ENDS AND MEANS ceived by our senses, is found to be correlated with the number and the arrangement of ultimate units of energy. The material universe is pictured by science as composed of a diversity of patterns of a single substance. Common sense arbitrarily selects certain packets of patterned energy*- units and regards them as separate, individual existents. This proceeding would seem to be entirely unjustifiable. So-called separate, individual existents are dependent upon one another for their very being. They are interconnected by a network of relationships—electro-magnetic, gravi- tational, chemical and, in the case of sentient beings, mental. That network gives them their being and reality. An indi- vidual existent is nothing except in so far as it is a part -of a larger whole. In other words, it is not an individual existent. The things we ordinarily call objects or* indi- viduals—a tree, a man, a table—are not 'concrete realities,' as the romantic, anti-intellectuals would have us believe. They are abstractions from a reality that consists, as sys- tematic investigation reveals, of a network of relations between the interdependent parts of an incalculably greater whole. A man, for example, is what he is only in virtue of his relationship with the surrounding universe. His entire existence is conditioned by his neighbourhood to the earth, with its powerful gravitational field; radiations of many kinds make him dependent on distant heavenly bodies; he is the locus of a continuous process of chemical exchange; mentally, he is related to and conditioned by the minds of his contemporaries and predecessors. The common-sense claim that we live among, and ourselves are, independent existents is based upon ignorance. In present circum- stances, however, those who insist on talking of men and women as though they were * concrete* independent exist- ents can excuse themselves on the ground that such a description, though incorrect, is less misleading than that of the political theorists who consider that human beings 254