xw lln#tvatton# iff wk IL For the principle upon which the Illustrations have been selected, see E.E. Bool( I, VoL I, p. xlvii. Chronological order is maintained in Boo\ II, with a jew exceptions; such as the frontispiece to VoL V, Queen Elizabeth as "Diana" This was fainted near the end of the reign, though it depicts the Queen in her youth. Also some tapestry made for the Great Du^e of Alba before 1582 is set in Vol. V (plate 3), after Escobar's narrative (licensed 1583), instead of in Vol. II which covered the period of the action it is believed to represent. In VoL VI are two pictures of Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma, aged about seven and eleven; more interesting seen in conjunction with his later portrait, and actions t than they would have been in a previous volume, where chronologically they belong but where he had not yet been introduced. Among illustrations published for the first time are the frontispiece to VoL VI, Major Radclyffe's " Elizabetha Regina "; a Portulan Chart of the Mediterranean, 1586; and a sketch of Bercl( (now Rhineberg) during the siege; also a plan of Flushing signed by " Robtrte Ada:" Robert Adam or Adams, dated 1555, and inscribed in Latin to Sir Francis Walsingham "from Sir Philip Sidney when Governor of that town. This plan does not seem to have been known to any of Sidney's biographers or editors; nor were they aware of the existence of the original holograph MS. of his Defence of the Earl of Leicester. As to the explanatory notes given with each collotype: two items have changed hands since being selected and described: the Sidney MS, (VoL V, plate i_j;) and the Spixworth Parl( Queen Elizabeth. The Sidney MS was found among the Russell of Aden Papers in 1926 when they w"ere examined for " Elizabethan England." // was hoped the discovery would not be publicly announced until the MS could be here shown in relation to the libel it answered. But it was sold by Mrs. Russell f at Sotheby's, to Messrs. Quaritch, for £1,520, on 31 May, 1927. The Spixworth Par{ miniature of Queen Elizabeth (Vol. VI, plate 6,) was purchased in 19/2 by Mrs. J. Seymour Lucas, who gave a photograph of it to the present writer. Soon after the death of Mr. Seymour Lucas, R.A., it was bought by Prince Frederic^ Duleep Singh, who within a few days of his own death most \indly provided notes on his inferences as to its earlier history prior to it being at Spixworth. Of PORTFOLIO PLATES: numbers i to 10 were issued in 1932, with a brochure " Noble Arts, especially Maps." Other unique MS. Maps, Charts, and Plans, of great interest, are awaiting publication with the later volumes. But non'e of the subjects pertinent to the years 1583-4— 1586-7 require large-scale reproduction, or need more elaborate description than is given with the plates in Volumes V and VL [xxxv]