n? ai biiHt an sllu^ial benches \antniiyi canyoitioi bioad Ibiic kcis on I'll suit ind flnodplii iLiv of major ■^Ircims End rivcry. IL may iIho occur on ivcl l-v^ alcrcd m Ks bcLa* beaver djnt. MosI occurrence'v hB^e c> ideihc o F mnual or near- annual Qoodmg (Manning and Padgcll 19^5, Hall ind Harwcn 1997) Soils of IbiiJicammunily b re cl assi £ied as [nceplisoK, Enli^ols orMolLlHols. Wbiere 'vHe'v arelocaled DuUidcaClhe iclivef]ood[ilaLn, b lillL^r/duCI lB>cr2 i nc hes or imre I hie k miy aecumulale. Surface bioiiions lie CO m pii'icd of a ^Idc range of alluvial malciiBls Allh lexlurcs ringing fn>m 'kill cl ays lo ikandy loims These iByePv mBy be relatively sHbIIov^ or is deep as 5 £eel. Underlying liycis ire lypn. illy caaise 'larut'v, gravel. Bndcobblcv Lbiallacililale Ibie movemenloF BcrBled gio uihIa Her Ihrough Ihe subsurface layen Ahich may be imporlanl lor Ibie longcv i ly of M aiids WHer ivailBbilily rBnges from higbi ■'■here Ihislype occupies floodplBins immediately adjacenl Iti active channels, Id low on upper, remoleflDodtilainsiles. Mo tiled and gleyedMJilsmiy occur 1M inning Bnd P*dgett 1995, Hill Bnd Himen 1997; Crowe andClausnilzer 1997) A aige D eBription Cor/id^i scn'itTJ forms b dense i losenl ciiio[iy aftcn exc I udmg undeislory shrub incT lierbaceou'i spec les. Cmnui ii:n<.r:ii is ituilly Ihe only species ivi tbi high co> er v al ues. Aisoci atcd spe^. icv v iry wilh geogripbiic khiliou atHLl elevBlion, but commonly associBted 'vtinibs include ffi?iu y\'t/i?dj/i, R/bei hudjofiattiini. Acer XSiihiiiiii, Si'ln e^/g,ui', S iii'eu. and Oc/nurji ^rj< d^irjc^_/}i/ju. E ec b uhc of its "■ ide ringc, Bgrcat diversHy of herb Bcco uik iipee ieiv is issoeiBled ivittilhis^ommuuily ituilly in Ioa cover {M inning and Pidgett 1995, Huibcn el III L995; HbII and Hinscn 1997; Crowe andClauinilicr 1997) 50 WildliTeVdues Ri'd-oilcr i:log*iNJiH prav idm ft>od and cover Cor m ulc deer, moo'ic, elk, collonl bi I ribb i & , snov^shiic hircv. and many bint. The Fmll'i are an lin]>nnanl bB^.k beirCoixl arul tie aKo calen by^ongblnt grouse quail pulridge. ^. [il Lbiroil Imul. dllck^ ciows miciz, ind olhcr mammals Deer mice mcada^^ voles ami olhcr small rmlenl'cal Ihc young ■vlcms and bark. Red-osier dagv^ood o Flen gitiws In dense Ihictcls bcc a iLse of iti layering ability These I Iik kebi provide good mule dee r faivulug and reanng areaik amil ncsl i ng hab i lal for min> songblnt {H ansen I'i uf L9^5, CiDive and C I lusni licr 1 ^ 71- Thi^ m considered an early serai com munlly, lyp le ally colonizing sHes adjaeeni lo^lrrams The herbac;cous cover Ls often ipaise, probably due lo Ihc de nsc ov eislo ry c ano py and regular flooding scounng, and deposition The laller faclor ispmbably iKipon'^lble for mBmlaininglhls as a (lerslslcnlcommunlly lypeon ihe landscape The presence o£ lall shrubs or Irees msomeslands may represcnl surcession lowaid .I'^Erfi "ici'i'ii. Fi'i'iihis i'it-liiKiifi?ii. r. Pj t/n f fJ'iJJti, F I'l'Kiisl'j'illii. F'cei' mtfeimt'tmii, FieiiiSaliUf,!' tnm'iiej'i. or olhcr CG m munilie:^. Maiagonait The herhacedus biomass vanes "■ idel y and is largely dcpendeiHonlhenienslly onhe doguTJod i ano py |Ciowc arul ClaiCinlUer 14^7). R a lings for renl-osier dogwood palalabllily forlivcslock range fium lou' IManmiig amil Fadgell 1995, Ciowc and C lausnllzer 1997^ lo ■icecream" (Hanse n fP uJ 1995, Hall and Mansen I99T| bul Ibie stands areoFlenso dense Ihal Ihcy llmll grazing in many cases Thi^ community func lions In a vanely of ways lo pmmoleslream hcallh. Red-osicrdog*ood ft>rmi dense rool rtelivorks Ihal slablhze slreambanks agairtsi 1 a leral culling anderoslon, provides cover In Itie Form of overh anging branc ties and banks, and i^hades channels, eCCec lively moderaling eilreme summer lemperalure ftiKlualions fHall and Haiucn I99T| Dogwood sp rouls vigorously a Her a ftre amil germinallon of il 's seed- bank is si i m ul a led by fire {Crowe andClausniUer 1997) Adjacoit Comnunitis Because ol Ihc a Ide geographic range for I his lype communities of adjaceni up I ands c an be com Eero us fomit. ispen, sage brubh-sleppe , and pinyon-Juni per lypes C onsav^on Vi aik G4/S3 Elanait Code CEGL001I65 EDITION / AUTHOR 9B-0I-O2/B Moseley 51 D ulichium H ebaceousV^gelation ■ DULICHIUM ARUNDINACEUM HerbacecusVegetaticn Siiril a C omrnuniti^s The CO m munHy is easily iccD^nizcd by Ibic ab undancc of Df ff rf/Erd"rr t"i"'iilttiif€iiiii. •"\t\c\t is ci Ibicr mono- specific or Uv gra* lug uiHh o nly i £c* o Ibicr iviici les (Buryik ami MoscLcy I ^ 5 . H anHcn fJ n'.. 1933) Raige Mii»Elype in Ma man H, Idaho , O rrgo n , Washlnglan and posiibly WyDinmg EiMronmoitd Description The CO mniunHy occ urs over niLneral sdILv, fi bn>LLS [ical, ormiKk on areas Ihil »rc se a^anally or pcEmancnl I y QiKiiHcd ivi Ibi ivbial Id* *bIce. In i £c* [i I ac cs 1 1 occ uis Bdjaccnl lo 'vphBgnum pcil (Kun^c L9?4| In Manlana Ihuv communily occuis in dc[i rc^siouil ivclLind' f frequently ^la^iil pulbiolc^r and on lake mirgirei {Hiiticn el^l 198BJ. R ai ge D Btription The Diilidfittv urtttuS/m/ivu/rt communily lype isof rBreotourrcncc Bnd poorLy dene n bed Duln.hium arundluiceum ly[iicil]y occun as i monociillure ivilbifeiv aHsociBled ivticcies M i nor amo uuliv of Ihc EieiM-ituni pahisim. Citrex t'tiiii'lilis. C. l/tiMiiit, orClirs/im/iiu/ miy be [i reicnl. The oomniuiilly oci urn on o c^Buk soi lb , o n lake miigin:^ an^l may occ ur on fl>Lcd or floallng maDi {HiJi'icn tP jjJ I93II| WildiifeVdus Informalion nol available Sufxeaon D'lt'ch'iHt ft'i'i'iiimitfiiiii isconsideced a stable, long lived oommuniLy type, hoAeverdeu'alenng and siibseqiienl deco m posi lion of organic sojIs may resuLl in a cnl or nol obviaifr Br^urconhiz [ilanL's Leu? Ldc[LlLl>.A miskdcDlilii: bUdu iv] 1 1 irsul r In Ihc a mn^ cq mm d- Dily lypc and Ihr ^i Ir^ ckn v^ hich Vbey occur ait * cry d I FfcTcnC ccoLo^ic al I j Raige EltVLlii'ni iM/li'i'rn \f acomnLcn lype in C ilifDEiu D. C dLh codi). Id H liD, Mci nl an B , N cv adi, D icgDn. U rah. Washing Ion, Wyci m i ng, Bnd S ask lie h? hji an Egi?n1iall> il has been doc u- mcnlcd From every i« e^lem .Male ciLcpL An- roni inil Sew Mexico t^Qucgcmn and EngcltLnp 1994. Anderson ^'u' 1993). n Ji-iGill-lu EiMromnaitd Dscription The Oturlpir^ n jjir^"i r^ r T comniiiniiy lypcl's roUmf Jl loi*' k* moderale cletilionH.pcnclBrfy inivlde, lit*' gTkdienl vulleysorallshipes SiLc.i are ucl bisiiti, lUwdpl 1 1 ns. mcudou's, ^hv el biis, ind lakcedge^ ]l i:^ lyplcaJly InsEles ihaC arc pione la yeiHy ETcading o r pciai^leul surf ice water. ^ he n^ slicanti ire [ire^enl, ihey lie Rosfen'sC and E^lnznm lyj'es Elevaliiin'k ran^ 2.200 Id h1 leasl KJOO Eeel, de pending qd lallludc (HiitenL'JjjV L995, M inning indPadgelL L995, Cmi^e ind C I a usni liter 1997. Hall ind Hansen 1 99 7 J. Soils of Ihi^ commuitj ly Ivpe ore clai^'^iEied a^ MoIIiboIs Enlisol^, hiBliso]^, and In^epliHols TcklunzB Die viriible, langing Enim si les I h al nn: veiy coBnie-lra^menl rich lo Qlheislhil aretlcep and fine-lexluced Thcsnificcu UJuaJly nchinot^Hnjc mil Ice and Lhe liller iccumulalion miy blend InEo rich, blick organic mucksDlLs The linc-reiEuccd upper bon jonfi oflen iribc fiom Dlluiialdepo.Mlion S ands. grav el , ind cobbles usuhIIv conslilule lhe m^in body ur dee pe c sulcuif ice milenabi 4 Manning and PidgcLI l?95, Cnme and ClBiisnjl^erl997.nal]indnin^n 1997], Raigp D eaiption E!ein:hf"ii ifaSiisIm i il u able souireaC fiicd ind cover tai ivBlcrfoiv] Wild ungul Ble-k !ie Idom brou'^e IhishibLlBllypeducIo lis \a^ pHlalibiljl} iHalL aiml Hansen l^7i. Padgcll at il |1989j 'lu^e'vl ihil E>eocha'is patiisim can rcpreHcnl an early Tieral species on pondii ind si ream b a nks "■ bere i^alcr \s alor abnvc Ibc graund surf ai c. \silllalliinocciiisnvcr li mc, ol ber ciinnnunj- lle^, such as C!'i€\ nii'mSa, may ^eplB^.cll Howcve r. due lo Ihc conlinual iHuriledcondilions and dense groflhof E!cinln/iis siiinilni.oiKC £o rmed, si a nds appear di Ffic ul I lo displ a^.e and may pcisisl iik^iLmik vegclallon [f * alcr levels micS^i/pits Hsp and Tyj?ltii talijntM' may be ibLc losupplani £ pului'//] Hinscn emi [i^^Sf have observed Ihaldiiil urhirn. c i an drislic al I y sbifl Ibe vcgcl alive composi lion of Ibis lypc iDwird increaiie or invader species such ^i Ho'ileti'rt pdinliim Maiagonori: 3e asi>naLLy uifl eand I bans and lou' p»l a lab i Lily of E'tuc/EO^ n jJi^'d^iFni limil Ibegrazmg value of Ibis lypefor llvCklac k. even during droughl yeaiTi when upland forige dries eiily amildie'v back fhovakhih \9S1). Siles o«upicd by Ibis lype are ly pic ally inundaledor al Icaiil ivaluralcdfor mm.b of Ibeyearso »■> Lo pr^^.lud: moivl developmenl. Trampling damage arulsoll churning o^.^.unv reanlily "■ i lb 1 1 vcsloct use arul may resull in a fihifl low ami moredI'vlurbanceloleranlikpecLes'kLicb t!. HuTdeiiiii jtibitUitn, Cit'ct "<^'us Toresl lypes. Adj a^ enl riparian communilLCk may bedominaled by in equally vined assurlmenlof lypes im ludi ng dceldun us foresi, laLlshiub low sbrub, and herbaceous commuuilies Consov^ on R aik G5IS5 Elansit Code CEGLOIIlKJi EDITION/ AUTHOR 9S-12-n5;B.Hoscley 54 Beaked Spikffu^ H erbaceousVegetaiiar ■ ELEOCHARIS ROSTELLATA HerbaceojsVegetefion si nila Community e« In MonlDnu tianiycaelul. ii9^5i ^lauped t^\ CDmbinjIlDns aE E mslfHiiSu and E smiicfli'/n IuIq an £. I'aimfloni habilil lypL' due la sinij I an lic^ J n ?nv LcoumcnLaL conillliDiti i nd inaniif r imzuL coiKizms. O Itc rv Hions In M o nl an I by [.ftiiia fl'^^Oi, inLlicalc lIidI LhcE tJilflltiSn ks^iKiDlJon isdisliiHl, and al LcksLpiJliaLLv ihf nnDpIii Lie un\tl^ Ihc E iiiiricifli'ni type 1 u SDHif c uses Ihe Elebcliafff TOileliala maj be tonfitcd Ailh E. imli'sWi, espcclHllv inhc ■vCoLoiLsof £ mi\fH Lypc and LtL^^ildan ikhich [Iir> aec ur lie vr [> di Ffeirnl ccoLo^i^ ally. Raige EiiiKhfS'ts i(ii\eHol!' IS a mimrlypr In IdatLO. Monlana. and Ycllowslnnc NjIiphbI F b rk, Wvp mi ny, ind maj occur i n W n-ti- ingKi a. B rili^li C Dlumb i a, d nd ulhcc [i a n^ ii f Wvcimii^. EiMromnaitd Dscription Thif ca m munily is n^Lcu. iizd li> ibLcnnBl i r? a's r r irrilv »> ilh al k ul iiK or c ak iriraus foibi i^pizciaLly uLlhc nojIliL'jn i^d^ uf j L's disFribu[ici n 1 1 i^alMi Eound acci und cold spnugs i n cleseil c an- yom. ILdccuisiu i nlccmci nl h m^ vaLl^j's [\-c^\€a L99{hj.m •tel bisiy]!. and DcljocfDE In & Fir a ms. rivals, and poncti r h aiLscn f J If' L9^5j Thcv cjunmuni Lj l>|>:is krat* n lo cn;c u r In u vancly of solL. fiom icI b ll vcLv drcp □i^amclo aLhaliuf and c ale h n^ous m>i]ei, lo cc aiM! ai^I inincEal ^d iIs Ihil accdijri:llv in i:oiil dl: 1 1^' i Lh IhrnDil u'alfis lICHCuni in^pnn^ffd urllaoLl'v LEidI ac? Mlunl^d IhiDuglhiul \\\e y i^ir, □ Eica ivj [b hi' Jli^r running ovei \i\c gm und sud Bc? ihiDU^ h IhcMBnds [Mosclcy ]??^l. Roige D Buipti on The camiiiLinily lyp? E□^Il^ near monoc u1 Lure'r. and may occur as aquihinf miKor miy be nioic opr Ji ui llh [:oii5idr rable Bn!B\ciE bin^sDi], gravel, n^ck, b nd ope n u' b Ler |M oivf ky 1495]. H an^i^u cT £?^. lI?95>, slalf [bal E. *&ift'f ^ir'iT domm Blc5 a In* llc^lban 3Qcinl Eicrb bccous 1 jyi? r wadHFeVdus Thi^communlly is b sc uice ci E nnre n Ecirage rally in ihcEpdngind BKracU hi'ildljEi! 4 especially elk and deer) WilcrfDwJ ilm u^ Itiis Lypc Lli arisen fJ ir' 1995^ Suctenon LiLEk Ls ki»An abouE Lhc succrsslanal dyniinics □ E ihbk c;oiiiiniiniLy Ivpc. Qhll-lli 55 Maiagonoit Tha L:Dinmu[ii I y lyp^ ii^ lIinzB lentil by df ^ r lopmrnl of IhrnDil in: Bik lor rcc rcariQD (Lcsicb ]''^h. B«:d[ihf □ Elhf ivi! L. Dni!i>u FLivliblf nalurc of Ihf ^ubal ra I? , 5D 1 1 ifi^l ujbaiHC and^cDzinf by livcsloch 1^ piohably niLnLnijL.Ycl Iram pi i ng d Bin Bgc of I hiz ¥^ cl , organn. so] Is of I Hi's i'K'ii>ci il lo n occ; uis re adi Ly wiLbiany kvcilock uLlIizbLldh L I ■ cskic h mav f ra/c Eori|ic pL inbv I n Ibii^ issoci b Llo n , buL dv? r^izj ng c an c HH'lc co m|iDM lionul chan^c^ Co Ep« Irs of Idivi^t p jLiI b hi 1 1 ly [Hinsen f nl i*l'^5f. Adjacoit CorrnHHiiti^ -^d|BL:cnl npLiDd commnnLlicE aic o fir n ^a^b msh-sCrppf nr cram tf idie forest Lj'pc^ Cunris^p . Fim'ni'liylSoitSe^Jliinlii'f'ilii inii DtiLiintni'itii *viiittinit may dnminBlc BdjBcc[iLripininc;oniniiinillcbL C on^av^ on R Oik G?/S| Elanoit Code ceglmthpj: edition/ author 95-12-20/L. WIILliiiu W ^ef horselal H ffbaceousVegetaiar ■ EQUISETUM FLUVIATILEWo-bflcausl/fgeQtftn SimildT C ammunTlie& Thci c;omniiinLl> his becndocnmirnErd in iH rlhe m Idaho /J inkoksky-JDiHS i1'HtBnii.\]h^na[D\i!^iil el 111.. I'il-i). R aige C Duiminili ^ Tha [:ci mmnnLly is rrparlfd rrom ihf nonhu'csl iMonlinB, I d»hit. Orc|Ki n , W ashing Loni and I he mld-u'c-il iMInnc- solt i.\az\ uding Al bf n b , M nnilDba, b niJ Onlina. EiMronmoitd Donjiption PilHD Ur Jh'F.BimiU E^/itlii/n j'uwuHle ca mm uiul les can be found aL law \o mid cicv aElon^ inlhe hld unl ii im of ccnical and SDuEhArsLcmM onlina, and i [ occ uih more CDn^isErndy in ihe nioiinriiiisand\Blleysof 'I'cslemMonlBni HBhilil i nc I udci gl ic i al polbole^ and I akrs, o Id Di bows, ind b icki^ a I? [^ of n I'f r\ andMnram^ Soils sk ^inabli^, and Ihcy fnrquenU}' e ncomp q.^s M oil isoIe. Enldolf, and HkIosoIs. The mi mzril soibi itiiiil I y bia^F e some degree ofoE^ aniL mallr: r aic umul aLmn This coniniunil> is i&ually rlooded yeir-round WcHersjIni arclypificd hy deeper i^alcremeijHnU egel alio n d:)mina1ed by lyphci !i'Hjt/!in. SLTfUi sj]]: ot aqualic CDininunil ie?i dnminaCed by v anoici s[iei Ees of MjjiJect/ S6 aiuil'oliiiptiii'lon 07apen ivalrr A v Biicly dE dncr ca m m unlUcs can occur BdjBCfDL Iq Eqi/iVftfir Jlut^alr!,' coiiiiniintlif&, ml rhr^f can lih Imif sLands of Care\Bji . i!itlii ^pp .Fh'itf miles ituilnihi. oi Fhiil/ins ani'idinaceu iHaascn tJ cl. I9S3, HiiBiCn e' nf [995\ Raige D suipti on THliv comni unLly i^ iciual]> doininiled by idcibf , manoEyciic tlend of Eirttin:l'tfn_fltivn'ltSt. Scil Lcied facbi iTii> occur in \he caminunLl>, ind Ihcsc inLludc Foly^onui'i ntni'hfbtuni. FoUiniogcSon g'umlieiis , ojid Comimirn fttiiislt. C ihilcommunily com^io'kilLanu'iLlbcraicly slibLc Moiagonoit This communl Ly Lk gcncEaLly ha ^cILhal i L inzc iS cs k i^jy IjLLIc livcMock il'.c CDnsovdJon Raik 04^54 Elonait Code CEaLooigfio EDITION / AUTHOR 99-L0-IBnai:tGECcn]cc BdticRLi^ HerbaceouBVegetalion ■ JUNCUS BALTICUSHfrtBcawsl/egetetfan Similir Communities ThU cci m muni ly h\^ bee n qu Hnlil h b vc l> defined HJid deBC nbnxJ by minv a Ludjc^ iHtdu^HduE Lbie u'cslcm Unlled SlaLcs This ippeBis Lo be adisLincLivr lypc. EleocliPiii pitlt'iSns - JiiiKiis balSitiii and J. bnl'rci'i - rjjrc.T rruijj community l>pcs bike been desc Jibed CromcenlrBl ind ai ul be m U I ab (E oucf e run tni Enf el ki n^ 199-11, Ihni may relBlcd [p llie J huUics communilk lypcdfscnbcdbeir Similarly, Mull'Jin's (l9SI4i Descha'Pj'^'ii cciiirtoia — Jimcits biiSl'ct's fnim Ihc Ycllo'A&lane Pljlenu IS Tic b in J. Iial'ictj. PUDfll ll JhJH Dillnill 57 The J'tttLiii hul'rcui coiantunily lypc ha.'i bcrn doc; umcnlcd fmni every ilBic in Ihc u'mlcm UniKd SIbIcs, * 1 Ibi Ihe cnccpl nj n (jf A nzj n B (E our^cmn ind EngcLtin^ 19^, Manning and Padgcll i*>S5 , Andenion et al. I94SJ. EiMronmoitd DescriptiDn ThriiugbiiiiH iby range iloccuPvnrBrsccpiv, in mcaAiw^, and on Blluvial lcrrBc;ni. Surface lopographj is iFuall> LrvcL o r siimrli me-k unduLilmg or biumiiicK h ValLry bDlloin characlcn'illcf accequBlly dlveiy? u'llh ividlhs ringing fiu m \ciy nBiin* li>^cry bn>»d and gradient from Idiv Io biigh {PBdgcHi'PuJ 19 59, Minhcii i^uJ 1945 Manning and Padgcll 1995 Ciuvic and C LiiCinllzcr 1997J. Tbii^cammunlly lypc Lypn;alLyoccuis an nni^lcxliiicd surface liDil'v Tcxlurcs ringc fram f ill losBndy-loam The Ailizriible ranged from Ihc surface Hfca ^Ocm bclou' Ihc iiurfBcc. occ aivianal Ly I b I Ling bclou' 1 m by Ihc end d£ ihc ■vummcr E'limBlcnl ■vail able u' alcr- holding c a[i acily ranged from Ioa Io high. SoiKhivc been c I asivified as MdLIi&dIs, InccplisoK, and Hl'vIi'.ci Is. Soil rciclion ranges £rom nciilral Id mildly b1 k b I inc, pH 7.0 lo 8 |Padgr1l fJ o' I9S9; Hiibcn el at L995; M aiming and Padgcll L995, CjDive and C 1 b iiini l^er L99J| R atge D Btription Jjjiit jjs Ai^^Jj( JJT du m I n B Its Ihc slands "■ i Ihc anopy cover generally exceeding 50^ Cover by Dlhcr gram I noid-iv is itnally liiiy tilhnu^h Fim f/t/lciiiii appeals lo be a common a'j.oc i ale ov e r Ihc range of Ihis lype a' do a niimberiiColhcreiolic [laliire grasses Nt'/ tltrtt/n jttht/lu/rt has high co nivlanc y in HonlanasUiidiv There is a iidediversily of olhergraminoidiv and forbiv. bnlh nalivc and cxolio, Ihal occ iir m /jjiit d^i ftirf ir( jji slaruls Ihroughoul itv range, generally bI Iou' co> cr ( Padgcll tl ^j^. 1939. Hansen efu^. 1995, Manning and Padgcll l995,Cro«candClaiL'nil/er L997, WalFordfJrrf L997| WildifeVdus Thislype [in>vides e a rly season lorage Cor ivildliCe [tiaiaen cttil. 1995). Sufxeson SDmcsludie'slile unequivocally ihal ihe /d^prmji ^j^fjcTf i communi ly lypc is a llvcslock grazing-lndirccd lype |e g.,E'Fendcn I9II9 nanhcntFu;. 1995 Manning and Padgell I9S9 Hall and Hi nnen 1997 Ciuwe and Clausnilzer 1 99 7 J. While olhenv hedge SDmciyhal ivlaling Ihal many or mosi occunences air grazing induced |e.g Padgcll tr a/. I9S9, Walfoid tr .d^. 1997). There is evidence for Ihc lallervKiv Tivo^land', in cenlral Idaho occur hI 'vile'v Ihal were never graied by livcslock, being prolccled by iitiurmci unl able cl iff baruls They co nl a i n exlensi ve near-mo noculluics d£ /d^Fri jji hui'ifui and havesignificanl hum mocking (Janhovvky-Jone'v, IDCDC, unpublished dala) Obfer^'allons inMonlana and elsew he re i ndic a le Ihal A bulfictij Hc Is as an inc rease r and^ r invader. Declining over a wide range of env i nmmcnlal cornLli Hans, ll can incicasc afler inle nivive graji ng o n si Ics occupied by Ihe Citrex "ehrasfeim. Deicl'iiP\;S'S5i.F/i.ea ciEL^Iir/mi/'ir is also DceaslonaLly prescnl In similar com munllies such B:y.\liitts ith-iirm-Corniii iTolonfferti. Fiiprtltts ificliiiciifs'it / .Mmii 'tf-iimi-Caiiiiis ildim/feni, Fopiih'i Snchiitnrfi' / C«"ii'i iTt/lo/irJirin. and FojwSiis liemtitnidi^ / Comi'i ilolnttijeru. and niher Ciintm jSiilii'iiJenr lypes (Cro*e and Clansnilzcr 1997. Hansen i-Jfrf L995, Hovakhik 1993). [I should ilso be *ell noled Ihal CorMonlana h ansen tf n^. 59 {[995] have cu fLivLdccab I y brDidrncdlhccDiKcplaClhisas'iOciallonlbiabilillypr in Ibici r Lf k LCDn| by i nc I unliug Attmi if'*iiin/ Bnd any lipiii bh/ucII Bnd Si/'n 'pp b'^ indi^alnn, I hr ^r d? Ci ni n^ piramL'lizPv lollou' Fn>m Ihcir 'minagcmcnl 4icLcnled~ ippco Bc h lo c Lisiilfic alian The F'L€ii errxel/rnnrmi ' Co'mtJ itufeii ihtidcI b lion ^Included in Ficen ' Cn'tm ^liilii'i'jtn') m i major lypc knou' n ftDin caslcrn Ed Bha, u'clizm W jomi ng, irarlbic ailcm W ashmglo n (Okanogan HighLindi; hovaLchlh 1 ^9 J), ih>clbica;ilcm O icgon |BLucMDunlalrei,Cn>iycandClaLAnLlzfr]?97j,ManlBnB.UliJ], ind posiib ly ColoraulD EiMronmoitd DescriptiDn The/'jcFO ef'K€t"i!"'mi / Co'i'tis ie'iceit pLinI Bisocialiiin l^ Found BlcLoHioit rBngmg Ennin t!. lo* t!. S?0 m inMonlBnB li] ICTBCci, benches, or rrnj isl loeslopc; inirrmi i alely idjiccnl lo biighgradicnl 'Ire Bins inmrrov^ V or Iroufh shaped >i] leys. The lopagrBphy rBngesfiom flillo 5prii:rnl •.\o\fc and may be unduLiling (Cidac »nd ClBusnilzer 1^7. Hall amil Hansen lSy7, HBnscnfJfrf L 995, Voungblood rt of L955| In nana* valleys Ihlscominunily may ineupy Ihe * ho le floodp I ain iMoseLcy 1 9^1 7 J ankovsky-Jone* and MancuFio 1995) The i^aler lable ls ibujIIj sbialLo* f50 Hi LOOimdecpJ indslinds iicoFlcn affcclcd by scisomlly high u'Blcr IH anicn fff n^. 1 995, Youngblood fJ n'. 1935) Thesoil^i aicdcnved from illuvium illhcDame l□^.k fragmcnl^ (lo J5^J and some li mes nieciying uoody debris (Hall and H»i&en 1 997, Youngblood sF n'. 1935) Soils are coiiyc lo am loimy $11 n, sandy, or clayey. Tbicy ircgleycd and mollled, up lo fiOcm deep, ■nd hive moderalc available Ailerciptcily Soil 'ub-gioups are iciuilly C ryobu n^ll' (Aquic andCnmuLli:) ind Cryaqih>lls (Cumuli^, tlislic, arul TypK) bul Aimellmes C ryofluvenDi ind C ij'orlhenls |li aiLsen fJ jif l995,VDiingbliiodrtJjf I9a5| R atge D fHription lite Fictii f}igeliiiMi"\\ / Ciinmi jeiicint f i rn; I iidi ng /'di fit ' Cn^Erfi iMfiiurT^^ pj co m m unily lype has i moslly ope n ovcrslory dj m I n a led by malurefjifir (irKiluding Pnet'eyif,flti\iiiiii\i and/' iid tVuf I955| Miied conifer species arc common In bolh lheo>eislory and Ihe sub-i »no py/l rec undcrsli>ry resulling in high slruc liira I di>eisilj (To ungblood tP ^jJ. 1 985 J. Snigs and high levels of *oody dcbixs may be [iresenl iCn>*e ind ClausniOcr 1 997, Jinkovsky-Jortes indMancuso 1995). However, wilhin Ihc mixed conifer componeni, Ihe species cover of maliirc sapling, ind seedling Is usually less Ihan JJ'1. Species vary across ihe communily's range, Ihough \hic] iiu'oiit/f^ir tnO Fscuth'iugir "/l^iz'^iii tic mosi commonly encounlercdlhioughoul The shrub liy eris usual I y dense u'llh a mix of spec les represen led Usually Ihe domlninl species, Ct'/iirts lemcn coral ancy reported From vario us sludics ringes from 67 lo iOOt and b> er»ge cove r ranges from 10 lo 5S% (Ihough Hall »nd Hansen (1 997 J found less Ihan 3'^ cover) (Cra^^e indClausnilicr 1997, Hansen tr,?J. 1995, Ho^alchik I99i, amil Voungblood I'P uJ I955| The EacI Ihil duid^s 'in-itnii ls nolloumil In all occur- rences oE ihe associalion should occasion placing il inpirenlheses in Ihe associalionnime. Co-dominanI shrubs, oflen ivUhhighconslancy bul lower cover Ihan Ciinmi lericea. sk .ilmii "icnfhi. Satix htHiShfi. and Pihi:i kitiiil'e Sitin ihiim'to'id'oi'i', Sym;n |Hall and Hinsen 1997). Livestock grazing K nol very practical because o I fragile soils arul loiv forage amounls. Fittm eiiRi^'iiiiiim providci good emsionconlnji bul iscisily killed by fire Hou'ever, H quickly re-eslab- lishes on dislurbed ground bul nol in areas of I hick shrub, heibaceoit o r duff cover. A Iso, ilsslo* groivlh makes il a moderate rcvcgelatlon option only In Ihe long-lemi By contrisl, Ciinrii^ senret/ provides eicel- lenl, long- lerm eroikio n conlro I by slabilizing banks ind rec ruili ng deb ris. El ab-) readily re-sprouk afler fire CHanscntr,?;. 1995, Hansenciuf I958| 61 Adjacoit Comnaiiti^ Adj jce nl CD m muni lici may be olher FtC'^u types ^uch iii The \<'e\ter Fic&i / Etjunelrim tiryeraf ot Ihc dncr ficBt enielrniiii'iti / Giit'iim injh'uiii (Hill imJMaiL^i^D l^7.KQV3li:hik I943j .ilmn iucu'iit.Ft'S'niiii spec ici , 5uJj I ipccic^ tc ^.Suli' e\iguc'i, Ct/vx \ipectrf. ore Ihcr Ci}rnus urncitt lypci. (Cm^^c and CliitinH/cr 1^97. Hill ind Hiiccn 1997. Hjiccn^'u^ 1 995 , Vo uugb lood iT uJ. ] 9 35 Hfci mi n i Lc ol her dJliccnl ivel conimuiii [icB Ficiiilitiiuga piKfiz'esi' .fimis conivrla.avAb'es iits'ticiisiiii and dcciblitiibJ Ly .\tyles gr/'t'ilij ICedhc HnilClai&nH/cr 1997. Hill ind ninscji L997. tJ inscji fF nJ. 1 995, Younp blood ff aJ. L 9 S5r oflc n dn m I [LD Ic adjaienL uplands C on^ov^ on R aik CJG4;SJS4 ElaiHit Code CEGL000E92 EDITION/ AUTHOR L 9?S- 1 ] - L 6 / Chris M iirphj Spruce/ Bluefomt reedgrassforeBl ■ PICEA ElsJGELMANIsJlI / CALAMOGROSTIS CANADENSJS Fored: iIld^&iHcdtiDn ( am m unities InMonlini^lclBliD and no n hu'csle m Wyoming, Fii-ct/ gSiium ind Fwco trrifflrnzt'in/i hyhnd si^Dnib aic comiiHin UiLh, liiiD[ii nf bn rh spiTcies logerhcr is praclLCBl Tor cl QS-h I Cic alion purposes 4 i~l bI I iikJ hjiHen 1997, Hansrn el /il. L995| The type hen: re p rescnis M nncb dnmb- naErd by /■. fiigiriifiiin'iit or Fitvti hybrufc ^ desenbed by PlislerfJo/. (1977), SlerlefJir^ ||9S]> and Mauk nud Eieidcison rl9S14V I L should be noLcdihe MonlinarrpcesenlDLLonorLhis associallon si ruci unl ly n^embles b h'^oddlond and nol a fciicsl, hiding an ivcmgc lire canopy cover of bllghLly mare ihin Jlirf' . I hough lolil cover con range is hifh an 110 'J in srril stands hl-L-lll Ur Jh^-OtLllU Siiriio' Coniminilies This commumly .^ ii desc n bed Cor uicalcrn Wy omi ng by Youngb laod c r u' (1 ^85 1 . and soiUhcisLcm Idnho by Jankuvshy-Janu (1997 J. Some UlahslBiht in Pndf cl L .^F jj^ (I9lt9| hj'hich iscLassified as Cfini/tt I Cal/i/rtti^rci'ii ctt'toilii'iis have i /■]. fir .'jjjjff^/njjjj^ETE — dn minalcd pve rstp ry. &% R^ige Thii camniuni ly is prccnlLnMnnlina, Idahn, Ulabi ami Wyumlng. ErMronmoitd Dstription The Fi'-im ccun an a minor Type il \ovi lo high cIcvBlioiis in Ihc mounlalns I hii>Lif haul M u nl an a ]l li^ ^euenlly rcsLci(li:i] lu Flat lu genlly sloping 'ille-k Allh poor ilraluigc, 'iUL h a< Ecu Hnd lake m ac^i iliv, loc'Laties , and lou' 'vlicim aiml river Icna^cs Soil Icilure vine'^ framilll lo sandy lo am "■ ilh iirnic redo* co ncenlral nj ns prcscnl ThK cominiinHy ls usuilly lizin]>i>rari Ly flooded in Ihc spring, andslandiv have » high ivalcr lab Ic year inund. Slands are chiricle nzcd by a conspicu- ous amounl ii£ mLciDlo pograp hy sKmniLn^ fmm ivi ndlhiDV^ n spruce \d|Bccnl *cllcrcommuiillies include Saiix tSninwofiiin/ia ot Belult/ /;in/iifttlii^i' shiub\an^i.oi Cit'etsp. aoimnBOti flili. Ad|Bccnldricr coniiniinille'v ace usually iip[ind comftrfoiayCi aoimnBledby Ahiei lniit'*ii'iii.i'/ni'i cof'o'ia.oi Raige D scription The ovcclorj' of Ihcse lypically 'vmall sland'i fiocral icrci al moivl, f requcnlly afrBclLanof an icrel K daniLnalcd by spruce [Fifeu err Rel/rnn'mi at hybnd:^ of Ficea en gel "/imiir andfiteii £ 'f rjjtu, I hough pure Fifeii £ '(TJJi u uv uld be di agnostic of Bscparalc alliance J ind k ille ced individuals or Triiddi £ i^prPr?/ Ju ind Ab\es SiiJ'ntft'pa may also beprcscnl lypically a- unlhnny sl n. Forlhis lype. uivually rhc cover of cil her of Ihe-ic spec les hi incnceHi of 30^ In ACvlcm M onl a n a i^ehnc no led only Ciiliiti\iiini^l/i (umnriieniii Bisoci alcd "■ ilh Ihis communlly Inlhe Hanscni'Jirf . I\9^5] dilafcl .WS of flic j^linds have b'i much is4l>^ Ctirbx uS'iiult/Hr. IhK condllion may u'arrani ncparalion as adi^linclly ucller 5ilc {differenl pi a nl iivsocl a lio n J. Aivsoci aled forb iipec les i nc I mle iilcriKdiiett'iiiii. Gciurt vitc'iis'hrlanl Ic avoid damage. Palalabilily of Cu^fjjFjfj£jfj(Piiifj/ErrJtJi(Jii< modenle lo high ind foliage is mosl pil alab Ic uihen young However, ivelcondilions during Ihislime period make hoi I sitceplible lo damage fiom liveslock. IF levels of ulilizBlionof Ciiin"/iig,rtiil''nmii'iieiiiii i^Ity high for long periods, prod ucl lo n o £ Ci^'i"m^£ ^ ljiFji titttmlerfsii can decline IH anscn fJ ir'. 1 ^ 5 J ind 'vilcs c an be invaded by exollcgraminoids 63 Con^ov^on Raik G4/S3 ElBnoit Code CEGL0003S6 EDITION / AUTHOR 99-1 0-1 Itn ic k Gr.:.? nkc Spmce/ ffdd Horsetafl Forea ■ PICE A SP. / EQUISETUM ARVENSE Fored similar C ammuniliFS In MDnliinD end iiiabo. Fici^it gliirica ml F'ciii f?'gfl'na/"iii hybnds »n: com rriDn. ibiui^, lumpl au bo Lh iviiec \c^ iDf cEhcc bk pTBi: iLcil Fore] BKHi CIciliDn piir]K>5[^ iHnLI jnil Hbiech I9'>T; com Ecrs h JVC picv la [lily bccnpiDupcd 15 F'Cfa iml Con'fiT' in FBdycll i-J ir' UfB^I niud^'nungblDCNlc'irf rl9S.'^>. The riCEfVC/EQU\RV lypc here icp re^enlH iliiHti dn m I nDled b> F. rnfflrnzt'in/i ur FUvit biybrub is descnbcd by PCIslcreJoJ. {1S7T1, SlccLc €l al |I9S]> and Mduk anil Hcndeiyan 1l*B4(. I^I-GlElllU The F'Cfa mffJrnuw'/ / Etjune'rim nryeruf Lk i hj'idely 5(allizr?d miiu^T l)|if nbicb i^xli^nds eoslv^ uiJ In Wvdhijh^ alnn^ Ihe Wind RivrrRanfi! Dud nunhv^ rsLn inl i nlo crulnl lilabio inl M oul nni and julik eas Ie en OTCgan. EiMionmaitd D escription The CO m miinLl> Lyp? is [L ieV rifled Lo flBKilf^ aIiH poor drai na^ c. ikLic h is ^iznllc loc-ilDpcs, secpb. alirain ICFTBces, and fen and lake m orpins Typicilly Iherc \s i lii°e a mounl o E mlcjoropD^rapIui: rrlirEdne Id « inlLbintiy ■nonnds and roitl cm hi' n hummoc ks iPadf ?l L fJ ^e^. i1t9. Hansen eHil L9^5| Si\\\s iir lEuilly dcnved flam ccin? Ic^luTcd aLluvLum Tizxluie?i ire tii^hly variable ^^llh i moderalcivaEer holding cup at I Ly Soils aceoflen i^eL ibiiouf honl ihc > ci r » i Lti .Mind i nj? i^aLer WaLcr Lables tie ubuiLly Les& LtianSOcm deep (PidgcllffiuA I9B9, Elansencrn;. I995>. « R oige D Biripti on ficen figeliiiii'i"!' daminales Bnovcr^lary IHbI i^gcncrBlly 'vuffic icnlLy open Ibial m any d£ I he slaiut'i UTHild quill Fy ail iyot>dLand |60'< or Icis cover, P cn^clmannli B>cr»gftv59^ In Ihis ai^oci b lionj. \biiis tirs'iitnipa and Fimis '.«iiiiint' arc occBiionaLly p rccnl on d ncr mn; rosi Ics ivLk; bi »■> windlbiroiy hummocks Shiub cover ■^ LLiuaLly negligible, u'Llh.l^^Eff] inivtm. Birlult/ iKtiiieri'iiiii. LomcfUi lyivoh'CTiifii. Rt'st/ JCyp., anul An/eluncli/er ulttifot'n oiica^\'!nBi\i picseni These spec; les no rm b I Ly i ndlc b H ulner ccolDnaL or mic lusllc coihIHiohs a dersc carpel of IbicdiBgno'lic hrib EipiijeSii"/ tirw/rsc chtitclenid Ihe undcrgrou' Ibi Olher assoc I ales 1 nc I ude Ct/ic\ M/iu/l/lis. C!'ifX!hi;<€f"i!', Ct/rc\ rtn'mH/, Cf i cenir lip , CuliiiiiiigiaiUi aii'iiiSeiiiis. Elytiii gk"nu^, Gi'MU'ittfP //(ln/nSiim/i, Sern^ia 'HH/iRiiluni. mi Smik'ciiii slelSii\ii (PadgcHeJ WiMlifeVdues Thi'i isiih. I Bl lo n provider hihWtX^ov Funis xiiiibeSi |moLinlBinchict:Bdeel Reg'iim calenduh |niby- croivned kinglel| De?'ii'iiUii ctnofu'ii |yclloiy-JumpciLl \<'Biblcit.l''ruiigi' hult'Vi/iiiii' Iwcslcrn l»ii»gcr|. Ci"L* I" li firm Ici VL'iiicr"/i'tJ (evcnLnggroivbcabj, and Ci'iiSi'eIn iimi'i |pliieM4tLn| Ei/imelu/rt i'/i^ciiii:\yo{ documcnlcd imporliiice is b JOcdsoune Corgci//ly bear |Knighl ind BlBnchiid \9S2') ind black bcir iLie ihe&e &il» JDr uiaHDwa Itiaiecn €l ul. l^O). &ucceson The lypc is confide red slab Ic anul reprcsenl^ acllmixsere {Pfnlci c'til. \977. Pad^cn eS t/l.i.The rt'imhn irrrmiiltudei / EipiijcUi"/ 1" ttr/if cammunlly described by \ oungblotxl and Muepglcr |I9S1) mcanilderrd lo beseraL lo Fncii e"K€t"t!"'mi / Etiuuelii't a'vtnit:. Shrubiv Icmil lodomluile fnrcsl opcni ngiv c re alcd by dulurb ancc sue ti as u'lndltinjiv Maiagonait Windlhcov^ follou'ing limber tiacve'vl llmlK Ihc poleulial for limber m an Bgemeul in Ihis lypc, as do conccnu over easily compacled *el hoi Is. A rise m Ihc *»lerlBblcfnllpi^ing limber biarpeil could inlcifere u'llhfDrrsI regencrilion {t\ ticicn €l ill. 1995J. Adjflcoit Comniunitis Adjaccnl upland vcgclallpn is ituilly niD m i nalcd by a vanclj of eonifeni acroivs Ihe range of Ihis CDmrnunily Carexj^p .Stilix^^p . ar BcSiilii xlumlult'st/ {Pedgell nl at L9S^, tJ ansen tr idJ. 1995J Crequenlly dominilc idj accnl uicller commu nil ifs. ConsavdJon Aaik Elanait Code CEGLOOOMJa EDITION / AUTHOR 95-0444 1 M ibeJ lan^v:ihy-Jane& 65 Spruce/ Vdlow skunk CcbbageFarest ■ PICEASP. / LYSICHITON AMERTCANUSforest Siirilo' Coniminitifs Tbiis ly[icu'fiDnf ]iiill> inc Ludol v^ llhin Oie nnge of v dndlion (i T ihf rtireit / E£iii'seli"i irmuic cinnniiinn> iPHslcr nal I ^77 J. 11 *» d&cnbcd by Ficea &p. / Lysichilon iim-jru-iiiii.-i's jiDinmiLnil ic^ arc round m [Loilhii izsl MonLina EiMiDnmoitd Desc7i|riiDn This CDinmuni [} Lypr occun^invillcy In 11(1 m^ DdjDccnriD heaver [iDniti, lilcs DE m B rD[4f LU| Thd CDinmunjIy type a Cci und (i nlj' in nn rllihj' »1 ManLanaivben: ibs PbciCic m bhI i mr l'I i ihb Ii! j nflurnrr l?i eIidh^ f eI (Eiiiticn L'/uf. I ^5 J. Surface hDri7Diti bavc bcc umul i Lid as ol or^inic m Jirn bI . ind n^doi drpLi^liDiis trc raundiu mi niz tbI sdI1<. Tlif v^ aler Lab Ic liv l> pLC bI I y Allhjn^OcmoFLhciDil 'kurfice d unng iny limcDCjcaE, uhIeeIcs lisudJLv hi^ i! El andin^ hi' ali^r dunug Vbs 'vprmg and i^ d rly sunimr t ( h amr n t^r u^. ]''9^r. Ra>qe D esuipliDn Fkos sp. IS Lhc dom] n Bn( ovcrilmy sprcicE, snually iviLh riLidciHiz cover. Lngc dl HnicLrr Irrcs arc Liijcom- EEian, ind coBiycu'Dody debris IcvcIe irc iiEuaLly nLodcTiliz Beh'lis jmi'y liji-'u may ato be prcscnL Sbimb cove E IS Lo¥^. bul sbnib di ■ criii ly is hL^h. Co mmDn ipcclcs lEicludc C(j/njji itfuV I'lr and .i ftrf fi np GnmimLd dLV? Evilly I'kiQUBllv fBidy low, Bud Lbc di>EEiLnanL Torb \b Lysiirhslt'i nirnrnciiiiis. nbLcb LisuaJly fnius jn dcp nzsiiD ns IV I Lh Elinding iv alcr. £[^drs['PriFn u rv[-Fri[.\ .iJ^LJijj rji yjfr i-^Tnj tjj, Hirlius titth^t-ens, aul Canim cancdp/'sti arc oflcn pEccnI. WiliBifeVdus ThiECDmmLEniL} probably pEDkidrs^Bluablr cdvce for i mucLv DrivLldliriz i^pr c ics . basizd oei pirryonil Q bzcn' B riEi Eis 41 r IV I LdlLfr Ln Hi ie cci eeifti Luuly. Succeson ThacDmmLinily prubably rcpn.^rnLs b I d Lr si^ral jki Eidi Lldel Dpiriuii™i crcilcd by bLoudov^n llsubJIv bBvr bigbcEfibnib covrr (pris QbE.^. UnLrss the hi' ali^r ee^i eeic l: bangi^ niBrlLirdLy, Lbis i\ ino\I iLhrly alaiElv ElibLr coEEim unHy. ThiE coEEiEEiuni Lj ]s Lbc wcHcl o F The spnic r [ypci. IL pmbablj onLy izip[:riiziKiZ'> i eiI icqucEiL 4l and Ecplanng F] fee due 1q Oic CAuaLly ^el gro und lzd ndlUoiu, fifi Moiagemoit Wi ndlhrow £u I kjv^ ing limber biarvcil 1 1 m I Is Ibic polcnl I al far limber mana^cmcnl mlhis lypc, asdaconccnty over cam I y compacted *cl hoi Is. A rise In Ihe *»lcrlBblcfollpiyinf Umber biar^ c^l could inlcrfcrc u'llh Foresl regrurnliou IHtiCicn L'' ui \995'i S aluralcd h>eL£ lie htghlj ikiace pli blc Id soi I compkcl id n □ r dUlurb ancr by I ivcslDck u r hciv} michlnci^. Adjflcoit Comniunitis Adjacent metier ate^m^ be dominalEil by Carey ^ communities or flduJa gtandutoB cammunitie^ and adjacent dner ate^maf' be dominated by Prca / Eiiur^um arvaiie comrrunllles or upland communitie&lH ansn Sai. 1995) Consav^on Rank G2/S2 Elanait Code CEGLJJU04I2 EDITION / AUTHOR 99-04-14/ 1 GrccnIcc Black Cottonvjood / Red - Oser Dogwood ForeS ■ POPULUSBALSAMLFERASSR TRICHOCARPA/ CORNUS SERICEA fo-ef Simihi Communities 7 his CDininiinLly is syno n j maui *Uh Ihc fos/nliii I'lLhiifii'iin / Cunius Hotnmjeiii commumly lypcdc- Knbcd by h iiticn t^ ^jJ. |1995|. Il iniy be IhcsBmc t^ ihe P«iii'li'i infiiiTca'pa / Ci?' ii'is iUniLls SdiI let; lures vary fn^m Id am lo coarse sand and are gencrilly ivelL drained i^ilbi a loiv i>»ilablc v^aler biDJdjngiipaclly. These sHei are oflen Hoodciil In Ihe B[iring ivi 111 "■ alcr labLesloucring lo i or mure feel bcloiv I he soil surfac;e al Ibie end o£ iium mer. upper ioil pioCi Lcs rem Bi n moisldiie loca[iiLLiiy acllon Coarse lexUiredsoils, modcraleslream grHlurnls and high CDBisefragmenlconlenbi IhrDughoul the soil pioEitc prDvidc anenvlionmenJIhal pn^doces a rapid moyemenl 67 j£h[gbily icrBldil griiundwalcr Redox co nccnl fb lioni (mollldj arcc;oininpn B^cvidcnccaf b nucluiling *Blcrlablc (HovBlcbiikfff u^. L993, and HBaHcn tru/. L995| Raige D eoipliDn F«lii'h'i haliiiiiiijeiii ^^p. J'ifhoca'pa ' Comuj seuteit communi ly lypc 'w c h b fbc Icri zed by an Dvcmlory dominBlcd b-^.Fn; Sufx^aon F«lii'h'ibatiiimijeiii^%lt. Hrfhifa'pa is i pioneering species Ihal requires moisl baireii ne ^^ ly dcposi led all uvlum CI poscul lo CulLsunlighlfor rcgcneralion. Inihe ibscncc of £l uv i al disturb ancc, 'viiceesiiiin conU n- iies Id a vincly of co nifer du mi n a led i\i\)\\ii\ypt^-itKhiiJ Fi"iis fin'ifle'iiiii. Fsti'"lk', ib/i^] iuirotit/pa, ov Jiii'peni^ scopiiUy'iim. [f caniCers arc abseul shrubs and herlj aceo us speclcv IhaL formed Ihc former undergroivl h mjy penvisl 1 n ol her InsI anccs, Ihiscommunily lype may be succcvsioml lo Ihe Saii^ xt.'C 1 Is close pn>iimily lo 'vircims and rivers amil Ihc till lopogriphy rccrealional devclopmenlsiiid IrinspnrlalioiKorndois irc mammon ivilhin Ihiiv lype caremusl be I a ken a hen locallngsInK lures In Ihc CliKidpliin lo avoid damage or losiv by floods Dams Ihal llmil peak CIdas can Icid Id Ihegridual disappear- ance of malujc ciHlon*iiod fnresl. Due kt Ihe laitof sedimeni dcposllion fo r seedbeds, penodic floouls arc ncccBvHry fDrcDnllnucd iDllDnwnod rccmllmcnl fMrngllBna 1 996V A Hhi>[i^h sLrcamb auk erosion \s a nslunlly iKcuccinf ptoca^. Bllc[ii[ibi In M abi I i/e M i? d mb b nhs usi n^ npcap can Iced Id i [lClCB^?d cmslon doiyitvlrcani I hit 'vpccdi ng Ihe lofs nf co llu nu'ood loresl i n ho mc c Bics PoorLy manB^cd LI>cslock grazing can If ad Id Idsiv of undrislo ry shnib'i aiml HJcDrciscd ircniilinf ul dC col lo nu'ODiti. M luigcmenl should emphasize Ihc i [ri[iojl b ncf dC Ibic undci^lor^' 'vbimb layer mslrcairibankslabill/Blion b buff? r sIfi [i orihc fosviliii 'nt ltt/Li?rpndoin\ttaad cmnmuaMy lypcv should be mBiulaincd adjaccnl lo nvcn andslccama. UndfrcfjlBin condillnrei, fiic may be itfd tJi b IodI iDcilcndlh? life 'k[i an or c? h abi I il bIc b 'klind iHan^cner al 1995 and Bo^gstJuf I990| Adjflcoit Comniunitis Adj aicnl uicllc r coimnunil ics m»y bcHfcminBHd by Sitli^ e^grtu. 5 hrs/ti/id/ a, S. dnivtii'idiatui. S. ieyenitnu. Cirnx iiSnculi?H/, Cinuhanin'i.ot b vat\tly of .\iiiui /nn/fu or T'S'hn tu'ift'lrit duminalrd nom- niiinily lypcv .^djiccnl dncrcominiinilics may be domluilf d by F«iii'h'i ifthncfi't' lypc;, orhabilil lypftv finm ibs Fsti'ih'Isi'Rii •iitnueiii, Fimis iioi'iie'i'si', Tlrnjii s'trcaHi iwiJtim;<€ftis iciif^itlt/'iim ncrifiv fli Bitcn einl. 1995, KovalchitpJ,?^. 1991, ancl Bo^gsfiuf I990| Consovdion Raik cyi Si- Elanait Code CEGLO0O672 EDITION / AUTHOR 95-II&-'IT;L Williams Booth's willo4\r/ Blue|oirt reedgraEsShrublaid ■ SALIXBOOTHII / CALAMAGROSTISCANADENSI SS/jTuWand Sinildi Communities Thtcommunily lias iIho been documculcd in Ulih fPadgcll t^r ^jJ. 1989), Ldiho and iv es I rm Wyoming lYoungbloixl eial L9S5) O Iher ■vlwlics ose^, ^lnce ^i7'ri h/Nitltii and Sitl'i ^iTyeiiiiii!' ircoClcnco-djmmanl u'llhin b ivland O Ihc r lulho is {e f. FadgcllfJuJ I959| ivcparalc S.?'e i ^rTiir/rjj-dLi m malcd 'vliiHt asiscparBlcplBnl I'vsncl b lion due losliiiclurBl diUcvewiej- be\«:cta Stilix boolhi' and St/I/' geycu/'ru ilBiyhi illhnugh baiicdDnlhc ddcnpluin:^ in Padgcll t^r n/. 1I9S9), ihcre t Aimc decree of overlap bclu'ccnlhe lu'o pliul assoc ill lom Raiqe ThcSiiiix hiiolhi/ 1 Ciiln"/iig,rtii'ii imii'iit'niii bi^sdci alion iiv fnund luColDrMki.MDnliiii, Ulih, Idiho, Nevada andwrivlcin Wyoming. 69 Enuimnmaitd DescriptiDn TheSu/jA boolhi' I CuSumiifT'nl'i c-nffinSc/iiis asiiKiilion can be found in monlanc biabilaliv In uic^lcrn Montana (fiom^sllcy bnllnmslo mid-cLrvaliDrei In Ihc mounliiu'vj smJ inllic ini>unl aini d I ccnlrs] Bnd cfcvlcm M on! B n B. 1 1 is frcqucnil y fnumilon BlIu^iaL Hrra^. es «■ he nz bcivi'r a^.^l^lly has crc Bled b scries of Jams Ihil raiHC Ibic lucal v^ilerlBble along flreiin'v, and nc a c ivCL'p^ i>c 'pci nf >> 1 1 ]< also fu uud o n sice amside s] Ics of m aju c driiuiges and Ihcir Icibulacics &>> well a'vfpcing.s amilsccti^. Soll^ ace usually deep 'villDC'iind Dvedyin^ cnorcsand, p.cB>cl iic cobbles This communi [>' bIccioivI invanably floods dunng ivp n ng and Ihc gcDundv^ aler level icmiins u' i Ihin ImoClhe ivucfice I he icslof Ihc ycac Adja^cnl AcllccplBnl issocibIidcis could include Ca/e^ii'Hculn'n.Ctirbxncrttii'ilii.5iiiii xciriiiiin/ ' Ca/c 'lU'Liiluiu. Tyi'hn lu'ijt'liir. m open ivBlcc. »nd neiiby dncreommuiiHie' could include Ft'imhn /n/liutnif cm -i^p U'chacn'iio I Co'ii'i si:'it€ii. Cnlii'tiii'aiUs cattin!er'j/] , Dsithwipiin fejj?ili}Sii ot Jtttum bnlsi<.-nj A VBncly of adjai:nl upl Bnds could Dctucneiiby ringing fcumconifccdominaledcommuullie^ lo drv'hcubl Bnit such as .irlffine]/ii Iniiett'u'a ■SHKlilion'v (Hanientr,^;. I9SIS Himcni'PuJ . I^5j. R ai ge D ^sription The Sal' X hnolhii / CnlavtisfJiis *itttm!e?'s/] asiocLJlion bias no lypicil canopy ringer £coin pcedDmluinlly D pen lo a dense canopy t^l'i piuiio.ecnieBrlj doniinaled by Sirlit hiiii'li/i ilA't ivcragc covccj olhcr shubi *llh il leasl 20 W consliney i en. I ude ij^ji geycunru. Sirlit lintv/rtii/idiwn/ Suli\ bi^bhra/'ii. Sain xeii'/ /milt , Rihe^ spp. antifeiiSni^lr'H'i/tlci JiiifihtttttSt/ Inihe Monlana ceprescnlallonof Ihis asioe iiliou Itic iindccf ioa Ih is hIu m i n a led by Ciiliiiiiiigi'isl\i ti't'itiSfuls ar Culiiinafn'ilii ilncln. lEiough appaccnily I hey do no I co-occur CH anscn sf nJ. 1995, pcnonalobHcc^alion members M TrJH P ecology MaffJ. Inconlrisl lo ^Jja ;ti f / /^j/Err — docninaled eo m m uull les Ihescvlind' ace more oClen closed and less easily accCkSiblcby I acgc iingul ales ^•hiie Sain x^ii:/ /unit ylani.l:i have i cnoce open couidd c ai^peel fPtdgcll tPu^ 1939) Commonly as^ocLiledgcaminoids |bI leail 20 'I eonslanl) sk Ctimx n'/'cii!aH/ , Cn'cx m/i.r/'ii'i/nt. Dei'.ltuiiiiiiiine^p'iniii.Ghce/iii i"/t/it/ tnd Jwciu bulUctiJ ind virliiBliy Ihe^omplcle panoply of cnolic gcaises fleslLcnony lo ihe^csiles »s pnme d cav^s focdume^lic ■vloikj liJef iKiiiit-^ti'iiiii. FniRUfn/ yiig,//in/f'ii. £; dannnalci] by Ct/rc k'ii' supported by unp ubliivbicd plol dali on file bLMTNHP LeivLCB {L9Sft| also ikiI«i Satis ciii'iiiiiu a. an imporlanl shrub componcnl mdv^arCcBmcgclallon al Ibic Pine BiHIcFcnon Ibic Rocky MounlBin ^ viK. Eefulit 'ifmi / Cumx iiiftiili'li' , i^hich biai an a^Fera^c B nitttu ovtt of l^'/r anul S. cindida 45^ conslani, IS vciy simiLir loS (umlrda / C iil'iailaia.fhinh hasB m/fulS'i coitlanl wUh an ivcr»gc cover of 13^ ind^ timd'ila *llh m average cover of only 19^. Thai is. in » good shire o F Ihc 3. cattiiida/ C uSmulala sland^ E. "um/ !■> aclually Ibic shrub domi nam I he hLgbi conslane y. bul lowcdverBgcofS c!"'dliiii in Ihc B iiittm/ C ulnitthrhr ashoc; Lalion may merely rcflcci lnlensc bro^vsi ng pressure on I his highly prefeiicd spccieiv Scparallonof Ihesclypcv, bI leasl as Ibicy occur in Monlana ncedfi lo be re-exam- ined. [ I should also be noted Ibial in ihe key of H a nncn fJ cr' 11995) Ibial Ihisis a default assoeiallon; Ihc vegelalion hey iviinply u'lll nol lake one beyond Ihe lead keying OtS Lunitnla / C iiUiciiliiia amil Iheslamil need nol have C uU-iLiiluiii pirseaX lo be so idcniiried R^ige This CD m m uully bias been dese nbed only fn>m Montana and Idaho; ll ivbiould be lisled t^ rejMirled Imm Ihe ¥clLo*slone National Part of Wyoming E nuiroiunaitJ D Btription This CO m m unlly isfouiul In inimlane lo lo^ersubalplite biabilalsin i^ eslem, soulbiuieslern and central K'loulana. It occunvou peat dcpo'vitslhal have developed around tbie m argms of lakes and ponds, [lanieularly as floating mats and aiound spnn^^eeps These 'vile'v are seasonally flooded and have i^aler tables alor near Ihc surf aie Ihrougbioul Ihc gnnu' i ng season .\djacenl uctlcr lo mm unllics often include Ct/icx k'ii'niintlcii ashuc lalions. loo ted aqualic vegelalion likeMr;i^i7J s[i . Potamogelonspp or simply open Aalerchara^leiije more hydrie regimes, .\djaccnt drier communiliea mclmle Ihoscdominaled by Fei'lai'hyiti'iiits jlonhiimh I Dejcl'iim;LLi lypc Ihouf h miny sliniti In lacl aic more appn^piialely chiraclenzed as Ibicl alter lypc Nol able imong Ihcsc ol hizr shrubs \^ Ri'ltthrmnrii f7J ^conslBnl, 19 1 i\etagc cavtl]. Ferr'apliyltiNiie] Jln'ibi"'iiii [15't coreilanl. \1'k co\ct).Snl/\ iilu'i'jiiliu [iZ't coreilBnl.3*CDVcr| and Conriu ^encen {33^ conslBUI, I'i coverj. A dense caver of » variable niii of Itie folloivi ng ^fb mi nolds do m i nales Ihe undcr- grou'lbi. Ctirex iiSnculit'it. Cure^utji/i'lil/], Ca'e\siti\uliiiii Ci'ii-x liviiiii Ci'ii-x l/tniiiit. Cuiw/ngi'ii'ii slnciii. MuhLcnbergiaspp. ind Ii'itii^ tmlUcn The £a^.^ Ihal so many Carei spp. of such varied ecologies is 10 und WLlhlu Ihis issocl b lio n irgueforal leisl reconsidering parlLlioulug Ihis variabihly lulo more lypc^ Forti coverage is usually Id^^ f tJ ansen tr i^'. iy95J hu\. J'ifliith" tniiflimiitn arul Mfi\-!"'l>'<:ilnjnl'iiiii cbh ■Ibc comprise si^mlicanl amounls of cover The fc I Ioa lug foibs ire preseul In al leasl a Ihird of Itie simple ttfiih'iij?h'tta ami ft/rm/i^n/ lu/liiil'is. Sufxeaon The su.^ cssional dynamics of Ihis cominuni ly are poorly underslood. 1 1 is mosi likely b Talily slablecommu- nily as Ihe [ic al dc posi Is iipo n which Ihuvcoinmunily is found require i si able hydrologic regime. The organic soils of ihislypc are easily dimigcd by Liveslock ite especially ihenud Ho* ever, due lo iKe ivclnessoC Ihi^ lype, il mosi likely does nol receive muc h 1 1 vesloch use in any iise The response o£ 5u/j.£ caniltila lofiie hisml been dD< iimen led Consov^ on R aik Elonori: Code CEGLOIJI I SB EDITION/ AUTHOR 99-10-1 3 ;j»ck Greenlee Drummond's Willow / Blue|oinl ReedgrassShfubland ■ SALIX DRUM MONO I ANA/ CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS SfwuHaad SimiTar CcnimLnities Similar commuiii lies irn-luile Tuhy's [l^Si] Salix tSninwcfiiitina / R/bei iunn'rc /T!ial'Llntv"LcidenliiSe. Mulz arulQueiiDi's l\9S3iSnln cr point , iBkcs niBPvbicN, rivers ami sLrcam;! , o r on loe^lopc^ bcloiv up I ami ELle^ Soibv arc coiiycio fra^mcnlnl lo Bnt or gratis pc bI over deep, cnmlve, mode fb IcLy fi ne Icniurcd allu- vium (HovBlebiik 199?, Tuhj ami IcrLHcn I9II2V Hinscni'Puf (I995| nold'rtJiL lexluie?i range fiom mI I lo clay loBm, nh>Hling aiulglcyed ho i Is »rc common. Type !■> rel alivcly dned ci>mp arenl lo o Ibier iv 1 1 Li>* planl lisociallDii |Ko>»lchik L9'*J| Wiler level' ran^c from il IIil' siirfai c lo 1 00 e m bclou' I he suif »cc dun ng Ihe gioA lug 'kCasou. R aigp D earpti on Satis ft' i"iiiiii'iil\tmii dommalrslhr 111 I ■vhrub layer |25-60^ cover) Safly ge\-e''!i"a.SaSisiy idc tiabilal Cornumeroit ivi Id I ifc spcclcv arid song bi rds Moose and beaver lerul lo bieaviLy ulilizc nH>M 'vpe^; les of wlllou' Succeson G racing prcs'iure u' ill c Buse b drciri.'v \nCiiIn'nagiiilii cpffaiSe'iiij and Dtscha'PjfS'u ceii'iToia, uillh a coircspDndLng mcit I've ineilhcr ml rodur cd or Lc* desi ra ble ■vpeiies 'vLk; bi b:^ R/ba leloiiini. Urfcu dimca. ind Etp'tiel'im itrve'ise Abundtncc of Cn!n"/tigiiii'ii n/"inSc/iiis ikUggesH IhaleummunLlies may bcseril alagesof ihrei iuiioca/t'it / CirlitfPi'xrt'sSis <.ittnnlir?'s/] tiabilil lype Thcdevelopineiilo££erover4lor>' lends lo rediKC amil evenlually elimmalc Itieiihade m loleraril 3jjJjt spec; ics iviltioul iffccling Itie herbaceoit layer {Tutiy andJcnicn L952, tJ aniL'n ef ,dJ. 1995). Maiagonait The VLgo r of Sirf ft i^p. 1 m he'ic eomm unlliKi ippcam dircclly rclaled lo^ilreambBn^TilabilLly arid rale or .icdimcnlallon mloslreamiyslems iTuhy fJfr' I9S2) SusliinedgrBjm^deirease'v Ibie vigor reprodiKllve SLK;ies4, arulcompelLlive ibilily of Ciiin"/iig,r(iilii mmrii'^iiiii an\i Destliaippmi raiii't'st/.To mainlain vigor ind p reveul damigc lo noils and ve^ el aliori gracing 'ho uld bcdeFened unl 1 1 ^loiK diy, p roper levels of gri/mg 'ho uld ringefiom lighl lo moderalc Overuse by LI>eslock ivilL re?iull In reduced vigor o£ "■ i Lloiv spc^ LCv prcseni illu'lriled by uitcven ivlcm age dKlnbulio n higtilmin^ ind clubbing or dead clumps. Wilh coulinued overiEie, willou^miy beevenluilly ehnnnaled fiom Ihesile iHaibCRelat I995J. Adjflcoit Comniunitis Adjaicnl *cller ■vilCiinBy supporlSu^ri diiiiiitiwyiihi'i'ii / Ciims iiinti'li'lii, Carey iilnctiiala, C uqtmUtn, or C jfTsiiiiSfi' vii' I'ii^tiiii'n.jriianleit lypcs, oropen ivalcr. Drier slle-i may ivupporl Srrf r i dominalcd lypeiv u'llh zFot' piuiem'i ov Jiiiiti'i batl'i Hi un\iti^Vir,.av F«\in'l'lliiji iiiici'si', 4J/jjj t ruti^Fru or eo ni Fer dj m i- nBledlyprslHinscn^Jfr' 1995, Kovaktiik 199 J>. 73 Con^ov^on Raik ElBnoit Code CECUXJIIiJI EDITION / AUTHOR L'»'Jft-{l6-l3/L.WLlLijnL', Drllrnrrond'swillDW / Beaked Sedge Shrubland ■ SALIX DRUMMONDIANA / CAREK UTRICULATA ShruWand similar C ammunities Eirtif c Eludics ^rQU[i?cl Lbii^ ciLuniniini I) n' i Ihin b ro odi^r ^^j i / Corcr msl ri I a lolrrn m isndi! nli Tied , aclujlly Citrf\ nUicuSiiTit]. Sitlii til i"tti\vtnS/iiiiti-5iiln boiMhii / Caret fosifftlis-Cfex fqiiiiSilii. Hnd SiiSix / Carta roilrala-Carey £j (p ^ (T Ft ^ij en m mil nil [fti (Tuhj nnd Ji^rticn l'>B2,Hul£ nud Qurlm* li^S-l W a[£oi*l r-J jjf \'m) LikcwjEc!, mcnsrcni IcLbHd, «csL? m Wj'omiug. Hnd UEabi. Jl iiii> biH-f bccnk^pE wilhm Ihc Siiln botilh" / Caiex wslsiiiu ar Suh^ fc^-enwta /Cnse\ rasisiiln ci>m.m.m\\\y lypti ( Yci ungh Innii iT £j^. 19115; Fidgcll rJ o' iys?| Thc-iccammunHicsoFLciihavc bii^h cover ind coiLsLaiKy of Sali.\ ihiimtno'tiSw'a |Id Lbi? \c\f\ □! co-dDininin^r I m b kjug Lu[ii[ii ng dC ly pci £i^f m^ litgiL al (Hjitcnrtfl;. L995. HbIL ind Hiitcn ^^^H.Stilix iSnai\"io"diaiif' €oaim.\in\i\r^.«:\tti Lbicic mi if d Su/ja spec Lcs CDmpiKi Lirrn, m ay be Uaitill louil Id Qlherca m m unili' l^'pc^ (KavnJchik l^S^J. In Bddi Lm n, Sirfr r if rc/jtrrrrs is easily CDnTused u'llh Su^u dfi'/rtniondiana 4Ailh uibiiLbi il may biybnill/izV Sali.i j'tdti^tiiii somclimc^ cp-domlnilcs slnnds □laLi n^ cci nuDumly idciUifii: Hlion di \T\ca\ L H aoko^ 'kty-Jones [En f icp iTHlla n Jr. ■iCIDtl I^lGtELHJE Thcfdiphic anil bi> ilic lof ic siLualiDns i«hlch bLIdii Caret iilnciilt/lp daminuKt also piomolc miny dirCcrcnl ^ip/ei ^pfcifs l~lQ»f ^ i^r, dLiiniuince bv any ckite^jj/ji spccn^ciu be Ihe n^ulL Dfmany rncbK such B'vrlc^iliDnorfrizjng |li 1 1 L ind H h iltCH L9'?Tj Tall ^iI1di« co miminilii^ si miLir Id SitAt iSnai\"io"diaiia / Caret ii'nci'luH/ foflcn ftllh hif h ta^cr and coml i ncy oS St/ln itH'/rtnumdiana), include Sii!if ilniPimtmiilanti-Salu Snnilh\' ' Caiey stiilrala-Ctiiey ittpniUln, Sirfri hiioll"' I Caiex roilrala, Sal" j^cyeiiwia I Ct>ie\ suHnihi, Sain liiHii / Carei ri'Jlrala. ind Sahf d/u/rtmujidiztrm / Cart'i £j(jT(irPr/jT iMul/ jnd Qucjro? I9SJ; VoiingbLcKidcYjjV l'>S5. Pidgcll el al L959, HiitcnUfr^ 1995; Hill and Hniucn 1997, WalFimltJjj/ 1997, KilLcler^F;. 199S1. Shcin ■viIEd*, spmlepi may dcimmalc a! higher clcva- Uons-SaliJ dmm'pajiil'n/'a is ^Dmcllmes prc&rnl inshQrl i^iIIda commum Cirs such as Stihf citniliiia f Co'ex ii'nciiIi'H', Sali.ifit'nat / Ciirtx a\ticiiliiiii, ind Solix •vfljii ' T^rti rruJruru ri'oun^bLQod e\ aS 74 19e5.Padgcllfi(r^ 1989, Kovilchit: 1993, HflnscneP of 1995; WaLCoidsf jj^ I997| Olher Co^ffi^pccl^ msy be more ^omniDii I hiu Cit/ex tt'ni.iiIiiSii i n &i m i Lir cu miiiiinLlje< d ue In vanallnrei in iieril slalit or olhrr fBclorn Tbic^c include Saiix biyifhil / Citrex I'lpiiiiit's, St/l/\ xt'ii'/zumr / Caret I'lpiiiiil's. ind Si'lix d'li'tiioiil'attu / Cii'nx stiii?ui'Hl cnisiln^ {hovaLehLt 1993 Mosclej r^ itl L994, Hinseni'PuJ I995| Though on mosllj Clalgrourul chan- rjcK arul hummocks |HiH7 indQueiroz 19S3JcbiarailL'n/e the mLcralopographj. \^ wllh LandConn se IlLngs, io Lis viry fmm Enlisols arul HiilosoK li> MolLisoK. SolK anljacenl li> moderate grad lenl 'Ire a m-ii areoflen poorly developed coiisc lei lured, and sandy ^^llh higbi gravel arul cobble conleni These ho lis allov^ Ibie "■ aler nccessarj' losupporl Ciif<:xii\'niiliiiii locisily pass Ihrough f tJ ansen tr .?J. 1995). In Aider valleys, cLaj and sill- loam or orginie soils are more common. Gleymg arul mollhug areoflen pre-^enl, lypiealof » spring^ummer surface u'alerlable followed by Ihewalerlible dropping lo 100 cm belo^^ lhcsllrfa^.c by I ale .■summer (Kovakhik I99.1| Orgmk loim and sedge peilsoilf, *llh high b> ill able walerionlenl arc up lo I mnJeep amil e I assi Ijenl is C umul ic C ryiqun I Is indTemc Hemic^apric;, and FIbnc Hi'ilosols (Mul:'. and Q:ici(DZ 19S3, Ko>ilchik 1991) ,\ 5cm surf aie iLller/duff layer may be preseni The soils of ihis com munily ire held logelbier by sod mals formed by Carei speeies and *lllau' cover Ihalelfee lively slabikzeslream binks {tfiiteneJjjf I995| R oige D scripti on The SiilixiSniti\'PO"iiiii'iii/Cn'e\tti\"ttiliii!icoinm.u.mi-^ lype is variable, oflen bia'Fing miienlSi^'n and iTjircA spec ie!i premie nl SuHx iSninwufiiiti/ia is usually dominanl wilh ?0 lo 55% coveis and 70 Id F00% conslancy (Kovakhlk L99J, Hinsen tPuf 1995 J inkovsky-lones |lnpreparallon|J Ol he rial I wlIIoiv .■ipec les, sue; bi b\ iirlix xc'iriium/, S. hiiolli'i.S iilthfuls.S. li'iiniiihii.S hehhium/, aiv^ S. fscudiiinimSk t'lu. usually have less lhiii4IIW c;o^ er ind less Ihan JU'< conilancy. While Ihcse spe^; les form a I all shrub canopy (lo 4 m), shorler ipecie? , 'IK h as St/l/x Jt/i mie or Sal/x plt/f'i)ol/a , ctn bepiominenlin Ihe undeislory (Mulz indQuclroz l983.KoyBkhik 1993, H an.«n fJ ,?'. 1 995). W here S^jJj" i species ha'-e been reduced by beaver orovcigraiLng, Beliitit gk'i'iiiiliiin (10 lo \5'A- cayez^^.Spiiiieii liiii'^k'sii.'iv Ribts species miy be Imporlanl |li arwen tr 1^'. 1995). Trtt^j e/'gel'ti'i'mi, .ib/i^] iuiroiit/f^a, and .-if ffjji j//tuiii^ are also oc;i asio n al I y prcsenl The herbaceous layer I'dominiled by Citrex iiliiLiiSuiii |I0 lo 39'^ cover, aboul 50't conilancyl and Ct"ex aipiuiit'i (less Ihan 34^* cover, less Ihin 30^ conslancy) ivilhOj/tA vr^itiina also common. Olherassoci- aled Cufsx, having low cov er arul con'l ancy, LncLude Curex litmigiiit'st/, C.tas'iiti'iiii', C.le?"'cii!t/ns.tnd C ichnii^errj/i Olhcrcommon graminoid species, WLlh low conslancy buloccasiomlly mode rile cover lless I h an 40 ^ ), ire Ct/li'/rn/E//ii'ijcaniiderfj'], Fhnlnns uniiilfunea, Snri'iii n/icroa/rpiii. Glyc-t'in &peclc^, and ^jjifrii species iMuIz andQuelioz 19 33, hovakhik 1993, li arisen ^r id^. 1995, lankovshy-Joncs 1996 J ankovsky-Jortes |lnpreparallon|J. Due lo Ihe dense SuJjt ind Cun-Tspecie!. cover, overall forb cover IS LoA arul milnly around shrub bases. W idc?iprcid spec les are Ej'itnbiiini cilia'ttv, Gl't/v inac'iii'h 1995; Iflnkovsty-Jancs L 996, J Bntovvky-lonrs |]n prcp»r»lioii|| W oi* cover is oflcn high WildlifeVdus Enlhc ftlnlcr, mno'vc hciviLy brou'^c SuJja dwimii'idiami shoals Thrau^haul Ihe yezvSuSix iSniti\"iii"iiiiiiiii Ls utilized by beB^erand pnivlilcvfBirrDrB^e for elk and deer SDngbinls bI^d u\\\.\.ic SnHx specii^ hibilBl for feeding ami ncvling In iddilion Ii>SjJja mo I masses Ihiz diznsc CiHfx fiilmSn and Curbi atji/i"i!i^ Hod overhangs undeitul b anbi c rcallng pnme fiih biabilal {Hiuscn cS til. 1938 Hiiten eS t/l. 1995. HbII and Hansen 1997; WaLCoidrto^ 1997) ThcsucccNsionBl origin oi Sal' x iSnim"tii"diiii!i / Carey iiUiciilalu is no! weH kiiD*n Both Snli\ iiniti\"io"iiiim!' ind Ctirex ii'/imlaH/ ctn becolonizeisof fresbi mlueril alluvium f h ansen tr i^J. 1995 WaLCoid fJir' 1997) Thus ivhen alluviurri is e>;po'ied,s[K:has posl-Floodillldepasils aiuundu'llloi'' jddIs or Bfler a beaver dam bnzaks, Iheie species may i nvade. Al lernalely, Ca'ex ulnc-titii\ii mighl invade on sill deposHed in open beaver ponds, Ihen allou'ing I b ler SuJjc mvasio n as Ihe sHednes |Hul7 andQueiiuz 193?) Another hypo Ihesls. lake n £roin \.\^ '.imWz^ Stilix boi'l>'i\ / Ci'i ex iiHici'k'la lype. is Ihal aSirlii corrimuully ekisled before Ihe beaver dam The beaver dam Aasbuill, Hooding Ihc^irrii bul nol eliminallng II, subsequent sill Bl ion allou'ed Cursx iilnciilolii lo invade, and^^JA rejuvenaled I aler (Youngblood f J cr' 1935; Padgellrtjjf I959| Whale> er Ihe origin, si abll i ly of Ihe Su/ji j^nf Fir^iroFFJiuiiid ' Cidr^i d^iniTffoPjj communlly Is indlealed by a Ihiek Bec;uniulBlion of organic mailer |Kov ale hi k 1993) Dislurbarhe by live- Tilockor beaver ^m1 I reduce Si^'n iJj jjJFJ/Jiiiiii/ri^Fru eov er and allou' graminoi^t especially i nlrodur ed spec lea, lo increase {Mul? andQueiroz 198 JV ICu'illoWk are reduced loo muLh, beaver aIII leave i n neaiE h of food and fail lo mai nl a i n darrts u' ashed oul by 'klorms. The waler lable will Ihenloucr as Ihe sirram dou' nc uls and Iheiommunlly *lll change lov^aid iii^\.tv5iiSixiini'P"tii"iilimii /CokHiiiR'HiUs nr/ruiJivEri] or A bies lasLoiarpalype iHansenL'iuf 19511, Hanseni'Pu/ 19951- M^iagonail: Suliy ihiiiii'PottiSiu'ia / Ca'ex uliiciiSa\ii caabe a pinduclivecommunily bul *ill decrease if si>lIs are dam- aged or hydro logic condilions change For example, recreallon Irails road building, agricullure liiKluding draining ivilhdilchesl and I ivcslock grazing easily damage organic noils Ihro ugh com pad ion and rediKllon dI "■ Bier holding c ap ac Lly iMuIz andQueiio; 195.1, Moseley fiuf 1994, Hansen fiuf 1995| These bcIlvl- Eles may also cause si re am bant sloughing as ivell as premalure soil drying, Ihe loss oCvegelaliveproleclion, and evenlual lossof Ihe lo mm unlly. Heavers are also imporlanl in mainlaining necessary hyd mlogic loruli- llons. Thick shrub cover and efLcessi ve v^elrtess oflen limil acllvllies in Ihiscommunily LIveslock forage value vanes *ilh season arul hislonc use bul bolhSi^'n ih iiiiiti\uttiSi!"'ii arul Ct/ie\ iiHici'lalt' are fair lo good forage in Ihe spring {Hansen tPuJ 1958, Hansen tPuJ 1995] Ovcigraiing of willou's decreases Ihcir vigor andean eh m male Ihemfiom Ihesile allou'ing gramino id cover lo i ncir anc. This may occur *llh a laic summer and fall grazing regime, Ahich reduces v^ illoiv re-grou' Ih and al Ioa's sedges, wilh Iheir undcrgiDuruLl rool rcicrves, lo lalcr pmllferale Thit long resi penods are needed lo mainlainlheci>mniunily iHanneni-J III. 1 99 5 J. Prciinbed fire effeclively icjuvenales dead i lumps bczwt Si'li ' iJj jjJFJ/JiiiiiiJri^Fru sprouls vigo r- ously aClerfire (quick, hoi fires are preCerrenl over sk>^v , cool buiitij. Fires also increase Ca'ex rm'/t/lir bul only If ungrazed before and aFler Ihe fire ^Hansen tPuJ I995| BoIhSiiiix dntfit/rta/'iiium/ and Curex rt/Jlnilii (and Ciinrxutji/i'lil/] and C. ieirtiFJiu| are excelleni for re-vegelalion ov er Ihe long-lerm arul provide good emslDncanlrol {tiaiticm:! itl L995J 76 Adjflcoit Comniunitis Caminun] lies iiljiccnl Id St/ln d'li'iiK'iiihi'ttii / Curex iiinti'li'lo liKludc olhr r^Ai diiiiiimottiSii'i'ii lyp?^ "■ [lh ilighlly d ncr mQislurc icgimd. Exampld tie Satis dnim"tii" pes |C^jn?A uliictitiitii. Ciiresiitji/it"l/],orCt/rci !tiiiiii.iiiiiiiiaiatnalcd] and Salts fiiriiue / Cares iit/'iu!tiH/ fhiivalchit 1 ^ .' . H aiL^cn fJ (t' L995) .\dj»cciil uplandii zie .\bies luiiot-itrpii. F sifiiiSoliiifi' verrz/es/i. Fivea e/iRL'l/rtn/i' Fii/'tsriiiiidi'/oin hibUBllypcv IH anscn fJ ir' I9S5; H b nHcn I'J uf I995| Consavdion Rank G3/S3 ElonoitCode CEGL00203L EDITION / AUTHOR 1993-1 L-?5/Chri^ Murphy SandbEfWilloiA' / BEfrai Shrublaid ■ SALIXEXIGUA/ BARREN S/ruWand Simihi Communities Manning ami Pad^cll (1995Jdnicnbcd Ihc St/I'\ eiixut/ / Bettt It nommiinHy lypc friiin rjizvidi Thai iii considered Ihcsamc as IhcSfrfn e'lniii' I Biine'i lypc of P Bdgcll tJ uf {\9S4). Tubiy and Icnsrn |19S?^ dckCribed BsirriLlirly[ic v^ilh no diagno'vlic urmlcrgiov^ Ih lor central Id b ho. O nc or mo re of Calf ibI inarigin ]l cm occur In valley bolloin'v uiLlh^ery lo* lii modcralegradicnls indcan be £roin narrou' lo very u'ldc ElcvBlionii arcnioslly bclou' 5,5011 feel iPaiilgcl I fJ ir' I9S9; MBuning Bnd Pidgcll 1995; Hoselcy 199SJ. SoH\ arc highly ^Bnablc. rBnging fiD m highly iliblcCumiilic H ap I aquolLv and Aqulc C ryobo rolli lo early develop menial Typic Udi £l uvenl'v All hive developed on alluvium of varying a^e^. Eilim b led b> ill able "■ aler- holding c ap ac Uy 77 ran^iznl (rom lowlo hi^h, and p biIh. Lc-sizc cl assc iik;I[hIc rinc, loimy b nd s»ndy-skc Ic 111. W b Lcr I Bblcv ringcul (torn near Ihc surface lo over 3 feci bcLoui Ihc surface (PBiigcll l'I WiliHifeVdus Slandsof IhLscommLinily provide excel Icnl Ibiermal and biidi ng cover for a WLde rB ngc of "■ i Idlifc species. Siih\ eMRiiii n nojinilly no I as bieaviLy bio^^'sed &■> ol her ivi I low species. E e b^ eis lemil lo ul i LIze Sj^ja tu^jj^j (HaitentijjJ \^5). Thc^crrn ei'f,i't'/Biir'fi lype is in early 'vucces'vional type Ihil has hid I illle under^JDivl h dcve lo pme nl. 3 omc si aiul.'v have ralher lenc solIs "■ bin. bi i nhlblls Ibie esl ablishnicnloF herb aicousspLiries, while olhcis iip very i^el, bul biavehid iiLsuCCiiienI lime fore'klibll'vbimenl Succession m Ibiiscomniuiiily u'llhoul outside dislurbince *lll ktcLy lead loward I he SjJji tij£jju / A/ti^c forb or S. fT^g rf o ' Mfrif gram i nold lypes in moifilfiLluiliorc while drier SI les may develop lnlo Ihc^ tufjju / TriJ f j uJtiisji coininunily iPadf cl I f J cr'. I939| Maiagonoil: There is essenliBlLy no Kerb aceous 1 1 veslock Conge available in Iht lype. Ttie willou's provide stability of si re am banks ii^ well is ivlreain shading A djacoit C omiHHiitics \ i^idc range ofuplBiidcommuiilliesciiiocciiron adjacenl ivloties, ranging from s al I dcierl shrub ind SB^ebntih-sleppeiommitiiilies il Ihi' lo^ereloiliortlo Lo^-iitoEilane conlfeious woodl andiv and Eoresls il ■he higher elevilions Consov^ on R oik G5Q/S5 Elansit Code CEGL0ni200 EDITION/ AUTHOR 97-12-Jl VB.Hoselej 7B Saidbcf willow / mesicGraminoidShrublErd ■ SALIX EXIGUA / MESIC GRAMINOID Shrubtand Simila CommunittQ Sa mc H atacn tr u/. (J ?9^) slaod'k ftib} film iJiLk type. R^ige 9aid5 occur throughout Ut#i, Extreme iijeaern Cdlorado (Padgett fle/ 1939) crd Ihe Calorado Front Paige IK ittel a af. 1993), and throughout I di^iQ (Padgett a aJ 1939,J anko^^^y-J (nie&1997) and M ontanalH an=En Sal 1995). Enuironmaitd Oevriptioii Thfi type occun^ an ylrcam lcrrHC«i ind i n m? bhIo Wv ashuc; lalcil ivi Ibi 'vireim ^ hann? lii rram sboul 2JJ00 lo 7,700 ICcl. VilJcy bolliini;! may be narrou' lo vtiy u'ldc Bnduf loiv In muiLlcrilc gradicnl. Thi^ co m m unlly is nnl in Ibic mo'vl dynamic |Kjniunii£ Ihc flt>ndplaiii &■> arc si>iiic of Ihc u Ibicr ijJjA tAJ£jJu lypcv iPad^cll tn^J. I^IWJ. Walcrlablci nn^c Fram IbiCvurFBCcloDvcr Ihiviz fci'l IhIda IhcMirfaic. DisliiKl and pnj m i ncnl molllc arc cominon ui Llhlu 20 Inches or Ibic ivurl bcc inillcBlinf iscasitnaLly bii^h ivBlcclablc Sd i Is indic He a broad rmgcof dcvclopmcnl, fmm Ibic ucLI-devcLd pcd Term E orti hcmi'tv Cumulic H ap loboro lis , Typic Cryaquolls, and PichlcCiyobonnllf Id Icsiv-dcvclopcd Aquic Ciyoduvcnls ami Flu>»quenlLC HipLiiicrolJTi. So I Is dcvck>[i on alluvial dc[io'vLlloitii>£>»ryLn^ b^Cv Parliclc-'vL/ccli^sc^ *crc highly varLabLc, *llh ciilJinBlcd BvilJablc ui aler-bioldi ng c ap acily Ciom Ida Hi modcrale fP adgcLI tP jj/ 19S9). R oige D scripti on Sat'i ex/fui' 6oimnBlc Ihe o> cislo ry of ihK lypc.St/ln hileii andlor S. lusra/riint may bIh> be promincnl In ihc ovcclorj' and in'^omc i nsliiices m ay cn-dommilc Ol her shrubs arc ly pic ally m i nor co m poncnis d£ ihis lypc. Tbic undcr^roivlh iivchBrBclcria^d by modcrale lo dense co^eraEgrimlmiLd'i^pcciei, LncLuding Ciirei. 'leh/t/it'^tti'i, C k"'iif,iiiniii. Jiiittii batl'ciis, Eleocha//] in/lui'fii, Agi'ii'ii lUiii'n/Ji'/t/, Stifj?uj iiwrxeiij, .iE'Di'irt'tt rbi'di. Bnd. inorte fdihii si bihI, C ihetd'Hiil. Forb cover K ly pic ally spaiJiC {Fadgcll el at L9S9|. a! Ihougbi £.jrfjitrjj/ii j^p. {E t/rvetne bihI £. f irtirg irPf f fpJ c »n occ aslonally occ lir In relallvcly high cover. Wildlife Vdues S linds of I hiiv CO m munily [injvidceiceLlenl Ihcrmal ind hiding cover Eo r i wide range or wildlife iknec les Sat'^ ex/iiia ismrmalLy nrti is heavily brou'sed as other u'llloi^ species Beavers lend lo ulii\it Satrx extiiia heavily {Himenefjj/ 1^5]. Succeson In iriosi M lualLiins Ihc Sof ft FJPjff f o ' Hpsjf grarrii noid carrirriunily K considered »n early ivUcccsivLO n a I lypc pioitcenng sind and gravel biis bul il may be persiilenl Incerliin inMances. Ttiis lype appeanv mgcneril Id be ivellerlhal olher Sirf re fc^jf d^fT lypes and I he environmenl i\ libeLy lo be more fivorablelo Ihceslablish- menloE rhl/omiloitgraminoids |Padgel I fJ irP lys^f Managonait The rhi /o m alo us grami noid cover in Ihi^i cammunily rrsullin high ho 1 1- holding andMreambanhslablli/allon abilily. Should Iheslarut'v become drier and/or grazing levels increase IhK lype mighl be replaced by Ihc Sat'i ex/iiia / fi/n I'lit'er'sti ot pot^tb\y I he S cxIgua/BiJicncommunily. 79 Adjacoit Communities B e^ aici? af ihf AldrcLrvaliou^riiliciilcjvcri^hlch Ibiis lytiocciiis, adjtccul up] aiml co inm uull ic?i c in rsngc from sdpc bncih-slcp pc Iniu nifc rpit forc-il »s.ik [»l lon'v C ontov^ on R aik G5IS5 Elansit Code CEG mill 211 i EDITION/ AUTHOR 97-I2-3I/H Mosclcy Geyer's Willow / Blu^oint reedgrassShrublaid ■ SALIXGEYERIANA/ CALAMAGROSTISCANADENaS Strutiand similar C cmmunilie^ ThL^cnmmunily ht.\ al!,D been doe umciilcd in Ulah {FBdQcll el al . t959| Bnd klBhi> iHaLI ind Haiwcn 1^7, YoungbLinjiil tP u/ 1 985 J Sc^erfll flulics |H b nncn fJ of . L995, Hall ind haiLscn L997| inclunlc In Ihuv a^Aih. Liliou M ands dDininalnJ by Stili\ hot/'l'ir, t aIIIov^ Ibial is Cieqinziilly a cu-dnminanl wllh 5i/'ri gt'H'iiiiia and Ihcy \a.\.nAc Ciik"iiigiiiiUi Hiicla as * ell 3i Diistht"ppiiii rciiiilt'st/ as dlignu'ilic; 'ipceicsfOr Ihc uiideigroiyl h componcnl. Using Denho'tpiiit fesj?ilni!' ivouldgivc Ihl'i lypc camp Icic overlap ivilbilhc Siili\ gcycnt/fu / Dcit-!niins'j'in.eiii/'ii]i' Shrubland ashoc; i allon |CEGL00I2II5| reporlrdfpr I d ahii. M on- Itnt. amil Ulabi Olheriulhory fcg. PBiigcllL^lul 195^1 dcvignalc Sof ri hi'"'ltii-doin\nBad\Itna' as iscpi- tale pLanI asho^ liIidh, b B'ml on sI mcl uril dLlTciEn^cs bclu'ccn 'vlind^ a hcicln ^irfr i bi?<>\hli is pcccmincnl and I hose "■ bicrci n 5uJjA iti L'^ r^j^EO is prcdo m i nani For Colorado, HHIci eial { L 99 5) dci nbc aSirfu f€'e"ii'i fjiuiii/ f CiilaiPii^'-osiis cafuiiletisn , aLUnugJi Ihc undcrgrou' Ibi of Ihc fonner IS ipparcnliy moicdivcTac Raige ThisLijmmunily or our very ■vimLlar lo iloccurn inldabio, Monlina, Nevada Ulabi Wyoming amil poivsibly Colorado EiMronmoitd Description Tlte Si'lix gey enami I CiiliiiiiugiiislM twiaiieiisn associ alion i: h n be found In monlane habilil:^ inu'cslcm Montana Ifiom valley bollomslo mid-cLevalions In Ihc mounliin'vl and inihe mounlain'of cenlral and cisHmMoiHana. 1 1 is frcqucnll y foumilon alluviaL Hrrai cs "■ he nz bcavcracli>lly has ere a led a scries of dams Ihil nine Ihe loc;al a Her I able, along ^Ire ainiv, and near seeps or springs. Soiliv are ituHlly deep sill or s a nd o^ erlymg mor[:sBiid,^ri> el, or cobbles Thiscommunily itually floods d unng spring, with die wilcr 80 level u'llhlu Lm or Ihc surface Ibie re^loClhe yeti Wearby wcnerconimuni lieiv c;o uld Include Carex ttliicfitala. Cit/e\ uqi/itli!/] , St/l/\ gi.'yenattii I Ci'ity iilnctilk'lt', T»riely d£ iiJ| Bc;eiil upLimt could occur ne arby, ranging fm m CDnilcr domlnaled CO m m uulUe?! Id dry iihrubl aniti ^uch a^ .irlci?/isni Iniictimm a&ociallDrei (Hsn-ien ft t'l. I9SS, Hansen rtjjf . I?951. Raige D airipti on The SjJm geyt-nt'ttii I Ci'liHii't^'niUs catttuJerrj/i assoe i alion, is il nccuis m Muni an a haii an nvciMniy daniLnalcd by St/I/' f,f\€'M/"ii |-40^ avenge eoverj, whu-hoccuis as large clumps anumber of ihub species occur Ln a ppiuxi m alely a Ibii ml o£ I he slaiuts. i nc I unli ng Si^'ri br^hliiiin.Siilix !hiimmi?t\iiin'ia. I'e'ilas?h\1lii'dei jlimhuida. R/bei ipp Aboul 10^ of Ihe Ihe slands of Hansen fJuf (l?951 had Beiiir// "liii!/ rrpicsenled al 20^ nr higher cover u'hieh t>cc asLon.'; specul al lo n »s lu relalLve Lmpo nance nf Ihe 1 ndie alu r si Bl us u C ^. ge<-fnt'mi and B "nin/. Bog birch is i spec; les sirongly assiicialed ivilti pea Hinds ind all Ihe illemLlaul smisrelaled phenomena. Why i gencralislsuch asS. geyt-nami should be aeeonded indicalorsigniCieineegrealer Ihan IhaloFB ttu/Kr befseiplanalion These si aniti hive anopeneurndor Hspecl ivhileSfrfri ftfir/m communi Ilcs are more o Flen c loscd and less easily accessible by Laige ungulalcs iPad^ell ei lil \9S4). The undergrou' Ih is doniinalcd by Ciiiiiiiiiif,TiiH\i c!i"iiiSe/iiis or Cuiuiiiiigiiislii iUicla. Ihe luo seemingly do nol co-occur If ihc livo Cofu/nuji/v'iirs spec lea hive loiv cover vilucs {Less ihin 5^1,lhcn D€scha'Pj?s/ii ceisiltm/ is used as in Indiiilorbul genera 11} Us cover Hnd cdei&I ancy Ls very ioclalion. hou'ever, il isdecidenlly dubious "■ he Iherlhissuile of species iclu ally are Indicil i ve of I comparable envlionmenl Carei ulnculalaislheonlyolher nilivegrarriinoid preseni in al leasl 211^ of Ihe slinds and haii lo^v cover, however, a full comp lemenl of exolic grasses evidence high consi ancy and cover, indlcalinglhesesileslD be llveslock impacled. Commonly associiled fal leasl 20^1 co nslancy) . b ul by no means irulic alive, £orbs are AjSi// t'<.inle/"itl'i. Eii/liib'i//i spp., F/ii^inri/ <^if//i'i/"ii. Geiiiii •/iiicmiihyHiiii. He/i/clfiiiii k/"t'liiip Mi'ii""l'i:/rti/n/ s'LilaSw/, Siiiidi'xii tiittuile/iui. ind EipilseUim tinvrrii/ {Hansen e' al 1995). Sat'x £e'-€//ii/ia I Cuh/tugioiUi c/tmiile/'s/^ slands are fiirly si able if ihe hydiolofic regime remainfi unchangenl. Killel tP t't 1 1 99 5), suggcsl Ihal flooding evenis \.a Siilix K€'i:iiiiii!/ 1 C!/i€\ u\//'.iiliiiii commu- mliescin resull in sedimenldeposilion,i''hich raises Ihe (loodpl ai n surf *ce higher above Ihe i^ alerl able .\s ihefloDdplalniggranles, Ihc SI le could become relilively drier, u' hie h i n lurn could ciuse Ihc gram i noid composilion loshifl louiaids Ihal of Ihc 5 geyenini / C 4 crrrfji/^rir] associilion. Similarly. Killel 11994) allies Ihaldislance From Ihc si re am channel can change ihe degree of soil saluralion, ind Ihereby inCluence Ihe undccilorj' composilion Removal oF beaver from asyslem sup porting ijJjA fti l'jjuiii^ / Ca/ex f/JjjirryirPrr slands could also caitecomposilionil changes. Unmainlilned be aver dams could breih, and cause alou'erinf of Ihc walerlible,¥^hich could cause ashiClin Ihcdomlninl undeislory frimmoid lou'ards Cu/u/nuj(/^JsPrs fanude/iiij ^tJinsen et ai. 1995). Maiagonoit CiiIiiti\iifni]l/i'LH/ii'iii/iiiiii\ moderalely lo highly palilable, arul ^vilh high grazing pressure, ihe vigor, repiod ucl I ve success, and compelllive abilily of Ihis grass will decre ase. E fLolic p aslure ^risscs |e g.Fim pinH/mii. Ar/oi'ii i"iiim/Je/it , B'litnm itie//rt/] elclwill Ihen increase. L ivesloc t: graiing In Ihis isiociilion should be avoided a hen Ihe soils are ivel lo avoid c huming of Ihc soil surf ace. Si^'n geyffi/i'n I Ciiiiiti\iiiTosl/i ciiiiiitlmij'i ilijvhi exposed lo hcivy browsing pressure usually bhow reduced vigor oC^he wjj loui spccici, such HH biighl I ni ng, clubb I ng, or dead ^. Lum piv, * llh cvcnlual dccrci'ic in * il l(jv^ CDVCFBgc C onsov^ on R aik G5;34 E^anait Code CEG LOO 1205 EDITION/ AUTHOR 99-10-15 fJic^Grrcnlcc G eyer'swillo4\r/ Beaked ffidgeShrubland ■ SALIXGEYERIANA/ CAREX UTRI CULATAShruWand similar C cinimunitie& This citmmum Ly hf^ bcc n ikic; uinculcd by b num b? r dC 'klud ics In u Ibicc u'cM? m IiI ales, IncludLng ? aslcin Oirgun iKovakhlk L 9 37) . L' lah IPadgctl eJ oJ . !9S9|,NcvaiLlB iMBnnin^ and PidgcH l995>JdilKi |HalL and Himcn 1997J, Colorado (FiHlcl ei t'l. 1995), and Wyaniiiig tChtik\ci!l ul . I9II8| Scleral Monlana ind Idaho MudlCk [tiaiacn c^' nl l'J95, Hall and Hansen 1997) likIihIc inlhif asnoci aliou si a nds dannnaml by 5^j^ji /'ot"l'i'.t ivillow Ibial IS fr«|uciHly i (i^domluinl •j'ilh Stil/\ geyct/fii Olbicr aulhiiis {c^ Fadgclirt nl. 1^119 J '^patalc Sill/' ho'"hii-doin\ttaadsIaiyk as ascparalcplanl issoclalmn, b ascd □ n slrucl uril dLffcc- rncts bclwttn Sitl'x hiiiisli/ 1 at\i.\Sti!i\ fcyefn/zruilBiyty. These same Monlana ind Idiho 'vlulics Ihalslesik ihe manaagcmcnl appLlcabllily of ^cgclaliDnlypcs itco^nae Cunx uS/nuh/H/. Ct/ic\ vfstca'iii and Ciirex aihfTKiSfi as ecological amlogucs, 10^ cover of anj one of Ihesc ipci iCv or Ihclr co m bi ncd cover li sufCi- clcul fc r rccogni zin^ I he ti-^'O'.'iiWun.Tbs Sain geyei'ii'ia / Ca'ey iiqtiiiilSn association is alHoquLlesimiLir in Ihal C. t'tfiii'liSii \s aslhc urmle rgiowlh doiniuiiil isil i& in a number of stands of Ibic ^ ie'-€'fii"ii / C III"! iiliiiii iivSocialLDn As * i Ibi Ihc 5i^'ri geycnittm / Ct/lt/maR/oilii ct/finSc/iiis issoclalion Ihc prcscmcof » number D I stands Allh bii^h coverage for SfJjj^u fuui? would serin more indlcalivcofa pe a I- ac^ um ul aling cirr an D[i posed Id i conve nl iou al ^/ja spj>. siv am p , making illcasi t porlioiicil ihiik asikCiL. i allon ^ cry simi I ar la EcUiln fuim / Ca'ffx ttUUnlu'ti Roige This community i< found in Monlana, Idaho c aiilein O regou, Ulah, N cvada, Calarado , and Wyoming. EiMronmoitd Dscriptiwi The SnI/' geyenana I Carex iit'itiiliiiii iivsoclalmn Kfoumil is a m ajor p I ani ashuc; i aliou inmonline tiabilals in wcslern Monliui fCn^m valley bolloms lo mid-elevilioiisin Ihe mouulainsl and in Ibic mounlains of cenlril indcaslem Monlana 1 1 1< Crequeully CDUndou alluviil lemcc a here beaver iclivily has created a acnes oCdiins Ihal raise Ihe IikiI i^aler lable, alangslreams and ue ar sec p' o r spnugh. Soils are usually Cine lexluml mineral noils Ihil accumulile during periiidic Flood evenis and Ihey may hive a surf ace orginic honzon. Soil mclmn isneulril lo moderalely alkalirte (pH 7.0 Id 7.5|.iiid Itiis ci>niniuiii ly is usually ftcndcd dunjig Eprtng andearl^'s^immer. wilh the ivaler level near Ihe surf icc Ihe resi ofltieyear Nearby 82 wcllf r coniiuiinLliiZ' could Include Caiex iiintiiloin . Ca'ex lajtocnrpn, T';'iiti\;)ii, S iilu'i'jiiliii.S ihiiii'PottiSiii'ia. and 3. btHiihl have il kasl 211^ c-onslancy and 10^ ivcrjgc cover Curtu iiliiciitt'la IS by firlhe undergnjivl h dij mi n a nl , folLo*cd m iin]>i>nam.e by C. utp/t/lilis anddiilaiUly by Ciiliiti\ii/,ni]l/i (niii'iicttiii. Iii'tiiJ bi'liiciis tnd Dei* IrutMiim/ (L'st^iSiiiii Commonly a^soc i alcd forb spec les arcAsSi^/ '>ninbiiiti\ '.it'!'li"t.Geii'P ti\iit'i?;^^ reduced vigor of ihc "■ I llo* spec ics , such as hLgbilming, clubbing, or dead clumps, ^Mlhevenlual decrease In *lllou'covcr»ge. LivcslDctdislurliance in drier Si^'ri geyenanii I Cutir jjrntJjJi^iid slaruts c an rcsul I in increases in cover of cxolic pislurc grasses |e.g Ftii i'/t/lciiis. Ar/oiHj sSiilii/irJ'^n'. Eniti\ni itn.^'/rtn') however, Ibicsceiolics pone less Ibireal here I ban in Ibie dneri £duclivHy of I he sedge undcrslorj' and c »n cffccliv e ly reju>en»le dec adcnl clumps olwilloivs. Gey er's* II lou' *lll spin ul quickly aflcr quick, ho I fires, however, burned SI les shouldn' I be graied fa r 2- 3 jcara la avoid allrac ling liveslock lo young, pal a lab le rc-grou' 111 (Hansen el nL 1995). Contovdion Rank G5/S5 B3 Elonoit Code CEGLOOI207 EDITION / AUTHOR L 9^- ] a- L 5 / J BC k GrccnIcc H arstem BulruEh H erbaceousVeg^ation ■ SCIRPUS ACUTUS/^ffiHCECUsV^efafion similar C crnimunitiFS HanF^n ei at. (19951- Hall "ml Hbhsch 11^971, ind KilHl el ill. |199SJ have u Stv ffwi ncitlitj hibilal lypc In Ihclr cl Hiv^iific allDiEi Ihil Includes M'LumbiniWo']!- ui St' fi?ii^ utiiiin and^ vi'lidm [=S. Iiibe'i'iiiiti\i?tt\ani) diK lo SI m I LirllicN in cn^ imnincnIaL ^. j ndil lo niv and managcmcnl conccnti. 5t( 'jTfi valnltts i^oflcn Ire Bled as mcpirilc bILlidciz in Ihc Wizivli'm Rc^ioml Vcgclilion C I asivLrLcilion (Enur^cmn and En^clkin^ 1994) CdLc 1l995| diZH^ nbcd I ouc bi^soi:] allaiti Ailbi^ it<.'tltts a^ Ibic dominanl iipcc iCk, S iiftHtiJ-WiiiietiiMianiillii- uqi/it'ica, S. aailiii-Lenittn sp.. S nciiSui-Lrrm'ia ^p.-Snluniurt diiScitma'tt , and 3. aciiUis-Typhu k'lrjiil'ii The SLt'ftis ac'iliis lypc dcivnbcd ] n IhisCCA cncompi'v.^r'k ? nou^h CDintiCvilinnal and 'vIcuclurBl viiiBlion Id liK ludc C □■? 's lypcs. Roige Slandiv Bi? knoivu Cn>m O icgoji, Wa&hingluu, Nevada, C ill lomi a, Idihu-Culcicado, and Ntanlana EiMronmaitd D escriptiwi Slandsiif Ibii^fomniuniLy Ijpc jc;cur»lpn^lhc miigLiBi d£ pi>nds. lakc^, and rrscPFnlis slnn^cr: pBrillclIng filrcam and ci ve c chiuncls or bii>ad 'iiv b Ihs inbickivalcc mBnvbies ind 'vlou^hs ll K loumil il loiv lo mul- cloilions fram Bboul 2Jl00fccl lo bI IcaslftiOO £ccl. Tbiis lypcoflcn Inbiab i Is rcl b li vc Ly diziz p i^Blcr ill hough Ihe *»lcrk>cl m»y be draivn dou' n coitidcribly Ibinnugbi Ihc grou' i n^ season (H anscn eJ i^'. 1995, HbII and Hansen I997J. SolK are commonly MoIIlsoK (AquolK|,Eiili4i>ls | \quL'nlsJ , or occ asLonaLly Hi^li'iols. Tek lure« D F sujf tee hunzonson Id n^li> ed i>scd and partial I y dct'omposcd plani malenil Ihil acciiiniilaleoverlime Crom annual die back. \ I luvi al iiiiids , gra^ el aiidc;obblcs may form kn UDCDnsolldileiLl miliix in Ihe subsurface honzDns.Walerlable?! iir generally al or above Ihc soil surface ihcDughoul Ihr gcou' in^ season SmI cea^ Hon v a ne^ Ccoin itculral lo modcralely ilkiline ipH 7 II Id eOHHanseni-Jfr^ 1995; Hall and Hansen 1997) R ai ge D ^sription lite Sclrjws lit iiUis lypc usually appears as animpenclrable monolyplc sland oflen reac;hing2 mor more in heighl STfjJddsssp. require high levels d£ molslure Ihipughaul ihe year, arul ivhlle sland^ may colonize SB lura led so I Is along 'ilreainbank' D r on Ihepenphcry ofpond^ and reser^ oirs. I hey lypically eklendoui Inlo ihe Aaler column Id 7 m indeplh. Due lo Ihe dense gioA Ih forni and I looded ui aler rcgirrtcs. olhcr specie:^ are largely abseni arif pre^enl, mlimiled amounlslCole 1995, HanscneFuJ. 1995 Hall and Hansen 19971- 84 WildliTeVdues Scrri'iinn.iiSui [i rovidcs viluibLe iH^linf ind n>ii^l] ng cover for b virirly oC'iongbLnl'i and u'alcrfou'L, nolibly rciLlu' I n^cul blactb i rcU, ycl low- he adcul blactbircU ami ivrcit Sii/ptts frtTfPjj] i\ a\Itp[e Co r miCikraK Bill] IS used 1 n coitil mcl lo n ii£ I he I r hubv SccdsoCS uti'li'i areealcnby a VBnely nf birds Wilcrfou'l m B II B^cis ofleu allempl In Lihccaselhe pcuporlianof S. aciiUis rcli4ive lo Tyfim kHrJiiUu is anieajisDr impravinghabLliI dlng brUcF rhan mosl npaninccimmunHie'. Tbie-ii: highly saluralcd condillorei , coupled ivilbi bh cHicmcly de rise ^lo* Ih fitnii. alLoA Ihis spec ll-s lo L'oLoni ^L' SI les il m early suLcesslonal sla^e Bnd maLnliindoiiiiiiBnce on uixlis- lurbedilles as IhecllmBX vegelallon Houcver, Sn'^prf] irtTfPjj] Ls rcgulBily accompanied by olhcr biydni- phyles such »s 5Jii" j< i^Frjjj/n nirfj irf fit ind Tyiilm liiii]«liii The reasons for I he disLribulLon of Ibicsi' spec leii is difficull lo discern bul mi nor changes in u'alcr chemiilry or nuLricnl avaiLibilily miy £avor IhceipBnsionor one species o ■ e r inolhcr. Seasonal c h malic chin^es m»y also play b loLe Indelcrmining ivhich species maj dominale isile al a parliculirpoinl m lime IHbII amil Hansen 19? 7 J. Cole ( 1 99^) disc us^ies lenlilive succen- sional relilionshi ps of her .Strr^Jdis ;d£f FJdFi lypes Managonait Wei condillons and lachoE pHlalabIc Conge llmll li^esloch use of Ihis lypc. Hou^vcr, if up I amil forage becomes iiparse ind soil condi lions d ry, llveslock may make tEiCoi Sc'iiiti nciiltn Soils are we I ihiDughoul the giuu'ing season amil is e aslly d amagenl fium Iramplmg by ll>eslock ind u'lldllfe. Trampling cin aLso damage vegelalion. This com munlly i^ill burn incilher lalefailor eiily spnnpif Ihe ivaler levels have dioppedsufTiclcnIly {HwnieaelaS . 1995). Consavdion Rank G5/S5 ElonoitCode CEGHXH»49 EDITION / AUTHOR 199S-0l-05;H.Hoseley 85 SoftEtem bulrush TemperaleHerbsceousVeg^alion ■ SCIRPUSTABERNAEMONTANI Temperate H erbaceoisVegetBti en Cla^ficdiofl Cofimoits Sii/f^its labtniiit'rtofiliiii is EyEKinj mou'i v^iiivSciipin vatrdns l^ioJIiklcm bulnth^ Bcionljng la KarlSiZ Siirila Comrnuniti^s Sii'i"!! Ii'bii' iiaciio'Uam is synonym pll^ *II h 5c' rfjJT vnSidii^. HBitcnfJu/ . (1995^ Hill bdJ Hansen {\.9'>1]. anil hillclL'PuJ . (]?9S) hav? iSci'pm iiciilttih^'tiiMy lyp? in Iheir 1 1 hsm Fic alioit. Ihil jncluilr'v all comb I nalioiL^ of 5^ j/f rri actilm tndS. \iibentiifiii«iiii'i' due \o ^\m.Ati\\\t^ In cn^ i mnmcnlil camil] lian^ and mana^cmcnl ciinccna. Si/ fs/m 'ubenriicint'tt'iiii/ a licalcd asiscparBlc assiicialinn inlhc Wcslcm Regional Vrgcl Bl lo n Cl asiviric Bl lu n (Hour^cron amil Engclbin^ iy94| O Iher communi llcv v^ Hh Ihis spec ics grou' i n^ »■> a domininHj r dxlomi n Bnl have been dcscnbcd Sr/rrmi \iibfntiifti\«iiiiiii\ - T'lihir inSiJoim |e.g KomBituvB 1 9 S6), 5cT/;ujs \iibeTniifti\«iiiii'i' - T'l'lmsip - {Spit' £iiii'i"i '?^p.. Jinn rts sip | |liniglBnd I ^7 J. from N ebrask B S j^jTf] ih-it'iu — Scrriiiii 'ubemtictiMinSn/ir 3 amLlhll Is A I b al ine Herb B^.e^J us Ve^el alian fiu m Nc- hraita arul. N ebrask b St* 'j'jjijjtjjrjji — St/jjjjs Juftf/r/uejFJ'iJJu^Er SBiidhill' ncrbaicaiii Vcgclalion and (torn Ihccaslcrn U S IhnSci/i^tti ['ithcHiirefPofirm, I'tiil'is) EislcmHcrbBcciius Vegelalion lite Scq'iis tabenfucint'ti'iiii/ lype descnbed ticre encDrnp BSb«i em ugh ^u mposi lianal arhl si ruclunl vanilion la Jiieludc a liigc porllDn of Ihcsc olheT lypes. Roige Communi lleiv of St jVj'Jj T lirh'^H'aefPi'f'Titni apparenlly cUcncT fiom eo b^I IocobsI, Ihough ihey barcfy dip inro IhcsDulhcaslin Virginia amil MBiylind, Ihcrc arcuf loirnkC laeaLized vanilion'v Ih b I Bre depcihlcn I on Itic ClorisliesoC b given region. EiMronmoitd D escription The i't r f j'jJT litlit:n'iit''Pt'ti'iiii/ aisociallon i^ lypie»lly found al low lo mid elev»lions BcroivsMonlana. bul ma re frequcnlly in Ihe eiivlern piil dC I he ivlale. 1 1 isfaund in marches, pond and lake mirgins, oxboA likes, and btckivBler area'iol riveis indslreims Soils ireeammonly MdIIi'^dIs |\quLills|, Enllnok ^\qiicnK), or somelimes Hi^IdsdI'v, and soil reielion ranges from neulral la moderately ilkiline ipH 7 Id G 0). This communlly aBnoc;(urlnslandlng wileru[i lo 1-2 melenvdeep and il i^ usually e I aivsi lied iiv seml-perma- ncnlly flooded as Ihe Ailer levels can dii>[i belou' I he hoi I surface by Ihe end of Itie ^ioa Ing $e ano n. This communilyaiaupies Ihe same posilianin Ihe lambiCBpe »■> Tyf^hn sp.. *llhopcn iv b ler or aqu b In. communi- ties occupying u'ellerspnls BndSfrfmp .C^rtt sp , or f /Eof oni tjnjJitJ^Eirfvirf aomniunil ics occ upying nearby drier slles {Htib^nelul 1 9 511, H anscn sf n^. I995|. Raige D oaiption This plinl associilion usually Conrts dense munoc ul lures Itial c an occupy large ire is Slems ire usually 1-7 melePvlall. Tbie Hooded condilion in w bin. bi I his species o Ficn grn*s precludes Ihe eslablKhmenl of olher graminoids and Eorbs. lEprescnl species like Co'ii'iiiiiipaliulie an^ I't'li riihu/r <"Pj?hihiiiiii arcoflen widely scallered. iPsecnK require bare, moKl soils for germ i naliun ho Ihlivspecleiv can rapidly colonize nc^ly exposed mudflals and draii'doivn ircis iHaosenfJo^. I9S5, Ef irtsen f / jj^ I99i]. 86 Succ on This Epcr Ifs c an coin m^LC ni'i-iy txjxm^d mLidllDlE ^nd Jm^da^ hitt ns, h nd cc minunLlie^ IcihJlii be pcisn- Icnl inhf h^'dmlQgic rr^imc isslahlr Moiagonoit SariElL^m bulncih his Ici hi' Id inihJ? ca Ic pil bI abj I lI) Id 1 i ^ f alnch, anil br i: au^f rDmmuni U cs are usuilly HdinIhL. Dccc^s fo r I LvcMock j^ inuil1> difficull W hen 'vLand; dry dow n , h ^ r $lc>c h nLiy bicii i ly ulLljfc Lhcsr ca m muni- llcb if u[i I aoLl foEagc IB apii^c 5 Einds of >>□ Fl ivErm bulrush can bul fizr v^ ik e icI id n on I d ki^ and ponds iUaiacn i-i III. llflSl. CnruovdiDn Rank G4/S3 Elonoit Code CEGLOOSZS EDITION / AUTHOR BvDa6\ed C attal H erbaceouEVegetilan ■ TYPHA LATI FOLIA H ai>aceou5 Vtgddion Simildi Communities Same Hulhtin place T'l'hu luSiJiriiu and FijjIpit uii^us'ifoln/ iD^lhcr ^^ilhjn Ihe name hablEil 1>pc fc r m auigcmenL purposes [eg. HBsata tl ui I'^'^Sj. Raige Tbis ca [nm unity dccu[\ in M d nnna, CciId- rado. Neiv M ir^icD, Wyoniiiif , Idihn . and Nebraska. EnwrDfunoitd Description This com m uiiLl> isCoiind a Id ng slicana, n\[!ni. iinJlhc b a nts Df i^nils The^oil rs SDliualed □ c nocidcd fai muc h ml rbf ycai IriBuiU^ lus a hkgb Diganic CDDlrnL -lUrU ■■ Xu (rUluLU Raige Douiption This community js daminalcd by hyd rophyl ic m ac njphylcs. cipcci a1 ly Ti ^f^c /uJf/iJju. i* hich ^lu.^ to ap- piDiimaCcly 2 mcLcra. T lit'ifol'ii c; an form dc nsc M a nds ] n pliccs. almoM lo Ihc c\cliih lo n o£ ol her spec ics. OEhcc&jiccLeslypieal of uellands ace fDund in lcs.^er ain^i uuls i n Ihi^ l:. Aiudi^ Ihe&c an: Cun:s ap. inL SETFjfjJi ssp. B7 WildlifeVdus Tyi'hii lafjol'ii k, bh [mporlanl mj uirc of sh Bdc , hidi n^ caver. »nd fihjd for ivi Id life WBlcrfo*! itc Ihislypc CcriHslLn^ Bnd hidjn^cu^er pcovldrd Ihc'lBixti ire lul loo dcosr. Ttiiii lypc L^ i crilic; aL source of ncM i ng cover Bnd nxBili ng cover for ycl lou'- hiz Bded ami rrd-u'lnged bl ickbiids {Utieicn €l ul. I ^5 J. Tys'hii h'l'jnl'i' \\ b piDkricsecd producer and cnlonizcv e fLpi>sed imncraL sufcl rB les icHlLly. Cnmmuni Lies Bre si ab Ic wbien "■ aler re^i me-i remain iBirly high, Bllbiougbi ihe iviiecLcscBn lolerile pcrimb o£ drau^hl iHirccii ei^l L9att,HBriirneJ,^^. 1995) Maiagonoil: Sr-mt <.aaii\itv T'l'ha liifiJnSia la br loo BfgiES.e Cor ite In a el I and icslorBlion proje^Lk iMibich ind Gns^clink L99.1| bcc b use of iliv abilny iDformden'.c monoc uLlures. A djacoit C omnntics Cnrffissp. and Stj jjd^i isp. CO m m unHic CO m monly occ ur ne arby. Consov^ on R aik G5S5 Elonoit Code CEGLOIISilU EDITION/ AUTHOR 95-10-1 9 ;j.F Dntc Appendix C Site descriptions Abhctl^Fl^Wdlaid W CaiJ CreekCnmplEX 92 CoiJ Crei-N Dith Park FlDodplan 94 CyclDneLikeWalaid 96 H^Cred:Fai 98 H^Crwk-HorlhFDrkFloodplan 100 MiidLieCDmple. 102 P«lMeada*LJ:e 105 SchnEUECimWdlaid 107 TtpEtLie Cample. 109 89 ■ Abbotts Fids W^l^d LofidlDn AbbolEsPlDL Is lacHErdJublu'DilDrGlKicr NilionBl Fnrk, ^L'vcraL m i Lcs souCh of CnnuJn, i n in n lii^eM M*inlniiJ Fmni Trail Crcf k ULiTlh uf C Dlumb 1 3 FaLlik Dn Si B If Rouliz 48&, piacccii nanhcili' on SLilr Roulf 4^& Tori mjlelo d juik litn i« i Ih in imniinai iDid TTHvrl I 5 mili^'k nrrclbicaM- ciLy on ihc unnamed lend lo a I rail Abbol FIdIti i?iD 5 miles Lolhf nonhi^eiEfolloii- InglhcrcDl Frail. L H ndi>A ncc [le cm iTffui n is required brion! i!nlf nn^ pn^ ili! piDpCEl} Richnes .. J^.r|;.;,,L[ This v^ i!l I and sj Ic IS IdcdEciI ilon^lhe np an an flondpl ai n ind le rrHre^ above ihe fJoilh Fa rk Fl il hiz nd RiVec. Thesilr hi^^i^vfrHl Ft'i'iihn imlsamijera si^ji 'nch'/Lit/i'ii |blDL:k ccii ai nuand t commum lies in dllTeicn[ Blades dC succea&lon and in mu^blv equil pmpojIiDiti ThL-se ace llie i! d rl ler ^uccl^seiu nil Pi'i'i/liii buliiifnijent -up 'fichotit'f/a I rccenl aLluviil bir fblach JzallonAood / cecenL ill u^ ill bar) and Ihe I alec Bucce^sio n a I plani issocialions Fojii'li's bisimmlje'ii ssp. fn-shoco'iia / Cornui leiic/nt (black c;ol lo miood ' red-mie r dagivDodj . tni Fai'iiU's biiSitimifeni sikp lyichin-iitii I bie rb aL:eoii5 ^blicl l:d1 Ir nu'Dod I hciba- €eoiti\. HfiSyiinri'P mStilii'itiLV's (jcLloi* isi* eclveCc h] oc^un m coClDnjiaod ilanti .^llh open undei- fCDU'lbi ve^elalion, and ihrn: -i^rjc numfiau^ ispobi v^biece Hctlyiunitn s\iSphii'escr:f's had appaicnily bri:n dof by bfiis nigliec Iruac^'k iba^f rhe HiKidplain ace domi n a led by a rtceu niielrnitnipi I Ctinuis sencea (Ecif cl m a nn spjucc ' led-oivi rr dLigivuixl J izommunilv W\hi>u^ Sy'ii/hKUi.-nsinii olbi's (ccmimon snr* berry) is Ihiz dominanL 'kbinib I n Ibie undcrgiDA Ih I ay e r, enouf h led-Ckier dof v^aod remains as an i ndiL a Id r spmes la IfDdilb namelo ihe i:Dmmunil y ijpc Thi^ 1errBL:e is vri^ diaughrv or bei:oming ^a iniJlhi!communlly isbsil chacaclfTijfd an an up I anil cc m m unily li n an o lif nver le crace Ttiia ca mm unlly did nol fil «ell inLoiny oflhr comma n Manlanuplanlcommunlly c I ansi I k ulions. O n a yel highei and □ Ider Iriricir , in .-L rJE-irjiuu miSeniulii / Fesli'tt' cis'PiifVis Ibiji sa^e bnish I nju^h Fisicuej lommunily cccun. This is an unitiiiil communlly Car Ihe ^Joilh Fa di, « bictm immanl) dominiLeiJ by F'laii •uniiiintt ^lodgr pa le |iuie} fojc^l a I loi^ f r riev lUom K^ EiMronmoitd Fadrns ThissyMi^m is cleacly dnvcn by flLrVlDl piDc rUKKL We KpecuFile 1 h a1 » me ir^ clil dou' nc UlElnf li iK oCr UTird irsulllnfiinclnerlerticcsandlhBlcommunilJcompo'iiHoJic.HhJFlllifila ceflecl iheillcrcd motiluEe regtmc. Raity No planLoc animal species oE spec ill concem a nr observed ObscrveiTi were eonlidcnL. houcver. ihal bear diffing£ lor Hfihiu'itfn si'lji'iesci^is (yelliihj' ^iveclvclEbl ihal dniled Ihe Fufitrlrii biilsG""]i-sa ^p liichiKf'ii!' (black collonv^ood l-domi n aled dry lerrace itere ciited by Utst's itfcioi (gniily beirh The A'ietiwilii V/tSci'lc'H/ / FirH/'tit ^-afnfei'fn |bi^ siyebrusbi / lougbi FeMTue) ca m m unlly Lsquile uncommon, Especially in a npinan selling The Faiiiihis baliomljeso 5Ep. Snc-lincitri'it / Cpritii Ji'ntt^ and Ficea OT e/isi'l/r/n/i'fi' / Co'mtJ le'/ceti c;o mniunHlc'v arc law-h marc common Ihan prcvLouily rceo^nlzcd. A porlion of ihc ficr^ er'xel/rn/f'ttii / Ciintui ieuttii lommunlly occurred on in upper Icrcacc End cxhibilcd b non- modal compo'll ion ■'■ilh Si'ipiuyti'iiim albm dDminanl, ho*cvcrsufficicnl Ciinriii ie'ictm u'hs piriicnl lo c^iiiaily [hc^land la IhLk pLiul asv^cialiDn. CondTtlDn AfCui very iiCJllcrcd Ircc liliimp:^ ivcrc obscrycd, Ihc rebuilt d£ pasl limber har%'c^l hi^h ^rfldiiig Tbic pjTscncc. and msomc plBccdjminancc. of Ihc cxolic paslurc grasses /'^JtJjJFJ jj/urtr/iF (common limolhy|, Bniiiiiii 'lifnmi livmoolh bromc), Foa piuiettsn iXcnIucky bluc^ris.^) and \fT'hiii{ f/iiui tii/iloi'u riodgepolc pinc| on Ihc biighe^l lemce |effecl]^ely an upland ivilc^ have been Jogged, and Ihe resullinf ovcrblDcked J'jffjji i [Tjr''^ Ar stand haik been ttkinned. rJa other liitd Lkteswcic doc iimenlcd. I ifbimdfon N eeds Do^.ulncrl(lng the file's grB/ing hislory would help cxpia\a ihc dcieir S Dnd Curex iituciiloiu Ibcilcil ^nl^? J communi lirs, i« I Ih numfiDus biz d^ i! r IriiK and ficshly ( ul ^Keei bs Ti«o (ti mja unl- l\e^ dDmlnile Ihe Icrcn^c bizlwern ihc Tuo crre^ rJe ii? c Co \\\e crrebt a i ^/j.i tSniinrnpntS/iiiia I Cohimtx^'osMs citrKKlfri/i (D rum moniJ "■ i Lli>* ' blurjoml rccd^rnssl co m m unily nnd al naEigbilEv higher pci^lljou IS H Cii! eirenclE bh b linear Cealure up ind dn u itil n^ a m. Smill pac ke Is uf Lhis commuully lypc ace also Eound ivlEhin Ihe be avrr (ampler, lire Si'l\i "ifSisni'ifsis Isindbacu'illDii t commu- niEy Dccuis on ^nv el bars along Coal Ciceh This «>niniLinj ly ls fcequenlly diflurbed by floods and has niimenjiEi exoLles in Ihe undcislaj^ The enzek has loinLcd scv ecal nev^ f rB\el biis Uuou^h Ihi^ i?a[:lm'bjcb conlaiD a ^Eib^lanEliI ijmkinlDfeaBisc^oody debris Levels of bank ccosion appear normal. K^ EiMronmBitd Fadurs The aclnily oE Cu^lt/i L-/i/ni required belore cnlenng privile iBnds. ft i dines Thisivile i\ a icFEes or ariuvLiI lemce'v in North Fork Fl bI he ad River valley bDllom. Floodi nf , channel migrallon, and benl lo ad de[iosLl]oii have irivul led in a good re[ireseiilBlionDC early Id lile 'kUeees'viDnak nparLan ^.ol^l^llnLlle-l. The yiiungeiil [larlof IhefloodpLaln is composed of nvcr b bis uiLlh Llllleor no vegeli- llon Slightly older are bari have a dense eo> er of SuJja caf^ rru Isandbar aiIIov^I Thene barn also ha^Fe a high coverage d£ exolie pisliire grasses. The willow communily 'viieeee* la Foj/niui 'i^jJiiTFirrJt^ir ssp "'chiitii'iii' I Ciintiii sencei' {b I ac t col lo nuood / red-r>sie r nJo^u'oodl foresl Thiiv foicsl is Liige and *cll developed, ivUhfcu' enolic iviieeics In Ihe abneme o F disliirb ance (isis Ihe ease al lhiisilc|,lhe collomvond comrriuiilly succeeds lo a Ptcet' ettffltnutmii / C«n'iis sfucei' (Engel mann sprure / red-rtsle r dij^uoodl comm unlly, Ahich is iIho lar^e ind i n giiod coruli lio n. Hoi^e^er, Ihere is some evidence of » [lasl gracing a I Ihe SI le. A large mcidjw djminaled by Ihe exolic paslure grass Phlinim p'l'lfue {eomrnon llmolhyj occurs In Ihe rriidd Ic of the ^'ctm €iif,flti\iiiiii'i Corcsl. There is alsrisignifieanl acre »gc d£ spruce Corcsl ivilh a large corri[ioiienl ol Ihe pasi urc grasses ig,ni]"i i't'tnttijerti |rcdlD[il snd PhltiHt p'olfue in Ihe undergrou' Ih The kdjice n1 uplind \s Fimn Lonloila llodgcpole pine) Core^l. KorEnuironmoitd Fadors Flooding. channel rriigralion ind bedloiddeposilk>nhi>e resulled In various ivubivlrale milenals. Ci7irHL»r aimido's/i ibeaverjdarrirriingof aseiHonally flooded ivide c h a nnel hascrealenl i ivelland ivile ivhere succes- fiion fiDrri3Jj/jA spp {*illow) Id Fiip'iliis huhirvji^ra lip infin'ca'pa (blick eollDnwoodf lo Ficea enfeitnirtm/i (En^elmann 'vpmcej is me urn ng. RoMy There ucre no rirc species recoided from Ihiiv ivile but i large frcffli tttfelmatm'l / Ciiniiii se'icta |Engeb- mann spjure / red osier dLifU'oodl community lu^ood loencellenlcoiidillDnu' as documented Pari of I his communlly a- rriid-seral ■'■ith ab uikI ant /'^jfrfff fi hatiuiiiiJeTU ssp. Inclrociifiii. ami a smiller fraction is in malure to old-gio^ Ih si a lui. Cfficfticm Curreully lishing huuliug and 1>oatliig ire possible adlvllieson thisslle Presence oCi number of eko tics 1^ cljcumslantial cvidein.e of p asl grarlng, populalionsprcsenl Include Ce/"itureit tniKni'iiu liipolted knap- wecdl, Linnu'illie"!!'"! vttlRurt: |oi-eye daisyj, Fhlniiiii piuieme {common limothy) and Tti'itniiuim oj^c/mile (dandelion) The adj a^ent upland lore^il has been I hi nned, but theeffecis have not e>Llended i nlo thefloodplam. 94 Infoflmdion HchIs Info nnB lion nccd^ ha.\c mlbecn renognucii al Ibii^ lime. Maiagonoit Nesis CdilIcoJuI Ibic vcr, a^^rCk^ilvc cxdIice/i»i la uik we e fk b p BraiiKMinL 1o mamlaining [he si Ec'a quality. Elanait Ocoiroice Inform^on Plvit All &< IH.TI& " .' C PI] u uriir v Tip r EQ Rhhi S Ruip. G H.h FiLtm enfcIPMtnu'i I Cn/'irtJ len^va WoodLjnd Fifeu fi£<^"iii'i"i' I HcrbBccoitv Wciodlind foi'tthts huisii'iijem ssp. \'lLhiiLiiTj?ii I Ci/nriii senceu Fo'cil .\ Sal'x i^x'iiin Teiniio/nnlr FS'X'deii Shrnblanii Sat'x ^eyenanii /Mnvic Gramlnjid ShcublBnd ' lank [LDl is^lgnrd A S3 G3 ■ ■ ■ .\ S3? G37 ■ S5 G5 C ■ G2G3Q 95 CydoneLdke waidnd LofidlDn Cy[:lDnf Ltiic is loi: Died ] uhE acsEaT Gl BC icr N 3 lioiLD L P jck inmrlhu'cM HcinLJnn Frpm EigCicckCimp- ^[DuihJ Dn SLalf Roulf 41^6 noiOi of ColumbiJ Falls, travel iLOJlhEoT ip[irQxim3lrl> l}^ milrs li> FdifsI Rouliz ^IT.Conlinui: norllicily en ForrslRoulc 317fo[ 3 miLesiD Foresi Rnulc'JDy Travel ubouC J milCk ntinlieriy ph FouhI Rauli: 90't b in um [up FDV ed r(i nd Go appiDii- milely 0.3 [hiIct no n he Eslcjly on ■he iini[[i[i FDved rti nd Id Cyclone Libf njaiD IV Jk'iGlELI Ri dines Cy[:lDiif Likf is arlnciilly Cdimed like inlhi! WIiiLcrish Hdh^i! iml 4S Ti^d by sc\'e ral small sinz ditis. II is dEDined by C vc la ne C rech The laic j< pninanly open v^ ilcr i« 1 1ti i En ngiz □ T inc ha red and ILoaLing m 1 1 dDniinBlcd by i Carex Sasrot-a'-pa (alcnder ^cdgc) tDmmunlly, u'hich ha.ii high coverage of Si'l'ii/,"tt'n atibifc///niwi ipca\ moi^l \buriing aihJjusI bcloA Ihis eoniin unily is a uiJinu band uf an E^/rrj kTjj ri jTnWdJfVi' (1* ilcr horscl ailH-omm umly Bcivcrailivily on one orihc inlrl crccti his helped lo rorm 3 St/It x dnitn/rtofiliimo / Caliiinagfoilii cifiiiSfisls IDmmmond's u'llloi* / bluejojnl rccdgrass) com m unlly bcloiv Ihf beavi^TdHm ind i Ctt'cx itlntnlaSti {beaked sed°e> L'i>mmuni I y ibcve Oic dain rt-seu fi'^el/rtci/rmi ' Equmliii" ufvi-"se |Eii^lminn spruce f fie Id hin lacni I J commnni lies occ uc In baiHti alirng lnugrDdienl inlcl crreks ind on gently sloping ground adjacent Ici I he like a here ihey irrecaLcmal Id Ihe uplind. The u^iland^ nej[ Ihe like aie pnminly \bies lus'tictiriiii ' Ct'iiwi'ii wtjiora - A'nhii rtudrctiiil/i f^ubalpirtc Tir > qnee neup be Ddl I Iv [ilanl a^kf ei almn, iv i Id s nisap duI I a [ihaiej Eoirsl , mosllv in o Id gio'A Ih condj Ud n K^ Emiiromnaitd Fadns A perenni jl, irtEIci h^ inf Mivim keefis Ihe ^alrrle\el^ujlbjn Ibj^^licially-fDcmediake relali^elyslable. Lridin^ iDlhede^rlopmenLDfi iloalin^ maL. i^hieh along u'llh Ihe adjacent bink-isconlinuallysaluraled. \clliily oE Cos'iir tiifniSc'sij | bearer) il 9>mc Lime in ihe po^l fof jnlcniivc, crciiing i persisting miish selling ind wilJo^ bnllamsDn iheinlel creek The lale v^alrriscurnmrtculral (pfi =6.3> and has a lov^ ciLineenlraUanor dlitKiJ^ ed soJ ules {condirUvkEy =50 uS/[:]n). Raity A piKof Cmio unnie' {common loonfi) nei^lonlbe like. The floilin^ mil andiilnnledsiles around Ihe shoreline are breeding babilal foe Ri/nu iirei'om {Epolled frof}, Bu)o htt'epi fv^eslem loidj tni .K'tbysUtma iDOCFfidacWtiiii {lonf-lDed^ilamander>, ilLof A'hieh ^erc o bierved in Au^ieI I9'>4. CondidDn SlumiGmoldenng jnliiduEEindiealelongpasI ha rv eslin^ i^ j Ibi n llie /'jmr [■JE^r'^/rrcj/Ef rir-dnm i naled eo mm nni- Eleb. Anf leis and boilers ha^e Iriiled icrosslhe Elo alin^ m il'i u' idesi [loHion, denud i ng IE inpaEchcs The 96 only nokLDLis weed. Ciririim a/ \^iisrr (C antiit Ih\^l\ct.-W3^ founil in&jJJAspp |u' i LIda ) M b nils sloug InbulBi- ics I mined I alcl J upsLrcamof ihc Lite. U plaids CoiLspiL'UDLLi uhcol Ibic 'vurfDuiid] ng uplands h3^ been con rinnl lo paM ht^h gtetiMi^ of ihc Ficea-Abtes Iniioi.iifS'ii oid-gto df^fJopizd; icIocaLluglhf lEBiT lu far I III Bl? pul-lii aiml iBkr-Dulu'ould mllif bIc v^clland i[ii[ia(ls Elanait OcairaicelidiHm^Dn Pl'hjt Abi44 25 ml IcMo Fa rcsE Roulr 1 6S5. Travel ip[iJDM[iiili!ly I mlLir Ini nonhf riy JliccLdh DD FdjcsI RduIc l6S5l[] FdisI Raulc l6iH.Fiain Ib\s June [Ion. piDcccdN u'cMerJy on Forcsl Rouli! IbSL rDrippcaxImilf Iv .13mllcb. HiyCrrek FeniB LwarrdQ ]mll» SSE. Ri dines HiyC reck Fen is h iiddc Ti^n locHlalDn ddcDinD^ djvjdi! brmccn hay Cn^i^k diuJ SciuLh Fh ck RrJ Mridow CrecL jh Ihc U hiLcfisli Hunfe GiDundiv DEcr cItbj n Bgi: fram Ihi: lor aTlhiz ii]|iciznl ^Lotie-i islhiz mosl likely i« ilec >>□ uice , \he Trn hi.s asuifaee v^aleraullel IhaldcaiiLS inCD n ay C irrk. Tbirce ^ramlmid CDininuniLli^ fann 1 mcmHn: hj'ilhln the len. CultiJ''ii/,riii"i fii/nttit-n^is ( bl ui^joi nl in^d^ciiiisj nu humntneks Ihm u^hci ul ihf ten. Cpv iurtom j m uil .sed^e J in su'dLi:^ jnd \a^ ijtb'i Ihiau^houl Ihc fen ind Ecpiise'istn Jli'vttiSt'L' ju'ilei hoiseEiil] In saEL-bolla med dc[i re^h Id iL> J n Ihe fe n. A mund Ihe diflitie duIIizI cicek, there is b .'kmaLI /'jcm cifflrntiimr/ / CatitfirofiiusSii tiinttdeiisii t'^n^\niian upcuLze ' blutj^inl reedf nivst ciliihhiuhi ly Their Ie £Dine e vidf nl ^hii re I inc eio^iou, ludicili nf higher h' D lee in Ihr pisr A II of Ihe eoimn unilieMre i n food cd ndl- llon The iucTDund I ng u pi I nd is ditmlniled b> /'rjprri luuJcrPir rlDdgc[io Ie pine) faceM K^ EnH/i lonmaitd t^adors ThccxbiCcmcDf Ibiilenisdepcndcnlupon^iuundv^jlcr Flo"' from surround i ng upl andh Ihc pcrenniilly £1 lura led citnil I [iDnfi inil i:iL'ild-iir pa nding ^Uuc luce Ibie i:Dmniu[iily and lend Hi peal ace u m ul alia n Soil coTes icveaird pea I depi Ks uf Ji la I m Tbe wilrc in I lie fen is niviimneulral {ph =6 5^ inil hi^ a Ilii« conrenlrD- liDnol soJuleb fcojidiK Lik lly = 20 uSIttn]. Rally Piii'ft I'felloiu (spol led TiDf J ivas no led 1 1 »> aler's edge a n Ihc EloalingmBl ind on s b liiraled si res arDund ihe shDicllne, runmlly IbiiE is nnl k lis[cdspn:ie\ bul riu[iibe[\ bia^'e bcnn in Mee p dccL ne si ace llie eacjv I^SO's. CnsE\ I'ttiiiifiriilu IpaorsedycJ wis I be unly rare I'linl, enun unle reel "Jlbm Ihc ccDlckne belwccn Ihcf^fjif- 'n'n ptniiiliSt ai\d Ficeit engelnianfui /Ci'li"rti'R'-oitis ciintn!ir"sn •.aiamunil\ts.Tbc C!"e\ I'mosis plinl ^flKiiUon CvCuncnLly ranked as riic {GJj.lhcanl}' CDmmuiii Ly pirsenl v^ ilh sik h ^IHiaL Coniitian Timber b irv esl v^ as CQmliicled long ago Tb isetL on nu Lon^c r be i n^ conduc led, cUciti^ c Ihinn] n^ hiiv in.i urrenl \a Ihc Fi/rtts co"lLin:eorbryDphyledali|. M aiagonoil: N sds Na m Buigemcnl neenk ace recognized al Itiib lime Efonoit Occuroice I nfoimdion PLihJT 4:.^( : 1.^1 ID" .' CDimu'irv Tver EO FI-hi S Rihi G Rihi .\b'es liiiii?'.iifj?ii / ijiiSi'm ElittttSuloiw/ Foreil Culutniifniil/i m/ii'iicniii '^' esatn herb Bc;eoiis Vcgclal ion Citrex t'lioiii Herbaceous Vcgclilion EirtiiitUim jSiiviiiU>f HcibaccoiCi Ve^ elallon Ficeu ef'xi^IfPittm/i / Culuiiiigruil'i ti"'iiiSeiiiii Foiriil V-iciFL'ti ■«ai HiHVH.^(ULin Pli^nt EirHrHr^ S lt. C rccL-Na n h Fo rk Flaoilpf jIh is IcHilizd v^i^lof GlscicrNaLiDnjI PhtI: in nci n liH'csl M P nl Hiin Fm m Pole hndpc m nil ^r Calumb 1 3 FbJ bi (I n Sitic Rouliz 48&, pTccrci] iauLbi? cl} on S lalf Roulr 486 for 3 milrs Hnv CiKt-Ncinli Fork F]ciimI[i I ain Ls ilui^ 4' c^l ol I hj^ pa inL ind bi idjDccnL \a ih? Noilh FDriLofEhc FlDlhcud Ri^izr Hi dines l^aiD IT Ji'iGtui This liigc 'vil? IS iinHlrli ar cipdEidn CDinmuiilly lypf£ LdLzalnl in Ihr Hood- pLjIn Dflhf NorCh Fork FLilhni] Rl^rr. An f Klf FLiLvc su I Ic of lipiriin roniinuniElc^. Tni m EccrnE h 1 1 itf i dL biis Eo np jnin ^[i mcr FnTrK&, i^iuifll icprcsrnlcd The mijonlj dE the si Be ib iznmposed of iBlcsernL i'/tfu •-fgeltnitrnw /C'/mnsifficrii (Enprl- minn spruce y led-Dsiec da^aod h i:a m munily hicaledun Ihcdjiesl lenur A friv cEiJ ^ h h nneb dDniiniled by Alnu^ tncpfni limunlDindlderj run LhiDugbi Lhis (ominuiilly \] Lbio ii^^bi Ihcse c h Jnne Is iiic infccque n1 ly Elaodrd, Ihfv mml likely li b ^ e ground'*' aler eiLninn: liQie lolhe hibih l' hinne I, iv hic h [nainliins i liifhu'alerlBbIc Id Ihf lelive rlDiNlplain, Ihc mnM coiniiHi n cc m m uuily i^ Ihe r'lj'ulni biiS^ti'iife'a ssp lu\:htvwj?ii I ic^eal all u^ III barlblBekcaLLDn^Qody recent bIIli^fIdI bir). Le^iv CDmimn. b u L bIso present il IhLisile arc Lbe later succc^sio n 1 1 Fos'uSiii huSsp/rttfuro ijip. fiichvca'iia I CfiiiiJ lencea fbla^k catEanuood / rcd-osier dcgiyomlj tnii Fn;Hihii balswmjf'ii ssp. Uiclmciiriiii I becbaecou'k |blirk coEkm^ocd ' hcibieeauB) commuully tjpeiv ThclatFereDmmunit}. kceordin^ Lolhe nacTDi^ CDni:cp tion H Bnse n el al 1 199^), is invBTi- abLy i frazl nE disel i mai . bo^^ ever, iheir »> as III tie CMde nee □ T call Ic i n this JzamnLunily. Tbcrc irc aLsoikanic SaSi^Evjiiio JrDesic ^rinilmrLd li^andbir hj'llloiv Jroesic rrimirinidj eDmmuniFiesDD nzeeni gcai'd bora, ts a el I 15 very youn^ grivcl b bis (dIp ni7«l by ^cilteEcd Ft'i'iihis bnlsG'i'Jr^sn ^p. 'nthf/cit'pa seedlings and se atFerrd forlis a nd e rami noids. bo th native andciolic TlieTr »> is one sill-filled bcavccpond in Ihe aclive [toad plain lb it tiosts an Eietichaiis pi'h'if'ts Icommon ivpi kennhl commuml j. There were ■«>nic sc i tiered p aEches of Fhe eel bir^, cei ently scoured c ba nneK, a rtck de poikkled on ihe bisecrirrcb) ibaE Ihc llnvial [iiDcesaeE uaKiiled wiFh this iype of n venue syklem are largely uklu:U Kef EiTdironmait^ Factors Pemnniil.^eiBdnal CldDding ind o tbe e El u\ i a I pnieesses are the pnmary dn ^ ei^ of p I anE CDmmiinil y compiKi- lion ind iiKcessjon al ihis i^ilc. Raity ThcEe^eEe no rare pi mi □ rinini bI spec les rrcorded frcm Ihlsfiie but airmail adult pcpulaiianof thcoiKe CDmtriDii, bill nQiv steeply dee I ini Elf apec les. Ejj/ir ^r^/ t^j (hJiesleEU iQidr wis eiLinTirmed Th^a very sizable □ccunrnces aE G3 eommuniFies. F/tTti cii^i'tiiiii""" / Ci'/irti se'i-seu atid Fn;Hi!iii ba!sLeyc daL^y) , are ^c altered aboul Ibie a hole si le and have low cover > lines U ploidi Thi^sLle i?i 'hell buffered wilh na i mmedi ale ofC-iillc icieik e> ideul. Irrfoflindion H«h1s The OLLkLence o 1 1 gearing allolmenr on ihe ^Harc-owrtctT jxrrTion of rhc !ii1c needi^lD bechctked Maiaganoit Npfds TDiniiulainlhegeiicrally ekcelleulcondiliDuof IIiKsilc ^iziug excLiElon bJnuld be m ai nia i ned. Trcallug Ihc existing A eed po pul al lo iLiv shnuld also be coiLildercd Elanait Ocoiroice InformdiDn PlVIT A^^ D( IH.TID " .' C Db U UrHir V TiPr EO FLlll S Rh"- Ci Ri^H- AIniii tncnf'ii Shcubland Bruiiiii "lermii Dominance Type Eieiichniis imhiiliij Herbiceous VegeUlion F'L-ea tnfelmnni't / Conuu ieiicen WoodLirnl FnpiitiiJ haliir/rt'ferti '•up inchccnriia / Ct/mui ii:/icLit Faresl fosiiiiii biilsn't'Jr^'n iisp. I"thiiti"iiii I Reccnl Alluvial Bar Salix ffiigim I fiaic Gsttminoitts Sbiublarul B S3 G?g ■ ■ ■ B S5 G5 A S3 G^ B S3? G3^ 'A ■ ■ B S5 G5 fiiifvi Sr r(ir^ bLmrni^ Bi^o h"reaj {ycvlcm load^ ■ S3S4 G4 'nnk nol is'lgrtcd in I ■ Mud Lake Comf^ac Locdron Hud Lflkc Complex i^ Imalcil 1.5-25 milcv ^iiulh d£ llic C an idl b n bolder in IheNorlh Fort RIvcrVaLlcj. ^cccjv uclLind'i from North Fork load L imkiv^ ncr pciml'^ion i^ needed before acces.'iln^ pri> He ivclLindi. Richness Thl^ Lirgc complex of well Ends in I he NonhForkFLHheBii Ri>cr^Blleyi'vCom|HJ^ciJof aiynHedivcrilly of ivcllarul lype^ ranging from Lirge willou' l)olli>m;i In o Id ivkj uglt o£ I he Noilh Fork lodivcric, bcavcr- lnClLicrK;ed msishes and peal] b nds formed Bloug low-frBdieul meinderin^ ereehs I h bI flow lulo IhcNorlbi Fort In CacI, beaver lelivily |e i Ibier e uuenl o r htlo ne | EC- leaved pondiveed^, zai F'liuiiiiiffiii'i ttliiioeiuis ([ LIihols pondu'ced J. O pen w alcr is o£len ponded bchiniLl beaver dims All of I he u'elLind'i have b iBr^e marTihcommunily ^omponcnl, whi^hii pmbably icLaled lo rec urring be b> cr-i iited d iM uibanee. The i^ e LlesI m b rnh communi lies Bre ESi:a.hiini patrtsSm {common 'ipikenth^ and Eirtintliim jliiviitUte (ivBlcr hoPielailj Ctirtrx ulnttthr'a Ibrated scdgcj communi- lles aic Ihc mo^l comnton marnh lype, Bnd there is one Ctirrrx veiiciiui' llutliled nedfel communily OneoF ■he *ellarut'v is nearly dry bI pitsenl fperhipsdue lo Lictof beaver malnlemncc on Ihedams]. and Ihc C!ii€\ ii\'itiil!'l!' communily is sparse ind 'iliinled amil being invanled by Mfiilliti ti'Vfiisn f Fie Id niinl| and Po'en'iHn ttiinvE't-a (Norwegian ci nquefO 1 1) The marsheommiinilicsirc generally m gr>od eondi lio n. and Iheic 1^ only one occuircnee of Ihe Invamve Fhi'k'iis t/ni/idifuteu freed eanarygris^f. Several shrub communllies occur In Ihc u'ellind^, Ihc mosi common being IheSuJJA d'l'miK'iiil't'mi ' Cumi I'lnuih'ln {Dmmmond' s ivi I low J beaked sedge) communi ly This com munlly occ uis is I a rgc lo sm a II slind:^ on an old nver slo ugh, on m arglns of beaver ponds Hnd on be hv cr d h ms, Hnd along onlfloiv channels below beivcr dams, ll was Foumil in areas u'llhsuifice u'alrror are is Ihal dried lo Ihc subsurfice during parls of Ihc year Some of Ihcse 'linds ucre domlniled by moisl forb undersloiie^ ralher Ihan beaked sedge There u'a'iortc sland of St/li' lifiim'iii'uliiiii!' ' CuJjj/iiuj< miJr t n/finScniii (Drummond s u'llloi^/blucjoinl reedgrassj and one si and of 5i^'ri bc'lfir / CittavtiR/oiris tii'it'iiensn (Hoolh's u'llloiv I bluejoinl reenlgrisi) Bolh u'llLo* communllies occuncd in drawdown lo nes sunc unding marsh vegelilion. T*o shrub communi lies ucre reminded lo ircis ihal appear lo have ye ar-ro uihI s al uriled cond i lions ivilh very Jilou' wilcrflDiy. implying poorly leraled soils These are Ihc Beli'k' Rh'tuSult'st/ / Ca/ei atutiiliiiii (bog birch / bcikcd sedge J arul Siili\ rt/'riiiiin / Ca/c lirs/iKtiriH/ (hoary willou' / sle ndcr sedge} communities. They occunn a bciver complex ini^hich Ihedims arc inlicl ind ponding u'alcrbul which lick beaver iclrvily. .\s a consequcnc e, peal has begun lo accumulale inihe ponds, and Ihese communincs ire eoloni ^ing Ihe point. Puir Citrex l!'ii<".iiTSceural ihc very edge of Ihcsc po nds IS tloili ng ma Is. This peal dcvelopmenlLSDCcnrnngpn manly in p arls of Ihc u'ellind i n si a le sec lion 1 6. Three forcsled ucllindljpe^occuril ihlsslle allhough ihey irc small arul do not occupy much area. Ficei' iit\f,flti\iiiiiiii / C«n'UJ sencei' (Engc I m ann spruce / redH>sie r djgi''ot>d| and Fn en ir/'X'^ifPittm/i / Ei/ii/ielu/rt (T/ Ltusf {Engel m ann spiure y Field horselail^ occur is small pilches on Ihe margins of livooF Ihc ivel lands The Ihlidcommunily has nol been p revioitly desc n bed forMonlina. 1 1 isdominaled by an oyci\aiiy of Ft'pului Sn:/rtult!'di:i (Ircmbllng aspen) tnd by Rhirvrn^ uliiijiiiiir (alder-leaved bucklhorn) undeigrowlh 1 1 occurs on fl al seasonally Flooded groumil idjacenl lo i marsh and sm al I c reek 102 K^ EiMronmoitd Factors Dcpllc being CO m posed jf si>nic* h»l spall b1 I y d isj unci en li llcv, Ihr "■ hole * ell ami c;oinplex is 'vinu. lurcul by ihe CDmbinallDn ^] ac; icr-e acved 4lc[i ce'ksiu iLik and [laM ind c; uirenl Ct'siiir '.ii'it'iiett^'i ibesver) acll>lly A I leaul piJloCihe coremHe rs ble dl> eisi ly of a el I aiml I'vsncl b liu ns is due lu u'alcr level Cliu; luallon, legirdlesn of Iheir 'riiuiue fbcaver i nduc cd or cyi Icik ingmundAiler leveller Rarly O ur lnvcnlo ry revealed only one riic p I ani spee lci, FfPoFircitP";] ifhlmrJiiHui fblunl-leB^cd pond^^ccd) ]l a courincd lo Bquilic; beds i n deeper walcr beyond Ibie Citrex tasiaco'iiii islendcrscdgc| zone. Tbiis eomp lei is alTioeonfinncd asoceupLcd lemlary far breeding populalloreioCihe foLloiyi ng species o F ivpee Lai earniern Gava rjFJ/JiL'j Icommon loonj, li'susaFCIi}! (gn^zly bearV Canui iufi's Igray neon pri>»le pioperly. Al leaslonc former beiver pond hiiv dned ikiw n and is in Ihe process of bei ng CDlani !ed by Ibieexnlie ^pc:\c^ Pitiiliins trwriilttuttii [iced (.aaar/gmiit. rn'err'rHii forvegica (Noru'egi an ci nqucCo 1 1 1 , and C'rs'i"t cr^ Lt;is^ IC a n adi Ihislle). U plaids Piuman presence In Ihe form of summer and ircjrilian h1 homeju leiv. K increasing This aIII likely ro^ull in more *ildli£edislurtiance and possible Fulure cancem.'i for * aler quallly On bolh privale and 'vlUe land, ll rriber hirvesls do no I appear In Itie \fn-i Or have follDAed ~besl minigemcnl praclice'v Culling occurred up Id creek banks and Ihe well a nd ed^e in many areas I nfoflmdion N ads Inform a Hon regaidirif land une soulh of Ihe slough nce^t lo be acquired la five acomplele piclnreof polenlial Ibireals lo Ihe complex. Baseline i nformalion o n iv a ler quali ly K needed lo assess Ibie e£fec Is of developmenl Lack of evidence fur grazing arul limber biarveivldireclly ml he uclland begs Ihe queslion aboul Ihe saurce of p njpagules fo r I he /'^Jtjjrji ^j ^jJtrrTf llimolhy J and Tt/mrt/crtv iijjicr/iaiii Idandelion) ^'kLgmCicanl flood episodes'^! Is Ihe lake llself a glacial feBlure*^ Maiaganoit TJ efds Slicamside Mana^emenl Zone recommend aHans need lo be adhered la in any fnlniE lodging wilhin Ihe area Developmenl aiaund * ell ands 'vbiould be minimized Fopulalions a£ FJruJuf ts unjiii/r^Ef r< iir, IbiemosI aggres- sive ol 1^ eenly species preseni In Ihe complex, need lo be monilored, ihe popnl aUanik of severai oiher cioUcs could bemonilored in landem Allh Ihose aC T^ru^uns. 103 Elanait Occuraice Infojmdion Piflur Ai.'.o [i-r hi H ^CoiiBLHiTr Tvpr ED Hii- S H'hi CRi^ BCtttit RlirtuSult'n/ / CuTsx iilnfihUn ShiubLand Cnrex >iiii' One !■> dominjlcd bv Sulnj^isnuf IFjjt'^ iviEloi^l m \he up per i: i nijp> nnd C \iUi-.-iiliiio (beaked HdfcJ In Lbie underf rou' ih u' ilh sc alErird rer'Tiii}hySli'iiiei JfofibtttitSt/ liibinibby ^. i nqurfoilV C aicx aqualihs ("■alcrsedgcf, Fitlet"i islji'tii'"! f alpine liniDlhy]. EtpiiieSiini va'-iffi'l""! (m negated bioPvCl»il). Wileff'is occiiteiilniis |we^lejn valcniur. and.lirf/ Epp li'^rrrspeciest iImi iDrm^ufnlfirBnl comixi ne niB dC IIile communiLv Therr Ci ilio i sm h I L ¥^ illou' CDmmunil} along Lbie i niello Red Meadoii l-tV-i:: Si'li ' sMcitit' il^ (SiLha ikillawj dDmlnile'r Ihc upper (inopy ind Cir^c-i I'lnntlit'it /be a ked sedge ) dn mi n ale^ Ihe under- piiDrc I- Jvi Gill-lli K^ EiFurironmoitd Factors ^ u lisu rraee gia undh lie r and s urf iiL'e « Her rid hi' ] nio rEiLs^ubalplnreathmenl air The defining hvdnilDgic al p DTiinelenk fire Ihis !ij le. I he pennanenlly Eiluraled a nd ivcmb-pe cm ane nl ly HaDdrd condi nrrn^ izDinbined ivi Iti [:oJd mkcnKllinile ijl: ca nduclk e La ihe c^velapniejil o [ iJiLi fen and i an. Rally 7 beaked Bcd^e^ and S irJf'jfjJSJi ' L" 't'ni:iiiutti l^ilki hlIIdiv I beaked 5£dfe|.ije nnl iTealed in ( uiri! nl CDmmuni ly l' I asMricil lo ni^, llie i c hibll alii of occurce nee di> nul ippeicoul al iheDidjnary rDrsubulpineenvininnienbi No caceplinbiDr animals acehnDAnfiom IhissiEe ComEtJon A jdmI niiti ilonf half Ehc Icn^ 1 h of Red M eadou' Lake ind boEh wcllanib iDeLlhcrcndof ihe like, Ihoughll ln^uCneienlly i^mdvedlD be only a mi nur influence A c amp^round exisls j uM En I be Miurhcasl Qflbe like, fmmlhia b Bse V and us i« icaLDDal pislimni aic eondiH red, LiH ludi ng fistii ng, bun li ng and hikmg. No e FLDLe apetEcs wcic ob.icn'ed. 105 U plaids The cimpg round is nol u' i Ihin Ihc iv? [Land boumilBnes, bul cm Binly could IuIIucihcII Th? moikl ab^ lous MtuR.cs nr L[ii[i 3( Is ] n Ihe irci iie CiccAuod culling on sdj a^cnl slopes Bnd rosd Irivcl. I irforndiDn N eeds The impBclaf Ihf ra blI on ucLl Hnti , puicvibly lhii>iifh inc icabf d sedi mcnl Blun, iktioulil roiclve scniliny. M aiagsnoit N eeds Elfonsshjuld be liken lo minimize I h? impiclsof ihe n^ad bdJ c anipf munil aclivilieson Itie BdjBccnl *cllaiul'v EEanait OauraicelnformdiDn Plvt A^idciitioh ^Coiiuuhiti T'pr EO Rhhk B R.^'- G Ri.iy. Siili\ Ja'iiite / Curex iiliiciiiii\ii Shrubland - - - Cii'ty atiiial'lis - Ca/c iiinti'li'li' Herb bcco ui Vegelilion A ■ G4 SuHx sriclieiiiii / Ciii€x iiinciilnla Shrublind k ■ i 'rank ml Bbsignal 106 Sdtfiaus Cabin Wdland Locdicin Si hiLDLL'v C ub I n Wcllind Is Lex. Jli^ j iLikE WcW of G I jcl? r rj Hi lo n 1 1 Pick in norlh- w^MddIiui Fr(im Polf bridge nunhof CalumbiD Fulls dd S I d Ic Rouli: 4 ltd, piDccrd nDnhcrly on Slil? Ri>ulc4&6 Tor 7 miles lifFoTi^lRDiiLc 10.172. Tiavcl HiuLherlypn Fciresi Rouli: L0J72for0 5 niiJcs iDScbiniu'vCjbiii WcllHud LimF- DuncT pcnnLivSion la requirrd before cnic n ny pnv hIc pro petty Ridings ii Itru lut:i Thi^ kr|if 4'cll B nd uc^: LTHk on a broMl LcETicc iibovc [he No nti Fork FiBLhend River. The wjCrrlhal Elov^s Ihniujih IIksII? hidsL lileLy dcn^i^ Ttdiii f luundiv Bier, cj Lher fium M qohc Cnzc k or Fmrri f roundu' nCcr scizpage from Ihc jdjjccnl upLjndN. Tbic Eiuficf hi' Jli^r Jm ins inln MiKi^eCrL:^ k In pDn\ol lln^siCr Ihr si>iK aicsBlurBled lo tlnodi^d yeirlong, iSiil[|iig in dh nuii^jubic l'ojuJlUdii Ihil Ib^dis muL:k andpesl CojmilioiiDvrrilluviBl [i aie nl malen b h. This ELle Lv B hhisbIc; of a illou' .'kv^ imps , bog b i n: bi swamps, rriarNhcs, ind ucl occurs in ihesime Hmded belli ng. Tbeie ore Kome [loniti iHtdu^H iHk i« ell and wilh JViifiha' ^p[i (u'aEer liJies] on IhesurfBee and T^l'tlo lai\jvlrii (cDmmDn c all Bi 1 1 on llie margins The Bi-Uilii glumlitliu/t / Carex ulnctitala (bog bircli/ beBked sed^J communiryoccuis near Ihrsc pomfc. Communiliesdinnlnjled bj Cir^vi iilnclitlit ^beBked 'vcdgel i*ilh a filgh to^erof T^iti tiirttu'iln < a »ler .sedf e J occur m openings Ibinjughoul IhLi Airlland. Fl'nSiifi\ nnmdi'Kitvti freed c b n b r> grasi^l commimllie^ iM:cur in IhesBme moi^luregraJien! poikLliDn is Ibe beBked sedge cnmmumly Slighlly ibove ihelonnrrcommnnilies ie i Frcen iriigetiiiaii"t' / Comm ificfa (Engel- mBniispnn;e/ red-rtsjer dogwood) forrsl The dncslcommnniliei Jl Ihissile »jr i*el lo moisl mcBdoivs dominaled by I he e\alic /'riu jjnjlL'f nr < iKeulin'ky bluegrisst. The uplands adjacenl Id Ihlssile are forests EkiminiErd by f/ft-ti ciffirpitrm/i tar bybriilM ind^JTJJT conHtfio (Jodgepole pinej mill Citlirfnu^nm/a nibeuvrrj f pi negrisE) domi naEed undei^mwEh K^ EiMronmoitd Factors The e\isleih.eol ihi:^ hjellBudcompleU bidependenE UpongiDUnd U'ller IIqi.V from Moose C^ leek or ^iprtn^ □long Lhis u'e-il side of Ihe No rlh Fork FlHlheod River. Lhe perenniHll} saLuruledc;ondilloiis BndioLd-uIr ponili ng Einicl UJT o E ibe SI Fr leid Fo peBl bc^: um ul b lio n Conducllvily mcksujemenU in lhe shrub cnrnmuni- bcs ranged from 2.10-265 uS/cm. Ra'Ov Caip.t paiiiierciiSti (poorsedgcj was associaErd wiEh lhe mossy edge ofEhe frn pond, where a iimBLI blrBm enler^ Ehe Cit'e\ tupstiSiln - C. iiliictiSisfu |w nier .sedge - bcBkedsedgej communily lhe St'li' g,:\eft'"is I Mesic grimliiaL4lE fGeyer's wilEowf Mesic grnmi nitNti^ pLanI assaci^Fion may be adiElurbance lype mlbouE much lov'enlorv hiElnrv m Monlana. 107 ConditiDn An unimpiQved raad hf^ been piL^hcd ihiDu^h Ihr inuhl Ic of Ihc AcllaiuLl ind piJli al Ly cMcimk alung lK [Kjnhu'c-kl boundary' u'llh Ibic upLind The ibunilince dC i nl rtxIiKcd 'k[iec les i m p] ic^ Ihil Ihe^ilc may hive Been grazed. Cii^iu/r/ i'/i^ciiii:(CBnBiit IhislLe^ and Lini'iinvi'lgt'in f bullcr- Biiil-cpg'v| coibiIiIuIc Ibicnoiioup weeds preHtnl, hii^^cvcr, F/m iiralerrs/i tKcnliKky blue^r»s.'|, Plilti'm ;<'tUet'Sf H-onimoii limulhy), B/"vttJ JFrf^iFJj] {Mnoi>lh biomcl. Taaixaciim ojjitimilf Idandckanl, Tlftitspr li'Vfui: (field pcnnycrcisl »jc ■II iggre^si vc ] ncre B'leis bvpecially inlhcdncchibLlBKoFlhisiyclLind S lum ps u' i Ihin I he /' jliu Ckprucel- do mi n H lei A QDd I and y foceM leslifie'v Id pisL li m be c h h cvCkllng Up! aids The adjacent lind has been illeail panlHll} hiivesled and [invBic land iscuireully umiler 4IcvcId[i mcnl for ir( iciliDui] midences. lirform^Dn N etds The source ol Ihis ucll and's i^ ale c his ik>I been uiKquivivi] ly established Huughspcin^s alung IhewesI side are Ihe likely cindidale. M aiagonoit N epih The only noxioit ivecds picscnl, CjrurfFir urve^Eit |Ciii»d» Ihisllc) and L"it"iii vrtlRUfii (buller-and-eg^), need Ic be eradiciled. Elanait OauraicelnformdiDn Pl^jt Ai loci'Tio" /CoHPJUPiii' T-rr EO R' u- S R'nn G R'mh Beliitt' gk"'iiiiliisii - Rhi'miii'i at'tijnli!' Diinnnancc Type ' ' ' Cnrex ntpiaiilij - Ca 'ex 'oil 'a' a Herbaceous Ve^el alien Datt\hi"i'ii it\\i:"ii€iiiii - Slii'i' iity.iii€tt\iilis DominaiKe Type Phiiliins t"i'"iiimiteii Wesle m He rb aceoit Ve^elilion Ficeit €ig eltniini" I Ci'inus le'itrea Wnodlind Ficea eiigeltniiii'i" / Etiuijeii'ni ir^ itusi' Wcxjdl bikI F'li i" alc'iiij DominaiKC Type Sul'y ^iii"iti\«ii!l\!"'ii / CiiTfxi'lnctilala Shcubland SuHy gt'eiiain f Cn'ey iiU".iiliiiii Shcublaiid Suliy fe't'iu'ia I ^i^ic Graininoids ShrubJand Tyi'hii ltiSif"Ini WeMem HerbiceDUi Vegelalion V'KUL^n -Mti FkH\-^(UL'n R^ni &r urni'. Cii'ty piiiii'e".iilii {ponr^edgc) ■ SJ G5 ' rank nol assigned A - G4 iv ■ G?G3 ii S4 G5 B SJ C3 B S3 GJ - - IV A S3 GJ A S5 G5 ■ ^ G2G30 A S5 G5 IDB Tgjee Lake Complet Loc^on Tcpiz? LihcCDmpIci li^ loi: d Led juhL uitil of G L jcliz r rj il lo n 1 1 Park m norlh- uiQl VI □mini. Frp m Tr»] Ic reck jxi rlh of CalumhiD Fulls dd S I d Ic Rouli: 4 1{6, piDccrd '«ulbicrl> on £ lair Roul? 4S6 fnrD3in]lch Ml FciresI Rouliz S H'^'i Travel fioulhwcarcrl^ mnForeM Rouli? 9989 for I mile \o Tcpcc LakcCompLc*; L HJido.^ ncr pcnnLvSion is needed before Di:[:e5Einf pnviliz u'erlindE. Ridings riilT. ■-f^^□.LL^LlL Tlus CD m pie ^ of i^ e 1 1 andik lunoundi n^ Tepee Like cccura bE ihe base of Ibe Whllel ish P ingc I n Ahil a[i[ieBn Id be h n □ Id f ro und niDrainc The ^^ellandi 1 1 L DecuT i n dcp re^sio n il I D ndfn cms, -itme (il i^hiL:h ire ( losed o c hiv e ^e nsd n bI duIUdi^ channels Somedl I lime I hoi orcurBking Tepee Creek indhive bee n si lun^l^' irilluc[u:ei] b} beivcrHclLvilv. Dcsc n|ilui lUk ol rbc h^cllandsin Ihis complex folLav^, f rauped by h'cIIhihI [ypc: Bcivcr i:iLiinplex. Tbere ire li*o large beaver complcies ilong Tepee Creek, *illi numejoiLS cj n ms jnd beaver porait Tbe SitSu d'ii'\"'ni"diiiii!i / CGSir\iilun'talu (D mmmD nd's i^illov^ / beilcd sedge) CDinm unlly lype bv comniDn along ^v Her chinne L Tbcsc (lee ur ncir ponds and ^landing i^Dlecin Ihe Ail Id hi' si^ompiv A few aE ihe beiver pondi irc drvinj? oul and are dommaled b> I be cioUe species Fhi'h'iis unimhi'acea liced c an I r>grii?ii] . yWcjJFir ;ifaL:Dmmi]nLly m dee£ier p beIk of Ihe lake, and I yland of Cii'£Kliii'i'ca/fia fElender sedge) a I Ibe norThend. Fen Tbis peallind north of Tepee Lake appeinvio be fed by aikprmg/scep laeaEedon asll^hl rise fprnbably in area ol peal buildup), making il Ihe bi^besl poinl in Ihe well and. WaLer drains norTh andsoulh fmm Ibis pa ml Muchdl Ihe fen lEidomin Died by Beiiilo /•fitr\iiiil«i£ ihac jfcp rcisioitv hiiv alar^c imaunl of open * »lc r dj m i naHd ^ty fJ'i;d[ng and ^ccps. Ct/i"ir n/finScmii bias coitlruclcd many dHnivcrcHing ponds and oEd v^alcr-CiLlcd channels, bI IcasI '.o mc of Ihe co m plcfL ' ■> v^ alcr cu mcs fromsccpi The unduJ b Lin^ surfk'c Iririiu of Ibiis gl an B led I Bndsi: ape ■>> bI'^d b Taylor m providing uece'&ary dcprcvsious Ha-Hy Rare plani popuialiowe caiai'^l of Droie/i?iingl' en (grcal o r EngLish sundeivl andlhjrr lait Scrjiu^ f bulrush or c I ubrushj species inciuiiing Sitriiui ^l^ii'/'ihhs (lufled ciubnciht. Sti/(^iti irtii'ein/if'iilii f^vile r c I ubnthj, indScrriiui Inuliii/in/f'ni iHudsDn'^i Bay bulriL^hJ All Drihe ibovc-l iMenl ivpec les occ ur exclusi vclj' inlhc ten pQnlDm of Ibic CO m plcx. O n Ihc basif d£ acucsory lnvcnlory, il IcasI Ihree rare ini>s'ics hive been identified ivilbiin Ihe fen biabilal, Ci'llie' £«iifitii '.iisj'iiiiilii 5t'i>p ul allorei of &j nVj j^rrjFJt^ fcoimnon Icxj nj , Ursiii urCt's lgciH:^ly beacj, ind Cunui inpui (gny wolfi Sik relatively race [ilani ashoc 1 allorei Dcoural Ihe&llc: Cnrti Si'tmu Imuil ^edgc|. Citrex bii\imi"Pi' (H u* b aum 's ^ed^e), Ficea erritf^m^r/m / Co"iiiJ ie'icea jBn^el m ann spruce I red iHiicr dDg*iKid^, .I'^Erfi I'lai'm / C!'i€\ ivpp. |maunlain alder / Pledge spp.),Si/ii dniti\"to"iiiiiiit' / Ci'iex iiSncult/H/ {D rummnnd' ■> willoiv / beaked Hed^eV andSuJJA li'iimmii'idiniin Concfticm Infemng Emm Ihe ei lent of Ihr eko lie [ilani populalionsin Ihr norihemendoC Itic complex, IhLS local ily may have experienced livestock ^riiing. Eiolic planl ivpecies are presenl primarily in Ihe beaver complex. Fhiiluns a'i'"iiimif€ii |reed c inarj'^ra'*^ is presenl in Ihe culiivcr prtrlmn of spruce foresi arul IndnenlDul beaver pond , fii^j j'^ i^ii^Eij] (Kenlucky bluegrisif, CI' si'im nrveint iCmwIa \.b.\^\\e).!'i?liniii;eal K ■ 1 i ■ Big Hcle "l 1 JeHefSHi 1 Red Pldck I H K 1 ■ 1 ■ Big Midlr K ■ ■ Biudi L*a I H ■ ■ - [ Mi'^^iun. Upper CuIB^jA ' rts^iun. Uppet ISui K ■ Ml'^ioun Upper Ml'^'^oun Upper Ml'.'^oun Upper Ml'^ioun Upper Ui^iun. Upper TtvD F/edkne H H ■ ■ ■ Bull^vKk?i-Di:^ 1 Smjh 1 Tfflon H H < i VI\\\d.i ■ Vnllptvnin? Lot/n LuIe Pn^vdei H ■ Inllptv^Qn? Lot/n Vellptv^ane Loiver LD"et Pondri Lg^ei YcIId' [.line H ■ ■ - Vnllptv^Qn? Loii'er Midlle PG^vdet K ■ . Inllptv^Qn? Upper Biglinn LAa \ 1 1 1 iBeflSon 1 InllptviVinc Uppei VnllptviQn? Upper Upp?! V?lk»".Di>e I K ■ IBeflSOH I . __ i -- - DnfeiB r ' I E'Hiil Mid it i?lD[4Benl gF viclond and riuriai iin\r ! Cuolilh .iiid inVgiily dF ^v^lond and iipai^in tnamuri nunite'. - 3 Pre^eiKE gF ^xif.iti? ?ndaig?iEd pi ti^^Vned q>?^^.r3r? tpmrnunilE^ di GUI'.!! 4 LcvElalhed I [Dmrnunirr n-am WWr. Hjntbig DiNiiiJiia ^ jLitiJiiit ^ jM-hrifilt'd h^ vtill it dK Klmlmj lUlural lliiljf l Pid^tjid jnJ Th' lUlurr CGium JJK^ •- fznaia I ttti 1411.^ Ilip r j qu ill M h ^ cm! Iig tijv^ m bul ]'