ENDS AND MEANS League of Nations, failure of, 108; refusal of America to join, 108; a league of societies organized for war, 109, 121; League Covenant, 109, no, in, ri2, 114, "5> "7j and colonies, 120 Lenin, <5i, 75, 171 Lestrange, Dom Augustine de, 130 Leuba, Prof., quoted, 236 Ligt, Barthelemy de, quoted, 25, 139 London Passenger Transport Board, 49, 86 Loyola, militarism of, 132, 133; and non-attachment, 134; exercises of, *35 Lunatics, non-violent treatment of, 142 Luther, 328 Lynd, 78 McDonagh, J. E. R., 258 n. Machiavelli, 6, 33 McTaggart, 295?, 324 Maine and New Brunswick, boundary between, 116, 117 Mallanne; 286 Mandate System, 119, 120, 121 Marett, Dr. R. R., 6, 25 Marx, Karl, i, 61, 62, 272 Material universe, nature ofj 254 ff. Meaninglessness, philosophy of, 267, 273 ff. Mecbanomorphic cosmology, 123, 124 Meditation, practical value of, 248 ff.; as a method of acquiring knowledge, 286 Metaphysics, practical significance oŁ 252,' relations with ethics, 329 Meyerson, Emfle, n9 quoted, 12 n., 253 "Mind, nature of, 256 ff.; and physical disease, 258-259 Mitrany, Prof. David, 86 Monasticisiu, 129; Benedictine, 132-136 Montessori, 181, 182; Society of Germany, 185; activities in Italy, 185, 201, 202 Morgan, Dr, A. E., 169, 202, 203 Mussolini, 19, 32, 6i> 92, 155, 250,251, 317 Mysticism, 235, 246 ff., 286 ff. Nationalism, 26, 40; as a cause of war, 97 Nationalization of armaments no cure for war, 106 Naval Conference of 1927, 118 Nazi creed, 26, 82, 130, 283 Nerciat, Andrea de, 273 Netherlands, King of the, 116 New Brunswick, Maine and, 116 New Commonwealth, the, 112, 114 * New Harmony,' 129 Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, 118 Nietzsche, 6, 322 Non-attachment, 3-6,8,16,21,72,128, i3i> *34> 310 Non-co-operation, 147, 155 Non-violence, 70, 126, 128, 139, 140, 141-144,146-149,155,156 Nordics, 242 Norway, 149 Noyes, J. H., 129, 130, 206 Old Testament, 283 Oneida Community, 130 Otto, 328 n. Owen, Robert, 129 Panglossian fatalism, 68 Paranoiacs, 70 Pascal, quoted^ 281, 304, 305, 306 Peace Pledge Union, 184 Peaceful change, the machinery of, 114 Pedro de Alcantara, San, 248 Perm, 27 Persecution, historically related to belief in personal God, 245 * Pershing, General, 116 Persians, the, and tobacco monopoly, 147 Personal God. See God Peru, Chile and, dispute between, 115 Philosophers, their theories contrasted with their practices, 322 Philosophic Radicals, 61 Physical education, need for, 220 ff. Pinel,i42 Planned Society, 31-55 Planned Society, 46 n. Planning, its results, 38; may increase risks of war, 51 Pogroms, 64 Population, decline of, 54 Port of London Authority, 49, 8j 334